HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 12-20-90 . Centra", ~ontra Costa Sanitar) )istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 20, 1990 NO. 4. BIDS AND AWARDS a. SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO VALENTINE CORPORATION FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DECHLORINATION INJECTION ACCESS BRIDGE, DISTRICT PROJECT 10071 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD Sl{!crlfEcr~~ n Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Plant Operations Department ISSUE: On November 28, 1990, sealed bids for the Dechlorination Injection Access Bridge project, District Project No.1 0071, were received and publicly opened. The Board of Directors must award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder or reject bids within 60 days of the opening date. BACKGROUND: The Plant Operations Department (POD) currently injects sulfur dioxide for dechlorination into the outfall line at the northeast corner of Basin C. The Outfall Line Rehabilitation project installed a manhole-type structure over the outfall to protect the injection equipment. Access to this equipment is difficult when Basin C is full and troublesome at other times. It is essential to provide a safe, all weather access to the dechlorination equipment. This project installs a foot traffic rated, cantilever bridge from the basin levee near the dechlorination building to the sulfer dioxide (S02) injection manhole structure. The Dechlorination Injection Access Bridge is included in the 1990-91 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on page TP46. The total project cost was estimated to be $100,000. Plans and specifications for this project were completed by the POD staff and the bid request was publicly advertised on November 17, 1990, and November 22, 1990. Ten (10) bids were received and opened on November 28, 1990. A summary of the bids is shown in Attachment I. An evaluation of the bids, conducted by the Purchasing Section and POD staff, concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Valentine Corporation with a bid price of $47,869. The engineer's estimate was $66,000. The additional allocation required to complete this project is estimated at $64,230 for a total project cost of $89,230 as shown in Attachment II. This project was approved by the District Board of Directors in June 1990 as part of the 1990-91 Capital Improvement Budget adoption. At that time the project was determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.2, since it involves a minor alteration to the treatment plant's existing facilities. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of the construction contract in the amount of $47,869 for Dechlorination Injection Access Bridge, District Project No. 10071, to Valentin\ Corporation as the lowest responsible bidder. \ \ BTT RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. BTT 1302A-9/85 JLB 0::: I- I~ Ie I~ ~I~ 10- o 0'\ e::( I U OJ N , I co ..-l co ..-l o U ~ I~ ~ ~ ::J: ~ ~ e::( Ie U 0 _ 0'\ N = ' I fH <:D~ 2 ~8~ ~ Iii I- ..-l ~ ~ ~~ ...... LLJ <.!:l Cl ...... 0::: co (/) (/) LLJ U U e::( Z e::( . ...... LLJ 0::: ---l I- 0 (/) :c LLJ Z Cle::( LLJ ::E: 0... Z ..-- 0 ..-l ...... .........1- U LLJ LLJ Z '":) o Z ...... ---l ---l Z c::( 0 I- ...... (/) I- Ze::( ...... Z ...... 0::: Zo Q---l li::c 5~ ~Cl ClLLJ -.i.:c 0:1- ~O 21- I- Z LLJ :2:" :c U e::( l- I- e::: Z ......e::( e::(U ::E: 0 '0'\ . Cl I Cl Z OJ ZON ......::E: I :c ..-l >- U ..-l LLJ ...... :::.:::: 0::: 0... e::( 0::: U o U ft ---l 0 LLJ LLJ 0'\ Ze::(1 ...... u.. OJ I-e::(N Z 0::: I LLJ ..-l ---l Z ..-l e::(e::( :> (/) :c I- ...... e::( ::E: U 0 (/) 0'\ ft I ~ Cl 0:) 0::: c..... (/) 0 I ::E:U..-l e::(Z..-l ClO e::(U a: Bl 8 a: ~ ~ s ~ 0::: mO co... -~ m(:) u. OLLJ z~ 01- ~~ ..J---l ::>e::( m:> t! LLJ ---l co ...... (/) Z o 0... (/) LLJ 0::: I- 0::: (/) LLJ LLJ Cl 3: Cl 0...... ---l co o i a: Z Cl o LLJ ...... 0::: I- ...... ~19 ...... LLJ 1-0::: (/) ~I~ ZCl o LLJ ...... 0::: I- ...... ~16 ...... LLJ I- 0::: (/) LLJ (/) Cle::( Z Cl o LLJ ...... 0::: I- ...... ~25 ...... LLJ I- 0::: (/) LLJ (/) Cl e::( Z Cl o LLJ ...... 0::: 1-...... e::(:::::> zo ...... LLJ I- 0::: (/) LLJ (/) Cl e::( ~ d o z ... ... ~ ~ ~ ~ a: o (V) I- LLJ Z o (V) I- LLJ Z o (V) I- LLJ Z o (V) I- LLJ :z: Z Cl o LLJ ...... 0::: I- ...... e::( :::> Z CY ...... LLJ 1-0::: (/) LLJ (/) CJ c::c: o (V) I- LLJ Z 2 ~ ~ i ~ d >c a: !,l '(S s l!! ::l ..... ~ ~~~ 0::: LLJ >-- ~~ , <.!:l Z o ---l ~~ :i o i s: i ~ g cr g: ~ \.0 0'\ L!) ~ CVl L!) ~ ~ g ~ : I 0::: o Z ---l e::( :c ...... 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I- W 0 c::l ~ ---l m> ~ 0 t! ......... > ~ . I ---l c::l ....-t c z ~- ! ~ i ~ . . uJ If ....-t 0: 0: @' j; ~ o O'l ......... N Page 4 of 4 ATTACHMENT II DECHLORINA TION INJECTION ACCESS BRIDGE DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 10071 Post-BidlPreconstruction Estimate Item Description Item Total Percent of Amount Construction Contract 1 Construction Contract $ 47,869 2 Estimated Construction 14,361 Contingencies at 30 percent 3 Subtotal 62,230 100 4 Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion * Inspection 3,000 * Contract Management 1,500 * Survey 1,000 * Geotechnical Consultant 2,500 * As-Built Drawings 1,000 5 Subtotal 9,000 14 6 Total Estimated Construction Cost 71,230 7 Pre-bid Expenditures 1 8,000 29 8 Estimated Total Project Costs 89,230 143 9 Previously Allocated 25,000 10 Additional Allocations of Funds 64,230 Required to Complete Project . Central Contra Costa Sanitary lJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS I PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETING OF December 20, 1990 NO 5. CONSENT CALENDAR a. SlIBJECT DATE December 10, 1990 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 90-15 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING Sli}l~HHf~YHall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPTDIV Engineering Department Construction Division Parcel No. 90-15 Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage East Bay Municipal Utility District 2130 Adeline Street Oakland, CA 94607 193-620-004 (12.54Ac.) Remarks Lead Agency EBMUD Alamo (78D4&5 ) site is intended to be used for a new water transmission pumping plant (EMMONS Pumping Plant) Environmental Impact Report prepared by EBMUD. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 90-15 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT /DIV fix ~ &R ".. I.lO~A 98., DH JSM RAB ~~d1;;L r ROGER J. DOLAN / (NNEX j :~::}~::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 8!SCHOFJ; 12.90AC 74 73 59AC "00 HEiGHT O~ 72 2350AC 11 t OS8'2G"j 32.20 AC ~ cb PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A.90-15 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary Oistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 20, 1990 NO 5. CONSENT CALENDAR b. SUBJECT DATE APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH BYRON PARK, A LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, JOB 4351, WALNUT CREEK AREA December 11, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT 'DIV Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept.lConstruction Div. ISSUE: The property owner has requested the District's approval to allow encroachment of two underground electrical conduits (owned by P.G. &E.) within a District sanitary sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors, at its meeting of December 6, 1990, approved a Consent To Common Use Agreement with P.G. &E to allow the subject conduits to encroach into a District easement. The action proposed in this position paper is a follow up to the approval of the Common Use Agreement and will make the property owner responsible for future damage to District facilities and extra costs incurred by the District. The conduits are located within a portion of the existing 10-foot wide sewer easement within the Byron Park property. The conduits encroach no more than 2.5 feet into the District easement. The existing 8-inch ductile iron sewer pipe, which was constructed in 1987, varies from 3 to 9 feet deep. The property owner and P.G. &E. have cooperated with District staff by providing the As-built location of the sewer pipe and P.G. &E.'s facilities. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, the agreement requires the property owner to be responsible for any damage to District facilities caused by the conduits, and any extra costs to the District that may result from the conduits being located within the District's easement. This project (the proposed agreement) has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement relating to Real Property with Byron Park, Job 4351, and authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION l:lO?A 9'8:, ~f(' DH ~1JDl INITIATING DEPT /DIV JSM RAB IloIN. R.2\.l. SECTION 34 Sl-lI/4 or THE S\.l1l4 M.O.Il.& M.l GIH1PH 1 C SCALE o 10 za 10 u U INCH . ~o fl(I -=--=- .. Il. "IIII~; i'HINI IHllllcrll" \. .... .-" ~ .... o o <:. ~ "0 <S> ~ ~ \ ~<tv~~ c.,<;;; <v~ ~,~ <tv. ~\:> 'b- ,p ~~. ~" <?-,V V~ <v"<;;; PARCEL A -> o o. -; SITE L. ? ~ ..L <S> o 'f ~ \ REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOB 4351 WALNUT CREEK AREA . Central Contra Costa Sanitary Oistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. December 20, 1990 5. SUBJECT DATE CONSENT CALENDAR c. December 11 1990 ORDER COMPLETION OF DISTRICT BOUNDARY REORGANIZATION 116 (FORMERLY THE LAGISS PROPERTY) TYPE OF ACTION COMPLETE ANNEXATION SUBMITTED BY INITIA TING DEPT iDIV Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept.lConstruction Division ISSUE: A resolution by the District's Board of Directors must be adopted to finalize District Annexation 116. BACKGROUND: The District previously made application to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for the detachment of the subject territory from the Mt. View Sanitary District and its concurrent annexation to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD). During its regular November 14, 1990, meeting, LAFCO considered and approved our request and amended this District's sphere of influence (S.O.I.) to include the subject territory. LAFCO designated CCCSD to be the conducting authority and authorized this District to conduct the annexation proceedings without notice and hearing because the territory is uninhabited. LAFCO has determined that the project (proposed reorganization and S.O.I. revision) is categorically exempt (Class 20) from environmental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act. Staff has reviewed LAFCO's determination and concurs with their findings. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution concurring with LAFCO's finding that the project is categorically exempt from environmental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act and order the completion of District Boundary Reorganization No. 116. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON I:J02A 9.8', ~/r DH 'r1 JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT /DIV .. ,.'"",., +. ' ~i.-~~';'; \ \m:"'~_m..'m. ",,,,,,, \.\Jj!!ffjj~}:\ \" \\...... ~~\\ ANNEX . :'''~\~''w~\\\\_~''\\'''' · ' ~_ x ;;'";~ ~~,'" :~~ ,,\\\:; ". \ \ ~"'~ .~ it~:, "':', ',,'~ ~ ~~~, " ~ <40 1",\\\\\ ~' .v'" .v!'.."" \ (0 1_' ,\ \\' ""'::.~' " ': ;kJ' ~ \J ..............1 ~ ~"\\\\,~\\,,,,,. x"~ . '" ". .............. j ,,"" ~ """,eso '" < .' ~\>>:~ ,\\\\\",\\\S\'\\'~" " '~ ~\ 7. 0 ,," 'm$j\f4 CCCSD \ \ \ \ \ ~ N ~\\~\ \ ~\ \ ........~.. \~\~\ \ \\' ~\ \,' ',\ (>\\ ~ " \\\\.,\\\ \\'~:; ji@ ~. 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I ~ I " ' J 0' ~,,-- - 0 "" ,'" <<"1'''' ...-,...4""".,,.-,-.. ., I ,\ " < UI · ~i~~ l RJm~m:i~~~~:R~F $II/(l~: ~ __ _. . c '<c- ,'''' NO 0 116 I r--\-J---l1 '" / '" "\ L"CI/I:"- . ~\ (~!J'!::!-- \I 'II ~ \\~,,~\Cl, I , Q: -----, .._._---~ .... :.::: " ~ ...i.......X. 53....,3 AC. ~ / "'4<"<:e Z6J(/3-S;:VU GOTTSCHALK 56.25AC / < /:; ~//';~IA t;t1.~~ \ [1"'lf /:::, ;"\ ~ ~ ~~ I I ~ o " ( II <: . Centra ':ontra Costa Sanitar~ ..listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 20, 1990 sU~CCCEPT GRANTS OF EASEMENTS FROM THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND EAST BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4615A IN THE PLEASANT HILL AND WALNUT CREEK AREA AT A TOTAL COST TO THE DISTRICT OF $1,930.77 NO. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR d. E>Elcember 17, 1 990 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANTS OF EASEMENTS SUBMITTED BY Andrew J. Antkowiak r ISSUE: Board of Directors' approval is required for accepting grants of easements from the Unites States of America, acting through its Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, and from East Bay Municipal Utility District. BACKGROUND: The 18-inch trunk sewers are part of the Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvements Project, District Project No. 4615A, that will replace, relocate, and relieve existing deteriorating sewers that are subject to surcharging and overflows at peak flow periods. The new sewer system will be constructed in 1991. The grants of permanent and temporary easements from the United States of America, acting through its Department of Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, will provide Central Contra Costa Sanitary District with rights to construct and maintain the replacement sanitary sewers across the Contra Costa canal at Hoover Avenue and at Putnam Boulevard in Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek. The grant of easement from EBMUD will provide the District with rights to install and maintain the new relief sewer across the Mokelumne aqueducts in Buena Vista Avenue in Walnut Creek. Since the District's proposed sewers go above and below these major water facilities, appropriate protective measures such as steel casings and Department of Health Services requirements have been incorporated into the project. The cost to the District for the Grants of Easements is $1,930.77 (Bureau of Reclamation $1,055.77 and EBMUD $875). The locations of the easements are shown in Exhibits A through C. To comply with District California Environmental Quality Act guidelines, the environmental effects of this action have been addressed in the WS 23 Sewer Replacement Project Negative Declaration and the Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvements Project Negative Declaration, both of which have been approved by the Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to accept the Grants of Easements for the Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvements Project, District Project No. 4615A, at a total cost to the District of $1,930.77, and authorize the Grants of Easements to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION AJA TJP DRW RAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. cNft) lJ..6A) 1302A-9/85 _._------~~_.~--_._,---,---------~----_._-~_._---_.._~-_.~-_._---_..,.^_._.-._-,_...._,.,_._.,_.-.._-_.,._._.. ._"-~---.,..--------"_.._- '01 ,\ LN. ci DY u.J ....J <<( o -~~~1 ~'::~~~.= -,,~V,_-c V) , ~ t ~ HU~ AV, SUN \~ AV. ECCLE$TON I I I I ! .... )<:, ....z :J.... !o .., .c: 1900 g ~ ~ Z a: o (.,) RD ;. ~ ~o a:GEARY a: a:z 0 0 Cf:5 . .... Z :J ~ o (,.) XAN ..~ r'--'.:'- LINDSAY JR.,.MUSEUM;, OF NATUR~~Cl.E"!S~~. OR".~~~~~~{: LN. LOl 4 I LOT 3 \ GRACELAND WALNUT HOME SITES ~ PLEASANT HILL. CONTRA COSTA COUNTY 9 CALIFORNIA I '!EI.CPORARY CON5lRUCllON _ rASOI!:NT ]65 50,-- n. :t R-O-w 8.-4' R-o-W LOT 17 LOT 18 Central Contra Costa Sanitary DIsfr1ct ~ Country Gardens/Third Ave. Sewer Improvements Project DP 4615A . ",- .~. '~..r:,;~,,~;--".: ~,._:-..~.....:,=" ..,....... ". Page 2 of 4 Exhibit A 2523.9,e~ .\ LN. !. ..,. BELLE AV./ APHNE Cl <I( -,gOO ~~ o LU a: :::; 0 ~ u 8 1ST XAN . -~ !;,;~. LINDSAY JR...MUSEUM;. OF NATUR~SClEHCES )1ifEE~!ttJ!ij ;. ~ I (~-r ;:\'~ J..#~""" _."""... - - - ---; ~..--:::;- I 1. ~ ~.) 1 L:.. .-!J' ... ~ ~ ~ ~ b.... ~ !"'l " LOT 13 TRue POINT OF .43' ,BEGINNlNC ft?~ 10 "f'lIlMANfNT &.$.[ 4'&,. 10" S''Iv g CONTRA ClJSTA CANAL STA. 207J.71 CALIF. COORDINI. TC N 5Z3,Iff. 02 C 1,f4'.-#l1.I2 : (] -r" ? r - - ---:.-~ ~--j ~;;''''':",;f b.S. ~AS~MCAJT AReA OF ,AS~MENT 0.0/9 AC., 82.4- $Q.FT. ~TeMp. CONST. EAsr- ~ ~ R ~ I Central Contra Costa Sanitary DIstrict ~ Country Gardens/Third Ave. Sewer Improvements Project UP 4615A '.. :.".. .:.~ :.-':'.: '.#'~~ Y, -. Page 3 of 4 Exhibit -8' 2~23.9/e5 .... ><: . .....z --' -' !o .., RD ;. ~ -~ 0'2"52. .. 380 . 38 ~ 25' LOT ,.: LOT NO. 41 .. LOT 42 0 on 40 '" LARKEY RANCH ~ .. -' '" ~ SUB. NO. 2 .. N ;.. '" on 0. '" .. '0' '" en III en UJ > c( t- en a: I-f IL ~ EBMUD OUI _. LIlT UN! zV L3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary DIstrict ~ Country Gardens/Third Ave. Sewer Improvements Project DP 4615A Page 4 of 4 Exhibit c: 2523.9/86 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary lJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 December 20, 1990 NO 5. CONSENT CALENDAR e. POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 57 (LID 57), MIDHILL SEWER PROJECT ON BROWN AVENUE, LAFAYETTE (DP 4650) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION December 10 1990 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY INITIATING OEPTOIV Ronald Klimczak, Senior Engineer Engineering Department/Construction Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Local Improvement District 57 (LID 57), Midhill Sewer Project on Brown Avenue in Lafayette (DP 4650) and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: Seven property owners in the project area (see Exhibit A) petitioned the District in 1990 to form a LID for the purpose of financing and constructing a public sewer system which would benefit their properties. The sewer project consisted of installing approximately 2,100 lineal feet of a-inch sanitary sewer main and other appurtenant structures. This project is described in more detail on page CS-51 in the FY 1 990-1 991 Capital Improvement Budget. The Board of Directors awarded the contract to D' Arcy and Harty Construction, Inc. of San Francisco on August 13, 1990. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed on September 11, 1990. The specified contract completion date was December 10, 1990. All work was completed on November 29, 1990. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the construction of LID 57, Midhill Sewer Project on Brown Avenue, Lafayette (DP 4650) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION l~jO?A 98', JSM /MJ RAB BROW-N AVENUE SEWER PROJECT LID 57 ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1 Macias 2 Sullivan 3 Grossgart 4 Chapman 5 Swanson 6 Sponzilli 7 Lenci/DoII U Unimproved I Improved , --0-- Ex. Sewer \ \ -0- New Sewer , Exhibit A 2523-9/88 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary aJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 20, 1990 NO 5. CONSENT CALENDAR f. SUBJECT DATE ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE MARTINEZ BASIN 5L SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT (D.P. 4611) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION December 5 1990 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT 'DIV Henry Thom, Senior Engineer Engineering Department/Construction Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Martinez Basin 5L Sewer Renovation Project (D.P. 4611) and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The Martinez Basin 5L Sewer Renovation Project is the second phase of a multiphase program required due to the severely deteriorated condition of the existing sewer system. This project is located generally along Berrellesa Street from Marina Vista to Ward Street and along Estudillo Street from Ward Street south to Soto Street. The project includes installation of approximately 800 feet of 27-inch sewers, 775 feet of 18-inch sewers, 3,300 feet of 12-inch sewers, 4,300 feet of 8-inch sewers, and 44 manholes. Also, the lower section of house laterals affected by the intallation of the new sewers were replaced and fitted with new two-way cleanouts. In addition, replacement of approximately 500 feet of deteriorated 6-inch sewer on Estudillo Street near the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks was included in this project. The location of the project is shown on "Attachment A." Additional information on the project is given on page CS-64 of the 1990-91 Capital Improvement Budget. On May 3, 1990, the Board authorized the award of a contract to Manual C. Jardim, Inc., to construct the project. Notice to Proceed was issued on June 11, 1990. The contract completion date was January 6, 1991. The contract work was substantially completed on October 2, 1990, and the new sewers were under full operation as of that date. The remaining work consists of punch list items which do not affect the project acceptance. The total authorized budget for the project, including the cost of engineering design, consultant services, District forces, testing services, etc., is $2,238,969. A detailed accounting of the project cost will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for construction of the Martinez Basin 5L Sewer Renovation Project (D. P. 4611) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I~W.(>A 9'8~) Q Martinez 5 Lower Sewer Replacement Project ATTACHMENT A . Central Contra Costa Sanitary lJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT NO. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR g. ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE MARTINEZ SEWER IMPROVEMENT FACILITIES PLAN, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 20050 DATE December 10, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY Jarred Miyamoto-Mills Senior En ineer ISSUE: The Martinez Sewer Improvement Facilities Plan, District Project No. 20050, has been completed. It is staff's practice to inform th~ Board when a project is being closed out. BACKGROUND: The Martinez Sewer Improvement Facilities Plan Project was initiated in 1987 as the first comprehensive watershed area planning effort following completion of the Collection System Master Plan in 1986. Extensive flow monitoring, TV inspection, smoke testing, evaluation of CSO maintenance history, and flow simulation computer modeling was conducted as a part of the planning effort. The project's final report was published in the spring of 1990. A 20-year capital improvement program with an estimated cost of $28 million is recommended. Some of this work, notably the Lower Berrellesa Trunk Replacement and Subbasin 5-Lower Renovation, have been completed as "early start" elements of the program. The budget for the Facilities Plan Project was $860,000. Total expenditures were approximately $847,000. Close out of the project will result in approximately $13,000 being returned to the Collection System Program. RECOMMENDATION: This position paper is presented for the Board's information. No action is needed. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD AC TlON ~ TM '< i:iO('A 98~) JMM JMK RAB INITIA TING DEPT IDIV . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 20, 1990 NO. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR h. SUBJECT DATE ADVISE THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CLOSE-OUT OF THE FY 1 989-90 COLLECTION SYSTEM FACILITY PLANNING PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 20093 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBM,ITTE;D ~y C .JaCK H. ase Associate Engineer INITIATWG QEPT /DJV t:nglneenng Department Planning Division ISSUE: The Collection System Facility Planning Project for fiscal year 1989-90 has been completed, and can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: Each fiscal year a Collection System Facility Planning Project is established for facility planning studies that provide the basis for improvements to the District's 1,300- mile sewer system. A new project for FY 1990-91 has been established, so the FY 1989-90 project may now be closed out. The budget for the FY 1989-90 Project was $217,000. Total expenditures were approximately $215,000. Close out of the project will result in approximately $2,000 being returned to the Collection System Program. RECOMMENDATIONS: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information. No action is necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. I~~ . Centrl Contra Costa Sanitar' )istrict . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 20, 1990 NO. 7. ENGINEERING a. DATE December 17, 1 990 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT FUND FOR TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT AND AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS AND EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS FOR TREATMENT PLANT SOIL REMEDIATION AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY P. Gail Chesler Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Engineering Department Engineering Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required to supplement capital improvement program contingency accounts, and for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute professional services agreements for more than $50,000 and to allocate funds from Capital Improvement program contingency accounts for more than $25,000. BACKGROUND: Approximately 25 years ago, waste petroleum by-product sludge from Shell Oil was disposed of at the District Treatment Plant site. The petroleum sludge was mixed with the soil in an attempt to strengthen the weak marsh soils in the old primary sludge ponds. Much of the material has been relocated in earthwork projects over the years. During the design of the Headworks Bypass pipeline, several geotechnical borings were completed in Holding Basin A South. Soil and groundwater samples from these borings were analyzed, and evidence of lead, cadmium, chromium, and petroleum constituents were found. An environmental assessment and a baseline screening risk assessment have been prepared to assess soil and groundwater contamination and the risk from chemicals in the soil and groundwater to District staff and workers involved with construction of the Bypass Pipeline. The study efforts to date have been done under the Headworks Project budget; however, because of the nature and potential size of the soil contamination problem, staff proposes to establish a separate project and budget to conduct more comprehensive engineering and environmental studies. The additional work will consist of first determining the lateral and vertical extent of soil contamination throughout the treatment plant site. Then, based on the results of this field work, engineering and environmental studies will be conducted to evaluate the need for soil remediation, evaluate remediation alternatives, and recommend a project and schedule for any necessary soil remediation. The $348,300 in funds requested in this position paper will be used to fund the proposed treatment plant site environmental and engineering studies. This authorization includes approximately $70,000 for consultant and force account efforts spent to date on this project. (These costs have been previously charged to the Headworks Project, DP 20069.) 1302A-9/85 ~ PGC urPc.U (J,(!W -10 rCWS DRW RAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZE $348,300 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT AND AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS AND EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH WOODWARD-CLYDE CONSULTANTS FOR PAGE 2 OF 2 DAT~ . 9 0 uecember 1 7, 1 9 Staff recommends the selection of Woodward-Clyde Consultants to assess the extent of contamination of treatment plant soil based on their expertise in hazardous waste evaluation and their satisfactory completion of previous elements of this project. District staff has negotiated a cost reimbursement agreement with Woodward Clyde for the project with a cost ceiling of $193,300. The scope of work includes performing geotechnical borings, analyzing chemical constituents in the soil, developing and evaluating soil remediation alternatives, and contacting appropriate regulatory agencies. Since this work was not anticipated, the project does not appear in the Capital Improvement Budget. The current Treatment Plant Program Contingency Account does not have adequate funds to cover this project. Therefore, Board authorization is needed to supplement the Treatment Plant Program Contingency Account, and to authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to allocate the required funds to DP 20113. After selecting the preferred method for remediation and clean up, the District will conduct an environmental evaluation of the project. Depending on the method selected, the project may be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) or may require a Negative Declaration or an Environmental Impact Report. The appropriate CEQA documentation will be prepared by the District or an outside consultant at that time. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $348,300 from the Sewer Construction Fund for the Treatment Plant Program Contingency Account and authorize allocation of those funds for the Treatment Plant Soil Remediation Project (DP 20113) and authorize an agreement with Woodward-Clyde Consultants for $193,300. 1302B-9/85 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary lJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 20, 1990 NO. 7. ENGINEERING b. SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TRI-VALLEY WASTEWATER AUTHORITY D TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBt.1ITTED ~y. . . .Jarree Miyamoto-Mills Senior Engineer INITIATWG QEPT !DJV ~ngmeenng Department Planning Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for agreements between CCCSD and other agencies. BACKGROUND: The Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority (TWA), in its Notice of Preparation for a Subsequent EIR (dated May 9, 1990), has proposed continued consideration of an alternative (known as Alternative North 3) for the conveyance, treatment and disposal of TWA wastewater through CCCSD facilities. This alternative was originally developed by TWA in its EIR which was certified by the TWA Board of Directors on September 16, 1987. TWA has requested that CCCSD study the feasibility of a joint project to implement their Alternative North 3. Such a project could benefit each agency, but several engineering, financial, and legal issues must be investigated to determine the feasibility of a joint project. Staff has negotiated a draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for a feasibility study with TWA staff. The MOU calls for the study to be jointly directed by Robert A. Baker of CCCSD and Robert D. Whitley, General Manager of TWA. CCCSD would provide a study manager and would conduct the engineering analysis needed, with the exception of specialized computer simulation modeling of the CCCSD collection system and treatment plant wet weather facilities. This special computer modeling would be done by Camp Dresser & McKee Engineering Consultants under a joint contract with CCCSD and TWA. CDM was selected for this work because of their extensive experience performing similar work for CCCSD with the same computer models. One hundred percent of the cost of the feasibility study, including the consultant contract and District staff effort, would be reimbursed to CCCSD by TWA. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 17.3, since it involves a feasibility study for possible future action which the District Board has not approved, adopted, or funded. This study will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the GM-CE to execute an agreement with the Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority for a joint CCCSD/TWA Engineering Feasibility Study. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION G;r;:G ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9!85 MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR A JOINT CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TRI- VALLEY WASTEWATER AUTHORITY ENGINEERING FEASIBILITY STUDY THIS MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING made and entered into this _ day of _ , 1 9_, by and between CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, a public corporation, hereinafter called "CCCSD"; and TRI-VALLEY WASTEWATER AUTHORITY, a public corporation hereinafter called "TW A. " WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, TWA, in its Notice of Preparation for a subsequent EIR (dated May 9, 1990), has proposed consideration of an alternative for the conveyance, treatment and disposal of TWA wastewater through CCCSD facilities (known as Alternative North 3); and WHEREAS, TWA has requested that CCCSD study the feasibility of such a joint project; and WHEREAS, such a joint project could be advantageous to both CCCSD and TWA; and WHEREAS, CCCSD agrees that an engineering study is necessary to determine the feasibility of and possible flow criteria for such a joint project; NOW, THEREFORE, CCCSD and TWA agree that this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) intends to set forth, in general terms, responsibilities and activities to be undertaken by CCCSD and TWA during the Engineering Feasibility Study only, all as set forth herein. A. The study will be jointly. directed by Mr. Robert A. Baker, Deputy Chief Engineer of CCCSD, and Mr. Robert D. Whitley, General Manager of TWA. B. CCCSD and TWA will jointly contract with the engineering firm Camp Dresser & McKee, Inc. (COM) for the determination of an allowable TWA flow hydrograph and of the impact of TWA flows on CCCSD Treatment Plant Wet Weather Facilities. Completion of the COM work effort is scheduled for spring 1991. C. CCCSD will supply a study manager and will provide daily direction and administration of the study. CCCSp.and TWA will each participate on an equal basis in the overall direction of the study. D. The consultant contract budget for the Engineering Feasibility Study is $55,000. This amount may not be exceeded except by mutual agreement of CCCSD and TWA. CCCSD will administer payments to the consultant. TWA will reimburse CCCSD for 100 percent (100%) of the cost of the Engineering Feasibility Study. E. Beginning January 15, 1991, and monthly thereafter until the completion of the study, CCCSD will invoice TWA for the cost of conducting the study. TWA will remit payment on each invoice within 30 days of its receipt of the invoice. F. Each agency agrees in good faith to perform as set forth herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this MOU the date and year first above written. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority Roger J. Dolan General Manager-Chief Engineer Robert D. Whitley General Manager . Centra :ontra Costa Sanitar~ Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 20, 1990 NO. 7. ENGINEERING c. SUBJECT DATE December 17, 1990 AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH CH2M HILL TYPE OF ACTION FOR DESIGN OF THE FILTER PLANT REHABILITATION PROJECT, PHASE 1, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 20109 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Swanson INITIATING DEPT.lDIV Engineering Department ISSUE: Authorization of the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a Professional Services Agreement in an amount greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: The Joint Central Contra Costa Sanitary District-Contra Costa Water District Industrial Wastewater Reclamation Demonstration Project has concluded that it is feasible to reclaim wastewater for industrial cooling reuse. A staged approach to allow water reclamation to proceed with lower initial capital expenditures and early deliveries is being pursued by both districts. The initial reclamation project will provide 1.0 mgd of reclaimed water to industries beginning in summer 1991. Secondary effluent from the District treatment plant will be filtered at the District filtration plant and then pumped to the CCWD ion exchange plant. To operate a long-term water reclamation project and meet Department of Health Services' requirements, improvements need to be made to the existing District filtration facilities. These improvements include installation of new filter effluent valves and flow meters, improvements to the filtration control system, improvements to the filter media surface wash system, and protective coating of the filter walls and troughs. The estimated construction costs of the proposed filtration facility improvements is $1,450,000. The improvements to the existing filter plant were identified during an engineering study described in the report entitled, "Filter Plant Rehabilitation Project Predesign Report," completed by CH2M Hill in October 1989. CH2M Hill is recommended to be the consulting firm for final design of the filter plant improvements. CH2M Hill has provided consulting services to the District related to the Water Reclamation Project in the past, and most recently completed the predesign report for the Phase 1 filter plant improvements. A cost reimbursement agreement has been negotiated with CH2M Hill with a cost ceiling of $236,000. Under the proposed agreement, CH2M Hill will provide final design of the filter plant improvements, preparation of plans and specifications, preparation of a construction cost estimate, and services during project bidding. CH2M Hill will also provide several special design services under the proposed agreement, including cathodic protection system design, PLC programming support, permit assistance, and geotechnical engineering services. REVIEWED AND R COMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION YJ~ AJ.€co ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A~/85 CWS :reu" DRW RAB _._--_.__._-~-----_.__...._---_.--.----------- SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH CH2M HILL FOR DESIGN OF THE FILTER PLANT REHABILITATION PROJECT, PHASE 1, DP 20109 PAGE DATE ') '- OF 2 December 17, 1990 The proposed filter plant improvements are included in the 1990-91 Capital Improvement Budget (pages TP-91 through TP-92). The estimated project cost as listed in the budget is $1,190,000. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be within the scope of the Filtration Plant Project contained in the District's Stage 5B EIR. Under District CEQA Guidelines Section 11.9(c)(2), no new environmental documents would be required. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a cost reimbursement agreement with a cost ceiling of $236,000 with CH2M Hill for the Filter Plant Rehabilitation Project, Phase 1, DP 20109. 13026-9/85 --_._._..-------------'"-_._---------~_._.._--"-_.__.-..,----_.__.~---_...,.~_._.--..----_._---- . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING oFDecember 20, 1990 SUB6~NY AN INJURY CLAIM FROM GEORGE BEZDEK, A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEE NO. 8. LEGAL/LITIGATION a. BATE ecember 7, 1 990 TYPE OF ACTION DENY CLAIM INITIATING DEPT/DIV Administrative/Risk Management ISSUE: Mr. George Bezdek, who was a construction employee working on a Corps of Engineers project, has filed a claim for an unknown amount against the District alleging a job-related injury. Claim denials require action by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: George Bezdek, an employee of Ball, Ball, and Brosamer, the contractor for the Walnut Creek Bypass project, on October 2, 1990, allegedly fell at work and was injured. The project contract is by the Corps of Engineers with the District paying for a portion of the work. He has now filed a personal injury claim against nine public agencies, including the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, alleging that these agencies have a responsibility for this injury. This should be handled strictly as a workers' compensation matter because this District and the other agencies do not have any responsibility for injuries to contractor's employees. Therefore the staff recommends that the claim be denied. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the personal Injury claim from George Bezdek, a Ball, Ball, and Brosamer employee, and refer it to staff for further action as needed. INIU\ T~e:TlDIV OMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/ JEC PM KLA +.~.._._-_.._-.-_..._---------~.__.----'_.._._~~'+".~.-,-",-,-,---'.'-