HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 11-15-90 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 15, 1990 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR c. SUBJECT DATE November 7, 1990 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 90-14 (ORINDA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING S~~~Hf~YHall Associate Engineer INITIA T~)\lf!nC2~r ing Department Construction Division Orinda (69C4) Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Della T. Rowley 1881 Drake Drive Oakland CA 94611 265-090-005 (0.25 Ac) Remarks Lead Agency Parcel No. Area 90-14 Existing house with a failing septic system; must connect to the public sewer system. CCCSD to prepare "Notice of Exemption" CCCSD ECOMMENDATION: nnexation. Authorize P.A. 90-14 to be included in a future formal REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION l:jO~A 96" DH JSM RAB lOW f/N I~ INITIATING DEPT iDlV CORP. SEIlVICE GUAItANTY 41. 745 AC L/~~ A:jY ~> ) ~<i.-o ~'" /(, ~ < j. ~"'v '11 . ~ ~,( -~ ~ 29 JOHNSON IIS.7AC ~TIENIt:CK / a.7aAC , 'AC I.e.... " '. . ENSMI..!1l 17..' AC PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A.90-14 . Centra.. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 15, 1990 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR d. ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE INSTAllATION OF MEETING ROOM HVAC IMPROVEMENTS, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 10070, AND AUTHORIZE FILING OF NOTICE OF COMPLETION DATE November 9, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT CONSENT CALENDAR SUBMITTE,D BY L B I h James . e c er Senior Engineer INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Installation of Meeting Room HV AC Project, District Project No.1 0070, and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: This project installed a larger, improved heating and air-conditioning system in the Board of Directors' Meeting Room. The existing system operated poorly, resulting in overheating, excessive cooling, and drafty air patterns. The new system with increased heating and cooling capacity and improved controls will significantly improve these unsatisfactory conditions. The contract was awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, PM&M Electric, Inc., on August 13, 1990. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed on August 23, 1990. All work was substantially completed by October 19, 1990, a month after the original completion date. The delay results from removal of asbestos from the roof and installation of a new four-ply roof. A change order for an extension of contract time and associated costs was negotiated with the contractor. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. The Capital Improvement Budget construction cost estimate was $70,000. The installation bid price was $66,000. The equipment was pre purchased for $13,000. A deductive change order was negotiated for $20,000. Additive change orders totaled $12,800. The reroof work performed under a separate contract totaled $12,000. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board of Directors at the time of project close-out. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the Installation of the Meeting Room HVAC Project, District Project No.1 0070, and authorize filing of Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JlB CWB . Central Contra Costa Sanitary llistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 15, 1990 NO 4. CONSENT CALENDAR e. SUBJECT DATE ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE ORINDA CROSSROADS PUMP STATION ODOR CONTROL PROJECT (DP 4531 ) November 9 1 990 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBMl-1,;TED ax.. SKI" k nonalu . Imcza Senior Engineer INITIATING ~E.PT",lXV. D t t/ t:nglneenng epar men Construction Division ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Orinda Crossroads Pump Station Odor Control Project (DP 4531), and this project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: This project was designed to make two major improvements to the existing Orinda Crossroads Pump Station. First, the foul air and office work space airstreams were separated by ducting modifications to eliminate mixing of the two airstreams. Second, a prefabricated odor control unit together with new fiberglass ducting was installed. The foul air from the wet well is now directed via the new ducts and fans through activated carbon and chemically treated media beds in the odor control unit to eliminate all odor before the airstream is discharged into the atmosphere. A location map is shown on Attachment A. This work was undertaken due to a large new business complex being constructed next to the pump station and the close proximity of the BART station. A more detailed description of this project is provided in the 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget on page CS-66. The contractor, Monterey Mechanical Company of Oakland, commenced work on August 30, 1989, and substantially completed all work on December 29, 1989. The original contract completion date of December 5, 1989, was extended by change order to December 29, 1989, to complete necessary additional electrical work. The Board of Directors accepted the project on January 11, 1990. Monterey Mechanical's original construction contract was for $124,000. There were three change orders issued on the project totaling $1,647.54. These change orders were necessary to compensate the contractor for extra work related to buried obstructions and various electrical modifications. The total contract amount paid to Monterey Mechanical Company was $125,647.54. After completion of the contract work, the portion of the existing fence around the pump station facing Camino Pablo was replaced with a new chain link fence with redwood slats to satisfy City of Orinda aesthetic concerns. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON l~jO~A 98~, RSK JSM RAB INIT,W IDIV SUBJECT POSITION PAPER ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE ORINDA CROSSROADS PUMP STATION ODOR CONTROL PROJECT (DP 4531 ) PAGE 2 DATE OF 3 November 9 1990 The total budget for the project was $228,380. The total completed project cost is $223,200, which is $5,180 less than the budget. The developer of the adjacent business complex (Crossroads Associates) entered into an agreement with the District to contribute $40,000 to the project construction budget. Although only $10,000 had been paid by this developer prior to the foreclosure of the development project, District staff was recently successful in collecting the remaining $30,000 contribution from the new owners. Therefore, staff is now proceeding to close out the project account which will result in $45,180 ($5,180 plus $40,000) being credited to the Collection System Program. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. 13028-9/85 Q PROJECT SITI: LOCATION MAP NTS r ! ORINDA 'CROSSROADS PUMPING STATION SITE PLAN NTS " \\ l \ -'- - ._~-----L -:::: ='-- --~----~. . . . , , ,. \ \ , ~ \ ~, ................ '~\\ / ~_._- , \J \ I, . J'~ \ . , \ , .' \. \. \ \ \ \\\ . , \~\ -~:;-:: \X~;:~;.:-:~ ~;-;f)~' CAMINo PA aLa -~ ..."" "'( I I ~--- - ).-. - ................. . CAL TRANS \ ,.~ PROPERTY. ~ /~-;", \.,//' " .... ,,/' ,,/ jI. "'-~;.~. Cl ---- /" ~ ;;/o.=u~-' / ~ -. ...vRLK / . . .~. I ~ '." -.-__ /" ,," -~te~ -"':.,,:: ==-- .~ 0" / .-- ~-- -. /" ----- -- " , / . ~;/ New Pre-Fabricated Odor Control Unit Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ~ Orinda Attachment. Pump Station Odor Control Project A (DP 4531) 2523-9/88 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary district BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 15, 1990 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR f. SUBJE~T ::iET DECEMBER 6, 1990 AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND APPROVAL OF THE COUNTRY GARDENS/THIRD AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, DP 4615 DATE November 9, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY Russell Leavitt INITIATING DEPT /DIV Engineering Department/ ISSUE: District practice is to hold a public hearing prior to Board consideration of approval of a Negative Declaration. BACKGROUND: At its December 6, 1990 meeting, the Board will be requested to approve a Negative Declaration prior to approving the Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvement Project. The project proposes to replace, relocate, relieve, or abandon various deteriorating sewer pipes in the area of Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek generally bounded by North Main Street, Oak Park Boulevard, Camino Verde, and Alvarado Avenue (see Figure 1). The goals of the project are to minimize recurring wet weather sewer overflows, correct hydraulic deficiencies, and minimize future maintenance requirements in the project area. This project is included in the 1990-91 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on page CS-25. The estimated total project cost is $3,953,000. It is customary to hold a public hearing to receive public comments on the Negative Declaration during the Board Meeting at which the Negative Declaration is presented for consideration of approval. RECOMMENDATION: Set December 6, 1990, as the date for a public hearing to receive public comment on the Negative Declaration for the Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvement Project, DP 4615. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 RL d f\A Ie:. JMK J vV\ K. ~ RAB INITIATING DEPTiDIV. ,,"-' \['{I\ \ I ,( r, "\^ I \~\v\ II).." " Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019/mho{f Place Martinez, California 94553-4392 (415) 6893890 FAX: (415) 676-7211 DRAFT NEGATIVE DECLARATION COUNTRY GARDENS/THIRD AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ROGER J, DOLAN General Manager Chief Engineer KENTON L ALM Counsel for the District (415) 938-1430 JOYCE E, MURPHY Secretary of the District PROJECT LOCATION The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District proposes to replace, relocate, relieve, or abandon various deteriorating sewer pipes within the District's Watershed 23 in the area of Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek generally bounded by North Main Street, Oak Park Blvd., Camino Verde, and Alvarado Avenue (see Figures 1 and 2 in the attached Initial StUdy). PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUMMARY The goals of this project are to eliminate recurring wet weather sewer overflows, correct hydraulic deficiencies, and minimize future maintenance requirements in the project area. Table 1 in the attached Initial Study lists the pipes to be replaced and Figure 2 shows the location of these pipes. A detailed discussion of the project description is presented in the attached Initial Study. MITIGATION INCORPORATED INTO THE PROPOSED PROJECT Mitigation measures have been incorporated into the proposed project to reduce or eliminate potentially significant construction impacts. These measures are discussed in detail in the attached Initial Study. FINDINGS As a Lead Agency, the District has conducted an Initial Study of the proposed project to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Inital Study was prepared by the environmental consulting firm of Michael Clayton & Associates. A community meeting will be held in the project area on November 7, 1990 to assess community concerns and receive comments on this environmental document. A public hearing is expected to be held before the District's Board of Directors on December 6, 1990, after which the Board will consider approval of the Negative Declaration and the proposed project. @ Recycled Paper I The District finds that the attached Initial study adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluates the proposed project's effect on the environment. On the basis of this Initial study, it has been determined that there is no substantial evidence before the District that the project may have a significant effect on the environment. The District further finds that Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 regarding a mitigation monitoring program is not applicable to this project since no changes or conditions of project approval are required to mitigate potentially significant effects. Proposed: (~ 1/-/- io Date Approved Pursuant to Resolution No. Date Joyce E. Murphy Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District COUJI'.rRY GUDBBS/DZRD AVI5IIUI5 SBllBR ~ PJtOJBc-.r :na-.rxar. 8-.roDY Prepared for: central Contra Costa sanitary District Prepared by: Michael clayton , Associates October 30, 1990 !'ADLE OF COItTBItTS ~ I. BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 II. PROJBC!' DBSCRIP!'IOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Project Purpose and Need . . . 4 Project Design . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Construction Process and Operations . . . 6 Construction staging and Logistics . . 12 Encroachment Permits and Easements . . 13 Proposed Mitigation Measures . 14 Project Phasing 22 Related Projects . 22 III. BRVIRONKBR'l'AL IKPAC!'S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Earth 24 Air 27 Water . . . . . 28 Plant Life . . 31 Animal Life 33 Noise 35 Light and Glare . . . 36 Land Use . 37 Natural Resources 38 Risk of Upset . 38 Population . 39 Housing . . . . . 40 Transportation/Circulation . 41 Public Services 44 Energy . 45 utilities 45 Human Health . 47 Aesthetics . 48 Recreation . . . . . 48 Cultural Resources . 49 Mandatory Findings of Significance . 50 IV. BRVIRONKBR'l'AL FIRDIRGS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 V. PBRSORS AND ORGARIZATIORS CORSOLTBD . . . . . . . . . 54 VI. BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 VII. LIST OF PRBPARBRS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 06900015 APPENDIX A List of I'iqures Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure A-l List of Tables Table 1 06900015 TABLE 01' COIl'1'EII'1'S (continued) Approved Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project Map . . . . . . . . Boundaries of Watershed 23 and the Country Gardens/Third Avenue Project Area . . . . . Proposed Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvement Project . . . . . . . . . . . . Approved Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement proj ect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proposed Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvements . . . . . . . . . . ~ 55 2 3 57 8 BBVIROBXBITTAL CHBCKLIST PORK October 30, 1990 x. BACKGR01JIID Name of PrODonent: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Martinez, California Address and Phone Number of ProDonent: 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California 94553-4392; 415/689-3890 Contact: Mr. Russell B. Leavitt, Planning Assistant Date of Checklist Submitted: October 30, 1990 Aaencv Reauirina Checklist: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Name of Proposed Project: Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer / Improvement project xx. PBOJB~ DBSCRIptIO. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) proposes to replace, relocate, relieve, or abandon various deteri- orating sewer pipes in the area of Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek generally bounded by North Main Street, Oak Park Boulevard, Vessing Road, and Alvarado Avenue. The proposed Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvement Project is located within the Country Gardens and Third Avenue Subareas of the District's Watershed 23. Watershed 23 encompasses the area west of the District's main sewer interceptor line (A-line) between Gregory Lane on the north to the Interstate 680/Highway 24 interchange on the south (Figure 1). The Country Gardens Subarea lies within the City of Pleasant Hill and is bounded by Oak Park Boulevard to the north, Putnam Boulevard to the east, Geary Road to the south, and Pleasant Hill Road to the west. The Third Avenue Subarea lies within the City of Walnut Creek and is bound by North Main street to the east, Camino Verde to the west, Geary Road to the north, and Alvarado Avenue to the south (Figure 2). Goals of the proposed project are to 1) minimize the reoccur- rence of overflows, 2) correct deficiencies, and 3) reduce high maintenance requirements in the project area. Benefits of the proposed project include: 1) reduced wet weather flows; 2) decreased maintenance; 3) decreased potential for over- flows; 4) elimination of pipes with adverse grades, flat 06900015 1 1 ...... Boundary of Country Gardensl Third Avenue Project Area aw. - - - Boundary of Watershed 23 ,., J-'- " ( '- I r ~ 1 ..... .-, ff . , ~"f' I I L_.I ~ Pleasant !1 Hill ! Lofayette ... ~ ~ ~ Wa I n ut Creek BOUNDARIES OF WATERSHED 23 AND THE COUNTRY GARDENS! THIRD AVENUE PROJECT AREA Figure 1 2$2)09/88 2 ROAD Pleasant Hill Elementary School Walnut Creek + o 500 1000 n P"""""- , " % Iii VI ~ Pleasant Hill PARK JJ = '" ~ W ~ CD ~ III S 3RO 3 ~ ~ AVENUE (.sements) LUIS ROAD &oJ % .< oJ ~ ~ i ~ ~ 0: < oJ ALVARADO AVENUE - Location of Proposed Sewer Construction Work . . Location of Potential Bore end .lack Pits PROPOSED COUNTRY GARDENS/ THIRD AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Figure 2 2523.9/88 3 grades, root problems, and grease problems; and 5) relief of excess flows in hydraulicly deficient pipes. Project Pu~o8e an4 ...4 When originally installed, the existing sewer collection system in the Country Gardens and Third Avenue Subareas had been sized to accommodate dry weather flows from projected buildout of the project area (existing and planned develop- ment), with an allowance for wet weather flows. However, the District's Wastewater Collection System Master Plan (Camp, Dresser & McKee 1986) concluded that earlier allowances for wet weather flows were too low. The leading contributory factors relating to the quantity of wet weather flows in the project area are the age, type, and condition of the existing sewer pipes. Most of the sewer mains and trunks in the project area were constructed prior to 1950. These mostly vitrified clay sewer pipes are brittle and readily crack from ground settlement and root intrusion. These older pipes generally were constructed to a lower standard than sewer lines installed after 1956, and contribute more wet weather flow than originally expected. This flow is the result of rainwater entering the sewage collection system through pipe deficiencies such as cracks and loose joints. As evidence of this wet weather flow contribu- tion, four separate manhole overflows were reported during February 1986 rainstorms. An analysis of the area sewers confirmed that portions of the sewage collection system had inadequate capacity to accommo- date the area's actual wet weather flows. Because of these overflows, the District targeted Watershed 23 for future reconstruction work. Preparation of the Country Gardens and Third Avenue Facilities Planning Studies are largely results of sewer collection system deficiencies identified in the District's Wastewater Collection System Master Plan (Master Plan; Camp, Dresser & McKee 1986). The Master Plan identifies not only sewer collection system deficiencies, but recommends sewer collection system improvements that will be required before the year 1995. The proj ect area sewers have relatively high maintenance requirements due to grease buildup and root intrusion. Grease buildup in the sewers generally is caused by food service facilities (restaurants, schools, cafeterias, etc.) dis- charging excessive amounts of cooking grease. Grease and garbage grindings from homes are another major cause of grease buildup. Sewer reaches experiencing grease problems within the project area have relatively flat slopes which provide inadequate scouring velocities. Since flow velocities along these reaches are incapable of moving the grease, the sewer 06900015 4 pipes must be hydro flushed periodically. Root intrusion problems are generally attributed to inferior joint construc- tion or cracked pipes. In addition, roots often enter the sewer pipes from root-infested side sewer pipes or lateral sewer pipes. The removal of roots is usually accomplished by using rodding machines. However, periodic maintenance of sewers is necessary since roots often will regrow. In summary, the proposed improvements would reduce the wet weather flows in critical sewers and decrease the amount of maintenance work required in the proj ect area. As the remaining area sewer pipes and lateral sewer pipes continue to age, however, wet weather flows are expected to increase. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the overall capacity of the area's sewage collection system to accommodate future wet weather flows and avoid overflows. Proj.c~ De.ian The proposed project would add a relief trunk sewer to the proj ect area and would replace older main and trunk sewer pipes with pipes that have been sized to handle the expected wet weather flows. Table 1 identifies the location and extent of sewer pipe improvements. Figure 2 depicts the location of sewer pipe improvements. About 90 percent of the replacement and installation of main and trunk sewer pipes would be conducted in public or private streets: the remainder of the sewer work would be conducted on public or private property in District easements. The Country Gardens portion of the project includes replace- ment of the existing sewer pipes along Hoover Avenue and Putnam Boulevard: rehabilitation or replacement of the existing sewer pipe between Vessing Road and Pleasant Hill Elementary School: and replacement of the existing sewer pipe along Geary Road, between Larkey Lane and Putnam Boulevard. The Third Avenue portion of the project includes replacement of the existing sewer pipes along 2nd Avenue, 3rd Avenue, Mayo Lane, Larkey Lane, Adak Court, and Conejo Way: installation of a new sewer pipe in a portion of Larkey Lane south of Adak Court: and installation of a new relief sewer pipe along Buena Vista Avenue between Al varado Avenue and Geary Road. Two small portions of the new relief sewer pipe along Buena Vista Avenue (between the EBMUD Mokelumne Aqueduct and Geary Road) and between Alvarado Avenue and San Luis Road replace existing sewer pipes. Installation of the relief sewer pipes is intended to relieve existing sewer lines east of Buena Vista Avenue. In the Country Gardens portion of the proposed project, the replaced sewer pipe would cross beneath the Contra Costa Canal 06900015 5 at Hoover Avenue and above the Canal at Putnam Boulevard. In the Third Avenue portion of the proposed proj ect, the new relief sewer pipe would cross beneath the EBMUD Mokelumne Aqueduct at the Buena Vista Avenue/First Avenue intersection; and the replaced sewer pipe would cross above the Mokelumne Aqueduct at the Conejo Way/San Luis Road intersection. Cons~ruc~ion Process an4 OD.ra~ion. Construction of the proposed project would involve the following steps: 1) site preparation; 2) trenching; 3) pipe installation and construction of manholes; 4) backfilling and compaction; 5) surfacing and paving; and 6) site restoration. TrenChing is generally the most common method for replacing sewer pipe. site preparation would involve surface clearing in the sewer rights-of-way, streets, or other areas in which proj ect construction would be conducted. It would be necessary to deactivate existing sewer lines which are to be removed, abandoned, modified, or reconnected during site preparation. To maintain sewer service during the construction process, deactivated existing sewer lines would be bypassed by pumping wastewater between manholes. Excavation, backfilling, and compacting would involve removal of asphalt and concrete pavement; excavation of trenches; shoring, sheeting, and bracing of trenches; installation of pipes and manholes: placement of backfill in trenches; compaction of backfill in trenches; and temporary paving of backfilled trenches. Placement of backfill in trenches would involve preparation of the trench, installation of pipe bedding, placement of pipe, placement of backfill above pipe bedding, maintenance of trench backfill, and temporary paving over the trench. In some places, dewatering would be necessary during trenching, installation of pipes and manholes, backfilling, and compaction in order to keep excavated areas free from groundwater during construction. Dewatered groundwater would be pumped onto the street surface to flow into the storm drainage system or would be pumped onto open ground to be absorbed back into the soil. Surfacing and paving would invol ve replacement of asphalt concrete pavement, rock surfacing, and other street features damaged during project construction. Paving would occur in two phases, temporary and final. Temporary paving would involve placement of paving material which would allow for the short-term, safe use of streets by motorists. Final paving would involve placement of a higher quality, permanent paving after completion of construction work in an area. si te 06900015 6 restoration would involve in-kind replacement of structural and landscape improvements damaged or removed during project construction. Replacement of existing sewer pipe would involve removal or abandonment of existing sewer pipe and placement of new sewer pipe. Where appropriate, portions of the existing sewer line would be abandoned instead of removed because alignment for the replacement sewer line would be different than the al ignment of the existing sewer line. Abandonment of existing sewer pipe would involve allowing existing sewer pipe to remain, plugging of existing sewer pipe, filling of the pipe with sand or grout, and placement of new sewer pipe near the abandoned sewer pipe. Plugging of abandoned sewer pipe would be conducted through existing manholes; no excavation would be necessary. In general, the alignment of replaced or newly constructed sewer pipe would be the centerline of streets, although this alignment may vary based on the location of other utilities beneath the streets. Trenches would be cut to a depth of 5-20 feet, depending on site conditions; and would be as wide as the outside diameter of the sewer pipe proposed for that location plus 8 inches on either side of the sewer pipe. Placement of sheeting/shoring in a trench may widen the trench by about an additional foot. Vessing Road to Pleasant Bill Elementary School Aliqnment. At the beginning of this alignment, the existing sewer pipe runs beneath the driveway of a private residence within an existing District easement. The District would either replace the existing sewer pipe in the same location or re-align the sewer pipe along a public asphalt pathway adjacent to the private driveway. Under either scenario, replacement of the existing sewer pipe would involve removal of private landscaping between the driveway and pathway. If the sewer pipe is aligned along the pathway, acquisition of a permanent easement would be required. This alignment also runs beneath a bridge that crosses Murderer's Creek, an intermi ttent manmade channel. The existing sewer pipe runs between two concrete pile supports on opposite banks of the creek. The pile support on the southeastern side of the creek provides partial support for the bridge. To avoid dismantling of the bridge, new pile supports would be constructed adjacent to the existing pile supports, and the new sewer pipe would be placed between these new pile supports. The existing sewer pipe would be cut and plugged. Although the bridge would not be dismantled, it would be closed to public use during construction along this alignment, which could take 2-3 months. Pedestrians south of Murderer's Creek would have to travel several blocks to use 06900015 7 TABLE 1. PROPOSED COUlf'l'RY GARDENS/THIRD AVENUE SEWER XKPROVEKBNTS (a) LOCATION EXISTING (b) Size Length ( in. ) ( ft. ) PROPOSED (c) Size Length ( in. ) ( ft. ) Buena Vista Avenue Geary Road Third Avenue Larkey Lane (Mallard Drive to Geary Road) Mayo Lane Larkey Lane (Aleman Court to Swan Court) Buena Vista/Larkey Lane easements 10 Second Avenue (from Henry Lane to North Main Street) Conejo Way (d) Adak Court Hoover Avenue Putnam Boulevard 8 10 Vessing Road to Pleasant Hill Elementary School 6-8 TOTALS: 06900015 8 6 8 800 400 8 10 15 18 8 1,350 10 6 1,250 8-10 6 1,675 8 400 12 6 250 8-12 6 1,225 e 6 1,425 8 8 1,425 8 6 625 8 6 8 600 1;000 18 400 2,300 18 21 725 8 15,850 509 950 2,100 800 1,350 1,250 1,675 400 500 1,225 1,425 1,425 800 2,100 1,200 1,575 725 20,000 ( continued) TABLE 1. PROPOSED C01JN'1'RY GARDENS/THIRD AVENUE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS (continued) (a) NOTES: (a) Lengths are rounded to the nearest 25 feet; final lengths are expected to be within approximately four percent of the total footage shown; slight pipe size changes may be made in final design to accommodate pipe slope conditions. (b) When originally installed, these pipes were sized to handle dry weather flows from planned project area buildout and reasonable anticipated wet weather flows. (c) These pipes are sized to handle greater wet weather flows produced by increased wet weather infiltration and inflow. (d) Replacement of the same size pipe at a different slope to ensure better hydraulic conditions. (e) Replacement with 8-10 inch lines or spot improvement and sliplining would be performed along this easement where warranted. 06900015 9 the bridge at the end of Bonnie Place for access to Pleasant Hill Elementary School. The replacement sewer pipe crossing the creek would be designed to clear at least the 25-year stormwater flow in Murderer's Creek and/or to withstand the impact of a large object (e.g., a tree trunk) floating down the creek during a high flow. All construction equipment would be placed on the banks of the creek: no equipment would be staged in the creek bed. The District estimates that the area of impact for work along Murderer's Creek would be approximately 25 feet to each side of the existing sewer pipe alignment. At the location for replacement of the existing sewer pipe, Murderer's Creek is relatively degraded - the crests of the steep creek banks are compacted from human access and are sparsely vegetated, the slopes of the creek banks show signs of extensive erosion, dead woody and other plant material is piled along the creek bed, and garbage is scattered throughout the creek bed. Riparian and other types of vegetation at or near the location for replacement of the existing sewer pipe is relatively sparse. Trees and shrubs that may be removed during the sewer replacement work include the valley oak (Ouercus lobata), California buckeye (Aesculus californica), yellow willow (Salix lasiandra), elm (Ulmus sp.), plum (prunus sp.), and California wild rose (~californica). The sewer replacement work along Murderer's Creek would be conducted in accordance with California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) requirements under a Streambed Alteration Agreement (1603 Permit). The District and construction contractor would be required to meet or exceed all conditions of the CDFG Streambed Alteration Agreement to minimize removal of riparian vegetation: protect remaining riparian vegetation: and prevent erosion and siltation in Murderer's Creek, including conducting construction work in the summer. The District and construction contractor would be required to also comply with all conditions of the CDFG Streambed Alteration Agreement for revegetation of riparian habitat associated with the 2:1 mitigation for type and acreage of riparian vegetation and the 3:1 mitigation for type and number of riparian trees removed or damaged during replacement of the existing sewer pipe across Murderer's Creek (see Proposed Mitigation Measures section). Buena vista Avenue/Larkey Lane Basements. The District's Buena Vista Avenue/Larkey Lane easements are only 10 feet wide, and access to the easements is relatively poor. The easements are located in the rear and side yards of properties fronting on Buena vista Avenue, Lynvale Lane, Margrave Court, Keith Court, Carrerio Lane, Crown Court, San Luis Road, and 06900015 10 r- Larkey Lane. Where access proves to be difficult, alternative trenchless construction techniques may be used for replacement of sewer pipe along this easement, because the existence of several structures along the sewer pipe alignment would preclude trenching. The alternative trenchless construction technique likely to be used along this easement is sliplining. In sliplining, a polyethylene pipe (PE) is either pushed or pulled through an existing pipe, resul ting in a new pipe within the old pipe. Replacement of sewer pipe along the Buena Vista Avenue/Larkey Lane easements may involve removal of private fencing, private landscaping, and annual weeds and grasses. The private fencing and landscaping would be replaced in accordance with District easement rights. Any trees removed from the easements would not be replaced because they would interfere with the District's ability to access its facilities. Adak Court to KokelUJIDe Aqueduct Alignment. Along this alignment, new sewer pipe would be placed between the west end of Adak Court and the Mokelumne Aqueduct. This portion of the project would involve the installation of new sewer pipe along the private driveway of 90 Adak Court, or between the private driveways of 100 and 101 Adak Court. Installation of approxi- mately 150 feet of new sewer pipe at either location would take up to 2 weeks to complete. Installation of new sewer pipe along the driveways would involve the removal of private landscaping, including trees and shrubs. If the new sewer pipe is installed along the driveway of 90 Adak Court, the trench would be excavated to a depth of approximately 15 to 20 feet deep due to the slope of the driveway. In addition, the sewer pipe would be aligned to minimize removal of trees and other significant landscaping. If the new sewer pipe is installed between the driveways of 100 and 101 Adak Court, a garage addition at 100 Adak Court would have to be removed. Permanent easements would be required for construction at either location. MokelUJIDe Aqueduct and Contra Costa Canal Alignments. Placement of a new relief sewer pipe beneath the EBMOD Mokelumne Aqueduct at the Buena Vista Avenue/First street intersection, and replacement of an existing sewer pipe beneath the Contra Costa Canal along Hoover Avenue would require auger boring, also referred to as the bore and jack process: and eliminate the need for open trenching, which could harm the Aqueduct or Canal. Auger boring consists of a rotary cutting head followed by an auger to remove soil from the hole. A steel or concrete casing is typically pushed in with the auger inside. Underground access and exit for auger boring is accomplished through excavation of installation and receiving pits. 06900015 11 Average distance between the two pits would be 60-70 feet. The locations of potential bore and jack pits are shown in Figure 2. The replacement sewer line in Putnam Boulevard would cross above the Contra Costa Canal. The replacement of sewer pipe along the existing sewer line from the EBMOD Mokelumne Aqueduct toward Cornwall Court near Conejo Lane would involve removal of vegetation in a relatively disturbed area. Vegetation to be removed includes annual weeds and grasses, California blackberry (Rubus vitifolius), almond (prunus sp.) , plum (prunus sp.), and oleander (Nerium oleander). The almond and plum trees are probably remnants from a former orchard. Reconnection of Lateral Sewer Line.. A" lateral" is the sewer line on private property which connects a building to the main or trunk sewer line. At all locations where laterals are connected to new sewer lines, overflow relief valves would be installed to avoid potential back-up problems. The District intends to install these overflow relief valves within the street rights-of-way behind the curbs. Installation of these valves may necessitate removal and replacement of private landscaping in the yards of some residences. The extent of disturbance to private landscaping would depend on the slope of the lateral in relation to the depth of the new sewer line. Construction staaina and Loqistics The proposed project involves rehabilitation, replacement, or installation of approximately 20,000 feet of sewer pipe. For all trenching, the construction contractor would be required to coordinate excavation of trenches and laying of sewer pipes so that no more than one-hundred (100) linear feet of trench would be open ahead of pipe laying during the normal workday. Using standard trenching techniques, the average period during which project construction would occur in front of anyone residence or business is approximately six nonconsecutive days - three days for installation of the new sewer line, two days for reconnect ion of area laterals, and one day for final paving. A bore and jack pit, required as part of a bore and jack operation, could exist for up to 30 days. It is projected that double or triple crews would work simultaneously on the proposed proj ect: however, only one crew would work on anyone street. Overall, the time between initial trench excavation and final trench paving in anyone location could be up to four months. Construction of the proposed project is scheduled to begin in February 1991. Backfilling operations would closely follow pipe laying. No trench would remain open overnight, as it would be backfilled 06900015 12 .~ or covered with temporary trench plates. The construction contractor would be required to be required to backfill and pave trenches as soon as possible after pipe laying. \ The construction contractor would be required to need an area of approximately 20 to 30 feet in width for construction. This area would include an area for staging or positioning of construction vehicles and equipment, an area for movement of construction vehicles and equipment, an area for trench excavation, and an area for short-term placement and storage of materials removed during trench excavation. The area for placement and storage of materials removed during trench excavation or required for backfill would occupy approximately 5 feet on one side of the trench. In areas with less that a 20-foot wide permanent easement (e.g., the Buena Vista/Larkey Lane easements), a temporary construction easement would be required for construction. The construction contractor would be required to be required to confine trench widths to dedicated rights-of-way or construc- tion easements. At one or more locations in the project area, staging areas would be required to store pipe, construction equipment, and other construction related material: and to minimize hauling distances. Potential staging areas include undeveloped lots or parking lots. The construction contractor would be re- quired to provide traffic control at all staging areas as well as along construction routes. The types of sewer pipe that would be used in construction of the proposed proj ect include: concrete pipe, ductile iron pipe, steel casing, vitrified clay pipe, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipe, and polyethylene (PE) pipe. Sheeting/shoring material would be either steel sheet piling, aluminum jacks, or wooden bracing. Backfill material would be either material removed during trenching or aggregate hauled to the construc- tion site. Trenches in existing streets would be backfilled with Class 2 aggregate. Encroachment Peralts and Basements Encroachment permits would be required and obtained from the City of Pleasant Hill and the City of Walnut Creek for the proposed construction in city streets. According to the City of Pleasant Hill, construction on major streets would have to be limited to 9 A.M. to 4 P.M. to reduce traffic problems (Winzler & Kelly 1988). According to the Pacific Gas & Electric Company (PG&E), interferences of the proposed proj ect with their facilities are not anticipated: however, PG&E would review the final project construction plans (Dodson & Young 1989). 06900015 13 Encroachment permits or licenses for the proposed project would be required and obtained from the East Bay Municipal utility District and the u.s. Bureau of Reclamation for the proposed work under the Mokelumne Aqueduct and Contra Costa Canal, respectively. According to EBMUD, the District would have to adhere to specific requirements regarding sewer pipe clearances, sewer pipe material, and construction methods. In addition, EBMOD would review the final project construction plans (Dodson & Young 1989). Some of the deficient sewer pipes in the project area are located along backyards and private lanes. District easements within the project area are generally either 5, 10, or 15 feet in width. Three sewer lines in the project area are located along appurtenant (non-exclusive) easements, also known as Public utility Easements (PUEs). The easements provide a right-of-way for all utilities including sewer pipes. The appurtenant easements in the study area vary from 15 to 40 feet in length. To provide sufficient access and working area for sewer pipe replacement, granting of temporary construction easements may be necessary along backyards and private lanes where existing easements are less than 10 feet wide. Temporary construction easements from private landowners would be required for project construction along the Buena Vista/Larkey Lane easement, Vessing Road to Pleasant Hill Elementary School alignment, and Adak Court to Mokelumne Aqueduct alignment. Proposed MitiqatioD Measures The proposed project includes measures to avoid, minimize, reduce, rectify, or compensate for construction-related impacts. These measures are identified in the following documents: Standard SDecifications for Desian and Construction (Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 1986), Volume 2 of 3: Technical S~ecifications proiect Manual for the Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvements (G.S. Dodson & Associates 1990b), and Volume 3 of 3: proiect Plans for the Countrv Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer ImDrovements (G.S. Dodson & Associates 1990a). The documents include measures for dust control: odor control: erosion control: protection of soils: provision of adequate drainage: construction equipment noise suppression: protection and restoration of structures: precautions for working near sensi ti ve and unique vegetation: protection and restoration of vegetation, landscaping, and structural improvements: public health and safety: community notification of construction schedules: traffic and circulation control: posting of warning signs along the Contra Costa Canal recreational trail and bicycle path; and preservation of cultural resources. other 06900015 14 mitigation measures have been added to the proposed project during the course of project design. These mitigation measures are not included in the documents referenced above. Descriptions of the maj or mitigation measures for the proposed project are described below: o .easures for protection of .oils The construction contractor would be required to design and implement a dewatering program to prevent removal of natural soils during trenching, installation of pipes and manholes, backfilling, and compaction. o .easures for aaintenaDce of water quality For proj ect construction in the area of the Contra Costa Canal, the construction contractor would be required to prevent dust, dirt, sewage, or any other substance from polluting water in the Canal. o .easures to .ini.i.e use of vater To minimize the use of water for irrigation of vegetation and private landscaping, the District would incorporate the use of native, drought-tolerant plant species that provide food and cover for wildlife for the in-kind replacement of vegetation and private landscaping removed during project construction. The District would consult with, and where possible, obtain approval from property owners regarding in-kind replacement of private landscaping with native, drought tolerant plant species. o .easures for provision of adequate drainage The construction contractor would be required to finish grade excavated surfaces to provide drainage away from streets and structures to prevent puddling; and to provide full-time standby equipment and personnel for emergency pumping of water. o .easures for protection and restoration of vegetation, landscaping, and structural i.prove.ents. During the course of site preparation, the construction contractor would be required to protect trees and shrubs adjacent to the sewer trench. The construction contractor would be required to not remove trees or shrubs adjacent to the sewer trench without authorization of the District Engineer. Major roots or branches crossing the sewer trench would not be cut if cutting would seriously injure or imperil the safety of a tree. 06900015 15 All cut or broken limbs, roots, or branches of trees would be trimmed and painted with tree seal. During trench excavation, the construction contractor would be required to expose and wrap roots four inches or greater in diameter; and trim and coat with tree seal all roots two to four inches in diameter. wi thin sewer easements or rights-of-way, the construction contractor would be required to replace shrubs, fences, and other improvements that must be removed to enable proj ect construction, if allowed by the easement agreement. Removal of trees larger than three inches at the base would not be conducted without approval of the District Engineer. Outside of sewer easements or rights-of-way, the construction con- tractor would be required to replace-in-kind, to the extent feasible, all trees, shrubs, fences, or other improvements that must be removed to enable project construction through arrangement with the property owner. During the course of site restoration, the construction contractor would be required to protect or restore landscape improvements not removed during project construction. The construction contractor would be required to maintain planting of vegetation by fertilizing, watering, pruning, controlling insects and diseases, guying, rewrapping, and performing other operations for the promotion and establishment of root growth and plant life. The construction contractor would be required to replant or replace all landscape improvements that do not survive this maintenance. o measures for restoration of riparian vegetation and babitat The construction contractor would be required to conduct sewer replacement work along Murderer's Creek in accordance with CDFG requirements under a streambed Alteration Agreement (1603 Permit). The District and construction contractor would be required to comply with all conditions of the CDFG streambed Alteration Agreement to minimize removal of riparian vegetation; protect remaining riparian vegetation; and prevent erosion and siltation in Murderer's Creek, including conducting construction work in the summer. The District and construction contractor would be required to comply with all conditions of the CDFG streambed Alteration Agreement for revegetation of riparian habitat associated with the 2:1 mitigation for type and acreage of riparian vegetation and the 3:1 mitigation for type and number of riparian trees removed or damaged during replacement of the existing sewer pipe across Murderer's Creek. (Note: It is the policy of the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) that there be no net loss of wetland acreage or habitat value for any project in which riparian habitat is 06900015 16 removed or damaged. The CDFG requires a streambed Alteration Agreement (1603 Permit) for any grading, construction, or other work along the banks or within the bed of any creek, stream, river, pond, or lake. The CDFG would require a streambed Alteration Agreement for any work conducted along Murderer's Creek. As a condition of the streambed Alteration Agreement, the CDFG would require a 2:1 mitigation for the type and acreage of riparian vegetation removed or damaged during construction. The CDFG would require the applicant to create (by installa- tion, irrigation, and maintenance) an area of riparian habitat that is equal to twice the acreage of riparian vegetation, and contains the same species of shrubs and trees, as the riparian vegetation removed or damaged during construction. As another condi tion of the streambed Alteration Agreement, the CDFG would require a 3: 1 mi tigation for the number and type of riparian trees removed or damaged during construction. The CDFG would require the applicant to replant (by installation, irrigation, and maintenance) an area of riparian trees and shrubs that contains three times the number and the same species of riparian trees and shrubs as the riparian vegetation removed or damaged during construction. The applicant could combine the 2: 1 mitigation for removal or damage to riparian vegetation and the 3: 1 mitigation for removal to riparian trees into one overall mitigation requirement and revegetation project. The CDFG would accept a mitigation site that is either on or off the project site. If the mitigation site is off the project site, the CDFG would require the District to obtain a binding memorandum and easement to install and maintain riparian vegetation in perpetuity from the owner of the property on which the revegetation would be conducted. The CDFG would require that the riparian vegetation be installed and well-established prior to the start of project construc- tion. It should be noted that the CDFG may accept revegeta- tion of a severely degraded or disturbed riparian area as mitigation. The extent of impacts of construction on riparian vegetation would be outlined in the streambed Alteration Agreement. The location and acreage of riparian vegetation and the number and species of riparian shrubs and trees that would be removed or damaged from construction would be determined by the District or a consultant for inclusion in the streambed Alteration Agreement. The Agreement would also include a set of conditions for work in the riparian corridor that identify when construction would be allowed: and how construction must be conducted in order to avoid excessive erosion and sedimentation, reduce removal and damage to vegetation, and 06900015 17 protect drainage water quality and vegetation. The CDFG would also require that the applicant submit a mitigation plan for revegetation of riparian habitat associated with the streambed Alteration Agreement. The CDFG must approve the mitigation plan prior to approval of the project, initiation of the revegetation, and the start of project construction. The CDFG would sign the streambed Alteration Agreement only after the project is finalized.) o measures for protection an4 restoration of structures an4 facilities. To reduce impacts to existing and new structures during project construction, all measures recommended in DCM/Joyal Engineering (1990) would be incorporated into the proposed project. During the course of si te preparation, the construction contractor would be required to protect pole lines, fences, signs, survey markers and monuments, buildings and structures, conduits and pipelines, sewer and water lines, and other improvements or facilities within or adjacent to the sewer trench. The construction contractor would be required to replace all objects injured or damaged during the course of project construction. During the course of site restoration, the construction contractor would be required to protect or restore improvements not removed during project construction to a condition equal to that prior to project construction. To reduce the risk of damage to utility pipelines in the area of trench excavation, the construction contractor would be required to use extreme caution during trench excavation adjacent to existing utility lines: and would provide temporary protection, support, and shoring of utility lines where necessary. Work near the Contra Costa Canal and the Mokelumne Aqueduct would be conducted in accordance with the encroachment permits or licenses issued by the u.s. Bureau of Reclamation and the East Bay Municipal utilities District, respectively. Work in public streets would be conducted in accordance with the encroachment permit of the City of Pleasant Hill or the City of Walnut Creek. o .easure. for public bealtb an4 safety The construction contractor would be required to coordinate excavation of trenches and laying of sewer pipes so that no more than one hundred (100) linear feet of trench would be open ahead of pipe laying during the normal workday. Back- filling operations would closely follow pipe laying. The 06900015 18 construction contractor would be required to place temporary pavement over backfilled trenches as soon as possible after pipe laying. No trench would be allowed to remain open overnight. The construction contractor would be required to design and implement the dewatering system to prevent injury to public or private property, nuisance or menace to the public, and damage or endangerment to adj acent structures. Where necessary, trenches and other excavations would be properly shored, sheeted, and braced to protect workers from the hazard of caving ground and to protect existing and new structures. The construction contractor would be required to provide free access to all fire hydrants, water gates, meters, and private driveways. The construction contractor would be required to immediately dispose of wood slash and other debris removed during cleaning and grubbing; and excess excavated material and excavated material not suitable for use as backfill. The construction contractor would be required to maintain barriers on all work that is not safe for vehicle or pedestrian travel. To minimize exposing the public to potential injury from construction operations, the construction contractor would be required to provide appropriate securi ty measures (e. q. , barricades and fencing) during project construction, especially in the area of local schools, parks, and child care centers. Work would be scheduled to avoid conflicts with school activities as much as possible. The construction contractor would be required to post warning signs about project construction along the Briones-Mt. Diablo Regional Trail approximately 100 feet from where the Mokelumne Aqueduct intersects with Conejo Way. The warning signs would be posted along both sides of the Briones-Mt. Diablo Regional Trail opposite Conejo Way. The construction contractor would be required to post warning signs along both sides of the Contra Costa Canal recreational trail and bicycle path opposite Putnam Boulevard and Hoover Avenue. The construction contractor would be required to post signs that direct pedestrians and bicyclists using the Contra Costa Canal recreational trail and bicycle path and the Briones-Mt. Diablo Regional Trail to specific routes to avoid the con- struction zone and the crossing of Putnam Boulevard, Hoover Avenue, Buena Vista Avenue, and Conejo Way. For proj ect construction in the area of the Contra Costa Canal, adequate barricades and warning signs would be maintained at all times around excavations and hazardous areas. The construction contractor would be required to exercise extreme caution during project construction to 06900015 19 prevent people and equipment from falling into the Canal: and to prevent dust, dirt, sewage, or any other substance from polluting water in the Canal. o .easures for control of traffic and circulation The construction contractor would be required to provide a detailed schedule of traffic control including time periods, detours, road closure markings, and sign locations for approval by the City of Pleasant Hill or the City of Walnut Creek. The construction contractor would be required to implement the traffic control plan during project construction. The construction contractor would be required to also provide traffic control at staging areas. Where possible, one travel lane for vehicle movement would remain open at all times during project construction in streets. If short-term street closures are necessary, detour routes would be established and local residents and emergency service providers would be notified. The street closures would be conducted in accordance with the encroachment permit requirements extablished by the City of Pleasant Hill or the City of Walnut Creek. All warning signs or delineators used for night time conditions would be reflectorized or illuminated. The construction contractor would be required to add temporary asphalt concrete to the surface of backfilled trenches to keep them smooth, free from ruts and potholes, and suitable for normal traffic flow. For proj ect construction in the area of the Contra Costa Canal, the construction contractor would be required to conduct work so as not to interfere with the travel of Contra Costa Water oistrict (CCWO) vehicles and/or equipment through the work area. The Contra Costa Canal operating road or a detour road satisfactory to CCWO would be kept open at all times during project construction. o .easures to .ini.i.e disruption of access To reduce short-term disruption of access when construction proceeds in front of a private business, the construction contractor would be required to provide signs that direct business clients to alternate access and parking areas. Homeowners would be advised to park in other areas when construction is in progress in front of their homes. The construction contractor would be required to provide free access to all private driveways. If emergency access to the driveway of a residence is required, the construction contractor would be required to provide temporary emergency access by laying down a trench plate between the construction area and the driveway. 06900015 20 ,- The proposed project would involve temporary closure of the bridge over Murderer's Creek off Vessing Avenue. The approved Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project (see the Related Projects section) would involve temporary closure of the bridge over Murderer's Creek at the end of Bonnie Place. To maintain one bridge access point to Pleasant Hill Elementary School, the construction contractor would be required to maintain at least one bridge open to public use at all times during proj ect construction. The District would encourage the Mt. Diablo Unified School District to avoid scheduling summer school at Pleasant Hill Elementary School during the construction period. o ..aBur.. for protection of exi.ting utility lin.. The construction contractor would be required to be respon- sible for contacting utility companies or agencies: and for locating all utility facilities 5 (five) working days prior to excavation in any area. o ..asures to reduce noi.. To reduce temporary increases in noise from construction activities and operations, the construction contractor would be required to restrict construction work to weekdays and to daytime hours acceptable to the cities of Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill: and would conduct site preparation as expedi- tiously as possible to reduce the time spent using loud earth- moving equipment. o measures for protection of cultural resources If prehistoric or historic resources are encountered during proj ect construction, the construction contractor would be required to follow the following standard procedures for preservation of cultural resources required by state law or recommended by the California Archaeological Inventory, including: 1. Avoid alteration of the cultural materials and their context (i.e., environment and surroundings). 2. Arrange for a cultural resource consultant to evaluate the cultural resources and the project situation. 3. Do not collect cultural resources. 4. Record identified cultural resources on form DPR 422 (for archaeological sites), form DPR 523 (for historic properties), or similar forms. 06900015 21 I (Prehistoric resources include chert or obsidian flakes, projectile points, mortars and pestles; and dark, friable soil containing shell and bone dietary debris, heat-affected rock, or human burials. Historic resources include stone or adobe foundations or walls; structures and remains wi th square nails: and refuse deposits, often in old wells and privies.) o .easure. for community ..arene.. of project construction The District would maintain an active community relations program throughout the construction phase of the project. A Communi ty Relations Coordinator would be assigned to the project to serve the following functions: 1) respond to all questions, comments, and concerns raised by the communi ty during construction: and 2) notify project area residents when construction is approaching their neighborhood. proiect Phasina Phase I of construction of the proposed Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvement Project would occur from February to October 1991 and include sewer improvement work at the following locations: Mayo Lane, Second Avenue, Buena Vista Avenue, Hoover Avenue, and Putnam Boulevard. Phase I would also include work on Bonnie Lane, Bonnie Place (between Bonnie Lane and Hoover Court), Geary Road (between Bonnie Lane and Camino Verde), and Camino Verde under the approved Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project (see Related Projects section). Phase II of construction of the proposed Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvement Project would occur from February to Fall 1992 and include sewer improvement work at the following locations: Geary Road, Third Avenue, Larkey Lane, Buena vista Avenue/Larkey Lane easements, Conejo Way, Adak Court, Moke- lumne Aqueduct, and Vessing Road to Pleasant Hill Elementary School. Phase II would also include work on Oak Park Lane, Vicki Lane, and Vessing Road under the approved Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project. Related proiect. The following public works projects are related to the proposed proj ect: approved Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project, proposed Pleasant Hill Sewer OVerflow Protection Project, and planned street repaving projects by the cities of Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek. 06900015 22 Approved .a~ersbed 23 Sever Replac...n~ Proj.c~. The Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project was approved by the District in June 1989. This project involves the replacement of sewer pipes on Geary Road, Camino verde, Bonnie Lane, Vicki Lane, Vessing Road, and Oak Park Lane in Pleasant Hill (Figure A-1 in Appendix A). The proposed Country Gardens/Third Avenue sewer improvements on Putnam Boulevard and Hoover Avenue specifically are being proposed as replacements for the previously approved but unconstructed wet weather sewer improvements along Hoover Court, Oak Park Lane, and Oak Park Boulevard that were part of the Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project. By rerouting flows to Hoover Avenue and Putnam Boulevard, the following impacts of the Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project would be avoided: deep cuts along Oak Park Lane in close proximity to Murderer's Creek, disturbance to private landscaping and two large oak trees designated as heritage trees by the City of Pleasant Hill, and constructability impacts associated with traffic control and utility interference along Oak Park Boulevard. Improvements to the Oak Park Lane sewer line would be conducted without surface disturbance through the use of a sliplining technique. Also, the sewer improvements to Oak Park Boulevard and Hoover Court may be avoidable. Sewer improvements for the approved Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project would be constructed under the same construction contract as the Country Gardens/Third Avenue Project (see Project Phasing section). Combining construction of these projects would allow for coordination of street disruption to minimize inconvenience for area motorists. Proposed Pleasant Bill Sever OVerflow Protection proj ect. The proposed Pleasant Hill Sewer OVerflow Protection Project involves construction of a relief interceptor sewer from Oak Park Boulevard north along Patterson Boulevard and eventually to the District's wastewater treatment plant in Martinez. The purpose of the project is to relieve wet weather flows occurring in the existing Contra Costa Boulevard sewer interceptor line and in several trunk sewer pipes which connect to the Contra Costa Boulevard interceptor along the way. The District is in the process of preparing an Environmental Impact Report on the Pleasant Hill OVerflow Protection Project, and construction of the project is planned for 1992-1994. Proposed Ci~y s~ree~ Repavinq Proj.c~.. The Cities of Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek have expressed interest in coordinating various street repaving projects with the proposed County Gardens/Third Avenue proj ect. Coordination of 06900015 23 these projects will reduce the need for disruption of streets on a separate occasion for each project. II I. BNVIROHKBH'l'AL IKPACTS 1. BARTH: Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth oondi tions or in changes in geologic substructures? Mavbe - insianificant. The proposed sewer improvement project involves surface clearing, removal of asphalt and concrete pavement, excavation of trenches, shoring and sheeting of trenches, compaction of backfill in trenches, and paving of backfilled trenches associated with the trenching technique; and removal of soil with a rotary cutting head and auger and placement of steel or concrete casing in soil associated with the auger boring technique. These construction activities and operations would not be of a magnitude to create significant unstable earth conditions. However, excavation of trenches in clay soils and bedrock could result in short-term instability of trench walls and hazards to personnel and existing or new structures (OeM/Joyal Engineering 1990). These potential hazards would not be significant because the construction contractor would be required to properly shore, sheet, and brace trenches to protect workers from the hazard of caving ground and to protect existing and new structures. Construction of the proposed project would not entail alteration to any geologic substructures. b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction, or overcoveriDg of the soil? Yes - insianificant. The proposed sewer improvement project includes excavation of trenches, Shoring and sheeting of trenches, compaction of backfill in trenches, and paving of backfilled trenches associated with the trenching technique: and removal of soil with a rotary cutting head and auger and placement of steel or concrete casing in soil associated wi th the auger boring technique. However, earth movement, grading, and compaction of the soil associated with these techniques would not result in significant disruptions, displacements, or compaction of the soil because the amount of material proposed for movement, grading, and compaction is not of a magnitude to create significant soil disturbances; a majority of the proposed proj ect invol ves the replacement of existing sewer pipes beneath streets, and therefore a new type or location of soil 06900015 24 - disturbance would not be created: and some of the material to be moved, graded, and compacted is existing street material, not soil. The prop~sed sewer improvement project would result in overcover1ng of the soil from placement of backfill in trenches, paving of backfilled trenches, and construction of concrete pile supports on the banks of Murderer's Creek. The proposed project would not result in a significant overcovering of the soil because the acreage and volume of proposed backfill, asphalt and concrete paving, and concrete pile supports is relatively small: concrete pile supports already exist on the banks of Murderer's Creek: and a majority of the proposed project involves placement of backfill and repaving in existing streets where soil is presently overcovered. In addition, the construction contractor would be required to design and implement the dewatering system to prevent removal of natural soils. c. Change in the topography or ground sur~ace relie~ features? HQ. Topography and ground surface relief features would not be altered by the proposed sewer improvement project because the project area is relatively flat and does not have significant ground surface relief features: a majority of the proposed proj ect involves short-term alteration of the surface of existing, relatively level streets; and the project involves restoration of ground surface alterations. d. ~he destruction, covering or modification of any unique geOlogic or physical feature.? Yes - insiqnificant. Two unique physical features exist in the project area - the Contra Costa Canal and the Moke1umne Aqueduct. The proposed sewer improvement project would not result in destruction, covering, or modification of these physical features because auger boring, an alternative trenchless construction tech- nique, would be used for the replacement of sewer pipes beneath the Contra Costa Canal at Hoover Avenue and the Moke1umne Aqueduct at Buena Vista Avenue. In addition, the District and construction contractor would be required to adhere to specific requirements regarding sewer pipe clearance, sewer pipe material, and construction methods identified by EBMOD and the u.s. Bureau of Reclamation for construction in the area of the Moke1umne Aqueduct and the Contra Costa Canal, respectively. 06900015 25 /- e. Any increase in vind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? Yes-insignificant. The proposed project would result in short-term impacts to on- site soils from wind and water erosion during construction activities and operations. To reduce wind or water erosion of soil and generation of dust, the construction contractor would be required to provide adequate watering during project construction, implement erosion control techniques, and design and implement the trench dewatering system to prevent removal of natural soils. The long-term potential for wind and water erosion of soil at the project site would be eliminated through placement of permanent asphalt and concrete pavement over backfilled trenches and replacement of landscaping removed during project construction. f. changes in the deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition, or erosion which may modify the channel of . river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? HQ. The proposed sewer improvement project includes construction on the banks of Murderer's Creek. However, the District and construction contractor would be required to comply with all condi tions of the COFG streambed Alteration Agreement to prevent erosion and sedimentation in the creek. Construction of the proposed project would not result in sedimentation in the Contra Costa Canal because a majority of project construction would occur within streets, and auger boring would be used for replacement of sewer pipe beneath the Contra Costa Canal. g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? Yes - insianificant. No landslides or mudslides occur wi thin the proj ect si te (OCM/Joyal Engineering 1990). The project site is located near recognized active faults: however, studies by the California Division of Mines and Geology indicate that the project site is not crossed by any known active fault traces. Therefore, the danger of surface displacement due to fault offset along an active faul t through the proj ect si te is remote. The primary seismic hazard at the project site is ground shaking. The proposed sewer improvements would be subjected to at least one moderate to severe earthquake that would cause strong ground shaking at the project site (OCM/Joyal Engineering 1990). Although the project area and proposed sewer improvements would be subj ect to an earthquake, the proposed replacement of existing sewer pipe or installation of 06900015 26 r- new relief sewer pipe would not further expose people or property to earthquakes or ground failure because the sewer improvements would occur in a relatively flat area; earthquakes in northern California traditionally result in right lateral movement, which does not typically result in elevation changes; and the proposed project does not involve construction of buildings or other large, vertical structures. Differential settlement of soils at the project site could result in distortion or breakage of new sewer pipes at the point of change between different subsurface materials. Settlement within soft and/or loose soil layers could result in damage to new sewer pipes. Excavation of trenches may undermine support for adjacent utility lines, including gas, water, storm drain, electrical, telephone, and cable television main lines and service lines. Excavation of trenches in clay soils and bedrock could result in short-term instability of trench walls and hazards to personnel and existing or new structures (OCM/Joyal Engineering 1990). These potential hazards to existing or new structures would be reduced through the implementation of measures identified in OCM/Joyal Engineering (1990). Mitiaation Measures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 2. AIR: will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air _issions or substantial deterioration of ambient air quality? HQ. Fuel emissions and dust from operation of construction equipment and vehicles would not result in a significant decrease in air quality in the project area. The construction contractor would be required to control dust by providing adequate watering during project construction. b. ~he creation of objectionable odors? Yes- insi9nificant. Construction of the proposed sewer improvement project would result in the production of fuel emissions and other types of fumes from the operation of construction equipment and vehicles and during temporary and permanent paving with hot asphalt over backfilled trenches. In addition, the proposed project may result in the production of disagreeable sewer odors during replacement of existing sewer pipes. These odors would be most noticeable in the proximity of construction zones. These emissions and odors 06900015 27 -- would not constitute a significant impact because they would be generated on a short-term basis. c. Alteration of air aov..ent, aoisture, or temperature, or any change in cllaate, either locally or regionally? liQ. Fuel emissions associated with the operation of construction equipment and vehicles, slowed circulation of vehicles near construction zones, and asphalt paving: and sewer odors would contribute to the cumulative regional air pollution, but would constitute a small Percentage of total air emissions in the Bay Area Air Basin. These air emissions are not expected to cause an alteration in regional air movements or climate. xitiqation Xeasures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 3. WATBR: will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water aovements, in either aarine or fresh waters? HQ. Al though the proposed sewer improvement proj ect includes construction along Murderer's Creek, it would not result in changes in currents or the course of direction of water movements in the creek because the construction would occur on the creek banks. Replacement of existing sewer pipes and construction of new sewer pipes in the area of the Contra Costa Canal or Mokelumne Aqueduct would not affect the flow of water in these structures. b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and aaount of aurface runoff? Yes -insianificant. Absorption rates and drainage patterns at the project site would be altered on a short-term basis during the period of trench excavation. Excavation of trenches would result in a short-term decrease in the area of impervious street surface, which would result in a short-term increase in water absorption rates and a decrease in the rate and amount of water runoff on the project site. These rate changes would be insignificant because the proposed trenched area is relatively small, no more than 100 linear feet of trench would be open at anyone time during anyone day on anyone street. Excavation of trenches, placement of backfill in trenches, and paving of backfilled trenches are operations that would not significantly alter drainage patterns at the project site. In addition, the construction contractor would be required to 06900015 28 finish grade excavated surfaces to provide drainage away from streets and structures to prevent puddling. - c. Alterations to the course or flow of flood waters? HQ. Wastewater flow can be separated into three separate components: base wastewater flow, groundwater infiltration, and rainfall-dependent inflow/infiltration. Base wastewater flow originates from domestic and industrial sources and is not affected by rainfall. Groundwater infiltration is affected by groundwater levels which depend on rainfall, but changes gradually (over days and weeks) rather then suddenly (hour by hour during a storm). Rainfall dependent inflow/infiltration responds directly to rainfall: peaks within hours of when rain occurs: and varies widely from storm to storm depending on the soil moisture level, which is a function of antecedent rainfall (Dodson & Young 1989). Preliminary capacity analyses of the existing wastewater collection systems in the Country Gardens and Third Avenue Subareas of the proposed project showed that the rainfall- dependent inflow/infiltration component of wastewater flow in these areas represents a substantial portion of the total wastewater flow (Dodson & Young 1989, Winzler and Kelly 1988). Benefits of the proposed sewer improvement project include: reduced wet weather flows, decreased potential for overflows, and relief of excess flows. Improvement of existing sewer pipes and construction of new sewer pipes in the project area would result in a decrease in rainfall-dependent inflow/infiltration in the replaced sewer pipes and the addition of new relief sewer pipes subject to inflow/infiltration. These changes in rainfall-dependent inflow/infiltration would not significantly alter the course or flow of flood waters. d. Change in the amount of surface water in any water body? HQ. The existing sewer system does not influence the water level in any water body. The proposed sewer improvement project would not influence the water levels in any water body. Al though the proposed sewer improvement proj ect includes construction along Murderer's Creek, it would not influence the water level in the creek because construction would occur on the creek banks. Replacement of existing sewer pipes and construction of new relief sewer pipes in the area of the Contra Costa Canal or Mokelumne Aqueduct would not affect the flow of water in these structures. 06900015 29 e. Discharge into surface .ater., or in any alteration of surface .ater quality, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen, or turbidity? HQ. The existing proj ect area sewer system does not encompass discharge into surface waters or influence the water level in any water body. The proposed sewer improvement project would not encompass discharge into surface waters or influence the water levels in any water body. The proposed sewer improvement project includes construction along Murderer's Creek, which may cause some erosion of the creek banks. However, the District and construction contractor would be required to comply with all conditions of the CDFG streambed Al teration Agreement to prevent erosion and siltation in Murderer's Creek, including conducting construction work in the summer. Replacement of existing sewer pipes and construction of new sewer pipes in the area of the Contra Costa Canal or Mokelumne Aqueduct would not affect the quality of water in these structures. In addition, the construction contractor would be required to prevent degradation of water quality in the Contra Costa Canal. f. Alteration groundwater? of the direction or Yes - insignificant. rate of flow of Groundwater was encountered in several test borings conducted at the project site. DCM/Joyal Engineering (1990) indicate that groundwater would be encountered and groundwater levels would fluctuate during construction of the proposed project; and that groundwater inflow into excavations would vary widely from minor seepage to locally significant inflow over the proposed sewer pipe alignments. The proposed project includes dewatering of trenches during project construction. Excavation and dewatering of trenches would result in an insignificant alteration of the direction or rate of flow of groundwater in the project area. Groundwater infiltration is one of the three components of wastewater flow. It is affected by groundwater levels which depend on rainfall, but changes gradually (over days and weeks) rather then suddenly (hour by hour during a storm). Replacement of existing hydraulicly deficient sewer pipes would decrease the groundwater infiltration component of wastewater flow in the sewer system. However, construction of a new relief sewer would increase the length and surface area of sewer pipe subject to future groundwater infiltration. Any changes in groundwater infiltration associated with the proposed project would result in an insignificant alteration in the direction or rate of flow of groundwater in the project area. 06900015 30 g. Change in ~he quanti~y of ground waters, ei~her ~hrough direct addi~ions or withdrawals, or ~hrough interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? NQ. See the response to Question 3a above. h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water 8upplies? NQ. The proposed sewer improvement proj ect does not include substantial water use or diversion, and therefore it would not result in a reduction in the amount of water available for public water supplies. Water would be required for trenching, installation of pipes and manholes, backfilling, and compaction; surfacing and paving; and dust control during project construction. Water would also be required for irrigation of vegetation and private landscaping removed during project construction and replaced during site restoration. To minimize the use of water for irrigation of vegetation and private landscaping, the District would use native, drought-tolerant plant species. These construction operations would result in an insignificant increase in the rate of use of water. i. Exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal wave.? NQ. Surface clearing, removal of asphalt and concrete pavement, excavation of trenches, shoring and sheeting of trenches, compaction of backfill in trenches, paving of backfilled trenches, and use of al ternati ve trenchless construction techniques for sewer pipe installation are construction activities and operations that would not result in the exposure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves. In addition, a benefit of the proposed project is the decreased potential for sewer overflows. xitiaatioD Xeasures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 4. PLANT LZFE: will the proposal result in: a. Change in the di versi ty of specie., or number of any specie. of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? Yes - insianificant. Replacement of existing sewer pipe in off-street locations, such as along the Buena Vista Avenue/Larkey Lane easements, would invol ve removal of private landscaping, trees, and 06900015 31 ,~ annual weeds and grasses. Replacement of existing sewer pipe between the Mokelumne Aqueduct and Manhole 23 would involve removal of annual weeds and grasses, almond (prunus sp.), plum (prunus sp.), and oleander (Nerium oleander). Installation of running traps and clean-out devices in the front yards of residences along some streets would involve the removal of private landscaping. Replacement of the existing sewer pipe across Murderer's Creek would involve removal of riparian and other types of vegetation on the creek banks: valley oak (Quercus lobata), California buckeye (Aesculus californica), yellow willow (Salix lasiandra), elm (Ulmus sp.), plum (prunus sp.), and California wild rose (~californica). The proposed project includes several measures for the protection and restoration of vegetation and private landscaping (see proj ect Description - Proposed Mitigation Measures). These measures include protection of trees and private landscaping adjacent to or within the areas proposed for site preparation and trench excavation; and restoration of trees or private landscaping removed during proj ect construction. It is likely that annual weeds and grasses removed during proj ect construction would not be restored. Removal of annual weeds and grasses would be an insignificant impact of the proposed project because these plants are common, adapted to disturbed habitats, and can re-establish relatively quickly. It is not known whether the oleander would be replaced; removal of oleander would be an insignificant impact of the proposed project because it is a common ornamental species. Removal of the almond and plum trees would be an insignificant impact because they are cultivated fruit/nut trees, are not rare plant species, and would be replaced during site restoration. The District and construction contractor would be required to comply with all conditions of the CDFG streambed Alteration Agreement to minimize removal of riparian vegetation and protect remaining riparian vegetation. The District and construction contractor would be required to also comply with all conditions of the CDFG streambed Alteration Agreement for revegetation of riparian habi tat associated wi th the 2: 1 mitigation for type and acreage of riparian vegetation and the 3:1 mitigation for type and number of riparian trees removed or damaged during replacement of the existing sewer pipe across Murderer' s Creek (see Proposed Mitigation Measures section). 06900015 32 b. Reduction of the nUllJ)ers of aDY UDique, rare, or endanqered species of plants? H2. Rare, threatened, or endangered plant species do not exist on the project site. c. Zntroduction of ne. species of plants into an area, or in . ~arrier to the noraal replenishment of ezistinq species? Yes - insiqnificant. The proposed sewer improvement project includes the in-kind replacement of vegetation and private landscaping during site restoration. New species of plants could be introduced to the project site if the trees or private landscaping replaced during site restoration were not the same species or variety as those removed during project construction. The District would use either the same plant species or native, drought- tolerant plant species for replacement of vegetation and private landscaping removed during project construction. Introduction of new plant species would not result in a significant impact on vegetation at the project site. d. Reduction in acreaqe of any aqricultural crop? H2. The proposed sewer improvement project does not cross agricultural land. Mitioation Measures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 5. ANZMAL LZPZ: will the proposal result in: a. chanqe in the diversity of species, or nUllJ)ers of any species of aDimals (birds, land animals includinq reptiles, fish and shellfish, benthic orqanisms, or insects? Yes - insianificant. Replacement of existing sewer pipe near and along the Buena Vista/Larkey Lane easements would involve removal of private landscaping, trees, and annual weeds and grasses that provide habitat for animal life. However, these areas are relatively small, heavily disturbed, and contain low quality wildlife habitat. In addition, the proposed project includes measures for restoration of trees or private landscaping removed during project construction. Therefore, removal of vegetation would result in an insignificant change in the abundance and diversity of animal life at the project site. Replacement of existing sewer pipe across Murderer's Creek would involve removal of riparian and other types of 06900015 33 vegetation that provide habitat for animal life. The District and construction contractor would be required to comply with all conditions of the CDFG streambed Alteration Agreement to minimize removal of riparian vegetation and protect remaining riparian vegetation. The District and construction contractor would be required to also comply with all conditions of the CDFG streambed Alteration Agreement for revegetation of riparian habitat associated with the 2:1 mitigation for type and acreage of riparian vegetation and the 3:1 mitigation for type and number of riparian trees removed or damaged during replacement of the existing sewer pipe across Murderer's Creek (see Proposed Mitigation Measures section). Construction of the proposed sewer improvement project would result in disturbance to animal species in habitat near and along the Buena Vista/Larkey Lane easements, near the Mokelumne Aqueduct, between Conejo Way and Cornwall Court, and along Murderer's Creek. Animal species that presently use these areas would be disturbed and displaced to other habitat during construction. This disturbance and displacement of animal life would result in an insignificant change in the abundance and diversity of animal life at the project site. b. Reduction of the numbers of endangered specie. of animal.? any unique, liQ. rare, or The proposed sewer improvement project would not result in the removal or degradation of habitat for any sensitive, threatened, or endangered animal species. c. Introduction of new species of animals into an area, or resul t in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? liQ. Surface Clearing, removal of asphalt and concrete pavement, excavation of trenches, shoring and sheeting of trenches, compaction of backfill in trenches, paving of backfilled trenches, and use of al ternati ve trenchless construction techniques for sewer pipe installation are construction activities and operations that would not result in the introduction of new animal species into the project area. d. De~er~or~t~on to existing fish or wildlife habitat? ~ - 1ns19n1f1cant. Replacement of existing sewer pipe near and along the Buena Vista/Larkey Lane easements would involve removal of private landscaping, trees, and annual weeds and grasses that provide habitat for animal life. However, these areas are relatively small, heavily disturbed, and contain low quality wildlife habitat. In addition, the proposed project includes measures for in-kind replacement of vegetation and private landscaping 06900015 34 removed during project construction, including the use of native, drought-tolerant plant species that provide food and cover for wildlife. Therefore, removal of vegetation would result in an insignificant deterioration to existing wildlife habitat at the project site. Replacement of the existing sewer pipe across Murderer's Creek would result in the removal of riparian and other types of vegetation and may result in a small amount of erosion and sedimentation in the creek bed. However, the District and construction contractor would be required to comply with all condi tions of the CDFG streambed Alteration Agreement to minimize removal of riparian vegetation: protect remaining riparian vegetation: and prevent erosion and siltation in Murderer's Creek, including conducting construction work in the summer. The District and construction contractor also would be required to comply with all conditions of the CDFG streambed Al teration Agreement for revegetation of riparian habitat associated with the 2:1 mitigation for type and acreage of riparian vegetation and the 3: 1 mitigation for type and number of riparian trees removed or damaged during replacement of the existing sewer pipe across Murderer I s Creek (see Proposed Mitigation Measures section). Mitiqation Measures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 6. NOISB: Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in .xistinq noise levels? Yes - insiqnificant. Use of heavy equipment and human activity during construction of the proposed sewer improvement project would result in a temporary increase in noise levels at the proj ect site. Noise would be generated by the voices of workers: radios: and construction activities and operations such as site preparation, cleaning and grubbing, removal of asphalt and concrete pavement, trenching, installation of pipes and manholes, backfilling, compaction, installation of sewer pipes, and placement of asphalt and concrete pavement. The proposed project would not result in a significant increase in existing noise levels at the project site because noise would be produced on a short-term basis and would not be produced continuously on anyone day of construction. Noise impacts on adj acent properties would depend on the horsepower of the construction equipment used. It is estimated that at a distance of 50 feet, the noise generated 06900015 35 by earth-moving equipment such as backhoes and tractors would be between 75 to 80 dBA. Materials handling, stationary pumps, generators, and compressors would generate approximately 75 dBA. Noise levels generated from sheet pile drivers and from pneumatic tools such as jackhammers would range between 75 to 95 dBA. The highest construction-related noise levels would be generated during asphalt and concrete removal, trench excavation and shoring, and grading when jackhammers, backhoes, pile drivers, tractors, and trucks may be present at the project site. To reduce the temporary increase in noise from construction activities and operations, the construction contractor would be required to restrict construction work to weekdays and to daytime hours acceptable to the cities of Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill: and would conduct site preparation as expeditiously as possible to reduce the time spent using loud earthmoving equipment. b. Bxposure of people ~o severe Doi.e levels? HQ. See the response to Question 6a above. Construction of the proposed project would generate increased noise levels. However, due to the type of construction activities and equipment used, the short-term increase in ambient noise would not expose people to severe noise levels. The most sensitive areas would be Hoover Avenue, Mayo Lane, Third Avenue, and the Buena Vista/Larkey Lane easements, since the right-of-way is narrower at these locations, and the proximity to residences would result in greater disturbance from increased noise levels. Sensitive noise receptors in the project area also include schools, day care centers, park and communi ty center, and churches located along Buena vista Avenue, Putnam Boulevard, and Geary Road. Mi~iaa~ioD Xeasures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 7. LIGHT UD GLARE: Will ~be proposal produce Dew liqbt or qlare? Yes - insianificant. The proposed sewer improvement project would result in the insignificant, short-term production of light. The construction contractor would be required to maintain spotlights on all construction work that is not safe for vehicle or pedestrian travel. For proj ect construction in the area of the Contra Costa Canal, spotlights would be maintained at all times around excavations and hazardous areas. 06900015 36 xitiqation Xeasures No mitigation Measures are required or recommended. 8. LARD USB: will the proposal result in: a. Substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? 12. The main land use in the proj ect area is single family residential development. Other land uses in the proj ect area include: st. Mary's Lutheran Church, Japanese Christian Church, Woodlands Christian School, Contra Costa Christian High School, Saybrook Learning Center Pre-School and Day Care, Alice's Montessori Pre-School, Larkey Park, Community Resource Center, Walnut Creek Pumping Plant, EBMUD Mokelumne Aqueduct, Contra Costa Canal, Vetrano Grove Park, Briones-Mt. Diablo Regional Trail (maintained by the East Bay Regional Park District), Contra Costa Canal recreational trail and bicycle path, dentist and chiropractor offices, Larkey Mini-Market and Deli, Oak Park Liquor, a McCUlloch Service Dealer, Gem Motors, Jarl 's Foreign Car, Matic' s MBZ, A Child's World clothing store, and Contra Costa County Fire Protection District 2. In general, the proposed proj ect would not result in the substantial alteration of present or planned land uses along streets and easements in the project area due to the nature of the proposed project. No new land uses are proposed and no indirect impacts affecting major land use changes are anticipated. The proposed project would not result in the construction or removal of buildings: and includes restoration of fencing, vegetation, and landscaping removed during project construction. The anticipated average length of time that project construc- tion would proceed in front of a residence or private business is approximately six non-consecutive days. Therefore, exist- ing access to homes or businesses would be disrupted on a short-term basis. The District would advise homeowners to park in other areas when construction is in progress in front of their homes. If emergency access to the driveway of a home is required, the construction contractor would be required to provide temporary emergency access by laying down a trench plate between the construction area and the driveway. For businesses, the construction contractor would be required to provide signs that direct business clients to alternate access and parking areas. Short-term disruption of access to and uses of homes or private businesses would result in an insignificant adverse land use impact. 06900015 37 Hitiaation Heasures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 9. NATURAL RESOURCBS: Will the proposal result in: a. Zncrease in the rate of use of any natural resources? Yes - insiqnificant. Project construction activities and operations would not resul t in an increase in the rate of use of air, soil, vegetation, or wildlife. Removal of asphalt pavement or private landscaping, trenching, installation of sheeting and shoring in trenches, bed preparation, installation of sewer pipe, placement of backfill, and repaving or replanting of landscaping are activities and operations that would result in a short-term increase in the rate of use of water. Water would be required for trenching, installation of pipes and manholes, backfilling, and compaction: surfacing and paving: and dust control during project construction. Water would also be required for irrigation of vegetation and private landscaping removed during project construction and replaced during site restoration. These construction activities and operations would result in an insignificant increase in the rate of use of water. Hitiaation Heasures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 10. RISK OF UPSBT: Will the proposal involve: a. A risk of substances pesticides, accident or an explosion or the release of hazardous (including, but not limited to, oil, chemicals or radiation) in the event of an upset conditions? Yes - insiqnificant. The proposed sewer improvement project would not involve the handling of hazardous substances. In the event of an accident or upset conditions, a small amount of fuel or oil may leak from construction vehicles and equipment. The construction contractor would be required to maintain the construction vehicles and equipment in good condition and to clean fuel, oil, or grease accumulated at the construction site. A risk of explosion would exist at the construction site because proj ect construction would be conducted in street right-of-ways and public utility easements where PG&E gas lines are also located. However, the risk of explosion is estimated to be insignificant because the location of PG&E gas 06900015 38 lines are known, and the construction contractor would be required to be responsible for contacting all agencies involved and locating all existing utility lines five working days prior to excavation of any area. PG&E does not anticipate interferences of the proposed project with their facilities, but would review the final project plans (Dodson & Young 1989). Project construction in the proximity of utility lines would involve the insignificant risk of breaking water mains and storm drain lines and inundation of open trenches and surrounding areas (See the utilities section below). The construction contractor would be required to use extreme caution during trench excavation adjacent to existing utility lines: and shall provide temporary protection, support, and shoring of utility lines where necessary. b. possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? Yes -insignificant. Construction of the proposed sewer improvement project, especially staging of auger boring for sewer pipe replacement beneath the Contra Costa Canal along Hoover Avenue, would require interruption or detour of through traffic in some streets. Appropriate signing would be put in place to establish detour routes using surrounding streets. Providers of emergency services would be notified of the detours and detour routes. This disturbance to traffic circulation is not expected to cause a significant impact to emergency response plans or emergency evacuation plans. Mitiaation Measures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 11. POPULATION: will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population of an area? HQ. The District Waste Water Collection System Master Plan identifies existing and future land use patterns within the area served by the District as primarily single-family housing, with some multi-family housing, commercial development, and schools (Camp, Dresser & McKee 1986). Additional single-family units, predominantly in the form of in-fill development, were projected for construction throughout the region. Since 1985, some of these dwellings have been built and connected to the existing sewer collection system (see also 12. Housing). 06900015 39 The existing sewer collection system already has capacity for dry weather flows from existing and planned development, but has insufficient capacity to handle wet weather flows from existing development (see Project Purpose and Need section). The purpose of the proposed sewer improvement project is to minimize future sewer overflows, correct hydraulic deficiencies, and reduce high maintenance requirements in existing sewers. In addition to eliminating existing overflows, the proposed sewer improvements would accommodate anticipated wet weather flows from the continual aging of area sewers and from the relatively smaller amount of wet weather flow anticipated from newer sewers in new developments. Since the District already has the capacity to serve the existing and planned development in the project area, the proposed project is not expected to substantially alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the human population in the area; and is not considered to be a significant growth-inducing proposal. Mitiaation Measur.s No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 12. HOUSING: Will the proposal affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? Yes - beneficial. Land use projections developed by District Planning Division staff in 1985, as part of preparation of the District Waste Water Collection System Master Plan, indicated that future land use patterns will remain similar to existing land use patterns. In 1985 there were 2,125 single-family dwelling units in the Country Garden Subarea of Watershed 23 (Winzler & Kelly 1988) and 1,380 single-family dwelling units in the Third Avenue Subarea of Watershed 23 (Dodson & Young 1989). The number of dwelling units was expected to increase by 22 percent in the Country Gardens Subarea and by 13 percent in the Third Avenue Subarea, for a total of 654 new dwelling units. From 1985 to the present, some of these dwelling units have been constructed and connected to the existing sewer system. The existing sewer system already has dry weather capacity for existing and projected housing and the proposal is not expected to create a demand for additional housing. The sewer improvements proposed would correct existing hydraulic deficiencies, reduce maintenance requirements, and minimize future overflows in the project area. By minimizing potential problems in local sewer lines, the proposed proj ect would have a beneficial impact on existing housing. 06900015 40 xitiqation Xeasures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 13. TRANSPORTATION/CIRCULATION: Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? 1iQ. The proposed project would not result in the generation of additional vehicular movement. Improvement of the existing sewer system would not result in the enhancement of existing streets; construction of new streets; or construction of additional residential, commercial, or industrial development. Therefore, the proposed sewer improvements would not encourage additional motorists to use streets in the project area. b. Bffects upon existing parking facilities or demand for ne. parking? Yes - insignificant. Project construction activities and operations would result in street closures, detours, and obstruction of parking areas along streets in front of residences and businesses. The obstruction of parking areas would be an insignificant impact of the proposed project because it would occur on a short-term basis. The maximum length of time that anyone aspect of project construction would proceed in front of a residence or business is approximately four non-consecutive days. In addition, the construction contractor would be required to provide emergency access to residences. c. Substantial impact on existing transportation systems? Ii2L Project construction activities and operations would result in street closures, street detours, and interruption of vehicular traffic on streets in the project area. The interruption of vehicular movement would be an insignificant adverse impact of the proposed project because it would occur on a short-term basis, and the proposed project includes a general traffic control plan for the project area and a specific traffic control plan for specific streets in the project area. The general traffic control plan includes keeping one travel lane for vehicle movement open at all times during project construction where possible. The construction contractor would be required to provide a detailed schedule of traffic control including time periods, detours, road closure markings, and sign locations for approval by District Engineers. 06900015 41 d. AI~era~ioD. ~o pre.eD~ pa~~erD. of circula~ioD or .0vem.D~ of people and/or 900d.? Yes - insianificant. Project construction activities and operations would result in street closures, street detours, interruption of vehicular traffic on streets, closure of the bridge across Murderer's Creek off Vessing Road, and interference wi th use of the Contra Costa Canal recreational trail and Briones-Mt. Diablo Regional Trail by pedestrians and bicyclists. For access to Pleasant Hill Elementary School, the bridge at the end of Bonnie Place (several blocks away) would be the only relatively convenient alternative for pedestrian access south of Murderer's Creek. The interruption of vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle movement along the streets; and the interruption of bicycle and pedestrian movement along the trails and across the bridge would be insignificant adverse impacts of the proposed proj ect for the following reasons: 1) they would occur on a short-term basis; 2) the proposed project includes a general traffic control plan and specific traffic control plans for specific streets; 3) the construction contractor would be required to post warning signs about project construction approximately 100 feet from where Putnam Boulevard and Hoover Avenue cross the Contra Costa Canal; 4) the construction contractor would be required to keep one bridge over Murderer's Creek (either the bridge off Vessing Road or off Bonnie Place) open at all times during project construction; and 5) the District would encourage the Mt. Diablo Unified School District to avoid scheduling summer school at Pleasant Hill Elementary School during the construction period. In addition, for proj ect construction in the area of the Contra Costa Canal, the construction contractor would be required to conduct work so as not to interfere with the travel of Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) vehicles and/or equipment through the work area; and keep the Contra Costa Canal operating road or a detour road satisfactory to CCWD open at all times during project construction in that area. e. AI~era~ioD. ~o .a~erborDe, rail or air ~raffic? Hg. No water, rail, or air traffic routes cross the project site. The Contra Costa Canal and Mokel umne Aqueduct cross the proj ect site, but these waterways function as water conveyance canals and are not used for transportation of water-borne vehicles. 06900015 42 f. Increase in traffic hazards to aotor vehicles, bicyclists or ped.strians? Yes - insianificant. The proposed sewer improvement project would increase traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians because project construction activities and operations would result in street closures, street detours, interruption of vehicular traffic on streets, and an obstacle to use of the Contra Costa Canal recreational trail and Briones-Mt. Diablo Regional Trail by pedestrians and bicyclists. However, the proposed sewer improvement project would not result in a significant increase in traffic hazards because the proposed project includes a general traffic control plan and specific traffic control plans for specific streets in the project area. The general traffic control plan includes keeping one travel lane for vehicle movement open at all times, where possible, during project construction: and would be implemented through the use of signs, flaggers, reduced speeds, cones in streets, and rerouting of traffic to alternative streets to eliminate reduce hazards and confusion during project construction. To minimize exposing the public to potential injury from construction operations, the construction contractor would be required to provide appropriate security measures (e.g., barricades and fencing) during project construction, especially in the area of local schools, parks, and child care centers. Work would be scheduled to avoid conflicts with school activities as much as possible. The construction contractor would be required to post warning signs about project construction along the Briones-Mt. Diablo Regional Trail approximately 100 feet from where the Mokelumne Aqueduct intersects with Conejo Way. The warning signs would be posted along both sides of the Briones-Mt. Diablo Regional Trail opposite Conejo Way. The construction contractor would be required to also post warning signs along both sides of the Contra Costa Canal recreational trail and bicycle path opposite Putnam Boulevard and Hoover Avenue. The construction contractor would be required to maintain barriers on all work that is not safe for vehicle or pedestrian travel. For project construction in the area of the Contra Costa Canal, adequate barricades, warning signs, and lights would be maintained at all times around excavations and hazardous areas. The construction contractor would be required to exercise extreme caution during proj ect construction to prevent people and equipment from falling into the Canal. 06900015 43 xitiaation Xeasure. No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 14. POBLZC SBRVZCBS: Will the proposal have an effect upon or re.ult in a need for Dew or altered services iD any of the following areas: fire protection, pOlice protection, school., parka or other recreational facilities, maintenance of public facilities including roads, and other governmental services? Yes - insignificant. Existing public services in the vicinity of the proposed sewer improvement project include schools, pre-SChools and day care centers, a park and community center, and several churches. These facilities are located along Geary Road and the Buena Vista/Putnam Boulevard alignment. The proposed sewer improvement project would not have an effect upon or- result in a need for new or altered public services such as schools, parks, or recreational facilities because it is not a significant growth-inducing proposal. During the construction phase, the proposed project may affect emergency access for fire and police protection services. However, the construction contractor would be required to keep one travel lane open at all times where possible during construction to reduce safety hazards and impacts to emergency access. For situations in which through traffic would be interrupted along a street, such as the interruption of through traffic along Hoover Avenue during auger boring beneath the Contra Costa Canal, the construction contractor would be required to establish a signed detour through nearby streets. Construction equipment, primarily haul trucks, may cause structural damage to existing street sections. This potential adverse impact would depend on the existing street structure and the type of construction vehicles and equipment used. It is anticipated that structural damage to street sections from use of haul trucks and heavy equipment near the construction site would be insignificant. Removal of pavement and excavation of trenches would disrupt the use of streets. After completion of the sewer improvements, the construction contractor would be required to place temporary pavement over backfilled trenches to allow for safe use of streets by vehicles. Final pavement would be placed after completion of construction activities in an area and in coordination with various street repaving projects by the Cities of Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek (see Related Projects section). No increase in maintenance requirements for public streets is 06900015 44 expected to result from the proposed sewer improvement project. Mitigation Measures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 15. BNERGY: Will the proposal result in : a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? 1!2. Construction of the proposed sewer improvement project would not involve the use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy. Fuel or energy would be used on a short-term basis to power construction vehicles and equipment, and infrequently on a long-term basis to power maintenance vehicles and equipment. Since the proposed project would result in the reduction of maintenance requirements in the existing sewer collection system, it has a potential beneficial impact on the long-term need of fuel or energy for maintenance purposes. b. Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources of energy or require the development of new sources of energy? ~ As the proposed sewer improvement project would not result in use of a substantial amount of fuel or energy, it would not result in a substantial increase in the demand upon existing sources of energy or require the development of new sources of energy. Mitiaation Measures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 16. UTILITIES: Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to the following utilities: power or natural gas, communication systems, water, sewer or septic, storm water drainage, and solid waste disposal? Yes - insianificant. Beneficial impacts on utility systems. Completion of the proposed sewer improvement project would result in a beneficial impact on sewer services to the project area. Goals of the proposed project are to 1) minimize future overflows, 2) correct deficiencies, and 3) reduce high maintenance requirements in the project area. Benefits of the proposed project include: 1) reduced wet weather flows; 2) decreased maintenance; 3) decreased potential for overflows; 06900015 45 4) elimination of pipes with adverse qrades, flat qrades, root problems, and qrease problems: and 5) relief of excess flows in hydraulicly deficient pipes. Potential adverse impacts on utili ty systems. See the response to Question 10a above. The proposed sewer improvement project would not result in a significant adverse alteration to existinq utility systems. The proposed sewer improvements would be constructed primarily within existing street right-of-ways and public utility easements (PUE) where several other utility lines are located. These utility lines include qas mains and service lines; water mains and service lines: and electrical, telephone, cable television, and storm drain lines. The proposed project includes the location of all utility lines prior to trench excavation and avoidance of utility lines durinq project construction. The construction contractor would be required to use extreme caution during trench excavation adjacent to existing utility lines: and shall provide temporary protection, support, and shoring of utility lines where necessary. According to PG&E, interference of the proposed project with their facilities are not anticipated: however, PG&E would review the final project construction plans (Dodson & Young 1989). Project construction in the vicinity of existing utility lines involves the potential risk of damage to the lines and temporary disruption of services to the project area. However, since the proposed project includes measures to reduce the risk of damage to utility lines, the probability of disruption of services to the project area is low. Replaced sewer pipe would cross the Contra Costa Canal and the Mokelumne Aqueduct. Replacement of existing sewer pipe beneath the Contra Canal along Hoover Avenue would be conducted using auger boring to eliminate the need for trenching which could harm the Canal. In addition, the construction contractor would be required to exercise extreme caution during project construction in the vicinity of the Canal to prevent dust, dirt, sewage, or any other substance from polluting water in the Canal. Construction of a new relief sewer pipe beneath the Mokelumne Aqueduct at the Buena Vista/First Avenue intersection would also require auger boring to eliminate the need for trenching which could harm the Aqueduct. The District and construction contractor would be required to adhere to specific EBMUD requirements regarding sewer pipe clearances, sewer pipe material, and construction methods to avoid harm to the Aqueduct. In addition, EBMUD would review the final project construction plans (Dodson & Young 1989). 06900015 46 Construction of the proposed sewer improvements would require deactivation of existing sewer lines which are to be replaced, abandoned, or modified. The project would also involve the reconnect ion of all lateral sewer lines to new sewer lines. The construction contractor would be required to maintain the main and trunk sewer lines in working condition during all phases of project construction, although an interruption of sewer service to an individual building may be necessary for part of a day while work is being performed on the lateral sewer lines. The District would notify building occupants in advance of any planned service interruptions. Xitiaation Xeasure. No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 17. HUMAN HBALTH: Will the proposal result in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (exoluding .ental health)? HQ. Construction of the proposed sewer improvements would not create any health hazard or potential health hazard. However, some persons may view generation of noise and dust during construction as creation of a health hazard. The construction contractor would be required to reduce noise and dust generation at the construction site through the application of standard measures for noise and dust abatement. A beneficial health impact of the proposed project would be a reduction in the frequency and severity of raw sewage over- flows onto city streets and public or private property. The potential for area sewage overflows would be further reduced with completion of the proposed Pleasant Hill Sewer Overflow Protection Project (see Related Projects in section II). b. Bxposure of people to potential health hazards? HQ. In general, the proposed project does not include any aspects which would expose people to potential health hazards. Con- struction activities and operations in the proximity of schools, pre-schools, day care centers, and parks could attract the attention and curiosity of children, who could be injured while exploring the construction site. The con- struction contractor would be required to provide appropriate security measures during project construction to avoid injury to children. xitiaation Xeasure. No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 06900015 47 18. AESTHBTZCS: Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic "ista or "ie. open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an .esthetically offensi"e site open to public "ie.? Yes -insignificant. The proposed sewer improvement proj ect would change the aesthetic appearance of the project area due to the presence of construction vehicles and equipment, excavated trenches, temporarily paved backfilled trenches, placement and storage of materials removed during trench excavation, and construction . materials and debris. However, the proposed project would not result in the obstruction of scenic views or in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site because all sewer lines would be located underground, and the proposed project includes site restoration by the construction contractor. Xitiqation Xeasures No mitigation measures are required or recommended. 19. RECREATZON: Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of existing recreational opportunities? Yes - insianificant. Construction of the proposed sewer improvement project would result in an insignificant adverse impact on the quality of existing recreational opportunities along the Contra Costa Canal recreational trail and bicycle path and the Briones-Mt. Diablo Regional Trail. Construction work near the Contra Costa Canal and Mokelumne Aqueduct would interfere with the movement of pedestrians and bicyclists and reduce the quality of their recreational experience. However, the work would proceed for a maximum of one month, and therefore disturbance to users of the recreational trails would occur only on a short-term basis. In addition, the construction contractor would be required to post warning signs about project construction along the Briones-Mt. Diablo Regional Trail approximately 100 feet from where the Mokelumne Aqueduct intersects with Conejo Way. The warning signs would be posted along both sides of the Briones- Mt. Diablo Regional Trail opposite Conejo Way. The construction contractor would be required to post warning signs along both sides of the Contra Costa Canal recreational trail and bicycle path opposite Putnam Boulevard and Hoover Avenue. 06900015 48 , xitiaation Xeasures No mitigation measures would be required or recommended. 20. CULTURAL "SOURCBS: a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological .ite? H2L It is unlikely that prehistoric or historic archaeological remains or sites exist in the proj ect area. In a letter dated 12 July 1990, the California Archaeological Inventory (CAI) indicates that the project area contains no recorded prehistoric or historic archaeological sites listed with the CAI. The letter also indicates that state and federal inventories list no historic properties in the project area. In addition, the proposed project would be conducted in areas previously disturbed from residential development, commercial development, and road construction: and therefore it is unlikely that new prehistoric or historic archaeological remains or sites would be found in these areas. If prehistoric or historic resources are encountered during proj ect construction, the construction contractor would be required to follow standard procedures for preservation of cultural resources required by state law or recommended by the California Archaeological Inventory. b. will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? JiQ. See the response to Question 20a above. c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? JiQ. Site preparation, trenching, pipe placement and construction of manholes, backfilling and compaction, surfacing and paving, and site restoration are activities and operations that do not have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values in the project area. d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? JiQ. No existing religious or sacred uses exist within the project area. 06900015 49 21. XANDA'1'ORY :rIIIDI.aS O:r 8Ia.I:rICUCB: a. Doe. ~he project have ~he potential ~o lSegra4e the f:lUality of ~he enviromaent, au1tstantially reduce ~he babitat of a fiab or wildlife apeciea, cauae a fisb or wildlife population ~o drop below .elf-sustaining levels, ~hreaten ~o eli.inate a plant or animal co_unity, reduce ~be number or restrict ~be range of a rare or endangered plant or ani.al, or eli.inate impor~an~ example. of 'the aajor periods of California bistory or prebistory? HQ. The proposed sewer improvement project would result in the removal of a small amount or number of private landscaping, including ornamental trees, shrubs, and ground covers: and annual weeds and grasses during site preparation and trench excavation. The proposed project would also result in the removal of riparian and other types of vegetation during construction along the banks of Murderer's Creek. The removal of vegetation would be an insignificant impact of the proposed project for the following reasons: 1) annual weeds and grasses are common, adapted to disturbed habitats, and can re-establish relatively quickly: 2) ornamental trees, shrubs, and ground covers are common plants used in public and private landscaping: 3) the proposed project includes measures for the protection of trees and private landscaping adjacent to or within the areas proposed for site preparation and trench excavation: 4) the proposed project includes compliance wi th all conditions of the CDFG streambed Alteration Agreement to minimize removal of riparian vegetation and protect remaining riparian vegetation during construction along Murderer's Creek: 5) the proposed proj ect incl udes si te restoration, the in-kind replacement of all vegetation and private landscaping removed during project construction: and 6) the proposed project includes compliance with all condi tions of the CDFG streambed Alteration Agreement for revegetation of riparian habi tat associated wi th then 2: 1 mitigation for type and acreage of riparian vegetation and the 3:1 mitigation for type and number of riparian trees removed or damaged during construction along Murderer's Creek. The proj ect si te does not contain any rare, threatened, or endangered plant species, and therefore it would not involve the removal of individuals or habitat for special status plant species. Removal of private landscaping, annual weeds and grasses during site preparation and trench excavation: and removal of riparian vegetation during construction along Murderer's Creek would result in the removal or degradation of wildlife habitat at the project site. Removal or degradation of wildlife habitat would be an insignificant impact of the proposed project for the following reasons: 1) the areas in which 06900015 50 I vegetation would be removed are small, heavily disturbed, and contain low quality wildlife habitat: 2) the proposed project includes site restoration, the in-kind replacement of all vegetation and private landscaping removed during project construction: 3) the proposed project includes compliance with all conditions of the CDFG streambed Alteration Agreement for revegetation of riparian habitat associated with the 2: 1 mitigation for type and acreage of riparian vegetation and the 3:1 mitigation for type and number of riparian trees removed or damaged during replacement of the existing sewer pipe across Murderer's Creek: and 4) the proposed project includes several measures for the protection of trees and private landscaping adjacent to or within the areas proposed for site preparation and trench excavation. The project site does not contain habitat for any sensitive, threatened, or endangered animal species, and therefore it would not involve disturbance to or removal of habitat for special status animal species. The proposed project would not result in the alteration or destruction of prehistoric or historic archaeological sites, buildings, structures, or objects, as the project site does not contain any identified prehistoric or historic resources, and the proposed project includes measures for the preservation of any cultural resources discovered during project construction. b. noe. the project have the potential to achieve short- term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which occurs in a relatively brief, definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) liQ. The proposed sewer improvement project is based on the following long-term goals for improvement and maintenance of the existing sewer collection system in the project area: 1) minimize future overflows, 2) correct deficiencies, and 3) reduce high maintenance requirements. Benefits of the proposed project include: 1) reduced wet weather flows: 2) decreased maintenance: 3) decreased potential for overflows: 4) elimination of pipes with adverse grades, flat grades, root problems, and grease problems: and 5) relief of excess flows in hydraulicly deficient pipes. Construction of the proposed project would achieve these goals and benefits, and result in a beneficial impact on utility services and in insignificant adverse impacts on other resources in the project area. c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small, J:>>ut where the 06900015 51 effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant.) HQ. The total or cumulative effect of insignificant impacts on resources associated with the proposed sewer improvement project would not result in a significant adverse impact on the environment. With regard to cumulative impacts on specific resources, the proposed project would contribute to the cumulative impacts on few resources in the project area. Fuel emissions associated with the operation of construction equipment and vehicles, slowed circulation of vehicles near construction zones, and asphalt paving; and sewer odors would constitute an insignificant percentage of total air emissions in the Bay Area Air Basin, but would contribute to the cumulative regional air pollution. Disturbance of soil and removal of vegetation for site pre- paration and trench excavation would not contribute to the cumulative loss and degradation of plant and animal habitat in the region, because the proposed project includes both in-kind replacement of vegetation during site restoration and revege- tation of riparian habitat. site restoration and revegetation of riparian habitat along Murderer's Creek could contribute to the cumulative gain of animal and plant habitat in the region through the planting of native, drought-tolerant plant species that provide food and cover for wildlife; and improving the present condition of Murderer's Creek. The proposed project would also contribute to the cumulative improvement of the sewer collection system in the project area. d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Kg. The proposed project would not cause significant adverse effects on human beings. Replacement of existing sewer pipe or installation of new sewer pipe in the project area would not further expose people or property to earthquakes or ground failure; includes Sheeting and shoring of trench walls to reduce potential hazards to personnel, structures, and utility lines from instability; would not result in significant deterioration of ambient air quality, significant alteration of water quality, significant reduction in water available for public water supplies, exposure of people or property to flooding or tidal waves, or creation of a health hazard; would result in a temporary, insignificant production of fuel emissions and fumes from operation of construction equipment and vehicles; would resu1 t in a temporary, insignificant increase in noise levels, but would not expose people to severe noise levels: would not involve the handling or release of hazardous substances; would involve an insignificant risk of explosion associated with potential damage to gas lines; 06900015 52 would not create a demand for additional housing: would result in a significant interference with an emergency response plan/evacuation plan or a significant increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists, and pedestrians due to implementation of a traffic control plan during project construction: and would not create an aesthetically offensive site open to public view because site restoration would be conducted following project construction. A beneficial impact of the proposed project on human beings would be improvement of the existing sewer collection system and a decreased potential for overflows. XV. ID1VZROJDlBJJ'.rAL ..DlDDCJ8 On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COULD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. )( I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on the attached sheet have been added to the project. A MITIGATED NEGATIVE DECLARATION WILL BE PREPARED. 0 I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT IS PREPARED. 0 Date lo.~o-qo Signature ~.p~~ For G-..J....t ~ ()",.J.. '~-'1~ 06900015 53 -- V. PBUOBS DD ORGUIIA~IOBS COBSULHD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Engineering Division G.S. Dodson , Associates Antkowiak, Andrew Bremer, Mark Collins, Bob Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Construction Division Central Contra Costa District, Collection Operations Department Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Planning Division Godsey, Tom Central Contra Costa District, Collection Operations Department John Carollo Engineers Hoffman, Bob Hopkins, Lee Kelly, James Sanitary System Sanitary System Leavitt, Russell Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Planning Division Mowers, Bob Central Contra Costa District, Collection Operations Department Schumacher, Chris G.S. Dodson & Associates Sanitary System Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Construction Division Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Construction Division Thom, Henry Whitten, Bill Zayak, Jackie Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Planning Division 06900015 54 VZ. BZBLZOGDPBY Camp, Dresser & McKee. 1986. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Wastewater Collection System Master Plan. Submitted to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. 1989. Negative Declaration for Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. 1986. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Standard specifications for Design and Construction. DCM/Joyal Engineering. 1990. Preconstruct ion Geotechnical Engineering Investigation Report on the Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvements. Prepared for Central Contra Costa District Project No. 4615. Dodson & Young. 1989. Watershed 23, Phase II: Third Avenue Area Collection System Facilities Planning Study. Submitted to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. G.S. Dodson & Associates. 1990a. Volume 3 of 3: Project Plans for the Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvements. Contract Documents for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Project No. 4615. G.S. Dodson & Associates. 1990b. Volume 2 of 3: Technical Specifications for the Country Gardens/Third Avenue Sewer Improvements. Contracts Documents for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Project No. 4615. Winzler & Kelly. 1988. Country Gardens Area, Pleasant Hill: Collection System Facilities Planning Study. Submitted to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. VZX. LXST OP PRBPUBRS Michael Clavton & Associates Michael Clayton Lisa Posternak Marucia Britto Anne Clemons 06900015 55 APPEHDIZ A APPROVED WATERSHED 23 8BWBR RBPLACBKBN'l' PROJECT MAP 06900015 56 -: -- Withers "Ye. L [ I[ [ [ cs >- ~ is 8 PLEASANT HILL WALNUT CREEK j'i :J~ -, @ existing HYler Proposed sewer Improvement .n.nJlt<<JUW Sewer abandonment APPROVED WATERSHED 23 SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT Figure A-1 2523-9/18 57 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary Ilistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF olle,ynb.e.r- IS- S9t:Jtemb8r 201 1990 NO 4. CONSENT CALENDAR g. SUBJECT DATE November 6, 1990 AUTHORIZE EXTENSION OF MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY FOR DON BALESTRIERI, MAINTENANCE CREW MEMBER II, THROUGH 2/20/91 TYPE OF ACTION MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE Cathryn Radin Freitas, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT /DIV Administrative/Personnel SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Board approval is required for an Employee Medical Leave of Absence without pay for longer than 30 days. BACKGROUND: Don Balestrieri, Maintenance Crew Member II, has been off work since September 27, 1989, for medical reasons. After Mr. Balestrieri's paid leave was depleted, the Board granted him leave without pay on December 21, 1989, and subsequently extended that leave on several occasions to November 30, 1990. Staff has been notified by the County Retirement Office that additional time is required to resolve Mr. Balestrieri's request for disability retirement. It is requested that the Board extend his Medical Leave of Absence without pay until February 20, 1991, to allow the Retirement Board to reach a decision on his retirement request. The department can accommodate Mr. Balestrieri's request. RECOMMENDATION: Extend Leave Without Pay for Don Balestrieri, Maintenance Crew Member II, through February 20, 1991. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIA TING DEPT IDIV 'I -' ~~ .,'---"\ 1302A985 CRF PM . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar} Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 15, 1990 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR h. SUBJECT DATE November 13, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY FOR BENJAMIN J. BELL, INSTRUMENT TECHNICIAN, THROUGH APRIL 21, 1991 AUTHORIZE LEAVE OF ABSENCE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Cathryn Radin Freitas Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: Board approval is required for an Employee Medical Leave of Absence without pay for longer than 30 days. BACKGROUND: Benjamin J. Bell has been off work for medical reasons since August 24, 1990. He has been on sick leave since that time and has now exhausted all of his available sick, vacation, and earned overtime leave. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Leave of Absence without pay for Benjamin J. Bell through April 21, 1991. INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~ 1302A-9/85 CRF REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION . Centra_ -:ontra Costa Sanitar~ ,Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 15, 1990 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR i. SUBJECT DIRECT STAFF TO SECURE THE SERVICES OF AN ARBI- TRA TOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROPRIATE DISCIPLINARY APPEAL PROCEDURES FOR DISMISSAL DATE November 5, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Ad m inistrative ISSUE: In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) between the District and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees' Union, Local No. One (Local No.1) the Board must employ an arbitrator to render a recommendation when disciplinary actions are appealed to the Board level. BACKGROUND: Plant Operations Department Manager Charles Batts has taken termination action against Utility Worker Nicholas James" Jim" Maples for violation of the M.O.U. between the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and the Employees' Association, Public Employees' Union, Local No.1, Article III, Section 3.2.B.4, Intentional or Gross Misconduct. The misconduct included threats of physical violence against General Manager - Chief Engineer Roger Dolan and Deputy General Manager Paul Morsen. Details of this matter have been provided to the Board Personnel Committee previously. Pursuant to a letter received from the Union on Mr. Maples' behalf (see attached), the Union is requesting that the appeal to the General Manager - Chief Engineer be waived and the Board direct staff to secure the services of an arbitrator. Due to the General Manager - Chief Engineer and Deputy General Manager being a party in this matter, staff concurs with the Union that this procedure is appropriate under the circumstances. In matters that are appealed to the Board, the M.O.U. reads as follows: A. "An employee, . . . may appeal the Hearing Officer's decision by appealing to the Board via filing a written request for hearing with the Secretary of the District within five (5) working days of receipt of the Hearing Officer's decision. The Secretary shall calendar the matter at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting in keeping with established guidelines for calendaring an agenda item." B. "The Board shall employ a neutral third party to hear the appeal and to recommend action to the Board." C. "The Board may adopt, reject, or modify the recommendation of the Board-appointed neutral third party. The decision of the Board is the final action of the District." RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to secure the services of an arbitrator in accordance with the appeal procedures for dismissal of employees in the matter of Utility Worker Nicholas James REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PM PUBLIC EMPLOYEES UNION, LOCAL ONE Mailing Address - P.O. Box 222, Martinez, CA 94553 Union Hall - 5034 Blum Road, Martinez, CA 94553 Phone (415) 228-1600 .~")-..- October 29. 1990 Board of Directors C~ntral Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Subject: Appeal of Dismissal of Nicholas James Maples in Accordance with Section 3.4B Dear Board Members: I have been authorized to appeal the dismissal directly to the Board of Directors as outlined in Section 3.3B of the contract between Public Employees Union, Local #1 and the Sanitary District. The Union is proposing to eliminate Step A, inasmuch as we believe that that step would be an exercise in futility. It is our intention in making this appeal to move as quickly as we can to Section 3.~B of the Contract which provides, "The Board shall employ a neutral third party to hear the appeal and to recommend action to the Board." ~ ',' By taking this action, we believe that the issues surrounding the proposed discipline will be brought forward in a manner that will provide for a more open and honest evaluation of the charges. Further, it is understood that Mr. Maples will remain in a paid status until the end of the work day, November 2, 1990. If the Sanitary District agrees to this proposal, we should immediately notify the State Conciliation Services of our need for a Hearing Officer through the normal channels of communication. '. Sincerely, PUBLIC EMPLOYEES UNION, LOCAL #1 iZvr/v&~ David V. Platt Assistant General Manager DP:omm (DP0210) cc: Jim Maples Anne Mueller . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 15, 1990 NO. 4. DATE CONSENT CALENDAR j. SUBJECT DIRECT STAFF TO SECURE THE SERVICES OF AN ARBI- TRA TOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROPRIATE DISCIPLINARY APPEAL PROCEDURES FOR SUSPENSION November 5, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative ISSUE: In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) between the District and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees' Union, Local No. One (Local No. 1) the Board must employ an arbitrator to render a recommendation when disciplinary actions are appealed to the Board level. BACKGROUND: Collection System Operations Department Manager John Larson has recommended a three-day suspension without pay for Maintenance Crew Member II Frank Shea. Mr. Shea is being disciplined for habitual absenteeism. He appealed this matter and received a hearing under the discipline provisions of the current M.O.U. between the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and the Employees' Association, Public Employees' Union, Local No.1. Mr. Shea was dissatisfied with the Hearing Officer's decision and is exercising his additional appeal rights. In matters that are appealed to the Board, the M.O.U. reads as follows: A. "An employee, . . . may appeal the Hearing Officer's decision by appealing to the Board via filing a written request for hearing with the Secretary of the District within five (5) working days of receipt of the Hearing Officer's decision. The Secretary shall calendar the matter at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting in keeping with established guidelines for calendaring an agenda item." B. "The Board shall employ a neutral third party to hear the appeal and to recommend action to the Board." C. "The Board may adopt, reject, or modify the recommendation of the Board-appointed neutral third party. The decision of the Board is the final action of the District." RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to secure the services of an arbitrator in accordance with the appeal procedures in the matter of Maintenance Crew Member II Frank Shea. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PM 1302A-9/85 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 15, 1990 NO. 5. SOLI D WASTE a. November 6, 1990 SUBJECT OBTAIN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR CONSENT TO THE SALE OF A 50 PERCENT INTEREST IN ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. TO ROBERT M. SLlEPKA DATE TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER OWNER- SHIP CHANGE SUBMITTED BY Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: In considering a request for consent to the sale of a 50 percent interest in Orinda- Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., the Board of Directors determined that additional information was required. BACKGROUND: On November 1, 1990, the Board of Directors considered a request by W. Douglas Lomow for consent to the sale of a 50 percent ownership interest in Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. (franchisee) to Robert M. Sliepka. In the course of the Board's deliberation, it was indicated by Mr. Sliepka that he was purchasing a 50 percent interest in the franchisee from the Navone family, and not from Mr. Lomow. The Board sought to obtain clarification as to whether the purchaser of the franchisee was Mr. Lomow, or Mr. Lomow and Mr. Sliepka, with equal ownership interests. The parties to the sale transaction were requested to provide written clarification to the Board for its consideration at the November 15, 1990 Board Meeting. The written clarification requested has been submitted in a letter provided as Attachment I. In the letter, the parties to the sale provide the following information: . The original intent of Mr. Lomow, as indicated in previous correspondence and statements transmitted to the Board, was to purchase 100 percent of the franchisee, with the possible sale by him of up to 50 percent to others. Mr. Lomow decided to sell a 50 percent interest to Mr. Sliepka. . Due to delays in finalizing the sale between Mr. Lomow and the Navone family, it was subsequently determined that the sale should be made by the Navone family directly to Mr. Lomow and Mr. Sliepka, with each owning 50 percent of the franchisee. . The terms of the sale agreement draft, which was reviewed by District staff, remain unchanged except for the insertion of Mr. Sliepka as a co-buyer of the franchisee. District staff will review the final sale agreement upon completion of the ownership change. If the Board consents to the ownership change, Mr. Lomow and Mr. Sliepka should be advised by letter that its consent should not be interpreted as ratification of the information submitted by Mr. Lomow and Mr. Sliepka in connection with the sale of the franchisee, nor should assent to any alteration of the obligations contained in the franchise agreement be inferred. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. fV1c 1302A-9/85 t)l~'f~IN ADDITIONAL INFORMATION TO CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR CONSENT TO THE SALE OF A 50 PERCENT INTEREST IN ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. TO ROBERT M. SLlEPKA POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE November 6, 1990 RECOMMENDATION: District staff recommends that the Board of Directors approve the request for consent to the sale of an equal 50 percent ownership interest in the Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. by the Navone family to W. Douglas Lomow and Robert M. Sliepka. ADS/Position Paper#3/50percen.pp 1302B-9/85 ATTACHMENT I W. Douglas Lomow 2133 W. Boise Ave. Boise, Idaho 83706 November 6, 1990 Mr. N. Carlson, President Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: Request to sell 50% of Orinda Moraga Disposal Service to Robert M. Sliepka Dear Mr. President and Board Members: At the request of staff, this letter is to clarify the transaction captioned above, as follows: In September, Doug Lomow made the decision, in the interests of all parties, to sell exactly half of his interest in Orinda Mor- aga to Bob Sliepka; For a number of reasons our originally contemplated closing was delayed through September. With this occurence, counsel suggested that we could streamline the transaction by having Bob become a direct participant with Doug in the stock purchase from the Navones. Such documentation was then prepared. All of the terms and conditions of the stock sales agreement reviewed by CCCSD staff have otherwise remained the same. In early October all documents were signed, and all funds and docu- ments were placed into escrow, where they remain, pending your approval of this request. In keeping with the Position Paper of October 25, 1990, we would request that you approve this request at your next Board Meeting. We would also wish to confirm that for all Operational and Day-to-Day matters, the company contact will be George Navone. On all Rate and Policy matters, the company contact will be Doug Lomow. We trust that this is satisfactory. consideration. Thank you for you;-/Ci: -operation and I ~n~erelY' c~;t _ ~~ W. ~omow G~NaVOne W. Douglas Lomow 2133 W. Boise Ave. Boise, Idaho 83706 November 14, 1990 Mr. N. Carlson, President Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, Ca. 94553 Re: Request to sell 50% of Orinda/Moraga Disposal Service to Robert M. Sliepka Dear Mr. President and Board Members: Pursuant to my telephone discussion of today's date with Mr. Funasaki, I regret that neither Mr. Sliepka nor I will be able to attend the Board's November 15th meeting, due to previous commitments. At the same time, your approval of this matter at the meeting of the 15th is very important. We would ask that you act positively on this matter at that time. If there are any questions, Mr. Navone will be in attendance and both Mr. Sliepka and I will be available by telephone from 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. PST at (208) 362-1222. Thank you for your co-operation and consideration. Sincerely, /~ --- ~~Q // W. Doug omow cc: Ms. J. Murphy Mr. W. Funasaki Mr. G. Navone Mr. R. Sliepka . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS 21 PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT NO. 6. PERSONNEL a. DATE DENY THE APPEAL OF EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION, PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' UNION, LOCAL NO.1. REGARDING THE RULE OF FOUR. IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARBITRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative ISSUE: In accordance with the Grievance Procedure in the current Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees' Local No.1, the Board of Directors may adopt, reject, or modify the recommendation of an appointed neutral third party (arbitrator) in appealed grievances. BACKGROUND: On February 15, 1990, the Board directed staff to secure the services of an arbitrator to determine if the District had improperly applied the terms of the M.O.U., Article III, Section 10.1, Rule of Four, on two occasions during 1989. Section 10.1 states," Employees may compete in a promotional examination process if there are four(4) or more qualified in-house candidates. . ." The Union grieved that the language dictated the following conclusions: · Employees who compete in a promotional examination need only take the exam; they should not be required to pass the test. The District must select from among all in-house candidates regardless of their ability to successfully compete; · The District is unilaterally implementing language on the Rule of Four that was rejected during the last contract negotiations; and · Because the Union objected to the results of two recent examinations, the District's past practice, which requires the passing of an examination(s) for inclusion on an eligibility list, is invalid. Franklin Silver, Esq. was selected as the arbitrator from a list submitted by the State of California Mediation and Conciliation Service. The arbitrator's decision is attached. Mr. Silver ruled on the issue of whether the Rule of Four requires the District to promote candidates if there are four individuals currently employed who are minimally qualified. On page 20 of his Opinion, Mr. Silver states his award as: 1) Article III, Section 10.1 of the M.O.U. does not require the District to promote a District employee if there are four or more employees who are minimally qualified; and 2) The grievance is denied. RECOMMENDATION: Deny and dismiss the appeal of the Employees' Association, Public Employees' Union, Local No. 1 as the final action of the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION M " IN ARBITRATION PROCEEDINGS PURSUANT TO AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE PARTIES In the Matter of a Controversy between CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, Employer, OPINION AND AWARD and FRANKLIN SILVER, ARBITRATOR CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT EMPLOYEES' ASSOCIATION, PUBLIC EMPLOYEES UNION, LOCAL ONE, October 29, 1990 Union. RE: Rule of Four grievance This dispute arises under the Memorandum of Understanding between the parties, pursuant to which this Arbitrator was selected to hear the evidence and issue an advisory decision. A hearing was conducted on June 4, 1990 in Oakland, Califor- nia, at which time the parties had the opportunity to examine and cross-examine witnesses and to present relevant evidence. Both parties submitted closing briefs, and the matter was submitted as of October 1, 1990. 1 . , APPEARANCES: On behalf of the Union: Anne Mueller, Business Agent Public Employees Union, Local 1 P.O. Box 222 Martinez, CA 94553 On behalf of the Employer: Gerald R. Lucey and Denise M. Karr Corbett & Kane 2000 Powell Street, Suite 1450 Emeryville, CA 94608 ISSUE1 Does Article III, Section 10.1 of the parties' MOU require the District to promote an individual if there are four individuals currently employed who are minimally qualified? PERTINENT PROVISIONS OF THE MOU AND DISTRICT REGULATIONS The MOU: Article I. Section 2. Manaaement and Union Riahts 2.2 District Rights: The rights of the District include, but are not limited to, the exclusive right to . . . determine the procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotion . . . ; provided, however, that the exercise of such District rights shall not conflict with the express provisions of this memorandum. Article III. Section 2. Grievance Procedure 2.3 Matters Subject to Grievance: Any complaint an employee has concerning the interpretation or application of rules, regulations, policies, or procedures governing personnel practices, working conditions, wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment. 2.4 Matters Not Subject to Grievance: The Dis- 1 The issue has been formulated by the Arbitrator from proposed issues submitted by the parties. 2 . . trict's policies, rules, and regulations as such. Article III. section 10. Examination Procedures 10.1 Rule of Four: When an opening occurs for a position which is not included in the Personnel Advancement POlicy, employees may compete in a promotional examination process for the open position if there are four (4) or more qualified in-house candidates and the candidate selection process meets Affirmative Action Guidelines. When there are not sufficient qualified District employees who apply for a position, the vacancy shall be filled on an open-competitive basis. Any District employee who meets the minimum qualifications of an open position may apply for that position. District Regulations: 4.16.010 Examinations. A. Except for those Board- appointed positions . . . the District shall hold an examination(s) to establish an eligibility list for appointments to each class of position to be filled. * * * C. Examinations are categorized as follows: 1. Personnel Advancement Examination(s). * * * 2. Promotional examinations. * * * 3. Open examinations. If the position(s) cannot be filled using the examination categories set out in subsections C(l) and (2) of this section, examinations shall be held on an open basis. 4.16.020 Grounds for disaualification. The District. after examination may disqualify an applicant. . . on any of the following grounds: * * * B. That the applicant does not successfully pass each part of the examination procedure; . . . 4.16.030 Aooeal in case of disaualification. If an applicant is disqualified as provided under Section 4.16.020, the applicant may appeal to the Board... . . 4.16.040 Gradinq standards. To qualify for appointment, an applicant must pass each part of an examination. . . . 4.16.080 Apoointments. * * * B. The District shall make all other staff level appointments from the appropriate District eligibility list. The appointment may be offered to one of the three 3 . .._--~-- , . ~. candidates having current highest standing on the eligibility list. If a current eligibility list has less than three candidates remaining on the list, appointment may be offered to the remaining one or two eligible candidates or the list may be abolished. . . . FACTS A. Procedural backaround. The current grievance was filed on December 11, 1989 to obtain an interpretation of article III, section 10.1 (Rule of Four), and it requested as a remedy that the District cease and desist from the practice of eliminating qualified in-house candidates from competition for vacant positions when there are four or more such candidates (see Jt. Ex. 2). Although this grievance did not protest a specific action by the District, it was filed following two previous disputes concerning promo- tionalexaminations which had not resulted in conclusive interpretations of section 10.1. The grievance immediately preceding the current grievance was filed on September 11, 1989, and it involved a pump station operator promotional examination. In that case, seven District employees who met the minimum qualifications applied for the vacancy and were given an in-house promotional exam pursuant to section 10.1. All of the seven applicants failed the promotional exam, and the District thereafter opened the examination to the public. A grievance was filed as a result of the disqualification of the seven applicants, but the grievance was disallowed on the grounds of timeliness. Some of the original District applicants took the open examination and 4 passed it, and the position was ultimately awarded to one of the District employees. The other prior grievance involved an associate engineer vacancy. Four District employees meeting the minimum qualifi- cations applied for the examination, but only one of them, Thomas Cheng, passed. The District then posted an open examination, resulting in a grievance on behalf of Cheng filed December 9, 1988. Following a grievance hearing, the District offered the position to Cheng but under conditions by which the District preserved its position that it had the right to abolish an eligibility list with two or fewer candidates (Un. Ex. 2). The Union, on the other hand, continued to take the position that opening the examination when there were four employees who met the minimum qualifications violated section 10.1. B. Neqotiatinq historv. The two witnesses on negotiating history were David Platt and Gerald Lucey. Platt is the Union's assistant business manager and has been the primary spokesperson for the Union at all negotiations since 1981, which was the first set of negotiations after the Union was certified as the exclusive representative. Several business agents have been assigned to the day-to-day administration of the MOU since 1981, and they have worked under Platt's supervision. On occasion, such as the Cheng grievance, Platt has had direct discussions with District management concerning contract administration. 5 Lucey's law firm has represented the District since 1980, and Lucey has functioned as the District's labor counsel since that time. He was the District's chief spokesperson in 1985 and 1988 negotiations. Paul Morsen, the District's assistant general manager, was chief spokesperson in 1981. Lucey is not involved in the day-to-day management of the District unless consulted. Platt testified that the rule of four provision first came out of the District policies and into the MOU during the 1981 negotiations,2 at which time the Union succeeded in changing it from a rule of five to a rule of four in return for the District's absolute right to conduct an open examination if there is an insufficient number of "qualified District employees" who apply for a position. Platt testified he did not learn that the District interpreted section 10.1 to allow the disqualification of minimally qualified District applicants through the examination process, allowing the District to open the examination to the public, until the 1988 negotiations. In 1988, the Union initially proposed changing the rule of four to a rule of one. At the following negotiating session, the District presented its initial proposals, which included a proposed modification of the language of section 10.1 making the rule of four applicable if there were four or more 2 In addition to negotiations for MOUs, on several occasions the Union and the District have met and conferred about the District regulations governing examinations and 3ppointments (Tr. 69). 6 qu~lified in~ouse candidates "who apply, are tested, and pass the testing process.,,3 According to Platt, the District explained the proposal on the basis that many employees applied for positions but did not take the test, and the District wanted to require that everyone who applied take the test and that at least four passed it (Tr. 12). Lucey testified that there were several reasons for the proposal: There was a problem of employees signing up and then not taking the test, and in addition, the District wanted a larger pool of qualified applicants in order to supply superior candidates and to meet equal employment opportunity standards. Lucey initially testified that his understanding of the past practice was that if four District employees met the minimum qualifications and applied for the test, only one actually had to take and pass the test and the District would be required to promote that individual (Tr. 39, 52). He later testified that this was incorrect, and that if two or fewer applicants passed the test, the general manager could invalidate eligibility list under the District rules (Tr. 57). It is clear, however, that the District's proposal was to allow the District to conduct an open examination if at least four employee applicants did not take and pass the in-house examination. The Union strenuously opposed the District's proposal throughout negotiations. The Union modified its proposal from 3 The District orally amended its rule of four proposal to make it a rule of five, in response to the Union's proposal for a rule of one. 7 a rule of one to a rule of three, and according to Lucey-this was explained to mean that only one of the three needed to take and pass the examination. The District withdrew its oral proposal for a rule of five, but continued to insist that four applicants should be required to take and pass the examination. At one point the District offered to compromise by keeping the rule of four, but with the department manager's right to invalidate the test of three or fewer passed the test. Prior to the final session, the Union dropped its proposal in favor of the existing language. At the final negotiating session, Platt identified four key, non-economic issues which needed to be resolved. One of those issues was the rule of four, and Lucey's contemporaneous notes reflect that Platt stated this was an extremely serious issue and the Union would not allow employees to vote on management's proposal. The notes show Platt saying that this was a "bullshit issue," that the District had the right to have qualified people, but that the existing language did not lower standards and "if one passes that's enough." (Tr. 46; Er. Ex. 4.) Following Platt's comments, the District caucused for over an hour and agreed to drop its rule of four proposal in favor of the existing language. c. Past oractice. The District's personnel officer, Catherine Radin-Freitas, testified that the District maintains files on all examina- tions, both promotional and open, and that there have been 61 8 promotions since 1981, when the Union negotiated its first MOU. From her review of the files, she determined that no one has been promoted in this time period without passing a promotional test. In addition, she testified that when employees take a test but do not pass it they are sent a letter informing them that they have not passed. As in the case of the pump station operator applicants, if the District determines it will conduct an open examination, the employees who failed are informed that they can re-apply for the open examination. POSITIONS OF THE PARTIES The Union The Union argues that whenever the word "qualified" is used in section 10.1., it means "minimally qualified." Platt's interpretation of the language should be given great weight, in view of his role as the Union's chief spokesperson since the first MOU. Thus, the first paragraph of section 10.1 addresses the process if there are four or more minimally qualified candidates, while the second paragraph controls if there are fewer than four minimally qualified candidates. The District's position that four candidates must pass an examination is inconsistent with the history of the most recent negotiations, when the District's proposal to that effect was rejected by the Union. The Union has never agreed that any number of can- didates must pass the examination. There is no past practice which would allow elimination of minimally qualified applicants. Platt was unaware of the 9 District's interpretation that it could eliminate minimally qualified candidates until the most recent negotiations, and the Union denied at that time that the District's proposal conformed with past practice. The first violation of which the Union was aware was the Tom Cheng grievance, and the second violation was the pump station operator grievance. Neither of these grievances resolved the contract interpretation issue. Although Freitas testified that no individuals who failed an examination have been promoted since 1981, she did not know how many of the 61 examinations were changed to an open examination due to fewer than four candidates passing the in-house examination. Even if there was a past practice, that practice was terminated when the District withdrew its proposal in favor of the status quo. Finally, the Union asserts that chapter 4.16 of the District's regulations is superseded by the MOU. Article I, section 2.2 of the MOU (District Rights) permits application of the District's procedures for promotion only to the extent that there is no conflict with the MOU. Chapter 4.16, however, is in conflict with section 10.1, and the MOU was negotiated after the adoption of chapter 4.16. Under the MOU, the only time the District can nullify the internal promotion process is when there are fewer than four minimally qualified candidates, and this provision takes precedence over the conflicting provisions of chapter 4.16. For all of the above reasons, the Union argues that the 10 grievance should be sustained and t,h~ District should be ordered to cease and desist from refusing to promote a District employee when there are at least four minimally qualified candidates. The District The District argues that MOU article III, section 10.1 is not contrary to nor an exception to chapter 4.16 of the District's regulations, and that those regulations provide that before any applicant may be qualified for appointment, the applicant must pass each part of the examination. section 10.1 merely permits District employees to "compete in a promotional examination process" if four or more minimally qualified employees apply for the opening. The rule of four, by its terms, specifies who may apply and participate in the promo- tional examination process, and chapter 4.16 governs the process itself. Thus, the two provisions are complementary in nature and designed to be applied in harmony. While the Union presented no evidence of a past practice which would support its position, the District's evidence is that in all 61 examinations since 1982, the District has applied the rule of four in conjunction with the requirements of chapter 4.16. The Union has presented testimony as to its "position" that part of the testing procedure is the probation- ary period, but this does not constitute evidence of a past practice. In addition, the 1988 negotiating history es- tablishes that the Union acknowledged that at least one 11 candidate must past the examination, as demonstrated by Platt's statements at the final negotiating session. All proposals to change the rule of four were dropped in the negotiations, maintaining the status quo that at least two candidates are required to pass the examination. The District has consistently applied chapter 4.16 to the examination process since 1981, when the rule of four was removed from the District regulations and placed in the MOU. In addition, the District and the Union have met and conferred with regard to its promotional procedures, and the Union has agreed to those procedures. Because the history of the MOU, the District regulations, the past practice, and statements made during negotiations do not support the Union's position, the grievance should be denied. DISCUSSION Article III, section 10.1 provides in pertinent part as follows: "When an opening occurs for a position . . . , employees may compete in a promotional examination process for the open position if there are four (4) or more qualified in-house candidates. . . . "When there are not sufficient qualified District employees who apply for a position, the vacancy shall be filled on an open-competitive basis. .. " In interpreting this language, the Union asserts that the use of the word "qualified" means "minimally qualified," and that only if there are not four minimally qualified District employees is the District authorized to conduct an open ~v~mination. The Union is correct on the first point, i.e. 12 that "qualified" in section 10.1 means "minimally qualified." with respect to the first paragraph, the parties agree that the District is required to conduct a closed, promotional examina- tion if there are four minimally qualified District employees who apply. Under normal rules of contract interpretation, the term should have the same meaning in the second paragraph as in the first paragraph, and this is consistent with the syntax of opening sentence of the second paragraph. Since that sentence refers to qualified employees who apply for a position, and since only minimum qualifications can be determined at the time of application, the intended reference is to minimally qualified District employees. Therefore, section 10.1 provides that if there are four or more minimally qualified in-house candidates, those employees "may compete in a promotional examination process," and if there are fewer than four minimally qualified District employees, "the vacancy shall be filled on an open-competitive basis." The question remains whether the District is precluded by this interpretation of section 10.1 from disqualifying some or all of the four in-house candidates and then giving an open examination. The Union argues, in effect, that because section 10.1 authorizes a promotional examination when there are four minimally qualified District employees and an open examination when there are fewer than four minimally qualified District employees, that the two examination processes are mutually exclusive. That is not, however, exactly what section 13 10.~ says. While the first paragraph provides that four minimally qualified District employees may compete in a promotional examination, it does not say that some or all of the employees may not be disqualified in the examination. And while the second paragraph provides that if there are fewer than four minimally qualified District employees, the vacancy will be filled through an open examination, it does not say that this is the only time an open examination may be given. Therefore, section 10.1 does not explicitly address whether District employees may be disqualified in a promotional examination, allowing the District to then give an open examination. Platt testified that section 10.1 was taken from the District's regulations in 1981 and inserted in the MOU, changing in the process the rule of five to the rule of four. The rule of five or four, however, never established all aspects of the examination process, and there is no negotiating history to suggest that the parties intended section 10.1 to entirely supplant District regulations governing examinations. In fact, other provisions of the MOU recognize the continued application of these regulations. For instance, article I, section 2.2 (District Rights) recognizes the District's right to "determine the procedures and standards of selection for employment and promotion" so long as this does not conflict with other provisions of the MOU. In addition, the grievance procedure, in sections 2.3 and 2.4, makes the interpretation or 14 application of District rules and regulationsu_subject to_the grievance procedure, while excluding from the grievance procedure the substance of the regulations.4 Thus, the MOU itself recognizes that the regulations continue to operate in areas not controlled by specific provisions of the MOU. As previously discussed, section 10.1 on its face does not say that District employees may not be disqualified in a promotional examination nor that an open examination may only be given when there fewer than four minimally qualified District employees. Since section 10.1 originated in the District regulations, it is logical that other regulations would address these issues. In fact, chapter 4.16 provides, in sections 020 and 040, that an applicant may be disqualified from appearing on an eligibility list and cannot qualify for appointment if he or she has failed any portion of the examination. 5 Section 010(C) provides the authority to conduct an open examination if a position cannot be filed through a promotional examination. Therefore, these sections of the regulations address issues which are not addressed in section 10.1, and on their face they provide the authority for 4 On the other hand, the evidence is that the Union has met and conferred with the District over the substance of the regulations governing examinations. 5 Significantly, an applicant who is disqualified may appeal the disqualification under either section 2.3 of the grievance procedure or section 4.16.030 of the regulations. Apparently, none of the applicants who were disqualified in the two examinations leading to this grievance filed such an appeal. 15 the District to disqualify minimally qualified employees who fail a promotional examination, and to conduct an open examination if the position cannot be filled through a promotional examination because no employee taking the examination qualified, i.e. the situation in the pump station operator grievance. The Union argues, however, that as a result of the 1988 negotiations, section 10.1 must be interpreted to require the promotion of a District employee whenever four minimally qualified employees apply for the examination whether or not any employees pass the examination. The District's proposal in those negotiations was that the rule of four would apply if there were four in-house candidates "who apply, are tested, and pass the testing process." Both Platt and Lucey testified that one of the expressed reasons for the proposal was to address the problem of employees applying for the test and then not taking it. Lucey testified in addition that the proposal was intended to broaden the pool of qualified applicants for operational and EEO purposes. The proposal was clearly intended to increase to four the number of District employees who would be required to pass the examination, and in dropping the proposal the District agreed to restore the status quo, which was, at a minimum, that to qualify for appointment a candidate must take and pass an examination.6 6 Although the Union was not aware of any instances prior to the Cheng grievance when the District failed to promote an e~ployee following a rule of four promotional examination, the 16 The Union also argues that in negotiations the District stated that its proposal was intended to conform with past practice, and that in dropping the proposal the District terminated in such past practice. The testimony as to what was said in negotiations on this point failed, however, to provide the context of the statement concerning past practice (Tr. 12). Certainly, the District may have referred to a past practice of disqualifying employees in the examination. The point of the proposal, however, was to increase to four the number of employees who would be required to take and pass the test, and it seems unlikely that the District would have claimed that to have been a past practice. The District does not now claim that there was ever a practice of requiring four employees to pass the test, nor was that the claim in either the Cheng grievance or the pump station operator grievance, when the District relied on its regulation allowing the abolition of a list with fewer than three candidates. Therefore, the only demand which was abandoned in negotiations was the demand that at least four employees take and pass a promotional examina- tion. The above discussion addresses the issue as posed by both the Union and the District in this case. The Union's issue was stated more broadly, and it must be answered in the negative: Section 10.1 does not require the District to promote an evidence is that in the 61 examinations since 1982, no one has ~pen hired or promoted without first passing an examination. 17 employee if there are four current employees who are minimally qualified. If none of the employees pass the examination, as in the pump station operator grievance, none of them qualify for appointment and the District is authorized to conduct an open examination. While in general arbitration is not designed to address issues which are not necessary to the decision, the posture of this case makes it appropriate to consider in addition the situation when fewer than three employees pass the examination, i.e. the situation in the Cheng grievance. That case poses a much closer question. In stating its intention to conduct an open examination, District management relied on regulation 4.16.080, which provides that if an eligibility list has fewer than three candidates, the District has the discretion either to offer the appointment to one of the two remaining candidates or to abolish the list. As previously discussed, MOU section 10.1 authorizes an open examination when there are fewer than four minimally qualified employees who apply, and regulation 010 authorizes an open examination when the position "cannot be filled" using a promotional examination. When there are fewer than three qualified candidates on an eligibility list, however, the position can be filled because regulation 080 gives the discretion either to appoint one of the candidates or to abolish the list. Therefore, neither the MOU nor the regulations provides express authority to conduct an open examination in this situation, and other evidence of the 18 parties' intent is necessary to answer this .question. The evidence is not entirely clear whether the District asserted in the 1988 negotiations that it had the right under the regulations to conduct an open examination if fewer than three employees passed the promotional examination, but the District ultimately dropped its proposal that four employees must pass the test when Platt made it clear that the Union would fight that proposal and that the District's concern for maintaining standards would be protected so long as one employee passed the test. Therefore, in dropping this proposal, the District agreed to restore the status quo, which, at least in Platt's mind, was that only one employee was required to pass the promotional examination.7 Since in dropping its proposal, the District apparently did not assert that at least three employees must pass the examination, this negotiating history is susceptible to an interpretation that the parties mutually recognized that only one employee must pass the examination before the District would be precluded from abolishing the list and conducting an open examination. In summary, the MOU recognizes that the District's regulations governing examinations apply so long as they are not in conflict with the MOU. The regulations provide, 7 Platt testified that prior to the Cheng grievance the Union had not been aware of any instances when the rule of four, as interpreted by the Union, had been violated, and no evidence was presented of any prior situation since the Union negotiated its first MOU in which a promotional examination had been disallowed and an open examination conducted. 19 tI consistently with the MOU, that an employee must pass an examination in order to qualify for an appointment and that if the position cannot be filled through a promotional examination the District may conduct an open examination. Therefore, the precise issue posed by this grievance must be answered in the negative. AWARD Article III, section 10.1 of the MOU does not require the District to promote a District employee if there are four or more employees who are minimally qualified. The grievance is denied. Dated: October 29, 1990 -:i?~~ Franklin Silver, Arbitrator 20 . Centra =ontra Costa Sanitar} )istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1990 PAPER S~6tHORIZE THE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO NORTHERN INDUSTRIAL CONSTRUCTION INC. FOR THE INSTALLATION OF A DUPLEX STRAINER FOR FURNACE NO. 2, MULTIPLE HEARTH FURNACE OPERATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 10060 SUBMITTED BY Ba T. Than Assistant En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant 0 erations De artment PAGE 1 OF NO. 3. BIDS AND AWARDS a. DATE October 24, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD ISSUE: On October 17, 1990, sealed bids for the installation of a duplex strainer for the Furnace No.2, Multiple Hearth Furnace Operation Improvements Project, District Project No. 10060, were received and publicly opened. The Board of Directors must award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder or reject bids within 30 days of the opening date. BACKGROUND: The Multiple Hearth Furnace (MHF) Operation Improvements project provides modifications to improve the MHF installations and to bring the facilities to the state of current technology. In Stage 5A, Phase I, of the Treatment Plant Expansion project, one Hellan motorized strainer was installed to provide clean No.3 water to the wet scrubber system. One phase of this project is to install a back-up duplex strainer for the furnaces. This will allow the furnace to remain in operation while maintenance and repair work is performed on the strainers. The Plant Operations Department (POD) staff has selected and pre-purchased two Hellan strainers and their associated control panels. Installation of back-up strainer for Furnace No. 1 was completed in July 1990. Plans and specifications to install the duplex strainer for Furnace No.2 were completed by the POD staff and were publicly advertised on October 1, 1990, and October 6, 1990. Three bids were received and opened on October 17, 1990. A tabulation of the bids is shown in Attachment I. An evaluation of the bids, conducted by the POD and Purchasing Section staff, concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Northern Industrial Construction, Inc., with a bid price of $15,000. The additional funding required to complete this phase of the project is estimated to be $20,900, as shown in Attachment II. The Engineer's estimate was $20,000. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.2. Since it involves a minor alteration of the treatment plant's existing furnace operation, no expansion of use would occur beyond that previously existing. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of the construction contract in the amount of $15,000, for installation of a duplex strainer for Furnace No.2, Multiple Hearth Furnace Operation Improvement Project, District Project No.1 0060, to Northern Industrial Construction, Inc. as the lowest responsible bidder. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. BI' PflA 1302A-9/85 BTT ARG .. -.. : - .--i - ~ ::: ~ 8 ~ : r- .. 5 0 M .--i ()) ~ N LL I . -tA- i:i: r- i-. ~ N .--i ::E w I Z 0 :E ....... .--i ::> t:i 0<: I- z ~ w ~ 0::: ~ c::r:: """" ~ 0 c::r:: 0 0::: ~ U M W '0 .. Z ~ W ()) Lf: L.() ....... ---l I . .--i c::r:: ---l r- ~ -tA- 0::: - ....... .--i I- ~ :> I (/) >- 0 0::: .--i >- ~ w Cl 0::: ::E: zc::r:: w c::r::Cl z (/) 0 ---l U c::r::w ....... (/) 0::: . Wl..1... I- 0 c::r:: ::E:Z 0 i~ : ....... ......... 0::: l- I- o c::r:: o::l ---l Z c::r::---l ...... 0 W 0 ::E: ---lc::r:: 0 0 I I- ~ : 0 0 U ---l (/) . .. ---l Z L(,) c::r:: c::r:: ....... ~ . L.() .--i I- 0 ~ -tA- l- I W I~ c::r:: ()) c::r:: (/) I U I ....... I- r- Z . .--i 0::: 0::: ~ o::l I => 0 o::l 0 l..1... l..1... I~ 0 .--i Z U (/) Q W E t- U . a. 5 Z ~ c::r:: (J) Z . c::r:: w W ---l ---l Cl ~ I- ~ z . ---l c::r:: < 0::: ci 2 0 e::( l- e: => a: ~ c :z: If 3 - l- . 0 w 0... 8 UJ UJ ... !ll . (/) 0::: I- !;c a: I- ~ cO ~ 0... :z: ~ ~ ci ~ ~ a: ~ Cl Z W :::E c::r:: ~ u: S ~ Z ....... Z e::( ....... ~ 0::: e::( c (/) 0 0::: ---l l..1... l- e::( (/) ---l ....... (/) c::r:: . 0::: W >- ....... W U 0::: UJ 0::: W I- Z c::r:: e I- ---l ~ c::r:: c::r:: Cl (/) o::l :E Z z: en => ....... - W 0 u.. Cl z: (/) ~ .. I- U Z 0 z: 0::: 0::: W 0 I--l ....... 0 c 0 => (/) Z I- 0... - o::l 0... z: U (/) e::( 0... l..1... ~ 0 0::: => W ~ ---l c::r:: 0 !;i LU.J 0::: 0::: .I I- ,.....: ~ ...J l- (/) I- 0::: - I- \\ :;) 0::: z: (/) W ;:: ~ 0 0 0 W Cl ---l ~ en z: U :s: Cl 3: ~ 0 ....... ~ . .--i \ c ---l o::l >- CD Z c l- I UJ ~ i t - . UJ a: a: If .--i ~. :;; ~ o . ()) .......... N ATTACHMENT II INSTAllATION OF DUPLEX STRAINER FOR FURNACE NO.2 MULTIPLE HEARTH FURNACE OPERATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 10060 Post-Bid/Preconstruction Estimate PERCENT ITEM CONSTRUCTION ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT TOTAL CONTRACT 1 Construction Contract $15,000 2 Estimated Construction 3,000 Contingencies at 20 percent 3 Subtotal 18,000 100 4 Estimated Construction Incidentals to Project Completion: . Inspection $1,500 . Contract Management 800 . As-Built Drawings 600 5 Subtotal 2,900 16 6 Total Estimated Construction Cost 20,900 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1990 NO 4. CONSENT CALENDAR a. SUBJECT DATE October 23, 1990 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 90-13 (MARTINEZ) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SU~T1ffi.Et; Hall Associate Engineer INITIA TI~'rriIEf~r ing Department Construction Division Parcel Area Owner Address No. Parcel No. & Acreage 90-13 Martinez Edmond Gilbert 4990 Alhambra Avenue Martinez CA 94553 366-140-006 (Portion) 7.65 Acres Remarks Lead Agency Future subdivision 7274 consisting of 15 single family house. The city of Martinez has prepared a Negative Declaration. Martinez RECOMMENDATION: annexation. Authorize P.A. 90-13 to be included in a future formal REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION nO~A 9,8', DH JSM RAB ;/11 INITIATING DEPT /DIV JO\'ltll-A\J1R ~f.. ~ l-AOt-l. t-ljl.', ./ /// PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 90-13 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary Oistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO November 1, 1990 4. CONSENT CALENDAR b. SUBJECT DATE APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH WALTER F. STRAUSS, ET UX, JOB 4065, MORAGA AREA October 26 1 990 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT 'DIV Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: The property owner has requested the District's approval to allow encroachment of three wooden retaining walls, a drainage pipe, four raised garden beds, and a potting arbor with concrete slab floor over and within two District easements. BACKGROUND: Most of the proposed improvements will cross the 1 O-foot wide easement area at right angles, with a minimum vertical clearance of six feet to the ductile iron sewer main. A 2-foot high wooden retaining wall with a 30-inch high metal fence on its top will be installed along the northern edge of the 15-foot wide easement that crosses the property. The Strausses will also install a 1 2-foot removable section in the ornamental fence which will be along the east property line. The property owner has cooperated with District staff and has paid the District's fee for processing the subject agreement. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need should arise, the agreement requires the property owner to move the improvements at his/her expense within 30 days of notice to do so. This project (the proposed agreement) has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement relating to Real Property with Walter F. Strauss, et ux, Job 4065, and authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. JSM RAB cI~ JL REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I:J02A 9'8', ,()fJ-' DH (JJJfJ INITIATING DEPT IDIV / '?JIO O~ --- \;--- ~_. /" WALL W\Tti RETA\N\NG NCE ON TOP 30" \RON fE EN" EASEtA G'f'I~~___ <:)Y .-> .......- ~ ---- ~<c,. , ~~ / ~C3 / ~~~ REMOVABLE SECTION IN ~ ORNAMENTAL IRON FENCE POTTING ARBOR WITH CONCRETE FLOOR 10' SEWER EASEMENT RAISED WOODEN PLANTERS -- / / / / REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT Job 4065 - Parcel 2 Moraga Area . Central Contra Costa Sanitary lJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1 990 NO 4. CONSENT CALENDAR c. SUBJECT DATE APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH FRANK S. TZENG, ET UX, JOB 4382, ALAMO AREA October 26 1 990 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT !DIV Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept.lConstruction Div. ISSUE: The property owner has requested the District's approval to allow encroachment of a concrete pool deck over a District easement. BACKGROUND: The proposed pool deck will be constructed within a portion of the existing 10- foot wide sewer easement within the Tzeng's property. The encroachment will taper from 0 to 8 feet maximum over a distance of 50 feet. The existing eight inch A.B.S. sewer pipe, which was constructed in 1988, is approximately eight feet deep. The property owner has cooperated with District staff by providing construction drawings of the pool deck and has paid the District's fee for processing the subject agreement. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need should arise, the agreement requires the property owner to move the pool deck at his/her expense within 30 days of notice to do so. This project (the proposed agreement) has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement relating to Real Property with Frank S. Tzeng, et ux, Job 4382, and authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB JL INITIATING DEPT /DIV fI~ JSM \/1- /;0. P.lt. 'f\ousfi:. / . ~I ::T/iJ;;~ ~,I ~ \;+::;~~ " ,..J. I " \ \ ~t'>' ...... .~.:,c;;...;,! /)-- 1\ / ..~~. " I "':'" ...7- - */ .....-" ,- __,I , ,--\ \ \ \ REAL PROPE JOSRTY AGREmENT 4382 ALAMO AREA . Central Contra Costa Sanitary Oistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1990 NO 4. CONSENT CALENDAR d. SUBJECT DATE APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH JAMES S. WALLACE, ET UX, JOB 2343, MARTINEZ AREA October 26 1 990 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPTDIV Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer EngineeringDepartment/Construction Division ISSUE: The property owner has requested the District's approval to allow encroachment of two retaining walls over a District easement. BACKGROUND: The proposed walls will cross the easement area at right angles, with a minimum vertical clearance of seven feet from the existing eight inch asbestos cement pipe sewer main. The posts which support the retaining wall will be four feet clear (horizontally) of the sewer pipe. The property owner has cooperated with District staff by providing construction drawings of the retaining wall and has paid the District's fee for processing the subject agreement. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need should arise, the agreement requires the property owner to move the wall at his/her expense within 30 days of notice to do so. This project (the proposed agreement) has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEOA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement relating to Real Property with James S. Wallace, et ux, Job 2343, and authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. 110~A 9 8', 0 H JSM RAB JL REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IQrr f/IJV? \:/0 INITIA TING DEPT iDlV STORM DRAIN. & SAN. SEWER EASEMENT ~ I IiO~ 'WO/r. ... l: Oli~ LOT 21 PA.FikDA.l..e PI..A.ZA. . ~ - ------ --d LOT 23 SUBD.4456 REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOB 2343 I MARTINEZ AREA . Central Contra Costa Sanitary Oistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1 990 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR e. SUBJECT DATE ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE DEWATERING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (DP 3791) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION October 26 1 990 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPTDIV Munawar Husain, Associate Engineer Engineering Department/Construction Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Dewatering System Improvements Project (D.P. 3791) and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: Four new District-furnished sludge dewatering centrifuges were installed under this project together with facilities to convey dewatered sludge to the multiple hearth furnaces. Modifications were also made to auxiliary facilities such as odor control, polymer feed, and sludge blending systems. This project is described in more detail in the 1990-91 Capital Improvement Budget, pages TP-28 and TP-29. Attachment A is a location map for the subject project. The contract was awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, Dillingham Construction N.A. Inc., on March 3, 1988. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed on April 25, 1988. The original contract completion date was January 15, 1990. The District began using the new centrifuges in the spring of 1990 and substantial completion of punch list items occurred in October, 1990. Negotiations are currently underway with the contractor to resolve the District's assessment of liquidated damages and the contractor's claim for additional compensation for extended overhead costs due to alleged District-caused project delays. The District has retained sufficient contract funds to cover the liquidated damages which have been assessed. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. The total money allocated to this project from the Capital Improvement Budget is $10,689,447. The estimated cost of the pre purchased centrifuges is $1,430,000. The estimated cost of the design and installation of the dewatering system improvements is $9,200,000. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project close out. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the Dewatering System Improvements Project (D.P. 3791) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION U()~A 9.8', MH RSK JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT iDlV Jill .~ I~ JY/ W(J I , I , ~~ ~ JU PROJECT lOCATION )) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District DEWATERING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS (DP 3791) Attchment A . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS I , PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1990 5~ SU~ffNSIDER A REQUEST BY W. DOUGLAS LOMOW FOR CONSENT TO THE SALE OF A 50 PERCENT INTEREST IN ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. TO ROBERT M. SLlEPKA DATE SOLID WASTE a. October 25, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER OWNER- SHIP CHANGE SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: A reQuest for the consent of the District to the sale of a 50 percent interest in Orinda- Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. has been submitted by W. Douglas Lomow. BACKGROUND: On May 31, 1990, the Board of Directors determined that the assignment of the rights under the franchise agreement with Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. (franchisee) to W. Douglas Lomow should be approved. The Board's approval was officially made by Resolution No. 90-068 on June 8, 1990 with a number of provisos, including the following: "W. Douglas Lomow agrees that any transfer of any ownership of the newly formed company, or any part thereof, to an entity or persons other than Mr. Lomow and his immediate family shall reQuire an additional approval by the District Board of Directors. II In a letter dated October 5, 1990 and received in the District offices on October 11, 1990, W. Douglas Lomow reQuested the consent of the Board of Directors to the sale of a one-half interest in Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. The sale of 50 percent of the issued common stock of the franchisee is to be made to Robert M. Sliepka, and would result in an eQual ownership interest by Mr. Lomow and Mr. Sliepka. Upon completion of the sale, Mr. Sliepka will become Chairman of the Board of Directors of the franchisee, and Mr. Lomow would continue in his current capacity as President. The same reQuest for information used in processing Mr. Lomow's earlier reQuest for the assignment of the franchise has been completed by Mr. Sliepka. Additionally, the responses originally submitted by Mr. Lomow on a copy of the franchise agreement, which provided affirmation as to each section having been read and understood, have been endorsed by Mr. SHepka, without exceptions; therefore, Mr. Sliepka also endorses the Qualifying comments inserted by Mr. Lomow regarding Paragraphs 9, 10, and 29 of the franchise agreement. Copies of these documents submitted on behalf of Mr. Sliepka have been provided to the Board of Directors at an earlier date. District staff and District Counsel have reviewed the information submitted to enable consideration of the reQuest for the Board's consent to a change in the ownership structure of the franchisee. Our review has not disclosed any operational or legal objections to the ownership change. / REVIEWED AND RECO MENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 WF PM KA _'~.J."!/.".,., . {'1&:- /" Si:'Ci~SIDER A REQUEST BY W. DOUGLAS lOMOW FOR CONSENT TO THE SALE OF A 50 PERCENT INTEREST IN ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. TO ROBERT M. SlIEPKA POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE October 25, 1990 If the Board consents to the ownership change, Mr. lomow and Mr. Sliepka should be advised by letter that its consent should not be interpreted as ratification of the information submitted by Mr. Sliepka, nor should assent to any alteration of the obligations contained in the franchise agreement be inferred. RECOMMENDATION: District staff recommends that the Board of Directors renders its consent to the sale of 50 percent of the common stock of Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. by W. Douglas lomow to Robert M. Sliepka. O-MSale.PP 13028-9/85 . Centre. -,.Contra Costa Sanitar).listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1990 NO. 6. ENGINEERING a. SUBJECT DATE ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNER FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 4539 PARCEL NO.1 IN WALNUT CREEK AT A TOTAL COST TO THE DISTRICT OF $17,699 October 26, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY R I L.m. ey . I JOco Senior Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPT/DI~ngineering Department Engineering Division ISSUE: The Board of Directors' approval is required for accepting one (1) Grant of Easement. BACKGROUND: The Arlene Drive Sewer Improvement Project consists of replacing approximately 3,200 feet of existing 6- and 8-inch sewer mains in Arlene Drive between Newell Avenue and Orchard Lane in Walnut Creek. These existing sewers have insufficient capacity under wet weather conditions and have numerous maintenance problems. The subject easement is one (1) of five (5) parcels required for construction of the project. Two easement parcels have been acquired earlier and two more need to be acquired. The new easements will accommodate a revised sewer alignment which will facilitate maintenance efforts. The District's agent, Associated Right-of-Way Services, negotiated the granting of the easement, and staff recommends acceptance of this easement by the Board. Easement Parcel No. 1 is being granted by Charles and Frances Murray at a cost of $17,699. Sufficient funds are available in the budget for the Arlene Drive Sewer Improvement Project for the purchase of this easement. The District filed a Notice of Exemption under the District's California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) for the project on May 5, 1989. The Arlene Drive Sewer Improvement Project is described in the 1990-91 Capital Improvement Budget (pg. CS-19). RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to accept the Grant of Easement for District Project 4539, Parcel', at a total cost to the District of $17,699 and authorize the Grant of Easement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT/DIV. (>>W 1302A-9/85 ~IL TJP ~RW RAB I ~ JI. ztJS."". ~'~"'F.n/' t. 74.7" Page 2 of 2 SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT If" 005 ,6-4 - z '71,.019 18~-~ ZII- 006 184 . ",tile o~,\I(. Arlene Dr. Sewer Improvement DP 4539 PARCEL 1 184-211-007 MURRAY 2523.9 '66 . Centre. Contra Costa Sanitar) .listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1990 NO. 6. ENGINEERING b. SUBJECT ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENTS FROM PRIVATE PROPERTY OWNERS FOR DISTRICT PROJECT 4654, PARCEL NO.3 IN WALNUT CREEK AND PARCELS NO. 13 AND 14 IN CONTRA COSTA COUNTY AT A COST OF $88,925 DATE October 26, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENTS SUBMITTED BY Rey I. Limjoco Senior Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department Engineering Division ISSUE: The Board's approval is required for accepting three (3) Grants of Easement. BACKGROUND: Fourteen (14) easement parcels are required for construction of DP 4654, 1680/SR24 Sewer Relocations, Phase II. Three (3) of these parcels are being acquired by the District and the remaining eleven (11) parcels are being acquired by Caltrans for the District. The project consists of relocating approximately 10,700 feet of existing main and trunk sewers ranging in size from 6 inches to 66 inches in diameter at fourteen (14) different sites within the 1680/SR24 corridor between Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill to accommodate Caltrans' freeway widening and interchange modifications. This project is now under construction. To meet Caltrans' schedule, Associated Right-of-Way Services, Inc. (ARWS), the District's agent, obtained Permits to Enter and Construct for the subject parcels before construction commenced. ARWS has negotiated the subsequent granting of the permanent easements for these three (3) parcels and staff recommends acceptance of the easements by the Board. Easement Parcel No.3 is being granted by The Villas of Walnut Creek I Homeowners' Association at a cost of $28,500. Easement Parcels No. 13 and No. 14 are being granted by Homart Development Company at a cost of $60,425 for the two (2) parcels. Total cost for the three (3) parcels is $88,925. All costs associated with Caltrans' portion of the relocation project will be reimbursed, including the cost of acquisition of the subject easements. The District filed a Notice of Exemption under District California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) guidelines for the project on October 23, 1989. The 1680/SR24 Sewer Relocations Project is described in the 1990-91 Capital Improvement Budget (pg. CS-30). RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to accept the Grants of Easement for District Project 4654, Parcels 3, 13, and 14 at a total cost to the District of $88,925, and authorize the Grant of Easements to be recorded. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. MMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RIL TJP (foRW RAB G . ~H"FENG ROGER J. DOLAN rRMJ SITE {11 "BONITA 50 M PLACE" 43 o .litf~"3" . . _ ~ -""t8!... i."o:" :r,..;; =::~~ '. -.... <<q ~- 20' WIDE TEMPORARY COHSTAUCTION EASEMENT o cr oct" ;)- UJ ...J :::> o Q) SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT u SUB 85 29.5 M I .., Q. o. ~ ;. .. "~ . 0 >- .... -.., . . ...J <lJ ~~ 0 00 ~~ COMMON AREA LOT 1 io.t:, -.. ...;;...... ..0 :""~ -.., " . O:<lJ THE VILLAS OF WALNUT CREEK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION (CCI.R'S 1277e O.R. 299) I REC. $0 .. 4] I I AEC. 21S .. 1 (l!!J "ROPOSEO EASEMENT 1680/SR24 Sewer Relocations, Phase II DP 4654 Page 2 of 3 G PARCEL 3 THE VILLAS . .. 12971 O.R. 595 ~ !'c:i:r."'-~" 38',' AVE , ........ ~. ~ '~4~,~,;:,#. ..._....___ ':..,.__. ~ 9.0.0 . I = I; ~" i ",..@ 5 +1 .~~ I~~:::~~=:- u.~~:~, I I Z I I ~ I /',' ---r----Ty--"T--------1 ~ i :: / "" I : ~ 9Uj j,; LSMI : f, 23 / ;; \ ", I ~. I ~ ~, ~--------11 ~ ~ IA=98.517.84 SOH. / ~. \ I I -l A=' 56,291.15 SO.fT. :E IHOMART DEV. CO. / t\):..; \ I I Z~ I HOMART DE:~.CO .~ I ;: l... 0 \ - I I I . ,~ } : ~ I --- --- --- " / ~ \ --- '--l____L_____l_______~/ ~ f I ---"}, \ WAYNE COURT ~ ~ I :: I '. \ ~ I I 0 SEWER EASEMENT G .~; z .. '" . o ~ ... . :E N ... ... .. ~ '3". Page 3 of 3 SITE 10' SANITARY SEWER EASEMENT , - 680 FWY. e) 1680/SR24 Sewer Relocations, Phase II DP 4654 PARCELS 13 & 14 HOMART . Centrt. Contra Costa Sanitar) ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1 990 SUBJA'UTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO ALLOCATE $64,000 FROM COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR COMPLETION OF DIRECTIONAL DRILLING DEMONSTRATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4293 NO. 6. ENGINEERING c. DATE October 29 1990 TYPE OF ACTION ALLOCATE FUNDS SUB"W"T1;DjY . I ad . Pilecki Senior Engineer INITIATI.f::jG D.EPT./DLV tnglneenng Department Engineering Division ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to allocate additional construction funds in excess of 15 percent of the Board approved final project budget. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors, at its August 24, 1989 meeting, authorized the General Manager-Chief Engineer to enter into a lump sum contract for a demonstration project with FlowMole Corporation to install 6- and 8-inch sewer utilizing an innovative trenchless boring technology. Two of the three project elements covered by the August 24, 1989, position paper have been successfully installed. The District is now ready to proceed with the installation of the third and final project element, a 450-foot sewer in Foye Drive, Lafayette. To complete the Foye Drive sewer, an additional $64,000 is needed. Attachment 1 provides a detailed budget breakdown for the additional items. The additional funding will pay for new scope items (connection of laterals, field verification, and debeading equipment) and the additional cost associated with replacing Collection System Operations Department (CSOD) construction staff with contractor forces. Originally, FlowMole Corporation was to provide directional drilling and pulling of new pipe and CSOD was to connect laterals, dig pits, supply material, and restore project sites. Because of the project schedule and CSOD staffing limitations, CSOD will be unable to provide construction support services for the third element of the demonstration project. FlowMole Corporation will now be providing these services through the use of a subcontractor. In the present instance subcontracting will avoid increased costs due to potential delay of FlowMole Corporation; it will allow District staff to further evaluate the suitability of the directional drilling process; and it will allow the District to finish the Hall Drive Project during the next construction season. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ,I ~ TJP ~DRW RAB KLA 1302A-9/85 SUBJE~IJTHORIZE SUBCONTRACTING OF WORK ON DIRECTIONAL DRILLING DEMONSTRATION PROJECT (DP4293) AND AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER- CHIEF ENGINEER TO ALLOCATE $64,000 FROM COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE October 29, 1990 The first two demonstration sites allowed the District to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing the directional drilling process for 6-inch gravity sewer installations. The Foye Drive Demonstration site will test the ability of the directional drilling equipment to install an 8-inch diameter sewer main, which is the District's normal minimum size. In addition, field ev~luations will be conducted to determine the ability of the directional drilling process to maintain design line and grade. If the Foye Drive Project is successful, the FlowMole technology will be utilized on several upcoming District projects. A description of the project can be found in the 1990-91 CIB starting on Page CS-68. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to allocate $64,000 from the Collection System Program Contingency Account. 13028-9/85 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT I DEMONSTRATION PROJECT BUDGET SUMMARY Access Pits, Manholes, Material, Pipe 1 Assembly, Site Restoration 25,000 Debeader (Joint Smoothing) Equipment Extend and Connect Side Sewer Laterals 1 5,000 13,000 Field Verification (Survey, Potholing, Soils, Engr) 8,000 Additional Field Services Required on First Two Sites 1 3.000 Subtotal 64,000 Previous Budget Allocated to Project 134.200 TOTAL PROJECT COST 198.200 1 Work to be performed by Subcontractor ceo Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1990 NO. 1. PERSONNEL a. October 25, 1990 SUBJECT DENY APPEAL OF SUSPENSION BY WAYNE MASTEN, PLANT OPERATOR II, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARBITRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION DATE TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT IDIV Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative ISSUE: In accordance with the Grievance Procedure in the current Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees' Local No.1, the Board of Directors may adopt, reject, or modify the recommendation of an appointed neutral third party (arbitrator) in appealed disciplinary matters. BACKGROUND: Following progressive discipline, Mr. Wayne Masten, Plant Operator II, was suspended for two days without pay and one day held in abeyance for one year. If there were no repeat violations during the one year, the remaining one day of suspension would be withdrawn. He was suspended for failure to perform his duties as a Plant Operator II and misconduct. Mr. Masten appealed his suspension to the Board in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the parties. The Board authorized the selection of an arbitrator to hear the appeal and make a recommendation to the Board for their consideration. Mr. Mathew Goldberg, Esq., served as the arbitrator and was selected from a list submitted by the State of California Mediation and Conciliation Service. The arbitrator's decision has been distributed to the Board under separate cover. He ruled on the issue of whether the District had just cause for suspending Mr. Masten and, if not, what the remedy should be. In his opinion, Mr. Goldberg states his recommendation as: 1) deny the grievance, and 2) uphold Mr. Masten's suspension. The Secretary of the District notified Mr. Masten on October 16, 1990, that this issue would be on the Board's November 1, 1990, agenda. He was invited to attend if he desired. RECOMMENDATION: Deny and dismiss the appeal of Mr. Wayne Masten, Plant Operator II, as the final action of the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION uiTIATING Df?hL 1302A-9/85