HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-08-90 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary lJistrict BOARD. OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 8, 1990 NO. 3 . HEARINGS a. SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE 1990-1991 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET AND THE SELF- INSURANCE FUND BUDGET AND FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE 1990-1991 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES, AND ON PLACING CURRENT AND DELINQUENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION DATE June 1, 1990 TYP~&iD"tYCJF~UBLIC HEARINGS SUBMITTED BY Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIA TI~G QEPI /DIV. . Adm1n1s~rat1ve/F1nance & Accounting ISSUE: The District Codes and state law require holding Public Hearings for the establishment of the 1990-1991 Sewer Service Charge rates, and on placing current and delinquent Sewer Service Charges on the County tax roll for collection. BACKGROUND: Notice of the June 8, 1990 Public Hearings to consider changes to the current schedule of Sewer Service Charge rates for the 1990-1991 fiscal year, collection of the 1990-1991 Sewer Service Charges on the County tax roll, and to receive and consider protests to having delinquent Sewer Service Charges collected on the 1990-1991 tax roll, was duly given. It is recommended that three separate hearings be held to consider the matters described. Hearing to receive Dublic comment on the 1990-1991 ODerations and Maintenance (O&M) Budaet. and for the establishment of the 1990- 1991 Sewer service Charae Rates: The 1990-1991 O&M Budget was submitted to the Board of Directors for initial review at the May 31, 1990 Board Meeting and is scheduled for approval at the June 8, 1990 Board Meeting. Upon approval of the 1990-1991 O&M Budget, and consideration of appropriate levels of reserves, the Board annually considers changes to the schedule of Sewer Service Charge rates. Hearina to consider collection of the 1990-1991 Sewer Service Charaes on the County tax roll: The law requires that a Public Hearing be held each year before the Sewer Service Charge can be placed on the County tax roll. The Sewer Service Charge has been collected on the County tax roll since inception of the service charge in 1976. Collection on the tax roll provides the most economical and efficient means for the District to collect the charges for the 101,000 or so accounts. Effective with the 1982-1983 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIA TING DEPT/DIV. ~~~---~. 1302A-9/85 WF PM SU~~UCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE 1990-1991 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET AND THE SELF- INSURANCE FUND BUDGET AND FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE 1990-1991 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATES, AND ON PLACING CURRENT AND DELINQUENT SEWER SERVICE CHARGES ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE June I, 1990 fiscal year, Contra Costa County imposed a fee for collecting the Sewer Service Charge on the tax roll. The County fee, which approximates $60,000 annually, is still more economical than the alternative of direct billing by the District. Hearina to consider collection ot delinauent Sewer Service Charae account: The District bills certain property owners directly. During the 1989-1990 fiscal year, one owner was delinquent in paying the Sewer Service Charge which was billed directly. Information regarding the delinquent charge is contained on the attached report. It is proposed that the delinquent charge be collected on the 1990-1991 County tax roll, unless there is a valid protest. The delinquent property owner was notified of the June 8, 1990 Public Hearing by certified mail. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct three separate Public Hearings and upon their respective conclusions, adopt resolutions for the following actions, if considered appropriate: 1. Approve the 1990-1991 Operations and Maintenance Budget, and establish the 1990-1991 Sewer Service Charge rate schedule. 2. Authorize collection of the 1990-1991 Sewer Service Charge on the County tax roll. 3. Consider any protest and, if appropriate, adopt the attached report pursuant to section 5473, Health and Safety Code, for collection of delinquent Sewer Service Charges on the County tax roll. SSS/Pos.Paper#2/0&MSelf.PP 13028-9/85 J-l Q) ~ Q) 1.0 Q) ~ '" (J) .-10 ro I"- 0 +J+J .-l '" O~ 0 '" 8~ .. .-l 0 .-l I ~ '" {J)- CO '" .-l +J '0 ~ Q) Q)+J qt r-i ::Ir-i 1.0 .-I tJ1ro .r-t ~ ~ N .Q .r-t Q) '" r-i~ >t Q) {J)- r-i 0 8 l/l +J ::I 0 ~ 0 .r-t .r-t +J J-l 0 > ~ Q) .-l c) +J c) Q) Q) 0 qt l/l < J-l ::I ~ .r-t p.. tJ1ro 1.0 0 ~ ~r-i N ~ .r-t ro '" t.!) 0 r-il:Q J-l ~ Q) {J)- ro +J 0 +J ~ .r-t c) Q) ~ ~ 0 ~ ro c) '" (J) ro 0 H '" p.. r-i '" ro ~ .-l ro J-l '" +J ~ 0 ro .-l l/l ~ Q) .r-t l/l Q) I (J) ~ 0 ::I .r-t> '" c) p::j ~ +J ~ CO ~ '" ro ~ Q) .-l J-l ::t ::I .. +J ~ tJ1>t ~ (J) ~+J 0 8 .r-t J-l ~ c) .-IQ) ro Z Q)p.. ~ .-I ~ '00 ro ro p J-l 00< J-l Z l/lp.. ::I+Jc) +J .r-t ~~ ~ H '0 .r-t .. ....:l Q) ~ J-l Q) O~Q) C) Q)+J .r-t r-i 0 ~ l/l ~r-ir-i ~ ~.r-t .r-t~.r-t ~ Or-i +J > . 01.O~ ~ >tl/l .r-t 0 ro .-I +J .r-t ONO Q) J-l..c:: (J) Q) ::E: p..J-l &<l o 0 Ul 0 J-l~ .. ..... p.. J-l N Q) 0 "ttt ~~ l/l qt J-l ~ J-l Ul I Q) .r-t ro Q) CO p.. ~..c: l/l N ro OC) l/l . 0 ~ .-I <0 I .-IQ) Z 0 Ul o 0 >t 0 0 ~.r-t .j.l .-l ~ > ~ I ..... Q) J-l ::I I"- (J) ..c::Q) 0 '" (J) 8{J) C) .-l (J) . Central Contra Costa Sanita~y District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING qJune 8, 1990 NO. SUBJECT DATE June 1 1990 RECEIVE THE 1990-1991 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE TYPE OF ACTION BUDGET AND THE SELF-INSURANCE FUND BUDGET FOR APPROVAL BUDGET APPROVAL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT IDIV Administrative/Finance & Walter Funasaki Finance Officer Accountin ISSUE: The 1990-1991 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Budget and the Self-Insurance Fund Budget were submitted for review at the May 31, 1990 Board Meeting, and are scheduled for approval at the June 8, 1990 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: The 1990-1991 O&M Budget expenses total $25,394,243 which exceed the 1989-1990 budgeted expenses of $23,630,735 by $1,763,508, or 7.5 percent, and the 1989-1990 projected actual expenses of $23,144,985 by $2,249,258, or 9.7 percent. Explanations for significant departmental expense variances between 1990-1991 budgeted expenses and 1989-1990 projected actual expenses are provided following each departmental expense summary within the separately bound budget document. The expense accounts in the 1990-1991 O&M Budget document are presented in a classified format to provide subtotals by major account categories. These categories are: Labor (comprised of Salaries and Wages and Employee Benefits); Directors Fees and Expenses; ChemicalS, Utilities; Repairs and Maintenance; Hauling and Disposal; Professional and Legal Services; outside Services; Self-Insurance; Materials and Supplies, and Other. The 1990-1991 O&M Budget revenues of $22,872,000 exceed 1989-1990 budgeted revenues of $22,443,752 by $428,248, or 1.9 percent, and the 1989-1990 projected actual revenues of $21,982,871 by $889,129, or 4.0 percent. The budgeted Sewer Service Charge revenues are based on the present annual rate of $124, and projected increases in residential connections and usage volumes for commercial and industrial users during 1990-1991. As shown in Attachment I, continuation of the $124 Sewer Service Charge rate in 1990-1991 would cause the O&M reserves to fall to $795,000, which is $1.6 million short of a prudent reserve level of 10 percent of expenses; a $13 rate increase, representing a 10.5 percent increase, would be required to achieve such reserves. Also shown on Attachment I, in the far right-hand column, is the 1990-1991 budgeted operating results based on a $136 rate, which would require a $12, or 9.7 percent, increase. Staff will recommend the $136 Sewer Service Charge rate for 1990-1991 as being necessary to provide for operations and maintenance, and a reasonable level of reserves. A INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. ROGER J. DOLAN SSS/Position Paper #2/RECO&M.BUD STATEMENT OF DONALD L. CHRISTEN, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT OF THE CONTRA COSTA TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION BEFORE THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS JUNE 8, 1990 The Contra Costa Taxpayers Association has analyzed the proposed 1990-91 o & M Budget which you are considering this afternoon. The proposed 1990-91 0 & M Budget projects net expenses of $25,394,243. The budget also projects a 1990-91 reserve of $795,000 based on the continuation of the annual Sewer Service Charge at $124. We anticipate that the budget will come in under projections based on this continued good management of the District. This is best illustrated by the 1989-90 0 & M Budget which projected net expenses at $23,630,735 while the revised 1989-90 0 & M Budget projects actual expenses at only $23,144,985 or a significant difference of $485,750. Your staff plans to recommend a $136 Sewer Service Charge in order to increase 0 & M reserves to a prudent reserve level of 10 percent. I do not know of another governmental agency which operates with a 10 percent reserve. The Contra Costa Taxpayers Association recommends that you approve the proposed 1990-91 0 & M Budget and also adopt a sewer charge of $128 for 1990-91. This action would allow the District to operate with a generous reserve of more than 5 percent of your 0 & M Budget or approximately $1,337,000 in 1990-91. SUBJECT POSITION PAPER RECEIVE THE 1990-1991 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET AND THE SELF-INSURANCE FUND BUDGET FOR REVIEW 2 3 PAGE OF DATE May 25, 1990 range of Sewer Service Charge rates, and their effect on reserves, will be presented for the Board's consideration at the May 31, 1990 Board Meeting. The following attachments summarize revenues, expenses and reserves over six fiscal years, District labor charges budgeted to be capitalized in 1990-1991, and the expenses related to new departmental programs initiated in 1990-1991: Attachment I - Attachment II - Attachment III - This attachment summarizes the O&M revenues, expenses and reserve balances for the six fiscal years 1985-1986 through the 1990-1991 budget year, and the related Sewer Service Charge rate and Sewer Service Charge equivalent units for each fiscal year. This attachment is a graph which shows the expense categories of labor, chemicals, utilities and all other expenses in relation to total budgeted expenses for the seven fiscal years 1984-1985 through 1990-1991. This attachment presents departmental labor charges budgeted to be expended on capital projects in 1990-1991 for each of the capital programs in the Capital Improvement Budget. This attachment summarizes new departmental programs in 1990-1991, showing the major expenses included in the O&M Budget, the Sewer Service Charge effect of these expenses, and the associated furniture and equipment costs included in the 1990-1991 Equipment Budget. At the April 19, 1990 Board Meeting, a five-year financial projection of the Self-Insurance Fund revenues, expenses, and reserves was reviewed, and the Board approved the elimination of a self-insurance expense charge in the 1990-1991 O&M Budget because of the satisfactory reserves attained by the fund. The Self-. Insurance Fund Budget for 1990-1991 is presented on Attachment V and is incorporated in the five-year projection for the fund shown on Attachment VI. Attachment IV - Any revisions to the 1990-1991 O&M Budget determined at the May 31, 1990 Board Meeting will be incorporated in the budget to be 13028- 9/85 SUBJECT RECEIVE THE 1990-1991 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET AND THE SELF-INSURANCE FUND BUDGET FOR REVIEW POSITION PAPER 3 3 PAGE OF DATE May 25, 1990 submitted for approval at the June 8, 1990 Board Meeting, at which the following actions are scheduled: - Conduct a public hearing for the establishment of the 1990-1991 Sewer Service Charge rate, and establish the 1990-1991 Sewer Service Charge rate. - Conduct a public hearing for the collection of the 1990- 1991 Sewer Service Charges on the County tax rolls. - Approve the 1990-1991 O&M Budget, incorporating the established Sewer Service Charge rate. RECOMMENDATION: Review the 1990-1991 O&M Budget and Self-Insurance Fund Budget and provide District staff with comments and guidance leading to a Sewer Service Charge rate adjustment decision at the June 8, 1990 public hearing. SSS/Pos. Paper#2/RecO&M. Bud 13026- 9/85 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR a. POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH PINEBROOK PARTNERS, JOB 1529, - PARCEL 1, LAFAYETTE AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERrY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Engineeri~g De~a:t~ent/ ISSUE: The property owner, Pinebrook Partners, has proposed the construction of nine condominium units on Lot 1 of Subdivision 7373. A portion of one of the units will encroach into a District 10-foot wide sewer easement. BACKGROUND: District staff has met with the property owners and they have agreed to modify their plans so that the portion of the condominium uni t will extend less than three (3) feet into the easement. The bottom of the unit will be cantilevered over the easement with three (3) feet of clearance from the top of the ground. The attached sketch shows the physical relationships. Staff has determined that the proposed improvements with agreed modifications will not interfere with the present or future use of our sewer. However, the minor encroachment may interfere with any future replacement of the existing sani tary sewer. The standard real property agreement has been modif ied to make the property owner responsible for the District's added costs for working in the area of the encroachment, with a maximum liability for the property owner of $3,000. This project (the proposed agreement) has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement relating to Real Property with Pinebrook Partners, Job 1529, and authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 DH JSM JAL PJfJ RAB {)J- c/A/ INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ';t q ~ 4P9lb I:; .. "0, d'~ ~ ~ ~ d'~ ~ / ~~ / I ~~~~ ~ ~ .~. ~ ~~ .o.r':'~ ,~'s." \.J./~...." -.,jo1'"-':; m.l"'.....\~\~j~:".~li: '.:': E 0 '4>:.': :; .'. ,'..:7;5-10 ~"9.'~." .p.. \,811~ 0.." (- -'-.I', ~ .~~",,,,,-l f"'''''' '..l -;--( I-~ wY .... PE"\_~ "...._- \ / 10' SEWER EASEMENT !i-(J CANTILEVERED DINING ROOM REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOB 1529 PARCEL 1 LAFAYETTE AREA . Central Contra Costa Sanitary tJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 8, 1990 NO 4. CONSENT CALENDAR b. SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 90-9 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT DATE May 30, 1990 lcclp~l~NEXATION FOR PROCESSING sU8MIOe1l1Wis Hall Associate Engineer IN1!:l\Cj'1CJleerilJig Department Construction Division Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 90-9 Alamo Ralf Gester 919 Camino Ramon Danville CA 94526 192-240-007 ( 2 . 4 Ac) Owner to build one single family home on site. District to pre- pare "Notice of Exemption." CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 90-9 to be included in a future formal annexation. l~lOlA 98', DH JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION i)~ l/fIJ."..... I' ; / /. { INITIATING DEPT /DIV eORTESE LAND CO. U.'A.C STATE 53.12AC STEINER a FEll C I A NO 25.045 AC 5.' ... 0, PROPOSED ANNEXATION P .A. 90-9 '(' XA'\\.~1'~~_.___<______ . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT NO. . CONSENT CALENDAR c. DATE CONFIRM "AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM" AND APPORTION ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING OF SAID DIAGRAM, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 56, WALNUT CREEK AREA APPORTIONMENT OF LID BONDS SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV Engineering Department/ Construction ISSUE: The property owner, Ravi Anand, has requested this District to apportion the bond which is outstanding on a parcel of land in Local Improvement District (LID) 56. BACKGROUND: The original parcel in LID 56 which was assigned assessment number 56-22 has recently been split into three parcels. The new parcels are shown on the attached amended assessment diagram and are assigned assessment numbers 56-30. -31, and 56-32. In accordance with Section 8730 of the Streets and Highways Code, the District is required to apportion the LID bond amount on the original parcel to the newly created parcels. The County Auditor can then prepare a tax bill for each new parcel. The original parcel of land was assessed as three units. Since the original parcel has been split into three new parcels, each of the new parcels can receive one unit of assessment. The following is a summary of the apportioned assessments: Original Assessment No. Assessment Amended Assessment No. Amended Assessment Amount 56-22 $27,931.03 56-30 56-31 56-32 $9,310.34 $9,310.34 $9,310.35 RECOMMENDATION: Confirm the amended assessment diagram and apportion assessment amounts and authorize the recording of said diagram. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 DR JSM RAB &;r INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. "A" @J "C" 144 P.M. @ 43 "8" @) APPORTION L.I.D. BOND LID 56-22 WALNUT CREEK AREA . Central Contra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 8, 1990 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR d. SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE ASH STORAGE BASIN I IMPROVEMENTS AND HOLDING BASIN LEVEE ROADS PAVEMENT PROJECT (DP 10066 AND 10067) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION DATE May 30, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMl'{effi BClark Assistant Engineer INITIAT~Cf!h~~ring Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Ash Storage Basin I Improvements and Holding Basin Levee Roads Pavement Project (D.P. 10066 and 10067, respectively) and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The ash storage basin proj ect and the levee roads paving project were designed as two separate projects but were combined into one project for construction. The ash storage basin improvements work provides an all weather temporary storage site for ash and grit in the event an off-site disposal site is not available. The levee roads paving work provides all weather roads to the ash storage area as well as other vi tal areas of the treatment plant (see attached map). These projects are described in more detail in the 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget, pages TP- 30 and TP-63, respectively. The contract was awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, Les McDonald Construction Company of Hayward, on March 1, 1990. The Contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed on April 2, 1990. All work was substantially completed by the Contractor on May 22, 1990, a month before the original contract completion date of July 1, 1990. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project close out. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the Ash Storage Basin I Improvements and Holding Basin Levee Roads Pavement Project (DP 10066 and 10067) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION l:jO~A 98~, KC MH RSK JSM 'L ROGER J DOLAN Pji ~.l / / / / ,/ / / / / ASH STORAGE BASIN I IMPROVEMENTS AND HOLDING BASIN LEVEE ROADS Pavement Project (DP 10066 and 10067) /\ \ \ \ \ \ -----. "" . "'-. . \ ~....... .~ ...... '--- ! ............. ----.J ............\ \..... Attachment A . Centra. ":ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR e. DATE AUTHORIZE LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY FOR RUTH BENNETT, ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS TECHNICIAN II, FROM JUNE 13, 1990, THROUGH SEPTEMBER 3, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE LEAVE SUBMITTED BY Curtis Princi Department Division ISSUE: Board approval is required for an Employee Leave of Absence Without Pay for longer than 30 working days. BACKGROUND: Ruth Bennett, Engineering Applications Technician II, has been on Pregnancy Disability Leave since April 6, 1990. Under the provisions of the MOU, she may take up to six months' 1 eave for the bi rth of her ch il d by us i ng a combination of pregnancy disability leave, sick leave, vacation, earned overtime, and leave of absence without pay. Ms. Bennett has requested the Board approve a Leave of Absence Without Pay from June 13, 1990, through September 3, 1990. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a Leave of Absence Without Pay for Ruth Bennett, Engineering Applications Technician II, effective June 13, 1990, through September 3, 1990. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DRW ~ CRF INITIA~tJ PT.lDIV. 1302A-9/85 CWS f);2W . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 8, 1990 NO. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE a. DATE May 24, 1990 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION AND APPROVE REGULATIONS SUBJECT CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSOLIDATION OF THE ELECTION OF DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 6, 1990, AND CONSIDER DISTRICT REGU- LATIONS FOR CANDIDATE STATEMENTS SUBMITTED BY JOYCE E. McMILLAN SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT INITIATING DEPT/DIV ADMINISTRATIVE ISSUE: A request for consolidation of the election of District Board Members must be filed with the Board of Supervisors and County Elec- tions Department, and the District regulations relating to candidate statements must be modified or reaffirmed. BACKGROUND: The California Elections Code provides that Special Districts may require that elections of their Board Members be held on the same day as the Statewide General Election. When an election called by a District is consolidated with a Statewide Election, the District must file a resolution with the Board of Supervisors and County Elections Department requesting such consolidation. The Dis- trict must file a request for consolidation for the November 6, 1990 election no later than August 10, 1990. A proposed resolution has been prepared and is attached for your consideration. The Board of Directors must also reaffirm or modify the District regulations with regard to word limit, payment of costs, and payment of a deposit for candidate statements for the November 6, 1990 Dis- trict election. Currently, the District regulations require that candidates seeking election to the District Board of Directors be responsible for paying all pro rata costs for publication of their respective candidate statements; that the statements be limited to 400 words; and that ten (10) percent of the estimated cost of pub- lishing the statement be collected at the time of filing, with the balance being due ten (10) days after the election. Following approval by the Board of Directors, copies of the resolution requesting consolidation of the election and the District's regulations for candidate statements will be provided to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors and Elections Department. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution requesting consolidation of the election of District Board Members with the Statewide General Election to be held on November 6, 1990, and modify or reaffirm the District's regulations relating to candidate statements. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT/DIV. .~ 1302A-9/85 JEM RESOLUTION NO. 90- RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT REQUESTING CONSOLIDATION OF THE ELECTION OF ITS DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION WHEREAS, Elections Code Sections 23302 et seq. provide that the governing body of all special districts such as the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District may, by resolution, require that elections for its members be held on the same day as the Statewide General Election; and WHEREAS, on February 19, 1987, at a regularly scheduled meeting at which members of the public were given an opportunity to address the issue, the Board uf Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District determined that it would be in the best interest of the District and its citizens to consolidate elections with the Statewide General Election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, that the Board does hereby request that the election of District Board Members be consolidated with the Statewide General Election to be held on November 6, 1990; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the District is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Board of Supervisors of the County of Contra Costa, and to the Registration - Elections Department of said County. Resolution No. 90- June 8, 1990 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District this 8th day of June, 1990, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Aim District Counsel - 2 - . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD .OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 8, 1990 AMEND THE 1990-91 PERSONNEL BUDGET TO RECLASSIFY HENRY THOM FROM ASSOCIATE ENGINEER (S-77, $4077jMO TO $4939jMO) TO SENIOR ENGINEER (S-82, $4599jMO TO $5599jMO) NO. 7. PERSONNEL a. D~ne 1, 1990 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION RECLASSIFICATION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT IDIV ROBERT A. BAKER ENGINEERING ISSUE: Board reclassification. approval is required for a personnel BACKGROUND: The 1990-91 Personnel Budget, which has been preliminarily approved by the Board, contains a recommendation to create a Senior Engineer position in the Construction Division. (In order to avoid increasing the District staff census, the recommendation also includes the deletion of a vacant Assistant Engineer posi tion. ) Staff now recommends that an Associate Engineer in the Construction Division, Mr. Henry Thom, be reclassified into the Senior Engineer position. This recommendation is based on the fact that Mr. Thom is presently working at the Senior Engineer level. Mr. Thom's scope of responsibilities has steadily increased the past two years as the Construction Division's workload has increased. Mr. Thom has taken on increasingly complex professional engineering assignments such as: o Managing multiple construction contracts simultaneously. o Introducing the use of partial and full service consul tant assistance for proj ect contract administration staffing, thus increasing the District's ability to manage a heavy capital workload. o Introducing the use of preconstruct ion damage surveys on District sewer projects. o Overseeing the implementation of a sophisticated sewer construction public information program. o Managing complex projects utilizing staff from several departments (e.g. outfall project Phase II). Because Mr. Thom is, in fact, presently performing Senior Engineer level duties, staff recommends that the 1990-91 Personnel Budget be amended to reclassify Mr. Thom into the Senior Engineer position REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ENG. 1302A-9/85 SUBJECT AMEND THE 1990-91 PERSONNEL BUDGET TO RECLASSIFY HENRY THOM FROM ASSOCIATE ENGINEER (S-77, $4077/MO TO $4939/MO TO SENIOR ENGINEER (S-82, $4599/MO TO $5599/MO) POSITION PAPER 2 2 PAGE DATE OF JUNE 1, 1990 already included in the Budget. Staff would still intend to delete the vacant Assistant Engineer position to avoid an increase in staffing level. RECOMMENDATION: Reclassify Henry Thom from Associate Engineer (S- 77, $4077/mo. to $4939/mo.) to Senior Engineer (S-82, $4599/mo. to $5599/mo.) effective at the beginning of the June pay period. 13028-9/85 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary _Astrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF27 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 8, 1990 NO. SUBJECT 8 RFAL DATE June 4, 1990 AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF DANVILLE MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER TYPE OF ACTION Adopt Resolution, Aut - orize Funds, Authoriz Purchase of Property SUBMITTED BY Joye Kurasaki Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Collection System 0 erations ISSUE: Board authorization is required to authorize funds and proceed with the purchase of property located within the Town of Danville (Town) Municipal Service Center. Prior to authorizing the purchase, the Board must adopt a resolution and order the filing of a Notice of Determination stating that it has reviewed and considered the Negative Declaration prepared by the Town of Danville. BACKGROUND: The Collection System Operations Department (CSOD) recently completed a study of its future facilities needs. In the near term, the most efficient configuration is for CSOD to continue to operate out of the District's Walnut Creek yard. That study also identified the growth of the maintenance workload in the San Ramon Valley due to aging sewers. If the work load increases as anticipated, then the District would benefit from having a satellite yard in the Danville area. The Town of Danville is proceeding with the development of a six-acre Municipal Service Center as part of a larger community park and public school project located off Camino Tassajara, approximately 2 miles east of 1680 (see Attachments 1 and 2 for Location Map and site Plan, respectively). The grading contract for the Service Center site is currently underway. Construction of the buildings and facilities is scheduled to begin this summer. The Town is providing the inspection and project management activities during construction. with the concurrence of the Board, staff has negotiated the terms and conditions for the purchase of one acre of property located entirely within the Municipal Service Center. The tentative agreement covers the following items: Purchase of one acre of property in fee simple title Complete drainage and fencing Paving of the property All utilities brought to the one-acre property for future construction Unlimited right of access PT./DIV. lYv-- J..K J.. SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF DANVILLE MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER 2 PAGE DATE OF 27 June 4, 1990 The tentative agreement also provides for the following conditions on the one-acre property: - District uses of the property to be consistent with activities associated with a Municipal Service Center - Future temporary and permanent District structures to be architecturally consistent with the Town's buildings - In the event that the District decides to lease or sell the property at a future date, the Town shall have the right of first refusal - District participation in the annual cost of maintenance of joint use facilities (e.g., access roads, landscaping). This cost is estimated at $3,000 to $4,000 per year in the initial years. In the near term, this property would be used to store backfill, excavation spoil, pipe, temporary paving, and construction equipment. The long-term uses range from continued use for materials and equipment storage to a fully-equipped satellite yard. The purchase of this property is recommended at this time in recognition of the development that is occurring in the San Ramon Valley. It is anticipated that this ongoing development will limit the District's opportunities to obtain facilities for this type of activity in the future. The negotiated purchase price for the one-acre property is $347,000. An additional $5,000 is required for a title report and title insurance for a total of $352,000. The General Improvements Contingency Account for FY 1989/90 does not have sufficient funds for this purchase. Funds are included in the 1990/91 Capital Improvement Budget with payment in the first quarter of FY 1990/91. However, since staff is requesting Board authorization to purchase the property at this time, staff is also requesting the concurrent authorization of funds. Funds in the amount of $352,000 must be authorized from the Sewer Construction Funds to supplement the General Improvements Contingency Account. A Negative Declaration addressing the proposed Joint Municipal Service Center was prepared by the Town of Danville pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The Negative Declaration was used by the Town to make its determinations and to approve the Service Center Project. A copy of the Negative Declaration was distributed to the Board under separate cover. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF PROPERTY LOCATED IN THE TOWN OF DANVILLE MUNICIPAL SERVICE CENTER POSITION PAPER 3 PAGE DATE OF 27 June 4, 1990 In accordance with District CEQA Guidelines section 7.17 (f), the Board must review and consider the environmental effects of the Project as shown in the negati ve Declaration before approving the proposed property purchase. District staff has reviewed said Negative Declaration and concurs with its findings. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt a resolution concurring with and adopting the Negative Declaration of the Town of Danville. 2. Order the filing of a Notice of Determination stating that the District, as a Responsible Agency, has considered the Negative Declaration as prepared by the Town of Danville. 3. Authorize $352,000 from the Sewer construction Fund to the General Improvements Contingency Account. 4. Authorize the purchase of one acre of property located within the Town of Danville Municipal Service Center at the cost of $347,000. 13028-9/85 I /1' ,I f// I : I ~\ ~ ~ I I I ~ 'Eu '" (~ <...J + 4-~.,L --- : (' "-..... I L If == I ~{ :::> I )1 Z I > '"0;; (/-' I ~ I :: / ~~ ... -\<"'s \~, I r----J.,.-... I LL, / ~~.) ,.........~ w " / 0) '( _J iJ J/ ~-~+---+~-+---~ / / I -~~ ~".J j/<:" I - FJ--r I I ,___/- --T\ ,/'- V"--- I ,,< r I; I I I _-c--------~- I /r/ I ---;;, / '<, ~ t--/:-+--~+- ~ I (/ I'l;l I { I I) /J I r,/ I r~ I t----+- I ! I : I ~.. ~ ......>1 L........'. ...'...'.......'..1 l~'. - - "_:~-'::' I ~~ ('~ f -- z 9: f c.; ~ u ~ . r-l . 8 . Z r:.::l . ~ - - () . ~ .. 8 . 8 ~ ~ . c.a ID - - .- a II II . -- = - ~ = .. a = ~ I , I \ \ I , I ._~XJ i .~ III ~ I ~/ "'n '0"10' ---+---!-+~~ I ;:{ I ~.>\ ---------3-- r3> n~ I I ~ :~~ I I I I I --f----+ . , I / . . ..= .,.- ..~- ...,. :e! ~ . . ..u.. .',', ". ',',',._",._,,;,', ,'., '~'" '" "'h'"",, '.', '..' "'.'M ,. ,',-"" ~ ' ~ .", \ ~ " ./ >- '" . ~ . , ~ , i , ..... I .-;: ." " .' l H ~ P<~ HO~ OH~ H>8 Z~Z ~~~ ~U)O N I:-< Z ~ ::s ::r: o .<: 8 8 r< / RESOLUTION NO. 90- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERTY BETWEEN THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AND THE TOWN OF DANVILLE, CALIFORNIA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT, the District certifies that it has reviewed and considered the Negative Declaration prepared by the Town of Danville acting as Lead Agency, pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act, for environmental review of the subject Project; THAT, the District concurs with and adopts the Negative Declaration prepared by the Town of Danville. District staff shall file Notice of Determination in compliance with section 21152 of the Public Resources Code; THAT, the District hereby consents to the execution of the Real Estate Purchase Agreement and all applicable legal documents between the Central Contra Costa sanitary District and the Town of Danville, California, for parcels 1 and 2 which are portions of parcel F of Subdivision 6983 as certificate No. 88-18088, in Book 319, pages 11 through 18 of Maps, in the Office of the County Recorder of the County of Contra Costa, State of California; THAT, the District is hereby authorized and directed to execute the Real Estate Purchase Agreements and all required legal documents; THAT, the President and Secretary of the District are hereby authorized and directed to accept the Grant Deed(s) for and on behalf of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, and THAT, the District staff is authorized and directed to record said Grant Deed(s). PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th day of June, 1990, by the District Board of the Central Contra costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: CSOD/C:\PosPaper\Danville.JK, pg. 5 President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. AIm District Counsel CSOD/C:\PosPaper\Danville.JK, pg 6 Mitigated Negative Declaration 1. Applicant: Town of Danville 2. Address and Phone Number: 510 La Gonda Way, Danville, California (415) 820-1080 3. Date of Initial Study: November 7, 1989 4_ .Aiency R~~ Initial Study: Town of Danville 5. Name of Proposal: Danville Municipal Service Center 6. Description of Proposal: The Town of Danville is proposing a 5.9 acre Municipal Service Center to be located the Tassajara Valley off Sherburne Hills Road. This Service Center would house all city vehicles currently used for maintenance of city facilities. Approximately one acre of the site would be sold to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for their use as a maintenance facility. The Sanitary district would use the site for office, parking, and the storage of materials as mutually agreed to by both the Town and the District. The site would be paved and suitable for development by the Sanitary District. Facilities permitted by the Town for the Sanitary District parcel include: office personnel facilities; parking; support facilities (fuel pumps; vehicle wash-down area; vehicle maintenance shop; covered warehouse; spoils storage but not sewage spoils; uncovered storage; gravel, rock and material bins). 7. Environmental Impacts: See the attached Initial Study. 8. Mitil!ation Measures: See the attached Initial Study. 9. Fmdin~s: On the basis of this Initial Study, the Town of Danville has found that the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment; however, on the basis of soils and geological reports prepared by Berlogger Geotechnical Consultants, a traffic report prepared by TJKM and visual cross-sections prepared by Black: & Veatch which were conducted for the Municipal Services Center, it is determined that these potentially significant effects can be reduced to less than a significant status with the recommended mitigation measures Date:~/Pf /7&1 I .' Initial Study and Negative Declaration Danville Municipal SeIVice Center . November 10, 1989 1 Draft Municipal Service Center Initial Study and Negative Declaration Introduction The California Enviromnental Quality Act (CEQA) recommends the use of an Initial Study to determine if a proposed project may have an adverse enviromnental effect (Section 15063). The Initial Study enables the lead agency to determine potential enviromnental impacts and, where possible, alter a project or include mitigation measures such that potential impacts are avoided. This Mitigated Negative Declaration rontllinc an Initial Study conducted for the Danville Municipal Service Center, an asse~cment of potential impacts, and mitigation measures associated with these impacts. . Background The Danville Maintenance Facility has moved 7 tim.es since it began operations for the Town in 1983. Since this time the staff for the maintenance operations has grown from 2 to 14 employees. This growth has resulted in a transition from Developer Services to Maintenance Services. The present location of the Town of Danville's Service Center is 2655 Camino Tassajara where all equipment and materials are stored for maintenance operations. The intent of the permanent facility is to provide the needed services to all parts of the Town and to fully serve the clients of the Town with an adequate maintenance and repair facility. Project Description The Town of Danville is proposing to construct a permanent Maintenance Service Center which could provide the current level of maintenance service to the Town of Danville. ., The current maintenance operations involve maintenance of 35,280 square feet of buildings; 10.3 acres of community landscaping; 35.2 acres of drainage courses; 54.3 acres of parks; 113 miles of streets; 2.6 miles of trails; and a fleet of 50 vehicles. As the Town develops, maintenance responsibility will rise accordingly. Street and drainage maintenance includes activities such as: pothole patching; street repair; street sweeping; litter control; weed control; ditch, channel and creek cleaning; traffic message painting; sign installation, repair and replacement; and tree trimming. . Maintenance activities for Parks and Community Landscape include: weed control; litter pickup; irrigation inspection and repair; turf mowing and maintenance, playground inspection and repair; shrub and tree trimmillg color spot planting; ballfield and tennis court maintenance; and trail maintenance. The Municipal Services and maintenance center will also provide janitorial service and building repairs and modification for Town buildings. The proposed project would involve construction of a S,200 square foot AdminkfTation Building, 3,150 square feet of shops, 2,470 square feet of vehicle maintenance facilities, lockers for 60 employees, a 3,000 square foot warehouse building for storage, covered parking for 66 vehicles, and miscellaneous equipment storage. The Town's objective for the Municipal Service Center is to provide a high level of response to the Town's Customers and to provide the essential maintenance services for an efficient and well planned service center. . 2 . ... +. N . '-- .:. DANVILLE M^INT~CE SERVICE CENTER \ Figure 1 Prepared by T JKM . 2 \. ~)(- .' . co, @t.)~ / c: W t- Z W t) W U > c: w C/) ...J c( c.. U Z :) ::a w ...J ...J > Z < :/ C\I CD ~ ::J c) - LL Initial Study The following Environmental Assessnoent includes those items identified in the CEQA guidelines that should . be considered in an cnvironmental review of a project. Those items that are checked "YesW or wMaybew are discussed more fully in the subsequent section of the Initial Study. L Environmental Impacts ~ ~r!2 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or changes in geologic substructures? .x.. b. Disruptions, displacements, compaction or overcovering of the soil? .x.. Co Change in topography or ground surface and relief features? .x.. d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? ..x. c. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils. either on or off the site? ..x. f. Changes in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion which may modify the channel river or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? - ..x. g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earth- quakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? .x.. 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? ..x. b. The creation of objectionable odors? ..x. Co Alteration of air movement, moisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either >locaUy or regionally? ..x. 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: a. Changes in currents, or the course of direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh waters? ..x. b. Changes in absorption rates, drainage patterns, or the rate and ~~m~ce~m ..x. Co Alterations to the course of flow of flood waters? ..x. d Change in the amount of surface water in any water body ..2l. Co Discharge into surface waters, or in any alteration of surface water, including but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? ..x. 5 .' fu ~H2 Alterations of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? 01ange in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or withdrawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? ~ure of people or property to water related hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: f. g. h. i a. Change in the diversity of species, or number of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique. rare or endangered species of plants? Co Introduction of new species of plants into an area. or in a barrier to the normal replenishment of existing species? d Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? 5. Animal Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms or insects)? b. Reduction of the numbers of any unique rare or endangered species of animals? Co Introduction of new species of animals into an area. or result in a barrier to the migration or movement of animals? d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in ending noise levels? b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? 8. . Land Use. Will the proposal result in a substantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? 9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? .'~:~..-.....:~-'.! .lid ;~, ~ "~.1 n&. 6 .x. .x.. .x. ..x. .x.. .x. ..x. .x. .x. .x. .x. ..x. .x.. .x.. .x. .x. .x. 10. Risk of UpseL Will the proposal involve: ~ ~~ a. A risk of aD explosion or the release of hazardous substances (mcluding, but not limited to oil, pesticides. chemicals or radiation) in the cvent of aD accident or upset conditions. Possible interference with aD emergency response plan or aD emergency evacuation plan? b. 1L Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth of aD area? 12. Housing. Will the proposa1 affect msting housing. or aeate a clcmand for additional housing? 13. Transportation/Circulation. Will the proposal result in: a. b. c. d. e. f. Generation of substantial additional vehicular movement? Effects OD existing parking facilities, or demand for new parking? Substantial impact upon existing transportation systems? Alterations to present patterns of circulation or movement of people and/or goods? Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? Increase in traffic hazards to motor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered governmental services in any of the following areas: a. b. c. d. c. f. 15. Energy. a. b. . FIre protection Police protection Schools? Parks or other recreational facilities? Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? Other governmental services? Will the proposal result in: Use of substantial amounts of fuel or coergy Substantial increase in demand upon existing sources or energy, or require the development of new sources of energy? These .No. questions are answered in the attached pages. 7 ..x.. x ..x.. ...x... x ..x.. · ..x.. · ..x.. · ..x.. · ..x.. ..x.. ..x.. .x. ..x. .x. ..x.. ..x.. ..x.. 16. Utilities. Will the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alteratiODS to the following utilities: 17. Human Health. Will the proposal result in: ~ ~~ ..x.. a. Creation of any health hazard or potential health hazard (excluding mental health)? Exposure of people to potential health hazards? b. 18. Aesthetics. WiD the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the aeation of an aesthetically offensive site open to public view? 19. Reaeation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of en.uing reaeatlonal opportunities? ", 20. Cultural Resources. a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? b. Will the proposal result in adverse physical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? Co Does the proposal have the potential to cause a physical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? d. 21. Mandatory rmdings of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species. cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal community. reduce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate important examples of the major periods of California history or prehistory? Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term. to the disadvantage of long-term. environmental goals? (A short-term impact on the environment is one which oc::curs in a relatively brief. definitive period of time while long-term impacts will endure well into the future). Does the project have impacts which are individually limited. but cumulatively considerable? (A project may impact on two or more separate resources where the impact on each resource is relatively small. but where the effect of the total of those impacts on the environment is significant). b. Co d. Does the project have environmental effects which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings. either directly or indirectly? ;1 .~..~, I I 8 .x. .x.. .x.. ..x. .x. ..x.. ..x. ..x. ..x.. .x. .x. ..x.. ~:...,..; '~I> 'it ,+. ';:1 :,;;- '.".' ~"~{ !~~: ~)~j~' ~;1~.' :.~~. }._~' 'r~~ ~~.'f :i~ ,I., ~?:~ 7~l ~? .Y'Z' ':;'.J, '\., m IV. o I!J Discussion of Environmental Evaluation (Narrative description of environmental impacts is included in the attached pages). Determination (1'0 be completed by the Lead Agency). On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project COUlD NOT have a significant effect on the environment, and a NEGATIVE DEClARATION wiD be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NEGATIVE DEClARATION Wll..L BE PREPARED. on the environment, and an O I find the proposed project MAY have ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACf RE ~7/'jrr1 Date f SJgDature F!~ ,1; 9 ,~ I~':i,;, .~.';'.'''',.',.'': ~.. " :~ . ~,.~ , , j." ~ :.~.; i]. ~~, ;. oj ~",~.,';, I'~l ,~.;:;.",.'.'. \.~ .~~.'~ t.'.'} .', ' ';u.- , , . {;FY~,. ,~ .~ ';~E~:~ :~r .~;1i: '::.:c{' ,'I;..~";,<,'". .' ' ( :.~ Discussion of Potential Environmental Effec~s The discussion of Environmental Issues relates directly to the Initial Study and therefore, the numbering system of this &Cdion corresponds with the Initial Study questions. L Earth ~ Berlogger Geotechnical Consultants prepared two geotechnical studies for the site (1988, 1989) which were the basis of this evaluation. The gently sloping 5.9 acre site rises to northeast and abuts a steeply sloping hill A major landslide was identified on this slope by geotechnical consultants. The site lies within the Coast Range GeOmorphic Province. The underlying geologic structure of the site consists of Pliocene bedrock of the Orinda Formation, and quarte~ alluvium that has been deposited in the Sycamore Valley and adjacent ravines. The soil types found on the site are primarily clay or clay loam located on slopes of 0 to 75 percent. Impact Analysis Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or changes in geologic substructures? Maybe. It is possible that the proposed project could result in unstable earth conditions due to the existing potential for landslides and soil and rock expansion on the site. Standard construction techniques may exacerbate the site's potential for soil instability. The Berlogger geotechnical report indicates that the proposed grading plan will involve repair of the ending landslide discovered in the northwest portion of the site. This repair will involve keying and benching to help stabilize the slope. In addition, the slope repair will include the necessary subdrainage and slope buttressing. b. Disruptions. displacements, compaction or O'YCI'covering of the soil? Yes The proposed project would result in the construction of several buildings with associated laDdscaping, an access road, and parking. These facilities would require grading and stabilization of the soil. and would result in compaction and covering of soil through paving and building construction. Co O1ange in topography or ground surface relief features? Yes. Although the site is only gently sloping. the proposed project will require grading activities which will alter its topography. As presently conceived, grading for the maintenance yard will entail cuts up to SO feet deep, resulting in a maximum cut slope height of 135 feet; and fills up to 15 feet deep, in an adjoining ravine. Grading for the remainder of the project will involve cuts up to 10 feet deep and cut slopes up to 2S feet high as weD as fills up to 15 feet deep and fill slopes up to 8 feet high. Specific details are given in the August, 1989 Geotechnical report prepared for the proposed maintenance yard. S. ~ of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes. landslides. mudslides. ground failure, or similar hazards. Maybe. The geologic hazards which may affect the project site include strong ground lI:hltlring during an earthquake, expansive soils and rock, and landsliding. A massive landslide has been discovered at the southwest property comer and will be repaired as part of the site preparation work for the proposed project. This landslide repair and details for filling, grading, drainage and other geotechnical aspects of site preparation is discussed in the Berlogger Geotechnical Consultants Report, Volume n Tassajara Park. Camino Tassajaaaaara. dated August S. 1989. These hazards are not unique to the area and are mitigatable with specific measures which are presented in this report. 10 i.,:,'~'",''':,'.~ : r-~' ~ /; ~;.. 1 ~"',','.' "1 <\; '.> " ;~~.' i ~ trf: ,~J.)" :,:~,~..',:'I' ~, ,; ~. ~:'I :~ :. ?to, :~" ,~~.. ',,:,.',,'1 .... ~ I I ,~;.. J~.:........ Mitiption Measures 1. All earthwork should be conducted using the recommendations in the Berlogger Geotechnical Consultants Reports for Tassajara Park. dated July 6,1988 and August 8,1989. This includes the recommendation that a field representative of Berlogger should be present during all site clearing and grading operations to test and obserYC all earthwork construction. including site preparation and grading, utility trench bal"lrfi11ing. and roadway subgrade compaction. The field representative should also be present to evaluate the condition of cut slopes; and to recommend final buttress and shear keyway configurations; and to select the final locations of all subdrains. The recommendations of the August. 1989 report are contingent upon these field observation provisions. Additionally, the Berlogger office should be notified at Icast 48 hours prior to commencement of any grading activity to allow for discussion and plAnnittg with the earthwork contractor, in order to minim be poSSIble misunderstandings and to avoid unnecessary delays. 2. Structures should be designed according to the current Uniform Building Code for Seismic Zone 4 (those areas where the potential for major structural damage from earthquakes exists). 3. Cut slope design should be conservative to minimize the potential for slope failure. 4. Foundation systems for structures should be designed to have minimal support contact with soil in the zone of seasonal moisture changes. Drilled piers deriving their support below the zone of seasonal moisture change is an example of the type of foundation meeting this criteria. S. Roads and other pavements should be designed to minimize effects from expansion pressures. flexible asphaltic materials can be used rather than rigid concrete slabs. ~ 3. Water ~ The primary drainage on the project site is an intermittent drainage swale along the northeast boundary of the parcel. This drainage flows into Sycamore Creek at the base of the Sycamore Valley. Sycamore Creek is located in the greater San Ramon Creek watershed and eventually drains into San Ramon Creek. The flows in Sycamore Creek are regulated at the Blackhawk detention basin to maintain minimum streamflows and provide flood control. Impact Analysis Will the proposal result in: a. C1anges in currents, or in the course or direction of water movements, in either marine or fresh ....J ,Ip , :',~I '~.t... .' ..~ '.'~~.'- ., , Mitiption Measures L All drainage facilities onsite shall be designed to accommodate a 100 year design storm for the area. Additionally, if any existing downstream drainage capacities are exceeded by the additional flow from the project, those facilities shall be upgraded by the applicant to ensure 100 year flood protection. 4. Plant life ~ The gently sloping project site is covered with a mixture of introduced grasses and forbs including wild oats (Avena fatu~, and milk thistle ~ilvbum marian~). . hnpact Analysis Will the proposal result in: c:. IDtrodudioo of DCW species of plants ioto aD area. 01' in . barrier' to the DOI1I1a1 replP.nie.l.ment of -'cti.,g species? Maybe. Development of the Service Center will remove the exidi"8 native and introduced grasses, and replace the grassland habitat with a paved surface and landscaping that will not consist of the present grasses and forbs. No rare, threatened, or endangered plant species have been identified on the project site. Due to the relative area of construction (approximately 5.9 acres), no significant reduction in the numbers of plants is anticipated. . Miti~tion Measures No mitigation measures are required, however project landscaping should incorporate native plant species to the maximum extent possible to provide additional habitat for wildlife. 5. ,Animal life ~ The primary animals inhabiting the project site include burrowing animals, deer, and raptors. Impact Analvsis Will the proposal result in: a.o.~ in the JIIIDlba of any spccic:s of anDnak? Maybe. The proposed Service Center will remove approximately 59 acres of grassland habitat. Although this is not a significant amount of habitat, it contnoutes to the c:umulative loss of grassland habitat in the Sycamore Valley. c:. IDtrocJvdinn of DCW spccic:s of anirn"le. into aD area, 01' result in . barrier to the migration or movcmc:at of ,ftDnlllle.? Maybe. Construction of the Municipal Service Center will remove the grassland habitat and replace it with a paved area and new plant species in landscaping. The cumulative changes occurring with developing the project site and vicinity is the inclusion of non-native landscaping. The introduction of landscape plants offers habitat which is generally more attractive to urban wildlife species than to the native wildlife species. Wildlife which presently use the project site will be displaced into the hills to compete for suitable habitat. The loss of approximately 5.9 acres of grassland is not considered to be a significant impact, but it will contnoute to the c:umulative loss of grassland habitat in the Sycamore Valley. 12 ."~,:~.:-.:~; "':." ill ~j;' ~ ...:.."~ .' .:.. I I , ~ I I i I I j I I ...-. Miti~ation Measures Native plant species that provide food and cover for wildlife should be used in landscaping to the maximum extent possible. 6.. Noise ~ Noise is couimooly defined as unwanted sound.. It is an environmental pollutant that can be a source of annoyance and discomfort, interfering with human activities at home and work and also potentially causing adverse physiological and psychological effect upon human health. The 1987 Danville General Plan establishes policies intended to protect residents from nuisances and hazards associated with excessive noise levels. It discourages location of sensitive land uses near noise sources unless adequately screened and requires mitigation measures to reduce noise intrUsion from fixed and transportation sources. The primary noise source in the vicinity of the proposed site is Camino Tassajara. The General Plan indicates that the 60 L.t.. noise contour generated by this corridor concurs with the southenimost boundary of the proposed project site. Because of projected increases in traffic volumes, in 2005 the southernmost portion of the site is expec:ted to be subjected to noise levels ranging between 60 and 65 LcID. In order to establish existing noise levels at both the proposed project site and at the nearest sensitive receptor - the day care center located at the northwest comer of Tassajara Lane and Camino Tassajara, noise measurements were obtained on November 3, 1989 during a.m.peak hour traffic and at 11:30 p.m. All noise measurements were obtained with a Quest M-28 noise logging dosimeter following calibration with a CA-l2B Sound Level Calibrator. Measurements were obtained at one day care center location, two locations on the proposed project site, and one location at the existing service yard east of the site. The sources contnouting to the measured levels included primarily automobile and truck traffic on Camino Tassajara. Noise readings are provided in the following table: Monitorin~ Site Existing Service Yard Project Site Location A Project Site Location B Day Care Center L.a 54.4 57.4 56.6 58.1 Impact ADalysis Will the proposal result in: a. IDacascs in ~ DOise bcls? Yes. Short-term noise impacts will occur from on-site construction activities. Development of the site would elevate ambient noise levels during excavation, grading and other building activities. The potential noise impact on adjaceJit properties will depend on the sound power level of the equipment used.. Based on noise specifications for construction equipment, it is estimated that at a distance of 50 feet from the source the noise generated by earth moving equipment, such as backhoes, dozers, tractors and scrapers will be between 75 to 80 dBA Materials handling and stationary pumps, generators, and compressors will result in approximately 7S dBA. Pneumatic tools such as jackhammers and rock drills will range between 75 and 90 dBA. General construction will require the use of saws, hammers, and related tools which generate a 75 dBA leveL Sensitive noise receptors in the vicinity of the project include the Zion Fellowship Church at Sherburne Hills Road and a day care center presently under construction on Tassajara Lane. The church should not be affected, since it is presumed that construction would not take place on Sunday, and long term 13 "~I} ~.i \.. " :.~."~I'F.: . '~t;. ; r ,'0'1' . j '?i~~; ~{j,'. ;;~t ,..~ I'ti'~ '~... " " '." '-', ..,~. !I .~~ ',' :.. '. :~. ,.1It ;~ ::~ i{~ i O{Y :,.~ '~~~" , .,,, /~. ;it operations at the Service Center also will not take place on Sunday. The day care center will be exposed to short-term construction noise and this is considered an unavoidable impact. Long-term noise impacts on the day care center resulting from operation of the service center will occur primarily from public-owned vehicles exiting the service center on Tassajara Lane to go to job locations. The traffic study has estimated that. initially, 30 vehicles will exit once per day and eventually 50 vehicles will exit once per day. Vehicles will return to the yard via the Sherburne Hills Road entrance. In order to determine the im~ct of the exiting vehicles on the day care center, the following parameters were used: L Initially, 30 vehicles will exit the service center once per day on Tassajara Lane 2. Eventually, SO vehicles will exit the service center once per day on Tassajara Lane 3. All vehicles will exit the service center no earlier than 7:00 a.m. The time it takes all vehicles to exit in the morning will be approximately one hour 5. No vehicles will enter the seivice center &om Tassajara Lane 6. The ~cting L.t.. for the day care center is approximately 61 L. and includes a 10 dB night time penalty for the period 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. 7. The LdIl attnoutable to the service vehicles leaving the service yard is approximately 4431 LdIl for 30 vehicles and 46.53 L.s.. for 50 vehicles. Vehicle L. values are based on noise measurements of service vehicles obtained at the existing service yard east of the site. Based on the above parameters, the impact of the proposed project on the day care center will be an increase in the existing L.t.. at the day care center of approximately O.09dB for 30 trucks and O.15dB for SO trucks. This increase is considered incigJ1ificant. As a point of reference, a 2 decOcl increase in sound will produce approximately a 15% increase in perceived loudness, of which only 50% of the population can detect. b. F..'IpOQU'e of people to SC'9'CrC noise IevcJs: No Miti~ation Measures Various techniques may be employed to help reduce the short-term noise impact resulting from the project's construction. Of particular concern is the use of pneumatic tools which could range between 75 to 90 dBA at a distance of 50 feet from the source, and earthmoving equipment which could result in 75 to 80 dBA 50 feet from the source. Per Town standards, time limits for construction activity is from 7;30 a.m. to 5;30 p.m. Additionally, all equipment should utilize required manufacturer's noise attenuation shielding devices and engine intake exhaust mufflers. Site preparation work should be done as expeditiously as possible to minimi7.e time spent using loud earthmoving equipment. '" 7. light and Glare ~ The project site is located at the lower slopes of Short Ridge along Camino Tassajara. The development of the maintenance service center represents one more developments along this roadway serving the residential community of Danville. Existing light and glare within the project vicinity is produced by residential and roadway street lights, parking lot lighting, and CJlerior lighting for adjacent commercial buildings. Impacts WiD the p-oposa1 produc:c Dc:W light 01' glare? Maybe. The project will produce some light and glare associated with exterior building and yard lighting for security purposes as well as lighting for the employee's parking lot located south of the service center. The extent and intensity of exterior lighting is expected to be minimal and would not significantly impact adjacent land uses. Implementation of the associated mitigation measures will assist in minimizing any effects of new light and glare. 14 iI ;~I ~. .~I ~, ~ :j. fl ~. .1...1' " " ,! ~, " ~.' '~I :~ .'?-.'I t' ~ ~ ,. l, l-I t ':, ~I .' i .'. ~ U ~I 'r. ! ,,~ I '. ,. ....\.."~ "~I :1 .'. ;; ~ Mitiption Measures All C1terior building and yard IightiDg should be install~ to effectively achieve goals of safety and security while using minimal number of light standards and hours of IightiDg where necessary. Lighting should incorporate appropriate lamp shields to restrict allligbt downward to sidewalks paths, parking . areas, and within the yard. 10. Risk of Upset Settin, The proposed project me is c:urrcutJ:y undeveloped. Impact Analysis a. Does the poposal invo1Yc a risk of an C2plosion 01' the release of hazardous substlllnces (mduding. but DOt limited to, oil, pecchrid~ cbemiMa1c 01' pAi"tion) in the event of an accidc:ut or npset conditions? Maybe. The proposed Service center will have an underground gasoline tank which will be filled approximately once every four months. The gasoline will be available for fueling the heavy equipment which will be stored at the Service Center. Underground Gasoline Storage tanks are regulated by Contra Costa County. The tanks will be installed, used and monitored according to the appropriate County Guidelines. Other hazardous materials such as paint, solvents and pesticides will be properly stored on the project site according to County standards. These materials will be stored in a locked storage shed with a concrete floor and raised gutter that will retain any spills from leakage. Only authorized personnel will be allowed to handle these materials. The Administration building will be open during business hours and will be located inside of the seCurity gate. The Town of Danville currently stores the same materials at their past and present Maintenance Centers and have never had an accident or incident involving these substances. Miti~ation Measures The storage of hazardous materials such as paints, solvents, and pesticides will be stored according to the regulations of Contra Costa County. The underground gasoline tank will also be regulated according to the specifications of Contra Costa County. 13. Transportation/Circulation. ~ The proposed Maintenance Service Center is located on Camino Tassajara near the intersection with Sherburne Hills Road, approximately three miles east of Interstate 680 in the Town of Danville. An ending temporary maintenance yard is located about one-half mile east of the proposed permanent site. Access would be provided to the Service Center from the parking lot of the Post Office located on Sherburne Hills Road. Camino Tassajara is the major east-west arterial roadway through the Tassajara VaDey. It connects, via Sycamore Valley Road, with Interstate 680 to the west and, via Camino Tassajara Road, to Diablo Road and Downtown Danville. To the east, Camino Tassajara connects with Crow Canyon Road and Dougherty Road, which provides service to San Ramon, Dublin, and Pleasanton. These streets also connect with most of the major street network in the Town of Danville. Because of this network, the site has excellent access to all parts of the town, and the location appears to be well-suited for such a municipal service yard use (TJKM, 1989). 15 F->ri~ Traffic Con<Ji~... The curr~nt a.m. ~d p.m. peak hour conditions at the Camino :rassaJar~/Sherburne Hills Road and ~o !8SSaJara/Tassajara Lane intersection show that both mte~ons operate at a ~. of Scmce A ~urmg the peak hours. This Level of Service indicates that these mtersections operate WIth ooIy a very slight delay. For the TJKM traffic analysis, the intenccti of Camino Tassajara and Sherburne Hills was treated as if controlled by a traffic signal A traffic r.le:i is proposed by the ToWD of Danville for this intersection. . I Impact Analysis Will the proposal result in: a. Gcocntioo of pN:tmdi21 ~1 wllil-n1ar mCM:lllClll? No. The TJKM report ana1ysed the future scenarios of the intersections of Tassajara LanelCamino Tassajara, and the Sherburne Hills/Camino Tassajara for both a.m. and p.m. peak hours:. TJKM tested for five separate future scenarios: 1) F~ding plus Project (Initial); 2) E~diT1g plus Project (Future). 3) E~ding plus Cumulative; 4) 'P~diT1g plus Cumulative plus Project Traffic (Initial); S) Existing plus Cumulative plus Project Traffic (Future). All Levels of Service were identified as -N under the conditions tested. Therefore. these intersections would flow with only a very slight delay under existing or projected future conditions. b. Fl(eets OIl mctmg parking f'aM"1ih- 01' ~ltnd for DCW parking? No. The proposed project would provide an estimated 20 covered parking spaces, 10 uncovered parking spaces, and 23 covered spaces in the future for the maintenance yard. In addition to the proposed maintenance yard area, a large public parking area would be constructed just to the east, between the maintenance yard and an existing church parking lot. This lot is estimated to hold 240 cars. The public parking lot is intended to accommodate vehicles of employees, users of the proposed park, and church attendees on an overflow basis. This parking is expected to be adequate to serve the future employees of the Maintenance Service Center as well as provide additional parking for park users and church patrons. The adjacent post office has adequate parking. Co SV~lIntilll impact upon ~ctmg transportation systems? No. The existing volume-to-capacity (V Ie) ratios are increased only slightly with the addition of project traffic, under both the initial and future project expansion conditions. Increases to the V IC ratios are 0.01 to 0.02 with the initial project and 0.02 to 0.04 under the future project expansion, as comparison of Scenarios 1 and 2 cited above in the response to question a. Even with the addition of future (cumulative) traffic, the V /e ratios and LOS ratings remain at 0.45 (LOS A). This is indicative of a slight delay. It should be noted that the increases in the V IC ratios under the Existing plus Cumulative condition (Scenario 3) are considerably more than the increases due to project traffic (Scenarios 4 and 5). . d. AJtcrations to preseut pattcms of circ:n1lthnn 01' IDOVCIDcut of people and/or goods? No. The project itself will not significantly alter the present pattern of circulation. Once the project is complete. the Maintenance Service Center will move their operations from the temporary maintenance yard one-half mile to the west at the present site. Based on the data supplied by the Town staff to the traffic consultant, the corporation yard is estimated to generate a total of 184 vehicle trips per day initially and 318 vehicle trips per day in the future. Peak hour trips are estimated initially at 54 trips during each of the a.m. and p.m. peak hours and at 100 trips during each peak hour in the future. Peak hours are expected to be 7:00 - 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Initially. trips are estimated to be distn"buted 80 percent to the west of the site and 20 percent to the south and east of the site (including trips destined north of the site). In the future. this distribution is expected to adjust to approximately 70 percent west and 30 percent east of the site. based on the anticipated growth in the eastern part of toWD. 16 ') I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 18. - The net overall traffic generation of the proposed municipal service center (with the traffic from the existing temporary maintenance yard removed) is 92 (182-92) vehicle trips per day initially and 226 (318- 92) vehicle trips per day in the future. Peak bour trips are estimated initially at 27 (54-27) trips during each of the a.m. and p.m. peak bours and at 73 (100-27) trips during each peak hour in the future (TJKM, 1989). f. IDacasc ill tnfIic IaaDrds to motor' _J.~ biqdists 01' pedestrians? Maybe. Development of the proposed Municipal Service Center is DOt apeded to significantly alter the safety of motorists, bicyclists or pedestrians. It was noted, bowever, that because of the relatively high speeds on Camino Tassajara, it is recommended that the intersection of Tassajara Lane/Camino Tassajara be reviewed on . quarterly basis during the construction of the various developments for the area and for the first six months following completion of aD developments. It was noted that, although a signal was not warranted, many drivers may tend to feel uncomfortable with the operation of the intersection without a traffic signal. Trips to and from the proposed Municipal Service Center were assumed by the traffic study to primarily use the Sberburne Hills/Camino Tassajara intersection, with the Tassajara Lane intersection used for westbound exiting vehicles only. Thus the Service Center would not contribute to the future need for traffic signals at the Tassajara Lane intersection. A traffic signal at the Camino Tassajara/Sherburne Hills Road intersection will provide gaps in the traffic allowing for motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians to cross at these gaps in the traffic or preferably with the traffic light to further minimi7e safety hazards to residents.. Mit~ation Measures The Town should pay a proportionate share of costs to $1gJ1ialize the intersection of Camino Tassajara/Sherburne Hills Road. No further mitigation measures are required because the project will not result in any significant impacts to the existing circulation system. Aesthetics. ~ This evaluation was developed through a site rcconnaic:~T'Ice and in consultation with Black and Veatch who prepared computer aided schematic designs of project site views. The proposed maintenance service center is located at the foot of Short Ridge, prominent rolling hills rimming the Sycamore Valley on the east, and south of Mount Diablo State Park. The primary public view of the site is from Camino Tassajara from the west looking east where existing views through the Sycamore VaDeyare flanked by the rolling topography of Short Ridge. Existing views of the site consist of grass covered sloping terrain. No significant vegetation exists on-site. However, several large oaks are located along a riparian corridor off-site,. south of the project area and east of the adjacent parking lot serving the Zion Fellowship Church. Public access to the site would be from Camino Tassajara turning onto Sherburne Hills Road and entering from the Post Office parking lot and from the proposed employee parking lot. Camino Tassajara is d"-c1gJ1ated by the Town of DanviUe General Plan as a major scenic route. According to the Town of DanviUe 2005 General Plan, the project site is partially within a Scenic Hillside Area. The Scenic Hillside Area is located in rolling hills of Major Ridgeline Areas designated in the Design Review Areas Map provided in the Town General Plan. Impacts Will the proposal result in the obstruction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or -ru the proposal result in the creation of an Af"dheticaDy offensive site open to public view? Maybe. 17 No significant adverse impacts on the aesthetics of the area or the Town's visual resources are anticipated from project implementation. No significant scenic vistas will be affected as a result of developing the Maintenance Service Center. The public's primary view (from Camino Tassajara) of Short Ridge in the project's background will also not be significantly affected. The "built environment" will not block views of the ridges or of the oak trees within the riparian corridor off-site. The Service Center will not compromise views of the Short Ridge ridge1ines due to the location of proposed buildings and the one-story building height. The buildings will rim the site boundaries with the open yard ecseftti:al1y enclosed. VICWS will be of the rear building walls with landscaped berms partially screening the building walls. t~ '~,"'I:",' :'t~ ,.:!,'~ :\~ ;:o~fl': oJ; , .;.' . ~ .-, ...:, ,I ..~ ;-'i, .'to ;,'1 " 'I I I I I I I I The service center's buildings are proposed to be constructed with exterior wood siding and shake roofs. Significant use of shading and shadows will be employed in the building architecture to soften views. Proposed buildings located in the northeast comer of the site would be m.ole from an existing single family residence located in the 'Anderson Ranch Homes subdivision north of the project site. The residence's &ont window and doorway is oriented towards the street facing northwest. The service center's "built environment" would primarily be seen from second story bedroom views southeast towards the site. This view would consist of the rooftop comer of the proposed covered garage/storage structures. The angle and height of the neighboring resident's view is such that the service center's yard . and other structures will not be in view. The most important aesthetic view, seen by nearby residents, would be focused on the adjacent hills, not on development sited on the lower slopes and in the valley. environment, Miti~ation Measures 1. Earthen landscaped berms should be provided around the perimeter of the site to soften the views of the maintenance buildings visible to neighboring residents, and motorists driving along Camino Tassajara. 2. Landscaping for the project should utilize native landscape species to the extent possible and select species which provide sufficient height and massing to effectively screen and soften views of project structures. 3. Buildings should be constructed with exterior wood siding and have exterior colors which will complement the natural environment. 18 - . II -- I I I 'I I I I I I I I I I I I >, ""--- Bibliography Berlogger Geotechnical Consultants, Geott'.t'hnical Constraints Investi~ation. Danville Tasslijara Park. Danville. California: July 6. 1988: Job No. 1452.000 Berlogger Geotechnical Consultants, Geott'.t'hnical Rt<port. Volume D. Tn~ara Park. Danville California: for Sillier & Hod~es. Ine.: AUiUSt 8. 1989: Job No. 1452.200 TIKM Transportation Consultants, Traffic Impact Study for the Pro.posed Maintenance Service Center in the Town of Danville. October. 1989. Black & Veatch, CAt> drawings, prepared for VISual Analysis for the Town of Danville, 1989. 20 . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar~ ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 8 19 NO. 10. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. SUBJECT DATE CONDUCT A BOARD WORKSHOP ON THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET Ma 29 1990 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT WORKSHOP ON CIB SUBMITTED BY John J. Mercurio Administrative Analyst INITIATING DEPT.lDIV ngineering Department/ lanning Division ISSUE: A workshop has been scheduled to facilitate the Board's review of the draft Fiscal Year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB). BACKGROUND: The draft CIB was distributed to the Board on May 17, 1990. A Board workshop has been scheduled for the June 8, 1990, Board meeting to provide an opportunity for staff to present specific information and to facilitate review of the document in greater detail. A suggested agenda for the workshop is presented in Attachment 1. Attachments 2 through 5 are included as supplements to the agenda. Board adoption of the CIB will authorize sewer construction funds to pursue projects within the Treatment Plan, Collection System, and General Improvements Programs. The program budgets for Fiscal Year 1990-91 are summarized below: CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SUMMARY Proqram Estimated Carry Over Additional Authorization Requested Total Authorization Treatment Plant $10,048,000 $ 3,200,000 $13,248,000 Collection System 21,908,000 10,894,000 32,802,000 General Improvements 552.000 7.344.000 7.896.000 Totals: $32,508,000 $21,438,000 $53,946,000 RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a Board workshop on the draft CIB. JMK REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ JJM OM ~ INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Page 2 of 6 ATTACHMENT 1 BOARD WORKSHOP ON THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SUGGESTED AGENDA JUNE 8, 1990 I. FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET A. Staff Report o New Projects (Attachment 2) o Major Projects (Attachment 3) o Sewer Construction Fund Revenues and Expenditures (Attachment 4) o CIB Schedule (Attachment 5) B. Board Comments/Questions/Discussion Page 3 of 6 ATTACHMENT 2 NEW PROJECTS. IN FY 1990-91 cm PAGE NO. LABORATORY FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS TP-56 OPERATIONS CONTROL CONSOLE REPLACEMENT TP-62 CRITICAL SUBBASIN RENOVATION CS-55 PRIMARY CLARIFIER ODOR CONTROL TP-87 HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY GI-20 SULFUR DIOXIDE CONTROL IMPROVE:MENTS TP-75 · A NEW PROJECT IS ONE WHICH APPEARS IN THE DRAFT 1990 cm Bur DOES NOT APPEAR IN THE TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN. 8 .-I ~ CT\ ~ 6 ~ CT\ 1-l8CT\ OIZl.-l :Hg~ ~PIZl 8a:l:H 1-l8:il ~f.lo tIl:E:tIl II(~I-l 801">:. tIl~Z 8~1-l I-ltll ~H8 8~O Z81Zl Ol-ll") OP<~ II( ~O: 8 0 Z I") [j ~ $.l QI ~~ eu ~ P<Z C o ..-1 +I eu N ..-1 $.l .-10 eu..c: +1+1 o ~ 811( C '00 01..-1 +I+I:H III III I">:. e U ,.-10 m +I .-I ..-1 m.-l..c: 1Zl1l(8 I 'OQI 01 :> +10 .~ $.l +I$.l mill 1Zl0 I N .-I I P< 8 M.-I MCT\ I I P<P< 88 o o o CT\ N LO N 00 00 00 CT\\O qooo .-1M .-1.-1 o o o .. \0 qo M 00 o o LO LO M .. .-I o o o 00 00 00 CT\.-I qoM .-I M 00 .-I N .. .-I ~ ~ Pol 8 ~ P< 8 Z ~ 8 II( ~ 8 .-I eu ..-1 C $.l o +I ..-1 m m ~ C '0 III C 0.. I-l >< +I....... IZl UC QI 0 m 'n..-I 01 0+1 ..-1 $.l III ~ P<~II( r-l t1I r-l r-l ..-1 C U U ..-IQIQI III 'O~0l I">:. e; $.l:l mQl.-lQltll .!i:8a:l+l $.l I III I o $.l 01 ~ ~IllOlQlQl 'OQI'O+lm IllZ:3mp 01 .-I III :I: tIl~ LO I'I'N I I I tIltlltll 000 000 000 000 OOM 001' NCT\O .-I.-IM 000 00 00 .. .. OM 01' CT\O .-1M 000 o o .. o o N .. .-I ATTACHMENT 3 CT\O CT\M I I tIltll 00 Nqo 00\0 I I tIltll 00 Q) 00 I tIl o o CT\ I tIl o 00 00 00 .. .. 00 OCT\ NCT\ .-1M 00 00 00 LO\O N\O qol' N.-I o o o o o o 00 o o 00 o o .. LO 00 LO .. .-I 00 CT\ .. o o N .. o LO M N .. .-I .. qo .. .-I 00 o o 00 00 00 LO\O 1'\0 I' o o o o o o CT\ qo CT\ .. qo .. o CT\ CT\ M .. qo 00 LO .. .-I o o o o o o N M .. .-I .. .-I C 01 ..-1 m C 01 $.l H Ol-l '0 QI LO C ..-1 I-l 01 ~ 0 +I $.l 01 E..:- C..-I eu m P< II( tIl ill... ..-1 +I :> m .-I $.l0 m III 0 III QI QI 01..-1 Ill:> C 0.. CQI:> 0+1 m.Q 0 01 :>. ..-Imll( $.leu C.Q C ~ a:l Hill P<U ..-1:3 01 1..c:'O 0 Illtll ~ . C 1I(P<$.l C.-I XI III ~ ....... .........-1 0 01 C C +I 0 ....c: ..-I~ 010 0 tIl +I '0'08 +I U..-I..-I C :>:>....... Ill$.l $.l+l +I 0.. ~ r-lr-lm >QI o III III e 0 tna:lcmo~ 1">:.> +I :3 0 Q1+1CQI 0 tIl P< IllIll'OCQltIl .-IC .!i: +I+I~QI~ QIQI 0.. m QI mmllle qol-l.-l~ e '0 QI OOClQl$.lNI-l.-l -:3I-l$.lI-l$.l 00 :>Q1~ IllN.-IP< >< 0 :>'O~tIlQl$.lQl~ 01 01 1ll1ll$.l~Q1.......meuCc.lleumlllm+l ~ ~ +I o..tIl 0 III p<..-I.-I 01 III '0 III :3 +I+ICE oo..c: +lOIll..c:c..c:c C C :3 I-l 0\0 P<N ~--$.lP<..-IP<.-I 000 till IIll 0 ~ III 000 Ol-l XX X 0 ~ ~ ~ P< ::E: IZl 8 tIl :H tIl Z o I-l 8 o IZl H H o o \0 .-I I tIl o o o o N I' o N o o o o N I' o N ~ ~ P< tIl 8 Z ~ ~ ~ P< X I-l ~ IZl Z IZl CI Page 4 of 6 \0 I I-l CI o o o .. o o 00 .. qo o o o .. o o 00 .. qo o C o ..-1 +I ..-1 m ..-1 g. U II( :>. +I ~ QI 0.. o ~ P< I (J)- ! (J)- ! (J)- .-I eu +I o 8 m +I U QI 'n o $.l P< ~ o 'n III X o o o dP M \0 .. \0 qo CT\ M LO (J)- o o o .. 00 M qo dP CT\ LO .. \0 M (J)- o o o dP .-I I' .. 00 o LO .. I' .-I (J)- +I QI 01 '0 :3 a:l .-I III +I o 8 m +I U 01 'n o ~ Pol +I QI ~Ol 0'0 'n::! Illtn X .-I +leu C+I QI 0 U8 $.l Q1'1-l P<O Page 5 of 6 ATTACHMENT 4 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES Revenues (estimated) Facilities Capacity Fees Pumped Zone Fees Annexation Charges Interest Ad Valorem Taxes Funds from Other Government Agencies Grants City of Concord Caltrans Contra Costa Water Dist. LID 57 Miscellaneous Income $ 3,874,000 144,000 350,000 4,915,000 7,417,000 Total Revenues: o 1,900,000 4,074,000 o 253,000 10.000 $22,937,000 Expenditures (estimated) Treatment Plant Program Collection system Program General Improvement Proqram $ 5,838,000 12,036,000 6.526.000 Total Expenditures $24,400,000 A summary of Sewer Construction Fund status is presented below: Projected Beginning Balance (7/1/90) +projected Revenues -proiected Expenditures $70,316,000 +22,937,000 -24.400.000 Projected Sewer Construction Balance (6/30/91) $68,853,000 Page 6 of 6 ATIACHMENT 5 FISCAL YEAR 1990-91 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SCHEDULE MAY 8 CAPITAL PROJECT COMMITTEE MEETING MAY 17 cm PRESENTED TO BOARD JUNE 8 BOARD WORKSHOP ON cm JUNE 21 PUBLIC HEARING AND BOARD ADOPTION OF cm JULY 1 1990-91 cm IMPLEMENTED