HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-04-89 . Centra :ontra Costa Sanitar~ .listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 27 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEEm~04, 1989 sJ!ti3(IC HEARING TO RECEIVE PWLIC COMtENT ON THE PROPOSED REVISIONS TO TITLE 4, CHAPTER 4.04.010 - 4.28.030 OF THE DISTRICT CODE BY ORDINANCE AND TO ADOPT AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE PROPOSED REVISIONS NO. III. HEARINGS 1 DATE April 25, 1989 TYPE ~ PUBLIC HEARING SlJl3MITTED BY ~~nryn Radin Frei~s, Personnel Officer INITI.I\.TINQ,DE:.PTjDIVt. i ,Ip 1 ^amlnl~ra ve, ersonne ISSUE: The Board of Di rectors has schedul ed a publ ic heari ng for May 4, 1989, to consider revisions to Title 4, Chapter 4.04 of the District Code relating to general personnel provisions and to consider adoption of an ordinance incorporating the proposed revisions. BACKGROUND: As part of the District's overall effort to revise the District Code, Deputy General Manager Paul Morsen, District Labor Counsel Gerald Lucey, and Personnel Officer Cathryn Radin Freitas have reviewed Title 4 of the Code. Suggested changes are delineated in the attached copy of the Code. The changes are generally either clerical in nature, i.e. changing the title of the Administrative Department Manager to Deputy General Manager, or rel ate to consi stency with the current Memoranda of Understanding, past practice, or recent legal rulings. Deputy District Counsel Kent Alm has reviewed and approved the proposed revisions as to form. Notice of the public hearing has been published in the Contra Costa Times on April 19, and May 1, 1989. Copies of the revised Code have been sent to the affected employee bargaining groups. Upon approval of the ordinance for adoption, the ordinance will be published once in the Contra Costa Times and w ill be effective upon expi rati on of the week of publ ication. RECOMtENDATION: 1) To conduct a publ ic hearing on May 4, 1989, to receive publ ic comment on the proposed revisions to District Code, Title 4, Chapter 4.04.010 - 4.28.030; 2.) To review and adopt an ordinance incorporating the revisions to District Code Title 4, Chapter 4.04.010 - 4.28.030. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION R./C1F ENG. I~ OGER J. DOLAN QM 1302A-9/85 CRF Central Contra Costa Sanitary District May 4, 1989 SUBJ ECT : BOARD OF DIRECTORS ~~ PAUL K>RSEN, DEPUTY GENERAL MAN,6GER~ -" CATHRYN FREITAS, PERSONNEL OFFICERrUJJ AMENDMENTS TO TITLE 4 OF THE DISTRICT CODE TO: VIA: FROM: Earlier this week the bargaining units reviewed the proposed revisions to Title 4 of the District Code and have suggested the following amendments. The amendments are acceptable to staff and Deputy District Counsel. 4.16.060 - Retain "for good reason." The section shoul dread: 4.16.060 Duration of eligibility list. An establ ished 1 ist shall be effective for one year unless depleted or extended by the District, but in no event shall exceed two years. The District may abolish or extend any eligibility list for oood reason. If the 1 i st is extended, the total 1 ife of the list may not be extended beyond two years. COrd. 142 (part), 1980: prior code 54-406) 4.16.130.B - Delete "the first six months of." The section should read: B. If a promoted, regul ar anployee is found to be unabl e to adequately perform under the increased responsibil ity of the new position during ~e ~4":t e4.x IAQ.A~. Qf the probati onary peri od, the anployee may demote back to the previ ously hel d posi ti on. <Ord. 142 (part), 1980: Ord. 110 55,1975: prior code 54-415) Please consider the revisions to Title 4 as amended. Ti tl e 4 PERSONNEL Chapters: 4.04 General Provisions 4.08 Affirmative Action - Equal Onportunity 4.12 Classifications 4.16 Examinations and Appointments 4.20 Layoffs 4.24 Employer-Employee Relations 4.28 Sexual Harassment Chapter 4.04 GEN ERAL PROV I S ION S Secti ons: 4.04.010 4.04.020 4.04.030 Declaration of policies Establ ishment of merit system Board authorizati on of pesi ti ons appointments and recogni ti on of 4.04.010 Decl aration of pol icies. A. It is the pol icy of the District to evaluate and select employees on the basis of merit and to determine individual merit through performance and competitive exami nati ons. B. In return for faithful service, District employees are entitled to ~8e.QA~b~Q .Q~~~~~~ of ~QA~~Q~ regular empl~ee status. ~Q~~~Q Regul ar employee status shall be dependent upon good performance, good behavior, efficiency, necessity of work and the appropriation of sufficient funds. The acts and decisions of the District regarding the / .~,._..__._......._-,_..._____.____...,..<._._~_.,_~"___..__'_.~.. _____._..,,_~.,_".. ___.__. ..___d...~___~._,..,_._._______" ,._._____m__'_"_~_____.__~A_.'_'._ ,~._..._.___._..._.._.__._....____.,_____ selection of individuals shall be in accordance with thb t->ractices and pol ici es establ i shed under th i s chapter. <Ord. 142 (part), 1980: pri or code S4-10l> 4.04.020 Establ ishment of merit system. The merit ~stem and staff positions, as classified in the manner prescribed in this chapter, are established. Every classified position is under the merit ~stern. (Ord. 142 (part), 1980: Ord. 114 (part), 1976: prior code S4-102) 4.04.030 Board authorization of positions and recognition of appointments. The Board shall authorize all positions provided in this chapter and shall be advised on all appointments to all such positions. <Ord. 142 (part), 1980: Ord. 130 (part), 1978: prior code S4-103) Chapter 4.08 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION - EQU,4L OPPORTUNITY Secti ons: 4.08.010 4.08.020 4.08.030 Affirmative action. Equal opportunity. Dissemination of policy. 4.08.010 Affirmative action. It is the policy of the District to have an affirmative action program which is a program of equal opportunity pol icies and affirmative action procedures of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. It is consistent with prior District standards and pol ici es of equal opportuni ty and foll ows and impl ernents the requi rements of the Office of Fp.deral Contract Compliance rul es issued pursuant to Executive Order 11246, and of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The program includes policies and procedures for the communication of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District equal opportunity pol icy; formal internal and external dissemination of our policy; establishment of responsibil ities for the implementation of the affirmative action program; identification of areas of under-util ization of minorities by "2- _._.------_.._----,~.~_.__._~.._-_._--- ""---'-'--.---"-"--.--"-"-"'-"""'--"-""'-."-,._._.._-~.~.- organization units and Job categories; establ ishment goals and objectives by organization units and job category, development and execution of action-oriented programs designed to eliminate under-utilization and further designed to attain established goals and objectives; design and implanentation of internal audit and reporting systems, and active support of local and national community action programs in the area of equal opportunity. COrd. 142 (part), 1980: Ord. 114 (part), 1976: prior code S4-201) 4.08.020 Equal opportunity. It is the pol icy of the Sanitary District to: A. Recruit, hire and/or promote for all job classifications without regard to race, religion, color, national origin, ancestry, marital status, age, sex or non-job-related physical handicap or medical conditions; B. Base decision of anployment upon an individual's qualifications as related to the position being filled; C. Make promotion decisions on the individual's qualifications as related to the requirements of the position for which the anployee is being considered; D. Insure that all other personnel acti ons such as compensati on, benefits, transfers, 1 ayoffs, returns from 1 ayoffs, Di stri ct-sponsored trai ni ng, educati on, tui ti on assi stance, soci al and recreati on programs, will be administered without regard to race, rel igion, color, national ori gi n, ancestry, mari tal status, age, sex or non-job-rel ated physical handicap or medical condition; E. Consider all anployees and all appl icants as fellow human beings entitled to equal consideration and treatment in every respect; F. Continue to sustain and develop an implementing, reporting, and auditing systan that insures the maintenance and appl ication of District standards; G. When contracting for supplies or service, to continue to do so without regard to race, religion, color, national orlgln, ancestry, marital status, age, sex or non-job-related physical handicap or medical condition. (Ord. 142 (part), 1980: Ord. 114 (part), 1976: prior code ~4-202) 3 4.08.030 Dissemination of pol icy. In order that the equal opportunity and affirmative action pol icies of the District are understood and known within the communities in which the Sanitary District operates, the following activities have and will be undertaken: A. The sections of the District code on equal opportunity and affirmative action will be made available to all the individual employees of the Sanitary District; B. Copies of the District affirmative action policy will be mai ntai ned ~ .per:IN.RQJ:lU~ .~~,;f.x~ b~~~Iil;U.R boe.r:d. in the Personnel Office, and displayed in areas frequented by substantial numbers of employees and where i niti al contract with appl icants for employment and the general publ ic is made. Copies of the affirmative action pol icy are avail abl e to employees by request. C. On appropriate occasions special meetings will be held for the future dissemination and implementation of the affirmative action program. D. In advertising, for District personnel, an equal opportunity clause will be included. (Ord. 142 (oart), 1980: Ord. 114 (part), 1976: prior code S4-203) Chapter 4.12 QASSIFICATIONS Secti ons: 4.12.010 4.12.020 4.12.030 4.12.040 4.12.050 Adoption of class descriptions and salaries. Standards of establishing class of employment. Description of classifications. Change of classifications. Employment status. 4.12.010 Adoption of class descriptions and salaries. Class descriptions covering all positions of District employment, and a schedule of salaries for each position, shall be approved, amended and '-/ adopted, or abolished by the Board of Directors. (Ord. 152 (part), 1983: Ord. 142 (part), 1980: pri or code S4-30l> 4.12.020 Standards of establ ishing class of anployment. Each class of anployment shall include positions sufficiently similar in respect to duties and responsibilities so that the same descriptive title may be used to designate each position allocated to the class. The same qualifications and tests of fitness for appointment and the same salary range shall apply. (Ord. 142 (part), 1980: prior code S4-302) 4.12.030 Description of classifications. Each class description shall specify the general duties and responsibil ities and the desired qual ifications for each position in the cl ass. However, the description of duti es does not 1 imit the authori ty of ei ther the General Manager - Chief Engineer or the Board to assign other duties or to direct and control the work of anployees. <Ord. 142 (nart), 1980: prior code S4-303 ) 4.12.040 Change of classifications. The Board may amend or abolish a class and it may establish, amend or abolish provisions relating to a class or positions within a class. A copy of any revised or amended class description shall be available for review in the personnel section. <Ord. 142 (part), 1980: prior code ~4-304) 4.12.050 Employment status. The Di stri ct anploys persons in four different ki nds of status. These are temporary, .p~IAa.Q.eA.t=.p.o1l4l.t.:tQ.Q4l.;t regul ar-probat1onary, .p~me.Q~:t regul ar and .p~.Q~:t regul ar part-time. <Ord. 142 (part), 1980: prior code ~4-305) Chapter 4.16 EXAMINATIONS AND APPOINTMENTS Sections: 4.16.010 Examinations. ,,-- ~ 4.16.020 4.16.030 4.16.040 4.16.050 4.16.060 4.16.070 4.16.080 4.16.090 4.16.100 4.16.110 4.16.120 4.16.130 4.16.140 Grounds for disqualification. Appeal in case of disqual ification. Grading standards. Medical report. Duration of eligibility list. Remov al from el i gi bil i ty 1 i st. Appo i ntments Temporary appoi ntments. Special emergency appointments. Provisional appointments. Delegation of authority. Probationary period. Limits to appeal rights. 4.16.010 Exami nati ons. A. Except for those Board appoi nted positions identified in Section 4.16.080 A, the District shall hold an examination(s) to establish an eligibility list for appointments to each class of position to be filled. B. The examination shall be oral or written or a demonstration of physical ability or skills or any combination thereof. Each examination shall test objectively the skills, knowledge and ability necessary for the posi ti on to be fill ed. C. Examinations are categorized as follows: 1. Personnel Advancement Examination(s). The District shall provide a personnel advancement procedure to allow employees who qual ify to advance to a designated higher level, nonsupervisory position for those cl asses where the personnel advancement pol icy is in effect. 2. Promotional examinations. In the case of positions other than those identified in Section 4.16.080A, as being Board-appointed, promotional examinations will take place when, (a) no current eligibility 1 i st exi sts and/or the personnel advancement procedure is not in order and, (b) when it is determined that there is a need to fill such positions, and k) when there are at least four qual Hied District pe~ma~eQt regular employees or fj~e four qualified District pe~ma~e~t regular management support/~onfidential employees who are currently occupying position(c;) at the same or lower pay range and who ~ appl ied for such positions, (d) that the candidate selection process meets affirmative action guidel ines prescribed under Section 4.08.010. If a promotional examination is authorized, qualified temporary employees may also take the examination. 3. Open Examinations. If the position(s) cannot be fill ed using the examination categories set out in subsections CO) and (2) of this section, examinations shall be held on an open basis. An examination and the resulting eligibility list may involve District personnel and/or members of the general public. 4. Speci al Appoi ntments. In the case of Boa rd-appoi nted positions, as defined in Section 4.16.080A, the appointment on a case-by-case basis. COrd. 152 (part), 142 (part), 1980: prior code S4-401) 4.16.020 Grounds for disqualification. The District may refuse to examine, or after examination may disqualify an applicant, or it may remove his or her name from an eligibility list, on any of the following grounds: A. That the appl icant does not meet the minimum qual ifications of the posi ti on; B. That the appl icant does not successfully pass each part of the examination procedure; C. That physical handicap, medical condition, or medical di sabl ement lIlbicb makes a person unfit to perform the duti es of the position and reasonable accommodation by the District cannot be .ade; D. That a documented history of behavior which when considered in the 1 ight of the particul ar duties of the position appl ied for renders the person unfit to perform the duties. (Ord. 142 (part), 1980: prior code S4-402) 4.16.030 Appeal in case of disqual ification. If an appl icant is disqualified as provided under Section 4.16.020, the applicant may appeal to the Board. The appl icant shall, upon request to the Di strict, be given grounds for the disqual ification. The Board may hold a hearing on the matter of the disqualification. The action taken by the Board is the final action. (Ord. 142 (part), 1980: prior code S4-403) :r 4.16.040 Grading standards. To qualify for appointment, an appl icant must pass each part of an exami nati on. Exami nati ons shall be prepared consistent with Section 4.08.010. District shall establ ish the standards for grading an examination, prior to its administration, giving consideration to the kind of examination, number of candidates, and the needs of the District. The grading of an examination shall be under the supervision of the Personnel Office 0.:: .u.Rd~ ~8 .upaP,t.;i..;iO.R of 4l.R a9P~Gp~+a~Q 6Yp~Y+6~T (Ord. 142 (part), 1980: Ord. 134, 1978: prior code ~4-404) 4.16.050 Madi cal report. Each candi date for appoi ntment shall be subject to a medical examination and report by a licensed physician sel ected by the Di strict. The purpose of the medical report is to establ ish the physical fitness of prospective employees for the position offered. The District will pay the cost for the initial medical examination and required report. The examination shall be conducted within one month prior to appointment. (Ord. 142 (part), 1980: prior code ~4-405) 4.16.060 Duration of eligibility list. An established list shall be effective for one year unl ess depl eted or extended by the Di strict, but in no event shall exceed two years. The District may abolish or extend any el igibil ity 1 ist .to.,: good ":84l.oR. If the 1 ist is extended, the total life of the list IlaY not be extended beyond two years. COrd. 142 (part), 1980: prior code ~4-406) 4.16.070 Removal from eliQibility list. The District may remove the name of a person from an el igibil ity 1 ist for any cause set forth in Secti on 4.16.020 or for the foll ow i ng: A. Failure to respond to notice within five days after the District (10 receives verification of receipt of certified mail, or (2) determines that the individual cannot be located after making a reasonable effort to do so; B. Request by appl icant that hi s/her name be removed from the eligibility list; ~ c. Refusal by the applicant to accept permanent appointment offered by the District. (Qrd. 148 (nart), 1981: Ord. 142 (part), 1980: prior code S4-407) 4.16.080 Appoi ntments. A. Management 1 evel posi ti ons including, but not limited to: D~partment and division managers, and the finance, personnel and purchasing officers are Board appointed positions and, such appointments shall be so adopted by resolution. B. The Di stri ct shall make all other staff 1 evel appoi ntments from the appropriate District eligibility list. The appointment may be offered to one of the three candidates having current highest standing on the eligibility list. If a current eligibility list has less than three candidates remaining on the list, appointment may be offered to the remaining one or two eligible candidates or the list may be abolished. .I~ ~ 8+.:J.g.:J.9.:J.+.;I.t~ +.:J..:I; .;I.. Jaot .),t..:i.+.b+8. The Di strict may ei ther make a temporary appointment, an emergency appointment, or a provisional appointment as provided in Sections 4.16.090, 4.16.100 and 4.16.110. (Ord. 152 (part), 1983; Ord. 149 (nart), 1981; Ord. 148 (part), 1981: Ord. 142 (Dart), 1980: prior code S4-409) 4.16.090 Temporary appointments. The District may fran time to time requi re the services of temporary work forces to perform those duties and responsibilities normally performed by existing personnel. A temporary appointment is limited to twelve months, except as specified in Memorandum of Understandi ng and does not qual ify the appoi ntee for the retirement plan, the insurance plans, vacation and sick leave allowances, or other employment rights and benefits including those as defined in Sect; on 4.16.140 made avai 1 abl e to anployees of the other statuses. The Board may establ ish a rate of compensati on for a temporary anployee different from that of a p~ma~eQt regular employee. A. The Board may create specific temporary classes at their discretion with compensation and benefits to be determined by the Board. <Ord. 152 (part), 1983: Ord. 142 (part), 1980: Ord. 110 H, 1975: Ord. 55 (part), 1964; prior code S4-411) ~ 4.16.100 Special emergency appointments. If the District finds that there is a threatening stoppage of public business, it may make an emergency appoi ntment effective for a peri od of ni nety worki ng days. An appointee may receive not more than two successive emergency appointments for an effective total combined maximum appointment period of one hundred eighty working days. A special emergency appointee shall be considered a temporary employee as described in Section 4.16.090. Such appointments are considered additional positions, and as made by the District, shall be confirmed by the Board at its earliest possible convenience. (Ord. 152 (part), 1983: Ord. 142 (part), 1980: Ord. 138 (nart), 1978: Ord. 110 ~2, 1975: prior code ~4-412) 4.16.110 Provisional appointments. The District may appoint an exi sti ng employee to a vacated authorized posi ti on, on a provi si onal basis, for a period generally not less than 30 days nor .ore than te QXc~ six months' duration. The appoi nted employee mayor may not be on an established eligibility list for that position. The provisional appointment does not grant to any individual so appointed any permanent rights to the position or rel inquish any rights to the position held by that employee prior to such appointment. <Ord. 142 (part), 1980: Ord. 138 (part), 1978: Ord. 110 S3, 1975: prior code ~4-413) 4.16.120 Delegation of authority. The Board delegates to the General Manager Chief Engineer the authority to conduct those employment and personnel-related activities, including but not limited to those matters covered by Sections 4.12.030, 4.16.010, 4.16.020, 4.16.040, 4.16.060, 4.16.070, 4.16.080B, 4.16.090, 4/16.100, 4.16.110 and 4.16.130. COrd. 152 (part), 1983: Ord. 142 (nart), 1980: Ord. 138 (part), 1978: Ord. 112 H, 1975: Ord. 110 ~4, 1975: prior code ~4-414) 4.16.130 Probationary period. A. Each person appointed to a .pQ+IR4.Q~.t regul ar or p~IR4.Q~t regul ar part-time positi on shall serve a probationary period which shall not be less than six months nor more than twelve months. During the probation period an employee may be di smi ssed without cause by ei ther the Board or the General Manager - Chief Engineer with the approval of the Board. This discharge is at the It) sole discretion of the District with no recourse under the grievance or appeals provision. B. If a promoted, p~JR.a-R&R~ regular employee is found to be unabl e to adequately perform under the increased responsibil ity of the new position during the first six months of the probationary period, the employee may demote back to the previously held position. (Ord.142 (part), 1980: Ord. 110 S5, 1975: prior code S4-415) 4.16.140 . Limits to appeal rights. An employee having an employment status as provided in Sections 4.16.090, 4.16.100 or 4.16.130 shall not have the ri ghts of appeal to the Board incase of a suspensi on, demoti on or dismissal. (Ord. 152 (part), 1983: prior code S4.416) Chapter 4.20 LAYOFFS Secti ons: 4.20.010 4.20.020 4.20.030 4.20.040 Grounds for layoff. Preference where position is reestablished. Layoff by displacement. Seniority. 4.20.101 Grounds for layoff. A. Any anployee(s) may be laid off when the position(c:) is no longer necessary, or for reasons of economy, or lack of work, or lack of funds, or if the position can be consolidated with another position, or for such reason(c;) that the Board of Directors deems sufficient for abolishing the position(s). B. However, in the case of consol idation, the salary range for the higher classification may prevail when an employee is currently occupying that consolidated position. (Ord. 142 (part), 1980: prior code S4-501) 4.20.020 Preference where position is reestablished. If the Board abolished a position and within two years of abolishment, either: (1) reestablishes the position, or (2) creates a new position which involves /1- substantially the same or comparable duties and responsibilities previously performed, or (3) approves of a positional classification previously occupied or at a lesser classification level with qual if icati on requi rements and experi ence possessed by the person 1 ai d off, the person who occupied such position before it was abol ished shall have preference on the el igibil ity 1 ist created for such position. (Ord. 142 (part), 1980: prior code S4--502) 4.20.030 Layoff by displacement. A. In Same Class. 1. When a reduction in force becomes necessary, layoff shall be accompl ished in inverse order of total District seniority within the affected cl ass except as may be provided by appl icabl e federal or state regul ations. For purposes of this rul es, total District seniority shall be defined as in Section 4.20.040. An employee's t&~U~Q regular employee status in a class is his/her length of service in that classification and service in any higher classification. 2. Before any pQ+IR4~~.:t regul ar employee in an affected cl ass is laid off, all appointees working in affected classes in the same department under emergency, temporary, or probationary appointments shall be separated from District employment. 3. Any employee subj ect to 1 ayoff as a resul t of bei ng in a promotional probationary status in a new department may be allowed to demote in lieu of layoff to the employee's former classification and department as identified in the organization chart. B. Demotion to Lower Class. An employee in a classification affected by a reduction in force may, in lieu of layoff, elect to demote to a lower classification, provided that such employee had held ~""~& regul ar employee status in the lower cl assif icati on. When both the employee demoting and the employee in the lower paying class have equal total District service, the employee in the lower paying classification woul d be 1 ai d off or demoted fi rst. Reducti on in force or demoti on in lieu of layoff in one department shall not affect employees in another department. C. Notification of Layoff. Notice of layoff shall be given to all but temporary and emergency employees at least thirty calendar days prior to he effective date of layoff. /A D. Duration of Reemployment List. Names of persons laid off shall be carried on a reemployment list for twenty-four months. If, after a layoff, the working force is increased, the District shall offer each appointment from the established reemployment list in reverse order of layoff, hiring the most recently laid off first. Persons appointed to '~lNfl9flt regul ar posi ti ons of the same cl assif icati on and status as previously held, shall be dropped from the list. Persons reemployed in a lower classification or on a temporary or part-time basis shall be continued on the list for the higher ~9-FlNfl9fl* regular position. Any person rej ecti ng an offer of reemployment to a previ ousl y hel d ~e.l:lRaJ:leJ:lt regular position of the same classification and status shall be dropped from the list. Any person who does not respond within five worki ng days to a certH i ed 1 etter offeri ng such anployment shall be dropped from the 1 i st, unl ess a suffici ent reason is given. <Ord. 148 (part), 1981: Ord. 142 (part), 1980: prior code S4-S03) E. A 1 ayoff shall not be subj ect to appeal. 4.20.040 Seniority. An employee's seniority at the District is based upon total length of continuous service in the District's employ, regardless of position or class in other than temporary anployment status. A layoff, Board authorized leave of absence, or termination and subsequent reemployment within a six-month period is not considered a break in continuous service and therefore can be used to bridge two interrupted periods of District employment, however, break in service time is not computed in total seniority. (Ord. 142 (part), 1980: prior code S4-S04) Chapter 4.24 EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RELATIONS Secti ons: 4.24.010 Policy. 4.24.020 Employee ri ghts. IS _.A__"'_....__.....___... ._~.~."..._______._____...___________~___.____,__."._,_._"______________.___~__.__..._.~_,_________.__.__.________ 4.24.030 4.24.040 4.24.050 4.24.060 4.24.070 4.24.080 4.24.090 4.24.100 4.24.110 Representation unit - General provisions. Certification of employee organization. Modification of established representation unit. Decertification of employee organization. Individual employees. Val idi ty. Employees meeting on District time. Meet and confer process. Admi ni strati on of emp1 oyer/ employee ordi nance. 4.24.010 Policy. A. In the interest of the public, the employees, and the employer, it is the policy of the Sanitary District to promote sound personnel management, to estab1i sh uniform procedures for employees, whether individually or in organization, to participate in the process of communication toward establishing wages, hours, and other terms and conditions of employment, and to provide the means for amicable discussion and adjustment of matters of mutual interest, with the intent of fostering harmonious employer/employee relations and in conformance with state 1egis1 ation (Government Code Sections 3500 through 3509) as currently in effect or as amended in the future. B. Toward achi evi ng these obj ectives, the emp1 oyer/employee relations policies and procedures set out in this chapter are provided. These shall be used in determining representation units, recognizing employee organizations, resolving disputes and governing employee organization's activities on District property and District time. No employee or group of employees or organizati on shall follow any other procedure other than those set forth in this chapter on matters pertaining to employer/employee relations. (Ord. 150 (part), 1982: prior code S4-701) 4.24.020 Employee ri ghts. A. Each employee of the Sani tary District, except elected officials, and the General Manager - Chief Engineer, District Counsel and Secretary of the District shall have the following rights: 1. To form, join, and participate in the activities of employee organizations for the purpose of representation on all matters of employee relations. IY B. No anployee shall be interfered with, intimidated, restrained, coerced, or di scrimi nated agai nst because of exerci si ng these anployee rights. (Ord. 150 (part), 1982: prior code S4-703) 4.24.030 Representation unit - General provisions. A. For the purposes stated in this chapter, the District Board of Directors shall establish appropriate representation units based upon the broadest internal and occupational community of interest, history of representation, and the effect of the unit on the efficient operation of the District and sound employer/employee relations, subject to the following limitations: 1. No District classification and no anployee shall be included in more than one representation unit. 2. The following classifications are designated executive management: General Manager - Chief Engineer; Counsel of the District; Secretary of the District. 3. The management group anployees shall represent thansel ves in matters of wages, benefits, and worki ng condi ti ons with the Board of Directors and shall not be included in the same representation unit with nonmanagement anployees or management support/confidential anployees. Classifications within the unit are adopted by resolution of the Board of Di rectors. 4. The management support/confidential representation unit is recognized as the bargaining unit for all management support and confidenti al employees and management support and confi denti al employees shall not be included in the same representation unit with nonmanagement or nonconfidential anployees. Classifications within this unit are adopted by resolution by the Board of Directors. 5. Professional employees shall be included in a representation unit with nonprofessional employees unless, in a vote of all affected professional employees, a majority of such professional employees voting in a secret ballot election vote not to be included in such a unit. /~ Certif i cati on of employee organizati ons representi ng a un i t composed of professional employees shall follow the provisions of Section 4.24.040. 6. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Associ ati on Publ ic Employees' Local Number One is recognized as the bargai ni ng un i t for all general employees other th an those assi gned to other representation units. B. The ad~~~.~~~~~Q dQ9~~~MeA~ me~~gQ~, Deputy General Manager, using the criteria set forth in this chapter, shall make the initial determination of all questions that may arise as to whether classifications or employees included in a representation unit are in fact management, professional, management support/confidential employees, or general employees. Any acti on of the ad~~~.~.~~Q dQ.pa~.:bAQ~~ lR4~agQ~ Deputy General Manager in determi ni ng issues contai ned in th is secti on which are not sati sfactory to the employee organizati on (s) shall be resolved in the meet and confer process and where that process fails, through the State Conciliation Service as described in Section 3507.1 of the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act. (Ord. 150 (part), 1982: prior code S4-704) 4.24.040 Certif icati on of employee organizati on. A. An employee organization may be certified as the exclusive representative of a representation unit for the purposes stated in this chapter. B. Any employee organization that meets the following minimum requirements may petition, in writing, during the month of October during the final year of a memorandum of understanding, to represent the employees in a representation unit as established in Section 4.24.030 or Section 4.24.050. These requirements are to be filed with the adm~~~..~~a~~Q dQ9a~~~ Deputy General Manager in a statement of representation, signed by the presiding officer of the employee organization, and shall state, certify and/or include the following: 1. The name and address of the organizati on and the names, ti tl es, and addresses of its current officers; and 2. That employee organization is or is not a chapter or local of, or affiliated directly with, a regional or state or national or international organization and, if so, the name and address of each such regional, state, or international organizations; and /b 3. A copy of the employee organization's adopted constitution and/or bylaws; and 4. The organization has membership among District employees; and 5. The organization has no restriction on membership based on race, color, creed, national origin, sex, age; or eligible employment in any classification contained within the representation unit; and 6. A statement that the employee organization has in its possession written proof, dated within thirty calendar days of the date upon which the petition is filed, to establish that thirty-five percent of the eligible employees within the representation unit have designated the employee organi zati on to represent them in thei r employment rel ati ons with the District. Such written proof shall be submitted for confirmation to the adminjst&ati~e depa&tment Deputy General Manager. C. The Board of Directors shall require holding a secret ballot election by the State Conciliation Service, or as mutually agreed upon by the District and all employee organizations concerned. This secret ballot election must be held no sooner than twenty calendar days after the final determination of the appropriate representation unit or units, and not more than forty cal endar days after such determi nati on. The District and the employee organizations concerned shall meet and confer on the procedures for conducting an election by eligible employees. Such employee elections shall be held within an established representation unit to determine majority wishes regarding the choice of an employee organization, or resolve conflicting claims, upon petition by thirty-five percent or more of the eligible employees in an established representation unit In any representation election, the choice of no organization shall be on the ballot unless there is a runoff election. 1. In an election where none of the choices receives a majority of the valid ballots cast, a runoff election shall be conducted between the two choices receiving the largest number of ballots cast. 2. There shall be no more than one certification election in a twelve-month period within the same representation unit, except as provided above for runoff elections. 3. An employee organization receiving a majority of the val id votes cast in a representation election and has otherwise all the minimum qual ifications as stated in paragraphs 1 through 6 of subsection B of IF this section, shall be certified by the Board of Directors as the certif i ed employee organizati on for the establ i shed representati on uni t. D. A decision of the Board of Directors dismissing a claim for certificati on by an employee organizati on shall be val id and effective for a period of one year. (Ord. 150 (part), 1982: prior code S4-705) 4.24.050 Modification of establ ished representation unit. A. A petition for modification of a representation unit may be filed with the .a"1R4-R45t~.at4.ye "ep.a~tffleRt Deputy General Manager between October 1st and October 31st of the fi nal year of a memorandum of understandi ng. A petition for modification of a representation unit may be filed by a group of employees in a representation unit. Such petitions must contain the signatures of fifty percent or more of the employees in a proposed representation unit. B. Such petition shall be based only upon substantial changes in District functions, organizational structure or job classifications. C. Such petition shall describe the proposed modified representation unit based upon the classes within the classification plan of the District and shall set forth the reasons for the proposed modification. D. The ed~A~.~~.~~~~ d~p.~~~A~ Deputy General Manager, using the criteria set forth in this Chapter, shall determine if the representation un it shoul d be mod if i ed. Any acti on of the .aQIR4R~5t~at4.ye Qepa~tfReR:t Deputy General Manager in determining if a representation unit should be modified may be contested by the employee organization(s) involved and may be subject to the meet and confer process and where that process fails, through State Conciliation Service per Section 3507.1 of the Myers-Milias-Brown Act. (Ord. 150 (part), 1982: prior code S4-706) 4.24.060 Decertification of emplayee orQanization. A. A decertification petition alleging that the incumbent certified employee organization no longer represents a majority of the employees in an established representation unit may be filed with the adfR~A4.:t~a~~.ye depe.ctmeDt Deputy General Manager after the incumbent organizati on has been recognized for at 1 east one full year. Such petiti on must be fil ed with the edmiIljsuat.i~e departmeDt maIlage.c Deputy General Manager when /8 the term of memorandum of understanding has less than one hundred twenty days and more than ninety days remaining. Such a decertification petition shall then contain the following information and documentation: 1. The name of the established representation unit and of the incumbent certified employee organization sought to be decertified as the representative of that unit; 2. An allegation that the incumbent certified employee organization no longer represents a majority of the employees in the unit and any other relevant and material facts relating thereto; 3. Proof of employee support that at least thirty-five percent of the current employees in the unit no longer desire to be represented by the incumbent certified employee organization; 4. When the decertification petition also requests certification of another organization, then that petition shall include those requirements as set forth in Section 4.24.040 (B) 1 through 6. B. Upon recei pt of a decertif i cati on peti ti on, th e adJR.iJl.:i..;tJ::at.i~,fj dlipa.r.tmeJlt Deputy General Manager shall pl ace the matter on the agenda of the next regul arly schedul ed meeti ng of the Board of Di rectors. If the employee petition is found to be valid, then the Board shall require a secret ballot election by State Conciliation Service. The majority representative shall be decertified if the results of a secret ballot election show that employees of the unit no longer desire representation by that organization, as indicated by the vote for "no organization" or another recognized organizati on, as specif i ed in the voti ng cri teri a ci ted in Secti on 4.24.040. In the event of a ti e vote, the incumbent certified employee organization shall not be decertified. The results of the election become binding and final. C. A notice of decertification shall be sent by certified mail by the ad~JI.:i..t~at.:i.~,fj d,fjpa.r~Jlt Deputy General Manager whenever an employee organization is voted to be decertified by a majority of the voting employees. The notice shall be delivered to the last known officer(s) of the employee organization. D. In the event the incumbent certified employee organization is decertified, the decertification shall not negate the terms of the then existing memorandum of understanding between the District and that t-~ organization as acceptance of the terms of such a memorandum of understanding shall be a condition required by the Board of Directors in granting recognition to a new organization as the certified employee organization for the representation unit. COrd. 150 (part), 1982: prior code S4-70n 4.24.070 Individual employees. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to restrict or in any way modify the right of an individual employee to present matter involving his/her employment relationship with the District. (Ord. 150 (part), 1982: prior code S4-708) 4.24.080 Validity. A. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be deemed to modify or abrogate exi sti ng ri ghts and responsi bl1iti es of the District or its employees or employee organizations, to the extend they are governed by law. B. If any part or secti on of th is chapter is found to be contrary to existing 1 aw or laws subsequently adopted by any court of proper jurisdiction, the remainder shall not be affected thereby. (Ord. 150 (part), 1982: prior code S4-709) 4.24.090 Employees meeting on District time. A. District employees shall be allowed to attend meetings held by the District during regular working hours on District time only under the following circumstances: 1. If their attendance is required at a specific meeting by District management; 2. If thei r attendance is sought by the hearing officer for presentation of testimony or other reasons; 3. If they are designated as an officer, shop steward or member representative, in which case they may utilize a reasonabl e time at each 1 evel of the proceed; ngs to ass; st an employee ; n process; ng a grievance, but at all times must inform their immediate supervisor when leaving and upon returning to work. B. In addition, official representatives of a certified employee organization(s) shall be allowed time off on District time for meeting during regular working hours when formally meeting and conferring in good "2-0 faith or consulting with District representativeCs) on matters within the scope of representation; provided, that the number of such representativeCs) shall not exceed four and that advance arrangements for the time away from hi s/her work stati on or assi gnment are made with the appropriate supervisor. C. When formally meeting and conferring in good faith, District Board representatives shall not exceed four members. D. Employees who, duri ng the course of thei r workday are requi red to accommodate assocati on-rel ated busi ness, shall report that, time on their time sheet in an establ ished employee relations account. (Ord. 150 (part), 1982: pri or code ~4-710) 4.24.100 Meet and confer process. A. If a written request to meet and confer is presented to or from an employee representative uni t or to or from the District Board representatives, the two groups shall meet and confer in good faith at a reasonable time and place in regard to matters relating to wages, hours and conditions of employment. Each group shall consider with open and flexible minds all proposals presented. However, meeting and conferring in good faith does not in any way obligate either party to make concessions or agree to proposals. B. If agreement is reached between Board representative(s) and representatives of the employee unitCc;), they shall jointly prepare and sign a written memorandum of understanding, which shall not be binding on either party. The employee representative(s) shall submit the memorandum of understanding to his/her membership for ratification prior to presenting it to the Board of Directors of the District for consideration. Upon affirmative action of the District Board of Directors, the memorandum of understanding becomes binding for the period of time specified in the memorandum of understandi ng. Meet and confer does not require the Board of Directors to agree to any proposal submitted in a written memorandum of understanding nor does it protect representation unit employees from any disadvantages which may result from a wri tten memorandum of understandi ng reached between the Di strict and employee representation unites). C. Upon written notification by either party that negotiations are deadlocked, the involved parties may mutually agree, upon the designation ],}- of a mediator, who shall then conduct private mediation sessions with the parties in an attempt to resolve the impasse. Unless otherwise agreed to, mediation shall be conducted by the California Division of Conciliation of the Department of I"dustrial Relations, or as otherwise designated in Government Code Section 3507.1 or any other superseding 1 aw. D. Costs of mediation shall be divided one-half to the District and one-half to the recognized employee representation unit participating in the mediation. (Ord. 150 (part), 1982: prior code S4-711) 4.24.110 Administration of anployer/employeeordinance. A. The Di stri ct' s ad~J1..:i..:t+...:t..:h"Q depa+:.:tJr:IaR.:t Deputy General Manager shall be the District's principal representative and spokesperson in all matters covered under this Chapter and shall have the authority to administer or delegate the administration of the provisions therein. B. The rights of the District include, but are not limited to, the excl usive right to determine the missions of its constituent departments and divisions; set standards of services; determine the procedures and standards of selection for anployment and promotion; direct and assign its anployees; take disciplinary action; relieve its employees from duty because of lack of work or for other legitimate reasons; maintain the efficiency of District operations; determine the methods, means and personnel by which District operations are to be conducted; determine the content of job cl assifications; take all necessary actions to carry out its mission in emergencies; and exercise complete control and discretion over its organization and the technology of performing its work; provided, however, that the exercise of such District rights shall not conflict with the express provisions of this chapter or applicable laws. 1. The rights, powers and authority of the Board of Directors of the District in all matters, including the right to maintain any legal action, shall not be modified or restricted by this chapter. 2. The provisions of this Chapter are not intended to conflict with the provisions of Chapter 10, Division 4, Title 1 of the Government Code of the State (Sections 3500 et seq.), as amended. C. Nothing in this section shall be construed to give employees the right to strike. 2-1- 1. Any employee who encourages~ causes or participates in any strike~ walkout~ stoppage~ slowdown or impeding of work~ or any other concerted interference with the conduct of the Di strict's operati ons~ shall be subj ect to immedi ate di scharge or other di sci pl i ne at the sol e discretion of the District. However~ nothing in this section precludes the employee from exercising any rights of judicial review. 2. Nothing in this section shall be construed to give the District the right to lock out employees. The term "lockout" does not apply to reductions in force~ reorganizations~ change in staffing requirements~ individual or group disciplinary action(s). Nor shall the term "lockout" apply to the curtailing of operations by conditions caused beyond the control of the District. 3. The provisions of this section shall not be deemed to preclude or to be a condition precedent to the obtaining of any and all forms of equitabl e and 1 egal relief by the District in the event of such concerted action. D. With the excepti on of those meeti ngs referenced in Secti on 4.24.090~ certified employee organization representation unit shall hold no more than two meetings per year during normal working hours of the District. Meetings referenced in this section shall only take place at the end of the workday~ that i s~ Four p. m. If the meeti ng is to be hel d on District prernises~ they then must comply with the schedul ing requi rernents of the area in whi ch they propose to have thei r meeti ng. E. Certified employee organization(s) and representative unites) shall be allowed to use designated portions of bulletin boards in public portions of District buildings provided that the information displayed is within the scope of representation~ and that the responsible party appropriately posts and removes the information. F. Representative(s) of a certified employee organizati on (s) or representative unit(s} shall be allowed reasonable access to work 1 ocati ons to di scuss empl oyee-rel ated matters. The representative~ upon checking in~ shall be provided the opportunity to meet with the represented ernpl oyee(s) with i n a reasonabl e time. The representative shall comply with all safety rules and regulations in effect at that work 1 ocati on. z--3 G. Representative(s) of a certified anployee organization(s) or representation unites) shall be permitted to place a supply of literature at specific locations in District buildings if arranged in advance with the .d~~~.~.~~~e d8p.~~me~~ Deputy General Manager. (Ord. 150 (part), 1982: prior code S4-712) Chapter 4.28 SEXUAL HPRASSPENT Secti ons: 4.28.010 4.28.020 4.28.030 Proh i bi ted. Retaliation prohibited. Report and i nvesti gati on. 4.28.010 Prohibited. It is against the District's policy for any amployee or other person to subj ect another anployee or other person to sexual harassment. Acts of sexual harassment, which are prohibited by this pol icy, incl ude but are not 1 imited to: unwelcome sexual activity of another employee; and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature (e.g. lewd comments or gestures; unwanted intentional physical contact of a sexual nature; the di spl ay in the workpl ace of sexual 1 y suggestive objects or pictures) when: A. Submission to such conduct is made either expl icitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment; B. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; C. Such conduct is offered in order to receive special treatment or in exchange for or in consideration of any personnel action; D. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of interfering with an individual's work performance or intimidating, hostile, or offensive working environment. (pa rt), 1984) unreasonabl y creating an (Res. 84-023 2'1 G. Representative(s) of a certified employee organization(s) or representation unites) shall be permitted to place a supply of literature at specific locations in District bu1ldings if arranged in advance with the admjQjs~a~~ depa~tmeQt Deputy General Manager. (Ord. 150 (part), 1982: prior code ~4-712) Chapter 4.28 SEXU,Al HJlRASSfvENT Sections: 4.28.010 4.28.020 4.28.030 Proh i bi ted. Retaliation prohibited. Report and investigation. 4.28.010 Prohibited. It is against the District's policy for any employee or other person to subj ect another employee or other person to sexual harassment. Acts of sexual harassment, which are prohibited by this policy, include but are not limited to: unwelcome sexual activity of another employee; and other verbal or physi cal conduct of a sexual nature (e.g. lewd comments or gestures; unwanted intentional physical contact of a sexual nature; the displ ay in the workpl ace of sexually suggestive objects or pictures) when: A. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual's employment; B. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment decisions affecting such individual; C. Such conduct is offered in order to receive special treatment or in exchange for or in consideration of any personnel action; D. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work performance or creating an intimidating, host1le, or offensive working environment. (Res. 84-023 (part), 1984) 7-' 4.28.020 Retaliation prohibited. Retaliation against any employee for refus i ng a sexual advance, for refus i ng a req uest, demand, or subtl e pressure for sexual favors or activity, or for reporti ng an incident of possible sexual harassment to the District is also prohibited. (Res. 84-023 (part), 1984) 4.28.030 Report and investigation. If anyone engages in such conduct, that offending person should be told immediately and firmly by the anployee that the conduct is considered offensive. Any conti nued acts of sexual harassment should be immediately reported to a supervisor, department manager, or personnel officer. After i nvesti gati on, appropriate disciplinary and/or corrective action will be instituted against anyone found to have violated this policy. (Res. 84-023 (part), 1984 ) 2# . Centra... Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 54 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETlM~~F 4, 1989 SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON PROPOSED REVISIONS TO TITLE 6 OF THE DISTRICT CODE AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A REVISED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEE SYSTEM AND ESTABLISH A SCHEDULE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEES NO. III. HEARINGS 2 DATE May 2, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING/ADOPT ORDINANCE SUBAAITTED ay . Jarrea Miyamoto-Mllls Senior Engineer INITIAIINGiDEPT.lOIV. D t t/ cng neerlng epar men Planning Division ISSUE: A revised system of Capital Improvement Fees is recommended for adoption by the Board of Di rectors. A revi si on of the Di stri ct Code and the setti ng of a schedule of rates by ordinance are required to establish the new system. BACKGROUND: The 1989 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Pl an (CIP), approved by the Board on March 16, 1989, provides for approximately $196 million (1988 dollars) in capital improvement projects. These projects are needed both for upgrade/replacement and for expansion of District facilities to serve future users. The CIP provides the basis for project prioritizing and schedul ing, District staffing, and long-range financial planning. The Plan also serves as the framework for fee analysis. Approval of the CIP authorizes staff to use the Plan's assumptions in the fee system analysis. The recently completed fee system analysis concluded that approximately two-thirds of the additional flow projected for future connectors will be from residential development and that one-third of the additional flow will be from non-residential user groups such as reta il stores, offi ces, restaurants, bakeri es, i ndustri es, schools, and government facilities. In addition, the analysis determined that the current fee system will not generate adequate funding for future expansion of District facilities and repayment of the current deficit ($12,164,000 as of 6/30/88) in the portion of the Sewer Construction Fund allocable to past expansion of facil ities to serve these future connectors. Staff has recommended that a new fee system be established to provide the needed funds over the period remaining to "build out" of the District's service area. The proposed fee system would result in substantial increases in the Capital Improvement Fees appl icable to several user groups. To facilitate Board and public review of the proposed fee system, the proposal was presented in two parts. The fi rst part addressed the proposal for resi denti al development; the second part addressed the proposal for non-residential user groups. A comprehensive publ ic participation program was conducted to notify those that would be impacted by the new fees. This program included direct mail ing of over 700 informational brochures to residential development interests and over 500 similar brochures to non-residential developers. In addition to the direct mailing effort, notices were included in the March newsletters of the East Bay Chapter of the AlA (American Institute of Architects) and the AGC (Association of General Contractors). Four public workshops were held to provide an informal REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ G7: ENG. ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~"~ 13021\..9/85 SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON PROPOSED REVISIONS TO TITLE 6 OF THE DISTRICT CODE AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A REVISED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEE SYSTEM AND ESTABLISH A SCHEDULE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEES POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 54 May 2, 1989 setti ng for publ fc di scussi on of the fee proposal. Formal publ ic heari ngs before the Board were hel d for each part of the fee proposal; the fi rst on March 16, 1989, for residential development and the second on April 6, 1989, for non-residential development. A summary of comments received during the publ fc workshops through written correspondence and in telephone inquiries is presented in Attachment 1. During the public hearing on April 6, 1989, the Board directed staff to develop a modified proposal which would provide for phased implementation of the revised fee system over a two-year peri od to mitigate the near-term fi nanci al impacts of the new fees on the development community. Several alternatives for such a system were eval uated by staff. A Capital Projects Committee meeti ng was hel d on April 17, 1989, to review these alternatives. A recommended program for a two-year phased implementation commencing July 1, 1989, has been developed which incorporates the following components: Connectfons durfng First Year <7/1189 'to 6/30/90) o Project Approval by 6/30/89 Residential: Current fee system if connected by 12/31/89 Facilities Capacity Fee = $1,760 Pumped Zone Fee = $250 ff connected between 1/1/90 and 6/30/90 Non-Residential: Current fee system plus 15 percent o Project Approval after 6/30/89 Non-Residential: Facilities Capacity Fee = $1,760 Pumped Zone Fee = $250 At midpoint between initial (current fee system plus 15 percent) and fully implemented rates; that is, 50 percent of increase Residential: Connectfons after Ffrst Year o Project Approval by 6/30/90 and Connection by 6/30/91 Residential: Facilities Capacity Fee = $1,760 Pumped Zone Fee = $250 Non-Residential: At midpoint between initial (current fee system plus 15 percent) and fully implemented rates; that is, 50 percent of increase 13028-9/85 SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON PROPOSED REVISIONS TO TITLE 6 OF THE DISTRICT CODE AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A REVISED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEE SYSTEM AND ESTABLISH A SOiEDULE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEES POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 3 OF 54 Mnv'2 lqRq o Project Approval after 6/30/90 Residential: Facilities Capacity Fee = $1,870 Pumped Zone Fee = $265 Non-Residential: New fee system fully impl emented (100 percent of increase) Fees for both residential and non-residential development approved after June 30, 1990, include an approximate 6 percent increase to account for projected inflation in project costs (4 percent) and to provide for recovery of the revenue not collected due to phased implementation of the fee system (2 percent). An ordinance which would establish the proposed system of Capital Improvement Fees by revising Title 6 of the District Code and would establish a schedule of Capital Improvement Fee rates consisting of three rate tables, one for each period of the phased implementation has been prepared. A copy of this ordinance is presented as Attachment 2. The ordinance includes the following recommended findings: o The purpose of the revi si ons to the Capital Improvement Fee system for both residential and non-residential development is to finance the capital facilities needed to accommodate new development within the District's existing service area. o Projected development will generate an added burden on the wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal system which would cause degradation in the quality of service provided by the District below that which is permissible. Capital improvements for expansion of facilities will be required to maintain an adequate level of service. o The cost basis for the Facil ities Capacity Fees is the CIP. Cost estimates set forth in the CIP are reasonable. o There is a strong and reasonable relationship between the Facilities Capacity Fees to be charged each future user and the cost of providing facilities capacity for each such user. o The proposed Facilities Capacity Fees are exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). It is appropriate to receive additional public comments in a formal public hearing prior to the Board's considering the ordinance for adoption. May 4, 1989, was established as the date for this public hearing, and appropriate notices have been publ ished and posted. In addition, the text of the proposed revisions to the District Code have been on file in the office of the Secretary of the District for 15 days, as required. 13026-9/85 SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON PROPOSED REVISIONS TO TITLE 6 OF THE DISTRICT CX>DE AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A REVISED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEE SYSTEM AND ESTABLISH A SCHEDULE OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEES POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 4 OF 54 May 2, 1989 RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a publ ic hearing to receive comments on the proposed revisions to the Capital Improvement Fee System. Adopt the recommended ordinance to establish the new fee system. 13026-9/85 ORDINANCE NO. 169 SUGGESTED REVISIONS TO PROPOSED CODE SECTION 6.12.030 SUBPARAGRAPH K K. Effective date of chapter. Thi s chapter shall become effective on July 1, 1989. However, the Board finds that the implementation of a fee structure as provided by the terms of this chapter will cause substantial fee increases for certain ~ connectors and those imposinQ an added burden on District facilities. The fee structure set forth in this chapter may therefore be impl emented with phased increases as may be provided for in fee tables adopted by the Board. This phased implementation is intended to mitigate the potential financial impact on new connectors and those imposinQ an added burden on District facilities over the first two (2) years of the Facilities Capacity Fee's implementation. The fee tables may use the pre-existing fee structure to provi de for percentage increases over pre-exi sti ng fees and/or mi nimum fees in order to effect the phase in. For purposes of determining whether the fees as calculated under the fee table based on pre-existing ordinances or the fee as calculated pursuant to the fee tables established under the terms of this chapter shall apply, it is determined that the fees set forth in the fee table based on pre-existing ordinances shall be applied to all new connections or added burdens for which the building permit has been issued by the appropriate jurisdictional authority, or the District has affixed its stamp approving construction on the pertinent building plans, or in the case of a new subdivision, the District has approved the developer-installed sewer system to serve the subdivision, before July 1, 1989, provided that the new connecti on or added burden occurs and the appropri ate fee is pai d before January 1, 1990, in the case of residential development and before July 1, 1990, in the case of non-residential development. With regard to changes of use, or the adding of burdens for which no building permit is issued for any reason, all such changes of use and/or initiation of uses adding a burden which occur on or after July 1, 1989, shall pay fees based on the provisions of this chapter. NOTICE OF EXEMPTION TO: County Cl erk County of Contra Costa 725 Court Street Martinez, California 94553 FROM: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff P1 ace Martinez, CA 94553 Project Title CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEE SYSTEM REVISIONS Project Location-Specific Project Location-County DISTRICT-WIDE CONTRA COSTA COUNTY Description of Nature, Purpose, and Beneficiaries of Project THIS FEE FINANCES C'\PITAL PROJECTS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN SERVICE WITHIN THE EXISTING SERVICE AREA Name of Public Agency Approving Project CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Name of Person or Agency Carrying Out Project CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Exempt Status: STATUTORY EXEMPTION - SECTION 15273. RATES, TOLLS, FARES, AND CHARGES Reasons why project is exempt: The Board of Di rectors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di stri ct fi nds that the adoption of the proposed Facility Capacity Fees will provide for capital projects necessary to maintain service within the existing service area. The funds generated are to be used, in part, for repayment of a portion of the capital costs of facilities constructed in the past which incl uded capacity for future users, such as the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer and the Stage 5B Treatment Plant Expansion Project. All past projects have completed the CEQA process. The Board finds that the change in fee structure will not, in itself, result in an expansion of facilities to provide for growth outside the ~xisting service area. The adoption of these fees will not result in any specific.project nor result in a direct physical change in the environment. The Board finds that the District either has or will produce Negative Declarations, Environmental Impact Reports, or other CEQA compliance documentation pri or to the constructi on of any capital improvement proj ect pl anned for in the District's Capital Improvement Plan. The Board finds that the proposed capital improvement fee system provides a rational basis for relating the fees charged each new customer with the cost of providing facilities capacity for each new customer. Contact Person RUSSELL LEAVITT Area Code 415 Telephone 689-3890 Extension 255 ATTACHMENT 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District May 1, 1989 TO: JARRED MIYAK>TO-MILLS FROM: J ACQ.UEL INE L. ZAYAC cf-~ SUBJECT: PUBLIC INPUT ON THE PROPOSED FACILITIES CAPACITY FEE I have prepared this memorandum so that the Board of Directors can be informed about all the public comments received on the proposed Facil iti es Capacity Fee. I have not i ncl uded a summary of the comments made at public hearings conducted by the Board. Residential Facilities Capacity Fee I received seven telephone call s about the proposed Resi denti al Facilities Capacity Fee. The calls can be summarized as follows: 3 - Why doesn't the fee differentiate between single family residences and multiple family residences? <Developers) 2 - When will the proposed fee become effective? (Developers) 1 - What is the difference between our current fee and the proposed fee? (City of Martinez) 1 - Will the new fee affect the cost of converting from septic tank to sewer service? 7 A total of nine people attended the March 8 and March 9, 1989, public workshops on the proposed residential fee. They represented the following groups: Building Industry Association 2 Allied Investments 1 Blackhawk 1 City of Martinez 1 Presley of Northern California 1 Prometheus 1 Vermillion Group 1 Warmington Homes 1 9 The following is a summary of the types of questions that were asked. o Will annexation fees be affected? , Jarred Miyamoto-Mills Page 2 May 1, 1989 o Will Concord be affected? o Will a separate account be set up for expansion fees? o Will the proposed fee be affected by changes in wastewater discharge standards? o What major projects are planned in the next ten years? o When will the treatment plant need to be expanded? o What is a prudent reserve? o Is it equitable to charge the same fee for all single-family homes? o Smaller residential users will bear more of the burden of cost if a differentiation in fees is not made among different types of residential users. o How much longer can new homeowners conti nue to afford the cost of new infrastructure before growth is stopped? o Will there be future fee increases? o When will the new fee become effective? I al so received three letters regarding the proposed fee. The first letter was from the Building Industry Association and it supported the fee increase. The second 1 etter was from the Park Pl ace Group and it requested that the fee only be increased by 25 percent. I have attached a copy of both letters and their replies. The third letter was from UDC Homes and it stated that UDC Homes's development is exempt from the fee. A copy of this letter is also attached. Non-Residential Facilities Capacity Fee I received 13 telephone call s about the proposed Non-Resi denti al Facilities Capacity Fee. The calls can be summarized as follows: 1 - The proposed fee will stop restaurant construction in our service area. 4 - Will the new fee apply to existing users? 2 - When will the proposed fee become effective? 2 - May the fees be prepaid to take advantage of the current fees? 1 - Will a special assessment appear on the tax bill? 2 - What impact will the fee have on supermarkets? 1 - Implement the new fee in phases. 13 Jarred Miyamoto-Mills Page 3 May 1, 1989 A total of five people attended the March 23 and 28, 1989, public workshops on the proposed non-resi denti al fee. They represented the following groups: Medical Building Developer 1 Burger King Franchisee 1 City of Walnut Creek 1 Golden Rain Foundation 1 Safeway Stores 1 5 o When will the new fees become effective? o How much is the fee increase for a medical office building? o Who pays for special studies? o What case law exists to require special studies for public entities? o Will a credit be given for building on an existing site? o Will one-third of all future fees be collected from non-residential users? JLZ:bc Attachments cc: Joyce McMillan with attachments THE PARK PLACE GROUP A limited Partnership March 7, 1989 Jacqueline L. Zayac Community Relations Coordinator CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA- 94553 Dear Jacqueline: We are in receipt of your February. 24, 1989 letter outlining proposed increases in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Facilities Capacity fee structure. I am writing to protest the increase in the sewer fee charges. On a typical apartment project, the proposed increase is essentially doubling the fee per unit in Zone 1 and adding another 25 percent increase if a project is located in Zone 2. There are many "roadblocks" in constructing new housing in this area. High land costs, construction costs, as well as heavy fees imposed by cities and utility districts make constructing new housing extremely difficult. As we all well know, affordable housing is an extremely important issue, so the question becomes one of balancing the costs of providing new housing and the services of this new housing. While I recognize that an increase in fee structure may be necessary, to double the fee is outlandish. I would suggest increasing the fee by 25 percent. Thank you for your attention to this important matter. si~cer7 ' ~~~ Vice President BSK:mv 31 ~ I {? ~ C c.. '. ~ L. 2960 Camino Diablo, Suite 300, Walnut Creek, CA 94596 · (415) 932-6606 · FAX: (415) 937-5029 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019/mhoff Place Martinez. California 945534392 (415) 689-3890 FAX: (415) 676-7211 March 31, 1989 ItOGEIt I. OOtA,. G<n~rtll Af.n.,<', C"'~I En,ln<<, lAMes L HAZAIfO Counsc'/ol' ,It~ DInner (./S/9J.-14JO IO"CC E. ~fC ~"L(A'. S<<r~'.ry of ''''' OI..rio- Mr. Bradley S. Korinke Vice President The Park Place Group 2960 Camino Diablo, Suite 300 Wa 1 nut Creek, CA 94596 Dear Mr. Korinke: PROPOSED RESIDENTIAl FACILITIES CAPACITY FEE Thank you for your letter regarding the proposed Residential Facl1 ities Capacity - Fee. A copy of your letter will be given to each Di rector of the District prior to the April 20, 1989, Board of Directors' meeting. On April 20, 1989, the Board of-Directors will vote on the implementation of the proposed fee revision for residential and non-residential deivelopment. Di strict staff is recommendi ng that the Board approve the fee proposal outl iood in the brochure you received. In your letter, you suggested that the fee be increased by 25 percent. Di strict staff's analysi s found that a 25-percent increase woul d not collect enough money to pay for the collection system and treatment plant expansions which will be required to serve new development. The fees being proposed by District staff ensure that the money will be available to bul1d projects to increase capacity at District facil ities when they - are needed. Since you were unable to attend the publ ic workshops scheduled on the proposed Residential Facilities Capacity Fee, Di strict staff woul d be happy to meet with you at your convenience to discuss the proposed fees. Please feel free to telephone me to schedule an appointment time. Sincerely, ~ Xltr- Jacqueline l. Zayac Community Rel~tions Coordinator JlZ: be ..1.~\\.N CA.l/~ ~'\~ O.p.." ~O ~ B I R BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION EASTERN DIVISION BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION 1280 BOULEVARD WAY #211, WALNUT CREEK, CA 94595 (415) 932-8884 (415) 444-8711 cc J '(;) {-,-} .'" /. >c..../ LJ '\' i April 10, 1989 Ii, /]/ ArEClEDYl!1t) APR 11 ,geS Susan McNulty Rainey President Central Contra Costa 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 ,( n\l/\ \ tl,{. L,')' , (~ill c-qU\ct l,--, ' . J t; It' Sanitary District cccaD , . !"~AF.TAAYOI1HF t'I~rt,,,,,, RE: Capital Improvement Fee for Residential Development Dear President McNulty-Rainey and Members of the Board: As you are aware, the Building Industry Association (BIA) , Eastern Division represents over 750 members which include the major resi- dential and commercial builders as well as the associated sub-con- tractors, engineers, financial institution, architects, etc. which deal with the home building industry. We represent a large cross section of the community, including the unknown numbers of people we build homes and offices of the future for. The District's pay-as-you-go financing program, designed to equally distribute costs to the users, must also ensure that adequate fund- ing is available for expansion of current facilities to meet the projected demand to serve new users. Because the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has done the planning necessary to meet both existing and future users needs, and has presented the BIA with a comprehensive program detailing all the projected capital improvement projects, we find the proposed fee revision reasonable and fair, even though the ultimate cost will be borne by the future homeowners, and create more impact on our current housing affordability crisis. We would also like to take this opportunity to recognize the out- standing effort the staff took in gaining our input early in the process, and we commend their hard work and professionalism. The BIA sincerely hopes that another ourselves facing another increase in je{ truly YGJ~ t-1?l!~ '~ri'J\ cb~ And w C. Johnso Executive Director HEADQUARTERS (415) 820-7626 San Ramon 10 years pass before we find the District's fees. REGIONAL OFFICES: WEST SAY (415) 364-9008 Redwood City SOUTHERN (408) 243-5889 Santa Clara NORTHERN (707) 584-9133 Rohnert Park AFFILIATED WITH NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF HOME BUILDERS AND CALIFORNIA BUILDING INDUSTRY ASSOCIATION Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ,. ." .. -[,I r.t. r.t .. .., . " " " 4 .. .. . . .. ROGER I. DOLAN C;~n~rQI Manager CII/"f En,/n"", lAMES L HIlZARD Coun..,1 fa' tll" District (4t S) 933- t "30 IOYCE E_ McMtLLAN s<<,"tQry of tll" District May 1, 1989 Mr. Andrew C. Johnson Executive Director Building Industry Association - Eastern Division 1280 Boul evard Way 1211 Walnut Creek, CA 94595 Dear Mr. Johnson: RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES CAPACITY FEE Thank you for your letter of April 10, 1989, regardi ng the proposed capital improvement fee increase for resi denti al development. The District appreciates the building industry's support of our capital improvement program. The District intends to remain a pay-as-you-go agency and will review the Facilities Capacity Fee on a yearly basis. Two factors that the District expects to be relevant are: (1) any new regulations imposed by the agencies governing the District which require additional capital facilities and (2) cost increases that are warranted. The District hopes that by allowing justifiable incremental increases to the Facilities Capacity Fee, a major fee increase such as that being proposed this year will not need to be proposed again. Sincerely, (jdJtlev c{ 3~/~ Parke L. Boneysteele ~~ President Pro Tern Board of Directors JZ:bc be: Joyce McMi 11 an / iUDC} / 1717 &ssmoor Parkway P.O. Box 2220 Walnut Creek, California 94595 (415) 932-3900 lJDe Homes Limited Partnership BAND DELIVERED April 21, 1989 ij, re~1"">-~'i"" '" J...u. '".7'\ ..... u... ~ i.bt Board of Directors Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 APR 21 1989 CCCSD ~"~nitr:nY 0; THe ~'~--'-'" Dear Ladies and Gentlemen: I am writing on behalf of UDC Homes regarding the proposed Facilities Capacity Fee now being considered by the District. Based on information we have received, we understand that the District's intent is to impose this fee across the board to new connections within the District, including new connections in Rossmoor. You should be advised of the existence of contractual obligations made by the District which exempt Rossmoor from this increased fee, and in the course of your consideration of the Facilities Capacity Fee we believe it would be prudent for the Board to write in an appropriate exception for Rossmoor. Because you may not be familiar with the history of these special contractual obligations, I will review then briefly here. In 1963 Rossmoor Corporation, the predecessor to UDC Homes, and the District signed an agreement providing for the annexation of the Dollar Ranch into the District. The agreement, which your counsel probably has already made available to you, by its express terms covers the entire development of Dollar Ranch, which of course is now called Rossmoor. The agreement establishes all fees for connecting Rossmoor's dwelling units to the District's sewage system based on a formula using the standard connection charge at the time and the occupancy ratio for Rossmoor. The agreement provides that these rates are to apply throughout the entire development of Rossmoor, which is specifically identified in the agreement by an attached map. In 1965, the District and Rossmoor Corporation entered into a "Supplemental Agreement Establishing the Time at which Connection Rates Shall be Determined" in order to clarify the intention of the parties under the 1963 agreement. The clarification was that the connection charges would be based on the District's rate schedule in effect at the time of execution of the 1963 agreement (Le., September 5, 1963), and that "any changes in said rate schedule subsequent to that time shall have no effect on the amount of the connection charges made pursuant to the agreement of September 5, 1963." Listed on the New York Stock E%chaT/.lle Letter to Board of Directors Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District April 19, 1989 Page -2- The 1963 agreement remains in full force and effect, and will continue to apply throughout the full development of Rossmoor. We appreciate that there is a difference of view between the District and UDC Homes regarding the continued application of the 1963 agreement and that attempts have been made in the past to resolve those differences, unfortunately without success. Although we remain willing to discuss a solution to the dispute, the magnitude of the increase in connection fees represented by the proposed Facilities Capacity Fee has prompted us to consider alternative means to protect our contractual rights if the District intends to seek to impose a Facilities Capacity Fee on Rossmoor. We believe the Board of Directors of the District, in the discharge of its public duties, must take note of UDC Homes' rights under the 1963 agreement and its position that the Facilities Capacity Fee, if enacted, will not supersede the District's contractual obligations under the 1963 agreement. Indeed, we believe it is necessary now to give you notice that UDC Homes will insist upon its rights under the 1963 agreement. Unless appropriate exclusions are made in the proposed Facilities Capacity Fee recognizing and honoring the 1963 agreement, it is our position that the District in effect will be denying its contractual obligations. . Comegys ident copies mailed to: Kenton L. AIm, Esq. Sellar, Hazard, Snyder, Kelly & Fitzgerald 1111 Civic Drive, Suite 300 Post Office Box 3510 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Chris R. Ottenweller, Esq. Brown & Bain 600 Hansen Way, Palo Alto, CA 94306 ATTACHMENT 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AMENDING AND ADDING PROVISIONS WITHIN CHAPTER 6.12 OF DISTRICT CODE AND ADOPTION OF FEE SCHEDULES FOR FACILITIES CAPACITY FEE WHEREAS, substantial study has been conducted regarding the impacts of contemplated future development on this District's existing services and facilities, along with an analysis of new, improved or expanded District facilities required or appropriate to serve new development within the District's service area, and said studies have set forth the relationship between new development, those facilities and the estimated costs of those capital improvements; and whereas these studies were undertaken by District staff and culminated in several documents that are part of the public record, to wit: the "1989 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan" the Capital Improvement Fee System Analysis" dated January 5, 1989; the "Capital Improvement Fee Proposal to Nonresidential Uses", dated February 9, 1989; the "Capital Improvement Fee System Revision for Residential Uses", dated February, 1989; and the "Capital Fee System Revision for Non-Residential Uses", dated March, 1989; WHEREAS, materials noted above were available for public inspection and review prior to the public hearing held on May 4, 1989, and proper notice with regard to said public hearing was given; and May 2, 1989 Page 2 WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held on March 16, 1989, to receive comments on the draft 1989 capital Improvement Plan and to consider the proposed capi tal improvement fees for residential development, with proper notice of the availability of information documenting the basis for the proposed fees having been made prior thereto; and WHEREAS, a properly noticed public hearing was held on April 6, 1989, to receive comments on the proposed capital improvement fee system for nonresidential development, with proper notice of the availabili ty of information documenting the basis for the proposed fees having been made prior thereto; and WHEREAS, additional pUblic workshop sessions were properly noticed and held on March 8 and March 9, 1989, with regard to the proposed capital improvement fee system for residential development; and WHEREAS, additional public workshop sessions were properly noticed and held on March 23 and March 28, 1989, with the proposed capital improvement fee system for nonresidential development; and WHEREAS, Chapter 6.12 of the District Code requires amendment in order to provide enabling authority for the District to enact the proposed revision to the capital improvement fee system and to enact Facilities Capacity Fees for both residential and non-residential development; and WHEREAS, the Board finds as follows: J.~ay ~, .L989 Page 3 A. The purpose of the revisions to the capital improvement fee system for both residential and non-residential development is to finance capital facilities to accommodate the added burden placed on the District's wastewater collection, treatment and disposal system directly and indirectly attributed to new development within the District's service area. B. The "revenues" collected pursuant to this Ordinance shall be used to finance the District facilities required to provide service to new development and to accommodate the added burden placed on the District facilities occasioned by new development, which facilities are generally set forth as facilities for "expansion" in the 1989 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan (including such revisions to such 1989 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan as may be approved in the future by the District Board). C. After considering the studies and analyses prepared by the staff as presented within the various public hearings and the documents set forth above, and the testimony received from District staff and the public at the public hearings, the Board approves the Capi tal Improvement Plan and the Capi tal Improvement Fee System analysis studies and incorporates such herein; and, further, finds that new development within the District service area generates an added burden on the District wastewater collection, treatment and disposal system and would contribute to the degradation of the overall May 2, 1989 Page 4 wastewater collection, treatment and disposal services to be provided wi thin the District, absent expendi ture for capi tal improvements for additional capacity for new development as outlined within the documents set forth above. D. It is necessary within the District service area to provide for improvements and/or new facilities which have not yet been constructed, or have been constructed, but for which new development has not yet contributed its fair share towards the facility costs of said facilities. This necessity to provide for improvements and new facilities is required to maintain an adequate level of service within the District service area. E. The facts and evidence presented establish that there is a strong and reasonable relationship between the need for the improvements and/or new District facilities and the types of development as set forth wi th some particulari ty in the Schedules of Facilities Capacity Fees (set forth as Exhibit "B" to this Ordinance), for which the corresponding fee is charged, and there is a strong and reasonable relationship between the fees' intended use and the type of development for which the fee is charged, and that reasonable relationship is described in more detail in the study documents referred to above. F. The revenues generated by the Facilities Capacity Fees collected pursuant to this Ordinance are to be used, in part, for repaYment of a portion of the capital costs of facil i ties constructed in the past which have provided capacity for future J.vii::1Y ~, .i.~~~ Page 5 users, such as these San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer and the Stage SB Treatment Plant Expansion proj ect. All such past projects providing capacity for future users complied with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act procedures. G. The change in the fee structure occasioned by the adoption of this Ordinance creating the Facilities capacity Fee system will not, in itself, result in an expansion of facilities to provide growth outside of the existing service area. The adoption of this Facilities Capacity Fee system will not result in any specific project nor result in any direct physical change in the environment. An Environmental Impact Report, or other appropriate CEQA compliance documentation, will be prepared prior to the undertaking of any "project", which proj ect is to be funded in whole or in part by the revenues collected pursuant to the Facilities capacity Fee system contained herein. H. The Board has complied with the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act with regard to enacting this Ordinance in that Notice of Exemption has been prepared, the findings therein are hereby adopted, and such exemption will be filed pursuant to law. I. The cost estimates set forth in the 1989 Capital Improvement Plan are reasonable cost estimates for constructing the needed facilities to accommodate the added burden to be imposed by new development generally, that the estimates were May :l, .l9d9 Page 6 intentionally fixed to be reasonable costs anticipated as of this date which therefore may be subject to some escalation, and that the fees expected to be generated from the Facilities Capacity Fee system will not exceed the total of all actual costs reasonably allocable to expansion of District facilities to serve new development. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does ordain as follows: section 1. Chapter 6.12 of the District Code shall be amended and such provisions shall be added as are set forth in full in Exhibit "A" to this Ordinance. section 2. A Facilities Capacity Fee shall be charged in accordance with the amended provisions of Chapter 6.12 of the District Code as set forth in Exhibit "A" to this Ordinance, and said fees shall be at such rates for such categories of users, dependent on the type of new development which is proposed, as is set forth in the Schedule of Facilities Capacity Fees, Tables 1, 2 and 3, as set forth in full in Exhibit "B" to this Ordinance, which is hereby incorporated in full herein by reference. Section 3. This Ordinance shall be a general regulation of the District and shall be published. once in the Contra Costa "'.LCl} ~, ,.::;I(S::;# Page 7 Times, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, and shall be effected as of July 1, 1989, pursuant to the terms of enactment and repeal as set forth more fully in Chapter 6.12 of the District Code, as amended and set forth in Exhibit "A". PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 4th day of May, 1989, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED as to Form: District Counsel Sections: 6.12.010 6.12.020 6.12.030 6.12.040 6.12.050 6.12.060 6.12.070 6.12.080 EXHIBIT "A" Cha-pter 6.12 FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES -J..--- --, ....JuJ Findings Adoption by Ordinance General Provisions Residential Facilities Capacity Fees Nonresidential Facilities Capacity Fees Change of Use Credits Repeal of Prior Fees 6.12.010 Findinqs The Board of Directors finds the current balances in the sewer construction fund and the present connection fee system are inadequate to meet immediate and long-term future capital expansion needs of the District. The Board of Directors finds that the existing District customers have made a substantial investment in the existing District collection system and treatment plant facilities that will benefit new connectors to the District system. The Board also finds that it is appropriate that new connectors to the system provide the revenue needed for the District to provide the additional capacity within the collection system and treatment facilities which is necessitated by the added burden placed on the system due to new connectors. Based on an accounting of the sources of funds which have contributed to the current Sewer Construction Fund balance' and the historic use of revenues from that fund, the Board finds that all funds currently wi thin the sewer construction fund should be allocated to future upgrade and replacement costs and the full cost of all prospective capi tal improvements for expansion should be funded through the collection of a Facilities Capacity Fee. The Board further finds that the accounting of the Sewer Construction Fund balance and the historic use of revenues from that fund demonstrates that a $12,164,000 deficit existed on June 30, 1988 with regard to the portion of the Fund balance which should be allocated toward capital improvements for expansion. Based on these findings the Board of Directors adopts the Facilities Capacity Fee system set forth in the provisions of this Chapter in order to insure adequate funding of all capital facilities expansions occasioned by the added burden on the system attributable to new users; to maintain the District's pay-as-you-go financing system; to provide that each future connector to the District pay its fair share of the cost of expansion of the District's facilities; to provide for a prudent reserve; and, to simplify the administration and collection of fees. It is the intent of this Chapter that the Facilities Capacity Fees system shall provide revenue sufficient to meet the capi tal cost requirements of providing capacity throughout the effective period of the current and successive capital improvement plans. It is the further intent of this Chapter that the factors to be considered in calculating the future capital costs and projecting needed revenues shall include, but not be limited to, growth projections, the current costs of facility construction, current Fund balance or deficit, proj~cted increased costs of (2) - . facility construction, the differential cost in providing service between various areas of the District, current and anticipated change in governmental regulation, inflation and the time value of money. 6.12.020 Adootion bv Ordinance The District Board of Directors shall establish Facilities Capaci ty Fees by ordinance upon a two-thirds vote after a public hearing. The Board of Directors shall, pursuant to such procedure, adopt rates for residential units within each zone. Additionally, the Board, when establishing nonresidential fees shall adopt Residential Unit Equivalence (RUE) factors and the units-of-measure for each user group. The rates and RUE factors set forth in the Ordinance shall be based on an engineering application of the principles set forth in this Chapter. The nonresidential rates shall be described through the use of a table of equivalents which sets forth the unit-of-measure and the RUE factor for each user group and each zone. 6.12.030 General provisions A. Definitions 1. Added burden. Added burden shall mean any of the following: (a) A connection from a parcel, direct or indirect, to the sewer system for the first time, of any structure. (b) An existing connection from a parcel where the estimated volume of flow or the strength of the (3) wastewater discharged from said parcel will be increased due to construction of additional units-of-measure, or a change in land usage. This increase in flow or strength shall include an existing connection from a nonresidential parcel where the units-of-measure attributable to said parcel has at any time been increased, including any combination of increases over time once said increases are known to the parcel owner and/or discovered by the District, whichever comes first. If more than one independent operation exists on a single parcel, an added burden shall also mean an existing connection where the number of Residential Unit Equivalents attributable to an individual operation has increased due to a differing use. If a single and integral operation spans two or more contiguous parcels, the increase shall be measured against the total number of Residential Unit Equivalents attributable to the operation. 2. Chanqe of Use. Any imposition of an added burden on District facilities which occurs after the initial connection from the parcel to the District sewage system for which applicable fees have been paid. Change in use shall include but not be limited to any alteration of the use of a parcel which requires that the parcel be reclassified to a different user group. Change in use shall ~lso include additions, (4) renovations, modifications, construction, reconstruction, or redevelopment of an existing nonresidential parcel or of structures on such a parcel which results in a net increase in units-of-measure even though the user will remain wi thin the same user group. Change of use shall include the addition of any new residential unit to an existing residential parcel. 3. Nonresidential user. A nonresidential user shall include all users who have a connection or are connecting to District facilities where the land use of the parcel is other than for residential units (as the term is defined within this Code), including, but not limited to, all commercial, industrial, service related and governmental uses. 4. Parcel. A parcel shall mean real property upon which a separate assessor's parcel number has been established. S. Person. A person shall mean any individual, partnership, committee, association, corporation, foundation, public agency and any other organization or group of persons, public or private. 6. Residential Unit Fee. A Residential Unit Fee shall be defined as the Facilities Capacity Fee set by the Board of Directors for a residential unit within a zone. 7. Residential Unit Ecrui valence Factor. A Residential Unit Equivalence (RUE) facto~ shall be defined as the (5 ) 9. factor used in determining the added burden placed on the system by nonresidential users and shall be established based on the equivalency to the burden (in terms of capacity) that a typical residential unit places on the District's sewerage system, including the factors of volume of flow and strength of flow. 8. Residential Unit. A residential unit shall be defined as the unit-of-measure for the use of any parcel or portion of a parcel for exclusively residential purposes which shall include, but not be limi ted to, single-family dwellings, each unit of a multiple-family dwelling (such as apartments, condominiums and townhouses), mobile home residences and other forms of property use providing for independent habitation such as in-law or "granny" units. Unit-of-measure. A unit-of-measure shall mean the basic unit used by the District in quantifying the degree of use for a particular use of a parcel. Each prospective user within a particular user group shall be evaluated with regard to the added burden placed on the sewerage system based upon a predetermined unit-of-measure for that user group. Units of measure may include criteria such as the number of dwelling units, structure square footage, parcel acreage, fixture units, seating capacity, number of beds, and/or number of employees or customers anticipated or other unit-of-measure found to be appropriate. (6 ) B. Administration. The General Manager-Chief Engineer shall administer, implement, and enforce the provisions of this Chapter. Any powers granted to or duties imposed on the General Manager-Chief Engineer may be delegated by the General Manager-Chief Engineer to persons acting in the beneficial interest of, or in the employ of the District. C. Use of Fac ili ties Ca-paci ty Fee Revenues. All Facilities Capacity Fee revenues collected pursuant to this Chapter shall be placed in the District's Sewer Construction Fund. These revenues will be accounted for separately. All monies deposited within the Facilities Capacity Fee account will ultimately be applied to capital projects for expansions of the District's sewerage system associated with providing capacity for new users. D. Time for determination and assessment of fee. The amount of Facilities Capacity Fees to be assessed due to an added burden shall be determined at the time of the new connection based on the then existing or proposed use of the subject property when connected. If the added burden occurs without a new connection, then the time for determination of fees will be when the added burden occurs or when the District approves plans relating to the change of use, whichever comes first. The fees will be assessed against the parcel at that time. E. Time for payment and penalties for delinquent payment. Payment of the Facilities Capacity Fee shall be due and made prior to the time of imposition of the added burden as the term is defined in this Chapter. If a new connection occurs, payment shall be m.:tde prior to the issuance of the permit to connect to the public sewer. The Facilities Capacity Fee shall be paid to (7 ) the District at the District office located at 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California 94553. Unpaid charges shall become delinquent forty-five (45) days after mailing, or giving personal service of, a notice of charges for an existing connection, or forty-five (45) days after a connection is made, whichever occurs first. A penalty charge of 10% of the original unpaid amount shall be added to any Facilities Capaci ty Fee that becomes delinquent. Interest at the maximum rate provided by law regarding delinquent fees and charges shall accrue on the total of all delinquent fees plus penalty charges. With respect to any delinquencies which accrued before the effective date of this Chapter, or delinquencies which are subsequently discovered through review of District records, a penalty shall be imposed and interest shall accrue from July 1, 1989, or forty-five (45) days after mailing of notice of charges to the user, whichever occurs first. F. Persons responsible for payment of Facilities Capacity ~. The person(s) responsible for the payment of the Facilities Capacity Fee, including such fees as may arise out of added burden due to change of use, shall include the owner of the subject parcel (at the time the fee becomes due) and/or the sewer connection permit applicant, if those persons are not one and the same person or entity. The parcel owner at the the time of discovery of an unpaid or delinquent Facilities Capacity Fee shall be responsible for payment of the Fee if the new connection or added burden occurred without payment of the appropriate fees, regardless of -,heth~r the connection or added burden occurred during a time when this person owned the parcel. The liability (8) for payment of said fees in the event the fees are not paid when due by the parcel owner or permit applicant, shall be joint and several amongst the persons mentioned herein, but such joint and several liability for a payment shall not limit any party's rights of contribution or indemnity against other parties. It is the intent of this Chapter that the parcel owner at the time the added burden occurs should be ultimately liable as between the persons jointly responsible for payment of the fee as set forth herein, absent the existence of legally binding contractual provisions between the responsible parties to the contrary. G. Addi tional fee. The revenues provided by assessment and collection of the Facilities Capacity Fee shall be in addition to all revenue otherwise collected by the District, including, but not limited to ad valorem taxes, federal and state grants, contract revenue, investment income, annexation fees, sewer service charges, operating and maintenance fees and charges, and charges imposed under the District's source control Chapter. H. Cumulative Remedies. The remedies expressed in this Chapter shall be cumulative with, and in addition to, any and all other remedies that the District may have in law or equity. The District shall be entitled to recover its attorney's fees and cost incurred in enforcing the collection of fees under this Chapter, in addition to any fees, penalties, interest or other amounts to which the District may be entitled. I. Authority to Inspect Premises. In order to effect the powers of this Chapter and pursuant to Section 6523.2 of the Heal th and Safety Code of t.le State of California, the General Manager-Chief Engineer and his autho~ized representatives are (9) hereby given the power and authority to enter upon private property for the purpose of inspection of sanitary and waste disposal facilities, including, but not limited to, ascertaining the nature of such premises, the type of activities carried on therein, the number of plumbing fixtures therein, and any other facts or information reasonably necessary to ascertain the applicabili ty of any fees to be assessed against such premises I including fees for added burden as a result of changed use. This power is subject to any constitutional protections provided for at law. However, failure of a user or prospective user to allow reasonable access to the District for inspection and as set forth herein shall be good cause for denying connection to, or termination of, service from the District's sewerage system. J. Severability. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Chapter is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Chapter. The District Board hereby declares that it would have adopted this Chapter and each section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, or portion thereof, irrespective of the fact that anyone or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses, phrases or portions be declared invalid or unconstitutional. K. Effective date of Chapter. This Chapter shall become effective on July 1, 1989. However I the Board finds that the implementation of a fee structure as provided by the terms of this Chapter will cause substantial f~e increases for certain connectors. The fee structure set forth in this Chapter may (10) therefore be implemented with phased increases as may be provided for in fee tables adopted by the Board. This phased implementation is intended to mitigate the potential financial impact on new connectors over the first two (2) years of the Facilities Capacity Fee's implementation. The fee tables may use the preexisting fee structure to provide for percentage increases over preexisting fees and/or minimum fees in order to effect the phase in. For purposes of determining whether the fee as calculated under the fee table based on preexisting ordinances or the fee as calculated pursuant to the fee tables established under the terms of this Chapter shall apply, it is determined that the fees set forth in the fee table based on preexisting ordinances shall be applied to all new connections or added burdens for which the building permit has been issued by the appropriate jurisdictional authority, or the District has affixed its stamp approving construction on the pertinent building plans, or, in the case of a new subdivision, the District has approved the construction plans for the developer installed sewer system to serve the subdivision, before July 1, 1989, provided that the new connection or added burden occurs and the appropriate fee is paid before July 1, 1990. With regard to changes of use, or the adding of burdens for which no building permit is issued for any reason, all such changes of use and/or initiation of uses adding a burden which occur on or after July 1, 1989 shall pay fees based on the provisions of this Chapter. IR ...,'iiR.; fees PUJ!'8lUlllt te tl\i8 ~~.t,.s, (11 ) 6.12.040 Residential Facilities Capacity Fees. A. Policy. Any new residential connector shall pay a Facilities Capacity Fee in an amount which will fund its proportionate share of the expansion of the collection system, treatment plant facilities, outfall facilities, and solids handling and disposal facilities related to the provision of capacity for the residential unit of the new connector now and in the future. Capi tal expansion costs shall be estimated pursuant to the policies and findings set forth within this Chapter. B. Establishment of zones. The District Board of Directors, wi th regard to providing additional capacity for new connectors, shall establish zones within the District as a whole in order to more equitably establish fees for locations within the District having differing costs. Initially two zones shall be established. By establishment of these two zones, all property for which the estimated cost of providing sewer collection facilities and related capital improvements is similar shall be included wi thin the same zone. Zone 1 shall include all users served completely by the gravity collection system, whereas Zone 2 shall include all users that require district operated sewage pumping facilities to reach the gravity collection system. The fees established for Zone 1 and Zone 2 shall differ in proportion to the differences in costs attributable to providing capacity for new users within each Zone. C. Basis based on providing capacity for fees. Fees for a residential unit shall be set the District's determination of the total cost for for capital improvements needed to ~xpand sewerage resulting from added burden, including all projected (12 ) ..._-_._--_.,_.__..__.".._-~-_._---_..-_._------_._.-._---,---~---,.,._---_..._-- future users, divided by the number of new resi~ential unit equivalents to be connected. The fee for a residential unit shall be based upon both the flow characteristics and strength characteristics for an average residential unit as determined by wastewater industry standards and specific studies undertaken by the District and other sewer entities. Fees for multiple residential units shall be determined by multiplying the number of individual residential units within said developments by the standard residential unit fee for the Zone within which the facility is located. D. Additional Residential Units. Each residential unit shall be subject to a full Facilities Capacity Fee as set forth herein. In the event a separate additional residential unit is constructed on a parcel, whether or not in compliance with applicable government regulations, an additional fee for that residential unit shall become due. The creation of a dwelling space which accommodates an additional separate living area within a parcel, whether or not said additional separate living area is constructed within the original building or is a detached building, shall subject the parcel to assessment of an additional residential unit fee. An additional separate living area shall be defined as an area designed for the purpose of separate habitation which contains both a bathroom and kitchen, as well as a multipurpose or bedroom area. 6.10.050 Nonresidential Facilities Capacity Fees A. Policy. Facilities Capacity Fees shall be charged fc.c each new connection of a nonresidential building and for each change of (13 ) use from residential to nonresidential or nonresidential structure which creates an added burden. It is the policy of this Chapter that nonresidential users pay their proportionate share of costs of capital expansions of the District's facilities occasioned by connection of new users now and in the future. Facilities Capacity Fees for nonresidential -connectors shall be determined based on the relationship of the nonresidential user's flow and strength demands to that of an average residential unit. The differentiation in fees as between Zone 1 and Zone 2 users, as set forth in 6.12.030(b), shall also apply to nonresidential users. B. Use of Residential Uni t Equivalence Factors. There shall be established a system of Residential Unit Equivalence factors (hereinafter referred to as "RUE") for each identifiable nonresidential user group wi thin the District. The RUE factor shall be determined by considering wastewater flow and wastewater strength parameters for each user group in relation to the residential unit. The wastewater flow and wastewater strength parameters shall be determined for residential units based on flow and strength data available within the wastewater treatment industry, as well as data obtained from studies of the characteristics of the wastewater flow within the District of residential units. The factors considered in developing the RUE shall include the wastewater flow and wastewater strength comparison between residential and nonresidential use. An allocation of costs between flow and strength parameters based on their respective contribution to the added burden will be employed. C. User Groups. The district shall det~rmine which categories of nonresidential users may be prope~ly categorized into user (14 ) groups having similar flow and strength characteristics. The RUE factor will be developed for each user group based on the flow and strength characteristics of that user group. A further determination shall be made with regard to each user group as to the unit-of-measure which most accurately demonstrates a positive correlation between the actual flow from a particular user and a tangible criteria of measurement. The unit-of-measure may vary between user groups. D. Calculation of the Facilities Capacity Fee For Nonresidential Uses. 1. The Facilities Capacity Fee for any parcel within the District's boundaries imposing an added burden to the sewerage system shall be based on anticipated use and shall equal the product of the estimated number of residential unit equivalents (RUE) which will result from the added burden, as determined in paragraph (2) of this section, and the Facilities C~pacity Fee rate determined pursuant to Section 6.12.020 hereof. 2. Calculation of the Number of Residential Unit Equivalents Bein9 Connected. The anticipated use of the sewerage system shall be calculated in terms of RUE. The number of RUE shall be determined by the following formula: + C TSSC + B ACTUAL NUMBER OF X UNITS-OF-MEASURE RUE - (15 ) - . A = The proportion of the total capital costs required to construct an incremental expansion of the sewerage system of the existing configuration for conveyance, treatment, and disposal of wastewater which is attributable to flow, B = The proportion of the total capital costs required to construct an incremental expansion of the sewarage system of the existing configuration for conveyance, treatment, and disposal of wastewater which is attributable to BOD, C = The proportion of the total capital costs required to construct an incremental expansion of the sewerage system of the existing conf iguration for conveyance, treatment and disposal of wastewater which is attributable to total suspended solids, FL~O Average flow of wastewater from a residential unit in gallons per day, BODRO Average loading of Biochemical Oxygen Demand in the wastewater from a residential unit in pounds per day, TSSRO Average loading of total suspended solids in the wastewater from a residential unit in pounds per day, (16 ) FLOe= Flow of wastewater which will enter the sewerage system via each specified unit-of-measure in gallons per d.ay,. l ~ ~"q. B, 8,..J.e,.~1 I~ BODe = Loading of 8ielelJP.eal xygen Demand which will enter the sewerage system via each specified unit-of-measure in pounds per day, TSSc= Loading of total suspended solids which will enter the sewerage system via each specified unit-of-measure in pounds per day, and where FL~U ' BODRU ' TS~U A, B, and C shall be determined from time to time by the General Manager-Chief Engineer in accordance with accepted engineering standards. 3. The number of RUE attributable to a parcel from which wastewater is discharged shall be calculated using mean loadings per unit-of-measure for each connecting parcel's user category which shall be adopted from time to time by the Board of Directors of the District. The mean loadings per uni t-of-measure for flow in gallons per day, BOD in pounds per day, and total suspended solids in pounds per day shall be based upon the best data currently available, including updated sampling. information and data from other jurisdictions and publications. 4 . For the purpose of determining whether the number of RUE attributable to a nonresidential parcel has increased, the existing number of RUE shall be based (17 ) upon the units-of-measure of the parcel existing immediately prior to construction of the improvement or other occurrence that brought about the increased use. 5. For the purpose of determining the number of RUE attributable to a parcel from which industrial wastewater is discharged, flow, BOD and total suspended solids loadings shall be based on the following, including the estimated sanitary wastewater loadings: (a) For new dischargers, information contained in the Permit for Industrial Wastewater Discharge as defined in the Source Control Ordinance, or (b) For existing dischargers, information contained in the Source Control Ordinance or an approved permi t for industrial wastewater discharge, or other credible information, including District's monitoring data. E. Special Studies. The fee structure adopted by the Board of Directors shall provide procedures for determining the Facilities Capacity Fees for certain nonresidential user groups by use of a special study. The user groups for which special studies are required to set the Facilities Capacity Fee for particular users shall include those user groups where there is widely varying data as to wastewater flow and strength as between users in that group and for which no RUE factors have been established by ordinance. If an individual user within a user group believes that the applicable Facilities Capacity Fee as set by use of an established (18 ) RUE factor is unreasonably high based on the specific user's anticipated wastewater flow and strength, that user may request that a special study be conducted by District staff to determine the appropriate fee. Such study shall be undertaken upon payment by the user of the cost for such study. All special studies, whether occasioned by the connection of a user from a user group for which a a RUE factor has not been established by ordinance or requested by a user within a group for which a RUE factor has been established, shall be based upon an engineering application of the principles set forth in this Chapter and subsequent fee ordinances to the particular wastewater flow and strength factors of the user seeking the special study. F. Reevaluation of Fee. In the event that a user's connection is permitted which may, in the judgment of the General Manager-Chief Engineer, result in discharge of wastewater with unusual characteristics or where the flow and strength characteristics of that user's wastewater may be difficult to estimate prospectively, such user's Facilities Capacity Fee determination shall be subject to a reevaluation study after one, three or five years of connection and observation. If the reevaluation study demonstrates that the Facilities Capacity Fee imposed does not reflect the actual flow and strength characteristics of the user's wastewater discharge, then an additional fee may be imposed or credit issued thereafter based on the actual flow and strength characteristics as determined by the reevaluation study. (19 ) 6.12.060 Change of Use. A. Added Burden. Any change in use for a parcel which results in an added burden on the District's facilities will subject that parcel to an additional Facilities Capacity Fee for the added burden. Any person who causes an added burden to be imposed shall pay a Facilities Capacity Fee in accordance with this Chapter. Wi th respect to discharges which constitute an increase in the existing strength and/or quantity of wastewater attributable to a particular parcel or operation which is already connected to the District's sewerage system, such additional Facilities Capacity Fee shall be determined based on the added burden placed on the sewerage system as measured ,by the applicable unit-of-measure. When change in use requires that the parcel be reclassified to a different user group, the applicable fee shall be calculated using the RUE factor for the new user group. It shall be the duty of the owner of the parcel as well as any other person made responsible under this Chapter for payment of fees, to notify the District of any added burden imposed upon the owner's parcel or within the operations thereon prior to the change of use or immediately upon learning of the change of use, whichever comes first. 6.12.070 Credits. A. Demolition/Chanqe in Use Credit. A credit may be allowed where new construction replaces a demolished building, if the demolished building had been legally connected to the sewerage system, or where a change in use of a building which has been (20) connected to the sewage system takes place. The credit for a demolished building shall be equal to the Facilities Capacity Fee that would have been paid if the demolished building were to be connected under the terms of this Chapter, based on the current Facilities Capacity Fee rate. The credit for a change in use of a parcel which has previously been legally connected to the sewerage system shall be based upon the RUE factors and the unit-of-measure existing immediately prior to the construction of the improvement or occurrence that brought about the increased change in use under the terms of this Chapter and based on the current Facilities Capacity Fee rates. The credit provided above shall be based on the highest use (the greatest burden on the District) for which a Facilities Capacity Fee (predecessor connection fees) has been paid at the current Facilities Capacity Fee rate. It shall be the responsibility of the applicant for a credit to demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the General Manager-Chief Engineer the user group and the unit-of-measure which was applied to a demolished building or the building for which there was a former use. Further, the applicant shall demonstrate that such building was legally connected to the sewer system. In the case that a demolition credit is claimed, the applicant shall demonstrate that the building's side sewer has been properly abandoned and the applicable abandonment fees have been paid. The credits provided for above shall be applicable only to the specific p".rcel upon which demolition or change of use has occurred and shall be allocable to the owner of such parcel. (21) B. Watershed Credit In the event that a parcel owner has paid watershed fees under prior ordinances for a particular parcel (or a parcel owner has completed sewer improvements agreed to by the District in lieu of payment of watershed fees) I the parcel owner will be given credit against the total new amount of Facili ties Capacity Fee for the previously paid watershed fees. The credit shall be in the amount of the watershed fee paid on the parcel or the amount of the watershed fee for said parcel in effect immediately prior to the effective date of this Chapter I whichever is greater. 6.12.080 Repeal of Prior Fees. Sections of the District Code providing for collection of a watershed fee shall be repealed on July 11 19891 subject to such provisions for its continued use for calculation of phased in new rates as may be permitted by this Section and Section 6.12.030(K) of this Chapter. The Board finds that based on an accounting of the current watershed accounts that the watershed fee revenue has been applied to the purposes for which the fees were collected and that each of the watershed fees accounts had been exhausted as of June 30 I 1988 I with the exception of watersheds 2 I 3 I 8, 10, 111 13, 15, 24 and 27. The Board further finds that the monies retained in these watershed accounts have been allocated in the District's Capital Improvement Plan to future projects and that said projects will be of the nature and variety for which the watershed fees were initially collected. The ordinance enacting t'.is Chapter shall supersede and repeal the District's existing ordinanceL regarding the collection (22) of connection fees as set forth in District Code Chapter 6. 12 (Fixture Charges), Chapter 6.08 (Annexation Fees) and further, in Sections 6.20.020 and 6.20.030 wi thin Chapter 6.20 of the Code. The repeal shall Occur on July I, 1989, simultaneous with the taking effect of the new provisions set forth herein and in Chapter 6.08. However, nothing in the ordinance enacting this Chapter is intended to repeal, extinguish, suspend Or allow to lapse any obligation to pay fees under prior ordinances, which obligation accrued on or before July 1, 1989, or for fees calculated under prior ordinances which may come due on or after July 1, 1989 and before July 1, 1990. It is the specific intent of this Chapter that all obligations to pay fees arising before July 1, 1989 shall remain in effect and the obligations to pay fees calculated under the terms of prior ordinances which may arise between July 1, 1989 and July 1, 1990 shall remain in full effect. (23) EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES TABLE 1 The fees computed in accordance with this Table 1 shall be applied to all new connections or added burdens for which the building permit has been issued by the appropriate jurisdictional authority, or the District has affixed its stamp approving construction on the pertinent building plans, or, in the case of a new subdivision, the District has approved the construction plans for the developer-installed sewer system to serve the subdivision, before July 1, 1989, provided that the new connection or added burden occurs and the appropriate fee is paid before January 1, 1990, in the case of residential development and before July 1, 1990, in the case of non-residential development. The fees computed under this Table 1 are computed based on the District's fee structure which existed immediately prior to July 1, 1989. These fees incl ude an approximate 15 percent increase over the pre-exi sti ng rates for non-residential development. The Watershed Fees and Fixture Fees, including the Basic Fixture Rate Schedule for Ordinary Plumbing Fixtures, Special Commercial and Public Fixture Charges, Charges for Multi-Storied Buildings, Minimum Charges, and Fixture Multiples, are included in this table only for the purpose of calculating the amount of the fee to be imposed. This fee table is designed as part of a phased implementation timetable for the Facilities Capacity Fee system, which timetable is intended to mitigate the potential near-term financial impact on residential and non-residential development. In no event shall the Facilities Capacity Fee for residential units for which this table is appl icabl e exceed the sum of the Watershed pl us Fixture Fees which were appl icable immediately prior to July 1, 1989, or $1,760 for Zone I or $2,010 for Zone II. The Facil ities Capacity Fees for residential and non-residential connections shall be calculated ~s follows: Facilities Capacity Fee = Watershed Fee + Fixture Fee FEES FOR RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT The following Watershed Fees shall apply (RU = Residential Unit): WATERSHED WATERSHED WATERSHED WATERSHED WATERSHED WATERSHED NUt-f3ER FEE NUt-f3ER FEE NUt-f3ER FEE (PER RU) (PER RU) (PER RU) 2 $520 22 $300 33SP $1,253 3 $520 23 $300 34N $ 300 8 $500 24 $300 34S $ 300 10 $300 '2J $300 35N $ 300 11 $300 29N $300 35S $1,050 13 $300 29S $300 43 $ 300 15 $300 33 $500 44 $ 800 ----->.. _.~_...--~..~---_.,--'''~......_._.~._---_._----_._--_.----.___~,___...,____"._"~."._,.,..._,~_____"'..,.w.__,.._'._."_~__ EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES TABLE 1 (CONTINUED) The Fi xture Fee shall be computed as follows: Fixture Fee = $225 + $112.50 per bath FEES FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT The following watershed fees shall apply: WATERSHED WATERSHED WATERSHED WATERSHED WATERSHED WATERSHED NUM3ER FEE NUM3ER FEE NUM3ER FEE (PER ACRE) (PER ACRE) (PER ACRE) 2 $600 22 $ 575 33SP $4,025 3 $600 23 $ 920 34N $ 690 8 $575 24 $ 575 34S $ 690 10 $575 27 $ 575 35N $ 690 11 $575 29N $ 690 35S $2,300 13 $575 29S $ 690 43 $ 690 15 $575 33 $1,150 44 $2,875 The Fixture Fee shall be computed as follows: Fixture Fee = Fixture Count x Fixture Multiple x Fixture Rate Basic Fixture Rate Schedule for Ordinary Plumbing Fixtures Connected to the Sewer System (1) toil et (2) f1 oor drai n (3) lavatory (4) bath or shower (5) 1 aundry outl et (6) sink and auxiliary appliances (7) swimming pool backwash $ 26.00 $ 26.00 $ 26.00 $ 78.00 $130.00 $130.00 0.259 per sq. foot of pool surface Special Commercial and Public Fixture Charges Garbage grinder and disposal Dental chair, drinking fountain Automatic washing machine Floor drain Urinal Types of special fixture not listed $173.00 + $173 per horsepower $ 18.00 $432.00 $ 87.00 $ 87 .00 Special Study Charges for Multi-Storied Buildings (over two stories) The fixture charge shall be at the rate of $46 per fixture unit equivalent and shall be based on the fixture unit equivalents set forth in Chapter 4 of the Uniform Pl umbi ng Code publ i shed by the Internati onal --'--,-----.".,..-,---.------.---__~~__________"__..,,"__~._,__""_.._,_..._..___"_._,...,_...___.___ _" ....u_~__._.....~._._.__.._..______.,.____,_..~__.,__._...____._'___,~_..,_._.._..._.______.__ EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES TABLE 1 (CONTINUED) Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 1976 Edition, as partially listed and modified below. Kind of Fixture* Minimum Trap Size Units Bath Tub 1-1/2 inch 2 Floor Drain 2 inch 2 Laundry Outlet 1-1/2 inch 2 Shower, Single Stall 2 inch 2 Sinks and/or Dishwasher 1-112 inch 2 (residential) Garbage Disposal 1-1/ 2 inch 2 (residential) Wash Basin (lavatory) 1-1/4 inch 1 single Water Closet (toilet) 3 inch 4 tank type *For fixtures not 1 isted above or in Chapter 4 of the Uniform Pl umbing Code, the water supply pipe size, as 1 isted below, or two fixture unit equivalents for each gallon per minute of flow discharged shall be used. Pipe Size 3/8 inch 1/2 inch 3/4 inch 1 inch General Auditorium, bank, bakery, barber, or beauty shop church, cleaning plant, delicatessen, department store, drug store, dog kennel, fire house, grocery, hall, meat market, medical or office building Types of uses not listed hereon Cocktail lounge, bar, club, gas station, garage, restaurant, fountain, drive-in, funeral parlor Convalescent hospital, rest home, hospital Creamery, food processor Factory, industry Multi-use building, each use School Units 2 4 6 10 Minimum Char~e Fixture Multiple $432.00 3 $432.00 $863.00 3 5 $173.00 $863 .00 $432.00 $432.00 $190.00 Per Bed Sped al Study Special Study By Use Per Classroom EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF FACILITY CAPACITY FEES TABLE 2 The fees computed in accordance with this Table 2 shall be applied to all new connecti ons or added bu rdens for which the buil di ng permit has been issued by the appropriate jurisdictional authority, or the District has affixed its stamp approving construction on the pertinent building plans, or, in the case of a new subdivision, the District has approved the construction plans for the developer-installed sewer system to serve the subdivision, before July 1, 1990, provided that the new connection or added burden occurs and the appropriate fee is paid before July 1, 1991, excepting only those new connections or added burdens to which Table 1 appl ies. The fees computed under th i s Tabl e 2 are based on the fee structure established by District Code Title 6 provisions, as amended effective July 1, 1989. The rates indicated for non-residential development are part of a phased implementation timetable for the Facilities Capacity Fee system which is intended to mitigate the potential near-term impacts of the fee system on non-residential developments. The non-residential fees set forth in this Table 2 are intended to generally reflect fee amounts which are approximately mi dway between pre-exi sti ng fees and the fully implemented non-residential fees calculated under the principles set forth in the amended Title 6 of the District as are reflected in Table 3 of this Schedule of Facilities Capacity Fees. Facilities Capacity Fee $1,760/R.U.E. Pumped Zone Fee $250/R.U.E. Zone 1 Fee = Facilities Capacity Fee Zone 2 Fee = Facilities Capacity Fee + Pumped Zone Fee RESIDENTIAL UNIT EQUIVALENCE (R.U.E.) FACTORS(l) R.U.E. = Unit-of-Measure Count Multiplied Times the R.U.E. Factor USER CODES USER GROUPS R.U.E. FACTOR FACILITIES PUMPED UNIT-OF- CAPACITY ZONE MEASURE(2) FEE FEE RESIDENTIAL LU LA LM Single-Family Residences Apartments Mobile Home Parks Dwelling Unit Dwelling Unit Dwell i ng Unit 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 (1) Fees for multi-use buildings shall be determined by considering each use separately. (2) Unit-of-Measure shall mean the basic unit which quantifies the degree of use of a particular parcel (e.g., dwelling unit, square footage). Square footage of an improvement shall be based upon the gross exterior dimensions of the structure. Fixture units shall be based on the fixture unit equivalents set forth in Chapter 4 of the Uniform Plumbing Code published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 1979 Edition. EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) RESIDENTIAL UNIT EQUIVALENCE (R.U.E.) FACTORS(l) R.U.E. = Unit-of-Measure Count Multiplied Times the R.U.E. Factor USER CODES USER GROUPS R.U.E. FACTOR FACILITIES PUMPED UNIT-OF- CAPACITY ZONE MEASURE(2) FEE FEE STANDARD COMERCIAL AB Auto Body/Painting Fi xture Unit 0.063 0.068 AD Auto Dealerships Fixture Unit 0.063 0.068 AL Ai rl ine Services Fixture Unit 0.063 o .068 AR Auto Repair/Maintenance Fixture Unit 0.063 0.068 AS Service Stations Fixture Unit 0.063 0.068 BB Barbers/Beauty Salons Fixture Unit 0.063 o .068 BC Dry Cl eaners Fixture Unit 0.063 0.068 BE Equipment Repair/Repair Services Fixture Unit 0.063 0.068 BH Meeting Halls Fixture Unit 0.063 0.068 BK Contractors/Business Services Fi xture Un it 0.063 0.068 BN Nurseries/Lumber Yards Fixture Unit 0.063 0.068 BP Parki ng Lots Fixture Unit 0.063 0.068 BT Transportation Services Fixture Unit 0.063 0.068 BZ Miscellaneous Commercial (other) Fixture Unit 0.063 o .068 EA Auditoriums/Theaters Fi xture Unit 0.063 o .068 EG Golf Courses/Country Cl ubs Fixture Unit 0.063 o . 06 8 EH Hea 1 th Cl ubs/ Spas Fixture Unit 0.063 o .068 EM Entertainment Fixture Unit 0.063 o .068 ET Tennis Courts Fixture Unit 0.063 o .068 IW Warehouses Fi xture Unit 0.063 0.068 LC Common Areas Fixture Unit 0.063 o .068 OV Veterinary Cl inics Fixture Unit 0.063 o .068 RN Bars (no food service) Fixture Unit 0.063 o .068 LARGE COfotERCIAL AC Car Washes Speci al Study BL Laundromats/Laundries Machine (20# cap) 0.826 0.893 BM,BS Markets/Supermarkets Fixture Unit 0.090 0.088 BR,BX Retail/Shopping Centers 1,000 Sq. Ft. 0.265 0.250 (1) Fees for multi-use buildings shall be determined by considering each use separately. (2) Unit-of-Measure shall mean the basic unit which quantifies the degree of use of a particular parcel (e.g., dwelling unit, square footage). Square footage of an improvement shall be based upon the gross exterior dimensions of the structure. Fixture units shall be based on the fixture unit equivalents set forth in Chapter 4 of the Uniform Pl umbing Code publ ished by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 1979 Edition. EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) RESIDENTIAL UNIT EQUIVALENCE (R.U.E.) FACTORS(l) R.U.E. = Unit-of-Measure Count Multiplied Times the R.U.E. Factor USER CODES R.U.E. FACTOR FACILITIES PUMPED UNIT-OF- CAPACITY ZONE MEASURE(2) FEE FEE USER GROUPS EB EC ES HC HP lH LI 08, OM RS RT,RD,RI RC RB CM IE IH IP IR Bowling Alleys Cinemas Swimming Pools Convalescent Hospitals Hospitals Hotels/Motels Independent Living Facilities Offices Lane Seat Speci al Study Bed Bed Room Bed 1,000 sq. ft. 0.394 0.008 0.354 0.786 0.512 0.319 0.200 0.137 0.191 0.041 0.317 0.425 0.009 0.383 0.850 0.553 o .319 0.119 0.089 0.119 0.027 0.170 (1) Fees for multi-use buildings shall be determined by considering each use separately. (2) Unit-of-Measure shall mean the basic unit which quantifies the degree of use of a particular parcel (e.g., dwelling unit, square footage). Square footage of an improvement shall be based upon the gross exterior dimensions of the structure. Fixture units shall be based on the fixture unit equivalents set forth in Chapter 4 of the Uniform Pl umbi ng Code publ i shed by the Internati onal Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 1979 Edition. RESTAURANTS Restaurants (dine-in) Restaurants (paper service/ no di shwashi ng) Banquet Facilities Seats Fixture Units Seats ______'_.__o__________________._____.,',__.._____.,_~~.___.___._...".,.,__,....'_.___...~..,_"___...,__,_._,_._____~_,~.,__.._._~_____ BAKERIES Bakeri es Fixture Unit SUPERMARKETS WITH GARBAGE DISPOSAL MORlUARIES Speci al Study Cemetaries/Mortuaries Special Study INDUSTRIES Electronic Industries Heavy Industrial Permitted Industries Laboratories/Research Speci al Study Speci al Study Special Study Special Study EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES TABLE 2 (CONTINUED) RESIDENTIAL UNIT EQUIVALENCE (R.U.E.) FACTORS(l) USER CODES USER GROUPS R.U.E. FACTOR FACILITIES PUMPED UNIT-OF- CAPACITY ZONE MEASURE(2) FEE FEE R.U.E. = Unit-of-Measure Count Multiplied Times the R.U.E. Factor SCHOOlS (PRIVATE) SD, SE, SH, SI, SU Schools-with cafeteria and gym! showers Schools-with cafeteria and no gym! showers Schools-without cafeteria or gym! showers Cl ass room o .731 0.085 Cl ass room 0.439 0.510 Cl ass room 0.366 0.425 SCHOOlS (PmlIC) Sped al Study CHURCHES, NON-PROFIT CH OS Churches Services/Fraternal Offices Fi xture Unit Fixture Unit o .079 o .079 0.085 0.085 GOVERNfENT FACIlmESI OFFICES Sped al Study EP Parks/Playgrounds OG Government Offices SPECIAl BIllINGS Sped al Study UTIlmES Sped al Study (1) Fees for multi-use buildings shall be determined by considering each use separately. (2) Unit-of-Measure shall mean the basic unit which quantifies the degree of use of a particular parcel (e.g., dwelling unit, square footage). Square footage of an improvement shall be based upon the gross exterior dimensions of the structure. Fixture units shall be based on the fixture unit equivalents set forth in Chapter 4 of the Uniform Pl umbing Code publ ished by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 1979 Edition. EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES TABLE 3 The fees computed in accordance with this Table 3 shall be applied to all new connections or added burdens for which the building permit has been issued by the appropriate jurisdictional authority, or the District has affixed its stamp approving construction on the pertinent building plans, or, in the case of a new subdivision, the District has approved the construction plans for the developer-installed sewer system to serve the subdivision, after June 30, 1990. Facilities Capacity Fee $1,866/R.U.E. Pumped Zone Fee $265/R.U.E. Zone 1 Fee = Facilities Capacity Fee Zone 2 Fee = Facilities Capacity Fee + Pumped Zone Fee RESIDENTIAL UNIT EQUIVALENCE (R.U.E.) FACTORS(I) R.U.E. = Unit-of-Measure Count Multiplied Times the R.U.E. Factor USER CODES USER GROUPS RESIDENTIAl LU LA LM Single-Family Residences Apartments Mobile Home Parks STANDARD COM'4ERCIAl AB Auto Body/Painting AD Auto Dealerships AL Airline Services AR Auto Repair/Maintenance AS Service Stations BB Barbers/Beauty Salons BC Dry Cleaners BE Equipment Repair/Repair Services BH Meeting Halls BK Contractors/Business Services BN Nurseries/Lumber Yards BP Parking Lots BT Transportation Services R. U. Eo FACTOR FACILITIES PUMPED UNIT-OF- CAPACITY ZONE MEASURE(2) FEE FEE Dwell ing Unit Owell ing Unit Dwelling Unit 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Fixture Unit _ 0.074 0.080 Fixture Unit o . 074 0.080 Fi xture Unit o .074 0.080 Fixture Unit 0.074 0.080 Fixture Unit o .074 0.080 Fixture Unit o .074 0.080 Fi xture Unit o .074 0.080 Fixture Unit o .074 0.080 Fixture Unit o .074 0.080 Fixture Unit o .074 0.080 Fi xture Unit o .074 0.080 Fixture Unit o .074 0.080 Fixture Unit o . 07 4 0.080 (1) Fees for multi-use buildings shall be determined by considering each use separately. (2) Unit-of-Measure shall mean the basic unit which quantifies the degree of use of a particular parcel (e.g., dwelling unit, square footage). Square footage of an improvement shall be based upon the gross exterior dimensions of the structure. Fixture units shall be based on the fixture unit equivalents set forth in Chapter 4 of the Uniform Plumbing Code published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 1979 Edition. ,--------,,' .-.._.._-_._-"-_.__._------~,..~"---_.....-----,-_.,_.._,--'---.-..-..-----. EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES TABLE 3 (CONTINUED) RESIDENTIAL UNIT EQUIVALENCE (R.U.E.) FACTORS(I) R.U.E. = Unit-of-Measure Count Multiplied Times the R.U.E. Factor USER CODES USER GROUPS R.U.E. FACTOR FACILITIES PUMPED UNIT-OF- CAPACITY ZONE MEASURE(2) FEE FEE BZ EA EG EH EM ET IW LC OV RN AC BL BM,BS BR, BX EB EC ES HC HP LH LI OB,OM RS RT,RD,RI RC Miscellaneous Commercial (other) Auditoriums/Theaters Gol f Courses/Country Cl ubs Hea 1 th Cl ubs/ Spas Entertainment Tenni s Courts Warehouses Common Areas Veterinary Cl inics Bars (no food service) LARGE COMoERCIAL Car Washes Laundromats/Laundries Markets/Supermarkets Retail/Shopping Centers Bowl ing Alleys Cinemas Swimming Pools Convalescent Hospitals Hospitals Hotels/Motels Independent Living Facilities Offices RESTAURANTS Restaurants (dine-in) Restaurants (paper service/ no di shwashi ng) Banquet Facilities Fixture Unit Fixture Unit Fixture Unit Fixture Unit Fixture Unit Fixture Unit Fixture Unit Fi xture Unit Fixture Unit Fixture Unit 0.074 0.074 o .074 0.074 o .074 0.074 0.074 o .074 o .074 o .074 0.080 0.080 0.080 0.080 0.080 0.080 0.080 0.080 0.080 0.080 Speci al Study Machine (20# cap) o . 97 2 1.050 Fixture Unit 0.162 0.175 1,000 Sq. Ft. 0.463 0.500 Lane 0.463 0.500 Seat 0.009 0.010 Speci al Study Bed o .416 0.450 Bed 0.925 1.000 Room 0.602 0.650 Bed 0.375 0.375 1,000 sq. ft. 0.277 0.299 Seats Fixture Units Seats 0.259 0.347 0.078 0.177 0.237 0.053 (1) Fees for multi-use buildings shall be determined by considering each use separately. (2) Unit-of-Measure shall mean the basic unit which quantifies the degree of use of a particular parcel (e.g., dwelling unit, square footage). Square footage of an improvement shall be based upon the gross exterior dimensions of the structure. Fixture units shall be based on the fixture unit equivalents set forth in Chapter 4 of the Uniform Plumbing Code published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 1979 Edition. EXHIBIT B SCHEDULE OF FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES TABLE 3 (CONTINUED) RESIDENTIAL UNIT EQUIVALENCE (R.U.E.) FACTORS(l) R.U.E. = Unit-of-Measure Count Multiplied Times the R.U.E. Factor UNIT -OF- MEASURE ( 2) R.U.E. FACTOR FACILITIES PUMPED CAPACITY ZONE FEE FEE USER CODES USER GROUPS BAKERIES RB CM IE IH IP IR SD, SE, SH, SI, su CH OS Bakeries Fixture Unit 0.200 0.373 SUPERMARKETS WIlH GARBAGE DISPOSAl Special Study t<<lRlUARIES Cemetaries/Mortuaries Speci a 1 Study INDUSTRIES Electronic Industries Heavy Industri al Permitted Industries Laboratories/Research Sa-IOOlS ( PRIVATE) Speci al Study Speci al Study Speci al Study Speci al Study Schools-with cafeteria and gym/ showers Schools-with cafeteria and no gym/showers Schools-without cafeteria .or gym/ showers Classroom 1.000 0.860 Cl ass room 0.516 0.600 Cl ass room o .430 0.500 Sa-IOOlS (PWlIC) Special Study CHURa-IES.. NON-PROFIT Churches Services/Fraternal Offices Fixture Unit Fixture Unit 0.093 0.093 0.100 0.100 (1) Fees for multi-use buildings shall be determined by considering each use separately. (2) Unit-of-Measure shall mean the basic unit which quantifies the degree of use of a particular parcel (e.g., dwelling unit, square footage). Square footage of an improvement shall be based upon the gross exterior dimensions of the structure. Fixture units shall be based on the fixture unit equivalents set forth in Chapter 4 of the Uniform Plumbing Code published by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 1979 Edition. EXH IS IT B SCHEDULE OF FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES TABLE 3 (CONTINUED) RESIDENTIAL UNIT EQUIVALENCE (R.U.E.) FACTORS(l) R.U.E. = Unit-of-Measure Count Multiplied Times the R.U.E. Factor USER CODES USER GROUPS R.U.E. FACTOR FACILITIES PUMPED UNIT-OF- CAPACITY ZONE MEASURE(2) FEE FEE GOVERNPENT FACILmES/OFFICES Special Study EP Parks/Playgrounds OG Government Offices SPECIAl BILLINGS Sped a 1 Study Sped al Study UTILmES (1) Fees for multi-use buildings shall be determined by considering each use separately. (2) Unit-of-Measure shall mean the basic unit which quantifies the degree of use of a particular parcel (e.g., dwelling unit, square footage). Square footage of an improvement shall be based upon the gross exterior dimensions of the structure. Fixture units shall be based on the fixture unit equivalents set forth in Chapter 4 of the Uniform P1 umbing Code publ ished by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, 1979 Edition. . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary ....~strict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 4, 1989 NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 SUBJECT DATE May 1, 1989 AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONTRACT TO ANDES CONSTRUCTION, INC. TYPE OF ACTION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4215, HOLCOMB COURT SEWER RELOCATION, PHASE 2 AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY Tad J. Pilecki Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department Engineering Division ISSUE: On April 26, 1989, sealed proposals were received and opened for the construction of District Project No. 4215, Holcomb Court Sewer Relocation, Phase 2. The Board must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the opening of the bids. BACKGROUND: In 1986, District Proje~t 4046, San Ramon Bypass Sewer Relocation, was constructed to make way for construction of the San Ramon Bypass Channel in Walnut Creek. As a part of the relocation project, an interim pump station was const'ructed to serve the Holcomb Court area. This pump station will now be abandoned and replaced by 192 lineal feet of permanent gravity sewer system under District Project No. 4215. Plans and specifications for the project were completed by District staff, and the project was advertised on April 13 and 20, 1989. Five (5) bids ranging from $38,380 to $49,690 were received on April 26, 1989. A summary of bids is shown in Attachment 1. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Andes Construction, Inc. with a bid of $38,380. The Engineer's Estimate for construction is $44,800. The funds required to complete this project are $57,400, as shown in Attachment 2. The total project cost is anticipated to be $70,000. The Holcomb Court Sewer Relocation, Phase 2, was included in the 1987-88 Capital Improvement Budget beginning at page CS-43. The project was deferred into 1988-89 at the request of the Contra Costa County Flood Control District. All costs associated with the project will be reimbursed by the Contra Costa County Flood Control District. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Statute 21080.21 since it involves a pipeline of less than one mile in length which will be located in an easement. A Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Clerk. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $38,380 to Andes Construction, Inc. as the lowest responsible bidder for the Holcomb Court Sewer Relocation Project, Phase 2, District Project 4215. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION @~J 1302A-9/85 DRW ptJf.J RAB Centra 'Contra Costa Sanr--,ry District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO. 4215 Holcomb Ct Sewer Reloc Ph II DATE April 26. 1989 ENGR. EST.~ 44,800 LOCATION Holcomb Ct - South Broadway, W.C. It W BIDDER (Name, telephone & address) BID PRle. Andes Construction Company ( 415) 562-4960 $ 1 2208 Damuth St.. Oakland CA 94602 38,380 Bay Area General Engineers ( 415) 820-2746 $ 2 Box 350, Diablo, CA 94528 39.500 MGM Construction Company ( 415) 685-8812 $ 3 P.O. Box 5757, Concord, CA 94524 (46,300) $50,800 ~ Jardin Pipeline. Inc. ( 415) 782-5335 $ 4 P.O. Box 20817, Castro Valley, CA 94546 48,900 - William G. McCullough Company ( 415) 757-1394 $ 5 P.O. Box 2119, Antioch. CA 94531-2119 49,690 ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ PREPARED BY DATE SHEET NO. OF 2503-11/84 Item 4 ATTACHMENT 2 HOLCOMB COURT SEWER RELOCATION, PHASE 2 POST BID PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Description Total Percent of Construction Contract Costs 100 17.4 2.2 32.6 152.2 (1) Contingency will be used for change orders, force account, or engineering assistance as necessary. 1 $38,380 Construction Contract 2 Construction Contingency (1) 7,620 Subtotal 46,000 3 Construction Management 8,000 Consultants 1,000 5 15,000 Prebid Expenditure 6 70,000 Total Project Cost Estimate 7 <12,600> $57,400 Funds Previously Authorized 8 Total Funds Required to Complete Project . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..,istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 4, 1989 NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 2 SUBJECT DATE May 1, 1989 AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MOUNTAIN CASCADE AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR THE MARTINEZ EARLY START SEWER PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4429 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBM~J~~r~ W. Swanson Principal Engineer INITlttl.'f!<iR~~Tr''i!l:Yg Depar tmen t Engineering Division ISSUE: On April 27, 1989, sealed proposals were received and opened for the construction of District Project No. 4429, Martinez Early Start Sewer Project. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the opening of the bids. Authorization by the Board is required to execute consulting engineering agreements greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors authorized preparation of a facilities plan for upgrading the Martinez portion of the District system in 1987. One of the first efforts of facilities planning was to identify critical overflow problems in the c9l1ection system so that design and correction of the overflow problems could begin prior to completion of the facilities plan for the entire' Martinez area collection system. The "early start" sewer improvements include installation of 2,200 feet of new 27-inch trunk sewer along Berrel1esa Street and the Embarcadero to the Martinez Pump Station. Approximately 300, 500, and 800 feet, respectively, of new 8-inch sewer will be constructed along Marina Vista Street, Lower Berrellesa Street, and Brown and Arreba streets near Cappy Ricks Park. Also included in the Early Start Project are repairs to 26 existing manholes and construction of 7 new manholes or rodding inlets along existing Martinez sewers. Plans and specifications for the project were completed by John Carollo Engineers, and the project was advertised on April 3 and 10, 1989. Six bids ranging from $1,164,512 to $1,756,365 were received on April 27, 1989. A summary of bids is shown in Attachment 1. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Mountain Cascade, Inc. for the bid amount of $1,164,512. The Engineer's Estimate for construction is $1,341,000. The funds required to complete this project are $1,615,800 as shown in Attachment 2. The total project cost is anticipated to be $1,805,000. District staff will administer the contract and provide inspection services. Resident engineering and office engineering services, including shop drawing review, will be provided by John Carollo Engineers (JCE). A cost reimbursement agreement has been negotiated with JCE with a cost ceiling of $120,000. The Martinez Early Start Sewer Project is included in the 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget (p. CS-36 to p C-38). This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Statute 21080.21 since it REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 CWS DRW RAB R./'IEF ENG. ~/fi__ ROGER J. DOLAN (}~J SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MOUNTAIN CASCADE AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR THE MARTINEZ EARLY START SEWER PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4429 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 4 DATE May 1, 1989 involves a pipeline streets or easements. of less than one mile in length which will be located in A Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Clerk. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of contract for the amount of $1,164,512 for construction of the Martinez Early Start Sewer Project, District Project No. 4429, to Mountain Cascade, Inc. as the lowest responsible bidder. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a cost reimbursement agreement with a cost ceiling of $120,000 with John Carollo Engineers. 13028-9/85 ATTACHMENT 1 Martinez Early Start Sewer Project District Project 4429 Summary of Bids Bidder Bid $ 1,164,512 1,190,829 1,343,431 1,480,233 1,487,230 1,756,365 Mountain Cascade, Inc. Dalton Construction Co. McGuire and Hester Antovich Construction, Inc. W. H. Ebert Corp. MGM Construction Co. Engineer's Estimate 1 ,341 ,000 Item 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ATTACHMENT 2 MARTINEZ EARLY START SEWER PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT 4429 SUMMARY OF FUNDS Description Construction Contract Gas main relocations by PG&E Railroad and encroachment permit - related costs Contingency at 15 percent Subtotal Force Account *Administration/Inspection *Surveying *Public Information Program *Legal *Engineering Subtotal Consultants/Contractors *Resident Engineering (JCE) Engineering Services During Construction (JCE) *Geotechnical Services (Wahler) *Material Testing Subtotal Prebid Expenditures (Design) TOTAL PROJECT COST Funds Previously Authorized Total Funds Required to Complete Project Total $1,164,512 4,000 20,000 178,288 1,366,800 76,000 15,000 3,000 2,000 3,000 99,000 96,000 24,000 10,000 20,000 150,000 189,200 1,805,000 <189,200> S 1. 615 . 800 Percent of Construction Contract Costs 100.0 5.6 1... 1 0.2 0.1 0.2 7.0 1.8 0.7 1.5 13.8 132.1 . Centrh. Contra Costa Sanitar'~ .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF M 4 1989 NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 3 SUBJECT DATE JlUTHORIZE fW AAD OF CONTRACT TO CONSo.. IDATED LANDSCAPE SERVICES, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF TREATMENT PLANT LANDSCAPING PROJECT, PHASE I, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 10031A Ma 1, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION JlUTHORIZE IW ARD SUBMITTED BY James L. Bel cher Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: On April 19, 1989, seal ed bids for the Treatment Pl ant Landscaping Project, Phase I, District Project No. 10031A, were received and publicly opened. The Board of Directors must award the contract to the lowest responsible bidder or reject all bids within 60 days of the opening of bids. BICKGROOND: On May 7, 1987, the Board of Directors authorized a consulting agreement with the fi rm of Royston Hanamoto All ey and Abey to take the conceptual design of the Treatment Plant Landscaping Master Plan and develop a biddable set of pl ans and specifications for the Phase I portion of the project. The Phase I portion of the project is a landscape design for the main entry to the District facility off of Imhoff Place. The design incorporates appropriate signing and a small pond usi ng recl aimed water. (See attached pl an - Attachment 1.) Phase I design was canpleted, and bids were opened on October 12, 1988. The low bid received was $467,081, which was considered excessive, and all bids were rejected. Staff was directed to evaluate alternative designs that could result in significant savings without diminishing the overall intent and aesthetic value of the project. Staff and the consul tant produced a rev ised set of draw ings that refl ected the reduced scope of the project. The signage wall was reduced in length and strai ghtened, maki ng it easi er and 1 ess costl y to construct. The pond size was cut in half, and the water spray and lighting systems were simpl ified to reduce costs. Pl ans and specifications for the project were publicly advertised on March 22, 1989, and AprilS, 1989. Five bids were received and opened on April 19, 1989. A summary of the bids is shown in Attachment II. M eval uation of the bids, conducted by Plant Operations Department staff, concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Consol idated Landscape Services, Inc. with a bid price of $298,900. The engineer's estimate for this project was $270,000. The budget to canplete Phase I of this proj ect is $399,000, as shown on Attachment III. This project has been eval uated by staff and determined to be exempt fran the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.5, since it involves a minor alteration to land for landscaping purposes. A Notice of Exemption has been filed with the county clerk. REC<MENDATION: Authorize award of the construction contract in the amount of $298,900 for the Treatment Pl ant Landscaping Project, Phase I, District Project No. 10031A, to Consol i dated Landscape Serv ices, Inc. as the the lowest responsi bl e bi dder. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130211.9/85 l ..'- i-' ~.~.J --' - . \ \ \ h;:1 ,J ~ ",' r" !t~ II t ~ .''1 .~ - J~ jl. ~ .:! ., " .,# -- .f;' 'r ..... , '. ,.... .' ' .... " /. ... ...... '. ...--:" ....::.. '... ... ...... - JlTT ACHt1ENT I ~v. ~ .'-.:... /..1<\ , .. \.:.,. "'.... .~....-..... . "'" J,,11 :-:'.: "- ' . - --' ,/. ,...' )<>1>' / /-.,,:.' \ , / \ ~'";~ .~I ..' . . .I ,. I ~ / .>- .-(J"~" i ' .\~ /' \ / I.y ,,'. '- ..... / ';' . ........ ..~<./ .- ... / _._..._.::_L ',. ..... 1./.,/ .':;- ...;.' I .' '.... ., ....' '--'f,:" . ". ',. . ,~~~) / ..... , .. ' .'" "- ",-,,, , , t. _ ." ]i '~l :j~ .'~ ' ' ! ~~' I :::' i: J : : 1'1: j . I- ~ II iZf/I o "' ~t; ~8 o "' . ~ ~ il . j 1 j j 'JIIlll hi!! m! .. .~~ jl~~ I J t ATTACHMENT II Centrar ~ontra Costa Sani{ ry District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO. 10031A Treatment Plant Landscaping, Phase IOATE April 19,1989 First Floor Conference Room $ 270 000 ENGR.EST. , LOCATION II: {yl BIDDER (Nome, telephone & address) .ID PRICE 1 Consol ida.~ed Landscape Services,{ 415) 449-2242 $ 46 Rickenbacker Circle, Live~~gre, CA 94550 298,900 Mori Hatsushi and Associates ( ) $ 2 3113 Clayton Road, Concord, CPV 94519 305,000 RMT Landc;cape Contractors ( 415) 568-3208 $ 520 Doolittle Drive, San Leandro, CA 94577 319,739 3 - Munkdale Brothers ( ) $ 4 1616 Rollins Road, Burlingame, CA 94010 349,327 Dalzell Corporation ( 415) 835-0732 $ 5 P.O. Box 8284, Emeryville, CA 94662 375,000 ( ) $ - . ( ) $ ( ) $ . ( ) $ - ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ .. PREPARED BY James L. Belcher DATE 04/19/89 SHEET NO. OF . ,.________..___._.__"__.,_.__u__,_.__.^'..._.__...___.~,,u_._.___...._.h_..~....____._'...M__.'.....,.___...,.,._'_'___'__'_'m.._._.__",__,_,_"",,~_,,, _ U'" "''''_'_~_'~''_'_'''__''''__''''''_' .. ATTACHMENT III Treatment Plant Landscaping Project. Phase I District Project No. 10031A Post-Bid/Pre-Construction Estimate Item Item Jlmount Description 1 Construction Contract 2 Estimated Construction Contingencies @ 12% Subtotal 3 Estimated Construction Inci dental s to Proj ect Canpl eti on - District Force Account $37,100 Contract Management Engineering Service (Royston 10,000 Hanamoto All ey and Abey) - Testing Services 2,000 Total Estimated Construction Incidentals 49,100 4 Total Estimated Construction Cost 5 Additional Pre-Bid Redesign Expenditures Required 6 TOTIt. NJDITION/l. /l.LOCATION OF FUNDS REQUIRED TO COR.ElE PROJECT 7 Funds Prey i ousl y Auth orized for Treatment Plant Landscaping Master Plan and Phase I Design 51,800 Total $ 298,900 36,000 $ 334,900 384.000 15,000 $399.000 % Construction Contract 100 15 . Central ~ontra Costa SanitarYLJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 4, 1989 NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 7 SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH THE CITY OF SAN RAMON, JOB 3148, IN THE SAN RAMON AREA DATE April 28, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Board approval is required to permit the city of San Ramon to install and maintain a concrete walkway, two trees, a landscape sprinkler system, and lawn area over a portion of a District sewer easement. BACKGROUND: The city of San Ramon is constructing a publ ic 1 ibrary at the southeast corner of Bollinger Canyon Road and Market Place in San Ramon. A public sewer easement and a 10-inch sewer pipe line cross the building site as shown on the attached map. Certai n site improvements adj acent to the buil di ng have been constructed over the existing sewer easement. The plans for the construction of the library were inadvertently not submitted to the District for review prior to the start of construction. During the early stages of construction, the fact that the library was being built close to the exi sti ng sewer and si te improvements were goi ng to be bui 1 t over the sewer was identified. The additional loads which the building will impart to the existing sewer were checked and found to be mi nimal . After a seri es of di scussi ons with San Ramon's engineer, the District agreed to the installation of the improvements over the existing sewer provided the City enter into an agreement relating to real property with the District. San Ramon has agreed to follow the District's review procedure in the future. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need shoul d arise, the agreement requi res the property owner to remove the improvements at the owner's expense within 30 days of notice to do so or bear the District's extraordinary costs associated with working in and around the site improvements. The agreement protects the District's easement rights and holds the District harmless from any claims or damages associated with District facilities as a result of the presence of the site improvements. This project (the proposed agreement) has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement Relating to Real Property with the city of San Ramon, Job 3148, authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB W~;N;P~o;;.. 1302A-9/85 DH fJlJt /2lA. . / (1/(" -_._-_._--~_.~-,.._,-_._-----,-_." - - --------------_._~---------- - 0_ - 'V ~ ....,. . "-I' ~ ~ ~ ~ .. ~ . ,,/ '\ p.opl) C~10" ltlF/J-- eP''' ~ ~ ~ ~ r L-01' - o. '" '4' .~ . REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT Job 3148 San Ramon Area . Central ~ontra Costa SanitarYlJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 4, 1989 NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 8 SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE PHASE 1 1-680/ SR-24 SEWER RELOCATIONS PROJECT (D.P. 4428) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION DATE A ril 28, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY Henry B. Than Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Constructi on has been compl eted on the Phase 1 1-680/ SR-24 Sewer Relocations Project, and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The Phase 1 I-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Project was required in order to accommodate the I-680/SR-24 Interchange Improvements by CalTrans. Major elements of the Sewer Relocations Project were the installation of approximately 350 lineal feet of lO-inch diameter ductile iron pipeline, 500 lineal feet of 36-inch diameter concrete pipeline, 1,100 lineal feet of 39-inch diameter concrete pi pel ine, and associ ated manhol es and structures. In addition, approximatel y 1,050 lineal feet of 10 to 12-inch diameter water distribution main was relocated by EBMJD to allow for the installation of the sewer. Additional information on the project is given on page CS-28 of the Fiscal Year 1988/1989 Capital Improvement Budget. On June 2, 1988, the Board authorized the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract with Dal ton Construction Company to construct the Phase 1 I-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Project. Notice to Proceed was issued on August 10, 1988. The original contract completion date was December 9, 1988. The contract completion date was revised to January 31, 1989, due to contract change orders for extra work. However, due to problems encountered by the contractor during construction, the completion was delayed and the pipeline was put into full operation on April 21, 1989. The remaining contract work was substantially compl eted on Apri 1 28, 1989. L iqui dated damages are bei ng withhel d from the contractor. The remai ni ng work consi sts of punch 1 i st items and these do not affect the project acceptance. A claim for changed site conditions was recently submitted by the contractor and it is being reviewed. The total authorized budget for the Phase 1 I-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Project, including the engineering and design, consultant service, District forces, testing services, relocation of EBMJD facilities, etc., is $1,851,000. The total estimated expenditures are approximately $1,700,000, excluding the amount that has been requested by the contractor in its claim of changed site conditions. All costs incurred by the District are eligible for reimbursement by CalTrans. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of the project closeout. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for construction of the Phase 1 I-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Project (D.P. 4428) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. 1302A-9/65 RSK JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION .~ flfJ] ,.--,"--_.-_.- ...."-~~_._--"._-_..__._.__._------_.._-,....,-,._,.,.---'----_._---'~-,"~--.__._...-.__._---~.._....._-_.__.~.....,_.._,-----_.._---_.._~+_..._"------ . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION SUBJECT PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Ma 4, 1989 PAGE 1 OF 4 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 DATE A r1l 24, 1989 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 89-13 (ORINDA), P.A. 89-14 (LAFAYETTE), AND P.A. 89-15 (DANVILLE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT &l)BMITTED BY uenn1s Hall Associate Engineer Parcel No. Area 89-13 I Or1 nda I (69D1> 89-14 89-15 IDanv111e <78E2 ) Owner, Address Parcel No. & Acrea e J. E. Cleymaet, etux 37 Los Altos Road Or1nda CA 94563 263-040-003 (1.15 AC) Pamela Heaton c/o Jackson & Co. Realtors 1078 Carol Lane, 6201 Lafayette CA 94549 Ptn. 167-130-002 (.3 AC) State of California Dept. of Parks and Recreation POBox 942896 Sacramento CA 94296 Ptn. 194-020-01&-02 (2.02 AC) TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division Remarks I Ex1 st1 ng house - fa1l1 ng I CCCSD I septic system. District I to prepare "Notice of I Exemption" I Owner pl ans to bu1l d one I CCCSD single family home. District to prepare "Notice of Exemption" I State of Cal1forn1 a State of intends to use this site California as a staging area for horseback riders. Site I will include a ranger's I house and a public I restroom. "Not1 ce of I Exemption" by State of Cal1forn1 a. Sphere of influence must be modified. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 89-13, 89-14, and 89-15 to be included in a future formal annexation. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 ;do DH REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION fir lJ JSM RAB ... "- ~'; SAN EBMUD PABLO RES PROP P.A. 89-13 III _uJ__<'" , .-- 4 ROMAN CATHOLIC IISHO' OF OAklAND '04.04AC NELSON 10. Z S AC '7 95 \ P.A. 89.14 .us T At -.l1 I _ual I:l.OAC 1 I .:'<-:'.."'t,~J ~".IY .0. 0 At .... .. At 41.,.a...c MOUNT DIABLO STATE PARK 41111EX . ... :tf:t?:;:;:r;,[i,::,::,:;.:;..:~.:;.?t~.:.:.. : A';';';'; ..._. P.A. 89.15 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 4, 1989 NO. VI. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR DESIGN OF THE I680/SR24 SEWER RELOCATIONS PHASE 2, DISTRICT PROJECT 4654 SUBMITTED BY Tad J. Pilecki Associate En ineer TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT Department Div' . ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a consulting engineering agreement when it is greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: To accommodate construction of the first unit of the 1680/SR24 Interchange Expansion, the District completed the first phase of sewer relocations in December of 1988. In a letter dated March 31, 1989, Caltrans requested the District to prepare detailed plans and specifications for the second phase of sewer relocations. The second phase sewer relocations will consist of up to 11 relocations between the South Main undercrossing and the North Main overcrossing. The I680/SR24 Interchange Expansion was the subject of a Board presentation at the April 20, 1989 Board meeting. Plans and specifications for the relocation are to be submitted to Caltrans for approval by August 15, 1989. The construction of the relocations must be completed by May 1990 to meet Caltrans' schedule requirements. To minimize the disruptive impact on Walnut Creek residents, several District projects will be constructed concurrent with the Caltrans relocations. To meet the short schedule, staff proposes to retain a consulting engineering firm to prepare the plans and technical specifications. A cost reimbursement contract with a cost ceiling of $112,955 has been negotiated with the engineering firm of John Carollo Engineers (JCE) of Walnut Creek. JCE was selected because of its design experience on the Phase 1 relocations and its ability to meet Caltrans' schedule. Attachment 1 provides a detailed breakdown of the design budget. The predesign level total project cost for the Phase 2 relocations is estimated to be $1,340,000. The total project cost for all Caltrans relocations associated with the I680/SR24 Expansion is $3,700,000. Cal trans reimburses in arrears, so the Board must authorize funds for the project even though Caltrans will eventually compensate the District for all costs attributable to the I680/SR24 Interchange Expansion. The I680/SR24 Sewer Relocations Phase 2 Project is described in detail starting on page CS-28 of the 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Statute 21080.21 since it involves construction of pipelines of less than one mile in total length which will be located in streets and easements. A Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Clerk. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION (()~4J DRW 1302A-9/85 TJP CWS RAB SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR DESIGN OF THE I680/SR24 SEWER RELOCATIONS PHASE 2, DISTRICT PROJECT 4654 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 DATE OF 3 Anri 1 74 laRa RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a cost reimbursement contract with a cost ceiling of $112,955 with John Carollo Engineers to design Phase 2 of the I680/SR24 Sewer Relocations, DP 4654. 13028-9/85 ATTACHMENT 1 I680/SR24 SEWER RELOCATIONS, PHASE 2 DESIGN BUDGET John Carollo Engineers Soils (Consultant) Aerial Survey (Consultant) Ground Survey (District Forces) District Forces (Design) (1) $112,955 15,000 10,000 15,000 46,405 Subtotal 199,360 Contingency ( 10%) (2) 20,640 Total Cost S220,000 (1) District Forces will direct the consultant's work, obtain and coordinate utility information, provide potholing and TV inspection, prepare front end specifications, provide technical review, coordinate aerial and geotechnical consultants, and develop planning evaluations. (2) If necessary, District staff will use this contingency to issue consultant contract change orders or fund additional force account work. . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar~ District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 4, 1989 NO. VI I. COLLECTION SYSTEM 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-OHEF ENGINEER TO EXEQJTE AN AGREEr-ENT WITH DECKER-OVERMILLER INC. TO REA-ACE AND UPSIZE 4,200 FEET OF EXISTING SEWER AT FOUR LOCATIONS USING THE PIPE BURSTING r-ETHOD WITH A COST CEILING OF $314,100 DATE May 2, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEr-ENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. John Larson, Mana er ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a construction contract when the amount exceeds $25,000. BAa<GROUND: There are portions of the District's collection system that have deteriorated to the point where replacement is necessary to prevent failure and subsequent overflows. The 1989/90 Capi tal Improvement Budget i ncl udes funds for replacing collection system facilities using pipe bursting (Pipe Bursting Projects, page CS-135). Four pipe segnents total ing 4,200 feet and located in narrow easements in residential areas with difficult access and mature landscaping are proposed for repl acement. They are located in Ori nda, Lafayette, and Wal nut Creek. The four pi pe segnents were selected on the basi s of condi ti on, ongoi ng mai ntenance requi rements, dffficul ty of access for mai ntenance, and suitabil ity for pipe bursting. Pi pe bursti ng was sel ected for th i s work because of its unique abil ity to both repl ace and upsize a sewer with mi nimal excavati on. The features of the pi pe bursting method that are essential to the long term success of these replacement proj ects are: o Ability to accomplish the work within the existing five-foot-wide easement so that no additional property rights are required. o Ability to accomplish the work without disturbing the mature landscaping and encroachments in the existing right-of-way (this also results in lower restoration costs). o Ability to accomplish the work with minimal excavation (both benching and trenching) to eliminate the potential for earth movement due to altered surface drainage and/or poor backfill compacti on. o Ability to accompl ish the work with minimal construction impacts (noise, dust, traffic, damage to private property) on local resi dents. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUlliORIZE GENERAL MANPGER-a-tIEF ENGINEER TO EXEUJTE AN AGREE~NT WITH DECKER-OVERMILLER INC. TO REPLACE AND UPSIZE 4,200 FEET OF EXISTING SEWER AT FOUR LOCATIONS USING THE PIPE BURSTING MElliOD WITH A COST CEILING OF $314,100 PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE May 2, 1989 Staff concludes this work is exempt fran the public bidding requiranents because there is only one source available. It is the staff's strong engineering opinion that this project can only be successfully performed as envisioned through use of the pipe bursting method. No traditional construction methods or alternative new underground technologies are known to staff which can accomplish this project with all of the major benefits provided by use of the pipe bursting technology. The pipe bursting method is only available at this time through Oecker-Overmiller Inc. They are the sole and only certified licensed contractor in California to utilize and execute the PIM Corporation pipe bursting technology. PIM Corporation is the sole licensee in North America of British Gas, plc. The method and apparatus are covered by the following United States patents: 4,699,404; 4,720,211; and 4,738,565. No other pipe bursting method is currently available in the United States at this time and no challenges have been made to the United States patents held by British Gas. A unit price contract with a cost ceiling has been negotiated with Oecker-Overmiller Inc. The unit price varies fran site-to-site. The cost ceiling is $314,100. The Decker-Overmiller work incl udes mobil ization/demobil ization, bursting the existing 6-inch pipe, installation of an 8-inch polyethylene repl acement pi pe, 1 ateral rei nstatement, and si te restorati on. The work woul d start in early June to take advantage of the higher soil moisture and the avail abil ity of the crews and eq ui pment. A deci si on not to proceed at th i s time would delay the work for one year due to demand for the crews. The total cost for this work will be $341,100. In addition to Oecker-Overmiller, District forces would provide public contact, project management, inspection, and other support activiti es as needed. The Oi stri ct force account cost will be $27,000. This cost using the pipe bursting method is anticipated to be significantly less than alternative construction methods available due to extended costs for right-Of-way and landscape and surface restoration. Thi s proj ect has been eval uated by staff and it has been determi ned to be exempt fran the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.3, since it involves replacement of existing sewer facilities with negligible or no expansion of capacity. A Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Clerk. RECOMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engi neer to execute an agreement with Decker-Overmiller Inc. to replace and upsize 4,200 feet of existing sewers at four locations with a cost ceiling of $314,100. --------- 13026-9/85 . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF May 4, 1989 NO. XI. BUDGET AND FINANCE 1 SUBJECT DATE April 26, 1989 RECEIVE THE 1989-1990 EQUIPMENT BUDGET FOR REVIEW TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE EQUIPMENT BUDGET SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: The 1989-1990 Equipment Budget is submitted for review. BACKGROUND: The 1989-1990 Equi pment Budget is transmitted herew ith. A 1 ist of all equipment items requested by each department, categorized by functional classification, is supported by a descriptive sheet which provides justification for each item. A comparative summary of the Equi pment Budget by department for the 1989-1990 and four prior fiscal years is provided. The Equipment Budget was reviewed by the Board Capital Projects Committee on April 25, 1989, and resultant changes have been incorporated in the attached budget document. - The 1989-1990 Equipment Budget is submitted for initial review by the full Board at this time, and is scheduled for approval at the next Board Meeting on May 18, 1989. A contingency amount is provided in the Equipment Budget for unbudgeted equipment items of $1,000 or less which require approval by the General Manager-Chief Engineer. The $1,000 approval 1 imit for expenditures from the conti ngency account has been unchanged during the last ten years. The application of the increase in the Consumer Price Index during this period to the $1,000 limit would increase the approval limit to $1,800. A change in the General Manager-Chief Engineer's approval limit to $1,800 is proposed for consideration at the May 4, 1989 Board Meeting, and for determination at the May 18, 1989 Board Meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the 1989-1990 Equipment Budget for review, and provide District staff with comments and guidance. Consider a change to the General Manager-Chief Engi neer' s approval 1 imit for conti ngency account expenditures from $1,000 to $1,800. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~: INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 WN F