HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-02-89 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS r PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER I BOARD MEETING OF March 2, 1989 NO. IV. DATE CONSENT CALENDAR 2 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 89-8 (ALAMO) TO BE INClUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT February 16, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOF PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division Parcel No. Area Owner, Address Parcel No. & Acreaae Remarks Lead Aaencv 89-8 Alamo C77E5 ) Kurt Skytte, et ux 181 Via Serena Alamo CA 94507 198-063-001 (0.47 AC) One existing single family home, owner intends to connect to public sewer District to prepare "Notice of Exemotion" CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 89-8 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB .....~- " m7~ ~ ROGERJ.DOLAN INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 -tr( DH 1/11 11ffJ STATE: 2.6 00 At \... ............ '. JONE S 60 O~ AC ~ ~ ~ \ ~)- ~ \ o " 1_ f:; 0.c. C. GARCIA f- C6 At BARNES H' 2 T "6 At - ,. 13 23 2~ co _DURO'" 202.20 At ~.......", ,.t. .,'" ~. .6. v: ~~7~ PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 89-8 ( CORDUROY "" "- ~ 68.01 AC -cEJ:; . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 2, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT ESTABLISH APRIL 6, 1989, AT 3:00 P.M. AS THE DATE AND TIME FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION 106 AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) DATE Februar 16 1989 TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: LAFCO has added properties to several of the parcels which are a part of ttleabove-referenced District annexation. A public hearing must be held before this District can order the annexation of these amended parcels. BACKGROUND: The above-referenced annexation was sent to LAFCO as required for the formal annexation process. LAFCO has amended the boundaries of several of the parcels as submitted by the District. The amended parcels are designated as D.A. 106, Parcels B, C, D, E, F, G, and H. As required by law, staff will notify all affected property owners 15 days prior to the public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: annexation of Set a public hearing date on April 6, 1989, at 3:00 p.m. for the the above-referenced territories as amended by LAFCO. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~IQ Mf? 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. . Centrat ~ontra Costa Sanitary aJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 2, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT ESTABLISH APRIL 6, 1989, AT 3:00 P.M. AS THE DATE AND TIME FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION 107 AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) DATE TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ~: LAFCO has added properties to several of the parcels which are a part of the above-referenced District annexation. A public hearing must be hel d before this District can order the annexation of these amended parcels. BACKGROUND: The above-referenced annexation was sent to LAFCO as required for the formal annexation process. LAFCO has amended the boundaries of several of the parcels as submitted by the District. The amended parcels are designated as D.A. 107, Parcels B, C, D, and E. As required by law, staff will notify all affected property owners 15 days prior to the public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Set a public hearing date on April 6, 1989, at 3:00 p.m. for the annexation of the above-referenced territories as amended by LAFCO. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB 1302A-9/85 uti DH NJ INITIATING DEPT.lOIV . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitary iJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 2, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENCAR 5 SUBJECT INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO FORMALLY ANNEX 10 SEPARATE AREAS UNDER THE TITLE OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 110 DATE Februar 16, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION INITIATE ANNEXATION D.A. 110 SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate Engineer INITIA T1NG DEPT./DIV. Engineering Departmen~ Construction Division ~: The District has received petitions for annexation for 10 parcel s as shown on the attached tabulation and maps. It is appropriate to initiate formal annexation proceedings with the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). BACKGROUND: LAFCO has requested that the District submit no more than 10 separate areas under anyone proceeding to avoid overloading their schedule. The subject areas are generally located in Alamo, Danvi11e, Lafayette, and Orinda. LAFCO has indicated that they may add adjoining unannexed parcels to the separate areas we submit to eliminate islands or straighten boundary lines. The District will have to hold a public hearing to consider annexation of any parcel added by LAFCO. RECOMMENDATION: Pass a Resolution of Application for the annexation of properties to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District under District Annexation 110. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB 1302A-9/85 iJ.rI DH fiAt IfJ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Ml' "'-Sv~ ''-''-'___' ./ \\.. S "") \~_ <~. J~r'~-l-j ;J.' ~ r ~~ ./; I; /'6' . ~ ,... ____.___ / ~" .,'\ \ C). ~~(?(=JL Val/ew ( ~,..,-' r-: ~,. ~. ( \ ~ '-.., ", ~ .<~' \ " ' . - ~, ~ - . ",--,---:",.- --;" . I '.'. DISTRICT A. _Jt'X~TI~~~;'~:-r \ . \'.... _I I, .....,. .. '.;_ ...:.., '+~.. ~<- ) ) ; i :; 1 ", ~ '"'=' '0. ~- '~i al-- I f ! \ ''--...~ "./' \../ Crt'"'' .. -,,-, ., .:":' "'~\\(r' "ol e" \0'1 ~- . -- - " . I' .....' ~ --------'. "- ~~ ~ ~ .-./:-.-.-. ~/ (, ,,' _._._ ~" "<S>,,, J ~ ,y~~~ _ d · >~ ).!" \.,. "-,- , c. ", ~.~. >,co(J7l ; ~. ~ )'J:; '. \ ~ ,~pr:Il~~. ~ ", ','0 · "~0' 6'/"- ,A ~ ,:4 \, ~//~~ '; '"', ~,Z ,. ;'-- ,. ~ , ---~"'- - ,. /-~(\ ---- ,-",'\ T , ANNEXATJON 110 ,.....;;. ; ~ 'y' ,. "~ -~T(:e ' S i'r!JJ{JS _..D~I ~___~~ J e';o" ';e, " - "" .'::> l I...., [1. ~:.r ~;)' 'rh}' , \... ~ i.... ~ '--- .\1, "t' H - , ' ,,-j. ')1'" ,,:-,;. ? '---- ------'--^-; '\0 ~ ., ~' ,-,"/',' C " 'kef' " -=-- -~ '" -. ''''. \ ".,j-.- ,r ~ ~ \ DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 107 Tabulation of Parcels Pa rce 1 P.A. No. Owner Address Date Approved by Board Lead No. & Area Parcel No. & Acreaoe and Remarks Aoencv 1 87 -11 & Raymond J. Hudachek 4/2/87 and 10/6/88 CCCSD 88-18 c/o 54 St. James Place "Notice of Exemption" Orinda Piedmont CA 94611 ( 69C4 ) 265-100-006 (0.47 AC) Valentin Fikovsky 2533 Grove View Drive Richmond CA 94806 265-140-005 (1.17 AC) 2 88-1 Ronald K. Fujimoto 1/7/88 CCCSD I Lafayette 3601 Echo Springs Road "Notice of Exemption" (4684 ) Lafayette CA 94549 167-160-020 (1.21 AC) 3 87-15 F. J. Hill 4/16/87 CCCSD Lafayette 3676 Echo Spring Road "Notice of Exemption" (4684) Lafayette CA 94549 167-170-005 (2.55 AC) 4 87-13 Sharon Thie 4/ 16/87 CCCSD Alamo 1420 Livorna Road "Notice of Exemption" <7701> Alamo CA 94507 187-130-012 (1.03 AC) 5 87-22 Phillip J. Worrall 6/4/87 CCCSD I Alamo 1441 Cedar Lane "Notice of Exemption" (778) Alamo CA 94507 192-041-005 (0.47 AC) 6 I 87-35 Frank Vol z 11/19/87 CCCSD Alamo 2695 Danville Boulevard "Notice of Exemption" (77E5 ) Alamo CA 94507 198-120-017 , -0184-019 (1.6 AC) 7 87-36 Louanne Weber 12/ 17/87 Danvlll e 309 W. Prospect Avenue "Notice of Exemption" CCCSD ( 98C3 ) Danvlll e CA 94526 208-072-003 (0.36 AC) 8 87-26 R & F Crisman 8/6/87 CCCSD Danville 305 Bonanza Way "Notice of Exemption" ( 98C3 ) Danvlll e CA 94526 I 208-073-004 (0.52 AC) DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 107 Tabulation of Parcels Parcel P.A. No. Owner Address Date Approved by Board Lead No. & Area Parcel No. & Acreage and Remarks Aaency 9 87 -10 Stephen Powell 4/2/87 CCCSD Danville 116 Estates Drive "Notice of Exemption" ( 98C3 ) I Da nv ill e CA 94526 208-043-015 (0.50 AC) 10 87 -34 Kouros Ansari 10/1187 I CCCSD Danv ill e I 975 Ygnacio Valley Road "Notice of Exemption" (9803) Walnut Creek CA 94596 216-172-020 & 021 (0.68 AC) .------.--~.---.--."-..~- ... ..*--.. .M..._---...___.~._~ ..... .__.___.__.___.___..._....,.~w.".~____.._.,_~._~_~...._~,._.,."_._.__.____.__..__,__"._.____.__..._.. ____...__ . Centr&. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 2, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 ADOPT RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A NEW ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR DISTRICT BOARD MEETINGS DATE February 24, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT ADOPT RESOLUTION REV ISING J1GENDA FORMAT SUBMITTED BY Joyce E. McMillan Secretary of the District INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Administrative ISSUE: A reV1Slon to the order of the District Board meeting agenda is proposed to prov ide for more orderly conduct of busi ness at Di strict Board meeti ngs and to accommodate members of the public interested in a particular agenda item. BACKGROUND: In the interest of grouping items of interest to members of the public or requiring public comment at the beginning of the agenda and holding agenda items requiring no public comment until the end of the agenda, it was suggested by Board Member Clausen at the February 16, 1989 Board meeting that agenda business headings, APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES and BUDGET AND FINANCE, be moved to the end of the District Board meeting agenda order. Because of the current level of publ ic interest in sol id waste matters, the Board may wish to consider moving the agenda business heading, SOLID WASTE, forward in the agenda order. In addition, it is proposed that a new agenda busi ness headi ng, AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS, be added to the agenda order immediately following ROLL CALL. A draft resolution modifying the order of ~usiness at District Board meetings was prepared and is attached for your consideration. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution establishing a new order to business for District Board meetings. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION .! HIEF ENG. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ffll EM 1302A-9/85 _"_._._._..__.__."..,._.~____,c___.__.__~____~__~___'_.---------- RESOlUTION NO. 89- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING NEW ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR DISTRICT BOARD MEETINGS The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 143, relating to order of business for District Board meetings, ordained that the order of business at District Board meetings shall be established by resolution of the Board of Directors and may be changed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Di rectors. N()I, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOlVED by the Board of Di rectors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District that Resolution No. 86-193, Revising District Board Meeting Procedure and Establishing a New Order of Busi ness, be amended and that henceforth until further resol ve on this matter the various items of business to be considered at each meeting of the Board of Di rectors shall be grouped under the following agenda business headings and in the order listed: ROLL CALL AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS PUBLIC COMMENTS APPROVAL OF MINUTES HEARINGS BIDS AND AWARDS CONSENT CALENDAR SOL ID WASTE ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEERING TREATMENT PLANT COLLECTION SYSTEM A?PROVAL ~ EXPENDITURES BUDQET ~ FINANCE PERSONNEL .sOLID WASTE REAL PROPERTY LEGAL/LITIGATION CORRESPONDENCE APPROV AL OF EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND FINANCE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION REPORTS (AS LISTED) ANNClJ NCEMENTS CLOSED SESSION (AS REQUIRED) ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION ADJ ClJRNMENT Agenda busi ness headi ngs under which there are no matters to be considered at a particular meeting may not appear on the agenda for that meeti ng. The Board of Di rectors may at any meeti ng, consi der any item of business out of order. This resolution shall become effective as of March 16, 1989. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 2nd day of March, 1989, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of Cal iforni a COU NTERS IG NED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: James L. Haz ard District Counsel . Centr...... Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 65 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT 1989 NO. VI. TREATMENT PLANT 1 DATE BOARD ACCEPTANCE OF THE 1988 SELF-MONITORING PROGRAM REPORT February 23, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPTANCE OF REPORT SUBMITTED BY Charl es W. Batts INITIATING DEPT./DIV. rtment Ma na e r Plant Operations Department ISSUE: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's Self-Monitoring Program annual report for 1988 has been prepared for submission to the Cal iforni a Regional Water Qual ity Control Board, San Francisco Bay Section. This report is presented to the Boarp at this time for its information and acceptance. BAa<GROUND: All effl uent requi.rements were met throughout the year, with the exception of three total coliform, one pH, and two settleable solids violations. There were also 69 non-zero chlorine residual violations. However, only five exceeded the Regional Water Qual ity Control Board's enforcement guidel ines concentration criteria, and none violated the duration limits. Approximately 60 percent of these viol ati ons were rel ated to probl ems duri ng the return of the outfall to service in. October and November 1988. Plant Operations Department staff is presently working on several projects to reduce future violations. The District performed quarterly monitoring on selected organic and metallic pollutants as requested by the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The results of these tests show that these pollutants were not detected in the treatment plant effluent in any significant concentrations. There was a total of 13,735 million gallons of wastewater treated for an average daily flow of 37.4 million gallons. This flow is approximately 5 percent lower than 1987 and 15 percent lower than 1986 due to the recent dry winters. The treatment plant operated throughout the year and produced an effluent with an average BOD and total suspended sol ids concentration of 4 mg/l and 13 mg/l, respectively. The BOD and total suspended sol ids removal efficiency for the pl ant averaged 98 and 93 percent, respectively. Sol ids disposal during this year invol ved the incineration of dewatered sl udge in the District's multiple-hearth furnaces, and approximately 3,613 tons of furnace ash was disposed of by hauling to Acme Fill and Redwood Sanitary Landfill. This material met the regulatory criteria for off-site disposal. Upon acceptance of this report by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Di rectors, the 1988 Annual Sel f-Monitori ng Report w ill be submitted to the Cal ifornia Regional Water Quality Control Board. RECOMMENDATION: Acceptance of the 1988 Annual Self-Monitoring Program Report. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302.A .9/85 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISDiARGERS MONITORING PROORAM REPORT REPORTING DISCHARGER Central Contra Costa Sanitary District DATE OF REPORT: February 6, 1989 RESOLUTION: 84-77 REPORTING PERIOD: January - December 1988 COI4ENTS: Enclosed is the 1988 annual report. The report presents yearly totals, averages, maximum and minimum values of the District's influent, final effluent, sl udge, ash, and receiving water qual ity parameters. Important data are al so presented graphically. All sampling analyses were performed in accordance with the Regional Water Quality Control Board's (RWQCB) Resolution No. 84-77. The final effluent qual ity remained in compliance with appl icable NPDES standards except for 69 non-zero chlorine resi dual, three total col iform, one pH, and two settleable solids violations. The maximum and minimum chlorine residual readings recorded were 9.8 and 0.3 mg/l, respectively. The total duration of the violations was 7.5 hours out of 24 hours per day of continuous monitoring by on-line chlorine residual analyzers. Most of the violations were caused by sudden and temporary dechlorination process control probl ems. It shoul d be noted that the intensity and duration of most of these violations were so small that considering the 3.5 miles in length of the outfall, the chlorine residual probably never reached Suisun Bay to cause any harmful effects. The causes of the total col iform viol ations are not well understood. The chlorine dosage to the effluent was normal, and there was no apparent upset in the secondary process. The final effluent pH violation on June 19 appears to be associated with nitrification. It is bel ieved that since nitrification reduced the buffering capacity of the effluent by reducing alkalinity, the normal addition of chlorine and sulfur dioxide depressed the pH to below 6.0. The first settleable sol ids violation occurred on October 4, and the second, on November 1. During October and November, the sl udge inventory in the secondary process was unusually high. Consequently, the sludge blankets in the secondary clarifiers jumped so high that a considerable amount of activated sludge overflowed from the secondary cl arif iers. Al though most of the overflowed sludge was captured in the final clarifiers, the settleable solids concentration exceeded the NPDES permit limit of 0.2 ml/l/hour during the peak flow periods of October 4 and November 1. Additionally, it was discovered that the sl ide gate installed in the "junction structure," which was built as part of the Stage 5B, 15 MGD hydraul ic expansion, was leaking. Consequently, a portion of the secondary effl uent bypassed the final cl arifiers, which contributed to these violations. The slide gate is the structure through which the flow from the secondary clarifiers passes when the plant is operated in parallel flow mode. This was installed in November 1987 to put the plant in series flow mode. The leak was fixed on December 13. From July 26 through September 29, the District shut down its outfall for rehabil itation work. The effl uent was diverted to the hol ding basins and, consequently, to Wal nut creek. All of this was done with the RWQCB's prior approval. During this period the District continued to monitor its effluent as usual. Additionally, special monitoring programs were implemented. Among these were a continuous flow-through bioassay using fathead minnows and water quality data on Walnut creek (upstream and downstream). The special fathead minnow flow-through bioassay results as presented in Table 5 show that at the end of the test period (58 days), only 2 fish out of 20 (10 percent) died. The Wal nut creek water qual ity data upstream and downstream from the District's discharge is presented in Table 34. The results indicate that the District discharge di d not deteriorate the Wal nut creek water qual ity beyond its natural background level. The District has carried out the Regional Water Quality Control Board's special quarterl y exploratory monitoring program on sel ected organic and metall ic poll utants. The resul ts of the 1 ast four q uarterl y sampl es are presented in Tables 28 through 33. The results show that no known toxic organic pollutants were detected in the effluent in any significant concentrations. To the best of my knowledge, the information contained herein is true and correct. Z<t OWW Signature, Director of Laboratory BSD:pk Attachments INlEX PART I - ANtlJAL WASTE CHARACTERISTICS AND LOADING Page No. Requirement Compl iance Summary, Effluent - Table 1......................... 1 Annual Average Waste Characteristics and Loading Summary, Effluent - Table 2 2 Annual Average Waste Characteristics and Loading Summary, Influent- Waste (A-OOl) - Table 3 3 Figure 1 - Monthly Average - Influent Flow MGD.............................. 4 Figure 2 - Influent Total Suspended Solids and BOD Loadings................. 5 Figure 3 - Influent Oil and Grease Loading.................................. 6 Figure 4 - Final Effluent Suspended Solids Concentration and Mass Emission.. 7 Figure 5 - Final Effluent Biochemical Oxygen Demand Concentration and Mass Emission......... 8 Figure 6 - Final Effluent Oil and Grease Concentration and Mass Emission.... 9 Figure 7 - Total Suspended Solids and BOD Removal Efficiency................ 10 Figure 8 - Final Effluent Total Coliform MPN/I00 ml......................... 11 Figure 9 - Final Effluent pH................................................ 12 Final Effluent Fish Toxicity - 96-Hour Bioassay Results - Table 4........... 13 Figure 10 - Final Effluent Fish Toxicity.................................... 14 Annual Average Waste Characteristics and Loading Summary, Effluent Nutrients - Table 5.... 15 Figure 11 - Final Effluent Ammonia and Nitrate-Nitrogen Concentration....... 16 Figure 12 - Final Effluent Organic Nitrogen, Nitrite Nitrogen, and Total Phosphorus Concentration.......... 17 Annual Average Waste Characteristics and Loading Summary, Effluent - Heavy Metals - Table 6. 18 Annual Average Waste Characteristics and Loading Summary, Effluent - Heavy Metals - Table 7A & Table 7B... 19-20 INDEX PART I - ANNUAL WASTE atARACTERISTICS AND LOADING (Continued) Page No. Final Effluent Suspended Solids, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 8........... 21 Final Effluent BOD, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 9........................ 22 Final Effluent Oil and Grease, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 10............ 23 Final Effluent pH, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 11.......... 24 Final Effluent Settleable Matter, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 12.......... 25 Final Effluent Total Coliform, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 13.......... 26 Fi nal Effluent Organic Nitrogen, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 14.......... 27 Fi nal Effluent Ammonia Nitrogen, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 15.......... 28 Fi nal Effluent Nitrate Nitrogen, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 16.......... 29 Fi nal Effluent Nitrite Nitrogen, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 17.......... 30 Final Effluent Total Phosphorus, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 18.......... 31 Solids Handling Summary - Table 19........................................... 32 PART II - RECEIVING WATER CHARACTERISTICS Requirement Compliance Summary - Table 20.................................... 33 Un-ionized Ammonia Nitrogen, mg/l, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 21................ 34 Figure 13 - Un-ionized Ammonia Nitrogen, mg/l, Monthly Average............... 35 pH, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 22......................... 36 Figure 14 - pH, Monthly Average.............................................. 37 Dissolved Oxygen, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 23........... 38 PART II - RECEIVING WATER atARACTERISTICS - (continued) Page No. Figure 15 - Dissolved Oxygen, Monthly Average - Saturation................... 39 Figure 16 - Dissolved Oxygen, Monthly Average - Concentration................ 40 Total Col iform, MPN/100 ml, Monthly Maximum, Minimum, and Average - Table 24 41 Figure 17 - Total Coliform, MPN/I00 ml, Monthly Average...................... 42 Receiving Water Color - Table 25............................................. 43 Figure 18 - Receiving Water Color............................................ 44 Turbidity - Table 26.......................................................... 45 Fi 9 u r e 19 - T u r b ; d 1 ty . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Quarterly Monitoring Program on Selected Organic and Metallic Pollutants - <Six Pages) - Tables 27 - 34........... 47-54 Figure 20 - Aerial Photograph, Receiving Water Station....................... 55 PART III - Walnut Creek Water Quality Data Upstre_ and Downstre_ of the District's Temporary Discharge - Tables 35-37.. 56-58 Final Effluent Fish Toxicity - Special 58-Day Continuous Bioassay Results - Table 38.......... 59 ";'::;';':"'- . 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M ...... 0 0'\ . ;:;; . Z-O 0:> ~ ~ M ...... 'd" LO I ~<{:E M M M M M M M N M M M 0_ , := 1.0 'd" N " ....... N . >-- . . ...... 00 0'\ en 'd" " 0 X-IO 0 q- . . . . . . . <{-a N M . I ...J :E<{:E ....... 'd" 'd" 0:> ....... ....... M N LO ....... 0 'd" u. o- M M M M 'd" 'd" 'd" LO - 0:> ~ - >-- 0 ~ ....... ....... 'd" LO 0:> 0 'd" 'd" ~- W-IO . . 0 . . . . . . . .~-#!. >-0 ....... en 0:> . LO ....... 0:> en K <{<{:E ~ ~ 'd" M ...... M M 'd" M M M M M M O- M M M M a: J t ~ ~ ...Jw W Q) ~ <(C) t- t W t- ..0 ~ Q) ::>< :E z ttl ~ E Q) i ..0 Za: <l: 0 ttl ::3 ..s::: r- >, (/) Q) ..0 E ZW a: :E ~ u or- Q) ~ 6- 0 Q) <(?; <{ l:: ..0 ~ ~ ~ l:: r- ~ ~ U 0... ttl Q) ttl ::3 ::3 ::3 Q) U Q) ~.) l.L. ::E ex: ::E 'J 'J ex: (,/') 0 z Cl co ,... .;.. I U'l .... o CD FIGURE 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DI~TRICT INFLUENT FLOW 95 85 .'MONTJ-I..YAVERAGE 75 0 O. DAILY MAXIMUM M 65 .. DAILY MINIMUM G D 55 2 -0- O~ . 0 .::..... -. .~ . -. .- O~ ~ ~ /~ . ~=~~~~" -0 -:= 3 4 11 5 6 7 MONTH 1988 8 9 10 JANUARY - DECEMBER 1988 Page 4 of 59 . . 12 .~:~ FIGURE 2 CENTHAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DltiTRICT INFLUENT TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS AND BOD LOADINGS MONTHLY AVERAGE 45 1 40 o o o 35 IC. TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS :.. BOD K G ~ 30 7C y 25t:~~~~~~ 20 .--. . ."""iI l. l,.-I!I . . 2 4 5 6 7 MONTH 1988 3 JANUARY - DECEMBER 1988 8 9 Page 5 of 59 ~C . C ~ .L 10 11 12 -~~~ 10 r 9 8 1 0 7 0 0 K 5 G I 4 D A 3 Y 2 o FIGURE 3 Page 6 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DltiTRICT INFLUENT OIL AND GREASE LOADINGS - MONTHLY AVER~GE ~_ =0- ~- =:0 ~,,;~'SS~~ZD 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MONTH 1988 .:--i- JANUARY - DECEMBER 1988 ->.-._---_.~.~.~---". -~--,---_..__.__..,----_.__.__._.,-_.,_._- ---~._,.,,-_._.."-,- ,. .- ., . ..' ."...-._~._--~-_.,-_..,._.....,._.._.~-". _.'.. --,_.,-,.,_.,-_.--~-_._--------~._~-----~.~---'''-'----~-----.-.+---. ~--_..,._-_."....., "-'-"""'~-'----'-~"'-"--"-"'-"----'- FIGURE 4 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Page 7 of 59 FINAL EFFLUENT TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS CONCENTRATION AND MASS EMISSION MONTHLY AVERAGE ... CONCENTRATION, MGlL elk MASS EMISSION, 1 00 KG/DAY 35 30 e e~" e 25 10 5 NPDES CONCENTRATION LIMIT = 30 MGIL o 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONTH 1988 8 9 10 11 12 <~. JANUARY-DECEMBER 1988 FIGURE 5 CENTkAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DI"TRICT Page 8 of 59 FINAL EFFLUENT BOD (5day@20C) CONCENTRATION AND MASS EMISSION - MONTHLY AVERAGE .0- BOD CONCENTRATION, MGlL .11 MASS EMISSION, 100 KG/DAY ': F~-----..__._---_._._--------- :~: D . tz. s.- .. ~. :D__~D._____~_~~~~ZD II NPDES CONCENTRATION UMIT = 25 MGA.. MAXIMUM II -. o o 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONTH 1988 8 9 10 11 12 ~~:.~ JANUARY - DECEMBER 1988 FIGURE 6 CENTkAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DI~TRICT Page 9 of 59 FINAL EFFLUENT OIL AND GREASE CONCENTRATION AND MASS EMISSION ... CONCENTRATION, MG/L l[]t MASS EMISSION, 100 KG/DAY 2.5.......-.....................................................-.......................-.................................................................................................................................................. [] 2.0 ...............................................................................................................................................[]~............................. 1.5 . : 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MONTH 1988 -!~. JANUARY-DECEMBER 1988 R E 95 lot o V A L % FIGURE 7 CENTHAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DltiTRICT Page 10 of 59 TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS AND BOD REMOVAL EFFICIENCY MONTHLY AVERAGE . C. TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS .. BOD . II NPDES LIMIT = 85% MINIMUM EACH 85 2 4 9 10 5 6 7 MONTH 1988 3 8 JANUARY - DECEMBER 1988 L 11 12 .~~- 200 M P N I 1 0 0 100 M L 50 FIGURE 8 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Page 11 of 59 FINAL EFFLUENT TOTAL COLIFORM (5 DAY MEDIAN) MONTHLY AVERAGE 250 ^ 1NPDES LIMIT = 240 MPNl100MLt 5 DAY MEDIAN LESS THAN o 2 4 12 5 6 7 MONTH 1988 3 8 10 11 9 -~~.. JANUARY -DECEMBER 1988 FIGURE 9 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Page 12 of 59 FINAL EFFLUENT pH MONTHLY AVERAGE 7.0 6.9 . 6.8 6.7 .........................~............................................~.m.................................mm............................m......... .....~.............. ......~........_........................__m.. p : 6.6 ........................mm..............ZDS...............................................ZD........~............................-ZD 0 N6.5 L 0 0 0 0 i:S~....................::::.:::.:...:.::::.......:.....:.....:::::::............::::::. 6.2 (INPDES LIMIT = 1.0 MAXIMUM, 6.0 MINIMUMII 6.1 6.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MONTH 1988 ~!:... JANUARY - DECEMBER 1988 , j,";':"'i,;,,,,..,,.".:i,,>'i""~"';""~"~=:::=":::::::"N::~~ ~..~ ~'-. '" :..:.:;::~ :.;~:;:.:.:.,> ~.,\:..-.. .: :--:.~~::~:::.:.::.:::::::::::.::~'.:::.~~-::~~":::.: ~'.:";~" ,.. .. '.. _ _ --- -'-' .--. . Page 13 of 59 MONTH JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRil MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 4 SRF-MONITORING. REPORT EFFLUENT CHARACTERISTICS 96-Hour Flow-through Bioassay Results SUlTlTlary (UNDilUTED SAMPLE) Final Effluent (E-OOI-S) 1988 DATE Percent Survival PERCENT SU'RVIVAL Stickleback Fathead Minnow 12 100 100 27 100 100 9 100 JOO 18 100 100 { { { { { { { { { { { { 8 26 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 . 100 100 100 95 100 5 19 10 25 7 21 95 90 100 100 12 31 85 75 16 23 100 100 11 24 90 100 4 18 95 95 8 22 100 95 13 20 95 100 80 95 100 100 95 100 100 100 .~i... 100 100 95 100 6117-2-80 100 95 S U R V 90 I V A 85 L % 80 FIGURE 10 CENTIiAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DI~ fRICT Page 14 of 59 FINAL EFFLUENT FISH TOXICITY (UNDilUTED SAMPLE). . STICKLEBACK (FLOWTHROUGH) m FATHEAD MINNOW (FLOWTHROUGH) 75 2 4 5 9 6 7 MONTH 1988 10 11 12 8 3 .~~- JANUARY - DECEMBER 1988 . :~~\~,::~.:~::,~~~:'>.~..:<~:;i.;, ::,,:;.~, .:.:. ~ ,'. '.. . '~4; ., .~.:> ~ .~~~.::. :. . .....-- ----'.-... --...--. -. _._~... "- . "~':~':;~~.i'~:::::::::~::::::''''~..~~'::~~~~~''''::::'-':'~:::'~::':~4.~:~~.:.~;'~~:.:..::~...-.- .::"~..~~. . O'l LO ~ o LO .-4 QJ 01 ro a.. >- c: <{ --. ::!: '" ClJ ::!: - ::J .::: CU (J) :>. C) Cl> .... Z 0, CU U 0 .... Cb a: <{ :>. .... 0 CU (I) -l C Cb 0 .... CU >- Z a: <{ Cb c::{ -- ..Q .... (J) '" Z U ---- c::{ .... Cb V) f (I) (I) ~ c::{ LO a: 0 w .~ 0 .... .... I (I) W U '" w 0 -l c::{ ClJ U co a: .... <{ <{ ::! -4-1 c::{ .... 0, c :c '- a: ..... Q) ..... U ::J Z W '"t:J' 4- ClJ 0 .... .... 4- U (I) 0 W <{ c: ...I := c::{ Cb to '" a: w '- c .... C) ~ Z <{ .... lJ... W a: ClJ U w ~ > 0 <{ '" -l '" ClJ <{ -- ::J c: ~ Z --- Z <{ co CO 0) .-4 > r-4 ...... O'l u:: ~ 'cI (VJ <Xl N \0 CO r-- r-- <( . . . . 0 q- ~ . . ~ . CO VI ..... "- CO ~ N 0 M ~ C\. O'l 0 N LO ~ ~ 0 0 r-4 -l=> 0 r-- O'l ex: CO CO <{a:: ~ CO r'- \0 r-- C( 0 1-0 r-4 OX 1-0- 0 VI ~ 0 ..... . r-- C\. C\. (\; r-4 X 0 LO CO LO r-- O'l Lt \0 LO . 0- :!: . . . . . . . \0 LO u:: . " LO LO LO \0 u:: \0 \0 LO >- ...... O'l C N r-- r-- I.( I.( q- M ...... <( . . . O'l \0 N g: . . . . . C . q- 0 0 M O'l ~ N LO . . 'Z ..... N O'l LO 0 0 ;;: \0 0 M C)w 0 M ...... r-- M N \0 a:C) ~ ...... ...... .-4 V M q- O'l 00 V . N V . a: 1-1- 0- ~ r-. . I-Z ..... ...... q- N O'l r-. c-: O'l 0 r-- q- .. . q- 0 0 . . . . . . . ~ N r-4 0 . . r-4 r-4 V ..... r-4 N r-4 r-4 ...... V V >- O'l <( r-- O'l o:::j 0' C'J 0 \0 0 . LO \0 O'l .... M . . . . . . L" ..... LO M ~ ~ . . W 0 N 0 M ~ .~ q- LO o::i" ...... ...... Q I- ~ ..;J ~ V V V r-4 V a: V \J \J 'J V I- - Z ~ ....... ...... .... ..... . . .... r-4 N .. ...... 0 0 0 V . . r-4 N ..... r-4. r-4 ...... . 'i . :!: V '0 . . . . . 0 V V {j {J {} ~ ~ 5 ~ V LO q- ex: r-. N r-- O'l LO 0 CO M \0 >- CO <( . . . . . . 0 ~ . . . . . 0 a ~ 0 0 0 M 0 \0 LO r-4 ..... N ...... 0 O'l 0 M N w co O'l q- M M \D q- I- 0 ...... N r-- \0 r-- "- O'l "- r-- co :><: r-4 ...... c::{ N r-4 N .-4 r-4 ...... r-4 r-4 ...... r-4 r-4 a: I- - \0 co "- Z LO ~ . . . O'l O'l C co co \0 ..... . 0 M \0 r-4 M LO . . 0 M r-- . . . . . . r-4 ...... ~ :!: r-4 r-4 r-4 M M o::t" M ...... ...... M r-4 r-4 ...... r-4 r-4 r-4 r-4 >- r-4 M u:: 0 o;::t . . . r-4 q- <( . . 0 ':7l r-4 M 0 r-- co M ;1; . . . <{ 0 0 \0 r-- . . . . . - ..... V q- \0 N co \0 M r-- M O'l r-- q- Z 0 I.() 0"1 q- M q- M q- 0 ~ q- 0 ::!: ::!: N M 0 c::{ ~ q- LO N M q- M M M ..... . . . . . M 0 ~ 0 . . . q- . . 0 0 0 0 LO 0 0 0 0 . . ~ 0 r-4 V a: a: a: a: UJ >- >- W a: W w -lW l- I a: a: .... co co UJ w co c::{C) :!: I- <{ c::{ :I: (I) :i: m :i: :i: :l~ <( Z ::J => U ...I W :l W 0 W W a: 0 a: a: >- C) .... > Zw... ::!' Z a: >- Z -l I- U <( co c::{ c::{ ::> 0.. u 0 z>:-i,- c.. <{ W 0.. ::> ::J W w ..., u.. ::E <{ ::!: ..., ..., c::{ (I) 0 Z 0 <{c::{ co ":- .... .... I Q) ... o co a: <{ W >- II 15 G I L 10 25 20 5 o FIGURE 11 CENTHAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DI"TRICT Page 16 of 59 FINAL EFFLUENT AMMONIA AND NITRATE-N CONCENTRATJON MONTHLY AVERAGE U AIIMONIA-N CONCENTRATION t.. NITRATE-N CONCENTRATION .-.. .___: ;;".~.7 --.::: :::';Ii'- 2 4 5 3 6 7 MONTH 1988 8 9 10 11 12 .;.;. JANUARY-DECEMBER 1988 FIGURE 12 CENT HAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DI.:jTRICT FINAL EFFLUENT ORGANIC-N, NITRITE-N AND TOTAL PHOSPHORUS CONCENTRATIONS MONTHLY AVERAGE 8 7 Page 17 of 59 ALL NITRITE DATA LESS 3 ............................ ...........THAN AMOUNT INDiCATED............ .................................................................................................................................... 6 2 7Q~;;;;~......................................................................:...............~.............~............';'O;;.:~.................;;7P7""""",'O','O;:;:;;;;O ..................~~~~!<"''''...........:''~.vr///E?"~~~~~~~~~~~~!~<.~"""61lWV/t'~..............~~~~~~~......................................................... "",,~//" "--.V' 5 M G 4 I L ;,(), ORGANIC-N I/:Jtf TOTAL PHOSPHORUS .. NITRITE-N o. . . . . . . . . . 2 3 4 6 7 MONTH 1988 9 10 5 8 JANUARY-DECEMBER 1988 . . 11 12 .~~.. ;. , :....:....i:...~~....~~i;S~~;.'fii;;.S~~,:;S.~.~.......'.\;..~ ~.:.......~.~-~-~..,.~~":~~~.......,.;:~......-..~~:s~~~.._~~:\~"'~'''~.....,'!':;,..~~~"~~;......~.....,..~.~-..-~"...~~:..,,....;~~,'-................ ......'0. ..... 0...". "';'';'. .;.;.. :::-.......... .... "" '~'" ". ".. ....' -" 0) co L() ex) I+- 0) ..-4 0 a: CO <t ..-4 W >- Q) 0'1 ttl c.. >- a: <t ....... ~ .., ~ Cb ::J ~ -- (I) <I:l :::. 0 Cb I- Z (l) U 0 <I:l .... 0:: <t Cb :::. I- 0 <I:l (I) -J 0 Cb 0 .... Z <I:l (/) >- I 0:: <t Cb <t -- .Q 0 Q) I- (I) <I:l 0..... Z U .... I -- W 1Il <t I- Cb ~O (I) \D (I) ~ a. <t a: ..... E W W c: c 0 I- -J l- '- C)U (I) ce U :J 0 <t <t .., ~ L Cb U I- 0:: .... "- :J <t ::J "- 0 <t (l)...W :I: J: :.;:: I a: U I- - ..:T 2 l:i tON W C 0 I- Cb U (I) .... 0 lL. <t c: -J == <t Cb a: W .., I- 0 '- :t 2 <t .... 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V V V V :;::: ...... -J o;;t N (V) ~. -I 0 0 LO N 0 "- 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . ~ ~ . . . 0 e ~I .f'/ V >- N N <t N N LO 0 0 o;;t r-i ~ o;;t r-i "- . 0 ~ r-i (V) :.:E 0 V . . . . => ~ ", 0 V 0 0 ...... v V V .J ..J (V) r-i >- 0 0 LO r-i (V) 0:: -I 0 0 0 0 N "- I.LI 0 . 0 0 0 0 co ~ -V . . . 0 0 ~ ~ . v ..9" >- (V) LO N 0 <t ~ (V) ~ N r-i 0 LO - N ~ CO L(') .... . . . LO . >- 0 V .0 \; . 0 Z :><:: V ~ v S2 ~ ...... o;;t o;;t I-- -I 0 N LO o;;t 0 z .... 0 0 0 0 0 c:t: 0 0 0 0 ~ 0 . . 0 V -5 ~J e " a: a: a: c: UJ >- >- U1 W W l- I a: 0:: I-- e:: U1 ...Jt') lU ro w ro In I- ~ ~ <::: I (I) ~ OJ ~ ~ <t<t 2 <i 0 :J ::> 0 ...J OJ ::> w 0 CJ w ::>et: - >- a: ~ Z 0:: 0:: 0:: >- Z t') l- I- > 0 ZLU -' <i ro ~ ~ ::> a.. Z~ 0.. <t OJ a.. ::> ::J w U La OJ -, u... ~ ~ ~ -, -, <t V) o Z 0 <t<t ~ ~ I en ,.. o CD CD ,.. .,.' .:~:-:~~~t~'~.:~~~~'~~--:'~~::~::~:~:"~::;.:~;~''::-:'~':':'~=:::~'~i':"';':':::~'.-::'':;':~::'':'~.:~~:~~::'~~:;~s'~~::' ..~~~~::.: :::::~::'::'::';.:'.'~::~"~'.':::';'::::~~:..iW~;';...~.;:.-;:. .:.::...... .'.. ..... ... .~. . Page 21 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 8 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND LOADING SUMMARY Fi na 1 Eff1 uent (E-001-$) YEAR 1988 24-Hour Composite PARAMETER MONTH TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS Vl c CON CENTRA TlON LOADING '+- '+- ~ 0 0 fO mg/1 kg/day .- . '0 0 o ..... MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE z: z: :> 33 8 16 4938 1100 2408 31 0 JANUARY FEBRUARY 24 8 14 3835 1061 1953 29 0 MARCH 11 1 6 1468 134 759 31 0 APRIL 18 2 9 .., 2237 259 1185 30 0 MAY 28 5 11 3360 646 1412 31 0 .llJNE 13 3 8 1557 407 1023 30 0 JULY 19 2 12 2451 227 1438 27 0 AUGUST 27 3 11 3355 369 1336 31 0 SEPTEMBER 12 2 6 1837 263 832 30 0 OCTOBER 34 9 21 DECEMBER 40 3 17 4518 1269 2989 31 0 5106 1201 3256 30 0 6420 530 2627 31 0 ji~1. TOT AL ..~. . NUMBER OF SAMPLES NOVEMBER 35 7 22 ANNUAL AVERAGE 40 ANNUAL MAXIMUM ANNUAL MINIMUM o 1768 6034- 1- 7fi : ':':;:;:;;:~:l:'3:~i6;;':::.:!:?:~:'.:':'>'::;:,':.iiiifl:::'-":":;:~f::.;;iF.:.::/.~:.,.."::l':'::::~,;,~~t~;:.:;;:.:~::.:S";~:~':-':,":':"::~,"-~'~,:.:;.:~;,.,:~~~1.;;:::1:.';:;::::;:~~"': '.~.' ':" ::.:~:.: '':':':':'':'':':'':':... --.. ':" Page 22 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 9 .\NNUAl WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND lOADING SUMMARY 1988 Final Effl uent (E-OOI-S) YEAR 2~-Hour Composite PARAMETER BIOCHEMICAL OXYGEN DEMAND VI c CONCENTRA TION lOADING 4- 4- ....... 0 0-0 mg/l kg/day r- '0 0'''''' MONTH MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE z> JANUARY 14 2 4 2158 313 681 31 0 FEBRUARY 7 2 5 960 231 672 29 0 MARCH 8 2 3 1051 266 440 30 0 APRIL 10 2 5' . .. 1305 270 649 30 0 MAY 7 2 4 860 239 465 31 0 .JUNE 10 1 4 1343 129 474 30 0 .ItJl Y 9 1 3 1123 123 389 27 0 AUGUST 9 1 4 1070 120 454 31 0 SEPTEMBER 5 1 2 599 118 302 30 0 OCTOBER 4 1 2 582 128 350 31 0 NOVEMBER 5 1 3 783 187 497 2,0 0 DECEMBER 7 2 3 971 276 506 31 0 ANNUAL 14 MAXIMUM ANNUAL MINIMUM 0 ANNUAL 490 AVERAGE 6034 1.76 ,--~--_._.. .._---~_..__.~_._.,~.,'_..._._-_._--- ..,.._~-------~...,-_._--_.---- ~......_-"_...__.~...._-_.- --- ,....-..----..-......-..--. -,.._.__.._,..~_..~._._..__.__._--------- :;;.e..:-!:!....:<o:e.f'o:..:-..:.~..~:e....~~::':-:;:.i.~......!-o............':....:.....:.:.;...;.....:.. ..:...~..~.~........ ..;-........... .........~ '\ "_' .....~..... ..~." .. .......-.~.. '\.~.... ...~.. .............. ........". ...~..... CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 10 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND lOADING SUMMARY Final Effl uent (E-001-5) YEAR 1988 GRAB PARAMETER OIL AND GREASE CONCENTRATION lOADING mg/l kg/day MONTH MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE JANUARY 0.8 0.5 0.6 120.8 70.2 93,8 4 0 FEBRUARY 3.9 0.2 1.3 548. 1 26.5 179.6 4 0 MARCH 1.7 0.2 0.7 234.3 26.3 94.3 5 0 APRIL 1.2 0.3 0.6. .:- 146.1 37.0 77.9 4 0 MAY 1.2 0.5 0.9 141. 0 70.7 106.1 4 0 .IUNE 1.0 0.5 0.6 129.6 62.7 80.6 5 0 .JUL Y 0.9 0.5 0.7 110.3 59.1 80.2 3 0 AUGUST 0.6 0.2 0.5 71.4 22.8 55.5 5 0 SEPTEMBER 2.9 0.5 1.1 381.3 62.7 143.8 4 0 OCTOBER 0.5 0.4 0.5 72.1 62.0 66.0 4 0 NOVEMBER 4.8 0.5 1.4 787.0 73.7 225.4 5 0 DECEMBER 0.8 0.2 0.5 127.1 27.0 76.3 4 0 TOT AL .~ ANNUAL 4.8 1 NUMBER OF MAXIMUM SAMPLES ANNUAL MINIMUM 51 0 ANNUAL 106.6 AVERAGE 6034 1.16 ---...-.-------.. ._-----~'--~-~~_.__.._._--~-"_._.~._._.__..__.__."'~."_.-~---_._-~._--_......_"'"._..._._....-.__._.__.- .. .__~._____~,____._._...._____,.._..'___".._M_._. .___.._.__.___._.., ...~-----.,.,..~.......-. .' Page 23 of 59 . ~;~~':::~i:~~~~'::,::""'~~'~''''>::~~~~::::=.~t:'':--::.f~-:::-~.~:-i'''''~-~~"'::~~:::_~::""::;:;~:::.~__:.~~:4 .:..:.:.:..::-" ~,; ~-=--_~~~ ._.._~.-..____" . Page 24 o~ 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE II ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND LOADING SUMMARY Final effluent (E-OOl-$) YEAR 1988 Grab PARAMETER pH CONCENTRA TION '+- o MONTH UNITS . o MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE z: JANUARY 6.7 FEBRUARY 6.6 MARCH 6.9 .~PRll 6.8 MAY 6.8 .JUNE 7.0 .11 JL Y 7.2 AUGUST 7.4 SEPTEMBER 7.4 OCTOBER 6.8 NOVEMBER 6.9 DECEMBER 7.0 ANNUAL r.1AlCIMUM 7.4 ANNUAL MINIMUM ANNUAL AVERAGE 6.2 6.4 31 0 6.1 6.3 29 0 6.3 6.5 31 0 6.2 6.6 ."- 30 0 6.2 6.6 30 0 5.9 6.5 30 1 6.0 6.5 27 0 6.6 6.9 30 0 6.4 6.9 30 0 6.0 6.5 31 0 6.4 6.6 30 0 6.2 6.6 31 0 TOT Aro. 0 NUMBER OF SAMPLES 361 1 6.6 6034 t -76 .' ~~~~~:~:::::::::::;:~~~:::~~:.:i~~:~~~::~~~':'-'~h~~~:~~~~:-:::"~~~~~~=:~:::::'~'':'~''=:::::"~~..''':: .~~:4~~.~ .~~.....~_~.....'.....::~. ~:4.'c.'~ _ '~\o:.. _.:.'~'" ,"'~ .....:,,, . .... '. ....-. ~ . Page 25 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 12 PARAMETER ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND lOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-001-S) YEAR 1988 Grab SETTLEABLE MATTER VI c: VI ...... ...... OJ ......~ Or- O~ r- . E '0 oeO 0...... z: Vl z: >- 31 0 29 0 31 0 30 0 CONCENTRA TION LOADING ml/l/hour MONTH MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE JANUARY <0.1 (0.1 (0.1 FEBRUARY <(0.1 <0.1 <0.1 MARCH <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 APRIL <'0.1 <0.1: <0.1. MAY <0.1 (0.1 (0.1 .JUNE <0.1 < 0.1 < 0.1 .JULY <0.1 <.0.1 <0.1 AUGUST <.0.1 <(0. 1 <0.1 SEPTEMBER (0.1 <0.1 <(0.1 OCTOBER <0.1 <'0.1 0.4 NOVEMBER - 0.7 <0.1 <0.1 DECEMBER <0.1 <:0.1 <..0 . 1 ANNUAL 0.7 MAXIMUM ANNUAL MINJMUM ANNUAL AVERAGE .,.---- 31 0 30 0 27 0 30 0 30 0 31 1 30 1 30 0 TOT At-'. NUMBER OF SAMPLES 360 2 6034 1 7fi ..~~~~;'-:~t~====~.:::.~':='~-=::::~::'~~~~:..~:~.:~~:~'~:~~:'...~.~...~.~.:.~.:~~~--- --~~ CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE f3 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND lOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-OOI-O) YEAR 1988 Grab PARAMETER TOTAL COLl FORM VI FIVE-DAY MEDIAN SINGLE "SAMPLE 4-<1} <4- 0..- 0 MPN/100 ml MPN/IOO ml -. E Oct:l MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE z: (/) MONTH JANUARY (18 <18 <18 46 <18 <2() 22 0 FEBRUARY <18 <18 <)8 78 <18 (22 23 0 MARCH Z18 <18 <18 46 <18 <19 23 0 APRIL 18 (18 <18 . 230 <18 (31 21 0 MAY 1300 <.18 <196 9201 <18 <582 22 3 .!lINE 130 <18 (37 699 <18 <109 23 0 .ItJL Y 45 48 .(25 2400 <.18 <168 18 0 AUGUST (18 .(18 <18 171 <18 <27 24 0 SEPTEMBER (18 .(18 <18 129 <-18 23 22 0 OCTOBER 45 <:18 <20 69 <18 <25 21 0 NOVEMBER 45 - <(18 <22 111 <(18 <31 22 0 DECEMBER 170 ~18 <48 789 <18 <83 23 0 ANNUAL MAXIMUM ANNUAL 3 MINIMUM ANNUAL AVERAGE 6034 1-76 _._-_._-_..._.__.---~--_._---- ~___'_e____.'_.."'_""___""_'_'" .~.__....._,..._..._ __0 _ . . . :'. ~--~ Page 26 of 59 "':"l\;';;~;.i"';.'i:~':.::.;: ;:,,"~i.::'i~';~j~~.~'::':~;'';:'~ "'_'~: .'.:';.'::.~:.'~'....':'''i';''~ '-~';~':';:";;'~~\:'''~~:'';':'''~'i.'':''';';.:';.l~i.';';'~';:')'~';';'':'';;''~'';'':':' ~:~::.'.' ~.'......:..::.; ~~~.~~~....,~.~~:.:..... '.~.; . .':' :'~ -:' '.: ,:.. ~,:....." ...;.....-.. ......___'l""...:~_....__.._._-.- -.- ..---._____~.__..---. _. .-. "'--.--'----'---'" ..;.....:-. ...:-:.-:.;.....;.;..:..:.. '.-'.;.:-.. ','~ ".' Page 27 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 14 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND LOADING SUMMARY YEAR. 1988 Final Effl uent (E-001-S) 24-Hour Composite PARAMETER ORGANIC N CON CENTRA TION lOADING CIl '+- QJ Or- mg/l kg/day .e '0 oca 0'''' MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE :z: Vl :z: :> MONTH MAXIMUM JANUARY 3.8 0.9 2.4 693.9 141. 7 326.1 16 0 FEBRUARY 2.5 0.4 1.4 366.4 53.1 192.9 18 0 MARCH 1.5 0.2 0.7 206.9 26.6 93.0 22 0 APRIL 2.3 0.2 1.2 321. 6 25.8 150.2 20 0 MAY 2.6 0.5 1.4 309.2 63.7 170.3 21 0 .IlINE 4.0 <0.1 (La 501.7 <13.3 (133.7 16 0 .Il I L Y 1.6 <(0.1 <(0.9 200.7 (.12.3 <.1~9. 7 15 0 AUGUST 4.9 0.9 1.7 588.0 108.0 210.6 16 0 SEPTEMBER 1.5 1.0 1.2 198.1 130.6 159 . 7 9 0 OCTOBER 2.4 1.6 1.9 346.1 204.8 262.4 9 .0 NOVEMBER 3.2 1.2 2.0 495.6 181. 4 305.1 9 0 DECEMBER 2.1 0.9 1.7 313.0 125.3 243.9 9 0 ANNUAL 4.9 MAXIMUM ANNUAL MINIMUM 0 ANNUAL AVERAGE <.1.4 6034 1.71; --.------..- ~-~-,--~._"_._-_._^-_.._._._-_._,.,....__..,---~.__._--_.~~_.._._._-- -.- ,,_ __...._ _...~__._~._______. m__...._"'._____.~,__._,._~,_____..___,_u___ - . ..:~'~~==~!~:::"\~'~':::::~'::'~'.~::l~~~~~~..~~~~~~::~~~~:.::~:~::'~~~:~~;::;'~;.~,:~4 ~;~~~:~~~~:~::~~~~.~:::::='~~~:~~~".":'; :.}. '" ./ ".': : ". -.-...-.---... Page 28 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 15 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND lOADING SUMMARY 1988 Final Effluent (E -001- $) YEAR 24-Hour Composite PARAMETER VI AMMONIA-N c CONCENTRATION lOADING VI ...- '+-ClI '+- ~ 0.- oeO kg/day .- mg/l . E '0 Octl 0"..- MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE :z: VI z:> MONTH JANUARY 0.9 <0.1 (0.2: 150.9 11.2 38.1 31 0 FEBRUARY 1.3 0.1 0.3 178.7 15.1 43.3 29 0 MARCH 4.7 0.1 0.4 647.4 14.1 54.6 31 0 APRil 2.4 0.2 0.5 311.8 24.5 60.0 30 0 MAY 0.4 0.1 0.2 57.8 12.1 26.1 31 0 .IUNE 13.9 0.2 5.3 1796 . 2 25.9 687.4 30 0 .11 Jl Y 17.0 0.3 . 4.0 2119.9 34.1 496.4 27 0 AUGUST 0.6 0.2 0.4 72.1 23.6 43.0 31 0 SEPTEMBER 0.5 0.2 0.3 63.9 23.1 37.9 30 0 OCTOBER 1.2 0.2 0.3 166.0 25.6 43.1 31 0 NOVEMBER 0.5 0.1 0.3 77 .5 15.6 39.3 30 0 DECEMBER 1.0 0.1 0.3 151. 3 14.3 47.0 31 0 ANNUAL MAXIMUM ANNUAL MINIMUM 362 0 ANNUAL 134.7 AVERAGE 6034 1 76 --.-----..-.....,.---.---------..-..--.-. --.----.-.----.--.- ---.,...-..-..-.----.,--.-.-.---..--.-..-,.----..-- ----,.-.,.----..-- ;....-::e..........";...)..~......~~;~.:'.~..,....\~:.........~~.....~....\.... 1......, ..... e"....." ....,.........~e..e... ....- "e.-e.'''' .... .,..e.........~.:.:....~.ie'--.-......~:,,~..:...,.;...........e~......-....e~ .........:..........-.:..~...e~..~... ..... .'.- . . Page 29 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE' 6 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND lOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-001-5) YEAR 1988 24-Hour Composite N ITRITE-N Vl CONCENTRA TION lOADING ~ 0 mg/l kg/day . AVERAGE 0 MONTH MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM :z: JANUARY <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 18.3 11.4 l5.7 16 0 FEBRUARY <:0.1 <0.1 (0.1 <16.0 <11.5 <13.9 18 0 MARCH (0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <14.6 <'12.5 <13.4 23 0 APRIL <0.1 ZO.l <0 :Y' <15.1 <12.2 <12.9 21 0 MAY <0.1 (0.1 . <0.1 (15.3 < 10.8 < 12.5 21 0 .IUNE 4.2 <12.6 .c:... 30.6 0.7 ~0.1 86.0 22 0 .11 Il Y 0.3 <0.1 <.0.1 38.8 <::11. 5 <:..13.9 16 0 AUGlIST 0.4 <.0. 1 ~0.2 48.4 <11.4 <21.2 21 0 SEPTEMBER 0.1 <(0.1 <0.1 13.8 ~11.8 03.1 11 0 OCTOBER ~0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <:::'15.5 <12.6 <14.0 12 0 NOVEMBER <:,0.1 <.0.1 .(0. 1 <l8.7 <:14.0 <:::15.3 10 0 DECEMBER <::0.1 (0.1 <0.1 45.8 43.2 <14.6 11 0 ANNUAL TOT AL -:-i- 0.7 NUMBER OF MAXIMUM SAMPLES ANNUAL MINIMUM 0 ANNUAL AVERAGE 6034. 1.71> - ~- _._----~..---,--_....__.....,_.,-. _ ,_,,",,__'_"'_'~__~___'_'_'_"""'___~_~_'~"~'___"_'~~_"_ M_ .___~ ~ - '-~'';'~~~~~'''''''''~~'~~~.~>:-\:' ~~'~"""":"'~"'~":.~'I'I\.";~":""~""'~_.".' ~;.;, ...' ,. :,~~"",;,~",,,,,,,,,,,,"...~i"A"-";',,, "l'~"!\.:""""'''';'""~"":",,,,,,,~;,,~,,~,,,-,,,,,,,,, ................... ...... '.' . -.".., .... ". Page 30 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE -17 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND lOADING SUMMARY Final Effluent (E-001-S) YEAR 1988 24-Hour Com osite PARAMETER <II NITRATE-N c CONCENTRA TlON lOADING <II '4- QJ '4- +.> Or- 0.0 mg/l r- . E '0 0.0 0'''- MONTH MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE z: V') z: ::> JANUARY 13.2 10.0 11.6 2145.2 1502.9 182{). 5 16 0 FEBRUARY 17.8 9.2 13.8 2367.7 1348.0 1910.4 18 0 MARCH 18.9 12.8 15.7 2506.8 1703.4 2108.8 23 0 APRIL 16.9 10.6 13. 5" .~ 2088.3 1445.3 1740.7 21 0 MAY 20.5 13.2 17.9 2937.4 1644.8 2240.8 21 0 .IUNE 19.1 5.2 13.6 2566.2 677 . 2 1730.2 22 0 .11 J L Y 19.4 4.5 13.3 2355.1 581.5 1630.7 16 0 AUGUST 18.3 12.4 14.9 2273.8 1475.2 1790.9 20 0 SEPTEMBER 14.4 12.0 13.0 1932.3 1436.4 1703.5 11 0 OCTOBER 16.5 11.1 13.8 2247.4 1638.4 1930.0 12 0 NOVEMBER 13.7 9.7 11.6 2122.7 13 53 . 6 1766.8 10 0 DECEMBER 16.9 5.6 11.8 2589.4 883.8 1725.3 11 0 ANNUAL AVERAGE 581.5 . 201 0 ANNUAL MAXIMUM ANNUAL MINIMUM 1841. 6 6034 1 7fl . - >;..:-.;:~.ii.t.:.\:_:"'-i.~:.".\:~..~~'i~~y~:,~,"""''''. ~'-~-.<..~-..~..::,:~:.:...... ".~""'-:"'t""~~"';";"" . ......> .../. eo' ..~~..... eo" ....... ........;....\~...;"..~.i..,'~....~...t~......:...<~:.:-~:.~l:<lo.....c....,;........-..-... eo<. ............ '." ." .... . . ... CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TABLE 18 ANNUAL WASTE CHARACTERISTIC AND lOADING SUMMARY 1988 Final Effluent (E-001-S) YEAR 2~-Hour Composite TOTAL PHOSPHORUS Vl c CONCENTRATION lOADING '+- '+- ~ 0 010 mg/l kg/day r- . E '0 010 0'''- MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE z: U') z> 6.8 3.6 5.0 1017.6 584.6 774.1 16 0 6.8 4.7 5.7 923.0 600.0 784.1 18 0 ~ 4.6 6.2 2756.7 617.2 828.9 23 0 20.0* 6.9 4.6 5.8. ~ 1042.3 568.3 745.6 21 0 6.4 4.7 5.5 949.8 551.8 692.8 21 0 6.4 A.2 5.7 924.9 560.1 750.7 22 0 7.6 5.8 6.9 980.2 760.1 843.8 16 0 7.8 6.2 7.2 944.3 708.1 868.0 18 0 6.7 6.1 6.5 899.1 789.1 852.3 11 0 6.7 5.5 6.2 976.5 730.2 872.8 12 0 7.4- 6.1 6.6 1142.8 851. 0 1009.7 10 0 6.3 4.1 5.5 899.4 647.4 800.2 11 0 PARAMETER MONTH JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRil MAY .IUNE .It Jl Y AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER ANNUAL MAXIMUM ANNUAL MINIMUM ...\" Page 31 of 59 ........... .... ............. ................................ TOTAL'" 2756.7 __N~A~;~E~ ....-............. . :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::;::::::::::: 5 51 . 8 ~llltll~r~ltjlll~I~IIIII~lllll~iil: 19 9 0 .. 818.2 6034 1 76 Page 32 of 59 TABLE 19 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ANNUAL AVERAGE WASTE CHARACTERISTICS SOLIDS HANDLING SUMMARY January - December 1988 CENTRIFUGED SLUDGE (WASTE-002) CHARACTERISTICS DISPOSAL Percent Percent SLUDGE ASH Month Total Solids Moisture Tons/Day Tons/Day (Avg.) (Avg.) January 26.2 73.8 0 7.7 February 25.7 74..3 0 12.6 March 23.1 76.9 0 11.5 Apr i 1 26.5 73.5 0 11.7 May 23.1 76.9 0 12.5 June 25.6 74.4 0 9.9 July 20.3 79.7 0 8.6 August 23.0 77 .0 O. 8.1 September 24.1 75.9 0 9.0 October 27.2 72.8 0 10.1 November 21. 0 79.0 0 6.7 December 20.9 79.1 0 10.2 Maximum L/. Z 79.7 0 12.6 Minimum ZU.3 7'1:.8 0 6.7 ~verage 23.9 76.1 . 0 : 9.9 .1~.. .'. ~. .;. ~'. '......~. :.'.....:.:~.;'~~~~..~.....,...~ .'.'.',. -....,. ." .... .-.:.-.....'... .'. '-" '.. ........... . - ~ . . .~,..~ JI" . . .. .~.:; TABLE 20 Page 33 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION : REQUIREMENT COMPLiANCE SUMMARY - RECEIVING WATER- 1988 -I: COLIFORN {)O("4NT<.;11<.; ~S MACROSCOPIC ANALYSIS C C <lJE .- uo..... fOC I I ~c ~fO . <lJo..... ::I ..c Co fO fO O-E -I-> -I-> >- e ...... .- 0"", QJ fO u Cll C -"0 CE "'C S ~ 9 C~ C<lJ ~ f-< 0::1 0::1 ~ :l <lJ 0 ~ en en "'C en ~2 EE .... e ooe en ex> EO "'C .c ~ u ..... Eo"'" r-4 ~ >...... >, OE ~ u .0 ~ 0 fOfO fOX ~ ~ x C XI ~ r-4 :J .... r-4 CII fO 0..... 0 <t- o. 0 0 :l ~ 0 C -0.- -oE e e C :c CII .... ..... 0 P- o <lJ ......... <lJ "'C "'C -0 0 CO- 0 Cll ~ N en N.- QJr-4 QJ..... <lJ...... 0 00 .... O{J Cl u ...... E ...... ......... >....... >....... >-1-> 0"", -I-> .5 a u 0 C C':l C C C en r-4 eL r-4 CI.. .- fO -I->C ~ ~ E C OU1fO OE o e o e O~ <O<lJ u 0 u .... u 0 .... ~ .r- N .r- 0"", en CII CIl::l -'..... CIlc... CIl c CIl u Cll ~ 10-0 f o:T en...... enO CIl -I-> ~.o('\. 0 :l r-4 0 U U C . <lJ C . .... 0 ~ . ...... fO :J ~ ~c r-4 .... 0- 0 r-4 0 r-4 Cl =>oE =>0 0:::> 0........ Cl CIl C c... 0 "" u c... :>::l "" Jan. Feb. Mar. 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 Apr. May June 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 July Aug. Sept. 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 - 0/1 0/1 0/1 Oct. Nov. 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 1/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 0/1 Dec. . Tot. 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 1/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 0/4 .' ~1ax 0 .. Hio. ,\ve. I i ..--....- '. ___\ -0'- _, 0 ._ ... .:.'- ..;.....-.:.-'....---.-......--------.... .... .. -- ~ TABLE 21 Page 34 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ANNUAL RECEIVING WATER DATA SUMMARY YEAR 1988 PARAMETER Un:-ionized _N VI c mg / 1 v u 0,- 6~ 4- +-I 0 co o ~ .-- - 0 . 0 0 ''- r.10NTH MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE ZC/ :z:: > = J .1.NU ARY . - F EBf{UA~Y MARCH <0 . 00 1 <0 . 001 <0 00 1 6 0 . APRI L -, M AY .JUNE 0 . 006 0 004 0 004 6 0 . . ! I .Il 'LV AUGUST SEPTEMBER 0 . 004 0 . 002 0 . 003 6 0 OCTOBER NOVEMBEil 0 . 001 <.0 . 00 1 <,a . 00 1 6 0 DECEMBER w',lllli 1111 ~lllililllilllll'li .. TOT A;t. ANNUAL . . f:.1 AX IMUM 0 006 ~~t~~ ~~ ~~l :.....:.jfli~ NUMBER Of . x-;:....... .... ............ ......... .~i~~rt~~~:~~~~:~:~r~~l~l~~~~~~~~: ................. SAMPLES ~~~~];i~i~i;]~~l~j~]!~;ft~~~;::h:~ <(0. 001 ;.ll.~I~I.ll~ill~I.'t 11. ..... .............. ANNU AL :~~:~:~~:~t:~~:~:~:~:~~~~:~:~~::~ ................. .... ...........................~..........,.... ........................................v. ....................... M INIMUM .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::;::::~::::: 24 0 .:.::.::.:.::.::::::'~.,:.:::. ::'. ..' .......................................... ........:...:.......: ..... ............................................ . .................... :::::::::.:::::::~::.::::::::.........:.::: ......................................... ...................~....................... . .................................... ...... ............... ............. .. ANNU :~::::::~.:::::::::.~:.:::.:.. ~ .....: Iii AL ::::::::::.:::;.:..:..i::i.;,..:. .... ::::::::::..:.::.::::::::-::r.::.:.... ......... ........"... . <0 002 AVERAGE ............ ....... ........ ... .................;"....,.. .. . .......... ..-.....,.. 6034 1 7(; ::..:.::.:..:..::,..."..... ..... ....... . ....... ..... 0.020 0.018 0.016 0.014 0.012 M G I 0.010 L 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 0.000 FIGURE 13 CENl nAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Page 35 of 59 RECEIVING WATER UNIONIZED AMMONIA-NITROGEN MONTHLY AVERAGE NPDES LIMIT = 0.025 MGIL ANNUAL MEDIAN 0.4 MGlL MAXIMUM 0.006 <0.001 0.004 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONTH 1988 10 12 11 8 9 .?'i-. JANUARY - DECEMBER 1988 _4 _~._- J.1.NUARY FEBf{UA~Y MARCH APRIL MAY .JUNE .J tJ LV AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEMBE~ DECEMBER ANNUAL MAXIMUM ANNUAL MINIMUM ANNUAL AVERAGE - " .'-~ .. TABLE 22 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ANNUAL RECEIVING WATER DATA SUMMARY . :_..-)..:.....;..:.:....-.... .... Page 36 of 59 YEAR 1988 pH VI c .... -H 0 cO .- . . 0 0 0 ..... MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE :z: :z: >- 7.7 7.7 7.7 .1 7.9 7.9 7.8 8.0 7.9 8.0 7.9 7.5 7.8 8.0 . lell 7.5 :.:.:.:.~;.~::4:.. .....". ~i~~~I~!~~t1t~t@:::r l!jl'1111t:::~:::::::::~:::Jflil~I\11'111\11111~jl;jljj~ll~' "'J'.l!l. 7.8 6 o 6 o 6 o 6 1 TOfaL NUMBER OF SAMPLES .. jtt~~~~I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~t~~i ~~~~llj~j~jl111~~:ijlljijr.~jljlil: 24 1 6034 1.](; FIGURE 14 CENl HAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Page 37 of 59 RECEIVING WATER pH 9 P 8 H U N I T S 7 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONTH 1988 10 12 11 8 9 .~; JANUARY - DECEMBER 1988 ..--..... . PARAMETER MONTH J.1.NUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE .JilL Y AUGUST SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NOVEM8Efl DECEMBER ANNUAL MAXIMUM ANNUAL MINIMUM ANNUAL AVERAGE __., 0._ .. . .. . :._.....~.:...~..~... -..._-------_.~ . . Page 38 of 59 TABLE 23 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ANNUAL RECEIVING WATER DATA SUMMARY YEAR DISSOLVED OXYGEN . mg/l % Saturation MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM . o AVERAGE z: 9.6 98 9.5 9.5 99 98 .1 8.5 100 91 93 7.6 7.9 9.0 8.8 100 100 99 8.7 9.3 8.3 8.9 100 89 96 9.6 1988 14- o CJ'I c: 14- ~ o co ro- . 0 0..- z: :> '6 0 6 0 6 o 6 o .............. ........ TO~AL NUMBER OF SAMPLES ........ ........ ;~~~~~trt~~~~l;tt~~[J: ~: ::::;::::::::::::::::~:~:::;:: ::::~::~:: ::ff~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:?::;:~::~::::;:;: 7 . 6 :;::::::::::::::::~::;:~::~~:<::::::;::;: Ei;,~lIt 8.8 97 24 0 6034 1. 7Ft M 6 G I 5 L FIGURE 15 CEN"I nAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Page 39 of 59 RECEIVING WATER DISSOLVED OXYGEN CONCENTRATION NPDES LIMIT = 7.0 MGIl. 10 9 8 7 4 3 2 o 2 4 6 7 MONTH 1988 12 10 11 5 8 9 3 -~i~ JANUARY-DECEMBER 1988 100 90 80 70 P E 60 R C 50 E N 40 T 30 20 FIGURE 16 Page 40 of 59 CEN-.. ,AL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY [lItiTRICT RECEIVING WATER DISSOLVED OXYGEN SATURATION % II NPDES LIMIT = 80% SATURATION o 10 ^- 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONTH 1988 10 12 11 8 9 .:~~ JANUARY-DECEMBER 1988 ..______.___._"_____.~_._.,_____,"__._______~~._.____'.,~...__._,..__~._._....,._.,_.h____~._ .__"~.__._"_,~_.."...~_.__...___.._'_. _"___.__.'_...__~_..._._.._m_.'__..__,.__ ~. _ -r". -.... . -.... .'- . ;._..-~~....~:~..., --..... ..-.-- --.--'" . ... TABLE 24 Page 41 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ANNUAL RECEIVING WATER" DATA SUMMARY TOTAL COLI FORM . YEAR 1988 VI c: -.- ~ 0 co ..- . 0 0 ..... MINIMUM AVERAGE z: :> MPN/100 ml MONTH IJANUARY MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM FEBRUAny MARCH 49 17 43 6 o APRIL .J MAY .JUNE 130 17 32 6 o .11 Il Y AUGUST SEPTEMBER 49 4 16 6 o OCTOBER NOVEMBER 79 14 43 6 o DECEMBER ANNUAL MAXIMUM 130 .' TOT-AL NUMBER OF SAMPLES ANNUAL AVERAGE 81 lI~i:l. 4 ................-.... . ::~:::::::::;:::::::::::::::::~::::::::::~: :~~~~:l~~~1j::~1f,j~:~j~l~~~)ljjmj 24 0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~r~~~r~~~~~~t~t~~~~~~ ANNUAL MINIMUM 34 1&<<<<. 6034 1.7(; FIGURE 17 CEN1. ,AL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY D."TRICT Page 42 of 59 RECEIVING WATER TOTAL COLIFORM 400 350 300 M P 250 N I 1 200 o o M 150 ~""""~"~--"--"""""""""~""'~'~'~~"~"-'~~~~""""~-"""~~~-""'-"""""-~~""""-'"........~_.~~-_._~~~......._....................................~_..... L 1 00 ................m_.....m...~............................................_............__...........~~_...._...._................~~~~......__......~.............._......._....................................~. 50 o 2 3 4 5 6 7 MONTH 1988 8 9 10 11 12 ~~:.- JANUARY - DECEMBER 1988 _._~.....+. ., . -.-. .. :._..-~..:...;,.,.:~~ ...-..... -------.---. . ... Page 43 of 59 TABLE :2~ CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ANNUAL RECEIVING WATER DATA SUMMARY COLOR YEAR 1988 CJ'I c -.- 4- 4- ~ 0 0 co r- 0 0 o -.- MINIMUM AVERAGE Z z: >- . UN ITS MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM JANUARY FEBHUA1lY MARCH 60 50 57 6 o APRIL .~ MAY .IUNE 45 45 45 6 o JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER 40 40 40 6 o OCTOBER NOVEMBECl 50 25 35 6 o DECEMBER ANNUAL AVERAGE 60 TOT-aL NUMBER OF SAMPLES ANNUAL MAXIMUM ANNUAL MINIMUM 25 ....................... ....................... ............................................~. ...............................,............. ...........................J'.........J'....... ....................... 11~lliillil~I!~i~~!I~l~ltillll~ 24 0 . 44 6034 1.7(; 120 100 80 U N I 60 T S 40 20 0 FIGURE 18 CENl nAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY ul.jTRICT RECEIVING WATER COLOR Page 44 of 59 ~.''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''',,'''''''''',,'',,''''''''....r............................................................""..............".......................................................................................__.....,""........""..........""...........................................................".................................................................................'..............._.."0 .-........................"..........................................................................................-...........................................................-...."...."...........'....-....................................................-....................".........................'.............-.................."".......'...............................................'..."Tr.............'..n.........".............................. 2 4 3 5 6 7 MONTH 1988 JANUARY-DECEMBER 1987 8 9 10 11 12 .......... -..- -....:'" '.. _..'\ ....- ~ ....-. ........-.--........-.....-.-.------.... - .. Page 45 of 59 TABLE 26 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT ANNUAL RECEIVING WATER DATA SUMMARY YEAR 1988 TURBIDITY <Il c NTU 4- 4- +) 0 0 <0 ...- 0 0 0 MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE MAXIMUM MINIMUM AVERAGE "'- z: :> J.1NUARY FEBHUAnY MARCH 13 9 12 6 o APRIL .J MAY JUNE 54 45 50 6 o JtJL Y AUGUST SEPTEMBER 23 10 14 6 o OCTOBER NOVEMBEfl 22 8 13 6 o DECEMBER ANNUAL AVERAGE 54 .,m TOT~ NUMBER Of SAMPLES ANNUAL f.1AXIMUM ANNUAL MINIMUM 8 ....................... ....................... I~~~~~~~~~l~~~~~~~1~~~ili~~~~~~~~~r~ ~j~~1j~~::jj~:\\~~~~~:::\i:fi~t~~jj~1~:~ 24 o ItI 22 .. 6034 1.7;; 60 50 ......................................... 40 N T 30 U 20 10 o FIGURE 19 CENl nAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY ul.:>TRICT 2 3 Page 46 of 59 RECEIVING WATER TURBIDITY 4 5 6 7 MONTH 1988 9 10 11 12 8 .~~. JANUARY - DECEMBER 1988 TABLE 27 Page 47 of 59 TABLE 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT INFLUENT I EFFLUENT ANAlYSIS RESULTS LABORATORY: CALTEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORY YOLATILES (all results in WET SEASON DRY SEASON ugll unless noted! ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- i INFLUENT EFFLUENT I INFLUENT EFFLUENT I INFLUENT EFFLUENT I INFLUENT EFFLUENT I I I I SAMPLE OATES: I 02/23/88 02/23/88 r 11/15/88 11/15/88 I 05/19/88 05/19188 I 09/14/88 09/14/88 I I , I I i ANALYSIS OATES: 03/04/88 03/04/8B I 11128/88 11/28/88 06/28/88 06/28/88 , 09 f23!BB 09/23/88 I I I I PARAMETER BenZefil' 0.10 <0.10 <:5.00 < 1. 00 <2.00 <0.50 0.70 <0.50 Bromodichloromethane (0.10 5.90 (2.00 13.00 ':2.00 11.00 (1.00 10.00 Brolloform <:0.20 0.30 <2.00 5.30 <2.00 1.20 < 1. 00 ! .00 Brollolllethane <0.10 <0.10 <2.00 <0.50 <2.00 <0.50 < 1. 00 < 1. 00 Carbon Tetrachloride (0.10 <0.10 <2.00 <0.50 G.OO <0.50 0.00 < 1. 00 Chlorobenzene <0.10 <0.10 <2.00 <0.50 (2.00 <0.50 ( 1. 00 0.00 Chloroethane <0.10 <0.10 <2.00 <0.50 <2.00 <0.50 .; 1. 00 < 1. 00 2-ChloroethylYinyl ether < 1. 00 <1. 00 <2.00 <0.50 <2.00 <0.50 <2.00 <2.00 Chloroform 1.60 18.00 6.00 17.00 4.00 28.00 2.00 12.00 ChloroJlethane (0.10 <0.10 (2.00 <0.50 <:2.00 <0.50 <1.00 <. 1. 00 Dibromochloromethane <'0.10 4.10 <2.00 14.00 <2.00 7.30 q.(lO 7.00 l,l-Dichlorol'thane ~: 0.1 (} <0.10 <2.00 <0.50 <:2.00 (0. SO 0.00 (1.00 l,2-Dichloroethane (0.10 <'0.10 <2.00 <0.50 G.O(I <0.50 0.00 < 1. 00 l,l-Dichloroethene <'0.10 <0.10 (2.00 <0.50 <:2.00 <'0.50 <1.00 <. 1. 00 trans-l,2-Dichloroethene (0.10 <0.10 <'2.00 <0.50 <2.00 <0.50 (1.00 <1.00 l,2-Dichioropropanl' <0.10 <0.10 (2.00 <'0.50 ':2.00 <0.50 0.00 (1.00 l,3-Dichloropropene <0.10 <0.10 <2.00 <0.50 <2.00 <0.50 < 1. 00 <1.00 Ethylbenzene 0.70 <0.10 G.OO <:0.50 <2.00 <0.50 1.00 < 1. 00 l,l,2,2-Tetrachloroethare <0.50 <0.50 <2.00 <0.50 <2.00 <:0.50 (1.00 <. 1. 00 Tetrachloroethene 7.60 0.10 l'1 nf\ <0.50 ';2.00 <0.50 4.00 <'1.00 ~.L.. ...... Toluene 1.20 <0.10 <2.00 0.50 <2.00 <0.50 4.00 < 1 ,00 l,l,I-Trichloroethane 0.40 <0.10 <2.00 <.0.50 (2.00 <0.50 (1.00 0.00 l,I,2-Trichloroethane <0.10 <0.10 <2.00 <0.50 <2.00 <0.50 (1.00 < 1. 00 Trichloroethene <'0.10 <0.10 <2.00 <0.50 <2.00 <0.50 <1.00 (1. 00 Vinyl chlori de <0.10 <0.10 G.OO <0.50 <2.00 <0.50 < 1. 00 < 1. 00 Methylene chloride " <1.00 <. 1. 00 <'100.00 <40.00 <20.00 (5,00 66.00 {5.00 ACl'tonl' . 330.00 <5.00 220.00 <:5.00 90.0fi (50.00 Xylenes (total) . 8.80 <0.20 <2.00 <0.50 <2.00 <0.50 7.00 <. 1. 00 It Parar:eters not Ii s t eO in RWQCB ~uartE<rly report guidance packet. .=:i~ TABLE 3 TABLE 28 Page 48 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRIl INFLUENT I EFFLUENT ANALYSIS RESULTS LABORATORY: CALTEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORY BASE NEUTRAL ACIDS Ie EXTRACTABLES (all results WET SEASON DRY SEASON in ugll unless notedl ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- I INFLUENT EFFLUENT I INFLUENT EFFLUENT INFLUENT EFFLUENT I INFLUENT EFFLUENT I I I I , SA"PlE DATES: I 02/23/88 02/23/88 I 11/15/88 11/15/88 05119/88 05/19/88 I 09/14/88 09/14/88 I I I , I ANALYSIS DATES: 03/09/88 03/09/88 ; 11 /24/88 11/24/88 06105/88 06/05/88 I 09/26/88 09/26188 I I I PARAMETER ACl'naphthl'~l' <1.00 ( 1. 00 <1. 00 <1.00 (1.00 <1.00 <10.00 <10.00 Acenaphthalene <:1.00 O.QO (1.00 <1.00 ( 1. 00 ( 1. 00 <10. 00 (10.00 Anthracene (5.00 (5.00 (1.00 <1.00 < 1. 00 <1.00 <10. 00 <10.00 Benzidine <2.00 (2.00 <2.00 <2.00 2.00 <2.00 (20.00 (20.00 Benzo(a}anthracene <2.00 <2.00 (1. 00 <1.00 ( 1. 00 (1.00 <10.00 <10.00 Benzolblfluoranthene (2.00 (2.00 <1.00 ( 1. 00 <1. (10 <1.00 (10.00 <10.00 Benzolklfluoranthene (2.00 <2.00 < 1. 00 ( 1.00 0.00 (1.00 <10.00 {1 O. 00 Benzolalprene <2.00 <2.00 (1. 00 (1.00 ( 1. 00 ( I. 00 < 1(1. 00 <10.00 Benzolghi perylene <2.00 <2.00 (1.00 (1.00 ( 1. 00 (1.00 (10.00 (1 (I . 00 Benzyl butyl phthalate (5,00 (5.00 <5.00 <5.00 (5.00 (5.00 (50.00 <50.00 Bisl2-chloroethyllether {2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 (2.00 00.00 <10.00 Bisl2-chloroethoxylmethane (1.00 0.00 <1. 00 < 1. 00 <1. 00 <:1.00 {lO.OQ <.10.00 BiS(2-ChlOroiSo~rO~Yllether <2.00 <:2.00 <2.00 (2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <20.00 <20.00 Bis(2-ethylhexy )p thai ate 29.00 11.00 (5.00 (5.00 85.00 8.00 (50.00 (50.00 4-BrOlophenyl phenyl ether <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 (2.00 <20.00 <20.00 2-ChioronaPthalene' < 1. 00 (1.00 <1.00 (1.00 < 1. 00 ( 1.00 (10.00 <10.00 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether <2.00 (2.00 (2.00 <2.00 <2.00 (2.00 <20.00 <20.00 Chrysene (2.00 <2.00 ( 1. 00 0.00 <1.00 < 1. 00 00.00 <10.00 Dibenzola,hlanthracene <2.00 <2.00 < 1. 00 ( 1. 00 <1.00 ( 1.00 <10.00 <10.00 Di-a-butvlphthalate (1. 00 (1.00 (5.00 (5.00 5.00 ( 1. 00 (10. 00 (1(1.00 l,Z-Dichlorobenzene <2.00 (2.00 {2.00 <2.00 6.00 <2.00 <20.00 (20.00 1.3-Dichlorobenzene (2.00 <2.00 (2.00 <2.00 <2.00 (2.00 (20.00 <20.00 J;4-Dichlorobenzene <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 (2.00 <20.00 <20.00 3;3-Dichlorobenzidine (5.00 (5.00 (5.00 (5.00 (5.00 (5.00 (50.00 (50.00 Diethvl phthalate (1. 00 <1.00 {5.00 (5.00 <:: 1. 00 0.00 (10. 00 <10.00 Dimethyl phthalate <I. 00 ( 1. 00 (1. 00 0.00 2.00 (1.00 {10.00 <10.00 2.4-Dinitrotoluene <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 (20.00 (20.00 2;6-DinitrGtoluene <:5.00 <5.00 (5.00 <5.00 (5.00 (5.00 (50.00 (50.00 Dioctvlphthalate < 1. 00 0.00 ( 1. 00 ( 1. 00 4.00 ( 1. 00 (50.00 (50.00 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine <10. 00 (10.00 <10.00 <:10.00 (10.00 <10. 00 <100.00 <100.00 Fluoranthene (1. 00 ( 1. 00 (1. 00 <1.00 <1. 00 <1.00 <1 (I. 00 <10.00 Fl uor ene (1. 00 <1.00 < 1. 00 <1.00 <1.00 < 1. 00 <10.00 <10.00 Hexachlorohenzene (5.00 (5.00 <5.00 <5.00 (5.00 (5.00 (50.00 (50.00 Hexachiorrbutadiene <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 i:2.0(l <20.00 <20.00 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene <5.00 <5.00 <5.00 (5.00 (5.00 (5.00 (50.00 (50.00 Hexachloroethane .; 1. 00 <1.00 <1.00 ( I. 00 (1.00 (1,00 <10.00 <10.00 Indenoll,2,3-cdJpyrere (2.00 G.OO ( 1. 00 0.00 <1,00 <1.00 <10. 00 00.0() losphorone (5.00 <5.00 (5.00 <5.00 (5.00 <5.00 <50.00 (50.00 tlallhthal ene' 0.00 (1.00 .; 1. 00 .; 1.00 <1. 00 (1. 00 <10.00 (10.00 Ni trobenzene <2.00 <2.00 (2.00 (2.00 <2.00 <:2.00 (20.00 <20.00 N-nitrosodimethylamine (20.00 <20.00 <20.00 (20.00 <20.00 <20.00 <200.00 <200.00 N-nitrosodiphenylap,i~e <2.00 {2.00 (2.00 (2.00 <2.00 (2.00 <2C.00 <20.00 N-nitrosodi~n-propylamine ( 1. 00 <1.00 < 1. 00 < 1. 00 < 1. 00 (I.on <to.no <10.00 Phen~nthrene ' <1. 00 <1.00 (1.00 <1.00 < 1. CO f: 11; 00 <10~OO <10.00 f'yrene {1.00 ( 1. 00 0.00 < 1. 00 (1.00 < 1. 00 <10. 00 (10.00 Trichlorobenzere <2.00 (2.00 (2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 (20.00 <20.00 Trichlorofluoromethane <0.50 <0.50 <0.50 (0.50 <2.00 {(i.50 (5.00 q; or '.":.1.1 ... 4-Chlofo-3-methylphe~ol < 1. 00 < 1. 00 < 1. 00 < 1. 00 (1.00 < 1. Ot) <.10.00 <10.00 2-Chlorophenol < 1. 00 <1.00 ( 1. 00 < 1. 00 < j. 00 {1.00 <10.00 <10.00 2.4-Dichiorophenul <1.00 (1.00 (1. (II) (1.00 <:: 1. 00 d.ijO <10.00 {10.00 2;4-Dimethylphenol < 1. 00 (1.00 <1.00 <1.00 (j .0(; (1 cOO <10.00 <10.00 2,4-Dinitropnenol <5.00 (5.00 (5.00 (5.00 (;j.OU <5.00 (50.00 {r'l y' '. ..1(. I;~. tJ 2-Methyi-4,6-dinitrophenol <5.00 (5.00 <5.00 (5.00 <5.0(1 <5.00 <50,00 < 50.00 2-Ni tropnenol <1.00 <l.GO <:: 1. 00 ( 1. 00 <:1.00 :: 1. 00 <10.00 (10.00 t.-Nitropheno! < 1. 00 < 1. 00 < i. 00 <1.00 i 1. 00 < 1.00 (: 10. 00 <10;00 PentachlorOPhenol (J.OO < 1. 00 <1. 00 il.00 .: i. 00 (1.00 <t (I . 00 (10.00 .-!- PhenGl ' 7.1)(, < 1.00 (;.00 :' ~.. (:0 17.00 < i .00 <10. 00 <1 i) ,(il) .~~. 2.4,6-TricrlorophEool <1.00 d.OO <1.00 < 1. (II) <1.00 <1,00 <l (; . 00 <10. (l(! I I TABLE 4 TABLE 29 Page 49 of 59 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRI INFLUENT I EFFLUENT ANALYSIS RESULTS LABORATORY: CALTEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORY PESTICIDES . PCB'S (all result s WET SEASON DRY SEASON in ugll unless noted) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- INFLUENT EFFLUENT I INFLUENT EFFLUENT INFLUENT EFFLUENT I INFLUENT EFFLUENT I I I I SAKPLE DATES: 02123/88 02/23/88 I 11/15/B8 11/ 15/8B 05/19/88 05/19/88 i 09/14/88 09/14/88 I I I ANALYSIS DATES: 03/05/88 03/0::;/88 11/25/8B 11 /25/88 OS/28/88 OS/28/B8 I 09/261B8 09/26/88 I I I I PARAMETER , ORGANOCHLORINE PESTICIDES ------------------------- Aldrin (0.01 0.02 ,0.01 <0.01 <0.05 0.09 <10.00 <10.00 a-BHC <0.01 . <0.01 <(l.01 <0.01 <0.02 <O.OS <10. 00 <10.00 b-BHC <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.05 <10.00 <10.00 d-BHC <0.01 <:0.01 <0.05 <0.05 <0.01 ';0.01 <10.00 <10.00 9-BHC 0.10 <0.01 0.04 0.02 <0.01 0.03 <10.00 <10.00 lhlordane <:0.05 <0.05 <0.05 (0.05 <0.05 <0.05 (100.00 <:100.00 4,4-DDD (0.05 <0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.05 <0.01 <10.00 <10.00 4,4-DDE <0.02 <0.02 (0.01 <0.01 <0.02 <0.01 <10. 00 <10.00 4.4-0DT <0.05 (0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.05 <0.05 00.00 <10.00 Dieldrin <0.02 <0.02 {O.Ol ((I.M (0.02 (0.01 '00.00 <10.00 Endosulfan I <0.02 (0.02 0.02 (0.01 <0.02 <0.01 00.00 00.00 Endosul fan iI <'0.02 (0.02 <0.01 <:0.01 <'0.02 <0.01 00.00 <10.00 Enrlosulfan sulfate (0.05 <:0.05 0.18 <0.01 <0.05 (0.05 <10. 00 00.00 Endrin <0.02 <0.02 <0.01 <:0.01 <0.02 <:0.01 00. 00 <10.00 Endrin aldehyde <0.05 <0.05 <'0.01 <:0.01 (0.05 (0.01 00.00 <10.00 Heptachlor <'0.01 (0.01 <'0.01 <:0.01 <0.01 (0.01 <1 (I. 00 (10.00 Heptachlor epod de <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <:0.01 <0.01 (0.01 00.00 (10.00 Toxaphene <'0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <:0.20 <:0.20 (0.20 1(10.00 <100.00 PCB-1016 <0.20 (0.20 <0.20 (0.20 <0.20 <0.20 100.00 <'100.00 PCB-1221 <'0.20 <0.20 (0.20 (0.20 (0.20 I,.. ...,. 100.00 000.00 {,'..I,LV PCB-1232 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 <:0.20 <0.20 <:0.20 100.00 <100.00 PCB-1242 <0.20 <:0.20 <0.20 <0.20 {O.20 <0.20 100.00 <100.00 PCB-1248 <0.20 <0.20 <0.20 (0.20 <'0.20 (0.20 100.00 000.00 PCB-1254 <0.20 <:0.20 <0.20 <'0.20 <0.20 (0.20 100.00 000.00 PCB-1260 <'0.20 <0.20 <'0.20 <0.20 <'0.20 <0.20 100.00 <100.00 ORGANOPHOSPHORUS PESTICiDES --------------------------- Az i nphos lethy1 (6uthi on) <0.10 <0.10 10.00 < 1. 00 {1. 00 <0.10 00.00 <10.00 Diazinon <0.10 (0.10 10.00 0.00 < 1. 00 <0.10 00.00 {10.00 Di sulfoton lDisystonl (0.10 {0.1O 10.00 0.00 < 1. 00 <0.10 <10.00 (1(1.00 Ethi on <0.10 <0.10 10.00 <1.00 <1.00 <0.10 <10.00 <10.00 Malathion <0.10 <0.10 10.00 <1.00 0.00 <0.10 <l O. 00 <10.00 Parathion ethyl <:0.10 <O.Hl 10.00 < 1. 00 < 1. 00 (0.10 <l (; . 00 <lO.OO Parathion methyl <0.10 <0.10 10.00 < 1. 00 <: 1. 00 <0.10 <10.00 <10.00 Svstox (0.10 (0.10 10.00 0.00 <1. 00 '(" '^ 00.00 <10.00 " J. ~ 1,1 CARBAMATE & UREA PESTICIDES --------------------------- Barban 100.00 10.00 <10.00 10.00 <1. 00 1.00 <; 0.00 <.10.00 Carbaryl 100.00 10.00 <10. 00 10.00 0.00 1.00 < 0.00 00.00 Carbofuran 150.00 15.00 <15. 00 15.00 (5.00 5.00 < 5.00 <15.00 Chlorprophafl 100.00 10.00 <10.00 10.00 <'1. ell) 1,,00 \ 0.00 <10.00 Diuron <50,00 <5.00 <5.00 (~1I00 <1.00 1.00 5.00 <5.00 Linuron (SO.OO <5.00 (5.00 <5.00 (5.00 5.00 5.0(1 <5.00 Methiocarb (50.00 <5.00 (5.00 <5,00 {5.00 5.00 5.00 ':5.00 Methol!lyl <150,00 <15.00 <15.00 <15.00 <10.00 < 0.00 <; 5.00 <15.00 l'Ionur orl (10.00 (1,00 ! < 1. 00 < 1. (H) < 1. 00 1.00 1. 00 <1.00 Neburon <5.00 <5.00 < 1. 00 l~OO 5.00 <5.00 Oxatlyj <150.00 <15.00 <15.00 <15.00 <10.00 0.00 <, S. (Ill <.15.00 Prophall: <100100 <1 (1.00 <10. 00 <10.(10 <1.00 1.00 < 0.00 <10.00 .~~.. TABLE 30 Page 50 of 59 TABLE 5 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT INFLUENT I EFFLUENT ANALYSIS RESULTS LABORATORY: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT METALS (all results in Ig/l unless noted) WET SEASON DRY SEASON ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- : INFLUENT SAMPLE DATES: : 02/23/88 ANALYSIS DATES: EFFLUENT INFLUENT 02/23/88 l 11/15/88 12106/88 EFFLUENT : INFLUENT 11/15/88 : 05/19/8B 12/0b/88 : 06/09/88 EFFLUENT : INFLUENT 05/19/88 : 09/i4/BB 06/09/88 : 10/12/88 EFFLUENT 09/14/88 10/12/88 PARAIlETER Anti lony i <0.0050 <0.0040 I <0.0040 <0.0040 , <0.0020 <0.0020 I <:0.0050 <0.0050 I I Arsenic , 0.0030 <0.0030 0.0019 (i. 001 e ; <0.0030 <0.0030 , 0.0020 0.0020 I I Berylliulll , <0.0030 <0.0030 0.0013 <0.0010 : <0.0001 <0.0001 . <0.0050 <0.0050 I I Cadlllium <0.0040 <0.0040 <0.0010 <0.0010 0.0038 0.0006- , O. 0043 O. 0017 , Chrollium 0.0070 <0.0010 0.0050 O. 0013 0.0070 0.0009 I <0.0050 ':0.0050 I Copper 0.0650 0.0160 0.0690 0.0066 0.3540 0.0080 , 0.1400 0.0410 , Lead 0.0160 <0.0020 I (0.0013 <0.0013 0.0680 0.0040 , <0.0050 <0.0050 I I Mercury 0.0002 <0.0002 i <O.OOOS <0.0005 0.0007 <0.0005 : 0.0008 <0.0002 Nickel 0.0110 0.0020 I 0.0790 <0.0025 0.1260 0.0121 I <0.0050 <0.0050 I 1 Seleniuli <0.0040 (0.0040 I <0.0020 <(I.OOLO 0.0010 <0.0002 <0.0050 (0.0050 I Silver 0.0180 (0.0020 I <0.0010 <0.0010 0.0120 0.0035 O.OlBO <0.0020 I Thalli UII <0.0010 <0.0010 I <0.0020 (0.0020 <0.0010 HI.00I0 <0.0050 (0.0500 I Zinc 0.0740 0.0230 0.1220 0.0400 3.0400 0.0470 0.1700 0.0900 Cyani de ~ 0.0030 0.0020 I <0.0060 (0.0060 , 0.0060 0.0044 I <0.0060 (0.0060 , , . ~::~. .-:..t:~ TABLE 7 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRI CAKE. ASH ANALYSIS RESULTS LABORATORY: CALTEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORY BASE NEUTRAL ACIDS . EXTRACTABLES (all results in ag/kg unless noted! SAMPLE DATES EXTRACTION DATES ANALYSIS DATES PARAMETER Acenaphthel1E Acenaphthalene Anthracene Benzidine Benzo(alanthracene Benzo(blfluoranthene Benzoik!fluoranthene Benzo(alpyrene Benzolghilperylene Benzvl butyl phthalate Bis(L-chloroethyllether Bisl2-chloroethoxvlmethane Bis(2-chloroisopropyllether Bis(2-ethylhexyIJphthalate 4-BromophenYl phenyl ether 2-Chloronapthalene 4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether Chrysene DibenZO(aihlanthracene Dj-a-butr phthalate 1.2-Dich orobenzene 1,3-Dichlorobenzene l,4-Dichlorobenzene 3;3-Dichlorobenzidine Diethyl phthalate Dimethyl phthalate 2.4-Dinitrotoluene 2;6-Dinitrotoluene Dloctvlphthalate Ij2-DiphenYIhYdrazine F uoranthene Fluorene Hexachlorobenzene Hexachlorobutadiene Hexachlorocyclopentadiene Hexachloroethane !odeno(I,2,3-cdJpyreoe Josphorone Naphthalene Hi trobenzene N-nitrosodimethvlamine H-nitrosodiphenylamine N-nitrosodi-n-propylamine Phenanthrene Pyrene irichlorohenzene Trichlorofluorof.ethane 2-Chloro-3-methylphenol 2-Chlorophenol 2,4-Dichlofophenol 2,4-Dimethylphenol 2.4-Dinitrophenol 4;6-Dinitro~2-methylphenol 2~Nitrophenol . 4-t~i t~ ophenol FentachloroDhenol Phenol . 2,4,b-Trichlofophenol CAKE 02/25/B8 03/02iS9 03/09/88 <0.5000 <0.5000 (0.5000 <1.0000 <1.0000 <1.0000 < 1. 0000 {1.0000 < 1. 0000 <2. 0000 <1.0000 <0.5000 (1.0000 5.0000 < 1. 0000 <0.5000 (1.0000 {1.0000 <1.0000 <0.5000 <1.0000 {1.0000 < 1. 0000 <2.0000 <0.5000 <0.5000 < 1. 0000 <1.0000 <2.0000 <5.0000 (0.5000 (0.5000 <:2.0000 <: 1. 0000 <:2.0000 (0.5000 ( 1. 0000 6.0000 <:0.5000 <: 1. 0000 <10.0000 < 1 . 0000 <0.5000 <0.5000 <0.5000 <1.0000 <0.0050 <0.5000 <0.5000 (0.5000 <0.5000 (1.0000 < 1. 0000 <0.5000 <0.5000 {(i.50ClO <0,5000 <0.50(1l) WET SEASON ---------- ---------- TABLE 32 ASH CAKE 02/25/B8 I 05/19/88 03/02/88 : OS/26,27/88 03/09/88 : 06/1-27188 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.1000 (0.1000 <0.1000 <:0.1000 <0.1000 <0.1000 <:0.2000 <0. lOCH) (0.0500 <0.1000 <0.2000 (0.1000 <:0,0500 <0.1000 <0.1000 (0.1(100 <0.0500 <:0.1000 <0.1000 <0.1000 <0.2000 (0.0500 (0.0500 <0.1000 <0.0500 (0.0500 <0.5000 <0.0500 <0.0500 (0.2000 <0.1000 <0.2000 <0.0500 <0.1000 (0.2000 <0.0500 <0.1000 (1.0000 <0.1000 <0.0500 <: 0.05(1(1 <0.0500 (0.1000 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 (0.0500 <0.2000 <0.2000 <0.0500 -( (} I 0500 ~ (0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 f May sa~ples were retaren due to unusual results. (see second quarter report dated July 2B, 1988) (0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 4.6000 0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 0.5000 (0.1000 <0.0500 <0.1000 7.2000 <0.1000 <0.0500 (0.1000 <0.0500 <0.0500 0.2100 0.1000 0.1000 0.3000 <0.2000 <0.0500 0.2500 <0.1000 (0.0500 0.4500 <0.5000 O.ObOO (0.0500 <0.2000 <0.1000 (0.2000 (0.0500 0.0700 (0.2000 0.1900 <0.1000 (1.0000 <0.1000 <:0.0500 0.1200 O.ObOO <0.1000 {O.0500 (0.0500 <0.0500 (0.0500 <0.0500 (0.2000 {0.2000 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 0.7600 <0.0500 DRY SEASON ---------- ---------- CAKE . CAKE OB/25-29/88 09/17-21/88 09/01/88 09/28/8e 09/08/88 10/04/88 <0.1000 <0.1000 <0.1000 <0.2000 <0.1000 <0.1000 <0.1000 <0.1000 <0.1000 <0.500(1 <0.2000 (0,1000 <0.2000 6.8000 <0.2000 <0.1000 <0.2000 (0.1000 <0.1000 0.7000 0.2000 <0.2000 0.2000 <0.5000 <0.1000 <0.1000 <0.2000 <0.5000 0.5000 (1.0000 <0.1000 (0.1000 <0.5000 <0.2000 <0.5000 <0.10(10 <0.1000 3.0000 <0.1000 <0.2000 <2.0000 <0.2000 <0.1000 0.2000 <0.1000 <0.2000 <0.0050 <0.1000 <0.1000 <0.1000 {0.1000 {0.5000 <0.5000 <0.1000 <0.1000 <0.1000 L 7000 <0.1000 <0.0100 (0.0100 <0.0100 {0.0200 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 (0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0500 <0.0200 <0.0100 <0.0200 3.5000 (0.0200 <0.0100 <0.0200 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 0.0800 <0.0200 0.1000 <0.05(10 (0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0200 <0.0500 4.2000 <0.1000 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0500 <0.0200 (0.0500 (0.0100 <O.OiOO <0.0500 (0.0100 (0.0200 <0.2000 {0.0200 <0.0100 <0.0100 <0.0100 (0.0200 (0.0050 <0,fJ500 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.2000 <0.2000 <0.0500 {0.0500 (0.0500 ;:~). 05tf(: <0.0500 ASH 05/19/88 05126,\27/88 Ob/l-B/8B ';0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.1000 (0.0500 {0.0500 <0.0500 (0.0500 (0.0500 (0.2000 ((1.1000 ~O.0500 <0.1000 1.5000 <0.1000 (0.0500 (0.1000 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.0500 ';0.1000 (0.1000 (0.1000 <0.2000 <0.0500 (0.0500 <0.1000 (0.0500 <0.0500 (0.5000 <0.0500 <0.0500 <0.2000 (0.1000 (0.2000 <0.0500 (0.0500 (0.2000 (0.0500 <0.1000 <1.0000 <0.1000 <0.0500 (0.0500 (0.0500 (0.1000 (0.0500 (0.0500 {0.0500 (0.0500 (0.0500 (0.2000 (0.2000 (0.0500 (0.(\500 (0.0500 <0.0500 <(i~0500 Page 52 of 59 ASH 09/17-21/88 9/28/88 10/09/88 (0.5000 (0.5000 <0.5000 (1.0000 <0.5000 (0.5000 <0.5000 <0.5000 (0.5000 <2.0000 ( 1. 0000 <0.5000 < 1. 0000 12.0000 (1. 0000 <0.5000 < 1. 0000 <:0.5000 <0.5000 <0.5000 <: 1. 0000 < 1. 0000 <1.0000 <2.00(10 <0.5000 (0.5000 (1 .0000 <0.5000 1. 2000 <5.0000 <0.5000 <0.5000 (2.0000 < 1 . 0000 <2.0000 <0.5000 (0.5000 <2.0000 (0.5000 ( 1. 0000 00.0000 ( 1. 0000 <0.5000 <0.5000 <0.5000 <:1.0000 0.0190 <0.5000 <0.5000 <0.50(>0 <0.5000 (2.0000 <2.0000 <0.5000 <0.5000 < (1.500.0. 4.90* <0.500(1 TABLE 34 Page 54 of 59 TABLE 9 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CAKE' ASH ANALYSIS RESULTS LABORATORY: -CAL TEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORY HETALS (all results in Iy/kg WET SEASON DRY SEASON unless noted) ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- CAKE ASH CAKE CAKE ASH ASH SAI1PLE DATES: 02123/88 02/23/88 05/19/88 09/21/88 05/19/88 09/21/88 ANALYSIS DATES: 03/20/88 03/20/88 06/23/88 10/12/88 06/23/B8 10/1218B PARAI'IETER Antimony * <0.2000 3.1000 0.3000 <0.1000 1.2000 2.4000 Arseni c 0.6000 9.3000 0,6000 0.5900 7.7000 7.8000 Berylli ut. <0.4000 0.8000 <0.0500 (0.0500 0.6000 0.9000 CadmiullI 1.3000 9.3000 0.4300 0.5200 4.0000 .3.4000 Chrolliull 3.9000 60.0000 2.9000 3.0000 63.0000 60.0000 Copper 73.0000 870.0000 45.0000 66.0000 820.0000 750.0000 Lead 21.0000 230.0000 12.0000 12.0000 220.0000 130.0000 Mercury <0.0020 0.6000 1. 0000 1.1000 0.0500 0.0070 Nickel 6.0000 72 . 0000 2.4000 7.3000 48.0000 80.0000 Selenium 0.7000 9.7000 0.8000 0.2000 6.BOOO 3.6000 Silver 8.5000 77 . 0000 6.2000 14.0000 97.0000 140.0000 Thall i UII f. 4.3000 63.0000 1. 3000 (0.4000 41.0000 <0.4000 Zinc 86.0000 970.0000 65.0000 70.0000 1100.0000 820.0000 Cyanide * Parameters not listed in RWQCB quarterly report guidance packet. .~- Page 55 of 59 o N LLJ ~ => t!J ....... l..1... TABLE 35 Page 56 of 59 WAlNUT mEEK BACKGROUND DATA UPSTREAM OOWNSTREAM 7 1988 Time D. O. . S. S. 3. O. D. "oliform wmoni a Time D.O. rr. s. S. 3. O. D. "oliform ""'monia Date Hours mall mall mall ~PN/ 100ml Hours mall mQ/l mall ~PN/100ml 7/12 1100 8.6 14 1,300 0.04 1100 8.5 6 2,400 O.ll 7/13 1100 7.3 6.692 11 1400 on 1100 h 1 7 Ql? 1f; 490 0.06 7/14 1100 8..0 468 12 330 0.40 1100 7.3 2,140 2 490 0.02 7/15 1130 9.1 16 4 490 0.05 1130 7.4 196 6 490 0.07 7/18 1200 7.9 636 6 1,100 - 1200 6.9 1,012 9 490 - . 7/19 1130 10.0 252 10 2,400 <0.10 1130 5.6 232 3 490 0.55 7/20 1100 9.0 288 13 490 .02 1100 6.6 376 3 330 0.24 7/21 1030 8.9 252 8 700 0.02 IVlO 8.0 180 .1: 490 0.13 7/22 1030 7.0 :.168 4 130 0.17 1200 7.S 132 1 330 0.19 ~ I 8.0 I 200 I I I 7/25 1130 7.8 408 4 2 200 0.13 .1130 ,1 220 0.09 7/26 1100 8.0 584 2 3,500 0.03 1100 7.8 596 1 3.500 0.07 7/27 1100 10.4 512 6 9,200 0.01 1100 8.0 188 3 9.200 0.07 7/28 1100 15.0 268 19 3,500 0.01 1100 10.6 .144 6 3,500 0.01 /29 1100 12.4 832 23 2,200 0.13 1100 8.4 236 4 2.400 0.05 I .~:- _T~'''-'. '-.""-..",,.~!_:-.::'-=:."': - 7'-','."" .. - =:-=-=--::::.... uaust 1988 Time D.O. . s. s. 3.0.0. Pol1form ~onia Time D.O. [r.S.S. 3.0.0. ~liform _onia Date Hours mall mall mall MPN/100ml mall Hours mall mall mall \4PN/100ml mall 9.200/ 8/01 1100 9.1 208 9 5.400 0.02 1100 8.3 192 <1 /3.500 0.11 8/02 1100 8.4 176 9 3.500 0.01 1100 9.0 220 5 >16.000 0.05 8/03 1100 2.6 300 12 5.400 0.05 1100 8.9 224 3 16.000 0.08 8/04 1100 8.4 180 11 2.400 0.0-8 1100 1.5 184 3 2.400 0.14 8/05 1100 9.2 - 4 3.300 0.16 1100 8.2 - 4 610 0.10 8/08 1100 8.2 96 - 6.800 0.18 1100 9.8 168 - 9.300 0.13 8/09 1100 8.4 - - 3.300 0.24 1100 9.6 - - 2.300 0.23 8/17 0900 1.6 264 - 780 0.20 0900 7.3 88 - 1.300 0.17 8/18 0930 7.2 292 8 13 .000 0.200 0930 1.8 104 3 13 .000 0.15 8/19 1030 8.2 - 10 2.300 - 1030 1.9 - 6 1.400 8/22 1030 7.6 - 5 1.875 0.10 1030 8.4 - 2 780 0.06 8/23 1100 8.1 288 3 2.300 0.19 1100 8.5 252 1 180 0.11 8/24 1100 8.3 444 5 450 0.12 1100 1.6 436 1 400 0.10 8/25 1115 8.2 - 8 450 0.05 1115 8.7 - 4 400 0.05 8/26 1000 - 1.576 14 3.300 0.05 1000 - 280 4 3.300 0.10 8/29 1000 - 292 2 7.000 0.19 1000 - 184 2 7,900 0.24 8/30 1000 - 404 7 4.900 0.08 1100 - 448 4 3.300 0.16 TABLE 36 WAltlJT mEEK BACKGRlUNO DATA UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM A ~ 1100 I - 3441 4 I 13 .000 I 0.04 U 1100 I - I 216 I 2 Page 57 of 59 3.300 I 0.06 ...~ ..:::.. 1988 Time D.O. . S. S. ~.O.D. Co11fonn /\mmon1a Time D.O. . S. S. B.O.o. Co11fonn I\mmon1 a Date Hours mall mall mall ~PN/ 100ml mall Hours mall mall mall ~PN/100ml mall 9/01 .1100 - 668 7 1,300 0.25 1100 - 464 2 2,300 0.18 9/02 1300 - 332 5 2,300 0.23 1300 - 192 4 1,100 0.16 9/06 1100 - - 3 1,040 0.12 1100 - - 2 <180 0.12 9/07 1100 7.8 - 4 2,300 0.27 1100 7.9 - 2 450 0.17 9/08 1300 7.8 484 4 1,400 0.14 1300 7.9 508 2 780 0.13 9/09 1310 7.8 - 9 1,300 0.15 1310 8.1 - 10 7,900 0.13 9/12 1300 9.4 216 8 2,300 0.03 1300 8.2 170 4 450 0.08 9/13 1145 0.0 226 14 1,300 0.02 1145 8.3 162 9 3,300 0.19 9/14 1310 9.6 190 6 3,300 0.01 1310 7.4 140 1 680 0.16 9/15 1440 8.5 196 4 2,200 0.06 1440 7.9 334 1 1,700 0.10 9/16 1150 0.4 142 9 1,300 0.01 1150 8.8 120 3 1,300 0.16 9/19 1600 9.2 182 6 2,100 0.17 1600 9.1 102 2 450 0.08 9/20 1300 9.5 92 5 4,900 0.01 1300 8.5 76 10 <180 0.02 9/21 1200 8.6 184 4 1,700 0.15 1200 8.8 186 2 200 0.06 9/22 1230 8.6 182 3 1,700 0.11 1230 9.0 278 1 1,300 0.03 9/23 1300 8.8 112 3 1,300 0.13 1300 9.0 170 2 680 0.04 9/26 1120 8.0 - 25 7,000 0.29 1050 8.2 - 3 780 0.17 9/27 1300 9.1 314 8 3,300 0.17 1300 7.8 176 2 2,200 0.16 9/28 1210 7.1 245 4 4,900 0.10 1210 7.2 176 2 450 0.19 . TABLE:'J7 WAltIJT mEEK BAa<GRJUND DATA UPSTREAM DOWNSTREAM SEPTEM3ER 2m-' 1300 I 7.6 I 308 I 3 I 780 I 0.28 U 1300 I 7.7 I 80 I 2 LAB7 :WC BKGRD DTA Page 58 of 59 1.700 I 0.16 .~~~ . .- TABLE 38 Page 59 of 59 CONTItlJOUS FLOW-lHRlOOH BIOASSAY Fathead Minnow Percent Survival Percent Survival 100% 100% Date Effluent Date Effluent August September 3 100 1 100 4 100 2 100 5 100 3 100 6 100 4 100 7 100 5 100 8 100 6 100 9 100 7 95 10 100 8 95 11 100 9 95 12 100 10 95 13 100 11 90 14 100 12 90 15 100 13 90 16 100 14 90 17 100 15 90 18 100 16 90 19 100 17 90 20 100 18 90 21 100 19 90 22 100 20 90 23 100 21 90 24 100 22 90 25 100 23 90 26 100 24 90 27 100 25 90 28 100 26 90 .~~: 29 100 27 90 30 100 28 90 31 100 29 90 LAB7 :CONT FL BIO