HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-26-89 . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar) .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 26, 1989 NO. IV. HEARAINGS 1. SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE RECYQING PLAN PROPOSED BY PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL FOR ZONE 3 DATE January 19, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Admi ni strative ISSUE: After receiving a presentation of the recycling plan proposed by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal for Zone 3 on November 17, 1988, the Board of Directors determined that the plan should be calendared for consideration at a subsequent publ ic hearing. BAC<GROUND: All cities within Contra Costa County are required by the County's Draft Revision of the Solid Waste Management Plan to implement recycling programs to reduce wastestream volume and thereby increase the life of in-county landfills. A general precondition of adjoining counties to accepting this county's exported solid waste is the existence of effective recycling programs in Contra Costa County. As the franchiser for refuse collection and disposal for four cities and the unincorporated areas in central county, the District has assumed a primary role in coordinating the development of recycling programs throughout its franchise areas. The franchise agreements between the District and its three franchised refuse collectors require submission of a recycling plan by the collectors upon request of the Di stri ct. The District organized a Regional Recycling Advisory Committee to review alternative recycl ing programs for suitability in each of the cities and unincorporated areas within the franchise areas. Members of the Committee include two District Board Members (Parke Boneysteel e and Sue Rai ney) and a representative from each of the cities and the unincorporated areas. Under the direction of the Committee, each of the three refuse collectors was directed to prepare proposals for pilot recycling plans. The recycling plan proposed by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal was presented to the Board on November 17, 1988. A publ ic hearing on the proposed recycling plan was to be scheduled after details of the proposed plan were presented to the affected communities of Pacheco and Clyde. During the month of December, presentations of the recycling plan were made to the Pacheco Town Council and the Clyde Civic Improvement Association by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal, and District staff and Board liaison representative. Written or oral comments of the town and improvement association were requested for Board consideration at a public hearing to be held on January 26,1989. Noti ces of the publ ic heari ng were publ i shed on January 17, 1989 and January 24, 1989, in the Contra Costa Times. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION \02A-9/85 PM SUBJECT CONDUcr A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE IMPLEt-ENTATION OF THE RECYQING PLAN PROPOSED BY PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL FOR ZONE 3 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE Januarv 19, 1989 Recycling Plan Proposed By Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal proposes a recycling plan throughout its franchise area which provides for curbside collection of the following recyclable items: al umi nurn cans; gl ass bottl es; pl asti c soft dri nk bottl es; and newspapers. Each residential customer would be provided one plastic container in which to collect the recyclable items; newspapers would be bundled separately and placed next to the plastic container for collection at the curb.Collection of recyclable items would occur on the same day as the regular weekly refuse collection. Initially, collection will be accomplished by a pick-up truck and trailer arrangement. In the future, after an established curbside recycling service is extended to other nearby communities, Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal intends to use a specialized recycling truck. The volume collected will reflect the rate of participation of the residents. Taking into consideration the size and demographics of the service area, the monthly volume is expected to be approximately 14 tons, broken down as follows: Newspapers Glass Bottles Al urni nurn Cans P.E.T. Bottles 9.50 tons 4.35 tons .15 tons neQl i Qi bl e T ota 1 l! ton s The volume of recyclables collected will determine the net expense of the recycling program. Other variabl es that will impact the cost of the program are the sal es prices of the recyclables and the operating expenses associated with collecting and processing the recyclables. Based on Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal's projected revenue and expenses for recycling services, an initial net expense of approximately $1 per household per month is anticipated; these projected revenues and expenses will be reviewed by District staff during the next rate-setting period. A comparison of the actual and projected results of the recycling program after a three-month pilot period will be performed. This evaluation will enable a more accurate determination of the program's net expense. Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal will include a rate increase to provide for the net expense of the recycling program in its refuse collection rate application for the July 1, 1989 th rough June 30, 1990 peri ode CoaInents of the Pacheco Town Council At the presentati on of the proposed recycl i ng pl an to the Pacheco Town Council, written or oral comments for consideration by the Board at the January 26, 1989 public hearing were requested. To-date, no written comments have been received; however, at the Pacheco Town Council meeti ng, the consensus of the Council was in favor of the proposed curbside recycling pl an. The Pacheco representative to the Regional ~ecycling Advisory Committee, Joe Minick, will orally present the Pacheco Town Councl1's comments at the January 26, 1989 Dubl ic hearino. 1302B-9/85 SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE IMPLEr-ENTATION OF THE RECYQ.ING PLAN PROPOSED BY PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL FOR ZONE 3 POSITION PAPER PAGE 3 OF 3 DATE January 19, 1989 ChanQes in "the Recycling Plan ReQues"ted by "the ec..uni"ty of Clyde After receiving a presentation of the curbside recycling plan proposed by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal, the Clyde Civic Improvement Association requested that an alternate program be implemented in the Clyde area that would not require the proj ected $1 per month househol d recycl i ng charge. The Associ ati on woul d 1 i ke instead to setup drop-off bins for glass, aluminum, and newspaper next to their centrally located community center, with whatever profits it realizes from the sale of the recyclable materials to Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal being used for the Clyde community. The Clyde Civic Improvement Association requested a three-month tri al of the al ternate program to gauge its conti nued feasi bility. Di stri ct Staff is currently working with the Clyde Civic Improvement Association and Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal to coordinate the alternate program for start-up at the same time as curbside recycling in the Pacheco area. S"taff Reco.Denda"tions District staff endorses the overall recycling plan proposed by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal, with the changes required by the alternate program for the community of Clyde, for implementation on a three-month pilot basis. The present refuse collection rates in Zone 3 established for Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal effective July 1, 1988 through June 30, 1989 should be unchanged. Adjustments to the collection rates to provide for the net expense of the recycling program should be based on the results of the three-month pilot period, and incorporated in the rate application for the July 1, 1989 through June 30, 1990 peri ode RECXMENDATION: Conduct a publ ic hearing on January 26, 1989 to receive comments from the public and the affected communities on the recycling plan proposed by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal for Zone 3, and provide District staff with comments and guidance regarding the implementation of the alternative program for the Clyde community and the proposed recycling plan for the other areas of Zone 3. 13026-9/85 . Centra, Contra Costa Sanitar~ .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OFl POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 26, 1989 s~'O'ffrORIZE LEAVE WITHOUT PAY FOR JOYE KURASAKI, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER, FROM FEBRUARY 20, 1989, THROUGH APRIL 24, 1989 NO, V. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 DATE January 23, 1989 TYPE %tfHffitlZE LEAVE SUBMITTED BY Yvonne Brown, Administrative Secretary INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: Board approval is requi red for Leave Without Pay following the use of Pregnancy Disability Leave in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and the Management Support/Confidential Group May 1, 1988 - April 30, 1989. BACKGROUND: Joye Kurasaki, Associ ate Engi neer, has been off work on Pregnancy Disabil ity Leave since October 24, 1988. Under the provisions of the M.O.U., she may take up to si x months off work from the bi rth of the ch 11 d by usi ng a combination of pregnancy disability leave, sick leave, vacation, earned overtime and leave of absence without pay. The use of leave of absence without pay requires Board approval. Ms. Kurasaki has requested that she be granted Leave Without Pay from February 20, 1989, through April 24, 1989. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize nine weeks Leave Without Pay for Joye Kurasaki, Associate Engineer, effective February 20, 1989. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 130 JL CRF INITIATING DEPTJDIV, #~~ ~r. C/~ VB V/v 0Jsf . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary .."istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J anua r NO. VI. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT CONDUCT A BOARD WORKSHOP ON THE DRAFT 1989 TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN AND FEE SYSTEM ANALYSIS DATE J anu r TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT WORKSHOP ON CIP AND CIF SUBMITTED BY James R. Coe Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department Plannin Division ISSUE: A workshop has been scheduled in order to facilitate the Board's review of the draft 1989 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan and Fee System Analysis. BACKGROUND: The draft 1989 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Pl an and Fee System Analysis were distributed to the Board on January 5, 1989. A Board workshop has been scheduled for the January 26, 1989, Board meeting to provide an opportunity for staff to present specific information and to facilitate review of the documents in greater detail. A proposed agenda for the workshop is presented in Attachment 1. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a Board workshop on the draft 1989 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan and Fee System Analysis. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. JM< JMK ATTAQ-/~NT 1 BOARD WORKSHOP ON l1-f E TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVE~NT PLAN AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEE ANALYSIS PROPOSED AGENDA JANUARY 26, 1989 I. TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN A. STAFF REPORT 0 PURPOSE 0 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 0 CASH FL O/l 0 IMPLICATIONS OF ADOPTION B. BOARD COMMENTS/QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION C. CONClUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS II. CAPITAL IMPROVE~NT FEE ANALYSIS A. STAFF REPORT 0 PURPOSE 0 FACILITIES CAPACITY FEE 0 CASH FLO/l 0 IMPLICATIONS OF ADOPTION B. BOARD COMMENTS/QUESTIONS/DISCUSSION C. CONClUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar District . BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. VI I. TREATMENT PLANT 1 SUBJECT DATE ALLOCATE $12,000 FROM THE TREATMENT PlANT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR THE SULFUR DIOXIDE INJECTION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 10036 AL L OCATE FU NDS INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ineer Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: Approval of the Board of Directors is required to allocate program contingency funds in excess of $25,000. BACKGROUND: The treatment plant has had an excellent record of compliance with its NPDES discharge permit requirements, but over the last ten years, the zero chlorine residual requirement has been very difficult to maintain with continuous monitoring. Even though the pl ant rarely exceeds the Regional Water Qual ity Control Board-set maximums allowed for magnitude or duration, there are occasional violations. One of the problems with the dechlorination process is the fact that only 100 feet of outfall pipe lies between the injection of sulfur dioxide-saturated water and the sample point. This is not enough to allow for complete mixing and assure an accurate compliance record. Included as one element in the present Treatment Plant Strategic Plan for improving the rel iabil ity and efficiency of the dechlorination process is the installation of a new electric-driven sulfur dioxide injector. Initial funds for this project were granted from the program contingency account by the General Manager-Chief Engineer as "seed" money to start pilot work on the project in fiscal year 1987 - 1988. Work on this testing phase of the project began with contractor work to install piping and conduit for the injector. Since the original allocation of "seed" money was granted, several factors affecting the cost estimate have changed. First, the injector manufacturer redesigned the original injection unit, which increased the purchase price. Second, a new effluent analyzer, which can effectively measure the amount of excess sulfur dioxide present in the dechlorination process, has been found and tested. The addition of feedback provided by this analyzer has proven benefici al by reducing the quantity and magnitude of some chlorine violations and totally eliminated others. This project will improve dechlorination process mixing and control, thereby reducing the number and frequency of chlorine residual violations but will not completely eliminate the problem of controlling around a zero limit. RECOIENDATION: Allocate an additional $12,000 to complete the treatment plant Sulfur Dioxide Injection Improvements Project, District Project No. 10036. INITI~EPT./DIV. {)Jt!':> 1302A.9/85 GW WEB ATIACH4ENT I COST ESTIMATE FOR SULFUR DIOXIDE INJ ECTION SYSTEM I~OVEMENTS Contractor Labor $ 10,000 Force Account Labor 1,000 Contingency 2,000 Eq ui pment 24,000 Subtotal 37,000 Initial Authorization by General Manager-Chief Engineer 25,000 Total Requested S 12.000 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary -,istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 8 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 26, 1989 NO. IX. PERSONNEL 1 SUBJECT DATE January 20, 1989 REVISE CLASS DESCRIPTION FOR JUNIOR ENGINEER G-67 ($2,918/MO.-$3,S32/MO.) TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMl.TTED 8Y R W' 11 . UaV1C1 . 1 lams Engineering Division Manager INITltW~1RWJt'~Wg Department Engineering Division ISSUE: Board action is required to revise an existing class description. BACKGROUND: On June 16, 1988, the Board adopted the Personnel Budget for Fiscal Year 1988/1989. As part of that budget, two entry-level engineering positions were authorized for the Engineering Division. Since the job classification and salary range for the positions had not been finalized at the time the Personnel Budget was adopted, the position paper stated that the Board would be given the class description for consideration and approval when it was developed. Following the approval of the FY 1988-1989 Personnel Budget, Ralph Andersen & Associates was retained by the District to conduct a classification and compensation review of the two newly authorized entry-level positions. The Andersen review recommended that the District's existing entry-level classification of Junior Engineer, with salary range G-67 ($2,918/mo.-$3,S32/mo.), is the appropriate classification for the two new entry-level engineers (see At tachment 1). Staff has reviewed the Andersen report and concurs with the findings. In addition, staff recommends that the Junior Engineer class description be revised to provide more flexibility in rotating the entry-level engineers through the various departments and divisions within the District. The class description, therefore, has been revised to allow this flexibility while still maintaining the basic two-year rotational period before promotion to the Assistant Engineer level (see Attachment 2). The Personnel Committee reviewed the proposed action on January 6, 1989, and concurs with staff's recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: Revi se ($2,918/mo.-$3,S32/mo.) to maintain the revised Junior the entry-level engineering the class description for Junior Engineer, G-67 allow more flexibility in rotation assignments; Engineer class description and current salary range as position in the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 CRF INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. DRW fJ~.~) ~ RAB (~ ATTACHr~ENT 1 Ralph Andersen & Associates 1446 Ethan Way Suite 101 Sacramento. CA 95825 (916) 929-5575 3860 West Northwest Highway Suite 230 Dallas, TX 75220 (214) 956-7097 October 31, 1988 SUBJECT: Catherine Freitas Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Nancy Nittler Ralph Andersen & Associates Entry level Engineering Classification TO: FROM: The purpose of this memo is to provide you with our final recommendation regarding the entry level professional engineering classification. The professional engineering series should have an entry level classification which is equivalent to the current classification of Junior Engineer. It is not appropriate to have a sub-entry classification below the Junior Engineer level since there is not an additional level of engineering work to justify such a class. It is recommended that the junior level classification be used as it is currently, and if the District is interested in selecting college graduates with more limited experience, they can target recruitments at local colleges and universities. The internal salary relationships for the professional engineering c1assifications are appropriate. The salary level for the entry level class is sufficient to ensure the District's ability to recruit and retain Quality engineering staff. If you have any other Questions, or if I can be of further assistance, please give me a call. ". ATTACH~lENT 2 CEN lR,tL (X)N lRA OOS T A SNHTMY DISTRICT Effective: Salary Range: G-67 JUNIOR ENGINEER (ROTATION) DEFINITION Perform trainee or apprentice-level professional engineering work in the planning, design, investigation, and construction of District wastewater treatment pl ant, co11 ecti on system, and rel ated facil iti es. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This- is the entry-level class in the professional engineering series. Incumbents perform less complex office and field engineering work under general supervision in preparation for advancement to the next higher level of Assistant Engineer. Assignments are rotational through the Plant Operati ons, ~Pf/ Co11 ecti on System Operati ons, and Engineering departments. _9~t~, ~~~Ip;_;I~~ PIYJ~I~~~. ~_~~ ~~~ls~~~~~ ;~11 1~~ appf~~/~at~11 p/g~t lIP/lt'fl~ After 'twenty-four IIOnths as a ~~ Junior Engineer, f~t~tI~,,~l #>~)/JIt;./3/1t~) the Junior Engineer, upon successful completion of rotational assignments and a passing score on an exam, will be promoted to an Assistant Engi neer. NJtft~P/l ftP/Ji'N1t SUPERVISION RE~IVED AND EXERCISED Receive general supervision from a higher level professional engineer. Technical or functional supervision may also be provided by higher level professional engineering positions. May exercise indirect supervision of technical engineering positions, as assi gned. EXNA.ES OF DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Write specifications, prepare plans, and calculate cost estimates for smaller engineering projects. Assist in the conduct of detailed and sophisticated studies to define and solve engineering problems. Enforce Di strict polici es and appropriate state and federal 1 aws, codes, and regulations. Perform plan and shop drawing reviews to ensure contractor compliance with District specificattons. Respond to citizen complaints concerning engineering problems. Perform complex engineering calculations. Perform field inspections of engineering projects as assigned. .. (ENlRAl roNlRA roSTA SANITARY DISlRICT Junior Engineer (Continued) Perfo~ engineering analysis and calculations using the Engineering Depart.ent's co.puter facilities. Analyze design data submitted to the District. Perform related duties as required. Prepare clear and concise technical reports. QUALIFICATIONS Know 1 edQe of: Principles and practices of engineering as generally applied to sanitary systems. Methods, materi a1 s, and techniques used in the constructi on of pub 1i c ut l1i ti es proj acts. Modern developments, current literature, and sources of information regarding engineering theory and practices. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assi gnments. Abl1ity to: Make comp1 ex engi neeri ng computati ons and to check, desi gn, and prepare engineering plans, studies, profiles, and maps. Enforce District policies and appropriate state and federal laws, codes, and regulations. Learn and observe all appropriate safety precauti ons as requi red by the District including, but not limited to, Ca1/0SHA General Industry Safety Orders and the District's Respiratory Protection Program. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: None req u ired. CENTRAL CONTRA OOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Junior Engineer (Continued) Education: Equivalent to possession of a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in engineering or a closely related field. Licenses and Certificates Possession of a valid California Driver's License. Possession of an Engineer-In-Training Certificate is desirable prior to promotion to Assistant Engineer. CENTRAL CONTRA roSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Salary Range: G-67 JUNIOR ENGINEER (ROTATION) DEFINITION Perform trainee or apprentice-level professional engineering work in the planning, design, investigation, and construction of District wastewater treatment plant, collection system, and related facilities. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This is the entry-level class in the professional engineering series. Incumbents perform 1 ess compl ex offi ce and fi el d engi neeri ng work under general supervision in preparation for advancement to the next higher level of Assistant Engineer. Assignments are rotational through the Plant Operations, Collection System Onerations, and Engineering departments. After twenty-four months as a Junior Engineer, the Junior Engineer, upon successful compl eti on of rotati ona 1 assi gnments and a passi ng score on an exam, will be promoted to an Assistant Engineer. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive general supervision from a higher level professional engineer. Technical or functional supervision may also be provided by higher level professional engineering positions. May exercise indirect supervision of technical engineering positions, as assigned. EXAJA..ES OF DUTIES - Duti es may i ncl ude, but are not limi ted to, the foll ow i ng: Write specifications, prepare plans, and calculate cost estimates for smaller engineering projects. Assist in the conduct of detailed and sophisticated studies to define and solve engineering problems. Enforce District policies and appropriate state and federal laws, codes, and regulations. Perform plan and shop drawing reviews to ensure contractor compliance with District specifications. Respond to citizen complaints concerning engineering problems. Perform complex engineering calculations. Perform field inspections of engineering projects as assigned. --_.. "---'---'--~-------'--'''-~'''-''_.'--'--- - _._._._-----.__._".__._,~._._-----_..,--~..__._..._~---~~~_._._---_._._-----_.._."---_."._----~-~~.__._- CENTRAl CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Junior Engineer (Continued) Perform engineering analysis and calculations using the Engineering Department's computer facilities. Analyze design data submitted to the District. Perform related duties as required. Prepare clear and concise technical reports. OUALIFICATIONS KnowledQe of: Pri nci pl es and practi ces of engi neeri ng as general 1 y appl i ed to sanitary systems. Methods, materials, and techniques used in the construction of public utilities projects. Modern developments, current literature, and sources of information regarding engineering theory and practices. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assi gnments. Ability to: Make compl ex engi neeri ng computati ons and to check, desi gn, and prepare engineering plans, studies, profiles, and maps. Enforce District pol icies and appropriate state and federal laws, codes, and regulations. Learn and observe all appropri ate safety precauti ons as requi red by the District including, but not limited to, Cal/OSHA General Industry Safety Orders and the District's Respiratory Protection Program. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities woul d be: Experience: None req u ired. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Junior Engineer (Continued) Education: Equivalent to possession of a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in engineering or a closely related field. Licenses and Certificates Possession of a valid California Driver's License. Possession of an Engineer-In-Training Certificate is desirable prior to promotion to Assistant Engineer. -_. "-~--"-------'-"-'--"'--'-"''''-"-''.''---~ .. ,. --......----..-.--..--...,,~--.-..---....------.-...~-._..__'__~__'~_________~.__..__"_______._"__m._._____._,~_",.____. . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 6 January 26, 1989 NO. IX. PERSONNEL 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT ADOPT REVISED CLASS DESCRIPTION AND TITLE CHANGE FOR MAINTENANCE OFFICE COORDINATOR IIII TO MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR 1/11, (G-41 $1820-$2192, G-51 $1998-$2413), AND RECLASSIFY VIRGINIA GERBER FROM SECRETARY II, (G-49 $1905-$2301) TO MTCE. COORDINATOR II (G-51 $1998-$2413) DATE January 19, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: Board action is required to change job titles and class descriptions, and to recl assify anployees BACKGROUND: The Maintenance Office Coordinator 1/11 position description has not been revi sed si nce 1983. At that time, two Mai ntenance Office Coordi nator IIII positions were allocated to provide general clerical and office support to the Plant Maintenance Office. With the install ati on of the computerized Pl ant Equi pment Mai ntenance Management System in 1986, one of the positions within the Plant Maintenance Office was transferred to another area within the Plant and the remaining position of Maintenance Office Coordinator 1/11 evolved from one of a general clerical nature to a more techni cally ori ented positi on provi di ng not only secretari al support, but computer operation services as well. . A new position was authorized in the 1988-89 Personnel Budget to provide support for the Coll ecti on System Operati ons Department mai ntenance computer system and to the Coll ecti on System Operati ons safety and trai ni ng programs. The cl ass description and salary level were not set at that time due to time constraints and the fact that the Coll ecti on System Operati ons computer appl icati on was not on line. Ralph M. Andersen and Associates was asked to prepare a class description and recommend a Salary level based on an internal salary review once the computerized system was in pl ace. RMA found that the duti es were simil ar to the Maintenance Office Coordinator 1/11 in the Plant Operations Department. The revised job title and class description (copy attached) not only brings the position of Maintenance Office Coordinator IIII in line with the actual duties bei ng performed at Coll ecti on System Operati ons and in the Pl ant Mai ntenance Office, but provides for the differences between the two positions. The incumbent in this position in the Pl ant Operations Department is Ms. Lesl ie Chapman. A title change, but no reclassification action, is necessary for her. Virginia Gerber, Secretary II, has been assigned to the CSOD computer system since August, 1988. She has been instrumental in developing the CSOD Sewer Maintenance Management System, is well qualified for the position, and has been providing the District with Maintenance Coordinator II Services for six months. The successes that have been achi eved to date with the CSOD computer system are due, in 1 arge V0 COMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JAL ~ CRF SUBJECT ADOPT REVISED a.ASS DESCRIPTION AND TITLE CHANGE FOR MAINTENANCE OFfICE COORDINATOR III! TO MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR 1/11. (G-47 $1820-$2192. G-51 $1998-$2413). AND REa.ASSIFY VIRGINIA GERBER FROM SECRETARY II. (6-49 $1905-$2301) TO MAINTENANCE COORDINATOR II POSITION PAPER 2 2 PAGE OF DATE January 13,1989 part, to her abilities and her dedication. Under this action, Ms. Gerber would be reclassified from a Secretary II (G-49 $1905-$2301) to Maintenance Coordinator II (G-51 $1998-$2413). If the Board approves Ms. Gerber's recl assification, the Secretary 1/11 will be filled through routine recruitment procedures. The Personnel Committee reviewed the proposed action on January 6, 1989 and concurs with staff's recommendation. RECOMMENDATION: Change the title of Leslie Chapman, Maintenance Office Coordinator II to Maintenance Coordinator II (G-51 $1998-$2413); adopt revised class description of Maintenance Coordinator 1/11 (G-49 $1905-$2301, G-51 $1998-$2413); reclassify Virginia Gerber from Secretary II, (G-49 $1905-$2301) to Maintenance Coordinator II, (G-51 $1998-$2413), effective January 21, 1989. 13028-9/85 CENTRAL OONTRA OOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Salary Range: I G-47 II G- 51 MAINTENANCE OOORDINATOR 1111 DEFINITION Operates computerized Preventative Maintenance System in Collection System or Pl ant Mai ntenance; provide cl erical staff support to research, prepare and maintain detailed records regarding field work, work schedules, expenditures and/or work orders; and assist in the administration of department safety and training programs. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS Maintenance Coodinator I This class is the entry-level class in the Maintenance Coordinator series and is distinguished from the II level by the limited ability to perform the full range of duti es as assigned to the II 1 evel without immedi ate supervision. While positions in this class may have prior clerical experience, they are generally less familiar with the specific and rel evant pol ici es and procedures unique to the department's mai ntenance program. Maintenance Coodinator II This class is the journey-level class in the Maintenance Coordinator seri es and is di sti ngu i shed from the I 1 evel by the ability to perform the full range of duties as assigned without immediate supervision. Positions in this cl ass are generally familiar with the specific and rel evant pol ici es and procedures unique to the department's mai ntenance program. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Maintenance Coodinator 1/11 Receives general supervision from the Plant Maintenance Superintendent or C.S.O. Operations Support Supervisor. EXNA.ES OF DUTIES Duties may include, but are not limited to the following: Maintain databases for preventative maintenance history, work orders, logs, management informati on systems, equi pment records, and faciliti es i nv entory . Use computer applications to produce work schedules, work orders, reports, logs, and records. _,~.___.,.._... . _"_"__""_~"_'___"'_'____'__'____'~'__"__~""''''_'__"_."~ ..._..,,_.~_..',___.H.,_.,__ __,.__.,.__.~_~_____~____~._._.___,_,.__,_~_____.._..,..___..._._" '._....~."._.."._~"'._._.._~_._,_._ u ._..__.....__.___~.~.__..._..,.____.._ __..._.__~_,,_. ...,.,----_~....~..._.,._.._ .. CENlRAL CONlRA COSTA SANITARY DISlRICT Main~enance Coordina~or Communica~e revisions in facilities inven~ory to o~her divisions or depa rtmen~s. Review and in~erpret preventative maintenance da~a prior to data entry for completeness and conformance with es~ablished ~andards. Maintain a variety of detailed records. Operate computer software and hardware sy~ems, and rel evant security; identifies and corrects problems; participates in the identification and impl ementati on of sys~em upgrades; works with hardware and software suppliers on maintenance of system. Provide clerical staff support. Operate a varie~y of office machines including word processing equipment. Assi~ in the preparation, filing and updating of employee technical and safety ~rai ni ng programs and materi al s; may provi de suppor~ to the Department Safety Committee(s). Perform rel ated duti es as requi red. QUALIFICATIONS Maintenance Coordinator I KnowledQe of: Use and operati on of microcomputers incl udi ng data base software. Understandi ng of database 1 anguages and offi ce methods, procedures and equi pment. English usage, spelling, grammar and punctuation. Abil ity to: Learn the operation of the District's Plant Equipment Management System or the Sewer Maintenance Management System. Enter information into and retrieve information from a computer. Maintain system files, records and reports. Learn and observe all appropriate safety precautions as required by the District including, but no~ limited to, Cal/OSHA General Industry Safety Orders and the Di strict' 5 Respi ratory Protecti on Program. CENTRAL CONTRA OOSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Maintenance Coordinator Learn about plant or field equipment including functions and tenni nol ogy. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Experience and Training Guidelines Any combination of experience and training that would likely provide the required knowledge and abil ities is qual ifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: One year of increasingly responsible clerical work. Education: Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade with course work in database languages, computer science, or a related field. Maintenance Coordinator II In addition to the qualifications for Maintenance Coordinator I: Knowl edge of: Principles and practices of computer database systems. Computer hardware and software rel ated to the Sewer Mai ntenance Management System or Plant Equipment Management System. Cal/OSHA regulations and general industrial safe work practices. Equipment used at the District including functions, tenninology and Maintenance priorities. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Mai ntenance procedures used at the Di strict in the department to which assigned. Ability to: Effectively use, operate, and support a computerized mai ntenance management system. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Maintenance Coordinator Provi de staff support for an effective safety and accident prevention program. Read and interpret engineering plans, maps, specifications, and rel ated materi al and/or operati on and mai ntenance manual s for the District equipment and facilities. Communicate technical information to supervisors and employees. Train personnel in basic operation of Computer System. Perform assigned duties with independence, using establ ished policies, procedures, and guidelines. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Eighteen months of experience comparable to that of the I class. Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade with course work in database languages, computer science or related field. . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 7 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 26, 1989 NO. IX. PERSONNEL 3 January 19, 1989 SUBtREATE A NEW OPERATIONS SUPPORT SUPERVISOR POSITION WITHIN THE roLlECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARTM:NT. ADOPT A QASS DESCRIPTION. SET THE SALARY lEVEL AT S-71 ($3228- $3901). AND REQASSIFY YVONNE BIOfN, ADMINISTRATIVE SEC- RETARY. S-60 ($2482-$3000), TO THE POSITION DATE TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY John larson. C.S.O.D. Manager INITIATING DEPT/DIV Collection System Operations Dept. ISSUE: The Operations Support Section of the Collection System Operations Department needs to be reorganized through the addition of a supervisory position to meet the growing demands for service. Board action is required to create new positi ons, adopt cl ass descri pti ons, set sal ary ranges, and to recl assify employees. BACKGROUND: Each year the demand for service by the publ ic has increased. Over 1000 requests for service were received by CSOD during the past year. A parall el increase has occurred in the pUblic's awareness of its legal rights in incidents involving property damage. Each request for service and each incident of alleged property damage must be hand1 ed quickly and effectively. The responsibility for administering property damage claims and investigating service complaints rested with the Collection System Superintendent prior to his retirement in March 1988. Since that time, the responsibility has been assigned to Yvonne Brown, Admi ni strative Secretary. A secretary from a temporary serv i ce has been used to complete the lower level work in the interim. It has become increasingly obvious that the time required to complete the work properly is on the order of 24 hours per week and that the work is extremely sensitive in nature. In a majority of cases, the employee charged with this responsibil ity must make on-the-spot decisions in order to facil itate achieving a reasonable solution. Future programs are anticipated that will add to the existing workload. They include the Overflow Protection Program and an anticipated Rehabilitation and Replacement Program for aging small diameter sewers. Ralph Andersen and Associates has completed an examination of the Operations Support Section's activities. They found an increased level of responsibility and they have recommended the creation of an Operations Support Supervisor position, salary range S-71 ($3228-$3901>. A copy of the recommended class description is attached. The staff recommends the reclassification of Yvonne Brown, Administrative Secretary, to this position. Ms. Brown is a career employee of the District. She has willingly and effectively undertaken the additional workload occasioned by the reti rement of the Co11 ecti on System Superi ntendent and she has improved the procedures and activ iti es needed for the successful resol uti on of diffi cul t property damage claims and service complaints. This action would initially REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ CRF SUBJECT CREATE A NEW OPERATIONS SUPPORT SUPERVISOR POSITION WITHIN THE COlLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARllENT. ADOPT A QASS DESCRIPTION. SET THE SAlARY LEva AT S-71 ($3228- $3901). AND REQASSIFY YVONNE BROWN, ADMINISTRATIVE SEC- RETARY. S-60 ($2482-$3000). TO THE POSITION POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 7 January 19, 1989 result in a 7.4% salary increase for Ms. Brown. If the Board approves Ms. Brown's reclassification, a vacant secretarial position will be filled through routine procedures. The net additional cost of creating the Operations Support Supervisor position will be $16,000 per year. The Operati ons Support Superv i sor is a superv i sory posi ti on and it shoul d be allocated to the Management Support/Confidential Group. This action is accomplished by Board resolution. The Board Personnel Committee reviewed the proposed action on January 6, 1989, and concurs with staff's recommendation. RECOtIENDATION: Create a new Operations Support Supervisor position within the Coll ecti on System Operati ons Department, adopt the cl ass descri pti on, set the salary level at Range S-71 ($3223-$3901>, adopt appropriate resolution allocating Operations Support Supervisor to MS/OG, and reclassify Yvonne Brown, Administrative Secretary, S-60 ($2482-$3000) to the position, effective January 21, 1989. 13026-9/85 CENTRAL CONTRA (X)ST A SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Range: S-71 OPERATIONS SUPPORT SUPERVISOR DEFINITION To coordi nate and supervi se the activ iti es of the operati ons support section including Department training and safety programs, the automated maintenance system, and accident investigation; and to investigate and document ratepayer claims and complaints. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receives general supervision from the Collection Systems Operations Manager. Exercises direct supervision over assigned technical and clerical staff. EXAMPLES OF DUTIES Duties may include, but are not limited to the following: Plan, organize, direct, and control the activities of the Operations Support Section including claims and accident investigation, safety and trai ni ng program admi ni strati on, serv i ce requests and radi 0 di spatch, clerical support, and the maintenance management program. Investigate and document claims including billings and property damage; evaluate claims and make appropriate recommendation; negotiate and initiate solutions within set guidelines. Respond to and resolve difficult and sensitive service requests and complaints; recommend corrective action. Review and analyze operations support activities; recommend and implement improvements and modifications; prepare various reports on operations and activ iti es. Participate in budget preparation and administration; prepare cost estimates for budget recommendati ons; submit j ustif i cati ons for budget items; monitor and control expenditures. Assist in the investigation of accidents and incidents; collect and document information and data; prepare reports and related correspondence. Coordinate the administration of the department safety program; maintain safety directives; provide administrative support to the Department Safety Committee. CENlRAL CONlRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Operations Support Supervisor (Continued) EXAJA..ES Of DUTIES Coordi nate department trai ni ng programs; make arrangements for speakers, seminars, classes and training materials; collect and disseminate training brochures and literature. Arrange for and oversee support services (i.e. landscaping, janitorial, security system) for the Collection Systems Operation office building and related facilities. Supervise the initiation and maintenance of files, records, manuals and resource materials. Perform related duties as assigned. QUALIFICATIONS KnowledQe of: Principles, and admi ni strati on. practices of claims i nvesti gati on and Principles and practices of supervision, training and performance eval uati on. Principles and practices of industrial safety, health and accident prevention programs. Principles and practices of budget preparation and tracking. Modern office procedures, methods and computer equipment. Principles and procedures of record keeping. Abil i ty to: Investigate and accidents. resol ve cl aims, service complaints and Coordinate and participate in department training programs. Interpret and apply admi ni strative and departmental pol ici es and procedures. Work effectively under deadl i nes and coordi nate concurrent assignments. Supervise, train and evaluate assigned staff. Work independently in the absence of supervision. ---.-----.------....-.-.-----.------...---'.'---.--..."--~~---.,'-_._-_..._,----_.~-_._-,.__._.-----'--_.~- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Operations Support Supervisor (Continued) Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. Establish and maintain cooperative working relationships with those contacted in the course of work. Experience and Training Guidelines Any combination of experience and training that would likely provi de the requi red knowl edge and abil iti es is qual ify i ng. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Expe r i ence: Five years of increasingly responsibl e experience. Experience in public contact and complaint investigation and resolution. superv i sory and cl aim Education: Equivalent to completion of two years of college with courses in business, supervision, or related field. License and Certificates Possession of a valid California Driver's License. RESOLUTION NO. 89- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN ADDITIONAL POSITION TO BE A MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT/CONFIDENTIAL GROUP REPRESENTATION UNIT WHEREAS, In accordance with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary D I str I ct Code, those staff pos I t Ions to be I nc I uded I n the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit of the District shall be so designated by resolution of the Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, It has been determined that In addition to those employees holding positions currently designated as members of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit, as listed In Resolution Nos. 82-031, 85-017, 85-094, 86-034 and 87-064, the employee holding the position under the following listed "Additional Member Position Classification," should also be a member of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit: Additional Member Position Classification: Operations Support Supervisor NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does, by this resolution, establ I sh that the employee hol ding the pos Itlon under the herl nabove listed Additional Member Position Classification shall from January 26, 1989 become a member of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit of the District. PASSED AND ADOPTED thIs 26th day of January, 1989 by the followIng vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Pr~~I'd~nt 'ot the Board'of Dlrector~' ... .". Central Contra Costa SanItary DIstrIct, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: S~~~~t~ry of 't'h~" C~~t~~1 Contra Costa SanItary DIstrict, County of Contra Costa, State of CalifornIa Approved as to Form: James L. Hazard DIstrict Counsel . . . . . . . Centra, ':ontra Costa Sanitary listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 J anuar 26, 1989 NO. IX. PERSONNEL 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE Januar 10, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION AUlOORIZATION TO HIRE ONE STUDENT INTERN PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: The Admi ni strative Department has assessed its requi rements to coordi nate, publ icize, and monitor the vari ous recycl i ng programs with i n the District's franchise area. Staff is requesting Board authorization to hire one student intern to assi st with th i s effort. BACKGROUND: Currently, the Board is in the process of establ i shi ng curbsi de recycling programs with the District's three refuse collectors. Staff has been meeting with the various communities, and it has come to our attention that additional time needs to be spent in the area of community education and information on recycling. This effort must take place prior to and after the start-up of the recycling programs if they are to be successful. Consequently, an appropriate public education strategy is being developed, and the concept of recycling marketed to the community. This would include soliciting input from community groups, preparing and distributing promotional materials, developing surveys, and coordinating meetings between the collectors, DistriCt, and communities. Once the recycl ing program is in operation, it will be necessary to work with the collector to monitor and analyze the results of the program. The amount of recycl abl e materi al s bei ng coll ected must be tabul ated and the figures analyzed according to guidelines in the County Solid Waste Management Pl an. To gauge the success of the vari ous recycl i ng programs, surveys must be conducted. Additionally, participation rates must be determined through actual neighborhood counts. In order to conduct such an extensive publ ic educati on/marketi ng Administrative Department/Personnel Section requires additional Staff would like to fill this need by hiring a college senior student with a major in marketing or public relations for January 30, 1989 to June 30, 1989. The approximate cost to the District would be $10 per hour or $9600. This item has not previ ously been budgeted and caul d resul tin a mi nor budget overrun at the end of the fiscal year. effort, the assistance. or graduate the peri od Staff has met with the Board Personnel Committee regarding this item on January 6, 1989 and the Committee concurs with staff's recommendation. RECO...:NDATION: Authorize the Admi ni strative Department/Personnel Secti on to hire one student intern at a salary of $10 per hour for the period January 30, 1989 to June 30, 1989. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ CRF . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar) .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 26, 1989 NO. x. SOL I D ~JASTE 1 SUBJECT DATE January 18, 1989 AUlHORIZE STAFF TO PROVIDE IN-KIND SERVICES TO lHE CONTRA roSTA COMMUNITY RECYQ ING CENTER IN THE PUBLICATION TYPE OF 'AtlWlORIZE IN-KIND OF ITS QUJlRTERL Y NEWSL ETTER CONTRIBUTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV. H. Heibel, Public Information Coordinato Administrative Department/Pers. ISSUE: Contra Costa Community Recycl ing Center has requested that the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District provide graphic, printing, and mailing services for its quarterly recycl i ng newsl etter. BAQCGROUND: Contra Costa Community Recycling Center <Center> is a non-prOfit, vol unteer organizati on that has operated a drop-off recycl i ng center on Imhoff Drive in Pacheco since 1981. In 1988, the Center's board decided to shift their focus away from vol unteer drop-off recycl i ng activ 1ti es toward recycl i ng awareness, promotion and advocacy. In moving in this new direction, the President of the Center, Marilyn McKi nney, stated that the Center wl1 1 concentrate its efforts on: promoting the recycling opportunities currently ava11able in the County; used 011 recycling; providing assistance and information to citizens who wish to advocate recycling in their communities; assisting the County in establishing recycling at the new Transfer Station; and meeting the recycling goals as outlined in the County's Solid Waste Management Plan. As part of the Center's new activities, it intends to publish a newsletter fINery quarter to be mailed to organizations, citizens, and public officials throughout the county who are interested in, or who have influence on, recycling issues. Presently, the Center is short of funds to produce this quarterly publication. It has requested that the District provide typesetting/desktop publishing, layout and printing services to produce its newsletter, in addition to mailing it out. This request seems to coincide with the District's recycling goals. The District could use the informational assistance of the Center's newsletter in promoting its recycl ing programs throughout the franchise area. As well, the District has interest in sponsoring responsible used 011 disposal instead of the pouring of this hazardous material into the sanitary sewer system. Accordingly, the District would benefit by providing assistance to the Center. The Center will provide the paper on which to print the newsletter and wl1l be responsible for writing all articles to be included in its publication. Currently, the Center's mailing list includes approximately 1000 organizations, citizens, and public officials; at our request, the Center will include any additional names on thei r ma11 i ng 1 i st to receive copi es of the newsl etter. The cost to ma11 th i s publicati on woul d be $80 per issue, or $320 per year (the Di stri ct can use the Center's non-profit status for postage). The District staff effort in providing the graphic and printing services has not been estimated, but is not anticipated to be major; at the end of a one-year period, staff will assess the actual costs associated with producing the newsletter. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~S:7r ~fiU PM ok~ ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT/DIV. 1302A-9/85 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE STAFF TO PROV IDE IN-KIND SERV ICES TO THE CONTRA OOSTA OOMt-UNITY RECYQING ~NTER IN THE PUBLICA- TION OF ITS QUARTERLY NEWSl ETTER POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE January 18, 1989 Each issue of the newsletter will feature at least one article addressing the disposal of used motor oil: where to take it, the hazards of dumping it into the sewers, etc.; the newsl etter wil 1 al so adverti se the Center's telephone hotl ine number which advi ses peopl e where to take thei r used motor oil. With the Di stri ct' s deep concern over used motor oil bei ng dumped into our sewers, the Center's recycling newsletter provides a useful avenue for providing information to the public about this very important issue as well as recycling in general. In their request for graphic, printing and mailing services, the Center did not indicate a time period for the District to contribute these services. Staff recommends providing these services for one year, after which the Center's continued need for these services will be reviewed. Legal counsel has been asked to review this request and has indicated that it is legally permissible for the District to enter into such an agreement. However, counsel did suggest that the contents of the publication must be closely monitored so as to prevent any violations of the Proposition 73 mass mailing requirements as well as other legal prohibitions regarding the use of publ ic funds for pol itical purposes. The Admi ni strative Department has agreed to undertake such revi ew as may be required to assure that no such violations occur. RECOtIENDATION: It is recommended that the Board authorize staff to provide the Contra Costa Commun i ty Recycl i ng Center with graph i c and pri nti ng serv ices to publish its quarterly newsletter, in addition to mailing out this publication, for a period of one year, after which a review of the continuation of these services will be made. 13028-9/85 e- Contra Costa Community . . Recycling Center p P.O. Box 6614 . Cone",d, CA94524 .., (415) 798-6161 mrn@rnilW~I~ ,jAN 1 3 1989 CC8Sr) P,DMIN~,.riL'\flON Mr. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff PI. Martinez, CA 94553-4392 Dear Mr. Morsen: On behalf of our Board of Directors I am writing to Central Sanitary District to request your help in our non- profit organization's promotion of recycling. We are very pleased that your district has been instrumental in getting curb- side programs in several of your ccmnuni ties. We feel this is a posi ti ve move and good for everyone. Our group is not only involved in the recycling of paper, cans, bottles, ete., but we also feel very strongly about pramoting the recycling of oil. As you may know, we did collect it for seven years, when we operated the recycling, center in Imhoff Drive. This location is now operated by Many Hands, however the oil tank was condemned by the fire department. There is now a large sign telling those, who came to drop off oil, to call our number 798-6161, and we refer them to the closest facility for oil recycling. We also do include an article on oil in each of our quarterly newsletters. It is in this area that we would like to ask for help in publishing our news- letter. Specifically, we could use the following services, in kind, to assist in publishing. 1. Typesetting/desk top publishing, paste-up, lay-out. 2. Printing/folding. 3. postage (using our non-profit status). 4. Other related graphic techniques, when required. Again, we wish to let you know that we are very pleased that you are now in- vol ved in promoting recycling. We would be pleased if you would consider our request to work together toward our mutual goals in relation to 011. We would be pleased to give credit for assistance in the publishing of our newsletter. If you have questions, please feel free to call me at (415) 798-6161. Sincerely, ~^ . ' 'tu.~"r~ Marilyn McUinney, President cc: Harriette Stahl Heibel, Public Information Coordinator Non-Profit Tax Exempt Organization / Printed on 100% Recycled Paper / Site located Frontage Road, Pacheco, California