HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 12-21-89 . Centre.. Contra Costa Sanitar~ ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF!7 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. IV. HEARINGS 1 SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND THE TREATMENT PLANT HEADWORKS REPLACEMENT PROJECT, DP 20069 DATE December 18, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION PUBLIC HEARING; NEG. DEC. AND PROJ ECT APPROV AL SUBMITTED BY Russell Leavitt Plannin Assistant INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Plannin Division ISSUE: Board approval of appropriate CEQA documentation is required prior to approval of the Treatment Plant Headworks Replacement Project. BACKGROUND: The District proposes to replace the existing headworks facility with a new influent structure, a new headworks building, and a bypass pipeline to the exi sti ng wet weather hol di ng basi ns at the north end of the treatment pl ant (see Figures 1, 2, and 3 in the attached Negative Declaration). Ancillary electrical, odor control, and septage disposal facility improvements also are proposed. The project area is completely within the District's treatment plant boundaries. This project is included in the 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on page TP-4 (then titled, "Headworks Facilities Expansion"). The estimated total project cost is $24 million. The purpose of this project is to minimize overflows in the wastewater coll ecti on system by expandi ng the capaci ty and improving the reliability of the headworks facility to accommodate additional wet weather flows. As Lead Agency, District staff has conducted an Initial Study of the proposed project to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Initial Study is included as part of the attached Negative Declaration. District staff has concluded that the Initial Study adequately, accuratel y, and obj ectivel y eval uates the envi ronmental impact of the proposed proj ect. Based on the Initial Study, District staff recommends that a Negative Declaration is the appropriate document to address the environmental effects of the project. The attached Negative Decl arati on presents a fi ndi ng that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment and that no mitigation measures are needed other than those measures al ready incorporated into the proj ect. While none of the environmental impacts of this project have been identified as significant, the project includes measures to mitigate identified minor impacts. To mitigate construction impacts, dust and erosion control mitigation measures are proposed. To mitigate operational impacts, the District proposes to install equi pment at the headworks to control odors. Repl acement of the exi sti ng REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 'KL- JMK vJZf] ..... .?::-G. ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9/65 RL JMK RAB SUBJECT POSITION PAPER CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION /lND THE TREATMENT PLANT HEADWORKS REPLACEMENT PROJECT. DP 20069 PAGE DATE 2 OF 17 December 18. 1989 influent pumps and engines with either motor-driven or engine-driven pumps (with Best Available Control Technology) would reduce the level of existing air pollutant emissions. The District will continue its ongoing. in-house odor monitoring program. This self-monitoring effort has been used to help identify odor sources and maintain compliance with Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) concerns regarding odor levels at the treatment plant's property line. The District has purchased and is continuing to pursue acquisition of additional 1 and to buffer properti es adj acent to the treatment pl ant from exposure to obj ecti onabl e odors. dust. and other treatment pl ant- rel ated nui sances. The District may chlorinate wastewater bypassed to the holding basins to minimize odor production. Additionally. as a result of this project. basins in use could be drained back to the treatment plant in a shorter period of time. thus reducing the duration of potential odor generation of the holding basins. In compliance with the District's CEQA Guidelines. a legal notice was published on November 17. 1989. in the Contra Costa Times. a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected by the proposed project. The legal notice announced the District's intent to approve a Negative Declaration and the availability of the document. Additionally. the Negative Declaration was mailed to several publ ic agencies and community organizations. No comments have been received to date. Before the proposed project can be approved. the Board must consider any comments received during the public review process and the public hearing and approve the appropriate CEQA documentation (a Negative Declaration is recommended in this case). If approved. a Notice of Determination will be filed by District staff. If the project is approved. District staff would negotiate a contract for final design with the predesign consultant and schedule Board consideration of the final design contract in January 1990. Construction of the project is scheduled to start May 1991. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Negative Declaration and approve the Treatment Plant Headworks Replacement Project. DP 20069. 1302B-9/85 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BEGATIVE DBCLARATION TREATHBNT PLANT DADWORRS REPLACBHBNT PROJBCT ROGER J. DOlAN General Mllnll,er Chl~f En6ln~r JAMES '- HAZARD Coun~1 for Ih~ Dlstrlel ("'5) llJ., UJO JOYCE E. Me MILlAN 5ecr~I"1)' of Ih~ Dlstrlel PROJECT LOCATION The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) proposes to replace its treatment plant headworks facility. The treatment plant is located northeast of the Interstate 680/State Route 4 interchange on Imhoff Place in Martinez (see Figure 1). PROJBCT DBSCRIPTION BacJtaround The headworks is the first treatment plant facility to receive wastewater flows from the wastewater collection system (sewers). The headworks includes pumps to lift the flows into the treatment plant to the proper elevation for the screening and primary clarification processes. These processes remove large solids and settleable matter from the wastewater prior to biological, secondary treatment. The existing headworks, constructed in 1957, was sized to accommodate dry weather flows from buildout of the District I s service area (existing and planned development), as well as some wet weather flows. The capacity of the existing headworks, at approximately 195 million gallons per day (mgd), is more than adequate to handle the projected peak dry weather flow which is estimated to reach a maximum of 90 mgd. The existing headworks, however, is not adequate to provide treatment capacity for present or future peak wet weather flows. During wet weather periods, the wastewater collection system is infil trated by stormwater and groundwater through manholes, cracked pipes, and loose pipe joints. The stormwater and groundwater. increases the flow of wastewater in the collection system and at the treatment plant. This infiltration primarily is due to the condition of sewer mains, trunk sewers, and laterals from residential and commercial struc- 1 tures built prior to 1956. These pipes are mostly vitrified clay pipes which are brittle and readily crack from settlement or root intrusion. These older pipes generally were constructed to a lower standard than later sewer lines and contribute significant amounts of wet weather flows to the wastewater collection system and the treatment plant. In recent years, the treatment plant has experienced peak wet weather flows in excess of 200 million gallons per day (mgd) , exceeding the hydraulic capacity of the headworks. The excess flow backs up in the collection system and eventually overflows from manholes and building floor drains. The District's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and the Water Oua1itv Control Plan for the San Francisco Bay Reqion both prohibit such overflows of wastewater. The capacities of the interceptors conveying wastewater to the treatment plant also are inadequate. This deficient sewer capacity restricts wet weather flows to the headworks and also causes overflows in the collection system. New relief interceptors are being planned which will convey peak wet weather flows to the treatment plant. To accommodate these peak flows, the wet weather capacity of the headworks must be increased prior to construction of these planned relief interceptors. ProDosed Pro;ect Elements The proposed project includes construction of a new influent structure, a new headworks building, and a bypass pipeline to the existing wet weather holding basins at the north end of the treatment plant. The initial wet weather capacity of the headworks is proposed to be 260 mgd with provisions to expand the capacity to 400 mgd in the future. Construction is proposed to begin in May, 1991. Figure 2 shows the location of the proposed influent structure and headworks building and Figure 3 shows the approximate location of the proposed bypass pipeline to the holding basins. The proposed influent structure would be built on the site of an existing storage shed. The proposed headworks building would be built at the location of the existing primary control building. The functions of the existing primary control building would be incorporated into the proposed headworks facility. The proposed influent structure would receive flows from all existing and future interceptors and would control flow to the proposed headworks building. The headworks building would provide coarse screens for solids removal, flow metering, and influent pumping to the primary clarifiers. Other ancillary improvements include odor control facilities, electrical modifications for improved reliability, and improvements to septage disposal facilities to reduce odors and safeguard treatment plant processes. 2 \. Three of the existing influent pumps are driven by natural gas- fueled engines directly coupled to the pumps. A fourth pump is driven by a 600 horsepower (hp) electric motor. The proposed project would replace the existing pumps and engines with new, electric motor-driven or engine-driven pumps (with Best Available Control Technology). Operational reliability would be improved by upgrading the PG&E distribution system to the treatment plant or by providing standby engines which would operate during power failures. The proposed bypass pipeline would convey excess wet weather flows to the holding basins which have a maximum capacity of 170 million gallons. After the wet weather flows subside to below 140 mgd, the basins would be drained back to the proposed headworks by reversing the flow through the same pipeline. These excess flows would then be processed through the treatment plant's primary and secondary treatment systems which are planned to have a maximum long-term capacity of 140 mgd. The proposed bypass would be used in conjunction with an existing bypass which connects the primary clarifiers to the holding basins. The proposed bypass could increase the quantity of wastewater stored in the holding basins during each storage event. This is the wastewater which currently would overflow from manholes and building floor drains in the collection system. The proposed bypass also would provide additional capacity to drain the basins back to the treatment plant. As a result, drainage of the basins could occur much faster in the future, thereby reducing the duration of potential odor generation at the holding basins. MITIGATION PROPOSED AS PART OP THE PROJECT The following mitigation measures are proposed as part of this project to reduce adverse environmental impacts. None of these impacts has been identified as significant: however, the project includes these measures to avoid even minor impacts. To mitigate construction impacts, dust and erosion control mi tigation measures are proposed. To mitigate operational impacts, the District proposes to install equipment at the headworks to control odors. Replacement of the existing influent pumps with either motor-driven or engine-driven pumps (with Best Available Control Technology) would reduce the level of existing air pollutant emissions. The District will continue its ongoing, in-house odor monitoring program. This self-monitoring effort has been used to help identify odor sources and maintain compliance with Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) concerns regarding odor levels at the treatment plant's property line. 3 The District has purchased and is continuing to pursue acquisition of additional land to buffer properties adjacent to the treatment plant from exposure to objectionable odors, dust, and other treatment plant-related nuisances. The District may chlorinate wastewater bypassed to the holding basins to minimize odor production. Additionally, as a result of this project, basins in use could be drained back to the treatment plant in a shorter period of time, thus reducing the duration of potential odor generation at the holding basins. FINDINGS As Lead Agency, the District has conducted an Initial study of the proposed project to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment. The District finds that the Initial study adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluates the proposed project's effect on the environment. This Initial study, which is hereby incorporated by reference, is attached to this Negative Declaration. On the basis of this Initial study, it has been determined that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environ- ment and that no mitigation measures are needed in addition to those measures already incorporated into the project. The District further finds that Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 regarding a mitigation monitoring program is not applicable to this project since no project changes or conditions of project approval are required to mitigate potentially significant effects. Proposed: /:J. ~ / 1-J'i Date " -Chief Engineer Costa Sanitary District Approved Pursuant to Resolution No. Joyce E. McMillan Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Date 4 Orinda Q San Ramon \ Figure Project Site Location 1 5 4NCTlON BOX , ASH TRUCK OADING STATION RAILROAD TRACKS o a OAF SLUDGE THICKENERS A B C : (~-;;;:\ ~;;:~>, I \IGE:TER! ~HICKE" ,~~ '--.., r7 -... ~-~...... it. ClNl." fr;1OG~ SLUDGE" IOIGESTER\ :k::ON~ KE'~ ~' ,1 U!~~~,-..:'j '.... ---.7\ D' ___ L__J _ SOLIDS CONDITIONING BUILDING c MECH. M TCE. BLDG. I MATERIALS CNTROL BLDG. ~ eJcT' SUBSTA. INLET SLOG ROAD ~ ,y,'rL7 .E SHED /</.~FLUENT / // DIVERSION ~ / ' / STRUCTURE , / New Influent / Diversion 'New ___ Structure Headworks____~/ I / Building ,.. 'TERING Q Project Location New Headworks Building and New Influent Diversion Structure Figure 2 6 2523-9/88 G 1 / ~ ~ , ~ WALNUT BLUM CREEK ROAD / ~ NEW WET WEATHER FLOW BYPASS PIPELINE o HOLDING BASIN o THIS SECTION Will INCLUDE CHANNEL MODIFICATIONS FOR CAPACITY IMPROVEMENT ~ HIGHWAY 4 Project location New Bypass Pipeline Figure 3 2:523-9/lle 7 INITIAL STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . Ba.ckgrowrl 1. Name of Propo::lent Centl"al Contra Costa Sanitary District 2. Address and Pbooe N1..m1ber of Proponent 5019 Imhoff Pl ace, Martinez, CA 94553 (415) 689-3890 3. Date of O1ecklist Sulxni. tted December 18, 1989 4. Agency ~r1ng Checklist Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5. Name of Proposal, 11' applicable Treatment Plant Headworks Replacement Project I I . Eovi.rocmen tal Imps..cts (Explanations of all "yes" and "ma.ybe" answers are required on atta.ched sheets. ) Yes Haybe No 1. Earth. Will the proposal result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? x b. Disruptioas, displacements, canpaction or overcovering of the SOl l? * c. O:1a.nge in topography or ground surface relief features? .!.. d. The destruction, covering or modification of any unique geologic or physical features? .!.. e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? * - f. O1a.nses in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in siltation, deposition or erosion vobicb may nx:x1ify the channel of a ri ver or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? .L g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides. mudslides. ground failure, or s1mi.lar hazards? .L *Not significant; see Section III. 8 Yes Uaybe No - 2. Air. Will the prop:)SB.I result in: a. Substantial air EIIlissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? * b. The creatioo of objectionable odors? ... c. Al teration ot air m::>'I7ement, rooisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? 1- 3. Water. Will the proposal result 1n: a. O:1a.nges 1n currents, or the course of di- rection of water ~ements, in either marine or fresh waters? .L. b. Olanges in absorptioo rates, dra.ioa.ge pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? L. c. Al tera tioo.s to the course or flow of flood waters? x d. Olange 10 the am:>unt of surface water 10 any water 00dy? .1.. e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any al ten tion of surface water qual! ty, in- cluding but not limited to temperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? f. Alteratioo of the direction or rate of flow of ground saters? ..!. ..!. g. O:la.nge in the quantity of ground wa. ters , either through direct additions or with- drawals. or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? ~ x h. Substantial reduction in the &mOunt of water otherwise available for public water supplies? x 1. Exposure of people or property to water re- la ted ha.z.ards such as flooding or tidal waves? x 4. Plant Life. Will the pro~sal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or num- ber of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? x *Not significant; see Section III. 9 Yes . MaYbe No b. Reductioo of the ntmbers of any unique. rare or enda.ngered species of plants? - L c. Introductioo of new species of plants into an area. or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment ot existiDg species? x d. Reduction 1.0 acreage of any agricultural crop? x 5. Ani_l Life. Will the proposal result in: a. O1a.nge in the di vers1 ty ot species. or nUD- bers of any species of a.n1JDals (birds, land animals inchJding reptiles, fisb and sbell- fish, benthic organisms or 1.Dsects)? x b. Reduction of the nunbers of any unique, .rare or ~"gered species of a.ninvals? x c. Introduct1oo of new species of a.n1mals into an area, or result in a barrier to the migra- tion or lIOVe:nent of ani-Is? x d. Deterioratioo to existing fish or wildlife ha.bitat? x 6. Roise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases 1.0 existing noise levels? * b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? x 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new ligbt or glare? 8. lADd Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantia.l al terat10n of the present or planned land use of an area.? x ~ x 9. Ra.tural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? x 10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: a. A risk of an explos1oo or the release of ba.zardous substances (iDcl uding, b..tt not l1Jui ted to I oil, pesticides, chemicals or ra.dl.atloo) 1n the event of an accident or upset oond1 tions? x *Not significant; see Section III. 10 Yes IRybe No b. Possible interference with an emergency response plao or an emergency evacua.t1oo plan? .L 11. PopJlatioo. Will the PropJ6a1 alter the locatioo. distribution. density. or growth rate of the h\mlU1 population of an area? 12. Bous:1Dg. Will the Proposal affect existing hous- ing. or create a dema.nd tor additiooal bousing? * L 13. Transportatioo/C1.rculation. W11l the proposal result in: a. Generatioo of substantial additl00a.l vehicular IIDVSDent? * b. Effects.(Xl existing parJdng facUities. or deaaDd for DeW parking? e. Substantial 1mpact upon existing transpor- ta tiOD systeus? x x d. Alteratioos to present patterns of circula- tion or lIOVement of pe::>ple and/or goods? x X e. Alterations to waterborne. rail or air traffic? f · Increase in traffic ha.za.rds to IZDtor vehicles. bicyclists or pedestrians? 14. Public Services. 'fill the proposal have an effect upon. or result in a need for DeW or altered gov- ernmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? e. Schools? X .... X d. Parks or other recreational facilities? X 2- 2- e. Ma.1ntenance of public facUities. including roads? X t. Other govenmental services? x 15. Energy. Will the Proposal result 1n: a. Use of subst.a.ntial 8lJX)UDts of fuel or energy? X *Not significant; see Section III. 11 Yes Maybe No - b. Substantial increase in &m.:.rv1 upon existing sources or energy. or require the develop:neot of new sources of energy? 16. Utilities. I'ill the Proposal result in a Deed tor new systems. or substantial alteratioos to existing utilities? x * 17. H\IZIU1 Health. Will the proposal result in: a. Creation of any beal th ba.za.rd or potential. beal th hazard (excluding mental beal th)? x b. Exposure of people to potential health hazards? * 18. Aesthetics. Wi 11 the proposal result in the obst.ruction of any scenic vista or view open to tile public. or will the ProlXSLl result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open 1;0 publ i~ vi~ x 19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upoo the quality or quantity of recrea tional opportunities? x 20. Cul tural Resources. a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? X b. Will the proposal result in adverse JDysical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or X historic building. structure. or object? , , c. Ik>es the proposal bave the potential to cause a lDysical ehA l1ge which would affect X unique ethnic cultural values? d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses within the potential impact area? X 21. IIa.oda.tory Pi ntH I'\gS of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment. substantially .reduce tbe habitat of a fisb or wildlife species. cause a fisb or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels. threaten to eliminate a plant or ani.am.l catmunlty. re- duce tbe number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or ani.am.l or e11.m1na te *Not significant; see Section III 12 Yes Maybe No 1mportant examples ot the major periOds ot California history or prehistory? x b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, envirODmeDta 1 goals? (A short-term 1.mps..ct on the envirooment is ODe wbich occurs in a. rela- tively brief, definitive period of t~ while long-term impacts will endure well into the future.) x c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but CUlDUlatively oon- siderable? (A project IDlY 1mpa..ct on two or m::>re sepe..rate resources where the 1.mpe.ct on each resource 16 relat~vely sma.ll~ but where the effect of the total of those 1mpa.cts on the envirooment is sign1!icant.) d. Ibes ..the project have enviroomental effects wbich. will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? L x III. O1scuss1oa of Envi~tal Evaluation (See the attached discussion.) IV. Determ.1na tioa I On the besis of this initial evaluation: I find that the proposed project CXlJID tor have a significant effect on the environment, and a NmATlVE DPOARATION will be prepe..red. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect 00 the eovirocment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an e.ttacbed sheet have been added to the project. A NmATIVE DEXlARATION WIlL ,BE PREPARID. 0 rn , , I find the proposed project NAY have a significant effect oa the environment, and an mvIFn'&ENl'AL IWPAC1' REPORT is required. December 18, 1989 :is."t:f gc/~ o De.te For Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 13 III. DISCUSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION The proposed project will have the following construction, opera- tional, and growth-related impacts. These impacts were found not to be significant: Construction Impacts Earth: 1b, 1e Air: 2a, 2b Noise: 6a Transportation/Circulation: 13a Construction of the proposed project would produce short-term air quality, noise, and traffic impacts near or within the treatment plant property due to the transportation and operation of con- struction equipment. Soil disturbance is another construction impact. Mitigation measures to minimize or avoid the potential dust and erosion impacts associated with soil disturbance are proposed as part of the project. ODerational ImDacts Air: 2a, 2b utilities: 16 Human Health: 17b Ongoing use of the District treatment plant's existing wet weather holding basins could continue to produce odors at the north end of the treatment plant for short periods of time during some wet weather periods. The District will continue its ongoing, in-house odor monitoring program. This self-monitoring effort has been used to help identify odor sources and maintain compliance with Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) concerns regarding odor levels at the treatment plant's property line. The District has purchased and is continuing to pursue acquisition of additional land to buffer properties adjacent to the treatment plant from exposure to objectionable odors, dust, and other treat- ment plant-related nuisances. Also, the District may chlorinate wastewater bypassed to the holding basins to minimize odor production. with the proposed bypass pipeline, basins in use could be drained back to the treatment plant in a shorter period of time, thus reducing the duration of potential odor generation at the holding basins. 14 Operation of the proposed project also would have several beneficial impacts. New odor control equipment also would be operational at the headworks. Replacement of the existing influent pumps and engines with either motor-driven or engine-driven pumps (with Best Available Control Technology) would reduce the level of existing air pollutant emissions. As part of the proposed electrical modifications, an additional distribution line may be installed from the PG&E transmission towers just north of the holding basins, through the treatment plant, to a proposed 10 megawatt transformer at an existing electrical substation north of Imhoff Drive. Most importantly, the project would reduce the incidence of wet weather overflows in the sewage collection system, thus improving environmental protection while reducing the exposure of people to potential health hazards. Growth-Related Impacts Population: 11 The proposed project would not have growth-related impacts since it would only be providing capacity for wet weather flows. The existing headworks, constructed in 1957, can accommodate dry weather flows from buildout of the District's service area (existing and planned development), as well as some wet weather flows. The capacity of the existing headworks, at approximately 195 million gallons per day (mgd) , is more than adequate to handle proj ected peak dry weather flow which is estimated to reach a maximum of 90 mgd. Before the District can be permitted to treat more than 45 mgd of dry weather flow, however, additional environmental documentation would be required. The existing headworks is not adequate to provide treatment capacity for present or future peak wet weather flows. In recent years, the treatment plant has experienced peak wet weather flows in excess of 200 million gallons per day (mgd) , exceeding the hydraulic capacity of the headworks. The excess flow backs up in the collection system and eventually overflows from manholes and building floor drains. The District's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit and the Water Oualitv Control Plan for the San Francisco Bav Region both prohibit such overflows of wastewater. ~ 15 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..,istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 21, 1989 NO. V. BIDS AND AWARDS DATE December 18, 1989 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO INTERGRAPH CORPORATION TO FURNISH AND INSTALL AN AUTOMATED MAPPING/COMPUTER-AIDED DRAFTING SYSTEM, DP 20058 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY Regine Siebenmorgen Engineering Support Supervisor INITIATING DEPTER~ineering Department Engineering Division ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is requested for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a negotiated purchase order in the amount of $552,012. BACKGROUND: In 1987, the District initiated a study of the implementation and use of an automated mapping/computer-aided drafting (AM/CAD) system to provide a more cost-effective method of recording and distributing sewer and treatment plant information. AM/CAD Benefits A feasibility study presented to the Board in August 1988 concluded that the implementation of an automated mapping/computer-aided drafting (AM/CAD) System at the District will result in improved sewer mapping and as-builts services to the Collection System Operations Department, the Plant Operations Department, other agencies, and the public. More accurate, complete, and timely information can be maintained on collection system and treatment plant facilities. In addition, an AM/CAD system provides the ability to easily share data with other public agencies such as Contra Costa County, East Bay Municipal Utility District, and Caltrans. AM/CAD System Procurement Following the feasibility study, the District proceeded with development of an implementation workplan that included identification of key issues, implementation schedule, system selection, and detailed systems specifications. This effort has been completed and staff recommends that the District purchase the AM/CAD system from Intergraph Corporation on a sole source basis. The sole source recommendation is based on the unique mapping and design features of the Intergraph equipment and the unique opportunity with an Intergraph system to have complete data compatibility with other local agencies. East Bay Municipal Utility District, Contra Costa County, and Contra Costa Water District use the Intergraph AM/CAD systems. Staff plans to significantly reduce the effort and cost of digitizing the District service area basemaps by purchasing the basemap database from Contra Costa County or East Bay Municipal. In addition, staff has discussed with several public agencies the long-term benefits of a regional database that I!..> fJIlt? Id INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 RS CWSjDRW RAB KFL SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO INTERGRAPH CORPORATION TO FURNISH AND INSTALL AN AUTOMATED MAPPING/COMPUTER-AIDED DRAFTING SYSTEM, DP 20058 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE December 18, 1989 would allow for fast, accurate exchange of data. Staff investigation has concluded that the only proven alternative to economically providing for complete compatibility in exchanging data between the District system and other local public users is to purchase an Intergraph system. District counsel has reviewed the staff documentation concerning the sole source recommendation and concurs with staff recommendation. On November 27, 1989, a detailed bid request was issued to Intergraph Corporation, the sole-source supplier, requesting a proposal for the supply and installation of an AM/CAD system. The sealed bid was received from Intergraph and was publicly opened on December 6, 1989. The bid amount was $616,599. The staff concluded successful negotiations with Intergraph on December 12, 1989. The negotiations resulted in a price of $552,012, a reduction of approximately $64,600, an overall eleven (11) percent discount, while still obtaining all the specified equipment and mutually agreeable commercial terms and conditions. Implementation Staff is proposing to purchase and install the initial AM/CAD hardware and software in two increments. The first increment of equipment wi 11 be delivered and installed during March/April 1990. This equipment will be used for training, pilot testing on a portion of the District service area, and database development. The second increment will be installed between September and December 1990. Installation of the second increment of equipment will mark the transition from a pilot sewer mapping system to full conversion of the District's collection system service area. The equipment purchased will allow the Engineering Division to completely automate the current manual system used for maintaining the Collection Syst~m maps. In addition, it will also allow for on-line sewer information interface with the Permit Counter. Fiscal Impacts The AM/CAD Project is included in the fiscal year 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget (pages GI-7 through GI-9). The total project cost is estimated to be $1,505,000 which includes purchase of the AM/CAD hardware and software, database development, and related training and installation. Staff proposes to obtain an annual maintenance agreement with Intergraph Corporation which will include regular preventative maintenance, software updates, technical consultation, and repair parts and service. The cost of the maintenance agreement will be approximately $58,300 per year This cost is considered an O&M expense and will be included in the Engineering Division O&M budget beginning in fiscal year 1990-91. 13028-9/85 ."_....._.~__,__.__~_..____.____._._.__,.__.___.______,_,_..~_"..__.M._'_.'._.._.._m..___......_____..._....,__.___.__._...._____._ . _,,__._..._._._____+.....+__..._~_._______..,_.__.___.__~.__..___~__..,_.~__.._.______......___________,.__ SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO INTERGRAPH CORPORATION TO FURNISH AND INSTALL AN AUTOMATED MAPPING/COMPUTER-AIDED DRAFTING SYSTEM, DP 20058 POSITION PAPER ~GE 3 ~ 3 DATE December 18, 1989 CEQA Compliance This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 5.2(b)(1), since it will not result in a physical change in the environment; therefore, the purchase is not a "project" as defined by CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a purchase order and authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute the purchase order with Intergraph Corporation in the amount of $552,012 for the Automated Mapping/Computer-Aided Drafting System Equipment, DP 20058. 13028-9/85 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 21, 1989 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 SUBJECT DATE QUITQAIM SEWER EASEMENTS TO 318 DIABLO ROAD ASSOCIATES, JOO 288, PARCEL 1, AND JOO 2897, PARCEL 1, DANVILLE AREA December 11, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITQAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: 318 Diablo Road Associates has requested the District to quitclaim the subject easements. BACKGROUND: The subject easements were granted to the District at no cost in 1956 and 1977. The easements are located within a property which is being redeveloped. A new sewer system and easement have been created to serve the redevelopment. The old sewer facilities which are located within the subject easements have been abandoned and are no longer required for District use. Therefore, the subject easements are no longer needed and may be quitclaimed. Thi s proj ect has been eval uated by staff and determi ned to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to 318 Diablo Road Associates, Jobs 288 and 2897, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Qui tel aim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION AD~ 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jlfr/ fJ>>J .' QUITCLAIM EASEMENT ( 8425 O.R. 164 ) ~--- / / r //~ // - --0-- - . - - 318 !~~~~~11 1':::::::::1 ......... .......... f:......... .....1 .......... .......... .......... .......... II I II ~ I DIABLO ROAD ASSOC. I I I I II I I REPLACEMENT EASEMENT (14995 O.R. 46 ) QUITCLAIM EASEMENT ( 2867 O.R. 147 ) ........ ........ t:~I~~jl: "':.:. ........ ........ ........ --- .......... (.;.:.:.... Diablo Road QUITCLAIM EASEMENTS JOBS 288 and 2897 DANVILLE AREA . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARE) OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 21, 1989 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF STATE UTIL ITY AGREEMENT NO. 04-UT.655.5 CONCERNING COST REIMBURSEMENT FOR LOCATING CERTAIN DISTRICT FACILITIES AT THE LAUREL DRIVE UNDERCROSSING OF FREEWAY 680, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4721 DATE December 15, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE EXECUTION ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY Dan Downey Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Engineering Department, Construction Division ISSUE: Board of Director's approval is required for the District to enter into an-agreement with the state of Cal iforni a concerni ng cost reimbursement for locating District sewer facil ities on the state's freeway right-of-way. BACKGROUND: On April 7, 1989, the State of California, Department of Transportation, issued to the District a "Notice to Owner" (No. 655.5) ordering that the location of certain sewer facilities be done to accommodate the state's proposed widening of Freeway 680 at Laurel Drive in the Town of Danville. Pursuant to the state's "Notice to Owner", the District contracted with Rotc-Rooter to expose the subject sewer 1 ines. Four excavations were performed on September 19, 1989, with CalTrans engineering staff present to record the 1 ocati on data. The actual cost of the operation was $1,866. This amount will be reimbursed to the District upon execution of the subject State Utility Agreement. RECOr+1ENDATION: Adopt a resolution authorizing the President of the Board of Di rectors and the Secretary of the Di stri ct to execute State Util ity Agreement No. 04-UT.655.5. jO P #( I4t INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9/85 DD HBT RSK SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF STATE UTILITY AGREEMENT NO. 04-UT.655.5 CONCERNING COST REIMBURSEMENT FOR LOCATING CERTAIN DISTRICT FACILITIES AT THE LAUREL DRIVE UNDERCROSSING OF FREEWAY 680, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4721 .. on ;;: u c ~ . N N ....., ~: ,.,<I'OJI." ~ ~ c 0 ~ :u '" r 486 489 504 ,. ,.,. 45 S3 48 65 S4 47 en :l> Z ""4" SCALE I" = 200' 554,556,5 588 IA) '31W"e ';:,':/;'1.11 98-' PM "''''50 '''''01' DANVILLE OAK o IC_S9T tl~O AREA OF SEvJER LOCATING WORK "..1' r~,' 0f-1 ~ </ - z, .-. ".J'~'" PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE December 15. 1989 I l:r I ~ I -<I J I I" I I I I I 40 39 42 4' C)C) ~~ 1162 . ~ ~ t..~~ '.... \ \ L' i.). ,r_",,, , t~. . ~7: '768 'If,' nJ I I 1 I , 13028-9/85 <<8 Central Contra Costa Sanitary ..llstrlct BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 21, 1989 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT DATE December 11, 1989 ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE HEADQUARTERS OFFI CE BU IL DING TYPE OF ACTION SPACE UTILIZATION PROO ECT - THIRD FLOOR ADDITION WORK ACCEPT CONTRACT CD.P. 20090) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF . COMPLETION SmT"ff'.D ~averty Purchasing and Materials Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Purchasing ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Headquarters Office Building Space Utilization Project - Third Floor Addition CD.P. 20090) and the work is nON ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The Headquarters Office Building Space Utilization Project included constructi on, remodel i ng and use of space-effi ci ent panel-attached furniture to increase the amount of actual work space on the Third Floor of the Headquarters Office Building. This project accommodates the increased staffing and equipment requirements necessitated by the transfer of the graphics function from Engineering to the Administrative Department, the addition of two new positions in the Finance and Accounting Section, and the new position of Assistant Engineer- Solid Waste. This project is included .in the 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget on page GI-13. The overall project consisted of a graphics office addition, the remodeling of the Informal Conference roan into offices for the Safety Coordinator and the Senior Accountant/Internal Auditor and the Assi stant Engi neer-Soli d Waste, purchase of additional panels and modular furniture and reconditioning existing panels in the photo/l ayout work and purchasi ng areas, wall hung cabi nets in the photo/l ayout area, desks, chairs, and new panel system with the associated modular furniture for six work stations in the Accounting area. On September 7, 1989, the Board authorized the award of a contract to T. J. Lynch Constructi on, Inc. to construct the proj ect. Noti ce to Proceed was issued on September 25, 1989. The contract compl eti on date was November 24, 1989. The contract work was substanti ally canpl eted on November 20, 1989, and the new work stations were put into use as of that date. A detailed accounting of the project cost will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. REOOtM:NDATION: Accept the contract work for construction of the Headquarters Office Building Space Utilization Project-Third Floor Addition CD.P. 20090) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IN0TIA ING DEPT.IOIV. ~~c-~ _ / / /c 13O:!".9/85 KFL --_. '---------"~_.~._._-----'"-,-,._--"----,---------_._.......__.,---~-,----"'~-_.._..._,,~,_.,_.__..__..._-..~.-..~-'"'-'''~."''-'''''-'~-''''_._-----_..._.__.._---_..,~---------......--- . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 21, 1989 NO, VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT ESTABLISH JANUARY 25, 1990, AT 3:00 P.M., AS THE DATE AND TIfJE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER A NEW METHOD FOR CREATING PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENTS DATE December 15, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Engineering Department/ Construction Division ~: A public hearing is requested for the Board of Directors to consider a new method for creating publ ic sewer easements which are granted to the District by private developers. BACKGROUND: Easements are presently granted to the District by direct Grants of Easement which are then accepted by the Board and recorded prior to sewer construction. The Board has requested staff to investigate other ways of creating easements for the purpose of limiting the District's exposure to liability prior to and duri ng the sewer constructi on phase of private developer projects. Staff has determined that using Irrevocable Offers of Dedication (lODPs will provide the District increased protection over the present method. The IOD is a document which will take the place of the current Grant of Easement document. The IOD will contain the description of the easement area and restrictions on what can be built in the easement area, essentially the same information which is shown on Grants of Easements. The IOD's will be received before construction begins and will be recorded upon receipt. They will not be accepted by the District until after the sewer improvements have been completed and accepted by the District. Upon acceptance of the IOD, the District's liability in the easement area will commence. Thus the 1 iability of the District during construction will be greatly reduced. In order to amend the District Code, the Board must hold a public hearing and adopt an ordinance reflecting the proposed changes. RECOMMENDATION: Set a public hearing date on January 25, 1990, at 3:00 p.m., to consider adopting a new method of creating public sewer easements. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB 1302A-9/85 JD DH fJl(j INITIATING DEPT.lDIV, . Centra~ ;ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 DATE RECEIVE THE DRAFT 1990 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN AND ESTABLISH JANUARY 25, 1990, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DRAFT PLAN TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE CIP AND ESTABLISH PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY John J. Mercuri 0 INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Plannin Division ISSUE: The District's draft 1990 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Pl an has been prepared by staff and is ready for Board review. BACKGROUND: The Capital Improvement Pl an is a "road map" for Central San's capital facilities and financing needs for the next ten years. Specifically, the plan identifies and prioritizes capital projects needed to accomplish the District's mission over the next ten years. It also estimates the cost of proj ect work proposed and revenue needed to meet the costs. Informati on on the Capital Improvement Program in general plus detailed information for projects that are anticipated to be active between Fiscal Years 1989-90 and 1998-99 are presented in the Capital Improvement Plan document. On December 5, 1989, the Capital Projects Committee met with District staff to review the draft Capital Improvement Pl an. The Committee has approved the document for submission to the full Board. The Capital Improvement Plan is therefore submitted for initial review by the full Board at this time. A workshop on the Plan is scheduled for the January 11, 1990, Board meeting. The Capital Improvement Plan is currently scheduled for adoption on January 25, 1990. Prior to adoption of the Plan, it is appropriate to solicit and receive comments from the public. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the draft 1990 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Pl an for review. Establish January 25, 1990, as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on the draft Pl an. A copy of the draft 1990 Capital Improvement Pl an has been provided to the City of Concord for review prior to the public hearing. INITIAT~T./DIV. v JMIL. MJ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/B JJM JMM JMK RAB . Centra. ;ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 21, 1989 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE LEAVE WITHan PAY FOR DON BALESTRIERI, MAINTENANCE CREW MEMBER II, FROM NOVEMBER 8, 1989, THR<XJGH JANUARY 31, 1990 DATE December 18, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION Personnel SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Cathryn Radin Freitas, Personnel Officer Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: Maintenance Crew Member II Don Balestrieri is requesting a medical leave of absence without pay. Board authorization is requi red for requests in excess of 30 days. BACKGROOND: Don Balestrieri has been off work since September 27, 1989, for medical reasons. As of October 6, 1989, he had used all of his sick leave, vacati on, and earned overtime. Coll ecti on System Operati ons Depar1n1ent Manager John Larson granted Mr. Bal estri eri a th i rty day 1 eave of absence until November 7, 1989. The Memorandum of Understanding permits Depar1n1ent Managers to authorize up to a th i rty day 1 eave. Between November 7, 1989 and December 8, 1989, the District's occupational physician, Dr. Shoop, was engaged in trying to obtain copies of medical information from Mr. Balestrieri's treating physician and workers' Compensation physician. Much of the delay was directly attributable to Mr. Balestrieri's refusal to sign a release of medical information. Currently, the appropriate release has been obtained and the District's occupational physician is awaiting the results of further tests recommended by the ampl oyee' s physi ci ans. Assumi ng Mr. Bal estri eri' s cooperati on and successful completion of medical tests, it is anticipated that Dr. Shoop will be able to recommend retirement, temporary disability or return to work by the end of January, 1990. Consequently, we request a medical leave of absence without pay for Mr. Balestrieri from November 7, 1989 through January 31, 1990. RECOM:NIED: Authorize up to three 13 weeks of leave without pay for Don Balestrieri, Maintenance Crew Member II, effective November 8, 1989 through January 31, 1990. 1302A-9/85 CRF REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PM INITIATING DEPT./DIV. . Central Contra Costa Sanitary Oistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETI~8~mber 21,' 1989 NO. VII. SOLID WASTE 2 DATE December 13, 1989 SUBJECT DISQJSS LETTER TO FRANQ-IISEES, WRITTEN BY SARA HOFFMAN, THE COUNTY SOLID WASTE MAN,6GER, TO DETERMINE THE APPROPRIATENESS OF THIS LETTER BEING USED AS A GARB.AGE BILL STUFFER TYPE OF ACTION DISQJSS LETTER TO FRANQ-IISEES SUBMITTED BY Elaine Jacobs, Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT /DIV Administrative/Solid Waste ISSUE: Sara Hoffman, the County Sol id Waste Manager, has sent a letter to all garbage companies in the county requesting them to include a stuffer in their monthly garbage bill, with a message indicating the Board of Supervisor's "rate reduction components." (See letter attached) BACKGROUND: Garbage rates for the District's franchise area have increased significantly as a result of Acme Landfill closing and the garbage transporting costs. Added to this rate increase is an additional $.95 per month for the recycling program. These increases have prompted numerous calls from residents, questioning their garbage rates. Staff feels that the message in Ms. Hoffman's proposed garbage bill stuffer could be mi sl eadi ng to rate payers, parti cul arly at a time when the transfer stati on costs and new legislation (AB 939) will, more than likely, necessitate further rate increases. Ms. Hoffman's message implies that there will be a garbage rate reduction, which is contradictory to fact. The reaction to this message will likely prompt more calls from residents inquiring about a garbage rate reduction when their bills are showing increases, and Staff will find it difficult to explain the situation given the message in the letter. RECOMMENDATION: Discuss Sara Hoffman's letter and consider whether her message is appropriate for our franchisees to include in their garbage bills. SSS/P.P.#3/Ltr S. Hofman REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPTiDIV. 1302A-9/85 ,... . "-'-. ~'--... Community Development Department County Administration Buildtng 651 Pine Street 4th Floor. North Wing Martinez. California 94553-0095 Contra Costa - County Harvey E. Bragdon Director of Community Development Phone: 646-1390 ~ ~ ~ December 6, 1989 Orinda-Moraga Refuse Disposal Service P. O. Box 659 Orinda, CA 94563 Gentlemen: The Board of Supervisors has requested that you include a bill stuffer or message in your monthly garbage bill that explains the Board I s actions on reducing the closure costs for the Acme Landfill and establishing the rate for the Interim Transfer Station. Appropriate language for the stuffer/ message would be: Board of Supervisors reduces rate components: landfill closure from $22 to $5/ton; transfer costs from $28 to $22/ton; disposal from $33 to $28/ton (average savings). Total savings: $27/ton. I would be happy to work with you to tailor the language of the bill stuffer/message to the requirements of your particular billing system. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely, ,~~.~~- - \0 'J- I Sara M. Hoffmanr Solid Waste Ma~ager SH/haulers.ltr cc: City of Orinda City of Moraga . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary Llistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 21, 1989 NO. VII!. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE December 18, 1989 AN AGREEMENT WITH JAMES M. MONTGOMERY CONSULTING TYPE OF ACTION ENGINEERS FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF THE CONTRA COSTA BOULEVARD AND "A" LINE RELIEF INTERCEPTORS PROJECTS, AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT DP 4717 SUBMITfcPl'J. Pi 1 ecki Senior Engineer INITIATI~ DE;PT./DIV.. tnglneerlng Department! Engineering Division ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute professional services agreements for amounts greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: The Engineering Department has been working for several years to increase the capacity of the sewer interceptor system which drains the southern area of the District. The work completed to date includes the San Ramon Trunk Interceptor Project Phases I and II and the Walnut Creek Bypass Project Phase I. The . second phase of the Walnut Creek Bypass Project is currently under construction. The project cost for the San Ramon Trunk and Walnut Creek Bypass projects (including work in construction) is $27,000,000. These projects will result in adequate interceptor system capacity from Greenbrook Drive in San Ramon to Ygnacio Valley Road in Walnut Creek. The District now needs to proceed to increase the capacity of the two major interceptors north of Walnut Creek, the "A" Line and the Contra Costa Boulevard Li ne. Together these interceptors convey approximately 95 percent of the District's total flow. The Contra Costa Boulevard Line handles the flow from North Walnut Creek and Pleasant Hill while the "A" Line conveys flows from the San Ramon Valley plus additional flows from Walnut Creek and Concord. The CC Boulevard interceptor is seriously under capacity, experiencing wet weather overflows once every two years on average. Because of the very high flows in this large sewer, there is a distinct potential for major raw sewage overflows in the Baylor Lane and College Park areas, as happened in 1986. When the Walnut Creek bypass interceptor sewer is completed in fall 1991, increased wet weather flows from the San Ramon Vall ey will be conveyed through to the "A" Line interceptor, making the interceptor system capacity deficiency more serious. Facilities planning has been completed for the "A" Line and Contra Costa Boulevard Relief Interceptor Projects. The preliminary design must now be initiated. The preliminary design for these projects has been combined because the interceptors are hydraulically linked and because the designs of the parallel interceptors have to be coordinated with the Treatment Plant Headworks Project. The "A" Line Relief and Contra Costa Boulevard Relief Interceptors estimated total project costs are $52,000,000 and $31,000,000, respectively, and represent the largest sewering project the District has ever undertaken. The predesign effort on these major projects is a large and vital element of work. A proposed agreement has been negotiated with James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers (JMM) REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/B5 DRW RAB AJ~td SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH JAMES M. MONTGOMERY CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR PRELIMINARY DESIGN OF THE CONTRA COSTA BOULEVARD AND "A" LINE RELIEF INTERCEPTORS PROJECTS, DP 4717 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 4 De. TE uecember 18, 1989 for the preliminary design portion of the project design services with a cost ceiling of $984,000. The major elements of the Scope of Work for the "A" Line and Contra Costa Boulevard interceptors preliminary design are included in Attachment 1. The "A" Line preliminary design will cover about 20 percent of the anticipated basic "A" Line design services, and the Contra Costa Boulevard preliminary design will cover 40 percent of the basic Contra Costa Boulevard design services. The JMM preliminary design services represent 1.1 percent of the estimated total project construction cost. The American Society of Civil Engineers' "median compensation for basic services" curve for a project of this size and complexity suggests a basic project design cost of 4.8 percent of the construction cost (includes prel iminary design and final design). Attachment 2 provides a detailed breakdown of consultant preliminary design costs. Project design services include preliminary design, preparation of plans and specifications, shop drawing submittal review, and design clarification during construction. The overall preliminary design work will require 6 person years of consultant and subconsultant effort. The preliminary design effort will also provide input to the EIR preparation process and will cover the selection of final routes. Staff conducted a formal competitive consultant selection process for the project which included a Request for Proposals, evaluation of proposals, and formal interviews of three Bay Area consulting firms. JMM is recommended by staff for the project design services based on their project team qualifications, experience in large sewer projects, and their performance on the design of the San Ramon Valley Interceptor Project. In addition, JMM is intimately familiar with the ongoing Headworks Project which requires extensive coordination with the interceptor projects. Construction of the interceptors is presently planned to take place in six phases. The first three phases address the Contra Costa Boulevard interceptor and wi 11 be compl eted by early 1996. The second three phases address the "A" Line. Although the majority of the "A" Line construction is expected to start after the year 2000, certain segments of the "A" Line interceptor parallel will need to be built earlier in order to secure needed alignments in public rights of way and to avoid conflicts with other agencies' projects such as the Caltrans' Willow Pass interchange reconstruction. The Contra Costa Boulevard and "A" Line projects are included in the 1989 Capital Improvement Budget and Plan starting on page CS-1. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a Cost Reimbursement Agreement with a cost ceiling of $984,000 with James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, Inc. for preliminary design of the Contra Costa Boulevard and "A" Line Relief Interceptors Project, DP 4717. 13028-9/85 ATTACHMENT 1 CONTRA COSTA BOULEVARD AND "A" Line INTERCEPTOR PROJECT MAJOR SCOPE OF WORK ELEMENTS CC BLVD "A" LINE Aerial Survey Geotechnical Explorations Corrosion/Sulfide and Odor Control Traffic Aerial Survey Geotechnical Explorations Corrosion/Sulfide and Odor Control Right-of-Way Support CEQA Support for Construction Preliminary Design Right-of-Way Support CEQA Support for R/W Acquisition Preliminary Design Hydraulic Analysis Hydraulic Analysis Operational Consideration Road/Creek/Utility Crossings Operational Consideration Special Structures Evaluate Condition of Existing 39-inch Trunk Sewer Special Structures Constructability Analysis Cost Estimate Cost Estimate Final Alignment Staging/Prepurchase Evaluation Technical Review Final Alignment Technical Review Project Management Project Management ATTACHMENT 2 DETAILED CONSULTANT SERVICES BUDGET FOR THE PRELIMINARY DESIGN FOR THE CONTRA COSTA BOULEVARD AND nAn LINE INTERCEPTOR PROJECT Basic PredesiQn Services CC Blvd. Predesign - JMM $352,000 Soecial Services CEQA Support - JMM 49,000 R/W Acquisition Support - JMM 11 ,800 Subcontracts Geotechnical - Woodward-Clyde 41,300 Aerial Survey - Analytical Surveyors 42,500 Corrosion - Villalobos & Assoc. 10,500 Traffic - Abrams Assoc. 8,400 Other Direct Costs1 27.000 $542,500 TOTAL nAil Line $337,700 24,500 11 ,800 20,500 28,300 5,200 -0- 13.500 $441,500 $984,000 10ther Direct Costs include printing, equipment usage, reproduction services, mileage, postage, etc. . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 21, 1989 NO. VII 1. ENGINEERING 2 SUBJECT AUlHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A SERVICE CONTRACT WITH CHEMFIX TECHNOLOGIES FOR $144,700 FOR ASH CONDITIONING DATE December 15, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE SERV ICE CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY Lynne 1. Bunker Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Planning Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a service contract with Chemfix Technologies, Inc. (CTI). BACKGROUND: The District currently disposes of ash at Redwood landfill in Marin and at the Evans Road landfill in Colusa County. Concerns about excessive dust from the ash by the 1 andfil 1 operators have forced the Di stri ct to i nvesti gate various methods of controlling dust emissions from the ash. Since failure to alleviate this problem quickly could result in the ash being banned from the two landfills we currently employ and make other arrangements extremely difficult to obtain, scheduling is a major priority in selecting equipment. Consultant reports have indicated that mixing water with the ash is the most appropriate method of controlling dust, but further investigation has shown that the ash is diffi cul t to wet. Pil ot testi ng will be needed to determi ne the specific process which would control dust emissions from the ash. cn has the experience and know-how to solve the ash dusting problem. cn is able to do preliminary test work, size and design the necessary equipment, and furnish the equipment on a rental basis within eight weeks after ordering. cn will provide technical services, limited operations and maintenance of the equipment, and chemicals. At the end of the contract period, the District will be left with a used piece of equipment which may be useful to the District, so an option to purchase the used equipment has been negotiated with CTI. The contract cost with cn, excluding chemicals, is $144,700 for a 12-month period. Competitive bids were not solicited for this experimental work because this process is available only through CTI. Pursuant to Section 5.0 E of the District's Purchasing Standard No. S-013 and Public Contracts Code Section 3400 (b), expenditures for purchase of a particular name brand material or service which has been found by the Board to be for field testing or trial use may be contracted for through negotiation. State law requires this finding to be made by reso 1 ut i on. RECOMMENDATION: Approve attached Resolution No. 89-201 and authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Chemfix Technologies, Inc. for $144,700 for an ash conditioning demonstration project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV, ~ ~1W" JM~ 1302A-9/85 LIB BlM JMK RAB Page 2 of 3 RESOlUTION NO. 89-201 A RESOlUTION APPROVING ASH CONDITIONING DEMONSTRATION PROJECT AS A FIELD TEST OR EXPERIMENT WHEREAS, Section 3400(a) of the California Public Contract Code provides that in those cases involving a unique or novel product application required to be used in the public interest, or where only one brand or trade name is known to the specifying agency, it may list only one as an appropriate sole source provider and that unique or novel product application, to wit the proprietary ash conditioning technology called the Chemfix Technologies Ash System, may be contracted for without the necessity of competitive bidding; and .~ WHEREAS, Section 3400(b) of the California Public Contract Code provides that a particular material, product, name brand item, or service may be purchased without the necessity of competitive bi ddi ng when the government body of the public entity makes a findings by resolution that the particular material, product, thing, or service designated is being purchased in order that a field test or experiment may be made to determine the product's suitability for future use; and WHEREAS, staff analysis concludes that the District can significantly benefit from entering into a service agreement with Chemfix Technologies, Inc., as an appropriate sole source provider, to perform an Ash Conditioning Demonstration Project, to wit the Chemfix Technologies Ash System, for the purpose of a field test or an experiment to determine if this unique and novel product application is suitable for future use by the District as an ash conditioning technique. NCl'I, 11-IEREFORE, BE IT RESOlVED: THAT, the General Manager-Chief Engineer be authorized to execute a service agreement with Chemfix Technologies, Inc. as an appropriate sole source provider, to perform an Ash Conditioning Demonstration Project in order that a fiel d test or experiment may be made to determi ne the Chemfix Technologies Ash System's suitability for future District use in accordance with Section 3400(a) and (b) of the California Public Contract Code. Resolution No. 89-201 2 December 21, 1989 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of December, 1989, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton Alm District Counsel . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 21, 1989 NO. IX. REAL PROPERTY 1 ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF PARCELS 177-270-012, 177-270-013, 177-270-018, 177-270-019, AND 177-280-008; APPROXIMATELY 1.78 ACRES, 1266 SPRINGBROOK ROAD, WALNUT CREEK DATE December 18, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBJECT SUBMI.JTI;D BY I-'au I Morsen Deputy General Manager INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Administrative ISSUE: The District Board of Directors' adoption of a resolution is required for the purchase of real property by the District. BACKGROUND: At the May 18, 1989 Board Meeting, the Board authorized the District's real property negoti ators to contract with a real estate broker and to pursue the purchase of fi ve parcel s of 1 and, adj acent to and north of the Di stri ct' s 1250 Springbrook Road property. The property consists of five (5) parcels: Assessor's Parcels 177-270-012, 177-270-013, 177-270-018, 177-270-019 and 177-280-008. The parcels comprise approximately 1.783 acres and include driveway, landscaping, a single family residence, parking, and a 2300 square foot office building commonly known as 1266 Springbrook Road. The owners of the property are Robert J. and Lim Duca. The District is acquiring the Duca property to help compensate for Caltrans' taking of a large portion of our Collection Systems Operation facility located at 1251 Springbrook Road, Wal nut Creek. Caltrans requi res this property for its 680/24 interchange project scheduled to begin ;,n January 1991. The detailed justification for the purchase and the proposed uses by CSO: parking, corporation yard, office and storage, were presented to the Board at its October 5, 1989 Board meeting. The negotiated purchase price in the agreement for the property is $1,290,000. The real estate commission, as previously negotiated, will be $48,000 (approximately 3.7 percent). The total cost to the District is $1,338,000, which is within the authority limits given to the Board's negotiator. The agreement allows the seller to occupy the offi ce buil di ng and the si ngl e family resi dence unti 1 November 1, 1990. The sellers wi 11 pay the costs of the taxes, util ities, fi re insurance, gardening and trash during their occupancy period. This occupancy schedule is compatible with both the Caltrans schedule and CSO needs. At this time the existing facilities on the Duca property are gen<3rally suitable for use by the District. The District plans to make modifications to the property, such as fencing and required maintenance. The currently planned minor modifications by the District would maintain the legal, non-conforming status of the Duca property under the Commerci al General uses and approval from the City of Walnut Creek would not be necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT POSITION PAPER ADOPT RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF PARCELS 177-270-012, 177-270-013, 177-270-018, 177-270-019, AND 177-280-008; APPROXIMATELY 1.78 ACRES, 1266 SPRINGBROOK ROAD, WALNUT CREEK PAGE 2 OF ':\ DATE December 18, 1989 The property uses now have a legal, non-conforming status because of same confusion caused by the new General Plan for the City of Walnut Creek which has designated the property as "OF," Office. The current zoning of "C-G," Commercial General is not consistent with this new General Plan land use designation. If any substantial changes to the property were to be proposed in the future by the District, the City may want the District to apply for a General Plan Amendment, land use permit, environmental processing, and design review to resolve the inconsistency. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.4, since it involves the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications may be made in the exterior of the structure. RECOtI4ENDATION: Approve the purchase of Assessor's Pa rcel s 177-270-012, 177-270-013, 177-270-018, 177-270-019 and 177-280-008 from Robert J. and Lim Duca in the amount of $1,290,000, in accordance with the Real Estate Purchase Agreement, authorize the filing of the Notice of Exemption, and adopt the attached Resolution. 'UR/Ken 7/PP-Duca Res Fl/td/12-18/89 -------- 13028-9/85 RESOLUTION NO. 89- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE OF REAL PROPERlY BETWEEN THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AND ROBERT J. AND LIM DUCA BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT, this District hereby consents to the execution of the Real Estate Purchase Agreements And Deposit Receipt and all applicable legal documents for Assessor's Parcel Nos. 177-270-012, 177-270-013, 177-270-018, 177-270-019 and 177-280-008, between the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and Robert J. and Lim Duca; THAT the District ;s hereby authorized and directed to execute the Real Estate Purchase Agreements And Deposit Receipt and all requi red escrow documents; THAT the President and Secretary of the District are hereby authorized and directed to accept the Grant DeedCs) for and on behalf of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District; and THAT the District staff is authorized and di rected to record said Gran t Deeds. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of December, 1989, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Membe rs : NOES: Membe rs : ABSENT: Membe rs : President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. A 1 m District Counsel