HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 10-05-89 . Centra :ontra Costa Sanitar~ ..listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 5, 1989 NO. III. CONSENT CALENDAR 11 SUBJECT QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENTS TO V ILLA WOODS, INC. DBA DANVILLE OAKS, JOB 1603, PARCELS 27, 28, AND 33, DANVILLE AREA DATE Septembe r 26, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Villa Woods, Inc. has requested the District to quitclaim the subject easements. BACKGROUND: The subject easements were granted to the District at no cost in 1965. The easements were created to serve properties on Dyne Court. All of these properties have now been combined into one ownership and the homes have all been razed. The combined properties are being redeveloped as Subdivision 7162 (attached town homes) and will not be able to use the existing sewer main. A new sewer system and new easements will be created during the development of Subdivision 7162. Villa Woods, Inc. has paid the District's quitclaim processing fee. The subject easements are no longer needed and may be quitclaimed. This project has been eval uated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEnA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Villa Woods, Inc., Job 1603, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT/DIV. ~r1 II;; ffJ? 1302A-9/85 ~I <t ~ I JO~UITCLAIM EASEMENTS 1603 PARCELS DANVILLE AREA 27,28 & 33 . Centre.. Contra Costa Sanitar~ .listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 5, 1989 NO. III. CONSENT CALENDAR 12 SUBJECT QUITClAIM SEWER EASEMENTS TO FURMAN PROPERTIES, JOB 460 - PORTION PARCEL 1, LAFAYETTE AREA DATE September 26, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITClAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Furman Properties, owner of Lot 23 of Subdivision 6511, has requested the District to quitclaim the subject easement. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was granted at no cost to the District in 1955. A portion of the sewer main which was installed in the easement has been abandoned and rerouted. This abandonment and sewer relocation was done as part of the site preparation for new Subdivision 6511. The developer'S engineers, Schell and Martin, Inc., discovered that the portion of the existing sewer which will remain in service was not within the subject easement in Lot 23. Furman Properties has granted a replacement easement in the proper location and, therefore, the subject easement is no longer required and should be quitclaimed. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Furman Properties, Job 460, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ f/$ INITIATING DEPT/DIV. QUITCLAIM EASEMENT REPLACEMENT EASEMENT ~ 6- "t ./ 1:- ABANDONED SEWER / ( Ci; /-.... o " ~ :<v 0 ) ,~ ,~t, ~ ~~ ~ q~~ ~ ,w " '~)~ ,\ RE-ROUTED SEWER QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB 460 PORTION PARCEL 1 LAFAYETTE AREA SUB 2078 \ . Centrc.- Contra Costa Sanitar~ .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 5, 1989 NO. III. CONSENT CALENDAR 13 APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH MARRIOTT CORPORATION, JCB 4211 and J CB 4670, SAN RAMON AREA DATE September 29, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION APPROV E REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: The property owner has proposed the construction of a retaining wall over a District easement. BACKGROUND: The proposed wall will cross the easement area at right angles, with a mi nimum cl earance of ei ght feet from the sewer mai n. The sewer mai n was installed within an 18-inch diameter metal pipe sleeve for added pipe protection at the retai ni ng wall crossi ng. The property owner has cooperated with Di strict staff by providing construction drawings of the retaining wall and has paid the District's fee for processing the subject agreement. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need should arise, the agreement requires the property owner to move the wall at his/her expense within 30 days of notice to do so. This project (the proposed agreement) has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the Cal iforni a Env i ronmental Qual ity Act (CEQA) under Di stri ct CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECO~ENDATION: Approve the Agreement rel ati ng to Real Property with Marri ott Corporati on, Job 4211 and 4670, and authorize the Presi dent of the Board of Di rectors and the Secretary of the Di stri ct to execute sai d agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 ~~ DH w p T~~~~~~~ ~S.{;'7 I EI<.I<ST.' C'":V<'OUND --" c;oo- '\ -- Ii' -- ~- - ~ --- ~ TOe. OF WALL "&8.0 ~ , --, - , ~ - , ';;'10 "',\1'- "","'" J / 8LF-I.....,."~ ... ~.O.OIOO ~ ~ .-. -::::.~-- 51>0 ,- ~ ~ ~t1' _~~ ~e5" "".# - -'" ~ ~ _ - ;- 'f'j.\~,;i 1..0"'\\..' ";t-:,O. 11 ~ Pill !!> - N . Sc"o "'u:~ ~ .. .. ~- ~~ Vl - ,i. dl ~olll 55 :4' ..J Sl "V:1l\ 'IC\ lj!:! III ... ~u1;bdl .. " ~o ~:i~~ '. - 011 III ..; ~8 ~~z~ .. U1:.:......."" r- <l -8;n!a ~ ~ N_ :I '" 8~;;!~ 1 ....4--..., ~F '" Oa-lI!ll! -~ I;; -: Gl~ .q. .~O\ 10' SEWER EASEMENT ~U8DIVIS10N .::J 6595 RETAINING WALL '- REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOBS 4211 and 4670 SAN RM10N AREA. . CentrA Contra Costa Sanitar~ ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 5, 1989 NO. IV. SOL I 0 t~ASTE 1 SUBJECT PJJ11-iORIZE 11-iE G~ERAL MANJlGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO ~TER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERV ICES JlGREEMENT, fIND AU11-iORIZE $27 ,000 FROM THE G~ERAL IMPROV EMENT PROORAM CONTING~CY ACCOUNT AS 11-iE DISTRICT'S SHAAE OF A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR A PUBLICL Y-Q'iNED TRflNSFER STATION, DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO. 20096 DATE September 29, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION AU11-iORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Admi ni strati ve ISSUE: Board approval is requi red for authorizati on of funds from the General Improvement Program Contingency Account which exceeds $25,000. BACKGRWND: At the September 7, 1989 Board Meeti ng, a comprehensive report was presented on the status of efforts by the District and the cities of San Ramon and Walnut Creek in pursuing the joint development of a publicly-owned transfer station. A pub1 ic1y-owned transfer stati on wou1 d provi de an a1 ternative to a commerci a1 transfer station developed by the Acme Fill Corporation. Although the automated garbage transfer system proposed by Valley Waste Management would likely reduce the size of the transfer station facility, it is also likely that it would not eliminate the need for a transfer station. Refuse from self haulers and certain residential, commercial, and drop box customers not serviceable by the automated garbage transfer system, and the need for processing of recyclables and household hazardous waste would still require a transfer station. The Board adopted a resolution endorsing the concept of a solid waste Joint Powers Agreement (JPA> to develop a pub1 ic1y-owned transfer station. The cities of San Ramon and Walnut Creek have adopted similar resolutions. Before entering into the JPA, staff proposed that a feasibility study be prepared to review the physical, economic, and operational requirements of a publiCly-owned transfer station and the potenti a 1 for automated ga rbage transfer. Th e firm of Hil ton, Fa rnkopf and Hobson was requested to submit a proposal for the feasi bil ity study because of the famil iarity with sol id waste issues in the county gained by Robert Hilton through other related engagements by all three public entities while Mr. Hilton was employed by Price Waterhouse, Certified Public Accountants. The feasibility study will include the following areas of review at a lump sum cost of $65,000: o Survey Existing Transfer Stations o Obtain Automated Garbage Transfer System Costs o Develop Conceptual Designs o Estimate Construction Costs for Each Design o Estimate Financing Costs for Each Design o Estimate O&M Expenses for Each Design o Develop Al ternati ve Desi gns whi ch Inc1 ude The Functi on Of Recyc1 i ng, Household Hazardous Waste And Composting o Contrast Per Ton Rates of Public and Commercial Transfer Station and Automated Garbage Transfer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT J'LJlHORIZE lHE GENERAL MANJlGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES JlGREEMENT, AND AUTHORIZE $27,000 FROM THE GENERAL IMPROVEMENT PROORAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT N3 lHE DISTRICT'S SHAAE OF A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR A PUBLIQ Y-G'lNED TRANSFER STATION, DISTRICT PROJ ECT NO POSITION PAPER PAGE OF DATE The District will be the contracting entity and will apportion the cost of the feasibility study to the District and the cities of San Ramon and Walnut Creek. The District's share of the cost is $27,000. The cost of the feasibility stuqy will be reimbursed to the three public entities fran the ultimate financing for the construction of the transfer station. If a publicly-owned transfer station is not constructed by the J PA, each of the public enti ti es will bear thei r share of the unreimbursed cost of the feasibility study; in this event, the District would write-off its share of the feasibility study as an operations and maintenance expense, and recover the $27,000 expense through the refuse collection franchise fee over th ree years. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chi ef Engi neer to enter into an agreement with the fi rm of Hil ton, Farnkopf and Hobson and authorize $27 ,000 fran the General Improvement Program Conti ngency Account as the Di stri ct' s share of a feasibility study for a pUblicly-owned transfer station, District Project No. 20096. SSS/Pos.Papersl3/Feas Study WF/hb/91 291 89 13028-9/85 . Centrl. Contra Costa Sanitar) ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 5, 1989 NO. V. ADMINISTRATIVE 1 SUBSTITUTION OF COUNSEL FOR THE DISTRICT; APPOINTMENT OF MR. KENTON L. ALM, ESQUIRE DATE September 29, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION SUBSTITUTION mD APPOINTMENT OF COUNSEL SUBJECT SUjl~g~E'f:~Y Campbell Administrative Operations Manager INITIt-Ji~<3 D,l:PT/DIVt. . I l\ulIIlnls"tra lve Risk Management and Safety ISSUE: The District obtains its primary legal services fran a Counsel for the District appointed by the Board of Directors. A change in Counsel is done through a Board resolution. BACKGROUND: The Board appointed James L. Hazard as Counsel for the District effective July 1, 1985, and entered into an agreement with the law firm of Sellar, Hazard, Snyder & Kelly for the legal services in connection with this. This agreement was renewed on July 7, 1988, for the period through June 30, 1991, under the firm's new name of Sellar, Hazard, Snyder, Kelly & Fitzgerald. Mr. Hazard now finds that the growth of the firm, which has caused an increase in his duties as the managing partner, makes it difficult for him to continue as Counsel for the District because of the mutual time demands. He is proposing that the agreement between the District and his firm continue as previously approved but with the substi- tution of Kenton L. Alm, another partner of the firm, as Counsel for the District, thereby releasing him fran this position. Mr. Hazard will continue to be available, however, for District legal matters as required. Mr. Alm has been devoting the majority of his time for the past several years to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and its legal service requirements. This has given him di rect experi ence with the Di stri ct which more than meets the requi rements as contained in Section 2.16.04 of the District Code. He has been providing these services to both Board and staff on the vari ety of tasks currentl y underway at the District, and he is, therefore, uniquely qualified to serve as Counsel. REC04MENDATICII: Adopt the resol uti on appoi nti ng Kenton L. Alm as Counsel for the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Authorize an amendment to the July 7, 1988, agreement with Sellar, Hazard, Snyder, Kelly & Fitzgerald substituting Mr. Alm as Counsel for the District in place of Mr. Hazard. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT/DIV. f~ JEC PM Page 2 of 2 RESa..UTION NO. 89- A RESOLUTION APPOINTING KENTON L. ALM TO lHE EXEMPT POSITION OF COUNSa FOR lHE DISTRICT The Board of Di rectors of the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SHHTAAY DISTRICT does hereby resolve as follows: THAT, KENTON L. ALM be appoi nted in pl ace of J ames Hazard to the exempt posi ti on of Counsel for th e Di stri ct in accordance with Chapter 2.16 of the District Code and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Agreement for Legal Services between Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and Sellar, Hazard, Snyder, Kelly & Fitzgerald dated July 7, 1988. lHAT, the appoi ntment of KENTON L. ALM to the exempt posi ti on of Counsel for the District shall be effective October 6, 1989. PASSED AND AOOPTED this 5th day of October, 1989, by the Board of Di rectors of the CENTRAL CONTRA OOSTA SNHTAAY DISTRICT thi s 5th day of October, 1989, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: IBSEtn: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: James L. Hazard District Counsel . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Octobe r 5, 1989 NO. VI. DATE ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT ADVISE STAFF REGARDING INClUSION OF PROPERTIES IN FUTURE LOCAL IMPROVE~NT DISTRICTS Octobe r 2, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION FORMATION OF LIDS SUBMITTED BY Will iam Gregory Real Property Specialist INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: District staff requests advice from the Board of Directors on including and assessing properties in a possible future Local Improvement District (LID) in Danv ill e. BACKGROUND: An annexati on of properti es in Danv ill e to th i s Di stri ct is bei ng processed through the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). The annexation is shown on the attached map. Twelve owners in this area have petitioned for annexation. Owners of some of the adjacent properties have not petitioned and are not interested in connecting to the public sewer system. The property owners are proposing that a LID be formed to finance the installation of sanitary sewers. LAFCO is consi deri ng addi ng ni ne adj acent properti es to the annexati on. Whether or not these adjacent properties will be included in the LID has bearing on the decision by LAFCO to include (or exclude) these properties in the annexation. An opportunity exists for the District to advise LAFCO of the District's preference on LAFCO adding properties which will be discussed at LAFCO's meeting on October 11, 1989. Staff has developed options for consideration by the Board. First, there are two basic options 1) include all properties in the LID, or 2) exclude those properties which do not wish to participate in the LID (added properties). Then, there are alternatives under each of the basic options. The options and alternatives are shown below in outline format. OPTION 1: Include all properties in the LID. AlTERNATIVE lA: Assess all properties in the LID. OR AlTERNATIVE IB: Do not assess added properti es. Properti es wh i ch are included in the LID are assessed all costs. District collects rebates from owners of added properties when, and if, they connect and di stributes the rebates in one of the following two ways: (a) District pays the rebates directly to the original owners of properties within the LID. (b) District pays the rebates to the LID thus reducing the LID bonds. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 JSM RAB WG .df( DH /111 >>fJ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ SUBJECT POSITION PAPER ADVISE STAFF REGARDING INCLUSION OF PROPERTIES IN FUTURE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE October 2, 1989 OR ALTERNATIVE Ie: Do not assess added properties. District pays the original assessments of the added propert1 es. 01 strict coll ects rebates from owners of added propert1 es when, and if, they connect and deposits the rebates 1 n the Sewer Construction Fund. Alternative lB differs from Alternative lC in that the District pays original assessments under Alternative lC. OPTION 2: Exclude added properties from the LID. Properties which are included in the LID are assessed for all costs. District collects rebates from owners of added properties when, and if, they connect and distributes the rebates in one of the following two ways: (a) District pays the rebates directly to the original owners of properties within the LID. (b) District pays the rebates to the LID thus reducing the LID bonds. Alternative lB and Option 2 are virtually identical. Staff requests that the Board cons1 der the above options and al ternat1ves, 1 nd1 cate the1 r preference, and 1 nstruct staff on how to adv 1 se LAFCO of the District's preference. The Board will have the opportunity in the future to make final decisions on this matter. If LAFCO adds properties to the annexation, the Board will hold a public hearing on the added parcels. If the LID is formed, the Board will hold a public hearing to address which properties will be assessed and the amount of the assessments. RECOM\1ENDATION: Advise staff regarding inclusion of properties in future Local Improvement Districts. ~------_.. 13028-9/85 . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Octobe r 5, 1989 NO. VI. DATE ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT ADVISE STAFF REGARDING INClUSION OF PROPERTIES IN FUTURE LOCAL IMPROVE~NT DISTRICTS Octobe r 2, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION FORMATION OF LIDS SUBMITTED BY Will iam Gregory Real Property Specialist INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: District staff requests advice from the Board of Directors on including and assessing properties in a possible future Local Improvement District (LID) in Danv ill e. BACKGROUND: An annexati on of properti es in Danv ill e to th i s Di stri ct is bei ng processed through the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). The annexation is shown on the attached map. Twelve owners in this area have petitioned for annexation. Owners of some of the adjacent properties have not petitioned and are not interested in connecting to the public sewer system. The property owners are proposing that a LID be formed to finance the installation of sanitary sewers. LAFCO is consi deri ng addi ng ni ne adj acent properti es to the annexati on. Whether or not these adjacent properties will be included in the LID has bearing on the decision by LAFCO to include (or exclude) these properties in the annexation. An opportunity exists for the District to advise LAFCO of the District's preference on LAFCO adding properties which will be discussed at LAFCO's meeting on October 11, 1989. Staff has developed options for consideration by the Board. First, there are two basic options 1) include all properties in the LID, or 2) exclude those properties which do not wish to participate in the LID (added properties). Then, there are alternatives under each of the basic options. The options and alternatives are shown below in outline format. OPTION 1: Include all properties in the LID. AlTERNATIVE lA: Assess all properties in the LID. OR AlTERNATIVE IB: Do not assess added properti es. Properti es wh i ch are included in the LID are assessed all costs. District collects rebates from owners of added properties when, and if, they connect and di stributes the rebates in one of the following two ways: (a) District pays the rebates directly to the original owners of properties within the LID. (b) District pays the rebates to the LID thus reducing the LID bonds. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 JSM RAB WG .df( DH /111 >>fJ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ SUBJECT POSITION PAPER ADVISE STAFF REGARDING INCLUSION OF PROPERTIES IN FUTURE LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE October 2, 1989 OR ALTERNATIVE Ie: Do not assess added properties. District pays the original assessments of the added propert1 es. 01 strict coll ects rebates from owners of added propert1 es when, and if, they connect and deposits the rebates 1 n the Sewer Construction Fund. Alternative lB differs from Alternative lC in that the District pays original assessments under Alternative lC. OPTION 2: Exclude added properties from the LID. Properties which are included in the LID are assessed for all costs. District collects rebates from owners of added properties when, and if, they connect and distributes the rebates in one of the following two ways: (a) District pays the rebates directly to the original owners of properties within the LID. (b) District pays the rebates to the LID thus reducing the LID bonds. Alternative lB and Option 2 are virtually identical. Staff requests that the Board cons1 der the above options and al ternat1ves, 1 nd1 cate the1 r preference, and 1 nstruct staff on how to adv 1 se LAFCO of the District's preference. The Board will have the opportunity in the future to make final decisions on this matter. If LAFCO adds properties to the annexation, the Board will hold a public hearing on the added parcels. If the LID is formed, the Board will hold a public hearing to address which properties will be assessed and the amount of the assessments. RECOM\1ENDATION: Advise staff regarding inclusion of properties in future Local Improvement Districts. ~------_.. 13028-9/85 ~I DANVILLE @ '" Itn ~XISTING C,::.c.S.O. ~N~ SP.RA ~:w-... ~T.$.ZZ * * * * * IS lI- '*<- II 1& " "RANCHO Del AMIGO" 10 6 Q ~ a: Q a: o :: a: c( :t * tt' * u It 17 " @ . PREVIOUS .I.NNEXATION _ . ExISTING CCCSO 8OUND.l.RY -- . PROPOSED .I.NNEU nOli * . SIGHED PETITION ~'&l:~-=:;;'~ fuW.~:::!. . POTENTIAlLY ADDEO PROPERTY . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 5, 1989 NO. VI. ENGINEERING 2 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH DODSON & YOUNG TO ASSIST THE DISTRICT WITH THE DESIGN OF THE SLUDGE BLENDING PROJECT DATE October 2, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Jade A. Sullivan Assistant En neer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department e 'v' ISSUE: Authorization by Manager-Chief Engineer to $50,000. the Board of Directors is required for the General execute professional service agreements greater than BACKGROUND: The primary and secondary sludges are dewatered in centrifuges and then burned in the plant I s incinerator. The new centrifuges will operate more efficiently if they receive a well-blended flow of primary and secondary sludge. This project consists of constructing a pump mixing system to mix and blend the primary and secondary sludge prior to being pumped to the centrifuges for dewatering. The pump mixing system will be installed into the existing centrate thickener tank. Several smaller projects having similar construction requirements and located in the same general area have also been identified for inclusion into the Sludge Blending Project. These include improvements to the Motor Control Center, installation of a hoist system on the emergency sludge storage tank, miscellaneous modifications to the Solids Control Building (DP 20067), Solids Conditioning Building Control Room HVAC Filtration (DP 10058), and installation of a centrifuge hot water flush system. Previously, the District had prepared change order documents for the pump mlxlng system and requested the existing contractor, Dillingham Contractors, to submit a quote for the work. However, due to the magnitude of the quote received from Dillingham, staff believes that competitive bids will result in a lower cost for the work. Staff recommends that Dodson & Young provide design services to allow the District to complete the project plans and specifications. This recommendation is based on their role as Value Engineer on the sludge blending change order design effort. The type of contract for this work will be cost reimbursement with a ceiling of $69,390.. This project is included in the 1989-1990 Capital Improvement Budget under the title "Dewatering System Improvements-Mixing" beginning on TP-27. A total project cost is estimated at $1,200,000 which includes $437,000 to construct the five smaller projects. JAS DJC DRW RAB ENG. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 oj: e fJ#W bAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ...~...-..'"---_._..,.,--_..._."..__.__.,-_._-- --...-"..---..---...,---,---.---.-.--.----.-------.----..---_.._--~,-----_._-,--"----_._----,.,--,._-_..- SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH DODSON & YOUNG TO ASSIST THE DISTRICT WITH THE DESIGN OF THE SLUDGE BLENDING PROJECT POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 2 DAO~tober 2, 1989 These projects have been evaluated by staff and determined to be addressed under the Stage 5B Environmental Impact Report of 1982 and exempt from the California Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA guidelines, Section 18.2, since they involve minor alterations to existing facilities with no increase in capacity. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a reimbursement agreement with a cost ceiling of $69,390 with Dodson & Young. 13028-9/85 . Centra. ;ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF104 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 5, 1989 NO. VI!. DATE Se tember 29, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL 1 SUBJECT ADOPT THE CAFETERIA PLAN MODIFIED TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECfION 125 OF THE IRS OODE AND THE COMPONENT DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE, PREMIUM CONVERSION AND HEALTH FLEXIBLE SPENDING ARRANGEMENT PlANS ADOPT E~OYEE BENEFIT PlAN DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, De ut General Mana er Administratfve ISSUE: The Internal Revenue Code requires that certain employee benefit programs be supported by plan documents adopted by the governing board. BACKGROUND: As part of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Management Support/Confidential Group (MS/CG) and the District, the District agreed to offer a Dependent Care Assi stance Pl an under Section 129 of the IRS Code. The Personnel Officer drafted the plan and sent it to the employee benefits firm of Mercer-Meidinger-Hansen for review. Upon their inspection of how dependent care assistance would integrate with the District's Benefit Option Plan, Mercer informed the District of changes in Internal Revenue Code Section 125 which require modifications in the structure of our Benefit Option Plan. Although the scope and cost of these benefits remain the same, these changes are necessary to continue the non-taxable status of many of our benefits. Consequently, attached (Attachment 1) are benefit plan documents which have been designed to meet the mandates of Section 129 and 125. These plans replace the Benefit Option Plan. They have been prepared by Carol Causey, Esq., of Mercer-Mei dinger-Hansen, and approved by Richard Tomoda, Esq., of the District's labor law firm of Corbett & Kane. Per the exi sti ng Memorandum of Understandi ng, the MS/CG and management group receive a fixed amount each month to spend on a variety, or "monu", of benefit options in the Cafeteria Plan. The Cafeteria Plan document is the umbrella plan. It is the legal tool by which the District may offer the Dependent Care Assistance Plan, the Health Flexible Spending Arrangement, and the Premium Conversion Plan. Under these three plans, employees may spend their monthly benefit allowance on a variety of taxable and non-taxable options or they may elect to take cash. In the past, employees did not have the option of taking cash; however, Section 125 requi res that cash be offered as an alternative spending option. The plan documents are highly technical and written to meet IRS requirements. For a more understandable explanation of the plans, please consult the summary plan description for the Cafeteria Plan (Attachment 2). Highlights of the plans are summarized as follows: REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A- SUBJECT ADOPT THE CAFETERIA PLAN MODIFIED TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 125 OF THE IRS CODE AND THE COMPONENT DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE_ PREMIUM CONVERSION AND HEALTH FLEXIBlE SPENDING ARRANGEMENT PlANS POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE September 29, 1989 2 OF 104 DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE PlAN Employees may set aside up to $5,000 of income on a pre-tax basis for the purpose of dependent care for chi 1 dren thi rteen years 01 d or under, the elderly living with the employee, or other qualified dependents. The $5,000 limit reduces to $2,500 if the employee is married and files a federal income tax return separately from his or her spouse. The amount allocated for dependent care assi stance can be obtai ned from the Cafeteri a Pl an and pre-tax salary withholdings. HEALTH FLEXIBlE SPENDING ARRANGEMENT The employee may elect from a variety of non-taxable health-related benefits; i.e. out-of-pocket expenses incurred for health or dental care not otherwise covered by the District's health or dental insurance plan. Other eligible expenses include vision and hearing care, orthodontia, outpatient mental health care, cosmetic surgery and prescription drugs. PREMIUM CONVERSION PlAN The employee may use his/her pre-tax Cafeteria Plan benefit amount to apply to the differential between the Prudential health plan premium and the lower Kaiser Plan premium. This will particularly benefit employees on the Tier II plan hired after May 1, 1985. TAXABlE OPTIONS Employees may designate some or all of their Cafeteria Plan monthly benefit amount for the following taxable items: - cash - individual life insurance - annual physical examination - physical fitness/health club fees - pension credit buyback - tuition reimbursement The Cafeteria Plan and its component plans provide substantial benefits for the employees. They permit employees to allocate a portion of their salary to non-taxable options, thereby decreasing the employees' taxable income. Also, the addition of a cash option and allowing employees to designate a portion of their salaries for non-taxable benefits give employees a variety of benefits tailored to individual needs at no additional cost to the District. Commencing May 1, 1990, in accordance with new IRS rules, disadvantages to the employees and District will occur. Employees must designate the amount 13026-9/85 SUBJ~ THE CAFETERIA PLAN MODIFIED TO BE IN CONFORM- ANCE WITH SECTION 125 OF THE IRS roDE AND THE COMPONENT DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE, PREMIUM CONVERSION AND HEALTH FLEXIBLE SPENDING ARRANGEJENT PLANS POSITION PAPER 3 PAGE OF 104 DATE September 29, 1989 allocated to each pre-tax option sel ected prior to the beginni ng of each pl an year, May 1 - April 30. If expenses incurred by the end of the year are less than the amount the employee pre-sel ected at the beginni ng of the year, the employee cannot be reimbursed for the amount not used. The employee forfeits the unused balance to the general funds of the District. While funds may be obtained from such forfeitures related to pre-tax options, the District may, on the other hand, not be reimbursed in those cases where employees are reimbursed for claims early in the plan year and terminate their employment before their monthly pre-tax benefit had accumul ated insufficient amounts to equal the amount paid for claims. Effective May 1, 1990, the District must allow employees, by virtue of Federal law, to be reimbursed for one full year~benefit at the beginning of the plan year. No allowance is made in the law for employees who receive reimbursement for the entire year's benefit at the beginning of the year and terminate. District staff has met and conferred with the appropriate bargaining units on this matter. Carol Causey of Mercer-Meidinger-Hansen met with the Board Personnel Committee to explain the need for the individual plans and the legal requirements of Section 125 and 129 of the IRS Code. RECOtI4ENDATION: It is recommended that the Board adopt the Cafeteria Plan modified to be in conformance with Section 125 of the IRS Code and the component Dependent Care Assistance, Premium Conversion and Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plans. 13026-9/85 ". Attachment 1 4 of 104 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SECTION 125 CAFETERIA PLAN Effective May 1, 1989 5 of 104 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS 3 ARTICLE II ELIGIBILITY AND PLAN PARTICIPATION 8 ARTICLE III PLAN FUNDING 10 ARTICLE IV BENEFITS 15 ARTICLE V PLAN ADMINISTRATION 17. ARTICLE VI CLAIMS AND REVIEW PROCEDURES 21 ARTICLE VII MISCELLANEOUS 24 ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION 26 APPENDIX A COMPONENT PLANS 28 SIGNATURE PAGE 6 of 104 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT SECTION 125 CAFETERIA PLAN INTRODUCTION Effective as of May 1, 1989, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (hereinafter the District or the Employer) adopts the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Section 125 Cafeteria Plan (hereinafter Plan) as a welfare benefit plan to provide benefits for certain of its employees. This Plan incorporates the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Health Flexible Spending Arrangement, and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Dependent Care Assistance Component Plans covering Eligible Employees of the Employer, as listed in Appendix A of this Plan. The Plan is designed to meet the appropriate requirements of Code Sections 105, 106, 125, and 129, and any other Applicable Law. It is specifically designated as a cafeteria plan under Code Section 125, which allows Eligible Employees of an Employer to choose among certain IIqualified welfare benefitsll as defined in Code Section 125( e) and any regulations thereunder. This Plan is designed to meet the applicable requirements of Code Section 89(k) and other Applicable Law. This Plan and all Component Plans listed in Appendix A are maintained for the exclusive benefit of employees. In addition, the terms of this Plan and all Component Plans, including coverage and benefits, may be legally enforceable by Eligible Employees. The provisions of this Plan shall apply only to certain employees of the Employer who are eligible to receive benefits under at least one of the Component Plans listed in Appendix A. The rights and benefits, if any, of former employees will be determined in accordance with provisions of the Plan in effect on the date employment terminated. D1W01-01 1 7 of 104 Appendix A, Component Plans, attached to this Plan is incorporated herein by reference and is a part hereof, and may be amended without necessity for other amendment of this Plan. OlW01-01 2 8 of 104 ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS When used in this Plan document, and in Component Plan documents, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: 1.1 Aoolicable Law The Code as herein defined. or any other law of the United States or any state or political subdivision thereof which may apply to this Plan. 1.2 Code The Internal Revenue Code of 1986. as amended. as it now exists or from time to time may be amended. 1.3 Comoensation The total cash remuneration paid during a Plan Year for services rendered to an Employer. as determined for purposes of Federal Income Tax Form W-2 or any replacement thereto. For purposes of determining an employee's Compensation. any election by the employee to reduce his or her regular cash remuneration under Code Section 125 or 401 (k) shall be treated as if the employee did not make such election. DIW01.()1 3 9 of 104 1.4 Component Plan A separate written plan maintained by the Employer to provide health flexible spending arrangement benefits or dependent care assistance to employees. Such Component Plans are listed in Appendix A and incorporated herein. Such Component Plans may be amended at any time without necessity for other amendment of this Plan. Each Component Plan is governed by the terms of its plan document, which terms shall prevail in case of any conflict between this Plan and a Component Plan. 1.5 Dependent Any individual who is a dependent of an Eligible Employee as defined in a Component Plan under which the Eligible Employee has a benefit entitlement. 1.6 Effective Date May 1, 1989, the date on which this Plan becomes effective. The Effective Date of each Component Plan is that date stated in each Component Plan document. 1.7 Eliaible Employee Any employee of the Employer who is eligible to receive benefits under at least one of the Component Plans. 1.8 Eliaible Expense DIW01-01 Eligible Expenses are detailed in Article IV. 4 '. 10 of 104 1.9 Employer The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, and any organization that is a successor thereto. 1.10 Employer Credits Amounts, other than Salary Reduction amounts, credited by the Employer to Participants' subaccounts to be allocated for Eligible Expenses. The amounts of Employer Credits are set out in Section 3.2. 1.11 Hiohly Comoensated Emoloyee (HCE) shall mean, in general an individual who: D1W01'()1 (a) is in the top 20% of all Employees by compensation, and earns more than $50,000, or as increased by regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury; or (b) earns more than $75,000, or as increased by regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, in the current or preceding year; or (c) is an officer of the Employer who earns more than $45,000, or as increased by regulations issued by the Secretary of the Treasury; or (d) is a former Employee and was an HCE any time after age 55. Additionally, HCE shall mean any other individual included by the provisions of Code Section 414(q) and regulations thereunder. 5 11 of 104 1.12 Open Election Period The annual period during which Eligible Employees elect Salary Reduction amounts, Employer Credits and allocations thereof for the following Plan Year. For the initial Plan Year, May 1 through May 20 will be the Open Election Period. Thereafter, the month of April will be the Open Election Period under this Plan. 1.13 Participant An Eligible Employee who participates in the Plan pursuant to Article II. 1.14 Plan The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, the terms of which are set forth herein, as it may be amended from time to time. 1.15 Plan Administrator The Employer, notwithstanding the fact that certain administrative functions for this Plan may be delegated to a committee or to any other person, persons, or entity . 1.16 Plan Year The twelve month period beginning May 1 and ending the following April 30. Records of the Plan shall be established and maintained on the basis of the Plan Year. DIW01.Q1 6 12 of 104 1.17 Salary Reduction DIW01..Q1 A specified amount or percentage by which a Participant's Compensation is decreased, pursuant to a Salary Reduction election, for federal income tax and, wherever permitted, for state and local income tax purposes. This amount is credited to the Participant's account, as provided in Article III, for the sole purpose of paying Eligible Expenses. 7 13 of 104 ARTICLE II ELIGIBILITY AND PLAN PARTICIPATION 2.1 Eliaibilitv (a) Eligible Employees covered under the provisions of any of the Component Plans on the Effective Date shall be eligible to participate in the Plan on the Effective Date. provided that any such Eligible Employee has not made an election to cease coverage under all applicable Component Plans. (b) Other Eligible Employees shall become eligible to participate in the Plan on the first day of the month following _ date of hire or the first day of the month following a change in family status as described in Section 3.5 of the Plan. provided that the employee satisfies the eligibility provisions of at least one of the Component Plans. 2.2 Participation DIW01.o1 Participation in this Plan by an Eligible Employee shall begin upon participation in a Component Plan and upon receipt by the Plan Administrator of such applications, consents. proofs of birth or marriage, elections, beneficiary designations. proof of reimbursable expenses and other documents and information as may be prescribed by the Plan Administrator. Each Eligible Employee upon participating in the Plan shall be deemed conclusively, for all purposes, to have assented to the terms and provisions of this Plan and shall be bound thereby. 8 14 of 104 2.3 Termination of Participation Participation in the Plan shall terminate as of the earliest of: (a) the last day of the Plan Year during which the Plan is terminated; and (b) the date the employee is no longer a Participant under at least one Component Plan. An employee shall no longer be a Participant under a Component Plan if the. Memorandum of Understanding which authorizes the participation of such employee in any Component Plan expires. without renewal or an extension agreement, or if a subsequent Memorandum of Understanding of each employee representation unit eliminates such Component Plan. 2.4 Reinstatement of Former Participant. A former Participant shall not be entitled to make a new Salary Reduction election for the remainder of the Plan Year. A former Participant will again become eligible for Salary Reduction under the Plan if and when the individual meets the eligibility and participation requirements of Sections 2.1 and 2.2 above, but in no event earlier than the beginning of the next Plan Year following termination of participation. A Former Participant will receive any Employer Credits to which he or she is entitled in cash for the remainder of the Plan Year. Orw01 -01 9 15 of 104 ARTICLE III PLAN FUNDING 3.1 Establishment of Accounts The Employer shall maintain for each Participant a bookkeeping account comprised of a Health Flexible Spending Arrangement subaccount, a Dependent Care Assistance subaccount and a Premium Conversion subaccount. The Employer shall credit each account with the amounts specified in Sections 3.2 and 3.3 in accordance with the Participant's designation(s) made pursuant to. Section 3.4. These accounts are for bookkeeping purposes only; any payments under the Plan shall be made entirely out of the general assets of the Employer. 3.2 Emplover Credits DIW01 -01 (a) The District will credit each Participant who is an active employee represented by the Management Support/Confidential Group with the amount set out in the current applicable Memorandum of Understanding. (b) The District will credit each Participant who is an active employee represented by the Management Group and the Deputy General Manager with the amount set out in the current applicable Memorandum of Understanding. (c) The District will credit each Participant who is an active employee and is in Executive Management with the amount specified in his or her individual employment contract. 10 16 of 104 3.3 Salary Reduction Credits Each Participant may make a written Salary Reduction election to have his or her annual Compensation reduced, but not below zero, by an amount not to exceed the cumulative total of the maximum Iimitation(s) as stated in Plan Sections 3.7 and 3.8. . 3.4 Desionation of Salary Reduction and Emolover Credit Amounts to Subaccounts 0IW01.()1 (a) Each Participant who elects Salary Reduction and/or is credited with. Employer Credits shall also designate the amount (or portion of the total) to be applied during the Plan Year to' each of the benefits described in Article IV, and the amounts so designated shall be credited to appropriate subaccounts within the Participant's account. (b) No Salary Reduction or Employer Credit amounts shall be credited to a Participant's account until such designation has been made. (c) The balance credited to each subaccount except the Health Flexible Spending Arrangement subaccount shall be reduced during the Plan Year as payments are made to provide the designated benefits to the Participant. Amounts designated to each subaccount may not be changed at any time during the Plan Year except under the circumstances described in Section 3.6. Such changes shall apply only prospectively. Reimbursement for Incurred Medical Expenses (as defined in Section 1.5 of the Employer Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plan) shall be made in accordance with Section VI of the Employer Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plan document. Reimbursement for Incurred 11 17 of 104 Expenses (as defined in Section 1.7 of the Employer Dependent Care Assistance Plan) shall be made in accordance with Article VII of the Employer Dependent Care Assistance Plan document. Payment of Member Plan Premiums (as defined in Section 1.5 of the Employer Premium Conversion Plan) shall be made in accordance with Article V of the Employer Premium Conversion Plan document. 3.5 Time for Makino Elections (a) Salary Reduction and benefit designation elections must be made during the Open Election Period before the first day of each Plan Year if an Eligible Employee is then currently eligible to participate in a Component Plan. Elections must be made within thirty (30) days after an individual is hired after, or first becomes an Eligible Employee after, the beginning of the Plan Year or experiences a change in family status as described in Section 3.6 of the Plan. (b) If an Eligible Employee fails to make a timely election, the individual will be deemed to have elected to make no election concerning the Employer Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plan, the Employer Dependent Care Assistance Plan, and the Premium Conversion Plan. 3.6 Chanoe or Revocation of Elections A Participant's Salary Reduction and benefits designation elections for any Plan Year may not be changed or revoked after the first payroll period to which they apply, except to the extent that change or revocation is in response to and consistent with certain changes in family status including and not limited to: DIW01-o1 12 18 of 104 (1) marriage or divorce of the Participant; (2) the death of the Participant's spouse or Dependent; (3) the birth or adoption of a child of the Participant; (4) the termination of employment, or commencement of employment, of the Participant's spouse; (5) the switching from part-time to full-time employment status, or from. full-time to part-time status by the Participant or the Participant's spouse; (6) the taking of or return from an unpaid leave of absence by the Participant's spouse; (7) those circumstances as specified in Section 4.5 of the Employer Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plan document; and (8) other circumstances approved by the Plan Administrator in a non- discriminatory manner. 3.7 Limit on Amount Credited to Dependent Care Assistance Plan Subaccount OIW01-01 The amount credited to a Participant's Dependent Care Assistance Program (DCAP) subaccount shall not exceed the maximum limit as stated in Section 5.6 of the Employer Dependent Care Assistance Plan document. 13 19 of 104 3.8 Limit on Amount Credited to Health Flexible Soendina Arranaement The annual amount credited to a Participant's Medical Flexible Spending Arrangement shall not exceed the maximum limit stated in Section 4.8 of the Employer Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plan document. 3.9 Limit on Amount Credited to Premium Conversion Account The annual amount credited to a Participant's Premium Conversion Account shall not exceed the maximu 20 of 104 3.8 Limit on Amount Credited to Health Flexible Spending Arrangement The annual amount credited to a Participant's Medical Flexible Spending Arrangement shall not exceed the maximum limit stated in Section 4.8. of the Employer Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plan document. 3.9 Limit on Amount Credited to Premium Conversion Account The annual amount credited to a Participant's Premium Conversion Account shall not exceed the maximum limit stated in Section 5.3 of the Employer Premium Conversion Plan document. 3.10 Plan Administrator's Power to Modify and Suspend Elections Notwithstanding any other Plan provisions, the Plan Administrator will suspend, modify, or terminate any Participant's elections under the following circumstances: (a) If the amount of any reduction agreed to is greater than the Participant's monthly taxable pay from the Employer. (b) In compliance with a change or revocation of an election due to a change in family status as allowed in Section 3.6. DIW01.Q1 14 21 of 104 ARTICLE IV BENEFITS 4.1 General Rule All benefits except Health Flexible Spending Arrangement benefits shall be payable or provided under this Article for a Plan Year only with respect to periods during such Plan Year in which an Eligible Employee is a Participant and has or is entitled to have amounts credited to his or her account pursuant to. Sections 3.2 and 3.3, and expenses shall be reimbursed only if incurred during such periods. 4.2 Health Flexible Soendina Arranaement Health Flexible Spending Arrangement benefits shall be payable in accordance with Article V of the Employer Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plan document. 4.3 Deoendent Care Exoenses DIW01-01 Amounts credited to a Participant's Dependent Care subaccount for a Plan Year shall be payable in accordance with Section 6.2 of the Employer Dependent Care Assistance Plan document. 15 22 of 104 4.4 Premium Conversion Expenses Amounts credited to a Premium Conversion subaccount for a Plan Year shall be payable in accordance with Section 5.2 of the Employer Premium Conversion Plan document. 4.5 Cash Benefits OIW01.Q1 (a) A Participant may elect to receive in cash, included in his or her paycheck, any Employer Credit amounts or amounts which could otherwise be subject to Salary Reduction. (b) A Participant who elects Salary Reduction but fails to elect any benefits provided in Sections 4.2, 4.3, or 4.4 shall not have any amounts credited to his or her subaccounts, but shall instead receive as cash, included in his or her paycheck, any amounts which would otherwise have been subject to Salary Reduction. 16 23 of 104 ARTICLE V PLAN ADMINISTRATION 5.1 Allocation of Plan Administration Responsibilities The Plan and each Component Plan thereunder shall be administered by a Committee consisting of at least two members appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Employer's board of directors. The Committee shall have the authority to control and manage the operation of the Plan and the Component Plan thereunder as named fiduciary. The Committee shall have such power to administer the Plan in all of its details, including, but not limited to, the following powers: (a) Interpretation of the Plan and Component Plans, such good faith interpretation to be final and conclusive on all employees, Participants, and beneficiaries. (b) Adoption of such procedures and regulations as in the Committee's opinion are necessary for the proper and efficient administration of the Plan and Component Plans and are consistent with the terms and purposes of the Plan and Component Plans; (c) Enforcement of the Plan and Component Plans according to its terms and to the rules and regulations adopted by the Employer. The Committee may delegate to other organizations or persons (who also may be employees) specific fiduciary responsibilities of the Employer in administering DIW01-01 17 -. 24 of 104 this Plan. Any such delegation must be in writing and in accordance with Applicable Law. Fiduciary duties which may be delegated include (without limitation) : (a) The responsibility to administer and manage any Component Plan which forms a part of the Plan; (b) The responsibility to prepare, report, file and disclose any forms, documents and other information required by law to be reported or filed with any governmental agency, or to be prepared and disclosed to. employees or other persons entitled to benefits under the Plan; and (c) The responsibility to review claims or claims denials under one or more of the Component Plans under the Plan. 5.2 Fiduciary Duties OIW01.()1 The Employer shall be responsible for the general administration of the Plan, including: (a) notification of employees of eligibility for the Plan, (b) provision of Plan enrollment documents and claim forms, (c) determination of questions arising under the Plan of the eligibility of employees under the Plan, 18 25 of 104 (d) adoption of the procedures and regulations as are necessary in the Employer's opinion for the proper and efficient administration of the Plan and which are consistent with the terms and purposes of the Plan, (e) enforcement of the Plan according to its terms and to the rules and regulations adopted by the Employer, (f) receipt, maintenance and approval of disbursement of Salary Reduction and Employer Credit amounts, and (g) filing or disclosure of any information required by law to be reported or filed with any governmental agency or to be disclosed to employees or other persons entitled to benefits under the plan. 5.3 Indemnification of Fiduciaries DIW01-o1 When making a determination or calculation, the Plan Administrator and anyone acting on its behalf may rely on information furnished by a Participant, the Employer, actuaries, accountants, or counsel to the Plan, and by the Component Plans. The Employer will indemnify and reimburse, to the full extent permitted by law, all board members, Committee members, and persons to whom Plan Administrative duties have been delegated, for all expenses. losses, and liabilities arising from an act or omission in the management of the Plan. The Employer may self insure or purchase insurance for all Plan fiduciaries employed by the Employer - and for all persons who are trustees. employees, 19 26 of 104 officers, or agents of the Employer -- to cover the potential liability of those persons with respect to their actions and lack of actions concerning this Plan. 5.4 Discretionarv Power of Plan Administrator DIW01-D1 All discretion conferred upon the Plan Administrator will be absolute. However, no discretionary power conferred on the Plan Administrator will be exercised in a manner that causes discrimination in favor of Highly Compepsated Employees. The discretionary power of the Plan Administrator will be exercised in a non-discriminatory manner with regard to all similarly situated employees Of. Participants. 20 27 of 104 ARTICLE VI CLAIMS PROCEDURES 6.1 Claims Procedures DIW01-01 The Plan Administrator shall notify each Eligible Employee of his or her entitlement to receive benefits under this Plan and shall provide appropriate forms on which application for such benefits may be made. Each Eligible Employee claiming a benefit under the Plan must complete and file such application forms with the Plan Administrator. The Plan Administrator shall review all applications for benefits. It shall notify the claimant in writing of its decision within ninety (90) days of receipt of the application. If special circumstances require any extension of time (not to exceed ninety (90) days) for processing the claim, the Plan Administrator must notify the claimant in writing of the extension prior to the expiration of the initial ninety (90) day period. Any denial by the Plan Administrator of a claim for benefits shall be stated in writing and mailed to the Eligible Employee. The notice shall state clearly in language calculated to be understood by the Eligible Employee without legal counsel: (a) the specific reason{s) for the Administrator's decision, (b) references to the pertinent Plan sections, 21 28 of 104 (c) what additional material or information the Participant must provide so the Plan Administrator will reconsider the claim or pay the premiums from the Participant's account; and (d) the Plan's appeals procedures. 6.2 Appeal and Review Procedure DIW01-01 If a cfaim has been denied by the Plan Administrator, the claimant may appeal. the denial within sixty (60) days after receipt of written notice thereof by submitting in writing to the Deputy General Manager a request for review of the denial of claim. A claimant also may submit a written statement of issues and comments concerning the claim and may request an opportunity to review the Plan, any Component Plan, and any other pertinent documents. If so requested, these shall be made available to the claimant within thirty (30) days after its receipt of a copy of the request, at a convenient location during regular business hours. If a claimant appeals, the final decision, with the specific reasons thereof shall be rendered in writing, and transmitted to the claimant by certified mail within sixty (60) days of receipt of the request for review. If special circumstances require an extension of time, written notice of the extension shall be given to the Participant before the end of the original 60-day period, and a decision shall be rendered as soon as possible, but not later than 120 days after receipt of the request for review. 22 29 of 104 6.3 Aaent for Service of Process The agent for service of process for the Plan is: Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, Ca 94553 6.3 Notices Notices and documents relating to the Plan may be delivered, or mailed by registered mail, postage prepaid, to the Committee in care of the Personnel Officer, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553. Any notice required under the Plan may be waived by the person entitled to notice. 6.4 Evidence Evidence required of anyone under the Plan may be by certificate, affidavit, document or other information which the person acting on it considers pertinent and reliable. The evidence may be signed, made or presented by the proper party or parties. DIW01-D1 23 30 of 104 ARTICLE VII MISCELLANEOUS 7.1 Comoonent Plans Control The detailed coverages provided under a Component Plan are set forth in that Component Plan; in case of any conflict between the terms of this Plan document and the terms of a Component Plan, the terms of the Component Plan shall control. Certificates or summaries setting forth the details of the coverages provided under Component Plans have been or will be distributed to Eligible Employees enrolled for coverage under the Component Plans. 7.2 State of Jurisdiction Except to the extent superseded by the laws of the United States, this Plan and each Component Plan and all rights and duties thereunder shall be governed, construed, and administered in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 7.3 Severabilitv DIW01-01 If any provision of the Plan is held invalid or unenforceable, its invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other provisions of the Plan, and the Plan shall be construed and enforced as if such provision had not been included herein. 24 31 of 104 7.4 Plan Not An Employment Contract This Plan is not an employment contract. Any employment rights of an Eligible Employee are neither enlarged nor diminished by the establishment of the Plan or any Component Plan. 7.5 Non-Transferability of Interest and Facility of Payment Except as otherwise expressly permitted by a Component Plan, the interests of persons entitled to benefits under a Component Plan are not subject to their debts or other obligations and, except as may be required by the tax withholding provisions of the Code or any state's income tax act, may not be voluntarily or involuntarily sold, transferred, alienated, assigned, or encumbered. When any person entitled to benefits under the Plan is under legal disability or in the Employer's opinion is in any way incapacitated so as to be unable to manage his affairs, the Employer may cause such person's benefits to be paid to such person's legal representative for his benefit, or to be applied for the benefit of such person in any other manner that the Employer may determine. 7.6 Mistake of Fact Any mistake of fact or misstatement of fact shall be corrected when it becomes known and proper adjustment made by reason thereof. The Employer shall not be liable in any manner for any determination of fact made in good faith. 7.7 Cost of Administerina the Plan DIW01..()1 The costs and expenses incurred by the Employer in administering the Plan shall be paid by the Employer. 25 32 of 104 ARTICLE VIII AMENDMENT AND TERMINATION 8.1 Amendment OIW01.()1 Subject to any obligation to meet with employee groups, any part or all of the Plan or of any Component Plan may be amended in writing by the Employer at any time or from time to time; any contract providing insured benefits may be so amended by the Employer with the agreement of the insurance company or service company at any time or from time to time; and any insurance company or service company may be removed or changed by the Employer at any time and from time to time. Any part or all of the Plan or any Component Plan may be retroactively amended in writing by the Employer if such amendment has the effect of an expansion of the eligibility, participation of benefit provisions and if such amendment does not discriminate in favor of one of more Highly Compensated Employees as defined in Code Section 414(q). In addition, such retroactive amendment must continue in effect for no less than a twelve consecutive month period after its adoption. Specific notice procedures consistent with applicable federal law and regulation will be complied with. Any amendment to the Plan or any Component Plan prior to the completion of a twelve consecutive month period from its adoption must be for a substantial business purpose, and may not discriminate in favor of one or more Highly: Compensated Employees as defined in Code Section 414(q). No amendment shall operate to reduce the amount of any benefit payment otherwise payable 26 33 of 104 under the Plan for changes incurred prior to the effective date of such amendment. 8.2 Termination DIW01-o1 Any Component Plan may be terminated at any time by action of the Employer if the Memorandum of Understanding of each employee representation unit which has established such Component Plan has expired without renewal or an extension agreement, or if a subsequent Memorandum of Understanding of each employee representation unit eliminates such Component Plan. No termination. or substitution shall operate to reduce the amount of any benefit payment otherwise payable under the plan for charges- incurred prior to the effective date of such termination or substitution. Notwithstanding the above, the Employer reserves the right to terminate or amend the Plan at any time if the Plan is deemed not to be in compliance with Applicable Law. 27 34 of 104 Appendix A Component Plans To Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Section 125 Cafeteria Plan As of the Effective Date, the following are the Component Plans included in the Plan:r 1. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plan , 2. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distri~ D~pendent Care Assistance Plan 3. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Premium Conversion Plan OlW01-o1 28 35 of 104 ADOPTION OF THE SECTION 125 CAFETERIA PLAN As evidence of its adoption of this Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has caused this instrument to be signed by its officers thereunder duly authorized hereto this day of . 198_, By: Susan McNulty Rainey (Date) For: THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Susan McNultv Rainev (Print Name and Title) President of the Board ATTEST: By: (Sign Name) (Date) Jovce McMillan. Secretary of the District (Print Name and Title) (Seal) Approved as to form James L. Hazard District Counsel DIW01-o1 29 .. . ~ttachment 1 36 of 104 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PREMIUM CONVERSION PLAN (A Component Plan of the Central Contra Cost Sanitary District Section 125 Plan) Effective May 1, 1989 37 of 104 TABLE OF CONTENTS flat INTRODUCTION 1 ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS 2 ARTICLE II SCOPE OF THE PLAN 4 ARTICLE III ELIGIBILITY AND PLAN PARTICIPATION 5 ARTICLE N PLAN FUNDING 7 ARTICLE V BENEFITS 9 ARTICLE VI GENERAL PROVISIONS 10 APPENDIX A 12 SIGNATURE PAGE 38 of 104 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT PREMIUM CONVERSION PLAN INTRODUCTION Effective as of May 1, 1989, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (hereinafter (Employer) adopts the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Premium Conversion Plan (hereinafter Premium Conversion Plan) to allow Eligible Employees of the Employer to, elect to pay their share of the cost of the Employer Health Plan on a pre-tax basis, as provided herein and in accordance with the te~s of. the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Section 125 Plan (hereinafter Section 125 Plan). This Premium Conversion Plan is a Component Plan of the Section 125 Plan and, except to the extent otherwise expressly provided herein, is governed by the rules and regulations of the Section 125 Plan. The Premium Conversion Plan is intended to convert employee premiums to employer paid premiums within the meaning of Section 106(b) of the Code and to meet the requirements of any other applicable provisions of the law. Appendix A, Member Plans, attached to this Premium Conversion Plan is incorporated herein by reference and is a part hereof and may be amended without necessity for other amendment of this Premium Conversion Plan. DIW01-04 1 Ml9 39 of 104 ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS The definitions in the Section 125 Plan apply to this Component Plan as well as the following additions. 1.1 Dependent Any individual who meets the definition of Dependent in a Member Plan under which the Eligible Employee has a benefit entitlement. 1.2 Eliaible Emplovee An employee who is eligible to participate in at least one of the Member Plans and who is required to pay a Member Plan Premium for participation. 1.3 Eligible Expense Any premium or other payment required by an Eligible Employee for participation in a Member Plan. 1.4 Member Plan A separate written plan maintained by the Employer which provides health care , including medical and hospital benefits. Such Member Plans are listed in Appendix A, which may be amended without necessity for other amendment of this Plan. The terms of the plan documents of such plans shall govern the DIW01.()4 2 8189 ... 40 of 104 operation of the Member Plans, and in case of any conflict between the terms of the Member Plans and this Premium Conversion Plan or the Section 125 Plan, the terms of the Member Plan shall govern. 1.5 Member Plan Premium. Premium The amount an Eligible Employee is required to pay as a condition of coverage under the Member Planes) to which an employee and Dependents, if any, are entitled. 1.6 Section 125 Plan 0IW0144 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Section 125 Plan. 3 8189 41 of 104 ARTICLE II SCOPE OF THE PLAN Subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in this Premium Conversion Plan document and in the Section 125 Plan, each Participant shall have his or her share of Eligible Expenses paid under the Premium Conversion Plan in lieu of an equal amount of Compensation. D1W01-04 4 8J89 42 of 104 ARTICLE III ELIGIBILITY AND PLAN PARTICIPATION 3.1 Eligibility (a) Eligible Employees covered under the provisions of any of the Member" Plans on the Effective Date shall be eligible to participate in the Premium Conversion Plan on the Effective Date, provided that any such Eligible Employee has not made an election to cease coverage under all applicable Member Plans. (b) Other Eligible Employees shall be eligible to participate in the Premium Conversion Plan following date of hire, provided that the employee satisfies the eligibility provisions of at least one of the Member Plans. 3.2 Particioation DIW01-D4 (a) Subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in this Premium Conversion Plan document and in the Section 125 Plan, each Eligible Employee may elect to have his or her Member Plan Premiums paid under the Premium Conversion Plan in lieu of an equal amount of compensation. (b) If a Participant is on a paid Authorized Leave of Absence and his or her Salary Reduction elections remain effective, s(he) shall continue to: participate in the Premium Conversion Plan. 5 1189 43 of 104 3.3 Termination of Particioation Participation in this Premium Conversion Plan shall terminate on the last day of the Plan Year. An employee shall no longer be a Participant Linder the Plan if the Memorandum of Understanding which authorizes the participation of such employee in the Plan expires without renewal or an extension agreement, or if the subsequent Memorandum of Understanding of each employee representation unit eliminates such Component Plan. 3.4 Reinstatement of Former Particioant Former Participants of the Premium Conversion Plan shall be reinstated consistent with the provisions of Section 2.4 of the Section 125 Plan. D1W01.04 6 8189 44 of 104 ARTICLE IV PLAN FUNDING 4.1 Establishment of Accounts Section 3.1 of the Section 125 Plan which provides for the establishment of accounts and subaccounts shall also apply to this Premium Conversion Plan document. 4.2 Salary Reduction Credits Each Participant must make a written Salary Reduction election to have his or her annual Compensation reduced. but not below zero. by the amount of Member Plan Premium such employee is required to payor a portion thereof. The amount of Salary Reduction will be credited to the Participant's account until it is paid out for such coverage. In the event an Eligible Employee does not request to participate in this Plan, s(he) shall receive his or her Compensation without any reduction for this Plan and will be required to pay any required Member Plan Premium through payroll withholding. 4.3 Time for Salary Reductions to Begin (a) The Salary Reduction for a Participant of the Premium Conversion Plan shall begin on the date of the first payroll period of the Plan Year. (b) The Salary Reduction for an individual hired after the beginning of the Plan Year shall begin as soon as practicable. DM'01.04 7 1189 45 of 104 4.4 Chance or Revocation of Salary Reduction Elections A Participant's Salary Reduction election for any Plan Year may not be changed or revoked after the first payroll period to which it applies, except under the circumstances described in Section 3.5 of the Section 125 Plan or, additionally, except as a result of a change in Member Plan enrollment which is in response to and consistent with the circumstances described below: (a) A significant change in the health care coverage of the Participant. (b) The substantial increase in the Member Plan Premium, or significant curtailment or cessation of coverage under a Member Plan provided by an independent third party. Under such conditions, Participants may elect to receive on a prospective basis coverage under another Employer maintained health plan with similar coverage and eligibility provisions. 4.5 Plan Administrator's Power to Modify Elections Section 3.10 of the Section 125 Plan which provides the Plan Administrator with the power to modify Salary Reduction elections shall also apply to this Premium Conversion Plan. In addition, the Plan Administrator may modify Salary Reduction elections if the Member Plan Premium is increased or decreased during the Plan Year. ~ 0IW01-04 8 1189 46 of 104 ARTICLE V BENEFITS 5.1 General Rule The provisions of Section 4.1 of the Section 125 Plan document shall also apply to this Premium Conversion Plan. 5.2 Emplovee's Share of the Cost of Group Health Care Coveraae Amounts credited to a Participant's Premium Conversion Plan subaccount shall be applied to pay the amount of any Member Plan Premium for employee and Dependent coverage otherwise payable by the Participant during the Plan Year under the applicable Member Plans. 5.3 .Limit on the Amount of Salary Reduction to be Credited to the Premium Conversion Plan DlW01-G4 The annual Salary Reduction of a Participant under the Premium Conversion Plan shall not exceed the cumulative total of all Member Plan Premiums under all Member Plans in which the Participant, spouse and Dependents, if any, are covered. 9 8189 47 of 104 ARTICLE VI GENERAL PROVISIONS 6.1 Administration of the Premium Conversion Plan The Premium Conversion Plan shall be administered in accordance with the provisions set forth in Article V of the Section 125 Plan. .. 6.2 Claims Procedures The claims procedures set forth in Article VI of the Section 125 Plan shall also apply to this Premium Conversion Plan. 6.3 Miscellaneous Provisions of the Premium Conversion Plan The miscellaneous provisions described in Article VII of the Section 125 Plan shall also apply to this Premium Conversion Plan. 6.4 Amendment and Termination of the Premium Conversion Plan The Employer reserves the right to amend or terminate this Premium Conversion Plan in whole or in part at any time, subject to the terms of Article VIII of the Section 125 Plan. In addition, if a Member Plan is terminated and replaced with another plan that provides similar benefits, Salary Reduction amounts that were" designated to pay Member Plan Premiums for the terminated plan will be applied instead to pay Premiums for the new plan. If a Member Plan is terminated and not replaced with another plan that provides similar benefits, Salary Reduction DIW01.()4 10 8189 DIW01-04 '. 48 of 104 amounts will terminate as of the end of the month in which the Member Plan is terminated. This Plan may be terminated at any time by action of the Employer if the Memorandum of Understanding of each employee representation unit which has established the Plan has expired without renewal or an extension agreement, or if a subsequent Memorandum of Understanding of each employee representation unit eliminates the Plan. ;;. 11 110'89 49 of 104 APPENDIX A Member Plans To the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Premium Conversion Plan As of May 1, 1989, the following is a Member Plan included in the Premium Conversion Plan: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Indemnity Plan D1W01.04 12 IIB9 50 of 104 ADOPTION OF THE PREMIUM CONVERSION PLAN As evidence of its adoption of this Premium Conversion Plan, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has caused this instrument to be signed by its officers thereunder duly authorized hereto this day of . 198_0 ArreST: By: (Seal) DlW01~ By: Susan McNulty Rainey (Date). For: THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Susan McNultv Rainev (Print Name and Title) President of the Board (Sign Name) (Date) Joyce McMillan. Secretary of the District (Print Name and Title) Approved as to form James L Hazard District Counsel 13 8IB9 ~achment 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HEALTH FLEXIBLE SPENDING ARRANGEMENT (A Component Plan of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Section 125 Cafeteria Plan) Effective May 1, 1989 51 of 104 "- 52 of 104 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS 2 ARTICLE II SCOPE OF THE PLAN 7 ARTICLE III ELIGIBILITY AND PLAN PARTICIPATION 8 ARTICLE W PLAN FUNDING 10 ARTICLE V BENEFITS 13 ARTICLE VI CONTINUATION COVERAGE 15 ARTICLE VII CLAIMS PROCEDURES 19 ARTICLE VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS 23 SIGNATURE PAGE 53 of 104 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT HEALTH FLEXIBLE SPENDING ARRANGEMENT PLAN INTRODUCTION Effective as of May 1, 1989, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (hereinafter Employer) adopts the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plan (hereinafter Health FSA Plan) to allow Eligible Employees of the Employer to elect to receive health care reimbursement benefits which are excludible from gross income under Section 213{d} of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, ~ amended (hereinafter Code), as provided herein and in accordance with the terms of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Section 125 Cafeteria Plan (hereinafter Section 125 Cafeteria Plan). This Health FSA Plan is a Component Plan of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan and, except to the extent otherwise expressly provided herein, is governed by the rules and regulations of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. Dl'N0142 1 54 of 104 ARTICLE 1 DEFINITIONS The definitions in the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan apply to this Component Plan as well. as the following additions: 1.1 Deoendent Any individual who falls within the definition of Dependent in Section 152 of the Code including but not limited to: (a) A Participant's spouse not legally separated from the Participant; (b) Each of a Participant's unmarried children who has not attained the age of 19; (c) Each of a Participant's unmarried children who is a full-time student and has not attained age 23. :::: (d) Each of a Participant's unmarried children who became incapacitated prior to attainment of age 19 and who is dependent on the Participant for support. 1.2 Eliaible Emolovees Any employee of the Employer represented by the Management Support Confidential Group or the Management Group or the General Manager - Chief [IW0142 2 -. 55 of 104 Engineer, the Secretary of the District, or the Deputy General Manager. Any person who is covered by a collective bargaining agreement which does not provide for inclusion in this Health Flexible Spending Arrangement shall not be an Eligible Employee. Any person who performs service for the Employer solely as an independent contractor shall not be an Eligible Employee. 1.3 Exoerience Gain The excess of Required Premiums paid and income (if any) of the Plan ove~ the Plan's total claims reimbursements and reasonable administrative costs for the Plan Year. 1.4 Health Flexible Soendina Arranaement Plan The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Health Flexible Spending Arrangement . Plan. A Health FSA Plan is a benefit program that provides Eligible Employees with coverage under which specified, Incurred Medical Expenses may be reimbursed (subject to the Maximum Reimbursement and other reasonable conditions) . 1.5 Incurred Medical Exoenses DIW014i! Medical Expenses rising from medical care provided to the Participant or Dependent during the Participant's Period of Coverage. Expenses are treated as having been incurred on the date that services are rendered. Expenses are- not treated as having been incurred: 3 ". 56 of 104 (a) when the Participant is formally billed or charged for or pays for the medical care; or (b) during a Period of Coverage under the Health FSA Plan if such expenses are incurred before the later of the Effective Date of the Plan or the date on which the Participant first becomes enrolled under the Health FSA Plan; or (c) during the Period of Coverage if such expenses are incurred after participation has terminated under the Health FSA plan. 1.6 Maximum Reimbursement The total of Required Premiums and Experience Gains elected by a Participant for reimbursement during a Period of Coverage. 1.7 Period of CoveraQe DIW01.Q2 The twelve month period coincident with the Plan Year during which Qualifying Medical Expenses incurred by a Participant are eligible for coverage under the _ Health FSA Plan. The Period of Coverage under this Health FSA Plan shall be the twelve month period beginning May 1 and ending April 30. The Period of Coverage for a Participant shall end prior to the end of the twelve month period if the Participant fails, at any time, to pay Required Premiums. 4 57 of 104 1.8 Premium Pavers The Participants from whom Required Premiums are paid by Salary Reduction and Employer Credits. 1.9 Qualifyina Medical Exoenses (a) Amounts paid for medical care within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code 213(d) and regulations and rulings thereto published by the Internal Revenue Service: (1) for which the Participant is not reimbursed pursuant to any medical policy or program, and (2) which have been incurred and paid by or on behalf of the Participant or a Participant's spouse or Dependent. (b) Qualifying Medical Expenses shall not jnclude expenses not verifiable under Section 6.1 of this Health FSA Plan. (c) Effective the first day of the first Plan Year beginning after December 31, 1989, Qualifying Medical Expenses shall not include premiums paid by a Participant or Dependent for coverage under the Employer's or any other employer's group health plan or under an individual plan; or DIW014l 5 1.10 Reauired Premium. or Premium 58 of 104 The total of Employer Credits and Salary Reduction amounts elected by the Participant for the Period of Coverage under the Health FSA Plan. 1.11 Section 125 Cafeteria Plan DIIIIID1-G2 The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. 6 59 of 104 ARTICLE II SCOPE OF THE PLAN Subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in this Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plan document and in the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, each Participant may elect to receive payment under the Health FsA Plan for his or her Qualifying Medical Expenses in lieu of an equal amount of cash. DIW014i! 7 "0 60 of 104 ARTICLE III ELIGIBILITY AND PLAN PARTICIPATION 3.1 Eliaibilitv The eligibility provisions of Section 2.1 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan shall' apply to this Health FSA Plan. 3.2 Election for Participation Eligible Employees may elect to participate in the Health FSA Plan by submitting annually a Salary Reduction election form to the Employer in accordance with Article III of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, and by designating the amount of Salary Reduction and Employer Credits to be allocated to the Health FSA Plan subaccount for the Period of Coverage, as provided in Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. 3.3 Termination of Participation Prior to the first day of the first Plan Year beginning after December 31, 1989, participation in this Health FSA Plan shall terminate on the last day of the Plan Year during which employment terminates. Effective the first day of the first Plan Year beginning after December 31, 1989, ,- participation in this Health FSA Plan shall terminate on earlier of the last day of the period for which the last Required Premium is paid by the Participant to the Health FSA Plan or the end of the Plan Year during which employment DIWD14! 8 61 of 104 terminates. Medical Expenses incurred after such date shall not be eligible for reimbursement. An employee shall no longer be a Participant under the Plan if the Memorandum of Understanding which authorizes the participation of such employee in the Plan expires without renewal or an extension agreement. 3.4 Reinstatement of Former Participants Former Participants of the Health FSA Plan shall be reinstated consistent with the provisions of Section 2.4 of the Sedion 125 Cafeteria Plan. DIW0142 9 62 of 104 ARTICLE IV PLAN FUNDING 4.1 Establishment of Accounts Section 3.1 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan which provides for the establishment of accounts and subaccounts shall also apply to this Health FSA Plan. 4.2 Emolover Credits Employer Credits provided under Section 3.2 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan shall be available under this Health FSA Plan. 4.3 Salary Reduction Election Procedures In accordance with Section 3.6 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, each Participant shall designate the amount of Salary Reduction Contributions and Employer Credits amounts to be available during the Period of Coverage for Qualifying Medical Expense reimbursements under the Health FSA Plan. 4.4 Time for Makino Salary Reduction Elections The timing for Salary Reduction elections under the Health FSA Plan shall be consistent with the timing outlined in Section 3.4 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. DIW01.Q2 10 63 of 104 4.5 Chance or Revocation of Elections Section 3.5 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan which provides for a change or revocation of a Salary Reduction election shall also apply to this Health FSA Plan. Upon separation from the service with the Employer, a Participant will cease coverage as outlined in Article VI of this Health FSA Plan. Effective the first day of the first Plan Year beginning after December 31, 1989, if the Participant revokes his or her existing elections, the Plan Administrator sha!1 reimburse the Participant for any amount previously paid for coverage or benefits relating to the period after the date of the Participant's separation from service regardless of the Participant's claims or reimbursements as of such date. 4.6 Continuation of Reauired Premiums uoon Seoaration from Service DIW01..Q2 Effective for the first day of the first Plan Year beginning after December 31, 1989, a Participant who separates from the service of the Employer during the Period of Coverage may elect to continue his or her existing benefit elections and continue to receive benefits for Qualifying Medical Expenses incurred during the remaining portion of the Period of Coverage as outlined in Article VI of this Health FSA Plan. If, after separation from service, the Participant fails to elect COBRA continuation under the Plan, the Period of Coverage for the Participant shall end as of the end of the period for which Premiums were last paid, and expenses incurred after the . end of such period shall not be eligible for reimbursement. 11 64 of 104 4.7 Exoerience Gains If the Plan has an Experience Gain with respect to a Period of Coverage, such Experience Gain shall be returned to the Running Expense Fund of the Employer. 4.8 Umit on Amount Credited to Health Flexible SoendinQ Arrangement Plan The annual Salary Reduction amount aedited to a Participant's Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plan subaccount shall not exceed $3.000. 4.9 Plan Administrator's Power to Modify Elections DMI01.02 Section 3.10 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan which provides the Plan Administrator with the power to modify Salary Reduction elections shall also apply to this Health FSA Plan. -- 12 . 65 of 104 ARTICLE V BENEFITS 5.1 General Rule DIW0142 (a) Prior to the first day of the first Plan Year beginning after December 31, 1989, all benefits shall be payable or provided under this Article for a Plan Year only with respe~ to periods during such Plan Year in which. an Eligible Employee is a Participant and has or is entitled to have amounts credited to his or her. Health FSA subaccount pursuant to Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. Expenses shall be reimbursed only if incurred during such periods. (b) Effective the first day of the first Plan Year beginning after December 31, 1989, a Participant's Maximum Reimbursement (properly reduced as of any particular time for prior reimbursements during the same Period of Coverage) shall be available at all times during the Period of Coverage in which an Eligible Employee is a Participant and has or is entitled to have amounts credited to his or her Health FSA subaccount pursuant to Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. Expenses shall be reimbursed only if incurred during the Period of Coverage. Qualifying Medical Expenses shall not be reimbursed for any Period of Coverage unless the Participant applies for such reimbursement within : thirty (30) days after the end of such Period of Coverage. 13 66 of 104 5.2 Reimbursements DMI01-G2 Amounts credited to a Participant's Health FSA account shall be used to reimburse the Participant for all medical and dental expenses (as defined in Section 213(d) of the Code), including deductibles and co-insurance payments, to the Maximum Reimbursement amount. These medical and dental expenses must be not otherwise paid or reimbursed under any other. medical or dental plan or policy or by any governmental agency or other agency. 14 67 of 104 ARTICLE VI CONTINUATION COVERAGE Federal legislation (COBRA) requires that certain Participants (Qualified Beneficiaries) be given the opportunity to elect to retain coverage under this Health FSA Plan when a Qualifying Event occurs. 6.1 Definition of Qualified Beneficiary: (a) A Qualified Beneficiary is any individual who was a Participant in this Health FSA Plan on the day before a Qualifying Event. (b) A Qualified Beneficiary shall not include any Dependent who was enrolled in this Health FSA Plan under the provisions of COBRA after the date of the initial Qualifying Event, or any Qualified Beneficiary who declined COBRA coverage when first eligible and who was later enrolled in this Health FSA Plan during a COBRA period. 6.2 Definition of a Qualifying Event: For eligible Participants, the following constitute Qualifying Events which give a Qualified Beneficiary the right to retain coverage under this Health FSA Plan and which would cause such coverage to otherwise end: (a) Voluntary or involuntary termination of employee's employment for any.- reason including retirement other than gross misconduct, or reduction of hours to a level at which the employee or Dependents are no longer DIW01~ 15 . ". 68 of 104 eligible for coverage under the same terms and conditions of Section 3.1 of this Health FSA Plan. (b) Death of an employee Participant. (c) Divorce or legal separation of an employee Participant. (d) Cessation of a child's dependent status under the Plan in accordance with Section 1.1 of this Health FSA Plan. 6.3 Termination of COBRA Coverage - Once-elected, COBRA coverage will continue until the earliest of the following dates: (b) (c) (d) (e) DIW0142 (a) The date 18 months after the Qualifying Event, for the events described in 6.2(a) above; or The date 36 months after the Qualifying Event, for the events described in 6.2(b), 6.2(c) and 6.2(d) above; or The date all Employer-sponsored health flexible spending arrangements are terminated; or The date the Employer does not receive timely payment of any contribution; or The date the Participant on COBRA coverage becomes covered under any other health flexible spending arrangement (this date may vary for different members of the same family); or 16 69 of 104 (f) The date a Participant becomes entitled to Medicare coverage. (Medicare entitlement terminates coverage only for the Medicare-eligible individual.) 6.4 Second Qualifyina Event - If one of the events described in 6.2{b), 6.2{c), or 6.2{d) above occurs while a Qualified Beneficiary is on COBRA coverage due to the event described in 6.2{a) above, such Qualified Beneficiaries enrolled under the Plan shall have the right to extend their COBRA coverage period for up to 36 months from the date of the first Qualifying Event described in 6.2{a) above. 6.5 Plan Changes - If during the period of any COBRA coverage, as set forth above, this Health FSA Plan coverage is cha~ged. for Eligible Employees, the same changes will be applied to similarly situated persons participating in this COBRA coverage program. 6.6 Cost of COBRA Coverage - The cost of COBRA coverage shall be paid by (or on behalf of) the Participant or Qualified Beneficiary who elects such coverage. The required monthly cost will be 102<>>-' of the amount of the monthly Salary Reduction and Employer Credit elected by the Participant at the beginning of his or her Period of Coverage. 6.7 Notice Reauirements - To elect COBRA coverage DIW014i! (a) A Participant must notify the Employer within 60 days if one of the events described in 6.2{c) or 6.2{d) above occurs. (b) The Employer shall notify the affected parties of their right to elect COBRA coverage. Specific notice and administrative procedures have been 17 70 of 104 adopted by the Employer and are consistent with Applicable Federal Law and regulations. 6.8 Election of COBRA Coveraae - A Qualified Beneficiary has a minimum of 60 days to elect the COBRA coverage. Such election period will begin on or before the date of a Qualifying Event and end 60 days after the later of (1) the date that coverage under this Health FSA Plan would otherwise end because of the Qualifying Event, or (2) the date the Qualified Beneficiary is sent notice of his or her right to elect COBRA coverage. Coverage will terminate after the Qualifying Event and then will be reinstated retroactively if the Qualified Beneficiary elects COBRA coverage. 6.9 Chances in Aoolicable Law - If Applicable Law subsequently requires that COBRA coverage be extended, financed, or offered in a different manner than as specified in this Health FSA Plan, the Health FSA Plan shall be deemed amended to comply with the minimum requirements of Applicable Law and shall be administered in accordance thereof. This provision is not intended to implement changes in Applicable Law any earlier than the latest date required by such law. DIW01~ 18 71 of 104 ARTICLE VII CLAIMS PROCEDURES In addition to the provisions outlined in the Sections below, the claims procedures in Article VI of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan shall apply for this Health FSA Plan as well. 7.1 Claims Substantiation Effective the first day of the first Plan Year beginning after December 31, 1989, the Health FSA Plan shall reimburse a Qualifying Medical Expense only if the Participant provides a written statement from an independent third party stating when the expense was incurred and the amount of such expense. In addition, the Participant must provide a written statement that the Qualifying Medical Expense has not been reimbursed or is not reimbursable under any other health plan coverage. Claim forms which are not accompanied by properly documented expense vouchers may be returned to the Participant by the Plan Administrator for further documentation. Each Participant who fails to supply additional documentation by May 30th of the following Plan Year shall be deemed not to have requested reimbursement for the amounts in question. No Participant shall have any rights or be entitled to any reimbursement under the Health FSA Plan unless a claim form is submitted as specified. DIW0142 19 72 of 104 7.2 General Reimbursement Procedures Participants may claim reimbursement by submitting a request for reimbursement form to the Plan Administrator or designated third-party administrator. In the event that a Participant does not qualify for reimbursement of the amount elected during the Plan Year, the difference between the amount elected and the actual reimbursement shall be forfeited at the end of the Plan Year. Participants have until the date specified in Section 5.1 (b) herein of the following Plan Year to submit claims for reimbursement of Qualifying Medical Expenses incurred during a Plan Year. 7.3 Reimbursement Procedures for Plan Years Beainnina Prior to the First Davof the First Plan Year Beainnina after December 31. 1989 (a) The Plan Administrator shall pay reimbursements offered under Section 5.2 of this Health FSA Plan only to the extent permitted by a Participant's account balance and the maximum reimbursement elected. The Plan Administrator shall pay reimbursements as soon as practicable after receipt of each claim form. (b) Premium contribution amounts elected by a Participant and not applied as reimbursement payments for Qualifying Medical Expenses incurred during the Plan Year shall be forfeited and returned to the general assets of the Employer. Participants have until the date specified in Section 5.1 (b) herein of the following Plan Year to submit claims for reimbursement :. of Qualifying Medical Expenses incurred during the Plan Year. ~1.Q2 20 73 of 104 7.4 Reimbursement Procedures for Plan Years Beainnina After the First Dav of the First Plan Year Beainnin~ after December 31. 1989 (a) The Maximum Reimbursement elected by the Participant under the Plan shall be available at all times during the Period of Coverage (properly reduced as of any particular time for prior reimbursements for the same Period of Coverage). The Health FSA Plan shall not make advance reimbursements of Mure or projected Qualifying Medical Expenses. -- The Maximum Reimbursement at any particular time during the Period of Coverage shall not relate to the extent to which the Participant has paid the Required Premiums for coverage under the Health FSA Plan. Similarly. the payment schedule for the Required Premiums for coverage under the Health FSA Plan shall not be based on the rate or amount of Incurred Expenses during the Period of Coverage. Reimbursement shall be paid no more than monthly or later when the total amount of claims to be submitted is at least $50 or such reasonable minimum amount as specified in Applicable Law. (b) Participants have until the date specified in Section 5.1 (b) herein of the following Plan Year to submit claims for reimbursement of Qualifying Medical Expenses incurred during a Period of Coverage. DIW01.Q2 21 74 of 104 7.5 Documentation Processing DIW01.Q2 The Plan Administrator will process and review all claim forms that are submitted by Participants. The scope of the Plan Administrator's review with respect to this Health FSA Plan is to determine: (a) whether the Participant's expenses appear to be Qualifying Medical Expenses, and (b) whether the Participant's claim form is accompanied by the required documentation. The Plan Administrator may request any reasonable information needed to substantiate a claim. The Plan Administrator shall not be responsible for undertaking any independent inquiry into the truth of statements made in the Participant's claim form. 22 75 of 104 ARTICLE VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.1 Administration of the Health Flexible Soendina Arranaement Plan The Health FSA Plan shall be administered in accordance with provisions set forth in Article V of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. 8.2 Miscellaneous Provisions of the Health Flexible Soendina Arranaement Plan The miscellaneous provisions described in Article VII of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan shall also apply to this Health FSA Plan. 8.3 Amendment and Termination of the Health Flexible Soendina Arranaement Plan The Employer reserves the right to amend or terminate this Health FSA Plan in whole or in part at any time, subject to the terms of Article VIII of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. The Health FSA may be terminated only as of the end of any Plan Year. Any elections made for the next Plan Year will be null and void. The Plan may be terminated at any time by action of the Employer if the Memorandum of Understanding of each employee representation unit which has established the Plan has expired without renewal or an extension agreement, or : if a subsequent Memorandum of Understanding of each employee representation unit eliminates the Plan. DIW01~ 23 &. 76 of 104 ADOPTION OF THE HEALTH FLEXIBLE SPENDING ARRANGEMENT PLAN As evidence of its adoption of this Health Flexible Spending Arrangement Plan, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has caused this instrument to be signed by its officers thereunder duly authorized hereto this day of , 198_" .... By: Susan McNulty Rainey (Date) For: THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Susan McNulty Rainey (Print Name and Title) President of the Board ATTEST: By: (Sign Name) (Date) Jovce McMillan. Secretary of the District (Print Name and Title) (Seal) Approved as to form James L Hazard District Counsel DM0142 24 tachment 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE PLAN (A Component Plan of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Section 125 Cafeteria Plan) Effective May 1, 1989 77 of 104 78 of 104 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION 1 ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS 2 ARTICLE II SCOPE OF THE PLAN 5 ARTICLE III ELIGIBILITY AND PLAN PARTICIPATION 6 ARTICLE IV DEPENDENT CARE EXpeNSES 8 ARTICLE V PLAN FUNDING 10 ARTICLE VI BENEFITS 13 ARTICLE VII CLAIMS PROCEDURES 14 ARTICLE VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS 17 SIGNATURE PAGE 79 of 104 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE PLAN INTRODUCTION Effective as of May 1, 1989, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (hereinafter Employer) adopts the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Dependent Care Assistance Plan (hereinafter DCAP) to allow Eligible Employees of the Employer to elect to receive dependent care assistance benefits which are excludible from gross income under Section 129(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, 8S amended (hereinafter Code),. as provided herein and in accordance with the terms of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Section 125 Cafeteria Plan (he~einatter Section 125 Cafeteria Plan). This DCAP is a Component Plan of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan and, except to the extent otherwise expressly provided herein, is governed by the rules and regulations of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. The DCAP is intended to qualify as a dependent care assistance program within the meaning of Section 129(d) of the Code and to meet the requirements of any other applicable provisions of the law. C1W01.03 1 8189 80 of 104 ARTICLE I DEFINITIONS The definitions in the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan apply to this Component Plan as well, with the following additions. 1.1 Deoendent An individual who is either: (a) a child who is under the age of 13 and with respect to whom an employee or his or her spouse is entitled to a dependency exemption under Section 151 (c) of the Code, and who is in the custody of the Participant for more than half of the year; (b) a relative or household member of an employee who receives over half of his or her support from the employee and who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself or herself; or (c) the spouse of an employee who is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself or herself. 1.2 Deoendent Care Assistance Plan Contributions The total of Employer Credits and Salary Reduction Contributions elected by the Participant to be directed to the Dependent Care Assistance subaccount. 01 W01-03 2 8/89 81 of 104 1.3 Deoendent Care Exoenses The expenses specified in Article IV herein that qualify as Eligible Expenses. 1.4 Earned Income Wages, salaries, tips and other employee compensation, plus net earnings from self-employment, computed without regard to any community property laws. It does not include any amounts received as a pension or annuity, as reimbursement of Eligible Expenses under this DCAP or any other employer's dependent care assistance program. ~ er:nployee's spouse who is either a student or incapable of caring for himself or herself shall be deemed, for each month during which such spouse is either a full-time student at an educational institution or a Dependent, to be gainfully employed and to have Earned Income of not less than: (a) $200 per month, if the employee has only one Dependent for the Plan Year, or (b) $400 per month, if the employee has two or more Dependents for the Plan Year. 1.5 Eligible Emplovees Any employee of the Employer represented by the Management Support_. Confidential Group, the Management Group or the General Manager - Chief Engineer, the Secretary of the District, or the Deputy General Manager. Any person who is covered by a collective bargaining agreement which does not D1W01-03 3 8189 82 of 104 provide for inclusion in this DCAP, shall not be an Eligible Employee. Any person who performs service for an Employer solely as an independent contractor shall not be an Eligible Employee. 1.6 Exoerience Gain The excess of DCAP Contributions paid over the Plan's total claim reimbursements and reasonable administrative costs for the Plan Year. 1.7 Incurred Exoenses Dependent Care Expenses incurred by the Participant during the Plan Year. Expenses are not treated as having been incurred when the Participant is formally billed or charged for or pays for the dependent care assistance. In addition, expenses are not treated as incurred during a Plan Year under the Plan if such expenses are incurred before the later of the Effective Date of the Plan or the date on which the Participant first becomes enrolled under the Plan. 1.8 Premium Pavers The Participants from whom DCAP Contributions are paid by Salary Reduction or with Employer Credits. D1W01-03 4 '/89 83 of 104 ARTICLE II SCOPE OF THE PLAN Subject to the conditions and limitations set forth in this Dependent Care Assistance Plan document and in the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, each Participant may elect to receive reimbursement under the DCAP for his or her Dependent Care Expenses in lieu of an equal amount of cash. 01 W01.o3 5 8/89 84 of 104 ARTICLE III ELIGIBILITY AND PLAN PARTICIPATION 3.1 Eliaibilitv The eligibility provisions of Section 2.1 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan shall apply to this DCAP. 3.2 Election for Particioation Eligible Employees may elect to participate in the DCAP by submitting annually a Salary Reduction election form to the Employer in accordance with Article III of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, and by designating the amount of Salary Reduction and Employer Credits to be allocated to the DCAP subaccount, as provided in Sections 3.2 and 3.3 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. 3.3 Termination of Particioation Participation in this DCAP shall terminate on the last day of the Plan Year. Dependent Care Expenses incurred after such date shall not be eligible for reimbursement. An employee shall no longer be a Participant under this DCAP if the Memorandum of Understanding which authorizes the participation of such , employee in the DCAP expires without renewal or an extension agreement. D1W01-03 6 8189 85 of 104 3.4 Reinstatement of Former Participant D1 W01.()3 Former Participants of the DCAP shall be reinstated consistent with the provisions of Section 2.4 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. 7 8189 86 of 104 ARTICLE IV DEPENDENT CARE EXPENSES 4.1 Dependent Care Expenses are amounts paid by a Participant for expenses for the care of a Dependent which are incurred to enable the Participant to be gainfully employed by the Employer for any period for which he or she has one or more Dependents, provided that: (a) if such expenses are incurred for services outside a Participant's household, they are incurred for the care of a child as defined in Section 1.1 (a), or of another Dependent defined in Section 1.1 (b) or (c) who regularly spends at least eight hours each day in the Participant's household, (b) if such outside services are provided by a dependent care center, such center: (i) receives a fee, payment or grant for providing services for any of the individuals (regardless of whether such facility is operated for profit), and (ii) provides for not more than six individuals, or (iii) provides care for more than six individuals (other than individuals. who reside at the facility) and complies with the applicable State and local government laws and regulations, and D1W01.03 8 8189 87 of 104 (c) if such expenses are for household services they are attributable in part to the care of a Dependent and are necessary to the maintenance of the household. 4.2 Dependent Care Expenses shall in no event include amounts paid by a Participant to an individual: (a) with respect to whom a deduction is allowable to the Participant or the spouse under Section 151 (c) of the Code (relating to personal exemptions for dependents). or (b) who is a child (within the meaning of Section 151 (c}(3) of the Code) of the Participant under the age of 19 at the close of the Plan Year in which such amounts are paid. 4.3 Dependent Care Expenses shall in no event include amounts paid by a Participant for the overnight camp expenses of a Dependent. D1W01-03 9 8/89 88 of 104 ARTICLE V PLAN FUNDING 5.1 Establishment of Accounts Section 3.1 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan which provides for the establishment of accounts and subaccounts shall also apply to this DCAP. 5.2 Emolover Credits Employer Credits provided under Section 3.2 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan shall be available under this DCAP. 5.3 Salary Reduction Election Procedures In accordance with Article III of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan, each Participant shall designate the amount of Salary Reduction contributions to be available during the Plan Year for Dependent Care Expense reimbursements under the DCAP. 5.4 Time for Makino Salary Reduction Elections The timing for Salary Reduction elections under the DCAP shall be consistent with the timing outlined in Section 3.4 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. 01 W01.()3 10 tI89 89 of 104 5.5 Chanqe or Revocation of Salary Reduction Election Section 3.5 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan which provides for a change or revocation of a Salary Reduction election shall also apply to this DCAP. 5.6 Limit on Amount Credited to the Dependent Care Assistance Plan The Salary Reduction amount elected by a Participant for reimbursement during the Plan Year, combined with any other dependent care assistance received through an employment-related plan by the Participant or his or her spouse, may not exceed the lesser of: (a) $5,000 ($2,500 if the Participant is married and files a Federal Income Tax return separately from his or her spouse), or (b) the Participant's annual Compensation, or (c) annual compensation earned by the Participant's spouse, if the Participant is married. However. the applicable special limit in Code Section 21 (d) applies if the Participant's spouse is a full-time student or is physically or mentally incapable of caring for himself or herself. 5.7 Experience Gains If the Plan has an Experience Gain with respect to a Plan Year, such Experience Gain shall be returned to the Running Expense Fund of the Employer. 0' WO,..()3 11 8/89 90 of 104 5.8 Plan Administrator's Power to Modify Elections Section 3.10 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan which provides the Plan Administrator with the power to modify Salary Reduction elections shall also apply to this DCAP. 01 W01.03 12 8/89 91 of 104 ARTICLE VI BENEFITS 6.1 General Rule The provisions of Section 4.1 of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan document shall also apply to this DCAP. 6.2 Deoendent Care Exoense Reimbursements Amounts credited to a Participant's DCAP subaccount for a Plan Year may be applied to reimburse the Participant, up to the maximum allowable amount specified in Section 5.6 for Dependent Care Expenses incurred during such Plan Year and not otherwise reimbursed or paid under any other plan or program. On or before January 31 of each year, the Employer shall furnish a written statement to any Participant who received Dependent Care Expense reimbursements under this Article during the preceding calendar year, showing the amount of such benefits during such year. 6.3 Limitation of Benefits for Certain Individuals The benefits provided under this DCAP may be limited for certain Participants in accordance with the non-discrimination provisions contained in Code Section 129(d)(2) and 129(d)(3). 01W01-03 13 8/89 92 of 104 ARTICLE VII CLAIMS PROCEDURES In addition to the provisions outlined in the Sections below, the claims procedures in Article VI of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan shall apply for this DCAP as well. 7.1 Claims Substantiation Effective the first day of the first Plan Year beginning after December 31, 1989, the DCAP shall reimburse a Dependen~ Ca(e Expense only if the Participant provides a written statement from an independent third party stating when the expense was incurred and the amount of such expense. In addition, the Participant must provide a written statement that the De~endent Care Expense has not been reimbursed or is not reimbursable under any other dependent care assistance plan. Claim forms which are not accompanied by properly documented expense vouchers may be returned to the Participant by the Plan Administrator for further documentation. Each Participant who fails to supply additional documentation by May 30th of the following Plan Year shall be deemed not to have requested reimbursement for the amounts in question. No Participant shall have any rights or be entitled to any reimbursement under the DCAP unless a claim form is submitted as specified. 01 W01-03 14 8~ 93 of 104 7.2 Reimbursement Procedures (a) Participants may claim reimbursement by submitting a request for reimbursement form to the Plan Administrator. The Plan Administrator shall pay reimbursements offered under Section 6.2 only to the extent permitted by a Participant's account balance, the maximum reimbursement elected, and the maximum allowed by Ia~. The Plan Administrator shall pay reimbursements as soon as practicable after receipt of each claim form. (b) In the event a Participant does not qualify for reimbursement of the amount elected during the Plan Ye~, tt)e difference between the amount of Salary Reduction elected and actual reimbursements shall be forfeited at the end of the Plan Year and returned to the Runn I ng Expense Fund of the Employer as provided In Section 5.7 of this OCAP. , (c) Participants have until May 30th of the following Plan Year to submit claims for reimbursement of Dependent Care Expenses incurred during a Plan Year. 7.3 Documentation Processing The Plan Administrator will process and review all claim forms that are submitted by Participants. The scope of the Plan Administrator's review with respect to this DeAP is to determine: (a) whether the Participant's expenses appear to be Dependent Care '. Expenses, and (b) whether the Participant's claim form is accompanied by the required documentation. D1W01~ 15 M9 94 of 104 The Plan Administrator may request any reasonable information needed to substantiate a claim. The Plan Administrator shall not be responsible for undertaking any independent inquiry into the truth of statements made in the Participant's claim form. D1W01.Q3 16 8189 95 of 104 ARTICLE VIII GENERAL PROVISIONS 8.1 Administration of the Dependent Care Assistance Plan The DCAP shall be administered in accordance with provisions set forth in Article V of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. 8.2 Miscellaneous Provisions of the Deoendent Care Assistance Plan The miscellaneous provisions described in Article VII of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan shall also apply to this DCAP. 8.3 Amendment and Termination of the Deoendent Care Assistance Plan The Employer reserves the right to amend or terminate this DCAP in whole or in part at any time, subject to the terms of Article VIII of the Section 125 Cafeteria Plan. The DCAP may be terminated at any time by action of the Employer if the Memorandum of Understanding of each employee representation unit which has established such DCAP has expired without renewal or an extension agreement, or if a subsequent Memorandum of Understanding of each employee representation unit eliminates such DCAP. D1W01-03 17 8189 96 of 104 ADOPTION OF THE DEPENDENT CARE ASSISTANCE PLAN As evidence of its adoption of this Dependent Care Assistance Plan, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has caused this instrument to be signed by its officers thereunder duly authorized hereto this day of , 198_" By: Susan McNulty Rainey (Date) For: THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Susan McNulty Rainev (Print Name and Trtle) President of the Board ATTEST: By: (Sign Name) (Date) Joyce McMillan. Secretary of the District (Print Name and Title) (Seal) Approved as to form James L Hazard District Counsel 01 W01-o3 18 8189 ,_"_._,__~____._~_.____._. "__~"'____"_'_"____~"_'"__~____~_"_""_'.__^__'____._____.__"_"'_____~...___."___.__.~._,_..,~_._____.. _ .___..___n_ . .__._.......__..__....._._...__._._,._,__.,.._...~__..._..."..__.".._._.____.._."'________ ..,..,.__._._,.~_.__m...__..___,..,""._ . ~achment 2 CENTRAL. CONlRA COSTA SANITARY DISlRICT CAFETERIA PlAN S~ary Plan Descrtptton May, 1989 97 of 104 98 of 104 /BOOT YQUR CAFETERIA PlAN The District has designed its Cafeteria Plan to conform wfth regulatfons under Sectfon 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Accordfngly, the Plan gfves you the freedom to choose different taxable and pre-tax benefits to suit your fndfvidual needs. It also provides for new benefits such as the dependent care assistance plan. If you do not wish to select any of the pre-tax benefits, you may choose a cash option instead. The cash option may be used as additional taxable income or spent on a variety of taxable benefits such as individual term life insurance premiums, educatfon tuition, fitness club fees, annual physicals, and military or public service retirement credit buy-back. You wl1l be required to complete a selection form at the beginning of each plan year indicating the type of benefit selected and the amount of contr1butfon for such benefits. 1800T THIS SUf4i4ARY PLAN DESaUPTION Thfs summary is desfgned to descrfbe the hfghlfghts of the Plan 1n plafn 1 anguage and 'to summarfze the 1 ega 1 prov f sf ons that govern the Pl an. The text of the actual pl an documents are on file fn the Personnel Offfce. They are available upon request for your inspection. HQf THE CAFETERIA PLAN WmKS The Cafeteria Plan appltes to three employee categorfes: the Management SupportlConf1dent1 al Group, the Management Group and the Deputy General Manager. The Distrfct wl1l provide each employee represented by the Management SupportlConffdenti al Group (MS/OO) wfth $86 per month for use 1n the Cafeterfa Plan. Employees represented by the Management Group and 'the Deputy General Manager rece1ve $150 per month fran 'the District for use in the Cafeteria Plan. In order 'to be qualified as an "el1g1ble participant" for these District contributions. you must be an employee represented by MS/CG or Management, or the Deputy General Manager. Members of Executfve Management also recefve Dfstrict contrfbut1ons 1 ncl uded 1 n the Pl an by separate contracts w 1th 'the Board of 01 rectors. The Cafeteria Plan provfdes three major "options": 1) You may select "cashin and/or 2) You may choose fran a vari ety of 'taxabl e benefftsi and/or 3) You may es'tabl ish one or 1I0re spending accounts to use 'tax-free dollars for one or both of 'the following: A) Health Care Spending Account: for qua11fying health care expenses not covered by District health plans B) Dependent Care Spendfng Account: for qua11fyfng dependent care expenses such as nursing. day or preschool care Each of 'these optfons 1s outlined 1n thfs summary. If you have further ques't10ns, please do not hesitate to contact the Finance Officer. -2- 99 of 104 TAX18LE CASH m BENEfITS An employee may choose ~o ~ake all or par~ of the Ois~ri~'s con~ribution ~o ~he Cafeteria Plan as cash. In ~his instance. federal and state wi~holding and other payroll ~axes will be dedu~ed and the full amount of the cash received w111 be reported on ~he employee's W-2. Cash received in this manner will have no effe~ on over~ime compensation or any employee benefit which is based on compensation. incl uding reti rement benef its. In lieu of. or in addtion ~o cash. the employee may ele~ from a variety of uxable benefits. The benefits in ~his category provided by the Oistri~ include: Individual Term Life Insurance Regardless of age. but subje~ ~o carrier requirements, incl uding campl e~i on of a heal th statemen~ for evidence of insurabl1ity, partici pants who select this benefit w111 be provided a $75.000 individual tenn life insurance policy in addition ~o ~he insurance presen~ly provided by the Oistri~'s group coverage. Panicipants se1e~ing this option w111 need ~o complete Evidence of Insurability "forms promptly ~ initiate coverage. The insurance premium paid under this option must be reported on the participant's form W-2 as earnings, but is not subje~ ~o payroll income tax withholding. - Physical fitness Program A par~icipant who selects ~his option may receive reimbursement for the panicipant's membership in a physical fi~ness center af~er submitting evidence of payment of lnembership fees. This option is reportable on form W-2 as earnings, but is not subject ~o payroll income ~ax withholding. - Annual Physical Examination Under this option, the par~icipant may allocate funds for a comprehensive annual physical examination for the employee by a doctor of the panicipant's choosing. Panicipants w111 be requi red ~o submit evidence of having received ~he physical examination by submitting ~he physician's invoice to receive reimbursement or ~ initiate direct payment. This option is reportable on form W-2 as earnings. but is no~ subject ~o payroll income tax withholding. _ Purchase Prior Military and Public Service Credi~s The Ois~rict's retirement system permits participating employees ~o make additional contributions in order ~o receive longevity credits for allowed prior military or public service employment. Contributions to the retirement system are required ~o be made in a lump sum payment or in installments over a period not ~o exceed five years. Employees with prior ml1i~ary or public service employment who are interested in ~his option must schedule an appointment with the Contra Cos~a County Employees' Retirement Association (phone number: 646-4137) ~o determine the contrib~ion amount requi red and ~o compl ete the necessary documen~s. A form 00214 will be required ~ support the term of prior mi1i~ary service. -3- 100 of 104 : This option is reportable on Form W-2 as earnings, but is not subject to payroll income tax withhold1ng. - Tu1t1on Reimbursement Under this option, the participant would be able 'to allocate funds for reimbursement of tuition for coursework in pursuit of an associ ate, bachelor, master, or doctorate degree from an accred1ted college or university. Evidence of enrollment would be requ1red to receive 'tuition reimbursement. This option is repor'tabl e on Form W-2 as earni ngs, but is not subj act 'to payroll income tax withholding. IEAllH CARE SPENDII<<3 AanlNT: TAX FREE DOllARS The District has added this benefit for the Cafeteria Plan. It allows you 'to use District contributions plus your own pre-tax income, "via payroll deductions, to pay for non-covered health expenses. Based on an annual el ect1 on, District contributions or employee contributions, or both, can be deposited into a Health Care Spending Account on a monthly basis. From this Account, you may spend 'tax free dollars for out-Of-pocket expenses incurred for health o~ dental care not otherwise covered by the District's health or den"tal insurance plan. Health or den'tal care covered by this benefit may 1ncl ude such items as (a) payment of deductibles or co-insurance, and (b) payment for health care that is not reimbursed by th~ District's health or dental plans. To be covered by the He"alth Care Spending Account, the health or dental care must be received by a) the employee, his spouse, or an eligible dependent b) be rendered during the plan year and c) meet 'the definition of "medical care" contained in Section 213(d)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code. Eligible expenses include vision and hearing care, orthodontia, outpatient mental health care, cosmetic surgery and prescription drugs. District and/or employee contributions made to 'the Health Care Spending Account will not accrue interest and can only be used 'to pay cl aims incurred within the pl an year. Cl aims Ilust be submitted within 'thi rty days following 'the close of the pl an year. C1 aims not submitted within this per10d will be den1ed. RE~teER: The Health Care Spend1ng Account is subject to a .use it or lose it" ru1 e. If expenses incurred are less 'than the amount you have pre-selected, you cannot receive a reimbursement of the unused amount, and 'the unused amount cannot be applied to the following year's expenses. Benefits will be paid when 'the F1nance Officer receives proof that covered health expenses have been incurred. You will be required to complete a claim form. Also, the Plan will not reimburse you for any expenses 'that have been reimbursed by any other benefit p1 an. lastly, you may not cl aim a tax deduction for any expenses reimbursed under this Plan. -4- 101 of 104 DEPEtl)ENT CARE SPENDltIi ACXXXJNT: TAX FREE DOllARS The District has provided this new benefit which allows an employee to use tax free doll ars for out-of-pocket expenses incurred for dependent care as defined in Section 21(b)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code. Based on an annual election, you may deposit into the Dependent Care Spending Account District contributions plus your own pre-tax income, via payroll deduction on a monthly basis. from this Account, you will be reimbursed for your eligible dependent care expenses only to the extent they do not exceed your deposits into the Account. The maximum dollar amount that may be deposi ted 1 nto the Account w ill be the 1 esser of $416.66 per month or your spouse's earned income, if you are married and filing a joint tax return. If you are married and filing separate returns, the max1mlll1 dollar contribution allowed is the lesser of $208.33 per month for each individual or your spouse's earned income. The Dependent Care Spending can be used for a variety of expenses. The Account is designated to cover charges for: a. babys1tters, nurses, housekeepers, or companions in your home if their service benefits the el.1gib.1e dependent, or b. an eligible day care center which meets state and local laws, provides care for more than six nonresident individuals (other than 1ndivtdua1s who reside at the center) and receives a fee for such servi~es, whether or not for profit, or c. preschool care, before or after school care; day camp dur1 ng school vacati on Expenses must only involve "dependents" who are defined as: a. a dependent child of the emp1~ee under age 13, or b. a spouse or dependent of the emp1~ee, regardless of age, who is physically or mentally incapable of self-care and regularly spends at least eight hours a day in the emp1 ~ee' s househol d. The Dependent Care Spendi ng Account has a nllllber of restrictions. Reimbursement from the Account will be limited to expenses which must be incurred to enable you to remain gainfully empl~ed. If you are married, your spouse must be a full time student or emp1 ~ed, or unabl e to care for your child or dependent due to a mental or physical disability. Un1 ess your spouse qualifies under anyone of these requ1 rements, you will not be eligible for the Dependent Care Spending Account. Certain expenses do!2! qualify for reimbursement. Some examples are: expenses reimbursed through another plan of the empl~ee, or if married, the empl~ee's spouse expenses incurred before enrollment in the Dependent Care Spending Account -5- 102 of 104 .. expenses cl aimed as Dependent Care Tax Credits on an individual's tax return expenses not elig1 bl e for Dependent Care Tax Credits, as for examp1 e: . educational expenses for a ch11d in the first grade or above, amounts paid to your children who are 18 or younger overnight care by a convalescent nursing heme for a dependent spouse or relative overnight camps lessons, tutoring, or transportation . . . . Dependent Care reimbursement must be for expenses incurred duri ng the Plan Year only. No interest w111 accrue on the money deposited into the Account. Only claims for expenses which are submitted within thi~ days following the close of the plan year will be paid. lastly, claims will be paid when the Account balance is sufficient to cover the claim or at the end of the Pl an year, to the extent of the Account bal anee. RE~M3ER: The Dependent Care Spending Account. is subject to a "use it or lose it" rule. If expenses incurred are less than the amount you have preselected, you cannot receive a reimbursement of the unused amount, and the unused amount can~ot be applied to the following year's expenses. To properly excl ude reimbursements from the Dependent Care Spendi ng Account, emp1~ees must include on their tax returns the name, address, and taxpayer identification number of the dependent care provider. Also, the employee must incl ude a taxpayer identification nllDber for any dependent claimed as an exemption if the dependent is at least two years old. The District w111 include on the W-2 forms the amount reimbursed to amp10yees from the Dependent Care Spendi ng Account. If you terminate emp1 ~ment, you lIIay request reimbursement for covered expenses up to the balances remaining in your Dependent Care Spending Account, providing the expense was incurred within the plan year and you request reimbursement within thi~ (30) days after termination. ItoPmTANT RESlRICTIONS fOR 11E HEAL 1H CARE SPENDIt<<3 AanJNT AND DEPENDENT ~ SPENDlt<<2 NX:OONT Federal regu1 ations impose two illlportant restrictions on District and empl~ee contributions made into the Health and Dependent Care Spending Accounts. First, each employee lIIust make his/her contribution into each Account on an irrevocable basis for the entire plan year. The selection lIIust be made before the begi nni ng of the pl an year, May 1, and lIIuSt designate (a) Account(s) selected and (b) the monthly dollar amount to be allocated to each Account. Second, any IIIOney in the Account which is not used during the plan year lIIust be forfeited to the District at the end of the plan year. This so-called "use it or lose it" rule requires the err)loyee to anticipate his/her expenditures from the Health and/or Dependent Care Spending Accounts for an entire plan year. -6- 103 of 104 aw<<iE IN FAMILY STATUS The IRS regulations provide for an exception to the rule that ~p1oyee elections are be irrevocable for the entire plan year. The exception is based on a "change in faml1y status." In effect, you may reconfigure your benefit coverage under the Cafeteria Plan if any of the following occur: 1. You get married or divorced. 2. You acquire a new dependent by birth or adoption or you lose a dependent by death. 3. Your spouse gains or loses employment. Other situations may qualify as a change 1n family status. The District w111 review each situation based on 1ts individual facts and circumstances. The District will also make the necessary determination concerning the reconfiguration required by a change 1n family status, if any. This exception may be important, for example, for an employee with dependent children whose spouse gains employment. The election of the Dependent Care Spending Account may be appropriate. . Should you experience a change in family status and desire a reconfigura- tion of your benefit selection, see the Finance Officer immediately. Changes in elections are only allowed within 30 days of the event necessitating the cha~ge. OISlRICT QW<<;ES IN THE CAFETERIA PlAN The Cafeteria Plan is intended to comply with various sections of the Internal Revenue Code. Therefore, as the Code is amended in the future, regulations governing the Cafeteria Plan may change. The Distr1ct has the obligation to ensure that the P1 an conforms to the Code and its regu1at10ns. All affected Bargain1ng Units and individually represented employees wl1l be notified of any mandatory changes in the Pl an. WI1K>RAWAL FROM THE CAFElERIA PlAN Once you have enrolled fn the Cafeteria Plan, you will remain a part1cipant fn the Plan until the ear11est of the following dates: the date of your termination fran the D1strict the date of your death the date you are no longer an "eligible participant" as described herein the date the Pl an term1nates However. any District or employee contr1butions made before any of the above dates wl1l remain in your account and be available for your use until th i rty days after any of the ci rcumstances descr1 bed above. If you elect District and/or employee contributions to pay premiums for dependent coverare under the Health Care Spending Account, this election will automatically terminate on the date you are no longer eligible for the health plan under which dependent coverage is provided. -7- 104 of 104 HQf 10 FILE A Q.AIM Claims may be filed as soon as possible after the expense has been incurred. or claims may be submitted at one time. You must complete the approved claim form and sign it for all claims that you submit. The claim form. along with the supporting documents (i.e.. bills. inVOices. evidence of other insurance or receipts for dependent care) should be sent to the Finance Officer. Claims submitted by the tenth (lOth) of each month will be paid within ~hir~ (30) days of receipt of the claim. All claims incurred in a plan year must be submitted no later than thi~ (30) days following the end of the pl an year. After reviewing the request. the Finance Officer will issue a check for the appropriate benefit. If a claim is denied for any reason. you will receive written notification within thi~ (30) days of the date the claim was submitted. If you disagree with a decision. you may appeal the decision as outlined in the Plan Document. MISCELLANEOUS This Cafeteria Plan shall be effective as of May 1. 1989. This Plan shall not ~ deemed to constitute a separate contract between the District and any participant or to be a consideration or an inducement for the employment of any partici pant or employee. Nothing contained in this Plan shall be deemed to give any participant or employee the right to be retained in the service of the District or to interfere with the right of the District to discharge any participant or employee at any time regardless of the effect which such discharge shall have upon h 1m as I. pa rti ci pant of th i s Pl an. Such personne 1 and employment matters are governed by the applicable Memorandum of Understanding or employment agreement or District policy.. rule or regul ati on. This Plan shall be construed and enforced according to the laws of the United States Government. and State of California. to the extent not pre-empted by federal law. The District does not assume any individual liability for the tax consequences of participating in the Health Care Spending Account and/or Dependent Care Spending Account by an employee and/or. employee's dependent. Employees are advised to consult a qualified tax advisor to determine if participation in the Plan is in the employee's best financial interests. -8- . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 5, 1989 NO. VIII. LEGAL/LITIGATION DATE September 29, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE PARTIAL ALLOt'ImCE OF CLAIM; DENY BALmCE 1 SUBJECT APPROV E lHE PARTIAL ALLOt'ImCE OF CLAIM FROM DALTON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY; DENY lHE BALmCE OF THE QAIM SU.f~H~Elf~Y Campbell Administrative Operations Manager INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Administrative/Risk Management ISSUE: The Dalton Construction Company has filed a claim for $308,593.95 against the District. An action to partially allow a claim but to reject the balance requires Board of Directors' approval. BACKGROUND: Dalton Construction Company (Dalton) was the general contractor for Phase I of the I-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocation Project which was completed on May 31, 1989. The location of the project is shown on Attachment I. Dalton has filed a claim relative to the construction work alleging that they are entitled to addi- tionalpayment in the amount of $308,593.95 primarily for extra work because of differing site conditions, delays caused by those conditions, the District's with- holding of information, and the District's alleged failure to pay a contract balance due of $57,200.00 (included in the total claim amount). These allegations center on Change Order No.1 for the original contract whereby Dalton Construction requested and received approval to substitute boring and jacking in place of open cut trenching for a portion of a sewer installation in South Mai n Street, Wal nut Creek. Attachment II is a copy of Change Order No.1. Under this Change Order, which was signed by Dalton Construction, they agreed to accept responsibility for costs associated with this change in the original contract-specified construction method including the determination of the suitability of the subsurface conditions for this proposed boring and jacking. They also agreed to bear all additional costs resulting from this change order and to maintain the original contract's overall price and completion date. The claim is for work which Dalton alleges to be extra to the original contract; however, the majority of this claimed work is included under the Change Order No. 1. Di stri ct staff has eval uated the cl aim and has determi ned that the actual amount still owed to Dalton Construction for contract work is $13,800 not $57,200; and that there is no extra work for which additional compensation should be paid. Staff recommends that Dalton Construction be paid $13,800 but that the balance of the claim be denied. A closed session has been scheduled in order that additional background on this claim can be presented to the Board. RECOMMENDATION: Approve partial allowance of Dalton Construction Company claim in the amount of $13,800; deny the balance of the claim. INITIATING DEPT/DIV. ~C /Jft( ARD ACTION 1302A- JEC JSM PM KA Page 2 of 4 ," ACHMENT I -< ,. Q SUNNY CT. CASTLE HILL ROAD Approximately 1,000 feet of 39" RC pipe by bore and jack method per Change Order No . 1. ~fr I -- ... ! . ,~c. LOCATION MAP N.T.S. TTACHr~ENT I I <X.WmAcr' awa: CEDER R). 1 CCCSD Contract No. 4428 Date September 28, 1988 Project Name 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Contractor Dalton Construction Company Sheet 1 of 2 I. DE'.OCRIPrI~ The subject Contract is herein changed to incorporate the following: Fran Station l7+l4:!: to Statim 27+l2:!:, change the design of trunk sewer pipe installation fran q>en trench to bore and jacking. II.CCln'Et&TIOO No cost to the District. III. <XH>l'l'ICH; A. All work to be performed and all materials to be furnished by the Contractor for the above-described work shall conform with all applicable requirements of the Contract, except as otherwise noted herein. B. '!he Contract CCJIq)letioo date, Contract price and all other items, covenants and canditioos of the above-referenced Contract, except as specifically IOOdified by this and previous Olange Orders, if any, remain in full force and effect. C. Contractor shall be responsible for the adequacy of design, engineering, and constructioo of the entire boring and jacking system. D. Contractor's shop drawing subnittal No. 7A, Rev. No. 1 dated 9/8/88, in_conjunction with Engineer's comments dated 9/22/88 to the sul:mi.ttal, shall be incorporated to this Change Order. E. All aCkii tional cost as a result of this Change Order shall be borne by the Contractor. F. All other specified requiranents, including rot rot limited to the following, shall ranain unchanged except as otherwise noted herein: 1. SUitability of subsurface conditioos for pipe installatioo by boring and. jacking design and method shall be determined by and be the total responsibility of the Contractor. Page 3 of 4 OCCSD Contract No. 4428 Contract Change Order No. 1 Sheet 2 of 2 2. Field verification of existing utilities by excavation per SC-g and 150020 shall be the total responsibility of the Contractor. 3. Contractor shall provide dewatering and ventilation systems subject to review by the Engineer. 4 . Contractor shall grout the annular space outside of the bored and jacked pipe, subject to review by the Engineer. 5. Contractor shall canply with ar:plicable noise and traffic regulations. 6. Roadway slurry seal and striping on South Main Street shall be in accordance with the Contract Documents and as ShCMn on the plans. 7. Specific details of the boring and jacking pipe installation shall be reviewed by the Engineer prior to work beginning. G. OC-42 and SC-2l on Liquidated Damages shall remain unchanged. Amount Of Change Order Not To Exceed: Addition $ -0- Credit $ -0- Original Cmtract ADnmt $ 1,088,600.00 Total Change Orders To Date $ -0- 1,088,600.00 Date .3...?e - bP~ ~ ApprOl1al Recaunended ~ Design Engineer: / U/f ApprOl1ed By: ~;z;:~- Date c;h g~g I rh;/lg... I { Date HT/RH :maa <n11 Page 4 of 4 _.. --------------------.----".- ... -^.'----..-.~-..--------------.---.,-.--~-..----..,-.....---.----___..____,......__..._.....___...._.._....._....._..'m'_~..._.___u._.~~.____.,._,.._._._.___~,____...,.,.,._'_"'_" _.." _._.____._.__..__.___._._.____.__.._.~____._.