HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 11-01-89 . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1989 NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS ~ SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO RANGER PIPELINES, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 433lA, HALL DRIVE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE I DATE October 30, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department En ineerin Division SUBMITTED BY Kyle L. Tonjes ISSUE: On October 25, 1989, sealed proposals were received and opened for the construction of District Project No. 433lA, Hall Drive Sewer Improvements, Phase I. The Board must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: In 1988, the Board authorized preparation of a facilities plan to study alternatives to improve a deteriorated sewer located in an easement near Hall Drive in Orinda. The facilities plan recommended a two-phased project. Phase I includes the construction of a 2,700-foot bypass sewer within Hall Drive to relieve the sewer of upstream flow. Phase II will involve construction of new sewer mains to provide service to the 23 homes adjacent to Hall Drive which cannot be served individually by the bypass sewer due to their physical location. Attachment 1 shows the Hall Drive Project area. Plans and specifications for Phase I of the Hall Drive Project were completed by CH2M Hi 11, and the project was advertised on September 26 and October 2, 1989. Eight bids ranging from $676,514 to $1,286,641 were received on October 12, 1989. A summary of bids is presented in Attachment 2. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Ranger Pipelines, Inc., San Francisco, for the bid amount of $676,514. The Engineer's Estimate for construction is $690,000. The funds required to comp lete Phase I are $904,414 as shown in Attachment 3. The total project cost for both phases is anticipated to be $1,650,000. District staff will administer the contract and provide inspection services. Office engineering services, including shop drawing review and clarification of design issues, will be performed by CH2M Hill. A cost reimbursement agreement for these services has been negotiated with CH2M Hill with a cost ceiling of $31,300. The Hall Drive Sewer Improvements Project is included in the 1989-1990 Capital Improvement Budget beginning at page CS-65. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 1302A-9/85 KLT TJP DR~J RAB ./7~ ROGER J. DOLAN REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 4]12uJ SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO RANGER PIPELINES, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4331A, HALL DRIVE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE I POSITION PAPER 2 OF 5 PAGE DATE October 30, 1989 18.2 since it involves minor alterations of existing public facilities with negligible or no expansion of use beyond that previously existing. A Notice of Exemption was filed with the County Clerk on May 5, 1989. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of contract for the amount of $676,514 for construction of the Hall Drive Sewer Improvements Project, Phase I, District Project No. 4331A, to Ranger Pipelines, Inc. as the lowest responsible bidder. 13028-9/85 iii ~ a:~ ~I ...,CIl)- 4(1-111 ~ii ~ I~CIl::1~~ ~2~~~~ !;~~rt; I-~I-~~~ !HI! ~ III !I! ~~w fj~ ~ fl! i Ie ~ I i I ~ : i I ~ N ~ ATTACHMENT 1 I- Z III ~ III > o II: A. :I Q. _ c( II: :E III Z ~ g III c( en g ..J III > - II: a ... ... c z: it Ui: i~ ~ ot- U Centra. :ontra Costa Sani{ ry District SUMMARY OF BIDS ATTACHMENT 2 PROJECT NO. 4331A Hall Drive Sewer Improvements DATE 10/25/89 ENGR. EST. $ 690 , 000 LOCATION Ori nda, CA a: ~ BIDDER (Name, telephone & address) BID PRIC. Ranger Pipelines (415 ) 822-3700 $ 1296 Armstrong Ave., San Francisco 94124 676,514 MGM Construction (415 ) 685-8812 $ P.O. Box 5757, Concord 94524 692,350 Bay Pacific Pipelines (408 ) 688-268? $ 111 Provincetown Ct., Aptos 95003 693,954 D.W. Young Construction (415 ) 837-0724 $ 1140-A Town & Country Dr.. Danvi 11 e 94526 766,965 ~1JB Pipel ine (415 ) 785- 5805 $ 858,099 P.O. Box 192, Mt. Eden 94577 Dalton Construction (415 ) 786-9426 $ 27577 Industrial Blvd., Hayward 94545 863,970 McGuire & Hester <415 ) 632-7676 $ 9009 Railroad Ave., Oakland 94603 888,888 Mountain Cascade, Inc. (415 ) 837-1101 $ P.O. Box 116, San Ramon 94583 1,286,641 ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ 250J-1I/14 Item ATTACHMENT 3 HALL DRIVE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE I DISTRICT PROJECT 4331A Summary of Funds Description 1 Construction Contract 2 Contingency at 15% Subtotal 3 Force Account Administration/Inspection Survey Public Information Legal Engineering Miscellaneous (Permits, etc.) Subtotal 4 Consultants/Contractors Office Engineering (CH2M Hill) Geotechnical Services Material Testing Subtotal 5 Prebid Expenditures Facility Plan (for Phase I & II) Phase I Design Subtotal h TOTAL PROJECT COST Funds Previously Allocated 8 Total Funds Required To Complete Phase I Project Total $ 676,514 101,500 778,014 60,000 10,000 2,000 2,000 2,500 1,500 78,000 31 ,300 2,100 6,000 39,400 82,000 128,000 210,000 1,105,414 210,000 $ 895,414 Percent of Construction Contract Cost 100 7.7 1.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 4.0 0.3 0.8 10.5 16.5 142.1 . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 SUBJECT NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF DATE QUITClAIM SEWER EASEMENT TO BLACKHAWK CORPORATION, JOB 4501, LOT 11, SUBDIVISION 6595, SAN RAMON AREA October 2 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITClAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Blackhawk Corporation, owner of Lot 11 of Subdivision 6595, has requested thElDistrict to quitclaim the subject easement. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was dedicated at no cost to the District in 1986 when the map of Subdivision 6595 was filed. Subsequently, the development plans for Lot 11 were rev i sed and the proposed sewer system was redesi gned. A new easement was granted to the District in August 1988 for the realigned sewer. The sewer has been installed in the new easement and, therefore, the original easement is no longer required and should be quitclaimed. The property owner has paid the District's processing fee. This project has been eval uated by staff and determined to be exempt fran the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitcl aim Deed to Bl ackhawk Corporati on, Job 4501, Lot 11, Subdivision 6595, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the Di stri ct to execute sai d Qui tcl aim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT/DIV. 04 fI/Jf JSM RAB 1302A-9/85 0 H EXISTING EASEMENT TO REMAIN f..- <::) -oJ QUITCLAIM EASEMENT PUBLIC SEWER MAIN o~ ~:~ v~ QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB 4501 SUBDo 6595- Lot 11 SAN RAMON AREA . Centra ':ontra Costa Sanitar) )istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1989 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 2 SUBJECT DATE October 27, 1989 QUITQAIM SEWER EASEMENT TO BLACKHAWK CORPORATION, JOB 4501, LOT 12, SUBDIVISION 6595, SAN RAMON AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITQAIM OF EASEMENT SUB~~~h~ ~Y Hall Associate Engineer INI;LIATltJG DEPc1 /DIV. D tm t/ ~nglneer ng epar en Construction Division ISSUE: Blackhawk Corporation, owner of Lot 12 of Subdivision 6595, has requested the District to quitclaim the subject easement. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was dedicated at no cost to the District in 1988. Subsequently, the development plans for Lot 12 were revised and the proposed sewer system was shortened approximatel y 250 feet. The shortened sewer has been installed and, therefore, the northern 250 lineal feet of the subject easement is no longer requi red and shoul d be qui tel aimed. The property owner has pai d the District's processing fee. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitcl aim Deed to Bl ackhawk Corporati on, Job 4501, Lot 12, Subdivision 6595, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the Di stri ct to execute sai d Quitcl aim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ /..,~ MJ 1302A-9/85 EXISTING EASEMENT TO REMAIN o~ ~~ v~ QUITCLAIM EASEMENT .... <::) -.J I QUITCLAIM JOB 4501 EASEMENT SUBDo 6595- Lot 12. SAN RAMON AREA . Centra ~ontra Costa Sanitar} .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1989 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 89-25 (ALAMO) TO BE INClUDED IN A FUTURE ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT DATE October 27 1989 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division Parcel No. Area Owner, Address Parcel No. & Acrea e Remarks Lead A enc 89-25 Alamo (7703) Richard A. Cordes 1490 Cedar Lane Alamo CA 94507 192-030-049 (0.38 AC) Existing home on a failing septic system. District to prepare a "Notice of Exemption" I I CCCSD RECO~ENDATION: Authorize P.A. 89-25 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9/85 ;&V DH II~ fIjfJ BREAR 352 AC STE!NER 8 FELICIANO 2~.045AC HAVERFIELD 4 3B AC :-.."- ~""'>- ,'- ", J 0 HE 5 20.0 CI AC PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 89.25 ...i/if..........u .1~~, ~...~\,: ::....:. .'. -..... . ..... . ..... ....... ." ...... ~. . " :. . . t. . . .... . . '. .j - . ','. . STAT! \ . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar} Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1989 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT DATE ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE QOSE OUT OF THE EL PORTAL BRIDGE SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJ ECT IN DANVILLE, <DP 4324) October 23, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY Ron S. Klimczak Senior En ineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: All work has been compl eted on the El Portal Bri dge Sewer Repl acement Project in Danville (DP 4324) and this project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: The Town of Danvill e campl eted desi gn of the El Portal Bri dge Replacement Project in 1987. Under the terms of a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement between the Tow n of Danv i 11 e and the Di stri ct, the proj ect desi gn included the construction of approximately 250 linear feet of new 12-inch sewer to be supported by the new bridge, thereby replacing an existing 10-inch sewer that was attached to the old bridge (see Attachment 1). The Town of Danville bid the bridge construction project and handled the daily contract administration duties. District staff provided inspection of the sewer work and resolved sewer-related problems during the construction period. All sewer work was completed in February 1989. This project is described in more detail in the 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on page CS-29. The town awarded the construction contract to Shasta Constructors, Inc., of Palo Cedro, California. The sewer replacement bid item cost was $30,300. An additional $2,361 was pai d to the contractor for requi red extra work, incl uding the reconnection of an existing sewer lateral not shown on the construction plans. Therefore, the total contract amount paid to the contractor for the sewer installation work was $32,661. The total authorized budget for the sewer project was $48,500. The total completed project cost is $46,955, which is $1,545 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project account which will result in $1,545 being returned to the Collection System Program. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 RSK RAB INITIA~T/DIV. ( ~~ NEW BRIDGE "'- "'- "'- "- "'- EXIST 1 O"SEWER ~ ------------------. NEW 12"SEWER o .:> <f I- Z ii: e -J lu EI Portal Bridge Sewer Replacement Project DP 4324 Attachment 1 2523-9/88 . Centra, ;ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 NO, V. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE OF TWO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SENIOR ENGINEERS AT A MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM DATE TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE TRAINING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Robert A. Baker ISSUE: Attendance by District employees at training courses over $500 or out of state must be approved by the Board of Directors if they have not been included in the annual O&M Budget. BACKGROUND: The Engineering Department requests authorization to send two recently promoted Senior Engineers to a special intensive management training program. The individuals recommended for this training are Tad Pilecki and Jarred Miyamoto-Mills. Messrs. Pilecki and Miyamoto-Mills have been Senior Engineers for two months, and twelve months respectively. Senior Engineers in the Engineering Department have a critical managerial role in the District. They are responsible for two to six subordinates and for capital budgets in the tens of millions of dollars. The Senior Engineer position is at the level where responsibilities shift from a primarily technical to a primarily managerial emphasis. Staff believes that a recently promoted Senior Engineer is at the right point in the career path to benefit from a high quality management training experience. In recent years, an innovative method of managerial training has been developed which is superior to traditional training techniques. This method combines classroom lectures in management theory with an individualized program designed to elicit substantial managerial behavioral modification from participants. The program includes collecting feedback from subordinates, peers, and superiors of the participants, analyzing the feedback for consistency and applicability, and utilizing the feedback to tailor individualized managerial improvement action plans. Staff proposes to utilize the training program offered by Management Action Programs, Inc. (The District has previously sent several managers through a similar program offered by Performex, Inc.) A reference check has been done on the Management Action Program, Inc. training program and the program received a good rating by a local engineering employer. The training program includes an information gathering phase, a three-day workshop session that spans a weekend at an off-site location in the Bay Area, and a fOllow-up consultation session after sixty days. The cost of the program for two individuals is $3,200 ($1,800 first participant, $1,400 second participant). This training has not been budgeted, so if authorized would likely cause a $3,200 overrun in the Engineering Department Education and Training budget. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IV, 1302A-9/85 SUBJECT ........ POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE OF TWO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT SENIOR ENGINEERS AT A MANAGEMENT TRAINING PROGRAM PAGE 2 OF 2 ~ttober 30. 1989 This matter was discussed by the Board Personnel Committee at its meeting of October 23. 1989 and approved for consideration by the full Board. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Tad Pilecki and Jarred Miyamoto-Mills at a Management Action Programs. Inc. workshop at a cost of $3,200. 13028-9/85 . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitar\l Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1989 NO. VII. COLLECTION SYSTEM 1 DATE October 30, 1989 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GM-CE TO SEND A LETTER OF INTENT TO ENTER AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN OF DANVILLE FOR A JOINT SERVICE CENTER ON CAMINO TASSAJARA ROAD, DANVILLE TYPE OF ACTION Authorize Letter of Intent SUBMITTED BY Joye Kurasaki, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Collection System Operations Department ISSUE: Authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to send a Letter of Intent to enter an Agreement with the Town of Danville for a joint service center located on Camino Tassajara Road, Danville. BACKGROUND: In June 1988, the Town of Danville (Town) initiated a feasibility study for a proposed service center facility on Camino Tassajara Road, Danville (Figure 1). As part of this feasibility study, the Town approached the District to identify opportunities for a joint facility use. District staff had responded to the Town's inquiry that there would be some benefit for a satellite District yard in the Danville area and that District staff would like to explore the potential for a joint facility. The Town and District staff have had numerous meetings over the past several months. Currently, the Town's staff is nearing completion of a preliminary site plan study (Figure 2). The proposed service center will cover approximately five acres. It will be used to accommodate the Town's engineering and inspection staff and its park and street maintenance staff and equipment. The Town's facilities will include an Administration Building, covered and uncovered vehicle and equipment parking, vehicle maintenance shop, material and spoils storage and employee parking. These types of Town facilities and operations would be compatible with the types of activities that the District would be involved with at a satellite service center. The District staff had made a presentation to the Board of Directors at its October 5, 1989, meeting on the Collection System Operations Department facilities and its options for future operations. A satellite service center would allow District staff to provide better service to the southern portion of the District's service area. The District would require a graded, paved, and fenced one acre, fee simpl e parcel of 1 and. The Town has sai d that they can accommodate the District's requirements. The Town staff has requested that the District send a letter which outlines the District's intent to enter an Agreement with the Town of Danville for a joint service center facility. This letter will be presented to the Town Council on November 20, 1989, when the Town Council is scheduled to approve the project concept and direct Town staff to proceed with final design. During the next two u~ MMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. JAL K. Al m SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUlHORIZE lHE GM-CE TO SEND A LETTER OF INTENT TO ENTER AN ,AGREEMENT WIlll lHE TOWN OF DANVILLE FOR A JOINT SERV ICE CENTER ON CAMINO TASSAJARA ROAD, DANVILLE PAGE DATE 2 OF 4 October 30, 1989 months, District and Town staffs will be meeting to develop the details of the Agreement. District staff will report back to the Board in December 1989 to present the draft Agreement. The Agreement between the Town and the District will be finalized in January 1990. Final design will be completed in March 1990 with the start of construction in June 1990. The service center is scheduled for completion in December 1990. District staff is negotiating with the Town on the cost of a one acre, fee simple parcel within the joint service center facil ity. The cost will be within the parameters set by the Board at its October S, 1989, meeting. This cost will be paid to the Town of Danville by Spring 1990 prior to the start of construction and will be obtained from the "Property Acquisition-Future Project" (page GI-4) which has a Sl.0M allocated for FY1989-90. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to send a Letter of Intent to enter an Agreement with the Town of Danville for a joint service center located on Camino Tassajara Road, Danville. --------- 13028-9/85 ~ III > = 0 .- .. . ... . e- O c.a ~ w - 0:: - ~ 1- c..::l IIa . lL. . 11II ,. " = c " ~ -- = ~'0~ = = ~ ~O,r ~Ofi~c/' ,/ ! , I , / 't:: -- z I y ,/// I ,I ;/ I I ,,~' I I It ~~j I~u... (~ r/ ~ +____ ___ 1014-' _/-. ~ ~_ ~ ,''''....../ ~ ~ ~ If ..- I A > I I /1 Z I //- I (A' I ;' I"~, ,,- bjba I I. r/ ~"'... "'... '.., k r----)~~ I LL, I ::1~1Y $,,.,........, ,,~I / ~ ~ 'y- _J ~ I ll) '" a> ~--++---+/~--+----h. "' / I r.H") -/<::" I -_F-/--r I 0"?;) ___F --T\ /- "?;0 I ;...., ,,-...,/ -<.. ../ ---- -\. r I; I I 1 _c---_____t I r/r/- 1 --'-- t--7~+--I-+- I (I I I fl I I) ~ I ["' //- I / ~ I ---+- I I I I > .> II . ..= ~ . :~~ .. .... o ~ ~ ~ . . ..~.. t f Cj - u -, ('-</-0/ /~ Or -</ss '-1 v-</ 1-</ 10-</.0 Not To Scale " ,.'" ~ TOWN OF DANVILLE SERVICE CENTER PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN FIGURE 2 . Centra-, ':ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT NO. VII 1. PERSONNEL 1 DATE ADOPT Q.ASS DESaUPTION FOR ASSISTANT ENGINEER (SOlID WASTE), (G-72, $3461-$4189); CREATE POSITI<* OF ASSIS- TANT ENGINEER (SOlID WASTE) IN AIJUNISTRATIVE DEPT.; REQ.ASSIFY ASSISTANT ENGINEER ELAINE J ACOOS TO ASSISTANT ENGINEER (SOlID WASTE) TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT NEW Q.ASS DESaUPTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Cathryn Radin Freitas. Personnel Officer Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: Board action is required to adopt a class description for Assistant Engineer (Sol i d Waste), (G-72, $3461-$4189); create a new positi on in the Admini strative Department; and recl assify Assi stant Engi neer El ai ne Jacobs to the posi ti on of Assistant Engineer (Solid Waste). BACKGROUND: The Administrative Department has become increasingly involved in solid waste matters. Historically, the District's role has been to set refuse rates and monitor franchise agreements. More recently, with new legislation regarding solid waste, 1 ack of a County Sol i d Waste Pl an, and the 1 andfill shortage, the Di stri ct has taken a lead role in recycl ing, public information, the effort to develop a Joint Powers Agency for sol id waste, and the efforts currently afoot to develop a transfer station/resource recovery facil ity along with the cities of Walnut Creek and San Ramon. In the future, staff anticipates a need to develop and implement a household hazardous waste program, effect the implementation of the pod system, and analyze rate increases affected by disposal facilities and transfer stations. Eighteen months ago, Public Information Coordinator Harriette Heibel was asked to help coordinate recycling for six to eight months. This was in addition to her regular duties in public information, graphics, and printing. In the meantime, recycl ing as well as other sol id waste matters have become a full-time responsibility, while the volume of activity in graphics and printing has risen commensurate with the expansion of staff and number of District projects. Consequently, the District has a need for assistance with solid waste matters. The District has been involved in solid waste issues since the mid-1950's. During the past five years, solid waste activities have significantly increased and long term solutions to the County's solid waste problems are likely to be many years away. Recycl i ng, househol d hazardous waste, the J PA, transfer/waste recovery facil ity, waste management POD transfer process, and simil ar issues will probably become much larger tasks in the future. Garbage franchisers have implemented programs required by the County Draft Solid Waste Plan necessitating increased amounts of District staff time to ensure program conformance. Since cities have been unwilling to take over franchising, the District can anticipate a continuing primary rol e in these areas. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9/85 CRF PM SUBJECT ADOPT Q.ASS DESaUPTION FOR ASSISTANT ENGINEER (SOLID WASlE), (G-72, $3461-$4189); mEATE POSITI<* OF ASSIS- TANT ENGINEER (SOlID WASlE) IN AIJUNISTRATIVE DEPT.; REQ.ASSIFY ASSISTANT ENGINEER ELAINE J ACOOS TO ASSISTANT ENGINEER (SOlID WASlE) POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 5 October 30, 1989 In the past, techni cal aspects of the sol i d waste program have been handl ed by the Engi neeri ng Department. An increased workload and capi tal improvement proj ects prohibit the Engineering Department from committing further staff time to solid waste franchising issues. Since franchiser activities have been the responsibility of the Administrative Department, it is appropriate to assign solid waste staff to that department. If, in the future, franchised solid waste responsibilities diminiSh, this position can be transferred to the Engineering Department. Elaine Jacobs, an Assistant Engineer in the Engineering Division has expressed an interest in the solid waste projects of the District. Her engineering skills will be helpful in assisting with the JPA's efforts to site a transfer station/resource recovery facility, designing projects for the disposal of household hazardous waste, and various recycling studies. Additionally, her human relation skills will be val uabl e in worki ng with rate payers, publ ic agenci es, and the staffs of our franchisers. Ms. Heibel will continue as the Public Information Coordinator and supervisor of graphics and printing. Staff proposes the salary and benefit costs of this position to be recovered through the franchise fees. It is estimated that Ms. Jacobs' sal ary pl us benefits for the eight months remaining in the fiscal year equals $40,400. She will report to the Deputy General Manager. Upon Ms. Jacobs' transfer to the Admi ni strative Department from the Engi neeri ng Division, the Engineering Division will request Personnel to initiate a recruitment for Assistant Engineer to fill the vacancy created by the transfer. This matter was discussed by the Board Personnel Committee at its meeting of October 23, 1989 and approved for consideration by the full Board. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board adopt the attached class descri pti on for Assi stant Engi neer (Sol i d Waste), (G-72, $3461-$4189); create a position of Assistant Engineer (Solid Waste) in the Administrative Department; and appoint Elaine Jacobs as Assistant Engineer (Solid Waste). 13028- 9/85 CENTR,4l CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Range: G-72 ASSISTANT ENGINEER ( S<l. 10 W ASlE) DEFINITION Perform responsible, professional engineering work in the planning, design, investigation, and construction of District sol id waste programs, pl an, coordi nate and impl ement activ iti es rel ated to recycl i ng, househol d haz ardous 'II aste di sposal; and other sol i d 'II aste matters, represent District at meetings of publ ic agencies, community groups, and refuse franchisers. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS Incumbents of this class perform the moderately difficult professional engineering work. Work in this class is distinguished from that of the Junior Engineer by the greater complexity of assignments and the increased independence with which an incumbent is expected to perform assigned responsibilities. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive direction from the Deputy General Manager. May exercise indirect supervision of temporary or permanent staff. EXHFLES OF DUTIES - Duties may incl ude, but are not 1 imited to, the foll OfIi ng: Coordinate projects between refuse haulers and the District. Design, write specifications, prepare plans, prepare schedules, and calculate cost estimates for a wide variety of complex projects related to sol id waste. Enforce District pol icies and appropriate state and federal laws, codes, and regul ati ons. Participate in the selection and direction of consultants. P1 an and conduct studi es and 'II ri te cl ear and conci se study reports with recommendations and conclusions. Analyze materials and design data submitted to the District. Contact other agencies and utilities and refuse companies to review field problems rel ating to sol id waste management. Provide data and cost estimates for the District budget as assigned. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Assistant Engineer (Sol id Waste) Perform rel ated duties as required. Pl an, impl ament, and coordi nate programs for the coll ecti on of recyclable and household hazardous waste materials. Prepare statistical analysis of current and future District franchised recycl ing efforts. Q.U1L.IFICATIONS KnCfltl edQe of: Principles and practices of engineering as appl ied to sol id waste management. Methods, materials, and techniques used in sol id waste projects. Modern development, current 1 iterature, and sources of information regarding engineering theory and practices, especially as it relates to sol id waste activities. Safety hazards and appropri ate precauti ons appl icabl e to work assignments. Abil ity to: Perf orm compl ex engi neeri ng cal cul ati ons and check, des i gn, and prepare engineering plans and studies. Enforce District pol feies and appropri ate state and federal 1 aws, codes, and regulations. Direct the work of other staff on an assigned project. Prepare technical sol id waste and engineering reports as assigned. Learn and observe all appropriate safety precautions as required by the District including, but not limited to, Cal/OSHA General Industry Safety Orders and the District's Respiratory Protection Program . Develop and maintain effective working relationships with various Di stri ct personnel, the madi a, commun i ty groups, bus i ness 1 eaders and governmental representatives. Experience and Education Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knCfltledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knCfltledge and abilities woul d be: ~NTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Assistant Engineer (Sol id Waste) Experi ence: Eighteen months of professional engineering experience comparable to that of aJunior Engineer in the District. Education: Equivalent to possession of a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in engineering or a closely related field. Licenses and Certificates Possession of an Engineer-In-Training certificate is desirable. Possession of a val id Cal ifornia Driver's License. . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitary ..listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 1, 1989 NO. IX. CORRESPONDENCE 1 SUBJECT DATE October 30, 1989 RECEIVE LETTER FOR ROO RAMSAY CONCERNING BOARD BOARD APPRCW AI. OF THE ARBITRATOR'S REaJlENDATION TYPE OF ACTION REAFFIRM BOARD DECISION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Cathryn Radin Freitas, Personnel Officer Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: Mr. Ramsay, through his attorney Mr. John Prentice, has requested the Board to reconsider its decision of September 21, 1989, which upheld the arbitrator's decision to discharge Mr. Ramsay. BACKGROUND: Mr. Ramsay claims that he did not receive his notice of the September 21, 1989, Board meeting in the mail until after the meeting had been held. He wishes to be represented by his attorney before the Board and would like the Board to reconsider its adoption of the arbitrator's recommendation for discharge of Mr. Ramsay. While District Labor Counsel Dan Clinton advises that all due process requirements have been met, staff recommends Mr. Ramsay and Mr. Prentice be allowed to speak to the Board on the issues addressed in the arbitrator's decision. For your reference, Attachment A lists a chronology of events leading to the Ramsay discharge. Mr. Ramsay has presented his case on numerous occasions throughout the disciplinary process in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding. This matter was originally scheduled for the Board meeting of October 19, 1989; however, it was continued until November 1, 1989, at Mr. Prentice's request. RECOMMENDATION: Hear comments by Mr. Ramsay's and/or his attorney; if new information is presented which was not heard by the arbitrator, consider if the Board's former decision was in error. If new and convincing information is not presented, reaffirm the Board's previous decision of September 21, 1989, to deny and di smi ss the appeal of Rob Ramsay, Mai ntenance Crew Leader, as the final acti on of the Di stri ct. ~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 CRF PM 3/16/88 3/23/88 4/13/88 4/26/88 5/11/88 5/18/88 5/24/88 6/7/88 7/7/88 7/15/88 7/25/88 8/3/88 8/5/88 8/22/88 8/29/88 9/6/88 9/20/88 ATTAOiMENT A ()tR~QOOY OF EVENTS Refused to shave for scheduled fit test. Discussion Record issued by CSO Field Superintendent Bob Mo<<ers. Second refusal to shave for scheduled fit test. Written Reprimand issued by CSO Field Superintendent Bob Mo<<ers. Third refusal to shave for scheduled fit test. Notice of Intent to Suspend for Three Days Without Pay issued by CSO Department Manager John Larson. Rob Ramsay appeal ed suspensi on. Hearing Officer heard Ramsay's appeal of suspension. Decision rendered by Hearing Officer to uphol d suspension. Ramsay given option to shave and have suspension waived. Fourth refusal to shave. Fifth refusal to shave for fit test in 1 ieu of tennination. Ramsay appealed Hearing Officer's decision but only if Board hears the appeal, not an arbitrator. Ramsay tol d any appeal must be heard by an arbitrator per the Memorandum of Understanding. Notice of Intent to Dismiss issued from John Larson. Ramsay appealed Notice of Intent to Dismiss. Hearing Officer scheduled appeals hearing. Date canceled at Ramsay's req uest. Another date was schedul ed and 1 ater canceled at Ramsay's request. Hearing Officer heard appeal of Notice of Intent to Dismiss. 9/28/88 Hearing Officer upheld the dismissal. 10/4/88 Ramsay appealed Hearing Officer's decision on dismissal. 10/20/88 - Board di rected staff to secure an arbitrator to hear the di smi ssal . 7/12/89 The arbitration was originally scheduled for Spring, 1989, but was rescheduled for July 12, 1989, at Mr. Ramsay's request to accommodate his desire to change representation. 9/11/89 Arbitrator upheld staff decision. 9/19/89 Ramsay sent 1 etter notifying him of Board agenda item to consider arbitrator's decision. 9/21/89 Board upheld arbitrator's decision. 9/27/ 89 Secretary of District notified Ramsay of Board action to uphol d di smi ssal . 9/29/89 Mr. Ramsay, through his attorney, requested Board reconsideration of arbitrator's decision. 10/19/89 - Board scheduled to hear from Mr. Prentice on Mr. Ramsey's behalf. Rescheduled due to earthquake. 11/1/89 Board scheduled to consider Mr. Prentice's appeal. PER/Misc. CRF/CHRON OF EV , LAW OFFICES OF BLEY AND BLEY AN AS8OCIATJON INCLUDING A PROFESSIONAL CORPORA.TION BERTRAND A. BLEY STEPHEN BRUCE BLEY JOHN F. PRENTICE 3lS3 SACRAMENTO STREET, SUITE 1300 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA 94111 TELEPHONE: C4UU 982-7311 CASIMIR A. WILSON STEPHEN F. WHITMORE LANCE A. RUSSELL' RAYMOND P. ROBERTS, JR. CAROLE Eo SELIGER MARGARET A. PENDERGAST COLETTE JOLICOEUR PETER A. FUBST.t FACSIKlLE: 141~1 982-7278 IFilEClEaY~1l) OCT 2 1989 . ADMITTED IN CALIFORNIA. AND NEW YORK t ADMITTED ~ THE DISTRICT OF COLUllIBJA. CCCSO ...."!tr::T!'.P.Y Of T~~ "'~''''. september 29, 1989 Ms. Joyce E. McMillan Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553-4392 RE: District employee: Date of Hearing: Dear Ms. McMillan: Rob Ramsay September 21, 1989 As you may be aware, I represented Rob Ramsay in an arbitration wherein Mr. Silver, the arbitrator, upheld the termination of Mr. Ramsay from his employment with the District. On September 22, 1989, I received a phone call from Mr. Ramsay who had informed me that the District had calendared a hearing to consider the arbitrator's decision with regard to Mr. Ramsay's termination. He further informed me that that hearing had occured on September 21, 1989 at 3:00 p.m. Neither I, nor Mr. Ramsay, had proper notice of that hearing. Firstly, I had no communication whatsoever from the Distirct or from the attorney for the District with regard to the hearing which took place on september 21, 1989 before the Board. Secondly, my client received a letter when he returned home from work on September 21, 1989 at approximately 7:00 p.m. that the hearing was to go forward that same day at 3:00 p.m. before the Directors of the District. The letter was dated September 19, 1989, only two days before the hearing was scheduled. Ms. McMillan September 29, 1989 Page 2 of 2 As you know, the due process clause of both the Federal and State Constitution requires that individuals be given adequate notice of public hearings that affect any property rights of an individual and property rights include the right to employment. Mr. Ramsay, an employee with the Sanitary District for 11 years, who never had any problems prior to his refusal to shave, deserves more notice than two days, and deserves the opportunity to come before the Board and present his position with regard to whether the Board should uphold his termination. Accordingly, I am requesting on behalf of Mr. Ramsay that this matter be placed on the Board's agenda for the next scheduled meeting so that Mr. Ramsay can address the Board with regard to his termination and exercise his constitutional rights as it relates to the adoption of Mr. Silver's recommendation. I will be happy to speak with you with regard to this matter if you so choose. Very truly yours, F. Prentice cc: Mr. Rob Ramsay VERBATIM/mcmilla9.29