HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-07-89 . Centra. Contra Costa Sanltar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 7, 1989 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO T.J. LYNCH CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE THIRD FLOOR ADDITION PROJECT NO. 20090 NO. III. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 DATE August 25, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD S1..lBMIUED BY Ken ~. [averty, Purchasing & Materials Officer INITIATING DEPT.lDIY. Adm1nistrative/Purchasing ISSUE: On August 17, 1989, seal ed bi ds for Di strict Project 20090, Headquarters Office Building Space Utilization Project - Third Floor Addition, Bid Request No. A0090K were received and publicly opened. The Board of Directors must award a contract or reject bids within thirty days of the opening of the sealed bids. BACKGROUND: The Headquarters Office Building Space Utilization Project includes construction, remodeling and use of space-efficient panel-attached furniture which will increase the amount of actual work space on the Third Floor of the Headquarters Office Building. This project will accommodate the increased staffing and equipment requirements necessitated by the transfer of the graphics function from Engineering to the Administrative Department and the addition of two new positions in the Finance and Accounting Section. This project is included in the 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget on page GI-13. On June 15, 1989, a Board presentation was made detailing the overall project and all of the remodeling changes to take place on the third floor. This not only included the graphics office addition, but also the remodeling of the Informal Conference room into offices for the Safety Coordinator and the Internal Auditor, purchase of additional panels and modular furniture and reconditioning existing panel sin the photo/l ayout work and purchasi ng areas, wall hung cabi nets in the photo/layout area, desks, chairs, and new panel system with the associated modular furniture for six work stations in the Accounting area. The estimated cost of this portion of the project is $61,900 and is shown on Attachment I as Item 8. The Third Floor Addition construction is a major part of the overall space utilization project and includes a permanent office for the two graphic technicians including workspaces, storage, computer area, HVAC, electrical and fire protection as designed by Fox Design. The Notice to Contractors inviting bids was advertised on July 30 and August 4, 1989. Four sealed bids were received and publicly opened on August 17, 1989. The tabulation of all bids received appears on Attachment II. The lowest responsible bidder is T.J. Lynch Construction, Inc. of San Ramon, California, which bid a lump sum amount of $43,740. The Engineer's Estimate for construction is $42,000. The estimated total cost for the Third Floor Addition Project included in the 1989-90 Capital Budget was $90,000. District staff will administer the contract and provide inspection services. Shop drawing review and office engineering services will be provided by Fox Design. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION I3Q2A-8/85 K F L PM ~ INITIATING DEPT./OIV. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE A'/IARD OF CONTRACT TO T.J . LYNCH CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE THIRD FLOOR ADDITION PROJECT NO. 20090 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF DATE August 24, 1989 4 This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.2, since it involves a minor alteration of the existing District Headquarters Office Building. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of the contract to T.J. Lynch Construction, Inc., as the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $43,740 for construction of the Third Floor Addition, District Project 20090. -------- 13028-9/85 ATTACHMENT I Headquarters Office Building Space Utilization Project DP 20090 Post-Bid Construction Estimate Item Description 1. Construction Contract, Third Floor Addition 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies @ 10% 3. Subtotal 4. Estimated Construction Services to Project Completion Inspection Engineering During Construction (Fox Design) 5. Subtotal 6. Remodeling, Materials, Equipment and Furniture 7. Estimated Total Project Cost 8. Less Funds Previously Authorized 9. Total Estimated Additional Funds Required to Complete the Project Amount % Constr. Contract $ 43,740 4,370 48,110 100% 4,000 1,500 5,500 11% 61,900 114,610 90,000 24,610 ....... ........ I-- z l1J ::E :c u e:( I-- I-- e:( r' ~l - V ..... ~!:! 0'" ....L .... Z Y ::>f . _I~ "'w l1J ~y Z jO c.J ~f 0 0 ,-~ 0 z ~ t:L.. 0 0 ~ Ie I.J, ..! ,..... 1'-,... I I I n 0 I- r- ~::;: t-W (V') 0 l- I zY ,..... c:(. ~~. ::>f ~ 5 ....... GI ::Ii ::> "'w Cl z ~I~ ~ ~Y ~ t/') l1J ~ ~f 0 l1J z v~ L,,) >- :~ .~ I- I N I ,... i I I I~ ~ ~ co ;:: :ci: ....w ~ L1- ~ z~ ~ 5 :::..::2 ::>L Cl O::~ I-< o:l Z z :2 ..... 5~ l1J 0 v- 00 z ....... r;; ..L ........ 0 I-- e' ~~ (V') Z . ....... Cl LL I ~w '" Cl ;:: H....; ...... I I I ,..... e:( ,..., ~;.:: !:w ~ l- I zY ~ ~ ::>f 0 LL~ 0 ....J ~ L1- Cl ...w .cu l1J ~ .. - b: tr. 0'" 0 Z ....... t-L ~ 0 :c ~~ ........ z I-- ~w >~I '" L1- ~...... IU...... I I I (V') 0 ..... ~ I t;~ Z!.! ~"}- z ~f-U ::>f 0 Z ....... I- tr. f I-- u ii! :::> ~ ~ ~i z I-- ~ ~ 0 Q t/') :i z ~~ ....... ~ Z II: ! ~ e 0::> I-- ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ i Ii L ! ~ uS o:l ....... L) d 0 Cl .. .~ ~ cS .c = ~ :c Cl .: 0 5 e:( .. L1- I-- ~ !C 0 0 t/') . - . 0 ....... l1J Z Z Cl q -0 ~ 0 :::> ....... ....... I-- l1J I-- ~ I-- t/') ~ .,. u ~ C :::> 0 t/') Cl iii ~ LL ~ e... u ....... I-- 0: ....... o:l - . II. t/') ~ :c 0 :z l- i l1J e... 0 0 ;; - ~ e... e:( I-- . I .z u .. e... ~ == ... ! 0 c :::> C!) z , . :c ~ 0 0 I. -:] u: ....J l1J ....... z. ~ l1J :c I-- >-' ... ....J Cl I-- e... :J 0 l1J III . ::E ~ u ~ 'J ~ l1J 0 X . . ~ u.... l1J I-- ~ :;.!: i :5 u I-- e ~~ r...-. ,-J ::> 0 6 t ... ... 5F ....J % " .. 0 e :I Z .. " - :I 0 e % C Ol- D . ~ i e Ii ~i ....... e a t . Centra_ ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE PORT a-nCAGO PUMP STATION ABANDONMENT AND SEWER IMPROVE~NTS PROJECT (DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4326) AND AUTHORIZE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION DATE TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY Ron S. Klimczak Senior En ineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Port Chicago Pump Station Abandonment and Sewer Improvements Proj ect in Concord and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: This project is the second phase of the pump stations upgrade plan for the North Concord/Clyde area which has as its goal the abandonment of two of the four existing pump stations. The abandonment of the first pump station (Port Chicago Pump Station) was accomplished in this project, whereas the abandonment or other appropriate modification of the Clyde Pump Station is to be included in a future project. The project work consisted of the installation of approximately 495 lineal feet of 18-inch reinforced concrete sewer pipe and 1,370 lineal feet of 15-inch ABS sewer pipe with seven manholes and other appurtenances plus the abandonment of the Port Chicago Pumping Station. (See Attachment 1.) The project is described in more detail in the FY 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget, page CS-42. V&M Backhoe of Pittsburg was issued a Notice to Proceed on August 1, 1988. The original contract completion date was October 15, 1988. That date was extended to November 21, 1988, as a result of negotiated contract change orders agreed to by the contractor. The new sewer 1 ine was placed into service on May 31, 1989; however, the abandonment of the existing pump station and completion of the punch list work did not occur until September 1, 1989. Since the contract work h as extended beyond the modi f i ed comp 1 et i on date, the District is withholding liquidated damages from the contractor. Sane of the contractor's suppliers have filed Stop Notices with the District due allegedly to the failure of the contractor to pay for materials and services. One Stop Notice lawsuit has been filed against the contractor and the District. The contractor has also indicated verbally that he is considering various claims on this project. Notwithstanding the potential claims' problems, it is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. Upon approval by the Board, District staff will file the Notice of Completion to start the time period for identifying any claims by other parties against the contractor. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board of Directors at the time of project closeout. INITI~T./DIV. \4\- ~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 RSK JSM RAB SUBJECT POSITION PAPER ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE PORT CHICAGO PUMP STATION ABANDONMENT AND SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4326) AND AUTHORIZE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION PAGE 2 OF 3 DATE September I, 1989 RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the Port Chicago Pump Station Abandonment and Sewer Improvements Project in Concord CDP 4326), and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. --------- 13028-9/85 ce NTS Port Chicago Pump Station (abandoned on this project) 7 6 7 6 8 Concord Industrial Pump Station Bates Ave. Pump Station Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ~ TRUNK SEWER DESIGN Attachment 1 page3, of 3 . Centra.. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 7, 1989 NO. v. SOLID WASTE 1 SUBJECT RECEIVE STATUS OF PUBLIC TRANSFER STATION EFFORTS, APPROVE RESOLUTION AND AUTHORIZE THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD TO SIGN A LETTER TRANSMITTING A PROPOSAL TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FOR A PUBLIC TRANSFER STATION DATE September 5, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION SOLID WASTE SUBMITTED BY INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative ISSUE: The Board is being asked to take the initial steps to determine the feasibility of proceeding with a public transfer station project. BACKGROUND: The staffs of the City of Walnut Creek, San Ramon and the District have been meeting to discuss the possibility of a publicly-owned transfer station in South Central County since May of this year. The agreement with Alameda County and Sol ano County for solid waste export requi res the use of transfer trucks for the transport of garbage to their landfills. Given Contra Costa County's new landfill siting situation, three years is probable for solid waste export. This County's solid waste management plan will also require the use of transfer stations when the new landfil1(s) is constructed and in operation. Last April, when it became clear that all of Valley Waste Management's customers were being forced to pay for $23 million of unanticipated closure costs of Acme Landfill, staff from Walnut Creek, San Ramon, and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District began discussing a joint transfer station project. At that time, it was recognized that these costs would be continued at the Acme interim transfer station once the landfill closed. The County had indicated that they believed it would be proper for Acme to charge for 1 andf 111 closure as part of its operati on of the interim transfer station. As no other transfer station is currently planned for Central County, it appeared that Valley Waste Management woul d have no choice but to use the Acme transfer station and incur the 87 percent increase in tipping fees. The draft Solid Waste Management Plan precluded any transfer station from competing with Acme, except in South County. Efforts to include an alternative to Acme had been denied by the Board of Supervisors. Assurances from the County that it would regulate the rates at the transfer stati on to make sure that operati onal and 1 andf ill closure costs charges woul d be fai rand equitabl e were not enough for the two citi es and the District. The Board of Di rectors di rected the staff to explore a number of al ternatives to circumvent this costly bottleneck, including the siting and development of a publicly owned transfer station to compete with Acme's. A great deal has happened since then, much of it positive. The result of the two cities and the District's efforts are: REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT RECEIVE STATUS OF PUBLIC TRANSFER STATION EFFORTS, APPROVE RESOlUTION AND AUTHORIZE THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD TO SIGN A LETTER TRANSMITTING A PROPOSAL TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FOR A PUBLIC TRANSFER STATION POSITION. PAPER PAGE ? DATE OF ~ c; 1 OAO o The County hi red the firm of Touche Ross to do a comprehensive study of Acme's proj ected cl osi ng costs. o The County has continually stated its intention of doing serious rate regulation of the Acme transfer station. o The County is cooperating with the cities and the District to fund a study of alternative ways to collect for the appropriate cl osureof the Acme landfill, with the funds administered through a publicly controlled trust. o The County has inserted new language into the Solid Waste Management Plan that would allow a transfer station located as far north as Walnut Creek's northern boundary to be deemed appropri ate for South County. Moreover, language changes have been made to make it easier to determine if Acme's Permanent Transfer Station fails (if so, another transfer station could be sited to serve Central and North County). o The Solid Waste Commission, Mayor's Conference and Public Manager's Association have approved the concept of a new solid waste agency (Joint Powers Agreement) made up of the citi es, County, sanitary di stri cts and special district who franchise solid waste, to manage the County's garbage matters. One of its principal powers would be comprehensive rate regulation of facilities. o Waste Management has purchased a German company which manufactures a new garbage trucki ng system desi gned to carry the same vol ume as a transfer truck, but in three separate pods which are transferred from collection trucks to transfer vehicles in the field. This design would obviate the need to use a transfer stati on for the maj ority of househol d wastes and possible commercial wastes. The District is exploring this new technology with Valley Waste Management. Nevertheless, the three agencies have continued to study the concept of a publ icly owned transfer station in Central County to compete with Acme's, for three reasons: 1. A deep distrust for the Acme Corporation which has historically operated outside a public scrutiny, raising rates at will with little or no warning or justification. 2. The County does not have a positive record of effective sol id waste regul ati on. 3. Acme plans to build a $26-30 million dollar permanent transfer station on the Acme landfill site. To finance the project, Acme will require the commitment of the three franchisers' waste streams (in addition to other waste streams) for twenty years or more. None of the agencies relish 13028-9/85 SUBJECT RECEIVE STATUS OF PUBLIC TRANSFER STATION EFFORTS, APPROVE RESOLUTION AND AUTHORIZE THE PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD TO SIGN A LETTER TRANSMITTING A PROPOSAL TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY FOR A PUBLIC TRANSFER STATION POSITION PAPER PAGE ~ DATE OF ~ Seotember l;. 1 QRQ having to advise its councilor board to do this for lack of an alternative. This is considered to be far too long to be contractually bound to an Acme monopoly; too much can happen in twenty years. Although the County may prove to be quite adept at regulating rates at Acme in the long run, there are quite a few uncertai nti es in the short run. Wal nut Creek, San Ramon, and the Di strict all have hi stori es of effective rate regul ati on of thei r garbage haulers. More importantly, there is reason to believe that the three agencies can build and operate a transfer station less expensively than Acme, through competitive bidding of construction and services contracts. Complete publiC control over the finance and operation of the transfer station would raise public confidence and assure the lowest rates for the ratepayers. On July 24, two members of each respective board or council met to hear a presentation and react to the idea of a public transfer station. Board Members Rainey and Clausen represented Central San that evening. The elected officials from all the agencies expressed unanimous support for the concept. At the direction of the elected officials at the meeting, staffs of the three agencies have developed a Resolution (Attachment I) indicating full board support of the effort, a draft application to the County (Attachment II), and a working draft of a Joint Powers Agreement (Attachment III). An estimate of initial costs (Attachment IV) is also attached. The City Councils of Walnut Creek and San Ramon will consider these documents at their first meetings in September. The three agencies will be investigating sites along the Interstate 680 corridor between Martinez and San Ramon. The location would be south of Walnut Creek's northern border, unless Acme fails to build its permanent station, in which case it could be anywhere in Central County. Any such facility would have a major resource recovery and recycling function to perform and a household hazardous waste operation as well as the standard transfer of solid waste. The Feasibility Study to determine if the project can be financially feasible is estimated to have a total cost for all three agencies of $65,000. These moneys would be fully recoverable if a facility is built and put into operation. If the effort is terminated at the completion of the feasibility study, the three agencies would be responsible for the costs of the study. This study will also consider the comparative cost and feasibility of the pod system. Thus the study can be expected to provide useful information in the event that this alternative proves to be more attractive than the conventional transfer station approach. RECOMMENDATION: Receive status of public transfer station efforts, approve resolution and authorize the President of the Board to sign a letter transmitting a proposal to Contra Costa Count for a public transfer station. 13026-9/85