HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-21-89 . CentrA :ontra Costa Sanitar) .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 7 NO. IV. HEARINGS 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT HOlD PUBLIC HEARINGS ON UNINHABITED DISTRICT ANNEXATIONS 112-B, 112-C, 112-E, AND 112-F, AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) AND CONSIDER THE NEGATIVE DEClARATION BY LAFCO DATE TYPE OF ACTION HOLD HEARINGS D.A. 112-B, 112-C, 112-E and 112-F SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construe ion Divisio ISSUE: LAFCO has amended the boundaries of several of the parcels included within District Annexation 112. The District must hold a public hearing and consi der testimony by affected property owners before acti ng on the proposed amended annexation. BACKGROUND: The above-referenced annexati on was sent to LAFCO as requi red for the formal annexation process. Part of the annexation, consisting of six parcel s, was not changed. These six unamended parcel s are submitted for Board action on the consent calendar for today under two separate position papers as District Annexations 112-A and 112-G. No public hearing is required for these parcels because they had 100 percent landowner consent. LAFCO amended the boundari es of the four remai ni ng parcel s duri ng its approval process. These amendments were made to improve the continuity of the resulting District boundary. The amended annexations are designated D.A. 112-B, C, E, and F (0 was not used) and are considered to be four separate annexations. The four amended annexations, which are uninhabited, are shown on the attached maps. CEQA REQUIREMENTS A Negative Declaration addressing the proposed annexations was prepared by LAFCO pursuant to CEQA and was used by LAFCO in making its determinations and approving this annexation. In accordance with District CEQA Guidelines Section 7.17(f), the Board must review and consider the environmental effects of the project as shown in the Negative Declaration which is attached as Exhibit A* before approving the annexation. District staff has reviewed said Negative Declaration and concurs with its findings. ANNEXATION REQUIREMENTS District Annexation 112 as submitted to LAFCO was a single annexation. The action by LAFCO separated District Annexation 112 into the subject four uninhabited annexations, which requi re a publ ic hearing. Normally a separate public hearing would be held for each of these four subject annexations. If no members of the public appear, these annexations can be considered in one public hearing. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH JSM RAB INITIATING D~T./DIV. /1/1 1302A-9/85 SUBJECT HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS ON UNINHABITED DISTRICT ANNEXATIONS 112-B, 112-C, 112-E, and 112-F, AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) AND CONSIDER THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION BY LAFCO POSITION PAPER 2 OF 7 PAGE DATE September 12, 1989 If a member of the publ ic wishes to testify on a particular annexation, a separate public hearing shall be held on the annexation. The remaining annexations will then be the subject of the second public hearing. Legal notice was published, and the affected property owners were notified of the public hearings as required by law. The amended annexations are uninhabited (fewer than 12 registered voters). Factors to be considered by the Board in deci di ng to approve or di sapprove the proposed annexati ons are set forth as Exhibit B*. Following its review, the Board, conclusion of the public hearing, appropriate action taken: not more than th i rty (30) days after the shall adopt a resolution reflecting the 1. Certify that the Board has reviewed and considered and concurs with the adoption of the Negative Declaration of LAFCO. 2. Order the annexation if no written majority protest exists. 3. Disapprove the proposed annexations based upon any of the factors set forth in Exhibit B*. 4. Terminate the annexation if the Board finds that written protests have been filed and not withdrawn prior to the conclusion of the hearing representing 1 andowners owni ng 50 percent or more of the assessed val ue of the 1 and within the territory proposed to be annexed. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open the public hearing on all of the annexations or individual hearings on D.A. 112-B, C, E, and F, as appropriate, receive any testimony, and close the public hearing(s). 2. Adopt a Resolution certifying that the Board has reviewed the Negative Declaration, ordering the filing of a Notice of Determination as a responsi bl e agency stati ng that the Board consi dered the Negative Declaration, and concurring with the adoption of the Negative Declaration of LAFCO and taking one of the following actions: o Order the annexation if no majority protest exists, or o Di sapprove one or more of the proposed annexati ons that the Board determines that the annexation is not warranted, or Ia-..______.. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS ON UNINHABITED DISTRICT ANNEXATIONS 112-B, 112-C, 112-E, and 112-F, AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) AND CONSIDER THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION BY LAFCO POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 3 OF 7 Seo1:embA r 1? , QAQ o Di sapprove annexati on if written protests have been fil ed and not withdrawn prior to the concl usion of the publ ic hearing representing landowners owning 50 percent or more of the assessed valuation of the land within the territory to be annexed. *NOTE: Exhibits mentioned in this Position Paper are included in a separately bound document. --------- 13028-9/85 @ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION ... = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY - - = PROPOSED ANNEXATION * = SIGHED PETITION ~//701 = ADDED BY LAFCO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT ANNEXATION 112 B ( PARCEL 1 ) WAlNUT r;::~~~~ "..AVr. .......~ Q.I @ I ~.. P.M. ~ ~ l10iiffiM riJ,fmW I :;;;::: :u 'e I "'Ie i:! If 'P' * i iff rffr!W!!/i!i!i??t?!t:::::tfittmlt eS'.77 !it NU"e'N-W ........ I !!~ I I :ij / ~ij I ,!( ~I I;! ~ ): ~ I~ ~ I I ~ /'64 Of). ~. . I I , Page 5 of 7 @ /'7Z @ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION _ = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY - - = PROPOSED ANNEXATION * = SIGNED PETITION 111//ljt = ADDED BY LAFCO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT ANNEXATION 112 C ( PARCEL 3 ) Page 6 of 7 i'- .... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ <: N8a-I4'IZ'WoMZ.58 ~1 @D Iii ~.:::: 1 !f{{tp--*Wiiiff!%iit!/JMf::x.1$#i! Ii J ~ IB 8 CI,) ~ -.../ .s8Z..34~o'e 787. 5'5 .sT~EV; /o~S7 _ E R... * ...."". B48 @ / O.5r~OSKr) { 3161 tJ~. S/., ;A- 18 I".M.Z9 fBj, ~ -. . . ,... I", " ~~ l'-- ,,'? ,uti- ~~\ ,lll" c;',~ I]> \ I ~';-c1' 'i-'~" ~ @ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION ... = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY - - = PROPOSED ANNEXATION * SIGHED PETITION YI I I I fA =ADDED BY LAFCO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT ANNEXATION 112 E ( PARCEL 5 ) Page 7 of 7 .R/{) JENSEN I_~ ".~. ", 33 @ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION __ = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY _ _ = PROPOSED ANNEXATION * = SIGNED PETITION V / / / //A =ADDED BY LAFCO CENTRAL CONTRA C'OSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT ANNEXATION 112 F ( PARCEL 9 ) . Centr Contra Costa Sanital District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 SUBJECT NO. v. BIDS AND AWARDS DATE 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO CUSTOM CONTROlS AND ELECTRIC FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 10057, LARWIN PUMPING STATION UPGRADE Se tember 13 1989 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY Dav i d J. Rei ndl Assistant En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: On September 12, 1989, sealed bids for the furnishing of labor and material for District Project No. 10057, Larwin Pumping Station Upgrade, were received and opened. The Board of Di rectors must award the contract or rej ect proposal s withi n 60 days. BACKGROUND: The Plant Operations Department Maintenance Engineering staff has completed the installation design of replacement pumping units and variable frequency drives for the Larwin (San Ramon) Pumping Station. The new equipment has been prepurchased and delivered, and the installation plans and specifications are now compl ete. Two 100-horsepower Worthington pumps and motors and two Emerson variable frequency drives will replace the two existing 18-horsepower pumps as part of this project. The new pumping equipment will provide additional capacity for current increased flows and anticipated increased flows to the year 2000. The Purchasing Section publicly advertised the bid request on August 26 and 31, 1989. A total of 12 bid packages were picked up or requested by contractors. Only two bids were received and publ icly opened on September 12, 1989. A commerci al evaluation and a listing of bids received is provided in Attachment I. The apparent lowest responsible bidder is Custom Controls and Electric for $54,900. The engineer's estimate for the installation of the pump and drive equipment was $70,000. The total project is budgeted for $216,000 in the 1988 - 1989 Capital Improvement Budget, page CS-92. A complete project estimate is provided in Attachment II. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requirements for this project have been met since the project was addressed in the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvements Project envi ronmental impact report (EIR). The EIR was certi fied by the Board of Directors in 1986, and a Notice of Determination has been filed. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of contract for District Project No. 10057, Larwin Pumping Station Upgrade, to Custom Controls and Electric for a total of $54,900. ECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ....... I- Z W ::E: :c u ct: l- I- ct: c~ ~JI ~ ~ ~W .. v 0- - otIC 0- L 0- W - U Z - :> a: L ~W .. U ~ 0- - ........ 0'" 0- L CO ~ C> ~ ~~ ........ C> o-W - u l- n: z - :> '" .; ... II: ,....., w ;: D ~ ~ :;) t a ~W z .. u 2 0- - ~ u:;: 0'" ..L Z .,.. ~I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o-W g~ C -u R ~ z - c: :l '" o~ ... ~ '[ JW (/) .. U 0- - 0- 0'" ::E: .. L :::> ~ 0- Q) Z ,- ..w C> I.LJ zll I- ~ :;)'" C,!) ... z ....... VI :c ,... I- ie. JW 0::: ..u W C> ~ 0-- Z :3 0'" C> C> ~ ..... 0 C> Z C> . :3 E ~ Ig C> I- 0 .!!: ..w m I..L. -v ~ C> VI ~ r-I z- ~ :::l :;)11: ~ ~. L ~ Z ...;; :vi z 0 C> ~ ...... ~ ~ l- II: ct: ~ H -' ~~ -' w Z 0 ct: a g ~ ~ ~~ t W (/) ~ l- ll: B ~ 0:;) 0:: :> ~ C> ~ (/) 8 II: ~ ~ iii ... !'l ~ vS oC::i ...... C,!) z z 0 g g 0 J .. ~ ~ 0:: Z .. a: ~ t i ...... ... 0 W W Cl ~ ct: > .. 00": 0 > .. ct: ::E: .. -' 0:: Cl ~ I- .~ ~ ~ .. ~ W LO en 0 . W N ~ W en 0- m :::> ~ Ie: -' ex en ~ m 8 0- ct: W I~ ....... ;; W ~ I- 0::: 41) w:; 0::: -' ct: ~ ....... 0 I~ W :E co LO Cl iii 0<: @ I- ct: Ci Cl C> ...... ct: ~ ....... --J W C> co ... LL ::E 0:: ~ I- ct: ........ 0 v: a: I-- c ~ ct: ct: 0::: C> f .. ~ -' :> u . I- ! z "; ~ -' C> Z C> 0 c 0 ct: Cl I- -' ct: z z , ~ 2: a E Z ~ en C> - ~ .. g W ct: z .t; ...... c( l, Cl ::E: C> I- ... u ....... ;: en 0- ...... W W 0- ~ - :> 0- ...... I- :> 'J W 10 E X C> 0::: ::E ~ ct: ....... C> U ;! 0 - 0::: W :::> I- 0:: 0::: . >< +-> ti; - 0- (/) 0- W en Cl 0- W VI ;;;~ ~ t~ u ::> l- ii ~~ ~J= C> z ~ 20 -' .. I .. z . z ~ 0 c ~- ! 3 :. ri 2 . ...... . ~i . . L t ATTAOM:NT II LARWIN FUPING STATION UPGRADE DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 10057 PROJECT ESTIMATE 10 Percent Contingency TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 30,000 10,000 70,000 54,900 10,000 12,500 8,000 $ 195,400 19,600 S 215.000 Force Account - Design Force Account - Pumping Station Prepurchase Equipment Construction Contract Construction Management Inspection - Construction Force Account - Pumping Station (Construction) . Centra, ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 6 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Se tember 21, 1989 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 ORDER COMPLETION OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 112-A DATE September 12, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION COMPLETE ANNEXATION OF DA 112-A SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: A resol uti on by the Di strict's Board of Di rectors must be adopted to finalize District Annexation 112-A. BACKGROUND: The District previously made application to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for the annexation of ten parcels of land designated as District Annexation 112. LAFCO has considered this request and has recommended that Parcel s 2, 4, 6, 7, and 8, as shown on the attachments, be processed as submitted. LAFCO has designated these parcels to be District Annexation No. 112-A. No publ ic heari ng is requi red and the annexati on of these parcel s can be compl eted. A Negative Declaration addressing the proposed annexations was prepared by LAFCO pursuant to CEQA and was used by LAFCO in making its determinations and approving this annexation. This Negative Declaration is attached as Exhibit "A" to the position paper for the publ ic hearing on District Annexation 112-B, C, E, and F, covered earlier in this meeting's agenda. In accordance with District CEQA Guidelines Section 7.17(f), the Board must review and consider the environmental effects of the project as shown in the Negative Declaration before approving the annexation. District staff has reviewed said Negative Declaration and concurs with its findings. RECOt.f.1ENDATION: Adopt a resolution concurring with and adopting the Negative Decl arati on of LAFCO, certifyi ng that the Board has rev iewed and consi dered the Negative Decl arati on, orderi ng the fil i ng of a Notice of Determi nati on as a Responsible Agency stating that the District considered the Negative Declaration as prepared by LAFCO as required, and ordering the completion of District Annexation No. 112-A. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. A26 f}.(~ ~D( RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 DH JSM . _,w__.,,~__,_,_____'______"__"___"._'_.""__"~'___~.__~__,~___.._...._,_..w_~____..____.__,...__..._____._,__"'-".----''''''-''--'--'-''-'-'--''''-'''.'--.''--'-'--'...-.------,--~ Page 2 of 6 rEo \..I"'(:.S . 1 NC.. ...-..oflC. Pee) 90U"r~9'2- o.fl-- I o~~_~1 ",80.IS'~ . t"'I \. "Z.. ~ '" ~ @ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION -.mi. = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY _ _ = PROPOSED ANNEXATION * = SIGNED PETITION CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT ANNEXATION 112 A ( PARCEL 2 ) K.1NG IOZOO OJ(. 157 Ff:1. One ~~i s... Ut7!'E JACO~5EN /1-101> P.,t!. $a '" S ,,.55''''' "63.54 Page 3 of 6 #."55'& 691.H ~;:1.u.78 ~ ~ '0.0, , I ~ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION \57 _ = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY - - = PROPOSED ANNEXATION * = SIGNED PETITION CENl'RAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT ANNEXATION 112 A ( PARCEL 4 ) Page 4 of 6 ." .."$~4.lf0t U\ \J\ 0- ~ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION ~ ... = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY _ _ = PROPOSED ANNEXATION * SIGNED PETITION CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT ANNEXATION 112 A ( PARCEL 6 ) ~ ~ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION _ = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY - - = PROPOSED ANNEXATION * = SIGNED PETITION Page 5 of 6 @ 1'78 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT ANNEXATION 112 A (PARCEL 7 ) ..J IR.ONWOOD Page 6 of 6 ( ~ ~ ~ " ~ \!y = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION ... = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY - - = PROPOSED ANNEXATION * = SIGNED PETIT/ON ~'" . ~~~ ~ ~ CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT ANNEXATION 112 A ( PARCEL 8 ) . Centra.. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Se tember 21, 1989 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 10 ORDER COMPLETION OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 112-G DATE September 12, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION COMPLETE ANNEXATION OF DA 112-G SUBJECT SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate Engineer INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: A resolution by the District's Board of Directors must be adopted to finalize District Annexation 112-G. BACKGROUND: The District previously made appl ication to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for the annexation of ten parcels of land designated as District Annexation 112. LAFCO has considered this request and has recommended that Parcel 10, as shown on the attachment, be processed as submitted. LAFCO has designated this parcel to be District Annexation No. 112-G. As submitted, Parcel 10 was not included within this District's Sphere of Influence (S.O.I.). During the review process, LAFCO amended the District's S.O.I. to include the subject parcel. No publ ic hearing is requi red and the annexation of this parcel can be compl eted. A Negative Decl arati on addressi ng the proposed annexati on was prepared by LAFCO pursuant to CEQA and was used by LAFCO in making its determinations and approving this annexation. This Negative Declaration is attached as Exhibit A to the Position Paper for the publ ic hearing on District Annexation 112-B, C, E, and F covered earlier in this meeting's agenda. In accordance with District CEQA Guidelines Section 7.17(f), the Board must review and consider the environmental effects of the project as shown in the Negative Declaration before approving the annexation. District staff has reviewed said Negative Declaration and concurs with its findings. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resol ution concurring with and adopting the Negative Declaration of LAFCO, certifying that the Board has reviewed and considered the Negative Declaration, ordering the filing of a Notice of Determination as a Responsible Agency stating that the District considered the Negative Declaration as prepared by LAFCO as required, and ordering the completion of District Annexation No. 112-G. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~ f/;ti j~~ J SM }/( RAB 1302A-9/85 DH ~ 0- !3 ~ .. . ~ t ~ tI. 5.A. "40 aii'. '113 1,137.38 :5 ~~I44"W EAST AllY ~O"'At. F'J4R.X. DISTAICT ~1~rtl.t~lj~;;;lrIr~:~:\ , ~~. ..J.. ..i 1~!~')!\;:~';A~~+~~f;'U:;;ifrt~k \, .......~~. ........;i.}/fii.'....... -'ii ...."l1.q,-.(,/I> ~ .....,~.,.,~...,..~ '. ." '.. VI L E. ~:;~~~;~ -;(~,.+-~ _ _'~~" ,~ J Page 2 of 2 ~ V!!!J t:;:;\. V!!JJ ~() i'" ~~~l~l~l: @ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION ,.-- = EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY -- = PROPOSED ANNEXATION * = SIGNED PETITION CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRICT A...XATION 112 G ( PARCEL 10 ) . Centra.. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Se tember 21, 1989 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 11 QUITClAIM SEWER EASEMENT, JOB NO. 445, LAFAYETTE AREA DATE September 12, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT APPROVE QUITClAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Thomas E. Bi shop, etux, owners of property at No. 1115 Garden Lane, Lafayette have requested the Di strict to qui tel aim a sewer easement which lies within their Lot 52 of "Valley View Estates." BACKGROUND: The subject easement was granted at no cost to this District in 1951. In 1982, the sewer was re-aligned to permit the construction of the Bishop's residence (then owned by G.A. Filice). A replacement easement was recorded for this relocation on July 22, 1982. The Bishops are selling their home, and their title company has required that the presently unused portion of the original easement be eliminated, as the residence was constructed over a portion of it. The property owner has paid our quitclaim processi ng fee. The subj ect easement is no longer needed and may now be qui tel aimed. This project has been eval uated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitcl aim Deed to Thomas E. Bishop, etux, Job 445, authorize the Presi dent of the Oi strict Board of Di rectors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. DH JSM RAB ENG. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION at" 11 ~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 .i:J\~ c,'t,~'J ,~ .~ r BISHOP ^? V) QU\"Tc\..,,\ta E."SE.taE.t-I"T 1- o ...; QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB 445 LAFAYETTE AREA . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. VI. POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 21, 1989 DATE September 12, 1989 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR A P.A. 89-24 (MARTINEZ) TO BE INQUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMIITED BY H 1 uennis al Associate Engineer Parcel No. Area Owner Address Parcel No. & Acrea e 89-24 I Martinez I 44C1 I I Howard H. Reed, Jr. 640 Vine Hill Way Martinez, CA 94553 155-070-003 (8.04 AC) Ira & Beverly Smith 646 Vine Hill Way Martinez, CA 94553 155-070-004 (0.25 AC) CONSENT CALENDAR 12 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING INITIA1;lNG OEPT.lDI}/. D tm t/ cnglneerlng epar en Construction Division Rem a rks Lead A enc The Reed parcel is being subdivided into a IS-lot major subdivision (Sub 7319). The City of Ma rti nez has approved the subdi- vision and has prepared a Negative Declaration on J ul y 11, 1989 Ci ty of Martinez The Smith property adjoins the subdi- vision and must connect to the public sewers as its septic system leach field is located within a new building site. CCCSD The District is to prepare "Notice of Exemption" on Smith property. RECOMMENDATION annexation. Authorize P.A. 89-24 to be included in a future formal INITIATING DEPT./DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 IJJf! Ill;' Page 2 of 2 SAN. OIST. "'..: .01 1t1.IlIT .1..1 AC 'IIUIlINTI '., SO AC PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 89-24 'EISTEIl . Centra.. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Se tember 21, 1989 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 13 SUBJECT CONFIRM "AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM" AND APPORTION ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING OF SAID DIAGRAM, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 56, WALNUT CREEK AREA DATE September 12, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION APPORTIONMENT OF LI D BONDS SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: The Placer Title Company has requested this District to apportion the bond which is outstanding on a parcel of land in Local Improvement District (LID) 56. BACKGROUND: The ori gi nal parcel in LID 56 assi gned assessment number 56-2 has recently been split into two parcels. The new parcels are shown on the attached amended assessment diagram and are assigned assessment numbers 56-23 and 56-24. In accordance with Section 8730 of the Streets and Highways Code, the District is requi red to apporti on the LID bond amount on the origi nal parcel to the newly created parcels. The auditor can then prepare a tax bill for each new parcel. The original parcel of land was assessed as two units. Since the original parcel has been split into two new parcels, each of the new parcels can receive one unit of assessment. The following is a summary of the apportioned assessments: Assessment No. Amount Amended Assessment No. Apportioned Assessment Amount 56-2 $18,620.69 54-23 54-24 $9,310.34 $9,310.35 RECOMMENDATION: Confirm the amended assessment diagram and apportion assessment amounts and authorize the recording of said diagram. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Jl~ 1~~ JSM tt>( RAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9/85 DH "- '\ '\ ";.-2. <~ ~~ "'Y." " \ \ \ \ ~9.. C"" ~ ~ "'=i.;1' \ ~""" \ ~'O \ .b o:y.\ \ \ \ \ \ \V ,/ \' /' .,../ ~------- - .- ....... -----. ...../ ~- ---- / ---- - - .Y' /' /' WALNUT CREEK OPEN SPACE APPORTION L.I.D. BOND LID 56-2 WALNUT CREEK AREA . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitar) .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 14 SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE HOLCOM3 COURT SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT, PHASE II, IN WAlNUT CREEK, DISTRICT PROJECT 4215 DATE Se tember 11, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAl SUBMITTED BY Ronald S. Klimczak En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Holcomb Court Sewer Relocation Project, Phase II, in Walnut Creek (DP 4215) and this project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: In 1986, the San Ramon Creek Bypass Channel Sewer Relocation Project, Phase I, constructed an interim pump station at Holcomb Court in Walnut Creek. This pump station was required to bypass the flows in the area during the period when the new San Ramon Creek bypass channel was being constructed by the Corps of Engineers. The new channel was completed early this year. The relocation project converted the interim pump station to a manhole, abandoned the force main, and provided a new eight-inch gravity sewer main across the new San Ramon Creek Bypass Channel which ultimately tied into an existing sewer on South Broadway. (See Attachment 1.) This project is described in more detail in the 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on page CS-50. The Contractor, Andes Construction, Inc., of Oakland, commenced work on June 19, 1989, and all work was completed on June 30, 1989. The specified completion date was August 2, 1989. The project was accepted by the Board of Di rectors on July 20, 1989. Andes Construction, Inc.'s construction contract was for $38,380. There was only one change order for the project in the amount of $1,575 to del ete the unneeded rock excavati on unit price item work. The total contract amount pai d to Andes Construction, Inc., was $36,805. The total budget for the project was $70,000. The total completed project cost is $59,750, which is $10,250 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project account which will result in $10,250 being returned to the Collection System Program. All project costs will be reimbursed by Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation Di strict since the District was required to perform the sewer relocation work to accommodate flood control improvements. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ f/If JSM f/JfJ RAB 1302A-9/85 RS K \ \' \ \\ \ Walnut ~ Creek HOLCOMB COURT SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT (PHASE II) District Project: X4215 Attachm'ent 9/89 1 2523-9 88 . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. VI. CONSENT CALENDAR 15 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE CAMINO TASSAJARA SEWER PROJECT, DANVILLE, DISTRICT PROJ ECT 4493 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY Jay S. INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: The District has met its financial obligations for construction of a new 30-inch sewer in Camino Tassajara and this project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: Tassasj ara Ranch is a combi nati on of ten developments south of Camino Tassajara near Crow Canyon Road. The developers of Tassajara Ranch formed the Tassaj ara Ranch Assessment Di stri ct to fi nance the install ati on of street, sewer, and other improvements, incl uding a 30-inch di ameter sewer in Camino Tassajara. The Assessment District is being administered by the Town of Danvil 1 e. Attachment No. 1 shows the general 1 ocati on of the developments and the 3D-inch sewer. The Board previously authorized the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Danville for the installation of sewer facilities in conjunction with the Assessment District. The agreement provides for the District paying the Town of Danville for the cost of the 3D-inch sewer including design, construction, and contract administration. The agreement has been fully executed and the final cost of the sewer has been establ ished at $714,545. Payment of this amount has been made to Danville and the 3D-inch sewer has been constructed. The total budget for the project was $750,000. The total completed project cost was $714,545, which is $35,455 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project account which will result in $35,455 being returned to the Collection System Program. RECOMMENDATIONS: information only. This item is presented to the Board of Directors for No action is necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 JSM AJAIV t'\) RAB ATTACHMENT 1 -~ New 30-inch Sewer G Existing _______15-inch Sewer -----___.:.~~NO TASSAJARA -- -- --. -- -- -- -- --- -.-- CENTER g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ct o Assessment District Boundary . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING~Jptember 21, 1989 NO. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE 1 D~~Ptember 12, 1989 SUBJECT RECEIVE lHE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLH-4 ADVISORY COMMITTEE H-4NUAL REPORT FOR 1988-1989 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE H-4NUAL REPORT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The District's Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee <Committee> has prepared its annual report to the Board of Di rectors and District participants. BACKGRaJND: The Board of Di rectors approved the establ i shment of the Committee in January 1982. The scope of activities of the Committee includes the submission of an annual report to the Board of Directors and District participants. The annual report of the Committee for 1988-1989 is submitted herewith . RECOMMENDATION: Receive the annual report of the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee for 1988-1989. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION #!( 1302A-9/85 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District DEFERRED COMPENSATI~ PLAN NN ISORY aJ4MITTEE MNUAL REP<RT FOR 1988-1989 In~roduct1on The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Board of Di rectors to faci 1 itate the District's Deferred Compensation Plan. activities encompass the following: Committee was established by the internal admi ni strati on of the The scope of the Committee's o Establish internal District administrative procedures within the provisions of the Deferred Compensation Plan document. o Educate participants regarding the Plan provisions by issuing a handbook which summarizes the Deferred Compensation Plan, and responding to queries from participants. o Rev i ew accountabi 1 i ty by th e Pl an Adm i ni strators and respond to participants' queries regarding accuracy or propriety of account balances. o Review participants' requests for emergency withdrawal of funds. o Review investment performance of the Deferred Compensation Plan on an annual basis. ec-1ttee AccoIIp11shllenu The following activities were completed by the Committee during July 1988 through June 1989: o Internal District Administrative Procedures The Committee completed a review of the renewal contract proposed by Great Western Bank to succeed the initial three-year contract which ended on April 30, 1989. A written report on the provisions of the proposed contract compared with the former contract and the Hartford program was prepared. On April 6, 1989, the Board of Directors approved the Committee's recommendati on to renew the contract. Meeti ngs were held with District participants on April 12 and 13, 1989, during which Committee members and the Great Western representative explained the changes in the renewal contract. The Committee coordinated the notification by the Plan Admi ni strators, Hartford Life Insurance Company and Great Western Bank, to 25 reti red and four termi nated amployees of the Internal Revenue Service requirement that the administrators be provided with instructions regarding the manner and commencement date for account distributions. The Committee developed a common file of documents which are to be mai ntai ned by each departmental Committee member and passed on to the succeeding departmental representative. 1 o Education of Participants - The Deferred Compensation Plan handbook, which is provided to each employee, includes a detachable Current Data Sheet designed for periodic updating of information subject to change. The Current Data Sheet was updated in January 1989 to indicate the prevailing interest rates for the Hartford program and current Committee members. Representatives of Hartford Life Insurance Company and Great Western Bank are available on-site on a designated day each month to assist participants by providing information and responding to questions. o Review Accountability by Plan Administrators - Monthly confirmation statements and quarterly account statements are submitted to the District by Hartford and Great Western. Quarterly account statements are distributed to all participants. Notification by the District of account errors has been satisfactorily resolved by the Plan Administrators. o Review Requests for Emergency Withdrawals - One emergency withdrawal request was reviewed by the Committee and determined to be nonqualifying at that time. o Review Investment Performance - A summary which presents the investment performance of the Hartford and Great Western programs for the calendar year 1988, and the first six months of 1989 is provided on Attachment I. Current eo..ittee Activities The Committee is currently involved in the following major activities: o The District's Deferred Compensation Plan document is undergoing a careful review by the Committee to ensure conformance with the current governing tax codes and to improve accuracy and precision. o Sections of the Deferred Compensation Plan handbook and Current Data Sheet are being revised to incorporate the changes in the Great Western Bank renewal contract. o An information sheet is being developed for the benefit of participants separating fram the District which will provide information regarding distribution reqirements, payout options, and tax considerations. Conclusion During the period July 1988 through June 1989, the Committee has addressed all of the activities included in its scope of responsibilities. This has been achieved through the conscientious efforts of all of the Committee members. 2 The performance of Hartford and Great Western in admi ni steri ng the Deferred Compensation Plan during this report period is considered to be sa ti sf actory . As shown in the fi nal two col umns of Attachment I, the investment performance of the stock account in the Hartford program outperformed the general market i ndi ces, as measured by the Dow Jones Industri al sand Standard & Poors 500 for the cal endar year 1988; the bond account underperformed the general market index in 1988, as measured by the Shearson Lehman Bond Index. For the first six months of 1989, the Hartford stock and bond accounts underperformed the general market i ndi ces. The Great Western Growth Fund of America <GFA> stock account and Bond Fund of Ameri ca <BFA> bond account exceeded the general market i ndi ces for the calendar year 1988; the Investment Company of America <ICA> stock account underperformed the general market indices in 1988. For the first six months of 1989, the ICA stock account exceeded one of the market i ndi ces and was equival ent to the other, and the GFA stock account outperformed the general market i ndi ces; the BFA bond account underperformed the general market index for the six month period. Committee Members: ~~)~~/ Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer (~ ati ve Secretary Helen Baumgartner, Adminis Administrative Department Bart Bran enburg, Associate Engineering Department Gi Co inistrative Secretary Operations Department i'viA..JJ",,-'/-Yl4;}..-7Ji, Matthew Mahoney, Mainten e Technician III, Mechanical Plant Operations Department SSS/Deferred Compensation/Com.Ann.Rpt 3 .... .... e 41 ~ X I.. e 41 ~ X 41 X X ........ 41 "'CII 41 41 III '" 0 "'CII e "'CII "'CII Q) e ... e e ."'CII . < ... III ... ... ....$ 8, t: III ...0 "'CII III III C ...0 "'CII "'0 e ...0 "'CII ';8 "'CII '" '" I.. < - "'0 e .. LI\ 0 "'0 e e 41 ... .., c! - LtI c8 L. en .. LtI c8 .... LtI c8 I..::l.c I.. ....111 L- I.. <.!'uu ....Ul III I.. e ....Ul ....Ul ... Ul I.. e ::l 0 '" Ul ... C Ul ... C "'CII"'Ul -68 Ii ... "'CII 0 E ::l 0 Ii -68 Ii cUQ) ... ... ea. .c ... 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Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary w~strict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 21, 1989 NO. IX. ENGINEERING 1 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GM-CE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH DODSON & YOUNG FOR DESIGN OF WATERSHED 23, PHASE II (THIRD AVENUE AREA, WALNUT CREEK) SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, DP 4615 DATE September 18, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Kyle L. Tonjes Assistant En ineer Department Division ISSUE: Authorization from the Board of Directors is Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement and/or engineering agreement when it is greater than $50,000. required for the General amendment to a consulting BACKGROUND: Watershed 23 contains a large number of deficient sewers. These sewers are unable to convey peak flows resulting in frequent overflows during wet weather periods. The District has completed preliminary sewer capacity studies and identified deficient sewers throughout the watershed. Subsequent to the completion of the capacity studies, the watershed was divided into four subareas and ~rioritized for improvements. The Third Avenue subarea in north Walnut Creek was ranked as the second highest priority behind the Country Gardens subarea which is nearing design completion. The sewers in the Third Avenue subarea are approximately 30 to 50 years old. In March 1989, the Board authorized a consulting agreement with Dodson & Young to conduct a Facilities Plan of the Third Avenue subarea. The Facilities Plan made several recommendations for relieving hydraulic restrictions and repa1r1ng deteriorated sewers. Specific recommendations include replacement and upsizing of approximately 4,700 lineal feet of existing sewer and construction of a 4,400 foot relief sewer along Buena Vista Avenue. The relief sewer will connect to sewer improvements being designed under the Country Gardens Project. The estimated construction cost for this project is $1,332,000. Due to their satisfactory performance on the Facility Plan and familiarity with the project, Dodson & Young is the engineering firm recommended to complete the detailed design of the improvements. An amendment to the original consulting engineering agreement with Dodson & Young has been negotiated with a cost ceiling of $99,900. The scope of services includes preparation of plans and specifications, permit assistance, and mapping services. Funding for the Third Avenue Area Sewer Improvements Project was authorized in the 1989-1990 Capital Improvement Budget (Page CS-50). Total project cost is estimated at $1,609,000. The design of this project has been determined by staff to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 17.3, since it involves a continuation of the planning study for the Third Avenue Area Sewer Improvements Project. The District's Planning staff will review the resulting design and prepare the appropriate CEQA documentation for the construction project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 KLT f7~.~ DJC (J/V INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. DRW SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GM-CE TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH DODSON & YOUNG FOR DESIGN OF WATERSHED 23, PHASE II (THIRD AVENUE AREA, WALNUT CREEK) SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, DP 4615 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 DATE September 18, 1989 OF 3 RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an amendment to an agreement for professional engineering services with Dodson & Young with a cost ceiling of $99,900. 1302B-9/85 THIRD AVE. ~?!/< . STUDY AREA x r r ::u o TO SAN FRANCISCO Central Contra Costa Sanitary District . TO SACRA MEN TO "'\J r .... .. en ,. Z .... , ( \Cl ~ \~ IP I \ OAK \ " '\ \ " " "Q C -i Z .. J: ~ .. z PARK GEARY TREAT BLVD r ,. ::u " .... -< C/i.N/i.L _ __/ --- ':"_..:-:.-;;::.. ':.,;:" .~..:@~~~;~- ~). .-..... {ASAN -..- .. >:;q~{%:i;:T::::::;:'.~':.:. TO SAN JOSE Watershed 23 District Project No. 4615 THIRD AVENUE AREA, WALNUT CREEK FIG. 1 2513-1/87 - __^.....,.,._..__"'"__~___....____.__"____m._~___._.____...~_.~_."_.,_______'".~_.____~,_.___~._.__~~_."'.____._._~_.n..__.___,____....______ _"~_.._."..__,____._.,__~_~_.___,_ . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar) .listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETIN~ OF ~eptember 21. 1989 NO. X. PERSONNEL 1 SUBJECT DATE September 18. 1989 IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARBITRATOR'S RE<XM4ENDATION, DENY THE APPEAL OF TERMINATION BY ROB RAMSAY, MAINTENANCE CREW lEADER TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen. Deputy General Manager INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Admfnfstratfve/Personnel ISSUE: In accordance with the Grievance Procedure in the current Memorandum of Understanding between the District and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association. Public Employees' Local No.1. the Board of Directors may adopt. reject. or modi fy the recommendation of an appoi nted neutral thi rd party (arbitrator) in appealed disciplinary matters. BACKGROUND: Following progressive discipline. Mr. Rob Ramsay. Maintenance Crew Leader. was terminated from his position for refusing to shave and be fit tested .for respirator use as required by the District's Safety Policy <District Safety Directive 7.1. Respiratory Protection Policy/Program). Mr. Ramsay appealed his termination to the Board in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the parties. The Board authorized the selection process for securing the services of an arbitrator to hear the appeal and make a recommendation to the Board for their consideration. The District chose Mr. Franklin Silver. Esq., as the arbitrator from a list submitted by the State of California Mediation and Conciliation Service. The arbitrator's decision has been distributed to the Board under separate cover. He ruled on the issue of whether the District had just cause for discharging Mr. Ramsay. and if not. what the remedy should be. In his Opinion. Mr. Silver states his award as: 1.) deny the grievance; and 2.) the District had just cause for termination. RECOMMENDATION: Deny and dismiss the appeal of Mr. Rob Ramsay. Maintenance Crew leader. as the final action of the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/~ . POSITION SUBJECT Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 9 PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. PERSONNEL x. 2 1 1989 DATE Septembe r 18, 1989 ADOPT CHANGES TO CLASS DESCRIPTIONS REGARDING RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen. Deputy General Manager INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: Changes to classification descriptions must be adopted by the Board of Directors. Staff is requesting that language be added to the class description to comply with the District's respiratory protection program. BACKGROUND: The issue of shaving is sensitive among our employees and has been an important subject of labor rel ations during the past year (Attachment A). As a result staff has engaged an outside safety consul ant, Mr. Stanley Strizver, to review our respiratory program in general and the list of positions required to be covered under the program. The consultant's list of recommended positions are attached for your reference (Attachment B). Staff is in the process of implementing the consultant's recommendations as follows: o Co-op students, summer help, and temporary employees - respirator use shall be determined by the individual department managers in consultation with the District safety office. o New positions or existing positions established in different departments - assessments shoul d be made by the District safety office as to respiratory requirements and added to the District's job description and employment notices. o Supervisor training - training should provide supervisors with the knowledge evaluate employees' duties and exposures. Supervisors shoul d be responsi bl e for the development of departmental safety directives on the use of respirators for specific tasks. Employees will be trained in respiratory requirements and potentially hazardous conditions. o Cl ass descri ptions - all appropri ate cl ass descri ptions shoul d be amended to include language on respiratory requirements. In order to make sure job appl icants, new employees, and current employees understand that compliance with the respiratory program is mandatory, staff is proposing to include language recommended by the consultant in the class descriptions. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT POSITION PAPER ADOPT (}IANGES TO CLASS DESaUPTIONS REGARDING RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM PAGE DATE 2 OF 9 September 18. 1989 o Employees who are in the Shave on Demand (SO) Category ''The use of respiratory equipment (including S.C.B.A.) may be required for the position. Therefore. (insert position title) will be requi red to be cl ean shaven for annual fit tests and for any occasion which requires the use of respiratory equipment". o Employees who are in the Shave (5) Category must be Clean Shaven At All Times ''The use of respiratory equipment (including S.C.B.A.) will be requi red for thi s position. Therefore. (i nsert position titl e) will be required to be clean shaven to comply with the District's respiratory program and CAL/OSHA standards". Staff has met and conferred with the Employees Association. Public Employees' Local One. and the Management Support/Confidential Group on this issue. Attached are 1 etters from each of these groups (Attachments C and D). Mr. Dav i d Pl att. Assistant General Manager of Local One. disagrees with the consultant's recommendation regardi ng the 1 aboratory personnel and has requested ti me to address the Board when this item is calendared. Notwithstanding the Union's position in this matter. staff recommends adopting the recommended language on "shave" and "shave on demand" cl ass descri ptions in accordance with the consultant's recommendation. (Attachment E.) The Management Support/Confi denti al Group and staff have met and conferred in good faith. Although Mr. Wayne Miner. Past President of Management Support/Confi denti al Group. has not requested to make a presentati on to the Board. it shoul d be noted for the record that Management Support/Confi denti al Group would like to have all Instrument Shop personnel to be clean shaven at all times. The consultant did not find this requirement to be necessary and staff has supported his position. This matter has been reviewed by the Board Personnel Committee. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board authorize modifications of the appropriate class descriptions as delineated in the Strizver report. Attachment A. to include language requiring incumbents to be clean shaven at all times or shave on demand. 1302B-9/85 ATTACHMENT A PUBLIC EMPLOYEES UNION, LOCAL ONE Mailing Address - P.O. Box 222, Martinez, CA 94553 Union Hall - 5034 Blum Road, Martinez, CA 94553 Phone (415) 228-1600 ....- O~G~nt'7~ill 'PI 3 lv~:) ",-. "'_ Iv-' June 28, 1989 Mr. Paul Morsen Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 r- 1';- -, I>~; ;1. .'. .. . -.,-.'t Dear Paul: Subject: Beard Policy At the Membersnip Meeting on Tuesday, June 20, 1989, the Union voted to reject the modified beard policy. It is the Union's position that the beard policy is discriminatory, in as much as it deals differently with the Management than it does with the workers, working under the same circumstances. We recognize that the District has met and conferred with the Union, but we do not believe that the outcome of these negotiations were, in fact, appropriate. We recognize further that the Board of Directors may act to implement the new policy. By this letter I am requesting that I be placed on the agenda of the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in order to present the Union's view of the new policy at the appropriate meeting. Further, the Union wishes to state formally that we believe the adoption of any procedures, as outlined in your letter to the Union in regards to the implementation of the Beard POlicy, is a new subject and must be negotiated with the Union. Sincerely, PUBLIC EMPLOYEES UNION, LOCAL #1 ~ 2/ .H--r~ David V. Platt Assistant General Manager DVP:omm DP0009 cc: Russell Leavitt, President All Executive Board Members ATTACHMENT B, CHANGES TO RESPIRATORY PROTECTION PROGRAM OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT (Barnes & Associates May 1989 Report by Stanley Strizver) Legend: S - Shave: must be clean shaven at all times SD - Shave on Demand: shaving will be required for annual fit test and training or specific assignments requiring respirator use NS - No Shave: cannot be exposed to condi ti on req ui ri ng respi ratory protection until training, testing, and certification is complete Changes Recommended ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT Current Accountant Accounting Supervisor Accounting Technician 1/11 Administrative Aide Administrative Operations Manager Administrative Secretary Affirmative Action Compliance Officer Building Maitenance Technician Buyer III! Deputy General Manager Executive Secretary Finance Officer General Manager-Chief Engineer Graphics Technician 1/11 Graphics Technician III Materials Coordinator 1/11 Personnel Analyst 1/11 Personnel Assistant Personnel Officer Printer Public Information Coordinator Purchasing and Materials Officer Receptionist Safety and Loss Control Specialist Secretary III! Secreta ry I I I Secretary of the District Senior Accountant/Internal Auditor Senior Building Maintenance Technician Seni or Buyer Senior Materials Coordinator NS NS NS NS SO NS NS SO NS SO NS NS SO NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS S NS NS NS NS SO NS NS NS NS Revised 6-8-89 COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT (CSO) Current Administrative Secretary NS Associate Engineer SD Collection System Operations Department Manager SD Construction Equipment Operator SD Field Operations Superintendent SD Junior Engineer SD Maintenance Coordinator 1/11 NS, Maintenance Crew Leader SD Maintenance Crew Member 1/11, Trainee SD Maintenance Supervisor SD Operations Support Supervisor SD Secretary 1/11 NS Senior Vehicle & Equipment Mechanic NS Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance Supervisor NS Vehicle & Equipment Mechanic NS Vehicle & Equipment Service Worker NS Revised 6-8-89 Changes Recommended S S S S PlANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT (POD) Current Associate Engineer SO Administrative Secretary NS Assistant Engineer SO Building and Grounds Supervisor S Chemist 1/11 NS Control Systems Engineer SO Computer Systems Technician SO Electrical Shop Supervisor SO Electrical Technician SO Instrument Shop Supervisor SO Instrument Technician SO Junior Engineer SO Laboratory Superintendent NS Laboratory Technician NS Landscape Specialist SO Machine Shop Supervisor SO Machinist SO Maintenance Coordinator IIII NS Maintenance Crew Leader S Maintenance Safety Specialist S Maintenance Technician IIII S Maintenance Technician II, Machinist, Trainee SO Maintenance Technician III, Mechanical S Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor S Painter S Plant Maintenance Superintendent S Plant Operations Department Manager SO Plant Operations Division Manager SO Plant Operations Superintendent S Plant Operator IIII, Trainee S Plant Operator III S Pumping Stations Superintendent SO Pumping Stations Supervisor SO Pumping Stations Operator IIII, Trainee SO Secretary III I NS Senior Chemist NS Senior Engineer SO Shift Supervisor S Training and Resource Technician NS Utility Worker S Revised 8-8-89 Changes Recommended SO SO SO ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Current Admi ni strative Analyst (Pl anni ng) NS Assistant Engineer SO Assistant Engineer (Watershed/Planning) SO Associate Engineer SD Associate Engineer (Pretreatment) SD Collection System Inspection Supervisor SD Construction Division Manager SD Construction Inspector SD Deputy Chief Engineer SD Engineering Assistant (Contract Management) SD Engineering Assistant (Permit,R.W.,Plan Review) SD Engineering Assistant (Watershed/Planning) SD Engineering Division Manager SD Engineering Support Supervisor SD Engineering Technician 1/11 SD Engineering Technician III SD Inspection Coordinator SD Junior Engineer (Rotation) SD Permit and Services Technician NS Planning Assistant NS Planning Division Manager SD Principal Engineer SD Real Property Specialist NS Secretary 1/11 NS Secretary III NS Senior Construction Inspector SD Senior Engineer SD Senior Engineer (Capitol Budget & Watershed Plan) SD Senior Engineering Assistant SD Senior Survey Technician SD Source Control Inspector (Pretreat-Plan) SD Source Control Specialist (Pretreatment-Plan) NS Survey Assistant SD Survey Party Chief SD Survey Supervisor SD Revised 6-14-89 Changes Recommended NS S NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS S S NS NS NS :. . :~: -l ATTACHMENT C " MANAGEMENT SUPPORT/CONFIDENTIAL GROUP 5019 IMHOFF PLACE MARTINEZ, CA 94553 June 19, 1989 , Mr. Paul Morsen Deputy General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place . Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. Morsen: Regarding your letter dated June 8, 1989 about our Meet and Confer session, the Management Support/Confidential Group has agreed to the changes in the "shave, no shave," and "shave on demand" designation except for the Instrument Shop. The. rating of the emp10yee-;as to level of re$pirator usage was introduced but was not a part of the Meet and Confer. The lists 8.1 and 8.2 do not reflect any prior restrictions. We are looking forward to more training for the employees and supervisors. New policies for the shops seem like a good idea, but ninety days in conjunction with the normal workload may be too con- strictive. It was the Management Support/Confidential Group's understanding that the employees in the affected areas would be consulted regarding the new policies, not a Union representa- tive. :iM~C r:~~~ Way Mlner Pres'dent WGM:mg / cc: C. Freitas~ J. LePage J. Miyamoto-Mills B-o~ C & 0 0- A.-/ Safety and Health Consultants August 17, 1989 MR. BRUCE LEPORE Safety Director Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist. 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94533-4392 RE: Re-Evaluation of Respiratory Requirement of Lab Personnel Dear Mr. Lepore: At your request another inspection of the Lab was made on August 1, 1989. This survey revealed that for personnel working in the Lab and it's associated rooms the need for respiratory protection was virtually non-exentant. Our original conclusion was based primarily on information taken from the Lab Safety Manual. If the revised manual including both of our comment is implemented, I feel we could support the No Shave category in the Lab and storerooms proper. During our meetings you mentioned that Management wishes to retain the possibility of using Lab personnel to take field samples. The only way that this could be handled would be to designate Lab personnel that would be used and put them in the Shave On Demand category or go back to our original decision for the Lab. We remain available for any further Health & Safety problems that you may need assistances in. Sincerely, ~ Stan Str' P.E 7700 Edgewater Drive, Suite 651 . Oakland, California 94621 415-562-8822 / . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 21, 1989 NO. x. PERSONNEL 3 SUBJECT DATE September 14, 1989 MODIfY Q.ASSIFlCATION DESaUPTIONS TO INQ.UDE DOT /I>>4V REQIJ I RBENTS TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Paul Morsen. Deputy General Manager Administrative/Personnel ISSUE: The Board of Directors must adopt any' changes to classification 'd'e'S'Criptions. BACKGROUND: The U.S. Department of Transportation <D.O. T.) and the State of California Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) have imposed stringent new vehicle licensing and testing requirements on driver's of heavy vehicles. These requirements will affect a number of employees at Central San. Effective January 1, 1991, or upon license renewal prior to January 1, 1991, persons who drive vehicles with three or more axles, a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 26,001 pounds or more, or drive a trailer with a GVWR of 10,001 pounds or more, must have a valid Class B California Drivers License. This is a new category of driver. Employees who previously carried a Class 1 license must now have a Class A license. Nearly all employee classifications in the Collection System Operations Department and one classification of employees in the Plant Operations Department drive vehicles over 26,001 GVWR, depending on their job assignment. Also, a special endorsement is required for tank vehicle operators or for those driving heavy equipment to a construction site. Accordi ng to the DMV requi rements, each affected driver must obtain a vali d California Class A or B license by the date of his/her current license renewal or no later than 1991. In order to obtain a Class A or B California Driver's License, the employee must pass a physical examination, written test, a practical examination given by DMV, meet a number of requirements as follows: 1) Must be physically examined by a U.S. licensed doctor of medici ne or osteopathy every two years and carry a signed medical certificate; 2) Notify the Cal i forni a DMV of any convictions in other states within thirty days of the conviction; 3) Notify the employer of any convictions within thirty days of the conviction; 4) Notify the employer of any revocation, suspension, cancellation or disqualification before the end of the business day following the action; REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 \V2" SUBJECT POSITION PAPER MODIFY QASSIFICATION DESCRIPTIONS TO INQUDE DOT /rI4V REWIREMENTS PAGE DATE 2 OF 3 September 14, 1989 5) Provide the employer with a ten year commercial driving history; 6) Turn in all licenses issued by other states to the California DMV; 7) Obtai n speci al endorsements as requi red, i.e. Speci al Equipment Certificate, or Tank Combination/Bulk Certificate. Construction Liquid Load Upon an initial review, the following class descriptions would be affected. Collection System Operations Department Construction Equipment Operator Maintenance Crew Member 1/11 Maintenance Crew Leader Senior Vehicle & Equipment Mechanic Vehicle & Equipment Mechanic Vehicle & Equipment Service Worker Vehicle & Equipment Supervisor Plant Operations Department Pumping Stations Operator 1/11 In order to compl y with the D.O. T. and DMV requi rements, the Di strict wi 11 be taking the following actions: 1) Meeting with our occupational physician to provide physicals which meet federal and state standards; 2) Requiring current employees to obtain the necessary licenses and endorsements by the date of thei r 1 i cense renewal or no 1 ater than January 1, 1991; 3) Requiring affected newly hired or promoted employees to possess the necessary licenses and endorsements prior to successful completion of probationary status and 4) Modifying all affected class descriptions to include the Class A or B requi rements. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER MODIFY a.ASSIFICATION DESmIPTIONS TO INa.UDE DOT/IJ4V REWIREMENTS PAGE DATE 3 OF 3 September 14. 1989 Pursuant to Board direction. District staff will revise the aforementioned class descriptions to include a valid California Class A or Class B Driver's license with the necessary speci al endorsements for Construction Equipment or Tank Combination/Bulk Liquid Loads. The language will read as follows: "lICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Possession of a valid California Class A (or B. dependent on job description) driver's license. Must meet all written. physical. testing and notification requirements established by the Department of Motor Vehicles. Newly hired or promoted employees must meet this requirement prior to successful completion of probationary status. Possession of valid special endorsement to Class Driver's License to operate heavy construction combination/bulk liquid loads. as required." A (or B) equi pment Cali forni a or tank Meet and Confer sessions have been held and concluded with Employees' Association. Public Employees' Local One and the Management Support/Confidential G ro up. This matter has been reviewed and discussed with the Board Personnel Committee. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board authorize modification of the class descriptions referred to in this position paper to include the requirement for a valid California Class A or Class B Driver's License and necessary endorsements. 13028-9/85 ---_._..,----~..,---------~--~--_._,~--"----_."-_._~.-------_..._._.._-"'-_.._--_.._."._-_.~._-_.__.__.~.__._._.-.~.,._.-