HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 08-03-89 . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary Astrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 7 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF August 3, 1989 NO. III. HEARINGS 1 SUBJECT HOlD PUBLIC HEARINGS ON UNINHABITED DISTRICT ANNEXATIONS 110-B, 110-C, 110-D, AND 110-E, AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL JlGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) AND CONSIDER THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION BY LAFCO DATE July 26, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION HOLD HEARINGS D.A. 110-B, 110-C, 110-D and 110-E SUBMITD~~~l sHall Associate Engineer INITIALING DEPT./DIV. tngineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: LAFCO has amended the boundaries of several of the parcel s incl uded within District Annexation 110. The District must hold a public hearing and consi der testimony by affected property owners before acti ng on the proposed amended annexation. BACKGROUND: The above- referenced annexati on was sent to LAFCO as requi red for the formal annexation process. Part of the annexation, consisting of five. parcels, was not changed. These five unamended parcels were submitted for Board action on the consent calendar on July 6, 1989, as District Annexation 110-A. No publ ic heari ng was requi red for these parcel s because they had 100 percent landowner consent. Of the five remaining parcels, two were combined by LAFCO into one parcel which resulted in the decrease of the remaining parcels from five to four. LAFCO amended the boundaries of these four parcels during its approval process. These amendments were made to improve the continuity of the resulting District boundary. The amended annexations are designated D.A. 110-B through E and are considered to be four separate annexations. The four amended annexations, which are uninhabited, are shown on the attached maps. CEQA REQUIREMENTS A Negative Declaration addressing the proposed annexations was prepared by LAFCO pursuant to CEQA and was used by LAFCO in making its determinations and approving this annexation. In accordance with District CEM Guidelines Section 7.17(f}, the Board must review and consider the environmental effects of the project as shown in the Negative Declaration which is attached as Exhibit A* before approving the annexation. District staff has reviewed said Negative Declaration and concurs with its findings. 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB ENG. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Gry' INITIATING DEPT./DIV. SUBJECT HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS ON UNINHABITED DISTRICT ANNEXATIONS 110-B, 110-C, 110-0, AND 110-E, AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) AND CONSIDER THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION BY LAFCO POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 7 July 26, 1989 ANNEXATION REQUIREMENTS District Annexation 110 as submitted to LAFCO was a single annexation. The action by LAFCO separated District Annexation 110 into the subject four uni nhabited annexati ons, which requi re a publ ic heari ng. Normal 1 y a separate public hearing would be held for each of these four subject annexations. If no members of the public appear, these annexations can be considered in one public heari ng. If a member of the publ ic wi shes to testify on a parti cul ar annexati on, a separate public hearing shall be held on the annexation. The remaining annexations will then be the subject of the second publ ic hearing. Legal notice was published, and the affected property owners were notified of the publ ic heari ngs as requi red by 1 aw. The amended annexati ons are uni nhabited (fewer than 12 registered voters). Factors to be considered by the Board in deci di ng to approve or di sapprove the proposed annexati ons are set forth as Exhibit B*. Following its review, the Board, not more than thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the public hearing, shall adopt a resolution reflecting the appropriate action taken: 1. Certify that the Board has reviewed and considered and concurs with the adoption of the Negative Declaration of LAFCO. 2. Order the annexation if no written majority protest exists. 3. Disapprove the proposed annexations based upon any of the factors set forth in Exhibit B*. 4. Terminate the annexation if the Board finds that written protests have been filed and not withdrawn prior to the conclusion of the hearing representing 1 andowners owni ng 50 percent or more of the assessed val ue of the 1 and within the territory proposed to be annexed. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Open the public hearing on all of the annexations or individual hearings on D. A. 110-B, C, D, and E, as appropri ate, receive any testimony, and close the public hearing(s). --------... 13028-9/85 SUBJECT HOLD PUBLIC HEARINGS ON UNINHABITED DISTRICT ANNEXATIONS 110-B, 110-C, 110-0, AND 110-E, AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) AND CONSIDER THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION BY LAFCO POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 3 OF 7 July 25, 1989 2. Adopt a Resol ution certifying that the Board has reviewed the Negative Declaration, ordering the filing of a Notice of Determination as a responsi bl e agency stati ng that the Board consi dered the Negative Declaration, and concurring with the adoption of the Negative Declaration of LAFCO and taking one of the following actions: o Order the annexation if no majority protest exists, or o Di sapprove one or more of the proposed annexati ons that the Board determines that the annexation is not warranted, or o Disapprove annexati on if written protests have been fil ed and not withdrawn prior to the conclusion of the public hearing representing landowners owning 50 percent or more of the assessed valuation of the land within the territory to be annexed. *NOTE: Exhibits mentioned in this Position Paper are included in a separately bound document. .....------. 13028-9/85 EXHIBIT A ~ u~mlID APR 2 G 1989 LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY II. CRAIIIaI' r. ~~ et.~ SIGNIF~~ACOSTACOUNTY 0epulJ O. Fl.t. C:"tn~ NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL Person (Applicant): Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Project Title: District Annexation No. 110 to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (LAFC 89-10) Project Location: Orinda, Alamo, Danville Responsible Agency Contact Person: Dewey E. Mansfi~ld, Executive Officer' Contra Costa' County 8th Floor, McBrien Administration Bldg. Martinez, CA 94553 (415) 646-4090 GENERAL PROJECT DESCRIPT70N (Nature, Purpose, Beneficiaries, Reasons Environmentally Insignificant): This is for the annexation of approximately twelve acres of land to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. It consists of 10 separate groupings of land located within the Orinda, Lafayette, Alamo, and Danville areas of the County. The Executive Officer may recommend the addition of adjacent properties to provide for more logical district boundaries. These areas are all planned and zoned- for growth'andwil~ allow for infill development. -There are no known adv~rse environmental impacts of this project as originally proposed or as modified to add additional -parcels as r~commeded ~y the LAFCO.-Executive .Officer.. ~ost of .the h_ome '. cons.truction -itsel'f- would be -categoric-ally exempt"\.mder CEQA~ S~veral -"rots are annexing to resolve .failing septic tanks. It . is,. .determined fr~ -.irU;tial study by Jim CUtle-r. _t~at this..p.roject-... does not have a significant effect on the environment. ( X) Justification for negative declaration is attached. The Date of Final Appeal: May 10, 1989 Original: County Clerk cc: LAFCO File LOCAL AuENCY FORMATION COMMISSION ,LAFCO) OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY INITIAL STUDY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE File Name: LAFC 89-10 Prepared By: JIM CUTLER Date: 3-27-89 A. RECOMMENDATION: ( )Categorical Exemption (X)Negative Declaration ( )Environmental Impact Report Required ~e project (May) (Will Not) Have A Significant Effect On The Environment. These areas are "all planned and zoned for growth and will allow for infill development. There are no known adverse environmental impacts of this project as originally proposed or as modified to add additional parcels as recommeded by the LAFCO Executive Officer. Most of the home construction itself would be categorically exempt under CEQA. Several lots are annexing to resolve failing septic tanks. B. PROJECT INFORMATION: " 1. Project Location and Description: This is for the annexation of approximately twelve acres of land to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. It consists. of 10 separate groupings of land located within the orinda, Lafayette,' Alamo, and Danville areas of the Cqunty.. The ~ecutive Offic~r may recommend the additon of adjacent pr~pert;i~s .to provide for more logical district boundaries'. ~.. . ". .... " . .'" ,".. 2. Site Description: The sites at~'a.li:planned or' developed as".single: f~:ilY" homes, except for parcel 6, which is to be used for office type use. These include many individual parcels which require services. 3. Character of Surrounding Areas: The areas are all developed for single family residential uses at suburban intensities. "._________._ ...~_.,_..____,.___.~__~____.__._____.__.___..____..__..._.____'__'m'.._'_._______.__._,__~_~______..._.,'._~..___.._.,_,_...._."...._...___________._.._._."''"~''_m.....___._...._......,._ -___.._,._________ -2- C. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Does the project conform to City or County General Plan proposals including the various adopted Elements? Single family residential Yes No Maybe N/A x General Plan Designation; source: Orinda, Lafayette, Danville, and County General Plans 2. Does the project conform to existing (or proposed) zoning classification? x --- Classification: R-15, R-20, R-40 3. Does it appear that any feature of the project, including aesthetics, will generate significant public concern? _ ..1L _ Nature of Concern: 4. Will the project require approval or permits by agencies other than LAFCO? ..1L _ _ Other Agency? Central Contra Costa Sanitary District *S=Significant N=Negligible C=Cumulative No=None U=Unknown N/A=Not Applicable D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: (include mitigation measures for significant effects where possible) *S N. C ~ U N/A 1. Earth Will the proposal result in or be . subject to: a} Erection of st~ucture~ within.an Alquist- . P.riolQ ~ct..;Spec.i,a~. S~l1die.~ ..Z~~.?. . ..' . . .... X ---. - ....-- - b) Grading (consider amount and aesthetics)? _ _ _ --! __ dope . fo~.. d~vel~p'ment., applic;:a~i9~ . c) Slides, liquefaction or other hazards on or immediately adjoining the site? X ---- d) Adverse soil or topographic characteristics (consider soils type, slope, septic tank limitations, etc.)? X ---- e) Wind or water erosion of soils, on site or off? f) Prime agricultural lands? ---~ X ------ Discussion: -----' ._._--_.._----_.__..~._._-_.~-_._-_.._-_._._~"--~..~.--_...._~~_..,_...,..._-_._----,-~_.. - ._-_.._--,._._-~.~-----""---~...._~-------~._--_._-----'..------"._._~_.__.~---_.,----_._'---_._---_.-.~. -3- 2. Air Will the project result in deterioration of existing air quality, including creation of objectionable odors? Discussion: 3. Water Will the project result in: a) Erection of structures within a designated flood hazard (prone) area? b) Reduction of surface or ground water quality or quantity? . c) Alteration of drainage patterns or runoff? d) Disruption of streams or water bodies? Discussion: . 4. Plant/Animal Life Will the project result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of plants or animals? b) Reduction of the number of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants or animals? c) Introduction of new species of plants or animals into an area, or inhibition of the normal replenishment, migration or movement of existing species? d) Reduction in aqreage of any agricultural crop or existing' fish or wildlife' habitat? Discu'ssion: 5'. . .. .. Noise.Will the project result in: .a) Structures within the 60dBA noise contour per the. .Genera~ Plan Noise..Eleme.nt? '" b) Increases from existing noise levels? Discussion: 6. Natural Resources Will the project affect the potential use, extraction, conservation or depletion of a natural resource? Discussion: S N C No g N/A ___x ___x ___x ___x ___x ___x x - - -- ___x ___x . ".0." . _._.~x. ___x ___x -4- 7. Energy Will the project result in demands upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new energy sources? S N C No U N/A ___x Discussion: 8. Utilities Will the project result in the need for new systems or alterations to the following utilities (including sphere of influence or district boundary change): electricity, natural gas, communications facilities, water, sewers, storm drainage, solid waste disposal? x - - -- Discussion: Provision of sewer service to planned development areas 9. Public Services Will the project result in the need for: a) New or altered services in the following areas: fire protection, police protection, schools, parks or other recreational facilities, roads, flood control or other public works facilities, public transit or other governmental services? _ _ _ X b) Alteration of sphere of influence boundaries? _ _ _ X c) Alteration of service district boundaries? _ X _ _ Discussion: Eliminate islands of non district lands '10. Transportation/Circulation (Consider the Circulation Element) Will the proje~t. re~ult in: a) Gener~tion of:. ad.ditionalv~hicul.ar' movement with' initiation or intensification of circulation . prob1ems (consider road design> project. access, congestion, :hazards to vehicles, pedestrians)? _ _ _ X b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demands for new parking? ___X c) Impact on existing waterborne, rail, air or public transportation systems? ___X Discussion: _ .w...._ "______.__._.u...,_..__~_.___"._."____.___._.~~_..,___,.'"..__n_._..._.".___,._______.__._._._____.__.__.___.__-_.....-- .------.--..,--..---- -5- 11. Growth Inducement Will the project: a) Alter the location, distribution, density or growth rate of the human population of an area? S N C No U N/A ------ __x__ b) Affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? x ------ c) Establish a precedent for additional requests for similar uses? x ------ d) Impacts or include agricultural preserve lands? x ------ e) Impact on agricultural production? x ------ Discussion: Allows for a few homes to be constructed 12. Aesthetics, Will the project obstruct any public scenic vista or view, create an aesthetically offensive site open to public view, or produce new light or glare? ___x__ Discussion: 13. Recreation Will the project affect the quality or quantity of recreational opportunities? ___X__ 14. Archeological/Historical Are there known archeological, historical or other resources on the site or in the general vicinity? (Historical Resources Inventory and archeological' site maps ). _ _ _ X _ _ . Discussion: . . .15'. Hazard: wil~the pro:ject'restilt' ill" a'r.isk' of 'exp'ros16.rt~ release of hazardous substances or other dangers to public health or safety? ~. _ ~ X _ _ .. Discussion: -6- 16. Other (Consider impact on open space or sprawl) Will the project result in other significant effects on the environment? ~ N C No U N/A ___X__ Discussion: 17. Mandatorv Findings of Significance (A "significant" check on any of the following questions requires preparation of an EIR) a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, or curtail the diversity in the environment? _ _ X _ _ b) Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? _ _ ~ c) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? _ _ _ X _ _ d) Does the project have environmental impacts which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? _ _ _ X _ _ Discussion: Local Agency Formation.. Commiss.ion qf Contra Costa County McBrien Administ~ationBu~ldlng, SthFloQr 651 Pine Street Martinez, California 94553 (415) 646-4090 . Centra~ ':ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF August 3, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A CONSENT TO DEDICATION TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY (JOO 4663 - PARCEL 1) SUB 7097, WALNUT CREEK AREA DATE J ul Y 25, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION APPROV E CONSENT TO DEDICATION SUBMIi5Effih~YS Hall Associate Engineer INITIA.TING DEPT.ll;lIV. D rtm t/ ~nglneerlng epa en Construction Division ISSUE: The county requires a "Consent to Dedication" whenever an area dedicated for public road purposes encroaches upon an existing easement. BACKGROUND: A portion of Subdivision 7097 is being dedicated to the county for publ ic road purposes. The dedicated area is the extension of an existing road known as Doris Avenue. An existing public sewer easement is located within the dedicated area. Since the easement precedes the dedication of the public road, a consent to dedication is needed. A standard consent document will be used in which the District retains prior rights. Th i s proj ect has been eval uated by staff and determi ned to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Consent to Dedi cati on to Contra Costa County, Subdivision 7097, Job No. 4663, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said document and authorize its recording by Contra Costa County. 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~( /11 /?:Jfl INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 552."/3'/4. E. ~6's"~ ......!!~J. ......:!!' t:(> ,') 5/3,8Z'TOTAL " A"/""19'43.~ L"/7,IO' AREA OF CONSENT r= en "'- -CII) N ~cs\ s::! 8 ~ 2 7 20,608 SF IJ fi)"OO'CXJ 5 CONSENT TO DEDICATION Job 4663 - Parcel 1 Walnut Creek Area . Centra~ ':ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Au ust 3, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 7 SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH JEFFREY W. BAUS, ET UX, JOB 2222, ORINDA AREA DATE Jul 25, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION APPROV E REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: The property owners, Jeffrey W. Baus, at ux, have buil t a wooden deck partially within a District sewer easement. They have requested permission to maintain the deck in its present location. BACKGROUND: The property owners have cooperated with staff in its investigation of this situation and have paid all District costs involved. Staff has determined that the exi sti ng improvements wil 1 not interfere with the present use of our sewer; however, if the need shoul d ari se, the agreement requi res the property owners to remove the improvements at the owners' expense within 30 days of notice. Thi s project has been eval uated by staff and determi ned to be exempt fran the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement Relating to Real Property with Jeffrey W. Baus, et ux, Job 2222, authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 ~~ DH 'If c1AL- ~I' JL JL JW INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~, 10. SEWER EASEMENT ~, / .- ./ DECK ENCROACHMENT "~. . . .~~. .~. 8/~.C. 5eWcR ,PIPE , ~. '. ~ , ~... , ~ " '. "" " '."... . "" > 1 1 .j . ~ ~ . 1 I j; 1;'1 I. : ; : j I .C..;:;/:.; /11 , . ~J f' 1& li~ 1/ /1 ~ .' ~ REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT Job 2222 - Parcel 1 Orinda Area . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF August 3, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 8 QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT TO KENNETH M. CAMENSON AND VENITTA WILLIAMS, JOB 1564 - PARCEL 1, ORINDA AREA DATE July 28, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMB~'Wn'~ Hall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPTlDIV D tm t/ tnglneerlng epar en Construction Division ISSUE: The property owners, K. Camenson and V. Williams, at 52 Brookwood Road, Orinda, have requested the District to quitclaim the subject easement. BACKGROUND: The property owners plan to install a deck at the rear of their home and came to the District offices to discuss bullding over the existing rodding i nl et. The exi sti ng sanitary sewer and sanitary sewer easement were surveyed by the District and the sewer was found to be outside of the easement. Staff has compared the costs to relocate the sewer with the increased maintenance costs if a deck were bull t over the sewer. The rel ocati on costs are far greater than the future increased maintenance costs. The property owners have agreed to grant a new easement which encompasses the exi sti ng sewer in exchange for the ri ght to construct a wooden deck, steps (or stairway) and a retaining wall within the new easement. They have also requested that the existing rodding-inlet be moved closer to their south property line to be clear of their proposed deck. Staff has worked with the property owners and has determi ned that quitcl aimi ng the subject easement and accepting the new easement, with the above conditions, is in the best interest of the District. This project has been eval uated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitcl aim Deed to Kenneth M. Camenson and Venitta Williams, Job 1564, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ fW ,8/(OOKWOOO ROAD 6" V.C. SEWER PIPE ~ ~I Lor /6 ~I " " " 8/oc.~ 14 :> <:) REPLACEMENTEASEMENT~ I ROODING INLET QUITCLAIM 51 SEWER EASEMENT , () ~ W "- a:tn ::::)1- I-z ::::)W ~ 1&.:1 I&.W 0 0> .... cO 0 wa: "- a:~ ~ cl SITE QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT Job 1564 - Parcel 1 Orinda Area . Centrt. Contra Costa Sanitar~ .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE INSTALLATION OF THE PUMPING STATIONS TELEMETRY PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 10037, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION J u 24 1989 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WOR INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: Construction has been completed for the Pumping Stations Telemetry Project, District Project No. 10037, and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The Pumping Stations Telemetry Project connects 14 of the District's pumping stations with the treatment plant's mainframe computer. The system enables the operator at the treatment plant to monitor up to 24 individual alarm points at each of the remote pumping station sites. This telemetry system replaces an existing direct current (DC) system, which in the past only provided "Pump Station Normal" or "Pump Station Failure." On November 17, 1988, the Board of Directors authorized the award of the Pumping Stations Telemetry Project contract to Pipeline Systems Inc. of Walnut Creek for $72,128. The Noti ce to Proceed was issued on November 30, 1988, and the contract completion date was April 17, 1989. One change order in the amount of $2,880 was issued to provide additional local indication of alarms at each of the remote si tes. A 27-day extensi on of time was issued as a resu1 t of del ays caused by Pacific Bell telephone line installation problems and the additional time required to revise software required to implement the change order. All contract work has been completed, and it is appropriate to accept the work at this time. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project close-out. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the install ati on of the Pumpi ng Stations Telemetry Project, District Project No. 10037, and authorize the filing of Notice of Completion. 1302/1..9/85 DJR q6-6 JLB 1Jp)CT.lDIV' . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitar) Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 6 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF August 3, 1989 NO. V. SOLID WASTE 1 SUBJECT SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON AUGUST 24, 1989 TO CONSIDER THE REQUEST OF PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL FOR A RESETTING OF ITS REFUSE COLLECTION RATES BASED ON A SIGNIFICANT INCREASE IN DISPOSAL FEE EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1989 DATE July 31, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: On July 27, 1989, Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal submitted a request for a reconsideration of refuse collection rates based on a significant increase in disposal fee announced by the Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill (GBF landfill' effective August 1, 1989. BACKGROUND: A public hearing was held on July 6, 1989 to receive public comment on the refuse collection rate application submitted by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal. New refuse collection rates were set effective July 1, 1989, upon completion of the public hearing and consideration of the rate application and staff analysis thereon, at the July 20, 1989 Board Meeting. The Board of Directors set the refuse collection rates based on reimbursement of disposal expenses at cost, and the use of a 93 percent operating ratio. In view of the high degree of uncertainty regarding disposal fees, particularly at the Acme temporary transfer station, the Board set the collection rates effective July 1, 1989, with the proviso that refuse collection rates may be reconsidered, if disposal fees changed significantly during the July 1, 1989 through June 30, 1990 period. Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal received notification shortly after the July 20, 1989 Board Meeting by a letter dated July 19, 1989 from the GBF landfill that the disposal fee would be increased from $30 per ton to $38 per ton effective August 1, 1989. A request for a reconsideration of the collection rates set only a week ago as of July 1, 1989 has been received by a letter dated July 27, 1989 from Mr. Ken D. Little, representing the refuse collector. The letters from the GBF landfill and Mr. Little are attached to this Position Paper as Attachment I and II, respectively. The increase to $38 per ton is the latest in a series of successive increases during the last twenty months at the GBF landfill: Date of Increase Resultant Disposal Fee/Ton Percent Increase August 1, 1989 March 15, 1989 November 1, 1988 January 1, 1988 1987 & Prior $38 $30 $25 $22.50 $10 26.7 20.0 11.1 125.0 INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~~. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 W F SUBJECT SET A PUBLIC HEARING ON AUGUST 24, 1989 TO CONSIDER THE REQUEST OF PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL FOR A RESETTING OF ITS REFUSE COLLECTION RATES BASED ON A SIGNIFICANT INCREASE IN DISPOSAL FEE EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1989 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 6 ruTTy 31, 1989 A public hearing will be required to reconsider the rates set as of July 1, 1989 and to adjust such rates effective August 1, 1989, based on a significant change in disposal expenses. A staff analysis of the effect of the disposal expense increase and the percent increase in revenues required effective August 1, 1989 in a comparative format with the analysis for the July 1, 1989 rate-setting is presented on Attachment III. RECOMMENDATION: Schedule a public hearing to be held on August 24, 1989 to reconsider the refuse collection rates established as of July 1, 1989 for Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal, based on a significant increase in disposal expense effective August 1, 1989. 13028-9/85 ATTACHMENT I LITTLE & SAPUTO .A TTORNEYS.A T LA W PETER T. SAPUTO GISCLLE A. JURKANIN KCN O. LlTTLC 49 QUAIL COURT, SUITE 311 WALNUT CREEK, CA 94596 (415) 944-5000 FACSIMILE (415) 944-1112 July 27, 1989 VIA FACSIMILE AND REGULAR MAIL Susan McNulty Rainey, President Board of Directors Contra Costa Central Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Re: Rate Review Caused By Increase In Tipping Fees Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Dear President Rainey: On behalf of Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal ("PHBD"), we regret to inform you that the midyear review has come sooner than any of us would have liked. That is to say, GBF Landfill has just increased its disposal rates. The increase in rates arrived without any warning and apparently was received just after the adoption of the new rates by the Board. The tipping fee at the GBF Landfill which was $22.50 in July, 1988 and was subsequently raised in November, 1988 to $25, and again in March, 1989 to $30, is now to be raised effective August 1, 1989, to $38 per ton. This represents a 26.6% increase in tipping fees since the approval of the new rates. It represents an increase in tipping fees of 69% in one year. A copy of the letter notifying PHBD of the increase is enclosed. Based on the foregoing circumstances, PHBD has no alternative but to seek to have the rates for collection and disposal adjusted to reflect the new cost. PHBD hereby applies for changes in rates based upon these circumstances. In its application, PHBD showed total tipping fees forecasted to be $142,428. Set forth below is a recalculation of forecasted tipping fees: Old Dump Fee Per Ton New Dump Fee Per Ton Percentage Increase $30 $38 26.6% Total Dump Fees In Application Percentage Increase New Forecasted Dump Fees ($142,428 x 1.266%) $142,428 26.6% $180,313 Susan McNulty Rainey, President Board of Directors Contra Costa Central Sanitary District July 27, 1989 Page 2 The increase in rate required should be calculated using the new forecasted dump fees of $180,313. Presumably this will simply be a pel:"centage increase applied uniformly across all rates in accol:"dance with the Board's latest announcement of policy. Please schedule this item on the next available Board agenda which we believe to be August 3. Please notify this firm and/or PHBD when it might expect this item to be heard. Thank you again for your cooperation and kind consideration in this matter. Very truly yours, LITTLE & SAPUTO ~'.. j1@L'" KDL/mk encl<>sul:"e cc: Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Walter Funasaki (w/enc.) -' .. . , t' ~. ATTACHMENT Il . Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill P.O -BOX 5391 roO'JCORO. CAlIFORt.r.A 9'520 r4151682-9073 July 19, 1989 Pleasant Hill Bayshore Disposal P. O. Box 23164 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 ATTN: Boyd Olney, Jr. RE Disposal Fees Oeac Boyd, Due to a significant increase in our operational costs in the past few months, we find it necessary to increase dumping fees to ~38.00 per ton effective August 1, 1989. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, ./>~~ ~~.. 'Silvio Garaventa, Sr. President SGS:br cc: Band B Dump Concord Disposal Service Pittsburg Disposal Service Delta Debris Box Service Oakley sanitation Service BLentwood Disposal Service Attachment III Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal Analysis of Effect of 26.67 Percent Increase In Disposal Expense Effective August 1, 1989 July 1, 1989 - June 30, 1990 Rate-Setting Period July 1, 1989 Rate-SettinQ Forecasted Operating Expenses $550,272 Less: Disposal Expenses <142,428> Net Operating Expenses 407,844 407,844 373,871 Forecasted Revenues Required - 93% Operating Ratio 438,542 438,542 402,012 Add: Franchise Fee 2,200 2,200 2,017 Disposal Expenses 142,428 177.1248 165,379 Forecasted Revenues Required 583,170 617,990 569,408 Forecasted Revenues Without Increase 560,215 560,215 534,588 Increase In Forecasted Revenues Required $ 22,955 57,775 34,820 Percent Increase In Revenues Required 4. 10% 10 . 31% 6.51% Effect On Representative Collection Rates: Current Residential Single-Can $ 12.80 $ 13.30 $ 14.15 Mobile Home Single-Can $ 9.50 $ 9.90 $ 10.50 20 Yard Drop Box $220.00 $229.00 $243.90 . Centra~ "';ontra Costa SanitarY..Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF ,38 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF August 3, 1989 NO. VI. LEGAL LITIGATION 1 SUBJECT RECEIVE APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO FILE LATE CLAIM DATE July 26, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE LATE CLAIM APPLICATION AND ACT UPON IT ~1~TTC~rRpbell Administrative Operations Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Risk Management ISSUE: The Board of Directors at the July 6, 1989 meeting returned without further action, a claim submitted by J. Lewis & Son, Inc., because it had not been timely filed. A claimant may subsequently apply to the public entity for leave to present such claim. BACKGROUND: Mr. Jack Lewis of J. Lewis & Son, one of the subcontractors on the San Ramon Valley Phase A project, of which Western Utility Contractors, Inc. (Westcon) was the general contractor, has submitted a Petition for Leave to File Late Claim. Mr. Lewis has requested an opportunity to make this presentation to the Board in person and he plans to appear at the August 3 Board meeting to do so. In advance of his presentation, he has sent the attached material and requested that it be given to the Board Members prior to the meeting. Because of the litigation which has been filed relative to this matter, the Board may wish to meet with District Counsel in closed session prior to taking action. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the Petition for Leave to File Late Claim, hear Mr. Jack Lewis' presentation, and determine whether to accept or reject this application. TI(LV. JEC PM KA j..J RfECIEOVID JUL 28 '989 cccso t_ ~'"~RF.TAftY OF THF n~ PETITION FOR LEAVE TO FILE LATE CLAIM DATE: FROM: JULY 24, 1989 J. LEWIS & SON, INC. - CLAIMANT; LEGAL DEPT. 9602 Featherhill Drive Villa Park, CA 92667-2616 TO: CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Attn.: JOYCE E. McMILLAN, Secretary JACK E. CAMPBELL, Risk Operations Mgr. The following request for Leave To File Late Claim is being undertaken as a formality only, and as continuing evidence of sub-contractor's (i.e., J. LEWIS & SON., INC.) good faith posture towards resolution of a dispute involving funds due sub-contractor for past performance under Project 4224A; and is furthermore being made under protest in that the facts shall disclose the reality of sub-contractor's original Claim's. timeliness as heretofore submitted. The referenced Claim has been brought under the pertinent/ proper governing Contract Section, to wit: "GC-11 DIFFERING SITE CONDITIONS The Contractor shall promptly, and before such conditions are disturbed, notify the Engineer in writing of: ill subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing materially from those shown in the Contract Documents, or (2) any other unforeseen physical conditions at the site, of an unusual nature, differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract. The Engineer will, as promptly as practicable, investigate the conditions, consider the findings, and make ~ determination. If it is determined that such conditions do materially so differ and cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's cost of, or the time required for, performance of any part of any work under the Contract, whether or not changed as a result of such conditions, an equitable adjustment will be made and the Contract modified in writing accordingly. No claim of the Contractor under this article will be allowed unless the Contractor has given the required notice." (Emphasis added.) This section is legally controlling by the power vested in it via Government Code Section 930.2, which states: "The governing body of .9. local public entity may include in any written agreement to which the entity, its governing body, or any board or employee thereof in an official capacity is .9. party, provisions governing the presentation, by or on behalf of any party thereto, of any or all claims arising out of or related to the agreement and the consideration and payment of such claims. The written agreement may incorporate by reference claim provisions set forth in a specifically identified ordinance or resolution theretofore adopted by the governing body." (Emphasis added. ) Through careful scrutiny and analysis, the correct application of Section 930.2 as the vesting authority for Contract Section GC-ll was implemented; and the Claim's procedure as delineated therein was followed accordingly. First, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (hereafter, "CCCSD"), a public entity, was responsible for the drafting of the subject Contract, presumably under the auspices of its "governing board"; since it is a County organization with regular board meetings, etc. Second, CCCSD's name appears on the subject Contract, a fortiori making it "a party." Then one may look to the Contract provision, GC-ll. itself, which states that: "No claim of the Contractor under this article [i.e.. "Differing Site Conditions") will be allowed unless the Contractor has given the required notice." (Emphasis added.) Reviewing Section 930.2, again [upon qualifying CCCSD as the "public entity" in question), ". . public entity may include in any written agreement to which the entity. . is .9. party, provisions governing the presentation, gy or on behalf of any party thereto [i.e., ~ LEWIS ~ SON, INC.; hereafter, "JLS", may be designated as the "any party thereto at this point], of any or all claims arising out of or related to the agreement and the consideration of such claims. ." (Emphasis added.) This latter portion unequivocally directs us back to GC-ll: The "Differing Site Conditions" upon which JLS bases his Claim. The next review, then, becomes critical: Did Contract Section GC-ll provide "provisions governing the presentation. by or on behalf of any party thereto, of any or all claims arising out of or related to the agreement and the consideration and payment of such claims. "? If so, then it falls under Government Code Section 930.2, accordingly and thereby supersedes any other Government Code sections applying to the presentation of claims; and per Section 930.4: ~ claims procedure established gy agreement made pursuant to Section 930.2 exclusively governs the claims to which it relates. "(Emphasis added.) -2- One must now look to Contract Section GC-ll and address each portion thereof. A) "The Contractor shall promptly, and before such conditions are disturbed, notify the Engineer in writing of: (1) subsurface or latent physical conditions at the site differing materially from those shown in the Contract Documents, or (2) any other unforeseen physical conditions at the site, of an unusual nature, differing materially from those ordinarily encountered and generally recognized as inherent in work of the character provided for in the Contract. "(Emphasis added.) Please see copy of letter dated Dec. 22, 1987 (attached as Ex. A) which constitutes the subcontractor's initial notification of "Differing Site Conditions" pursuant to GC- 11. Then please refer to Mr. Henry Thom's (an agent of CCCSD) "Rediform" letter, dated 12/22/87 (attached as Ex. B- 1) to Milt Smith of Westcon (the prime Contractor), repudiating same to the extent that subcontractor's notification was without "substantiation" Qy Westcon and that data/evidence documenting said "Differing Site Conditions" was ~ condition precedent to investigation/resolution of same. Also attached, as Ex. B-2, is Mr. Thom's "confirmation" of his "speed memo", dated 1/4/88, refusing to acknowledge sub-contractor's "notice" re differing site conditions since it needed to be directed through the prime contractor as well as substantiated via Westcon's "follow- up." Furthermore, at No. 2 of said letter, Mr. Thom makes specific reference to the effect that: "Contract Section GC- 11 stipulated the requirements on notifying the owner on possible differing site conditions. Ii Westcon intends to follow-up and submit ~ notice. . The ~ of substantiation required are specified under items 1 and ~ of GC-ll. "(Emphasis added.) It should be noted that CCCSD's agent, Mr. Thom, has at this point only further confirmed JLS' contention that Section GC-ll of the Contract is controlling; as corroborated by not only the agent of the Contract's drafting party, but as authorized in Government Code Section 930.2 and as exclusively governing pursuant to Section 930.4, supra. Then please see Ex. C, which is essentially Ex. A (subcontractor's notice), verbatim, with the exception that it was re-submitted Qy JLS on 1/7/88 in further good faith attempts at compliance under GC-ll, as dictated by contract law and as mandated by Mr. Henry Thom. And said "re-submittal" was accompanied Qy the letter dated 1/5/88 from Westcon to CCCSD (attached as Ex. D), "notifying. . of. . subcontractor's letter. . and of. subcontractor's intent to seek compensation for work which he deems to be extra to the contract Qy virtue of ~ differing site condition." (Emphasis added.) -3- Please reference Ex. E, "Telephone Conversation Notes" dated 2/3/88 from Mr. Thorn indicating that, "Lewis' request of jacking without further lowering of the groundwater may be feasible"; then see Ex. F, letter from Woodward-Clyde & Assoc. (hereafter, "WCC") to Mr. Thorn, dated 1/19/88, at p. 2, last sentence of last para., wherein WCC stated: " . We note that JLS' dewatering submittals prepared in September and October, 1987, are consistent with those requirements." Then return to Ex. E, at the last para.,"f.", where Mr. Thorn states: "Westcon & Subcontractor will not file claims (whether legitimate or otherwise) on delays and/or dewatering problems to date." Thus, it appears that even on 2/3/88, sub- contractor's Claim was not only acknowledged by CCCSD's agent, but subcontractor was, in effect, ordered to refrain from filing claims, "legitimate or otherwise." One should then refer to Ex. G, copy of Mr. Thorn's letter to Westcon, dated 1/6/88, indicating a posture of understanding by CCCSD regarding the delay in the jacking, etc. However, said letter was explicit in its caveat that: Since they'd bargained their rights to $500/day liquidated damages over to Danville Home Improvement Center (hereafter, "DHIC") in order to negotiate a right of entry for the construction, CCCSD's "hands were tied" in effect; and their posture of understanding had no favorable legal significance/effect with respect to JLS. Furthermore, they could "take no action" which would "adversely affect the rights of the Danville Home Improvement Center to collect such liquidated damages unless a written agreement with Danville Home Improvement Center providing for an extension" was "executed." This was followed by JLS' letter, dated 1/18/88 (attached as Ex. H) requesting that CCCSD "make available. . the complete file of WCC & James Montgomery pertaining to the tunnel beneath San Ramon Valley Blvd. & the Danville Home Improvement Center," with detailed substantiation for this request. Mr. Henry Thorn's response of 2/9/88 (attached as Ex. I) was: "Since the design of the dewatering system is your responsibility, and since your recent activities have developed the required information for your design, we do not intend to further pursue this issue at this time." (Emphasis added.) In other words, CCCSD espoused a very basic policy: It's your problem, you seem to be dealing with it adequately; therefore, it does not concern us. One should again review Section GC-11, in pertinent part: "The Engineer will, as promptly as practicable, investigate the conditions, consider the findings, and make a determination." Could one, then, reasonably interpret: (1) Mr. Thorn's actions of conferring with WCC and then making a few concessions that JLS' request "may be feasible"; (2) refusing to provide investigative information to JLS; (3) directing JLS to refrain from filing any claims, and; (4) not pursuing "this issue at this time", -4- -----_......_----_._-------_._--------------~_.,_._-_..._'-------,----------"'-------_._-_....._.~-_.._.,_._----- as good faith compliance with the above-cited portion of GC- 11? The Feb. 8, 1988 Minutes (attached as Ex. J) indicate further mention of the soils condition at Nos. 5 and 6 in particular, but do not provide an update on CCCSD's posture on "differing site conditions". Only at No.7, Mr. Thom seems to require "confirmation of Mr. Lewis' reasons." JLS' letter dated 2/16/88 (attached as Ex. K), summarized said Minutes and provided a detailed update on the construction situation. It is significant to note at p. 3, JLS makes reference to a proposed method of accomplishing work, ". . rather than to completely exhaust. . physically those individuals. with different soils conditions. "(Emphasis added.) Finally, one should review JLS' letter, dated 3/15/88 (attached as Ex. L), indicating that: "From the start of the tunneling to present, we have experienced vastly different ground conditions along with wood piling, all of which have had ~ negative impact on the tunneling. The value of this negative impact cannot be ascertained at this time and will be forwarded to Westcon and the District at such time as can be determined, probably at the end of the tunneling." (Emphasis added.) "WHERE THE REQUISITE INFORMATION FOR A CLAIM AGAINST A COUNTY IS GIVEN, IT IS NOT ESSENTIAL THAT THE CLAIM BE GIVEN WITH THE INTENT TO COMPLY WITH THE CLAIMS STATUTE. II Myers ~ Orange County (1970) 6 C.A.3d 626, 86 Cal.Rptr. 198 Since the subcontractor was bound by Contract, and specifically by Section GC-11, in his presentation of Claims, (of which according to the facts, he in good faith complied); the formal claims procedure and statute of limitations which CCCSD now seeks to utilize in rejecting said Claim has been erroneously applied. The facts show the step by step Claims procedure that the subcontractor followed in accordance with GC-ll. The Claim submitted on or about May ~ 1988 was only the culmination of subcontractor's efforts to seek compensation for additional costs under differing site conditions, and not the inception of said Claim. That CCCSD had the opportunity to investigate, and that they responded to JLS's Claim in some manner/form (incompletely albeit) as presented pursuant to GC-11, is in fact, amply documented. Please reference Ex. M, copy of Mr. Thom's letter dated 3/17/88, which unequivocally says, ". . we have noticed no unanticipated soil conditions that may have contributed to the delay of your jacking work." Could this, then, be construed as the Engineer's "determination" pursuant to GC- 11? Then reference Mr. Thom's April 4, 1988 letter No. 90, -5- attached as Ex. N, wherein he declines to participate "in making comments and remarks on soil conditions" during JLS' video of the tunnel face; claims it's not relevant, and stating," . the District is reviewing your request for soils sampling within the next two days and will include the video taping request in our overall evaluation." Furthermore, please review the Revised Minutes of the 3/31/88 Progress Meeting (attached as Ex. 0) corroborating CCCSD's continued posture of refusing to acknowledge differing site conditions, and the Minutes dated April 4, 1988 (attached as Ex. P) of similar contents; with claims that GC-12 (i.e., Charges And Extra Work) should now be applicable to JLS's Claim. This seems a contradiction of Mr. Thom's posture and his previous ratification of proceeding exclusively under GC- 11. In a final analysis, GC-11 states that: ~ it is determined that such conditions do materially differ. .an equitable adjustment will be made and the Contract modified in writing, accordingly. No claim of the Contractor under this article will be allowed unless the Contractor has given the required notice." Government Code Section 930.4 specifically addresses," .the consideration and payment of such claims. ," as being a required element for its application; said element being satisfied by Contract Section GC-11. As per the facts, subcontractor has received various and contradictory information from CCCSD. First, he was told to substantiate his Claim pursuant to GC-l1, then not to file any claims; CCCSD refused to acknowledge his Claim, then CCCSD conceded receipt of his Claim arbitrarily under Contract Section GC-12! When JLS attempted to formalize his Claim with substantiating accounting information that was not available until the job's conclusion on or about May n.... 1988, his Claim was "rejected" based on alleged "untimely filing." However, given the facts/circumstances existing throughout the construction process and subcontractor's observation/compliance with Claim's Procedure pursuant to Contract Section GC-11, prevailing contract law dictates that the time for performance had to expire prior to the presentation of any formal claim. The facts further support that inasmuch as was possible and in good faith, subcontractor adhered to the procedures outlined in Section GC-11. The position that remains strongly unfounded is that held by CCCSD in its continued refusal to recognize the facts; or that of its volitional ignorance of same. -6- I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. Executed this 24th day of July, 1989, in Villa Park, California. -7- ," ~~r~1 -t:>~ ~/ff/"7. 1/;:., I " '-I(ul. "1, /'Ifl3 i'l! I ~~Mr. Milt Smith Westcon ~:lS31 St. Alphonsis Way ;!;A1amo, CA 94507 ~. l~.; accordance with requirement set forth in General Condition Section G.C. 11, """please notify the owner C.C.C. S.D. that the soil conditions differ materially ,;with that represented in the contract documents including the Woodward Clyde Soil Report. We intend to begin the extra work called for by the soil and water behavior immediately since the owner was already notified verbally of this ;. condition on December /2-) 1987. ()'"'-j' =11 contact me if you have any comments. LEWIS AND SON, INC. '- President '-' -- ' Exhibit A / -,,'- , 1';" / J .J.- .:~1/c.(_Yc.....)t , SEND PARTS 1 AND 3 INTACT.. PART 3 WILL BE RETURNED WlTrl L ~rl ~ rr' :..~ Exhibit "-/"',r-', ,.;~'::JS,:-;~_\'~, TEL:C01J..Lffl, ';.~~ FOR. ~. PAGE: .3 OF ' PAGES Central Contra Costa Sanitary District , '. ,. .';' ';', January 4, 1988 110GI:III' DOLAN ,G~ftt,,, MOllelt, ChI'/En,'n..r . JAMI:$ L HAZAIlO COUlutl/or (ltt Dblnc, (415) ",. '4JO JOYCI: 1:. MCM,LUoN SteT".'" 01 ,It, D/llrle' western utility Contractors, Inc. 1531 St. Alphonsus Way Alamo, CA 94507 Letter No. 54 Attention: Milt Smith, Project Manager Gentlemen : SAN P>>ON VALLEY TRUNK SEWER CD.P. 4224A) LET1'ER FROM J. LEWIS 'IO WES'Ia:N DATED 12/22/87 Further to my "speed memo" to you dated 12/23/87 in response to the referenced letter fran J. Lewis and Son, Inc., please note the following: 1. Contract Section GC-7 stipulated the delivery of notice to the Owner. by the Contractor. The referenced letter was between your subcontractor and. Westcon and, therefore, will not be accepted as an official notification ~ the Contractor (Westcon) to the Owner.' . 2. Contract Section GC-ll stipulated the requirements m notifying the Owner on possible differing site conditions. If Westcon intends to follOW-up and suJ:mit such a notice, please ensure to include the evidence and data required to substantiate your notice. The type of substantiation required are specified under i terns 1 and 2 of GC-ll, and mentioo.ed in my "speed memo". ~lYif~~~L ~ IenJ B~ an Resident ngineer HBT: j b cc: M. Daley (Westcon-Utah) File 4224A - 2.3 & 4224A - 2.6 Exhibit B-2 ._~ _PO''''''':, .ri.. S:?."}h.:.:"Milt Smith <,;,;,:Westcon ;~'::]531 St. Alphonsis Way J/Alamo. CA 94507 .1", . .~.:. '~'.~:~-', ,'/;\~/~ >..: ':In accordance with requirement set forth in General Condition Section G.C. il, :;",~lease notify the owner C.C.C.S.D. that the soil conditio~s differ ~ateria11y ;".;'witb,that represented in the contract documents including. the Woodward Clyde ,:~oi::?teport. We intend to begin the extra work call~d. for by the soil and water ,behayior immediately since the owner was already notified verbally of this ;, con~ition on December /1-) 1987. (')(11' = /I contact me if you have any comments. SON, INC. '- Lewis " .........-_. Exhibit c . ---.... ., .. ..-........ . . -.. ...... .'_.. ~westcon January 5, 1988 LTO 706-058 Mr. Henry Thorn Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 3240 Stone Valley Road West, Suite 250 Alamo, California 94507 ... ...... ., " ......1...- . .~... ;....:.~.. '.:.,.. ".~. '.. M.., .'. '._,'" "_ .~. -~!il ",:,-~...., _. ...... ........... ...- . .......... ..... ....-,."'"'... ......,.. .. F.......: :-~...;: . .:....... ..~ .'. Re: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District P~oject n 4224A San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvement Project Contract - Schedule A Dear Henry: .' . ...... . ...... .......... ...... We have enclosed, for your referenc.:, a letter from J. Lewis . ...~:..~:;:~~:.:,..::',-'::~i.~:'~'" and Sons, Inc., our sub-contractor on the abo\Te referenced project.... ::~~.:\.::>..:,::.~::...:.: which was hand-carried to our jobsite office late Wednesday afternoon, ".' '::."7.;.:.~~~:.:;.~::t.:;~.;. . . . .....I..l~. "1"1:1',..- . : .... or.. ~."'" December 23,'1987. As Mr. Lewis was aware, our Project Manage~ and' .. ..::;:..~~..:-::-:::.';;,;?::::"'" Project Engineer were not at the jobsite office on the 23rd, having. . -':~j;;~1f;~~~;~ left for the holiday to return on Monday rnbrning, January 4, 1988.' ;.:~r:~~~';-:'_:.'.;".~~,' . .. .00:'-" ~;:'''_':: ...:......;~~.'..... >. ..... We thus are notifying you of our sub-contractor's letter on the 2nd working day following its delivery to our field office, and of our. sub-contractorts intent to seek compensation for work whicb he deems to bi extra to the contract by virtue of a differing site condition.- . .-. . ..~ ..... -. : :..... -.......:"" '. - :....~ '.:. .... :. ..... '.~:' - - -.i... '. ". .......:.. '. !. . ..-....- .., .... ..... . .. .. ....... .... . . .' :>:.:./1::>::': ~~.::::T ....--...'.: : '.-. .. . ..~~:....r<' '." . . :.' \f~~~~~ ..... .,.-..-.......-.,~~::-. .. '.- ..'.~...:~....~:<":'".7..~::""~-=. ~l~~'I~~~ .~~:/;~.;~;::~:}:}.~~t .--....... ....-.~;. .~....-... ~.~ . : .:~:[;~~~:~t: --r!!l(j~.......~.- . .:.....~;l il' '!':'t.>.:'~. ~/, ...:I~:."~.'... '\~~'E~ . --'~t~l .Western Utility Contractors, Inc., 1531 51. .A:lphonsus Way, Alamo. CA 94SQS,:(415) 838.710~:~~ .:..:~~~~~.~{ _.. ,. .... .... "'~"".Ji'#.=r......~_...,~,.. ;.:. .. .. :.~!:~:.e,""~'~~~~~'~' '" ;'?:~?2~'E: ~~ ;:"lO Westcon has requested supporting documentation from its sub- contractor. " Sincerely, 7J!v6k 1/IxL- Hilton H. Smith .Proj ec t Manager MHS/ra Exhibit D ..........'t:.,_;~~lIIIil..'.I:,"'t - - - /-l, ;;;;J1........,-"" ,---"'--~ TELEPHONE C\"'J.~VERSATION NOTES Exhibit 100;1/81 E -- - J /'l / I - -. 500 12th Street SUite 100 Oakland. CA 94607-4014 (415) 893-3600 Woodwc. !~ ';J1.~de Consultants January 19. 1988 Project No. 16804C I , I ; Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Attention; Mr. Henry Thorn Subject: . San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Tunnel Dewatering ~,.. Dear Henry: In a letter dated January 7, 1988, WESTCON's subcontractor, J. Lewis 'Son, Inc. (JLS), has questioned the \ntent of Specification Section 02310- l.02-A, Item 1. In response tp JLS's inquiry, you have requested that Woodward-Clyde Consultants ~tC). provide a technical expla~ation of this section of the speci fications~<'a'nd ,this letter isin response to that' request. Section 02310 of the specifications addresses Tunnel Dewatering. .Paragraph 1.02-A lists basic design criteria for the dewatering system, which the contractor is responsible for designing. Item 1 of Sec- tion 1.02-A was modified by Addendum No.1. dated April 20,1987, to read as fol1ows; 1. Lower the groundwater level in the ground surrounding the tunnel excavation from above the tunnel to a depth of ten (10) feet below the tunnel. Within this zone, the groundwater level shall be main- tained at a minimum of 2 feet below the excavated 'tunnel invert and portal excavation. ., Mdc9~61llng En~l1nee's Geologists and EnVironmental S::lenllStS Offices In Other PnnCloal CllIes IICA ,.. Exhibit F ,~._..- ---" - ~~--- ~_.. ~ /; .q.. ... /. ~ , " " /, r Central Contr,u Sanitary District January 19. 19B::. Page 2 ')(1ward.Cfyde (;OI1SUrtam5 t'" The intent of the first sentence in this paragraph is to define the zone surrounding the tunnel excavation within which groundwater levels and hydrostatic pressures are to be controlled. i.e. ....ground surrounding the tunnel excavation from above the tunnel to a depth of ten (10) feet below the tunnel." The second sentence defines the degree to which groundwater levels and hydrostatic pressures are to be controlled within the specified zone. i.e.. "...the groundwater level shall be maintained a minimum Of 2 feet below the excavated tunnel invert...". It is important that the ~wo sentences in this paragraph be read toge~her. To take one sentence out of context does not give an accurate description of the dewatering req4ire- ments. Furthermore. the entire Section 02310 should be read as a whole to further understand the intent of the dewateting requirements. as discussed further below. f: ~; r,fl. l' , I ~ I ~ ' r , r, I~ t" , ~ r ~"..". ;> ,.>.; ,":. L ~'" L I I I I I ! The main purpose of the tunnel dewatering system is to lower groundwater levels below the tunnel invert in soils that might otherwise become unstable due to uncontrolled seepage. This purpose is expressed in Paragraph 1.01-B: 8. Dewatering includes lowering the groundwater table and intersecting seepage which would otherwise emerge from the tunnel excavation; preventing loss of material from beneath the bottom of the tunnel excavation; improving the excavating and h~uling characteristics of sandy soil; and preventing rupture or heaving of the bottom of the tunnel excavation. The reason for extend i ng the zone of dewatering to a depth of 10 feet below the tunnel excavation is to lower hydrostatic pressures in potentially unstable soils which may be present below the tunnel excavation. If the hydrostatic pressures in these soils are not relieved to an acceptable degree. then stability problems in the bottom of the tunnel excavation could result such as heave of the inv~rt and possible rupture or invert blow. The purpose of the modification of Section 02310, Paragraph 1.02-A in Addendum No.1 was to clarify language; the intent of the specification has not changed. In summary'. the Contractor is required to reduce groundwater levels and hydrostatic pressures to a level of two feet below the invert of the tunnel ~xcavation. He must effect the degree of dewatering within potentially unstable soils that may exist down to 10 feet below the invert of the tunnel excavation. iWe note that JLS's dewatering submittais prepared in September and October. 1987, are consistent with these requirements. MI021 Jt } ~. f ~. i. I . ,~ I I I I I I ~, k- ~!s;' - Central ContI January 19, 1988 Page 3 Sanitary District ~N3rd.CIyde Consultants If you should have any questions regarding our comments, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, ~OOOWARO-eLYOE CONSULTANTS 'I 'I i 4k-Lf ~ Stephen J. Klein, P.E. Project Engineer ~4 ~/r ~ndal1 J. ~Essll (E. Senior Project Engineer cc: Mr. John Bergen, JMM Mr. H. Berger, wee Mr. J. Bischoff. wee .~_? :,;, '~ M1021 _... ~~~~~d~[Q) , ......... ~AN ~ 1988 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place. Martinez. CA 94553-4392 (415)689-3890 <l ~. TElECO~;D: / (;J.!.f' FOR: I ./;'; ~ PAGE: / OF {) -' PAGES "llOGUJ.~ Gono<., M~' Chi., Eng;~ 'JAMES L ~o Cpunwl "" ..... Olurl<1 1415/938-1430 JO'lCE E. McMIllAN s.o'lllIy 01..... Olsttlcl J~nuary 6, 1988 Westcon 1531 st. Alphonsus Way Alamo, California 94507 Attention: Mr. Milt Smith, Project Manager Letter No. 55 Reference: San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer (DP 4224A) Gentlemen: This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter no. 055, dated December 15, 1987 on the delay of the jacking work and your proposal on correcting the situation. As discussed in the meeting of December 16, 1987, with Mr. Stanley, Mr. Daley, and yoursel f , the District feels it is essential that appropriate action be taken by Westcon to correct the ongo~ng problems with the jacking operation, including the problem of deficient .dewatering at the jacking site, incomplete submittals on the jacking work, and overall delay in completion of the work. 'I District understands that .you have faced certain difficulties with your subcontractor and we appreciate your efforts to work with the District to resolve these problems. The Dis- trict is encouraged by your comments and your commitment to decisive action. Accordingly we will be expecting positive results in the very near future. As you are aware, the District is in a very difficult posi- tion with regard to the time l.imi ts for construction in or about the location of the Danville Home Improvement Center. In order to negotiate a right of entry for the construction activi ty, the District unequivocally (!.ssigned .i ts rights to' the $500 a day liquidated damages provisions regarding con- struction within said location. The owners of Danville Home Improvement Center currently have such rights as would be available to the District at law with regard to collection of said liquidated damages. Accordingly the District can take no action which will adversely affect the rights of the Danville Home Improvement Center to collect sucn liquidated damages unless a written agreement with Danville Home Improve- ment Center providing for an extension is executed. Accord- ingly, it is our intent to resolve the issue of a delayed Exhibit G ioo- -- ---- .----- To: Milt smith, Project Manager Re: San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer January 6, 1988 Page 2 (DP 4224A) .. '~ .~~~~c~~ ,. ~ PAGE: OJ..... OF ~.:L PAGES i construction within the Danville Home Improvement Center property in a manner which is least disruptive to that busi- ness. In view of your comments that action to resolve the problems with the jacking operation is imminent, District will post- pone discussion on the imposition of liquidated damages for the immediate future. Hopefully, this will al~ow all parties to resolve this matter amicably. The District, however, reserves the right to impose liquidated damages as would be provided for in Change Ord~rs no.s 1 and 2 and section SC-2l of the contract. The action taken here in postponing the issue of imposition of liquidated damages based on the delay in completion of the construction work within the Danville Home Improvement Center location shall not constitute a waiv- er of any right held by the District or Danville Home Improve- ment Center to collect said liquidated damages. Moreover, the contents of this letter should not be considered a tacit agreement to an extension ,or .waiver of any other rights held by the District or Danville Home Improvement Center with regard to the construction: contract. SinCe~~lY' f" '::=---~7/'., ,', l<."-' 'ft-t/l. :::~~.~~O~ng~n~.r t/ ^'( HT:car cc: Mr. Dalton DeFoe (DH!C) I ~; ,'I . '.$~',' I ~. ...1. ~---- ......------.---. -.-.--- -- ..---- - 1: .. c;, .... ~ :::::.:::-.-.Y January 18, 1988 Mr. Milt Smith Westcon 1531 st. Alphonsis Way Alamo; CA 94507 Dear Mr. Smith: We request that C.C.C.S.D. acquire and ~ediately make available to us the complete files of Woodward-Clyde and James Montgomery, pertaining to the tunnel beneath San Ramon Valley Blvd. and the Danville Home Improvement Center. This is not a witch hunt and we are not asking for purely subjective notes and commu~;cations that are of a private nature to the individuals involved. In general, this would include all soils-information, tunnel design data and dewatering data. Specifically it would includ~ all field notes, lab analysis, notes and minutes of all meetings with lists of the attendees, formulas and calculations supporting conclusions, assumptions, etc. We enclose a check payable to C.C.C.S.D. for $300.00 for copying expense. The'following facts necessitate our immediate review of the requested information. 1. The surface subsidence has e;xceeded 1" simply due to dewatering. Up to this amount occured during the first 2 weeks and essentially does not include the time related settlement of 1/4" predicted by Woodward Clyde. 2. This settlement has obviously lowered the existing utilities including the 1,100 p.s.i. high pressure petroleum line, a 66" diameter water line, a 30" diameter sewer line and a 10" diameter water line. Tunneling settlement, referencing the Woodward-Clyde report, would result in settlement 2 to 3 times greater than from dewa,tering. ;; 3. To put the foregoing data in perspective we point out the high concern that the owner has for safety at this location by referencing a speed memo of December 10, 1987 to Milt Smith of Westcon from Henry Thorn, resident engineer on project for the owner (a copy attached). The far greater significance of reaching the maximum amount of settlement before tunneling begins, plus the following points which suggest arithmetical errors, inappropriate information, omissions of adverse information and blatant erroneous conclus'ions should cause Mr. Thorn to provide for our analytical review and comment on "all" tl~ data contributing to the report. Further, a true interest in safety should immediately overide any desire to conceal info~mation that the public has already paid for. Should further flaws be discovered at thi~tunneling begins, and H ._-~--~....----~~-~. ..', "-' .~."'. ..... -. Page Two Westcon can be effectively resolved, the public's interest as relates to safety is best served. " . 4. The owner, designer - soils eng~neer have further established their concern for settlement !in specification Section 02300 3.03 B (copy attached) where a value of one half inch is deemed to be sufficiently important to require precautionary measures and performance of remedial work to prevent further damage. 5. The soil consultant's technical raw data, when "correctly" used in his prescribed formula produce answers up to twenty times different from that represented. See report. 6. The soil consultant has stated to this contractor that he visited the job site at a time, when the East Bay M.Q.D. 66" water line was being installed adjacent to where our tunnel will . pass beneath it. He indicated that large quantities of water were flowing into th trench such that (3) water pumps were barely keeping up. He added that he felt the source of this water was the confined sand aquifer which lays essentially below our tunnel. There is no n~ntion of this event in the report nor evidence that any work was done to quantify the amount of inflow or determine its source. . 7. We've been further informed as to the source of the statement in report Section 6.4 Groundwater Control for Tunnel Construction pg. 39 (see enclosure) dealing with deep well spacing. Instead of Woodward-Clyde using their own incomplete and erroneous data to determine this spacing, an unidentified dewatering contractor is said to have provided this information. What the dewatering contractor based his assumption on; why this analysis wasn't done by or at least checked by Woodward-Clyde; (or the representation qualified in the report as originating from someone other than the report's drafter) and what criteria were used to make such an assumption are three questions which remain unanswered at .this time. " 8. Our letter of January 7, 1988 asks about a specific requirement in the specification and Addendum II; pr.oviding for dewatering the tunnel environment to 10"below the tunnel. Since this requirement must be compatible with representations made elsewhere in the contract documents, including the Soil Report by Woodward-Clyde, reliance on their technical observations is appropriate. As a practical matter this does not and cannot work; which adds to the list of inaccurate conclusions derived from the soil report. 9. The accompanying independent report infers that deep well spacing of 20-45 ft. maximum is required to get water down below the tunnel. This may not provide for 2' below tunnel and .i::;i~~}\,';.,:,:.fj~\' -- P age Three Westcon v(,,-:, absolutely in no way approaches 10' below tunnel dewatering. Due to geol~9Y and surface constraints, cost leffectiveness of additional dewatering should be evaluate9 after reviewing all relevant data, especially that used by W~dward-Clyde in the prepaTation of the soil report. Of part~cualr interest is the method(s) used by Woodward-Clyde in dete~mining well spacing since we've not found one using the data igiven us. I 10. A major benefit in reviewing tije soil report and the tunnel design files of Woodward-Clyde and James Montgomery assures the reviewer that a pertinent and "currently helpful detail" wasn't lost in the transfer of information. We're informed' that Woodward-Clyde essentially Idid the soil report and the tunnel design, and feel there may be ,: an increased likelihood . of an oversight since the normal independent analysis by the designer wasn't done. . I remind you that almost all your correspondence is closed with a statement assuring your cooperation .in moving the job along. Your early compliance with this request would do just that. , Lewis " Central Contra Costa Sanitary District , SO'9Imho!! Place, Martlnez, Ctlllfomla 94553 (415) 689.3890 February 9, 1988 ltOGD J. DOlAN Gftt_f 1040""1<< Cltlfl/h6I".,. JAIIIa L. HAZAItD Cou....,/o' lite DI.1IkI (4 I., ,oW. I 4"0 JOYa 2. AkNlUAN !I<<reIo'Y"oJ lite Dlnr/c, Westcon Utility Contractors, Inc. 1531 St. Alphonsus Way 'Alamo~ CA 94507 Letter No. 67 Milt Smith, Project Manager 'SAN 'RAMON VALLEY TRUNK SEWER - (D.P. 4224A) FILES ON GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Prior to our meeting on 2/3/88 you had requested a complete design file on the geotechnical report. We have discussed your request 'with our consultants and we 'were informed that all data has been included in the report and no other use- ful information is available in such files. S~nce the design of the dewatering system is your responsibility, and since your recent activities have developed the required information for your design, we do not intend to further pursue this issue at this time~ If there are further ques- tions, please contact me. Very truly yo~rs.~~ , -#7~ . . Henry Thom .'~esident Eng eer if HT: sm M: Daley (Utah) File A-2.2 & A-2.6 ~ Exhibit ~ntra1. Contra Costa Sanitary District ~.; \; Pebruary 8, 1988 Distribution List Henry Than iff San Ramal Valley Trunk Sewer CD.P. 4224A) !~:. Minutes Of . Meeting Beld On February 3, 1988 Dewatering Problem Attendees: ax:so : R. Klimczak M. IANery B. '!ban J. Lewis D. Dyckman R. Miles R. Essex S. Klein M. Daley B. Sitbett M. Snith.. ... f. ~;l;'" . JLS: (WFJ, . I11c.) JMM: ~: ~!: t<.:;~.. ,,;.::,..; Westcon: '.... ... .J a(~~~.: . ,~;;...i'_;:'.;.. l~'n1is 'meeting was requested by westcon to review the overall jacking .status with their subca1tractor. Reference, District letter No. 62. '"','":.7. 2:OY /Piezaneter P-7B at San Ramal Valley Blvd is being changed into'.a dewatering well this morning. As discussed with Westcoo'in the meeting CI1'"January 28, 1988, both piezaneter P-7A and P-7B are being turned into . wells. to increase pmlping. '!he resulted need of new piezaneters at the area for ~itoring was discussed. ' 3. ~ problem of dewatering the area west of the Danville Bane Improvement Center building was discussed. The'level in that area has not changed much in the",iast weeks. The accuracy of the recent readings obtained fran the abandoned well W-3 \s being guestiCJ1ed. Since the . well' has been idled, the readings are not reliable until the ~has .~ pmrped down at least alee. Mr . Lewis said that P-l and P-2 in the bni1ding were checked two weeks ago and acknowledged that all piezaneters should be checked every week. . ' I' ....4. Mr. Lewis said that he did not notiee any indicatiCJ10f thick sand !.: . fomatim dtring the drilling of P-l and P-2 at the Danville Bane !;i...Improvement Center building and suggested the possibility that the it(~:.~~~<. .. . ' j~~;'. .':.,~ '", -. .j~;~.~:' -.,- Exhibit J Meeting Held 2/3/88 Dewatering Problem Page 2 groundwater in that area may have reached the maximum drawdown. It was agreed by the participants in the meeting that the sand layer in that area should be located for further evaluatioo. 5., Mr. Lewis expressed his general opinioo en the gramdwater flow ccmditien of the area, the pressure en the clay layers and the impact to the hydrostatic conditicn, the rate of flow through the sand layers, ground settlement and the possible relatiooship with bydros~tic head,. etc. 6. Mr. Lewis proposed to start jacking the pipe through San ..Ramc:o' vaney Blvd ccncurrent with the engoing dewatering activity 'at':tbi area of the Danville Bane Improvement Center building and without waiting for 'the level iri that area to be further lowered. He said that the proposal is based en his data which indicates the water flow in the building ar~ is very low and the ability of water to move through thee sand)in that <. area is also low. (Mr. Lewis believes that the groundwater in that area 'can not be further lowered due to the soils conditien and does not see the benefit of additicnal wells~~ He believes that the hydrostatic pressure in that area is alreadY relieved and the risk involved in jacking without attempting to further lower the groundwater should be minimal. Be also expressed his opinion that it is virtually impossible to eliminate all risk if that is the intention. , . B. ~an maintained that the risk of the proposal awears to be . excessive at this time and requested confi rmatioo , of Mr. Lewis' reasons presented above. In order for the proposal to be prq>erly evaluated, the Contractor mst address (at least) the following: ,- safety concerns (workers, plblic, utilities, etc.), possibility of pipe "frozen" in place after possible st~ge, possibili ty of loss of ground at the shield, detail contingency plans, justifiable reasons and confinnatioo. " 8.; Woodward-clyde indicated that the proposal made by Westcon in the meeting en January 28, 1988 of drilling another hole west of the bIilding still appears to be necessary. Also, the level at P-7A in san Ramal Valley Blvd needs to be confirmed. '~ .-.'-""',"-'-"",,- --,,-~----,",_...-..~----- """-';.:,.;;-~> Meeting Held 2/3/88 Dewatering Problem Page 3 9. '!be Contractor agreed to drill a hole (this Friday) west of the building to allow for the necessary evaluatial; .and will turn it into a '1: well if deemed required. The Contractor also ag,:eed to mcnitor the levels of the three wells in San Raman Valley Blvd (this Friday) to cbtai.n the required informaticn. W:x>dward-Clyde will provide an engineer to malitor the above activities. 10. Mr. Lewis also prOfX)sed to raise the jacking portial of the pipeline by 9-inches to circumvent the above problems. Further, the bottan of the jacking pit is too high to allowfpr a CCl'1Crete pad for the jacking machine. B. '!han said that this proposalwa$>reviewea before and rejected by the Consultants due to technida1'Cens.1deratiau;, and will again reviE!'tti it immediately per Mr. Lewis' request. ll. 'Ihe status of the various technical subnittals al jacking related : items was discussed. The status list given to Westcon during the meeting al January 28, 1988 will not be further. discussed. In sunmary, the District is still waiting for the re-sutmi ttals on thrust block \ calculatial and al Bentonite Lubrication. ~ere 'are three sul:mi.ttals that require further re-suhni ttals as of now. 12. '!be status of the jacking equipnent ane? jacking pit was discussed. Mr. Lewis said that the equipnent is ready to be' :placed into the pit, the thrust block is poured, the pipings are all connected, the gauges are checked and cperable, the standby ventilatial. equipnent and the backup ~r supply for the wells are available. ; 13. ~ meeting then CCllcluded with the reiteratioo of the agreed actial per items 9, 10 and 11 above. ' B'l':jb Distributial: All AttendE!es K. AIm R. Baker J. Bergen (JMM) R. Collins C. Swanson cc: File 4224A - 6.8 and 2.6 ._..~.L'... February 16, 1988 Mr. Milt Smith Westcon 1531 st. Alphonis Way Alamo, CA 94507 i'l ,;1 Re: Tunnel Dewatering .... .. .."....t..1 Dear Mr. Smi th : ~""~ I On 'February 8, 1988 a meeting was held with yourselves, and . , representatives from. CCCSD ~ Mo~tgomery Engineers"a1l;dW~d~,ard- 'Clyde Associates, whJ.ch prJ.marJ.ly addressed the'refe~~ncedtop~c. Aconcensus of the status quo of dewatering efforts to date ". suggests that a general lowering of the water table' and concurrent reduction in hydrostatic condition in the pr:J.mary ~nfined aquifer has taken place. ' . ~.' Ct"" ..~~. . Piezometer readings and a general settlement' of the dewatered area attest to this phenomena. ' 'i,,;.,~;"',Whereas the dewatering effort to date has not resulted in 'r:,:;~:establishing the static water level at" some ideal dimensiqn below V.t1ie't'unnel invert, it may nonetheless be compatible with the t:.L"ttinneling method chosen, namely pipej acking. ~; :~~,' '.' , ':n~;~,.T~. positive factors of the pipej ackirig interface wi th this '.:'i:',current soil condition are the smallest cross sectional opening ";,i:;. possible at the tunnel "heading" and the elimination of any ,5t;~:'cUmmulative effect of minor groundwater inflows throughou~ the ~.. excavated tunnel in that the rubber gasketed pipe is water tight : for its entire length. ~~E : ~ .*, A~~urther benefi t of this process is the'i"rigid" behavior of this sol-l' support system, versus an "elastic".:behaviour of a steel supported tunnel, which is nega ti vely amt!lified in a wet condi,tion. The discussion, therefore, at this meeting addressed the'.'binneling going ~drward under the pr~sent conditions as being ~he.most'cost effective for all concerned. Since the presence of ~.~ter,an;/the soil at a higher elevation than the tunnel invert is more detrimental than that below the tunnel, two tests were . ~rdere'd to determine the likelihood of :tl)is occurring. One test wa:s'~the drilling of a piezometer at station 303 + 80 with continous sampling to determine the existence of any thin 'sand " layers' 'above the diminished primary aquifer in this predominately ~~~y~section of the tunnel. The presence of these thin sand ',strata could provide an artificially high reading in a piezometer, in that it would not readily lend itself to "drying up~', but at the same time may not represent a significant volume of water to be consequential to pipej acking. The other test was Exhibit K Mr. Milt Smith Page Two to reinforce the assumption of the absence of a hydrostatic condition under San Ramon Valley Blvd. Even though there presently are not any remaining piezomet~rs in this zone, the high density of dewatering wells strongly suggest the removal of any hydrostatic condition. 'I at.,y.: ,', This test included shutting off the pump in well No. 7A ano measuring the elapsed time for the well to rebound to its near static water condition. ' The following steps shall be carried out during the pipejacking to, further reduce any risk of detrimental water intrusion' into the ,shield at the front of the j ackpipe. i .' , , , ' f~-g:n:r _.' ;'. , :.-':.:-" i - ;,.. !;:,;:}i';~, "1. 1 1 /2" probe holes will be drilled at top of' tunriel prism , and to ten feet ahead of shield using a continous flight:' auger powered by a 3/4" electric drill. This probing ahead process will.take place at sewer and water cross~ngs as well as at 'locations where the presence of a homogenous clay tunnel crown is , suspect. The tunnel invert shall also be probed to detect any ,:,-;, , potential hydrostatic condition. . i:f~,,:':', thi. '" :<ji':,d~L.2. Should a high water table condition be encountered, the '~~" shield shall be bulkheaded and 1" perfurated drains installed 20"+/- in front of shield to effect required dewater,ing before continuing. 3.'A schedule is proposed that w~uld most conservatively aqdressthe most sensitive portions of the tunnel, namely, the tunneling near and under the existing sewer and 66" water line. , These events occur only 26 feet and 64 ~~et from the jacking shaft and there is agreement that suffic~ent jacking force is available to negate any concern for frictional resistance build up dUE! to pauses in the jacking process." The work should proceed .on,:a' :ten hour a day single shift basis until the heading is advanced beyond the 66" water line. This provides for the highest concentration of expereince and,talent during the matching of the tunnel shield functions to the existing ground 'conditions. Also, at' the same time this high experience ratio is available to most conservatively and effectively accomplish the tunneling beneath the utilities. i i 4. During this single shift operation the tunnel shield shall be completely bulkheaded each evening and filter cloth 'placed, in the lower confines of the shield to assure against any movement of fine soil particles into the tunnel in the unlikely 'j;j' .,<event of sufficient volume and velocity ,of water to cause same. ~U" ' :. 5. During the non-work hours a check of the tunnel bulkhead and pumping rate from tunnel shield shall be made every 2 hours _..._.____,_,____,___~~.,__..~.._ ._~_~.._.._____L.____..__.m.,~ .....~.~~~',,~hii~;'~~... ~ Mr. Milt Smith )~:;g:':::;:nsible individual who shall make any necessary minor ,1 adjustments to maintain its integrity. He shall remain on site 'between checks of bulkhead. ~;;:. ;. ;\ < "" :' . "".' '6 . The stop .points. 1 . 2. 3. 4. single shift tunneling shall, adhere to the following : ;1';';/~'~'~~- ." .. 'f':I!ii;:i.7l.;J?nce tunneling reaches sta. 306 + 40, any, ~in~l ..j..... E.'.tm;e~t$ to equipment and procedures shall ~~ ,~~.~.." ~W,h.~n " .. ~.el.ing",continues, it shall be on a 24 hour per. day basis until ompleted'. . .;'.~::.'i_:.r;~~~~:r;.. ': fiil';t!;'..~~. . When tunnel reaches its final location, the bulkhead r't.:.:?\shall be securely installed once again and continous pumping at shield will be implemented until its subsequent removal. 307 + 1 0 306 + 92 306 + 70 306 + 40 'i.':)io~ you will agree with me that it isfa~ better to accomplish 'this early work on a single shift basis under a controlled, d.~liberate approach rather than to completely exhaust mentally an~physically those individuals respons~ble for implementing a ~lQse,tolerance piece of work with different soil conditions, new eqUip!:rient and largely new people under existing utilI ties. ......... .,...:........., ..' ," ~.:a.) . The Contractor ~y~~nsequences of pipe -'.~... . ".. p*}~ ,'r d~;"P. .)The Contractor $?~t.;.lts.desired change in e'Or is to assume .total responsibility for failure due ~o jacking stresses. is to assume all liabili,ty arising out pipe (tunnel) invert grade. c~) The contractor assures the owner that it shall pros.~~ut~ and complete the tunnel as required by the project sp'ecitications even though the ground water elevation is higher than 2' below invert. , .:" ~ .' ~h~nk you for your suggestions thus far a;nd further cooperation. ; ..' " L ,,~:. ;.,. '~<t:; ,. h .- I \./" , ' I March 15, 1988 .Milt Smith Westcon From the start of tunneling to present, we have exper~enced vastly d.ifferent ground conditions along with wood pi.lings, all of which have had a negative impact on the tunneling. The value of this negative impact cannot be ascertained at this time and will be forwarded to Westcon and the district at such time as can be determined, probably at the end of the tunneling. Sincerely, Jack Lewis .J .4.;, S . i S. ,I / /,.('. " Exhibit L -.', ....... Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 17, 1988 JfA~ [1J 1985. I . "~,, I. DOLAN ~"~'O' Mo"o,~, c"'~1 Eft,I"H' lAMES L HAZARD COU"", I." '''~ OI11rlcl (4") 'J../UO JOKI! Eo Me M/LJ..'oN S<<nlo" o/l"~ 0111,/" western utility Contractors, Inc. 1531 st Alphonsus Way Alamo, CA 94507 Attention: Milt Smith, Project Manager Letter No. 72 . Gentlemen: SAN RAMJN VALLEY 'lRUNK SEWER (D.P. 4224A) DIFFERINi SITE cnIDITIONS This is in response to your letter #078 which enclosed a letter.fram Mr. Lewis on the referenced subject. we are surprised at Mr. Lewis t statement that l;1e has been experiencing "vastly different ground conditions" since th~ start of the tunneling. Q]r inspectioos and records have been indicating similar or better soil cooditions than that shCMn on Woodward-C1.yde's: nee's) geotechnical report. And as a reminder, the wee report is. hot a part of the COntract Document and it is specifically indicated in t:EeCOntract that there is no warranty as to the accuracy, sufficiency, or contents of the ~ . report. Please refer to our letter #60 for our previous discussion 00 this subject. As to claims on differing site conditions, please refer to GC-ll and our letter #54. You are contractually required to prarptly notify the District in writing and to submit evidence and data to substantiate your notice 00 such a claim. Mr. Lewis' letter dated March 15, 1988 contains no;evidence or substantiation and is, therefore, nqt acceptable as a proper notification. ) As to the presence of the wood pH ings, we have acki'lowi~ed in our letter #71 dated March 15, 1988 on the presence of the\four pilings and also confirmed our pr6Wious verbal authorization to remove such pilings in accordance with GC-l2, entitled Changes And Extra wOrk. You are again requested to carq;>ly with the Contract requirement and our previous request on submitting the detailed records an time and material within five (5) calendar days following the receipt of the letter. \ In closing, we must note that you are more than three (3) months behind schedule on the jacking p:>rtion of your ccntr~ct. And as of this date, with the exception of the referenced pilings, we have noticed no unanticipated soil conditions that may have contributed to the delay of your jacking work. cc: i M. Daley (westcon-Utah) File 4224A -2.6 HBT:jb Very truly yours, Henry B. 'l11an Project Manager Exhibit M ____ a;., r ""~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary DI$trlc~ '" ""f".':~'llI<JJ'I,j April 4, 1988 'WJ~~~~\W~IDJ B-D_R 6l\L ~ :ISBa. . IlOGU/, DOl.Vi Gc"~'. "'tllI.'~' CltJwl &Il6/nKr JANU L. HAZAllD COY"H/Jor '"w ~'U;C1 " (.II} ,U. IfJO JOYCE L MCM/LlAN 5<<rwto'Y oj '"w ~"rlcl western utility Contractors, Inc. 1531 St. Alphonsus Way Alamo, CA 94507 Attention: Milt Smith, Project Manager Letter No.' 90 ' Gentlemen : SAN mm ~F:i 'mONK SEWER <D.P. 4224A) 'llJNNEL VIDOO RE<XIIDI~ 'Ibis is to acknowledge receipt of your letter.t094 which attached a note fran Mr. Lewis. Mr. Lewis is requesting our participatioo in making carments and remarks on soil conditions wring his video recording of the tunnel face scheduled for April 5, 1~88 or April 6, 1988. I I we have discussed this with our Consultants and have been informed that the video taping can not identify the actual soil conditions and, technically, does not have any relevant bearing to the issue of differing soil conditions as being all edged by Mr. Lewis. '1herefore, we decline to participate at this time. However, the D~strict is reviewing your request for soils sampling and testing within the next two days and will inclu~~ the video taping request in our O'/erall evaluation. ..... ~ Henry B. '!han Project Manager HBT: jb " CC: M. Daley CWestcon-Utah) File 4224A 2.2 and 2.6 ~~~'" -- N Ilfr' 0, r (CI'. :"'\. ./ V ':-' . '''; \.J /',1:':, Progress Meeting March 31, 1988 REVISED In Attendance: Jack Lewis, J. Lewis & Son, Inc. Milt Smith, Westcon Bruce Sibbett, Westcon Henry Thom, CCCSD Mark Lowery, CCCSD Bob Collins, CCCSD Steve Klein, Woodward & Clyde . Jackie Zayac, CCCSD John Bergen, James M. Montgomery Randy Essex, Woodward & Clyde Ron Klimezak, CCCSD Heinz Berger, Woodward & Clyde Jack lewis:, Suggests that the District' srepresentative:.~n site from Woodward & Clyde could collect soil samples at tunrtel face and note water in-flow and su~h. Woodward &,Clyde man has been using pocket pentitromitor to test soils at tunnel face. Soil sampling could determine soil moisture and clay values and stiffness and perhaps explain the tunri~l conditions problems encountered. General condition #11, p.XA224A-V-6 relates to differing site conditions. Jack Lewis"sugges'ts the applicable specification section is Ge1l. Henry Thom replied that the District's soil e~gineers are on site to observe and make reports on operations and progress, not to make samplin~ for contractor. Further, the District does not feel that there is any indication of differing site conditions and inspectors on slte have not reported such. It is recommended that Jack Lewis hire hi! own certified soil engineer to take the soil samples and, if so, the District will then ,have their people take simultaneous samples. Jack Lewis requested that he tape the meet~ng. Some of the Dis- trict's representatives declined to have the meeting taped. Jack Lewis stated that if the meeting could not be taped, that he did not want to further discuss anything. Exhibit ,'r o '0 a- , Progress Meeting -- Revised March 31, 1988 Page Two Henry Thom asked to continue discussing some of the pipe jacking topics, but Jack Lewis declined and left the meeting at this time. Steve Klein stated that Westcon should not forward some of Jack Lewis' letters because they generate extra work for the consultants (WoodwaYd & Clyde). Discussion of the survey reporte of settlement and requirement of regular surveys. The thrust block is moving back a few inches, two to three inches. Piezometer reading on March 28, 1988 was up on P-S and p-6. About a foot on p-6. Should look into this. (P-6 was down again on March 30, 1988). far. I - Tunnel grade has been about 25 hundredths high for the tunnel so Jack Lewis plans to take off from Saturday, 5:00.P.M. until Monday morning. Henry Tho~:' states that this is contrary 'to earlier agreement. P G & E will shut down power in part of Danvil1e from 10:30 P.M. Monday to 6:30 A.M. Tuesday. This will not affect Jack Lewis. Overall, progress for pipe laying is about 10% behind. Milt: We will pick this up on these last'seetions which have only one street crossing and a few utilities. Need to check with Ca1Trans on traffic' control plan at Station 21-60+. Also, check with County Traffic. Align change by Manhole 4 has been made to miss P G & E Manhole. Force account will be used for removal of cement paving. Cement will be replaced by deep AC hot mix. Discussed the status of pipe jacking unde~ 1-680 submittal and approval of the pipe. ,Las Trampas: We have County permit on how to reinstall the storm drain. Diversion structure #2 at Manhole #37. James M. Montgomery will have drawing back next week. The diversion and Manhole will be combined into one structure, south of grade change. Manhole 137 will be the same without the connections. Pipe from 134+17 to 134+49 does -not haVE T-lock on it. Manhol. was moved south one pipe and the one bad pipe had to be replaced with . unlined pipe. /} -~.. (..'(') r (r ",-- ..-. , _ .'j".I'f ,/,' (':1" -/ . ,/7/ t1 ~.,....".1 t.~/'. '..-,;... r- ...:-. / central Contra Costa sanitary District April 4, 1988 J?rt~~~~\W~[o) ~e.R. 'Z~ TO: Distribution List FroM: Henry Than ~ I ~ I SOBJECT: San Ramon Valley Interceptor CD.P. 4224A) Progress Meeting No. 19 Minutes Of Meeting . SUbject meeting was held en March 31, 1988 at the District's Alamo office. '!he fOllCMing were in attendance: CCCSD: .I Westcoo: R. Collins R. Klimczak M. Lo.r.rery c. SWanson H. '!han J. 'Zayac B. Sibbett M. Smith J. !ewis J. Bergen H. Berger S. Klein .. .~, i JLS: JMM: w:c: 1. (Backgrcxmd: Westcon' s letter dated 3-30-88 atttached a message ,.franJLS requesting a meeting a'1 soil condi ti~s. Westcal and JLS ,.'agreed to discuss JLS's issues. in the first part of this ProgreSs. Meeting. JLS's cootention is that there is a differing soil conditioo aH~g the jacking work, whereas 'the District in it's letter .77 dated March 28, 1988 reiterated that the District has oot ooticed any unanticipated cooditions and, again, requested Westcon to sul::mit evidence arid data, to substantiate JLS's elm.) &JLS: JLS stated thflt the jacking operation is presenting an oppottuni ty for soil sartIpl ing and noted that the District had soil :inspectors (WX) on the job and felt that they could be used. to obtain samples fran the face of the jacking shield.JLS also asked that the w:c inspectors mcnitor the production of water fran the face of the excavation, noting particularly the location of in-flcws. JLS also noted the use of a p:x:ket t:enetraneter reCently by the wee inspectors. 'District: '!he District responded that the inspectim and records do not indicate any condition that may be considered as a differing site Ca1di tioo and suggested that a Soils Engineer be obtained ~ Westcon/JLS Exhibit p ~~._-..... '. ill;"" a- ~. ~),'~.~. l: San RamOn Valley Interc. .or CD.P. 4224A) _ Progress Meeting No. 19 -Page 2 to perform the ~ling and testing that are being mentiooed by JLS in order to substantiate JLS's cla.iJn. :As to the wee inspectors, the . District clarified that they are inspecting the jacking work 00 behalf of the District to ensure contract cOmpliance. Ql the issue of water seeping into the face ~ the excavaticn, the District reminded the Contractor that, at the request of JLS, the : jacking work proceeded without lowering the groundwater to 2-ft belCM the tunnel invert as required in the Contract. The District, therefore, ;~ did not see water producticn' in the face of the tunnel as a naterial ,-.;issue. As to the four wood piles encountered in the tunnel, the District reminded the Contractor that the District had agreed to canpensate for their remOl7al in accordance with Gt-12 and the usual r procedure being used throughout the project. To this date, We have not ~Vr~ceived' the records ai Time and.Material as requested:linLClUr.let~r.71_ '>,and .72.': - ._ MX: As to the p:>cket penetraoeter, wx noted that it"should c:nly '~'be :used en undisturbed samples which is not the case at the face of the . . excavaticn. lCC bas ally started using it recently and 'will disccntinue the use of this device en the excavated face. lCC.will provide westcon ~with;the reading they have cbtained thus far, if requested, but cautioned all conoerned that the tests would have to be performed 5 to 6 feet into the undisturbed material ahead of the face to obtain meaningful results. lCC felt that to substantiate arrj claim as to cMnged conditicns, JLS would have to employ a professicnal Soils Engineer to perform the ~lin9 and tests with wee taking simultaneous samples along with JLS's \~'. engineer. . J!fi: JMM noted that the occurance of unforeseen pilings in the path of the pipe jacking was properly cOI7ered under Secticn GC-12. JMM also concurred with wee that the soil conditicns do rot materially differ frau those indicated in the WX geotechnical repOrt. - " "..' . . I -m..s: JLS disagreed that the remOl7al of the four piles should be considered as work under GC-12 (Changes and Extra Work) and insisted that it is considered under GC-ll CDiffering site Conditicns). (At this point, JLS displayed a tape recorder and indicated the desire to record the meeting if it was to be continued. '!be District explained that the no~.procedure is the .distribution of minuteS of the meeting to all partlClpantS for record plrposes. JLS then repeated the intentioo of leaving the meeting unless the tape recorder could be used. 1he District invi tea JLS to remain for the conclusion of the discussions relating to pipe jacking, but JLS declined and left the meeting.) 2. '!he District requested westcon to continue with the jacking work .;:o:".:;,~" '. __ \:- ':J.. r_ San Ramon Valley Interceptor <D.P. 4224A) Progress Meeting No. 19 Page 3 '::'1' " ~:a:nd to follow the aw1icab1e section of the COntract (e.g. 0:-1, 0:-5, : etc.) if there are disputes during the perf ormanc~ of the work. The · District also assured Westcon of continuing full cooperation, as ' }repeated1y demonstrated since the start of the Proj~ct. o I i3.. l<<:C expressed the concern that JLS claims were spurious and .'requiring undue manhours by their staff to respond ito these c1aJ.ms and , allegatims and felt that WestCon should review thEl clams and requests :r.of its subcontractor and reject those ~at were oI::wious1y without merit. .<', ,d~. l<<:C mentialed that more frequent breasting of the face of the , F excavati~ during jacking may lessen the excessive sett1euents that.. have 'been~ted in District letter t86~ '!be District ,reitera~ed the point made in fhe letter that if the settlement pattern and magnitude CCl'ltinue under Danvi11e BaoeImprcw'ement CeI:1ter, damage may occu~to the interior ~ti ticn of the bui~ding. ' :,,~' . Westcm mentialed that the slow rate of the jacking progress may be ~',a11cMing excessive migratial of fines into the jacked pipe. , ' . : " . As movement has been noted at the thrust" block behind the ;~:~ac:king pit, the District will begin mooitoring i~ ,movement. , '.the District reminded Westcon al the requirement of settlement survey for the Danville Bane Improvement Cen~er building perimeter every ,other day. , . ' 5.,''1he District noted that piezaneter readings taken CI'1 March 28, ;1988 shcMed' that the level for PS and P6 had raised I-ft. 'Ihe tmme1 grade is still higher than the design as of March 29, 1988 and the slope is essentially flat when checked at the bentonite pipe. 6. Westcon confirmed that JLS had refused the District' s request to install a certified pressure gauge by the District in the jacking ~stem to pr~r1y mcnitor the jaCKing pressure. , 7. '!he ale day shutdown proposed for Easter SUnd~y by JLS was 'noted as ccntrary to the specifications and JLS's agreement of 24-hour operaticns for that area. Lastly, a newspaper article noting 'a P.G.& E. ,shutdown scheduled )~:L; - .. ~,.__.;.:::.-_.._~ - CD.P. 4224A) '4' .', . . ; or'MOnday at 10:20 p.m. to Tuesday at 6:30 a.m. .was given to Westcon. s may impact the jacking operation. If so, calsideration should be 'given to using a p:>rtab1e p:Mer plant, to keep the q;>eratial caltinuous. /<At..this !X)int, the meeting continued fOllCMing the usual agenda.) ;,,, Progress ,... . '!he District noted that the work appears to be awroximately 10% /behlnd schedule. Westcon feels they are a:fProxilnately one week. behind ,{the schedule and ~ June 1, 1988, they project they will be 2 to 3 weeks' .. ahead. .Manhole !b. 3 J , ' , '!he District request~ that Westcon obtain written calcUtrence. fran r..Caltrans al the proposed detour plan to be used for cros!?ing South Main X,Street at the vicinity of Manhole No.3. When this is finalized, the .,District will send a ccfr:f to Contra Costa Flood Control along with !'notification of westcon' s proposed schedule for the work which is now g;projected to ccmnence April 11, 1988. ~ , :.. A minor change in alignment has been deslgneq by JMM to avoid the f)?Pacific Bell vault vicinity of Manhole NO.4. A copy of this revisial t;, will be sent to Westca1 and the survey crew. The pipe, as fabricated }'.for the previous alignment, will work without alteratialS. . '!be pipe > should now clear by l1l=Proximately 1-1/2 feet: ::i>.' , '!he District requested that Westcon conductt;he remOl7al of. any ~i calcrete pavement and subsequent' replacement with deep lift A. C. as an ~, , /-easily separable q;>eratial for the p.1rpose of keeping Time and Materials irecords. t~ \j Pipe Jacldng Beneath 1-680, Vicinity Of Laurel Drive Caltrans has accepted the proposal for pipe jacking, bUt the , marked-up dOOJrnents have J'l9t been returned. The District will respond 1, to Westcon' s proposal on plpe jacking in this area early next week. l<<::c :,is,awaiting receipt of design calculaticns for the jacked pipe to 'f-;review. , The District noted that Westcon should irisure a consensus .:between the pipe supplier and Walter C. Stith (jackingsubcmtractor) on ;,the issue of tolerance en the pipe spigots,. as it relates to jacking, ibefore the pipe is fabricated. 'L- . "",' __ ,,1_ 'V..,_~___,... . Centra~ "':ontra Costa Sanitary ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 9 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF August 3, 1989 NO. VIII. BUDGET AND FINANCE 2 SUBJECT RECEIVE lHE FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR-END REPORT DATE J ul y 31, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE REPORT SUBMITTED BY John J. Mercurio Administrative Analyst INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ ~anning Division ISSUE: The Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) system provi des for a year-end report to the Board of Directors on the status of the District's Capital Improvement Program. BACKGROUND: The Fiscal Year concluded June 30, 1989, and the final budget figures have been accumul ated for presentation in this report. A comparison of the Capital Improvement Pl an (CIP) estimated and year-end actual revenues and expenditures is presented below: Revenues Expenditures FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1989 Year-End CIP Year-End Variance Estimate Actual Actual to FY 1988-89 FY 1988-89 CIP Estimate $19,153,000 $19,724,000 3% $24,292,000 $16 ,392 ,000 (33%) Revenues over ( under) Ex enditures ( $5 ,13 9 ,000 ) $ 3,332,000 Attachment 1 provides a detailed analysis of the year-end status of the District's Capital Improvement Program. Highlights are summarized below. Capftal Improvement Revenues: Di stri ct revenues received from all sources credi ted to the Sewer Constructi on Fund for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1989, total $19,724,000, which represents 103 percent of the $19,153,000 revenue proj ected in the Capital Improvement Pl an. Tabl e 1 of Attachment 1 compares the actual and CIP estimated revenues for the entire fiscal year. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. rvtf-- 5fV1 J~ j}fJfJ ~ 1302A-9/85 JJM JMM JMK RAB SUBJECT RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 1988-89 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR-END REPORT POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 9 July 31, 1989 Expenditures for Capital I.provement Projects: Di stri ct expenditures for capital improvement proj ects for the fi scal year total $16,392,000, which represents 67 percent of the $24,292,000 projected for expenditures for FY 1988/89 in the Capital Improvement Pl an. It was estimated in the mid-year status report that the total capital improvement expenditures would be within 13 percent of the amount estimated in the Capital Improvement Pl an. The actual 33 percent vari ance in CIP-estimated expenditures was chiefly due to unanticipated delays in the Dewatering System Improvement Project ($1.24 M), Sludge/Ash Handling Project ($0.77 M), Walnut Creek Downtown Bypass ($1.61 M), Martinez Early Start Sewer Improvements ($0.88 M), WS23 Sewer Improvements ($1.18 M), Hall Drive Sewer Improvements ($1.20 M), and the Lagiss Property Acquisition ($1.19 M). Table 3 of Attachment 1 presents a comparison of actual and estimated CIP FY 1988/89 expenditures in each budget program. Allocations to Capital I.provelllent Projects: Allocations of funds from program budgets to capital improvement projects for the fiscal year total $10,890,000, which represents 56 percent of the $19,484,000 authorized by the Board for the entire fiscal year. Table 2 of Attachment 1 presents a comparison of actual allocations from program budgets to specific proj ects and estimates for these all ocati ons made at the time the CIS was prepared. Unanticipated delays in the Walnut Creek Downtown Bypass Project and five other major Di stri ct proj ects li sted in Tabl e 2 resul ted in deferri ng over $8 million in allocations. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the fiscal year 1988-89 Capital Improvement Program Year-End Status Report. 13026-9/85 P'~-<'!e 3 of 9 ATTAa-tMENT 1 CEN"ffiAL CON"ffiA CXlSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Fiscal Year 1988-89 Capital Improvement Program Year-End Status Report Detailed Analysis INTROOOCTION A year-end report on the status of the Capital Improvement Program is required under the District's Capital Improvement Program management system. This report compares Fi scal Year 1988/89 actual revenues, expenditures, and allocations with those projected in the Capital Improvement Plan and Budget adopted by the District Board prior to Fiscal Year 1988/89. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUES District revenues received from all sources credited to the Sewer Construction Fund for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1989, total $19,724,000, which represents 103 percent of the $19,153,000 projected in the Capital Improvement Pl an for the enti re fi scal year. Tabl e 1 presents the di stri buti on of actual versus estimated amounts among the capital revenue categories. Specific information on the status of each of the revenue categories is presented below: Interest on Investments Interest income on temporary investment of the Sewer Constructi on Fund for the fiscal year totals $5,481,000, which represents 156 percent of the $3,512,000 proj ected revenue for the enti re year. Interest rates were higher than projected in the CIP. Fixture Fees Fixture Fees collected during the fiscal year total $2,795,000, which represents 113 percent of the $2,467,000 estimated revenue for the entire year. The original projection for the rate of development was slightly underestimated, resulting in higher than anticipated revenue. Watershed Fees Watershed Fees coll ected duri ng the fi scal year total $1,398,000 , whi ch represents 90 percent of the $1 ,556,000 proj ected revenue for the anti re yea r. Si nce Watershed Fees are speci f i c to pa rti cul ar watersheds and vary between $300 and $1,253, actual revenue wil 1 vary from that proj ected if development occurs at a di fferent rate than anticipated in one or more areas. The mid-year CIB report recognized that Watershed Fees would not reach the amount estimated in the CIP. P'."'e 4 of 9 Annexation Charges Annexation Charges collected during the fiscal year total $853,000, whi ch represents 213 percent of the $400,000 proj ected revenue for the enti re year. Thi s favorabl e vari ance refl ects a hi gher than anticipated rate of connection in areas not previously annexed to the District, primarily in the Danville-San Ramon area. Ad Valorem Taxes Tax revenue for the fiscal year totals $6,095,000, which represents 112 percent of the $5,460,000 projected revenue for the entire year. The reason for this difference is that the CIP estimate of $5,460,000 was based on an incorrect assumption of FY 1987-88 tax revenue. Funds from Government Agencies Thi s revenue category is compri sed of funds received from the City of Concord, addressed separately below. Ci ty of Concord The city has paid $3,090,000 for its contribution to the fiscal year 1988-89 Capital Improvement Program. This bill ing refl ects actual expenditures for the fi rst six months of the fiscal year and a projection of expenditures for the remainder of the year. The bill ed amount represents 81 percent of the $3,802,000 projected revenue for the entire year. The unfavorabl e vari ance for the proj ected amount is due to a lower than estimated 1 evel of expenditures in the Treatment P1 ant Program, an adj ustment for actual FY 1987/88 expenditures, and a reducti on in Concord's share of the Treatment Pl ant Program from 32 percent to 31 percent, based on their actual monitored flow. eal trans It was expected that payment of $1,624,000 woul d be received from Cal trans th i s fiscal year for the I-680/ SR-24 rel ocati ons project necessitated by freeway widening in Walnut Creek. However, this reimbursement will not be received until FY 1989-90. The reimbursement of approximately $1,700,000 will result in a zero net cost to the District. The payment from the City of Concord described above, which totals $3,090,000, was the only source of revenue collected in this category thi s year. Therefore, an unfavorabl e vari ance in Funds from Government Agenci es' revenue of approximatel y 43 percent exists at the end of the fiscal year. ~-'1e 5 of 9 Miscellaneous Income Income under this category includes revenue from cash discounts earned and rebates and water recl amati on revenue from the Demonstration Project. Miscellaneous Income for the fiscal year tota 1 s $12,000, whi ch represents 4 percent of the $332,000 revenue estimated for the entire year. As projected at mid-year, an unfavorable variance in Miscellaneous Income of approximately 96 percent exists at the end of the fiscal year. This variance is due to a change in accounting for the water reclamation revenue; therefore, receipt of the total estimated income was not achieved. ALLOCATIONS TO PROJECTS FROM PROGRAM BU[X]ETS Allocations of funds from program budgets to specific capital improvement projects during the fiscal year total $10,890,000, which represents 56 percent of the $19,484,000 authorized by the Board. A summary of this i nformati on for each Budget Program is presented in Tabl e 2. A 1 ist of major projects which incurred unanticipated delays in receiving allocations from program budgets is included at the bottom of Table 2. A total of $1,078,000 in Program Contingency funds were allocated during the fiscal year to fund unanticipated new projects and construction overruns. (A listing of all Program Contingency allocations can be found in the FMIS year-end financial statements.) A total of $3,000 in the Treatment Pl ant Program Conti ngency Fund was returned to the fund. The resul tant Program Conti ngency Fund bal ance of $406,000 is avail abl e for carry-over into the next fiscal year. EXPENDITURES FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS District expenditures for capital improvement projects for the fiscal year total $16,392,000, which represents 67 percent of the $24,292,000 projected expenditures for the entire year. (Expenditures for particular proj ects are presented in the Capital Improvement Budget Status Reports provided to the Board in the monthly FMIS financial statements.) A summary of this information for each Budget Program is presented in Table 3. Unforeseen delays in seven major projects accounted for about $8 million in fewer expenditures than estimated prior to FY 1988-89. These proj ects are 1 i sted at the bottom of Tabl e 3. FORCE ACCOUNT BUOOET Force Account 1 abor hours expended for capital improvement proj ects for the fiscal year total 67,532 hours, which represents 91 percent of the 74,458 hours projected in the CIB for the entire fiscal year. Unanticipated vacancies in the Engineering Department accounted for most of the 9 percent fewer force account hours than previously estimated. SUMMARY Actual versus projected performance in Capital Improvement Revenues collected continues to meet expectations. Actual allocations amounted to only 56 percent of those projected for FY 1988-89. This condition is primarily the result of unanticipated delays in start-up of the constructi on phase of major projects such as the Wal nut Creek Downtown Bypass Proj ect. Actua 1 expendi tures amounted to 67 percent of those p"'Q~ 6 of 9 proj ected for FY 1988-89. As 1 n the case of reduced all ocat1 ons, unant1 c1 pated constructi on del ays were pr1marl1 y responsi bl e for reduced expenditures. At this time, it appears that the expenditures which were deferred in FY 1988-89 should be realized in FY 1989-90. However, the impact of deferring $8 ml1l10n worth of capital expenditures into the next fiscal year may have a yet to be determined effect on the work currently planned for FY 1989-90. PC~~9 7 of 9 TABLE 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE SUMMARY Note: All amounts in thousands CIP ESTIMATED ACTU AL ACTU AL REVENUE REVENUE PERCENT OF FY 1988/89 FY 1988/89 CIP ESTIMATE INTEREST $ 3,512 $ 5,481 156% FIXTURE 2,467 2,795 113% WATERSHED 1,556 1 ,398 90% ANNEXATION 400 853 213% TAXES 5 ,460 6,095 112% OTH ER CONCORD 3,802 3,090 81% CALlRANS 1,624 0 0% MISCELLANEOUS 332 12 4% TOTALS: $19,153 $19,724 103% _.___.______ __.~_...__,_..,,,.."___.____._.__...._ ..,G.._._._._.._.._.._".... .__._._._._..."__.~.+,_,_._._._,_,.__..~__.__._.._..___._._._ ..~.___.__,_._.__.___.~_._._____._~_._...._,. .____.._..__......_... _.__.."._.______,,__..._.._.______.__.__,_~__..__,.,_.."" --0-----.---..---.._",.-..+-,- -------.. 'e 8 of 9 TABLE 2 SUMMARY OF ALLOCATIONS BY PROGRAM Note: All amounts in thousands TREATMENT PLANT COLLECTION SYSTEM CIS ESTIMATED ACTU AL ACTUAL AS ALLOCATIONS ALLOCATIONS PERCENT OF FY 1988/89 FY 1988/89 CIP ESTIMATE $ 5,148 $ 2,465 48% 13 ,394 7,825 58% 942 600 64% GENERAL I MPROV EMENTS TOTALS: $19,484 $10,890 (1) Actual all ocati ons were 1 ess than estimated due primarfl y to underall ocati ons to the following projects: Proj ect Sludge/Ash Handling Project Walnut Creek Downtown Bypass WS23 Sewer Improvements Hall Drive Sewer Improvements Martinez Sewer Improvements - Area 5L Expansi on of Pl ant Parki ng Underallocation ($1,000) $ 949 3,931 1,114 955 846 337 TOTAL $8,132 ppge 9 of 9 TABLE 3 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Note: All amounts in thousands CIP ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES FY 1988/89 ACTU AL EXPENDITURES FY 1988/89 ACTU AL AS PERCENT OF CIP ESTIMATE TREATMENT PL ANT $11 ,126 $ 8,198 74% COLLECTION SYSTEM 11 ,586 8,083 70% GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 1 ,580 111 7% TOTALS: $24,292 $16,392 (1) 67% (1) Actual expenditures were less than underexpenditures in the following projects: estimated due primarily to Proj ect Underexpenditure ($1,000) Remarks o Dewatering System Improvements $1,240 o Sludge/Ash Handling Project 770 o Under construction. Progress payment timi ng. o Construction postponed for further study. o C. O. E. del ays o Under construction. Progress payment timi ng. o Construction postponed for further study. o Construction postponed for further study. o Purchase delayed by litigation. o Walnut Creek Downtown Bypass o Martinez Early Start Sewer Improvements 1,610 880 o WS23 Sewer Improvements 1,180 o Hall Dr. Sewer Improvements 1,200 o Lagiss Property Acquisition 1,190 TOTAL $8,070