HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 07-06-89 . Cen,(al ~ontra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 10 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J ul Y 6, 1989 NO. III. HEARINGS 1 SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SUBMITTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT, ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC., AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL DATE July 3, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: Public hearings are to be conducted on July 6, 1989 to consider the applications for rate increases submitted by the three refuse collection companies franchised by the District. BACKGROUND: Applications for increases in refuse collection rates effective July 1, 1989 were submitted by Valley Waste Management, Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., and Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal, franchise holders of Zones 2, 4 and 5, Zones 1 and lA, and Zone 3, respectively. District analyses of the rate applications of Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Di sposal have been submitted to the Board of Di rectors and the affected cities of Lafayette and Danville, and Orinda and Moraga. Written or public comments from the city councils were requested for consideration during the publ ic hearings on July 6, 1989. The analysis of each of these rate applications was also provided to the refuse collection company. The analysis of the rate ap~ication submitted by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal was provided at the June 22, 1989 Board Meeting in draft form. A number of issues which required further review have since been resolved. The final analysis, which is submitted with this Position Paper, reflects the following changes to the draft document as a result of the further review: o revenues for the prior fiscal year ended June 30, 1989 increased by $11,082 after correcting the mobile home revenues. o a final adjustment to the Vehicle Maintenance, Repairs & License account increased forecasted operating expenses for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1990 by $1,982. o the rate-setting adjustments described above reduced the current period "Percent Increase in Forecasted Revenue Requi red" from 6.62 to 4.89 percent. During the Board Workshop on June 22, 1989, the Board expressed interest in obtaining the following information: REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ro~ INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. ~~ 1302A-9/85 WNF de PM SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SUBMITTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT, ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC., AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL POSITION PAPER PAGE? OF DATE 10 Julv 3. 1989 o the effect on the current percentage increase in collection rates required by Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Serv ice, Inc. if the di sposal expenses forecasted to be paid to the Acme landfill were to be allowed as a cost reimbursement, without the profit margin provided on other operating expenses. o the effect on the percentage increase in collection rates required by Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service if it had included in the current rate application recovery of the excess between the higher disposal expenses incurred during the period February 1, 1989 through June 30, 1989 and the forecasted disposal expenses used in last year's rate-setting process. The information requested is provided on the following attachments: Attachment I - Valley Waste Management This attachment shows the computation of the percentage increase in revenue requi red if the Acme 1 andfi1l di sposal expenses were allowed on a cost reimbursement basi s without profit margi n. In comparison with the percentage increase proposed in the District analysis of 24.20 percent, a lower percentage increase of 21.60 percent would be requi red on a cost reimbursement basi s; the effect on the monthly single-can rate would be a reduction from $16.10 to $15.75. Attachment II - Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. This attachment presents the computation of the percentage increase in revenues required if the Acme landfill disposal expenses were allowed on a cost reimbursement basis without profit margin. As shown, a lower percentage increase of 15.76 percent is produced in comparison with the 17.50 percent increase proposed in the District analysis; the effect on the monthly single-can rate in the City of Orinda would be a reduction from $16.40 to $16.15, and a reduction from $14.65 to $14.40 in the Town of Moraga. Attachment III - Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service Inc. This attachment shows the computation of the percentage increase in revenues requi red on two alternative bases in comparison with the computation proposed in the District analysis. The two alternative bases are: A. Allow recovery of the prior year net expense variance of $87,000 in the current rate-setti ng period. The prior year net expense variance is composed of higher than forecasted disposal expenses of $128,000, offset by higher than forecasted revenues of $67,000 13028-9/85 SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO CONSIDER THE APPlICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SUBMITTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT, ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC., AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL POSITION PAPER PAGE 3 OF 10 DATE Julv 3. 1989 and a net increase over forecasted expenses in all other expense accounts of $26,000. B. Compute the combined effect of allowing the Acme landfill di sposal expenses on a cost reimbursement basi s without profit margin as computed on Attachment II, and allowing recovery of the prior year net expense variance. As shown, a 20.25 percent increase in revenues would be required under Alternative A above compared to the 17.50 percent proposed in the District analysis; under Alternative B above, the percentage increase required would be 18.53 percent. The resulting representative collection rates under each alternative are presented. After conducting the public hearings on July 6, 1989, the Board may wish to continue consideration of the applications for rate increases to the July 20, 1989 Board Meeting. Notices of the public hearings were published in the Contra Costa Times and San Ramon Valley Times on June 21, 1989, and will be published on July 5, 1989 in the Contra Costa Times, San Ramon Valley Times, and Contra Costa Sun. Written comments received to-date from city councils and the public are appended to this Position Paper. Staff Proposal s for Consi deration of the Board The following summarizes the staff proposals in establishing each refuse collector's rates for the Board's consideration: Valley Waste Management o Set the collection rates based on disposal expenses computed at the current $47/ton disposal fee at Acme landfill. Reset collection rates if the di sposal fee changes si gni ficantly during the rate-setti ng period as a result of the Acme landfill ceasing operations, or for any other reason. o Direct District staff to require the refuse collector to separately identify the disposal expense component of the amount billed to custaners. o Allow the refuse collector to obtain the net expense charge of $389,000, primarily representing the effect of the Acme landfill disposal fee increase in the prior rate-setting period, through a surcharge in the current rate-setting period. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SUBMITTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT, ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC., AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL POSITION PAPER PAGE ~ DATE .1111v 3. lqRq OF 10 o Full-scale implementation of the curbside recycing program during the next six months in the Valley Waste Management service area is recommended for approval by the Board. Estab1 ish the Incremental Expense Per Residential Customer for the curbside recycling program at 95 cents per month, to be added to the collection rate in the month recycling service is provided to customers. o Direct that a proposal for an automated curbside collection program be presented for Board consideration at the August 24, 1989 Board Meeting for the entire Valley Waste Management service area, except the City of Lafayette. Qrinda-MoraQa Disposal Service, Inc. o Set the collection rates based on disposal expenses computed at the current $47/ton disposal fee at Acme landfill. Reset collection rates if the disposal expense changes significantly during the rate-setting period as a result of the Acme landfill ceasing operations, or for any other reason. o Direct District staff to require the refuse collector to separately identify the disposal expense component of the amount billed to c ustome rs. o Establish the Incremental Expense Per Residential and Commercial Customer for a curbside recycling program at 95 cent per month, to be added to the collection rate in the month recycling service is provided to customers. The curbside recycling program was approved at the April 6, 1989 Board Meeting and is scheduled for implementation in Septembe r 1989. P1 eaSqntHil1 Bay Shore Di sposq1 o Direct District staff to require the refuse collector to separately identify the disposal expense component of the amount billed to c ustome rs. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearings on July applications for refuse collection rate increases Management, Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., Disposal. 6, 1989 to consi der the submitted by Valley Waste and Pl easant Hi 11 Bay Shore 13028- 9/85 V AlLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AlTERNATE RATE ADJUSTMENT ANAlYSIS DISPOSAl EXPENSES BASED ON S47/TON (000 Omftted, Unless Otherwfse Noted) Pass-Through Acne Landff1l Dfsposal Expense Wfthout Profft MarQfn Forecasted Unadjusted Revenues for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1990 S 8,700 Forecasted Operating Expenses for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1990 Deduct: Acme Landfill Disposal Expense 10,078 <A><3,564> Forecasted Operating Expenses Adjusted for Acme Landfill Disposal Expense 6,514 Forecasted Revenue Required to Produce 94 Percent Operating Ratio Add: Forecasted Franchise Fee Acme Landfill Disposal Expense 6,930 85 <A> 3,564 Forecasted Revenues Adjusted for Forecasted Franchise Fee and Acme Landfill Disposal Expense 10,579 Increase in Forecasted Revenues Required 1,879 Percent Increase in Forecasted Revenues Required 21.601 Attachment I Per District Analysis 8,700 10,078 10,721 85 10,806 2,106 24.20% Current Effect of Alternate Rate Adjustment on Rates Representatfve Collectfon Rates: Residential - Single Can $ 12.95 $15.75 $16.10 Commercial - Single Can $ 14.75 S17.95 $18.30 20-Yard Drop Box $192.95 S234.65 $239. 65 SSS/Rate Setting 1988-89/VWM Alt Rate ORItI>A-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. ALTERNATE RATE ADJUSlMENT ANAL. YSIS DISPOSAL EXPENSES BASED ON S47/TON (000 Omitted, Unless Otherwise Noted) Pass-Through Acme Landff1l Disposal Expense Without Profit Mar~in Forecasted Unadjusted Revenues for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1990 S 3,502 Forecasted Operating Expenses for the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1990 Deduct: Acme Landfill Disposal Expense 3,835 <A> <946> Forecasted Operating Expenses Adjusted for Acme Landfill Disposal Expense 2,889 Forecasted Revenue Required to Produce 94 Percent Operating Ratio Add: Forecasted Franchise Fee Acme Landfill Disposal Expense 3,073 35 <A> 946 Forecasted Revenues Adjusted for Forecasted Franchise Fee and Acme Landfill Disposal Expense 4,054 Increase in Forecasted Revenues Required 552 15.761 Percent Increase in Forecasted Revenues Required Attachment II Per District Analysis 3,502 3,835 4,080 35 4, 115 613 17 .50% Current Effect of Alternate Rate Adjustment on Rates Representative Collection Rates: Residential - Single Can (Orinda) $ 13 . 95 $16.15 $16.40 Residential - Single Can (Moraga) $ 12.45 S14.40 $14.65 Commercial - Single Can $ 15.00 S17.35 $17 . 65 20-Yard Drop Box $203 . 60 S235.70 $239.25 SSS/Rate Setting 1988-89/0-M Alt Rate ~J N LI) OLl) Lt'l 11 ~I 0 Lt'l LI) LI) - 'r 0 C'I"l co C'I"l .-l .q- \0 \0 N .~ u. 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CD ~ CD c: CD tU .,.... ..-l ::J ~CD ~ ::J III >- Itl ::J r- V ......, tU E 0> tU c: tU -l C:r- 0> CD 0> '0 t- V > t- CD V t- CD.,.... t- III c: tU 0>< 0 0> >0>00> >1+- 0 tU .,.... e: a. U a. 0> '-.,.... 0 0>"0 LL.. 0> ~ :::> 0 0> 0 lYO'- lYe: '- ~ ..0:: LL..a..< Itl c: V CD '0 'O~ '0 '0 "0 -l .,.... c: c.n CD CD V 0> CD CD H ~ -f-)::ln ~ ~ .. ~CD CD CD III 111'0'0 III 111"0 III E III ~ ~ Itl tUCD'O Itl 1tl"O Itl V Itl c: Itl V VCl< v v< v< CD CD 0:: CD CD CD CD CD t- V "- t- t- t- t- t- o t- U) 0 0 0 0 0 c: CD U) LL.. LL.. LL.. LL.. LL.. H a.. en CITY COUNCIL JRi~c~aYfEfl) JUN 30 1989 Avon M. Wilson, Mayor Richard F. Holmes, Vice Mayor Ernest W. Parti Donald L. Tatzin Gayle B. Uilkema eceaD. ... . ~"'~RF.TM\Y Of TH1c= t'I't"t:'ll'''''' LAFAYETTE Sn-rI.t:D IIH8=I:\VOKPOR.ATt:D.988 June 27, 1989 Ms. Susan Rainey, President Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 9~5J Dear M~~I The Lafayette City Council met on June 26, 1989 to discuss the rate increase request from Valley Waste Management, Inc. After review of the Price Waterhouse study and recommendation and input from Central Sanitary District staff, the City Council adopted the following position: 1. The City of Lafayette does not favor the pass through of unrealized profit. 2. The City will support the (less other operational savings) to be amortization schedule. increased cost recouped on a of landfill three-year 3. The City believes that the operating ratio should be 97% rather than 94%. 4. The City Management may reapply known. Support of an presented at that time. concurs with Price Waterhouse that Valley Waste for a rate adjustment when transfer costs are increase will be determined by facts and data 5. The Council supports the recommendation surcharge to subsidize recycling and urges that the program as soon as possible. of a $.95 be commenced Thank you for glvlng us the opportunity to comment, and we appreciate the analysis and backup that was provided for our review. AMW:sj cc: City Councilmembers 251 LAFAYETTE CIRCLE, LAFAYETTE, CA 94549 TELEPHONE: (415) 284-1968 26 orindo way . orinda . callfornio 94563 . 415' 254.3900 June 30, 1989 W~rg~DWf!1OJ JUN 3 0 1989 Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553-4392 cccso e-""",M','.q, Of T,..tr "I~."'" Dear Mr. Moreen: The Orinda City council has received and reviewed the Orinda- Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. rate application and the District's analysis of the application which is scheduled for hearing by your Board on JUly 6, 1989. It is understood that the application requests an across-the-board refuse collection rate increase of 18.22%, mainly contingent upon increases in disposal fees to be effective on JUly 1, 1989. The City Council has unanimously voted to indicate to the Board its belief that a rate increase granted for July 1, 1989 should be subject to later confirmation of the results of the County's review of the fees to be charged at the transfer station. The review, which is scheduled for completion in August or September, should contain information justifying the rate increase. With regard to the curbside recycling program scheduled to commence in September, 1989, the City Council is of the opinion that successful recycling efforts have been predicated on makinq recycling economically attractive to the participants. One such method might be to reduce the cost of collection of non- recyclables to participants in the reoycling program. The Council asked that the District continuously review ana pursue methods to provide incentives for recyoling. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on the rate increase proposal. Sincerely, /7 / / {;~~:'I'".'><'/1_.... _ ...': . ~'1.. :.' ..1. '.:~" ..~,. '~../ Tom Sinclair City Manager ^'-' TS:nh cc: George Navone c0d c.!..l !::iaN I ClO .:10 ,),,1 I :> '!"c:ll 68, 0~ Nnr RECEIVED JUl 5 1989 _ CCCSD .~01THF"'~"""'. July 5, 1989 Honorable Susan Rainey, President and Members of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Members of the Board: On behalf of the Danville Town Council, thank you for the opportunity to comment on the rate proposals and service issues that you will consider at your July 6th hearing. The following summarizes our concerns: Recycling 1. We appreciate the thorough work of Central San staff in moni toring pilot program results and costs. We appreciate the cooperation with our staff and elected officials in pilot program implementation and especially note the excellent work of Harriette Heibel on this project. 2. We realize that curbside recycling will not be self-supporting because the value of the materials collected cannot support the cost of providing this service. We believe the recommended rate of 95 cents per household per month is in line with the cost of. such programs in this County and throughout the State. 3. We believe that curbside recycling will not negatively impact non-profit groups that rely upon recycling, but we ask that this be monitored and that should any negative impact occur, that it be mitigated to the extent possible. 4. We are pleased with the extraordinarily high level of participation by Danville residents in the pilot program, and we believe this was due in part to the involvement by Central San staff and our own Danville staff. We urge you to continue to allocate staff resources to this effort, and we pledge to do the same. 510 La Gonda Way · Danville, California 94526 (415) 820-6337 Automated Curbside pick-up 1. We believe that ratepayers, faced with extraordinarily high increases, deserve the opportunity to consider a change to curbside automated pick-up service for a reduction in cost. 2. We are disappointed that Valley Waste Management has not yet supplied information that would detail program costs and savings. 3. We urge Valley Waste Management to cooperate in every way to offer the efficiencies of automated pick up to ratepayers. 4. We believe that once program cost information is available, ratepayers deserve an opportunity to make an informed decision concerning automated curbside pick-up. The Town requests that we be given the opportunity to hold local hearings concerning this "level of service" question (approximately 6 weeks) 5. We believe the Board's plan to continue with the process of setting rates as scheduled, with automated service to be considered separately, is a sound one. Insti tution of automated service should not be tied to other unrelated issues. Refuse Rates 1. We would like to see recyclers receive a benefit for their efforts and, therefore, favor a rate that is more heavily weighted for the second can. We recognize the need to avoid further complications in the current rate-setting scenario and, therefore, suggest that the "unrealized profit" surcharge of 65 cents a can be added to the second can rate and be used to weight rates to favor recyclers and others who produce only one can of refuse. Such a weighted rate would also favor seniors or other citizens on fixed incomes. 2. We agree that rate decisions should be re-examined if Acme fees change significantly. 3. As a means of informing the public, we favor adding to all refuse billings a line item showing the portion of the billing attributable to landfill fees. Honorable Susan Rainey July 5, 1989 Page 3 4. We thank Central San staff, especially Danville resident Walt Funasaki, for their careful analysis of these complex rate questions. Again, we thank you for the opportunity to comments on these issues. Sincerely yours, b:le~~ Mayor . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary LJlstrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF July 6, 1989 NO. IV. BIDS AND AWARDS 1 SUBJECT DATE July 3, 1989 AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY TYPE OF ACTION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE ORINDA CROSSROADS PUMP STATION ODOR CONTROL PROJECT, DP 4531 AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY Jade A. Sullivan Assistant En ineer Department Division ISSUE: On June 29, 1989, sealed proposals were received and opened for the construction of District Project No. 4531, Orinda Crossroads Pump Station Odor Control. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the opening of the bids. BACKGROUND: A predesign and planning study was prepared to determine how to minimize odors from the Orinda Crossroads Pump Station. Any odors from the pump station have the potential of being detected by the nearby businesses and BART commuters. This project is designed to make two major improvements to the existing Orinda Crossroads Pump Station. First, the foul air and office and work space airstreams will be separated to eliminate any chance of mixing the two airstreams. Second, the foul air from the wet well will be directed through activated carbon and chemically treated media to minimize any odors. The filtered air will then be discharged to the atmosphere. The Orinda Crossroads Pump Station Odor Control Project is included in the 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on pg. CS-125. As part of a property right exchange, an adjacent developer (Clark Wallace, Orinda Theatre Square) has entered into an agreement with the District to contribute $40,000 to the construction budget. The District is designing and building an odor control system so that it will be completed prior to occupancy of the Orinda Theatre Square development. Plans and specifications for the project were completed and the project was advertised on June 8, 1989. Five bids ranging from $124,000 to $175,900 were received on June 29, 1989. A bid tabulation is shown in Attachment 1. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Monterey Mechanical Company of Oakland, CA. The Engineer's Estimate for construction is $105,000. The budget to complete this project is $122,280 (Attachment II). District staff will administer the contract and provide inspection services. Shop drawing review and office engineering services will be provided by Dodson & Young. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.2, since it involves a minor alteration of the existing Orinda ~ J Mt:~ to I RAB ~\'2" REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE ORINDA CROSSROADS PUMP STATION ODOR CONTROL PROJECT, DP 4531 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 4 DATE July 3, 1989 Crossroads Pump Station to reduce odors and that no expansion to the capacity of the pump station is occurring. A Notice of Exemption was filed with the County Clerk on October 7, 1988. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of the contract for the amount of $124,000 for construction of the Orinda Crossroads Pump Station Odor Control Project, District Project No. 4531, to Monterey Mechanical Company, as the lowest responsible bidder. 13028-9/85 _ ATTACHMENT I _ Cen'~ al ~ontra Costa Sa.. ~it .ry District 8UMMAAY OF BICB PROJECT NO. 4531 - Ori nda Crossroads PS Odor Control DATE 6/29/89 ENGR. EST. $ 105,000 LOCATION 0: ~ BICCRA (Name, telephone & address) BIC PAle. --- Monterey Mechanical ( ) $ 1 124.000 - Albay Construction ( ) $ 2 138,800 Dalzell Corporation ( ) $ 3 137,900 Pacific Mpchanical Corporation ( ) $ 4 149,000 TICO Construction ( ) $ 5 175,900 ( ) $ ( ) $ .....- ( ) $ .....- ( ) $ I-- ( ) $ I-- ( ) $ - ( ) $ - PREPARED BY DATE SHEET NO. OF 2503-51/84 ATTACHMENT II Orinda Crossroads Pump Station Odor Control Project DP 4531 Post-Bid Construction Estimate % Constr. Contract Item Description Amount 1. Construction Contract $124,000 2. Estimated Construction Contingencies @ 12% 14,880 3. Subtotal 138,880 100% 4. Estimated Construction Services to Project Completion Inspection Engineering during Construction Contract Administration Engineering Service (Dodson & Young) As-Built Drawings Legal 9,000 7,000 3,200 3,500 400 300 23,400 17% 162,280 5. Subtotal 6. Total Estimated Construction Cost 7. Prebid Expenditures Predesign Study (Planning Div.) Design (CCCSD) Design by Consultant 19,000 11,100 38,000 8. Subtotal 66,100 47% 9. Estimated Total Project Cost 228,380 10. Less Clark Wallace Contribution -40,000 11. Less Funds Previously Authorized -66,100 12. Total Estimated Additional Allocation of Funds Required to Complete the Project $122.280 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. SUBJECT IV. DATE BIDS AND AWARDS REJECT ALL BIDS SUBMITTED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT PROJECT 4120, STORM DAMAGE REPAIR - SOUTH TRAIL CREEK CROSSING TYPE OF ACTION REJECT BIOi INFORMATION Department Division SUBMITTED BY Ba T. Than ISSUE: On June 8, 1989, sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of District Project 4120, Storm Damage Repair - South Trail Creek Crossing. The Board of Directors must authorize award of a contract or reject all bids within 60 days of the opening of sealed bids. BACKGROUND: The original creek crossing at South Trail, Orinda, was constructed in 1949 (see attached map). It consisted of a 100 foot span of 6-inch mortar-lined steel pipe, secured by two trestle bent supports. During the winter of 1983, high storm" flows caused the creek bank to erode resulting in a shallow slide which undermined one of the trestle bent supports. This, in turn, caused the pipeline to deflect and become permanently deformed. Immediate action was taken to remove one trestle bent and to prevent further slope erosion around the remaining support. The South Trail Creek Crossing storm damage repair is included in the fiscal year 1988/1989 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on page CS-79. Plans and specifications for the project were completed by District staff and the project was advertised on May 22 and May 29, 1989. Plans and specifications were issued to a total of 27 prospective contractors and sub-contractors for this project. Only one bid was received at the bid opening on June 8, 1989. The sole bidder, Mountain Cascade, Inc., submitted a bid of $169,000. The engineer's estimate is $60,000. The Engineering Department staff conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bid and reviewed the engineer's estimate. Staff recommends that the Board reject the bid because of the high cost. Staff believes that the reasons for receiving only one bid and the high cost of the single bid are (1) an unfavorable bidding climate (i.e., contractors are busy), (2) the small size of the project, and (3) the limited access to the job site for equipment and materials. The existing South Trail Creek Crossing is not in imminent danger of failure. Staff proposes to review the options for repairing the crossing and revise the plans as necessary. To receive more favorable bids, this project may be merged with one or more other projects to create a larger construction contract and could be bid at a more favorable time. Staff will investigate the most appropriate course of action for proceeding with the project. 1302A-9/85 BTT cws ~1 L I Ie .fO ./ RAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. '6TT REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~w~ ~ DRH SUBJECT REJECT ALL BIDS SUBMITTED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT PROJECT 4120, STORM DAMAGE REPAIR - SOUTH TRAIL CREEK CROSSING POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 3 OF June 30, 1989 RECOMMENDATION: Reject all bids received for construction of the District Project No. 4120, Storm Damage Repair - South Trail Creek Crossing. 13028-9/85 ~~ .. "_o...EL EL '76' r ROUND TOP VICINITY MAP NTS E 1? 1? SYSTEM MAP NTS Central Contra Costa Sanitary District .. SOUTH TRAIL PROJECT LOCATION 2523-9 '88 . Cen"al Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J ul 6 1989 NO. v. CONSENT CALENDAR 11 SUBJECT QUITClAIM SEWER EASEMENT, JOB NO. 4541, SUBDIVISION 7176, ROSSMOOR AREA DATE June 30, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITClAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Denn1 sHall Associate En 1neer INITlA TING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: U.D.C. - Universal Development L.P., owner-developers of Subdivision 7176, has requested the District to quitclaim a sewer easement which lies within Lot 1 of Subdivision 7176, and within an adjoining parcel of land owned by U.D.C. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was granted at no cost to this District in 1988. During the District's plan review process, the alignment of the sewer was subsequently adjusted to more efficiently serve the subdivision. A new easement has been granted for the revised sewer alignment. The subject easement is no longer needed and may now be qu1tcl aimed. The property owner has pa1 dour quitclaim processing fee. When the sewers in the replacement easement are installed and accepted by the District, the temporary pump station which is now serving this subdivision will be abandoned and removed. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEnA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. R.ECOr+1ENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to U.D.C. - Universal Development L.P., Job 4541, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the 01 strict to execute sa1 d Quitcl aim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION !^ 1302A-9/85 DH tL f=C\2- INITIATING DEPTlDIV. R./CHIEF ENG. @L/ ~ .0 / I I I ,.,... RA\N ROAO GOlOEN QUITCLAIM EASEMENT JOB 4541 PARCEL 1 ROSSMOOR AREA . Cen\(al Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 13 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Jul 6 NO. 1989 v. CONSENT CALENDAR 12 SUBJECT DATE ORDER COMPLETION OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 110-A June 26, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION COMPLETE ANNEXATION OF DA llD-A SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: A resolution by the District's Board of Director's must be adopted to finalize District Annexation lID-A. BACKGROUND: The District previously made appl ication to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) for the annexation of ten parcels of land designated as District Annexation 110. LAFCO has considered this request and has recommended that Parcel s 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10, as shown on the attachments, be processed as submitted. LAFCO has desi gnated these parcel s to be Di strict Annexati on No. llO-A. No public hearing is requi red and the annexation of these parcel s can be completed. A Negative Declaration addressing the proposed annexations was prepared by LAFCO pursuant to GEOA and was used by LAFCO in making its determinations and approving this annexation. In accordance with District CEOA Guidelines Section 7.17(f), the Board must review and consider the environmental effects of the project as shown in the Negative Declaration which is attached as Exhibit A before approving the annexation. District staff has reviewed said Negative Declaration and concurs with its findings. RECOMM~NDATION: Adopt a resolution concurring with and adopting the Negative Decl arati on of LAFCO, certifying that the Board has reviewed and consi dered the Negative Declaration, ordering the fil ing of a Notice of Determination as a Responsible Agency stating that the District considered the Negative Declaration as prepared by LAFCO as required, and ordering the completion of District Annexation No. lID-A. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ flI)j --:::r A,1t ~L INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 DH JSM f'n'/RAB 1:,,,,,. ....... ~.~\\\~. * FIKOVSKY (1466$ (I./(. 1ge) ?-A. .e -I" ~ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION ~ EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY :;:;:~:~::::::::{:~ := PROPOSED ANNEXATION SIGNED PETITION * .-- .e" '/ ~O/j; DISTRICT ANNEXATION 110 PARCEL 1 D.A. 110-A /P08. :! ~ 'I) !II ~ ~ . III ~ o F. J. HILL if /3/07 P-le. /Sf ~A.87:-1!> 2.32 Ac. SHAN6R./ --i.I.- ~ = PREVIOUS ANNEXATION ~ EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY PROPOSED ANNEXATION * SIGNED PETITION ';';t..:.; .,-~ (to DISTRICT ANNEXATION 110 PARCELS 2 & 3 D.A. 110-A ~ '\!Y PREVIOUS ANNEXATION EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY PROPOSED ANNEXA TION SIGNED PETITION MIL = * 15 DISTRICT ANNEXATION 110 PARCEL 5 D.A. 110-A OANV/LLE (3/ GAROEN5 M 26) ~ ~ ~ ~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 42 41 89 90 ~l ~ @ it" 67 ~I ~ it" ~ ~ 68 \\I() I/) t!'lJ 116 581035'E 238 .. WIi.i.DH I I DR. ~l;-l ~~ i~~~0i101&f a ~ ~= PREVIOUS ANNEXATION * EXISTING CCCSD BOUNDARY PROPOSED ANNEXA liON SIGNED PETITION 2=i!:= DISTRICT ANNEXATION 110 I PARCEL 10 D.A. 110-A EXHIBIT A ~ o a mill APR 2 G 1989 LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY M.~.~~et!t SIGNIF~~A COSTA COUNTY Otputy O. FlJ\ Ct'''tn~ NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF ENVIRONMENTAL Person (Applicant): Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Project Title: District Annexation No. 110 to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (LAFC 89-10) Project Location: Orinda, Alamo, Danville Responsible Agency Contact Person: ,Dewey E. Mansfi~ld, Executive Officer. Contra Costa. County 8th Floor, McBrien Administration Bldg. Martinez, CA 94553 (415) 646-4090 GENERAL PROJECT DESCRI~ON (Nature,. Purpose, Beneficiaries, Reasons Environmentally Insignificant): This is for the annexation of approximately twelve acres of land to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. It consists of 10 separate groupings of land located within the Orinda, Lafayette, Alamo, and Danville areas of the County. The Executive Officer may recommend the addition of adjacent properties to provide for more logical district boundaries. These areas are all planned and zoned' for growth'andwil~ allow for infill development. .There are no known adv~rse environmental impacts of this project as originallY proposed or as modified to add additional .parcels as r~commeded l:>ythe LAFCO..~ecutive .Officer., Mo~tpf tne home . ..,cons.tmction 'itsel.f. would be ,catego~i"ca.llY exerript~'Under~ CEQA~ . .Several'. lots are annexing to resolve xailing septic tanks. It . is,. ,determined fro~. ..in:i;tial study by Jim cutler. ,t~at this.: project, ... does not have a significant effect on the environment. ( X) Justification for negative declaration is attached. The Initial Study is available at the above-noted~ff~~~ J'.'~ Date Posted: APR 2 6 1989 Signed by: ~ c--/ //1 a-u/V-f. LAFCO utive Officer / Date of Final Appeal: May 10, 1989 Original: County Clerk cc: LAFCO File LOCAL At,;ENCY FORMATION COMMISSION \.LAFCO) OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY INITIAL STUDY OF ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCE File Name: LAFC 89-10 Prepared By: JIM CUTLER Date: 3-27-89 A. RECOMMENDATION: ( )Categorical Exemption (X)Negative Declaration ( )Environmental Impact Report Required .The project (May) (Will Not) Have A Significant Effect On The Environment. These areas are 'all planned and zoned for growth and will allow for infill development. There are no known adverse environmental impacts of this project as originally proposed or as modified to add additional parcels as recommeded by the LAFCO Executive Officer. Most of the home construction itself would be categorically exempt under CEQA. Several lots are annexing to resolve failing septic tanks. B. PROJECT INFORMATION: . 1. Project Location and Description: This is for the annexation of approximately twelve acres of land to the Central Contra Costa sanitary District. It consists. of 10 separate groupings of land located within the Orinda, Lafayette,' Alamo, and Danville areas of the Cqunty.. The E~ecutive Offic~r may recommend the additon of adjacent pr~pert;i~s .to provide for more logical district boundaries'. "'. .... ,r. ,... ", . 2. Site Descripti.on: The . sites ate 'ali: planned or developed as'. single: f~iIY' 'h~mes , except for parcel 6, which is to be used for office type use. These include many individual parcels which require services. 3. Character of Surrounding Areas: The areas are all developed for single family residential uses at suburban intensities. -2- C. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: 1. Does the project conform to City or County General Plan proposals including the various adopted Elements? Single family residential Yes No Maybe N/A x --- General Plan Designation; source: Orinda, Lafayette, Danville, and County General Plans 2. Does the project conform to existing (or proposed) zoning classification? Classification: R-15, R-20, R-40 3. Does it appear that any feature of the project, including aesthetics, will generate significant public concern? Nature of Concern: 4. will the project require approval or permits by agencies other than LAFCO? x --- x --- x --- Other Agency? Central Contra Costa Sanitary District *S=Significant N=Negligible C=Cumulative No=None U=Unknown N/A=Not Applicable D. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS: (include mitigation measures for significant effects where possible) 1. Earth Will the proposal. result in or be . subject to: a) Erection of st~ucture~ within.an Alquist-. . ~ri<>.lQ ~ct:Speci,a:J.. S~~ciie~ ..zop.~.?. . . b) Grading (consider amount and aesthetics)? dope.fo~.develqpment,appli9a~ip~ . c) Slides, liquefaction or other hazards on or immediately adjoining the site? d) Adverse soil or topographic characteristics (consider soils type, slope, septic tank limitations, etc.)? e) Wind or water erosion of soils, on site or off? f) Prime agricultural lands? Discussion: *S N. C No U N/A .. :.. X """-' - ..-- - X ---- - --- X ---- --_-! --_-! ___l_- -3- 2. Air Will the project result in deterioration of existing air quality, including creation of objectionable odors? Discussion: 3. Water Will the project result in: a) Erection of structures within a designated flood hazard (prone) area? b) Reduction of surface or ground water quality or quantity? . c) Alteration of drainage patterns or runoff? d) Disruption of streams or water bodies? Discussion: . 4. Plant/Animal Life Will the project result in: a) Changes in the diversity of species, or numbers of any species of plants or animals? b) Reduction of the number of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants or animals? c) Introduction of new species of plants or animals into an area, or inhibition of the normal replenishment, migration or movement of existing species? d) Reduction in aqreage of any agricultural crop o~ existing' fish or wildlife' habitat? Discu'ssion: 5'. Noise.Will the project result in: .a) Structures within the 60dBA noise contour per the. . General. ptan Noise..Eleme.nt? ":' b) Increases from existing noise levels? Discussion: 6. Natural Resources Will the project affect the potential use, extraction, conservation or depletion of a natural resource? Discussion: s !! ~ No !I N/A ___X ___x ___x X - - -- X - - -- x - - -- ___x ___x x - - -- _'_'~X" X - - -- X -4- 7. Energy Will the project result in demands upon existing sources of energy, or require the development of new energy sources? S N C No U N/A ___X Discussion: 8. Utilities Will the project result in the need for new systems or alterations to the following utilities (including sphere of influence or district boundary change): electricity, natural gas, communications facilities, water, sewers, storm drainage, solid waste disposal? X - -- Discussion: provision of sewer service to planned development areas 9. Public Services Will the project result in the need for: a) New or altered services in the following areas: fire protection, police protection, schools, parks or other recreational facilities, roads, flood control or other public works facilities, public transit or other governmental services? X b) Alteration of sphere of influence boundaries? x - - -- c) Alteration of service district boundaries? x - -- Discussion: Eliminate islands of non district lands '10. Transportation/Circulation (Consider the Circulation~lement)Will the proje~t re~ult in: a) Generation of:, ad.di"tionaIP~~hicui"ar' movement with initiation or intensification of circulation "problems (consider road design,' project "access, congestion, 'hazards to vehicles, pedestrians)? " x - -- b) Effects on existing parking facilities, or demands for new parking? __x c) Impact on existing waterborne, rail, air or public transportation systems? ___x Discussion: -5- 11. Growth Inducement Will the project: a) Alter the location, distribution, density or growth rate of the human population of an area? S N f. No U N/A x b) Affect existing housing or create a demand for additional housing? x c) Establish a precedent for additional requests for similar uses? x d) Impacts or include agricultural preserve lands? x e) Impact on agricultural production? x __ Discussion: Allows for a few homes to be constructed 12. Aesthetics Will the project obstruct any public scenic vista or view, create an aesthetically offensive site open to public view, or produce new light or glare? __x Discussion: 13. Recreation Will the project affect the quality or quantity of recreational opportunities? __x__ 14. Archeological/Historical Are there known archeological, historical or other resources on the site or in the general vicinity? (Historical Resources Inventory and archeological' site 'maps). _ _ _ X _ _ Discussion: .15'. Ha,zar,d: will the pro;ject'result: in' a'r.i'sk' of ,exp'ro'si6.rt; release of hazardous 'substances or other dangers to ' public health or safety? _ _ _ X Discussion: -6- 16. Other (Consider impact on open space or sprawl) Will the project result in other significant effects on the environment? Discussion: 17. Mandatory Findings of Siqnificance (A "significant" check on any of the following questions requires preparation of an EIR) a) Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, or curtail the diversity in the environment? b) Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-term, environmental goals? c) Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but cumulatively considerable? d) Does the project have environmental impacts which will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? Discussion: ~ N C No U N/A X ------ X X X - - -- __X_ Local Agency Formation.. Commiss.ion pf Contra Costa County McBrien Administration Bu~lding, 8th .FloQr 651 Pine.Street . Martinez, California 94553 (415) 646-4090 LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION OF CONTRA COSTA COUNTY NOTICE OF DETERMINATION ON PROJECT UNDER CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT Lead Agency Local Agency Formation Commission Contra Costa County County Administration Building Martinez, CA 94553 Phone: (415) 372-4090 ~ 0 !!, moo MAY 15 1989 Dewey E. Mansfield Executive Officer CO~TRA COSTA COUNTY B """ /2 /\ ................- y - Depl.rty PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 110 TO CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT (LAFC 89-10), this proposal would annex + or - 12 acres in ten separate parcels adjacent to existing CCCSD boundaries in the vicinities of the communities of Alamo, Danville, Lafayette and Orinda. Property submitted for annexation is identified by Assessor Parcel Nos. (APN) 167-160-020; 167-170-005; 187-130-006, 012; 192-041-005; 198-120-017, 018, 019; 208-043-015; 208-072-003; 208-073-004; 216-172-020, 021; 265-100-005; and 265-140-005. . The Commission amended the boundaries of affected territory to include additional properties identified by APN 187-130-002, 003, 004, 005, 007; 198-074-004; 208-042-016, 017; 208-044-008, 010, 011, 013; 208-072-007, 008; and 208-073-005. Also to be included is a + or - 2,100 foot segment of the abandoned Southern Pacific Railroad . right-of-way between Se~ena Avenue and Hemme Avenue in the . Alamo area. . .Applicant: . CCQSD Decision on Project: ..]LApp roved. Denied. Withdrawn Environmental Impact Report: Will X Will not have significant effect ___Prepared ~Not required Decision on Environmental Impact: LAFCO Negative Declaration y E. ~~d~ cutive Officer , Date: cc: File . Cen\(al Contra Costa Sanitcary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS SUBJECT POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J ul PAGE 1 OF 3 6, 1989 NO. V. CONSENT CALENDAR 13 DATE June 26, 1989 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 89-20 (ALAMO) AND P.A. 89-21 (WALNUT CREEK) TO BE INClUDED IN A FUTURE ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUB~~1WiS; Hall Associate Engineer P a rce 1 No. , I Area Alamo (77D3) 89-20 89-21 Wal nut I Creek , <76Cl) , I , I I Owner, Address Parcel No. & Acreaae Virginia L. Neider 1574 Alamo Way Alamo CA 94507 191-080-011 (0.23 AC) Bertram & Gail Mudgett 147 Pebble Place San Ramon CA 94583 138-130-002 (3.3 AC) 138-190-001 <3.3 AC) 138-190-002 ("1.9 AC) 138-190-003 (2.95 AC) TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division , , , Exi sti ng house with a I fail ing septic system. District to prepare I "Notice of Exemption" I I Remarks Lead Aaencv CCCSD Owner intends to build I two new homes on property. I 'District to prepare , , "Noti ce of Exempti on" I , I I CCCSD .R.ECX>M\1ENDATION: Authorize P. A. 89-20 and 89-21 to be incl uded in a future formal annexation. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 12( , 302A-9/85 DH REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION /111 JSM ~IL fV RAB ~\'oo" .. ~\) '..'0"", ~ . ;:,,,,,,,., . -~.I\ \~ ::.1....-, L 33.12AC ':~~C-) < 5 CI~~~~O:~ST. BREAR 352 AC HAVERFIELD 4 38 AC AC PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 89-20 J 0 ME 5 20.0QAC ~ · 30 AC L ';T ~~ ~_~W~f~ ~,~9' _ZJ111 s: Z I "-'- j "l112~ ~~ CTIri-...w~<>::;...~.i.....: 6-Z363...~.... '" ."sEJitJe . fb ?N:r,~ ';;' ,,:::.::'~~~~. ~ '" > ~ ",{"h,,",~ Ji!! ~ . .~'" .. T -r--::.. t!i- l7'g \13 14ltll ...:::.~ b~" <"~. IT...: , ~~tt:fi:j ~~ 42,/ ." , ~ if 4 4 A \'I~ ~ ~ \ , '.%11. r iN"] l \0 ,/ ~~%! RTtI w,. ~ ~ 40 '!A tIT ] b~ AJ1~,.. 482 ..0- ~ ~ <Ef" 37\CT\~I-IM"r:-."..,,:~ / ,;: ~rpj'/~IM)/O {~_~ ~ f I;'" -~77 ~ 2.11 <<' s'....;;r\' ~ rJ L..f'LG- ..;" ~ . 'I}YA t1 'Iv," " 1?- ~~~\ e~: d::C... ~ 1'" .. HILL ~ % CTIO\II ~\_32\3C3T~~;? Fjtij '::... ri;, 1 _ jWg 8.. ... .501 I" ...1, ~ ~ h ~fl."::/',~I,) ~ ~ :If M"'~ 60 ~ ~ , 'A3I /I ,~~~ ~ 7/g0). <l ~()') AC. -!:K. ~O..8~'1-'Zt,;fu.~O, 2e ueF ;z 'Y I,rr.: : =<>&\.. - :>t~ ~( ..:~!.1. 23 8. Z " ~E.1 ~ U3 ,AC ~!l4 !l7'" g~ ;:Ji'l"~'f QUFll, . ':i.~ 51 ~ 'S'u '-'till .cD ~ CT'1Y,,:I'!.8';4 10_ . 9 e :'. . " Jb ..~.... Vc~L/j ) -I.J 16!1'" 50 ~''i- rj 2,;oAC S TQNE. AVE" I' ~ " '49 I joJ ~ .~.... ;::'<I'. ~ 14 e8")lj ..... '" I CD '7" Cl ~ <::J:: k!.o!,j LL!:- u 0 I C J't~ .. 0::; . OC ~ II ~~ :-0 g~t:tT -~ 6 C ~ r - ~ a::::Lr~EL RO D L~ ~ "~. opdliARO ESTAT S . .........../itJii!ii:......... ~ ~ 'i 0" ~ ~ ~12 OR I . ':cti,~o l~::;!.!.!.!.!.!. I 1 I-----' ~ ': U,: ... ':: ::::::;:::::: -~l.i~I~~.~.:::;t.Q!*_L'i; '~@ ~~~ ~~ftL~~"~ .~.~~llt:i;' .'~-'.!!~I' ~1 :;: 42 41~ 32 c:: ~ 7( ; ~f ~7Jjjj~' ..,......................... , ~ ::-- ~o:;; ~~ ~ ~ ~io\<D ~~/1;d .. .J ""." ~~ ~o ;+r:;J. ~ K.'j!n.~~ 8"' t}\,-- ~A..... if ..:.':.,...,....::......,.:........:&.:.......:..).;;.c.,:. ~~...','.e.'.A..'.~.'.:..:: ",~...., ~"~ ~ tL . '. tL.--. ::::::::::::;; ",G..... I ;~ Zi <i]K ",-;:,t.. ~t22?":" ~~~'T1M ':.,:. t.<, . Cpr:,:,:: :.: :::.: fttiii: ",.. :.:.:;'S. ~ '.. . ..... 'f '" t ,. ~7'-<',;.,.,.:~...:~'/~airu ~+ ( ~ ,J \Y- \~.1 .... ;.:..::::.";' ..;..;..... .............. ;:;:::;:::;:;:: ;.;.:.:.:.:.:.: ;.;.;.;.;.;.;.; ............... ;.;.;.;.;.;.;,; .;.;.;.;.;.;.;. .:::;:::;:;:::; ~t~~ItltI~ ............... ..::::::::;:;:;::: 3,10 AC. 317 NORTH GATE RD \ DIAIIl..O UlllFlEO SCHOOL DIST. SS.li7AC In ~ WC AOAWS 21. :HAC ~:~:~._J~ ~&S}f ~.. >. -, ~:::::':':,:'::r\! ...:;mr: ',:,,,). ..... -:1 ~,.i~;t~i:~~~.".:.""" 93_ ~ \.---5~::.:::.. .!!fJt!!!p:. lL ::::::::::::. WC AOAWS 20.11 AC GLEISS ,. .. AC ~ ('.,~ .,. I I I I E.P.MAOIGAH a I '.24AC , I I I .ER SCUO( ,AC II. .1 ~ I ':Y(~!!ff,f.;: ......N;JJW~!!!i':.. ~ PROPOSED ANNEXATION /'1 \ , ,,- ..C;jfflH~j!:j;:~~":,, ...........~.. "'imHj,,~':',:. ...... ." ..... .-.. .... .. -- ~'.'f :~BJ/!;#~<::,\:::~::' P.A. 89-21 - HUMPHRIES -- 10.007 AC - 1 I 2.83 AC. HI< \\ .21 ~~ l 11 !I.20 AC ~ ~ ~ \'1- G' J~ % 2.98 AC. 11 /L %.3"AC "\ 81 TI<ER 10.00AC \ \ I Ir- ~ -ll.A4..C _ J _ ________HJ?U_ 10.( >\ 81 10 Ie SOARI 8.41 , \1.0Ut \' ~ SON IHe. '.50AC /~ '?""- - !I. O. \, '.40AC . Central Contra Costa Sanit&fY District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J ul 6, 1989 NO. SUBJECT ESTABLISH AUGUST 3, 1989, AT 3:00 P.M. AS THE DATE AND TIME FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION 110 AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION (LAFCO) DATE June 26, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: LAFCO has added properties to several of the parcels which are a part of the above-referenced District annexation. A public hearing must be held before this District can order the annexation of these amended parcels. BACKGROUND: The above-referenced annexation was sent to LAFCO as required for the formal annexati on process. LAFCO has amended the boundaries of several of the parcels as submitted by the District. The amended parcels are designated as D.A. 110, Parcels B, C, D, and E. As required by law, staff will notify all affected property owners 15 days prior to the public hearing. RECO t+1ENPATION : annexation of Set a public hearing date on August 3, 1989, at 3:00 p.m. for the the above-referenced territories as amended by LAFCO. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION alQtY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9/85 DH . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 J ul 6 1989 NO. VI. ENGINEERING 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE ESTABLISH A POLICY FOR QUITCLAIMING OF EASEMENTS June 30, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION ESTABLISH POLICY SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy Construction Division Manager INITIATING DEPT.lDIV Engineering Department/ Construction Division I,SSUE: At the June 1, 1989, meeting of the Board of Directors, the Board requested staff to prepare a policy for quitclaiming of easements. BACKGROUND: The current policy for quitclaiming easements has evolved over many years. The practice is to receive requests for quitclaiming easements, collect a processing fee (currently the fee is based on actual cost with an $87 minimum), verify that the existing easement and sewer (if present) can be eliminated, and process the quitclaim to the Board for action. In some cases, existing sewers must be relocated at the expense of others to eliminate the need for the existing easement. At the June 1 Board meeting, the value of easements which are proposed for quitclaiming was discussed. The following policy has been developed in accordance with that discussion. It is the pol icy of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for the Board to consider quitclaiming rights, title, and interest which the District may have in existing sanitary sewer easements upon receipt of a quitclaim request in accordance with the following. Requesters must pay a quitclaim processing fee (which may be set and adj usted by the Board from time to time) and must reimburse the District for the value of the existing easement. If the existing easement was dedicated to the District at no cost, the District will not attempt to collect the value of the easement when quitclaimed, except as specifically directed by the Board. If the Di stri ct purchased the easement, the current val ue of the easement will be established, and the District must be reimbursed for that value. In establishing the current value of the easement, the Board may consider: o The value of the proposed easement o The value of severance as it pertains to the existing easement o The value of the existing pipe o The value of the new pipe REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION p-e;YL-- J. DOLAN SUBJECT POSITION PAPER ESTABLISH A POLICY FOR QUITCLAIMING OF EASEMENT PAGE 2 DATE OF 2 June 30, 1989 Staff will follow the practice noted above and incorporate the recommended policy so that the value of existing easements will be collected for those instances when the District has purchased the easements. This pol icy will be added to the Engineering Department's Policy Manual. HECOMMEND,ATION: Establish a policy for quitclaiming of easements. ......--....---. 13028-9/85 "-~------------_'__'_"_~___"_'_'~_~_'_____~''''_'A_.___._._____.___..._._______.__,.______.__~_" . Cen ,(al Contra Costa Sanitc.ry District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF J ul 6, 1989 NO. VI. DATE ENGINEERING 2 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXEOJTE AN AGREEr-ENT WITH THE TOWN OF DANVILLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TRUNK SEWER FACILITIES THROUGH THE TASSAJ ARA RANQ-I ASSESSM:NT DISTRICT 1988-1 June 30 1989 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy Construction Division Mana er INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Board approval is requi red to execute an agreement with the Town of Danville for the installation of sanitary sewer facilities in Camino Tassajara as a part of Danville's Tassajara Ranch Assessment District (TRAD) 1988-1. ~ACKGROUND: Tassajara Ranch is a combination of ten developments south of Camino Tassajara near Crow Canyon Road. The developers of Tassajara Ranch were required to construct approximately 3,000 feet of 30-inch trunk sewer in Camino Tassajara as a condition of connecting new buildings to the existing sewer system. Attachment 1 shows the general location of the developments and the 30-inch sewer. The developers of Tassajara Ranch formed TRAD 1988-1 to finance the installation of street, sewer, and other improvements incl uding the 30-inch trunk sewer. Danville is administering TRAD 1988-1. An agreement is necessary between the Town of Danville and the District to establish responsibilities with respect to constructing the proposed 30-inch trunk sewer. District staff has negotiated an agreement with Town of Danville staff which provides for the District to pay for the installation of the 30-inch sewer in Camino Tassajara within the context of TRAD 1988-1. This approach is in keeping with the recent installation of other trunk sewer segments in Camino Tassajara where the District has paid the costs of the sewers. The purpose for installation of sewers in conjunction with the current road construction along Camino Tassajara is to eliminate the need to excavate for future sewer installation in these newly constructed portions of Camino Tassajara within the next ten years. The proposed agreement calls for the District to pay to the Town of Danville the actual cost of the sewer work ($725,000) and for the town to di stri bute thi s amount to the assessment district where it will be credited against the assessments. The agreement also includes standard indemnification paragraphs, procedures for acceptance of work, responsibilities for maintenance of constructed facilities, and provisions for expiration of the agreement. The $725,000 includes the cost of design, construction, and assessment district administration by the Town of Danville. The 30-inch sewer installation project is incl uded in the 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget and is described beginning on page CS-24. G ~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TOWN OF DANVILLE FOR THE INSTALLATION OF TRUNK SEWER FACILITIES THROUGH THE TASSAJARA RANCH ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 1988-1 POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 3 June 30. 1989 This project has been eval uated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Qual ity Act (CEQA) under CEQA Statute Section 21080.21, since it involves construction of a pipeline less than one mile in length in a public right-of-way. A Notice of Exemption will be filed with the County Clerk. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engi neer to execute an agreement with the Town of Danville for the installation of trunk sewer facilities through Assessment District 1988-1. 1..-..______.. 13028- 9/85 ATTACHMENT 1 30~ CENTER . Cen,(al Contra Costa Sanit~ry District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF July 6, 1989 NO. LEGAL/LITIGATION 1 SUBJECT DATE June 30, 1989 RETURN WITHOUT FURTHER ACTION A CLAIM SUBMITTED BY J. LEWIS & SON, INC. TYPE OF ACTION RETURN CLAIM SU3~~kE~~Y Campbell Administrative Operations Manager INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Administrative/Risk Management ISSUE: Claims against public agencies in California must be presented within one year of the loss occurrence for damages which do not involve personal injury or property. This claim is for additional expenses allegedly incurred by a subcontractor who worked on a District project in 1987-88. BACKGROUND: J. Lewis & Son, Inc., was a subcontractor retained in 1987 by Western Util ity Contractors, Inc. CWestcon), the general contractor for the San Ramon Valley Phase "A" Project, to bore 385 feet of tunnel under the San Ramon Valley Boul evard for the District's San Ramon Vall ey trunk sewer 1 ine. The project has been completed and accepted by the District; however, there have been a few resid- ual disputes connected with alleged extra work and additional payment amounts. J. Lewis has now forwarded a claim for $389,283.97 through Westcon which was received by the District Secretary on June 6, 1989. The cl aim is not specific as to the date of loss and only refers to a general time period of "on or about 10/87 through 5/88 (ongoing)." Mr. Lewis has been advised of the deficiency regarding the date of claim and responded with legal arguments, but he failed to clarify the nature of the claim in terms of the one-year period. The District has 45 days after claim presentation to determine whether or not a claim is timely and to notify the claimant if it is not. The staff recommends that the claim be returned to J. Lewis & Son, Inc., as being not timely filed because the claim does not establish a loss within a year of the date of the claim. RECOMMENDATION: Return without further action a claim submitted by J. Lewis & Son, Inc., because it has not been timely filed. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JEC r PM KA I ITIATING DEPT.lDIV. (L