HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-15-89 . Central ':ontra Costa Sanitary.Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 15 NO. III. HEARINGS 1 SUBJECT DATE CONOOCT A PUBLIC HEARING (}.t "THE PROPOSED 1989-90 SCHEOOLE OF 0 & M RATES AND CHARGES AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING "THE FEE SCHEruLE EFFECTIVE J UL Y 1, 1989. June 12 198 TYPE OF ACTION CONru CT AJB LI C HEARING & ADOPT ORDINANCE SUBMITTED BY Barton L. Brandenburg Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Plannin Division ISSUE: A publ ic hearing is required prior to the adoption of a new Schedule of o & M Rates and Charges BACKGROUND: As part of the 0 & M Rates and Charges review, District staff has conducted a comprehensive analysis of the available data for the cost of providing the services for which the fees are assessed. An updated fee schedule has been developed and is recommended for adoption by the Board. Next year, staff intends to request that the comprehensive rate review be conducted every other year. Rates would be set for a two-year period using a projected inflationary index for the second year. The i nformati on presented in Attachment A summari zes the fi ndi ngs of the fee review and presents a proposed Schedul e of 0 & M Rates and Charges. Both the current charges and recommended revisions are shown. Attachment B provides a comparison with fees charged by other agencies. Twenty-eight of the thirty-two fees shown in the proposed Schedule of 0 & M Rates and Charges are recommended to be decreased, remain the same, or to be increased to reflect the two District salary adjustments (totaling 10 percent) which have occurred si nce the most recent rate rev i si on in November 1987. Manhol e or rodding inlet inspection, lateral abandonment, and two septage disposal fees are the only fees recommended to be increased by more than 10 percent. Manhole or Rodding Inlets Actual District inspection costs for manholes and rodding inlets are $360 each whil e the exi sti ng fee is $150. The manhol e and roddi ng i nl et constructi on proj ects have di sproporti onate i nspecti on costs because they are compl eted in phases and require multiple site visits. It is proposed that the Manhole or Roddi ng Inl et Inspecti on fee be phased in over three annual rate adj ustments after which actual District costs will be recovered. This is proposed because of the magnitude of the increase necessary to fully recover costs. ~J-6 1302A-9/85 BLB IMk !IJJ5 JMK RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING (J.t lHE PROPOSED 1989-90 SQ-fEOOLE OF 0 & M RATES AND Q-fARGES AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING lHE FEE SQ-fEOOLE EFFECTIVE J UL Y 1, 1989 POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF DATE 1_5 June 12. 1989 Lateral Abandonment Following a review of approximately 30 1 ateral abandonments, it was estimated that actual District costs for this activity are $1,900. This fee was establ ished dud ng the 1 ast rate review when it was estimated to cost the Di stri ct $1 ,300 for each 1 ateral abandonment. It is proposed that the 1 ateral abandonment fee be adj usted by the amount req ui red to fully recover Di stri ct costs. Septage Disposal Because of our increased efforts to protect agai nst the dumpi ng of hazardous wastes at the treatment pl ant, substantially more effort than anticipated was expended by Source Control last year to administer the Trucked Waste Program. To recover actual District administrative costs, an annual waste haul er permit fee of $900 woul d be req ui red. The exi sti ng fee is $350. It is proposed that the annual Waste Hauler Permit fee be adjusted by the amount required to fully recover Di stri ct costs. The actual Septage Disposal Volume Charge which recovers treatment and laboratory analysis costs for residenti al septic and portabl e toil et wastes is $0.134 per gallon which is $0.084 per gallon more than the existing fee of $0.05 per gallon. District costs for treating grease interceptor waste are $0.414 per gallon which is $0.404 per gallon more than the existing fee of $0.01 per gallon. It is proposed that the Grease Waste Volume Charge remain at $0.01 per gallon and that the Septage Vol ume Charge increase for Resi denti al Septi c and Portabl e Toilet Waste be phased in over three annual rate adjustments, after which District costs will be fully recovered. The proposal to phase in the Septage Disposal Vol ume Charge increase and to charge $0.01 per gallon for grease results in an estimated FY 1989-90 revenue shortfall of approximately $180,000. Most of the shortfall is due to the reduced charge for grease waste. However, provi di ng a lower rate for grease waste encourages restaurants to maintain their interceptor, thus reducing sewer mai ntenance costs. Unl ess di rected otherw ise, duri ng the next rate revi ew staff will analyze the effect of increasing the sewer service charge for restaurants by a suffici ent amount to negate the septage di sposal revenue shortfall. Thi s woul d allow the Di stri ct to mai ntai n a low Septage Di sposal Vol ume Charge for grease waste while recovering full treatment costs. Administrative Overhead In 1985, the Board directed staff to use a labor overhead rate for O&M Rates and Charges which does not incl ude administrative overhead. It is estimated that this represents a subsidy in FY 1989-90 of approximately $160,000 ($1.50/household). Alternatively, administrative overhead could be included in future rate reviews, thus lowering a future residential sewer service charge increase. 13026-9/85 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER CONOOCT A PUBLIC HEARING (}J "THE PROPOSED 1989-90 Sa-tEOOLE OF 0 & M RATES AND CHARGES AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING ll-IE FEE Sa-tEOOLE EFFEGrIVE JULY 1, 1989 PAGE DATE 3 OF 3 June 12, 1989 LeQal Notice Legal notice of the public hearing on the proposed new fee schedule was published on June 5, 1989, and June 13, 1989, in the Contra Costa Times. Di stri ct staff has notified permitted industries, waste haulers, representatives of the Building Industry Associ ati on of Northern eal iforni a, the Engi neer and Util ity Contractor's Associ ati on, and the Bui 1 ders and Contractors Associ ati on of the publ ic hearing date and has suppl ied each of them with documentation expl aining the basi s of the new fees. CEQA Staff has reviewed this project and determined it to be exempt from the Cal ifornia Environmental Qual ity Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidel ines, Section 17.7, since it involves the modification of charges which the District finds are for the purpose of meeting operational expenses. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing on the proposed Schedule of 0 & M Rates and Charges. Consider, revise, as appropriate, and adopt the findings as set forth in Attachments A and B. Consider directing staff to review the Restaurant Sewer Service Charge next year so that grease di sposal costs woul d be recovered and to provide the alternative of incl uding administrative overhead in next year's rate revi si on. Approve the proposed fee schedul e and adopt an ordi nance to implement the new schedule effective on July 1, 1989. 1302B-9/85 ..~--'--------'---______H__-----r----"--'-"-'~'~~"-" ..-------.--.--.>.-,~----~--.---.,-...----"~---.,-~-"--.-~---.--.--_.-- .__.._.~._.._--_._--,..._----._. ATTAa-fMENT A SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND SQ-/EIlJLE OF FEES 1 The fees co11 ected by the Di stri ct from developers, contractors, waste haul ers, i ndustri es, and other users of Di stri ct facil iti es are intended to recover actual District costs for providing the required service. For FY 1988-89, it is projected that the annual revenue received from these fees will be approximately $720,000. Proposed FY 1989-90 revenues are proj ected to be $840,000, based on the recommended rate schedu1 e. Thi s attachment provi des a summary of fi ndi ngs and proposed schedu1 e of fees which have been reviewed by District staff. Staff found that District costs could be recovered for twenty eight of the thirty two fees shown in the Schedu1 e of Rates and Charges by decreasi ng, remai ni ng unchanged, or increasing the fees to reflect the two District salary adjustments since the previous rate revision. The two sa1 ary adjustments occurred on May 1,1988, and May 1,1989, and totaled 10 percent. The remaining four fees are discussed individually below. 1. Manhole or Rodding Inlet Inspection Manhole or rodding inlet inspection costs for 21 projects have been reviewed. These proj ects were fi na1 ed from ca1 endar years 1986 through 1988. It was determined that the average inspection cost was $326 each ($360 when the two Di stri ct sa1 ary adj ustments are i nc1 uded) . The current fee is $150. Manho1 e and roddi ng i n1 et construction projects are time consuming to inspect because they are completed in phases and require multiple site visits. Also, these projects are constructed around existing mainlines and usually other util ities which add to the construction difficulty and inspection time. Increasing the inspection fee to recover actual costs would more than double the existing fee of $150 each. Therefore, it is recommended that this fee be increased to $220 and adjusted by a similar crnmount over the following two rate reviews until actual District costs are recovered. 2. Lateral Abandonment Approximate1 y 30 1 atera1 abandonments have been comp1 eted by Collection System Operations since this fee was established. Lateral abandonments at the mainline require a significant amount of staff effort. This effort includes hydrof1ushing the mainline, T.V. i nspecti on to locate the 1 atera1, excavati on of the 1 atera1 at the mainline, repairing the mainline, and repaving. It is estimated that the actual District cost is $1,900, which is a $600 increase over the existing fee of $1,300. It is recommended that the Lateral Abandonment Fee be increased to $1,900. 3. Septage Disposal Fees Septage disposal fees inc1 ude the annual Waste Haul er Permit Fee, fixed cost per truck, and a vol ume charge for treati ng the waste. Substanti ally more effort than anti ci pated was expended by Source Control 1 ast year to admini ster the Trucked Waste Program. Thi s effort includes: annual permitting, revising procedures, reviewing manifests and sampl ing data, responding to questions, bill ing, and enforcement activities. To recover actual District costs, it is 2 ~____.__..,.__.__._......._."_._ "-"'_.-'-"--"-'-'--"--'---'-'-'--"'-~'-~----r-"-"~U_"-----,~_.----~._.~...-,_.~- recommended that the annual permit fee be increased to $900, which is a $550 increase over the existing fee of $350. The fixed cost per truck, which recovers the cost of the gate guard and operator time as well as prelimi nary 1 aboratory tests for over 2,000 gallon loads, is recommended to be increased essentially by the two salary increases, totaling 10 percent. The vol ume charge is based on the cost of trea1ment and 1 aboratory analysis costs. As part of the random septage sampling program, data have been compil ed on waste strength (chemical oxygen demand and total suspended solids). These data show that the actual trea1ment and laboratory analysis costs for residential septic and portabl e toil et waste are $0.134/gallon, whi ch is $O.084/gal. more than the exi sti ng fee of $0.05/gall on. Al so, for restaurant grease waste, the actual trea1ment and laboratory analysis costs are $0.414/gallon, which is $0.404/gallon more than the existing fee. It is recommended that the Vol ume Charge for resi denti al septi c and portable toilet waste be increased to $0.078/gallon. This charge is recommended to be increased by a simil ar crnount over the next two rate adj ustments until actual costs are recovered. The vol ume charge for restaurant grease is recommended to remai n at $O.OI/gallon to encourage restaurant owners in the District to have their grease interceptor cleaned when needed. Based on the volume of grease received in 1988 (370,000 gal.), this represents an annual subsidy of $150,000. Thi s proj act has been determi ned to be exempt from the Californi a Envi ronmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Di stri ct GEQA Gui deli nes, Secti on 17.7, since it involves the modification of charges which the District finds are for the purpose of meeting operational expenses. 3 Sa-IEOOLE OF RATES NolO a-IARGES CateQorv ( A) DEV EL OPMENT AND Pl AN REV IEW : (A-1) Development Review and 2 Preliminary + 1 Final Plan Reviews (A-2) 3rd & Subsequent Pre1 iminary Pl an Reviews (A-3) 2nd & Subseq uent Fi na 1 P1 an Rev i ews (B) CONSlRUCTION INSPECTION: Current 1988-89 Rates &. CharQes $0.85/ft. ($304 mi nimum) $31 each $47 each Recommended 1989-90 Rates & CharQes $0.95/ft. ($340 mi nimlJll) $35 each $53 each (B-1) Mainline Inspection See Table A-I See Tabl e A-I ( B-2) Lateral Inspection $52 each $57 each ( B-3 ) Side Sewer Repair Inspection $10 each No Change ( B-4 ) Overtime Inspecti on $421 hour $461 hour Weekends & Hol i days (4-hour mi n.) $168 ($184 mi nimlll1) ( B-5 ) Overtime Inspecti on Credit See Tabl e A-2 No Change ( B-6 ) Manhole or Rodding Inlet $150 each $220 eachU.2) Inspection (C) COLLECTION SYSTEM: (C-1) Ini ti a1 lV: Overtime Weekends & Hol idays (4-hour min.) (C-2) Overtime Credit (C-3) lV Rerun (2.5-hr. min.) (C-4) lV Overtime Rerun Weekends & Ho1 i days (4-hr. min.) (C-5) Multiple lV Inspection Surcharge $921 hour $376 $0.171 ft. $160 + $67/hr. ($328 min.) $160 + $94/hr. $536 Based on actual cost $1031 hour ($412 minimlll1) $0.191 ft. $176 + $74/hr. ($361 min.) $176 + $103/hr.) ($588 min.) No Change (1) Fee categories indicated in bold type are recommended to be adjusted by more than the cumul ative District wage rate increases experienced on May 1, 1988, and May 1, 1989. other fees either remain the same or reflect the two wage rate increases. (2) Fee recommended to be increased to recover actual District costs (currently $360) by phasing in rate adjustments for FY 1990-91 and FY 1991-92. 4 Category (C-6) Sewer Tap (C-7) Dye Test (0-8) Collection System Repair (C-9) T.V. Inspection Non- Cancellation (Initial and Rerun) (C-10) Sewer Tap Non-Cancellation (C-11) Lateral Abandonment (D) RIGHT-Of-WAY: (D-1) Segregation of LID Assessment (D-2) Processing of Quitclaim Deeds (3-hour mi nimum) (D-3) Preparation and Processing of Agreements Relating to Real Property (E) MISCELLANEOUS: (E-1) Engineering for Private Sewer Proj ects (E-2) Soils Evaluation for Private Sewer Proj ects (E-3) Surveying (f) INDUSTRIAL PERMIT fEES: (f-1) Annual Permit fee Current 1988-89 Rates & Charges $176 $58 Based on actual cost $144 $56 $1300 $33/Parce1 $29/ hour ($87 min.) $800 Based on actual cost Based on actual cost $103/ hour fee based on actua 1 cost of serv i ce for pri or ca1 endar year. Annual permit fee for 1988-89 vari es from $1,241 to $3 ,780 Recommended 1989-90 Rates & CharQes $194 $64 No Change $158 $62 $1,,900(1) $36/ pa rce 1 $321hour ($96 mi n. ) $880 No Change No Change $113/hour fee based on actua 1 cost of service for prior calendar year. Annual permit fee for 1989-90 varies from $691 to $2,337 (1) fee categories indicated in bold type are recommended to be adjusted by more than the cumu1 ative District wage rate increases experienced on May 1, 1988, and May 1, 1989. other fees either remain the same or reflect the two wage rate increases. 5 Cateaorv Current 1988-89 Rates & Charaes Recommended 1989-90 Rates & Charaes (F-2) New Industrial Permit Fee Based on actual No Change cost ($500 min.) (F-3) Special Discharge Permit Fee - No On-site Inspection - On-site Inspection $30 $175 $35 $200 (G) SEPTAGE DISPOSAl:* (G-l) Annual Permit Fee $350 $900(1) (G-2) Residential Septic and Portable Toilet Waste* < 2,000 gal./truck ~ 2,000 gal./truck $7.50 + $0.05/gal. $31.00 + $0.05/gal. ( 1.3 ) $10.00 + $0.078/gal(1 3) $35.00 + $0.078/gal · (G-3) Restaurant Grease Waste < 2,000 gal./truck ~ 2,000 gal./truck $7.50 + $O.Ol/gal. $31.00 + $O.Ol/gal. $10.00 + $O.OI/gal $35.00 + $O.OI/gal (1) Fee categories indicated in bold type are recommended to be adjusted by more than the cumul ative Di stri ct wage rate increases experi enced on May 1, 1988, and May 1, 1989. other fees either remai n the same or refl ect the two wage rate increases. (3) Fee recommended to be increased to recover actual District costs (currently $0.134/gal.) by phasing in rate adjustments for FY 1990-91 and FY 1991-92. *Other approved waste will be charged at the Residential Septic and Portable Toilet Waste rate unless actual strength characteristics are provided. 6 --.---------.~.---.,-----+.--.-..----___r_-----------'---------.-,--.--.-~ ---."---.--,...-'....-.-.-"..--..----.+------.--.-.,-.----- T,68LE A-I MAINLINE INSPECTION FEE The following fees represent a naminal 10 percent increase. PROJ ECT LENGlH (FT ) 0-100 101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-600 601- FY 1988-89 MAINLINE INSPECTION FEE $245 + $2.40/ft. $285 + $2.00/ft. $365 + $l.60/ft. $425 + $l.40/ft. $505 + $1.20/ft. $605 + $1.00/ft. $665 + $0.90/ft. T,68LE A-2 REOO MM:N DE 0 FY 1989-90 MAINLINE INSPECTION FEE $270 + $2.60/ft. $315 + $2.10/ft. $400 + $1.80/ft. $470 + $l.50/ft. $555 + $l.30/ft. $665 + $l.10/ft. $730 + $l.OO/ft. REOOMM:NDED FY 1989-90 OVERTIM: MAINL INE INSPECTION CREDIT* T ota 1 proj ect Overtime Overtime Hours Credit Hours < 4 1 4 < < 8 2 8 < < 16 4 16 < < 32 6 32 < 8 *The overtime inspection credit was established in 1989 so that the contractor is not billed twice for mainline inspection. The credit assumes about 25 percent of the overtime hours were paid for by the mainline inspection fee. 7 ,_._.<_._~. ,. -'-"-'~-~----r"----~------~--""~'----'---- "__"'_,_"_~~'_m___._____,.~_._..._~___..__._______.__... ..___~__.____..__,. ATTAQ-IMENT B COMPARISON OF OlHER PGENCY FEES 8 0 CI'I .... 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H < VI < 0: a.. 0: ~(.)VI_ f!: w .....U ~ +'''- VI ~ L::J,...~ B ..... N l'I"l Ii: N l'I"l OeQ)c I I I c!, c!, c!, '+-r-......u L. Z IL. IL. .... W "'.... 0 H VI Ul~L.Ul Q) ...Q) Q) Q)+,"'Q) +' ..... @ ...."'........ (3 .... * ~ * * +'** 12 ..----.---~..-,--""...,-..---."...---.....--...---.-~.-~..-----r---------'---.-----.~..---~.-----..,-."----'u.-.,---_____..__...__._...._.._____...____. . Central t;ontra Costa Sanitary lJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 20 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 15 NO. 1989 III. HEARINGS SUBJECT DATE OONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DEQARATION AND THE WATERSHED 23 SEWER IMPROVE~NT PROJ ECT, DP 20057 June 7 1989 TYPE OF ACTION PUBLIC HEARING; NEG. DEC. AND PROJ ECT APPROV AL SUBMITTED BY Russell Leavitt INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Plannin Division ~SSUE: Board approval of a Negative Declaration is required prior to approval of the Watershed 23 Sewer Improvement Proj ect. BACKGROUND: The Di stri ct proposes to repl ace, relocate or abandon vari ous deteriorating sewer pipes in the area of Pleasant Hill and Walnut Creek, generally bounded by Geary Road, Putnam Avenue, Oak Park Boul evard, and Pl easant Hill Road (see Figure 1 in the attached Negative Declaration). Th is proj ect is i ncl uded in the 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget begi nni ng on page CS-19 (then titl ed "County Gardens Sewer Improvements"). Thi s project area is within the District's Watershed 23 and is independent from any other potential watershed projects. The goal s of this project are to minimize future sewer overflows, correct hydraulic deficiencies, and reduce high maintenance requirements in the project area. Table 1 in the attached Negative Declaration identifies which sewers are to be improved. As the Lead Agency, the Di strict prepared an Initi al Study of the proposed project to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment. The Initial Study is included as part of the attached Negative Declaration. As part of this study, Responsible Agencies were contacted and a community workshop was held in the project area on March 8, 1989, to assess community concerns. The primary concern raised at this meeting was the need to mi nimize proj ect area di srupti on resul ti ng from constructi on activiti es. In response, measures have been incorporated into the proj ect to reduce thi s disruption. District staff has concl uded that the Initial Study adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluates the environmental impact of the proposed project. Based on the Initi al Study, Di stri ct staff determi ned that a Negative Decl arati on is the appropri ate document to address the envi ronmental effects of the proj ect. The attached Negative Declaration finds that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment and that no mitigation measures are needed other than those measures already incorporated into the project. While none of the envirorvnental impacts of this project have been identified as si gni fi cant, the proj ect i ncl udes measures to miti gate even mi nor impacts. To mitigate any construction impacts, the following measures are proposed: dust 1302A-9/85 RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RL ,~Ji1 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1(L SUBJECT POSITION PAPER CONOOCT PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER APPROV AL OF A NEGATIVE DEQARATION AND ll-IE WATERSHED 23 SEWER IMPROV EMENT PROJ ECT, DP 20057 PAGE DATE 2 OF 20 June 7, 1989 control, odor control, erosion control, construction equipment noise suppression, community notification of construction schedules, traffic control and rerouting, warning sign posting along the Contra Costa Canal recreational trail, precautions for worki ng near sensitive and unique vegetati on, resol uti on of any cul tural resource di scoveri es in accordance with state 1 aw, and measures associ ated with creek and canal crossings. The proposed project will cross Murderers Creek three times and the Contra Costa Canal twice. One of the exi sti ng above-ground crossi ngs of Murderers Creek will be replaced with a subsurface crossing. To mitigate any impacts to vegetation and soil erosion along these waterways, all work will be conducted in accordance with conditions established by the California Depar"bnent of Fish and Game (CDFG) and the Contra Costa Water District/Bureau of Reclamation. Conditions imposed by CDFG incl ude limiti ng work in the creek to the dry season, revegetatfng di sturbed creekbank and creekbed soil s, and repl aci ng any trees removed duri ng constructi on. District staff has determined that Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 regarding a mitigation monitoring program is not applicable to this project since no changes or conditions of project approval are required to mitigate potentially significant effects. In compli ance with the Di stri ct' s CEQA Gui deli nes, a 1 ega 1 noti ce was publi shed on April 24, 1989, in the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected by the proposed proj ect. The 1 ega 1 noti ce announced the District's intent to approve a Negative Declaration and the availability of the document. Additionally, the Negative Declaration was mailed to affected public agencies and individuals who had expressed interest in receiving a copy. Four comment letters have been received to date and included in the Negative Decl aration as Attachment A. Any additional comments which are received will be presented to the Board at the June 15, 1989, meeting. Pri or to approvi ng the proposed proj ect, the Board must consi der and approve the Negative Declaration together with any comments received during the public review process and the public hearing. If approved, a Notice of Determination will be fil ed by Di stri ct staff. If the proj ect is approved, award of the constructi on contract is expected to occur in late summer 1989 and construction would begin shortly thereafter. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Negative Decl arati on and approve the Watershed 23 Sewer Improvement Proj ect (DP 20057). 13028-9/85 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District tEGATIVE DEQ.ARATION ROGER J. DOUIN General Manager Chief Engln<<r JAMES L HAZARD CounSt:/ for the District (415) 9.38-'4.30 JOYCE E. MCMlLUIN Secretory of the District WATERSHED 23 SEWER ItFROVBIEHT PROJECT PROJ ECT LOCATION The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) proposes to repl ace, relocate or abandon vari ous deteri orati ng sewer pi pes in the area of Pl easant Hill and Wal nut Creek generally bounded by Geary Road, Putnam Avenue, Oak Park Soul evard, and Pl easant Hill Road (see Fi gure 1). This project area is within the District's Watershed 23 and is independent from any other potential watershed projects. PROJECT DES~IPTION The goals of this project are to minimize future sewer overflows, correct hydraulic deficiencies, and reduce high maintenance requirements in the project area. Table 1 identifies which sewers are to be improved and Figure 1 shows the location of these sewers. When originally installed, the existing collection system in the project area had been sized to accommodate dry weather flows from the buildout of the project area (existing and planned development) with an allowance for wet weather flows. The District's Wastewater Collection System Master Pl an (October 1986) demonstrated that prev ious all owances for wet weather flows were too low. The leading contributors to the quantity of wet weather flows in the project area are the age, type, and condition of the existing sewers. In the project area, more than 30 percent of the sewer mai ns and trunk sewers and an estimated 60 percent of the 1 ateral s from resi denti al and commerci al structures were buil t pri or to 1956. These mostl y vitrified clay sewers are brittle and readily crack from settlement or root intrusion. These older pipes generally were constructed to a lower standard than sewer 1 ines installed after 1956 and contribute more wet weather flow than originally expected. This flow is the result of rai nwater enteri ng the sewage coll ecti on system through pi pe deficiencies, such as cracks and loose joints. As evidence of this, six separate manhole overflows were reported during the February 1986 rai nstorms. Al so, the basement of an area resi dence was flooded when the sewage collection system was overloaded with wet weather flows. An analysis of the area sewers confirmed that portions of the sewage coll ecti on system had inadequate capacity to accommodate the area's actual wet weather flows. The proposed project will replace older sewer mains and trunk sewers with pipes that have been sized to handle greater wet weather flows. Over 90 percent of thi s repl acement work w ill be in streets. Sane 1 ateral s al so will be replaced as part of this project, depending on their condition. These improvements will reduce the wet weather flows. As the remai ni ng area sewers and 1 ateral s conti nue to age, however, wet weather flows are expected to increase. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the overall capacity of the area's sewage coll ecti on system to avoid future wet weather overflows. MITIGATION. PROPOSED AS PART OF THE PRoo ECT While none of the environmental impacts of this project have been identified as significant the project includes measures to mitigate even mi nor impacts. To mitigate any construction impacts, the following measures are proposed: dust control, odor control, erosi on control, constructi on equipment noise suppression, community notification of construction schedules, traffic control and rerouting, warning sign posting along the Contra Costa Canal recreati onal trail, precauti ons for worki ng near sensitive and unique vegetation, resol ution of any cultural resource di scoveri es in accorda nce with state 1 aw, and measures associ ated with creek and canal crossings. The proposed project will cross Murderers Creek three times and the Contra Costa Canal twice. One of the existing above--ground crossings of Murderers Creek will be replaced with a subsurface crossing. Both crossi ngs of Contra Costa Canal will conti nue to be subsurface. To mitigate any impacts to vegetation and soil erosion along these waterways, all work in these areas will be conducted in accordance with conditions establ ished by the Cal ifornia Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) the Contra Costa Water District/Bureau of Reclamation. Conditions imposed by CDFG i ncl ude limiti ng work in the creek to any season, revegetati ng di sturbed creekbank and creekbed soil s, and repl ad ng any trees removed during construction. FINDINGS As the Lead Agency, the District prepared an Initial Study (attached) of the proposed project to determine if the project has a significant effect on the environment. As part of this study, Responsible Agencies have been contacted and a community workshop was held in the project area on March 8, 1989, to assess community concerns. The primary concern raised at this meeting was the need to minimize project area disruption resulting from construction activities. 2 . -,._~~_._.--~,.._._,__._,___,____.+.,_.~~ .._...._____..,__~_~___~>_..,._".....,'_,,_,,___._.._..u.--M"'"----.~.""-~.-..-.~"T".,--~' .._. ," The District finds that the Initial Study adequately, accurately, and objectively eval uates the proposed project's effect on the envi ronment. This Initial Study, which is hereby incorporated by reference, is attached to thi s Negative Decl arati on. On the basi s of thi s Initi al Study, it has been determined that the proposed project will not have a significant effect on the environment and that no mitigation measures are needed other than those measures already incorporated into the project. The District further finds that Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 regarding mitigation monitoring is not applicable since no project changes or cond1t1ons of proj ect approval are req ui red to m1ti gate any potenti ally si gni f i cant effects. Proposed: Date Roger J. Dol an General Manager-Chief Engineer Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Approved Pursuant to Resolution No. Joyce E. McMill an Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Date 3 Innnn'l Watershed 23 Sewer Improvement Project Existing sewer Proposed sewer improvement ~ Sewer abandonment cD > <( '" ... Q) 1:: ::: \ 3: . WALNUT CREEK n \ , , , ".'", L \ I~ . / \ / ''\ I' ~- :e I~ ... :) ~ "0 a: Creston Rd. Dorothy Dr. L,,'.Y Ln] cD > <( PLEASANT HILL [ ... co Cl> CJ ~ L Blvd. Centra' Contra Costa Sanitary DIstrict 4 U "0 ~ ~ ~ 0 "0 C ..!!! Q; .D E :J U 'ci ffi~ L Ln. c o "'. c... [[ -" co o c o "'. .. 't). Q)> l~iD Figure 1 Street Oak Park Bl vd. Oak Park Lane Oak Park Lane- Hoover Easement Hoover Court Bonni e Pl ace Bonni e Pl ace to Vessing Easement Vessing Road Vicki Lane Bonnie Lane Geary Bl vd. Cami no Verde Putnam TOTALS: TABLE 1 WATERSHED 23 SEWER ItfJROYEM:NT PIPE SUtI4ARY (a) Exi sti nQ (C) Proposed (d) Disposition Size Length Size Length of Exi sti ng i.i!!l (ft) i.i!!l (ft) Pipe 12 1,550 24 1,550 Abandoned 15 1,550 Inactive 10 700 24 450 Abandoned 18 250 8 800 18 300 Abandoned (b) 8 550 18 550 Abandoned 8 150 12 350 Abandoned 8 300 12 300 Abandoned 8 500 12 500 Abandoned 8 400 10 400 Abandoned 6 1,400 15 1,400 Abandoned 6 300 12 1,700 Abandoned 8 1,400 Aba ndoned 8 600 10 600 Abandoned 8 200 15 1,300 Aba ndoned 10 2,500 12 1,100 Abandoned 10 300 . . . 12,900 11 ,050 (a) Lengths rounded to nearest 50 feet; final design val ues expected to be within :t. 4 percent of total footage shown; sl ight pipe size changes may be made in final design. (b) Consists of several parallel 8-inch pipes in different alignments. (c) When originally installed, these pipes were sized to handle dry weather flows fran project area buildout and reasonably anticipated wet weather flows. (d) Sized to handle greater wet weather flows due to increasing rainfall-dependent infiltration and inflow. 5 .-.....-...-.---,..-".----...,,-..-......-'-.-.~~~.-____r___--.----,.."-----~.._-_.._-..-'"----~----'-_.,-.-.------.--..._-_._-_.~~--,.__._.- -------~,--~.----_.-._-~.,-'- INITIAL STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM I . BB.ckground 1. Name of Proponent Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 2. Address and Phone Number of Proponent 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553 (415) 689-3890 3. De.te of Checklist Subnitted April 21, 1989 4. Agency ~ring Checklist Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5. Name of Proposal, if applicable Watershed 23 Sewer Improvement Project II . Environmental Impe..cts (Explanations of all "yes" and ''maybe'' answers are required on attached sheets. ) Yes Maybe No 1. Earth. Will the proposa.l result in: a. Unstable earth conditions or in changes in geologic substructures? x b. Disruptions, displacanents, canpaction or overcovering of the soil? * c. Olange in topography or ground surface relief features? ...x... d. The destruction, covering or nx:rlification of any unique geologic or physical features? ...x... e. Any increase in wind or water erosion of soils, either on or off the site? * f. <l1anges in deposition or erosion of beach sands, or changes in s11 ta tion, deposi tion or erosion which may rrodify the channel of a ri ver or stream or the bed of the ocean or any bay, inlet or lake? 1- g. Exposure of people or property to geologic hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, mudslides, ground failure, or similar hazards? 1- *Not significant; see Section III. 6 Yes Ua.ybe No 2. Air. Will the proposal result in: a. Substantial air emissions or deterioration of ambient air quality? * b. The crea Hoo of obj ectionable odors? * c. Alteration of air IWVement, lOOisture, or temperature, or any change in climate, either locally or regionally? .L 3. Water. Will the proposal result in: a. Olanges in currents, or the course of di- rection of water DK>Vements, in either marine or fresh waters? ..L b. Olanges .in absorption rates, drainage pat- terns, or the rate and amount of surface runoff? x c. Al tera tioos to the course or flow of fl<Xx1 . waters? x d. Olange in the amount of surface water in any water b:x1y? .l... e. Discharge into surface waters, or in any al teration of surface water quality, in- cluding but not limited to tanperature, dissolved oxygen or turbidity? x f. Alteration of the direction or rate of flow of ground waters? x g. Olange in the quantity of ground waters, either through direct additions or with- drawals, or through interception of an aquifer by cuts or excavations? x h. Substantial reduction in the amount of water otherwise available for public water supplies? x i. Exposure of people or property to water re- lated hazards such as flooding or tidal waves? x 4. Plant Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Change in the diversity of species, or.num- her of any species of plants (including trees, shrubs, grass, crops, and aquatic plants)? x *Not significant; see Section III. 7 Yes . lBybe No b. Reduction of the nlEbers of any unique, rare or endangered species of plants? c. Introduction of new species of plants into an area., or in a barrier to the normal replenish- ment of existing species? * x d. Reduction in acreage of any agricultural crop? x 5. AnilMl Life. Will the proposal result in: a. Olange in the di versi ty of species, or ntm- bers of any species of animals (birds, land animals including reptiles, fish and shell- fish, benthic organisms or insects)? x b. Reduction of the nunbers of any unique, .rare or ~ngered species of animals? x c. Introduction of new species of animals into an ~, or result in a barrier to the migra- tion or DX:JVanent of animals? x d. Deterioration to existing fish or wildlife habitat? x 6. Noise. Will the proposal result in: a. Increases in existing noise levels? * b. Exposure of people to severe noise levels? x 7. Light and Glare. Will the proposal produce new light or glare? 8. Land Use. Will the proposal result in a sub- stantial alteration of the present or planned land use of an area? x x 9. Natural Resources. Will the proposal result in: a. Increase in the rate of use of any natural resources? x 10. Risk of Upset. Will the proposal involve: a. A risk of an explosion or the release of hazardous substances (including. but not 1 imi too to. oi I, pesticides. chemicals or radiation) in the event of an accident or upset conditions? x *Not significant; see Section III. 8 --------- ---------------- ---- --------------------------.-----------.---r-------..---.-----.----------.--------------------..-----.-------.---- Yes Maybe No b. Possible interference with an emergency response plan or an emergency evacuation plan? 11. Population. Will the proposal alter the location, distribution, density, or growth rate of the hUllB.n population of an area? 12. Bous1ng. Will the proposal affect existing hous- ing, or create a demand for additional housing? 13. Transportation/C1rcu1atioo. Will the proposal result in: a. Generation of substantial addi tiona.l vehicular lOOVanent? b. Effects.on existing parking facilities, or dElDlUld for new park:f..ng? c. Substantial impact upon existing transpor- tation systems? d. Alte~tions to present patterns of circula- tion or lOOVanent of people and/or gcx:xls? e. Alterations to waterborne, rail or air traffic? f. Increase in traffic ha.za.rds to IOOtor vehicles, bicyclists or pedestrians? 14. Public Services. Will the proposal have an effect upon, or result in a need for new or altered gov- ernmental services in any of the following areas: a. Fire protection? b. Police protection? c. Schools? d. Parks or other recreational facilities? e. Maintenance of public facilities, including roads? f. Other governmental services? 15. Energy. Will the proposal result in: a. Use of substantial amounts of fuel or energy? *Not significant; see Section III. 9 ..-------......---------.--.------r---.-------------.--- . 1.... * .L x x x x x * x x x -X x X X Yes Maybe No b. Substantial increase in dAnAnti upon existing sources or energy, or require the developoont of new oources of energy? x 16. Utilities. W111 the proposal result in a need for new systems, or substantial alterations to existing utilities? x 17 . HlmlIl Health. Will the proposal result in: a. Creation of any health hazard or potential. health hazard (excluding mental health)? x b. Exposure of people to potential health bazards? x 18. Aesthetics. Will the proposal result in the obst~ction of any scenic vista or view open to the public, or will the proposal result in the creation of an aesthetically offensive site open to publi~ view? x 19. Recreation. Will the proposal result in an impact upon the quality or quantity of recreational opportunities? x 20. Cui tural Resources. a. Will the proposal result in the alteration of or the destruction of a prehistoric or historic archaeological site? * b. Will the proposal result in adverse Iilysical or aesthetic effects to a prehistoric or historic building, structure, or object? x c. Does the proposal have the potential to cause a Iilysical change which would affect unique ethnic cultural values? x d. Will the proposal restrict existing religious or sacred uses wi thin the potential impact area? x 21. llandatory FhvHngs of Significance. a. Does the project have the potential to degrade the quality of the environment, substantially ,reduce the habitat of a fish or wildlife species, cause a fish or wildlife population to drop below self sustaining levels, threaten to eliminate a plant or animal camlunity, re- duce the number or restrict the range of a rare or endangered plant or animal or eliminate *Not significant; see Section III 10 --_.._.__...~_......._----------_._---_........_...__.-.....----r.-.. Yes Maybe No important examples of the major periOds of California history or prehistory? b. Does the project have the potential to achieve short-term, to the disadvantage of long-tenn, environmental goals? (A short-tenn impact on the environment is one which occurs in a rela- tively brief, definitive period of time while long-term 1mpa.cts will endure well into the future. ) c. Does the project have impacts which are individually limited, but C\DDUlatively con- siderable? (A project may impact on two or more sepe.ra.te resources where the impact on each resource is relat~vely SDall~ but where the effect of the total of those 1.mpa.cts 011 the envirooment is significant.) d. Does ..the project have environmental effects which. will cause substantial adverse effects on human beings, either directly or indirectly? III. Discussion of EnviroaDel1tal Evaluation (See the attached discussion.) IV. Determination \ On the basis of this initial evaluation: I find that the prop:>sed project a:m.n N:>T have a significant effect on the environment, and a NIDATlVE ODARATION will be prepared. I find that although the proposed project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect in this case because the mitigation measures described on an attached sheet have been added to the project. A NIDATlVE DFDARATION WIlL BE PREPARED . I find the proposed project MAY have a significant effect on the environment, and an mvI~AL IMPAcr REPORT 1s required. :l~~c/~ Apri 1 n, 1989 Date Revised: June 6, 1989 .1... x x x m o D For Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 11 "---""---'~---------r-"-"'-~'-'-+-'---"+'----'-+ III. DISOJSSION OF ENVIRONMENTAL EVALUATION The proposed project will have the operati onal, and growth-rel ated impacts. not to be significant: follow i ng constr ucti on, These impacts were found Construction Impacts Earth: Ib, Ie Ai r: 2a, 2b Pl ant L He: 4b Noise: 6a Transportation/ Ci rcul ati on: 13 f Cultural Resources: 20a Constructi on of the proposed proj ect woul d produce short-term ai r quality, noise, traffic, and pedestrian impacts due to the operation of construction equipment. Disturbance of soil, plant life, and potential, but unknown, cultural resources are other potential construction-related impacts. No one location will be affected by direct construction impacts for more than four to five days, except for the following areas which could take up to several weeks to compl ete: Bonni e Pl ace, Hoover Court, Murderers Creek crossi ngs, Oak Park Boul evard, and Vessi ng Road. Traffic impacts due to necessary rerouting will occur to varying degrees throughout the construction period. Mitigation measures to minimize or avoid air quality, noise, traffic, soil, pl ant life, and cul tural resources di sturbances are proposed as part of the proj ect. These measures i ncl ude dust control, odor control, erosion control, construction equipment noise suppressi on, communi ty notif icati on of constructi on schedul es, traffic control, and rerouting, warning sign posting along the Contra Costa Canal recreational trail, precautions for working near sensitive vegetation, and resolution of any cultural resource discoveries in accordance with state law. Additionally, the project will comply with the requirements of a California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG) Streambed Alteration Agreement for work in Murderers Creek and a Contra Costa Water District/Bureau of Reclamation encroachment agreement for work near the Contra Costa Canal. Conditions imposed by CDFG include limiting work in the creek to the dry season, revegetating disturbed creekbank and creekbed soils and replacing any trees removed during construction. Operational Impacts No adverse operational impacts will occur. The project's beneficial operational impacts, however, will include: a) the elimination of sewage overflows in this area, and b) the visual improvement produced by elimi nati on of a sewer pi pe whi ch crosses Murderers Creek above-ground. 12 Growth-Rel ated Impacts Popul ati on: 11 The proposed proj ect woul d not have growth- rel ated impacts. An important continuing responsibility for the District collection system facil iti es pl anni ng is to provi de for timely and effici ent design and construction of wastewater facilities, particularly for areas whi ch are experi enci ng or are expected to experi ence sewer overflows due to infiltration and inflow. The purpose of the proposed project is to provide additional collection system capacity to minimize sewage overflows which currently occur in the project area. When originally installed, the existing collection system in the proj ect area had been sized to accommodate dry weather flows from the buildout of the project area (existing and planned development) and reasonably anticipated wet weather flows. In addition to el imi nati ng exi sti ng overflows, the proposed improvements woul d accommodate anticipated wet weather flows from the continual aging of area sewers. In 1985, District staff investigated the planned buildout for the drai nage area served by the proposed project. An additi onal 480 single-family dwellings could be built on approximately 0.5 acre lots, based on Ci ty of Pl easant Hill and Contra Costa County zoni ng. These future dwellings would be predominately in-fill projects distributed over a 1,334 acre study area. Since 1985, some of these proj ected dwell i ngs have been buil t and connected to the sewer collection system. The existing sewage collection system already has capaci ty for the dry weather flows from pl anned development, but has insufficient capacity to handle wet weather flows from existing development. Since this project would only be providing capacity for actual wet weather flows the proj ect woul d not be growth i nduci ng. 13 ATTAQ-fM;:NT A WRITTEN OOMM;:NTS RECEIVED ON THE NEGATIVE DEQARATION FOR THE PROPOSED WATERSHED 23 SEWER IMPROVEM;:NT PROJ ECT Four letters were received during the 3D-day public review period for the Negative Decl aration (April 24 to May 24, 1989). Comments fran the attached 1 etters are summarized in bol d with Di stri ct Staff responses following. FRIENDS OF CREEKS IN URBAN SETTINGS (FOCUS), MAY 15, 1989 1. The District should confer with County Flood Control. County Flood Control has no comments on the Negative Declaration (see next letter). Furthermore, the engineering aspects of this project were discussed with County Flood Control and all concerns of that agency have been addressed. 2. The District "has the obligation to leave Murderer's Creek in better condition than they found it." The District is only obligated to meet the requirements of the Department of Fish and Game, the State agency with the responsi bil ity for protecti ng the creek's natural resources. Neverthel ess, miti gati on measures are proposed as part of the project. 3. Inventory and develop mitigation measures to protect riparian vegetation and oaks. A consultant retained by the District has inventoried the project area vegetation and has recommended protective measures. These recommendati ons will gui de the District's work near sensitive and unique vegetation. 4. Potential erosion impacts pertaining to construction within the creek area. Measures to mitigate potential erosion impacts within the creek are included in the California Department of Fish and Game permit requi rements. These measures i ncl ude 1 imiti ng work in the creek to the dry season and revegetati ng di sturbed creekbank and creekbed soi 1 s. OONTRA OOSTA OOUNTY. FLOOD CONTROL AND WATER CONSERV AIION DISTRICT, MAY 19, 1989 1. County Fl ood Control has no conIents on the Negative Decl arati on. No response is necessary. CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT, MAY 23, 1989 1. Concurs with the Negative Declaration. Concern expressed regarding impacts to a recreational trail along the Contra Costa Canal and identified the need to coordinate with the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD) on this issue. EBRPD has been contacted and has requested that warning signs be posted along the trail. This measure has been included in the project. OFFICE OF PLANNING AND RESEARQ-f, MAY 25, 1989 1. No c~nts by State agencies. No response is necessary. A-I Friends of Creeks In Urban Settings E1 IT C; ;-:; i; \,,~ r- :-. .....u"t....;:.J MAY 2 31989 May 15, 1989 C.-;CSD r'_ A.~,:NH~G Mr. Russell Leavitt - - - - - Envir-onmental Coordinator - ., .' Central Contra-Costa.Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff place Martinez, CA 94553 Reply To: IlJ.. tit//; 1778 Sunnyvale AY8~ Welnut Creek. Ca. 94598 ,. ..~ ' RE: _ Watershed 23 Sewer; "Replacement.. Project, Phase 1 :ijt. ,;:-J J ", ....;. ; . . . I ......\.. . . ",. '. Dear' Mr . Leavi tt: ',. ':'., : ,,',.'A::,i;;' ,"'r ~ ( . ~t~: . . ' ~.. . ~ ,:. ... '. . \ " " .... t '!' ....... ; ;'.' - -~. ~,' : ~ '.. ...... '. .' .\;::..~... .' . Friends'of Creeks in Urban' :se1:tlng's '~.(P.O.C'~U.S.) wishes to '.'respond . .>.-..: - to the Initial .Study of .theproject "named 'iabove~ We.areI.'beartened ','.:,/: ~ to see .that.you are willing :to ;-comply .,~H:h.\the requirements .of the -';". ,- Departmentof-Pish and Game'with:respect-,.to"-Murderer's-Creek.. i-'" :.' '.,:,.... .\ We also 'hope that you will: confer-, with . the:Contra Costa., " . County ~lood~ntrol Department. for" ttheir :.comments.. .> /'-,~ ", ,4 ,. ." _ __' " ". \: " ' . ',' " . \ 'F'~O.'C. o. S.' is an organization.': dedic'ated.. to . the preservation and' enhancement .of urban streams.;. .While we 'understand the .need foro' ,_. this project, we are concerned ~hat,Central .Contra-Costa,Sanitary District has the obligation to leave:Murderer's Creek.in better" condition than they found it. Our.particular interest is.the replacement and enhancement of the'riparian vegetation that may be .disturbed as a resultof.this project. We urge-that extra effort be made to protect the,oaks of any.age which you may encounter. 'We also recommend replacing any.destroyed riparian habitat with local.genetic stock whereever possible. Additionally, any. potential erosion problems caused by this project, during and after construction, need to be-identified and corrected. - . 'Since ~hisproject is not going to:receivea.co*plete . Environmental Impact Report, the full scope of the impact of this project on the.creeks .is uncertain. .As part of your .final acceptance -of this Negative Declaration, .we would like to see an inventory of .potentially impacted vegetation and possible . mitigation-measures for its -protection. -P.o.c.o.s. thanks you for the opportunity to comment on this project. Sincerely, ~~ Bev Ortiz President (415) 938-6323 Dedicated To The Preservation of Creeks in Urban Contra Costa A-2 ~-~ -, -FLOOD CONTROL Contra Costa County J. MICHAEL WALFORD ex officio Chief Engineer & Water Conservation District MILTON F. KUBICEK, Deputy Director 255 Glacier Drive. Martinez. Colif. 94553....s97 Telephone (41S) 372-4470 May 19, 1989 rl'IAY :2 ,11989 Russell Leavitt Environmental Coordinator Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 File: 97-46 Dear Mr. Leavitt: We received your Negative Declaration for the Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project on April 26, 1989. We have no comments to offer on the document. Should you have any questions, please contact me at 646- 4470, extension 276. Very truly rYO, Robert D. A Associate C il Engineer Flood Control Engineering RDA:drjdmw lea9746.t5 MISC529jT60 cc: A. Finley, Flood Control Eng. A-3 ....~ CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT - - Directors Donald P. Freitas President Bette Boatmun Vice President Ronald E. Butler Daniel L. Pellegrini Paul F. Hughey Ed Seegmiller General Manager John E. DeVito Executive Director .~M 1331 Concord Avenue Po. Box H20 Concord, CA 94524 (415) 674-8000 FAX (415) 674-8122 (415) 439-9169 Toll Free from Eastern Contra Costa County May 23, 1989 ., ..j >J 1.... ~ Mr. Russell Leavitt Environmental Coordinator Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553-4392 MAY 241989 Dear Mr. Leavitt: Thank you for the opportunity to review the Initial Study proposing a Negative Declaration for the Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project. The Contra Costa Water District (CCWD) concurs with the finding that the proposal will not have a significant effect on the environment and that a Negative Declaration would be the appropriate CEQA document. Any CCWD concerns would center on protecting the Contra Costa Canal and its right-of-way and maintaining water quality during the construction phase. The Initial Study did not indicate any disruption or other construction related effect on the recreational trail and its users along the Canal right-of-way. I would presume that appropriate rerouting of the trail during construction at Putnam and Oak Park Boulevards will be coordinated to the satisfaction of the East Bay Regional Park District (EBRPD). Mitigation incorporated into the project to avoid air quality, noise, odor and soil erosion should be adequate to. lessen project effects. Certain mitigation assuring dust and erosion control may be incorporated into CCWD's issuance of an encroachment permit in order to assure that dust and soil particles entering the Canal waters are minimized. If you have any questions on the comments provided please call. Yours truly, ~~~~ Dennis Pisila Utility Planner DP:ps cc: Steve Fialla, EBRPD Trail Coordinator Anthony Rocha, CCWD Engineering Dept. A-4 STAre OF CAUFORN....-OFFlCE OF THE GOVERNOIo GEORGE OEUlCMEJIAN, c;.;lI'IfrrIOr OFFICE OF PLANNING AND RESEARCH lAOC1 TENTH STREET SACRAMENTO, CA 991~ @, '. .. , May 25, 1889 Russell Leavitt Centra Contra Bosta Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Plaee Martinez, CA 94553 MAY 2 G 1989 r::- +,,,;,~ SUbject: Watershed 23 Sewer Replacement Project SCH# 89042506 Dear,' Mr, Leavitt: '!he State Clearinghouse sutmitted the above rnmed envirornnental document to selected state agencies for review. '!he state agehcy review period is '('D.tl closed and none of the state agencies have comments. This letter acknowledges that you have complied with the State Clearinghouse review requirenents for draft envirornnental docunents, pursuant to the California Environmental OJality Act.. Please contact Loreen ~Mahon or Marilyn Nishikawa at 916/445-0613 if you have any questions regarding the environmental review process. When contacting the 'Clearinghouse regarding this matter, please use the eight- digit State Clearinghouse number so that we may respond praapUy. Sincerely, ~,~r/- ./ .-r David C. Nunenkamp Chief Office of Pe:tmit Assistance " ~ A-:-S ~ .~ . Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER PAGE 1 OF 45 NO. III. HEARINGS 3 SUBJECT DATE CONllJCT A PUBLIC HEARING CJ.l A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO REVISE TITLES 1, 6, AND 9 OF ntE DISTRICT roDE AND ESTABLISH A SOiEIlJLE OF ANNEXATION OiARGES. ADOPT l1-IE ORDINANCE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1989. TYPE OF ACTION roNDU CT PUB LI C HEARING ADOPT ORDINANCE SUBMITTED BY Jarred Miyamoto-Mills INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ P Di i i n I ISSUE: A public hearing and adoption of an ordinance are required to revise the District Code and establish a Schedule of Annexation Charges. BACKGROUND: The Board of Di rectors established a new Capital Improvement Fee System at their regular meeting on May 4, 1989. The new fee system replaced Watershed and Fi xture Fees and incorporated the capital investment equal izati on feature of Annexation Charges within the new Facilities Capacity Fees. As a part of the Board action, District Code provisions covering Annexation Charges (Chapter 6.08) and Watershed Fees (portions of Chapter 6.16, 6.20, and 9.12) were repealed. In order to implement the new fee system, revisions to these chapters and to the definitions subsection of Chapter 1.04 General Provisions are needed. Accordi ngl y, staff has prepared proposed code revisi ons that 1) specifically del ete references to watershed fees, 2) provi de for the recovery of Di stri ct costs associated with the administration and processing of annexation petitions, 3) simplify and cl arify the provi si ons for equalizati on charges and rebate sewer lines, and 4) update the list of definitions. The proposed Schedule of Annexation Charges provides for different treatment of two types of annexations: 1) those who petitioned for annexation prior to July 1989, and 2) those who petition for annexation after June 30, 1989. The annexation charges for those who petition prior to July 1, 1989, are divided into two groups: First, for properties entitled to the old watershed fees and fixture fees, the Annexati on Charge was fixed when the property was annexed. Second, for properties where the new Facilities Capacity Fees(e.g., $1,760 per residential unit) are to be paid, the Annexation Charge will be the lesser of $240 per property or the charge set when the property was annexed. Annexati on charges set when properties annexed include an equalization charge for existing capital facilities. The new Facilities Capacity Fee includes an equalization charge. Accordingly, the proposed Annexation Charges provide credits for properties where the Annexation Charge included a capital investment equalization charge. Annexation charges for those properties that petition after June 30, 1989, are also divided into two groups. For the first group, the schedule would require the initiator of large annexations (those which are processed as reorganizations or those which include properties proposed for development into ten or more lots) 1302A-9/85 JMM RAB KlA REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. 'J-- J fV1 IL JMK 111/1 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ~ A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO REVISE TITLES 1, 6, AND 9 OF ."THE DISTRICT roDE AND ESTABLISH A SOtEDJLE OF ANNEXATION OtARGES. ADOPT "THE ORDINANCE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1989. PAGE DATE 2 OF 45 June 13, 1989 to pay $2,400 when the petition for annexation is submitted pl us any actual District costs in excess of $2,400. The second group includes all other annexation petitions, which are generally for smaller properties and frequently include properties in addition to those for which the initiating petition was submitted. These additional properties are typically added by LAFCO. Properties i ncl uded in thi s second type of annexati on woul d be assessed a fl at rate Annexati on Charge of $240 per property payabl e at the time of the connecti on to the District's sewerage system. These proposed charges were developed by tabul ati ng the actual admini strative and rel ated costs associ ated with annexati ons processed duri ng 1988-89 and determi ni ng an appropri ate approach to recover these costs fran the vari ous types of typical annexati ons. Staff recommends the proposed schedule of charges, which is summarized in Attachment 1, as a fair and equitable method of cost recovery. Since the Annexation Charges are intended to recover the District's costs associated with the processing of annexation petitions and since a major portion of these costs are for fees payable to the State of California, and Contra Costa County LAFCO, a new schedule of charges will be proposed by staff whenever either of these entities revises their fee schedule. LAFCO has indicated that an increase in their fees is likely in the next few months. Thi s acti on has been eval uated by staff and determi ned to be exempt fran the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District GEQA Guidelines, Secti on 17.7, si nce it i nvol ves the modi fi cati on of charges whi ch are for the purpose of meeting operational expenses associated with the processing of annexation petititions. A proposed ordinance to enact the code revisions and establish the Schedule of Annexation Charges has been prepared by staff. A copy of this ordinance is presented in Attachment 2. The specific text revisions for each affected code chapter and the proposed Schedule of Annexation Charges are presented in Exhibits "A" through "F" of the proposed ordinance. It is appropriate to receive public comments in a formal public hearing prior to the Board's considering the ordinance for adoption. June 15, 1989, was established as the date for this public hearing, and appropriate notices have been publ ished and posted. In addition, the text of the proposed revisions to the District Code have been on file in the office of the Secretary of the Di stri ct for 15 days, as req ui red. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a publ ic hearing to receive comments on the proposed revisions to Titles 1, 6, and 9 or the District Code, and the proposed Schedule of Annexation Charges. Adopt the proposed ordinance enacting the code revisions and schedule of charges effective July 1, 1989. 13028-9/85 ATT ACH~NT 1 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED ANNEXATION CHARGES o Annexations prior to July 1, 1989: During First Period of Phased Fee Implementation Charges fixed at time of annexation After First Period of Phased Fee Implementation The lesser of $240/property, or the charge fixed at the time of annexation o Annexations after June 30, 1989 Large Annexations and Reorganizations $2,400/annexation plus any District costs in excess of $2,400 other Annexations $240/property ATTACHMENT 2 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CENTRAl CONTRA roSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AMENDING AND ADDING PROVISIONS WITHIN CHAPTERS 1.04, 6.08, 6.16, 6.20, AND 9.12 OF THE DISTRICT roDE ,aND ADOPTING A SOiEOOlE OF ANNEXATION OiARGES WHEREAS, the Board of Di rectors established a new Capital Improvanent Fee Systan by enacti ng Ordi nance No. 169 on May 4, 1989, which ordinance repealed District Code provisions covering Annexation Charges and Watershed Fees; and WHEREAS, in order to imp1 anent the new Capital Improvanent Fee System, . Chapters 1.04, 6.08, 6.16, 6.20, and 9.12 of the District Code require anendnent to 1r remove references to watershed fees, 2) provi~ for the recovery of District costs associated with the administration and processing of annexation petitions, 3) simplify and clarify provisions for equalization and rebate sewer lines, and 4) update the list of definitions; and WHEREAS, substantial study has been conducted regarding the adninistrative and re1 ated costs incurred by the District which are associ ated with the processi ng of peti ti ons for annexati on of territory to the District, and said studies have set forth the relationship between the types of annexation petitions processed and the costs incurred by the District; and WHEREAS, these studi es were undertaken by Di stri ct staff and have been available for public inspection and review prior to the public 1 hearing held on June 15, 1989, and proper notice with regard to said public hearing was given; and WHEREAS, the Board finds as follows: A. The Di stri ct incurs substa nti al adn i ni strative and rel ated costs associ ated with the processi ng of peti ti ons for annexati on of new territory to the District. B. It is necessary to impose an annexation charge upon the owners of territory when such territory is annexed to the District in order to recover the adninistrative and rel ated costs resulting from the annexati on. c. After considering the studies and analyses prepared by staff as presented in the public hearing, and the testimony received from District staff and the public at the publ ic heari ng, that the facts and evi dence presented establish that there is a strong and reasonable relationship between the costs incurred by the District to process petitions for annexations and the types of annexations as set forth with some particularity in the Schedule of Annexation Charges (set forth as Exhibit "F" to his Ordinance), for which the corresponding charge is presented in sa i d schedul e. D. Under certain special conditions, capital improvements to Di stri ct faciliti es may have been constructed in the past or may be constructed in the future, by the Di stri ct or by others under Di stri ct 2 programs, for which all benefited property is not assessed its fair share of the cost of such improvements under the provisions of District Code Title 6 Fees and Charges. E. It may be necessary to impose an equalization charge on the owners of property at the time of connecti on to the Di stri ct' s sewerage system to provide for equity and to fairly distribute the cost of improvements among all property benefiting fran the improvements so that the cost to each property refl ects the Di stri ct' s cost of prov i di ng service to that property. F. The portion of this action which is related to Annexation Charges is exempt fran the California Envi ronmental Quality Act CCEOA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 17.7, since it involves the modification of charges which are for the purpose of meeting operational expenses associated with the processing of annexation petitions. G. The change in the Annexation Charge structure occasioned by the adoption of this Ordinance will not, in itself, result in growth outside of the District's existing service area. The adoption of the District Code revisions or the Schedule of Annexation Charges will not result in any specific project nor result in any direct physical change in the envi ronment. An Envi ronmental Impact Report, or other appropri ate CEQA compliance documentation will be prepared prior to the undertaking of any "proj ect." NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does ordain as follows: 3 "~'~'''-----r--- Sect i on 1. Chapters 1.04, 6.08, 6.16, 6.20, and 9.12 of the District Code shall be CIIlended and such provisions shall be added as are set forth in full in Exhibits "A" through "E" to this Ordinance, which are hereby incorporated in full herein by reference. Secti on 2. An Annexati on Charge shall be assessed and charged in accordance with the CIIlended provisions of Chapter 6.08 of the District Code as set forth in Exhibit "B" to this Ordinance, and said charges shall be at such rates for such types of annexati ons, as are set forth in the Schedule of Annexation Charges as set forth in full in Exhibit "F" to this Ordinance, which is hereby incorporated in full herein by ref erence. Secti on 3. This Ordinance shall be a general regulation of the District and shall be publi shed once in the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general ci rcul ati on, published and ci rcul ated w ithi n the ~ntral Contra Costa Sanitary District, and shall be effected as of July 1, 1989. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Di rectors of the ~ntral Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 15th day of June, 1989, by the following vote: 4 0" __~_~,___.,_,__"_~______,____~_.~__.,.___.__._._,.__._~,__"'._.~"__'.__--,.---.._~._~_ AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED as to form: District Counsel President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sani tary Di stri ct County of Contra Costa, State of California 5 ____.._______.,,___..__'___.~.______r_-----..--.-'---'.--M-....,..._.~_-....,_.___,."..,_._._____m_.___" ._,__,.._..,~. .__,.__m_ ......~__._._._______,..w_,. ___,.....__,_',_____._.._______ . EXHIBIT A Chapter 1.04 GENERAl PROVISIONS Sections: 1.04.010 Short title. 1.04.020 Provisions as continuation of existing ordinances. 1.04.030 Savings cl ause and accrued rights. 1.04.040 Effect of headings. 1.04.050 Delegation of power. 1.04.060 Tense. 1.04.070 Gender. 1.04.080 Number. 1.04.090 Shall and may. 1.04.100 Definitions 1.04.110 Construction of words and phrases. 1.04.120 Provision of code not retroactive. 1.04.130 Effect of repeal or anenc:hent. 1.04.140 Code references apply to anendments and additions. 1.04.150 Separability. 1.04.010 Short titl e. Thi s code may be cited as the "Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code." <Prior code 5-101> -/- ~_~____________.____.~.__"__,...........-'___.__'.___~~"'__^______,._..'_____e'___~________,~..___.___~ 1.04.020 Provi si ons as conti nuati on of exi sti nQ ordi nances. Each provision of this code insofar as it is substantially the same as an existing provision relating to the same subject matter shall be construed as a restatement and conti nuati on and not as a new enactment. (Pri or code 51-102) 1.04.030 Sav i nQs cl ause and accrued ri ghts. Any acti on or proceeding started before this code takes effect and any right accrued is not affected by thi s code. However, all procedures thereafter taken shall conform to this code as far as possible. (Prior code 51-103) 1.04.040 Effect of headings. Chapter, article, and section headi ngs do not affect the scope, meani ng, or fntent of thi s code. (Prior code 51-104) 1.04.050 DeleQation of power. Whenever this code grants a power or fmposes a duty upon a public officer, the power may be exercised or the duty may be performed by a deputy of the officer or by a person authorized by the officer. (Prior code 51-105) 1.04.060 Tense. The present tense incl udes the past and future tenses. The future tense f ncl udes the present tense. (Pri or code 51-106) 1.04.070 Gender. The masculine gender incl udes the feminine and neuter. (Prior code 51-107) -~- ~"--'---'~---'--'------'~"~_.'--'--'--'--"-r-"'-"-~-_.~. 1.04.080 Number. The singul ar number incl udes the pl ural. and the plural number includes the singular. (Prior code Sl-108) 1.04.090 Shall and may. permissive. (Prior code i1-109) "Shall" is mandatory and. "may" is 1.04.100 Dafi niti ons. Unl ess the context specifically indicates otherwise. the following terms and phrases. as used in this code. shall have the meanings designated in this section: 1. "Act" or "the Act" means the Federal Water Poll uti on Control Act. al so known as the Cl ean Water Act. as amended. 33 U. S. C. 1251. et seq. 2. "Authorized representative of industri al user" may be: (a) a principal executive officer of at least ~e level of vice president. if the industrial user is a corporation; (b) a general partner or proprietor if the industrial user is a partnership or proprietorship. respectively; (c) a duly authorized representative of the individual designated. above if such representative is responsible for the overall operation of the facilities from which the discharge originates. 3. "Basic fixture rate schedule" is the list of charges for connection of individual pllll1bing fixtures ordinarily used. (Section 6.12.020) 4. "Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)" means the quantity of oxygen utilized in the biochemical oxidation of organic matter under standard laboratory procedure. five days at twenty degrees centigrade expressed in terms of weight and concentration (milligrams per liter (mg/l)). - 3- 5. '~oard" means the Board of Directors of the District. 6. "Buil di ng" means a structure used for any purpose whi ch contains a fixture, plumbing system, or sanitary facility of any type. 7. "Categorical standards" means the National Categorical Pretreatment Standards or Pretreatment Standard. 8. "Cert1fJcati on" is the procedure for becoming the axcl usive representative for a representative unit, either from within the District or outside the District. 9. "Certified employee organization" means an employee organization that has been certified by the Board of Directors representing the majority of the eligible employees in an appropriately designated employee representation unit and shall be considered to represent the anployees of that unit, except for those employees who may wish to represent themselves individually. 10. "Classification" means the individual job class description for each position at the District. 11. "Collection system" means District pipelines, pump stat.ions, manholes, and other similar facilities which accept, collect, and convey sanitary sewage to the treatment pl ant. 12. "Confidential employee" means certain employees who have responsi blliti es in the development of enpl oyer/employee rel ati ons or who have access in the course of their duties to confidential information on empl oyer/ampl oyee rel ati ons. Such employees shall be el1gi bl e to be designated management support/confidential. 13. "Connection" means the physical attachment of a building to a . public sewer by a side sewer. - 4- 14. "Consi stent removal" means a reducti on in the amount of a poll utant or al terati on of the nature of the poll utant by the Di stri ct' s wastewater treatment system to a 1 ess toxi c or harm1 ess state in the effl uent which is achieved by the system in ninety-five percent of the samples taken when collected in accordance with the provisions contained in Section 9.16.050. 15. "Contractor" means an agent or anployee of the Di stri ct, or a person with whan the District contracts to collect, transport through the streets, and dispose of garbage produced in the District. 16. "Cooling water" means the water discharged from any use such as air conditioning, cooling or refrigeration, :or to which the only pollutant added is heat. 17 . "County" means Contra Costa County. 18. "Decertificati on" means the removal of a certified anp10yee organization as the representative of a majority of the eligible employees in an appropri ate1y designated employee representati on unit. 19. "Direct connection" means the connection of a side sewer to the rebate line which does not require the extension of the rebate line. 20. "District" means the ~ntra1 Contra Costa Sanitary District. 21. "District facilities" means all of the District's system for collecting, conveying, and trea1ment including" but not limited to, the collection systan and trea1ment plant. 22. "Engineer" is the General Manager-Chief Engineer of the District or a duly authorized designee. ~ 23. "Environmental Protection Agency" or "EPA" means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, or, where appropriate, the term may also be used as a designation for the administrator or other duly authorized official of the agency. - 5- -.--...j..---.-...-.....--....-...-....----..---.-.-------'- f a. 24. "Executive management" means employees who work at the ,.- ., pl easure of the Boa rd. ~ 25. "Fixture" means sink, tub, shower, water closet, garbage disposal, or other facility connected by a drain to the sewer. 5. 26. "Fi xture mul ti pl e" means the number of times that the amount listed for a fixture in the basic fixture rate schedule is mul ti pl ied to reach the amount of total fixture charge. %6-. 27. "Garbage" i ncl udes animal, fruit and vegetabl e refuse, offal, leaves and cuttings, trimmings from trees, shrubs and grass, inorganic refuse and rubbish, and anything thrown away as worthless. ~ 28. ftGeneral Manager" means the General Manager-Chief Engineer of the District or his duly authorized representative. ~ 29. ftGeneral Manager-Chief Engineer" means the chief executive officer of the Oi stri ct. ~ 30. "Health officer" means the health officer of the county. ~ 31. "Hol di ng tank waste" means any waste from hol di ng tanks such as vessels, chemical toilets, campers, trailers and vacuum-pump tank trucks. ~ 32. "Indi rect connecti o~" means "the any connecti on ~ -e ~ 36WGr ~ -the f"e~atc ~ which f"eqtfi re3 "tfte exteA3ieA ~ -the rebate 1 fne. which , is trfbutary to but not directly connected to an established rebate sewer 1 fne or a connectfon which requires either a resfdentfal sewage ptlllpfng system or a privately owned sewer systElll 1;0 reach a pub' fc main. 3r;- 33. "Industri al user" means any contri butor of industri al waste or w astew ater. 330 34. "Industri al waste or wastewater" means any nondomestic liqui d or semisolid wastes from any producing, manufacturing or processing operation or commercial establishment of whatever nature. - tv- "'-~-'----r--'---_._-'-----~---" 3-40 35. "Installer" means a persoOT ine111dfng -the Obll let, who installs a sewer. .a. Inst6lle." -aTso 1"",611., -a pel.,vlI '1ri'To itas Di~tl tel approia1 ~ install ~ I ebc!lle sewel -Hne -or -the Of5tl kt it6e1 r under -the pro.hfons -of Sections 9.12.110 Ullvugh 9.12.140. 35e 36. "Interference" means the inhibition or disruption of the trea1ment p1 ant or water rec1 amati on processes or operati ons or impai nnent of the qual ity of wastewater di scharged to the trea1ment p1 ant which contri butes to a viol ati on of any requi rement of the Oi strict's NPOES permit. 3&. 31. "Living unit" means a structure or a portion of a structure occupied or intended to be occupied by a single person or single family. 3-=1.- 38. "Management employee" means any emploYee who is in a high adninistrative and policy-influencing position with responsibility for managing a major function or rendering management advice to the General Manager-Ch i ef Engi neer or the Boa rd. 3a. 39. "Management support employee" means certai n employee classificatfons that share a responsibility with management in directing, acini ni steri ng and supervi si ng Central Contra Costa Sani tary Of stri ct activities such as hiring, assigning, evaluating, disciplining, and resolving grievances of other employees. 40. "Maxim... recovery" means 'the maxfmloa allowable reimbursement possfble from the collection of rebate fees 1:0 be pafd to 'the fnstaller of the rebate 1 i nee 39. 41. "Meet and confer in good faith" means the mutual ob1 igation personally to meet and confer in order to exchange freely information, opi ni ons, and proposal s and to si ncere1y endeavor to reach agreement on matters within the scope of representation and discussion. This - '1- obl igation does not compel either party to agree to a proposal or make a concession. 490 42. "Ministerial project," generally speaking, is one requiring approval by the District as a matter of law or one involving minimal independent exercise of judgnent by the District as to its wisdom or propriety. fl-;- 43. "National Categorical Pretreatment Standard" or "Pretreatment Standard" means any regul ati on contai ni ng poll utant discharge limits promulgated ~ the EPA in accordance with Section 307(b) and (c) of the Act (33 U.S.C. 1347) which applies to a specific category of industrial users. ~ 44. "National Pollution Discharge Elimination System or NPDES permit" means a permit issued pursuant to Section 402 of the Acr (33 u. S. C. 1342). 45. "Non-installer" lleans a person who has not contributed to the_ financing of a rebate line. 43-r 46. "Outsi de sewer" means a sewer outsi de the boundaries of the District. 44. 47. "Person" means any individual, partnership, copartnership, finn, company, corporation, association, joint stock,company, trust, estate, governmental entity or any other legal entity, or their legal representatives, agents or assigns. "Person" al so means any organization, the United States of ,America, the state of Cal ifornia, a political subdivision, governmental agency or other public or municipal corporati on. "Person" also means an occupied residential unit or commercial establishment. - g- 45. 48. "pH" means the logarithm (base 10) of the reciprocal of the concentration of hydrogen ions expressed in grams per liter of solution. 4&. 49. "Pl ace" means 1 and. bul1 di ng. site drai nage ditch or road. public or private. in the District. ~ 50. "Pl umbi ng system" means pl umbi ng fixtures and traps. waste and vent pi pes. and all sewer pi pes with in a bu 11 di ng and extendi ng to the house or side sewer connection two feet outside the foundation line or bul1 di ng wall. <4&;- 51. "Poll utant" inc1 udes sewage or any characteristic of sewage and any and all other waste substances. liquid. solid. gaseous or radi oact1ve. associ ated with human habi tati on, or of human or animal origin, or from any producing, manufacturing. or processing operation of whatever nature. 49.- 52. "Poll uti On" means an a1 terati on of the quality of the waters of the state by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects (a). such waters for benef1ci a1 use, or (b) facilities which serve such beneficial uses or which create a hazard to the public health. se. 53. "Pretrea1ment" or "trea1ment" means the reducti on of the amount of pollutants, the elimination or pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of pollutants, or the alteration of the nature of pollutant properties in wastewater to a less harmful state prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise introducing such pollutants into District facilities. The reduction or alteration can be obtained by physical, chemical or biological processes. or process changes other means, except as prohibited by 40 CFR Section 403-.6(d). 5-h- 54. "Pretrea1ment requi rements" means any substantive or procedural requirement rel ated to pretreatment. -9- sr. 55. "Private sewer" means a side sewer as defined herein or a sewer serving an independent sewage di sposal system not connected to a public sewer. 53e 56. "Professional snployee" means an employee engaged in work requiring specialized knowledge and skills attained through completion of a recognized course of instruction. inCluding. but not limited to. attorneys. physicians. registered nurses. engineers. architects. teachers. and various types of physical. chemical. and biological sci enti sts. 54e 57. "Public sewer" is a sewer located in a public right-of-way which is maintained and controlled by the Distrt'et. ;.;. 58. "Rebate cost" means the expense approved by the engineer of installing the public sewer line. including cost of pipelines. structures. inspection. engi neeri ng. ri ght-of-way. bondfng. and 1 egal costs. S6-;- 59. "Rebate fee" means the fee G3tab1f3hed to be collected fran non-installers for -eaen class -in aGGordanGe "W'tth "'t:he sGhedule -set. fOlll. -+n see; t f on 9.12.870. connecti on to a rebate sewer 1 i nee ~ 60. "Rebate service area" means the area prescribed by the engineer which is expected -to require "'t:he 1:fS'e -of "'t:he rebate sewer fn3tall at10n within 'it l"ea3onable period -of time. served by the rebate sewer 1 fne. 58. 61. "Rebate sewer line" or "rebate sewer" or "rebate line" is either (a) a public sewer installed by the District under ~ provisions ~ Section 9.12.110 for which a rebate fee has been established. or (b) a publ ic sewer installed by a pri'/ate person for the purpose of serving his property or development and whi ch. -/0- because of geographical and engi neeri ng consi derati ons, can service a larger area than that which is being ihitiall) developed by the person installing it and for which a rebate fee has been established. - 59':- ..Rebate nltle.. l\.eao51:tTe lebate fees -as ~lA55trfed -m Se(.l(on 9.12.070 Tess -the 'COst -of 015tl kt admin15tl aLton -as spedfied -m "I:hrl se~t for.. 66.- 62. "Representa ti on un i t" means an appropri ate groupi ng of Employees entitled to select a single Employee organization or representative to represent thEm on all matters of Employer/employee rel ati ons. or. 63. "Sewage" is the combination of water-carried wastes from a structure together with such ground, surface and storm waters which may be present as a result of uncontrollable infiltration. 6tt 64. "Sewage system" f ncl udes sewage trea'bnent pl ants and works, sewers, pumping plants or stations and appurtenances useful or convenient for the interception, trea'bnent, purification or disposal of sewage and industrial wastes, and necessary lands and rights-of-way. 63-;- 65. "Sewer" is a pipe or conduit for holding and carrying sewage, and i ncl udes manhol es,roddi ng i n1 ets, pressure relief val ves and all other facilities appurtenant which are necessary or convenient to the holding or carrying of sewage. "Sewers" are cl assified as foll ows: a. "Side sewer" is the privately owned and maintained sewer which connects the plumbing system of the building to the main sewer. The si de sewer begi ns at the poi nt of connecti on to the mai n sewer and terminates at the point of connection to the building plumbing system two feet outside the foundation line or building wall. "Side sewer" includes the lateral sewer and the house sewer. -1/ - ...,._w.._.__.,....,.......,_.._._____.,~._..___..____~___.._'__',~..~.._.._ ~___.._ b. "Lateral sewer" is that portion of the side sewer which is within the public right-of-way. c. "House sewer" is that porti on of the side sewer fran the lateral sewer to its connection to the building plumbing system~ d. "Main sewer" is a public sewer which has one or more ~ -eM si de sewers connected to it. e. "local street sewer" is a public sewer main which is 0"- foua-. si)(-...Md- eight-inches in diameter and which is upstream of the fi rst confl uence of two or more public sewers. f. "Collector sewer" is a publ ic sewer main which is si)(-. or" eight-. ..ed" ten-fnches in df-.eter and which is. downstream of the first confl uence of two or more local street sewers. 1!ti'" g. "Intel"eef'tol" -1: Trunk sewer" is a !loc:ondary trun'( publ fc sewer ~ Un t...che~ '"tn dfan.&tel which aCCOllll1odates more than one collector main sewer. -Fe h. "'4ain trunk sewer" "Interceptor Sewer" is a public sewer. generally 24 inches fn diameter or 1 arger. which accomrnodate~ serves more than -one trltel ceptol II unk 5e"el. 5.000 resfdential unfts. or thefr equfvalent (sewage flow of approxfmately 1 11111 fon gallons per day). 64e 66. "Significant industri al user" means any fndustri al user of the District's wastewater disposal system who (a) has a discharge flow of twenty-five thousand gallons or more per average work day, or (b) has a flow greater than five percent of the flow in the District's wastewater treatment ~stem, or (c) has in his wastes toxic pollutants identified in Olapter 9.16, which are in excess of established effl uent standards, or (d) is found by the District to have significant impact, either singly or in combi nati on with other contri buti ng i ndustri es, on the wastewater -/2- .......----,--...--......-..-..---.--..--.. . trea'bnent system, the qual ity of sl udge, the system's eff1 uent qual ity, or air emissions generated by the system. 65-;- 61. "Standard Industrial Classification (SIC)" means a cl assificati on pursuant to the Standard Industri al C1 assificati on Manual issued by the Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget, 1912. 66.- 68. "State" means the state of Cal iforni a. &1. 69. "Stormwater" means any f1 ow occurri ng duri ng or foll owing any form of natural precipitation and resulting therefrom. 68.- 10. "Street" i nc1 udes a pub1 ic highway, road, street, avenue, alleyway, public place, easement or right-of-way for vehicular or pedestri an use. 69.- 11. "Suspended sol ids" means the total suspended matter that floats on he surface of, is suspended in, water, wastewater or other liquids, andwhfch is removable by laboratory filtering. 7&:- 12. "Toxic poll utant" means any poll utant or combi nati on of pollutants listed in Chapter 9.16. *- 13. "Trea'bnent p1 ant" means any fadl ity owned by the Oi stri ct that is designed to provide trea'bnent to wastewater. ~ 14. "Unit of use" means a living residentfal unit or any type of use which produces not more than three two hundred gallons per day of sewage that is discharged ...fttte1:0 a public sewer -f.foetI'I -it c8nneetisA. "Unit of use" also mean3 1t living '1tIttt 'When a~~lied -to single famfly re3idential ~ -eM -tn 1tH- other ca~e~ means twenty-five "fixture unit equivalents" as defined in the standard specifications of the District. Each residential unit equivalent shall be allocated one full unit of use. -, -/.:J- ~ 75. "User" is a person whose buil di ng p1l111bi ng system is connected to a sewer. "User" also means any person who contributes or causes the contribution of wastewater into District facilities. ~ 76. "Wastewater" means the liquid and water-carried industrial or domestic wastes form dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial facilities, and institutions, together with any groundwater, surfacewater, and stormwater that may be present, whether treated or untreated, which is contributed into or permitted to enter the District's facil1t1 es. ~ 77. "Wastewater discharge permit" means a permit as set out in Sections 9.16.130 through 9.16.180. ~ "lr.'ater.shed tF'l:Iftl( ~1 8ft" 1168ftS ~ 6ftgifteeF'iftg -aft'EI f1ftaftdftg 1Hitft adopted i:7y "the Oaal d 'Of [hgineer' 5 reconllnendation fo1'" -each Sec.and61) 'Wll:tershed ~ 'Of "the Oistl ic.t setting falll. tllel ein -the pi apased facilities ~~ c.harges estab1i5hed thelefal. =F1-. 78. ~aters of the state" means all streams, lakes, ponds, marshes, watercourses, waterways, well s, spri ngs, reservo1 rs, aq uifers, 1rri gat1 on systems, dra1 nage systems, and all ather bodi es or accumu1 at1 ons of water, surface or underground, natural or artif1c1 a1, public or private, which are contained within, flow through, or border upon the state or any portion thereof. (Ord. 150 (part), 1982; Ord. 147 (part), 1981; Ord. 128 (part), 1978; Ord. 93 (part, 1974; Ord. 86 (part), 1972; Ord. 84 (part), 1971; Ord. 57, 1965; Ord. 52 (part), 1964; prior code Sf 1-110, 4-702, 8-401(8), 9-101, 11-301, 12-101 and 16-202 (part)) 1.04.110 Constructi on of words and phrases. Words and phrases shall be construed accordi ng to the rul es of grammar and accordi ng to - /4- thei r common and approved uses. Technical words and phrases and those words and phrases which have acquired peculiar and appropriate meaning shall be construed accordi ng to the peculi ar and appropri ate meani ng. (Prior code Sl-lll) 1.04.120 Provision of code not retroactive. code is retroactive unl ess so expressly decl ared. No provision of this (Prior code 51-112) 1.04.130 Effect of repeal or amendment. A. The repeal or amendment of this code does not release or extinguish any penalty, forfeiture, or lfabil ity incurred or ri ght accrui ng or accrued under the provision repealed or amended unless the repeal ing or amending act eXpressly so provides. The provision shall be treated as remaining in force for the purpose of an acti on or prosecuti on for the enforcement of the right, penalty, forfeiture, or liability. B. When an ordi nance repeal i ng a former ordi nance, secti on or provision, or an ordinance is itself repealed, the repeal does not revive the former provision or ordinance unless it is expressly so provided. (Prior code 51-113) 1.04.140 Code references apply to amendments and additi ons. When reference is made to this code or a portion of it, the reference applies to all anendments and additions now or hereafter made. (Prior code 51-114) 1.04.150 Separabil ity. If a secti on, subsecti on, sentence, cl ause, or phrase of this code or the appl ication of it to any person or -/:5- . --"------,-"-.~--....---,-"--.~--.-----.-..,.-.,..- "-...-----"...-.--.--.....~.--.-.'1".-...-...,-.." circumstance is for any reason held to be unconstitutional or invalid, the decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this code or the appl ication of the provision to other persons or circumstances. The Board declares that it would have passed this code or the secti on, subsecti on, sentence, cl ause, or phrase irrespective of the fact that a section, subsection, sentence, clause, or phrase is declared to be unconstitutional. (Prior code Sl-117) - /~,- ..----.--- .-~--.~----,-"----~-.,---,-,-.--~-.-~.-,-.--~----.----.---.,.-..---r----.,--'--.-"...--~.--~-.------ EXHIBIT B a-iAPTER 6.08 ANNEXATION CHARGES Sections: 6.08.010 6.08.020 6.08.030 6.08.040 6.08.050 6.08.060 6.08.070 Findings Annexation charge Determination of Annexation Charge Time of Payment of Annexation Charge Inclusion of Charge in Special Assessments Credits Effective Date of Chapter 6.08.010 FindinQs. The Board of Directors finds that the District incurs substantial admini strative and rel ated costs associ ated with the processing of petitions for annexation of new territory to the District. The Board of Di rectors further fi nds that it is necessary to impose an annexat10n charge upon the owners of territory when such territory is annexed to the Di stri ct in order to recover the admi ni strative and rel ated costs resul ti ng fran the annexati on. 6.08.020 Annexati on CharQe. The Board shall fran time to time after a public hearing establish by ordinance a Schedule of Annexation Charges for recovery of the District's costs associated with annexation of real property situated outside the boundaries of the Sanitary District. Upon establishment, the schedule of Annexation Charges shall be published once at 1 east seven (7) days pri or to its effective date in a newspaper of general circulation in the District's service area, such as the Contra Costa Times. A copy of the schedul e of costs shall be mai ntai ned in the District offices and made available to the public upon request. COrd. 137,1978; Ord. 102,1974; Ord. 86 Section (part), 1972; prior code Section 11-203.) 6.08.030 Determination of Annexation Charge. The owner of real property which is annexed to the District shall as a condition of annexation pay to the District an annexation charge consisting of the sum of all administrative and related costs incurred by the District which are associated with the annexation of the new territory, including but not limited to any fees or charges incurred by the District in processing of the peti ti on, conducti ng of the annexati on proceedi ng, correspondi ng, canmunicating, or interacting with the Local Agency Formation Commission having jurisdiction over the annexation or any other state or local government agency regarding the annexation and the costs of any necessary i nspecti ons. Any such costs incurred by the District for any new territory shall be assessed among the owners of the properties within the new territory in a fair and equitable manner. ,_. ...~_._---------~--_._,,_._-----,.~ .,~.... --'--.---'~'''-'-'---r--------'-~--'''~_.'--<-'''------''''-'--_.,,".._-,.-~--,-_._-_.._- The District shall fix the annexation charge as a condition of annexation of the property to the Di stri ct at the time the property owner peti ti ons the Di strict for annexati on. If the property owner does not fil e the proper documents to complete annexation proceedings within three months from the date the District fixes the annexation charge, the District may review the amount of the charge or other decisions or findings of the Di stri ct and modify them if ci rcumstances have so changed that the amount of the charge or conditions originally fixed no longer reflect the purposes for which they were imposed. (Ord. 86 Section 2 (part), 1972; Ord. 60 Section 1 (part), 1965; prior code Section 11-207.) 6.08.040 Time of Payment of Annexation Charge. The annexation charge is due when a petition to annex the territory is submitted to the District. However, the Di stri ct may grant a deferment of payment for an enti re territory or for an individual property within the territory until each structure built on the territory or individual property annexed has been made ready for connecti on to the Di stri ct' s sewer system. In the event deferment is granted, that property, or portions thereof, shall be charged its proporti onate share of the total annexati on charge due as sewer service is provided to each parcel, which amount shall be paid prior to actual connection. (Ord. 86 Section 2 (part), 1972; Ord. 60 Section 1 (part), 1965; prior code Section 11-208). 6.08.050 Incl usi on of CharQe in Speci al Assessments. The annexati on charge may be coll ected by or i ncl uded in a speci al assessment upon the property benefited. (Ord. 86 Section 2 (part), 1972: prior code Section 11-209.) 6.08.060 Credits. In the case of property annexed or petitioned for annexation to the District between March 5, 1954, and June 30, 1989, for whi ch an annexati on charge becomes payabl e due to the parcel owner's application to connect a structure on the parcel to the District's sewerage system, the parcel owner will be given a credit against the annexati on charge payabl e for the porti on of the annexati on charge not associated with the administrative and related costs to the District of processing the annexation petition. The amount of the credit shall be listed in the Schedule of Annexation Charges established pursuant to Section 6.08.020 of this Chapter. 6.08.070 Effective Date of Chapter. This Chapter shall become effective on July 1, 1989, concurrent with Chapter 6.12 and pursuant to the provisions for implementation set forth in 6.12.030(K) and 6.12.080. - _________________________________________________0____________________--,__________ __________ EXHIBIT C Chapter 6.16 SPECIAL CONDITION EQUALIZATION CHARGES Sections 6.16.010 6.16.020 6.16.030 Findings Eq ualizati on Charge Repeal of Prior Code Section 6.16.010 Findin~s. The Board of Directors finds that under certain special conditions capital improvements to District facilities may have been constructed in the past or may be constructed in the future, by the District or by others under District programs, for which all benefited property is not assessed its fair share of the cost of such improvements under fees and charges established under other chapters of Title 6, Fees and Charges. The Board also finds that where such improvements have been made it may be necessary to impose an equalizati on charge on the Oltners of property at the time of connecti on to the Di stri ct' s sewerage system to provide for equity and to fairly distribute the cost of the improvements Clnong all property benefiti ng fran the improvements. 6.16.020 EQualization Char~es. The Board may fran time to time, after conducting a properly noticed public hearing, establish equalizati on charges for particul ar property to equalize the investment in, and fairly and equitably distribute the cost of, certain capital improvements to District facilities for which other fees and charges do not apply Clnong all property benefiting fran the improvements. 6.16.030 Repeal of Prior Code Section. The ordinance enacting this Chapter shall supercede and repeal the Di strict's exi sti ng ordi nances regarding the collection of Assessment and Special Condition Equalization Charges as set forth in District Code Chapter 6.16. The repeal shall occur on July 1, 1989, simultaneous with the taking of effect of the new provisions set forth herein. HOltever, nothing in the ordinance enacting this Chapter is intended to repeal, extinguish, suspend, or allow to 1 apse any obli gati on to pay fees and charges under pri or ordi nances, which obligation accrued on or before July 1, 1989. EXHIBIT 0 Chapter 6.20 REBATE FEES OII.lI,RO[$ -AN9 t:ATLR$II[D TRIJUK Sn:[R OIIARG[$ Secti ons: 6.20.010 Charge Fee for connection to rebate line. 6.29.020 Charge '"fef' eJoMec:tio" ~ sewer -H1'te withi" water~hed trunk 36wer ~la""i"g area. 6.20.e;&.02O Rebate ~ wat~rshed trunk charges fees established under Chapter 9.12 are in addition to all other fees and charges. 6.20.010 C"'ar~e Fee for connection to rebate line. A person who connects to a sewer line which was installed as a rebate sewer line under Chapter 9 .12 shall pay to the Oi stri ct the rebate fee charge fixed in accordance with Sectiorts 9.12.&4-&.060 1tft'Cf 9.12.079. (Ord. 93 (part), 1974: Ord 86 S 2 (part), 1972: prior code S 11-601) 6.29.929 Ohar~e ~ connection ~ sewer ~ within watershed trunk sewer plannin~ area. -A ~erson 'Who conneGts -to 'it District sewer -Ttfte within 'it secondary watershed trunk sewer ~lanning ~ shall ~ -to ~ Distl ict ~ watel !lhed tl unk se"el clial ge fixed -tn accordarlce 'W"'H:tr Sections 9.12.948, 9.12.199 ~ 9.12.299. +eTa ~ (palt), 1974. ~ e& + ~ (part), 1972~ prior ~ + 11 6(2) 6.20.63-&.020 Rebate fees 1m'd watershed trunk char~es established under Chapter 9.12 are in addition to all other fees and charQes. The fees charges established fixed under Chapter 9.12 for the connection to a rebate sewer line ~ -to ~ sewel withirl ~ watershed trunk sewer plarlning -itf"ee are in addition to all other fees and charges prescribed by this code. These fees charges shall be 1 evi ed and coll ected in accordance with Chapter 9.12. (Ord. 93 (part), 1974: prior code S 11-603) EXHIBIT E Chapter 9.12 REBATE SEWER lINES* Sections: 9.12.010 Policy statement. ffndfngs. and declaration of intent purpose. 9.12.63& 020 Approval of plans and compliance with District regu1 ati ons. 9.12.~ 030 Installer submittals. 9.12.040 Proced~res ~ establishing rebate fees. 9.12.95& 040 Application of rebate provisions only to those complying. 9.12.e6e- 050 Waiver. 9 .12.~ 060 Rebate fees. 9.12.&8& 070 Maxf_un Reco.ery recovery of rebate fees. -by 1"~ta11er. 9.12.69& 080 Apportionment of rebate when more than one 1 nsta 11 er. 9.12.100 9.12.110 Partial ~ ~ ~ extens1en ~ eemM6A sewer line. Boal d may e1eCol 1:0 5ub~lf lute Di$t. 'Col 1rS fn!.ta11er. 9.12.120 9.12.130 ~~~licat1en ~ ether ~r6vision! ~ chaptel. Effect ~ District 3t:lbstitt:ltieA itftEf agreelftent between District ~ installer. -1- 9.12.140 District ~ 1Astall re~ate 11Ae5. 9.12.150 Cem~~tat1eA ~ 1Astaller'3 credit. 9.12.160 D~ratien ~ installer's credit. 9.12.170 9.12.160 District ~ adj~3t ame~"t ~ credit. Install er -ts entitled ~ rebate -fees 'When itts ep'ed1t -+s 4-e5s ~ M-s right ~ re~ate fees. 9.12.949 Preecd~res ~ e3ta~l1shiAg re~ate fees. 9.12.190 ^depted water3hed ~laA3 ~ ~ayme"t ~ charges. 9.12.200 Funds and accounts. 9.12.210 Increase of rebate fees and maximum recover1 es. 9.12.220 Payment ~ of rebate fee a condition ~ for connection. 9.12.230 District not liable. 9.12.240 Recalculation of rebate values. 9.12.250 Appeal of engiAeer'3 Engineer's determination. 9.12.260 Effect of chapter. * Prior ordinance history: Ordinance 49. -2- , --"'---"'-'."'-"'-"'-'-~~-r-'-'- 9.12.010 P ley statement.. findings.. and claration of i"te"t purpose. A. It is the policy of the District that public sewers li"es sheuld be designed and installed initially to provide for service to ~ widest pe:s:sible 'their u11:i.ate1:ribu1:ary service area. The Board of Directors finds that ~ replacement of sewers for upsizing or dtfplicatien construction of parallel sewers -dtte to increased serve an incremental demand for capacity results in: 1. Increased capital expense and increased mai ntenance and operation expense to the taxpayers ratepayers of the District; 2. Inconvenience to the traveling public; 3. Reduction in efficiency of the collection process; and.. 4. A poten1:ial -Hhazard to the public health. B. The purpose of this chapter is to enceura~e ~ -e-Hf ...f-ft require the construction of sewers having adequate capacities capacity whieh ~ eapabl c -ef to hanElli ng handl e 'the sewage f1 OW'S fran 'thei r 1:ribu'tary service are~ when they are ultimately and finally developed. CPrior code 59-102). 9.12.~ 020 Approval of pl ans and compliance with Di stri ct reQul ati ons. If the en~ineer Engineer +IH- Ca) determines that the proposed sewer -w+H- may provide sewer service to properties other than those owned or control 1 ed by the applicant, and ~ Cb) approves the construction pl ans for the proposed sewer, the appl icant bec8llles -aft installer ~ fle preeeeds ~ censtructien. shall be no1:ified in writing of the su..ittals required as set forth in Sectfon 9.12.030. The Engfneer shall evaluate said sut.fttals and detel"llfne whether establ fshfng a rebate is jus1:fffed. The install er shall comply with all rules, 'i!ttWf regulations, and specifications 1tft'd '"the iA:stallatien of the District. The collection and disbur5ellelTt of ~ rebate sewer -+s fees are governed by the procedures delinea1:ed in this chapter. COrd. 144 53, 1980: prior code 59-202) 3- - - ------------.----- ------------------------------------,-- 9.12.~ 030 Installer submittals. Upon completion of construction or no later than six (6) IIOnths after acceptance of the project work by the District, the installer must submit the following for District approval: A. A scale map deli neati ng the proj ect sewer as well as all parcels which may ultimately be served by the project cnnc:trllr+inn sewer; B. It list of Inpntify all parcels to be served c:hnlodng by the project sewer including each owner's name, address, county assessor's parcel number and current zoning; C. A statement F8SirQiAg wA9tA&r disclosing any agreements regarding the sharing of the sewer construction costs which exist between the _ installer and any owners of parcels identified in subsection B of this section.. :to ~ iAiriA9 ~ ~ ~ CORitr'IC'tioR COiti:. D. Contracts R9~e1pti and receipts documenting the actual LLAi:t costs for engineering, ieru1C'9i right of way and construction cos:ts for the project. 59-201> (Ord. 144 52, 1980: Ord. 128 (part), 1978: prior code 9.12.040 Proc9dur9i ~ 9itibliihiRg r9bit9 ~ A- ~ Diitrict ~ 9iti.1>1 fib r91>~te tee. ~ f'It'Ir9 CORR9C't1oR'P ~ tile b..asis of. wit9rihed pliRRiR9 ~ eA4 9itimited ~ ~ fytur9 ficilitipi. Sr u. CQRR9CtioR ..u ~ to ~ 9xiit1R9 ~ J.A . w~t9rihed 111 iRRiR9 ~ befor9 CORitruC'tioR ~ ~ 'Iltimite fiCil iti9i, :t.be periOtl ~QAA&ctiAg ~ ~ . rebite ~ ~ rebite ~ ~ ~ QepoiiteQ ~ ~ iCCOURt ~ futur9 CQRitructiOR withiR ~ witerih9d pliRRiR9 ~ ~ UpoA re("o~~9RditioR ~ ~ 9RgiReer, tbe ~ ~ rlac:c:ify ~ Qitibliib Diitrict YRiform r9bitQ ~ U ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r9bit9 ~ shall ~ to both Ac:t~hl;c:hpQ rAh~+A inc:+~ll~+innc: and La pAnning -4- '~'_M~^...t.M"'_"_"""'--"---'--"'-____._____________,..__~_.._._"________.,__,.__,._,,~,____.,...._.....__,." rebate fflstallatiol'ls. .:J:he BoarEliftay ~ ~ tjflifol"ft'l -fees 1m it eOfll'l6ctiofl basis.. itS acreage bash -er it frol'lt -feet basis. (Prior -eeee 19 293) 9.12.~ 040 Applfcatfon of rebate provfsions only to those complvfnQ. Thfs chal'er Otapter appl fes only to ~ ~ Dhtrict -Ht ~ -eese -ef tit exhtifl!j Dfstrict oWl'led 3ewer ~ "te ~ an install er who ftjrl'lfshed su~its to the el'lgil'leer Engineer, immediately ~ within six (6) months after the acceptance of the proposed rebate sewer 1 ine by the Dfstrict, all of the fnformatfon necessary to ffx rebate cost and rebate fees. as listed in Section 9.12.030. (Ord. 144 S4, 1980: prior code S9-204) 9.12.96& 050 Wafver. A person who fail s to compl y wfth Secti ons 9.12.~ 030 and 9.12.95e- 040 waives all ri!jhts claim to rebate .onies under thfs chapter. (Prfor code S9-205) 9.12.G=1G- 060 Rebate fees. A. .:J:he Beard fiflEls ~ -4:fte -ee9t ~ install atiofl ~ 1It&4it sewers -f5 !jeflerally Eletel"ft'lifleEl .ey ~ density ~ ~ -tfge itft6 cel'lditiofls 'Of terrafn '!tftd -th-e:t -the f1><fflg -ef rebate ~ ~ -tfte bash -ef ~ densfty -ef +attd ~ -Mtd -tfte cenditfons -ef te....afn -fs generally -tfte 1fte!tt eqtjitable method -ef charging -fe1o it dfrect eonfleetfon ~ it rebate !Iewer. Therefore.. densfty 'Of ~ to!jether ~ eOfld1t1cfls -ef terraffl ~ ~ ~ ~ basis ~ ffx1f1!j rebate fees. The actual rebate ~ that applfes to any gfven rebate sewer fnsta1latfon ~ will be determined by -tfte Di!ltrict the Engineer takfng into consf deratf on the actual cost of constructf on, the proportion of the rebate line's capacity allocated to the installer's connections. -ee5't; ~ coml'arab1 e -wef"It -4fl ~ area.. zoning regul ations. the potential rebate 5- service area, and the number and 'type of potenti a1 connecti ons, both direct and indirect, which .ay ul'ti.a1:ely be 'trfbutary to the reba1:e 1 fne and any other factors deemed approprfa1:e. The reba1:e fee fs calcul a1:ed - by dividing the nuaber of direct and indirect connectfons (units of use) into the .axill~ reba1:e recovery of the line for the project. In additi on 1:0 the reba1:e fee, each connector shall pay an approprf a1:e District administration fee as es'tablished by the Board by ordinance. ffeweJl.-er, ~ The Board recognizes that the3e ee'Hl1tieA3 -iH"e itet the above lis'ted {teE factors may nat be the only basis for determining rebate fees in every case, and, therefore, recognizes and authorizes exceptions to be made by the General Manager-Chief Engineer when, fn his opinion, modifica'tions are justified as follows: tt ~ CeAcra1 "aAager Chief EAgiAeer 1It8)' ap~ly re~ate .fees ether ~ ~ ~ictateEf ~ ~eA3ity -ef -tt5e -eM ceA~itieA3 -ef terraiA where ~ ~iffareAt a~~licatieA 45 j~3tifie~ 4ft ~ e~iAieA -ef ~ CeAera1 ~4aAager Chief EAg1Aeer ~ ~ teta1 -ee5t -ef 3awer iA3ta11at1eA ~ p'e~ate .fees charged 1fl adjaceAt 3ewer araa3. 1. For COIlIIIercial properties where there is no uniforwity in 'type of COIlIIIerci a 1 usage. tt .:rhe re~at6 -fees itf"8 e3ta~1 i3hed -feft P'631 EfeAti a1 ~ eemmercia1 ~re~ert1e3 -eM ~ -ef -tt5e ~a3i3 iAc1~~1Ag eighty ~e11ar3 -feft Oi3trict a~ffiiAi3tp'atieA. -t,- - ._-~.-._-_.._.._._-~ -------..l-.- 2. For properties with combinations of residential and com.ercial or commercial and industrial usage. 3-r Rehate -fee5 -fep ",~lt1 fa",11y res1deAt1a1 -&f' -aft)' ceA'I",el"e1a1 f)reperty where there -+s -fte tiA i fel"ll'lity -+tt +atte ~ develep",eAt, -&f' 1Ad~str1al ~ 1MtY -be 83tahl1shed 'Oft oft front -foot 'f)1- sqttar.e -foot 'Of served pro~erty ~ Distr1ct ad",1Aistratien eest3 ~ detel"ll'liAed ~ ~ CeAef'a1 .4aAager Ohief EAgiAeer. 3. For Industri a1 propertf es. Rebates for sewers serving these 'types of uses or lIixture of uses may be established using residential unit equivalence. B. The ametiAt -ef lNlXilllll recovery which was indicated for an installer's rebat:e account ff 8Atitled ~ on or before July 6, 1967, shall not be adversely affected by this section. (Ord. 144 56, 1980: Ord. 141, 1979: Ord. 130 (part), 1978: Ord. 128 (part), 1978: Ord. 94, 1974: Ord. 68, 1967: Ord. 59 SI, 1965; prior code S9-301> 9.12.989- 070 Maxim_ Recovery recovery of rebate fees. ~ iA3taller. .whefl ~ rebate \"alHc 1l'M "the rehate -fee5 1tt"e fixed. -tfte D1strict shall ded~ct ~ a"'etiAt ~ rebate -fee5 ~ fAstal1er wettld ~ -hitd -te 1'tI:Y off -he ~ 'ftM iAsta1led ~ rebate 11ne. ~ dedttctfon ff "'l:fte 3 h are 'Of "the ~ 'Of -tfte ++ne w h 1 c h "the f A3 ta 11 e r' 3 -i"ftft'd 1ftttS't bea r . -lfle fA3ta11er -ef The lIaxi.. recovery for a rebate line ff eAtit1ed ~ recever ~ ~ District "'l:fte ba1aAce will be calculated as the sum of all costs of the rebate -fee5 which ~ Di3trict ee11ect3 ~ ether pl"epert1e3 eeAAect ~ ~ rebate 11Ae. project sewer less the share of the cost for the installer's use of the rebate line. (Ord. 128 (part), 1978: Ord 87 Sl, 1972: Ord. 62 51 1965; prior code 59-302) - ?- 9.12.~ 080 Apportionment of rebate when more than one installer. A. Where there is ..ore than one installer of a rebate line, rebate fees shall be disbursed in proportion 'to 'the cos'ts of the project funded by each of the installers. ~ B. When there is a connecti on to a rebate 1i ne and "the downstream lines ~ have also been installed under. 1ft01"e ~ -erte rebate proceedi ngs, a rebate fee shall be coll ectad for each such downstream rebate line, and the rebate fee coll ected for the con nect i on ~ ~ +4-fte shall .ay be credited to each downstream installer in an amount proportional to the maximum am8~ftt ~ recovery calculated to be due each downstream installer. .e-. C. The Di3triet Engineer shall determine the portion of the rebate fee to be allocated to each downstream installer as follows: ~ a particular ins'tal1er's maximum am8~At ~ ~ recovery shall be divided by the total maximum am8~ftt -&f recovery due all downstream install ers with 'the result expressed as a percentage. The percentage arrived at is the percentage of the total rebate fees fran a particular connection allocable to the ~ ~ ~8wRstpeam particular installer from that connection. .{r.- D. The Df3trict Engineer shall prepare and .ain'tain a tabulation of the rebate fees due each downstream installer showing the amount and the percentage of each rebate fee to be shared with each of the other downstream installers. .e. E. When an install er has received recei"/es the maximum 8ft18tlnt of recovery for his install ation, the Di3triet Engineer shall fix a new fee and set a new sharing percentage based on the remaining balances for the purpose of determ1 n1 ng all ocati on of rebate fees to each of the remai ni ng 1 nsta11 ers. (Pri or code S9-303) -1- 9.12.100 Partial ~ ~ ~ extensien ~ ceMmen sewer line. F. Where ~ a sewer .a1n extension ~ ~ eeMmen facility is made which does not use the entire length of an installer's dewn~tream rebate . sewer line, the maximllTl amet:lnt ~ recovery of the installer for purposes of ca1 cu1 ati ng the percentage of a rebate ehar~e fee to be shared shall be based on ~ that portion of the downstream line actually jointly used. (Prior code S9-304) 9.12.110 ~ ~ e1eet ~ st:lbstitt:lte District ~ installer. ~ Bear~ ~ e1eet ~ st:lbstitt:lte ~ District ~ ~ iAsta11er ~ whe1e ~ ~ ~ -ef -e rebate sewer -lftte -+f fiH- ~ -lftte ~ -eft iAtercepter ~ trt:lAI( sewer 'Cf it diameter ~ -at least tweh-e 1Aches 'f1'M -or f-IH. either ~ District ~St:l'atiens prehibits direct ~ sewer cenAect1eAs ~ ~ 11Ae, ~ ~ t:lA~er ether c1rct:lmsta"ces ~ eAgiAtJer recemrneAds -tftet ~ District exercise ~ e1ectieA. (Prier ~ 59 ~01) 9.12.120 ^p~lieatieA -ef ether pre~isie"s ~ chapter. .:J:he precedures, ~ ca1cu1atie"s, 'f1'M ether pre,isieAs seVer"iAg ~ iA3ta11atieA -ef -a rebate sewer -lftte ~ ferth ~ ~ chapter apply except ~ etht'Jl"Wi3e speeifica11y ~ ferth ~ Sectie"s 9.12.110 thret:lgh 9.12.1~e. (rrier ~ 59 ~92) 9.12.130 Effect -&f Dhtrict st:lbstitutieA -at'l'6 a~reemeAt betweeA Dhtriet -at'l'6 i"staller. -1+ -i:fte Beard eleets, itS pre-.ided -i1'l SectieA 9.12.110, ~ Df3triet 1ftey -btty ffem ~ iAsta11er iH+ ~ "it pertie" ~ ~ rebate right! -wM-eh ~ 1 Astall er ~ etherwi~e eAtit1 ed -te reeei'ie itS it result -ef ceFlAeetieAs ~ -i:fte rebate 1i"e. ~ District ~ these rebate right~ -by givi"g ~ ~ installer -i1'l rettJrn -a "Credit -feft anncxatieFl - 9- cR~rgg~ ~ ~gRRectioA CR~rge&, ~ ~ ~ would otberwi~g ~ ~ ~ ~ iA~taller ~ ~ Di&trict .. .. re&l.Ilt ~ ~ de'/eloplAeAt ~ ~ 1nc+a"Ar'c prnpAr+y Ihe niCTrirt aDd tba inc~a"Ar ch~11 An+A~ into a wri++An agrAAmAn+ %0 his A~TAr+ IDa ~grAAmAn+ ~h~ll ~pAri~y tba ~ and rnnrfi+innc nArAc::c~ry t.a Aoff'Ar+ tr~ncf'Ar of rAh~~A righ1":~ l Pri nr coda ~9-An~) g 12 140 I'ic+rir+ ~ ""eTa" rAna+A linAc1 Ihe Rn.::.rrt ~ ~ to in~t~ll ~ rAh:llt~ J.J.Ae u.s.1Dg Di~trirt fllntf~ aw:1.. J.f Ji .dcas .so.,. :the Dhtrict b9{:O~i e.A. iRit.ller uRder :tJ:l.:1s ChApt~r aDd aJ.1 ot :the prOViiioRi ot ~ ch:llpter which ~ to pr1v.tA iRct.llArc ~pply to :the Dictrirot ~ us. (P:llrt), 1978' Ol:d.. fU. i2. 1972' prior c:oda ~9-404) COlllpuh.tioR ot iRitilller'i credit. ~ Dhtrict ~ ~ ~ illllOl.lRt ot ~ iRitilller'i credit. ~ Diitrict'i d9ter~iRiltioR 4e fiRA1. Wow~v9r, ~ d9te~iRiR9 :the credit :the Diitrict ~ cORiider ~ iRit.119r'ipropoied pJ..a.A. ~ d9\19lopl)'l9Rt ot bJ.a prop~rty, Avht1Rfj ~ ~ re9ulitinRi, geogriphy, aa4 $UCh other f.ctori ~ Ji cORifderi pertiR9Rt. ~ IIl.Xil1l'llIl credit ~ :the Diitrict ~ ~ to ~ iRctaller .a :the ~lQo'mt wbi("b ~ iRct.llAr would oth~rwii~ be eRtitled ~ receive ~ CORR~CtioRi ~ :the reb.te ~ ~ otheri it tAa Di itr1ct ~ ~ p"rchiied tAa reh~te righti. (Prior c:a.c:1e 59-SOl) 9.12 160 D'lratioR ot iQit~l1er' c credit. Ihe iRit~llAr is eRtitled ~ tAa credit ~ tAa ~ tAa Dhtr1ct i.CCl:lpti ~ rebite ~ ~ ~ lIlilfRteRilAce ~ operatioR ~ ~ p~lIleRt ot tAa credit ~ ~ uRleii ~ Dictrict ~ deterl)'liR9i upoA r9cn~~~d~tio~ ot :the AnginAAr a. TArmin;t+inn da:ta be fi'llAtf LO.I:d. l28. (p~r+), 1 Q78' lkd.. 6.2. ~ 19~5; ~ code ~9-502) -10- 9.12.170 Bhtrict 1fteY adjtist 8mOtint -ef credit. .Ffoem "HtIIe ~ "HtIIe ~ Di3trict ~ modify ~ amotint -ef ~ in3tallor's credit ~~ finds ~ there 45 ~ change ~ ~ de~elopment -ef ~ in3taller's ~ which 3tibstantially affects ~ rights -ef ~ installer ~ ~ District tinder Section! 9.12.1$0 throtigh 9.12.180. ~ Di3trict ~ modify ~ credit 1tf"Ot't -ifl 'f)Wft meti on (rri or -eeee 19 $93) 9.12.190 Ade~ted watershed ~lan! ~ ~ayment -ef char~es. ~ Board -of Di recters shall adept -by resel ttti on 1l +fS't -of secondary watershed trttnk 3ewer ~ ~ charges ~ ~ person ~ connect ~ ~ District sewer system within ~ secendary watershed 3er.ice ~ listed - 11- . ~n1e~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~atershed tl~nk ~e~el charge. (Ord. ~ (part), 1974, prior ~ 59 601) . 9.12.200 Funds and accounts. Funds collected by the District under this chapter 3"'a11 ~ flHo connections -erH-y -ettd shall be "laces p1 aced in a special segregated account for each rebate line. ~ I'rel'erty identificatfoFl. On January 1st -itftEJ...J..tH.y ~ of each year or as soon -es thereafter as may be practical, the District 3hall will audit each account. ~ !kal1 ~~t~rn ~ ~ in3tal1er ~ ~ written req~e3t The District w111 notify each account holder (installer) by certified letter of any accumulated funds collected from ether connectors. Upon written request by the installer. the District w111 disburse the acc..u1ated funds. Each account shall show the maximum recovery of the installer. When this amount is collected and paid, all payments to the installer cease. 1md "ftH money collected after "th+s -ttme shall -be depo~fted -f-n ~ sewer constr~ction -ftmd ~ ~ Dhtlfct -81td -f-s "t+te "roperty ~ ~ Di~trlct. If a request from an installer for disburSMIent of funds is not received for five (5) successive years. after the yearly District notification, inc1 uding notification published for five (5) successive days in a newspaper of general circulation within six (6) IROnths after the five (5) year period, the District .ay cause said funds to be - /2- deposited in the District's running expense funds. Said action dissolves any and all claf. the fnstaller .ay have had 1:0 'the rebate .oney. (Ord. 128 (part), 1978: Ord. 93 (part), 1974: Ord. 62 S3, 1965; prior code S9-701> 9.12.210 Increase of rebate fees and maximlJll recoveri es. A. The en~iAeer Engineer shall modify all established rebate -fees itftd 'itH- amotfnts -41't accotfnts -fe1- installer3' recO{(Jrie3 .axi... recoveries of installer accounts at 1 east once each year over the useful life of the rebate line. The basis for the modification shall include an allowance for the increase in val ue of the rebate line -as reflected -by ~ ~i~eline constrtfction ~ index. -eft allowance -fe1- increasing e~eratien itftd maintenance cos~ and an all owance for deprec1 ati on based on the useful life of the rebate line in equal annual increments. B. All existing rebate lines will be assigned a useful life with a starting date of July 1, 1979. No additional modification to rebate amounts will be allowed for existing rebate projects to cover the period prior to this date. However, rebate account adjustments added on July I, 1978 and July 1, 1979 will not be affected. (Ord. 144 S8, 1980: Ord. 128 (part), 1978: Ord.93 (part), 1974: prior code S9-702) 9.12.220 Payment -fefo of rebate fee a conditi on ~ for connecti on. No person may llake a direct or indirect connectfon to a rebate line install ed under thi s chapter unl ess +te that person pays the applicable rebate fee(s). (Ord. 128 (part), 1978: Ord. 93 (part), 1974: prior code S9-703) -/3- 9.12.230 District not Hable. The District is not liable to any person for failure to collect rebate fees under this chapter -&f or for fail ure to account for funds coll ected under this chapter. (Ord. 128 (part), 1978: Ord. 93 (part), 1974: prior code S9-704) 9.12.240 Recalculation of rebate values. If at any time the eFlgiFleer Engineer finds that anticipated development 1:'t5ed ~ 63tablf3h ..ebate valtte3 -+s will de\"iatiFlg deviate from the ealctllatieFls.. assa.ptions used in calculating the rebate, he may recal cul ate new 'fal ties rebate fees. However, the District shall not make any adjustment for prior collections-., nor be responsible for collecting any differential rebate fees. (Ord. 128 (part), 1978: Ord. 93 (part), 1974: prior code 59-705) 9.12.250 Appeal of eA~iFleer's Engineer's determination. If a person is dissatisfied with any finding or determination of the eAgiAeer Engineer rel ati ng to rebate cost, rebate fees, or rebate service area, the person may appeal ~ such findings or determination to the Board of Directors within fifteen days after receiving notice of the findings or determination, by fil ing written notice of appeal with the E>f3trfct Secretary of the Board. The appeal shall state the grounds for appeal. At a regul ar meeti ng of the Board of Directors, within 60 days after the appeal is filed, the Board shall hear the appeal. The decision of the Board is final. (Ord. 128 (part), 1978: Ord. 93 (part), 1974: prior code 9-706) -/.t/- 9.12.260 Effect of chapter. This chapter does not create any right, title or interest in any property. The Board may change or repeal any portion of it at any time. No property right becomes ve~ted by operation of this chapter and the District is not liable for any change or repeal of any portion of this chapter. (Ord. 128 (part), 1978: Ord. 93 (part), 1974: prior code 59-707) -15- EXHIBIT F SOfEIlJLE OF ANNEXATION OfARGES EFFECTIVE: JULY 1, 1989 A. Annexations for which petitions were submitted to the District prior to July 1, 1989: 1. The owners of property to which Facilities Capacity Fees calculated under Table 1 of Exhibit "B" of Ordinance 169 apply shall pay the Annexati on Charge fi xed by the Di stri ct at the time that the property was annexed. 2. The owners of property to which Facilities Capacity Fees calculated under Tables 2 and 3 of Exhibit "8" of Ordinance 169 apply shall pay Annexation Charges as follows: a. The Annexation Charge, due and payable when an application to connect to the public sewer system is submitted to the Di stri ct, except where the Annexati on Charge has been prepaid, shall be the lesser of: (1) The Annexation Charge fixed by the District at the time that the property was annexed, or (2) $240/property. b. The owners of property for which the Annexation Charge has been prepaid through Local Improvement District (LID), or other proceed1 ngs will be given a credit at the time Facil1t1 es Capac1 ty Fees are due for the porti on of the Annexation Charge paid which was not associated with the administrative and related costs to the District of processing the annexation petition. The applicable credit shall be the Annexation Charge actually paid minus $240. In no case shall an additional Annexation Charge be assessed due to th is ca 1 cul ati on resul ti ng in a negati ve credi t. B. Annexations for which petitions are submitted to the District after June 30, 1989: 1. LMGE ~NEXATIONS ~D REORGANIZATIONS a. The owners of property for wh1 ch peti ti ons for annexation are processed as reorganizations (two or more changes of organization initiated in a single proposal) and which incl ude properties proposed to be developed into ten nO) or more subdivision lots shall pay an Annexation Charge equal to the District's actual administrative and related costs, but in no case less than $2,400. The $2,400 mi nimum Annexati on Charge shall be due and payabl e upon submittal of a petition for annexation to the District. Any additional Annexation Charges occasioned by the District's actual costs exceeding the $2,400 minimum shall 1 . M' ..,._.."._._"___.,.____._,._,__ _ _"";~ be due and payable within 30 days following the District's billing of the petitioner. which billing may be on a monthly or less frequent basis at the discretion of the Engi neer. 2. OTHER ANNEXATIONS The owners of property for whi ch annexati on peti ti ons were processed other than as for large annexations or reorganizations as defined above shall pay an Annexation Charge of $240 per property. The Annexation Charge shall be due and payable at the time Facilities Capacity Fees are due. prior to connection to the District's public sewer system. 2 ._--_._----~. ..--.--.... . . Central Contra Costa Sanitary &llstrlct BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAGE 1 OF 3 SUBJECT CONIlJCT A PUBLIC HEARING (}.l lHE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET (CIB), APPROVE lHE DRAFT CIB FOR INQUSION IN lHE FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 DISTRICT BUDGET, AND AUlHORIZE $25,304,000 FROM lHE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND NO. III. HEARINGS 4 DATE CON IlJ CT PUB LI C HEARING, APPR. CIB, AUlHORIZE FUNDS SUBMITTED BY John J. Mercurio Administrative Anal st INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Plni D ii ISSUE: The Board of Directors has established June 15,1989, as the date for a publ ic hearing on the draft Fiscal Year 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget. Approval of the draft Fiscal Year 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget for inclusion in the 1989-90 District Budget is recommended. BACKGROUND: The draft Fi scal Year 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget was submitted to the Board of Di rectors' Capital Projects Committee for review with District staff on May 2, 1989. This document was submitted to the full Board on May 18, 1989, and a Board workshop on the draft Budget was conducted on June 1, 1989. It is appropriate for the Board to receive public comments on the document prior to considering approval of the CIB. June 15,1989, was established by the Board as the date for a publ ic heari ng on the CIS and appropri ate noti ces have been posted. Adoption of the Fiscal Year 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget will authorize $25,304,000 from the Sewer O:>nstruction Fund for planning, design, and construction of capital improvement projects in the Trea'bnent Plant, O:>llection System, and General Improvements Programs. In addi ti on to the new fundi ng authorization, a carry-over of approximately $19,981,000 from Board authorization in previous years is anticipated, resulting in a total Fiscal Year 1989-90 authorized funding level of $45,285,000. The distribution of the funding authorization to the three capital improvement programs is shown on Attachment 1. Ei ghteen major proj ects account for 61 percent of the total authorized fundi ng level for Fiscal Year 1989-90. These 18 projects are 1 isted in Attachment 2. Adopti on of the Capital Improvement Budget al so consti tutes Board of Di rectors' approval of proj ects 1 i sted in Tabl es 4, 5, and 6 of the Budget document as exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the draft Fiscal Year 1989-90 Capital Improvement Budget. Approve the draft Capital Improvement Budget for inclusion in the 1989-90 District Budget. Authorize $5,100,000 for the Treatment Pl ant Program, $18,337,000 for the 0:>11 ecti on System Program and $1,867,000 for the General Improvements Program, for a total of $25,304,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund. JMK RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. 1302....9185 ~ JJM JMK ffl} ProQr am Treatment Pl ant Collection System General Improvements Total FY 1989-90 Budget ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 3 CAPITAL IMPROVBENT BUmET SU~Y Estimated Carry Over $ 8,364,000 11 ,044,000 573,000 $19,981,000 Additional Authorizati on ReQ uested $ 5,100,000 18,337,000 1,867,000 $25 ,304,000 ---'--'-'-------'--"-'-"-"'''-',-''-'' ......--.-.........---..-.-.------...-,....-',.-.- Total Authori zati on $13 ,464,000 29,381 ,000 2,440,000 $45 ,2 as ,000 .;~ Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 2 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET MAJOR PROJECTS IN FISCAL YEAR 1989-90 Project Estimated Carry OVer Estimated Allocation Total This FY Authorization -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAMINO TASSAJARA TRUNK SEWER EXTENSION S 0 S 750,000 S 750,000 CONTRA COSTA BLVD/PHASE IA 0 962,000 962,000 DEYATERING SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS 2,172,000 0 2,172,000 EBMUO YS PUMPING STATIONS STANDBY POYER 60,000 577,000 637,000 HALL DRIVE SEYER IMPROVEMENTS 58,000 1,309,000 1,367,000 HEADYORKS FAC EXP NEAR-TERM 383,000 1,700,000 2,083,000 1-680/SR-24 SEYER RELOCATIONS PHASE II 120,000 1,000,000 1,120,000 INDUSTRIAL YASTEYATER RECL-LONG TERM 170,000 750,000 920,000 M-2/M-4 FORCE MAIN PARALLEL 294,000 2,600,000 2,894,000 MARTINEZ EARLY START SEYER IMPROVEMENTS 1,247,000 0 1,247,000 MTZ SEYER IMP REHAB AREA 5L PHASE I 130,000 1,069,000 1,199,000 ORINDA XRDS/MORAGA PS REHAB - NEAR TERM 0 789,000 789,000 PROPERTY ACQUISITION - FUTURE 0 1,000,000 1,000,000 SECONDARY CLARIFIER EXPANSION 0 1,100,000 1,100,000 SLUDGE/ASH HANDLING PROJECT 310,000 514,000 824,000 THIRD AVE AREA SEYER IMPROVEMENTS 25,000 2,484,000 2,509,000 YALNUT CREEK DOYNTOYN BYPASS II 4,471,000 0 4,471,000 YATERSHED 23 SEYER IMPROVEMENTS PHASE 1,711,000 0 1 , 711 ,000 ----------------------------------------- Major Projects Total 11,151,000 16,604,000 27,755,000 ====================================================================================== Total Budget S 14,593,000 S 30,692,000 S 45,285,000 Percent Major Projects of Total Budget 76'1. 54'1. 61% ====================================================================================== ,.' '-'------.-~--_._._-'-~---_._-_.-----r--.<----_._._-----~.'-"--'"'-"~-'-""-"-""----'---'-"'-'-'-'--"'-",.-"----..-~_._._------,.._-_._,~-~_____._ . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 15, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 4 SUBJECT QUITQAIM SEWER EASEMENTS TO CARMELO PLAZA, JOB NOS. 140, 191 and 4281, PLEASANT HILL AREA DATE June 5, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITQAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: Cannelo Pl aza, a Cal iforni a General Partnership, owner-developer of Cannelo Plaza, has requested the District to quitclaim four subject easements which lie within their commercial development located in Pleasant Hill. BACKGROUND: The subject easements were granted to this District in 1951, 1954, and 1987. The original buildings on the site have been demolished to provide for new development. The new site development required the existing on-site sewers to be abandoned and a new sewer to be relocated across the site. The new sewer is located in the paved area of the site and clear of all structures. A new easement has been granted for the revised sewer al ignment. The subject easements are no longer needed and may now be quitclaimed. The property owner has paid our quitcl aim processing fee. District records indicate that the District did not pay for the existing easements. Thi s proj ect has been eval uated by staff and detenni ned to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Cannelo Plaza, Job Nos. 140, 191, and 4281, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~,1 fiN /W '--- J ~ !I m B ! -t 1- J D J~ J Y t ..\~ ttCb ~-(~"......'#- o.~..cz,~ = en o () C II: ... Z o () QUITCLAIM EASEMENTS JOBS 140, 191, and 4281 PLEASANT HILL AREA . .._~.__~...,._._...._~,___._.._,________~.__,_.____.__".~_.'____" _....M......_._--,.-r--..,,~W,._-"'..._-,._-~._-"-_._....._~. . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 15, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 5 SUBJECT QUITClAIM SEWER EASEMENTS TO ALBORZ DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, JOB 4376, TRACT 6741, LOT 1, WALNUT CREEK AREA DATE June 5, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITClAIM OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: 6741, Al borz Development Corporati on, owner-developer of Lot 1 of Subdivi si on has requested the District to quitclaim the subject sewer easements. BACKGROUND: The subject easements were dedicated to the District at no cost when the map of Subdivision 6741 was filed on March 29, 1988. These easements were created to provide for sewer service to the property which adjoins said Lot 1 on the northwest side of the subdivision. It has since been determined that this adjoining property can be best served by private 4-inch side sewers. Alborz Development Corporati on has granted two 5-feet wide private sewer easements to replace the subject easements and has paid the District's quitclaim processing fee. The subject easements are no longer needed and may be quitclaimed. This project has been eval uated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Alborz Development Corporation, Job 4376, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. 1302A.9/85 DH JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~!t #If INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. --,--'-~._---- QUITCLAIM EASEMENT ..,.. ~ ~ .....~ ~~ CJ~ .,0 ,~ \. H'" LOT 2 8" $E. WER.. . MAIN . .-1l"-.r:.....,.. .~1J."!'1f..rT!lTn CASEMeNT. "C.LfttUJ."CASEAENT -lorS- SITE QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT JO[ 4376 - SUB. 6741 WALNUT CREEK AREA . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary lJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 15, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 6 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 89-19 (DANVILLE) TO BE INClUDED IN A FUTURE ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT DATE June 6, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate Engineer P a rce 1 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division o. Area Owner, Address Parcel No. & Acrea e Remarks Lead A enc 89-19 I Danv ill e I C78E7> I Good Neighbors Dev., Inc. 20 Mt. Rushmore Place Clayton CA 94517 196-300-017 (2.3 AC) I Proposed Tract 7196 - lone exi sti ng house pl us six proposed lots. I "Miti gated Negative I Declaration of Environ- I mental Significance" by the Town of Danville I Town of Danville RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 89-19 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB INITIATING;:p./DIV. !IJ8 ~ \0~'. .. 95 ~ ,00 C'!..-~..I g1 t:. ~ .-. I . ~ ,Of> .......... ~ g(o "o(~ ---- ~ C...~ ,0" ~"!> ee ,0(0 " !$. 00 ' " ~~~~~~'~ ~~~ 1'Z. ..o~~......... ,\ ~t'\ ", 11 ~\ \l\t.Q~I' ~ 5' ~ .~ " ~~~~ ~ ,~ !)"!>\: ~ ~,,"f> . I' "" ,,'Z.\' ,~f> ol4.- ~ -t.o f>0 c~ ~'4~ o~....... 144 / "f y:"~ ~,'53 \ u 154 _ 145 .~ 44\ ...:-:- -11~ c I--- 155 4!1 ~ II: 140:1: I--- --;;; ":;; 1-':- 15~ c .\~.57 u 148 li Il~: ~ IIEY 137 138~ '.V 40 j'PL 37 1311'30 L 132......._ 311 I. ;\ .\ ,35 133, Ill!!' 2 ~,AC ~ 09AC \ 62 AC o 244 AC l I 9BAr: 131 AC ,3IAC , I~AC _B2AC 10 AC 20 AC 100AC ,c' " 90AC ~ \ ~~:J 205 ACt ~... 204AC v gO g'Z. e\ t.O /' ~ ..,' ,,\ ,,0 23 ,.r 2. 20 o ~ 17 \. ~o 9 <;'14 "",' ~ ~ 8 ~ ~..~,<"f'~ C III .. ..... '" , ~ .... '" , VALLEY "~~;5~~' 10 h 9 ~cl'~~.'" +47 45~ r--Ktf~ to". ill. "',,~. 01'(,"": ~ : '!II.~ ,,"0. q ZO c.; 48 · '" · ~~'tJll~Y' ~ ...........~4~~ 2 ~b co,.'" 41 ........., .J 0\ I 50, 1,.0 ~ .... 113 17 ~ · ~~'" , ~ 15?1;~ ....~ 10 51 8.30 ~ .-oJ:!~ ~'''.S'~;:~~ '" 5 " \'''"\ 5 J~ \\t~t~ I ~:u-" liD ~ ~:: ~~ fA I ;cl -.! /1 I r&lZ"'\ ~ rt; _ -.. r -.....~: HO,I L;- - 352 AC ~ / ~ Z.77AC ~' -iL. ~' ,,'!l t". , ~Q '6SAC t'--. \ ~~. ~1 ,,0..... ~;.' . ! 30 AC v.r' '0 !I , I ~\-=~~ ,~~, ~ "[1 ~~~. 6 pr ~~~& 1Il 39AC \ ( ;..-' ,,0\ Y /' I .. r . ",,;~4 '.63 \ "tJ. 1'!l ~ :!.:J - ~3\4'" ~ ,t0 ;. ~ . ~ T ~~ \\ ~ r ''!L~~ :ill \c 2 I 93AC, l~ ~ G~,,~ V. LEI' C 1 "~-' DA'NVILLE UNION ___ ~ i" ,"" 1'.'0 A" "~~~ ,,1 SCHOOL D'3T~ICT 'l (" ~ ~ ~--1~L---,'~ ,-~ ~7!16 1934AC "JtI7~~2 ~ 1a\~9jO'" ~'F:~.JJ~~ I . _ I~ 42'~ ~t4 ~ . -0... ~ I ~~.., ~ :;'~18~. f; ~, .. IlL. ~C S\~ -"/('~~ _~ 4 ~ ~(,~ll'-l.fJ l]!/~J ;. \ 8 g O::5~~;\34 '~~6c..~~J/ .. l \.. u "to' ,p. .........~ 7 \F~6 ~.""tif.; .1~4Jr/JO ! I. I ,.&'\": 1 r~w~o \."AU\ 16~1 . .:# ,9A- -! hoo/;>fp' ~ . A~\i1 ~' . "BAPTlST ~ ~5 7 ~81 ~ao1 I I ' ";, CHURCH , I r.t ~., I ~~ i ~~;."~~t~ "i ~'/ /. ~~30~!!:~~i~~~!;~~ ';~2 ~ . ~ ~ IE .~1 ...'J ~ . ,. .::.::.1. .'. of 'f.. . :'. '.' ............ . ':'.': .,:::': ....,. '''1i\1. ,1/~ ........:.:.:.:.:..::..::;..::.....~ I~ . ~ II SUB <.~ ~' 1.. 0~ ' l - It\ ~ to I I I ':;'~.'T~t -;. .. JI !;ZBAC SAN RAMON ION '" ~ ~ ~- ",If,. T r ~,J.. ~, . HI8H SCHOOL DI RICT 3 II AC t9AC ::':"1&1:::/: .. _...1 r J ri ' 43.30 AC 129 AC . 2 4~AC I-. - > X! to {IJ -- .::--- 0r~t ..-. ~ $8 ~15 ., 17 I 2 7~ AC \ I. 17 AC I Q7A 1.14 At 1.16AC ,08 AC ~ ~ ~ ~% j:M/ ......... ii' ~ > J YlEbl!R I~.OAC I ... ~2.067AC : (( ~) <2 \ 8.".,' ~ '-OIAC ~ .::"'::: ~.' . . . . . . OSBORN 32 20 AC y '\ \ ......;::.. ~o.. \~~,"";:;:){ ....:.;.:. ,'. ..... , ::::=::.::. \~~ffJli~'~ GREEN VALLEY SCHOOL co ~<'\ ~ .\ / "\ :: ~','" >< ...... ~K "::' ,1If,l' 47 9.7' AC "B_I~ .:. . ~ ....:,,/'1' i:''''~~~\'~'' 2~8~ . 30" ,. +.~~..Oi 27 .. 'b Z6 .... ~ '1. 20 '" . ......i, ~\~ \!! :.:..~:: ~ ~~ .. ~ :-- ~ I E ~ " P 90AC AC 'I: J...!'........ _ " ~D " PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 89-19 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary uistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS I PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION P APE R I BOARD MEETING OF June 15, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 7 SUBJECT INITIATE PROCEEDINGS TO FORMALLY ANNEX 10 SEPARATE AREAS UNDER THE TITLE OF DISTRICT ANNEXATION 114 DATE June 5, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION INITIATE ANNEXATION D. A. 114 SUBMITTED BY Denni sHall Associate Enaineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department, Construction Division ISSUE: The District has received petitions for annexation for 10 parcels as shown on the attached tabulation and maps. It is appropriate to initiate formal annexation proceedings with the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO). BACKGROUND: LAFCO has requested that the District submit no more than 10 separate areas under anyone proceeding to avoid overloading their schedule. The subj ect areas are generall y located in Al amo, Danv ill e, Marti nez, and Wal nut Creek. LAFCO has indicated that they may add adjoining unannexed parcels to the separate areas we submit to eliminate islands or straighten boundary lines. The District will have to hold a public hearing to consider annexation of any parcel added by LAFCO. RECOMMENDATION: Pass a Resolution of Application for the annexation of properties to Central Contra Costa Sanitary District under District Annexation 114. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB ........, ~ I:... -/1~ h7./c1F ENG. (/ ~ O/~ , ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT/DIV. ~ I/ft !Jf. CENTRAL COr:TRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT DISTRI_ T ANNEXATION 114 ~ . ',' \" ~" )., . X:' 1. ';,; . '" , \ //\ .~ .. \. . \ \, ", / .' / '. / / -f f / ,,--~/. o~ ~ .~4- J ~ -r. .,-,........................ ---'1'- -.... DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 114 Tabulation of Parcels Pa rce 1 No 1 89-10 Ma rti nez ( 44C3 ) 2 89-11 Wal nut Creek C ) 3 Davidon Homes / 1600 S. Main St.,St.150 Wal nut Creek CA 94596 I 14~010-007 (4 . AC) 4 88-17 88-24 89-2 89-5 Wal nut Creek (76Bl) I I 1 I \. 5 88-21 88-22 Alamo (7702) George & Nete Hsieh 1 1 819 Regency Court I 1 Wal nut Creek CA 94596 1 1139-040-002 (1.31 AC) 1 I 1 / Victori a & Paul Chang / 3228 Inverness Drive 1 Wal nut Creek CA 94598 1 1139-040-005 (1.2 AC) I / Candi Hoffman 909 Hutchinson Road Wal nut Creek CA 94598 I 139-100-004 (2.10 AC) 1 I I I Di abl 0 Pacific Prop. I 2/16/89 I POBox 215 I "Negative Decl arati on" I Moraga CA 94556 I .\139-040-011 .(S.2AC) ... ., Brett Allen 1 1471 Finley Lane / Alamo CA 94507 /192-030-018 (0.75 AC) I I R. E. Honsowetz I 11455 Finley Lane I I Al amo CA 94507 I 1192-030-030 (0.50 AC) 1 / Carol e Marti n 1 1460 Finley Lane / I Al amo CA 94507 192~03 -05 (0 .50 AC D. K. Shukla by Board 4/6/89 "E.I.R." City of 1 Ma rti nez I 4/20/89 I CCCSD "Noti ce of Exempti on" 1 I 5/18/89 CCCSD "Notice of Exemption" I 9/15/88 / CCCSD 12/1188 2/2/89 1 "Notice of Exemption" 1 1 / / I I I 1 City of I Wal nut Creek I 10/6/88 I CCCSD 10/20/88 / "Notice of Exemption" . ~ - . -.' ._"-~--_._~----~.........-...._-_._---.__...,"..",-,-._..".,-'-.~'-"'.."'."~-'-._._..~_.~_..,.._.._--__>.~.___'__'_~'_"'_'_._'m._____+........"~m._.."_.._.,_,___. _.__.__._'"_.__.____..._m.___.__.__.._.__________.._ DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. Ii.. Tabulation of Parcels Parcel P .A. No. Owner Address Date Approved by Board Lead No. & Area Pa rc~ 1 No. & Acr.~.aae . .and Remark.s . . .Aa~ncv 6 89-9 Evel yn J. Phelps 4/6/89 Contra Cost Alamo 2334 Stone Valley Road "Negative County <78B3 ) Alamo CA 94507 Declaration" - 193~140-006 (1.052 AC) 7 89-3 Gregory Group, Inc. 2/2/89 Danv ill e 89-6 220 Twin Dolphin Drive "Negative Danvill e Suite "C" Declaration" <78B6 ) Redwood City CA 94065 200-070-004 (18.28 AC) I I a . . .197-100-012 . (2.03 AC) 8 88-20 Donald Lynch, et al 10/6/88 Danv 111 e Danv1l1e 290 Rickenbacker Circle "Negative <78C6) Livermore CA 94550 Declaration" 200~230~OOl (4.42 AC) 9 89-7 R. C. Orphan et ux 2/16/89 CCCSD Danv111e 624 Camino Amigo "Negative (98A1) Danv1l1 e CA 94526 Decl arati on" (98B1) 201-191-07 (0.5 AC) R. Stansbury 706 Cami no Ami go Danville CA 94526 201-201-02 (0.5 AC) S. Zimmerman 710 Camino Amigo Danv111e CA 94526 201-201-03 ( 0 .5 AC ) I R. Menges, et ux I I I 714 Cami no Ami go I I I Danville CA 94526 I 201-201-04 (0.50 AC) W. T. Spencer, et ux I 718 Camino Amigo I Danv111e CA 94526 201-201-05 (0.49 AC) A. Faber, et ux 722 Camino Amigo Danv ill ~ CA 94526 I Bill Mul doon I 21 Twel ve Oaks Drive I Pl easanton CA 94566 I 2/16/89 I CCCSD I "Noti ce of Exempti on" I I I I I I _____1___ _.._._ I 201-201-06 (0.49 AC) I lG. English, et ux 726 Camino Amigo Danville CA 94526 201-201-07 (0.49 AC) - .---..... --_.._-,._'_..."._...._'-'_._-_.~...__."_..-._-+-"-..,..------_.._--_.~-,,-_.~._,.~-+ -2- Parcel o. 10 P.A. No. 8. Area. 89-12 Danv ill e (98Cl) DISTRICT ANNEXATION NO. 11.. Tabulation of Parcels .an D. J. Parsons 731 Camino Amigo Danville CA 94526 201-202-02 (0.50 AC) J. G. Malone 727 Camino Amigo Danville CA 94526 201-202-03 (0.50 AC) J. M. Cahill 719 Camino Amigo Danville CA 94526 201-202-05 (0.50 AC) S. Blevins 707 Camino Amigo Danville CA 94526 201-202-08 (0.50 AC) Sidney Corrie, Jr. POBox 799 Alamo CA 94507 200-151-007 (2.69 AC) -3- 4/20/89 "Negative Declaration" Lead A e c Danv ill e . ._....._...._....._.'_.<__..__M._,._. ~,._.__._.._______ .'. __..~'_."._...~..__~""."___._.___._...._.__._..,_~_..,____._"~___.__,,.._..._ .____________._,.,,____.'___ ,__"u__,_,___,__,,,,__,_,,_,,,"~,,_,_. ., Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 15, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 8 SUBJECT ACCEPT lHE CONTRACT WORK FOR lHE INSTALLATION OF lHE INFLUENT GATE OPERATORS PROJECT (D.P. 20070) AND AUlHORIZE lHE FILING OF lHE NOTICE OF COMPLETION DATE June 5, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY Munawar Husai n Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE;: Construction has been completed on the Installation of Infl uent Gate Operators Project and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The contract work i ncl uded the install ati on of two new gate operators to control influent flow to the treatment plant with electrical and instrumentation modifications for both local and remote control (see attached map). The two gate operators were prepurchased by the District in August, 1988. This project is described in the 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget, page TP-82. The contract was awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, Amelco Electric, on November 17, 1988, by the District Board. Amelco Electric Company was issued a Notice to Proceed on January 23, 1989. The original contract completion date was April 24, 1989. All work has been substantially completed by the Contractor and beneficial use of the new facility was obtained on May 10, 1989. Appropriate time extensions were negotiated with the Contractor as a result of change orders, extra work, and related issues. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project close out. RECX)f41ENDATION: Accept the contract work for the Install ati on of the Infl uent Gate Operators Project CD.P. 20070) and authorize the fil ing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RSK JSM RAB 1302A-9/85 JJJj MH Rl /#1 lIP INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. CCCSD Project location: ~ '",,- '''-. \ \ I \ \ \- \ \ \ \ \ 1 I o + Capital Impro vemf'nt Budget TP-83 . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 June 15, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 9 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE June 12, 1989 ADVISE lHE BOARD OF THE QOSE OUT OF FOUR CAPITAL PROJ ECTS TYPE OF ACTION Information SUBMITTED BY Yvonne Brown Operati ons Support Su erv i sor INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Co" ecti on S ISSUE: All work has been compl eted on four capital proj ects and these proj ects can now be closed put. BACKGROUND: The capital projects listed on Attachment I were undertaken by the Collection System Operations Department. A description of each proj ect foll ows: o The Pi pe Bursti ng Demonstrati on Proj ect was undertaken in the fall of 1987 to demonstrate the use of "No Di g" tech nol ogy to repl ace defective pi pee In th i s proj ect, the fi rst use of th i stech nol ogy in the United States, approximately 3,200 feet of six-inch clay pipe was upsized to 8-inch polyethylene in Orinda, Walnut Creek, and Di abl o. o Under the Radio System Improvements Project the District's aging radio system was evaluated, some components were either upgraded or repl aced, and remote receivers were install ed in Ori nda and San Ramon to increase coverage. Additional work may be required in the future as the coverage in some areas is still marginal. o CSOD compl eted the desi gn and constructi on of a mobile closed- circuit television unit and the refurbishing of an older unit under this project authorization. The total cost of the new unit was $62,000. This compares well with the $120,000 that others have paid for similar units. In addition, the higher productivity of the new unit is responsible for lowering the CCTV inspection fee two years ago. o Reclaimed water transport equipment was purchased last spring in order to comply with EBMUD's drought-related water use restrictions. The equipment has been in service since June 1988. The water use restrictions have been extended until at least November 1989, and they may be extended later. At this time, over two million gallons have been hauled from the treatment plant to the CSOD field crews. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ./::G. ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 Y if~ JL SUBJECT POSITION PAPER ADVISE ll-lE BOARD OF lHE QOSE OUT OF FOUR CAPITAL PROJ ECTS PAGE DATE 2 OF 3 June 12, 1989 The total authorized budget for the four projects was $373,000. The total cost of the completed projects was $371,596, which is $1,404 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the four project accounts, which will result in $1,404 being returned to the Collection System Program. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board for information only, no action is necessary. "--------. 1302B-9/85 I ....-----.-...-----.---- .....---.. ----...-...-------..-. ATTAQ-I~NT I COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE a..OSED OUT District Proj ect Authorized Underrun N urn be r Proj ect Ti tl e Budget Ex~enditures (Overrun) 4418 Pipe Bursting Demo. $171,000 170,431 $ 569 20044 Improve Radio Comm. 76,000 75,954 46 System 30011 CCTV System 48,000 48,003 <3> , 30018 Recl aimed Water 78,000 77,208 792 Transport Equipment $373,000 $371,596 $1,404 . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitary .listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 15, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 10 SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE U-OSE OUT OF THE SYCAMORE VALLEY INTERCEPTOR PROJECT, DANVILLE, DISTRICT PROJ ECT 4168 DATE June 12, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy C nstruction Division Mana er INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Sycamore Valley Interceptor Project in Danville (DP 4168) and this project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: This project included the installation of approximately 11,500 feet of 33-inch, 30-inch, and 24-inch diameter sewers in Sycamore Valley Road and Camino Tassajara. The work was contracted for by the Town of Danville in accordance with a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement between Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) and Danville. The project is described on page CS-14 of the 1988-89 Capital Improvement Budget. The location of the project is shown on the attached "Exhibit One." The sewers were installed through three separate contracts administered by the Town of Danville. CCCSD inspected the work. Work was completed in 1988, and a final project accounting has been completed recently by Danville. CCCSD deposited $914,521 with Danville for the sewer work in 1986 and 1987. There were 11 items of extra work for additi onal sewer constructi on and the final CCCSD share of construction costs is $945,124. Payment of the $30,603 additional cost will be made to Danville by June 30, 1989, from project contingency funds. The total budget for the project was $1,204,000. The total completed project cost is $1,049,396 (including $104,272 for design, inspection, and incidentals) which is $154,604 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project account which will result in $154,604 being returned to the Collection System Program. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION fiI3 1302A-9/85 JSM RAB " '.. .-........ .-/; '- . 1.........._..... 0'" / .' , .'>"--"'-/ --!.- ... ~ . '" RO. ~ : -' - ! I I !i' S E i 1110 cuO' Z'" t:~ o ~ ~: t: Q C" _ III 0 C ... _ cu i ~ t E = Iii ~ ~ .. 0 e ~ u a. I ~ ! ! ! .'i '-.:., ~I ~nnu/~ VI, ~ ~>-z ~ ~~~o '" ...~ a'" ~ ~ ~ ",g Ci ~'" t:l 0 ...... .... -'.... "'" VI U ~ I:~ <~ <~\:l \:lS~cg~5~ z "'> "'t 1'=0:1< ~~~2-~!;;~ ~~~~~o~t;; ~.I!- ot ~ ~ - ~ ~ : I - -, . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary ..Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 15, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 11 SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE BATES AVENUE FORCE MAIN AND IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, NORTH CONCORD, DISTRICT PROJECT 4092 DATE June 9, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBMITTED BY Jay s. McCoy Construction Division Manager INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Engineering Department/ Construction Division ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Bates Avenue Force Main and Improvement Project in Concord (DP 4092) and this project can now be closed out. aAQKGROUND: This project included the installation of approximately 2,100 feet of 8-inch, 10-inch, and 12-inch diameter gravity sewers, 9 sewer manholes, and 1,400 feet of 10-inch force main in Bates Avenue, Industrial Way and Port Chicago Highway. The work was contracted for by Contra Costa County in accordance with a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement between Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) and the County. The location of the project is shown on "Attachment A." The sewers were installed through a public works' contract for street and other improvements admi ni stered by the County. CCCSD inspected the sewer work. All work was completed in 1988, and a final project accounting has been completed recently by County staff. CCCSD deposited $257,395 with the County for the sewer work in 1986. There were four items of extra work for additional sewer constructi on and the final CCCSD share of constructi on costs is $248,318. A refund of $9,077 from the County is bei ng processed and is scheduled to be received by June 30, 1989. The total budget for the project was $290,000. The total completed project cost is $266,506 (including $18,188 for design, inspection, and incidentals) which is $23,494 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the project account which will result in $23,494 being returned to the Collection System Program. RECOMM.ENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION !IJ(5 RAB WATERSHED 44 LEGEND ...., '2. SEWER .~~~ 10. FORCE MAIN ....... "," ~ CITY OF CONCORD -----------,---...---- ...--------.-..-.-.. ST"TE . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 3 12 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 15, 1989 NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF SIX CAPITAL PROJECTS DATE June 9, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL Department Division SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Swanson ISSUE: All work has been completed on six small capital projects, and these projects can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: The capital projects listed on Attachment 1 are small projects that were undertaken by the Engineering Division. The Emergency Treatment Plant Repairs Project, DP 3767, was for emergency repairs to the auxiliary boiler and steam system that was damaged when a natural gas explo'sion occurred in 1979. The project account has been left open pending a settlement with Fireman's Fund Insurance Company. In November 1988, the District received a final claim settlement of $187,500. This payment was in addition to earlier payments of $413,186 from Fireman's Fund. This project included only emergency engineering and repairs. Additional repairs were incorporated into the Solids Conditioning Building Improvements, Phase I, DP 3330. The Screening Handling Improvements Project was to replace two older existing mechanical influent screens. This project has been incorporated into the larger Headworks Project, DP 20069. The Treatment Plant As-Built Program was initiated to develop as-built plans for the treatment facilities constructed under the Stage 5A-I Project. Completion of satisfactory as-built plans was a condition of the Grant Termination Agreement between the State Water Resources Control Board, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the District. This condition was satisfied in December 1988. The Second Floor Conference Room Project converted an unfinished portion of the second floor of the Headquarters Office Building to a large conference room and an engineering office area. In addition to features such as walls, doors, and electrical improvements, the project also included purchase of conference tables, chairs, and a wall display board. Improvements to the septage handling facilities at the Treatment Plant were undertaken to improve dilution of the septage and reduce odors. New facilities included construction of a new septage drop pipe into the incoming 96-inch A-line sewer, a drainage pad, and drive-through access to the new disposal point. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 CWS DRW RAB INITI ;J~ ItiJ SUBJECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF SIX CAPITAL PROJECTS POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 DATE June 9. 1989 OF 3 The Influent/Primary Effluent Sampler Improvements Project was undertaken to provide more accurate data for purposes of billing the City of Concord. This project has been incorporated into the larger Headworks Facilities Project, DP 20069. The total budget for the six projects was $687,077. The total completed project cost was $340,448 which is $346,629 less than the budget. Staff is closing out the seven project accounts which will result in $346,629 being returned to the Treatment Plant Program. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. 13028-9/85 ~.. __"__~,,__,_^_'__'''_'''_''''__.___''___'_'__''_''_'_____... '_'_' u"__.,__._,.____.~_.".__.,_...,__._';___-. ,,_.____._.______.._._...______.._____...., District Project No. 3767 20010 20053 20054 20061 20066 TOTAL ATTACHMENT 1 SMALL CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT Project Title Emergency Treatment Plant Repairs (Auxiliary Boiler Explosion) Screenings Handling Improvements Treatment Plant As-Built Program Second Floor Conference Room (Room 206) Septage Handling Facilities Influent/Primary Effluent Sampler Improvements Project Budget $389,276 55,000 157,343 28,900 46,558 10,000 $687,077 Project Expenditure $ 76,151 26,627 152,266 29,593 46,854 8,957 $340,448 Underrun (Overrun) $313,126 28,373 5,076 (693) (296) 1,043 $346,629 . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS r PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER 1 BOARD MEETING OF June 15, 1989 SUBJECT NO. IV. CONSENT CALENDAR 13 DATE June 9, 1989 AUlHORIZE PURQ-IASE OF BURIED PIPE LOCATOR UNDER 1988/89 EQUIPMENT BUDGET TYPE OF ACTION Authorize Purchase SUBMITTED BY Robert Mowers Field Operations Supervisor INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: Board authorizati on is needed to purchase equi pment items over $250 that were not included in the Equipment Budget and that are not proposed for purchase under the equipment contingency. BAa<GROOND: CSOD relies on very accurate electronic buried pipe locators to identify the location and depth of the collection system facilities for District repai r crews, contractors, utiliti es, and desi gners. In most cases the faci1iti es must be located within one foot or less of its actual position. Location errors greater than one foot can add si gnificant1y to the cost of spot repai rs due to increased excavati on (spoil, backf 111, and pav ing) and more difficu1 t shori ng. In the case of spot repai rs, an error of greater than one foot can add $500 to the cost. Recently both of the electronic buried pipe locators that are used by CSOD many times each day have failed. Although they were repaired, the nature of the problem has reduced their accuracy and the life expectancy of one of the units is less than one year. One of the locators was consi dered for rep1 acement in the 1989/90 Equi pment Budget; however, it was e1imi nated duri ng the rev iew process in order to control costs. The current problems have come to light since the 1989/90 Equipment Budget was prepared. Approximately 50% of the locations are currently in error adding approximately $1300 per week to the cost of CSOD spot repairs. CSOD is seeking authorization form the Board to purchase one new electronic buried pipe locator at a cost of $5900. The 1988/89 Equipment Budget for CSOD was $237,350. There are adequate funds available to cover this purchase. REOOJlENDATION: Authorize the purchase of a buried pipe locator under the 1988/89 Equipment Budget. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION -"" - UJ) G~.IC7-F ENG. -1/ A'//~~ fa.- , ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT/DIV. 1302A-9/85 !fS/J/ RM ~ JL ~...__.._----------_..._..._._- . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitary &listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 15, 1989 NO. IX. BUDGET AND FINANCE 2 June 5, 1989 SUBJECT DATE APPROVE BOARD RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE 1989-1990 PERSONNEL, EQUIPMENT, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, AND SELF-INSURANCE FUND BUDGETS AS COMPRISING THE 1989-1990 DISTRICT BUDGET TYPE OF ACTION BUDGET ADOPTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The 1989-1990 Personnel, Eq ui pment, Cap ita 1 Improvement, Operati ons and Maintenance, and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets are submitted for adoption by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The 1989-1990 Operations and Maintenance and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets were approved by the Board of Di rectors on June 1, 1989. In its approval action, the Board increased the present 1988-1989 residential Sewer Service Charge rate of $116 per year to $124 per year for 1989-1990. The Board al so approved a $500,000 self-insurance expense charge in the Operations and Maintenance Budget for payment to the Self-Insurance Fund, and approved the 1989-1990 Self-Insurance Fund Budget. The 1989-1990 Personnel and Equipment Budgets were approved at the April 20, 1989 and May 18, 1989 Board Meetings, respectively. The Capital Improvement Budget was reviewed at the June 1, 1989 Board Meeting and is scheduled for approval at today's Board Meeting, following a public hearing. A copy of the Board resolution adopting the 1989-1990 Personnel, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets, and establishing the amount to be paid to the Self-Insurance Fund, is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Board resolution to adopt the 1989-1990 Personnel, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets, as comprising the 1989-1990 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Budget. INITIATING DEPT/DIV. A/':-L - ~. ..0~~<--, 1302A-9/85 W N F REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION -.-----.----.------,--....--. RESOLUTION NO. 89-082 A RESOLUTION AOOPTII<<2 lHE 1989-1990 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISlRICT BUDGET The District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby resolve as follows: TIiAT, the 1989-1990 Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict BUdget, consisting of the Operations and Maintenance Budget, Self-Insurance Fund Budget, Capital Improvement Budget, Equipment Budget, and Personnel Budget, be adopted, and TIiAT, the payment by the Runni ng Expense Fund to prov ide fundi ng for the District's Self-Insurance Fund for 1989-1990 be $500,000. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 15th day of June 1989 by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: James L. Haz a rd Counsel for the District -'-"~._--_.~'~--'~--r-"--_._-'-------------'~'-'._'-~'---.