HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-22-89 . Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 63 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 22, 1989 NO. SUBJECT RECE IV E A REPORT 00 "THE RESUL TS OF "THE "THREE-MON"TH PILOT PROGRAM CONDUCTED BY VALLEY W ASTE MAN~EMENT AND AUTHORIZE FULL-SCALE IMPLEMENTATION OF aJRB- SIDE RECYQ ING IN Al AMO, DANV ILLE, AND L AFAYEm IV. SOLID WASTE 1 DATE June 15, 1989 TYPE OF ~"ffi~IZE PROGRAM IMPLEMENTATION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV H. Heibel, Publ ic Information Coordinator Administrative Department/Personnel ISSUE: A report on the results of the three-month pilot program conducted by Valley Waste Management is bei ng transmitted to the Board of Di rectors. Based on the reported results of the pilot program, the Board of Directors is being requested to authorize the full-scale implementation of the curbside recycling program throughout Al amo, Danvill e, and Lafayette. BAa<GRWtI>: At the December 1, 1988 Board meeting, Vall ey Waste Management received approval fran the Board of Di rectors to impl ement a th ree-month pil ot curbside recycl ing program in Al amo, Danvfll e, and Lafayette. The program provided curbside collection of aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic soft drink bottles, and newspapers. Each residential custaner in the pilot program was given a set of three plastic containers in which to place the designated recyclable items. Recyclable items were collected weekly on the same day as regular refuse collection. Simultaneously, an automated refuse collection pilot program was implemented in the TC7fIn of Danvill e and community of Al amo. Vall ey Waste Management proposed that the recycl ing program be phased in over a nine-month period beginning with the pilot start-up. During the first three months, three pilot areas of approximately 1200 hanes in the TC7fIn of Danville, City of Lafayette, and community of Al amo received weekly curbside recycl ing. Concurrently, 165 homes in Alamo and Danville were provided curbside recycling and automated refuse collection. An additional 150 hanes in Alamo and Danvflle were provided only with autanated refuse collect ion. Each of these homes was prov i ded with a 60 or 100 gallon refuse container on wheels, knC7fln as a supercart, which was picked-up at the curb by a one-person truck with a mechanical hoisting arm. A report on the resul ts of the three-month pilot programs has been prepared by District staff and is being transmitted for review by the Board. The principal results described in the report are summarized belC7fl: . Based on an actual househol d-by-househol d count, monthly participation in the Valley Waste Management recycl ing program was extremely high. During the final month of the pilot program, Danville's participation was 87.51, follC7fied by Alamo with 84.21 and Lafayette with 74.61. Overall monthly participation averaged 81.71 of all pilot participants recycling. According to a study on curbside programs in California produced by the Department of Conservation, Division of Recycl ing, the average monthly participation rate is 461. 1302A-9/85 HH ,it. CRF PM REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1/ ~~~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. -...,-.-------.-..----~-,-.-~--------~..-..-..,..--.-~---.--r-~'-."~--_._-----~.......,----___r-.,.,~.-,.w.,--.........--',........-.. '. SUBJECT RECEIVE A REPORT ON THE RESULTS OF THE THREE-MONTH PIL OT PROGRAM CONIlJCTED BY V ALL EY WASTE MANHiEMENT AND AUTHORIZE RJLL-SCALE IMPlEMENTATION OF CURB- SIDE RECYQ ING IN JlLAMO, DANV ILLE, AND LAFAYETTE POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF ,,~63 DATE June 15, 1989 . The amount of recycl abl es coll ected per househol d per month in Danv ill e was 53.02 pounds; in Alamo 51.5 pounds; and in Lafayette, 40.6 pounds. The overall average for the three communites was 48.36 pounds per househol d per month. Accordi ng to Vall ey Waste Management, the average househol din these areas produces approximately 208 pounds of garbage per month. The recycl abl es coll ected in the pilot program represent a 23:1 reducti on in the total amount of househol d solid waste being produced. Except for the hilly El Pintado area in Danville (currently served by a mini-packer garbage truck), participation was not significantly affected by terrain. In the El Pintado area, driveways are long and steep, making it difficult for residents to carry their recyclables to the curb. Near the end of the pil ot program, a survey was mail ed to all pil ot participants, and a 65:1 response was received. Of those peopl e who responded to the survey, 00" think the recycling containers are easy to use, and over 95:1 will continue to participate in the curbside recycling program. . . . Based on the survey described above, 3 of those who responded to the survey indicated that they woul d not participate in curbside recycling if the program cost money. District staff wishes to acknowledge Valley Waste Management Recycling Supervisor Tom Ferro and his crew for assisting the District in compiling the statistical information on participation rates. In the early weeks of the program, Mr. Ferro and his crew often worked 14 hour days ensuring that the large volumes of recycl ables were collected. Their hard work has contributed to the success of the pilot recycling program. Curbside recycling saves 1 andfill space, conserves natural resources, and reduces energy. Additionally, it is being required by the Export Agreement with Alameda County as a condition for accepting our solid waste. Moreover, on the basis of the overwhelmingly successful results of the three-month pilot curbside recycling program, District staff reconrnends that full-scale curbside recycling be impl emented in Al amo, Danv ill e, and L af ayette. The cost of recycling to rate payers as well as the cost implications of impl ementing automated refuse coll ection is addressed in a separate Position Paper. RECOI4ENDATION: It is recommended that the Board authorize Vall ey Waste Management to begi n full-scal e impl ementati on of curbside recycling in Zones 2,4, and 5, and consider the incremental rate effect in setting the refuse collection rates effective July 1,1989. 13026-9/85 '- . VALLEY WASTE MAN~BENT PILOT PROGRAM EXEaJTIVE SUMMARY Th e report rev i ew s th e res ul ts of th e th ree-month pil ot curbs ide recycling and autanated refuse collection programs operated -by Valley Waste Management. The pilot programs were operated under the franchise agreement between the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and Valley Waste Management. Curbside recycling was provided to approximately 1200 hanes in each community of Al amo, Danvllle, and Lafayette. Of the 1200 hanes in Alamo and Danville, approximately 165 were also given a 60- or 100-gallon "supercart" with wheels to replace their regular garbage container(s); an additional 150 hanes outside of the pilot recycling areas were al so provided with these supercarts. Curbside Recycl1ng S~ary The results of the three-month pilot curbside recycling program are summarized below: · Based on an actual househol d-by-househol d count, monthly participation in the Valley Waste Management recycling program was extremely high. During the final month of the pilot program, Danville's participation was 87.5%, followed by Alamo with 84.2% and Lafayette with 74.6%. Overall monthly participation averaged 81.7% of all pilot participants recycling. According to a stUdy on curbside programs in California produced by the Department of Conservation, Division of Recycling, the average monthly participation rate is 46%. · The monthly volume of recyclables collected per household in Danville was 53.02 pounds; in Alamo 51.5 pounds; and in 1 Lafayette, 40.6 pounds. The overall average for the three communities was 48.36 pounds. According to Valley Waste Management, the average household in these areas produces approximately 208 pounds of garbage per month. The recyc1ables collected in the pilot program represent a 23J reduction in the total amount of household solid waste being produced. · Except for the hilly El Pintado area in Danv1l1e (currently served by a mini-packer garbage truck), participation was not significantly affected by terrain. In the E1 Pintado area, driveways are long and steep, making it difficult for residents to carry their recyc1ab1es to the curb. · Near the end of the pil ot program, a survey was mail ed to all pilot participants, and a 65J response was received. Of the those who responded to the survey, 90J think the recycling containers are easy to use, and over 95J will continue to participate in the curbside recycling program. · Based on the survey described above, 2J of those who responded to the survey indicated that they would not participate in curbside recycling if the program increased refuse collection rates. In reviewing the high monthly participation rate, the large volume of recyc1ab1es collected, and the favorable response of program participants to<<ard curbside recycling, District staff recommends that full-scale curbside recycling be implemented in the entire Valley Waste Management service area. Aut~ated Refuse Collection S...ary The results of the three-month pilot autanated refuse collection program can be summarized as follo<<s: 2 __, _~",____~_.~.._____..___________M.'_'''___~__~''~.___'___--..,..--..- ---'-'"~-'--~'"" -..--.---.--.---r---...-----~----.~-.-.~-.,-.~.".--.....-..-----...,- . Near the end of the pilot program, a survey was mailed to all households who participated in the automated refuse collection program, and a 7'B response was received. Of the those who responded to the survey, 891 think the supercart provides enough room for household garbage. According to the survey described above, less than 40% think the supercart adequately accommodates garden trimmings. Comments received from participants indicate that compacting trimmings in the supercart is difficult and time-consuming. 67% of survey respondents said that the supercart was easy to use, and 75% indicated they would prefer to keep the supercart. 94% said they would use the supercart if it could reduce rates. Some participants expressed concern about the elderly or ill bei ng abl e to move the supercarts to the curb. They requested that smaller supercarts be available for these people. Some neighborhoods reported an increase in the amount of spillage from the automated refuse collection trucks. . . . . 3 VALLEY WASlE MANAGBENT PILOT PROGRAM EVALUATION Evaluation Report of First Three Months Operation Introduction Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict is impl ementi ng curbsi de recycling in all the communities for which we franchise garbage collection. State law mandates that Contra Costa County's Solid Waste Management Plan include ambitious goals for reducing the amount of solid waste being sent to our landfills. The draft County Solid Waste Management Plan requires diverting 30% of the total wastestream away from the landfill through recycling within the next five years. Without widespread curbside recycling programs, it will be impossible to meet this goal. An even more pressing reason for implementing curbside recycling is the landfill crisis that exists in Contra Costa County. Central County's most active landfill, Acme Fill, is closing and accepting only a limited amount of garbage from local haulers. Reducing the amount of solid waste being sent to the remaining County landfills is vital. In addition, Central County will have to begi n exporti ng garbage to neighboring counti es because of the 1 andf ill shortage. These counti es are rel uctant to accept additional garbage which will use up their landfill capacity. As a condition for accepting our garbage, counties such as Alameda and Solano require that we must have curbside recycling programs in operati on. As the franchiser for refuse collection and disposal for four cities and the unincorporated communities in Central County, the District has asslJlled a primary rol e in coordi nati ng the developnent of recycli ng 4 .. -"'-'--r"" - _.._....'"...,_._.-_.__._-_...,_..._..--r-.--.-'--~._-"."..-.-...--.--.--.-.....-..-...,-..-----.---.-..'..--..--*---"-~ programs throughout its franchise areas. On December 1, 1988, the District Board of Directors approved a three-month pilot curbside recycling and automated refuse collection program for the communities of Alamo, Danvllle, and Lafayette. The pilot program, which began on March 8, 1989, is being operated by Valley Waste Management, the refuse collection company for Alamo, Danville, and Lafayette. The recycling program, as proposed by Valley Waste Management, is intended to be phased in over a nine month period, beginning with the start-up of the pilot program. After completion of the three-month pilot program, the Board of Di rectors was to rev iew the resul ts of the program, as outlined in this report, and decide whether to implement full-scale recycling in Lafayette, Alamo and Danville. If the Board approved curbsi de recycling for these communiti es, the full-seal e program was to be phased in over a six-month period. This report, which is prepared at the request of the Board of Di rectors, is an overy iew of the resul ts of both the pll ot curbsi de recycling and automated refuse collection (supercart) programs. Background Responding to the County's draft revision of the Solid Waste Management Plan, which requires all cities to promote recycling and impl EJIlent a recycling program in thei r respective communiti es, Central San coordinated a regional recycling program throughout its franchise area. In January, 1988, Central San formed the Regi onal Recycling Committee composed of two District Board mEJllbers and one representative from each of the cities and unincorporated areas for which we franchise ga rbage. Ex-offici 0 Commitee mEJllbers i ncl ude the refuse coll ectors, a County representative, interested recycling entities, and District staff. 5 ----------... .~--..".---,--,....-.-" .,-,-.--~-----.--"-----'",.-....--~."--.-"-~--....,..-..~-..+"-...__..--.---.--r--"--..-'-----.,---"-~--.-'_,._._--...~--~-.-.. The purpose of the Committee has been to design and implement effective recycling programs that address the individual needs of the six District communities. The Committee has served as a forum to discuss various recycling options and has promoted a cooperative environment where each community can learn from the efforts of the others. At the direction of the Committee, District staff met with representatives from each city and its respective refuse coll ector to discuss various recycl ing options and design a suitable program. A resolution directing the development of recycling plans by the District's franch ised refuse collectors for thei r service areas was passed by the Central San Board of Directors on March 17, 1989. As a result of meetings with the various cities as well as the Regional Recycling Committee, it was decided that the first program to be implemented would be a pilot curbside recycling program for the Alamo, Danv1lle, and Lafayette communities. The recycl ing pl an proposed by Valley Waste Management was presented to the Board on October 6, 1988, and public hearings on the proposed recycling plan were held on November 3, 1988 and December 1, 1988. Progr_ Descr1p't1on The pilot recycl1 ng program approved by the Board of 01 rectors on December 1, 1988 provided for the curbside collection of four major recyclable items: aluminum cans; glass bottles; plastic soft drink bottl es; and newspapers. Recycl abl e items were separated and stored by residents in three brightly-colored stackable containers. Curbside coll ect1 on of recycl abl es occurred on the same day as regul ar ga rbage collection. Valley Waste Management purchased a special recycling truck for the collection of the recyclable materials. 6 -'-'---'r-' . ..-..--. -----..--,...-..--.-.----... ..------ Pilot areas were selected in Lafayette, Alamo, and Danville based on geograph ic (hilly versus f1 at terrai n) and demograph ic (si ng1 e-family versus multi-unit complexes) variety; efficient utilization of the recycl ing truck; and as few service day changes as possible. Using the above criteria, approximately 1200 households were chosen for the pilot in each of the three communities. In addition to the pilot curbside recycling program, the Board of Directors approved a pilot automated refuse pick-up program for Alamo and Danville. Approximately 165 of the pilot curbside recycl ing homes in Alamo and Danvllle were selected to participate in automated refuse collection. Each of these homes was given either a 60-gallon or 100 gallon "supercart", which is a refuse contai ner on wheels, to repl ace their regular garbage container(s). Additionally, supercarts were also distributed to another 150 homes outside of the pilot recycling area. Public Education Efforts Before the start-up of the pilot curbside recycling program, District staff and the refuse collector met separately with representatives from Lafayette, Al amo, and Danv ille to di scuss program implementation and design a public education program to disseminate information to the residents in the pilot areas. The members of these "Publ icity Committees" fel t strongly that the success of any recycl ing effort would be dependent on the public's interest and participation. In their opinion, to implement a successful recycling program would require comprehensive public information and promotional activities. They felt it was essential that residents be informed prior to start-up of the pilot curbside recycling program on the how, what, and why to recycle. 7 - .-^-._...~._.".~.~..._,..~".~'~'"~--r--_..~.,._._.._- - --_._~._----r-..~><<=.~..._.~."''''-~~~._~_.."._._.__.._..~.'....m..----...--~---.~..--.-~- As a resul t of these meeti ngs, it was deci ded to send a 1 etter to all pilot participants prior to the program start-up informing them about the forthcoming program and giving them Central San and Valley Waste Management hotline numbers to call for additional help (see Attachment 1). Survey I Results Included with this letter was a survey to solicit community opinion about current recycling habits (see Attachment 2). Response to the survey was excellent. Nearly 65% of the pilot participants in Lafayette, Alamo, and Danville responded. A summary of the survey results (Survey Number I) is included in Attachment 3. Overall, 83.6% of those responding to the survey indicated that they thought recycl ing was a good idea and they woul d partici pate in the program. Survey responses demonstrated a heightened awareness of the benefits of recycling: the vast majority (approximately 701) think recycli ng can save 1 andf ill space, benef it the env ironment, and save resources. More importantly, over 701 of those responding to the survey indicated that they already recycle at least occasionally. The most prevalent recycling method listed was newspaper drop boxes, with 53.4% of the respondents usi ng them. Another popul ar recycli ng avenue was the 20-20 redemption centers, with 33.3% frequenting them. No one speci al reason was given as to why some peopl e chose not to recycle. Basically, the non-recyclers indicated they either do not know where to recycle (14.6%), recycling is too much trouble (14.5%), they do not have enough recyclable materials (13.7%), or they do not have enough space to store the materials (12.4%). 8 - .--.,-.-------.-"-~---,-..------~...~-~--.--:.---~,.-r__.....~---.*'~..-.---..-..---.~.-.---..-'~~..,-~~.-.....'-'--'-,------"'.~-,,-~------. Many comments were included with the survey. Generally, the comments demonstrated support and enthusi asm for the recycl ing program. Most felt that curbside recycl ing was long overdue. The major concerns expressed were: · Rate increase implications of implementing curbside recycling. Most people who addressed the cost issue were under the impression that the garbage collector would reap great financial benefits from household efforts to separate recyclable at curbside; many felt that implementing curbside recycling should lower their garbage rates, not increase them. · Impact of curbside recycling on current non-profit organizations who use recycling as fund-raisers. Concern was specifically expressed at how this curbside program would affect the ongoing Boy Scout newspaper drives. · Convenience of hauling recycling containers to the curb. Some people were skeptical about the ease of taking the containers to the curb. These remarks usually came from peopl e who described themselves as elderly, in 111 health, or living in areas where the curbs were considered too far from the house to make curbside or streetside recycling convenient. · Convenience of storing recyclable containers and sorting recyclables. Some people resented the idea of having to sort what they consider "garbage." Others said they did not have enough room to store the recycling containers. · Aesthetics of recycling containers on the streets. Some people thought that the recycling containers would make their neighborhoods look less attractive. 9 · Collection of other recyclable materials. Many people hoped that other recyclables such as cardboard, motor oil, tin, and various plastics would eventually be included in the curbside program. Survey I also addressed peoples' attitudes about their refuse collection service. While most felt that garbage pick-up is dependable (82.1%), only 58.6% thought it was convenient, and even fewer thought it was an organized operati on (41%). However, very few compl ai nts were listed other than spilled trash (8.3%) and lids left off garbage cans (11.7%). The level of dependability seems to be related to the number of people who place their garbage at the curb. For instance, in Lafayette, where 48.5% of the respondents 1 eave thei r garbage at the curb, only 67.7% thought garbage pick-up service was dependable. Contrast that with Danville, where 86.7% of the respondents leave their garbage at the curb and 89.5% think the service is dependable. Comments made about automated refuse collection service ranged from skeptical to enthusiastic. People who had experienced supercarts before were anxious to begin using them. Those who had not were concerned about combining household garbage with trimmings. Some people were also not convinced that a completely full supercart would be easy to move. The overwhelming concern was with capacity. Residents accustomed to two cans of garden trimmings per week did not believe that one supercart would be able to accommodate all of their garbage plus trimmings. People also expressed concern that the quarterly community Clean-ups continue. Info~ational Meetings At the Publicity Committee Meeti ngs, city representatives indicated that extra effort shoul d be taken to expl ain the recycling program to community groups. The Town of Danville was particul arly interested in 10 communicating information about the recycling and supercart program. District and Valley Waste Management staff accompanied Danville staff to Homeowners' Association meetings in the Greenbrook, Sycamore Valley, and El Pintado areas. In addition, Danville staff set up a table in front of the Lucky's store on San Ramon Valley Boulevard to answer questions from residents in the Town & Country area. District and Valley Waste Management staff also attended an Alamo Improvement Association meeting. Marshall Grodin of Valley Waste Management made various presentations to community groups in Lafayette. Overall, the presentati ons made to community groups were well received. Recycling was considered a popular and important issue. While support for recycling was strong, some people in the Greenbrook Homeowners' Association were not eager to participate in the curbside program because they already recycle at buy-back centers or with non-profit organizations. Although they understood that participation in the pilot curbside program was not mandatory, they were concerned that curbside recycling would ultimately increase their garbage rates. Most of the questions raised at these community meetings involved the supercart element of the pilot program. People in the El Pintado section of Danville were not sure how well supercarts would work in their area. Some of the resi dents who live off of small streets quite a di stance from the mai n street are served by a smaller garbage truck (mini-packer); during the pilot supercart program, Valley Waste Management continued to service these hard-to-reach areas by the smaller truck. By far the 1 argest concern of peopl e in the automated refuse collection pilot areas was the actual capacity of the supercart. 11 Residents were not convinced that the supercart would adequately accommodate both househol d garbage and garden trimmings. During the first month of the supercart pilot, several residents called Valley Waste Management requesting an additional cart for their trimmings. People were worried that during late spring and summer the increase 'of garden trimmings would pose a problem. News Medi a Efforts Before the start-up of the pilot curbside recycl ing programs, the various newspapers representing Alamo, Danville, and Lafayette were contacted. An informal press meeting was arranged with reporters on the actual start-up date for each community. Reporters were given a copy of the results of the first survey sent to pilot participants plus a fact sheet outlining the details of the pilot program. Several articles appeared in the newspaper as a result of these efforts. Other recycling articles have appeared from time to time during the three-month pilot period, updating the public about program participation and recycling in general. Other Public Education Efforts Other public education efforts to promote the recycling program were al so addressed at the Publicity Meeti ngs. An important education tool for the curbside pilot was the publication of a brochure outlining how the curbside pilot program would operate (see Attachment 4). A separate brochure was designed for Alamo, Danvllle, and Lafayette; each brochure 1 ncl uded a 1 etter s1 gned by the Pres1 dent of the Central San Board of Directors, the mayor (where applicable), and Valley Waste Management. This brochure was distributed with the delivery of the recycling conta1 ners. 12 At these meeti ngs" it was deci ded that midway through the pi 1 ot program" a doorhanger type brochure would be distributed to all pilot participants by the Scout Troops of Danville and Alamo. The purpose of the doorhangers was to serve as a rani nder to resi dents to conti nue recycl ing with the curbside recycl ing program. The Town of Danville coordinated three training workshops with Valley Waste Management to present basic recycling information to the Boy and Girl Scout Troops who woul d do the actual di stributi on. On April 15" 1989" these troops went door-to-door in the Danvllle and Alamo pilot areas" answering recycling questions and handing out doorhangers. The doorhanger distribution was not done in Lafayette. A second letter and survey was sent to pilot participants in April, 1989 (see Attachments 5 and 6). The follow-up 1 etter was written to provide participants with an update on the pilot curbside program as well as to answer some of the more frequent questions and concerns raised by the first survey and numerous telephone calls. Survey II Results The second survey sent to pilot participants was a more ambitious effort than the first survey. Three different surveys were designed: one for recycl ing participants, another for supercart participants, and the third for recycling and supercart participants. It was hoped that the surveys would gauge not only the effectiveness of the curbside recycling and supercarts, but also how people's recycling habits and atti tudes were affected by the supercarts. The resul ts of Survey II, incl uded in Attachments 7 through 11, can be broken into the following categories: 13 · Recycling Pilot only - comparison of responses between Alamo, Danv ill e, and Lafayette · Supercart Pilot only - comparison of responses between Alamo and Danvllle · Recycling and Supercart Pilot - comparison of responses between Alamo and Danville · Recycling Comparison between participants who recycle only and those who recycle with a supercart · Supercart Comparison between participants who have supercart only and those who recycle with a supercart Recycling Pilot Survey As in the first survey, response to Survey II was excellent. More than 62% of the participants responded to this mail-in survey. According to the survey, over 90% of those who mailed in surveys participated in the pilot curbside recycling program. Of those who did not participate, a large percentage stated that they either recycle elsewhere or don't have enough recyclables. The overwhelming majority think the recycl ing containers are easy to use and easy to bring to the curb. Almost all of the respondents who participated in the pilot program indicated they will conti nue to parti ci pate in the curbsi de program. Over 831 of the respondents also said they would still recycle if it were not offered curbside by the garbage collector. Many comments were included with Survey II. Generally, the comments about curbside recycling were supportive and enthusiastic. Without the present program, some peopl e fel t they woul d not be recycl i ng. Most comments reflect a desire to see curbside recycling implemented 14 throughout the three communities. Aside from isolated remarks about the stacking abil ity of the containers, lack of storage facil ities, and the messiness of sorting recyclables, the major concerns expressed by respondents can be grouped as follows: · People want the other recyclables to be collected in addition to al uminum, newspaper, gl ass and P. E. T. bottl es. Other items mentioned for collection include tin cans, cardboard, magazines, junk mail, motor oil and grocery bags. Many respondents requested that different types of plastic, such as water and milk bottles, also be collected. · Some participants said they would not participate if the program raised garbage rates. These people were still not convinced that the costs involved with recycl ing are justified. · While most people indicated that the recycling containers were convenient and easy to use, many comments were made requesting a wheeled cart or dolly to transport containers to the curb. Such an apparatus has recently been put on the market, and District staff are researching its potential use for curbside recycling. · The brightly colored containers were offensive to some people who requested that more aesthetically appealing colors be sel ected for the program. · People were curious about the effect of curbside recycling on Boy Scout newspaper programs. Although the Greenbrook area in Danville reported a drop in newspaper collection for their Boy Scout drop box, not enough stati stics have been gathered from this group to support their current claims. Since the pilot area 15 is so small, few of the Boy Scout Troops have been adversely impacted by the current curbside program. It remains to be seen how full-scale implementation of curbside recycling might impact non-profit newspaper drop boxes. Supercart Pilot Survey Response to the Supercart Pilot Survey was very high, with 7510 answering the questionnaire. While most people think the supercart provides enough room for household garbage (9010), less than 4010 think the supercart adequately accommodates garden trimmings. This coincides with the type of telephone calls received by Valley Waste Management and District staff regarding supercart capacity. Overall, the supercart is considered easy to use and more convenient than traditional garbage cans. Seventy-five percent (7510) of the respondents indicated that they would prefer to keep the supercart and nearly 9410 said they woul d use the supercart if it could reduce rates. Garbage serv ice duri ng the pll ot was generally consi dered the same or better. For those who thought the service was worse, the major reasons were the lack of capacity in the supercart for garden trimmings and more spillage. Comments written by respondents were generally favorabl e about the conveni ence of supercarts as well as thei r cl ean-looki ng appearance. People appreciated the fact that the supercart lids are attached and do not blow around. In some homes, the supercart was too large to fit through the backyard gate. Where possible, Valley Waste Management made adjustments to the gates. Other major comments can be summarized as follows: 16 · Respondents are concerned with the lack of adequate capacity for garden trimmings. Peopl e thought that an additional supercart would solve this situation, and for those people who called to request a second supercart, thei r capacity probl em was sol ved. Many participants found it difficult to compact their trimmings. · Some people did not like combining household garbage with trimmings because of the smell. They also commented that not all the trash comes out when the supercart is emptied, especially if it is compacted. According to Valley Waste Management, an easy solution for this is to keep several inches of water in the bottom of the supercart. · Participants want to know how automated refuse collection will affect Valley Waste Management's quarterly clean-ups. Recycling and Supercart Pilot Comparison Reviewing the recycling attitudes of participants who only recycled with those who recycled and used the supercarts does not reveal any major differences in opinion. Those who participated in both pilots generally share the same outlook, support, and enthusi asm about the recycl ing program as those who only participated in the recycling pilot. The majority think the recycling containers are easy to use, they will continue to participate in the program, and they would still recycle if it were not mandatory. Comments from participants in both pilots about curbside recycling were similar to those received from recycl ing only parti ci pants. Reviewing the automated refuse collection attitudes of participants who only had the supercart with those who used the supercart and participated in curbside recycling also does not reveal any major 17 differences in opinion. Those who participated in both pilots were equally enthusi astic about usi ng the supercarts. Both groups th ink the supercart provides enough roam for household garbage but is not adequate to accommodate garden trimmings. The majority think the supercart is easy to use and more convenient than regul ar garbage containers, and they would prefer to keep the supercart. Garbage service during the pilot was considered the same or better by participants in both pilots. Comments from participants in both pilots about automated refuse collection service were similar to those received from the supercart-only pa rti ci pants. Curbside Recycling Participation District staff conducted two intensive four-week participation counts during the pilot curbside recycling program. Data on the number of people participating as well as the type of recyclables being collected was accurately tabulated through an actual household-by- household count in Lafayette, Alamo, and Danville. The results of these participaton counts and set-out evaluations is included in Attachments 12 through 19. Valley Waste Management provided the information on the amount of glass, aluminum and plastic, and newspaper being collected. During the first participation count conducted from March 15, 1989 to April 7, 1989, the overall monthly participation rate was an astounding 78.1%. Most recycling programs consider a 50% monthly participation successful. Danville had the highest participation, with 83.7% of the residents recycling at least one time per month; Alamo followed with an 82.4% recycling participation rate; and Lafayette recycled at a somewhat lower 71.5% rate. 18 ... .',.'_'___.n__'__'_"_'~""___'__'__'_____'____'""~_"-~__'..___m--r_"D.__" - ~', ....------'-~-.-T.-" The amount of recyclables collected for the first evaluation period was very high, averagi ng 51.04 pounds per househol d per month. Most successful recycling programs average approximately 38 pounds per month. Because the pil ot program was well-publicized before it started up, people tended to save their recyclables for the first weeks of collection. Valley Waste Management staff reported that they had to use an additi onal truck to coll act the extremely 1 arge vol ume of newspaper being left at curbside in Alamo and Danvi11e. Counting the number and type of recyc1ab1es being left at the curb confirms that the most commonly recycled material is newspaper. Nearly 85% of the total number of set-outs is newspaper, followed by gl ass at 67%, and aluminum/plastic at 53%. During the second participation count conducted from May 10, 1989 to June 2, 1989, the overall monthly participation rate increased in all three areas, for an 81.7% participation rate. Danville still had the highest participation with 87.5% participating at least one time per month, followed by Alamo with 84.2%, and Lafayette with 74.6%. The pounds of recyclables collected per household was still high during the second evaluation period, averaging 48.36 pounds per month. Newspaper continued to be the most commonly recycled material followed by glass and aluminum/plastic. A terrain comparison was performed to determine if geography played a contributing factor in overall curbside recycling for Alamo, Danvi11e, and Lafayette (see Attachment 20). Except for the hilly El Pintado area in Danville, where long steep driveways make it difficult for residents to carry their recyc1ables to the curb, participation rates were not significantly affected by terrain. In fact several flat areas exhibited 19 lower participation rates than the hilly sections. Overall, participation in Lafayette, which is the hilliest area of the three communities, was lower. The Lafayette pilot also included a section of duplex homes which contributed to its lower participation rate in that a rea. 20 Financial Operating Results Of The Pl1 at Curbside Recycling Progr. Fi nanci al reports of the revenues and expenses of the curbsi de recycling program for the three-month pilot period were prepared by Valley Waste Management. The basis upon which expenses were allocated to the curbside recycl ing program, and the revenues from the sal e of the recyclables were revi~ed by Price Waterhouse in conjunction with the review of the collector's refuse collection rate application. The follOtling summarizes the operating results of the curbside recycl ing program for the 3600 residences in the pil ot program for the three-month period, as reported by the collector: Cumul ative Total s March April May Marl Apr/May Apr/May Sal e of Recycl abl es $5,3 83 6,860 5,555 17 ,798 12,415 Operating Expenses <8,898> <7,920> <7,259> <24,077> <15,179> Operati ng Lbss <3,515> <1,060> <1,704> < 6,279> < 2,764> General & Admi n. Expenses: Other < 645> < 645> < 645> < 1,935> < 1,200> Interest <1,095> <1,095> <1,095> < 3,285> < 2,100> Total General & Admi n. Expenses <1,740> <1,740> <1,740> < 5,220> < 3,400> Pre-tax Loss <5,255> <2,000> <3,444> <11,499> < 6,244> Recycling Assessment 5 , 930 3,420 4,020 13,370 7,440 Pre-tax Income $ 675 620 576 1,871 1,196 Number of Residences 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 Monthly Incremental Expense Per Residence $ 1.65 .95 1.12 1.24 1.03 In each of the three months, an operating loss was reported as the proceeds from the sal e of the recycl abl e mater1 al s were 1 ess than operati ng expenses. The apporti onment of General and Admi ni strative 21 expenses, which included imputed interest on capital equipment, increased the loss to $5,255, $2,800 and $3,444 for March, April and May, respectivel y. The crnount necessary to offset the pre-tax loss for each month, computed on the basis of a 94 operating ratio <6 percent profit margin>, is shQtln in the above summary as " Recycl ing Assessment". The allocation of the Recycl ing Assessment to the 3,600 residences produced the reported Incremental Expense per residence of $1.65, $.95 and $1.12 for March, April and May, respectivel y. Because the start-up month of March is considered not to be representative because of higher 1 abor expenses, the collector believes that the Monthly Incremental Expense per residence of $1.05 <$1.03 rounded to the nearest 5 cents>, based on the combined April and May operating results, should be assessed. The major assumption used by the collector in preparing the monthly operati ng resul ts reported were: · Recycl abl e materi al s are currentl y bei ng sol d to the buyback center at the GBF 1 andfill in Antioch at $20 per ton for newspaper, $1,700 per ton for al uminum and $60 per ton for g1 ass. · Depreciation is calculated based on a useful 1 ife of eight years for trucks, five years for equipment and five years for recycling contai ners. · The avoi ded cost of 1 andfil 1 di sposal eq uiv al ent to ~ percent of the recycl abl e tons collected, based on $47 per ton, is netted against the operating expenses of the recycling program. · Approximately $30,000 of costs incurred in March rel ated to the del ivery of containers to residents and establ ishment of collection routes have been capital ized as start-up costs and are being amortized over five years. 22 o Profit is computed based on the 94 percent operating ratio used by the District in setting refuse collection rates. The 94 percent operation ratio used by the District in setting refuse collection rates is based on providing a profit margin which is pre-tax and before interest expense. If interest expense is excluded from General and Administrative expenses for each month of the pilot program, the monthly Incremental Expense Per Residence woul d be $.91 for the th ree-month peri od and $.71 for the two-month peri od, excl udi ng the start-up month of March. If interest on capital purchased were incl uded, but the monthly Incremental Expense Per Residence was computed on a break even basis, the amount woul d be $1.06 for the three-month period. In its review of the operating results of the Valley Waste Management curbside recycl ing program and similar recycl ing programs in other jurisdictions, Price Waterhouse reported that: o The monthly Incremental Expense Per Residence in other jurisdictions ranged from $.88 to $1.05. o Because of the size of the current pilot program and current lack of storage facil iti es, the collector del ivers the recycl abl es collected to the Concord Di sposal Buyback Center on a dai 1 y basis. The current vol ume of recycl abl es del ivered does not result in the best prices being obtained. Higher volumes of recycl abl e materi al s produced by full -scal e impl ementati on of the curbside recycling program, and obtaining a storage capability coul d all 011 more aggressive marketi ng of recycl abl e materf al s, thereby lowering the Incremental Expense Per Residence. 23 A TT ACH~1ENT 1 ~ v,,,,,, ...... .'M,.mM' .#c;oST.~ , ~~ f~~\ ~ February 8, 1989 Dear Your home is in an area that has been selected to participate in a special th ree-month recycl i ng pil ot program. The resul ts of th i s pil ot program will be used to determi ne the cost and effectiveness of impl ementi ng a curbsi de recycli ng program th rough out Danv ill e. Four Danv ill e nei ghborhoods will participate in the pilot which is scheduled to begin in March. The pilot program will be comprised of three components: Some homes will participate in curbside recycling along with the traditional method of garbage pick-up Some homes will participate in autanated trash pick-up along with curbside recycling Sane homes will participate in automated trash pick-up only As you may know, a severe landfill shortage exists in Contra Costa County. To help reduce the amount of solid waste being sent to our landfills, community recycl ing programs are being established. Because of the landfill shortage, we will soon have to export some of our garbage out-of-County. Other counties are mandating that we have curbside recycling programs in operation before they will accept our trash. For these reasons. the Town of Danville is cooperating with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San). the garbage franchisor for Danville. and Valley Waste Management, your garbage haul er, to conduct a pil ot curbsi de recycli ng program in the Danville community. . . . In order to conduct an effective recycling pilot program, we would like to hear your opi ni ons about recycli ng. Pl ease take a few mi nutes to compl ete the attached. bri ef survey. A sel f-addressed, stamped envelope is enclosed for your use. We would appreciate having this survey returned to us by March 1. 1989. ) You will be participating in the Curbside Recycling Pilot only. By late February or early March. three special plastic containers will be delivered to your home along with directions on how to recycle during the pilot program. Pick-up of aluminum. glass, plastic beverage containers, and newspaper will occur on the same day as garbage collection. Central Contra Coehl SIInlhlry DI,lrlcl 5019 Imhoff Place. Martinez. CA 94553-4392 (415) 689-3890 * Recycled Paper Page two Ifyouwouldlikemore information about the type of program inwhich you are participating, please call Laurie Walsh from Valley Waste Management at 935-8900, or Harriette Heibel from Central Contra Costa Sanitary District at 689-3890. An informational meeting for your neighborhood is also being scheduled. The following meetings will be held: · Town & Country I-meowners (and other street~ that lIay not be in an Association Saturday, February 18, 1989, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. In front of Lucky's Food Store, 660 San Ramon Valley Blvd. · Greenbrook Homeowners Association Tuesday, February 21, 1989, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 300 Greenbrook Drive (near Harlan) · Sycamore HODeS Association Wednesday, February 22, 1989, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. 635 Old Orchard Road - Clubhouse Annex . El Pintado Road Association Saturday, February 25, 1989, 11:30 a.m. 755 El Pintado Road Your parti ci pati on in, and your comments about, the pll ot program are important. They will be valuable in assisting Central San, Valley Waste Management, and the Town of Danv1l1e in determining the success of curbside recycling and automated trash pick-Up. Please help us conserve resources and save landfill space. We look forward to receiving your input on the recycling survey. Sincerely, ~~>x(~ ;2~ Susan MeNul ty Ra1 ney President, Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District L /J1..fL~aUy Susanna Schlendorf Mayor Town of Danv ill e ~~ Marshall Grodin General Manager Vall ey Waste Management ) c ATTACHMENT 1 ~ v."" w.... ".~..m'" ,.,.eosr. ... ~ ,. ~.. l~\ ~ February 8, 1989 Dear Your hOme is in an area that has been selected to participate in a special th ree-month recyc1 i ng pfl ot program. The resu1 ts of th is pfl ot program will be used to determine the cost and effectiveness of imp1anenting a curbside recycling program throughout Danvf11e. Four Danvil1e neighbor- hoods will participate in the pilot which is scheduled to begin in March. The pilot program will be comprised of three components: . ) . Some homes will parti ci pate in curbsi de recyc1 i ng along with the traditional method of garbage pick-up Some homes will participate in automated trash pick-up along with curbside recycling Some homes will participate in automated trash pick-up only . As you may know, a severe landfill shortage exists in Contra Costa County. To he1 p reduce the crnount of sol id waste bei ng sent to our 1 andfill s, community recycling programs are being established. Because of the 1 andfil1 shortage, we will soon have to export some of our garbage out-of-County. Other counties are mandating that we have curbside recycling programs in operation before they will accept our trash. For these reasons, the Town of Danvi11e is cooperating with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San), the garbage franchisor for Danvi11e, and Vall ey Waste Management, your ga rbage haul er, to conduct a pil ot curbside recycling program in the Danvi11e community. ) This automated trash pick-up program is being tested because it is more efficient and cost-effective than normal trash pick-up. If the pilot program is successful and automated trash pick-up is implemented throughout Danville, it may be one way to hold down garbage rates that are escalating steeply due to the County's landfill shortage. In order to conduct an effective recycling pilot program, we would like to hear your opi ni ons about recycl i ng. Pl ease take a few mi nutes to compl ete the attached, brief survey. A self-addressed, stamped envelope is enclosed for your use. We would appreciate having this survey returned to us by March 1, 1989. Cenl,.. Cont,. eo.I8 S8nlt8ry District 5019 Imhoff PI.ce, M.rtinez, CA 94553-4392 (415) 689-3890 (1) R~cled Paper Page two You will be participating in both the Curbside Recycling and Auta.ated Trash Pick-up Pll ot. By 1 ate February or early March, th ree special pl asti c contai ners w il 1 be del ivered to your home along with di recti ons on how to recycl e duri ng the pll ot program. Pi ck-up of al urni nurn, gl ass, pl asti c beverage contai ners, and newspaper wil 1 occur on the same day as garbage collectior'\. You will also receive ~ither a 60 or 100-gallon wheeled container to replace your 32-gallon garbage can(s). On collection day, this "supercart", as it is called, must be wheeled to the curb by each customer where it will be picked up by a special automated truck. If you. woul d like more informati on about the type of program in which you are participating, please call Laurie Walsh from Valley Waste Management at 935-8900, or Harriette Heibel from Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict at 689-3890. An i nformati onal meeti ng for your neighborhood is also being planned. The following meetings will be held: · Town & Country Homeowners (and other streets that aay not be in an Association) Saturday, FAbruary 18, 1989, 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. In front of Lucky's Food Store, 660 San Ramon Valley Blvd. · Greenbrook Haaeowners Association Tuesday, February 21, 1989, 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. 300 Greenbrook Drive (near Harlan) . Sycamore Homes Association Wednesday, February 22, 1989, 7:30 - 9:00 p.m. 635 Old Orchard Road - Clubhouse Annex · El Pintado Road Association Saturday, February 25, 1989, 11:30 a.m. 755 El Pintado Road Your participation in, and your comments about, the program are important. They will be val uabl e in assi sti ng Central San, Valley Waste Management, and the Town of Danvllle in determining the success of curbside recycling and automated trash pick-up. Please help us conserve resources and save landfill space. We look forward to receiving your input on the recycl ing survey. Sincerely, ) ~~_'/Ac~ R~ Susan McNulty Rainey President, Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ~ ")11.AL~aUy Susanna Schlendorf Mayor Town of Danv i 11 e ~~~ Marshall Grodin General Manager Valley Waste Management ATTACHMENT 1 ~ "",' Wu~ .,,,,,m,., ;toS'A~ 6"" ~~ f~~\ ~~oJ February 8, 1989 Your home is in an area that has been selected to participate in a special three-month pilot program. The results of this pilot program will be used to determine the cost and effectiveness of implementing automated trash piCk-up throughout the Alamo community. Alamo i~ cooperating with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (Central San), the ga rbage franch i sor for Al arno, and Vall ey Waste Management, your garbage hauler, to conduct this pilot study. Several Alarno neighborhoods will participate in the pilot which is schedul ed to begi n in March. By 1 ate February or early March, your 32-gallon garbage can(s) will be replaced by either a 60 or 100-gallon wheeled container. On collection day, this "supercart", as it is called, must be wheeled to the curb by each customer. There it will be picked up by a special truck equipped with a mechanical "armtl that will lift the supercart. This automated trash piCk-up program is being tested because it is more effici ent and cost-effective than normal trash pi ck-up. If the pil ot program is successful and automated trash pick-up is implemented throughout Al arno, it may be one way to hol d down garbage rates that are escalating steeply due to the County's landfill shortage. If you would like more information about the pilot automated trash pick-up program in which you are participating, please call Laurie Walsh from Valley Waste Management at 935-8900, or Harriette Heibel at Central Contra Costa Sanitary Oi strict at 689-3890. Sincerely, ~~>x<~ R~ Susan McNulty Rainey PreSident, Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary Oi strict ~~~ Marshall Grodin General Manager Valley Waste Management Central Contra Costa Sanitary DI,trlct 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 (415) 689-3890 * Recycled Paper ATTACHi'1ENT 2 . ".',',",-,., ..-, . ..., '.-. .....-:.-, .:.:-:-:.;.;.:.:-:........ . ....... ....:;:::::;:::;:::;:,::::::.::>:::;.;:::: .....' ...... ,", ,.....,'............. ................. . '>;:;:;:;:;:::::::::::;:;:;:>:>.-::;.::::;:;::.:.::,:::::::.::-.:.:::::.:.:::.:::.::;:..;:;:;:;:;:;:;:.::::::":::::::.:::;':::;:;::::::-::'::,:::::-::: ':::::::::::.:::;'::". ., . . . .... ,.. . ...... .....................................i...<<UUU..:/> :.i.....:::::.....::::QiNYJI.LS....:/:.:..:.>:.....<?U..i>.:...........<.U/Ui..)>..:.................. . 1. Do you think curbside recycling (check those that apply) o is a good idea and you would participate o can save landfill space o benefits the environment and saves re- sources o is not worth the trouble o Other 2. Do you recycle now? 0 Yes 0 No If yes, please answer questions a, b, and c. a. How often, do you recycle, Ie., bring recycla- ble materials to recycling facility, newspa- per drop box, or grocery store recycling re- demption center? o Weekly o Monthly o Occasionally b. What materials do you recycle? o Newspaper o Glass o Aluminum cans o Plastic o Cardboard o Other c. Where do you recycle? o Grocery store 20-20 igloos for glass, aluminum cans, and plastic bottles o Recycling buy-back center o Newspaper drop box o Charitable organization o Other 3. If you do NQL recycle, what are the reasons (check all that apply)? o Don't have enough materials to recycle o Don't know where to recycle o Not enough space to store materials o Don't know what needs to be done o Too much trouble o Difficult to remember when recycling ) centers are staffed. o Wastes time, energy and gas o Other 4. What do you think about your present level of garbage pick-up? o Dependable o Convenient o Organized o Spilled trash o Lids left off garbage cans o Unreliable o Other 5. Do you currently place your garbage at the curb? DYes o No 6. Are you interested in assisting in the implementa- tion of the pilot curbside recycling program? DYes o No If yes, please give name and phone number. Name Ph. No. 7. Do you have any other comments regarding recy- cling? W Recycled Paper ATTACHMENT 3 SURVEY I RESULTS IN VALLEY WASTE MANH2E~NT FRANCHISE AREAS ALN40 -OANVILLE LAF AYETIE OVERALL Number of surveys mailed 1172 1202 1191 3565 Number of responses 788/67.21 744/61.91 783/65.71 2315/64.91 Question 1: · Number who think recycling is a good idea and would participate 644/81.71 619/83 .21 672/85 .81 1935/83 .61 · Number who think recycling can save landfill space 529/67.11 528/711 536/68.41 1593/68.81 · Number who think recycling benefits the environment and saves resources 548/69.51 560/75.21 563/71.91 1671/72.21 · Number who think recycling is not worth the trouble 44/5.61 32/4.31 44/5.61 120/5.21 ,ther recycling opinions 48/6.31 54/7.21 75/9.61 177/7.51 Question 2: · Number who recycl e 549/69.71 550/73.91 562/71.81 1661/71.71 · Number who do not recycl e 220/27.91 179/24.11 188/24.01 587/25 .31 Question 2a: · Number who recycl e weekly 101/12.81 76/10.21 103/13.11 200/12.11 · Number who recycl e monthly 250/31.71 260/34.91 262/33.51 772/33.31 · Number who recycle occasionally 197/251 210/28.21 213/27.21 620/26.81 Question 2b: · Number who recycl e newspaper 528/671 520/69.91 552/70.51 1600/691 · Number who recycl e gl ass 196/24.91 202/27.11 287/36.61 685/29.61 · Number who recycle aluminum cans 311/39.41 329/44.21 386/49.31 1026/44.31 · Number who recycle plastic 92/17.81 102/13.71 119/15.2% 313/13.51 ''- riumber who recycle cardboard 48/6.11 44/61 70/8.91 162/71 · Number who recycl e other 21/12.71 14/1.91 13/1.61 48/2.11 Q.uestfon 2c: · Number who recyc"i e at 20-20 redemption centers · Number who recycle at other buy-back centers · Number who recycle at newspaper drop boxes · Number who recycle with charitable organizations · Number who recycle other places Q.uestf on 3: · Number who don't recycle because: · Don't have enough materials · Don't know where to recycle · Not enough space to store · Don't know what needs to be done · Too much trouble · Difficult to remember when recycling centers are staffed · Wastes time, energy, gas · Other Q.uestfon 4: o Number who think garbage pick-up is: · Dependabl e · Conv en i ent · Organized · Spilled trash · Lids left off garbage cans ~ AJID 216/27.41 115/14.61 383/48.61 139/17.61 18/2.31 105/13.31 114/14.41 100/12.7S 96/12.21 122/15 .51 57/7.21 54/6.81 31/ 41 704/89.31 437/55.41 299/37.91 54/6.8% 51/6.51 DANVILlE 249/33.51 89/11.91 424/571 197/26.51 13/1.7S 93/12.51 54/7.3 89/121 62/8.31 91/12.21 55/7.41 39/5.21 35/4.71 666/89.51 441/59.31 338/45.41 49/6.61 78/10.51 lAF AYETlE 306/39.11 99/12.61 429/54.81 162/20.71 14/1.81 120/15 .3% 55/7.01 99/12.61 61/7.81 122/15 .61 43/5.51 39/5.01 34/4.41 530/67.7S 478/61.01 311/39.71 88/11.21 141/ 181 OVERAll 771/33 .31 303/13.1% 1236/53.41 498/21.51 45/2.21 318/13.71 337/14.61 288/12.41 219/9.51 335/14.51 155/6.7S 132/5.7S 100/4.31 19)0/82.1I 1356/58.61 948/411 191/8.31 270/11.7S ALAMO ----DANV-IllE --- -LAFAYETlE. ---...-OVElW.l fiuestfon4: (continued) · Unreli abl e 7/ .91 1/ .131 6/.81 14/ .61 · Other 86/10.91 70/9.41 65/8.31 221/9.51 fiuestion 5: · Number who place garbage at curb 539/68.41 645/86.71 300/48.51 1564/67.61 · Number who do not place garbage at curb 241/30.61 93/12.51 413/52.71 747/31.31 fiuestfon 6: · Number interested in assisting with program implementation 475/60.31 372/501 383/491 1230/53.11 · Number not interesting in assi sti ng with program impl ementati on 240 /30 .41 284/38.21 300/38.31 824/35.61 ATTACHMENT 4 . . ,". t,'> . . ..,,;/. ...,~ ..:.' ~ '.. .... <" ';';Q.' ;'. 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'~'!;1i"!"~' ~Q,.. ""'''-''''':'':'.: t:\~C5 ~\':b "I~~-:: IfJli1jUtil is i . ~l~!\j);s ~:~! ls'.;(~~\';' .. ,~ ""'O~ :.~ er<1,'~ ; ,.JiDe ~ ~ ~ ~1l :H~].i~~ It'li:;!H~1it~\!,:-: . .:: i"~' m~.,.i! 'lniifif!iilulittl~l!hH!rl. !}..... '.',.-=.~..()J)4...;..,:~..JljR.~u~.ei"..'8I~1ii.~.s8fi ' .i.)ill J;.':.," " .', .. ,"~~~" '.', ;':,' :;:.~~_i:.~.~~:2~~:_i~L~,~-;~..~~.,',:..{.::L:..::!..<'<.:'...~~:.~_:..._..._.._....__... ATTACHMENT 5 ---- \. ~ Yo"" w,,,,. "'".g~~' .NC:OSTA~ , ~~ l~~'\ ~ Apr11 18, 1989 We are now midway through the pilot curbside recycling program. Danvllle has been recycling at a healthy 83.7 percent, averaging 64.8 pounds of recyclables per participating household per monthl Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Valley Waste Management, and the Town of Danville are very pleased with these resul ts. At this point in the pilot program, we would appreciate if you would take the time to complete a brief, fOllow-up survey. This will help us to determine how well the curbside recycling program has been received in your community, and what speci al efforts may need to be taken before the program can be expanded throughout Danv11le. A sel f-addressed, stamped envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Please return the survey by May 15, 1989. , You may be interested in knowing that out of the 1200 Danville homes to which we sent our first survey, 62% responded I Eighty-three percent of those who responded believe recycl i ng is a good idea, and 74~ i ndi cated they al ready recycle through non-profit organizations, buy-back centers, and newspaper drop boxes. Several recurring questions were raised in the comment section of the survey, and we would like to respond to some of these. 1. Why does curbside recycl1ng cost IIOney if 'the garbage co.pany is able to sell the recyc1ab1es? 2. Unfortunately, the revenue received from the sale of recyclables is not enough to pay for the cost of processing the recyclables, i.e., labor, equipment (recycling trucks and containers), and transportation costs. At this time, the cost for operating a curbside recycling program in cities on the West Coast ranges up to $1.00 per month, depending on participation and the amount of recyclables collected. Will non-profit organizations, such as 'Jbe Boy Scouts, who earn IIOney f~ recycling be adversely affected by a curbside recycling progr~? It is not the intent of thi s prog~am to adversely affect any exi sti ng vol unteer programs who depend on recycli ng for some of thei r operati ng. funds. In fact, where possible, such programs have been integrated into the overall community recyc11ng programs in a very constructive way. It has been found that large-scale recycling programs often help on-going recycling programs. We believe that there are more than enough recyclable materials for several programs. For those people currently recycling with a non-profit organization, we encourage them to continue with this practice and to recycle the other materials through the curbside recycling program. "- Central Contra Costll SIInltllry District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. CA 94553-4392 (415) 689-3890 * Recycled Paper \ 3. Why is curbside recycling so i.portant all of a sudden? State law mandates that Contra Costa County's Solid Waste Management Plan include ambitious goals for reducing the amount of solid waste being sent to 1 andf 111 s. The draft County Sol i d Waste Management Pl an requi res diverting 30% of the total wastestream away from the landfill through recycling within the next five years.. Without widespread curbside recycling programs, this goal will be impossible to meet. Also, several pieces of state legislation proposing mandatory recycling are pending. Currently, the most pressing reason for implementing curbside recycling programs is the l1m1ted landfill space available within Contra Costa County. We w1ll soon have to export our trash outside the County, and counties like Alameda have clearly indicated that they will not accept our trash unless we have curbside recycling programs in place as they wish to m1nim1ze the amount of waste that comes into their county. ( 4. W1ll other .ater1als beside newspaper, glass, plastic beverage containers, an~ alua1nUII cans ever be accepted in the curbside recycling progr_? At the present t1me, the only economically strong markets that exist for recyclable materials are newspaper, glass, plastic beverage (soda) conta1ners, and alum1num cans. As viable markets for other recyclables, such as. t1n cans and plastic milk bottles, are developed, we w1ll begin accept1ng them. We l1ve in a hl1ly area and our driveway is very long and steep. Although we would like to participate in curbside recycling, the containers are too heavy for us to carry down to the curb. Any suggestions? 5. Some people who live in hilly areas with long, steep driveways place the recycling conta1ners in the trunk of their car and drive them down to the curb. Ded1cated recyclers find that curbside recycling is more convenient than transporting their recyclables to the nearest drop-off center. 6. Where can the recycling containers be stored? Many people store the recycling containers in their garage, next to their trash can, in the pantry, or in a closet. If you have other questions regarding recycling, please contact Harriette Heibel from Central Contra Costa Sanitary District at 689-3890, or Laurie Walsh from Valley Waste Management at 935-8900. Your partic1pation 1n Danville's curbside recycling pilot program has been very valuable. We look forward to your further ideas on the follow-up survey. S1 ncerely, '" ~_'lJt,~ R~ Susan McNulty Rainey President, Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District kna 7J1. //Lth1c:Uy Susanna Schlendorf Mayor Town of Danv i 11 e ~~ Marshall Grodin General Manager Vall ey Waste Management ATTACHt.1ENT 5 IQ ~ Valley Waste Management At'toSTA ...., d"" ~J. f~~\ ~ Ap r il 18, 1989 We are now midway through the pilot curbside recycl ing and automated trash pick-up program. Alamo has been recycling at a healthy 80.5 percent, averaging 64.7 pounds of recyclables per participating household per month! Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Valley Waste Management, and the community of Alamo are very pleased with these results. At th i s poi nt in the pi 1 ot program, we woul d appreci ate if you woul d take the time to complete a brief, follow-up survey. This will help us to determine how well the curbside recycling and automated trash pick-up program has been received in your community, and what special efforts may need to be taken before either or both portiones) of the program can be expanded throughout Alamo. A sel f-addressed, stamped envelope is enclosed for your conveni ence. Pl ease return the survey by May 15, 1989. As you may know, the automated trash pick-up pilot is being tested because it is more efficient and cost-effective than normal trash pick-up. Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict and Valley Waste Management are 1 ooki ng for innovative ways to control skyrocketing garbage rates caused by the County's landfill shortage. You may be interested in knowing that out of the 1200 Alamo homes to which we sent our first survey, 65.7% responded! Eighty-two percent of those who responded believe recycling is a good idea, and 7CB, indicated they already recycl e th rough non-profit organizati ons, buy-back centers, or newspaper drop boxes. Several recurring questions were raised in the comment section of the survey, and we would like to respond to some of these. 1. Why does curbside recycling cost IIOney if 'the garbage COIIpany is able to sell 'the recyclables? Unfortunately, the revenue received from the sal e of recycl abl es is not enough to pay for the cost of processi ng the recycl abl es, i. e., 1 abor, equipment (recycling trucks and containers), and transportation costs. At this time, the cost for operating a curbside recycling program in cities on the West Coast ranges up to $1.00 per month, depending on participation and the amount of recyclables collected. 2. How can using the supercarts reduce ~ garbage bills? With the supercarts system, only one person is needed to operate the special automated garbage truck, thus saving on labor expenses. Also because the supercart is wheeled to the curb, the actual time spent collecting garbage in any community is less than with traditional garbage service. Other cost savings may be realized through less worker injuries. Centrlll Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 (415) 689-3890 * Recycled Paper ;. .. 3. wn 1 non-prof1't organ1zat10ns. such as 'the Boy Scouts. who earn IIOney fro. recycling be adversely affected by a curbside recycling progra.? It is not the intent of this program to adversely affect any existing vol unteer programs who depend on recyc1i ng for some of thei r operati ng funds. In fact, where possible, such programs have been integrated into the overall community recyc1 ing programs in a very constructive way. It has been found that large-scale recycling programs often help on-going recycling programs. We believe that there are more than enough recyclable materials for several programs. For those people currently recycling with a non-profit organization, we encourage them to continue with this practice and to recycle the other materials through curbside recycling program. 4. Why is curbside recycling so important all of a sudden? State 1 aw mandates th at Contra Costa County' s. ~So 1i d Waste Management Pl an include ambitious goals for reducing the amount of solid waste being sent to landfills. The draft County Solid Waste Management Plan requires diverting 30% of the total wastestream away from the landfill through recycling within the next five years. Without widespread curbside recyc1 ing programs, this goal will be impossible to meet. Also, several pieces of state legislation proposing mandatory recycling are pending. Currently, the most pressing reason for implementing curbside recycling programs is the limited landfill space available within Contra Costa County. We will soon have to export our trash outside the County, and counties like Alameda have clearly indicated that they will not accept our trash unless we have curbside recycling programs in place as they wish to minimize the amount of waste that comes into their county. 5. W111 other .a"ter1als beside newspaper. glass. plastic beverage containers. and aluminum cans ever be aooep"ted in 'the curbside recycling progra.? At the present time, the only economically strong markets that exi st for recyclable materials are newspaper, glass, plastic beverage (soda) containers, and aluminum cans. As viable markets for other recyclab1es, such as tin cans and plastic milk bottles, are developed, we will begin accepting them. 6. We live in a hilly area and our driveway is very long and steep. Although we would like to par'ticipa"te in curbside recycling. 'the containers are too heavy for us to carry down to the curb. Any suggestions? Some people who live in hilly areas with long, steep driveways place the recycling containers in the trunk of their car and drive them down to the curb. Dedicated recyclers find that curbside recycling is more convenient than transporting their recyc1ab1es to the nearest drop-off center. 7. Where can the recycling containers be stored? Many people store the recycling containers in their garage, next to their tr~sh can, in the pantry, or in a closet. If you have other questions regarding recycling, please contact Harriette Heibel from Central Contra Costa Sanitary Oi strict at 689-3890, or Laurie Walsh from Valley Waste Management at 935-8900. Your participation in Alamo's curbside recycling and automated trash piCk-Up pilot program has been very valuable. We look forward to your further ideas on the follow-up survey. Sincerely, ~~>x<~ R~ Susan McNulty Rainey President, Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ~~~ Marshall Grodin General Manager Valley Waste Management ATTACHMENT 5 ~ ~ Valley Waste Management ,;c;OSTA~1 cr "c,~ J~~ 6' I" ~ April 18, 1989 We are now midway through the pilot automated trash pick-up program. In order to effectively eval uate th 1s program, we woul d like to hear your opi ni ons about the new covered, wheeled trash containers called supercarts, and the automated trash pick-up service. Your comments are important and will hel p the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict Board of Di rectors determine if the supercarts will be introduced throughout the community of Alamo. Pl ease take a few moments to compl ete the attached survey. A sel f-addressed, stamped envelope is enclosed for your conveni ence. We woul d appreci ate hav i ng this survey returned to us by May 15, 1989. As you may know, the automated trash pick-up pilot is being tested because it is more efficient and cost-effective than normal trash pick-up. In other parts of Alamo, some homes that are using the supercarts are also participating ina pilot curbside recycl ing program. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and Valley Waste Management are looking for innovative ways to control skyrocketing garbage rates caused by the County's landfill shortage. If you have any questions regarding the surveyor automated trash pick-up, pl ease contact Harriette Heibel from Central Contra Costa Sanitary Di strict at 689-3890, or Laurie Walsh from Valley Waste Management at 935-8900. your participation in Alamo's automated trash pick-up pilot program has been very valuable. We look forward to your ideas on the survey. Sincerely, ~_ '>>.,~ ;2~ Susan McNulty Rainey President, Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ~~~ Marshall Grodin General Manager Valley Waste Management Centrel Contra COlta Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553-4392 (415) 689-3890 @ "'cl'(I~~ ;:.~.; ATTACHMENT 6 Recy~g&ypercart Survey 1. Did you participate in the pilot curbside program? a Yes a No 2. " you did NOT participate In the curbside recycling pilot, what are the reasons (check all apply): a Recycle elsewhere a Don't have enough materials to recycle a Too far to carry containers a Too much trouble a Don't have the time a Other 3. Are you also recycling with other than the curbside program? a Yes a No " yes, where? a Grocery store 20-20 igloos a Recycling buy-back center a Newspaper drop box a Non-profit organization a Other L As part of the pilot recycling program you received 3 household containers. Were they (check all that apply): a Easy to use a Easy to bring to curb a Hard to handle a Too big a Too small a Other 5. Will you continue to participate in the curbside recycling program? a Yes a No 6. Would you still recycle if It were not mandatory and counties like Alameda did not require It as a condition of accepting our trash? a Yesa No 7. Does the supercart provide enough room for your household garbage? o Yes a No 8. Does the supercart adequately accommodate your yard trimmings?' . aYes a No Do you find the supercart handy to use while you are gardening? a Yes a No 10. Is the supercart: a Easy to use a Difficult to use a More convenient than traditional trash containers a less convenient than traditional trash containers 11. Would you prefer to: a Keep the supercart a Use your regular trash can a Undecided 12. How would you rate your garbage service during the automated trash pick-up pilot? a Same as before a Better a Worse 13. If you thought your garbage service during the automated trash pick-up pilot was WORSE, please tell why (check all that apply): a More spillage a less capacity a Inconvenient a Have to do more work a Other 14. If the supercarts can reduce garbage rates, would you be more inclined to use them? a Yes a No 15. Any comments about the supercarts that will help us evaluate the automated trash" pick-up program? -' @ Recycled Paper ATTACHMENT 6 SURercart Survey. 1. Does the supercart provide enough room for your household garbage? DYes o No 2. Does the supercart adequately accommodate your garden trimmings? DYes o No 3. Do you find the supercart handy to use while you are gardening? DYes o No 4. Was the supercart: o Easy to use o Difficult to use o More convenient than traditional trash containers o Less convenient than traditional trash containers o Other 5. Would you prefer to: o Keep the supercart o Use your regular trash can D Undecided 6. If supercarts can reduce garbage rates, would you be more inclined to use them? DYes D No 7. How would you rate your garbage service during the automated trash pick-up pilot? o Same as before o Better a Worse 8. " you thought your garbage service during the automated trash pick-up pilot was WORSE, please tell why (check all that apply): o More spillage D Less capacity D Inconvenient D Have to do more work D Other 9. Any comments about the supercarts that will help us evaluat~ the automated trash pick-up program? Thank you for your cooperation. The Informa- tion you have provided wUl help us evaluate the use of supercarts in your community. Please use the enclosed retum-address enve- lope to retum your completed survey. .> @ Recycled Paper ATTACHMENT 7 SURVEY II RESULTS V AlLEY WASTE MANAGEJENT AREAS RECYQ.ING PILOT ON... Y AlAMO DANYILLE LAFAYETTE Number of surveys mailed 1041 1023 1191 Number of responses 670/64.41 671/65.61 690/57.91 Actual Participation 880 904 984 Actual Percent Participation 84.51 88.41 82 .61 1. Number who participated in the curbside recycling pilot · Yes 620/92.51 640/95.41 584/84.61 · No 30/4.51 26/3.91 80/11.61 · Other 20/3.01 5/ .71 26/3.81 2. Number who don't recycle because · Recycle elsewhere 18/601 23/88.51 30/37.51 · Don't have enough recyclables 21/701 19/731 31/38.71 · Too far to carry recyclables 6/201 16/201 · Too much trouble 7/231 5/19.21 16/201 · Not enough time 2/6.71 6/7.51 3a. Number who curbside recycle and recycle elsewhere ..-yes 147/23.71 209/32.71 181/311 · No 473/76.31 431/67.31 403/691 b. Number (yes) who recycle at: · 20-20 Redemption Centers 32/21.81 33/15.81 43/23.71 · Recycling Buy-Back Center 27/18.41 43/20.61 34/18.91 · Newspaper drop boxes 71/ 48.31 103/49.31 71/39.21 · Non-prOfit organizati ons 50/341 84/40.21 74/40.91 · Other pl aces 6/4.11 13/6.21 11/6.11 4a. Number who don't participate but who recycle elsewhere · Yes 17 /56.71 21/80.81 52/651 · No 13/43.31 5/19.21 28/351 b. Number (yes) who recycle at · 20-20 Redemption Centers 3/17.61 6/28.61 19/36.51 · Recycling Buy-Back Center 7/41.21 2/9.61 17/32.61 · Newspaper drop boxes 10/58.81 14/66.71 27/51.91 · Non-profit organizations 4/23.51 10/47.61 19/36.51 · Other pl aces 1/5.91 1/4.81 1/ 1.91 RECYQING PIlOTONl Y AlN/l) DANV IllE lAF AYETTE 5. Number who think the recycl i ng conta ners were · Easy to use 556/89.71 590/92.21 527/90.21 · Easy to bring to curb 431/69.51 484/75.61 383/65.61 · Hard to handle 20/3.21 23/3.61 27/4.61 · Too big 19/3.11 9/1.41 15/2.61 · Too sma"; 1 13/2.11 13/2.GS 12/2.11 · other 67/10.81 67/10.51 107/18.31 6. Number who will continue to participate in curbside · Yes 602/971 615/96.11 557/95.41 · No 6/11 11/1.7S 12/21 · other 12/21 14/2.21 15/2.61 7. Number who would still recycl e if it were not mandatory · Yes 564/84.21 558/83.21 579/83.91 · No 69/10.31 79/11.81 44/6.41 & ATTACHMENT 8 SURVEY II RESUl TS VALLEY WASTE MANAGEtENT MEAS SUPERCART PILOT OtI..Y ALN/t) DANVILlE Number of surveys mailed Number of responses 148 117/79.CJJ 155 111/71.61 1. Number who think Supercart provides enough room for household garbage · Yes · No · other 100/85.51 15/12.81 2/1.11 105/94.61 6/5.41 2. Number who think Supercart adequately accommodates garden trimmings · Yes · No · other 47/40.21 67/57.21 3/2.61 41/36.91 69/62.21 1/.91 3. Number who think Supercart easy to use while gardening · Yes · No · Other 46/39.31 64/54.11 7/61 64/57.71 43/38.11 4/3.61 4. Number who think Supercart was · Easy to use · Difficult go use · More convenient · Less convenient · other 71/60.71 3/2.61 51/ 43.61 17/14.51 7/61 73/65.81 2/1.81 60/54.11 10/91 7/6.3% 5. Number who prefer to · Keep the Supercart · Use your regular trash cans · Undeci ded 83/70.91 12/10.31 22/18.81 88/79.31 11/9.91 12/10.81 6. Number who would use supercart if it could reduce rates · Yes · No · other 106/90.61 5/4.31 6/5.11 108/97.31 3/2.71 7a. Number who think garbage service duri ng pil ot was · Same · Better · Wor sa 76/651 22/18.81 19/16.21 75/67.61 30/271 6/5.41 SUPERCART ONLY AlN<<l DANVIllE 7b. If serv ice was considered worse, reasons · More spill age 13/68.41 6/1001 · Less capacity 19/1001 6/1001 · I nconv en i ent 7/36.81 4/66.71 · More work 5/26.31 1/16.71 · Other 5/26.31 5/83.31 ATTACHMENT 9 SURVEY II RESULTS V ALLEY WASTE MANAGE~NT AREAS RECYQ. INS AND SUPERCART Number of surveys mai 1 ed Number of responses received ALAMO 131 84/64.11 107 81.11 DANVILLE Actual Participation Actual Percent Participation 1. Number who participated in the curbside recycling pilot · Yes · No · Other 179 134/74.91 134 74.91 81/96.41 2/2.41 1/1.21 116/86.61 11/8.21 7/5.21 2. Number who don't recycle because · Recycle elsewhere · Not enough recycl abl es · Too far to carry containers · Too much trouble · Don't have time · Other 2/1001 7/63.61 3/ 27 .31 5/45.41 1/9.11 1/9.11 8/72.11 1/501 1/501 3a. Number who curbside recycle and recycle elsewhere · Yes · No 31/38.31 50/61.11 40/34.51 76/65.51 b. Number (yes) who recycle at · 20-20 Redemption Centers · Recycling Buy-Back Centers · Newspaper drop boxes · Non-profit organizations · Other pl aces 7/22.61 3/9.11 22/711 12/38.11 1/3.21 8/201 7/17 .51 14/351 21/52.51 4/10.61 4a. Number who don't participate in curbside but who recycle elsewhere · Yes · No 1/501 1/501 8/12.11 3/27.31 b. Number who recycle at · 20-20 Redemption Centers · Recycling Buy-Back Centers · Newspaper drop boxes · Non-profit organizations · Other pl aces 1/1001 3/31.51 2/251 5/62.51 2/251 1/1001 RECYQ. ING & SUPERCART N-NIIJ DANVILlE 5. Number who think recycling containers were · Easy to use · Easy to bring to curb · Hard to handle · Too big · Too small · other 70/86.41 51/631 7/8.61 1/1.21 7/8.61 99/85.31 75/64.71 12/10.31 3/2.61 4/3.41 21/18.11 6. Number who will continue to participate in curbside · Yes · No · other 76/93.81 2/2.51 3/3.71 107/92.21 6/5.21 3/2.61 7. Number who would still recycle if it were not mandatory · Yes · No 61/72.61 16/191 117/87.31 14/10.41 8. Number who think Supercart provides enough room for household garbage · Yes · No · Other 72/85.71 12/14.31 121/90.31 11/8.21 2/1.51 9. Number who think Supercart adequately accommodates yard trimmings · Yes · No · other 35/41.61 45/53.61 4/51 55/411 68/50.71 11/81 10. Number who think Supercart is handy to use while gardening · Yes · No · Other 39/46.41 30/35.71 15/17 .91 57/42.51 60/44.71 17/12.71 11. Number who think Supercart is · Easy to use · Difficult to use · More convenient than traditional trash contai ners · Less convenient than traditional trash contai ners 57/67.91 5/5.91 44/52.41 11/13.11 100/74.61 9/6.71 65/48.51 17/12.71 12. Number who wou d prefer to · Keep Supercart · Use regul ar contai ner · Undeci ded 64/76.21 10/121 10/121 104/77.61 10/7.51 20/14.91 RECYa.. ING & SUPERCART 13a.Number who think garbage service during automated trash pick up was · Same · Better · Wor se b.If considered worse, the reasons · More spillage · Less capacity · Inconvenient · Have to do more work · Other 14. Number who would use Supercart if it could reduce rates · Yes · No ALAMO DANVILlE 59/70.21 99/73.91 15/17 .91 15/11.21 10/11.91 20/14.91 4/401 2/251 10/1001 7/351 3/301 7/351 4/401 7/351 4/401 14/701 76/901 132/98.51 2/1.51 I .._._--"._._._..,_._-_...~..-...,,~----"'_....,.,._.._----,-""-,-",-"",-,,,--,-,-,,'-'"""-"^-'~-_._.._". ~""-"-"'-~---'-'---- ATTACHMENT 10 SURVEY II RESUL T5 VAlLEY WASTE MANAGEtENT MEAS (Recycling Comparison between participants who recycle only and those who recycle with a Supercart) RECYa.. ING COtoPARI5ON AlNIIJ DANVILlE Recycling f(ecyl SC Recycling Recy/5C Number in pi lot 1041 131 1023 179 Number who responded to survey 670 84 671 134 Percent who responded to survey 64.41 64.11 65.61 74.91 Actual Monthly Participation 880 107 Actual Percent Partici ation 84.51 81.71 1. Participated in pil ot · Yes 92.51 96.41 95.41 86.61 · No 4.51 2.41 3.91 8.2S · Other 3.01 1.2S .71 5.2S 2. If not, the reasons · Recycle elsewhere 601 1001 88.51 63 .61 · Don't have enough recycl abl es 701 73.01 27.31 · Too far to carry recycl abl es 201 45.41 · Too much trouble 231 501 19.2S 9.11 · Not enough time 6.71 9.11 · Other 501 72.71 3a. Participated in curbside and also recycle elsewhere · Yes 23.71 38.31 32.71 34.51 · No 76.31 61.71 67.31 65.51 b. If yes, also recycle at · 20-20 Redemption Centers 21.81 22.61 15 .81 20.01 · Recycling Buy-Back Centers 18.45 9.71 20.61 17.51 · Newspaper drop boxes 48.31 71.01 49.31 35 .01 · Non-profit organizations 34.01 38.71 40.2S 52.51 · Other pl aces 4.11 3.2S 6.2S 10.01 4a. Did not participate in curbside but recycl e el sew here · Yes 56.71 501 80.81 .72.71 · No 43.31 SOl 19.21 27.31 b. If yes, recycl e at · 20-20 Redem pt i on Centers 17 .6J 28.61 37.51 · Recycl ing Buy-Back Centers 41.2S 1001 9.61 25.01 · Newspaper drop boxes 58.81 66.71 62.51 · Non-profit organizations 23 .51 1001 47.61 251 · Other pl aces 5.91 4.81 -.-____.____.__.__._____._'___'_~.__~____,_.--'-"--...-.~-----~'_r-.---.,---..,..-._..- RECYQ. ING COtI'ARISON N.. N<<) DANV ILLE Recycling ... Recy/SC Recycling Recy/SC 5. Think the recycl ing containers are · Easy to use 89.7S 86.41 92.21 85 .31 · Easy to bring to curb 69.51 63.01 75.61 64 .71 · Hard to handle 3.21 8.61 3.61 10.31 · Too big 3.11 1.41 2.61 · Too small 2.11 1.21 2.01 3.41 · Other 10.81 8.61 10.51 18.11 6. Will continue to participate in curbside · Yes 971 93.81 96.11 92.21 · No 11 2.51 1.7S 5.21 · Other 21 3.7S 2.21 2.61 7. Would still recycl e if it were not mandatory · Yes 84.21 72.61 83.21 87.31 · No 10.31 19.01 11.81 10.41 ATTACHMENT 11 SURVEY II RESULTS VALLEY WASTE MAN~EJENT AREAS <Supercart Comparison between participants who have Supercart only and those who recycle with a Supercart) SUPERCART cotf>ARISON AL N<<J DANVILLE Supercart Recy/SC Supercart Recy/SC Number in pi lot 148 131 155 179 Number who responded to survey 117 84 111 134 Percent who responded to survey 79.81 M.IS 71.61 74.91 1. Think Supercart provides enough room for household garbage · Yes 85 .51 85.71 94.61 90 .31 · No 12.81 14.31 5.41 8.21 · Other 1.71 1.51 2. Think Supercart adequately accommodates garden trimmings · Yes 40.21 41.61 36.91 41.01 · No 57.21 53.61 62.21 50.71 · Other 2.61 5.01 .91 8.01 3. Think Supercart was easy to use while gardening · Yes 39.31 46.41 57.71 42.51 · No 54.71 35 .71 38.71 44.71 · Other 6.01 17.91 3.61 12.71 4. Think Supercart was · Easy to use 60.71 67.91 65.81 74.61 · Difficult to use 2.61 5.91 1.81 6.71 · More convenient 43.61 52.41 54. IS 48.51 · Less convenient 14.51 13.11 9.01 12.71 5. Would prefer to · Keep Supercart 70.91 76.21 79.31 77 .61 · Use regul ar trash cans 10.31 11.91 9.91 7.51 · Undecided 18.81 11.91 10.81 14.91 6. Would use Supercart if it coul d reduce rates · Yes 90.61 90.01 97.31 98.51 · No 4.31 2.71 1.51 · Other 5.IS 7a. Th ink ga rbage service during pilot was · Same 65 . OJ 70.21 67.61 73.91 · Better 18.81 17.91 27.01 11.21 · Wor se 16.21 11.91 5.41 14.91 SUPERCART COM=>ARISON 7b. If considered worse, o More sp ill age o Less capaci ty o Inconven i ent o More work o Other Al. NIIJ SuperGart - -Racyl SC the reasons 68.41 40J 100J 1001 36.81 30J 26.31 40J 26.31 40J DANVILLE -----Super-cart - - Racy/SC I I I 1001 251 I 1001 351 I 66.11 351 I 16.11 351 I 83 .31 70J I ATTACHMENT 12 PILOT aJRBSIDE REcya.I~ PARTICIPATION FOR LAFAYETTE~ AL.AMO~ AND DANYIlLE (3565 pil ot househol ds) LBS.Al..& LBS.Glass P1 astie LBS.News No. Hmles Percent Collected/ Coll ected/ Collected/ Total LBS./ Partie. Partie. Per Household Per Househol d Per Househol d Per Househol d LAFAYETTE (1191 pilot households) 3/15/89 496 41.61 3 ~ 940 /3 .3 300/ .32 10~3oo/8. 7 14,700/12.3 3/22/89 522 43 .81 3,800/3.2 100/ .15 10,540/8.8 14,600/12.3 3/29/89 457 38.41 3,640/3.0 260/.22 9,460/7.9 13,360/11.2 V5/89 495 41.71 3.220/2.7 100/ .15 8.300/7.0 11.700/9.8 V 12/ 89 3.420/2.9 220/ .18 7.860/6.6 11.500/9.7 V19/89 3.160/2.7 210/.18 8.000/6.8 11.450/9.6 V26/89 3.500/2.9 260/.22 7.820/6.6 11,500/9.7 ;/3/89 3.720/3.1 260/ .22 8.760/7.4 12. 740 / 10 .7 ;/10/89 492 41.31 3.300/2.8 260/.22 7.000/6.6 11,460/9.6 ;/17 /89 504 42.31 3.620/3.0 260/.22 8.720/7.3 12.600/10.6 ;/24/89 501 42.11 3.760/3.2 220/ .18 7.900/6.7 11,960/10.04 >131/89 500 42.01 4.000/3.4 200 / .23 7.940/6.7 12,300/10.3 AI ) (1172 pilot households) 3/16/89 566 48.31 3.740/3.2 360/ .31 11.730/10.0 15.830/13 .50 1/23/89 615 52.51 4.220/3.6 320/ .27 13.100/11.17 17 .640/14.05 ;/30/89 597 50.91 3.500/3.0 350/.30 10.500/8.95 14.350/12.24 f/6/89 610 52.01 3.160/2.7 300/ .32 11.100/9.54 14.720/12.55 ~/13/89 3.500/3.0 440/ .38 10.740/9.16 14.760/12.59 ;/20/89 3.200/2.7 350/.30 10.500/9.02 14.130/12.06 ./27/89 3.440/2.9 340/ .29 11,240/9.60 15,020/12.82 ,; 4/ 89 3,400/3.0 300/.26 11,000/9.45 14,860/12.68 ,/11/89 650 55.51 3,400/2.9 200 / .24 10,700/9.20 14.460/12.34 i/18/89 637 54.41 4.100/3.5 300/.26 11,360/9.69 15,760/13.45 ;/25/89 646 55 .11 3,900/3.4 200/ .24 11,120/9.49 15,300/13.12 / i/ 1/ 89 639 54.51 4.300/3.7 320/ .27 10,040/8.57 14.740/12.58 lANYILLE (1202 pll ot househol ds) ;; 17/89 642 53.51 3.400/2.9 400 / .4 13.240/11.03 17 ,200/14.33 ;/24/89 513 42.71 3.100/2.6 300/.25 10,960/9.13 14.440 / 12 .03 ;/31/89 718 59.81 3.710/3.1 450/.37 13.300/11.15 17 ,540/14.62 ~/7/89 696 58.01 3,340/2.8 400/.33 12,120/10.1 15,860/13.22 ./14/89 3,300/2.8 300/ .32 12,060/10.05 15.820/13 .19 ./21/89 3,100/2.6 300/.25 13,060/10.88 16.460/13.72 .f 28/ 89 3,360/2.8 340/ .28 10.640 /8.87 14,340/11.95 /5/89 3,600/3.0 400/ .33 13,160/10.97 17,160/14.3 /12/89 699 58.21 3.620/3.0 200/ .23 12.000/10.07 15,900/13 .32 /19/89 669 55 .71 3.960/3.3 320/.27 10,900/9.15 15 ,260/12.72 / - '89 712 59.31 3.940/3.3 320/ .27 12.300/10.25 16,560/13 .8 ,/_ 09 657 54.71 4.500/3.7 300/ .32 11,060/9.2 15,940/13 .3 ATTACHMENT 13 PILOT WFeSIDE RECYQ.IJ<<; PARTICIPATION FOR lAFAYETIE, 14...N<<), AND DANVIllE March 15, 1989 to April 7, 1989 LBS.Al..& lBS.Glass P1 astie lBS.News No. ttc.es Percent Collected! Collected! Collected! Total lBS.! Partie. Partie. Per Househol d Per Househol d Per Househol d Per Househol d _AFAYETIE (1191 pilot households) 3/15/89 496 .41.61 3,940/3.3 300/.32 10,300/8.7 14,700/12.3 U 22/89 522 43 .81 3,800/3.2 100/ .15 10,540/8.8 14,600/12.3 ~/29/89 457 38.41 3,640/3.0 260/.22 9,460/7.9 13,360/11.2 lI5/89 495 41.11 3,220 /2.7 100/ .15 8,300/7.0 11,700/9.8 -1ONTHL Y row- 851 71.51 14,600/12.3 1,000/ .83 38,600/32.47 54,360/45.7 - "N<<> (1172 pilot households) 1/16/89 566 48.31 3,740/3.2 360/.31 11,730/10.0 15,830/13.50 ,/23/89 615 52.51 4,220/3.6 320/ .27 13,100/11.17 17,640/15 .05 ,/30/89 597 5O.9J 3,500/3.0 350/.30 10,500/8.95 14,350/12.24 ./6/89 610 52.01 3,160/2.7 300/.32 11,100/9.54 14,720/12.55 10NTHL Y -OTAL 966 82 .41 14,620/12.5 1,410/1.2 46,510/39.68 62,540 /52 .36 )ANVIllE (1202 pll ot househol ds) :/17 /89 642 53.51 3,400/2.9 400 / .4 13,240/11.03 17 ,200/14.33 _ ,/24/89 513 42.11 3,100/2.6 300/.25 10,960/9.13 14,440/12.03 ,/31/89 718 59.81 3,710/3.1 450/.37 13,300/11.15 17 ,540/14.62 ./7/89 696 58.01 3,340/2.8 400/.33 12,120/10.1 15, 860/13 .22 -1ONTHL Y -OTAL 1004 83.71 13,710/11.4 1,630/1.3 49,700/41.42 65,040/54.2 )V ERAL L DNTHL Y 2821 78.lS 43,010/12.0 4,040/1.1 134,800/37.83 181,940/51.04 'ARTICIPATION ATTACHMENT 14 PILOT aJRBSIDE RECVQ.ING PARTICIPATION FOR LAFAYETIE, R..NIIO, AND DANVILLE May 10, 1989 to June 2, 1989 LBS.Al lilt. & LBS.Glass Pl as1:1e LBS.News No. Ho.es Percent Coll ected/ Collected/ Coll ectad/ Total LBS./ Partie. Partie. Per Househol d Per Househol d Per Househol d Per Househol d _AF AYETIE (1191 pl1 ot househol ds) ;/10/89 492 41.31 3,300/2.8 2601 .22 7, ~0/6.6 11,460/9.6 ,/17/89 504 42.31 3,620/3.0 260/.22 8,720/7.3 12,600/10.6 ;/24/89 501 42.11 3,760/3.2 220/ .18 7,900/6.7 11,960/10.04 ,/31189 500 42.01 4,000/3.4 200/ .23 7,940/6.7 12,300/10.3 -10NTHL Y roTAL 874 74.61 14,760/12.4 1,020/.86 32,540/27 .3 48,3201 <<).6 ~AMO (1172 pilot households) ,/11/89 650 55.51 3,400/2.9 200/.24 10,700/9.20 14,460/12.34 ;/18/89 637 54.41 4,100/3.5 300/.26 11,360/9.69 15,760/13.45 ,/25/89 646 55 .11 3,900/3.4 200 I .24 11,120/9.49 15,300/13.12 5/1189 639 54.51 4,300/3.7 3201 .27 10,040/8.57 14,740/12,58 ""(-'\-fLY ru'f~ 987 84.21 15,860/13 .5 1,100/1.0 43,300/36.9 60,340/51.5 >ANVILLE 0202 pl1 ot househol ds) ;/12/89 699 58.21 3,620/3.0 200/.23 12,000/10.07 15 , 900 /13/32 ;/19/89 669 55.71 3,960/3.3 320/.27 10,900/9.15 15,260/12.72 ;/26/89 712 59.31 3,940/3.3 320/.27 12,300/10.25 16,560/13.8 >/2/89 657 54.71 4,500/3.7 300/.32 11,060/9.2 15 , 940 113 .3 <<)NTHL Y -OT AL 1052 87.51 16,020/13 .3 1,30011.1 46,420/38.6 63,740/53.02 )vERALL 10NTHL Y 2913 81.71 46,640/13 .1 3,500/.98 122,260/34.29 172,400148.36 )ARTICIPATION ATTACHMENT 15 PILOT QJ~SIDE RECYQ.It12 PARTICIPATION FOR lAFAYETlE ( 1191 pll ot househol ds) LBS.Al..& lBS.Gl ass P1 astfe lBS.News No. Hm.es Percent Collected! Collected! Collected! Total LBS.! Partfe. Partfe. Per Househol d Per Househol d Per Househol d Per Househol d 3/15/89 496 .U.61 3,940/3.3 300/ .32 10,300/8.7 14,700/12.3 ~/22/89 522 43.81 3,800/3.2 100/ .15 10,540/8.8 14,600/12.3 3/29/89 457 38.41 3,640/3.0 260/.22 9,460/7.9 13,360/11.2 t/5/89 495 41.11 3,220/2.7 100/ .15 8,300/7.0 11,700/9.8 vtONTHL Y rOIAL 851 71.51 14,600/12.3 1,000/ .83 38,600/32.47 54,360/45.7 - V 12/ 89 3,420/2.9 220/ .18 7,860/6.6 11,500/9.7 l/19/89 3,160/2.7 210/.18 8,000/6.8 11,450/9.6 l/ 26/89 3,500/2.9 260/.22 7,820/6.6 11,500/9.7 ;/3/89 3,720/3.1 260/.22 8,760/7.4 12,740/10.7 <<>NTHL Y rOTAL 13,000/11.6 950/ .80 32,520/27 .3 47,270/39.7 ;/10/89 492 41.31 3,300/2.8 260/.22 7,roO/6.6 11,460/9.6 ;/17 /89 504 42.31 3,620/3.0 260/.22 8,720/7.3 12,600/10.6 ;/24/89 501 42.11 3,760/3.2 220/ .18 7,900/6.7 11,960 /10.04 ;/31/89 500 42.01 4,08>/3.4 28>/ .23 7,940/6.7 12,300/10.3 -1ONTHL Y roTAL 874 74.61 14,760/12.4 1,020/ .86 32,540/27 .3 48,320/40.6 ATTACHMENT 16 PILOT QJR3SIDE RECYa..ItG PARTICIPATION FOR 1LNI> (1172 pll at househol ds) LBS.Al...& lBS. Gl ass P1 astie lBS.News No. Ha.es Per-cent Collected/ Collected/ Collected! Total LBS./ Partie. Partie. Per Househol d Per- Househol d Per- Househol d Per- Househol d 3/16/89 566 48.31 3,740/3.2 360/ .31 11,730/10.0 15,830/13.50 3/23/89 615 52.51 4,220/3.6 320/ .27 13,100/11.17 17 ,640/15 .05 U30/89 597 50.91 3,500/3.0 350/.30 10,500/8.95 14,350/12.24 U6/89 610 52.01 3,160/2.7 300/ .32 11,100/9.54 14,720/12.56 -1ONlHL Y roTAL 966 82.41 14,620/12.5 1,410/1.2 46,510/39.68 62,540/52.36 - ~/-,/ 89 3,500/3.0 440/ .38 10,740/9.16 14,760/12.59 ~/2O/89 3,200/2.7 350/.30 10,500/9.02 14,130/12.06 ./27/89 3,440/2.9 340/ .29 11,240/9.60 15,020/12.82 ,/4/89 3,400/3.0 300/.26 11,000/9.45 14,860/12.68 10NTHL Y 'OTAL 13,700/11.7 1,430/1.2 43,640/37.2 58,770/50.15 /11/89 650 55.51 3,400/2.9 200/ .24 10,700/9.20 14,460/12.34 /18/89 637 54.41 4,100/3.5 300/.26 11,360/9.69 15,760/13.45 /25/89 646 55 .11 3,900/3.4 200 / .24 11,120/9.49 15,300/13 .12 1/1/89 639 54 .51 4,300/3.7 320/ .27 10,040/8.57 14,740/12.58 10NlHL Y 'OTAL 987 84.21 15,860/13.5 1,100/1.0 43,300/36.9 60,340/51.48 . ~-"'-""'-"----"-'--"-r--~"'---"*~--'-'"----_._-".''''~.,~--._-.._-"-",...,.~- .~_.._._._.."------~ _._._,,~..._----_._-----~"-_.,._._- ATTACHMENT 17 PILOT QJ~SIDE RECYa. ItG PARTICIPATION FOR DANVIllE (1202 pfl at househol ds) LBS.Al..& lBS.Gl ass P1 astfe lBS.News No. Hc.es Percent Collected/ Collected/ Collected! Total lBS./ Partfe. Partfe. Per Househol d Per Househol d Per Househol d Per Househol d 3/17 /89 642 53.51 3,400/2.9 400/ .4 13,240/11.03 17 ,200/14.33 U24/89 513 42.71 3,100/2.6 300/.25 10,960/9.13 14,440/12.03 U31/ 89 718 59.81 3,710/3.1 450/.37 13,300/11.15 17 ,540/14.62 U7/89 696 58.01 3,340/2.8 400/ .33 12,120/10.1 15,860/13.22 '>1ONTHL Y TOTAL 1004 83.71 13,710/11.4 1,630/1.3 49,700/41.42 65,040/54.2 -- U14/89 3,300/2.8 300/ .32 12,060/10.05 15,820/13.19 V21/89 3,100/2.6 300/.25 13,060/10.88 16,460/13.72 U 28/89 3,360/2.8 340/ .28 10,640/8.87 14,340/11.95 ;/5/89 3,600/3.0 400/ .33 13,160/10.97 17,160/14.3 -1ONTHL Y -OTAL 13,440/11.2 1,420/1.2 48,920/.40.7 63,78>/53.1 ;/12/89 699 58.21 3,620/3.0 200 / .23 12,000/10.07 15,900/13/32 ;/19/89 669 55.71 3,960/3.3 320/ .27 10, 900 / 9.15 15,260/12.72 ;/26/89 712 59.31 3,940/3.3 320/ .27 12,300/10.25 16,560/13.8 ;/2/89 657 54.71 4,500/3.7 300/ .32 11,060/9.2 15,940 / 13 .3 -1ONTHL Y roTAL 1052 84.81 16,020/13 .3 1,300/1.1 46,420/38.6 63,740/53.03 ATTACHMENT 18 SET-OOT EVALUATION BY TYPE OF RECYQ.ABlES LAFAYETTE.. AL.NIIJ.. AND DANVILLE (March 15.. 1989 to April 7.. 1989) No. Alum! Total No. Glass I of Total Plastic I of Total No. News I of Total S&t-outs.. Set-outs - - Set-outs - ---5et-outs -- -Set-outs - - - Set-out-s- Set-outs- LAfAYETTE 3/15/89 3/22/89 3/29/89 4/5/89 MTH TOTAL AlNl> 3/16/89 3/23/89 3/30/89 4/6/89 ~ . TOTAL 496 331 522 329 457 327 495 353 1970 1340 __.. '. __.h_ _ .. _ 566 360 615 409 597 435 610 417 2388 1621 861 881 831 881 861 641 671 731 681 681 288 321 331 327 1267 511 521 551 541 531 488 542 474 517 2021 861 881 791 851 851 - - _.---_..,- ----.--.----..---.. -..--..---.--- --,-- _.___.._______n.._m '_.'.m__. _..p___ __.'__.___.... .'. ____"__"_,,,,,,_, DANVILLE 3/17/89 642 3/24/89 513 3/31/89 718 4/7/89 696 MTH TOTAL 2569 425 357 400 465 1725 661 701 671 671 671 337 279 373 510 521 541 521 731 581 518 432 609 563 till 841 851 811 831 1499 2122 --. .. .-------. ..--~-~.. . ." .... -..- .-~.-.,---.- ....-- _.._-~-- - . - '---'-'___.__ --....__. - _.._ ..._____._.__,_ ... __on. ____o_,_u.________,.. ._... _,._ ._.. ___ _. _ ___. _"" ....__ __' __"_ .___n __ _. ."_ . __". .___.. ____. _ _._,__ _____.._...__u..,._., __..__. .__._____.._ __.__ .__.....__..._._. __.. .._. '.'_ ___., _ ___.._ _____ ___ __.,. __ __________._____ __.___~_____________ ________.____.._________._______________..____ ___ _.___._ __ .._.__..__.. ____.._ SET-OOT EVALUATION BY TYPE OF RECYQ.ABLES LAFAYETTE, N..NIIJ, AND DANVILLE (May 10, 1989 to June 2, 1989) ATTACHMENT 19 No. Alum! Total No. Glass I of Total Plastic I of Total No. News I of Total -- ------ --Set-outs -nSet-outs- - Set-outs --------Set-outs -- Set-outs--$et-outs-- --~et-out_s- LAFAYETTE 5/10/89 5/17 /89 5/24/89 5/31/89 MTH TOT N. 4921 504 501 500 1997 345 338 342 368 1393 701 671 681 741 701 249 256 250 263 1018 501 511 SOl 531 511 404 446 443 429 821 881 881 861 861 1722 _~..__ ..__.____" __..,.______ ___'__'__'.___. _.______ --.'0-'- ____.__.... .....__.___...______.___... ._.__..____ - --______....__._ _._._._.__."_. ___*___..._._.____._... _.___.__._ ________ .____.__. _ ___. _ __.n_____...__....___...._. _. __. _. ,._~._..______.__.. ._,. ......_.____ _ _ AL NIIJ 5/11/89 650 5/18/89 637 5/25/89 646 6/1/89 639 l.. .j TOTN. 2572 439 465 450 445 1799 681 731 701 701 701 355 325 346 368 1394 551 511 541 581 541 566 543 550 527 2186 871 851 851 821 841 _+.h_".__ _..______._.___ ". +-- -----.--".- '-'.'- --_.~-_.- -- DANVILLE 5/12/89 5/19/89 5/26/89 6/ V 89 MTH TOT N. 699 669 712 657 2737 434 418 423 440 1715 621 621 591 671 631 369 327 347 359 1402 531 481 501 551 511 594 586 628 542 2350 851 881 881 821 861 h.1 . ,:.1 i 20 PILOT CURBSIDE RECYQING PROGRAM lERRAIN COFARISON (May 10, 1989 to June 2, 1989) Number Monthly Number in Monthly Percent Route Terrain Pfl at Participation Participation lAFAYETTE 1 Fl at 46 26 56.5% 2 Moderately Hill y 222 173 77 .9J 3 Fl at 59 51 86.4% 4 Moderately Hilly 165 105 63 .6% 5 Hll 1 Y 67 58 86.6% 6 Fl at 242 100 74.4% 7 Hilly 32 30 93.7% 8 Fl at 155 118 76% 9 Hll 1 y 179 133 74.3 AI. AMO 1 Hilly 77 68 88% 2 Fl at 181 157 86.7% 3 Hll 1 Y 226 186 82 .3% 4 Moderately Hll 1 Y 68 58 85 .3% 5 Fl at 333 268 00 .5% 6 Fl at 240 209 87.1% 7 Moderately Hll 1 y 47 41 87.3% DANYILLE 1 Fl at 122 100 82% 2 Fl at 003 700 86.4% 3 Moderately Hll 1 Y 144 128 88 .9J 4 Very Hll 1 y (El Pi ntado) 79 44 55.7% . Centra~ Contra Costa Sanitary .Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 7 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF June 22, 1989 NO. IV. SOLID WASTE 2 SUBJECT DATE RECEIVE DISTRICT ANALYSES OF APPlICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SUBMITTED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANPGEMENT, ORINDA-MORPGA DISPOSAL SERV ICE, INC. AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL June 19, 1989 TYPE OF ACTION REV IEW REFUSE COLLECTION RATE APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: The three refuse collection firms franchised by the District have submitted applications for rate increases effective July 1, 1989. The applications will be reviewed at a Board Workshop on June 22, 1989, and will be the subject of a Public Hearing on July 6, 1989. BACKGROUND: Applications for refuse collectors as follows: Disposal Service, Inc., 18.22 percent. rate increases have been submitted by the franchised Valley Waste Management, 69.07 percent; Orinda-Moraga percent; and Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal, 16.07 Analyses of the rate appl ications of Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal were completed and distributed on June 8, 1989. The analyses and rate applications were distributed to the Board of Directors, the affected cities of Orinda, Moraga, Lafayette and Danville, and the refuse collectors. The rate application submitted by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal and the staff analysis thereon are being distributed to the Board of Directors with this Position Pa pe r . The major issues which are common to all three rate applications are the significant increase in di sposal expenses which has recently occurred and the uncertai nty regarding future increases, and the implementation of recycling programs. Disposal Expenses Acme Fill Corporation increased its disposal fee 87 percent from $25.13 per ton to $47 per ton on February 1, 1989. This significant increase followed even more pronounced increases of 118 percent on J ul y 1, 1987 and 140 percent on April 1, 1985. These major escal ations in disposal expenses have propelled this expense from representing approximately 8 percent of total operating expenses of the refuse collectors in 1984 to nearly 36 percent for the 1989-1990 rate-setti ng period, even surpassi ng Driver and Helper labor expense as the highest expense component. All th ree refuse coll ectors used the Acme 1 andfill for the di sposal of collected refuse until July 1988. In July 1988, Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal redirected all collected refuse to the GBF landfill in East REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION . ~ IN~ TI~ATIN~G DEPT..IDIV. _ ~_;za~_LV 1302A-9/85 WN F SUBJECT RECEIVE DISTRICT ANALYSES OF APPLICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SUBMITTED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANPGEMENT, ORINDA-MORPGA DISPOSAL SERV ICE, INC. AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL POSITION PAPER 2 OF 7 PAGE DATE June 19, 1989 County, and Ori nda-Moraga Di sposa 1 redi rected resi denti a 1 and commerci a 1 refuse to the West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill in West County; however, in mid-April 1989, because of concerns of the City of Richmond, Orinda- Moraga Disposal returned to disposing of residential refuse at the Acme landfill, and redirected the drop box refuse from the Acme landfill to the West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill. Acme Fill Corporation has constructed a temporary transfer station on its landfill site for use when the Acme landfill ceases operations. It is anticipated to cease operations during the July 1, 1989 through June 30, 1990 rate-setting period; however, the closing date of the Acme landfill is unknown. A review of the fee to be charged at the transfer station, as well as the basi s for the closure and post-closure mai ntenance costs projected for the Acme landfill, which is being performed by a consultant commi ssi oned by the County, is schedul ed to be compl eted in August or September 1989. A preliminary report issued by the County's consultant proposed al ternatives for financi ng the closure and post-closure mainentance costs of the landfill. A basic assumption of the alternatives proposed is the payment of a significant portion of the closure and post-closure maintenance costs of the Acme landfill as part of the transfer stati on fee. The disposal expense to be incurred by Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal when the Acme landfill ceases operations during the rate-setting period is the major uncertainty in the rate-setting process this year. RecyclinQ ProQrams Recycl ing programs proposed by each of the three refuse collectors have previously been considered and approved by the Board of Directors. The resul ts of the three-month pll ot program recently compl eted by Valley Waste Management in the communities of Danville, Alamo and Lafayette are being presented in a separate Position Paper on June 22, 1989. Authorization for full-scale implementation of a curbside recycling program throughout Valley Waste Management's franchised zone is being recommended. The increment to refuse collection rates for the curbside recycling program will be determined on the basis of the pilot program results, and a report prepared by Price Waterhouse of the net expense per residential customer of other surveyed recycl ing programs. Orinda-Moraga Disposal is scheduled to implement its curbside recycling program in September 1989. The increment to its residential refuse collection rates will be determined on the basis of projected operating results prepared by the refuse collector's consultant, and the previously described report prepared by Price Waterhouse. 1302B-9/85 . ___._.____....^__~___."___._.._..____,._.___+".____M_~,.-.----~---__r_--~.-.-..--.----.------~-".,.---.--.-.---- SUBJECT RECEIVE DISTRICT ANALYSES OF APPLICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SLBMITTED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANPGEMENT, ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERV ICE, INC. AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 3 OF 7 June 19. 1989 The curbside and drop-off recycl ing program by Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal was implemented this month. The recycling program will be eval uated by Di strict staff throughout the summer, and a report on the program will be issued to this Board and the Pacheco Town Council in September 1989. The refuse collector has advised the District that it does not seek to recover the net expense of the recycl ing program through an increment to the refuse collection rates at this time. The above issues, and other issues which are unique to individual refuse collectors, are described by refuse collector in the balance of this Position Paper. Vallev Waste Manaaemen~ The analysis of the rate appl ication submitted by Valley Waste Management was prepared by Price Waterhouse and distributed on June 8, 1989. Since its distribution, a number of attachments in the analysis were found to be incomplete. These attachments have been completed and are included in the revised report which is being distributed with this Position Paper. The major issues in establishing refuse collection rates for Valley Waste Management effective July 1, 1989 are summarized in the following sections: Disposal Expense Due to the uncertainty regarding the transfer station fee to be charged by the Acme temporary transfer station and the date the Acme landfill will cease operations, the disposal expense to be used for rate-setting cannot be forecasted with a normal level of assurance. A number of disposal fee assumptions have been presented in Attachment VI of the analysis. One of the assumptions is based on the present disposal fee of $47 per ton; under this assumption, it would be appropriate to provide for a subsequent adjustment to collection rates during the rate-setting period when the transfer station fee is known, and the resulting forecasted disposal expense differs si gnificantly from the di sposal expense based on the $47 per ton disposal fee. Unrealized Profit When Acme Fi 11 Corporati on rai sed its di sposal fee by 87 percent on February 1, 1989, Valley Waste Management submitted a request for a rate adjustment, contending that the collection rates established in last year's rate-setting process did not provide for so significant an increase in its major operating expense. The Board denied the request. Valley Waste Management has included in this year's rate application, a resubm1ssion of 1 ast year's d1 sposal expense 1 ncrease, offset by var1 ances 1 n forecasted revenues and expenses, as summarized below: 13028-9/85 -'----.-----"--.-'--.,-~-'---___r"-.--..-.-'-.--,-..^.--,---.--.,.-..-----.,---.-.,--.-.-,-----.~..--. SUBJECT POSITION PAPER RECEIVE DISTRICT ANAlYSES OF APPlICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SUBMITTED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANJlGEMENT, ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERV ICE, INC. AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAl From Attachment III Of Analysis: 4 7 PAGE DATE June 19, 1989 OF Vari ance Between Revenues and Expenses Forecasted In Last Year's Rate-Setting For the Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1989 And Projected Actual Results Revenues Disposal Expense Driver and Helper Expense Truck and Equipment-Fixed Truck and Equipment-Variable Vehicle Repair Expense Containers Repair Expense General and Administrative Franchise Fee Operating Expenses Net Variance V ari ance Increase <Decrease> $<91,000> 705,000 <433,000> <4,000> <30,000> <106,000> 59,000 91,000 16,000 298,000 J389,000 The net amount of $389,000 is described as "Unreal ized Profit" in the Price Waterhouse report, and is i ncl uded as an addi ti on to forecasted Di sposa 1 Expense for this year's rate-setting period. Recvclinq Increment The monthly incremental expense per resi denti al customer for the three-month pilot program for curbside recycl ing has been computed by Valley Waste Management. The summaries of revenues and expenses for each of the three months are included in the report on the pilot program being submitted on June 22, 1989 by a separate Position Paper. The monthly incremental expense computed per residential customer in the pilot program based on averagi ng the resul ts for April and May 1989 is $1.05. A comparative review of monthly incremental expenses of other curbside recycl ing programs prepared by Price Waterhouse, and submitted with this Position Paper, indicates a range from $.88 to $1.05. Automated Curbside Collection Included in the three-month pilot program were a small number of participants who received automated curbside collection. The participants' comments and opinions regarding their experience with automated curbside collection are described in the report on the pilot program. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT RECEIVE DISTRICT ANALYSES OF APPLICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SUBMITTED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANffiEMENT, ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERV ICE, INC. AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL POSITION PAPER PAGE 5 OF 7 DATE June 19, 1989 Valley Waste Management has not provided the financial results of the three-month pilot program related to automated curbside collection. The collector has indicated it intends to incorporate the results of the pilot program in a new proposal to the District to provide automated curbside collection. A letter from Valley Waste Management which presents its proposal is being received in time for transmittal with this Position Paper, but without opportunity for study and comment by District staff. Price Waterhouse has prepared a comparative report of automated curbsi de coll ecti on programs in other communiti es, which is bei ng submitted with this Position Paper. Orinda-Moraaa Disposal Service. Inc. The maj or issues in th is refuse coll ector's rate-setti ng for the J ul y 1, 1989 through June 30, 1990 period are described below: Disposal Expenses Because of the high degree of uncertai nty regardi ng the Acme temporary transfer station fee and the date the Acme landfill will cease operations, the disposal expense to be forecasted for this collector's residential refuse during the rate-setting period cannot be made with a normal level of assurance. A number of alternative disposal fee assumptions are presented on Attachment VI of the staff analysis. One of the assumptions is based on the current $47 per ton di sposal fee; under th is assumpti on, it woul d be appropriate to provide for adjustment to collection rates during the rate-setting period when the transfer fee is known, and the resulting forecasted disposal expense differs significantly from the disposal expense based on the $47 per ton disposal fee. Recvcl inQ Increment Orinda-Moraga Disposal was granted approval to implement a curbside recycling program during the rate-setting period. The monthly incremental expense of the recycling program will be established on the basis of operating results projected by the refuse collector, and the Price Waterhouse report of comparative monthly incremental expense of other curbside recycling programs. Based on the assessment of the monthly incremental expense of the curbside recycl i ng program to resi denti al and commerci al customers, Ori nda-Moraga Disposal proposes a $1 per month increment to collection rates. 13028-9/85 SUBJECT RECEIVE DISTRICT ANALYSES OF APPLICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SUBMITTED BY V ALLEY WASTE MANPGEMENT, ORINDA-~RPGA DISPOSAL SERV ICE, INC. AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL POSITION PAPER PAGE 6 OF 7 DATE June 19, 1989 Pleasant Hill Bay Shore DispOsal Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal has submitted an application for a rate increase based onl y on an increase in disposal expense and high er transportati on expenses, with all other expenses being the same as in last year's rate-setting period. The staff analysis has been completed and is being submitted with this Position Paper. As described in the staff analysis, a rate increase of 2.25 percent was originally appl ied for, but subsequently changed to 16.07 percent. Because of the need for further review of the bases for the significant change in the rate increase requested, the analysis is marked "Draft." Disposal Expense All of the refuse collected by this refuse collector is being disposed of at the GBF landfill. Therefore, this collector's disposal expense is not subject to the uncertainty surrounding the Acme temporary transfer station fee, and the terminal date of the Acme landfill. Recvclinq Increment Pleasant Hill Bay Shore Disposal has informed the District that it does not intend to seek reimbursement in this rate-setting period for the incremental expense of the recycling program which it implemented this month. Staff Proposals for Board Consideration The following staff proposals are made for consideration by the Board: Disposal Expenses o It is proposed that the $47 per ton disposal fee at the Acme landfill be used to establish the collection rates for Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Di sposal for the current rate-setti ng period. If the Acme landfill ceases operations during the rate-setting period and forecasted disposal expenses increase or decrease significantly because of the need to use the Acme temporary transfer stati on or other reasons, collection rates should be re-established. o The disposal expense increase incurred by Valley Waste Management in the prior fiscal year caused by the unanticipated 87 percent increase in the Acme landfill disposal fee on February 1, 1989 should be permitted as a unique adj ustment in the current rate-setti ng period. The collector has proposed that the $705,000 excess of disposal expenses incurred in the prior fiscal year over forecasted di sposal expenses be netted against a total credit variance in all other accounts of $316,000, thereby recovering a net $389,000 charge for the 13028-9/85 - --.-----,.---..---...-,.---.--'--.-~------~.-.__r_____-~.-..,-~.-.---_.--~.-~-.._~-."--''".....--.-.,.~.--.-.---.-~-~,-..--,,--..----.-,~-_."._-,-...~..-.. SUBJECT RECEIVE DISTRICT ANALYSES OF APPLICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SlBMITTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANIGEMENT, ORINDA-MORPGA DISPOSAl.. SERV ICE, INC. AND PLEASANT HILL BAY SHORE DISPOSAL POSITION PAPER PAGE 7 DATE OF 7 June 19, 1989 prior period through the current rate-setting period. Staff proposes that such recovery be approved through a surcharge on collection rates which is to expire at the end of the current rate-setting period. Recvclina ProQrams In a report accompanying this Position Paper, Price Waterhouse indicates that the Incremental Expense Per Resi dence for a small number of simil ar recycling programs surveyed ranged from $.88 to $1.05 per month. Staff proposes that the incremental charge for Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal be set at $.95 per month. The proposed incremental charge by Valley Waste Management is $1.05 per month per residential customer. Orinda-Moraga Disposal proposes an incremental charge of $1 per month per residential and commercial customer. Staff bases its proposed incremental charge of $.95 per month on the following: o The incremental charge is influenced greatly by the vagaries of a volatile market for recyclable materials; however, higher volumes of recyclables which would result from full-scale programs and a more efficient method of marketing the recyclables should reduce the incremental charge developed in Valley Waste Management's pilot recycling program. . o The incremental charge developed in Valley Waste Management's pilot recycling program' for the full three-month period, excluding interest expense, was $.91 per month. o The in1ti al incremental charge of $.95 per month will be adj usted in the subsequent rate-setting period, based on the recycling program revenues and expenses recorded during the current rate-setting period. The adjustment will be incorporated in the refuse collection rate-setting process covering the July 1, 1990 through June 30, 1991 peri ode The incremental charge should be added to the refuse collection rate for billing purposes beginning in the month the recycling program is provided to the customer. As customers are billed on a quarterly basis, prescheduling of the month of implementation would be required to reflect the incremental charge on the affected quarterly billing; otherwise, a retroactive charge on the subsequent quarter's billing woul d be requi red. By direction of the Board, billings to customers should separately identify the portion of the monthly single-can collection rate which is attributable to disposal expense at the Aane landfill. The disposal expense amount should be determined by District staff and provided to the refuse collectors. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the District analyses of the applications for rate increases submitted by Valley Waste Management, Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. and Pleasant Hill Bay S~ore Disposal, and provide staff with comments and guidance. 13028-9/85 . '-'.'--".--" ..-.... ....__H ..B....._._.._.__.. .......-.----r..- ...._____..._.. ._B.'._ .._ ......____..