HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 10-01-92 ~ Centra. Contra Costa Sanitary ..listrict Ma~"1h BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER SUBJECT BOARD MEETING OF NO. 3 . CONSENT CALENDAR a. September 23, 1992 DATE AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 92-8 (ALAMO AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY TYPE OF ACTION PAGE 1 OF 2 ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Div. Parcel No. 92-8 Area Alamo 78A1 and 76A7 Owner Address Parcel No. & Acreage Paul Peterson 859 San Mateo Drive San Mateo, CA 94401 187-260-006 (64.08Ac.) Remarks Proposed subd. 7601, containing 93 lots. A draft E.I.R. entitled "Alamo Estates-Sch #91033039" was prepared by Contra Costa County in March 1992, and approved August 5, 1992 Lead Agency Contra Costa County RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 92-8 to be included in a future formal annexation. 1302A-9/85 DH REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB -------------,- P .A. 92-8 PAGE 1 OF 1 October 1, 1992 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR b. DATE AUTHORIZE THE ATTENDANCE OF ROBERT A. BAKER, DEPUTY CHIEF ENGINEER AT A SEMINAR ON TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT IN SAN FRANCISCO, AT A COST OF $865 tember 17 1992 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE S.!.!B~ITTED ijY Kooert A. Baker Deputy Chief Engineer INITIAT,It.IG DEPTJDIV. t:nglneerlng Department ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Directors is required for education expense over $500, if not covered in the O&M Budget. BACKGROUND: The District is about to enter into a Total Quality Management program. The University of California has recently scheduled a two day TQM seminar entitled "How to Apply Deming's Quality Improvement Principles to Public-Sector Services and Administrative Operations." The seminar topic is particularly pertinent because of its emphasis on public sector application of TQM. Most programs on TQM use the industry approach which is only partially applicable to the public sector. Robert Baker, Deputy Chief Engineer of the District would benefit from this training and would use the information from the seminar to assist in the development of the District program. Funds are available in the Engineering Department Education and Training Budget to cover the cost of this training. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Robert Baker, Deputy Chief Engineer, at the October 13-14, 1992 seminar "How To Apply Deming's Quality Improvement Principles To Public Sector Services and Administrative Operations" at a cost of $865. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING ~ 1302A.7/91 RAB C:\WP51 \WPFiles\RAB\TQM.PP ...-.-.----.----..,--..-..-..-....--.........-.--..----..-------..--......--.-.--....----.---..-..--... PAGE 1 OF 9 NO. 5. BIDS AND AWARDS a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE STANDBY POWER FACILITY PROJECT, DP 20121, TO ALBA Y CONSTRUCTION COMPANY; AUTHORIZE CONSULTANT AGREEMENTS DATE September 25, 1992 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARDI AUTHORIZE AGREEMENTS SUBMITTED BY Donald E. Berger Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Engineering Departmentl Plant Engineering Division ISSUE: On September 22, 1992, sealed proposals were received for construction of the Standby Power Facility Project, District Project No. 20121. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a professional services agreement in an amount greater than $50,000. There are two professional services agreements associated with the construction of the Standby Power Facility Project which are greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: In January 1991, the Emergency Power Facility Study was completed. The study recommended that an on-site standby power facility be constructed to provide electrical power to the treatment plant during a PG&E power outage. The study compared on-site standby power facilities with reliability improvements to the existing PG&E electrical feed system. On- site standby power was found to be more cost-effective and reliable. The new standby power facility will consist of two 1 ,600-kilowatt diesel engine generators; a building enclosure with provisions for a third generator in the future; and electrical equipment necessary to connect the generators to the plant electrical distribution system. Also included is a load-inhibition system to disconnect non-essential plant loads from the plant electrical system during a power outage. The project site is shown in Attachment I. The plans and specifications for this project were prepared by John Carollo Engineers (JCE). The project was advertised for construction on August 18 and 27, 1992. The adjusted engineer's pre-bid construction cost estimate was $2,700,000. This estimate was reduced by District staff from the original engineer's estimate of $3,000,000 to reflect a favorable bidding climate. Ten sealed bids ranging from $2,199,000 to $3,181,212 were received and publicly opened on September 22, 1992. A summary of the bids received is shown as Attachment II. The Plant Engineering Division staff conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Albay Construction Company with a bid of REWEWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON 1302A-7/91 DEB DJC WEB RAB INITIATING DEPT/DIV. B/ e ~~ &~ (;v[6 /)1JfJ SUBJECT POSITION.PAPER AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE STANDBY POWER FACILITY PROJECT, DP 20121, TO ALBA Y CONSTRUCTION COMPANY; AUTHORIZE CONSULTANT AGREEMENTS PAGE DATE 2 OF 9 September 25, 1992 $2,199,000. The additional funds required to complete the project are $3,039,500, as shown in Attachment III. The current total estimated project cost is $3,507,500. The estimated total project cost listed in the 1992-93 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) is $3,917,000. The current balance of the sewer construction fund, less unspent allocations, plus projected dependable revenue will be adequate to fund this project. A funding summary is presented in Attachment IV. An agreement has been negotiated with CH2M Hill California Inc. for construction management services with a cost ceiling of $ 1 65,000. These services include administration of the construction contract and general construction management and administration duties, including inspection of the contractor's work. Electrical and instrumentation inspection, however, will be provided by JCE. An agreement has been negotiated with JCE for engineering services during construction with a cost ceiling of $195,100. These services include evaluation of contractor submittals and preparation of design clarifications; electrical/instrumentation inspection as noted above; preparation of record drawings; and start-up and training assistance. JCE will also produce the software for the standby power facility computer control and load inhibition system costing $58,800, which is included in the cost ceiling amount. This software development includes preparing display screens for the standby power control system and programming the programmable logic controllers. District staff will coordinate with JCE on the PLC programming and modify the main (Modcomp) computer system to communicate with the standby power facility. The CEOA requirements for the Standby Power Project were addressed in the Negative Declaration prepared for the Headworks Facilities Improvement Project. The Negative Declaration was approved by the Board on December 21, 1989. RECOMMENDATION: Construction Contract: Authorize award of the construction contract to Albay Construction Company as the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $2,199,000 for the construction of the Standby Power Facility Project (DP 20121). 1302B-7/91 _.._____.__.._..__~,._._.___".__..,_._.....~,__,,'__.._.,_~__~-..o..-.--~~_>__-..._____~,.-.---~'-.-.^---"'.-.-~.-~--...----.-..---.--.------- SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT FOR THE STANDBY POWER FACILITY PROJECT, DP 20121, TO ALBA Y CONSTRUCTION COMPANY; AUTHORIZE CONSULTANT AGREEMENTS POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 3 OF 9 September 28, 1992 Consultant Contracts: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute the following cost reimbursement agreements for engineering services during the construction of the Standby Power Facility Project: 1 . Agreement with CH2M Hill for construction management services with a cost ceiling of $165,000. 2. Agreement with John Carollo Engineers for engineering services during construction with a cost ceiling of $195,100. 1302B-7/91 . ---..---.--.---r---'-----.---'-'------.-"---.--------.--'------"--- Page 4 of 9 ATTACHMENT I I ----------------J ---------------- II " I I I I ~' ,----------------- ---------------...-........... cBS ~ /' ,/' / /' /' )' /' /' , / /' , --- L__________- Page 5 of 9 ATTACHMENT II Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO. 20121 - STANDBY POWER FACILITY PROJECT DATE Seotember 22. 1992 ENGR.EST. $ 2.700.000 LOCATION Martinez. California # BIDDER BID PRICE (Name, telephone & address) 1 Albay Construction Co. 510-228-5400 $ 2,199,000 P. O. Box 2569, Martinez CA 94553 2 Auburn Constructors 916-387-0344 $ 2,402,000 5580F Power Inn Road, Sacramento, CA 95820 3 Humphrey Construction Inc. 510-229-5820 $ 2,422,000 P. O. Box 907, Woodinville, WA 98072 4 Amos & Andrews 707-422-4844 $ 2,432,731 P. O. Box 250, Fairfield, CA 94533 5 D. W. Nicholson, Inc. 510-887-0900 $ 2,590,000 P. o. Box 4197, Hayward, CA 94540-4197 6 Amelco Electric 510-895-2040 $ 2,637,803 1777 Neptune Drive, San Leandro, CA 94577 7 Alan A. Bradford, Inc. 707-437-5484 $ 2,645,000 4970 Peabody Road, Fairfield, CA 94533 8 Dalzell Corporation 415-835-6732 $ 2,820,000 2434 Chestnut Street, Oakland, CA 94607 9 Echo West 415-285-2404 $ 2,876,000 1500A Davidson Avenue, San Francisco. CA 94124 10 Monterey Mechanical 510-632-3173 $ 3,181,212 8275 San Leandro Street, Oakland, CA 94621 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Paul Morsen DATE 9-22-92 SHEET NO. -1- OF -1- PED/Misc/20121Sum.DEB ATTACHMENT III STANDBY POWER FACILITY PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 20121 POST BID, PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ITEM Direct Construction Costs . Construction Contract . Construction Contingency . Software Programming by JCE (PLCs and Operator Interface Station) . Software Programming by POD Subtotal Construction Services . CH2M Hill California Construction Management and Inspection . John Carollo Engineers Engineering During Construction Electrical and Instrumentation Inspection . District Forces Construction Engineering Plant Operations Survey Subtotal TOTAL $2,199,000 330,000 58,800 1 5.000 $2,602,800 $165,000 86,900 17,200 45,000 1 5,000 25,000 3.000 $ 3 57, 1 00 1 Page 6 of 9 PERCENTAGE OF CONSTRUCTION COST 100.% 13.7% ATTACHMENT III (continued) STANDBY POWER FACILITY PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 20121 POST BID, PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Soecialtv Services . Construction Materials Testing, Inc. Testing Services . DCM/Joyal Engineering Geotechnical Services . John Carollo Engineers As-Built Drawings Subtotal Startuo and Trainina . Dan Cortinovis O&M Manual and Operator Training . John Carollo Engineers Training and Start-Up . District Forces Start-up and Performance Testing 1. 2. Engineering Plant Operations Subtotal ------.-.--------------,--- $ 6,000 9,300 10.500 $25,800 $23,100 21,700 3,000 6.000 $53,800 2 Page 7 of 9 1.0% 2.1% Pre bid Exoenditures . Facility Plan . Final Design . Bid Period Services A IT ACHMENT III (continued) STANDBY POWER FACILITY PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 20121 POST BID. PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE $ 64.000 380.000 Subtotal 24.000 $468.000 TOTAL PROJECT COST $3.507.500 FUNDS EXPENDED TO DATE $468.000 ADDITIONAL FUNDS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE $3.039.500 THE PROJECT PED/PP/2012ATT3.DEB DEB/kg September 23, 1992 3 Page 8 of 9 17.9% 134.8% A IT ACHMENT IV PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY Sewer Construction Fund Balance as of August 31, 1992 - Unspent Prior Allocations + Dependab~ Revenue* $46,618,999 > $3,039,500 (Allocation Required) * Includes 40% reduction in ad valorem tax PED/PP/2012Att4.DEB DEB/kg September 23, 1992 -.-..------,.,-.....---..-,..-.-..-......-.----"...,-,--.--.--.---r-----.... Page 9 of 9 $ 67,585,278 < 39,358,229 > 18.391.950 $46,618,999 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 BOARD MEETING OF October 1, 1992 NO. 6. SOLID WASTE a. SUBJECT DATE Se tember 25, 1992 CONSIDER ISSUES PRESENTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT RELATED TO THE FULL-SCALE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AUTOMATED CURBSIDE COLLECTION SYSTEM TYPE OF ACTION PROVIDE DIRECTION TO REFUSE COLLECTOR SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: In a report on the full-scale implementation of the automated curbside collection system by Valley Waste Management at the September 16, 1992 Board Meeting, a number of related issues were presented for consideration by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: At the September 16, 1992 Board Meeting, Harriette Heibel, Recycling Manager of Valley Waste Management, reported on the program to fully implement the automated collection system in its entire service area, with the exception of the City of Lafayette. The following summarizes the four matters reported on, and the issues for which direction by the District is requested. District staff recommendations to address each issue are provided for the Board's consideration. Delayed Implementation of Automated Collection System Summary of Matter: The full-scale implementation of the automated curbside collection system beyond the 7,350 pilot program customers in Danville was originally scheduled for September 1992. Because of a delay in delivery of the wheeled refuse containers, implementation will begin in October 1992. Implementation will occur on a phased basis over a six-week period, with notification to customers ten days prior to delivery of the refuse container. Issue: Valley Waste Management wishes to determine whether the District considers the delayed implementation schedule acceptable. Staff Recommendation: The delayed implementation schedule is based on reasonable cause and should be considered to be acceptable. As planned, a $1.85 per month per household rate decrement should be provided to customers as the automated service is obtained. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION WNF PM ---~",-,-~~-,'--------~---'--~._'."...,--".._,.."-"--'--'---'~-'---~-----'-'r-"+-'----'-- .'- ----"'---~----_.--_.-_.----.,.---.-.-,-----------..-.----,.,-.----- CONSIDER ISSUES PRESENTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT RELATED TO THE FULL-SCALE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AUTOMATED CURBSIDE COLLECTION SYSTEM SUBJECT PAGE DATE 2 OF 4 September 25, 1992 Hard-To-Serve Customers Summarv of Matter: Residential customers who reside in the hilly areas of Danville and Lafayette and require service by a small collection vehicle are supposed to be charged a higher hilly service collection rate. However, most of the 800 Danville and 1,050 Lafayette customers currently being serviced by a small vehicle are not being charged the hilly rate. Of the 800 Danville customers, 570 must continue to be serviced by the small vehicle and are unable to participate in the automated collection program; the balance of 230 Danville customers can be serviced by the automated collection vehicle, and will be provided the option of continuing to be serviced by the small vehicle or to receive automated service at a lower collection rate. Issues: Valley Waste Management wishes to foreadvise the affected Danville and Lafayette customers by letter and to adjust their collection rates to the hilly service rates; at the same time, those Danville customers who are able to obtain the automated collection service would be advised of the availability of this option. Staff Recommendation: An application for a rate increase effective January 1, 1993 has been filed by the refuse collector. It would be appropriate to incorporate the correction to the affected customers' collection rates, and to effect the change to automated service for those electing such service, with the January 1, 1 993 effective date for the general rate adjustment. This would avoid rapid and successive increases in collection rates for these customers. A letter should be drafted by the refuse collector for issuance in November 1992 to foreadvise the affected customers; the draft letter is to be submitted for review to the District. Capacity Limitation at Waste Fibre Recovery Summarv of Matter: Waste Fibre Recovery (WFR) currently processes the separately-collected green waste from the 7,350 residential customers in the original pilot program at a cost of $9.90 per ton. The contract between WFR and Waste Management requires that green waste 1302B-7/91 -.. --"~-'~"'--'.'-"-_.'~--'-r--'-"'"_."------------~----.-.,-------.--...----.,-.--- CONSIDER ISSUES PRESENTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT RELATED TO THE FULL-SCALE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AUTOMATED CURBSIDE COLLECTION SYSTEM SUBJECT PAGE DATE 3 OF 4 September 25, 1992 comprise no more than 25 percent of the total green waste and wood waste delivered to WFR. Recently, WFR notified Valley Waste Management that it will not accept additional green waste over current levels because of less than anticipated wood waste volumes from Waste Management companies. While Valley Waste Management is attempting to increase deliveries of wood waste to WFR, the volume increase will probably not be sufficient to guarantee acceptance of the increased green waste from the full-scale automated collection program. The lower green waste disposal cost was a major component of the economic benefit of the automated collection program. Subsequent to the September 16, 1992 Board Meeting, Valley Waste Management negotiated a $55 per ton charge for green waste to be delivered to the demonstration compost project at the Acme landfill. The current Acme Transfer Station fee for solid waste is $77.07 per ton. Issues: Valley Waste Management wishes to obtain direction from the District regarding its efforts to obtain increased green waste capacity at WFR, and the disposal alternative negotiated with the Acme demonstration compost project. Staff Recommendation: Valley Waste Management should continue separate collection of green waste and deliver the maximum volumes possible to WFR, with the balance being deposited at an alternative location. Valley Waste Management should continue to seek better green waste processing alternatives. The effect of the higher resulting expense due to use of the Acme compost project compared to the disposal expense projected during the pilot program will be incorporated in the current review of collection rates effective January 1, 1993. Changed Schedule for Seasonal Clean-up Collection Summary of Matter: The refuse collector currently performs the three seasonal clean-up collections on Saturday, with each community being serviced over two or three Saturdays. With the conversion to automated collection vehicles, a large number of the rear-end loader trucks would have to be retained only for use during the seasonal clean":ups. If the clean-up collection were to be provided to customers three times per year on the same day as for refuse collection, the number of rear-end loader trucks required would be significantly reduced, and payment of overtime wages would be avoided. 1302B-7/91 -.---....-------......---.-----.-.....--.------,----....--- CONSIDER ISSUES PRESENTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT R~LA TED TO THE FULL-SCALE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE AUTOMATED CURBSIDE COLLECTION SYSTEM SUBJECT PAGE DATE 4 OF 4 September 25, 1992 Issue: Valley Waste Management requests the District's approval to revise the schedule for seasonal clean-ups to be coincident with the refuse collection day. Staff Recommendation: The change reque,sted in the seasonal clean-up schedule should be approved, as it will remove underused vehicles from the fleet and reduce operating expenses. The revised seasonal clean-up schedule should be implemented effective the 1993 calendar year. The summary of the issues and the related staff recommendations contained in this Position Paper have been reviewed with the refuse collector, who concurs with the staff recommendations. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the issues presented by Valley Waste Management related to the full-scale implementation of the automated curbside collection system and approve the staff recommendations following each issue, as described above. 1302B-7/91