HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-03-92 ~ Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitary Jistrict ~4~.1k BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF September 3, 1992 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR f. DATE August 24, 1992 SUBJECT ACCEPT TWO DEEDS FROM THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR EASEMENTS - JOB 4654 PARCELS 4 THROUGH 10 AND PARCELS 11 AND 12. WALNUT CREEK AREA. TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANTS OF EASEMENTS SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Departmentl Infrastructure Division ISSUE: Sanitary sewer easements granted to the District by the State of California must be accepted by the District before they can be recorded. BACKGROUND: Several existing public sewers were relocated as part of the project known as 1-6801 Highway 24 Sewer Relocation - Phase II. The State ordered and paid for these sewer relocations as part of their widening of I - 680. The State agreed to provide the necessary easements for the relocated sewers at no cost to the District. The easements which are the subject of this position paper have been reserved from State purchased properties and have been forwarded to the District for our acceptance. The District filed a Notice of Exemption for the sewer relocation project under California Environmental Quality Act District guidelines on October 23, 1989. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to accept the Deeds for easements for District Project 4654, Parcels 4 through 10 and Parcels 11 and 12, and authorize the Deeds to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION /pi j/ff INITIATING DEPT/DIV. 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB -----.--T-. B.A.R.T. ~--------_..._-----r--._---~_._------------_._---_._-------.----.. .. . ~~ . ~~ $' ~ ACCEPT EASEMENTS JOB 4654 PARCELS 11 AND 12 WALNUT CREEK AREA Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 BOARD MEETING OF September 3, 1992 NO. 5. BIDS AND AWARDS a. D~'Lgust 25, 1992 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT WITH AQUA-SCIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY CONSULTANTS TO FURNISH AND INSTALL A FLOW-THROUGH BIOASSAY FACILITY, DISTRICT PROJECT NO.1 0092. TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY Paul A. Sciuto, Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department ISSUE: Board Authorization is required to award contracts over $50,000 and to exempt projects from the public bidding procedure. BACKGROUND: The 1986 Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) San Francisco Bay Region Basin Plan requires the District to conduct flow-through bioassay. This requirement was initially met with an installation of a temporary facility at the treatment plant's north boundary (see Attachment 1). In late 1990, the State Department of Fish and Game inspected the temporary flow-through bioassay facility and noted several significant deficiencies that could not be economically remedied. This project will install a flow-through bioassay facility to meet the full requirements of the Department of Fish and Game. The new facility will contain multiple bioassay test systems, duplex culture tanks, and a sophisticated temperature control system for both air and water. A thorough investigation of the scientific equipment industry showed that AQUA-Science Environmental Toxicology Consultants is the only known supplier of turn-key bioassay laboratories. Aqua-Science will provide a complete and functional flow-through bioassay facility. There is no other competitive product available. Furthermore, District staff contacted other government agencies who confirmed that AQUA-Science was the only supplier of this unique turn-key bioassay facility. The Board may therefore elect to exempt this project from public bidding since AQUA- Science is the only source, and no equivalent product is available. The scope of the proposal includes all equipment, installation, and start-up for a lump sum price of $68,875. The total cost for this project is estimated to be $100,000, which includes the removal of the old bioassay trailer, utility relocation for the new site, miscellaneous laboratory equipment, and force account labor that will be incurred. Attachment 2 gives a detailed breakdown of the total project cost. .~ITIATI.NG DEPT.lDIV. If) PAS 1302A-7/91 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT WITH AQUA-SCIENCE ENVIRONMENTAL TOXICOLOGY CONSULTANTS TO FURNISH AND INSTALL A FLOW-THROUGH BIOASSAY FACILITY, DISTRICT PROJECT NO.1 0092. PAGE DATE August 25, 1992 This project is included in the fiscal year 1992-93 Capital Improvement Budget on page TP-49. The current balance of the sewer construction fund, minus unspent allocations, plus projected dependable revenue will be adequate to fund this project. A funding summary is presented in Attachment 3. Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.3, since it involves the replacement of an existing facility at the same location with substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced. The Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute a finding of agreement with this determination unless otherwise indicated. RECOMMENDATION: 1) Exempt the Flow-Through Bioassay Project, District Project No.1 0092 from public bidding requirements. 2) Authorize the Award of the Contract to AQUA-Science Environmental Toxicology Consultcmts for the furnishing, installation, and start-up of a flow- through bioassay facility for the lump sum of $68,875. 1302B-7/91 / 0- // / // / (]'C/ // // / // // / / 5~>- { B ~ S o!E . ~ 101'" Q 10. <<I)' lEI ~~ I <<1)1 O!I enl \ '- ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... ~ !:(Cl ~~ ~~ ~ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ - -$__/ // // // // / ........ ....... ........ ........ ....... ........ ........ ........ '\ \. IT\. \. '\. '\. ....... ........ o _ - - - - - 0-- ........ - ....... __z-- qjj ........ ~. o o co o ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .......... ....... ... 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O~ Uo - 0.- ~C _0 cV> G) U Attachment 2 FLOW-THROUGH BIOASSAY PROJECT (D.P. 10092) ESTIMATE DESCRIPTION Bioassay Facility Furnished and Installed Utility Relocation De-ionized Water System Maintenance Labor Pre-award Expenditures Total Project Costs Funds Authorized to Date Total Project Costs Required to Complete Project POD/PositionPapers/DP10092.Att Page 4 of 5 TOTAL $ 76,000 $ 6,500 $ 3,500 $ 10,000 $ 4,000 $100,000 $ 25,000 $ 75.000 Page 5 of 5 Attachment 3 PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY Sewer Construction Fund Balance as of August 6, 1992 (Estimated) $ 68,473,000 - Unspent Prior Allocations $ <52,812,000> + Dependable Revenue * $ 9.815.000 $ 25,476.000 $25,476,000 > $75,000 (Allocation Required) * Does not include ad valorem tax POD/PositionPapers/DP10092.Att A.... ~ Centra. ':ontra Costa Sanitar~ .Jistrict /./1' .e " BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MESTtlb1:gFnber 3, 1992 NO. 6. ENGINEERING a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH JAMES M. MONTGOMERY CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR DESIGN OF A PORTION OF THE A-LINE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PLEASANT HILL WET WEATHER RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT, D.P. 4879 . I ec I INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Senior Engineer Engineering Dept.llnfrastructure Div. DATE August 25, 1992 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT ISSUE: Board of Director's authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute professional services agreements/amendments in amounts greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: At the September 4, and October 2, 1991, Board meetings, the Board passed resolutions certifying that the final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Pleasant Hill and A-line projects was legally adequate. The Board also passed resolutions approving the Pleasant Hill and A-line Sewer Overflow Protection Projects. At the February 20, 1992, Board meeting, the Board authorized the execution of an Agreement with James M. Montgomery (JMM) for the design of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor project. The Pleasant Hill Interceptor Project is proposed to be built over the next three years with the first phase of construction starting in 1993. The A-line Sewer Overflow Protection Project is proposed to be built later with the first phase of construction starting around the year 2000. Costs savings can be realized by installing a portion of the future A-line route in conjunction with the Pleasant Hill Interceptor Project. JMM has reached the 30 percent design level on the Pleasant Hill Interceptor, and it has become apparent that design and construction of a portion of the A-line under Grayson Creek near the new Headworks Facility will be highly beneficial to the District. The Army Corp of Engineers (COE) has recently indicated that it would approve a permit for open cut construction in Grayson Creek. Originally the crossing was to be constructed by tunneling at a higher cost to minimize impacts on the creek. By incorporating a portion of the A-line into the Grayson Creek crossing the following benefits would be achieved. I . $500,000 of future expenditures associated with flow diversion and coffer dams to construct the A-line would be eliminated. . Simultaneous construction of both the Pleasant Hill and A-line crossings would allow for the construction of a better protective encasement for both pipe lines. . The potentially sensitive environment in Grayson Creek would be impacted only once. . The Army COE may in the future further restrict or not allow open cut construction in this portion of Grayson Creek. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION EPT.lDIV. 'frN TJP JSM RAB AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH JAMES M. MONTGOMER' CONSULTING ENGINEERS FOR DESIGN OF A PORTION OF THE A-LINE IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE PLEASANT HILL WET WEATHER RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT, D.P. 4879 ........"... .............................",....".. "",........ .............-....,... ....--......-........................ -............. .... .....ml.s.I....'.~.I!...!I~mel..... SUBJECT 2 2 PAGE DATE OF August 25, 1992 Since JMM is currently preparing the design of the Pleasant Hill Interceptor , staff proposes to incorporate the design of a portion of the A-line crossing of Grayson Creek into JMM's scope of work. A cost reimbursement amendment has been negotiated with JMM with a cost ceiling of $77,000. The scope of work includes design of the A-line crossing, soils borings, and completing the design in January 1993 to allow the Contractor an entire construction season (April 15, 1993 to October 15, 1993) for completion of the crossing. Incorporating a portion of the A-line crossing of Grayson Creek into the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project will raise the total project cost by $600,000 to $30,082,000. The Pleasant Hill Interceptor Project is described in the 1992-93 Capital Improvement Budget starting on page CS-15. No additional CEOA documentation is required since the EIR provided for construction of portions of the A-line earlier than originally scheduled in order to minimize overall impacts through coordination with other public works projects. RECOMMENDED: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a cost reimbursement amendment with a cost ceiling of $77,000 with James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers, Inc., for designing a portion of the A-line in conjunction with the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project, D.P. 4879. 1302B.7.'9~