HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 07-02-92 ~ Central ~g~:~ g~~~R~~~g'R~ ..listrict PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF July 2, 1992 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR a. SUBJECT DATE June 23, 1992 APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH BAY VIEW FEDERAL BANK, JOB NO. 1590, PARCEL 34, DANVILLE AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept.llnfrastructure Division ISSUE: The property owner has requested the District's approval to allow the encroachment of a trash enclosure within a District easement. BACKGROUND: The property owner's tenant (Frankie G's Pizza Parlor) has been required to install the trash enclosure by the Town of Danville. The property owner has cooperated with District staff by designing the trash enclosure with gates at both ends which will permit District crews to easily access the easement and sewer facilities. Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer. The property owners have paid our fee for processing the subject agreement. The agreement provides for the property owner accepting the liability for any damage to Districts facilities and for additional costs to the District for maintenance and replacement of the sewer in the area of the encroachment. Additional provisions include the property owner holding the District free from all claims and liability for injury to persons or to their property within the easement area and the property owner agreeing not to impede the District's access to the property. The agreement also provides for the Districts emergency access to the sewer facilities. This project (the proposed agreement) has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement Relating to Real Property with Bay View Federal Bank, Job No. 1590, and authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV VI' 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB ----.. -. -.-------- ..--..-..--.-...-----.-----------.----.-,---..-"- --.-----.--- ------- ,-..- . . ~...>'" ___~.11:,..:: 5' S.S.E. VIEW OF TRASH ENCLOSURE FROM PARKING AREA (GATES AT FRONT AND REAR FOR ACCESS) ~<v~ I REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOB 1590 PARCEL 34 DANVILLE AREA ----- -T- -- PAGE 1 OF 1 July 2, 1992 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR b. SUBJECT DATE June 23, 1992 ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT LANDSCAPE PHASE II PROJECT (DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 10079) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK Munawar Husain, Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. Engineering Department/ Plant En ineerin Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Treatment Plant Landscape Phase II Project, and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The contract work included irrigation and landscaping of treatment plant areas adjacent to Imhoff Drive and the underpass road, as part of a phased program to improve the overall plant appearance. In addition a 6-inch reclaimed water pipeline was installed along Imhoff Drive to provide landscape irrigation water to Parcel C (Kiewit parcel), specifically the County Quarry Products facility. See 1991-92 Capital Improvement Budget, page TP-64 and TP-65 for additional information. The construction contract was awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, Mori Hatsushi and Associates, on June 13, 1991, by the District Board of Directors. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed on July 8, 1991. The original contract completion date was April 21, 1992. Time extensions were negotiated for additional work items. The contract work has been completed with beneficial use of the new facilities occurring on May 31, 1992. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. The total authorized budget for this project was $300,000. A detailed accounting of project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project close out. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the Treatment Plant Landscape Phase II Project (District Project No. 10079) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON MH RSK WEB RAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. j)jJ 1ii Iffl 1302A-7/91 -----.---.---.--------........,----------.--...- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 16 Jul 2, 1992 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR c. BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE RENEWAL OF THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN AGREEMENT WITH GREAT WESTERN BANK FOR FULL- TIME EMPLOYEES 2 AUTHORIZE RENEWAL OF SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The Deferred Compensation Plan agreement with Great Western Bank covering full-time employees is recommended for renewal. BACKGROUND: The District established a Deferred Compensation Plan (Plan) covering all full-time employees in January 1976. The Plan is administered by the District's Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee. Monthly contributions to Plan accounts are made into designated investment options maintained by Hartford Life Insurance Company and Great Western Bank. The contract with Hartford Life Insurance Company is for an indefinite period with a provision for cancellation. The initial contract with Great Western Bank was for a three-year period, and was renewed for a second three-year period which will expire on June 30, 1992. '. The renewal contract effective July 1, 1992 proposed by Great Western Bank has been reviewed by the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee. The major provisions in the renewal contract are summarized below: Savings Account Option - The Savings Account has been changed from one whose yield was indexed to the Five-Year Treasury Note, adjusted quarterly, to a combination of a savings account and certificates of deposit: Savings Account yield to be based on the 90-Day Treasury Bill plus twenty-five basis points, set quarterly; and Certificates of Deposit of one, two, three, four and five year maturities whose yields are indexed to yields of the U.S. Treasury Bill and Notes of the same duration. Mutual Fund Options - The American Funds Service Company family of mutual funds provided under the former contract has been expanded by the addition of the Fidelity Investments and Twentieth Century Investors, Inc. family of funds. Fees - There are no changes in the fees charged by Great Western Bank. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATI,NG DEPT./DIV. Paper #2/Gtwstern.PP -'--'..'-'--- SUBJECAUTHORIZE RENEWAL OFTHE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN AGREEMENT WITH GREAT WESTERN BAN FOR FULL- TIME EMPLOYEES PAGE DATE 2 OF 16 June 26, 1992 As the longer term certificates of deposit would not be available to Plan participants if the contract were again renewed for a three-year period, the Committee recommends that the contract be renewed for an indefinite period with a 90-day cancellation clause. A copy of the renewal contract is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize renewal of the attached Deferred Compensation Plan agreement with Great Western Bank for full-time employees effective July 1, 1992. 1302B-7/91 '--'-'-_."--"""-_.~-----_._"~"----'-'-'--'--^-------'-..--,---~--_.~_._-_._._.._.._._,-~,--,,_._-.'-'-"-'-'-,.,.....,'---,--------,._------,..~---,_.. !l!f:i:ilJ':t!JIHH\t!fJ~~~~~;h: l,i!1H~ It~'(' ,,-,' ~1~;i!~':llf~P lei ..l:i't~Ijp.~*U;;~;\il'HI'ft!lir.lllll\'J.~ij~I':~W;ij!i"I:I':tI:~!:J(1~411,i'diillih~I'::~~~iUI:,i', ' ''''''"I.'''I....;n'~~"'"I'I..''''''''"...l!!-_ 'W.W~~~~iI1WIWii!~::iliill~~HHIUiiIHil!i!iifiHmr:lbi~H'. J .!~~~hiIUiHiHJ!i:lijUlilI!fll :illiUllli~~' .' .. i "", '. ) . l.- AGREEMENT DEFERRED COMPENSATION CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT GRFAT WESfERN m!lj. 1!IHlllli! I~ HI!'Hi', IIUIlIIi~flll:~: 1"':>ii~!I!~rI:lit :j1;i, 11':,:,1,1111, 'hillliH' , ' ," I, ",'" ,II"i,lilil" ;'1' rt'llll~nl:ilij!,:, i:,'~I!Ii,ill 'iIHII!ili,PII ,1':;1 ,'I, Ih!ill"I~I:':I!i ,,;, 'iii ',1:,'1' , "III' "~'."Ii'III"'m'.'II'"~I~11 ;"I~tl!'ili; !i',''l! I .' I'I'," ,;,'!!lijl"IiI"lIl III --,-------.---------.-.--------------.----.--- DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN AGREEMENT This Agreement is effective this 1st day of July 1992 by and between GREAT WESTERN BANK, a Federal savings Bank, hereinafter referred to as GREAT WESTERN, and the CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT hereinafter referred to as AGENCY~ WHEREAS, AGENCY, pursuant to and. in comJ:')liance with Internal Revenue Code Section 457, has established ~ Deferred Compensation Plan, hereinafter referred to as PLAN; and WHEREAS, AGENCY desires to utilize GREAT WESTERN in the performance of certain services in connection with the administration of the PLAN; and WHEREAS, GREAT WESTERN desires to provide such services subject to the terms and conditions set forth herein; .) Now therefore, AGENCY and GREAT WESTERN agree as follows: 1. TERM: This Agreement shall remain in effect until such time as it may be terminated by the parties. In .the event the Agreement is terminated for ."Cause" (which shall mean the failure of either party to. perform any or all of its obligations as defined herein); the non-defaulting party shall give the defaulting party written notice, specifying the particulars of the default. If suc~ default is not cured within sixty (60) days from the end of the month in which notice of default is given, the non-defaulting party may terminate the Agreement effective thirty (30) days after the end of the sixty (60) day period. For purposes of this Agreement, "Contract Year" 'shall mean the period of time between the effective date of the Contract, and the same day of the month in each suc~eeding year; the first Contract Year, however, shall be-extended, if necessary in order to ensure that every Contract Year will end on the last day of a calendar month. : Notwithstanding the above, this Agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without "Cause" as that term may be defined herein, upon the giving of ninety (90) days written notice to the other party. 2. FUNDING: AGENCY may fund -this: Agreement by forwarding participant deferrals to GREAT WESTERN at such times as it may see fit. . 1 --------.-----.----,--.---.----.-------.-.-------.----.------.-----.... ---..---------.-..--------- 3. TERMINATION: Upon the effective date of termination of this Agreement, other than for Cause as defined . above, the following shall occur: a. GREAT WESTERN shall issue reports to AGENCY detailing th~ status of PLAN assets no later than twenty (20) business days . after the end of the month in which termination becomes effeptive. b. AGENCY may request liquidation and withdrawal of PLAN assets. If termination is for Cause, GREAT WESTERN shall disburse those funds' deposited in GREAT WESTERN, not subj~ct to penalty for early withdrawal, within thirty (30) days of the effective date of termination. Funds deposited in GREAT WESTERN, subject to penalty for early withdrawal, shall be disbursed according to written instructi.ons from AGENCY. Funds invested in mutual funds shall be disbursed as mutually agreed in writing by AGENCY and GREAT WESTERN. .). . If termination is due to non-renewal of this Agreement; GREAT WESTERN shall disburse those funds deposited in Great Western savings, not subject to penalty for early withdrawal, within ninety (90) days of the effective date of termination. Funds deposited in Great Western savings, . subject to penalty for early withdrawal, shali be disbursed, after deduction of penal ty, . or left on deposit untii maturity, according to written instructions from AGENCY.; Mutual Fund Shares shall be disbursed as mutually agreed in writing by AGENCY and GREAT WESTERN. This clause shall not serve to affect normal distributions to participants pursuant to PLAN. 4. DEFERRALS: The ml.nl.mum participant deferral per- pay period shall be not less than $5.00. AGENCY ag:J;:"ees .to:. a. Cause appropriate deductions to be made from such payrQll(s) as may be applicable. b. Send by check or wire transfer the amount of the total :deductions to : Great Western Bank Deferred compensation Department P.O. Box 6350 Northridge, California 91328 2 -r---'---.---------"~'-~"---..-------'~-.--"-''"''""-..--.""-,---'---''''''---~'-'-- --.-,----.---,,-------.- or to such other facility or in such other manner as may b~ mutually agreed upon between GREAT WESTERN and AGENCY. c. Provide, in such form as:agreed upon by AGENCY and GREAT WESTERN, a deferral listing with respect to participant sub-accounts to include not less than the following: 1. Name of Participant 0 2. social security Number of participant 3. Amount to be credited to participant's sub-account(s) GREAT WESTERN agrees to: d. Establish a sub-account for each parti~ipant. e. Credit the amounts sent by AGENCY to theshb-account(s) of the various participants and to. selected investment vehicles in accordance with the latest written instructions on file with GREAT WESTERN. f. Funds invested in the op1;:ion described herein as "GWBIA" will accrue interest as of the date. of receipt by GREAT WESTERN. 0 g. Place mutual fund orders, if applicable, within three (3) business days of the receipt of both, a deferral listing and check, in accordance with the latest written instructions on file with GREAT WESTERN. 5. RECORD KEEPING AND REPORTS: GREAT WESTERN agrees to furnish AGENCY, no later than twenty (20) days following the end of each month and each quarter ao report regarding the status of the PLAN containing the following information: b. d. . NOTE: a. E~ch participant's name Each participant's Social Security Number Each participant's sub-account number Deposits credited to each sub-account during the period withdrawals from each sub-account during the period Interest/Earnings credited to each sub-account during the period Total value of each sub-account Summary totals of the PLAN c. e. f. g. h. Annuity transactions will not appear on the monthly/quarterly reports and quarterly statements issued by Great Western. The AGENCY and participants will r~ceive reports and statements from the insurance company. 3 ~~"-----'-~'-'-"._-'------r--'-'-"'-'-----'--'----~-----"".-----,.----..-..--...----..,-'...--.- ."""--,,,.-,,~--"....,.---.."......--.---- -~._.__.._,._-- GREAT WESTERN' agrees to provide quarterly statements to participants in the PLAN, ho later than twenty (20) days following the end of eacp calendar quarter. Each statement shall identify the transactions which :have occurred in the participant's sub-account at.the beginning and the end of the preceding quarter. GREAT WESTERN agrees to maintain the records necessary to produce the above mentioned reports, and agrees that all records shall be the property of AGENCY and that, in the event this Agreement is terminated for any reason, GREAT WESTERN will provide AGENCY a copy of such records, in hard copy or such other form as mutually agreed upon between GREAT WESTERN and AGENCY, within ninety (90) days after the effective date .of termination. AGENCY agrees that all related computer tapes, discs and programs shall remain the property of GREAT WESTERN. GREAT WESTERN agrees that all :information supplied to and all work processed or completed by GREAT WESTERN shall be' held to be confidential and will not be disclosed to anyone oth~r than AGENCY except as required by law. 6. DISTRIBUTIONS: Upon receipt of authorized written instructions from AGENCY, in such form and with such authorization as mutually agreed upon by GREAT WESTERN and AGENCY, GREAT WESTERN agrees to process the payment of benefits to participants and beneficiaries in accordance with PLAN. Distributions shall be made once a month, on the seventh (7th) calendar day before the last day of the month~ If that day is a Saturday, Sunday or Holiday, distributions shall be made on the next business day. Initial distribution requests received by GREAT WESTERN, at its operations office in Northridge, on and after the sixteenth (16th) calendar day of a month will be processed the following month. If applicable, the distribution of funds resulting from the liquidation of mutual fund shares will be made on the next distribution date which falls at least five (5) business days after the , receipt of such funds by GREAT WESTERN. The above notwithstanding, GREAT WESTERN will cooperate with AGENCY to not unreasonably delay distribution requests in conjunction with "emergency withdrawals", as defined in the PLAN. GREAT WESTERN agrees to withhold appropriate Federal and State income taxes, according to instructions set forth on form W-4 completed by the participant, to remit such withholdings to proper taxing authorities, and to issue net funds to participant(s) or beneficiary (ies) in accordance with instructions on the Distribution Request Form. GREAT WESTERN agrees to perform required monthly, quarterly and annual reporting of withholdings to appropriate taxing authorities. GREAT WESTERN agrees to issue appropriate annual wage and tax 4 ....~______________.__,...____..,...---"__~..u_._.__________._..___._____________..~_.. _~_'.___.__~.._ statements to those participants and beneficiaries who received distribution(s) during the preceding year and to retain a copy of such information on file for the period required by law. GREAT WESTERN agrees -to provide AGENCY a monthly report of all disbursements made during the previous month. - 7. INVESTMENT VEHICLES: GREAT WESTERN agrees to provide the herein described services for AGENC~ with the following investment vehicles. A. Great Western Bank Indexed Account _("GWBIA") . The investment vehicle identified as GWBIA shall be savings accounts with GREAT WESTERN. Each such account :shall be subject to rules, regulations and statutes to which GREAT WESTERN is subject, as promulqated by the Office of Thrift Supervision (OTS), the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and other such regulatory authorities. - GREAT WESTERN agrees to accept PLAN funds for investment in GWBIA. PLAN funds will earn interest _by whichever of the following methods results in the highest rate payable: (1) The rate of interest for all funds: received during the term of the contract shall be the annualized yield obtained from the use of the over-the-counter rate quotation for the 90 Day united States Government Treasury Bill plus Twenty-five (25) basis points, in effect on the last business day of each calendar quarter. This effective annualized yield will be guaranteed for the succeeding calendar quarter regardless of any subsequent change in the 90 Day united States -Treasury .Bill yield. The current rate/yield is: Rate 4~33 % _ (T.B.D.) Yield 4.48 % The current rate/yield is subiect to chanqe quarterly. All participants with funds invested in the GWBIA. whether they are active. inactive. or in distribution. will have interest credited to their account at the -current rate/yield. subiect to quarterlY adiustments. (2) Such other yield as declared by Great Western and shall not be lower than A.(1) above. 5 -r------------------------.---.-.-- ----------- -------..---..-- -.-. --- --.-.-.---. Interest will accrue daily, using the 365/360 day method, will be credited monthly ,on the last day of the month, and will be automatically reinvested to allow for monthly compounding. B. GREAT WESTERN BANK CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT (GWBCD) Great Western will also mak~ available one, two, three, four and five year certificates "of deposit (CD) whose yields are indexed to representabive, effective annual yields on one, two, three, four and five year united States Government Treasury Notes. For example, a one year CD will have a yield indexed to the one year Treasury Note; a two year CD will have a yield indexed to the two year Treasury Note, etc. In each case, the effective annualized yields for the one, two, three, four and five year Treasury Notes will be determined by reference to represen~ati ve yields reported in the Wall Street Journal on the last business day of the calendar quarter~ This yield will become the effective annualized yield of the GWBCD for the following Quarter. Interest will accrue daily, using the 365/360 day method, will be credited monthly, on the last day of the month, and will be automatically reinvested to allow for monthly compounding. : Other guidelines are as follows: 1. One Year CD: $1,000 minimum deposit, 90 day interest penalty for early liquidation (separation from service, plan-to"plan transfers or hardship excluded) 2. Two - Five Year CD: $1,000 mlnlmum deposit, 180 day interest penalty for early liquidation (separation from service, plan-to-plan transfers or hardship excluded) 3. Lump Sum transfers only. 4. Participants may invest in no more than four (4) CD's per year. Plan funds invested in the' GWBIA or GWBCD options are backed by the full faith and credit of the u.S. Government and 'are also insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance corporation, an agency of the Federal Government, up to $100,00'0 per participant. Great Western will collateralize any amounts invested in the 6 ---- ------------------------------------------------,------- GWBIA and GWBCD in excess of FDIC insurance limits by depositing first deeds of trust on suitable residential property (i.e. one to four unit) with the Federal Home Loan Bank in San Francisco. The unpaid outstanding principal balance of the collateral is adjusted quarterly, and shall in the aggregate, at:all times equal or exceed one hundred fifty percent (150%) of the amount of plan:funds invested in the GWBIA and 'GWBCD i~ excess of FDIC limits. .. C. other investment vehicles which will be provided to the PLAN are described on the attached Schedule 1. (1) (2) (3) (4) If applicable, PLAN funds invested in mutual fund options will utilize Great Western Financial Securities corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Great Western Financial corporati9n, as the Broker /Dealer for such transactions~' ': ,I If applicable, Single Premium Immediate Annuities and other annui ty products purchased by AGENCY pursuant to PLAN will be issued and guaranteed by Great Western Insurance Company, .a wholly owned subsidiary of Great Western Financial Corporation, or such other life insurance company selected by Great Western. Certain investment vehicles may impose sales charges. These sales charges will be disc~osed in the prospectus or insurance contract, whichever is applicable. GREAT WESTERN may, from time to . time, offer to perform the herein described: services for additional and/or alternate investment vehicles upon written agreement between GREAT WESTERN and AGENCY. 8. ENROLLMENT/DISTRIBUTION COUNSELING SERVICES: GREAT. WESTERN agrees to process, or arrange to have processed, the enrollment of eligible employees who elect to participate in the PLAN. GREAT WESTERN agrees to provide informational and promotional material pursuant to the PLAN for distribution to employees of AGENCY, subject to approval of such material by AGENCY, such approval not to be unreasonably wj. thheld. AGENCY agrees to allow and facilitate the periodic distribution of such materiai to employees. GREAT WESTERij agrees to conduct, or arrange to: have conducted, group presentations periodically for employees of AGENCY, to explain the PLAN. AGENCY agrees to facilitate the scheduling of such presentations and to provide facili ties at which. 7 ._.___._______...__.._..o.........._......._ ___.__.__._-------,.-... satisfactory attendance can be expected. GREAT WESTERN agrees that qualified personnel will be made available periodically to discuss the PLAN with individual employees of AGENCY. GREAT WESTERN agrees to provide plan participants anticipating retirement or other separation from service with illustrations indicating monthly benefit paYments at an assumed interest rate. such assumed interest rate shall be for illustration purposes only. The actual interest rate/yield shall always be "as described in section 7-B. . 9. COMPARABLE PLANS: Great Western agrees that the products, rates, services proposed for Agency are comparable to those being provided by Great Western to deferred compensation plans of similar size and complexity. Should Great Western offer any improvement in interest rates or indexes to other deferred compensation plans within the State ofealifornia or additional ancillary benefits during thet~rm of this agreement, or any extensions thereof, Great Western will automatically offer said improvements or ancillary benefits to Agency prospectively from the date same is offered to other deferred compensation p1ans. Great Western shall have the affirmative duty to notify Agency in writing of any such improvement or ancillary:benefits. 10. TITLE AND OWNERSHIP: AGENCY shall at. all times be the unrestricted owner of all P~ assets, in accordance with IRC 457 provisions. 11. PRIVITY OF CONTRACT: GREAT WESTERN shall have no privity of contract with PLAN participants. GREAT WESTERN agrees not to accept or honor instructions which may be submitted by participants without writtenauthorizatidn from AGENCY. 12. FEES AND EXPENSES: GR~T WESTERN, in c9nsideration of its services under the Plan, shall receive an annual administration fee of ten dollars ($10.00) per participant in the Plan. GREAT WESTERN will deduct the administration fee from each Participant sub-account in four equal installments of two dollars fifty cents ($2.50) at the end of each calendar quarter. GREAT WESTERN requires each Participant to maintain a cash balance in the GWBIA sufficient to cover administration fees. No fees will be assessed until such time as the Agreement may be funded.. other than at the termination of the Agreement, if a Participant transfers his/her: account, or any portion thereof, from GREAT WESTERN to another provider ( other than GREAT WESTERN or a subsidiary' of Great Western Financial 8 -'.'-_.~._-'---'-------'--'-'--""--'--'-'--'--'--'--"-_._'_._..~""-_.._".~_._---,_._-,---_._---_._,+_...~---_.~-_.-_._-_._...._----_.__.+-~.._.,-, Corporation, . a transfer fee in the amount of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) will, be assessed. Such fee to be deducted from the Participant's account prior to transfer of funds. 13. TRANSFERS: a. .From the GWBIA To Other Great Western Investment Options GREAT WESTERN will allow the .transfer of funds in participant sub-accounts from ~he GWBIA to other investment options provided in the plan Agreement. Such transfer will be allowed only upon express written : agreement between AGENCY, GREAT WESTERN and' the applicable investment option and will be allowed throughout the term of this Agreement. Funds will be transferred from the GWBIA to the other investment :opti.on, within three (3) business days of receipt of 'written authorization from the AGENCY by GREAT WESTERN at its office in Northridge, California. '/ b. From other Great Western Investment oDtions to GWBIA ,GREAT WESTERN will allow the transfer of funds in .participant sub-accounts from other, GREAT WESTERN .investment options provided in the plan Agreement, ,(i.e. .mutual funds and annuities) to the GWBIA. Such transfers :will b~ allowed only upon express written agreement between AGENCY, GREAT WESTERN and the applicable investment option and will be allowed throughout the term of this Agreement. The transfer will be initiated within three ,(3) business days of receipt of written authorization from the AGENCY by GREAT WESTERN at its .office in Northridge, California. If a transfer involves .the liquidation of mutual fund shares, the proceeds from the sale of said'mutual fund shares, will be credited to the GWBIA upon receipt of the funds by GREAT WESTERN from the investment company. c. From Great Western to Other Investment:Providers :GREAT WESTERN will allow the transfer of funds in participant sub-accounts to other investment providers. Such transfers will be allowed only upon express written :agreement between AGENCY and GREAT WESTERN and will be . allowed. throughout the term of this Agreement. ,Transfers will provisions of . Expenses) be processed humber 12., in accordance with paragraph 2. (Fees the and 9 . ._'"._._'"._...._._'_.._-~.__._.~.._-'~----r----._---'--~-_.-..-..--- _....._--"_.,._.,"_._.._.,-,-_.._-_.~,_.,,-"-"-------~..-.-~--._-._--.- 14. CIRCUMSTANCES EXCUSING PERFORMANCE: The performance by the parties to this AGREEMENT is subject to force ma;eure and shall be excused for the time and to the extent that it is prevented by fires, power failures, strikes, acts of God, restrictions imposed by government or governmental agency, or delays beyond the delayed party's: control. Failures of or defaults of participants, employers, or investment vehicles shall excuse performance by GREAT WESTERN of the duties affected thereby to the extent and. for the time that it is prevented from performing them. ~ 15. INDEMNIFICATION: Each party to this.Agreement shall indemnify and hold the other party, its officers, agents and employees harmless from all damages, losses, costs and expenses, including attorney fees, amounts paid in settlement, judgments, and any other legal expense, arising from the negligence or wrongful conduct, whether negligent or iptentional, of the indemnifying party or of-its officers, employees or contractors. GREAT WESTERN shall/not be liable for investment performance, except.as expressly provided in this Agreement. 16. ASSIGNABILITY: No party to this Agreement shall assign its rights or delegate its duties or responsibilities under this Agreement, or sub-contract any .of its responsibilities hereunder, without the prior written approval of the other party. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Unless otherwise expressly stated in such approval by a party, any such assignment or' delegation shall not relieve the assignor or delegator of any of its duties and obligations under this Agreement. 17. PARTIES BOUND: This Agreement and the provisions thereof shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the respective parties. 18. APPLICABLE accordance California. LAW: with This .Agreement .sh~ll be the l~ws operating within construed the State in of 19. UNLAWFUL PROVISIONS: IIi the event any provisions of this Agreement shall be held illegal or invalid for any reason, said illegality or invalidity shall not affect the remaining parts of the Agreement, but the same shall be construed and enforced as if said illegal or invalid provision had never been inserted herein. Notwi thstanding anything contained herein to the contrary,' no party to this Agreement will be required to perform or render any services hereunder, the performance or rendition. of which would be in violation of any laws relating thereto. 10 -_..,_._-_..,-_._-,~,-_..,.,_._-".._-,._.....,..,...,-~_....~..."-------r--. 20. MODIFICATION: This writing is intended both as the final expression of the Agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the ~ncluded terms and as a complete and exclusive statement of the terms of the Agreement, pursuant to California Code of civil Procedures section 1856 or its successor(s). No modification of this Agreement shall be effective unless and until such modification is evidenced by a writing signed by both parties. ~ 21. NOTICES: All notices and demands to be given under this Agreement by one party to another shall be given by certified or United States mail, addressed to the party to be notified or upon whom a demand is being made, at the respective addresses set forth in this Agreement or such other place as either party may, from time to time, designate in writing to the other party". Notice shall be deemed to be effective on the day the notice "is received by GREAT WESTERN or/the AGENCY. If to GREAT WESTERN GREAT WESTERN BANK Deferred Compensation Department 19850 Plummer Street " Northridge, California 91311 Attn: Marianne Franco If to AGENCY CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Attn: Walter Funasaki Finance Officer 11 --....'-..m-..-...""...-"-.-'-----..--r--...----.-'~~-..-----......-..'".-..,-~-,.~-,~'-~-...---"-<--"",---.,----'-...--....-.-. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement effective on the date first above written. " GREAT WESTERN AGENCY .PRESIDENT OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS BY: BY: resident ~.~ ;1't, '. .APPROVED AS TO FORM BY: Kenton L. Alm Counsel for the District DATE SIGNED: 12 SCHEDULE 1 Pursuant to section 7 of this Agreement, other investment vehicles available under this Agreement are as follows: AMERICAN MUTUAL FUNDS. Investment Company of America (ICA) Growth Fund of America (GFA) Bond Fund of America (BFA) Income Fund of America (IFA) TWENTIETH CENTURY INVESTORS. INC. Select Fund Growth Fund Ultra Fund Balanced Fund FIDELITY INVESTMENTS Fidelity Magellan Fidelity Equity-Income Fidelity Retirement Growth Fidelity Puritan Fidelity Overseas METROPOLITAN - ANNUITIES Single Premium Immediate Annuity - 13 ----------------------------------------,-------------------------------------------------------- ~ Central ~~~~~ g~~~R~~~::~~ .Jistricl PAGE 1 OF 39 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR d. DjUhe 30, 1992 SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO ADOPT A REVISED SOURCE CONTROL ORDINANCE TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Bart Brandenbur , Associate En ineer ISSUE: A public hearing is required prior to the adoption of a revised Source Control Ordinance. BACKGROUND: Updates to the Source Control Ordinance were adopted on April 18, 1992. Additional revisions now need to be made to reflect review comments by the Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB). These additional revisions were anticipated by staff and were mentioned at the April 18, 1992, meeting. The RWQCB reviewed the Source Control Ordinance to determine whether the District authorities were adequate to ensure compliance with the Federal Pretreatment Regulations. The proposed changes recommended or required by the RWOCB are attached to this Position Paper. Most of the ordinance revisions are minor technical corrections. The two more important issues are summarized below. 10.08.060 National Pretreatment Standards The RWOCB required the District to incorporate by reference the National Categorical Pretreatment Standards. Although this revised paragraph reflects the requirements included in the attachment, it is a cumbersome process because the District's ordinance as well as the Concord and Clayton ordinances will have to be amended as pretreatment standards are revised. It is anticipated that revisions will be infrequent. Therefore, staff considers this requirement to be acceptable. Permit Contracts The RWOCB recommended deleting the permit contract provisions of the ordinance and instead wishes permits to be the controlling document. Staff believes that it is better to issue permit contracts where the discharger may have wastewater with unique characteristics such as from a hazardous waste site or a refinery. Staff views a permit contract as a more stringent document than a permit and thus protects the rights of the District. Accordingly the permit contract provisions are not deleted in the attachment. This has received tentative approval from the RWQCB. Staff has also taken the opportunity to (1) revise the waste hauler sections of the ordinance to include conditions under which a waste hauler permit may be denied, revoked, or suspended, and (2) revised the monitoring section of the ordinance to clarify the sampling protocols. INITIATING DEPT/DIV. ~l.b !J~ ~ 1302A-9/85 BLB DRW RAB KLA -. .-..--.-......-.--.-- .--...---.-. --..-.-----.-..------..--..-..-----T-.........--...-----.------..-- SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE TO ADOPT A REVISED SOURCE CONTROL ORDINANCE !11111,1~11111f.llli SUBJECT PAGE DATE ? OF 39 June 3D, 1992 Recent enforcement .issues with septage haulers have been dealt with under the language of Section B, page 68. The proposed language in Section C provides additional clarity to the District's authority when compliance issues arise. The ordinance revisions presented in the position paper have been transmitted to the RWQCB for their approval. Staff believes these revisions will be approved by the RWQCB. However, the possibility of future minor changes cannot be ruled out. This position paper is transmitted at this time for Board information. At the public hearing, staff will discuss the changes which are proposed to be made to the existing Source Control Ordinance and be available to respond to Board and public comments. The proposed ordinance has been sent to 40 existing and potentially new permitted industries. In addition, an article was published in the Contra Costa Times which summarized the major changes. RECOMMENDATION: Establish July 16, 1992, as the date for the public hearing on the proposed Source Control Ordinance and authorize District staff to publish Notice of Public Hearing. 13028-7/91 _"__~_____.__'___~_______.___.______.__"___.._.__~.....~.__.,"___._______._____._____.'_'___' ,._~_,._.,_'_."___m.__._..__._..._"___ A IT ACHMENT TO POSITION PAPER This attachment contains excerpts from the Source Control Ordinance and includes all of the proposed revisions recommended by staff. wastewater due to its volume, strength, composition, or its derivation from a hazardous waste or substance, or the potential variability in the character of the wastewater, or on the potential for increased administrative cost to the District due to the unusual character of the waste. F. Class II Industrial User. Any non-domestic user of the District1s wastewater disposal system who (1) has a discharge flow of Twenty-Five Thousand or (~r::(:~:}r is subject to national pretreatment standards: or (4)00$* has in its untreated wastewater pOlluta,nts"""which. are in excess of any pretreatment standard Qi.t::I@fgqqi.;~~mgfi$., including any standard identif ied "Trt""€hl~;-"""BraTnahce or local limits set by resolution of the District Board or (5)$&00 may, in the opinion of the District, have a oignlIicant impact, either oingularly or in combination \:ith other contributing induotrieo, on the D iotr ict a1?.~.~.~!:Y......!:9.......~~.~.~......~~~......9..~j,~~.~.~y~.e......9..:f. G. Class III Industrial User. Any non-domestic user which may, in the opinion of the District, have an impact on the District1s ability to meet the objectives of this Ordinance. This impact may be of a lesser degree than for a Class II Industiial User due to the volume, characteristics, or the nature of the process producing the waste. Any non-domestiC{ User which generates hazardous waste, whether or not said wastes is, in the normal course of the industrial process, discharged into the sanitary sewer system, may be considered a Class III' Industrial User. A non-domestic user may be classified as a Class III Industrial User if any of the hazardous waste is being discharged into the sewer, or if, in the opinion of the District, there is a potential for this waste to be discharged into the sewer, even through accident in non-process or process of handling of the -4- F:\DMS\KlA.DIR\0007926.10 -.-----.--,"...............-----.. u. v. w. x. y\;:: :.:.;.;.:.:.:.; z\; ~f! human origin similar to domestic wastewater which have been mixed with industrial wastes or wastewater prior to discharge to the District's Facilities. Interceptor. A precast or cast-in-place concrete containment device designed to intercept, trap or otherwise prevent grease, sand, flammable liquids or other substances potentially harmful to the sewerage system from entering said system. Interference. An act that harms or disrupts the facilities, processes, or operations of the District; or has an adverse affect on the quality of the effluent, sludge, air emissions, or other residuals generated by the District's facilities; or has an adverse affect on the receiving waters; or is likely to endanger life, health, or property or otherwise cause a nuisance; or results in violation of the District's NPDES permit or other permits; or, in the opinion of the District, otherwise adversely affects the District's ability to meet the objectives of Section 10.04.010 of this Ordinance. National Pretreatment Standard. Any regulation containing pollutant discharge limits promulgated by the EPA in accordance with Section 307(b) and (c) of the Act (33 U.S.C. 1317) which applies to Industrial Users. National Pollution Discharge Elimination System or NPDES Permit. A permit issued pursuant to section 402 of the Act (33 U.S.C. 1342). ..............h.. ................. . ................... . ...... ..... - . [ i . ~f.~i_.Liiit.'tI_ -7- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 ..----.-.-.--,-..-......-....-. JJ: . Bf&t Notice of violation. A document informing the user that it has violated the District Source Control Ordinance and appropriate corrective action must be taken. ~. CC=t: Ordinance. The term "this Ordinance" and/or "source control ordinance" and similar uses of the term "ordinance" shall refer to the entirety of Title 10 of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code, including any and all amendments thereto. bIfif ':':::':::':::':'::.': 11~llilirlldllllll.l'i6\'II~"'111;111111;1 /orA. EE,=.;::, Person. Any individual, partnership, copartner- ship, firm, company, corporation, association, joint stock company, trust, estate, governmental entity or any other legal entity, or their legal representatives, agents or assigns. The masculine gender shall include the feminine, the singular shall include the plural where indicated by the context. BB.~ficl pH. The logarithm (base 10) of the reciprocal of the concentration of hydrogen ions expressed in moles per liter of solution. -8- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 .-------- -. ---~ - .----r---- ~------~ ------------.---- -- - --..-- -- -- ~~. Pollutant. Includes sewage or any characteristic of sewage and any and all other waste substances, liquid, solid, gaseous, or radioactive, associated with human habitation, or of human or animal origin, or from any commercial producing, manufacturing, or processing operation of whatever nature. BB.HHW Pollution. An alteration of the quality of the ........... waters of the state by waste to a degree which unreasonably affects (1) such waters for benefi- cial use or (2) facilities which serve such beneficial uses or which creates a hazard to the public health. BE.!I. Pretreatment or Treatment. The reduction of the ...... amount of pollutants, the elimination of pollu- tants, or the alteration of the nature of pollu- tants, or the alteration of the nature of pollu- tant properties in wastewater to a less harmful state prior to or in lieu of discharging or otherwise introducing such pollutants into Dis- trict facilities. The reduction of alteration can be obtained by physical, chemical or biological processes, or process changes other means, except as prohibited by 40 CFR section 403.6(d). JJ. F-F-.KKV: Pretreatment Standard. Any regulation of the District, State, or EPA containing pollutant discharge limits or other procedural or substan- tive requirements of the user. GG.Llh Slug Discharge. A discharge capable of causing adverse impacts to the Dist~ict, its workers, or the environment, or any pollutant including an oxygen-demanding pollutant released in a discharge at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration which may cause interference with the operation of the District I s sewerage system. The discharge will be considered a slug discharge if the flow rate or concentrations or quantities of pollutants. exceed for any time period longer than fifteen (15) minutes or more than five times the average twenty-four (24) hour concentration, quantity or flow during normal operations. A slug discharge is considered to be a discharge of a non-routine, episodic nature, including, but not limited to, an accidental spill, or a non-customary batch -9- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 _________*___._._________.,_'_._~____,..___-..-....--.-.-........,---.-----.....---.,.----.-.-----.-.___...0_____.-..--.-- __._,.___,__,_.__,._._______ discharge. Batch discharges are intentional, controllable discharges that occur periodically within an industrial user's process (typically the result of a noncontinuous process). Accidental spills are unintentional, largely uncontrolled discharges that may result from leaks or spills of storage containers or manufacturing processes in an area with access to floor drains. HH. ~~: significant N().f.l~<?ll)..P..:I:-.:'i:-.<:i.f.l~~.. (SNC). Any violation of pretreatment ~~ngl.g~~@gp requirements which, in the op inion....................of"......................thet........ D istr ict , const i tute significant noncompliance which shall include, but not be limited to, instances of chronic violations of wastewater discharge limits, slug discharges, violations of compliance schedule milestones, failure to provide compliance data, failure to accurately report noncompliance, and any other violation or group of violations as more particularly'. set forth in section 10.16.110 of this Ordinance. H. 'H!i:t!: Standard Industrial Classification (SIC). A classification pursuant to the Standard Industrial Classification Manual issued by the Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget. JJ.QQW State. State of California. **'.!Hrw Storm Water. Any flow occurring during or fol- lowing any form of natural precipitation and resulting therefrom. Y:,. QaW Suspended Solids. The total suspended matter that floats on the surface of, or is suspended in, water, wastewater or other liquids, and which is removable by laboratory filtering. MM.2!RM Trap. A cast iron or stainiess steel containment device used for trapping substances and to prevent grease, sand or flammable liqUids from entering the sewerage system. NN.$.$. Treatment Plant. Any facility owned by the District that is designed to provide treatment to' wastewater. OO.TT. User. Any person who contributes or causes the contribution of wastewater into District facili- ties. -10- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 -..-----..--.-.--..--,------....--.....---...............-....-...-..-----................-.......-..---.-........... pp. trtJ. Wastewater. The liquid and wa ter-carr ied industrial or domestic wastes from dwellings, commercial buildings, industrial facilities, and institutions, together with any ground water, surface water, and storm water that may be present, whether treated or untreated, which is contributed into or permitted to enter the Dis- trict's facilities. w.yy. Wastewater Discharge Permit. As set forth in Section 10.12.040 of this Ordinance. RR.~. Waters of the State. All streams, lakes, ponds, marshes, watercourses, waterways, wells, springs, reservoirs, aquifers, irrigation systems, drainage systems and all other bodies or accumulations of water, surface or underground, natural or artificial, public or private, which are contained within, flow through, or border upon the State or any portion thereof. 10.04.030 Abbreviations. The following abbreviations shall have the designated meanings: BOD CAC CFR COD EPA I mg mg/l NPDES Biochemical Oxygen Demand California Administrative Code Code of Federal Regulations Chemical Oxygen Demand Environmental Protection Agency Liter Milligrams Milligrams per Liter National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Standard Industrial Classification united States Code Total Suspende~ Solids SIC USC TSS 10.04.040 Ministerial permit issuance. The District Board has determined that the issuance of wastewater discharge permits pursuant to the provisions of this Ordinance is a ministerial act. The District Board further finds that the act of entering into a permit- contract is non-ministerial. 10.04.050 Severability. If any provision, paragraph, word, section or article of this Ordinance is invalidated by any court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions, paragraphs, words, -11- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 sections: 10.08.010 10.08.020 10.08.030 10.08.040 10.08.050 10.08.060 10.08.070 10.08.080 10.08.090 10.08.100 10.08.110 10.08.120 Chapter 10.08 REGULATIONS Permissible discharges. General discharge prohibition. Prohibited effects. Prohibited substances or characteristics. Prohibited discharge location. National pretreatment standards. Specific pollutant limitations. State and federal requirements and standards. District's right of revision. Excessive discharge. Slug discharges. Hazardous Waste Discharges 10.08.010 Permissible discharqes. Wastewater may be discharged into public sewers for collection, treatment and disposal by the District provided that such wastewater discharge is in compliance with this Ordinance and the conditions of any industrial wastewater permit and/or permit contract; and further provided that the user pays all applicable District sewer fees and charges including any penalties or charges assessed under this Ordinance. 10.08.020 General discharqe prohibition. No user shall contribute or cause to be contributed, any pollutant or wastewater which will pass through the District's Facilities or interfere with the operation or performance of the District' s Facilities. This prohibition includes any type of pollutant or wastewater as se~ forth in the prohibition sections of this Ordinance. These general prohibitions apply to all users of the District's Facilities whether or not the user is subject to National Pretreatment Standards or any other National, State, or District pretreatment standards or requirements. A User shall have an affirmative defense in any enforcement action brought against it alleging a violation of the general prohibitions, including a violation of the specifically prohibited effects or characteristics, where the User can demonstrateXim:j:' that the User did not know or have reason to know th~(€""" its discharge, alone or in -13- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 .._--_._---~.._._-_.__..__..._........._._... conjunction with a discharge or discharges from other sources, would result in a violation of this Ordinance, including a prohibited effect or prohibited 10.08.030 Prohibited effects. A user may not discharge, or cause to be discharged, wastewater into any District Facility if it contains substances or has characteristics which, either alone or by interaction with other wastewater, cause or threaten to cause: A. Damage to District Facilities. B. Interference or impairment of operation or maintenance of District Facilities. c. obstruction of flow in District Facilities. D. Hazard to human life. E. Interference with treatment plant or disposal processes, including recycling or any reclamation processes. F. The treatment plant's effluent or any other product of the treatment plant such as residues, sludge, ash or scum, to be unsuitable for recla- mation and reuse. In no case shall substances discharged to the District yacilities cause the plant to be in noncompliance with sludge use or disposal criteria, guidelin~s or regulations. I G. The District to violate its National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit or the receiving water quality standards. H. Flammable or explosive conditions. I. A noxious or malodorous condition, a public nuisance, a hazard to life, or conditions suffi- cient to prevent normal entry into the sewers or other District Facilities for maintenance and repair. -14- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 ----- ._-~----------------------------,.---------_._-----_.._.----- -....-----.------------------ J. objectionable coloration or other condition in the quality of the District's treatment plant influent which interferes with or passes through treatment plant. K. Conditions which violate any statute, rule, regulation or ordinance of any public agency, relating to releases of hazardous wastes, hazardous substances or other pollutants to the environment when such release is to a publicly- owned sanitary sewer. L. Any alteration or change of the District's NPDES permit or any additional regulatory supervision, intervention or oversight of the District's operations. M. Any alteration of the District's treatment plant processes. N. Any significant alteration of District operations, including but not limited to, affecting the ability of the District to procure adequate insurance and/or subjecting the District opera- tions to significantly increased potential lia- bility. 10.08.040 Prohibited substances or characteristics. A user shall not discharge, or cause to be discharged, ;~"~!~~'~Bruffin98B~S;m~lli to a District Facility any of the A. Any liquids, solids or gases which by reason of their nature or quantity are, or may be, suffi- cient either alone or by interaction with other substances cause fire or damage to District Facilities or be injurious to human health and safety or to the operation of District Facilities. At no time shall a waste stream exceed a closed cup flash point of less than 1400 Fahrenheit or 600 centigrade using the test method specified in 40 CFR Part 261.21. Also, at no time shall two (2) successive readings on a combustible gas meter, at the point of discharge into the system (or at any point in the system) be more than five- percent (5%) nor any single reading over ten percent (10%) of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) of the meter. The meter shall be properly calibrated in accordance with the manufacturers instructions using pentane as the calibration standard. The materials which may be prohibited if they cause explosive or fire dangers as defined -15- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 herein include, but are not limited to, gasoline, kerosene, naphtha, benzene, toluene, xylene, ethers, alcohols, ketones, aldehydes, peroxides, chlorates, perchlorates, bromates, carbides, hy- drides, sulfides or any other substance which is a fire or explosion hazard@ which the Diotrict er otner government;).l ngency""h;).o notif ied the uaer -is- a hazard to Diatrict Facilitiea. B. Any solid or viscous substance in amounts or concentrations which may cause or threaten to cause obstruction to the flow in a sewer or pass- through of, or interference with, the operations of any District Facilities such as, but not limited to, feathers, ashes, cinders, sand, spent lime, stone or marble dust, metal, glass, straw, shavings, grass clippings, rags, spent grains, spent hops, waste paper, wood, plastic, tar, asphalt residues, residues from refining or processing of fuel or lUbricating oil, petroleum oil, non-biodegradable cutting or machine oils, products of mineral origin, mud, cement grout, glass, grinding or polishing wastes, grease, gar- bage with particles greater than one-half inch (1/2") in any dimension, animal guts or tissues, paunch manure, bones, hair, hides or fleshings, entrails or whole blood. C. Any wastewater having a pH less than 5.5 or equal to or greater than 12.5, or wastewater having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structures, equipment, humans or animals. D. Any wastewater containing hazardous pollutants in sufficient quantity, either singly or by interaction with other pollutants, to injure or interfere with any wastewater treatment process, constitute a hazard to human or animal health or safety, create an adverse effect on the waters of the state, or to exceed the limitations set forth in a National Pretreatment standard. E. Any wastewater having a temperature which will inhibit biological activity in the Treatment Plant resulting in interference or pass through, but in no case wastewat~r which causes the temperature at the introduction into the Treatment Plant to exceed forty degrees (400) Centigrade (one hundred o . four degrees (104 ) Fahrenhelt unleaa the Treatment Plant io deoigned to accommodate ouch temperature or with a temperature at the point of discharge to the District's collection system which exceeds -16- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 ... ---.-...---,..-....... F. G. H. I. J. K. L. .. o. s1xty-f1ve degrees (65 ) Cent1grade (one hundred fifty degrees (1500) Fahrenheit). Any pollutants, including oxygen demanding pollu- tants (BOD, COD, etc.) released at a flow rate and/or pollutant concentration which alone or in combination with others, may cause interference or pass through. Regardless of whether a slug load causes or will cause interference or pass through, in no case shall a slug load have a flow rate or contain concentration or quantities of pollutants that exceed for any time period longer than fifteen (15) minutes, more than five (5) times the average twenty-four (24) hour concentration, quantities, or flow during normal operation . Any discharge which results in toxic gases, vapors, or fumes in a quantity that may cause acute worker health and safety problems within any District facility. Any noxious or malodorous liquids, gases or solids. Any wastewater containing any radioactive wastes or isotopes exceeding any limits set forth in CAC, Title 17, section 30287. Any storm water, ground water, rain water, street d::ainage, subsurface. drainage, yar~::::::::::::::::e:;::e:~:n~:~:;::r. d1atomaceous earth f1lter backwash 9P:::~::::t$.WA_~ng PS94iliIF~Wn~gm, unless a specific permrt~rs~issued by....tlie......b.I"sEflct. The District may approve such discharge only when no reasonable alternative is available or such water is determined to constitute a pollution hazard, if not discharged to the sewer. Any unpolluted water, including but not limited to cooling water, process wate'r or blow-down .f.erm @~9m cooling towers or evaporative coolers or any other unpolluted water unless a permit for such has been obtained from the District prior to the discharge. The District may approve the discharge of such water only when no reasonable alternative method of disposal is available or such' alternative, in the determination of the District, is unacceptable. iii.~f~ -17- F:\DMS\KlA.DIR\0007926.10 M. N. O. 10.08.050 I sludge or waste is transported to the District by a permitted oeptage W:g~n;g hauler in accordance with the regulations set"'t6rth in Chapter 10.28 of this Ordinance. Any waste defined as hazardous, by any definition set forth in federal and/or state statutes or regulations, unless such waste has been delisted or decertified by the appropriate federal or state agency, and/or a variance has been granted by the appropriate federal or state agency, including provisions for discharge to a District Facility, and said variance provisions are approved by the District. Any substance, waste, wastewater or constituent thereof as may be specifically prohibited or prohibited by concentration levels as may be set forth in local limits adopted by resolution of the District Board and a copy of said standards having been placed on file at the District office. Any substance, waste, wastewater or constituent thereof which may by itself or in combination with other discharges cause the District to violate any permit conditions related to toxicity of the effluent or otherwise cause or contribute to the potential for toxic substances being released from District facilities into the environment in toxic amounts. Prohibited discharqe location. No user shall discharge any wastewater directly into a manhole or other opening in the District sewage system other than through sewer laterals or other sewer connec- tion approved by the District, unless a permit has been obtained for such discharge. A permit will only be issued for such direct discharge in the event the discharge is otherwise in compliance with provisions of this Ordinance and no other alternative is reasonably available in the opinion of the District. 10.08.060 National pretreatment standards. Upon the promulgation by the EP~"~ of the Nntionnl Pretreatment Ctandardo, the Nntional Pretreatment ctan dnrd, if more otringent than otandardo impooed under thio Ordinance, ohall immediately ouperoede the otandardo ii_.iiiiiiilB&__ -18- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 -------.-----.--,..-.-----------------.-----------------.---- "1_"RfI'~{~'!!!!!!!~'~!!!! r equ i r erne n t s und er S. ~.~.1::.~.?f.l.... .1.-.9..~..1.- .? .~. g.? 9...~..l3.. ~.. ...~.f.l.c:l...:1.-. 9..~..1.-.? ..~. g..?.9...~..~ .~.. II - 10.08.070 Specific pollutant limitations. No pcroon g~i~ shall discharge wastewater to a District Facility whIch exhibits any characteristic which is specifically prohibited by an action of the District Board, or any wastewater containing constituents in excess of any specific constituent level limitations as may be set by the District Board. Specific pollutant limitations regarding waste characteristics and/or constituent limits shall be adopted by resolution. Any violation of a specific pollutant limitation as may be set forth in a District Resolution shall subject the user to the same administrative actions, penalties and/or enforcement actions as would be available for any other violation of this Ordinance. The term "Ordinance" as used elsewhere within this Source Control Ordinance, shall be read to include the specific pollutant limitations as may be set forth by resolution. 10.08.080 State and federal reauirements and standards. In the event that either state or federal requirements and standards for discharges to District Facilities are more stringent than the limitations, requirements, and standards set forth in this Ordinance, the most stringent standard or requirement shall apply. Modifications of the federal or state standards and requirements which are more stringent than the limitations, standards and requirements as set forth in this Ordinance and are promulgated subsequent to the adoption of thi~ Ordinance shall be applied to discharges to District Facilities at such time and in such manner as is set forth in section 10.12.040 pf the Ordinance. 10.08.090 District's riqht of revision. The District reserves the right to establish by Ordinance or Resolution more stringent limitations or requirements on discharges to the wastewater disposal system if deemed necessary to comply with the Objectives presented in this Ordinance. No revision of limitations or requirements hereunder shall subject the District to civil liability or penalty for interference with a vested right of any user. -19- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 ,-..-..-......---.--.--........---.-----..--..---..---.. F tion and data concerning their processes, including discharge samples, as may be necessary for the District to determine whether such user should be designated as Class I, II, III or IV. Industrial users must, if requested, provide such other information regarding the nature of the entity, its operations, storage and use of chemicals, storage and use of hazardous substances, as may be reason- ably necessary to make such determination as to the classification of said user. The District may also require information relating to potential for accidental discharges to a District facility of hazardous or prohibited substances. Such inquiries may include information regarding the current disposal procedures of the user with regard to chemicals and/or substances which are not in the ordinary "course of the user's operations discharge to a District facility. The determination by the District regarding the designa- tion of an Industrial user as a Class I user may be based on the unusual. cp.aracter of the wastewater due to its volume, strength, composition, or its derivation from a hazardous waste or substance, or the potential variability in the character of the wastewater, or on the potential for increased administrative cost to the District due to the unusual character of the waste. Any additional administrative costs to be considered may include increased potential for the administrative oversight by Federal, State and local agencies as well as the potential for increased liability exposure and associated legal costs. The District may also take into consideration difficulties in enforcement of the Source Control Ordinance under a wastewater discharge permit and the enforcement violation and compliance history of the user with the District, as well as other regulatory agencies. The determination of the District regarding the designa- tion of an Industrial User as a Class II user may be based on whether the discharge of the wastewater is equal to or greater than twenty-five thousand (25,000) gallons per average work day flow, or whether the discharge has in its waste hazardous pollutants, or whether the discharge is subject to national pretreatment standard, or whether it has in its untreated wastewater polluta~E.~.........~~..!..9..!I..........~E.~..........~n I~~m~~i: a:n: tiiSiiiL ~~~~~~~~J~ . resolution of the District Board, or whether it may, in the opinion of the District, have a significant impact, either singularly or in combination with other contributing industries, on the District's ability to meet the objectives of this Ordinance. -25- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 -----..........--".---------r--.-----.-----.--..--.---.------.-------.--.---..-..------------...---. A determination by the District regarding the designation of an Industrial User as a Class III User may be based on the standards set forth than the definition of a Class III Industrial User in this Ordinance. This determination may include, but not be limited to, the issue of whether the user stores and/ or uses hazardous substances in such quantities in its industrial or commercial processes as may, in the determination of the District, have the potential to be discharged to District Facilities by accident or through a slug discharge, causing a measurable increase in the amount of hazardous substances entering the District's facilities. A Class IV Industrial User shall include all industrial users who are not determined by the District to be Class I, II or III Industrial Users. Class IV Industrial Users shall be subject to the requirements of this Ordinance; however, they will not be required to obtain any industrial discharge permit unless or until such time as they are reclassified as a Class I, II or III Industrial User. 10.12.040 Wastewater Discharqe Permit. A. Permit Application. Users required, or who may be required, to obtain a Wastewater Discharge Permit shall complete and file with the District, an application in the form prescribed by the District. A new Industrial Permit Fee may be assessed at the time of the application. Existing Class I and Class II users (except those with current permits) shall apply for a Wastewater Discharge Permit within ninety (90) days following the effective date of this Ordinance, and propeacd new users shall apply at least thirty (30) days prior to connecting to or contributing to the District's Facilities. In support of the applicatio~, the user may be required to submit, in units and terms appropriate for evaluation, some or all of the following l;iiiill.~:::::illllllll!llll~r!1'!::::I:ffiffi:::::::glm!!:::::~:II::::':Elllffi51!]::::::lg 1. Name and address of the operator or owner and location of the facility for which the' permit application is being made. 2. SIC number (s) according to the Standard Industrial Classification Manual, Bureau of the Budget, 1972, as amended, for all operations conducted at the facility. -26- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 __ "_'_._"_"___~___'.."'<~'__'_"'W_.'__.__."'_'_'_""__'_ .....,._,.___..___.__'.~___.,..__....._'._M.~__.__.__..,._~_..., ___"'1' -~'-""-"._- .~-"---'."--"--"",._--,_.,._..__..,-- 3. A list of all environmental control permits and hazardous substance release response (spill) plans that are held by or for the facility. 4. Time (s) and duration of all process discharges. 5. Average daily and fifteen (15) minute peak wastewater flow rates, including daily, monthly and seasonal variations if any. Flow rates shall be provided for each regulated process stream. 6. site plans, floor plans, mechanical and plumbing plans and details to show all sewers, sewer connections, and appurte- nances by the size, location and elevation. 7. Description of activities, facilities and plant processes on the premises including all materials which are or could be dis- charged, provided such chemicals are present in quantities sufficient to cause harm to the operations of the District or to the environment if released. A description of any and all existing or proposed wastewater pretreatment facilities. Construction drawings and design criteria shall also be submitted. 8. The nature and concentration of any pollu- tants in the discharge which are limited by ~:~~:iR!~~ wise requested by the District. Pollutant data shall be provided for each regulated process stream. In th~ case of an existing user, a ~~atement regardin.9 whether or ~?~ the Ppretreatment S#,tandards ~fi.q I!"!&~"'i:~ i~re ::;,ng =~;:~~r a ~~~~~~~:~~.~ operation and maintenance (O&M) and/or additional pretreatment is required for the uf:ier to Il1~.~.1::........<:1.PP.!.~<?~1.?~.~ Ppretrea tment - ,g~tandards~n8:::::::E~M:!E.BB!' .... 9. The nature and concentration of any pollu- tants in the discharge which are limited by state or federal standards concerning the release or discharge of any hazardous substance or waste. -27- F:\OMS\KlA.OIR\0007926.10 10. If additional pretreatment housekeeping, process changes and/or operations will be required to meet the Fpretreatment s~tandards~ng::::P~SH:*P~m€!nF~; the shortest schedule bY"whTCn..thEr"'\iser will provide such additional pretreatment. The completion date in this schedule shall not be later than the compliance date established by EPA, the state or the District for the applicable standard. The following conditions shall apply to this schedule: a. The schedule shall contain incre- ments of progress in the form of dates for the commencement and completion of major events leading to the construction and operation of addi tional pretreatment required for the user to meet the applicable standards (e. g ., hir ing an eng ineer , completing preliminary plans, completing final plans, executing contract for major components, commencing construction, completing construction, etc.). b. Not later than fourteen (14) days following each date in the schedule and the final date for compliance, the user shall submit a progress report to the General Manager including, as a minimum, whether or not the user complied with the increment of progress to be met on such date and, if not, the date on which the user expects to comply with the incre~ent of progress, the reason for delay, and the steps being taken by the user to return the construction to the schedule established . 11. Each product produced by type, amount, process or processes and rate of produc-' tion. 12. Type and amount of raw materials processed (average and maximum per day) provided such raw materials are present in quantities sufficient to cause harm to the operations -28- F:\DMS\KlA.DIR\0007926.10 -.--------.....--.--.-......-..--.---,--.--.-.....---------..--.--.--.---..----..--- 13. 14. 15. 16. of the District or to the environment if released. Number, type and vOlume/amount of hazardous substances stored on the premises and a description of the variety of the method of storage and/or the containment device for such substances, provided such substances are present in quanti ties suff icient to cause harm to the operations of the District or to the environment if released. A description of the spill protection and emergency response procedures used or proposed to be used at the facility. Number and classification of employees, and hours of operation of plant and proposed or actual hours of operation of pretreatment system. iiiiilP'A\drl!~.!. p.Fe'seht'ea..'Tii"'"'.'th;i permit application is true I_~. H.J..S'} Any other information as may be deemed by' the District to be necessary to evaluate the permit application. 17. B. Permit Application Evaluation All new proopcctivc industrial users shall arrange for a District representative to conduct a walk -29- F:\OMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 .--.--..-------.------.--.-------..------.-- ...-.-----------,--.......-..-.....-----...----..-..-. through site inspection of the user's facilities dur ing the"H.~.~J.1~:t:.Y"'H'HC9..qJ"HH.<:1.'~Y"'HHP'~:r;~.<:>c:i:'H'HP':r;~or to ~~~n~~~;~lc~~::!R~~~~~~'t"~::::::M~,r~:::::::~~I'~I~~f~~~!e;~ shall submit to the District, within ninety (90) days after commencement of discharge to the District's facilities, an analysis of said discharge delineating wastewater constituents and characteristics including, but not limited to, those mentioned in section 10. 08 of this Ordinance. The District will evaluate the data furnished by the user and may require additional information. After evaluation and acceptance or the data furnished, the District may determine that no wastewater discharge permit is required, or the District may determine that the user is either a Class I, Class II or Class III Industrial User. If the District determines that the user is a Class II or Class III Industrial User, the District sh~ll issue a wastewater discharge permit subject to the terms and conditions provided in this Ordinance. If the District determines that the user is a Class I User, the District will promulgate a wastewater discharge permit contract subject to the terms and conditions provided in this Ordinance. C. Permit Conditions. Permits may contain provisions, requirements and standards appropriate to carry out the Objectives of this Ordinance, including but not limited to, the following: 1. The unit charge or schedule of user charges and fees for the wastewater to be discharged to the Di~trict's Facilities. 2 . Limi ts on the average and maximum wastewater constituents and characteris- tics. These limits may be based on pollu- tant concentration and/or mass and may include prohibitions on discharge of said pollutants. 3. Limits on average and maximum rate and time of discharge or requirements for flow regulation and/or equalization. -30- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 .__~...____. .._u_._........... .......__.. 23. Signatory requirements responsible corporate Industrial User. specifying officer for the the 24. Other conditions as deemed appropriate by the District to ensure compliance with this Ordinance. 25. Technical provisions or requirements related to the wastewater pretreatment facility which, in the opinion of the District, may be necessary to insure the adequacy and reliability of the wastewater pretreatment system. These technical conditions may include conditions requiring continuous monitoring, training personnel, alarm systems, automated shutoff, flow through monitoring, and/or provisions for discharges in batch amounts only subsequent to sample testing~ D. Permits Duration. Permits shall be issued for a specified time period, not to exceed three (3) years. A Permit may be issued for a period less than a year or may be stated to expire on a specific date. The user shall apply for permit reissuance a minimum of ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of the user's existing permit. The terms and conditions of the permit may be subject to modification by the District during the term of the permit as limitations or requirements as identified in section 10.08 are modified or other just cause exists. The user shall be informed of any proposed changes in his permit at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of change. Any changes or new conditions in the permit shall include a reasonable time scpedule for compliance. E. Wastewater Discharge Permit Contract. The District shall require Class I Industrial Users to enter into a wastewater discharge permit contract gt.t::I~:A~~:t:~~lg.rI:n9$.jt:~~:~~ggggw.n9ti~t~~!Mg:'i:::{~~)::yg~~~ f or connec"tTiig..........t:.o-.........O'F..........c.oii€FIbiitTiig.......wa.s€ew-a€e.F........"€d District Facilities. The wastewater discharge permit contract shall incorporate the provisions of this Ordinance by reference including all requirements and standards as may be set forth herein or promulgated by the District Board by resolution. The wastewater discharge permit contract may contain all of the permit provisions -33- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 .----------------------- --------.-----.-.r- -.----------- .---..----.-----.-----.- - f' , set forth in Section lO.12.040.C. In addition, the permit contract may contain additional provisions, including but not limited to, the following: 1. Provisions for liquidated damages for discharges in violation of the discharge prohibitions and limitations of this Ordinance and/or of such special prohibi- tions or limitations as may be set forth in the permit contract. These liquidated damages provisions may be proposed without regard to proof of pass-through, damage to the environment, or interference with District facilities or operations and may be assessed on a strict liability basis for violation of the noted provisions. 2. Requirements for providing proof of insur- ance, . indemnification of the District, and bonding in order to adequately protect the District, in its judgment, from the potential of the increased exposure to liability due to the user's discharge. 3. provisions for termination of the permit contract and wastewater sewer service for violation of this Ordinance or other wastewater permit contract conditions. 4. Any and all other conditions as may be deemed appropriate by the District to ensure compliance with all provisions of this Ordinance and the objectives set forth herein. F. Permit Modifications. within nine (9) montho of the promulg~tion of ~ !!~!:~~~~~~~~:~r~~~:~i~ standards shall be revised to require compliance with such standard within the time fr~me~p:p -34- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 -----.-..------..-.-.-.....--.-----.---------.-....---.-----------r-------.-.--..-..----.- !~~~!~1;ffi:~~~::;p'&~!aM%v'~:!€!lll'~~ ~~:~~a:d ~s~~~ not previously submitted an application for a Wastewater Discharge Permit as required by section 10.12.050.B. of this Ordinance, the user shall apply for a Wastewater Discharge Permit within one hundred eighty (180) days after the promulgation of the applicable National Pretreatment Standard. In addition, the user with an existing Wastewater Discharge Permit or Permit Contract shall submit to the General Manager within one hundred eighty (180) days after the promulgation of an applicable Federal Pretreatment Standard the information required by section 10.12.040.A. \ I i ! i I In the event the District determines that it is necessary in order to comply with the objectives of the Ordinance to impose more stringent limitations or requirements on discharges to the wastewater disposal system than are set forth in an existing permit (for reasons other than issuance of a new National Pretreatment Standard), the District shall have the right to require such reasonable modifications of an existing permit to incorporate such more stringent limitations or requirements. In the event such permi t modification is required, the user shall be provided with reasonable time to make such modifications to its processes or procedures as may be required to meet the more stringent 1 imi ta tions and requirements. After consul ta tions wi th the user, a Compliance Schedule Agreement shall be issued which would set forth a reasonable schedule for the user to comply with the more stringent standards. If the permit modification will require construction or acquisition of equipment related to pretreatment, the Compliance Schedule Agreement will provide for up to One Hundred Eighty (180) days to comply; however, this period may be extended for a period not to exceed an additional One Hundred Eighty (180) days upon determination by the General Manager/Chief Engineer that good cause exists for an additional period. To the extent that the user remains in compliance with the permit conditions in effect prior to amendment during the compliance period, - the user shall not be liable pursuant to the terms of this Ordinance for noncompliance with the more stringent standards or requirements during the period of the Compliance Schedule Agreement; provided that the user is also complying with the terms of said Compliance Schedule Agreement. -35- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 G. Permit and Contract Transfer. Wastewater Discharge Permits and Wastewater Discharge Permit Contracts are issued to a spe- cific user for a specific operation. A wastewater discharge permit shall not be reassigned or transferred or sold to a new owner, new user, different premises, or a new or changed operation without the prior approval of the District. However, nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the application of the terms and conditions of this Ordinance, including enforcement penalties, from applying to a succeeding owner, successor in interest, or other as signs of an existing contract of permit holder. 10.12.050 Reportinq Requirement~. for Permittee and Contract Permittee. .~ A. Notification of Slug Load or Accidental Discharge or Accidental Spill. It is the responsibility of -t:fte a;;t.!lt:!:::!::$.ngy$,!p'p\\g$. us er~ to immediately telephone ahd'..'.'.'.'.'fiO'tTf'}F.'.'.'.'.'€he District of any slug load or accidental discharge as defined in section 10.08.040.F. of this Ordinance. Notification shall include location of discharge, type of waste, concentration and volume and corrective actions. 1. written Notice. Within five (5) days following the acci- dental discharge or slug load, the user shall submit to the General Manager a detailed written report describing the cause of the incident and the measures to be taken by the user to prevent similar future occurrences.' Such notification shall not relieve the user of any expense, loss, damage, or other liability which may be incurred as a result of damage to District Facilities, fish kills, or any other damage to person or property; nor shall notification relieve the user of any. fines, penalties, or other liability which may be imposed by this Ordinance or other applicable law. 2. Notice to Employees. Users who are employers shall permanently post a notice on their bulletin board or -36- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 other prominent place advising employees of the user whom to call in the event of such a discharge. The user shall ensure that all employees who may cause or suffer such discharge to occur are advised of the emergency notification procedure. 1~llrill!IIIIIII..I::..II".ilrlillll':l...illlllll"'11111 n9@:~:~:X.9.~I$.pn:::::::M.~:::I~@9.~pg~mw.g}::::~:I{p.fi@pp::::::~fn:::::::::t~a:::::I~nw:::::ngW I M~:9:f:gs:m:::::::::wg::::::::f.nf.PE~:::::u?~g*p:::::::::gl::::::::F9::::::::::@~g~g:::::::pp:gp+.~m~:::::::::E9: Mfi@::::::lIP:i:$.M@!9ifIItw.'~$:p~w#.J.p~t;;:::::::::::::::$.:Y$:p~m::;:::::::::::::::~ng:::::::::::mt:~:)I::::::::::::::~PM 11111111111i.111111111,'III.IIIII~llllllillllilll:::..:II gn~E~BE~E:ffi:~Mffiel:Uj~:~e;Eggg~::::::::~~~Em:~::tr""".................................................................................................... Baseline Report. B . C::~: € . ~?:+ All Class I and II industrial users, subject to categorical Pretreatment Standards, shall submit to the District a Baseline Report within one hundred and eighty (180) days of the effective date of a Categorical Pretreatment Standard or one hundred and eighty (180) days after final decision on a category determination by EPA or the State, whichever is earlier. The Baseline Report shall contain the information specified in 40 CFR 403.12(b). The information required for application for a permit under section 10.12.040.A. and/or for modification of a permit under section 10.12.040.F. of this Ordinance may fulfill the requirements of the Baseline Report. If in submitting information to apply for or modify a permit, the user also intends to fulfill the requirements for the Baseline Report, the user shall so state. Compliance Report. Within ninety (90) days following the date for f~nal complianc..e with applicable PQretreatment &~tandards or R~equirements or, in the case of a n'ew user connccflon, following commencement of the introduction of wastewater into District Facilities, any user subject to Ppretreatment &~tandards aM SF R#.;equirements shali submit to -37- F:\DMS\KlA.DIR\0007926.10 I _..._.._'.M^_.___._w~.__..~._. - - B.E::l the District a report indicating the nature and concentration of all pollutants in the discharge from the regulated process which are limited by Ppretreatment S&:tandards afld SE ~equirements, the average and maximum daily flow for these process units, and the actual average production rate for these process units. The report shall state whether the applicable Pretreatment Standards or Requirements are being met on a consistent basis and, if not, what additional operational and maintenance changes and/or pretreatment is neces- sary to bring the user into compliance with the applicable Pretreatment Standards or Requirements. This statement shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Industrial User, and a certified qualified professional. Filing of this Compliance Report cannot relieve the user of any fines, civil penalties or other liability which may be imposed by this Ordinance or other applicable law or failure to meet the applicable Pretreatment Standards or Requirements subsequent to the date for final compliance with such applicable standard. periodic Compliance Reports. 1. Class I and II Industrial Users shall submit a report to the District twice a year or more frequently as specified in the Permit or Permit Contract. Class III Industrial Users may be required to submit periodic compliance reports depending on the nature of their discharge. periodic Compliance Reports should be submitted within forty-five (45) days of collection of the wastewater samples. The Compliance Report shall contain such information as may be deemed by the District to be necessary to insure compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance. Compliance Reports shall, at a minimum, contain the following: I a. The nature and concentration of P?llutants which are limited by p.:~rr':.~.;-.~a:t:~ent &~:tandards pip- @@g<<:;:Egm~n#€ or which are specified Tii..th-e.....Pe.rmn: or Permit Contract for each regulated M~!!5 stream. b. A record of average daily flow for the r':.p<?E1::ing period for each regulated ~~mft$ stream. -38- F: \DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926. 10 ..-.-.-------,....-..-.........----.---.....-.........---.-....-----.-.----- .....----. 10.12.060 limitations are appropriate. In such cases, the report required under subpara- graph (a) above shall indicate the mass of PC? 11 u tants ....E.~9~~.i:l.t:.~.<:1......}:)y p)?retrea tmen t &#:tandards .9~W~:@f:gg\l~E@m~fi#.i#: in the effluent or the user"'~""""''''''''''Thes'e'''''''i"Eip'Orts shall contain the results of all sampling and analysis of the discharge, including the flow, concentration and mass of pollutants r~gulated ?y.....t:.~~...i:lPP.~J.c.:Cible ppretreatment 5&!tandard g#f!ntggg;~E5~fi#.i. Thfi user shall provide the........~ict"iia.r......a\jeFage production rate of the regulated processes during the reporting period. Monitorinq. A. Monitoring Requirements. Any user may be required to provide wastewater sample&,wns and/or monitoring results or to submit to monit6ring by the District to assist the District in establishing the appropriate class of the user and/or to evaluate compliance with the standards and requirements of this Ordinance. 1. Classification Sampling. All industrial users may be required to sample and analyze their diachargc fl!~lt~!BE$!m::~:~~~:: to determine the appropriate.....class....Of. the user. Classification sampling shall be at the District' s request. The number and type of samples and pollutants analyzed shall be as specified by the District in order to adequately characterize the users:~~:: f1!!:ii~.!~E discharge (s) .::::::: 2. Baseline Sampling. All Class I and II indus tr i a 1 us ers......s..l!.~.~.J.......~9.-.~.P.~~...~~<:l...9.-.J.1.~.~y z e their diach~rgc E$gym~E~qf!~~B~~i~~~m&~W as part of a ...pe.rmlt............appli"catTori...... or modification of a permit as specified in sections 10.12.040.A. and 10.12.040.F. of this Ordinance. In addition, all Class I and II industrial users required to submit Baseline Reports, as specified in section 10.12.050.B. of this Ordinance, shall- ip~~~lnh~;~or~g~~~:m~ Samples shall be analyzed for constituents or characteristics including, but not limited to, those mentioned in section 10.08 of this Ordinance and/or in -40- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 .------.--.--------........-.-.-r-.---------.--............-..-..---.-----.--.-...-------.. ii~:~~;m~ip.~tat~rPE~I~~!\ij*.:.::~~~~.!~~!!~' 'Staridards"'"df as otherwise required by the District. 3. Initial Compliance Sampling. All Class I and II industrial users shall sample and !ii~~:~:i~i;:~~;rq~~~~~~~ Ordinance. Samples shall be analyzed for those pollutants regulated in the _p~ o~~~:t~:;:~r;e r:!~~~~~r~y t! 4. Periodic Compliance Sampling. All Class I and II industrial users shall sample and ~~;#i~~~gimWiIDi~o ev=~~~~~r~~mPli!~!!W!"~ 'fhe':':":':''"lfse:P-:'''''s:':'':'':':"!>ermi t or permi t contract. Periodic compliance monitoring shall be conducted at least twice each year unless specified more frequently in the user's permit or permit contract or in the applicable National Pretreatment Standard. Samples shall be analyzed for those p<:>.llutants reg~.la ted i~........~.~~........a.J2P.~.~9.~ble :!r~~~:~;~:~t r:l~f;~~r~y PI:!W~~W~~'~e or 5. Confirmation Sampling. Whenever sampling results indicate that the user's diochargc '~P""f'!'!!~'Fg"lr~:l;~ ~i:::::i~ii~~iili~ the user shall collect a se'C-o-rid"'s~im:pTe""""'to assess the degree of violation. For the second sample, the user need only analyze for the pollutant(s) found to be in violation. The user shall provide the District with the results from the confirmation sampling within thirty (30) days of the date the violation was discovered. 6. Sampling and Evaluation Program. If' confirmation sampling indicates a second violation, then the District may initiate a Sampling and Evaluation Program (SEP). The SEP will be conducted by the District and may include collection of from three (3) to five (5) samples. The SEP will establish whether there is continued noncompliance by -41- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 "'-"'''''''' ..,--....--... the user. Samples collected during the SEP may be analyzed for other pollutants in addition to the pollutant(s) in violation. 7. Other Compliance Sampling. All Class I, II and III industrial users may be required by the District to conduct compliance sampling in addition to those described above. This could include, but is not limited to, sampling required by the District in an Enforcement Compliance Schedule Agreement. 8. District Sampling. The District may collect and analyze samples on its own or request the user to split samples to evaluate compliance with this Ordinance or the user's permit or permit contract. The District also reserves the right to conduct all sampling and analysis for the user with all costs to be paid by the user. In the event that data obtained by the District differs from data provided by the user, the District's data shall be presumed accurate unless and until the user provides substantial evidence otherwise. In the event that the District performs the sampling, whether announced or unannounced, the user may request that the District split its samples and provide one of the spli t samples for the user's independent analysis. B. Sampling Procedures All sampling and testing undertaken for the purpose of compliance with the sampling and reporting requirements of this Ordinance shall be undertaken in the manner set forth herein. ~.?:'.~~P..!: ...~~~~ which reflecto the dioch~rge of the uoer'o regul~ted ff~oteotre~m(o) throughout the entire \JOr]c d~y or twenty four (24) hour period. &$amples for pH, cyanide, sulfide, phenols, oil and grease, :~~p~:s~ati~e~f~~~~~s2ih~;~q~nd'9P'e'Fgg'\o;f~~ o~mpleo ohill -"}5e e~ch ho-ur, .~~.~.....~~E...9.!..?~....'??!fiP..~.~.lJ.,. II -42- F:\DMS\KlA.DIR\0007926.10 analyzed separately unless the user's Permit or Permit Contract allows for sampling and analyzing the combined wastestreams. The methods of obtaining the sample shall be specified by the District in the user's permit or permit contract. As an alternative, a sampling program proposed by the user shall be submitted to the District for review prior to initiating said program. The District may state special sampling requirements as needed to insure compliance with this Ordinance. C. Analytical Procedures All samples shall be preserved and analyzed in accordance with the procedures presented in the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 136 (Guidelines Establishing Test Procedures for the Analysis of Pollutants) . Unless approved otherwise by the District, all analyses shall be performed by a laboratory(s) certified by the state for the specific pollutants and matrix to be analyzed. D. Sampling Records For each sampling event the user shall record and maintain the following information: 1. The date, exact place, method, and time of sampling and the names of the person or persons taking the samples. 2. Sample preservation used. 3. The dates analyses were performed. 4. Chain of custody of sample. 5. Who performed the analyses. 6. The analytical techniques/methods used. 7. The results of such analyses. -43- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 ----,-...--.---..--------- This statement shall be signed by an authorized representative of the Industrial User as defined in 40 CFR 403.12(1) (1-4). 10.12.080 Riqhts of Entrv. The District has the right of inspection of the facilities of any user to ascertain whether the Objectives of this Ordinance are being met and all standards and requirements are being complied with. Persons or occupants of premises where wastewater is generated or discharged, or where hazardous substances or hazardous wastes are present, shall allow the District or their representative ready access at all reasonable times to all parts of the premises for the purposes of inspection, sampling, analysis, records examination gfigit:j::m;ppy;\!ig or 4ft the performance of any of their dufle='s:':::":':':':':':':':"'lfihe{':':"bistrict, or their authorized representative, accompanied by such other representatives of other public agencies as may be appropriate, shall have the right to set up on the user's property such devices as are necessary to conduct sampling inspection, compliance monitoring and/or metering operations. Where a user has security measures in force which would require proper identification and clearance before entry onto their premises, the user shall make necessary arrangements with their security guards so that upon presentation of suitable identification, personnel from the District, along with other authorized represen- tatives, will be permitted to enter, without delay, for the purposes of performing their specific responsibili- ties. Such inspection(s) shall be made with the consent of the owner or possessor of such facilities or, if such consent is refused, with a warrant duly issued pursuant to the procedures set forth in Title 13 (commencing with section 1822.5) of part 3 of the Code of civil Procedure; provided, however, that in the event of an emergency affecting public health or safety, such inspection may be made without consent or the issuance' of a warrant. To the extent that the owner or possessor of the premises requires that a warrant be ~eceived, the District may, in its discretion, suspend the permit and/or any other right to discharge to sanitary facilities immediately, and such suspension may continue until such time as a warrant has been received and the inspection has been completed. If" no violation of this Ordinance, the District Code or the permit, if applicable, are found, the suspension shall be lifted. In the event that violations of this Ordinance, District Code, or the permit, if applicable, are found, then the suspension may, in the discretion of the District, be continued or terminated, or other enforcement remedies may be sought. -45- F:\OMS\KLA,OIR\0007926.10 ..---.--,-..----...-.---..-...--....... The District may choose to inspect the facility to determine compliance with all standards set forth in this Ordinance, the District Code and permit, if applicable, and additionally, such inspections may be undertaken to verify the wastewater flows and strengths reported by the discharger. 10.12.090 Pretreatment. Users shall provide necessary wastewater treatment as required to comply with this Ordinance and shall achieve compliance with all National Pretreatment Standards within the time limitations as specified by the Federal Regulations, or this Ordinance or the permit or permit contract whichever is earliest. Any facilities required to pretreat wastewater to a level acceptable to the District shall be provided, operated, and maintained at the user's expense. Detailed plans showing the pretreatment facilities and operating procedures shall be submitted to the District for review, and shall be acceptable to the District before construction of the facility. The review of such plans and operating procedures will in no way relieve the user from the responsibility of modifying the facility as necessary to produce an effluent acceptable to the District under the provisions of this Ordinance. Any subsequent changes in the pretreatment facilities or method of operation shall be reported to and be acceptable to the District prior to the user's initiation of the changes. 10.12.100 Publication of Users in Siqnificant Noncompliance. Pursuant to federal requirements, the District shall i~il:iB:ill~~n.illi:mfti$.~g~ipigliii:l~~'IIIII.111!III.f;111~liiiiiie~ ITfiE.......o.r......Eh"e....,i"s.er.s.......wfiTdfi...'.we.re......Th......sTgiiTfTdailt::.......h6iic.om"i'Yr.aiice with any Pretreatment Requirements or Standards during the twelve (12) previous months. The notification shall also summarize any enforcement action~ taken against the user(s} during the same twelve (12) months. 10.12.110 Records Retention. All records relating to compliance with Ppretreatment R);equirements -af'H:i pi.] &~tandards shall be made available to officials of the.............~PA, State and District, or their" authorized representatives. These records shall be retained for a minimum of three (3) years from the date of the Compliance Report to which these records are applicable or three (3) years from the date any investigation or enforcement action undertaken by the Dis- :i:i:i:itiE~~i~~~il:::::::~ii:l~lliii:i:::::iii~iii~i::::.1111111111_111111 -46- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 -,-.---------------------------.--------------- 111111.).)11 10.12.120 Confidential Information. Information and data on a user obtained from reports, questionnaires, permit applications, permits, monitoring programs, and from inspections shall be available to the public or other governmental agency without notification unless the user specifically requests confidentiality and is able to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the District that the release of such information would divulge information, processes or methods of production entitled to protection as trade secrets of the user. \\ihen reque:;:t::ed by :l. uoer furnioh~.~g.h. inforlll:l.tion to the Diotrict, ~Whe portions of ~ ~Hgfi information which might disclOse trade secrets or secr.el......processes shall not be made available for inspection by the public but shall be made available upon written request to other governmental agencies for uses related to this Ordinance, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) and/or the pretreatment program. Those portions of the information shall also be available for use by the State or any state agency in judicial review or enforcement proceedings involving the user furnishing the information. Wastewater constituents and characteristics will not be recognized as confidential information. Information and data requested from a user which the user believes to be proprietary and the release of which to the public would substantially impair the operations of the user, may alternatively be provided to the District for its review at the facili ty of the user rather than provided to the District for its keeping, at the discretion of the District. The burden will be on the user to demonstrate to the satisfaction of the District f that such information is proprietary and that this alternative procedure is necessary or appropriate and will not prevent the District from properly carrying out the objectives of this Ordinance. In any event, information accepted by the District as conf idential, shall not be t::t::~.~.f5.~.~.~_~.~~..h.h.~.<:>..h....~.~Y<:>.~.~L ~E6i~:gifu~nSAC{&ffS.~;f:;€ii~ffii~~~0~i~:ell,gilll~llillllIII~ ~'!f~~'~R~~'!t~r~~;'T1::~ -47- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 -----r-- constituent within a one-year period, shall constitute a significant violation; 8. Failure to pay fees penalties established Ordinance. and charges or pursuant to this 9:~::::::::::::::::~::::~:~::::::::::::::::~.~!ffi:~M~:::::::m.ffini~ffign:::::::g!i:::::::gffi~:gl~Eli:~t:::::::::t:t:::: 10.16.065 Administrative civil Penalties. Pursuant to the authority of California Government Code sections 54739 to 54740.6, the District or District staff may issue administrative complaints, conduct administrative hearings and/or impose civil penalties in accordance with the procedures set forth in these sections for violation of the District's requirements relating to pretreatment of industrial waste or the prevention of the entry of industrial waste into the District's collection system or treatment works. These penalties shall be as follows: A. In an amount which shall not exceed two thousand dollars ($2,000) for each day for failing or refusing to furnish technical or monitoring reports. B. In an amount which shall not exceed three thousand dollars ($3,000) for each day for failing or refusing to timely comply with any compliance schedule established by the District. C. In an amount which shall not exceed five thousand- dollars ($5,000) per violation for each day for discharges in violation of any waste discharge limitation, permit condition, or requirement issued, reissued, or adopted by the District. D. In an amount which does not exceed ten dollars ($10) per gallon for discharges in violation of -54- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 relieve the user of any expense, penalty, fee or other liability which may be incurred as a result of the violation. 10.16.100 Costs. All costs associated with the District's undertaking of enforcement actions pursuant to this Ordinance, including attorney's fees for civil actions undertaken, shall be paid by the user. These costs may include but not be limited to the costs for termination of service, reinstitution of service, compliance sampling and analysis and administrative activities undertaken by the District. However, if the user prevails in an appeal to the Board of Directors or a civil action taken to nullify an enforcement action pursued by the District under this Ordinance, the user shall not be responsible for the costs incurred by the District in pursuing said enforcement action. 10.16.110 Respondinq to Siqnificant Noncompliance. Any violation of pretreatment ~1~nl~g4.~#P>> requirements (limi ts, sampling, analysis, ...............r:.e"!5o.r:tTiig........ and meeting compliance schedules, and regulatory deadlines) is an instance of noncompliance for which the Industrial User is liable for enforcement including penalties. However, the District is required to identify violations or patterns of violations by Industrial Users that are deemed to be instances of significant noncompliance (SNC). To the extent that a violation or pattern of violations is determined to be significant noncompliance, the District shall give additional priority to enforcement actions with regard to that Industrial User. Additionally, the determination of significant noncompliance shall be used as the basis for reporting same to the regulatory authorities and publishing of the list of significant non- compliers as is required of the District by law. The following is a guideline of criteria which will be used in determining instances of SNC. A. Violations of Wastewater Discharge Limits. [ 1. Chronic Violations. Chronic violations shall be deemed to be present when sixty- six percent (66%) of the measurements exceed the daily maximum limit or the average limit for the same parameter in a six-month period (any magnitude of excedence) . 2. Technical Review Criteria Violations. A technical review criteria (TRC) violation -58- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 ~~"----_._-_..~----_._'------~~.._----,._---_.__..__..---.-----.--- additional one-year periods upon favorable review by District staff. B. Permit Conditions. District staff may prescribe such requirements as may be reasonable to ensure the carrying out of the purpose and polices of this Ordinance, as well as the stated purpose of the Waste Hauler Program as set forth herein. The conditions upon which a Waste Hauler's Discharge Permit may issue shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. Proof of a Contra Costa Health Department Waste Hauler Registration and Public Health License; 2. certification that the applicant has not been subject to any substantial enforcement actions relating to public health, waste hauling and/or hazardous waste handling; 3. provision of a list with license numbers of each vehicle which hauler proposes to use for discharge of waste at District Facili- ties; 4. certification that waste hauler has in place, and will maintain, vehicle insurance coverage which insures the hauler and the District against claims of personal injury and property damage (Said minimum limi ts and coverage requirements may from time to time be set forth by the District); and 5. The furnishing of a cash deposit or other security acceptable to the District in an amount set by the Board. l>k\:':~:~:::~::::::::::::lmlllmll:illlllllllil'III:I'"":llllil"l~il:ll"II; 1IIIIIIIIIIIIIii-!I:!lllli1!!~!I::;:::::::!am:ill:ffieg::::::::::::::::::~nBI:gB - 6 8 - F: \DMS\KLA.D I R\0007926. 10 ..-.-----....---.------.---..-.-.--,-.---...--.--.---.------ .--..--.--.---.-..-----.-.--- a~ 10.28.030 Cash Deposit - Security. -69- F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0007926.10 PAGE 1 OF 1 BOo\RO MEETING OF Jul 2 1992 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR e. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE ATTENDANCE OF LYNNE PUTNAM, SENIOR ENGINEER, AT THE SEPTEMBER 21-24, 1992 WEF ANNUAL CONFERENCE IN NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, AT A COST OF $1 ,450 DATE June 19 1992 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPTJDIV. David R. Williams, Planning Division Manager Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Directors is required for unbudgeted travel outside of California and/or if the expense will exceed $500. BACKGROUND: Lynne Putnam, Senior Engineer, is responsible for Treatment Plant Planning Projects including the Disinfection Facilities Plan and the UV Pilot Study. Lynne has co-authored a paper with Mark Heath of James M. Montgomery Engineers entitled, "A Comparative Evaluation of Ozone, UV Radiation, and Chlorine For Inactivation Of Total Coliform Bacteria In Wastewater" . This paper has been accepted for presentation at the Water Environment Federation (WEF) Annual Conference to be held in New Orleans September 21-24, 1992. A similar paper was presented at the CWPCA Annual Conference in April and attracted a large audience. Attendance at the conference will allow District staff to present information related to a District project and will provide an opportunity for exchange of current technical information with leaders in the wastewater industry. Funds are available in the Planning Division Education and Training Budget to cover the cost of this conference. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Lynne Putnam, Senior Engineer for the Planning Division, at the September 21-24, 1992 WEF Annual Conference in New Orleans at a cost of $1,450. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION i)~ INITIATING DEPTJDIV. 1302A-7/91 DRW RAB PAGE 1 OF 6 July 2, 1992 NO. 6. BIDS AND AWARDS a. SUBJECT DATE June 29, 1992 AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION FOR THE CLYDE, FAIRVIEW, AND MALTBY PUMPING STATIONS IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (DP 4682) TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Swanson, Principal Engineer Kent Von Aspern, Senior Engineering Asst. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department Infrastructure/Plant Engineering Divisions ISSUE: On June 10, 1992, sealed proposals were received and opened for the construction of the Clyde, Fairview, and Maltby Pumping Stations Improvements Project. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. BACKGROUND: The Fairview and Maltby Pumping Stations were constructed in 1969, as part of a system to convey wastewater for the city of Martinez to the District's wastewater treatment plant. In the Pumping Station Master Plan, various requirements to improve the reliability, safety, capacity, operating conditions, and maintainability of these two pumping stations were identified. The Clyde Pumping Station is also approximately 20 years old. This facility is located within the right of way for Norman Avenue in Clyde and is one of three pumping stations serving the Watershed 44 area (comprised of a portion of north Concord, Clyde, part of the U.S. Naval Weapons Station, and unincorporated land east and south of Mallard Reservoir). Improvements related to reliability, safety, operating conditions, and maintainability of this pumping station were also recommended in the Pumping Stations Master Plan and in a subsequent predesign report. The Clyde, Fairview, and Maltby Pumping Stations Improvements Project, District Project No. 4682, provides for the following at Fairview and Maltby Pumping Stations: construction of electrical control buildings, new electrical and instrumentation equipment to be installed above grade, installation of new electric pump motors and variable-frequency drives (VFDs), and installation of new ventilation system. An emergency stand-by generator will also be installed at Fairview Pumping Station. The improvements at Clyde Pumping Station include new submersible pumps and VFDs, application of a corrosion resistant coating to the wet well, new electrical and instrumentation systems, a No. 2 water system, and construction of a valve pit to allow better control of the pumping station. The project sites are shown in Figure 1. The plans and specifications for the project were prepared by G.S. Dodson and Associates (GSDA). The engineer's estimate for the construction was $2,300,000. This project was advertised on May 18 and 26, 1992. Seven (7) sealed bids ranging from $1,243,000 to RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON RAB ~ WLI3 WEB .'" II 1/1 ')"/ JSM ~ SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION FOR THE CLYDE, FAIRVIEW, AND MALTBY PUMPING STATIONS IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (DP 4682) POSITION PAPER 2 PAGE OF 6 DATE June 29, 1992 $1,937,874 were received and publicly opened on June 10, 1992. A summary of bids is shown in Attachment 1. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that the lowest responsible bidder is Pacific Mechanical Corporation, for the amount of $1,243,000. In reviewing the bids, one minor irregularity was noted in the bid of Pacific Mechanical Corporation. Prospective bidders were instructed to include a bid amount for project scheduling. In the Description of Bid Items, the Contractor was instructed that the bid amount shall be a minimum of $30,000 and a maximum of $60,000 for this item. Pacific Mechanical Corporation provided a bid amount less than $30,000 for the Project Schedule. Five of the seven bidders provided a bid amount for this item that was less than $30,000. Since this mistake in the bid was so widespread and encompassed the four lowest bidders, staff feels that the instructions were unclear, but that the bidders were not prejudiced and the variance is, therefore, non-material. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 2, are $1,698,000. The total project cost is anticipated to be $2,397,000. Construction of the improvements at the Fairview and Maltby Pumping Stations is included in the fiscal year 1992-93 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages CS-50 through CS-52. The Clyde Pumping Station Renovation project is included in the CIB on pages CS-45 and CS-46. These projects were combined to create a more competitive bid package. The combined total project cost included in the CIB is $3,519,000. Pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA), the District performed an initial study for the improvements at Fairview and Maltby Pumping Stations. Based on the results of the initial study, a Negative Declaration was prepared. At a public hearing held by the Board of Directors on March 5, 1992, it was determined that these projects will not have a significant impact on the environment. A Notice of Determination was filed with the Contra Costa County Clerk on March 10, 1992, in compliance with Section 21152 of the Public Resources Code. On December 19, 1991, the Board of Directors determined that the Clyde Pumping Station Improvements Project is categorically exempt from CEOA requirements in compliance with Section 18.3, (replacement or reconstruction) of the District CEOA guidelines. A Notice of Exemption was filed with the Contra Costa County Clerk on December 26, 1991. The District will administer the construction contract and will provide resident engineering and inspection services. Office engineering, including shop drawing review, will be conducted by GSDA. GSDA was selected because they prepared the plans and specifications for this project and because they have performed well on previous District projects. 1302B-7/91 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO PACIFIC MECHANICAL CORPORATION FOR THE CLYDE, FAIRVIEW, AND MALTBY PUMPING STATIONS IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (DP 4682) POSITION PAPER 3 6 PAGE OF DATE June 29, 1992 RECOMMENDATION: 1 . Find that the discrepancy in the bid of Pacific Mechanical Corporation represents a non- material variance and consider this bid as responsive. 2. Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $1,243,000 for construction of the Clyde, Fairview, and Maltby Pumping Stations Improvements Project, District Project No 4682, to Pacific Mechanical Corporation, as the lowest responsible bidder. 1302B-7/91 r '~'______"~____"~___""_"""'_^"M_._...___.__._.__"... ATTACHMENT 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO. 4682 - CLYDE. FAIRVIEW & MALTBY PUMPING STATIONS IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT DATE June 10. 1992 LOCATION Martinez. California ENGR.EST. $ 2.300.000 'foG, ',-. # BIDDER BID PRICE (Name, telephone & address) 1 PACIFIC MECHANICAL (510) 827-4940 $ 1,243,000 ,c P. O. Box 4041, Concord, CA 94524 2 CONTRI CONSTRUCTION CO. (702) 786-8550 $ 1,256,300 P. O. Box 12100, Reno, NV 89510 3 MONTEREY MECHANICAL (415) 632-3173 $ 1,298,800 8275 San Leandro St., Oakland, CA 94621 4 C. OVERAA & CO. (510) 234-0926 $ 1,342,000 200 Parr Blvd., Richmond, CA 94801 5 ALBAY CONSTRUCTION CO. (510) 228-5400 $ 1,353,000 P. O. Box 350, Loomis, CA 95650 6 AMELCO ELECTRIC (510) 895-2040 $ 1,827,705 1999 Neptune Dr., San Leandro, CA 7 TRI-AD CONSTRUCTORS (707) 746-6325 $ 1,937,874 1621 Shirley Dr., Benicia, CA 94510 , BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Joyce MUrDhy DATE 6-10-92 SHEET NO. -1- OF -1- ATTACHMENT 2 CLYDE, FAIRVIEW, AND MALTBY PUMPING STATIONS IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4682 POST BID PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Item Descriotion I21ID 1 Construction Contract $1,243,000 2 Contingency @ 15 Percent 186.500 Subtotal $1,429,500 3 Construction Management . District Forces Project Management 94,000 Ad m inistration/l nspection 70,000 Surveying 5,000 Legal 5,000 Record Drawings 7.000 Subtotal 181,000 . Consulta nts/Contractors Shop Drawing Review (GSDA) 49,950 Geotechnical (Woodward-Clyde) 5,000 Material Testing 5,000 Vibration Analysis 2.000 Subtotal 61,950 . Miscellaneous Engineering Department 5,550 Plant Operations Department 5,000 Operation & Maintenance Manual 1 5.000 Subtotal 25.550 Construction Management $268,500 Subtotal 4 Prebid Expenditures 699,000 5 Total Project Cost 2,397,000 6 Funds Allocated to Date 699,000 7 Allocation Required $1,698,000 to Complete Project Percent of Construction Contract Costs 100.0 6.6 4.9 0.4 0.4 0.5 12.7 3.5 0.4 0.4 0.1 4.3 0.4 0.4 1.8 18.8 48.9 167.7 ----------,-.-------------..---.----.--..-..--------..----.-....-.....---.... -..-.-------.---..---......--- _....,,~ PORT CHICAGO HY1 ------ .~ ~ Vi >-~5 ~ ~ii:F U ....::lie( 3 ~~:n It: a. ~ It: - Ou III tiZe( t- e(oW ~ ~~~ ...., ZIII o 0 :t U ., Or\,\. ~ ~ m ~ # pT' ~ I --<Ff .... ..J :i: ~ z e( III -< W ..J IL 9 '" o .. ~: --<~ :2l . w:d '~ fr:o ~;~ ::)=i-,,,, LJ!;(1 ....... UI u..~ .. d I o -----------------~--"-"._-----,. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF July 2, 1992 NO. 7. PERSONNEL a. SUBJECT DATE June 26, 1992 DENY APPEAL OF GRIEVANCE BY UNION ON BEHALF OF DENNIS ALMOND AND FRANK SHEA, MAINTENANCE CREW MEMBER II'S, AND JAMES BOYD, RETIRED MAINTEN- ANCE CREW MEMBER II IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARBITRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ISSUE: In accordance with the Disciplinary Procedure in the current Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) between the District and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees Union, Local No. One, the Board of Directors may adopt, reject, or modify the recommendation of an appointed neutral third party (arbitrator) in appealed disciplinary matters. BACKGROUND: Maintenance Crew Member II's Dennis Almond and Frank Shea, and retired Maintenance Crew Member II James Boyd were not given passing grades by an oral board during a District oral examination for Maintenance Crew Leader. Consequently, on behalf of the three Maintenance Crew Member II's, the Union grieved certain aspects of the District's recruitment, testing, and selection procedures to the General Manager-Chief Engineer. Upon the General Manager-Chief Engineer hearing and denying the grievance, the Union appealed to the Board of Directors in accordance with the M.O.U. between the parties. The Board authorized the selection of an arbitrator to hear the appeal and make a recommendation to the Board for their consideration. Mr. Franklin Silver served as the arbitrator and was selected by both the District and the Union from a list submitted by the State of California Mediation and Conciliation Service. The arbitrator's decision is being transmitted under separate cover for the Board's information. He ruled on the following three issues: 1 .) the submission of supplemental information after the application deadline in violation of the M.O.U. and Title 4 of the District Code; 2.) the decision by Personnel to have a written exercise considered by the department and not the oral board during the final selection process; in violation of the M.O.U. and Title 4 of the District Code; and 3.) the failure to promote Dennis Almond based on discrimination due to his Union activities. In his award, Mr. Silver states; "The District did not violate Article III, Section 10 of the M.O.U. and Title 4 of the Personnel Code by allowing candidates for the Crew Leader position to submit REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DENY APPEAL OF GRIEVANCE BY UNION ON BEHALF OF DENNIS ALMOND AND FRANK SHEA, MAINTENANCE CREW MEMBER II'S, AND JAMES BOYD, RETIRED MAINTEN- ANCE CREW MEMBER II IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARBITRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION SUBJECT PAGE DATE 2 OF 2 June 26, 1992 supplemental information concerning their qualifications after the filing deadline nor by failing to consider the written exercise as part of the candidates' overall score and ranking on the eligibility list. Further, the District did not fail to promote Dennis Almond to the Crew leader position as a result of discrimination based on Union activities. (The issue of discrimination due to the Union activities was waived during the arbitration hearing by the Union). The grievance is denied." The Secretary of the District notified the Union that this issue would be on the Board's July 2, 1992 agenda. The Union representatives were invited to attend if desired. RECOMMENDATION: Deny and dismiss the grievance of the Union on behalf of Maintenance Crew Member II's, Dennis Almond and Frank Shea, and James Boyd, retired Maintenance Crew Member II in accordance with the Arbitrator's recommendation, as the final action of the District. 1302B-7/91