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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-04-92 ~ Central ~~~~~ g~~~R~~~::~~ .Jistrict PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. D'Nfay 26, 1992 QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT TO GERALD V. JACKSON, ET UX, JOB NO. 2595, ALAMO AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF SEWER EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Dennis Hall Associate En ineer t./lnfrastructure Division ISSUE: Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, owners of Lot 10 of Subdivision 4498, have requested the District to quitclaim the subject easement. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was dedicated at no cost to the District for a future sewer main in 1976 when the subdivision map was filed. Subsequently, the property adjoining Subdivision 4498 was subdivided in 1977, and a new sewer easement was created parallel with and south of the subject easement. When the sewers were installed for the new subdivision (Sub 4941), an 8-inch sewer main was stubbed into the new sewer easement for future development. If the public sewer is ever extended, it will be constructed in the sewer easement associated with Subdivision 4941. Therefore, the easement on the Jackson property, Lot 10, is no longer required and can be quitclaimed. The property owner has paid the District's processing fee. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Mr. Gerald V. Jackson, et ux, Job No. 2595, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~(f' m ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT/DIV 1302A-9/85 DH ~JSM RAB / 8" F~(f' PIPE STUB M MAN HOLE , ~, \ ',~1'" " I , \.J \, \'--, "',' / -"'..- IJ-, '"=.- "'--...... .). I ,- \ I I , , ~+ft/":"'::.::.:..~ QUITCLAIM EASEMENT , JOB 2595 ALAMO AREA ____u_.________ -T- ------. ~ Central ~g~~~ g~~~R~~~~~~ Jistrict PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING ~une 4, 1992 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR b. DATE May 26, 1992 SUBJECT APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH DONALD R. WARD AND PHYLLIS J. WARD, JOB 1101, ORINDA AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: The property owners have requested the District's approval to allow the encroachment of a room addition, a concrete patio, and a wooden deck over a District easement. BACKGROUND: In 1978 a previous owner of the Ward's property built a swimming pool over the District's easement. A real property agreement was executed at that time for the pool encroachment. The present proposal is to build a house addition, which includes a concrete patio and wood decking. The house addition will encroach one to two feet into the District's easement. The decking and concrete will completely cross the 10-foot wide easement. The Wards and their architect, Mr. John E. Seals, have cooperated with the District and have paid our processing fee. The new Real Property Agreement has been negotiated to fully protect the District rights and will include all new improvements and the existing pool. When the new agreement is recorded, it will supersede and replace the original Real Property Agreement. . Staff has determined that the improvements will not interfere with the present use of our sewer. The existing sewer is cast iron pipe and is in good condition. If a need arises to excavate and repair this sewer, the excavation can be accomplished with little effect on the existing house or new addition. The agreement limits what may be installed in the easement in the future. The property owner accepts the liability for any damages to District's facilities and for additional costs to the District for maintenance and replacement of the sewer in the area of the encroachments. The property owner holds the District free from all claims and liability for injury to persons or to their property within the easement area. The property owner agrees not to impede the District's access to the property. The agreement also provides for the District's emergency access. This project (the proposed agreement) has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement Relating to Real Property with Donald R. Ward, et ux, Job No. 1101, and authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A.9/85 /.pr DH rw ROGER J. DOLAN INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. JSM RAB . ...-.....--..---.....--.......--...-....... .--...-.....--...----.. ----.... ... ...-...-.....-......,...........-....... ;;- I . , I ~ 10' SEWER EASEMENT r EXIST. t ( pd'OL ~x EQUIP. )( , :X-..n * I ... -~. a---'-.. .. ~ " ~ \ ~. \~----I ~ \ . ~ T~ EXISTING I I r- 4-_, : : I . i ! REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOB 1101 ORINDA AREA -.-...----~-~.~.-- -"--'--~"''''"'-''-''.'''''''-'-'-'---_.''-'--'l-.''-'_._~___m',,',_______"__"___"",____,,'_~,~____,,'''_,'"--"--"'~"-'-'~'-"--'-"'_._-'-~'------"'---'--~~-_._----_._.__.---_._~_._._,--"------,---,......,~- ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS .,...'....................... .................................-. -..... .... ,....,... .....-........................................................ ~qllllllllBmlf{ BOARD MEETI~:~: 4, 1992 PAGE 1 OF 1 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR c. SUBJECT ESTABLISH JUNE 18, 1992, AT 3 P.M. AS THE DATE AND TIME FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE DISTRICT CODE PROVISIONS FOR FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES DATE Ma 29 1992 TYPE OF ACTION ESTABLISH DATE AND TIME FOR PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DE PT iDIV. Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Principal Engineer Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: The District Code requires that the Board of Directors hold a public hearing prior to their consideration of any proposed ordinances to amend code provisions for Facilities Capacity Fees. BACKGROUND: Staff has conducted a study of the revenue needs of the District's Capital Improvement Program. The results of this study indicate that a 2.8 percent increase in Facilities Capacity and Pumped Zone Fees is needed to provide adequate funding for the expansion subprograms. The proposed increase is equal to the change in the Engineering News Record Construction Cost Index for the San Francisco. Bay Area during calendar year 1991. Several other possible changes to the Facilities Capacity Fee System are being investigated by staff for consideration by the Board of Directors in August. These include such potential changes as relocation credits, a deferred payment option, clarification of "granny unit", and changes in the time of fee collection. Relocation credits and deferred payments will address the initial impact of fees on restaurants. Consideration of these potential changes in August will allow for full involvement of the public and other interested agencies and organizations in the process for revising the fee system. The District Code requires that a public hearing be held prior to the Board's consideration of an ordinance to amend code provisions for Facilities Capacity Fees. Such a public hearing has been tentatively scheduled for June 18, 1992, at 3 p.m. RECOMMENDATION: Establish June 18, 1992, at 3 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed ordinance to amend the District Code provisions for Facilities Capacity Fees. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON INITIATING DEPTJDIV. r ~;2uJ ~ R.lCHIEF ENG. Ith- 1302A-7/91 DRW RAB 1--"---- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 June 4, 1992 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR d. DATE BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL OF FUNDS FROM THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for emergency withdrawal of funds from the Deferred Compensation Plan. BACKGROUND: Derhyl F. Houck, Maintenance Technician III, has requested an emergency withdrawal from the Deferred Compensation Plan based on extreme financial hardship caused by a medical disability. The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee has reviewed the request and determined that it meets the requirements for emergency withdrawal in the amount of $ 2 ,800. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request by Derhyl F. Houck for an emergency withdrawal of $2',800 from the Deferred Compensation Plan, as recommended by the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATI,NG DEPT.lDIV. .r:," 1302A-7/91" WNF PM ROGER J. DOLAN AD SIPos. Paper # 2/Emergwit .PP --'-~-~---_.'-----r-- ----.----------.---.~~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF NO. June 4, 1992 3. CONSENT CALENDAR e. DATE SUBJECT ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE 1991-1992 APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARTICLE XIII B OF THE CALIFORNIA CONSTITUTION Ma 29 1992 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is required to establish its appropriations limit in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution. BACKGROUND: On May 21, 1992, the Board of Directors authorized posting a public notice of the availability of documentation in support of the District's appropriations limit. As statutorily required, the public notice was made at least 15 days prior to the June 4, 1992 Board Meeting at which the adoption of the appropriations limit is recommended. Formerly, the appropriations limit was increased annually by a factor comprised of the change in population combined with either the change in California per capita personal income or the Consumer Price Index, whichever is lower. As amended by Proposition 111 in 1990, the Consumer Price Index was replaced by the percentage change in the local assessment roll from the preceding year due to local nonresidential construction. The Board is to select between the per capita personal income, or the change in the local assessment roll due to local nonresidential construction, by a recorded vote. The 1 990-1991 appropriations limit was to be computed based upon the 1986-1987 appropriations limit adjusted from that year forward by the new growth factors. However, the change in the local assessment roll, which is intended to be obtainable from the County Assessor, was not available for use for the 1990-1991 fiscal year and, therefore, the per capita personal income factor was used. The County Assessor has determined the nonresidential construction index for 1991-1992 to be 14.2 percent, but has indicated that the index will not be provided for the prior fiscal years 1986-1987 to 1990-1991 due to limitations of the assessment records. The California per capita personal income change for use in computing the 1991-1992 appropriations limit is 4.14 percent. The computation of the 1991-1992 appropriations limit by application of the California per capita personal income and population percentage change factors to the 1986-1987 appropriations limit adjusted from that year forward to 1990-1991, and the nonresidential construction index for 1991-1992, was provided at the May 21, 1992 Board Meeting. The Sewer Construction Fund (Capital Fund) appropriations limit so computed is $13,574,899 for the 1991-1992 fiscal year. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution establishing the Sewer Construction Fund appropriations limit in the amount of $13,574,899 for the 1991-1992 fiscal year, in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution; select the change in the local assessment roll due to local nonresidential construction, instead of the change in California per capita personal income, for use in computing the appropriations limit. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. .~ ,) . e7~"--t?- ...-4-/ 1302A-7/91 WNF PM PAGE 1 OF 16 NO. 4. HEARINGS a. DATE May 27, 1992 CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE CURRENT SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES AND ADOPT AN ORDINANCE APPROVING THE FEE SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1992 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING AND ADOPT ORDINANCE SUBMITTED BY Steven A. Elsberry Senior Accountant/Internal Auditor INITIATING DEPTJDIV. Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: A public hearing is required to obtain public comments on the proposed changes to the current schedule of rates and charges, effective July 1, 1992. BACKGROUND: At the May 21, 1992 Board Meeting, the results of a review of the District's schedule of rates and charges were presented, and a public hearing was set for June 4, 1992. Attachments I and II of the May 21, 1992 Position Paper, which summarize the results of the review, are provided as Attachments I and II to this Position Paper, as well. Attachment I has been corrected and expanded to include additional current inspection fees and corrected fee titles for the fees labeled (B-2), Lateral Inspection, and (B-3), Side Sewer Repair Inspection. These changes are highlighted with shading on the attachment. When the District fees were last changed in 1989, the Board directed that the fees continue to be . set without including administrative overhead but directed staff to present the fees both inclusive, and exclusive, of administrative overhead at the next review so that this matter could be reconsidered. Attachment I summarizes the results of the staff review and presents recommended fees both inclusive, and exclusive, of administrative overhead. Staff recommends that 27 of the 34 fees listed .in Attachment I be increased by the cumulative effect of the three annual District salary adjustments since the last rate setting, 10.4 percent, or less. Administrative overhead is not included. For comparison, the Consumer Price Index for the Bay Area has risen 12.9 percent since the last rate setting. The remaining seven fees include two new fees, one fee for which staff recommends actual expense be used instead of a set amount, and four fees which staff recommends be increased more than 10.4 percent. These seven fees are summarized on page one of Attachment III, and described on the remaining pages of Attachment III. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing on the proposed schedule of rates and charges and consider the following recommended actions: . Determine whether the fees should include, or exclude, administrative overhead . Approve the appropriate schedule of rates and charges . Adopt an ordinance to implement the new schedule effective July 1, 1992 REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SAE WNF PM R.lCHIEF ENG. ~ INITIATING DEPTJDIV. I ~ ~ "----.--------,-.,-.-.---*.-..-,-,~~~.-.-.~---.---.-.--1--- -co ..... c- o.> 0 E~ .s= 0.> u C) ctl ctl :::a.. <( ..... u ';:: ..... en o > ~ ctl :!:: c ctl en ctl ..... en o U ctl ~ ..... c o U >- 0: <( ~ ~ :::::> en en w ~ 0: <( J: U o Z <( en w I- <( 0: ctl ~ ..... c: 0.> U o~W ~::>> ~O~O 2::I:<C<C w~o:w ~-~::I: ~3:(/)a: (/)(/)ZW :::lW-> I~~O O<CO <ca:<c (/) W C) a: <C ::I: U o Z <C (/) W ~ <C a: o W o 2 W ~ ~ o u W a: w > C)~O Z<C<C -a:w O~::I: ::>(/)0: ...J-W UZ> ~~O o <C C)W 2~0 C~<C ::><CW ...Ja:J: U~a: Z~W -2> ~~O 00 2<c ~ell(/) 2(/)~ Wwa: ~~<C ::><C::I: Ua:U >- a: o C) W ~ <C U ~ Q) ... o Z c: .= 'E - CD,... Nil) 'v -0 0_ c: i 'E - Il)Il) 0"" 'C"') -0 0_ - c "':'E ~ Il)O O)~ 'C"') 00 0_ - ~ ,~ G) .... a.. N i Q) III '$ ~ ~ ,~ ... > c: Q) Q)a: E c o.~ o a.. 'ii- > IV Q) c: eu:: ~ ~ Q) Q) ... ... o 0 Z Z &. 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LL LL ~ + + + + 0 ~ ~ I o U") o U") i ex:> ::I ~ ..~ ..~ f4 0 z 'I 1 CD - .5.- . -:1 . - Ii - .- - J~~ - - if = - ~ . a: - I-~~ - . -uu I Uu ellt . II: =22 2= - '. -Il~~ Iii - I.~ L '.SS III - II 'Ii 1-- . - - ~ -il - I ~ - .J~~ - .. a: .- N . l-- ::::I - II:V~ I; III U .- - - - - - - - ~ ~ co N ('t) ...... ('t) I I I I I I I <( LL m c.o c.o u 0 - - - - - - - Attachment III Page 2 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District DESCRIPTION OF SELECTED FEES Buildina Plan Review Fee This fee will reimburse the District for the expense of reviewing plans required by the County or cities for building permits. The fee is based on an average of one-half hour of staff time required to review the plans for encroachments on District easements, sewer work outside of buildings, and any related fees. Included in the fee is $5 which will be reimbursed to the County or cities as part of a process being developed, whereby the County or city will not issue building permits until any work required by the District is completed and related fees paid. Class III Permit Fee The District pretreatment program was recently expanded to include businesses that have wastewater volume and strength characteristics below the levels of Class I and II. A new Class III category was created for these businesses. This fee will reimburse the District for the expense of inspecting the businesses, and preparing and verifying certification for the permit. Manhole or Roddina Inlet Insoection Fee When the Board set the rates in 1989, it directed that this fee be increased from $150 to the actual District expense of $360 and that the fee be phased in over three rate settings. Applying the 10.4 percent effect of the District salary adjustments brings the current District expense to $398 and, continuing the phase-in process, staff recommends a fee of $309 this year with full recovery of expenses at the next rate setting. Residential Seotic and Portable Toilet Waste This fee is composed of a fixed amount per truck plus a volume charge. At the last rate setting, the Board directed that the volume charge be increased from $ .05 per gallon to the actual District expense of $. 134 per gallon and that the charge be phased-in over three rate settings. The current District expense for processing the waste is $.146 per gallon and, continuing the phase-in process, staff recommends a charge of $.112 per gallon with full recovery of expenses at the next rate setting. Staff has determined that the current fixed expense per truck is $11 .25 for trucks with volumes under 2,000 gallons and $41.25 for trucks with volumes of 2,000 gallons or more. . __.____.__... __._.. _. .._... . __...__....... . m__' .".'__ ... .'. "',." .......... . ..._....__..... .__...... ._..... _'. __._. ....... ... .__ ..__._.._.__......._.... .___._._. -..._. ......... ___ Attachment III Page 3 of 3 Restaurant Grease Waste This fee is also composed of a fixed amount per truck plus a volume charge. While staff recommends the same fixed amount as described above for septic and portable toilet waste, it recommends that the current volume charge of $.01 per gallon be retained to encourage restaurant owners to empty their grease interceptors regularly. The actual expense of processing the grease is $.305 per gallon and the resulting $.295 per gallon subsidy amounts to approximately $88,000 annually. Dye Test Fee This fee is based on an average on one hour of time by a two-member CSO crew plus an amount for District equipment and supplies. The fee currently calculates to $74. Fee for Preoaration and Processina of Aareements Relatina to Real Prooerty Staff recommends that this fee be changed from a fixed amount to actual District expenses. The amount of staff time required to evaluate individual encroachments including surveying, locating existing pipelines, and preparing formal agreements can vary considerably for each circumstance. Accordingly, staff recommends that this fee be based on actual District expenses rather than a fixed amount based on average expenses. ADS/PosPaper# 1/Rates&Chg.1I1 ---------------------------------------------r----------------------------------- - ---------- ------------------------ PAGE 1 OF 16 NO. 6. BIDS AND AWARDS a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, AUTHORIZE CONSULTANT AGREEMENTS, AND AUTHORIZE $23,063,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE HEADWORKS FACILITIES EXPANSION PROJECT, (DP 20069) SUBMITTED BY Douglas J. Craig INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Senior Engineer DATE June 1, 1992 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD AUTHORIZE FUNDS AUTHORIZE AGREEMENTS Engineering Departmentl Plant Engineering Div. ISSUES: On May 19, 1992, sealed proposals were received and opened for the construction of the Headworks Facilities Expansion Project, District Project 20069. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the opening of bids. Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute professional services agreements in amounts greater than $50,000. There are four professional services agreements associated with the construction of the Headworks Facilities Expansion Project which are greater than $50,000. Supplemental authorizations from the Sewer Construction Fund to Capital Improvement Program accounts require authorization by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The Headwork:; Project consists of a new influent structure that will receive wastewater flows from the future Pleasant Hill and "An line interceptors, a new influent pump station with flow metering and screenings handling and a new bypass structure and pipeline that will convey wastewater to the wet weather holding ponds for short-term storage. Other components include an electrical substation, odor control system and septage disposal facility. The new headworks facilities will be located in the area of the existing headworks, as shown in Attachment 1. The Headworks Project was originally bid on May 23, 1991. The low bid ($27,869,000) exceeded the engineer's estimate and the funds designated for the project in the Capital Improvement Budget. On July 8, 1991, the Board authorized funds to conduct a Value Engineering (VE) study on the project. The VE study determined that by redesigning portions of the project and rebidding, a substantial cost savings could be realized. With this in mind, the Board rejected all bids on August 1, 1991. On October 2, 1991, the Board authorized an agreement with James M. Montgomery Consulting Engineers to modify the design of the Headworks Facilities Expansion Project in accordance with the recommendations of the VE study. The redesign of the Headworks Project was completed, and the project was advertised for construction on April 13 and April 24, 1992. Six bids, ranging from $18,368,000 to 'Nir~ 1302A-7/91 ltvtr3 ~ REVIEWED AND RECpMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DJC WEB RAB ---r-------..-----.-----..--------..-- -.------- . SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, AUTHORIZE CONSULTANT AGREEMENTS, AND AUTHORIZE $23,063,000 FROM THE SewER CONSTRUCTION FUND TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE HEADWORKS FACILITIES EXPANSION PROJECT, (DP 20069) POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 2 OF 16 June 1, 1992 $21,677,000 were received on May 19, 1992. The engineer's estimate was $23,291,000. A Summary of Bids is shown in Attachment II. The contract completion time for the project is 811 days (27 months). Although the construction period has been shortened as a result of the redesign, it remains unusually long due to the construction constraints necessary to keep the present facilities operating while the new facilities are being constructed. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Humphrey Construction, Inc. of Woodinville, Washington, with a bid of $18,368,000. The technical evaluation of the bid only revealed one potential discrepancy which staff concludes does not amount to a material variance and, therefore, should not prevent the award to Humphrey Construction. This issue concerned the fact that Humphrey did not specifically list an instrumentation and control systems subcontractor in its bid. One view of the specifications suggests that certain portions of the work should be performed by a listed instrumentation and control systems subcontractor. However, on close review of the relevant specification sections, staff has concluded that the intent of those sections was to serve three purposes: (1) obtain controls from one of the pre- qualified instrumentation and control suppliers; (2) provide for either installation, or supervision of the installation, by onebf the pre-qualified instrument suppliers; and (3) to consolidate responsibility for that unit of work. Humphrey Construction indicates that they intend to comply with the intent of the specifications by using a pre-qualified instrument supplier for the entire package and having that instrument supplier supervise the actual landing of the wiring to the instruments, thereby providing overall unit responsibility by the pre-qualified instrument supplier. This procedure appears to be technically acceptable and is consistent with a number of references in the specification which suggests that the pre-qualified instrument supplier shall either perform the installation itself or supervise the installation. It should be noted that five of the six bidders did not list an instrumentation and control systems subcontractor. Monterey Mechanical, the second low bidder, has added an instrumentation and control subcontractor by following the statutory procedures for altering their subcontractor listing as a result of a clerical error. The estimated total project cost in the 1 991-92 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) is $34,354,000. The current estimate of the total project cost is $31,358,000 as noted in Attachment III. This includes the cost of the Standby Power Project (DP 20121) which is scheduled to bid later this year. Authorization of funds for construction of the He~.dworks Project was not requested from the Board of Directors when the 1991-92 CIB was adopted due to the magnitude of the project, 13028-7/91 -'-------,_._-'-----"-------------_._---_...,-------'---._----,._"'-----_.."'..,---------------- SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, AUTHORIZE CONSULTANT AGREEMENTS, AND AUTHORIZE $23,063,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE HEADWORKS FACILITIES EXPANSION PROJECT, (DP 20069) POSITION PAPER PAGE 3 OF 16 DATE June 1, 1992 the preliminary nature of the cost estimate, and its schedule, which called for bidding late in the fiscal year. It is necessary that the funds needed to complete the project ($23,063,000) be authorized from the Sewer Construction Fund by the Board at the time the project award is authorized. An agreement has been negotiated with CH2M Hill California Inc. for construction management services with a cost ceiling of $1,175,000. These services include administration of the construction contract, coordination with the contractor, and general construction management and administration duties, including inspection of the contractor's work. Electrical and instrumentation inspection, however, will be provided by James M. Montgomery Engineers (JMM). An agreement has been negotiated with JMM for engineering services during construction with a cost ceiling of $683,000. These services include evaluation of contractor submittals and preparation of design clarifications; electrical/instrumentation inspection as noted above; preparation of record drawings; and testing and training for the electrical/instrumentation portion of the work. JMM will also produce the software for the headworks computer control system at a cost of $197,000. This software development includes preparing display screens for the headworks control system and programming the programmable logic controllers. The job of programming control systems has traditionally been done by the contractor; however, the recent trend of the industry for complex control systems is to engage specialty consultants for this task. Additionally, JMM provided bid period assistance which included design clarifications and the preparation of an addendum at a cost of $14,000. An agreement has been negotiated with Mr. Dan Cortinovis, operation and maintenance consultant, to prepare the operations and maintenance (O&M) manual and provide operator training for the new headworks facilities with a cost ceiling of $154,000. This work includes production of video training tapes that will be used to train existing as well as future operations staff. An agreement has also been negotiated with Construction Materials Testing, Inc. to provide testing services during construction with a cost ceiling of $65,000. These services consist of soils compaction, concrete testing, and miscellaneous structural testing. In compliance with the District's CEOA guidelines, a Negative Declaration was prepared for this project and approved by the Board on December 21, 1989. A Notice of Determination has been filed with the County Clerk. The Headworks Facilities Expansion Project is included in the 1991-92 Capital Improvement Budget starting on page TP-8. 13028-7/91 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT, AUTHORIZE CONSULTANT AGREEMENTS, AND AUTHORIZE $23,063,000 FROM THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND TO THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE HEADWORKS FACILITIES EXPANSION PROJECT, (DP 20069) RECOMMENDATIONS: POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE 4 OF 16 June 1, 1992 Construction Contract: Authorize award of construction contract to Humphrey Construction, Inc., as the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $18,368,000 for the construction of the Headworks Facilities Expansion Project (DP 20069). Consultant Contracts: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute the following Cost Reimbursement Agreements for consultant services during the construction of the Headworks Facilities Expansion Project: 1 . Agreement with CH2M Hill for construction management services with a cost ceiling of $1,175,000. 2. Agreement with JMM for engineering services during construction with a cost ceiling of $894,000. 3. Agreement with Dan Cortinovis for preparation of an O&M manual and operator training with a cost ceiling of $154,000. 4. Agreement with Construction Materials Testing, Inc. for testing services during construction with a cost ceiling of $65,000. Funding: Authorize $23,063,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund to the Treatment Plant Program Unallocated Authorization Account. 13026-7/91 ---.----.-------,--.. .-...-.--......------.--....----...... .....-. .-.--- ......----.......-.. .-...----.------ ~'. / ~ NEW HEADWORKS ) ATTACHMENT II Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS . . PROJECT NO. 20069 - HEADWORKS FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT LOCATION Martinez, California DATE Mav 19,1992 ENGR.EST. $ 23,291.000 # BIDDER BID PRICE (Name, telephone & address) 1 HUMPHREY CONSTRUCTION INC. (206) 488-2400 $ 18,368,000 P. O. Box 907, Woodinville, WA 98072 2 MONTEREY MECHANICAL (510) 632-3173 $ 18,939,000 8275 San Leandro Street, Oakland, CA 94621 3 KAWEAH CONSTRUCTION (916) 739-6830 $ 19,253,000 4141A Power Inn Road, Sacramento, CA 95828 4 C. W. ROEN CONSTRUCTION (510) 837-5501 $ 19,812,000 40 Oak Court, Danville, CA 94526 5 HOMER J. OLSEN INC. (510) 489-1661 $ 21,500,000 Box 993, Union City, CA 94587 6 DAN CAPUTO co. (408) 227-7000 $ 21,677,000 202 Lewis Road, San Jose, CA 95111 , , BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Joyce E. Murphy DATE 5-19-92 SHEET NO. -L OF --L --------------,--- ATTACHMENT III HEADWORKS FACIUTIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 20069 POST BID, PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE PERCENTAGE OF ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST . DIRECT CONSTRUCTION COSTS 1. Construction Contract $18,368,000 2. Software Programming by JMM 197,000 (Operator Control Console and PLCs) 3. Electrical Equipment Prepurchase 97,000 4. Plant Operations 96,000 (Construction, tie-ins, etc.) 5. Parking & Traffic Modifications 20,000 6. Asbestos Removal Contract 2,000 7. Construction Security Guard 50,000 8. Construction Contingency 1,800,000 SUBTOTAL $20,630,000 100.0% CONSTRUCTION SERVIC~S . CH2M Hill California - Construction Management & Inspection $1,175,000 . James M. Montgomery Engineers - Engineering during Construction 495,000 - Electrical & Instrumentation Inspection 92,000 . District Forces - Engineering 47,000 - Plant Operations 98,000 - Construction 224,000 - Survey 20,000 . Construction Materials Testing, Inc. - Testing Services 65,000 SUBTOTAL $2,216,000 10.7% Pace 1 ---,--_.________..__....__..._...__........__.0.....___..0....._____. .I ATTACHMENT III ! HEADWORKS FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 20069 POST BID, PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE PERCENTAGE OF CONSTRUCTION COST ITEM DESCRIPTION SPECIALTY SERVICES TOTAL . Villalobos and Associates - Corrosion Control $7.800 . James M;' Montgomery Engineers - As-Built Drawings . Woodward-Clyde Consultants - Geotechnical Services 62.000 SUBTOTAL 24.200 $94.000 0.5% START-UP AND TRAINING . Dan Cortinovis - 0 & M Manual and Operator Training . James M. Montgomery Engineers - Training and Start-up $154.000 34,000 . District Forces - Start-up & Performance Testing 1 . Engineering 2. Plant Operations SUBTOTAL 15.000 17.000 $220.000 1.1% Deduct Electrical Equipment Prepurchase $23.160.000 (97.000) CONSTRUCTION TOTAL AUTHORIZED FUNDS REQUESTED $23.063.000 P=.~~ ? ---r-- ATTACHMENT III HEADWORKS FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 20069 POST BID, PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ITEM DESCRIPTION PRESID EXPENDITURES TOTAL PERCENTAGE OF CONSTRUCTION COST . Facility Plan $144,000 571,000 2,450,000 105,000 . Predesign . Final Design Value Engineering Redesign (JMM plus District expense) Sid Period (JMM plus District expense) SUBTOTAL 994,000 29.000 $4,293,000 20.8% . . . TOTAL HEADWORKS PROJECT COST (DP 20069 AS BID) $27,453,000 133.1 % FUTURE EXPENDITURES UNDER THIS PROJECT . Standby Power Facilites $3,900.000 OVERALL PROJECT COST $31,353,000 P~9'3 3 ..-..------.------.-.--.....-.....-...--......---..-.,............-.......--..-....-.............-.-.............. . ... ..__.._'__ _.'"._..,_~i...._____"...,____.____ JUN 01 '92 17:15 THIERMAN COOK BROWN P.2/8 1W'll( R. THIEAMAH OI!NNIS .. COOK ~W.Il?\OWN JOHN W. PRAGeR, JR. . wtNOV A. CHI!IT AOIi'RT I.. "'I!OIGER .. ! THfERMAN, COOK. BROWN & PRAGER ROIIIIT M!D COl'IOTHy IIoC8I<AlIGI!L ~ETWIUlON alMA ~..soN-IMITH IRIAN 0. i&RI066A CAAOl.I E. 8WGeA lS~" GIGA GIORGIi Po I'AAl8OTTO OHAlS'TOftHIiI'l iL 1OU\lIER UNOA T. iokKIHNlY . A P~ CorporlllDll .. A*>> Adll'liUlld in Hfi lbnI RTOI'INiV$ AT LMi &&$ CAP'tlOL MALL SUITE 425 SAcRAMENiO, CALIFOFlNIA 958'" (918) 442-3100 FAX (Gle) 44204227 June 1, 1992 Of CQ.l_1 JOHN F. PiNA061i . AlsQ AGml/1e4lfl ,..,..~. MICHA!!L JJ. JltICCmiU.O 80'\ CAI,JFOI'lN.... STAe~ 17TH I'1.OOI't SAN I'RANCJsco. CAUFOAHIAI4108 (41S) 3111-1200 PAX (41S) 434-aIG'I' 101 CIVIC CiNTIA Oftlve sum 450 ~TA ANA, CAUI"OAN.... N7V1 (714) 54'''' F~ (714) 542.1001I ResPOND TO: VIA FACSDlILE AND FEDERA~ EXPRESS Sacramento Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Attention: Soard of Directors, c/o Park L. Boneysteele RE: Heaqworks Facilt~ies Improvements Pro;ect Dear Mr. Boneysteele: This firm represents Humphrey Construction, Inc. ("HCI") in various construction and labor relations matters. HCI submitted the apparent low bid as a prime contractor on the above- referenced project. It is our understanding that the staff of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has contacted Hcr regarding the responsiveness of HeI's bid, specifically regarding the fact that HCI did not name an instrumentation and control company, as allegedly required by the specifications. This letter will state HCI's position regarding the instrumentation and control portion of its bid on the above-referenced project. As stated in the May 22, 1992 letter from Gordon Bawden of HCI to Douglas Craig of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary Distriot, Hcr utilized the cost of purchasing an instrumentation and control package from JWP Controls, Inc. in caloulating the instrumentation and control portion of its bid. However, HCI, along with its eleotrical subcontractor, Amelco, intended to install the instrumentation and control package itself. JWP Controls, Inc. was not listed as a subcontractor because, other than calibration and other routine teohnical work performed by any major equipment supplier, it would not be performing any construction work on the project.1 1 JWP Controls, Inc. was not included as a manufacturer or supplier because there was no request under the "equipment and/or material description" for instrumentation and control. However, on May 20, 1992, ,less than 24 hours following bid day, HeI informed the District that JWP Controls, Inc. would be supplying its instrumentation and control system. ---1-"'--'--'--- JUN 01 '92 17:16 THIERMAN COOK BROWN P.3/8 Central Contra June 1, 1992 Page 2 sta Sanitary District / Purchasin~ the instrumentation and control paokage as a supply item is the prevailinq practice in the industry. In this case five out of six Didders did not list an instrumentation "subcontractor. II Clearly, the other bidders also interpreted the specification to permit the purchase of the instrumentation and control packa~e as a supply item with installation to be performed by the prime contractor. This interpretation is reinforced by the definition of "Contractor" in the specification to mean "Contractor/Instrumentation Subcontractor," thereby inferrin~ that the two entities are interchan~eable. HCl's instrumentation and control bid did not create any bidding advantage for HeI as compared to other prime contractors. HCI would pay a competitive price for the instrumentation and control package and both HeI and Amelco would pay the required prevailing wage to all employees performing the installation of the system. Her bid the instrumentation and control package as it did for a variety of reasons - industry practioe, its experienoe in installation, the fact electrical subcontractor bids included installation. It was not necessarily the lowest bid for the work. HeI's purchase of the instrumentation and control system as a supply item and the subsequent installation of this system by HCI and its electrical subcontractor does not violate either Section 13300 of the Contract Specifications or applibable California law. Section 13300(1.1) (B) of the Contract Specifications purports to require the contractor to use an instrumentation subcontractor and qualified electrical installers or subcontractor to furnish, install and place into servioe the instrumentation and control system. Paragraph 3.1(A) states that the Contractor shall utilize personnel provided by the Instrumentation Subcontractor to acoomplish, or sucervis@, the physical installation of all elements. Thus, Section 13300 clearly acknowledges the use of an electrical subcontractor such as Amelco to participate in the installation or the system. Section 13300(1.1) (B) further states that the subcontractor shall "assume full responsibility for the functional operation of all new and modified instrumentation systems.1t However, Section 13300 goes on to provide: "The foregoing shall enable the CONTRACTOR and the OWNER to be assured that the full responsibility for the critical and complex technical requirements of the applicable SectiQn(s) ot Division 13, will reside in an organization which is qualified and experienced in the wastewater treatment field and its process technology on a functional systems basis. If Thus, the subcontractor requirements exist for two ,. reasons: 1) to ensure the installation is handled by qualified personnel; and 2) to ensure there is a single organization JUN 01 '92 17:16 THIERMAN COOK BROWN Central Contra r lta sanitary District June 1, 1992 Page 3 P.4/8 responsible for the functional operation of the system. These requirements are more than satisfied in the instant case. HeI will obtain the instrumentation and control package from JWP Controls, Inc., one of the pre-qualified instrument companies enumerated under Section 13300(1.1) (B). Thus, materials which make up the instrumentation and control package are from a source pre-approved by the awarding body. Second, while based in the State of WaShington, HCI has been in business for over 22 years and has an exceptional reputation as a prime contractor on the construction of waste treatment and wastewater treatment plants both in and out ot California. Both HeI and Amelco are properly licensed to perform and in fact experienced in the installation of instrumentation and control packages. In tact, JWP Controls has specifically authorized HeI and Amelco to install its equipment.2 In addition, all of HeI's major subcontractors are local California contractors. Therefore, the installation of the system and indeed all of the work to be performed pursuant to HeI's bid would be performed by highly competent contractors with extensive experience in California. Finally, Amelco, like a majority of the subcontractors in HeI's bid, is a union suboontractor, supporting the point that purchase of the instrumentation and control packaqe as a supply item is an industry-wide practice for both union and non-union contractors. In sum, there can be no better assurance to the Owner that the full responsibility for the instrumentation and control package resides in a qualified and experienced organization than for HCI to participate in the installation itself. While Her and Amelco will be installinq the system, JWP Controls remains entirely responsible for its operation, and all of its warranties remain in place regardless of whether they or HCI install the system. The Owner need only look to JWP Controls if there is ever any problem with the system. Thus, the requirements of Section 13300 are satisfied by HeI's bid. . HeI's bid similarly satisfies the requirements of California law contained in the Public Contract Code. As stated above, HCI's bid contemplates the purchase of the instrumentation and control package as a supply item, with the installation to be performed by HeI and its electrical subcontractor. Therefore, there is no instrumentation subcontractor necessary. For that 2 This is confirmed in the enclosed letter of James sadle:J Operations Manager of JWP Controls. ----------------------------------,----------------------- ----------------------------------- JUN 01 '92 17:17 THIERMAN COOK BROWN P.5/8 Central Contra ( lta Sanitary Oistrict June 1, 1992 Page 4 I reason, HeI has complied with state law requirements regarding the listing of subcontractors. In addition, even assuming, arquendo, it is alleqea that HCl improperly tailed to specify a subcontractor, such alleged failure has been cured by HeI's compliance with Section 4106 of the Public Contract Code, which proviaes: "It a prime contractor fails to specify a subcontractor or a prime contractor specifies more than one subcontractor for the same portion of work to be performed under the contract in excess ot one-half of 1 percent ot the prime contractor's total bid, the prime contractor agrees that he or she is fully qualified to perform that portion himself or herself, and that the prime contractor shall perform that portion himself or herself." As stated above, of the instrumentation and electrical subcontraotor. sUbcontracting of the work HeI will be performing the installation control package itself along with its There will be no post-award to an instrumentation subcontractor. Finally, again assuming tor the sake of argument that HCI's bid is alleged to be nonresponsive, enclosed are affidavits from HeI and JWP ContrOls, Ino., hereby filed with the District pursuant to Section 4107.5(a) of the Public contract Code, substituting JWP Controls, Inc. as the instrumentation and control i subcontractor. Please call the undersigned at (916)442-3100 to discuss this matter further. Very truly yours, THIERMAN, COOK, BROWN & PRAGER ('" - .'1\ ---. r;:> ij / -<J -,0 ~ L:'061'----._ ~J:: B. COOK BRIAN O. BERTOSSA BDB:aat Enclosures co: Humphrey Construction, Inc. aatj3256jltrj6.1.92 .------...--------..-----.-----,-.-.......-....------- JUN 01 '92 17:19 THIERMAN COOK BROWN P.8/8 . <~" nv:.~:tr~;:, ~VI~ OF BRIAN LUIZ do hereby declare as follows: 1. I am . Vie. P~e.id8nt ot JWp ContrOls, Inc., a pre-qualified instrument 8ubcontractor on the Headwork. Facilities Improvements project of the central Contra Costa Sanitary District. 2. Aa part of its bid on this project, Humphrey construction, Inc. used the oo.t ot purchasinq the instrumentation and cont~ol package trom JWp Controls, Inc., with the installation to be performed by Humphrey Construction, Inc. and its electrical subcontractor. This is a standard industry practice. Both Humphrey Construction, Inc. and Amelco, its electrical subcontractor, are fully licensed ~nd authorized to install the instrumentation ana control package. Both my company ana H~mphr$Y Construction, Inc. ber!eve that this procedure tully satisfies the intent and requirements of the specifications on this project. 3. However, should it be determined that an instrumentation and control subcontractor was required to be named, it was merely through inadvertent clerical error that JWP Controls, Inc. Was not named as the subcontractor, and we would reqQest ana accept our substitution 4S the instrumentation and control subcontractor in the above-referenced projeot. I hereby declare under penalty of perjury that the tore9oin~ is tr~e and correct and that, ir askea, I could and would ta.tily competently thereto in a court of law. Executed this 1st day of June, 1992 at ~.__..... P.7/8 JUN 01 '92 17:18 TH MAN COOK BROWN JYJ''IMVIT OP CORPOl! ~WD!H I, GORDON BAWDEN, do he~.oy QeQl~r. as tollows; ~. I a: An ottioer in Humphrey Con.~rue~ion, Inc., , bidd.r on the Ke.d~orka iacit1t1.. Imp~ov.m.nts P~Qj.ct ot the central ccn~ra Co.~& Sanitary oiatr1e~. ~. It il our ~.lief that our bid, which called for ~h. purcnas. ot the 1n8trum.~tation an4 control paQ~aqe as a supplY and 1ts sUbsequant 1nst.lla~10n bY our torce. and thoee ot AAeleo, our .1.e~~1oal subcontrao~or, satistied ~h. r.qul~.m.nt5 ~n4 ~h. in~.n~ ot the eontraet!1ca~ion8 reqara1nq the instrumen~ae1on and control packa9~' 3. It is not our bel1et tha~ tn. specifications r.~ir$ the naminq ot an 1nlt~m.nta~ion and cont~ol aubeontractor. However, .hould it ba datarmined that an inat~entation and conerol aubcontraotor was requi~.d ~o b' nalOed, t."en it '.&5 aerely through 1nad....rtant clerlcU error tha~ such a subcontractor wa. not named and Humpnrey construction I Inc. therefore noW names JWP controls I In~. as it. in~.n4.Q ina~rumant&tion an~ control .u~eQn~rAc~or on the ~.adworXs Faciliti.. I~prove~.nts project. I heraby ~.elara under penalty ot p.~j~~y tha~ the forsqoinq is true and corr.ct ana thst, 1t aeked, I could end would testifY COllp.t.n~lY therato 1n a court of law. s~ecu~..d this lst. c1ay Q: J~ne, 1992 at _1..u()~/l'J.tlLL.I.~ _, Washington. ~ ~~cl- G DON a....wue;rI ~ aa~/3256/~ld/6.1.92 ---,-- - --- --------- -- JUN 01 '92 17:18 THIERMAN COOK BROWN +JWP P.6/8 ..---...-....... ........................ ...-...... ...-,....., .., .-... -.. --...... ..., . . .......... . Control. Inc. San FtttlCltce Kay 211 1,t2 Huaph:.y con.~ruot1on, %nc. P. O. Bc_ 107 Woc4invill., M..h1n~Qn 11012-0907 At~.n'1onl Mr. ~o~ert ~. Laraon Purcha.~n; Mana;.: a.feranca: Central Cont~& coat. 'anitary Oi.~riot H.a4vorx. 'ac11it1.. Improvement %n.~rua.nt.~1on aft~ Qont%ol. Gantl....n: JW' eon~rol., Xno. ia in r*ceipt of your l.~t.r ot intent 4a~.4 !5/28/''2 tor .awar4in4 3WP Control., Inc. t.he .uppl'y at < in.trUm.nta~ion and ..rvic.. for the proj.c~~ . ' , . JWP Conttol. .xp.o~, to ..Ium. fUll r..pon.1Dility forth. tunctional opcraeicn ot all new and mc~ifi.4 in.trum.ntation .yat... a. required by paragraph 13300-1.1 8 at the p~oj.ot .p.ditioatlon..' ~ control_ Hu~phr.1 eon.~~ot1cn a. .~thcr13.4 in.t.~l.r ~O~ tbe mechanical in.tal1at1ona 0' .~ipm.n~ auppl1ed by ~ control. and Am_lee Ileotric .. author1.e4 inataller tor .J..o~ric:.l 1nat.allation of equlpment. aupplied by JWP'Cantrola. JWP .Contrcla will p.rform the t..tinil oa11brat1on, otrainin;, and .~art-~p with it.. own technical repr...n~at1v.. and taohnic:al ot it. .ub-.upp11.~. .. n-c...aryl JWP ccn~rola .Qknowl.~q.. the 9ua~ant.. .erviQA prov1aiona of 13300-1.4.a.3 an~ i. prepared to ~..pond a. required to m..t tne t1v. Q&landar day ..rvic. commitm.nt~ , =wP cont~ol. loo~' ~orward to wQrk1nq with ycu, Am.leo Zl.c~ric And CeQSD in i=plemantinq a .~co...~ul project tor all oenG&rna4. V.ry ~~ly your., I~ S I) . SAD%..%Jt .r.~icn. xana,.r JOS:ch ~w, C."t",l. In'. . .C4\) Pi-. l.". . COIlCCld. e;. e44.0 A (stO) 127.2'3&0 · FAX (&101 afN2f1 "'-'~--~'--~---,--------------'-~-"~-~-'_._.' ~_._., - .,. , PAGE 1 OF 2 AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR THE DESIGN OF THE COGENERATION PROJECT (DP 10069) NO. 7. TREATMENT PLANT a. DATE June 1, 1992 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Charles W. Batts Plant 0 erations De artment Mana er INITIATING DEPTJOIV. Plant Operations Department ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required before the General Manager-Chief Engineer can execute a Professional Services Agreement in an amount greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: At the December 19, 1991, meeting, the Board approved a Negative Declaration and the Cogeneration Project. The project consists of the installation of a 3.3 megawatt gas turbine generator with a waste heat recovery boiler located within the Solids Conditioning Building to provide the treatment plant with baseline electrical power and steam for the aeration turbines. The Board also passed a resolution approving the project as presented by the staff at that time. The 30-day legal statute of limitations period for the Negative Declaration has passed without any legal challenges. The Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) issued the Authority to Construct (A TC) for the project to the District on January 21, 1992. District staff conducted a formal competitive consultant selection process for the design of the project, which included a Request for Proposal, Evaluation of Proposals, and a formal interview of the three consulting firms. The team of John Carollo Engineers (JCE) and MSD Engineers was selected for the project based on their project team qualifications, design experience with similar installations, and a proven track record with other District projects. JCE also performed the preliminary design for the project. A proposed cost plus fixed fee agreement has been negotiated with JCE/MSD for the final design of the Cogeneration Project with a cost ceiling of $539,182. The scope of the agreement provides for final design, shop drawing review of pre-purchased equipment, start-up assistance, and operator training. The total estimated cost for the project is $5.3 million. The design funds for this project will be allocated from the treatment plant program of the Capital Improvement Budget. The capital funds for this project may be reimbursed from the proceeds of future bond or certificate of participation issues. To obtain this reimbursement, a Board resolution of Official Intent will be needed. Staff will prepare a draft resolution for consideration in July. INITIATING DEPTJOIV. fCOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GEN. MGR1CHIEF ENG. DJ 1302A-7/91 DJR JLB CWB SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR THE DESIGN OF THE COGENERATION PROJECT (DP 10069) ::iillliJllilliiiiiillilI 11!1 PAGE 2 OF 2 DATE June 1, 1992 The Cogeneration Project is described in the 1991-92 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on page TP37. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a cost plus fixed fee agreement not to exceed $539,182 with John Carollo Engineers/MSD, Inc. for final design of the Cogeneration Project. 13028-7/91 ~._------------------_._-_._--_._------------_._------- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF NO. June 4, 1 992 10. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. DATEfv1ay 27, 1992 SUBJECT CONSIDER REQUEST TO INCREASE THE CAPITALIZATION LIMIT FOR FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT ACQUISITION FROM $250 TO $500 EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 1992 TYPE OF ACTION INCREASE ESTABLISHED LIMIT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Authorization to increase the minimum amount established for capitalizing furniture and equipment acquisition from $250 to $500 is requested. BACKGROUND: The establishment of a minimum amount for capitalizing furniture and equipment acquisition is a common feature in accounting for fixed assets. The current minimum amount of $250 was established in 1984. Any furniture and equipment purchases, such as office furnishing and small tools, which cost less than $250, are recorded in Operations and Maintenance expense accounts and are not capitalized in the fixed assets records. Capitalized furniture and equipment are inventoried annually; however, certain furniture and equipment items, which cost less than the capitalization limit, are, nonetheless, controlled through the inventory system because of susceptibility to disappearance. The current capitalization limit is considered to be too low in view of inflationary price increases, and additional record-keeping requirements which are entailed in fixed asset accounting. Therefore, it is considered appropriate to increase the capitalization limit to $500 effective July 1, 1992. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the increase in the capitalization limit for furniture and equipment acquisition from $250 to $500 effective July 1, 1992. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATI,NG DEPT./DIV. ~- 1302A-7/91 WNF PM ROGER J. DOLAN ADS/PosPaper # 1 /Caplimit.pp ---------,----------------.-----.-..----------.-