HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-02-92 ~ Centra~ ~ontra Costa Sanitary Jistrict ~a~"1k BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 2, 1992 NO. SUBA"PPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF WALNUT CREEK FOR THE SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT IN OVERLOOK DRIVE, WALNUT CREEK, D.P. 4871 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. ~arch 24, 1992 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept.llnfrastructure Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for agreements with other public agencies. BACKGROUND: The city of Walnut Creek is in the process of developing plans for the reconstruction of the roadway on Overlook Drive to mitigate minor ground failure in the public right of way. Preliminary plans call for excavating the downhill half of the roadway to a depth of 4 feet, placing engineered fill, and repaving for a distance of approximately 1,000 feet. Currently this road alignment contains a 6-inch vitrified clay sewer which was installed in 1950 and varies from 5 to 12 feet in depth. TV reports and maintenance records indicate that the sewer segment contains numerous structural cracks and low spots and will require replacement in the near future. Because of the current condition and age of this sewer and the strong likelihood that the road reconstruction will further adversely impact the sewer's deteriorated condition, staff recommends that the sewer be replaced in conjunction with the city's work. The proposed replacement project will include approximately 1,300 lineal feet of 8-inch sewer and two manholes. Approximately 300 feet of the sewer replacement work is outside the limits of the roadway reconstruction. This sewer segment is also deteriorated and is in need of replacement. Please see Exhibit "A" for the project's location. The city of Walnut Creek has been notified of the current condition of the sewer and has agreed to incorporate our sewer replacement design into the city's plans and specifications for the road reconstruction. The District staff has negotiated a sewer replacement agreement with the city. The negotiated agreement outlines the responsibilities and requirements of the city and the District to accomplish design and construction of the sewer replacement. The agreement provides for the District's design and inspection of the sewer, and reimbursement to the city of construction and other incidental costs associated with the sewer installation only. The District will pay the actual costs of the sewer work based on a contractor's bid. The preliminary engineer's estimate for the sewer replacement work is $162,000. This cooperative arrangement will provide for significant cost savings to the District and, at the same time, foster good working relationships with city staff. The Walnut Creek City Council approved the agreement on March 17, 1992. Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA) under District CEOA Guidelines, Section 18.2, since it involves a minor alteration to an existing sewer facility with negligible expansion of capacity. Board of Director's approval of this project will constitute a finding of agreement with this determination unless otherwise indicated. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION AJI( PtJf5 INITIA TING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 DH JSM RAB ------- .--.--.--.-..-----..-.----...-....--..------...-.-...--.-----,... SUBJECT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...,....................................................................... !:IIIIII'=III:llllll!: APPROVE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF WALNUT CREEK FOR THE SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT IN OVERLOOK DRIVE, WALNUT CREEK D.P. 4871 2 OF 3 PAGE DATE March 24, 1992 RECOMMENDATION: Approve an agreement with the city of Walnut Creek, authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute the agreement, and authorize recording of the agreement. 13028-7/91 ._~--,.,..,-~_._._-,-"._,---_...,.._..__.__.__._-_....~'-""'--'-'-----'--r--- ) \ PROJECT LOCATION OVERLOOK DR REMOVE & REPLACE~ REPLACE EXISTING 6" SEWER ~O SECTION A - A Central Contra Costa Sanitary District . OVERLOOK DRIVE EXHIBIT SEWER REPLACEMENT "A" 2523-1/87 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 BOARD MEETING OF April 2, 1992 NO. 5. PERSONNEL a. SUBJECT DATE March 25, 1992 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Darlene Ross, Acting Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: District staff has assessed its needs for seasonal help in 1992. BACKGROUND: Each year the District hires students during the summer months for vacation relief, cleanup, and special projects; and during the school year or semester breaks for additional assistance. Authorization was given for forty-one student positions last year. Approval is requested for forty seasonal positions in Fiscal Year 1992 - 1993. A summary of the requests at the Board Meeting for seasonal employees is attached. Department Managers will be prepared to answer any questions regarding their requests. It is recommended that the hourly rate for seasonal employees remain the same as the last two years: Student Positions ProDosed Salarv* Clerical, Laborer (No experience necessary) $7.50 Technical (Drafting) $9.00 Professional (Chemist, Engineer) $1 0.00 *For every year a student returns, add $1.00 per hour to a maximum of three additional summers. For example, a student laborer who has worked here for the past two summers would receive $9.50 per hour this summer. The extra dollar would recognize experience and serve as an incentive for returning students. The approximate cost of this action will be $369,177 from departmental 0 & M budgets. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION GR1~G. ROGER J. DOLAN 1302A-7/91 .. -----------.------- .--------.---....,---- SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES PAGE DATE 2 OF lIr March 25, 1992 The details for the Departmental requests follow: Administrative The Administrative Department is requesting three summer students in 1992-1993, two less students than 1991-1992. The Central Services and Management Section is planning to have a single student perform laborer duties and split time assisting in materials control and in building maintenance for the Headquarters Office Building. The Secretarial Section has requested one student for vacation coverage and general clerical assistance. This is a reduction of one student from 1991-1992. The Personnel and Public Information/Graphics Section proposes to share one student again this year. Collection System Ooerations The C.S.O. Department is requesting one additional summer student for 1991-1992, in place of a co-op student for six months. The department plans to continue using a current co-op student for the summer only. Their request totals twelve laborers, three clericals, one technical assistant, and two engineering assistants. Plant Ooerations The Plant Operations Department is requesting one additional student for 1992-1993. This additional position will be an engineering student assigned to the Operations Section to perform video editing of training tapes. Eight laborers are again requested; six to assist the Building and Grounds Section and two to be assigned to the Pumping Stations. Two chemistry students are requested in the Laboratory. In the Maintenance Section, one electrical engineering student is requested to assist with ongoing projects, one student will be a drafter to do shop drawings, and one student will assist the Safety Specialist. 1302B-7/91 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES PAGE DATE 3 OF 4 March 25, 1992 Enaineerina The Engineering Department is requesting one less seasonal employee from 1991-1992. The Plant Engineering Division has reduced their request from three to two summer students. That Division is requesting one drafter to assist in the Engineering Support Group performing mapping and drafting duties. The second student requested by the Plant Engineering Division is to perform clerical duties and be shared by the Engineering Support Group and the Survey Section. This clerical person will be assigned to perform basic data entry updates on spreadsheet and database software and backup of computer systems. The Planning Division requests two engineering students to work on Water Reclamation, treatment plant programs, collection system studies, and pretreatment. The Secretary of the District The Secretary of the District again requests one student to assist in tasks related to the records management program and provide vacation relief. The attachment, which follows, provides a summary of the Departmental requests for students. The Board Personnel Committee has reviewed this request at their meeting of March 24, 1992. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the hiring of 40)( persons for seasonal employment. 1302B-7/91 U) "CroC: J:: 0').2 LO .... O').~ ~roU) e:( i. U) NC 0').2 M en.~ roU) o Q. ro en I- Z w C ::::;) I- en a: o LL. Men 0')1- 0') en row .::::;) Nd O')w 0') a: ro.... e:( I- Z w :! I- a: e:( Q. W C I- Z w :! ::E: (.) e:( l- I- e:( o o ro ro ~ o in o ro ~ o C! o ro ~ o in en ~ o C! 0') ~ o in CO ~ ..... .q- LO ,..... ..... 00 ..... N .q- N ..... ,..... N ..... ..... M ..... .q- ..... ..... LO .q- ..... ..... ..... .q- ..... o .q- 00 ..... ..... ..... o ..... M o ..... ~ N M .......... ,..... ,..... ~ .... C Q) E 1:: CO c. Q) C Q) > '+:i CO ~ .... ,~ c: E "C <( o CJ) U U) c: o '+:i CO ~ Q) c. o .... c: CO a.. 0) c: ';: Q) Q) C 0) C W .... u ';: .... U) C Q) ..c .... - o > ~ CO .... Q) ~ u Q) CJ) CO .... o I- I- J: U ex: UJ ~ :) (/) c:l Cl aJ ~ Q. en a: ~ .... u ';: .... U) C Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 BOARD MEETING OF April 2, 1 992 NO. 5. PERSONNEL b. SUBJECT DATE March 25, 1992 RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992 - 1993 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE BUDGET SUBMITTED BY Darlene Ross, Acting Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Ad m inistrative/Personnel ISSUE: Staff has analyzed its personnel needs for Fiscal Year 1992-1993 and is submitting its requests for Board consideration at the April 2, 1992 Board Meeting. Board approval is scheduled for the April 16, 1992 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 1992- 1 993. The Personnel Budget includes an executive summary of proposed modifications to each department, a departmental overview providing summary information, request justification pages with detailed explanations on the effect of these recommended staffing changes, organizational charts reflecting current staffing and proposed changes, and job classifications for proposed positions. The attached summary sheet highlights each department's staffing requests, their effect on the number of total authorized positions in the District, and the additional cost in salaries, benefits, and sewer service charge. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized regular positions in the District would remain identical to last year. The requested changes in personnel positions result in a net decrease in the budget for Fiscal Year 1992-1993. Also, the Collection System Operations Department is requesting one less Co-op position from last year. The total Co-op positions would decrease to ten (10). Despite the decreased number of positions, the salaries and wages in the 1992-93 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase from the previous year due to the following: . Any cost-of-living salary adjustments resulting from the negotiated Memoranda of Understanding; . Merit and longevity increases scheduled in 1992-93; . Filling authorized positions which were vacant in 1991-1992; . Positions authorized in 1 991-1 992 which were budgeted for a partial year because of the time required to fill positions. On Tuesday, March 24, 1992, the Personnel Committee met to review the proposed budget. The following Board authorizations and modifications to the District staffing charts were discussed at that meeting. Copies of the Personnel Budget will be distributed for the meeting of April 2, 1992, at which time an overview will be presented by the staff. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-7/91 . _____.__..__~._..__..~-.'"-.~-'-...-.--------..-'--...~~_..~____.____..._""_______._.._._.._,.,._~..._~M.".._.___._________ SUBJECT POSITION PAPER RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992 - 1993 PAGE 2 DATE OF 3 March 25, 1992 The details for the Departmental requests follow: District-Wide 1. Change title of Junior Engineer to Staff Engineer, G-67, $3273 - $3961, with no change in class description or salary level. Administrative 2. Reinstate an Accounting Technician III, G-56, $2521 - $3048, to provide advancement opportunity to Accounting Technician II, G-52, $2292 - $2769, with no increase in staff positions. Plant ODerations No personnel request. Enaineering 3. Add one Engineering Assistant, G-69, $3434 - $4152, and approve updated class description. 4. Delete one Senior Survey Technician, G-68, $3318 - $4017. Add one Engineering Assistant, G-69, $3434 - $4152. Reclassify James Ruetenik to the position of Engineering Assistant. 5. Delete one Construction Inspector, G-67, $3273 - $3961. 6. Add one Systems Analyst, G-67, $3273 - $3961, and adopt new class description. 7. Delete one Associate Engineer, S-77, $4210 - $5100. 8. Delete one Associate Engineer, S-77, $4210 - $5100. Add one Source Control Program Superintendent, S-77, $4210 - $5100, and adopt new class description. Reclassify Bart Brandenburg to the position of Source Control Program Superintendent. C.S.O. No personnel request. 1302B-7/91 . .._._._-----"-----_._---_.._._,._--'-._._'---_.._~._---------,----...-...-------.----.----.------.--..-..--- SUBJECT POSITION PAPER RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1992 - 1993 PAGE 3 DATE OF 3 March 25, 1992 Secretary of the District No personnel request. CO-OD 9. Authorize the hiring of students to fill 10 positions in the Co-op Program. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and consider the Personnel Budget for 1992 - 1993 herein identified by items 1 - 9. The budget will be submitted for final approval at the April 16, 1992 Board Meeting. 1302B-7/91 .....--.--------.-.--,.---....-..-----.-----t"-..-.--.---,~.....-_.--------.-_._.,_.-"-_.-.---,--------- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 BOARD MEETING OF NO. April 2, 1 992 5. PERSONNEL c. SUBJECT DATE ADOPT DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY AND PROCEDURES AS REQUIRED BY GOVERMENT CODE SECTION 8350, ET SEQ. March 24 1992 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT POLICY SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Ad m inistrative/Personnel ISSUE: In order to participate in Federal and State grant programs, it is required that the District adopt a Drug-Free Workplace Policy. BACKGROUND: In order to obtain contracts and/or grant monies from the Federal Government or the State of California, it is required that the District adopt and publish a statement notifying employees that unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance at the workplace is prohibited and specifying actions to be taken against employees for violations, as required by Government Code Section 8355(a). The State also requires the establishment of a Drug-Free Awareness Program as required by Government Code Section 8355(b), to inform employees about all of the following: (a) The dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, (b) The organization's policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, (c) Any available counseling, rehabilitation and employee assistance programs, and (d) Penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. The final requirement of the State is that the District provide as required by Government Code Section 8355(c), that every employee who works on the proposed contract or grant: (a) Will receive a copy of the company's drug-free policy statement, and (b) Will agree to abide by the terms of the company's statement as a condition of employment on the contract or grant. The proposed policy and procedures to satisfy the State's requirements is attached. The District has addressed substance abuse in its current Memorandums of Understanding with both the Management Support/Confidential Group and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association Public Employees, Local No.1 that provide for counseling and treatment of an employee who is experiencing a drug dependency problem. In addition, both units have committed themselves to supporting a drug-free workplace by signing side letters to the Memorandums of Understanding adopted in 1991. The District offers an Employee Assistance Program to all full-time employees that provides counseling and treatment for substance abuse. The District's Disciplinary Policy and Procedures delineate actions that may be taken against a District employee for continued substance abuse. If adopted by the Board this policy will be distributed to all employees. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION .ICHIEF ENG. ~ .'--.-"---.-.,.,-,.-.,'-------.------.-....-"~----.-.'--.-r----"--.--~_._-'---------.--.---~~.,.._._---*.--.,-----.-.-,.----,--.------.--..--,--"-~-.- SUBJECT POSITION. PAPER ADOPT DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY AND PROCEDURES PAGE DATE 2 OF 5 March 24, 1992 Currently the State is administering a Federal grant in the amount of $113,000 for the Source Control Section of the Engineering Department to conduct a residential metals study. Also, the Laboratory Section of the Plant Operations Department has contracted with the State Department of Fish and Game to perform toxicity testing of mussels. The State is requiring a Drug-Free Workplace Policy to proceed with both items. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the Drug-Free Workplace Policy and Procedures as proposed. 1302B-7/91 -,---------"._------,.--"--_._._'_._------_._--_..._.__._..~----.--...---.------..-,--'-.-..-,-. ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District No. Personnel procedure Effective 04/02/92 Subject DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE POLICY AND PROCEDURES ---- -~---- Established by: Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager PURPOSE This policy is adopted in compliance with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 (Title V, Subtitle D of Public Law 100-690) and the California Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990 (Government Code Sections 8350, et seq.). It augments, but does not replace current District policy regarding drug and alcohol use and abuse by District employees. It is the intent of this policy to eliminate substance abuse and its effect in the workplace. It is the District's duty to ensure that employees are in a condition to perform their duties safely and efficiently, in the interests of their fellow workers and the public as well as themselves. The presence of controlled substances on the job, other than those which are prescribed by a physician, and the influence of these substances on employees during working hours, or at the worksite (including parking lots, exercise facilities, or off-site work areas such as where an employee is representing the District on a customer call or at a business meeting) are inconsistent with this objective. In recognition of the public service responsibilities entrusted to the employees of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, and that drug abuse can hinder one's -ability to perform duties safely and effectively, the following policy is adopted by the District, consistent with the federal Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the California Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1990. POLICY The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is committed to providing a drug-free workplace. To achieve this goal, thereby helping to assure the safety, health, and well- being of District employees, it is the policy of the District that employees comply with the following requirements. Compliance with this policy shall be considered a condition of continued employment with the District. 1 Sheet 1 -----~---- ---.--.-.-...-..... of 3 1212A-9/90 1 . Employees shall not unlawfully possess or be under the influence of controlled substances during working hours. 2. Employees shall not unlawfully possess, use, manufacture, distribute, dispense, or sell to any person any controlled substances when at the worksite, on District property, while on duty, or while in paid status. 3. Employees shall not have their ability to work safely and efficiently impaired as a result of the use of controlled substances. If an employee whose work is impaired for a legitimate reason, due to the use of medically supervised and prescribed controlled or uncontrolled substances, the employee is encouraged to notify his or her supervisor of this fact and to provide his or her supervisor with a physician's written recommendation as to work restrictions, if any. Reasonable accommodation will be arranged for the employee, provided such alternate work assignments exist given the level and duration of the impairment as determined by a physician. 4. If convicted of a criminal drug violation occurring at the workplace, an employee must notify his/her supervisor within five days ,of the conviction pursuant to federal law. 5. Employees may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination for criminal drug possession, use, manufacture, distribution, or sale occurring at the worksite, on District property, while on duty, or while in paid status. The District will act to eliminate any substance abuse because it increases the potential for accidents, absenteeism, substandard performance, poor employee morale, or damage to the District's reputation. Drug abuse will not be tolerated, and disciplinary action commensurate with the violation, up to and including termination, will be used as necessary to achieve this goal. An Employee Assistance Program (EAP) has been established for the benefit of the District's employees. One of the purposes of this' program is to assist employees who voluntarily seek help for drug problems. Employees who think they may have a drug problem are encouraged to contact the EAP Counselor for assistance. Treatment activities will be handled by the EAP in a confidential manner, and the District shall not be notified or provided with any information in regards to the counseling. While the District is supportive of those employees who seek help voluntarily, the District will be equally firm in disciplining, pursuant to the District's Disciplinary Policy and Procedures, those who continue to be substance abusers and who threaten the safety and interests of themselves, their fellow workers, and the public. I sheet 2 of 3 1212B-9/90 .. ._----------_.__."------_._-_._._------'----~._---_._------..-.-----. PROMULGATION OF POLICY This policy shall be communicated to all employees and reaffirmed at least annually during the term of grant programs. In addition, the District will establish a drug-free awareness program that will inform employees and management about (1) the District's policy and commitment toward maintaining a drug-free workplace; (2) the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace; (3) available drug counseling and rehabilitation programs; (4) the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations in the workplace. Nothing in this policy shall be interpreted to require any individual to forfeit any constitutional right. I Sheet 3 of 3 12128-9190 . ..----------..---.--.-.---.--...-----.----T--...-.-----.--.-.---.---...------.-.---------.... April 2, 1992 6. CORRESPONDENCE a. Page 1 of 4 Receive letter from Mr. Richard E. Kennett, representing William and Patricia Scarbrough/a Franchisee of Burger King Corporation, concerning Facility Capacity Fees WILUAM AND PATRICIA SCARBROUGH 1 A FRANCHISEE OF BURGER KING CORPORATION February 28, 1992 0 aztEilvE FEB 2 8 1992 CCCSD �!!�L,tr�} w■■ , „r Y. ... h 1p,go1w1 pini HAND DELIVERED Ms. Joyce Murphy, Secretary of the District Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553-4392 RE: Facilities Capacity Fee Dear Ms. Murphy: On February 28, 1992, Devil Mountain Foods, one of our partnerships, was charged a fee of One Thousand Three Hundred Eighty One Dollars and Eight Cents ($1,381.08) in order to proceed with the construction of an addition to an existing Burger King Restaurant in Pleasant Hill, California. The fees were paid "under protest" as we believe them to be unreasonable, in the extreme, given the circumstances. Based upon our objection, the District staff suggested we bring the matter before the Board of Directors. Therefore, we would appreciate your scheduling us for an appearance before the Board of Directors so we may explain the reasons for our protest and obtain a reduction of the fees paid. Attached as Exhibit 'A' is a brief explanation of the factual situation for your use. Additional information will be presented at the meeting. If you have any questions or if additional information is required, please contact us. Thank you for your courtesy and assistance. Very truly yours, Richard E. Kennett Enclosure 2280 DIAMOND BOULEVARD, SUITE 350, CONCORD, CALIFORNIA 94520 TELEPHONE: (510) 671-7970 FAX: (510) 671-0608 EXHIBIT A In 1989 contact was first made with City of Pleasant Hill wherein the addition of a drive-thru service with a "pop -out" window was discussed. After more than two (2) years of discussion and hearings, with several design changes being made at the direction of the City of Pleasant Hill (City), a building permit was issued by the City. No mention was made of the requirement to obtain a separate permit from the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. Our original plans called for the addition of approximately twelve (12) square feet, sufficient to accommodate a drive-thru window. Such was not acceptable to the City for aesthetic reasons and the addition was changed to accommodate their concerns, resulting in an addition of three hundred (300) square feet. As a result of the increase in the size of the addition, we decided to utilize the extra space to rearrange a portion of our equipment, install new and more energy efficient refrigeration, and remodel the dining area. As a result of equipment rearranging two (2) floor sinks were installed in the addition; no increase in equipment occurred, only rearranging. Further, as the addition increased in size we believed it would be appropriate to add a floor drain in it's center in order to facilitate cleaning. The drain was not required by the building code. Installation of the floor drain resulted in our being charged $1,381.08 by the District, which in the circumstances we believe to be unreasonable. We have no objection to the payment of a reasonable processing/inspection fee. However, we believe good judgment must also be utilized in applying the current fee schedule to circumstances such as these. 0 0 • 992 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019. mhoff Place, Martinez, California 94553-4392 (510) 689-3890 March 5, 1992 Mr. Richard E. Kennett Burger King 2280 Diamond Blvd., Suite 350 Concord, CA 94520 Dear Mr. Kennett: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager Chief Engineer KENTON L ALM Counsel for the District (510) 938-1430 JOYCE E MURPHY Secretary of the District This is to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated February 28, 1992, concerning payment of facilities capacity fees. Your letter will be presented to the Board of Directors at their regular meeting on March 19, 1992. You are invited to attend the meeting and address the Board at that time, if you wish. The meeting begins at 3 p.m. and will be held at the District offices at 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California. Sincerely, C cL E. Murphy P Y ecretary of the District cc: Board of Directors R. Dolan R. Baker D. Williams J. Miyamoto-Mills v 3z CP ee f-rit‘ -gP66 0-00)fieffiu Li )1 'dog foi jriECEOVED MAH 9 9982 CCCSD • tr • r Recycled Paper c7)m (i) w LLJ z W W Ci)(i) m W z 0 DETERMINE J 0 cc Z w Q z w cf) (.9 w Liu a I -0a z � (1)a a � a 0 Q w Q cc Q o" ui cn Q� U � CL W Ci) CC cc Z OO � LLI cw � QU �O 2U U Q o 0 0 } cc EE d cc L.L W J U LL.cc cc cr) W U O a D Z O U w O FOR SOME USER GROUPS OR ON REQUEST 0 ›- Ci) i J N m w fa_ O 0 � 0 0 Ji' 2-4/2/92 m 0 W J U J U w CCw (/)w w NON-RESIDENTIAL a cn O cl. 2 ..J LL I o 'LLJ o0 D W � C/) H JCC J CI) as ia w < —1 ;- 03 LLI I— V) (92 i ° w0 i-- 0 C.7) CC c7) 2 —I LLI i— Lil LL = Cn CC 0 CCCC (f)w W I— Qz° 1-- z° cl 0 V wZ WZ 2 F—< H Q O Er) J u) J z a a � �� � wz w Iw Iw X w p 0 0 0 C-5 (.9 W Z Cr -1 =2 cc Z cllal P 0 ZZ 2 U Q2 � W � W . Q H 0 Lill > U -I > _i. C/) I- I- I- I - .__i o oW0 Ci CO 11.1 w 1 1 1 CO 0 STRENGTH D Z 0 LL JM2 - 4/2/92 RELATIONSHIP 0 J LL cinW W LL NON-RESIDENTIAL MONITORING W Cc IX i— � � Cii W Q � E3J W Q 0 Q Z 1-<W 0 cn 1— oQ a � E.3 z 0 0 cn Li_ w � Q Q a_ W o: 1— cl) <1- cc cc cc m w o 0 W � �o � w LI. i_ O z w 0� � Zi 1—� � D cn H OC c�i> > a O C7 Z Ci)O 5 i g V 1� O — �Zo D 0 > z 0 CC 0 I-- 0_ CC OV W W _j Z a w COLLECTION 2 � Q Q 2 > M u_ P 2 Cn 1.1.1 co 2 Z Wi: 0 m%- 0 0_ CO U —I ET) 2 Er- IT cc E- .< 0 o- rc. cf9 a_ cc u) < zz 2 D 00 DO 2 0cn 0 RESIDENTIAL W O U PLUMBING cc 0 LL } H Z CnO U w w C7 Z Cn 0 J LL 0 W J W F-- Zco 1— 0) • cc . Q • n w wn Q w_ OU Up cc CI) wQ Q� L1.1 Q� �O J JM2 - 4/2/92 RELATIONSHIP STRENGTH NON-RESIDENTIAL AMENDMENT, z w Liu w rc cf)U U U 0 OC LL LV W i w CC M m 0) DC iJ) CC wQ 2 � W W W � Q 0 WCC a Q CO F - Q Q < > Ca cc WO ll- §w wZ Q w HCn� < (9 O � Q cc Q �co Ct INCLUDES: w cnm H 0 CC 2 H 0 W cc pc EE 0 u. cn z z nO 0 F.: U aI• T 12 1— 2 0 E Ci) Cr >. E 0 71 F. C/) Pi LI) n < i- (in cc<z0 ZO V�0 OW qct F-5 2- I— co cc Q0 Zw ceii �w Q� m � < ›- w CO z � < a 0 0 <0< w� ua C) cn CC C7 JM2 -4/2/92 0 0 01 CO 1 ! i ! i ! • i 1 i = 1 3 1 = 1 1 i 1 1i i i 1 1 1 i it 1 1 I 1 I . 1 i 11 1 - - - - I -� . . 1 --T -E- 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 Lo 0 Lo Lo cv 0 CD [Lo= Z I— Lil CC 1 M O O � W N D cv T 1— AVG AdQ E12d SNOT1VO NI MOld 0 1.11ww W v < < 0- a-, U ~ z OQ w Lk! m 0 0 M O O O O O O O O O O O O O LO O to O In M N CSJ "r- -+- AVO did SNO11VE NI MOld 0 0 (7D trai Contra Costa Sanitary to 5019 I off Aarei ■ Martinez, CA 94553.4392. (415) 689-38 • F 415) 676-7211 02-28-92 DEVIL MOUNTAIN FOODS 2280 DIAMOND BLVD, STE 350 CONCORD, CA 94520 ATLAS NO: 47B2 677 CONTRA COSTA BLVD PLEASANT HILL, CA. COMMERCIAL TRACT/LOT: / Fixture TOILET LAVATORY/HAND SINK BAR SINK FS-SINK/SERVICE SINK FLOOR DRAIN URINALS EWC OR FS CONDENSATE SHOWERS Facilities Capacity Fee RT REST -PAPER SERV RT REST -PAPER SERV Pump Zone Fee Watershed Fees Annexation Charge Annexation Charge Equalization Charge Processing Fee Rebate JOB: Rebate JOB: SSC MOS: SSC MOS: Inspection fees A ALTERATION ENR: ENR: RECEIPT NO: 25514 JOB NO: 2737 PARCEL#: 153-250--007--9 Multiplier # Units 4 1 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 Total Fixtures: 4 @ 661.04-- 0 61.04-----0 661.04 Acres: 0.00 0 Units: Units: Paid by Check ADDED TWO CONDENS. DRAINS, 1 FLOOR DRAIN; PLUGGED TWO CONDENSATE DRAINS - CHARGED FOR 1 FLOOR DRAIN PAID UNDER PROTEST L: Payor 0.00 0 0.00 0 1 Units 4.00 -2.00 Units SUBTOTAL: 0.00 /Acre 0.00 /Mo 0.00 /Mo 57.00 /Unit Permit Issue Fee: TOTAL CHARGE $ Tendered: EXTENSION 2,644.16 -1,322.08 EXTENS ION 1,322.08 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 57.00 2.00 1,381.08 1,381.08 a)a-7lqa April 2. 1992 6. CORRESPONDENCE b. Page 1 of 3 Receive letter from Mr. Leonard Steffen concerning Facility Capacity Fees 1 REMOVED R 241992 LEONARD J. STEFFEN GENERAL BUILDING CONTRACTOR CCCSD PROJECT & DEVELOPMENT CONSULTING SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT 70 STON I NGTON CT. DANVILLE, CA 94526 (510) 837-7646 LICENSE B 401576 March 20, 1992 Pres. Board of Directors Parke Boneysteele Central Contra Costa Sanitary Dist. 5019 Imhoff P1. Martinez, Calif. 94553-4392 Mr. Boneysteele, We would like to request the Sanitary Board to reconsider the Facility Capacity Fee charged to us on 3-13-92 ( see attached receipt). We are building a second master suite (granny suite) in the house at 165 Br od i a Way, now under construction. We want to add a two burner cooktop to the wet bar so she can do some limited cooking. We are now faced with two Facility Capacity Fees, and we would like to be only charged one since our impact is so nominal. The completed home including the second master is only a 4 bedroom -3&1/2 bath house, with a total of 3 occupants. The Hayes' want to have their mother live with them to avoid the retirement home situation. They still will be paying the yearly sanitary fees at a higher rate, it is only the capacity fee we are asking for relief. We would like the Board to show it's support of the elderly by not penalizing the Hayes $1905.00 to have their mother live with them. Th k ou. i J. Steffen cc Mr. and Mrs. J. Hayes ":"Lentral Contra Costa Sanitary Distr 5019 Imhoff Place • Martinez, CA 94553-4392 a (415) 689-3890 • Fax: (415) 676-7211 03-13-92 LEONARD STEFFEN 70 STONINGTON CT DANVILLE, CA 94526 ATLAS NO: 75E1 165 BRODIA WAY WALNUT CREEK, CA Zone # 1 Watershed 27 RECEIPT NO: 25545 JOB NO: 4144 RESIDENTIAL TRACT/LOT: /B PARCEL#: 140-180-023-8 Fac. Cap. W.S. Credit Facility Capacity Fee 3,810.00 + Pump Zone Fee Annexation Charge Acres:1.00 @ 240.00 /Acre DA Equalization Charge Processing Fee Rebate JOB: ENR: Rebate JOB: ENR: SSC MOS:2 Units: 2 @ 12.58 /Mo Refundable deposit Inspection fees T TAP L LATERAL H HOUSE INSP Permit Issue Fee: Paid by Check GRANNY UNIT + SFR PAID UNDER PROTEST Payor 3,810.00 240.00 9,460.59 50.32 194.00 57.00 57.00 2.00 TOTAL CHARGE $ 13,870.91 Tendered: 13,870. 9 0 $.4 to O b •� 6,--1 N 1 �a v cn E 0 •tee ■ •171 $4Ordcn4J cn ni al 4_4 $.4 asp o 00--i en—ii N rd •-.1 • r -i • rl r-1 4-4 '44 W A rd b O O •� fir -I 11. > 4-1 N G1 O O � to b ?+03) b N to •.-� N N N5 N N to $4 4-) b to W s -t >, 5 1 Orn U05 Frt Cif $4 1 ra W • b cu fai (t1 144 4-) tn 0 I-1 $.4 044 E KS 4-1 O S.1 O CI) N b Z U 0 0 O sr4 r-4 rt, $4 cn b U N +) b N O b • N W rl 0 NON b � to Clla) 0 E rti •ri .1.1 U r -I U N w o w w rd a 3rd 1. in ii -4 (li fil in . 1.1) -r-1 4 rd Ili 0 CU 1 0 rii CO -I-I 0 0 4-1 -r-I F*4 U 0 -IA N 0 W rd .1-1 rd Z • .-4 O U W O rd b H .[ • U +J co b +1 b b 4-1 +1 N b rl N R9 4 0 ,-i •�+ •.-i •moo •� b in 14 4-i w 3 E N U 4-/ i -i r--1 co b O 0 't3 spa WEz ubbW •.-I o �. KS rd o o Z W 1 g 4:: 74- cosi ti4 O N 4-1 .[ -r-1 11 10 N b b bin CU •�H:+10�TO+1 r-Ia � � � b • b � .a-� b .N .� b 3 4 cn r -i ZZO 3 cnCU ,--I cn •ri b 4J0 � v 41W N .[ b � 4 � 4-1 • I -I in E to 4J 4-i z N N $4 X �� ba�io°c�.°N'�.[�►b�ba.�w iw�bAO V4 -1N WI a (1)1 N 0 - � b � .1-1 4 rI .-I� ..A O LH ,s4 rn a) al b3•-1�r—I 1 wp •metro ko b P 34 bn b O (i U 'L7 . +1 C b P-+ • r -I O W b % N .[ U 3-4 N • r -I • 1-I N tn4-1+1a,-1 $4NubN4b5 u) el a v aa(1) ba.`i ()2s•�o its C:4 4-1 b (n u 4i .i.) b bf-1 aE 14 U 4 $4 Z -..-1 4 fx, (0 4.1 1,-1 0 0 .--1 W U b fd N O U � N • W Z N 0 O-- Z .0 u) 4-1 Z 4 -/-1 ni MI 4 O 0 •rl 0 b !A 0--1 4 b 19W 14 N +1 • •r-1 N 4 Q1 (I) b 4-1 en O rd .[ b rd 'L9 A 0 en Z b > C to !4 b b rCI P CV � � -,-I.[ (1)W V CJI (1) (11 r1:1 ili mi � O E r-1 W ,4 E r -I 4 +1 +1 ri-I `IA !-1 ; to b 4-) O rti +3 U A cn bn b N tri u) C 'd O O .4 ii -i Z 0 b N 4-) N O NA $.1 Q in O H ih-I U )4 • f -I tri b .-I v1 •.-1 Z 't3 4-1 4.1 • rl r --I lC; $4 'L9 to 4-1 bn u) N 4.i in i-1 V r -I • rl R! P-1 rd • rl •.-I A •� 4ii Z a ad Q) J LL d • N •r -I OW 004,43•�+WOo WbP 0 to U b +) 'd ,-i- tn A V b 'L9 4-1 O 0 April 2, 1992 6. CORRESPONDENCE c. Page 1 of 8 Receive letter from Ms. Sarah Paukert concerning a sewer problem on Glenside Drive in Lafayette; consider draft response Parke L. .3oneystee le President of The r3 oard of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place llLartinez, Ca. Dear 1.,r. Boneysteele: ,-arch 18-1992 REMOVED BAR 2 0 1992 CCCSD SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT I feel that 1 must bring the following sewer problem on Glenside Drive in Lafayette, to your attention. In July 1991, realizing that my husbands post stroke paralysis was not going to get better, 1 decided that I must create an easier access from the car to the house --To do so, i would have to remove a section of the paved drive, and, assuming that our sewer connection lay somewhere under it-enroute to the area of the clean out located on the northerly point of the lot, i came to the Sanitary District office to find just where it crossed --i was given the following information: (1) The sewer permit #616, was issued Feb. 15--1949 (2) Final approval was given Feb. 17-1950 (3) Precise routing data for those early years was not avai lao1e----i recieved a copy of the map showing the general location of the Districts lines to the area. 1 then called Roto -hooter to locate the line ---{They establisned the following: (1) The line, instead of crossing our own property, goes out into the roadway, and then down the roadway, parallel with the bottom of our drive --They were unaole to go beyond that point since no clean out was ever installed to reach the 100 plus feet of sewer line that runs down the roadwayl1 (2) They also found several very sharp bends in the line running from the house to the street, as evidenced by their electric snake piling up before finally break L ig through—so the entire installation was very poofly laid out ---Finally understood why we have always nad a problematic sewer system ----Why: (a) My did it pass inspection? (b) thy was the sewer extension to the property run so far south on the lot when the house was already in place on the north end of the lot—It appears that someone working from a plat of the area, .Here ly designated the center of the frontage footage, ignoring the shape of the lot which required the house to be set on the north end. (c) ,,ost importantly, why was the connecting line installed in the roadway instead of crossing, what was then, an open hillside, void of retaining walls--steps--trees etc.? I re1iLed that only The Sanitary Listric t could answer (a) and (o) --As for (c) 1 rationalized that the roadway easement -ust have been changed after the connection was in place --However; a thorough record search---131dd. dept . -- Dept . of Records ---public dorks ept . ---revealed that the 50 foot roadway was already in place on the asap that was retired in 193711 (2) It beca de evident that The Sanitary District had actually issued a permit to install the 100 plus feet of sewer line down the roadway, and gave final approval without even having a clean-out in the line. In view of the above, and with extensive road worms nearing completion, It is imperative that this problem ae addressed as soon as possible. Having established that The Sanitary District was responsible for creating the problem, 1 feel it must participate in correcting it by doing the following: (1) Installing a clean-out to service and maintain the 100 plus feet of sewer line running down the roadway. (2) Jaiving any c onnecting/inspection fees for replacing the line from the house to the street. It is my hope, that by working together, this problem can be resolved without having to resort to litigation. Lay 1 hear from you at your earliest convenience. Sin erely, ,2 (14 Sarah Yau_ ert 766 Glenside drive Lafayette, tea. 94549 copy to: Lark Lander Lafayette City Lngineer Gregg Pfiester.6xcavation Contractor for street irnproveiaents March 27, 1992 Mrs. Sarah Paukert 766 Glenside Drive Lafayette CA 94549 Dear Mrs. Paukert: SIDE SEWER AT 766 GLENSIDE DRIVE, LAFAYETTE Your letter dated March 18, 1992, in which you indicated that you felt the District must participate in correcting a problem with the private side sewer serving your home at 766 Glenside Drive has been referred to me for a response. In your letter you stated that the permit for your side sewer was issued February 15, 1949, and final approval was given on February 17, 1950. District staff has confirmed these dates. A copy of the actual permit is attached for your information. The standards applicable to the installation of side sewers have changed since 1950. The requirement to install cleanouts every 100 feet was established after 1956. Since there was no requirement to install a cleanout as described in your letter, none was installed. Upgrades to existing side sewers are the responsibility of property owners. Therefore, if a cleanout is needed to service and maintain your side sewer, it is your responsibility to pay the cost of the installation of a cleanout. In your letter you asked two questions regarding the location of the sewers serving your home. Your first question concerns the distance between the District's public sewer and your home. Your second question was why your side sewer was located in the roadway. Please refer to the attached map which shows the District maintained public sewers as you read the following answers to your questions. With respect to your first question, you stated in your letter that your home was in place before the public sewer was installed. Your lot has a triangular configuration. The wide portion of the triangle where your home was built is away from the public sewer. The public sewer was extended into Glenside Drive along the property line between 735 and 737 Glenside to a point in front of your property. It is the past and current practice of the District to install public sewers along property lines when sewers must be located in private property. Therefore, the reason your side sewer is so long is a combination of the configuration of your property and the location of the property line between 735 and 737 Glenside. With respect to your second question, your side sewer was installed at its existing location in the roadway due, in part, to the slope and elevation of your property and the location of the plumbing in your home. Since your home was already in place before the public sewer was installed, your home was most likely served by a septic tank when it was built. When your home was connected to the public sewer, the new side sewer probably started at a point on the pipe which ran from your home to the septic tank. If this is what actually occurred, the pipe to the septic tank dictated the location of the side sewer. Unfortunately, the precise reason your side sewer is at its present location cannot be determined because insufficient record information exists. As stated earlier in this letter, the District has no responsibility for the cost of upgrading private side sewers. However, in the spirit of cooperation, the Board of Directors at their meeting on April 2, 1992, decided that it would be appropriate to waive inspection fees for the work which is necessary to replace your existing side sewer. When your sewer contractor comes to the District to obtain a sewer permit for the replacement work, have the contractor give the person at the permit counter a copy of this letter. You will not be charged for inspection fees. Please be advised that no connection fees are due if the only work involved is replacing the side sewer. On behalf of the Board, 1 thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. Sincerely, Jay S. McCoy Infrastructure Division Manager JSM/gv Attachments 1 V P6970F so P59279R 10 rF ToN 3 L..EP8»F 727 IF pl591L H 25 4LH 24 ro 4 M GLEN 27d -6\1C-156 .' l‘\ P59/F M • 13 P1274 6F N M QA LOS ENC _X1561 22 5 125531F <#.3 2 755 DE P57/7F CIR p7200F A 14 P49o4F N 15 23 P70854 P5 9239R8 P563LH LO ,‘G\ k_(\i ;1" ..- S O a� (D U 722 Z 7/4 � g63LH 711 70 7 p324 6F 7't 1 22 P79/4F 3 P4CFP49T01F coj2 6-30-75 p592LH p4115717 co 10 co 21 P89O1F P5 65LH p708708 710 810608 P528 6LN 0 16 0 P5786F R 17 4Z-` 'k . P2076LH 737 23011. 6VC _ X1561 735 1� 2 3 P562LH P691248 P79I5F o� P544468 4 17 p5 4ILH P11595F 5 16 cfl P5 40LHO )f. P486LH P128168 p4888 727 72/ 77 7/1 P496LH 788 PUBLIC SEWER /2- PI l58eLN 754 748 p12011H �4 n P544LFI PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. 9. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. DATE March 31, 1992 TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER APPROVAL OF THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET (CIB) FOR INCLUSION IN THE 1992-93 DISTRICT BUDGET APPROVE CIB SUBMITTED BY John J. Mercurio, Admin. Analyst INITIATING DEPTJOIV. Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: On March 19, 1992, the Board of Directors held a workshop and public hearing on the draft Fiscal Year 1992-93 CIBl1992 Ten-Year CIP. The Board continued consideration of approval of the CIB for inclusion in the 1992-93 District Budget until April 2, 1992. BACKGROUND: The CIB/CIP was submitted to the Board of Directors' Capital Projects Committee for review on February 4, 1992. The document was submitted to the full Board on March 5, 1992. A workshop and public hearing was held on March 19, 1992, and the Board approved the CIP. During the workshop, Board members asked for additional information on several pertinent CIB issues. These issues are: o What are the projected 1992-93 expenditures by program (see Attachment 1) ; o For what proportion of requested authorizations will contractual reimbursement by the City of Concord and Caltrans be received (see Attachment 1) ; o Which scheduled projects are most deferable; o How will staff assure the Board that adequate funding is available at the time each construction contract award authorization request is made? Staff will provide the information requested in a brief presentation. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the CIB for inclusion in the 1992-93 District Budget. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JJM JMM DRW RAB INITIATING DEPTJDIV. f'h 0/(1/ f)B) ~ 1302A-7/91 "...... --.--"-"-."--T". 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REPORTS a.1) Page 1 of 9 Receive Update on Central County Household Hazardous Waste Program and consider draft letter to Danville, Lafayette, Orinda, and Moraga ATTACHMENT 1 FY 1992-93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SUMMARY $16,874,000 $47,385,000 17,363,000 21,537,000 76 c 0 0 0 o+r y0 0 0 0 .4., 2 a) "117 - M vi Cr; -0 8 QroC �el 0 Tt +� 00 N r - Q +J °' 0 0 0 �▪ p o 0 0 E >, ao c+) is y i � � � W 0 00 1:77 Lr] E Treatment Plant Collection System General Improvements $40,522,000 $75,433,000 $ 52,377,000 $ 23,056,000 0) 4-. 0 H a)cm c0 0 0o UN E a 0 0 0 a) .0 co u)ELai — ` N oil - N 00 .ca Tr E 4 1' a) cr $47,385,000 21,537,000 0 Ln 0) c 0 0 c 0 0) 0 0 E Ln r C L N a) �t C� _ C) C) E .a) cc 0) ❑ cocaos C� ci) U y C..) 0 E c� 0 a $1 $34,117,000 Treatment Plant 17,622,000 Collection System 6090.000 0) c a) Improvements $75,433,000 $17,604,000 $57,829,000 Total FY 1992-93 CCCSD 3 kil Al' hit rr � A summary of projected FY 1992-93 Capital Improvement Program revenue and expenditures is presented below: Butanes Facilities Capacity Fees $3,495,000 Pumped Zone Fees 20,E Annexation Charges 136,000 Interest 3,266,000 Ad Valorem Taxes 8,746,000 Sewer Service Charges 135,000 Funds from Other Government Agencies Grants 0 City of Concord 5,244,000 Caltrans 3,915,000 Contra Costa Water Dist. 0 Bond/COP Sale Proceeds 20,000,000 Miscellaneous Income 1.250.000 Total Revenues: $46,207,000 Expeild. tuts Treatment Plant Program $16,874,000 Collection System Program 17,363,E General Improvement Program 5,715,E Debt Ret remen 600,000 Total Expenditures $40,522,000 A summary of Sewer Construction Fund status is presented below: Projected Beginning Balance $63,234,000 (711192) +Projected Revenues 46,207,000 —Projected Expenditures 40.552.009 Projected Sewer Construction $68,889,000 Balance (6/30/93) Specific information regarding the Revenue and Expenditure categories referenced above are included in the 1992 Capital Improvement Plan. The 1992 Plan anticipates the revenue from the issuance of debt (Bond or Certificate of Participation sale) at three-year intervals beginning in FY 1992-93. This revenue is needed to meet the cash flow requirements of several large projects designed to addresswet weather overflow reduction goals and to comply with emerging air emission, water quality, and safety regulations. FY 1992-93 Capital Improvement Budget/ 1992 Capital Improvement Plan -- 9 — ...THE CURRENT BALANCE OF THE SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND THIS S PRESENTED IN PROJECT. A FUNDING SUMMARY a ATTACHMENT J2 - 4/2/92 ATTACHMENT SUMMARY 65,000,000 (33,000,000) UJ U cn Z z 0 m 0 N � O ti O � CC cc cf) U o � Z OEr U � w z w� �, W Z w wCC DEPENDABLE c J ISI 2 - 4/2/92 CC0 Z O C7 UJ CC W LU W Z w cc 0z W W < LU I- 2 8: Q� c� ❑ cc Lu cs UJ TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM' FY 1992-93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SUBPROGRAM/PROJECT 1. HYDRAULIC/PROCESS CAPACITY AERATION BASIN EXPANSION DISINFECTION FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS HEADWORKS BYPASS PIPELINE -PHASE 1 HEADWORKS FACILITY EXPANSION NEAR-TERM OUTFALL DILUTION AND TOXICITY PROJECT OUTFALL IMPROVEMENTS -PHASE 3 SECONDARY CLARIFIER IMPROVEMENTS SECONDARY FACILITIES STAGING PLAN WET -WEATHER DISCHARGE PT RELOCATION -PH 1 SUBPROGRAM TOTAL 2. SOLIDS HANDLING FURNACE THC MONITORING MHF EMISSION CONTROLS RESIDUAL MATERIALS HANDLING PROJECT SLUDGE LIME STABILIZATION SLUDGE TREATMENT PILOT TESTING SOLIDS CONDITIONING BLDG ENHANCEMENTS ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES COST 82,000.00 2,223,000.00 727,000.00 5, 058, 000.00 196,000.00 10,000.00 638,000.00 50,000.00 75,000.00 8,432,000.00 17,339,000.00 1,659,000.00 30,777,000.00 353,000.00 3,678,000.00 7,094,000.00 256,000.00 588,000.00 9,059,000.00 70,176,000.00 145,000.00 190,000.00 150,000.00 874,000.00 5,700,000.00 61,000.00 169,000.00 687,000.00 409,000.00 1,272,000.00 400,000.00 198,000.00 SUBPROGRAM TOTAL 7,120,000.00 3,135,000.00 3. WET -WEATHER FACILITIES SUBPROGRAM TOTAL 0 0 4. PLANT OPERATIONS DEPT. ACCESS PLATFORM INSTALLATION COGENERATION FACILITY FINAL EFFLUENT SAMPLE STATION FLOW-THROUGH BIO ASSAY FACILITY LABORATORY FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT MHF OPERATION IMPROVEMENTS OPERATIONS CONTROL CONSOLE REPLACEMENT PLT CRITICAL EQUIP ANALOG BACKUP CONTROL PLANT SECURITY PROJECTS PRIMARY CONTROL BUILDING RENOVATION SERVICE AIR COMPRESSOR #5 SCB-CRANE INSTALLATION SCB FOUL AIR DUCT IMPROVEMENTS TELEMETRY SYSTEM REPLACEMENT SUBPROGRAM TOTAL 5. OTHER PROJECTS FILTER PLANT REHABILITATION PREAERATION TANK AREA ODOR CONTROL STANDBY POWER FACILITY -PHASE 1 TREATMENT PLANT ELECTRICAL AS --BUILT PRGM TREATMENT PLANT SOIL REMEDIATION WASTEWATER RECL-URBAN LANDSCAPE IRRIGATE SUBPROGRAM TOTAL TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM TOTAL FY 1992--93 BUDGET 29,000.00 805,000.00 70,000.00 30,000.00 673,000.00 192,000.00 65,000.00 41,000.00 5,000.00 63,000.00 1.20, 000.00 324,000.00 71,000.00 594,000.00 39,000.00 5,205,000.00 70,000.00 100,000.00 1,004,000.00 400, 000.00 188,000.00 63,000.00 124,000.00 560,000.00 220,000.00 374,000.00 71,000.00 1,114,000.00 3,082,000.00 9,532,000.00 1,649,000.00 841,000.00 2,794,000.00 350,000.00 87,000.00 278,000.00 5,999,000.00 25,260,000.00 2,272,000.00 1,034,000.00 3,917,000.00 400,000.00 474,000.00 457,000.00 8,554,000.00 91,397,000.00 COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRA FY 1992-93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BU GET SUBPROGRAM/ PROJECT 1. INTERCEPTORS A -LINE EASEMENT ACQUISITION A -LINE PREDESIGN COLLECTION SYSTEM MASTER PLAN UPDATE COLLECTION SYSTEM PLANNING --TWA STUDY PLEASANT HILL INTERCEPTOR -PHASE 1A PLEASANT HILL INT EASEMENT ACQUISITION SUBPROGRAM TOTAL 2. TRUNKS COUNTRY GARDENS/THIRD AVE. SEWER IMP -PH 2 I-680/SR--24 SEWER RELOCATIONS -PHASE 4 I--680 /SR -24 SEWER RELOCATIONS -PHASE 3 LOS ARABIS/WOODLAND/LEGION/ACALANES S. BROADWAY EXTENSION SEWER RELOCATION WATERSHED 43-100 TRUNK -PHASE E1/M1 SUBPROGRAM TOTAL 3. MAINS COLLECTION SYSTEM PLANNING DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS SEWERAGE LAKEWOOD SUBBASIN RENOVATION PROJECT ORINDA NEAR-TERM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS OVERHILL DR. SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SEWER REHAB-SOARES LN/SOUTH TR/DALEWOOD SUBPROGRAM TOTAL 4. PUMP STATIONS BUCHANAN FIELD PS #2 POWER TRANSFER CLYDE PUMP STATION RENOVATION M-4 PARALLEL FORCE MAINS MARTINEZ PS UPGRADE FAIRVIEW/MALTBY PS UPGRADE ORINDA/MORAGA PS -NEAR TERM ORINDA/MORAGA PS -WET WEATHER DIESELS SUBPROGRAM TOTAL 5. CSO DEPT. PROJECTS COLLECTION SYSTEM RENOVATION PROGRAM SEWER MAINT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK REPLACEMENT SUBPROGRAM TOTAL COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM TOTAL FY 1992-93 BUDGET ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 30,000.00 71,000.00 109,000.00 40,000.00 1,099,000.00 1,248,000.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST 1,965,000.00 300,000.00 221,000.00 177,000.00 13,366,000.00 1,600,000.00 2,597,000.00 17,629,000.00 200,000.00 1, 960, 000.00 2,891,000.00 327,000.00 1,128,000.00 72,000.00 1,926,000.00 2,204,000.00 3,179,000.00 2,973,000.00 1,504,000.00 1,354,000.00 6,578,000.00 13,140,000.00 220,000.00 320,000.00 892,000.00 50,000.00 277,000.00 53,000.00 1,812,000.00 44,000.00 147,000.00 2,094,000.00 1,436,000.00 1,840,000.00 453,000.00 535,000.00 220,000.00 2,962,000.00 2,681,000.00 665,000.00 2,518,000.00 455,000.00 9,501,000.00 44,000.00 351,000.00 2,330,000.00 6,891,000.00 3,168,000.00 1,291,000.00 2,800,000.00 6,549,000.00 16,875,000.00 1,250,000.00 125,000.00 58,000.00 1,433,000.00 18,969,000.00 1,250,000.00 446,000.00 58,000.00 1,754,000.00 58,899,000.00 QIVERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRO FY 1992-93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SUBPROGRAM/ PROJECT 1. VEHICLES, EQUIPMENT, FURNITURE EQUIPMENT VEHICLES & FURNITURE ACQU I S SUBPROGRAM TOTAL 2. LAND PURCHASES PROPERTY ACQUISITION - FUTURE SUBPROGRAM TOTAL 3. PROJECTS AM/CAD APPLICATIONS EXPANSION COMPUTER AIDED MAPPING & DRAFTING SYSTEM CSO FACILITY RELOCATION DISASTER COMMAND CENTER DISTRICT PROPERTY SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS GC/MS HARD WARE UPGRADE HEATING/COOLING CONTROL IMPROVEMENTS HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE FACILITY IMPROVE RADIO COMMUNICATION SYSTEM -PH 2 MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS UPGRADE OFFICE SPACE EXPANSION RECORDS STORAGE EXPANSION/RELOCATION SUBPROGRAM TOTAL GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM TOTAL FY 1992-93 BUDGET ESTIMATED TOTAL PROJECT EXPENDITURES COST 734,000.00 6,434,000.00 734,000.00 6,434,000.00 1,420,000.00 11,823,000.00 1,420,000.00 11,823,000.00 73,000.00 146,000.00 302,000.00 1,585,000.00 1,200,000.00 2,688,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 15,000.00 150,000.00 130,000.00 130,000.00 35,000.00 35,000.00 401,000.00 570,000.00 100,000.00 155,000.00 1,473,000.00 1,795,000.00 145,000.00 1,569,000.00 80,000.00 80,000.00 4,034,000.00 8,983,000.00 6,188,000.00 27,240,000.00 O O Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 mhoff Place, Martinez, California 94553-4392 (510) 689-3890 • Fax: (510) 676.7211 March 30, 1992 2-� Dear 3---: ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager Chief Engineer KENTON L. ALM Counsel for the District (510) 938-1430 JOYCE E. MURPHY Secretary of the District The District previously offered to be the lead agency for developing a regional household hazardous waste (HHW) program which would enable participating jurisdictions to satisfy the requirements of AB 939 related to HHW. The proposed HHW program included mobile collection with a stationary hub storage facility and small quantity generator participation. The District considers all these aspects of the proposed program to be essential in solving the environmental problems of unsafe disposal of HHW and wastes from small businesses. After the District's conceptual HHW facility design was developed, the County proposed a mobile HHW collection program similar to the mobile collection aspect of the District's proposed program. Because of the overlap in the unincorporated service areas which are the responsibility of the County government under Assembly Bill 939, our Board expressed concerns of duplicative costs and directed District staff to work with County staff to resolve this issue prior to proceeding with design and construction of our HHW program. As a result of numerous discussions between District and County staff, the County proposed a course of action to the AB 939 Task Force with which the District's Board has certain concerns. (See attached letter to Mr. Finucane, March 20,1992.) The County has decided to proceed with their proposed mobile collection program. Since the County is responsible for the unincorporated area which includes approximately forty percent of CCCSD's franchised collection area, it would be impractical for the District to proceed with our program. The County intends to make their HHW program available to all cities wishing to participate. Cities have the option to join the County's program, develop their own program, or, alternatively, approach the Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority to discuss other options. The County apparently wilt be financing their program through user fees imposed at transfer stations or landfills. Accordingly, there is a potential for the cost of the County program to indirectly be imposed on your citizens, regardless of whether CCCSD undertakes its program. JOHN B. CLAUSEN BOARD OF DIRECTORS WILLIAM C. DALTON PARKE L. BONEY.STEELE SUSAN McNULTY RAINE1 JOSEPH M. STARITA President Recycled Paper HOB 1 -- Page 2 March 30, 1992 We appreciate your interest and support of the District's proposed HHW program; however, with the already skyrocketing cost of solid waste collection, it would be undesirable to Central County rate payers to carry the cost of two programs. 1 am enclosing a copy of the County's correspondence to us and our response which explains our Board's position in this matter. CCCSD, of course, will continue to follow this issue and, to the extent the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority decides to undertake additional efforts in this regard, we will keep your apprised their efforts. Sincerely, Parke Boneysteele EJlhb Enclosures cc: Board members Roger Dolan 4 --- bcc: W. Funasaki E. Jacobs P. Morsen J. Murphy ADS/Jacobs#3/HHWM obit. ltr Honorable Beverly Lane Mayor of Danville 510 La Gonda Way Danville, CA 94526 Mayor Lane Ms. Caluha Barnes Honorable Nancy Gore Mayor of Concord 1950 Parkside Drive Concord, CA 94519 Mayor Gore Mr. Chuck Gabrysiak Honorable Mary Lou Oliver Mayor of San Ramon 2222 Camino Ramon San Ramon, CA 94583 Mayor Gore Ms. April Gray Honorable Gregg Manning Mayor of Clayton P.O. Box 280 Clayton, CA 94517 Mayor Manning Mr. Randy Hatch Honorable Michael M. Menesini Mayor of Martinez 525 Henrietta Street Martinez, CA 94553 Mayor Menesini Ms. Sherry Kelly Honorable Graig W. Crossley Mayor of Moraga P.O. Box 188 Moraga, CA 94556 Mayor Crossley Mr. Michael Medvedoff Honorable Sherry M. Sterrett Mayor of Pleasant Hill 3300 N. Main Street Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Mayor Sterrett Ms. Leanne Nelson Honorable Evelyn Munn Mayor of Walnut Creek 1666 North Main Street Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Mayor Munn Ms. Janet Schneider Honorable Richard G. Heggie Mayor of Orinda 26 Orinda Way Orinda, CA 94563 Mayor Heggie Mr. Tom Sinclair Honorable Donald Tatzin Mayor of Lafayette 251 Lafayette Circle, Suite 120 Lafayette, CA 94549 Mayor Tatzin Ms. Karen Stein Mr. Ron Tsugita Manager/Secretary Delta Diablo Sanitation District P. 0. Box 929 Antioch, CA 94509 Mr. Tsugita Mr. Gregory G. Baatrup Mr. Alfonso L. Rangel President of the Board Mt. View Sanitary District P.O. Box 2757 Martinez, CA 94553 Mr. Rangel Mr. David Contreras Ms. Rosemary Corbin President of the Board Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority 114 Crest Avenue Richmond, CA 94801 M s . Avon M. Wilson Mr. Herb Moniz Ad m i n istator Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority 2222 Camino Ramon San Ramon, CA 94583 Mr. Moniz ADS/Jacobs#3/HHWm obi l . Ist Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California 94553-4392 (510) 689-3890 March 20, 1992 Mr. Mark Finucane, Director Health Services Department Contra Costa County 20 Alien Street Martinez, CA 94553-3191 Dear Mr. Finucane: ROGER J. DOLAN General Engineer MENTON L ALM Caoiset for the District (510) 938-1430 JOYCE E. MURPHY ecretary of the District Yesterday, our Board discussed your March 6, 1992 letter. They are aware that this proposal is being processed through the AB 939 review procedure and asked me to advise you of their concern for certain elements of your proposal. First, they want to be on record as opposing the concept that Central San would take over the program at the end of the first 18 months. We recognize that there may be some advantage to having an organization other than the County take over the program, but suggest that either the County -wide JPA, or regional JPA's may be more suitable future managers. Our Board is also concerned about the future cost of the proposal because it does not include a public hub/storage facility. They also believe that the environmental goals of the program will not be met unless a small quantity generator program is available in the County. If such a program is to be publicly managed, the Board believes that it should be consolidated into the HHW program to eliminate the administrative burden of a separate program overhead. RJD:bI cc: CCCSD Board of Directors C:IWP511WPFILESIRJDIFINUCANE.LTR Contra Costa Coun The Board of Supervisors OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR HEALTH SERVICES DEPARTMENT Tom Powers 1st District Nancy C. Fanden. 2nd District Robert 1. Schroder 3rd District Sunne Wright McPeak 4th District Tom Torlakson, 5th District County Administrator Phil Batchelor County Administrator March 6, 1992 Roger Dolan General Manager & Chief Engineer Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. Dolan: rk Finucane, Director 20 Allen Street Martinez California 94553 3191 (510) 370 5003 (510) 370-5095 Fax appreciated your meeting with me and my staff on Wednesday about the household hazardous waste (HHW) collection program. As I mentioned at the meeting, my overriding concern is that the program be implemented throughout the county and as soon as possible, regardless of who operates it. Therefore, the Health Services Department would like to propose the following compromise proposal: The Health Services Department would implement a countywide mobile collection program, to be operational in the spring of 1993. At the end of 18 months of operation, the county would turn over the program to the Central Sanitary District. However, three issues would need to be resolved prior to the transfer: (1) A permanent collection facility is constructed and ready to receive HHW; (2) Contracts or agreements are in place to operate the program in all three regions of the county; and (3) A well-developed, written plan for SQG waste collection is in place, which includes a budget and addresses how it will integrate current private sector efforts to collect such wastes. We are recommending this compromise proposal because it is imperative that a mobile collection program be implemented as soon as possible. Last fall, the Health Services Department canceled collection days because we believed that the money could be better utilized for a permanent program. We cannot delay any longer and continue to expect residents to refrain from inappropriately disposing of their HHW. Based on our discussions on Wednesday, your proposal currently includes a number of uncertainties. First, it is dependent on a permanent facility -- either at Central Sanitary or at Acme. Since that decision is still under discussion, implementation of the program could be delayed. Second, Central Sanitary is not prepared at this time to collect HHW countywide, which we believe is an essential requirement of any program. Third, a number Me -r trees Me ' oriai Hospital & Clinics • Pub lc Health • Menta, Hea tr • Substance At..xe • EnoronmentaI Hea t1- • Contra Costa Health Plan • Emergency Medical Ser,, cex • Home Heart' Agency • Ge• atr•cs of policy and budgetary issues regarding SQG remain to be worked out. The proposed compromise would provide you with the time to resolve these three issues without needlessly delaying the program. It is our intention to make this proposal to the Public Information Committee of the AB 939 Local Task Force at their March 13, 1992 meeting. Sincerely, Mark Finucane, Dfrector Health Services Department MF:BM:no cc: Board of Supervisors Phil Batchelor Paul Morsen Sue Rainey Robin Bedell -Waite Barbara Masters Tim Potter William B. Walker, M.I.