HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 08-15-91 c.' ltral Contra CostaSa'~_ ry District BOARD OF DIRECtORS PAGE OF 5 . ",-............--.'.,.... -.,...,,-.-----.-". .... ..... ...............-.--.-.-............... pC>Sltl<r>NpAPER August 15, 1991 NO. 3. BIDS AND AWARDS a. BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO RANGER PIPELINE, INC., FOR THE HALL DRIVE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PHASE 2-A, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 24331 August 12, 1 991 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY Rey I. Limjoco Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT.!DIV. Engineering Department/ Engineering Division ISSUE: On August 7, 1 991 , sealed bids for the construction of District Project No. 24331, Hall Drive Sewer Improvement Project, Phase 2-A were opened. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: The proposed sewer project is part of a 1 988 facilities plan recommendation for phased construction to replace deteriorated sewers in backyard easements along Hall Drive. Construction of Phase 1, consisting of a 2,700-foot bypass sewer along Hall Drive, was completed in June 1990. Phase 2 entails connecting the residences along Hall Drive to the Phase 1 bypass sewer. The work to be accomplished this summer has been limited to correcting the worst section of the backyard sewer. Other sections of the backyard sewer will be repaired in the future as necessary. The Hall Drive Sewer Improvement Project, Phase 2-A, consists of constructing approximately 220 linear feet of an 8-inch diameter sewer in a private road at Queensbrook Place and the installation of approximately 9,500 square yards of asphalt concrete overlay on Hall Drive between Donald Drive and Moraga Way (Attachment 1). The sewer work is intended to reduce flow to the existing deteriorated easement sewers. The overlay work is part of a previous agreement between the District and the City of Orinda to repair the roadway, which was damaged during construction of the Hall Drive Sewer Improvement Project, Phase 1.' A Notice to Contractors inviting sealed bids was published on July 25 and 31, 1991. Two bids, ranging from $246,351 to $388,527.50 were received on August 7, 1991. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Ranger Pipeline, Inc., for the bid amount of $246,351. The engineer's pre~bid estimate for construction of this project was $195,000. Although the low bid is higher than the Engineer's estimate by 26 percent, staff still feels that the project should be awarded. Potential cost savings associated with rebidding the project may not offset the cost associated with right~of-way, negotiation, printing, consultant's time and force account. Also, timing on the project is critical to avoid the wet weather season. ~ fJ~ f/If) REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPTJDIV. 1302A-7/91 RIL TJP DRW RAB AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO RANGER PIPELINE, INC., FOR THE HALL DRIVE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PHASE II-A, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 24331 .... ...................-......."'.................................-.,-...... .....llm.iIJIN......lriJl.Rm..... SUBJECT PAGE 2 OF 5 DATE August 12, 1 991 At its July 21, 1988, meeting, the District Board of Directors determined that the Hall Drive Sewer Improvement Project was exempt from the California Environmental Ouality Act (CEOA) under CEOA Statute Section 21080.21, since it involves construction of a pipeline less than one mile in length in a public right of way. A Notice of Exemption was filed with the County Clerk on July 28, 1988. The Hall Drive Sewer Improvement Project, is described in the 1991-92 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) beginning on page CS-50. The total project cost estimate for design and construction presented in the CIB for Phase 2 is $823,000. The $440,000 difference between the post-bid/preconstruction total project cost estimate of $383,000, shown in Attachment 3, and the $823,000, presented in the CIB, will be utilized to complete subsequent phases. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of the contract to Ranger Pipeline, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $246,351 for construction of Hall Drive Sewer Improvement Project, Phase 2-A, District Project No. 24331. 1302B-7/91 ED/Position Papers/HallDr.RIL PaQe 3 of 5 Q I . - Project Location(s) , Central Contra Costa SanItary DIstrIct Attachment Hall Drive Sewer Improvement, Phase 2-A 1 DP 24331 "" ---"-----..--. ---- PROJECT NO. Attachment 2 CentrE ~ Contra Costa San ary District Page 4 of 5 SUMMARY DF BIDS Hall Drive Sewer Improvement Project, Pha~p 2-A DATE August 7. 1991 Hall Drive. Orinda ENGR. EST. $ 195.000 24331 LOCATION = <.~f BIDDER (Nome, telephone & address) I BID PAle. ~ , EMSCO ( ) 562-5454 $ 388,527.50 9009 Railroad Avenue, Oakland, CA 94602 - - RANGER PIPELINE, INC. ( ) 822-3700 $ 246,351.00 I 1296 Armstronq Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94124 I I ( ) $ - ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ 0, r . , ) . $" , . o . . ( ) $ - ( ) $ ( ) $ - ( ) $ ( ) $ ~ BIOS OPENED BY Is/Joyce ~1urphy DATE 8/7/91 SHEET NO. OF %50"':8. - _______________...&t...._____._._.___.,_."....__...e.___... Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT 3 HALL DRIVE SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, PHASE 2-A DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 24331 POST-BID PRECONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE PERCENT OF ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT COSTS 1 Construction Contract 246,351 2 Contingency (at 15 percent) 37.649 SUBTOTAL 284,000 100 3 Force Account Ma nagem ent/ Administration 2,000 Inspection 16,000 Surveying 2,000 Legal 500 Engineering 1.000 SUBTOTAL 21,500 7.6 4 Consu Ita nts/Contra ctors Resident Engineer (JMM) 7,500 Geotechnical (DCM/Joyal) 1,500 Engineering Support (CH2M Hill) 6,000 Material Testing 500 SUBTOTAL 15,500 5.5 5 Miscellaneous Permit 2,000 Collection System Operations 500 Community Relations 1,500 As-Builts 1.000 SUBTOTAL 5,000 1.8 6 Prebid Expenditures for Phase 2-A 57,0001 20.1 7 TOTAL PROJECT COST 383,000 134.9 8 Funds Previously Allocated for Phase 2- 57,0001 A 9 Total Allocation of Funds Required to 326,000 Complete Project 1$333,000 has been allocated, and approximately $296,000 has been spent to date for the Phase 2 study, design, and right-of-way acquisition. $57,000 of each total is associated with the study design and right-of-way acquisition for Phase 2-A. ---.-"--. .-.-.-----"."..-+-...-....,....-..-......---..."---..--_.,-.-----_.__._-~-,-_._,----_...._--_...._-,.._--_.,-.'--~ C'- .1tral Contra Costa Sanildry District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 11111111111'."..1111111' BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT 1 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR i. DATE AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 91-8 (WALNUT CREEK) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPr ANNEXAllON FOR PROCESSING SUBMmED BY INITIATING DEPTJDIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept.lConstruction Division Parcel Area Owner/Address Remarks Lead No. Parcel No. & Acreage Agency 91-8 Walnut Trinacria Management Co. Existing house; property CCCSD Creek 500 Ygnacio Valley Road owner wants to connect to (5 OC 5) Walnut Creek CA 94596 the public sewer. Project is 135-050-020 (0.46 AC) exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 91-8 to be included in a future formal annexation. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON RAB INITIATIN~D?'V. DH f/11 JSM w ~~\~~ ~ ' !, / ,,, ~ ..1 0 ~ ,.~ . ~ 0 /S 6 I ~ u ~ "'" ~~ , A.; 4' n. ~ 0 .,. ..,... ~ ... .. 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CITY C' W.a.LNLlT Cft&[a - l if...~". ~ -- - ~ \ 1 \ p, It--ji ~ T I (j II I PROPOSED ANNEXATION P .A. 91-8 PAGE 1 OF 2 ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE DIABLO ROAD SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, DANVILLE (DP 4455) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR j. DATE Au ust 2, 1991 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPTJDIV. Ronald Klimczak, Senior Engineer Engineering Dept.lConstruction Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Diablo Road Sewer Improvement Project in Danville (DP 4455) and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: In response to being notified of the Town of Danville's plans to widen and resurface Diablo Road, District staff reviewed the capacity of existing sewers in Diablo Road and determined that additional capacity was needed to meet projected wet weather flow demands. In addition, a television inspection of one of the existing sewers in Diablo Road determined it to be structurally deficient, and the decision was made that it be abandoned. The subject sewer project included construction of 775 L.F. of 18-inch sewer, 227 L.F. of 15-inch sewer, 80 L.F. of 8-inch sewer, 14 trunk manholes, and various other appurtenances. Approximately 3,100 L.F. of existing 15-inch, 12-inch, and 8-inch sewer was abandoned. The project location is shown on Figure 1 (attached) and is described in more detail on pages CS-28 to CS-30 of the Fiscal Year 1990-91 Capital Improvement Budget. The Board of Directors awarded a construction contract to Mountain Cascade, Inc. of San Ramon on April 18, 1991. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed on May 22, 1991. The specified contract completion date was August 21, 1991; however, all work was completed approximately one month early on July 19, 1991. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. A detailed accounting of the project-costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the construction of the Diablo Road Sewer Improvement Project in Danville (DP 4455) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RSK flIlI JSM h'i INIT~T'W. 1302A-7/91 RAB Q Orinda I . - Project Location I Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Diablo Road Sewer Improvements Project Danville DP4455 Figure 1 PAGE 1 OF 1 SUBJECT NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR k. DATE August 7, 1991 AUTHORIZE BOARD PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO SIGN A UTILITY AGREEMENT WITH CAL TRANS FOR DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION OF 1-680/SR-24 SEWER RELOCATIONS, PHASE 3, DP 4782 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPTlDIV. Tad J. Pilecki ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the Board President and Secretary of the District to sign a utility agreement with Caltrans. BACKGROUND: Caltrans has initiated design of the next phase of its 1-680/SR-24 interchange expansion. This phase will consist of lane widening between Oak Park Boulevard and Monument Boulevard in Pleasant Hill. To accommodate the proposed widening, up to 5,600 feet of sewer ranging in size from 6-inch to 33-inch diameter along North Main Street and Monument Boulevard will be relocated. The 1-680/SR-24 Project has been broken into several phases with completion of the final phase scheduled for 1 994/95. Additional sewer relocations will be required under future phases. As in previous relocations, the District will handle all aspects of the relocations with Caltrans reimbursing the District for the total project cost. To receive reimbursement for costs associated with the planning, design, and construction of the relocation, the District must execute a utility agreement with Caltrans. Unlike previous utility agreements with Caltrans, this particular agreement is being executed during the early stages of design to reduce District carrying costs associated with Caltrans paying for improvements in arrears. The modified agreement allows the District to bill monthly. The total project cost is estimated at $2,375,000. This compares to $1,961,000 shown on Pages CS-26-28 in the 1991-92 CIB. The. difference is due to Caltrans additions to the relocation effort. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Board President and Secretary to sign a Utility Agreement with Caltrans for the 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocation, Phase, 3, DP 4782. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDACTION fj~ P/dfP 1302A-7/91 TJP DRW RAB PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF August 15, 1991 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. SUBJECT REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF REGISTRATION DIFFERENTIAL FOR DONALD E. BERGER, JUNIOR ENGINEER IN THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT DATE August 5, 1991 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT1DIV. ineer Engineering Department ISSUE: Payment of a registration differential requires approval by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: Donald E. Berger is a Junior Engineer in the Engineering Department/Engineering Division. This classification does not require registration as a professional engineer. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the District and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees' local No.1, provides for payment of a registration differential for employees who achieve registration while employed by the District in a position not requiring such registration. Mr. Berger has passed the California Engineering Registration' Examination and. is now a registered Civil Engineer. Mr. Berger has consistently demonstrated an ability to assist in the accomplishment of District activities requiring a professional level of skills and experience normally expected of a registered engineer. Mr. Berger was notified of his successful completion of registration requirements in a letter dated August 2, 1991. RECOMMENDATION: Grant Donald E. Berger a 5-percent salary increase effective August 2, 1991, for professional registration differential provided for in the MOU . REVIE'NED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB CRF INITIATING DEPTJOIV. 1302A-7/91 lj(;f PAGE 1 OF 3 BOARD MEETING OF Au ust 15, 1991 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR m. DATE Au ust 6 1 991 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT ADOPT RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A NEW ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR DISTRICT BOARD MEETINGS ADOPT RESOLUTION REVISING AGENDA FORMAT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPTJDIV. Joyce E. Murphy, Secretary of the District Administrative ISSUE: A revision to the order of the District Board meeting agenda is proposed to accommodate members of the public interested in a particular agenda item and to provide for more efficient use of staff time. BACKGROUND: It has been suggested that the agenda business heading of CONSENT CALENDAR be moved forward in the agenda order before HEARINGS and BID AND AWARDS. At recent meetings, HEARINGS and BIDS AND AWARDS items have involved considerable discussion. All items listed on the Consent Calendar are considered to be routine and are enacted by a single motion of the Board. These items are not discussed separately unless requested by a member of the public or the Board. In order to accommodate members of the public who may be interested in a routine matter requiring little or no discussion and to efficiently utilize the time of staff members available to answer questions on Consent Calendar items, it is proposed that the order of the agenda be revised. A draft resolution modifying the order of business of District Board meetings is attached for your consideration. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution establishing a new order of business for District Board meetings. ADSlPosPaper#3/BdAgenda.pp REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JEM INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A.7/91 RESOLUTION NO. 91- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING NEW ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR DISTRICT BOARD MEETINGS The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 143, relating to order of business for District Board meetings, ordained that the order of business at District Board meetings shall be established by resolution of the Board of Directors and may be changed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District that Resolution No. 89-021, Establishing a New Order of Business for District Board Meetings, be amended and that henceforth until further resolve on this matter the various items of business to be considered at each meeting of the Board of Directors shall be grouped under the following agenda business headings and in the order listed: ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR MATTERS OF PUBLIC INTEREST HEARINGS BIDS AND AWARDS CONSENT CALENDAR SOLID WASTE ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEERING TREATMENT PLANT COLLECTION SYSTEM PERSONNEL REAL PROPERTY LEGALlLlTIGA TION CORRESPONDENCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES Resolution No. 91- Page 2 BUDGET AND FINANCE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION REPORTS (AS LISTED) ANNOUNCEMENTS CLOSED SESSION (AS REQUIRED) ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT Agenda business headings under which there are no matters to be considered at a particular meeting may not appear on the agenda for that meeting. The Board of Directors may at any meeting, consider any item of business out of order. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 15th day of August, 1 991, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Aim District Counsel ADS/PosPaper#3/BdAgenda.res PAGE 1 OF 1 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR n. DATE SETTLEMENT REPORT ON THE WATER LINE BREAK DAMAGE WHICH OCCURRED ON SUMMIT ROAD, WALNUT CREEK IN JULY 1989 Jul 30 1991 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE SETTLEMENT REPORT SUBMITTf.P B.Y JacK t:. Lampbell, Administrative Operations Manager INITIATING DEPTJOIV. Administrative/Risk Management ISSUE: District self-insurance settlements having a cost of $10,000 or less but more than $5,000 are approved by the General Manager-Chief Engineer and are to be reported to the Board of Directors. A water line break which occurred in July 1989 and damaged the backyard of Richard Todoroff has been settled for $9,910.83. BACKGROUND: On July 14, 1989, a District crew replacing a sewer line in Summit Road, Walnut Creek, broke a water line belonging to EBMUD. Water from the break went through a carport at 230 Summit Road belonging to Richard Todoroff and washed out a large section of his backyard which was undergoing an extensive landscaping project at the time. An investigation of the incident revealed that the water line had not been marked correctly by EBMUD after an Underground Service Alert (USA) request by the Sanitary District. However, it was also determined that this District's USA request had been made in June 1988, over a year before the incident and which, therefore, exceeded the 14-day limit called for by USA rules. Based on these investigative results the risk management staffs of the Sanitary District and EBMUD agreed to repair the damage caused by the break and divide the cost between the agencies. It was also agreed that EBMUD would be the lead agency for the repair work. This arrangement was reported to the Board of Directors at a closed session in the fall of 1989. The repair estimate at the time was from $30,000 to $50,000. After many delays, the repairs to Mr. Todoroff's property have been completed and the costs totaled. These are $7,869.66 for geotechnical engineering and $11,952.00 for the restoration construction. One half of this $19,821.66 total is $9,910.83, and this has been reimbursed to EBMUD as the District's share of the cost as had previously been agreed. The staff commends Mr. Tom Nordin, the EBMUD Risk Management Administrator, for his cooperation, persistence, and skill in getting this difficult case resolved at a very reasonable cost to CCCSD. RECOMMENDATION: This settlement is being reported to the Board under the terms of the self- insurance program. No further action is required. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON INITlj TINe:e:.OIV. JEC PM C:\WPS1 \BDDir\Todoroff.PP . Centra ':ontra Costa Sanitar' Jistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF August 15, 1991 sUAfJrHoRlzE ALLOCATION OF $26,000 FROM THE GENERAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT TO COMPLETE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT INCLUDED IN THE 1990/91 EQUIPMENT BUDGET. NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR 0 DATE August 12, 1991 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE CONTINGENCY ALLOCATION SUBMITTED BY John Larson INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: The purchase and outfitting of three equipment items that were included in the 1990/91 Equipment Budget was not completed within the fiscal year. Board authorization is needed to allocate funds from the General Improvement Program Contingency Account in order to complete the purchase and outfitting. BACKGROUND: The purchase and outfitting of two specialty vans and a concrete mixer, that were approved as part of the 1990/91 Equipment Budget, was not complet~d during the fiscal year due to late delivery. Funds for this work were not included in the 1 991/92 Equipment Budget. The funds that are needed to complete the purchase and outfitting ($26,000) must be reauthorized as an allocation from the General Improvement Program Contingency Account in order to place the equipment into service. CSOD underexpended its portion of the 1990/91 Equipment Budget by $52,591. RECOMMENDED: Authorize the allocation of $26,000 from the General Improvement Program Contingency Account to complete the outfitting of two specialty vans and the purchase of a concrete mixer that were originally included in the 1990/91 Equipment Budget. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PAGE OF 11 NO. 5. SOLID WASTE b. DATE RECEIVE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO THE REFUSE COLLECTION RATE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY ORINDA- MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. AND ESTABLISH REFUSE COLLECTION RATES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1 991 Au ust 12, 1991 TYPE OF ACTION ESTABLISH REFUSE COLLECTION RATES SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPTJOIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The refuse collection rate application submitted by Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. was the subject of a Public Hearing on August 1, 1991; upon its conclusion, the Board of Directors requested certain additional information be provided by District staff and the refuse collector. BACKGROUND: The District staff analysis of the rate application submitted by Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. was provided to the Board of Directors, affected cities, and the refuse collector in early July 1991. A Board Workshop was held on July 8, 1991, and a Public Hearing conducted on July 18, 1991, and continued to August 1, 1991, to consider the rate application. After closing the August 1, 1991 Public Hearing, the Board of Directors addressed each of the rate-setting issues set forth in the staff analysis and hearing presentation. The Board approved the staff recommendations regarding the closure and post-closure cost assessment and potential tipping fee increase, and disallowance of certain projected 1991-1992 operating expenses; however, additional information to support consultant fees paid to Robert Sliepka was requested of the refuse collector, and the adjustment necessary for programs which were funded in last year's rate-setting process but not implemented in 1990-1991 was requested to be determined by District staff. Sixteen thousand dollars of consultant fees to Robert Sliepka, a 50 percent stockholder, were recommended to be disallowed by District staff. Mr. Sliepka holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of the franchisee. District staff believes that payment of Directors' Fees on the basis of Board meetings attended would be justifiable, but monthly payments for consultant services are not, and should be regarded as a distribution of profits to a principal stockholder. During the Board deliberation following the August 1, 1991 Public Hearing, W. Douglas Lomow, President of Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., indicated that Mr. Sliepka is active in the management of the franchisee and "is here all the time". Mr. Lomow was requested to provide District staff with supporting documents in the form of copies of airplane tickets or trip itineraries, hotel reservations, and records of long-distance business telephone calls made to Mr. Sliepka. These documents were requested to be provided by August 8, 1991. A letter dated August 7, 1991 has been received in which Mr. Sliepka indicates that the disallowance of his "salary" will not be contested because of the insignificance of the amount and time constraints in producing the supporting documents; a copy of the letter is provided as Attachment A. Commercial recycling is one of the programs that was funded for last fiscal year in order to meet solid waste diversion goals required by AB939. Commercial collection rates were increased effective August 1, 1990 based upon a phased implementation over a seven-month period, with completion scheduled by February 1, 1991. As of July 1, 1991, Orinda-Moraga Disposal has made little progress in implementing this program. Only a few accounts are receiving commercial recycling service. If all commercial accounts are not on line to receive recycling service in the near term, staff recommends that commercial recycling be open to competitive bidding in the Orinda-Moraga service area. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPTJDIV. WNF PM 1302A-7/91 SUBJECT 11111111111111:1:111111111 RECEIVE ADDITIONAL INFORMATION RELATED TO THE REFUSE COLLECTION RATE APPLICATION SUBMITTED BY ORINDA- MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. AND ESTABLISH REFUSE COLLECTION RATES EFFECTIVE AUGUST 1, 1991 PAGE 2 DATE OF 11 August 12, 1 991 The adjustments for the commercial recycling, corporate identification and software modification programs funded in the prior year and their effect on the rate adjustment calculation and collection rates and revenues, are presented on the following attachments; the affected attachment in the original District staff analysis which is thereby revised is referenced in parenthesis: Attachment B - Adjustment for Prior Year Programs The adjustment for the three prior year programs are described. Attachment C - Rate Adjustment Calculation (Attachment V, page 1 of 5) As a result of replacing the balancing account amount of $106,000 with the $43,000 of funding for the 1 990-1991 commercial recycling program, the Percent Increase in Revenue Required increased from 3.62 percent to 4.87 percent. Attachment 0 - Schedule of Current, Requested, and Computed Collection Rates - Zone 1 (Attachment VI,page 1 of 4) The schedule of collection rates for the City of Orinda computed on the basis of the revised 4.87 percent increase, described under Attachment C above, is presented. Attachment E - Schedule of Current, Requested, and Computed Collection Rates - Zone 1 A (Attachment VI, page 3 of 4) The schedule of collection rates for the Town of Moraga computed on the basis of the revised 4.87 percent increase, described under Attachment C above, is presented. Attachment F - Forecasted Income Statement for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1992 (Attachment I) The forecasted revenue has been revised from $5,093,000 to the $5,272,000 Total Revenue Required computed on Attachment C. Attachment G - Forecasted Revenues and Expenses for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 1992 (Attachment II, page 1 of 5) . The forecasted revenue of $5,093,000 on the two-page summary of revenues and expenses in the District staff analysis has been revised to $5,272,000, as computed on Attachment C. RECOMMENDATION: Consider the additional information provided related to the rate application submitted by Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., and establish the 1991-1992 schedule of refuse collection rates effective August 1, 1991 by approving the following staff recommendations: . Consultant fees of $16,000 to R. Sliepka be disallowed. . The 1990-1991 commercial recycling program revenue increase of $43,000 should be offset against the 1 991-1 992 revenue requirement. . The 1990-1991 corporate identification and software modification program expenses of $20,000 and $7,000, respectively, should not be offset against the 1991-1992 revenue requirement, but should be considered in determining the balancing account amount as of June 30, 1992. 13028-7/91 ADS/PosPaper#3/addIO-MD.pp DISPOSI! . ALL Attachment A OrindajMoraga Disposal Service, Inc. P. O. Box 659 Orinda, Ca. 94563 August 7, 1991 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, Ca. 94553 Attn: Walter Funasaki Dear Mr. Funasaki, Because of the material insignificance of the ammount ($16,000.00) and the time constraints I am working against in producing an adequate paper trial, I have decided not to contest the disallowance of my salary this year. However, in the future I will document to the best of my ability travel, phone calls, time and effort spent to benefit the management of Orindaj Moraga Disposal Service. Thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. ,~fi · Leadership In Integrated Waste Management · Attachment B ADJUSTMENT FOR PRIOR YEAR PROGRAMS District staff proposed that $106,000 of 1990-1991 operating income in excess of the forecasted operating income used in setting 1990-1991 collection rates be included in a balancing account, which would serve as an offset against the 1 991-1 992 revenue requirement. At the August 1, 1991 Public Hearing, the Board directed that implementation of the balancing account be deferred until next year, except with regard to the commercial recycling, corporate identification, and software modification programs which were funded in 1990-1991 but not implemented; if these programs are to be completed in 1991-1992 and are funded anew in 1991-1992, the increased revenue provided in 1990-1991 should be offset against the 1991-1992 revenue requirement. Commercial Recvcling Proaram Commercial collection rates were increased in 1990-1991 by an additional $43,000 over and above the general increase in collection rates to fund implementation of recycling services to commercial and multi-family dwelling units. The additional revenue required was based on forecasted operating expenses of the new program, reduced by revenue from the sale of recyclables. Because the commercial recycling program had not proceeded beyond an incipient level as of June 30, 1991, virtually no expenses were incurred, and little recyclable sales realized. The 1991-1992 forecasted operating expenses include full implementation of the commercial recycling program in early 1991- 1992. Therefore, District staff recommends that $43,000 of the excess operating income of $106,000 for 1990-1991, due to the failure to implement the commercial recycling program, be offset against the 1991-1992 revenue requirement. Comorate Identification Proaram A program to inscribe all vehicles and equipment with the company name, permit number, and telephone number was approved last year for $20,000. The program was not completed last year, but is planned to be completed in 1991-1992. The program expense has not been reinstated in the 1991-1992 forecasted expense. Therefore, based on the direction of the Board on August 1, 1991, the $20,000 unexpended in 1990-1991 will not be offset against the 1991-1992 revenue requirement, but will be considered in establishing the balancing account amount as of June 30, 1992. Software Modifications to Automate Billina Svstem The expense to convert a manual billing system to a computerized system was approved last year for $7,000. The conversion was not implemented last year, but is planned to be completed in 1991-1992. The conversion expense has not been reinstated in the 1991-1992 forecasted expense. Therefore, the $7,000 unexpended in 1990-1991 will not be offset against the 1991-1992 revenue requirement, but will be considered in establishing the balancing account amount as of June 30, 1992. ADS/Position Paper #3/AttacB Attachment C ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. RATE ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION FORECASTED FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1992 < 000 Omitted> ALLOWABLE EXPENSES PER STAFF ANALYSIS, EXCLUDING CLOSURE AND POST-CLOSURE COSTS CAPITAL USE CHARGE TOTAL ALLOWABLE EXPENSES ALLOWABLE. PROFIT REVENUE REQUIRED BEFORE ADJUSTMENT FOR PRIOR YEAR PROGRAM ADJUSTMENT FOR PRIOR YEAR FUNDING OF COMMERCIAL RECYCLING PROGRAM TOTAL REVENUE REQUIRED FORECASTED REVENUE WITHOUT RATE INCREASE REQUIRED REVENUE INCREASE PERCENT INCREASE IN REVENUE REQUIRED PERCENT INCREASE ADJUSTED TO COLLECT INCREASED, REVENUES IN ELEVEN MONTHS $5,068 49 5,117 198 5,315 <43> 5,272 5.027 $ 245 4.87% 5.31% ADS/PosPaper#3/Addl-C. pp Attachment 0 ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1 SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES Staff Uniform C~ted Rate Current Requested Rates Phase in Uniform Rates Rates 5.31% Year 2 Rate ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ORINDA - FULL SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE: 1 can $ 20.00 23.35 21.05 19.35 18.50 2 can 32.15 37.55 33.85 35.95 37.00 3 can 44.35 51. 75 46.70 52.55 55.45 4 can 56.50 65.95 59.50 69.15 73.95 5 can 68.70 80.15 72.35 85.75 92.45 6 can 80.85 94.35 85.15 102.35 110.95 One can - Senior Citizen 17.00 19.85 17.90 16.35 15.50 Extra can on route 4.25 4.90 4.50 4.50 4.50 Special pick-up - 1 can 12.05 14.10 12.70 12.70 12.70 Special pick-up - each add'l can 4.25 4.95 4.50 4.50 4.50 MINIPACKER SERVICE: 1 can 27.05 31.60 28.50 26.10 24.90 2 can 39.25 45.80 41.35 42.70 43.40 3 can 51.40 60.00 54.15 59.30 61.90 4 can 63.60 74.25 67.00 75.90 80.40 ODD SERVICE: 1-45 gal. can 25.30 27.30 26.65 27.35 27.75 1-45 gal. can and 1-32 gal. 37.45 40.10 39.45 43.95 46.20 1-45 gal. can and 2-32 gal. 49.65 57.95 52.30 60.55 64.70 4-45 gal. can 70.45 82.25 74.20 98.70 110.95 COMMERCIAL SERVICE: One can weekly 24.30 28.40 25.60 Each additional can weekly 10.20 11.90 10.75 MULTI-APARTMENT SERVICE: Per unit per week 15.35 17.90 16.15 Each additional pick-up per week 2.45 2.85 2.60 COMPACTED REFUSE SERVICE: Per cubic yard 29.85 34.85 31.45 BULK SERVICE: ONE YARD: Once per week 89.75 104.80 94.50 Twice per week 157.20 183.50 165.55 Three times per week 224.05 261.55 235.95 Four times per week 290.95 339.65 306.40 Five times per week 358.40 418.35 377 .45 TWO YARD: Once per week 157.20 183.50 165.55 Twice per week 290.95 339.65 306.40 Three times per week 425.35 496.45 447.95 Four times per week 559.55 653.15 589.25 Five times per week 694.15 810.30 731. 00 SPECIAL: One yard 17.90 20.90 18.85 Two yards 35.90 41.90 37.80 ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1 SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES Staff Uniform Coq:lUted Rate Current Requested Rates Phase in Uniform Rates Rates 5.31% Year 2 Rates ------------ ----------- --.....------- ----------- ----------- DROP BOX SERVICE: Twenty cubic yards $ 296.05 345.50 311. 75 Five yards - dirt and concrete 296.05 345.50 311. 75 Sixteen yard school box ** 236.80 276.40 249.35 ORINDA - NO BRUSH SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE: 1 can 17.00 19.85 17.90 16.50 15.80 2 can 29.15 34.05 30.70 33.10 34.30 3 can 41.35 48.25 43.55 49.70 52.75 1 can-Senior Citizen 15.50 .18.10 16.30 15.00 14.30 MINIPACKER SERVICE: 1 can 24.10 28.15 25.40 23.25 22.20 2 can 36.25 42.35 38.15 39.85 40.70 3 can 48.40 56.55 50.95 56.45 59.20 4 can 60.60 70.75 63.80 73.05 77.70 1-45 gal. can 25.45 29.55 26.80 31.15 33.30 1-45 and 1-32 gal. can 39.05 43.70 41.10 50.75 55.55 * Includes one 32-gallon can of garden trimmings per week and three refuse cleanups per year ** A charge of $27.35 per week applies for each week not serviced Attachment E ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1A SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES Staff Uniform cOIIp.It ed Rate Current Requested Rates Phase in Uniform Rates Rates 5.31% Year 2 Rate ------------ ----------- .........-------- -.....-------... ----------- MORAGA - FULL SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE:* 1 can $ 17.95 20.95 18.90 17.40 16.65 2 can 28.80 33.60 30.35 32.30 33.25 3 can 39.60 46.25 41.70 47.15 49.90 4 can 50.45 58.90 53.15 62.05 66.50 5 can 61.25 71.55 64.50 76.95 83.15 6 can 72.10 84.20 75.95 91.85 99.80 Extra can on route 4.25 4.95 4.50 4.50 4.50 Special pick-up - 1 can 12.05 14.05 12.70 12.70 12.70 Special pick-up - each add'l can 4.25 4.95 4.50 4.50 4.50 MINIPACKER SERVICE: 1 can 26.65 31.10 28.05 25.70 24.55 2 can 37.50 43.75 39.50 40.60 41.15 3 can 48.30 56.40 50.85 55.50 57.80 4 can 59.15 69.05 62.30 70.40 74.40 5 can 70.00 81.70 73.70 85.25 91.05 ODD SERVICE: One can - 45 gal. 23.40 27.30 24.65 24.85 24.95 One can - 1/45 and 1/32 gal. cans 34.35 40.10 36.15 39.75 41.60 One can - 1/45 and 2/32 gal. cans 45.15 52.70 47.55 54.65 58.20 COMMERCIAL SERVICE: One can weekly 24.30 28.35 25.60 Each additional can weekly 10.20 11.90 10.75 MULTI-APARTMENT SERVICE: Per uni t per week 15.35 17.90 16.15 Each additional pick-up per week 2.45 2.85 2.60 COMPACTED REFUSE SERVICE: Per cubic yard 29.85 34.85 31.45 BULK SERVICE: ONE YARD: Once per week 89.75 104.80 94.50 Twice per week 157.20 183.50 165.55 Three times per week 224.05 261.55 235.95 Four times per week 290.95 339.65 306.40 Five times per week 358.40 418.35 377.45 TWO YARD: Once per week 157.20 183.50 165.55 Twice per week 290.95 339.65 306.40 Three times per week 425.30 496.45 447.90 Four times per week 559.55 653.15 589.25 Five times per week 694.15 810.30 731. 00 SPECIAL One yard 17.90 20.90 18.85 Two yards 35.90 41.90 37.80 ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1A SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES Staff Uniform CoqxJted Rate Current Requested Rates Phase in Uniform Rates Rates 5.31% Year 2 Rate ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- DROP BOX SERVICE: Twenty cubic yards $ 296.05 345.50 311. 75 Five yards - dirt and concrete 296.05 345.50 311. 75 Sixteen'yard school box ** 236.80 276.40 249.35 MORAGA - NO BRUSH SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE: 1 can 15.35 17.90 16.15 14.90 14.30 2 can 26.20 30.55 27.60 29.80 30.90 3 can 37.00 43.20 38.95 44.70 47.55 ODD SERVICE: 2-45 gal. can-small truck. 37.45 43.70 39.45 37.65 36.80 * Includes one 32-gallon can of garden trimmings per week. and three refuse cleanups per year ** A charge of $27.35 per week. applies for each week. not serviced I.L. +J C OJ E ..c: u n:l +J +J <: o '" W z ::l W .., tJ CI >....Z '" z- WWQ Ul:EZ WW .......... <<'" II)....C OIl)W Q. ~ II) W t5~~ tJ tJ,... <1i~~al < ....... "'0 .... 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L. ~t~fa;~ _Q)_L"""L.. ~t;;~c5 Ul"OI 0 .~ 8..~ ~g'~~ .JJ.c.. .~ g' ~ ~:u fr ~'iii 8-~ 011 ~CUL.'_::J+" <e(U +"UlO '- ~ W 0- ::JO L. a.........LL.O ..J:::awa..c..c QUWO CII L.II cu.- L. L. II :z w-,o ~ae:Uoae: L.Q 0 ... ... > ~l!5~~ II 8. ... 0-.... ae: 0 PAGE 1 OF 10 NO. 5. SOLID WASTE c. DATE ADOPT A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND THE CITIES OF DANVILLE, LAFAYETTE, ORINDA AND MORAGA FOR AB 939 PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION 7 1 1 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT MOU SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPTJDIV. Elaine Jacobs, Assistant Engineer Administrative/Solid Waste ISSUE: At the request of the cities/towns of Danville, Lafayette, Orinda and Moraga (CITIES) a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was negotiated by District staff and the staff from the CITIES for AB 939 planning and implementation. BACKGROUND: California Public Resources Code ~ 41823 states that" A city or county may enter into a memorandum of understanding with another city, county, regional planning agency, agency formed under a joint exercise of powers agreement, or district established to manage solid waste for the purpose of preparing and implementing source reduction and recycling elements or a countywide integrated waste management plan." From the onset of the passing of AB 939, the District has assumed the responsibility to prepare and implement the required Source Reduction and Recycling Elements (SR&RE) and Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Elements on behalf of the CITIES. The CITIES concurred because the District has the necessary rate-setting and level-of-service authority to implement the required waste reduction programs for the CITIES. However, franchising sanitary districts have little responsibility and authority under AB 939 legislation. Therefore, the District has requested written approval from the CITIES by letter or adoption of a resolution for the following items in order for the District to meet AB 939 requirements on their behalf: . Conduct a regional waste characterization study . Implement a regional HHW program · Designate the District as the agency responsible for preparation of the SR&RE · Designate the hauler as the exclusive franchised recycler In order to avoid the frequent need to request each city council's approval each time a new program is implemented, the District's Attorney drafted an MOU (See Attachment I) which was negotiated between the District and the CITIES' staffs and describes the responsibilities of each agency for the purpose of complying with AB 939. Additionally, Public Resources Code ~4190 1 authorizes a city, county, or city and county to impose fees for AB 939 plan preparation, adoption, and implementation. The County is currently collecting INITIATING DEPTJDIV. tltU~ EJ PM KLA 1302A-7/91 SUBJECT 1:11111111111111:1:11111111 ADOPT A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN THE DISTRICT AND THE CITIES OF DANVILLE, LAFA VETTE, ORINDA AND MORAGA FOR AB 939 PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION PAGE 2 OF 10 DATE August 7, 1991 $.95 per ton at Acme Transfer Station for their planning costs. Because the cities are not receiving their fair share for the incorporated areas, the County may reimburse cities $.80 per ton or reduce tipping fees by that amount to compensate the cities for their AB 939 planning costs ($.15 per ton will continue to be collected for County planning costs). This MOU provides for the District to recover some of the cost of consultant fees for AB 939 planning, if this rebate of fees happens. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached MOU between the District and the CITIES for AB 939 planning and implementation, and direct staff to send District executed copies to each of the four cities for which we franchise garbage collection services. ADS/PosPap#2/MouAB939. pp 1302B-7/91 --"-_.._.~---_.~._._-_._-"._--~--<. ~"'---"-~--'--'~'---"'-------"".'-,---"------------"'......,._,._--_.,--_.,.,-_.~-",._---- This is the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the Town of Danville. Identical MOU's were prepared for the City of Lafayette, the City of Orinda, and the Town of Moraga. DRAFT MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING BETWEEN CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AND TBE TOWN OF DANVILLE, THE CITY OF LAFAYETTE, THE CITY OF ORINDA, AND THE TOWN OF MORAGA FOR AB 939 PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTATION ASSISTANCE This memorandum of understanding ("MOU") is made and entered into between the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, a pUblic agency formed pursuant to California Health & Safety Code Section 6400, et seq. (hereinafter "DISTRICT") and the Towns of Danville and Moraga and cities of Lafayette and Orinda, each a separate political subdivision of the State of California (collectively "CITIES" and individually "CITY"). RECITALS A. DISTRICT is a regional public waste management agency providing solid waste and wastewater management, resource recovery and disposal services and facilities to the public, as well as businesses, within the CITIES and unincorporated areas of Central Contra Costa County. B. Residents of CITIES utilize the services of DISTRICT. C. Assembly Bill 939 (Chapter 1095, Statutes of 1989) codified in Public Resources Code section 40000, et seg., hereinafter referred to as AB 939, requires CITIES to, among other things, develop and adopt Source Reduction and Recycling Elements ( "SRREs" ) and submit them to the County of Contra Costa on or before January 1, 1992. AB 939 also mandates the diversion of 25% of identified CITY solid waste from landfill or transformation facilities by January 1, 1995 and the diversion of 50% by January 1, 2000. Cleanup legislation known as Assembly Bill 2707 (Chapter 1406, Statutes of 1990), hereinafter referred to as AB 2707, requires a submi ttal of a separate Household Hazardous Waste Element, hereinafter referred to as "HHWE", to the County on January 1, 1992. (Chapter 1406 adds or modifies Public Resources Code sections 41003, 41303, 41500, 41510, 41750, 41793, 41802, 41823, 41825, and 41903.) The date of January 1, 1992 as set forth above, is premised on the adoption of AB 2092 of 1991, which further provides for an extension of that submission date to May 1, 1992, if an EIR is being prepared for the submission by the submitting agency. D. CITIES desire to utilize the services of DISTRICT in meeting AB 939 and AB 2707 requirements (and other implementing legislation and regulations related thereto) including the preparation of a waste characterization component, and the preparation and development of final SRREs and HHWEs on a timely basis, and achievement of the mandated 1995 waste diversion goals. DISTRICT desires to provide such services to CITIES. - 1 - F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0009910.08 E. DISTRICT desires to provide such additional services related to recycling, source reduction, and other similar activities which may be required by such new legislation as may be adopted during the term of this Agreement, if practical. CITIES and DISTRICT may desire, in the future, to utilize the services of the DISTRICT meeting such new legislative requirements. To the extent that provision of such additional related services by the DISTRICT in the future is appropriate and practical, the DISTRICT and the CITIES desire to negotiate amendments to this Agreement, or enter into such new agreements as may be appropriate and practical to allow for the DISTRICT to provide such additional services to the residents of CITIES. F. Pursuant to Public Resources Code section 41823, DISTRICT and CITIES may enter into an MOU providing for the rendering of such AB 939 and AB 2707 services by DISTRICT. G. DISTRICT and CITIES enter into this MOU to define their respective scope of work and obligations hereunder. ARTICLE 1: RETENTION OF DISTRICT 1.1 Services. DISTRICT shall provide the services described in Article 2 below and "Exhibit "A", attached hereto and incorporated herein, on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. 1.2 CITY Authori tv. It is acknowledged and agreed that CITIES presently have the exclusive responsibility for compliance with all aspects of the obligations set forth in AB 939 and AB 2707 within the incorporated areas; however, the CITIES may delegate such authority as they may have for carrying out the compliance with the obligations of AB 939 and AB 2707 (and other implementing legislation and regulations related thereto) to another agency pursuant to provisions of Public Resources Code section 41823. 1.3 CITY Deleqation of Authoritv. The CITIES hereby delegate such authority they may have for carrying out of the compliance obligations of AB 939 and AB 2707 (and other implementing legislation regulations related thereto) to the DISTRICT in order to empower the DISTRICT to carry out the programs which may be necessary for said compliance through the DISTRICT's statutory authority in solid waste m~tters and such authority as the DISTRICT may have through its franchise agreements with solid waste collectors. The DISTRICT shall provide such assistance as is described in this MOU and in accordance with the scope of work. 1.4 Independent Contractor. It is acknowledged and agreed that DISTRICT's relationship to CITIES pursuant to this MOU is one of an independent contractor and DISTRICT is not, and shall not be deemed, an employee of CITIES for any purposes, nor shall DISTRICT employees or consultants be deemed employees of the CITIES. It is acknowledged that the DISTRICT and CITIES share a unique and - 2 - F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0009910.08 mutually beneficial relationship which shall be reflected in the cooperative efforts of involved project staff. ARTICLE 2: SCOPE OF DISTRICT SERVICES 2.1 Waste Characterization Studv. DISTRICT shall provide CITIES with an initial Waste Characterization Study, structured to comply with the legislative requirements of AB 939, with regard to the preparation of CITIES' final SRREs. In its performance of this task, DISTRICT may employ the services of consultants and other resources. 2.2 Source Reduction and Recyclina Elements ("SRRE") and Household Hazardous Waste Elements ("HHWE") PreDaration. A. DISTRICT shall prepare a jurisdictional final SRRE and HHWE for each of the CITIES in a manner specified by the final AB 939 and AB 2707 regulations. DISTRICT may employ the services of competent consultants and other resources in preparation of the draft and final SRREs for CITIES. B. DISTRICT shall submit preliminary draft SRREs and HHWEs to CITIES for review on or before October 2, 1991. DISTRICT shall thereafter assist CITIES in staff, council and public review of the draft SRREs and HHWEs, including the incorporation of revisions which may result from the review process. DISTRICT shall provide CITIES, upon request, all available information relevant to the completion of the CITIES' draft SRREs and HHWEs. C. DISTRICT shall be responsible for required annual reports to the County's Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB). D. The Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA), of which the DISTRICT is a member, shall be responsible as a lead agency for compliance with CEQA, including the preparation of appropriate environmental review documents and timing the completion of the review process so as to insure compliance with the January 1, 1992 statutory deadline, unless extended by law, for submission of the final SRRE to the County of Contra Costa. DISTRICT shall provide, upon request, all available information relevant to the completion of the appropriate CEQA documents. Each CITY shall be a Responsible Agency with regard to the CEQA process and shall review the environmental documents prepared for it by the DISTRICT. E. DISTRICT will be the liaison between the CITIES, the AB 939 local Task Force, and the California Integrated Waste Management Board during the SRRE and HHWE approval process. 2.3 Source Reduction and Recvcling Element ImDlementation. A. The Source Reduction and Recycling Element shall contain an implementation schedule. The DISTRICT will, working through refuse franchise agreements, adhere to the implementation schedule - 3 - F:\PMS\KLA.DIR\0009910.08 to the greatest extent possible in order to achieve the mandated diversion of 25% of all identified CITY solid waste from permitted landfill or transformation facilities by January 1, 1995 and to plan for the achievement of the mandated diversion of 50% of all identified CITY solid waste by January 1, 2000. B. DISTRICT's Board of Directors shall consider all programs which may be required for the implementation of the Source Reduction and Recycling Elements. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to implement such programs through the refuse franchise agreements as may be required to meet said mandated diversion requirements. 2.4 Coordination of Services. In order to ensure that services are coordinated, DISTRICT staff shall be available to meet and confer jointly with the staffs of each CITY on a as-needed basis. The purpose of the meetings will be to provide opportunity for multi-jurisdictional information sharing and exchanging of technical expertise. 2.5 Staffinq Responsibilities. District accepts the responsibility for providing all staffing as may be required for the carrying out of the scope of DISTRICT services to be provided as set forth herein. ARTICLE 3: SCOPE OF CITIES' RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 provision of Information and Materials. CITIES shall provide DISTRICT information and materials specific to their jurisdictions, not readily available from other sources, relating to the carrying out of this MOU and shall provide such assistance and policy direction as may be reasonably necessary to carry out the CITIES' responsibilities. Each CITY shall undertake such reasonable actions as may be required to promote adopted resource recovery and waste reduction programs, such as but not limited to, publishing articles in CITIES' newsletters regarding implementation of the programs and coordinating with DISTRICT staff to maximize exposure of DISTRICT's educational efforts. 3.2 Adherence to ImDlementation Schedule. The CITIES will adhere to the implementation schedule to the greatest extent possible in order to support the DISTRICT's efforts in achieving the mandated diversion goals. 3.3 Use of CITIES' MuniciDal Powers. CITIES agree to use their best efforts to provide for the implementation of recycling and source reduction objectives through appropriate use of CITIES' land use authority and other municipal powers as may be appropriate to accomplish the effective implementation of the adopted source reduction and recycling program. 3.4 Direction of Wastestream and! or Recvclables. CITIES hereby agree to delegate all such authority otherwise retained by each CITY with regard to the direction of the wastestream and/or - 4 - F:\DMS\KlA.DIR\0009910.08 recyclables, if any, to a site or sites as may be directed by the DISTRICT. 3.5 Use of ComDost and Recvclables. CITIES agree that they shall make reasonable efforts after due consideration to aid the DISTRICT in developing markets for any usable compost or other usable recycled materials which are produced from the CITIES' wastestream as a result of the DISTRICT's implementation of the Source Reduction and Recycling Element. The responsibility of each CITY shall include each CITY making reasonable efforts to use said products for CITY services to the extent practicable. ARTICLE 4: AGREEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE AND TERMINATION 4.1 Effecti ve Date. This MOU shall be deemed effective as to each CITY upon execution by DISTRICT and said CITY and shall remain in full force until February 29, 1996, which is the date when the current term of the existing DISTRICT solid waste collection franchise expires. 4.2 Termination by CITY. This MOU may be terminated by any individual CITY as to said individual CITY's participation at any time with or without cause by said individual CITY giving DISTRICT written notice. Such termination will be effective ninety (90) days following receipt by DISTRICT of the written notice of termination. 4.3 Termination bv DISTRICT. This MOU may be terminated by DISTRICT as to each or all of the individual CITIES at any time with or without cause by DISTRICT giving said individual CITY or CITIES written notice. Such termination shall be effective not less than one hundred eighty (180) days following receipt by CITY of the written notice of termination, unless otherwise agreed to in writing between the CITY(IES) and DISTRICT. ARTICLE 5: FUNDING 5.1 DISTRICT Fundina. The DISTRICT, at its sole expense, shall provide the funding for the provision of services by DISTRICT under this MOU. Such funding will be recovered through refuse "franchise fees". CITY does not assume and shall not be liable for the direct paYment of any salary, wages, or other compensation to any DISTRICt personnel performing services hereunder. 5.2 Additional Funding. It is anticipated that barring the occurrence of extraordinary circumstances (i.e., substantive regulatory changes, etc.) the franchise fees available for this purpose will be sufficient to cover all expenses incurred. In the event of such extraordinary circumstances or if parties desire provision of services beyond those identified in the Scope of Work, the parties agree to consult regarding methods of funding such services. - 5 - F:\DMS\KLA.DIR\0009910.08 5.3 Grant and/or AB 939 Funds. CITIES shall commit to cooperating with the DISTRICT to apply for grant funds or other AB 939 funds available to CITIES for programs applicable to facilities and services provided by the DISTRICT for the purposes of compliance with AB 939 and AB 2707, if any, in order to minimize costs which would otherwise be borne by the rate payers. CITIES shall direct such funds, including their share of any AB 939 County funds, if any, to the DISTRICT for deferring costs incurred by the DISTRICT in the carrying out of the services provided by the DISTRICT pursuant to this agreement. To the extent CITIES incur costs which CITIES believe should be reimbursed through grant or AB 939 funds, then the proportion of the funds received by CITIES which shall be forwarded to the DISTRICT shall be negotiated. ARTICLE 6: INSURANCE. INDEMNITY. FINES AND ALLOCATION OF LIABILITY 6.1 Insurance and Indemnitv. DISTRICT agrees to require its contractors and consultants to provide insurance and indemnification in favor of the CITIES in the same manner and to the same extent as such insurance and indemnification is procured to protect the DISTRICT, to the extent such is legally permissible under the existing franchise agreements. Nei ther CITIES nor DISTRICT shall, as a condition of the execution of this Agreement, be required directly to provide insurance coverage or protection to the other, or to contractually indemnify the other against damages to any person or property not a party to this Agreement, other than as specifically set forth herein and in Article 6, Section 6.2 below. 6.2 Responsibili tv for Fines. DISTRICT and CITIES agree that, to the extent that an individual CITY carries out fully the responsibilities set forth in this Agreement for said CITY, the DISTRICT shall be responsible for any fine imposed by the State, or any of its SUbdivisions, for failure of that CITY to meet applicable AB 939 and AB 2707 deadlines and reduction requirements, as these requirements may be amended. In the event that the CITY upon which the fine or penalty is imposed fails to fully carry out its responsibilities as provided for in this Agreement, the DISTRICT shall not be compelled by the terms of this Agreement to be responsible for such fine or penalty imposed on that CITY. 6.3 Allocation of Liability. CITIES and DISTRICT agree that as to any liabilities not covered by insurance provided under Article 6, Section 6.1 or fines or penalties covered by Article 6, - 6 - F:\PMS\KLA.DIR\0009910.08 Section 6.2, the DISTRICT and CITIES agree that each entity shall be responsible for any joint liability on the basis of the proportionate fault of each individual entity which is party hereto. ATTEST: By Secretary of District CONTRA COSTA DIS~ICT / ~ ~~~ate resl.dent, Board of Directors '--.----' ATTEST: TOWN OF DANVILLE By Town Clerk By Date Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM: Counsel for Town APPROVED AS TO FORM: Counsel for the District - 7 - F: \PMS\KlA.D I R\000991 0.08 PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE WARNER GROUP FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO IMPLEMENTATION OF PHASE I OF THE DISTRICT'S COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 20082 DATE August 13,1991 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHOR~ZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY David R. Williams Engineering Division Manager INITIATING DEPTJDIV. Engineering Department/ Engineering Division ISSUI:: Board of Director's authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute professional services agreements for more than $50,000. BACKGROUND: For the past ten years, the information management demands of the District have grown at a rapid pace. This growth has been accompanied by an increased reliance on computers to assist District staff in meeting these demands. An example is the District's Financial Management Information System (FMIS), which was implemented in 1982 using the ADDS Mentor mini-computer. Recognizing this trend toward increased demand for management of information, a strategic planning issue was developed which focused on the need for long-range planning of management information systems (MIS). The strategic issue called for identifying existing and future information system needs and developing alternative approaches for meeting these needs. To assist staff in this effort, The Warner Group, a computer specialist, was hired to prepare a MIS Master Plan for the District. The Plan was completed in May 1991, and the results of the Plan were presented to the Board of Directors at its meeting on May 13, 1991. The Plan presented a two-phase approach to meeting the five-year MIS needs of the District. Phase I would include the implementation of a new or upgraded FMIS with interfaces to existing, as well as new, PC networks. The main component of Phase I would be the replacement of the ADDS Mentor mini-computer and its associated terminals, plus the installation of a data communication network. Terminal replacement would begin immediately with the purchase of four computers. Remaining terminals will be replaced with computers over the next year. Staff will request approval from the Board for purchase of the Adds Mentor replacement after bids are received in the latter part of 1992. Other components of Phase I would include a plant equipment maintenance system and software packages for safety management, records management, training and licensing, and links to major existing databases. Phase II would include implementation of full personal computer networking capabilities and a high-speed link to the Collection System Operations Department for on-line mapping activities. ORtU JJ1tf> ~ R./CHIEF ENG. !1Wv INITIATING DEPT.IOIV. 1302A-7/91 DRW RAB JAL SUBJECT 11111III_lmaM AUTHORIZE THE GENER'AL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE WARNER GROUP FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RELATED TO IMPLEMENTATION OF PHASE I OF THE DISTRICT'S COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 20082 PAGE DATE 2 OF 2 August 5,1991 Staff recommends that The Warner Group provide professional services for implementation of Phase I of the Computer Systems Upgrade Project based on its satisfactory completion of the MIS Master Plan. A cost-reimbursement agreement has been negotiated with The Warner Group with a cost ceiling of $73,800. The professional services include preparation of detailed specifications and requests for proposals, identifying qualified vendors, plus preparation of a detailed cost estimate. The detailed specification will provide vendors the necessary information on the functional requirements of each application (e.g. Finance, Human Resources, Permits, Safety, scheduling, etc.). The specifications will also set forth requirements on mandatory features, system performance criteria, reliability and expandability. The planning-level estimate for hardware, software, installation, and consulting services for Phase I is $1,100,000. The estimate for Phase II is $400,000. The total project cost is estimated to be $1,600,000, which includes an allowance for District Force Account. This project is included in the 1991-92 Capital Improvement Budget under the heading Computer Systems Upgrade Project (pages GI-11 through GI-13). At the time the CIS write-ups were prepared, the MIS Master Plan had not been completed. Therefore, a total project cost was presented in the CIB of only $233,300, which included planning and design of the project, plus an allotment for acquisition and installation of already identified improvements. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with The Warner Group for professional services related to implementation of Phase I of the District's Computer Systems Upgrade Project, DP 20082. 13028-7/91 ~ Cblltral Contra Costa Sanhdry District , BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1..11111111111111111: BOARDMEETI~~ust 15, 1991 SUBJECT PAGE 1 OF 1 NO. 7. ENGINEERING a. DATE Au ust 9, 1991 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE GM-CE TO EXECUTE A MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING WITH TRI-VALLEY WASTEWATER AUTHORITY TO RETAIN A FINANCIAL ADVISOR AUTHORIZE MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPTJDIV. Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Principal Engineer Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for interagency agreements. BACKGROUND: The Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority (TWA) is continuing its consideration of a sewer service capacity expansion alternative for the conveyance, treatment, and disposal of TWA wastewater through CCCSD facilities. CCCSD and TWA have jointly conducted a study of the engineering feasibility of a joint project to provide sewer service to TWA and have determined such a project to be technically feasible. Such a project could substantially benefit each agency. Many financial and institutional issues must be addressed before a joint project could be implemented. The TWA/CCCSD Board Liason Committee met on July 25 to discuss the joint project. Staff from CCCSD and TWA recommended that a joint financial advisor be retained to assist in resolving potential contract issues between the two agencies and to prepare a financial plan demonstrating the potential fiscal impact of a joint project on each agency. CCCSD and TWA staff had interviewed three candidate firms and recommended to the Board Liaison Committee that Bartle Wells Associates be retained as this joint financial advisor. The Committee received a presentation from Bartle Wells Associates and concurred with the staff recommendation. Bartle Wells Associates has proposed a time and materials contract with an initial authorization level of $60,000 plus direct expenses. The ultimate cost of the financial consulting services would depend on the time and complexity of contract issue discussions. The Bartle Wells Associates' work would be jointly directed by TWA and CCCSD. TWA would pay 100 percent of the cost of Bartle Well's services and would reimburse CCCSD for applicable staff time. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize GM-CE to execute a Memorandum of Understanding with Tri- Valley Wastewater Authority to retain the services of Bartle Wells Associates at no cost to the District. v fif INITIATING DEPTJDIV. 1302A-7/91 JMM JMK RAB PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. 7. ENGINEERING b. SUBJECT CONDUCT A WORKSHOP; SET SEPTEMBER 4, 1991, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER CERTIFICATION OF A FINAL EIR AND APPROVAL OF THE PLEASANT HILL OVERFLOW PROTECTION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4717 DATE August 7, 1991 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT WORKSHOP SET HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DE PT.lDIV. Tad J. Pilecki Senior Engineer Engineering Departmentl Engineering Division ISSUE: A workshop has been scheduled in order to facilitate the Board of Directors' review of the Final Environmental Impact Report (FEIR) for the Pleasant Hill Overflow Protection Project, District Project No. 4717. It is District practice to hold a public hearing prior to Board consideration of project approval and certification of a FEIR. BACKGROUND: The FEIR for the Pleasant Hill Overflow Protection Project has been completed. This workshop has been scheduled to provide an opportunity for staff to present specific information and to facilitate review of the FEIR. The project includes obtaining rights of way and constructing a relief interceptor sewer from the Oak Park Boulevard/Patterson Boulevard intersection in Pleasant Hill to the District's wastewater treatment plant. The proposed interceptor would relieve the existing Contra Costa Boulevard interceptor, which is too small to contain all the water that extraneously enters the sewer pipeline during major rainstorms. The goal of the project is to minimize recurring wet weather sewer overflows in the service area of the Contra Costa Boulevard interceptor. At its September 4, 1991, meeting, the Board will be requested to certify the FEIR and approve the Pleasant Hill Overflow Protection Project. Staff proposes to hold a public hearing to receive comments on the FEIR prior to Board consideration of project approval. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a workshop on the Pleasant Hill Overflow Protection Project at the Board of Directors' meeting on August 15, 1991. Set Wednesday, September 4, 1991, at 7:30 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to receive comments on the FEIR for the Pleasant Hill Overflow Protection Project, District Project No.4 717. RE WE WED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION TJP DRW RAB fJ/Jv.J f)!fj 1302A-7/91 BOARD OF DIRECTORS' WORKSHOP ON THE PLEASANT HILL OVERFLOW PROTECTION PROJECT PROPOSED AGENDA SEPTEMBER 4, 1991 PLEASANT HILL OVERFLOW PROTECTION PROJECT A. Staff Report . Project Overview . Environmental Impact Report Significant Findings . Schedule B. Comments/Questions/Discussion from Board Members C. Summary and Conclusions PAGE 1 OF 1 Au ust 15 1991 NO. 8. LEGAL/LITIGATION a. DATE DENY CLAIM FOR DAMAGES FROM PACIFIC BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ALLEGING SEEPAGE OF SEWAGE INTO A TELEPHONE MANHOLE 1 TYPE OF ACTION DENY CLAIM SUBMITTED BY Jack E. c.;ampbell Administrative Operations Manager INITIAT1NG DEPIJDIV. . / AOmlnlstratlve Risk Management and Safety ISSUE: A claim has been received from the Pacific Bell Telephone Company alleging that sewage from a District line is getting into their manhole at Alhambra & D Street, Martinez. Claim denials require action by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: According to Pacific Bell tests, water containing Escherichia coli, a bacterial organism found in sewage, has been seeping into a telephone equipment manhole located at a Martinez intersection which also has District lines in the vicinity. The District dye tested these lines and determined that the seepage is not from its facilities. Currently the source is unknown, but because the result of the District's test is negative, the staff recommends that the claim be denied. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the claim from Pacific Bell Telephone Company alleging District responsibility for sewage seepage into a manhole belonging to that agency. Refer to staff for further action as needed. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ?C JEC PM C:\ WPS 1 \BdOir\PacBell. Clm