HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-04-91 . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 10 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 4, 1991 SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET (CIB)/DRAFT 1991 TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP), APPROVE THE CIB FOR INCLUSION IN THE 1991-92 BUDGET, AND APPROVE THE 1 991 CIP NO. 3. HEARINGS a. DATE A ril 1 TceflJDOe'r PUBLIC HEARING, APPROVE CIB/CIP SUB~IFED ~y . .Jonn .J. Mercuno Administrative Analyst INITIA;rJNG 'pEPT/DIV t:nglneenng Department Planning Division ISSUE: The Board of Directors has established April 4, 1991, as the date for a public hearing on the draft Fiscal Year 1991-92 CIB/1991 Ten-Year CIP. Board consideration of approval of the CIB for inclusion in the 1991-92 District Budget and separate approval of the CIP is requested. BACKGROUND: The CIP provides the basis for project prioritizing and scheduling, District staffing, and long-range financial planning. The CIP also serves as the framework for fee analysis. The CIB provides a detailed presentation of the schedules and cost estimates for projects proposed for the first year of the ten-year planning period. It also provides for funding authorization from the Sewer Construction Fund to the Treatment Plant, Collection System, and General Improvement programs. The CIB/CIP was submitted to the Board of Directors' Capital Projects Committee for review on February 5 and 13, 1991. This document was submitted to the full Board on March 7, 1991. It is appropriate for the Board to receive public comments on the document prior to considering approval of the CIB. April 4, 1991, was established by the Board as the date for a public hearing on the CIB and appropriate notices have been posted. Budget Adoption of the CIB with the 1991-92 District Budget in June will authorize an additional $12,570,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for planning, design, and construction of capital improvement projects in the Treatment Plant, Collection System, and General Improvements programs. In addition to the new funding authorization, a carry-over of approximately $49,613,000 from Board authorization in previous years is anticipated, resulting in a total Fiscal Year 1991-92 authorized funding level of $62,183,000. The distribution of the funding authorization to the three capital improvement programs is shown on Attachment 1. Thirteen major projects account for 77 percent of the total authorized funding level for Fiscal Year 1991-92. These 13 projects are listed in Attachment 2. Adoption of the CIB also constitutes Board of Directors' approval of projects listed in Tables 4, 5, and 6 of the Budget document as exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION SUBJECT YEAR 1991-92 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET (CIB)/DRAFT 1991 TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP), APPROVE THE CIB FOR INCLUSION IN THE 1991-92 BUDGET, AND APPROVE THE 1991 CIP POSITION PAPER 10 PAGE 2 OF rft 1, 1 991 Plan Approval of the CIP authorizes staff to use the CIP's project priorities and cash flow assumptions in fee system analysis. The CIP describes approximately $205 million (1991 dollars) in capital improvement projects to be pursued over the next ten years. These projects are needed to meet goals that have been established for the Treatment Plant, Collection System, and General Improvement programs. These goals are presented in Attachments 3, 4, and 5. The CIP has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CECA Guidelines Section 17.3 since it is a planning study. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the CIB/CIP. Approve the CIB for inclusion in the 1991-92 District Budget. Approve the CIP. 13028-9/85 BUDGET . Attachment 1 - Budget Summary . Attachment 2 - Major Project Information ATTACHMENT 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SUMMARY Proaram Estimated Carry Over Treatment Plant Collection System General Improvements Total FY 1991-92 Budget $32,231,000 16,226,000 1.162.000 $49,613,000 Additional Authorization Reauested $ 7,306,000 1,299,000 3.965.000 $12,570,000 Total Authorization $39,537,000 17,519,000 5.127.000 $62,183,000 ATTACHMENT 2 03/19/91 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET MAJOR PROJECTS IN FISCAL YEAR 1991-92 Project Est imated Carry Over -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- COUNTRY GARDENS/THIRD AVE SE~R IMP-PH 1 S 1,794,000 S CSO FACILITY RELOCATION 200,000 CSO SE~R RENOVATION PROGRAM HEADWORKS FAC EXP NEAR-TERM 27,355,000 1-680/SR-24 SE~R RELOCATIONS PHASE 3 97,000 LAKEgooo SUBBASIN RENOVATION PROJECT 359,000 MARTINEZ/FAIRVIEW/MALTBY PS UPGRADE 520,000 PLEASANT HILL INT/A-LINE PREDESIGN 548,000 PLEASANT HILL INTERCEPTOR-PHASE 1A PROPERTY ACQUISITION - FUTURE o SLUDGE LIME STABILIZATION 825,000 WASTEWATER RECL/INDUSTRIAL USE-STAGE 1A 33,000 WATERSHED 43-100 TRUNK-PHASE W2 o Estimated ALLocation Total This FY Authorization o 0 S 1,794,000 1,000,000 1,200,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 3,300,000 30,655,000 1,661,000 1,758,000 1,365,000 1,n4,000 933,000 1,453,000 500,000 1,048,000 1,238,000 1,238,000 1,450,000 1,450,000 449,000 1,274,000. 1,396,000 1,429,000 1,567,000 1,567,000 o Major Projects Total 31,731,000 -.------------------------~-------------- 47,590,000 15,859,000 ====================================================--=========================::===:== Total Budget S 35,563,000 S 26,621,000 S 62,184,000 Percent Major Projects of Total Budget 89% ====================================================================================== 60X nx TEN-YEAR PLAN . Attachment 3 - Treatment Plant Projects Grouped by Goal Areas . Attachment 4 - Collection System Projects Grouped by Goal Areas . Attachment 5 - General Improvement Projects Grouped by Goal Areas 8~ ~ 8~ 0 0 o~ 0 M 00 ...... t- ~~ 0 t- O'\~ "<:t~ 0'\ E- 00 t- OO -.:i' V) "<:t ...... ...... 00 0 ~ U UJ P:::: tJ:l E-< 0 en ~ t:) Z ~ E-< - ~ Z Z 2 en en :s < UJ en ~~ ~~ Cl UJ 2 en p::::Z ~ Z t:) OUJ 8 ~~ < ~ en p::::P:::: ~ UJ< < - E-<- E-<tJ:l ~ ::r: Cl z:::> 0 <p:::: en ~ >00 ~ t:) 00 en ~:::> UJ CQN U u~ 0 - 0 UJZ 9 en Z E-<o E-< - - Z - ~ 0 E-< enz ZZ ~ ~ t:)- ~ en Zo < UJ< - ~~~ V) <UJ p:::: - 0_ ~~ ~~ U ~ ~u p:::: UJ ~ -E-< ~ <~~ < UJZ ~ ::r: UJ en:::> UJ< enO ~ ~~ ~- ~ ~ ~ 8 ~ ~p:::: ~~ E-< ~~ 0 ~~ 0 ~gr:~ ~ UJ UJ2 Z p:::: t> ~ en Oen -:::> E-< V)o~ p::::::r: ~ ~~ P::::p:::: UUJ enCl Z t:) (V) E-< E-< UJz Z E-~~ enE-< E-< UJ ~- UJ- -- 0 - I- V)~ ~z ~ ~~ E-<:::> << enE-< t::p::::en U en ~ z: o~< ~~ - E-< < w P::::UJ P::::E-< ~~ ~oUJ p:::: ::E: u_~ ~ffi >0- en U ~:::> UJUJ ~~ u~:g 0 0 :J: V)~~ E-< p::::~ ZUJ en u Z UJP:::: ~Zt:) 0 U Cl c:( ~<~ ~g j zu ~< u~ ~E-< 0 ~ Z I- <E- E-<9z I- 8~~ UJe: E-<E-< zo E-< c(l j ..:J c:( ~~ z:::> < ~ -E-< g:z uE-<li: u ::r:UJ UJZ ~t:: UJen UJ :::><< :::> 0 ~ < ~UE- UJP:::: ~- ~~ g~ ~~ o~ p::::~u P:::: UJ E-< o~< uo OU UJ<: E-< en E-< U 0 0 ~<~ :::>~ g:~ ~~ ~ ~ ~< en~O en :::> p:::: E-< 00 ~o UJe; t:)en ~UJ Zuz Z Cl ~ ~ ~~E- ~< ~>o ~~ OUJ< 0 UJ ~ I ~z _u ~E-< 0< :::>en UP::::~ U P:::: - ~ Z ~ I Z UJ .... . . . . . . . . . . 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Z ~ ~ ::x:: :::E u :::E ...... 0 ~E-< U tIlz 0 ~UJ ::; 1l..:::E E-<en E-<Z oZ Uo zt:.::: ~t:.::: 2e 0> enZ t:.:::Z UJO Il..UJ t:.:::u . CentrL. Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 4, 1991 NO. 4. BIDS AND AWARDS a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO B&B GRADING AND PAVING, INC. FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 20062, EXPANSION OF PLANT PARKING AREA PROJECT, DISTRICT VEHICLE PARKING PHASE DATE March 29, 1991 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY Donald E. Berger . in INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department! En ineerin Division ISSUE: On March 26, 1991, sealed proposals were received and opened for the construction of District Project 20062, Expansion of Plant Parking Area Project, District Vehicle Parking Phase. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: District Project No. 20062, the Expansion of Plant Parking Area Project, District Vehicle Parking Phase, consists of construction of an 8,300 square foot asphalt parking lot on the treatment plant site. The new parking lot will provide parking for District vehicles that will be displaced from the Headquarters Office Building (HOB) basement as part of the Office Space Expansion Project. The location of the new parking lot will be east of the HOB, as shown in Attachment I. The new parking lot will also provide spaces for District vehicles currently parked in unpaved areas in the vicinity of the new parking lot. Plans and specifications for the new parking lot were completed by the District, and the project was advertised on March 15 and March 20, 1991. Seven bids ranging from $32,702 to $63,348 were received on March 26, 1991. A summary of bids is presented in Attachment II. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is B&B Grading and Paving, Inc. with a bid price of $32,702. District staff will administer the contract and provide engineering support and inspection services. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.11, since it involves construction of a small parking lot appurtenant to an existing institutional facility. The Expansion of Plant Parking Area Project, District Project No. 20062, is included in the 1990- 91 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on page TP-81. The budgeted project addresses the need for additional parking at the plant, a component of which is a secured parking area for District vehicles. This contract is for the District vehicle parking phase of the project. The second phase will address future employee parking needs. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of contract to B&B Grading and Paving, Inc., as the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $32,702 for the construction of the Expansion of Plant Parking Area Project, District Vehicle Parking Phase, District Project No. 20062. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Ptr@ 1302A-9/85 DEB DJC DRW RAB ./ IEF ENG. JJf, ~ ATTACHMENT I Page 2 of 3 1tJ) ~- '- ~ TREATMENT PLANT NEW DISTRICT VEHICLE HOB PARKING lOT PROJECT NO. Pase 3 of 3 Central --~ontra Costa Sanit -.V District SUMMARY DF BIDS District Vehicle Parking 20062 DATE f.1arch 26, 1991 . ENGR. EST. $ $96,300 LOCATION 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California It W BIDDER (Nome, telephone & address) BID PRle. B & B Grading & Paving, Inc. ( 415 ) 825-1743 $ 1 2490 Vista Del Monte, Concord, CA 94520 32.702 Gradex Company ( 415 ) 680-1369 $ 2 P.O. Box 23319, Pleasant Hill, California 94523 46,108 Joe Carone, Inc. ( 415 ) 787-7283 "$ 3 2294 Vista Del Rio, Crockett, Cal ifornia 94525 53,500 Ransome Company ( 415 ) 430-1900 $ 4 740 Julie Ann Way, Oakland, California 94520 54,660 Gallagher & Burk. Inc. ( 415 ) 261-0466 $ 5 P.O. Box 7227, Oakland, California 94601 59,830 Winton Jones Contractor Inc. ( 415 ) 682-1870 $ 6 1949 Arnold Industrial Way, Concord, 60,990 94520 California Underhill Construction, Inc. (707 ) 226-3462 $ 7 P.O. Box 3358, Napa, California 94558 63,348 ( ) $ ( ) $ ( ) $ - ( ) $ - ( ) $ --' OPENED BY: Joyce t~urphy DATE t~arch 26,11991 SHEET NO. OF 1 2S03-g/84 . CentrL Contra Costa Sanitar) District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 4, 1991 NO. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR b. DATE March 20, 1991 SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE 1-680/SR-24 SEWER RELOCATIONS-PHASE II PROJECT (DP 4654) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Henr B. Thorn Senior En ineer artment/Construction Divisi n ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations-Phase II Project, and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations-Phase II Project was required in order to accommodate the 1-680/SR-24 interchange improvements by CalTrans. Major elements of the Sewer Relocations Project were the installation of approximately 1, 1 00 feet of 48- and 66-inch trunk sewers, 700 feet of 21- and 27-inch trunk sewers, 7,500 feet of collector sewers, plus associated manholes and structures. The location of the project is shown on "Exhibit A". Additional information on the project is given on page CS-30 of the 1990-91 Capital Improvement Budget. On May 3, 1990, the Board authorized the award of a contract to Dalton Construction Company to construct the 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations-Phase II Project. Notice to Proceed was issued on June 13, 1990. The contract completion date was March 11, 1991. The contract work was substantially completed on March 11, 1991. The remaining work consists of punch list items and these do not affect the project acceptance. The total authorized budget for the 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations-Phase II Project, including the cost of engineering and design, consultant service, District forces, testing services, etc., is $4,562,000. Approximately 86 percent of the costs incurred by the District on this project are eligible for reimbursement by CalTrans. The nonreimbursable portion of the work is for improvement of the sewer systems in the same area but not directly related to the freeway work. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of the project closeout. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for construction of the 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations-Phase II Project (DP 4654) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1,'J1 P/Jf? .I HIEF ENG. 1302A-9/85 JSM RAB ROGER J. DOLAN Orinda Alamo 6\ Central Contra Costa I 680/SR 24 EXHIBIT Sanitary District SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT, PHASE 2 A DP 4654 . Centre. Contra Costa Sanitar) ~istrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS .... PAGE 1 OF.) POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 4, 1991 NO. 5. CONSENT CALENDAR c. SUBJECT CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION PROCLAIMING APRIL 10, 1991, AS "DR. KARL IMHOFF DA V" WITHIN THE DISTRICT DATE March 26, 1991 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Swanson INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ISSUE: The Talksics Toastmasters Club requests that the District Board of Directors proclaim April 10, 1991, as "Dr. Karl Imhoff Day" within the District. BACKGROUND: Dr. Karl Imhoff (1876-1965) was one of Germany's (if not the world's) foremost wastewater engineers. Dr. Imhoff's contributions to wastewater engineering include the Imhoff Tank for sedimentation and sludge digestion; the Imhoff Method for removal of grease and oils from skimming tanks; the Imhoff Type of mechanical aeration of sludge; and the Imhoff Cone, used in the District's laboratory to measure settleable solids. Dr. Imhoff also served as chief engineer and administrator of two German river authorities--the Emscher Genossenschaft and the Ruhrvenbanduboth of them within the industrial complex of the Ruhr District. Most of all, he gave his name to Imhoff Drive and Imhoff Place, the two streets bounding the District's wastewater treatment plant. April 7, 1991, will be the 115th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Imhoff. The Talksics Toastmasters Club's annual noon hot dog cookout at the District's Headquarters Office Building on Wednesday, April 10, 1991, will honor this occasion with a birthday cake and other festivities. A representative of the German Consulate in San Francisco has been invited to attend. A resolution from the District Board of Directors proclaiming April 1 0, 1991, to be "Dr. Karl Imhoff Day" would be a fitting recognition of his accomplishments and contributions to the field of wastewater engineering. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution declaring April 1 0, 1991, to be "Dr. Karl Imhoff Day" within the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. e ~r CAV:; CWS -9/85 RESOLUTION NO. 91- A Resolution Declaring April 10, 1991 to be "Dr. Karl Imhoff Day" Within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District WHEREAS, Dr. Karl Imhoff (1876-1965) was one of Germany's (if not the world's) foremost wastewater engineers; and WHEREAS, Dr. Imhoff's contributions to wastewater engineering include the Imhoff Tank for sedimentation and sludge digestion; the Imhoff Method for removal of grease and oils from skimming tanks; the Imhoff Type of mechanical aeration of sludge; and the Imhoff Cone, used in the District's laboratory to measure settleable solids; and WHEREAS, Dr. Imhoff also served as chief engineer and administrator of two German river authorities--the Emscher Genossenschaft and the Ruhrvenband--both of them within the industrial complex of the Ruhr District; and WHEREAS, the District's wastewater treatment plant is located at the intersection of Imhoff Drive and Imhoff Place; and WHEREAS, the Talksics Toastmasters annual hot dog cookout on Wednesday, April 10 will honor the 115th anniversary of the birth of Dr. Karl Imhoff; ._---,-_._._~-------~,--~-,+-..:-.,~.~.~._._-_._..._^-----."'~.'-'_""-_._-_.,-----_._--_..__.,---_. ,- NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby proclaim April 10, 1991, to be "Dr. Karl Imhoff Day" within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in honor of Dr. Imhoff's accomplishments and contributions to the field of wastewater engineering. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors this 4th day of April, 1991, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Kenton Aim, District Counsel . Centr~ Contra Costa Sanitar) .listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 4, 1 991 NO. 7. ENGINEERING a. DATE March 29, 1991 S~FfPAOVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH ROY P. WONG, ET UX, JOB 1565, LAFAYETTE AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Jay S. McCoy, Construction Division Manager Engineering Dept./Construction Div. ISSUE: A house located at 3265 Wooded Creek Lane, Lafayette, encroaches over an existing Central Contra Costa Sanitary District easement. BACKGROUND: The sanitary sewer easement was granted to the District in 1949. A 10-inch diameter vitrified clay sewer was installed in the easement shortly thereafter at an approximate depth of 6 feet. A house, now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Wong, was constructed over the existing sewer approximately thirty years ago (around 1960). The house was constructed when previous owners had title to the subject property. District staff became aware that the house encroaches over the District's sewer during review of building plans for remodeling of the house. Staff has investigated the situation and has attempted to develop a solution which is fair to the current homeowners and which protects the District. It has been determined that the sewer pipe in the area of the encroachment is in an acceptable condition. A comprehensive sewer rehabilitation/replacement project for the sewers in this neighborhood is scheduled for construction in 1999. Since the pipe is somewhat undersized and there are other encroachments in this area, the District is considering relocating the sewer which is currently located under Mr. and Mrs. Wong's house as a part of this comprehensive project. Mr. and Mrs. Wong have agreed to grant a new easement for use when the sewer is rerouted. After the replacement sewer is installed, the existing easement and sewer under Mr. and Mrs. Wong's house can be abandoned. Staff has determined that the location of the house over the District's sewer is not an immediate problem. Since the existing sewer is in acceptable condition and will be relocated in the future, there is no current need to eliminate the encroachment. However, it is appropriate to enter into an agreement with Mr. and Mrs. Wong to protect the District's rights. The proposed agreement relating to real property contains the following requirements and considerations: · The property owner agrees to grant to the District a ten foot easement for a future replacement sewer. · The property owner assumes responsibility for future damage to the District's sewer which is caused by the presence of the house on the District's easement. · Immediate District access to the sewer is granted if an emergency occurs. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ENG. M? 1302A-9/85 JSM RAB SUBJECT POSITION PAPER APPROVE AGREEMENT RELATING TO REAL PROPERTY WITH ROY P. WONG, ET UX, JOB 1565, LAFAYETTE AREA PAGE 2 OF 3 DATEMarch 27, 1991 . The District agrees to be responsible for normal maintenance costs for the sewer. These District costs include sewer repair work and the replacement of the existing driveway or sidewalk, if necessary. The property owner will retain the responsibility for the cost of replacing landscaping. . The property owner agrees to hold the District free and harmless from claims and actions brought against the District for damages or injuries brought as a result of the presence of the house over the District's easement. . The District will make every effort to minimize impact to the house if repairs are needed on the District's sewer in the future. This project (the proposed agreement) has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Ouality Act (CECA) under District CEOA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Agreement relating to Real Property with Roy P. Wong, et ux, Job 1565, and authorize the President of the Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said agreement, and authorize the agreement to be recorded. --------. 13028-9/85 (}it:~ '" j~~}.t.::..:- - ~ ..": ::::::"::,:;~;".~~:~ :;,;. ';.' .~.~.; \:~..:;:".., . ;~~~ft.t;:) ..::~.::;;.':~;. Q d (t' -..J ::: .J:' I- ~ ~ iff -..J Q. WOODED CREEK LANE [REPLACEMENT 10' S.S.E.) ---- R. WONG HOUSE {' I EXISTING 5' S.S.E. --i II-- 10" V.C. PIPE --L; I !I L_ , , L REAL PROPERTY AGREEMENT JOB 1565 PARCEL 24 LAFAYETTE AREA , //1-- I I I I =1 GARAGE :J . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 4, 1991 NO. 7. ENGINEERING b. SUBJECT DATE LETTER TO TRI-VALLEY WASTEWATER AUTHORITY REGARDING FEASIBILITY OF A JOINT PROJECT A ril 2 1991 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE SIGNATURE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV ROBERT A. BAKER, Deputy Chief Engineer ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ISSUE: The Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority has requested a policy statement from CCCSD concerning the feasibility of a joint project to provide wastewater treatment service. BACKGROUND: On September 6, 1990, the Chairman of the Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority [rWA) wrote CCCSD a letter requesting consideration whether "a joint project with (CCCSD) is still feasible." About five years ago TWA made a similar request and CCCSD responded with an initial proposal which was never acted upon. TWA's situation has changed in the past five years and they now have renewed interest in a joint project to provide wastewater treatment service for TWA. CCCSD agreed to investigate the current feasibility of a joint project to provide wastewater treatment service if TWA would agree to pay the cost of the effort. TWA agreed to this request and staff from the two agencies have been working with a consultant for the past several months on the joint project feasibility issue. The work has progressed to the point where sufficient information exists to provide the basis for a new initial proposal to TWA for a joint project. Staff has produced a recommended initial proposal (attached) which is intended to set the stage for further, more detailed discussions between TWA and CCCSD. The cost sharing that would come with providing wastewater treatment service to TWA could substantially reduce the cost to the District for future capital improvements and could reduce the extent of future sewer service charge increases. Staff believes that these potential benefits to CCCSD justify moving forward into more serious and detailed discussions with TWA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the President of the Board of Directors to sign the attached letter to TW A concerning a joint project to provide wastewater treatment services. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION IN~EPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 RAB REVISED 4/2/91 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District <fjo lYlmhoff Place ."'artinez, California 94553-4392 (415) 689-3890 FAX: (415) 676-72 I I April 4, 1991 ROGER /. DOLAN General Maltager Chief E ngilteer KENTON L ALM Counsel for the District (4151 938-1430 JOYCE E. MURPHY Secretary of the District Supervisor Edward R. Campbell, Chairman Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority 7051 Dublin Boulevard Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Chairman Campbell: JOINT PROJECT FEASIBILITY In response to your request, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) has reevaluated the feasibility of a joint project to provide wastewater treatment service to the Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority (TWA). Central San and TWA staff have worked with a consultant to determine available project capacity. Based on the technical work and discussions to date, CCCSD believes that a joint project is quite feasible and is potentially beneficial to both parties. This letter constitutes an initial proposal on the joint project and is intended to set the stage for further, more detailed discussions between our agencies. Following are Central San's ideas regarding project capacity, cost sharing, and future steps. PROJECT CAPACITY The firm of Camp Dresser & McKee (COM) has completed a detailed hydraulic analysis of the capacity available in Central San's recently constructed San Ramon Interceptor Sewer and downtown Walnut Creek Bypass Sewer. CCCSD does not wish to parallel these sewers in order to serve TWA thus avoiding unnecessary construction impacts to San Ramon, Danville, Alamo, and Walnut Creek. In the future, CCCSD will need to parallel other interceptors in central and southern San Ramon, northern Walnut Creek, Concord, and Pleasant Hill to serve its own customers. Those interceptors could be upsized to provide service to TWA without significant incremental impacts to local residents. Should TWA wish to pursue a joint project with CCCSD, construction of these interceptors could be scheduled to provide capacity when needed. The COM analysis has confirmed an earlier CCCSO estimate of the sewer capacity available for TWA. Up to 40 million gallons per day (peak hourly basis) sewer capacity could be made available to TW A over a period of time to allow for construction of needed pipeline and plant facilities. @ Recycled Paper Supervisor Edward R. Campbell, Chairman Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority April 4, 1991 Page 2 The 40 million gallons per day (MGD) flow capacity available to TWA is, in essence, a wet weather flow limit. The COM study has provided TWA with sufficient technical information to determine the dry weather capacity limit that can be accommodated within the 40 MGD peak wet weather capacity limit. COST SHARING CCCSD has put considerable thought into the issue of project cost sharing. We have the experience of having administered a service agreement with Concord for the past 17 years, and have recently completely overhauled our customer rates and charges system. We have drawn upon our experience to develop a cost sharing proposal. We feel that a cost sharing system that apportions capital costs in proportion to capacity purchased and apportions operation and maintenance costs in proportion to actual flow will best serve the needs of all concerned. We think the proportional cost sharing approach is fair, simple in concept, and benefits both CCCSD and TWA due to economy of scale cost savings. Following is a conceptual description of the CCCSD cost sharing proposal. Existing Facilities TWA would compensate Central San for capital investment in existing facilities to be shared through a combination of up-front-Iump-sum payment and amortized payments of the balance. The TWA cost share would be based upon the value of the CCCSD facilities and the proportion of total capacity TWA wishes to purchase. Future Capital Projects TWA would compensate Central San annually for the cost of construction of new or expansion of existing shared facilities and for the cost of future upgrade/replacement of shared facilities in relative proportion to total capacity purchased. The District's Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan, which is updated annually, would provide a long-range projection of TWA's share of capital costs. TWA (and Central San) would rely on the Capital Plan to estimate Mure costs so as to determine revenue requirements. Of course, with ever increasing environmental laws and regulations, estimates of future costs can be understated. Accordingly, the Capital Plan is updated annually to incorporate the impacts of new regulations and other factors which affect the estimated cost of the capital program. Annual billings would be based on actual CCCSD capital expenditures. Operations and Maintenance TWA would compensate Central San for annual O&M costs in proportion to TWA's actual flow for the particular year in question. Eltro.U:::PQf:1l1ii!!y:::!1im:::DiileD!I:::ifi:'::lmimg::::91 Supervisor Edward R. Campbell, Chairman Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority April 4, 1991 Page 3 guarantee a minimum operating revenue that would result from the use of Central San's facilities. FUTURE STEPS Central San's initial proposal, while setting a framework for future discussion, will require refinement before a joint project agreement will be ready for execution by the two Boards of Directors. Should TWA wish to continue discussions, there are five issues which Central San believes would be productive to address next. 1. Determination of cost sharing methodology: More precise definitions of the cost sharing approach for new and existing facilities will need to be developed. Central San believes that assistance from a financial consultant experienced in these matters would be helpful in. structuring the accounting methodology which will be utilized to determine cost sharing procedures. 2. Long range projection of future capital costs: The cost to TWA for future capital improvements to Central San's facilities is difficult to estimate at present because the CCCSD 10 year Capital Plan does not include cost estimates for projects or capacity to serve TWA. CCCSD has recently completed a Wastewater Treatment Master Plan, a Secondary Facilities Staging Plan, and a Solids Handling Master Plan. These plans could be revised by a consultant to include the impact of TWA flows with modest effort. TWA may wish to work with CCCSD to have these plans modified to include projects and schedules necessary for a joint project. CCCSD could then produce a prototype Capital Plan for the joint project that TWA could use to estimate the future costs. 3. Payment Schedule: The type (lump sum versus annual payment) and timing of TWA payments to CCCSD will be of considerable interest and impact to both agencies. A financial consultant, working with the results of items 1 and 2 above, could provide assistance to develop a mutually beneficial plan in this area. 4. Regulatory Compliance: The joint project has numerous regulatory implications. It is desirable to start now to work out understandings regarding the quality and quantity of wastewater from TWA to ensure that CCCSD will be able to continue to comply with regulatory requirements. Supervisor Edward R. Campbell, Chairman Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority April 4, 1991 Page 4 . 5. C.E.O.A. Compliance: CCCSD is currently going through the C.E.O.A. process for the District .Pleasant Hill Interceptor / A-Une Sewer Overflow Protection Project.. The possibility that TWA may connect in the Mure to CCCSD is not included in the EIR project description for the sewer project, as the outcome of our joint project discussions are speculative at this time. However, a joint project agreement between TWA and CCCSD may require separate CCCSD C.E.O.A.compliance beyond the current TWA EIR. We should discuss how best to coordinate C.E.O.A. compliance as our discussions continue. r would suggest that this proposal be discussed at our next joint Board Committee meeting. Sincerely, John B. Clausen President of the Board JBC/RAB/bl cc: Robert D. Whitley C:\WP51\WPFILES\RAB\ TWAOFFER.LTR . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETIN).pril 4, 1991 NO. 7. ENGINEERING b. SUBJECT DATE March 27 1991 LETTER TO TRI-VALLEY WASTEWATER AUTHORITY REGARDING FEASIBILITY OF A JOINT PROJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE SIGNATURE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV ROBERT A. BAKER, Deputy Chief Engineer ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ISSUE: The Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority has requested a policy statement from CCCSD concerning the feasibility of a joint project to provide wastewater treatment service. BACKGROUND: On September 6, 1990, the Chairman of the Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority [rWA) wrote CCCSD a letter requesting consideration whether "a joint project with (CCCSD) is still feasible." About five years ago TWA made a similar request and CCCSD responded with an initial proposal which was never acted upon. TWA's situation has changed in the past five years and they now have renewed interest in a joint project to provide wastewater treatment service for TWA. CCCSD agreed to investigate the current feasibility of a joint project to provide wastewater treatment service if TWA would agree to pay the cost of the effort. TWA agreed to this request and staff from the two agencies have been working with a consultant for the past several months on the joint project feasibility issue. The work has progressed to the point where sufficient information exists to provide the basis for a new initial proposal to TWA for a joint project. Staff has produced a recommended initial proposal (attached) which is intended to set the stage for further, more detailed discussions between TWA and CCCSD. The cost sharing that would come with providing wastewater treatment service to TWA could substantially reduce the cost to the District for future capital improvements and could reduce the extent of future sewer service charge increases. Staff believes that these potential benefits to CCCSD justify moving forward into more serious and detailed discussions with TW A. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the President of the Board of Directors to sign the attached letter to TWA concerning a joint project to provide wastewater treatment services. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9/85 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District March 29, 1991 ROGER f. DOLAN General Manaxer Chief Engineer KENTON L. ALM Counsel for the District (415) 938-1430 fOYCE E. MURPHY Secretary of the District Supervisor Edward R. Campbell, Chairman Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority 7051 Dublin Boulevard Dublin, CA 94568 Dear Chairman Campbell: JOINT PROJECT FEASIBILITY ~n response to your request, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) has reevaluated the feasibility of a joint project to provide wastewater treatment service to the Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority (TWA). Central San and TWA staff have worked with a consultant to determine available project capacity. Based on the technical work and discussions to date, CCCSD believes that a joint project is quite feasible and is potentially beneficial to both parties. This letter constitutes an initial proposal on the joint project and is intended to set the stage for further, more detailed discussions between our agencies. Following are Central San's ideas regarding project capacity, cost sharing, and future steps. PROJECT CAPACITY The firm of Camp Dresser & McKee (COM) has completed a detailed hydraulic analysis of the capacity available in Central San's recently constructed San Ramon Interceptor Sewer and downtown Walnut Creek Bypass Sewer. CCCSD does not wish to parallel these sewers in order to serve TWA thus avoiding unnecessary construction impacts to San Ramon, Danville, Alamo, and Walnut Creek. In the future, CCCSD will need to parallel other interceptors in central and southern San Ramon, northern Walnut Creek, Concord, and Pleasant Hill to serve its own customers. Those interceptors could be upsized to provide service to TWA without significant incremental impacts to local residents. Should TWA wish to pursue a joint project with CCCSD, construction of these interceptors could be scheduled to provide capacity when needed. The COM analysis has confirmed an earlier CCCSD estimate of the sewer capacity available for TWA. Up to 40 million gallons per day (peak hourly basis) sewer capacity could be made available to TWA over a period of time to allow for construction of needed pipeline and plant facilities. PARKE L. BONEYSTEELE NELS E. CARLSON BOARD OF DIRECTORS JOHN B. CLAUSEN Presiden t WILLIAM C. DALTON SUSAN McNULTY RAINEY @ Recycled Paper -_..,----------_._.,..,_.~-_...._----~~~------~-,._-"-_.,--_..---~~.,-,_._--~q.~--~' Supervisor Edward R. Campbell, Chairman Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority March 29, 1991 Page 2 The 40 million gallons per day (MGD) flow capacity available to TWA is, in essence, a wet weather flow limit. The CDM study has provided TWA with sufficient technical information to determine the dry weather capacity limit that can be accommodated within the 40 MGD peak wet weather capacity limit. COST SHARING CCCSD has put considerable thought into the issue of project cost sharing. We have the experience of having administered a service agreement with Concord for the past 17 years, and have recently completely overhauled our customer rates and charges system. We have drawn upon our experience to develop a cost sharing proposal. We feel that a cost sharing system that apportions capital costs in proportion to capacity purchased and apportions operation and maintenance costs in proportion to actual flow will best serve the needs of all concerned. We think the proportional cost sharing approach is fair, simple in concept, and benefits both CCCSD and TWA due to economy of scale cost savings. Following is a conceptual description of the CCCSD cost sharing proposal. Existing Facilities TWA would compensate Central San for capital investment in existing facilities to be shared through a combination of up-front-Iump-sum payment and amortized payments of the balance. The TWA cost share would be based upon the value of the CCCSD facilities and the proportion of total capacity TWA wishes to purchase. Future Capital Projects TWA would compensate Central San annually for the cost of construction of new or expansion of existing shared facilities and for the cost of future upgrade/replacement of shared facilities in relative proportion to total capacity purchased. The District's Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan, which is updated annually, would provide a long-range projection of TWA's share of capital costs. TWA (and Central San) would rely on the Capital Plan to estimate future costs so as to determine revenue requirements. Of course, with ever increasing environmental laws and regulations, estimates of future costs can be understated. Accordingly, the Capital Plan is updated annually to incorporate the impacts of new regulations and other factors which affect the estimated cost of the capital program. Annual billings would be based on actual CCCSD capital expenditures. Operations and Maintenance TWA would compensate Central San for annual O&M costs in proportion to TWA's actual flow for the particular year in question. TWA will potentially have flexibility in routing dry ~--------------_.- --------.- -~-"--------- ~ - ----._~_._-- Supervisor Edward R. Campbell, Chairman Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority March 29, 1991 Page 3 weather flows to either the existing EBDA system or the CCCSD system. An agreement will need to be reached regarding the routing of dry weather flows from TW A so that the participation of TWA in CCCSD operating revenues can be determined. FUTURE STEPS Central San's initial proposal, while setting a framework for future discussion, will require refinement before a joint project agreement will be ready for execution by the two Boards of Directors. Should TWA wish to continue discussions, there are .five issues which Central San believes would be productive to address next. 1. Determination of cost sharing methodology: More precise definitions of the cost sharing approach for new and existing facilities will need to be developed. Central San believes that assistance from a financial consultant experienced in these matters would be helpful in structuring the accounting methodology which will be utilized to determine cost sharing procedures. 2. Long range projection of future capital costs: The cost to TWA for future capital improvements to Central San's facilities is difficult to estimate at present because the CCCSD 10 year Capital Plan does not include cost estimates for projects or capacity to serve TW A. CCCSD has recently completed a Wastewater Treatment Master Plan, a Secondary Facilities Staging Plan, and a Solids Handling Master Plan. These plans could be revised by a consultant to include the impact of TWA flows with modest effort. TWA may wish to work with CCCSD to have these-plans modified to include projects and schedules necessary for a joint project. CCCSD could then produce a prototype Capital Plan for the joint project that TWA could use to estimate the future costs. 3. Payment Schedule: The type (lump sum versus annual payment) and timing of TWA payments to CCCSD will be of considerable interest and impact to both agencies. A finanCial consultant, working with the results of items 1 and 2 above, could provide assistance to develop a mutually beneficial plan in this area. 4. Regulatory Compliance: The joint project has numerous regulatory implications. It is desirable to start now to work out understandings regarding the quality and quantity of wastewater from TWA to ensure that CCCSD will be able to continue to comply with regulatory requirements. . <___,~____"___'_"'__M___""'_'_'~._'_~_.~"__'____'___ -_.".-,._._---,-----'-_.~.-_....__.. Supervisor Edward R. Campbell, Chairman Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority March 29, 1991 Page 4 5. C.E.Q.A. Compliance: CCCSD is currently going through the C.E.Q.A. process for the District "Pleasant Hill Interceptor / A-Une Sewer Overflow Protection Project." The possibility that TWA may connect in the future to CCCSD is not included in the EIR project description for the sewer project, as the outcome of our joint project discussions are speculative at this time. However, a joint project agreement between TWA and CCCSD may require separate CCCSD C.E.Q.A. compliance beyond the current TWA EIR. We should discuss how best to coordinate C.E.Q.A. compliance as our discussions continue. I would suggest that this proposal be discussed at our next joint Board Committee meeting. Sincerely, John B. Clausen President of the Board JBC/RAB/bl . cc: Robert D. Whitley c:\ WP51\ WPFILES\RAB\ TWAOFFER.L TR ._.,,________.~__.~__._.~"_N...__"____~......__,.____.__.--~------..--. -.-.----~ . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 4, 1 991 NO. 8. PERSONNEL a. SUBJECT DATE March 29, 1991 AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Cathryn Freitas, Personnel Officer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Administrative ISSUE: District staff has assessed its needs for seasonal help in 1991. BACKGROUND: Each year the District hires students during the summer months for vacation relief, cleanup, and special projects; and during the school year or semester breaks for additional assistance. Authorization was given for forty-two student positions last year. Approval is requested for forty-one seasonal positions in Fiscal Year 1991 - 1992. A summary of the requests at the Board Meeting for seasonal employees is attached. Department Manager will be prepared to answer any questions regarding their requests. It is recommended that the hourly rate for seasonal employees remain the same as last year: Student Positions ProDosed Salarv* Clerical, Laborer (No experience necessary) $ 7.50 Technical (Drafting) $ 9.00 Professional (Chemist, Engineer) $10.00 *For every year a student returns, add $1.00 per hour to a maximum of three additional summers. For example, a student laborer who has worked here for the past two summers would receive $9.50 per hour this summer. The extra dollar would recognize experience and serve as an incentive for returning students. The approximate cost of this action will be $260,326 from departmental 0 & M budgets. The Board Personnel Committee has reviewed this request. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the hiring of 41 persons for seasonal employment. INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. tef REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 C R F ... (/) t- Z w C ::::> t- (/) a: o LL. N(/) O')t- O')(/) "'w ,::::> ...d O')W 0') a: .......1 e( t- Z w :E t- a: e( D.. W C t- Z w :E ::J: o e( t- t- e( CI) . t: ~~o .... .... .- ... 0') .t:: :J ... CI) e( 0 D.. CI) ... t: 0') .2 O').t:: ...CI) o D.. t: CI) 0-5 CI) t: .. 0 .f:E o C! M ... -0- o o N ... -0- o C! ... ... -0- o It) o ... -0- o C! o ... -0- o It) 0') -0- o o 0') -0- -0 -0 N ..... ..... 11\ ,... .... ..... ..... ~ ~ ~ .... ..... N o N co N It) co -0- o It) r-. -0- ... t: II) E 1:: co c. II) C N -4' -0 GI > ... III .... ... Ul 'c :e < ~... Ul ~ ou c >- ';: o L. L,......, GI III Ul ~ ~ 0 ';: '~ ti GI t; C GI.J: w en.... Q o II! t.J -0 N 11\ ..... 11\ .... ..... N N ... "'11I ~~ Q.O N -4' ..... -4' .... 11\ ..... .... .... N N -4' .... ..... N ..... III ... o I- ... u . Centra. Contra Costa Sanitar) &listrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 4, 1 991 NO. 8. PERSONNEL b. SUBJECT DATE RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991 - 1992 March 29, 1991 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE BUDGET SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT IDIV Cathryn Freitas, Personnel Officer Ad m inistrative/Personnel ISSUE: Staff has analyzed its personnel needs for Fiscal Year 1991-92 and is submitting its requests for Board consideration at the April 4, 1991 Board Meeting. Board approval is scheduled for the April 18, 1991 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 1991-92. The Personnel Budget includes an executive summary of proposed modifications to each department, memoranda from each department with detailed explanations on the effect of these recommended staffing changes, and current organizational charts denoted as Figure 1 and proposed organizational charts denoted as Figure 2. The attached summary sheet (Attachment I) highlights each department's staffing requests, their effect on the number of total authorized positions in the District and the additional cost in salaries, benefits and sewer service charge. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized regular positions in the District would increase by 9 over last year. In addition, it is proposed that 3 temporary Junior Engineer positions be added. The 18 requested positions are partially offset by 9 positions recommended for deletion. Also, the Collection System Operations Department is requesting an additional student Co-op position over last year. The total Co-op positions would equal eleven (11). In addition to the increased number of positions, the salaries and wages in the 1991-92 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase from the previous year d~e to the following: · Any cost-of-Iiving salary adjustments resulting from the negotiated Memoranda of Understanding. · Merit and longevity increases scheduled in 1 991-92; · Filling authorized positions which were vacant in 1 990-1 991 ; · Positions authorized in 1 990-1 991 which were budgeted for a partial year because of the time required to fill positions. On Tuesday, March 26, 1991, the Personnel Committee met to review the proposed budget. The following Board authorizations and modifications to the District staffing charts were discussed at that meeting. Copies of the Personnel Budget will be distributed for the meeting of April 4, 1991, at which time a brief vi w will r INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9/85 PM 7:::-. ..._~o.".____...t:--~__._~_,..^~._..__,."._._______._~~,._________.,,__._.___~_____.._ SUBJECT POSITION PAPER RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1 991 - 1992 PAGE DATE 2 OF 4 April 1, 1991 Administrative 1. Delete one Accounting Technician III, G-56, $2464 - $2979. Add one Accountant, G-62, $2843 - $3438. Reclassify Accounting Technician III Collette Miller to the position of Accountant. 2. Add one Public Information/Production Assistant, G-52, $2240 - $2707, and adopt class description. 3. Add one Safety Technician, S-64, $2291 - $3621, and adopt class description. Plant ODe rations 4. Add one Secretary III, G-52, $2240 - $2707. 5. Delete one Maintenance Technician II, Machinist, G-62, $2843 - $3438. Add one Machinist, G-65, $3048 - $3693. Enaineerina 6. Delete two Source Control Inspectors, G-60, $2707 - $3276. Add two Source Control Inspectors 1/11, G-60/G-65, $2707 - $3276 and $3048 - $3693. 7. Add one Supv. Source Control Inspector, S-71, $3533 - $4276. 8. Add one Source Control Coordinator 1/11, G-47/G-51, $1951 - $2347 and $2190 - $2645. 9. Delete one Senior Engineer, S-82, $4599 - $5559. Add one Principal Engineer, S-86, $5064 - $6126. Reclassify Senior Engineer Jarred Miyamoto-Mills to Principal Engineer. 10. Delete one Construction Inspector, G-67, $3199 - $3872 and one Assistant Engineer (Construction), G-72, $3606 - $4365. Add two Contract Administrators, G-72, $3606 - $4365. Reclassify Assistant Engineer Ken Clark to Contract Administrator. 11. Delete one Senior Engineering Assistant, G-72, $3606 - $4365. Add one Assistant Engineer (Design), G-72, $3606 - $4365. Reclassify Senior Engineering Assistant Rey Limjoco to Assistant Engineer. 12. Add one Engineering Assistant, G-69, $3357 - $4049. 13. Delete one Engineering Technician 1/11, G-52/G-60, $2240 - $2707 and $2707 - $3276. Add one Engineering Technician III, G-64, $2979 - $3606. 13028-9/85 . ------_._-~----,._._-_...,_._..._~~--'.".~.,_.._..__..-------"._.~---~.__.,_._~..,-_.~_..__._.-.---~---~-_.,------.-- SUBJECT POSITION PAPER RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUESTS FOR FISCAL YEAR 1991 - 1992 PAGE DATE 3 OF 4 March 29, 1991 14. Add three temporary positions of Junior Engineer, G-67, $3199 - $3872. These positions will be automatically eliminated as incumbents are moved into approved full-time positions. C.S.O. 15. Add two Maintenance Crew Members, G-53/G-59, $2294 - $2774 and $2645 - $3199. Secretary of the District 16. Records and Information Coordinator 1/11, 5-47/5-51, $2004 - $2412 and $2200 - $2656. CO-OP 17. Authorize the hiring of students to fill 11 positions in the CO-OP Program. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and consider the Personnel Budget for 1991 - 1992 herein identified by items 1 - 17. The budget will be submitted for final approval at the April 18, 1991 Board Meeting. 13028-9/85 ("'l 0\ '=1"0\ - .... I 0_ '=1"0\ Q) ~ ~ ~~ CI:l ~~~ Uu ti:~ fuo ~z ffi~ ::gCl:l ~ U ~z ~- ~ 00 ~ 00 ~ ~ ~ @ == ~ o 00 ~ ~ - " .... >t ..:l a >< \lil ~ E-I t:I Ilrt N 0\ 0\ " I " 0\ 0\ " Q \lilCJ NlZl HH ~Ilrt i~ E-IE-I ~a1 Pi o I o o i6 .t . ..- '" ...... -. 004~ 1ol004 .~ 004- .a ..1 lJl Iol.cl aU .t - . .. . . -~ 004004 Iol~ .- 004a . - . III I", 004G\ G\G\ =:004 1004 OG\ G\G\ =:... I", "'G\ G\G\ =:... I... OG\ G\G\ =:... ~ 004 . . Iol . 004 g.. :la o 004'04 III~ a 004 o · 0040 ~1Io 004 ~ Iol . 004 rg III 004 ~ ..,004 - . ~o _110 004 - CI CD r- Cb o o o ID o 004 Cb CI\ ID Cb o o o ~ CI\ Cb r- .... III .... o o f . III ~Q)C'M f"'" r-....ON 0 CI\~r-ID r- N....N.... N (I) (I). fh <I) (/) I I I I I ~....O.... 0 ID~~CI\ ~ ~CDNN N NNNN N 0000 (I). .. ... ... .. 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';;; o "- g ~ 'z ~L "ll;;: ,- !II .... l!l 15 .::!~ A.~'_Lcn ... 0 -; -; .~~] 88a.c.- .- '- L .~.~~a;~ ~ ~ 0 ~':> ccu~c -."----,.---.--.---.- .._----'_.._-------".."--".,-_._-~,--,-_._..._--_.._,.-,~ -~---._-_.__._---'''- . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS 2 PAGE 1 OF POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 4, 1 991 NO. 11. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. March 27, 1991 S~~EW THE FINANCIAL STATUS OF THE SELF-INSURANCE FUND AND APPROVE OMITTING A FY 1991-92 CONTRIBUTION TO IT FROM THE O&M BUDGET DATE TYPE OF ACTION REVIEW FUND SUBMITTED BY Jack E. Campbell INITIATING DEPT.lDIV ISSUE: The Self-Insurance Fund (SIF) is to be reviewed each year by the Board of Directors with the staff presenting re-funding recommendations for the up-coming fiscal year. BACKGROUND: The 1 991-92 fiscal year will be the sixth year of operation for the self-insurance program which was begun in July 1986. In the first four years, $500,000 or more was annually transferred to the SIF from O&M funds to augment the interest income earned from the invested fund reserves. For FY 1990-91 this funding was omitted because the favorable loss experience was enabling the fund reserve to grow sufficiently without it. The staff is making the same recommendation for FY 1991-92 based on the continuing good experience and because the insurance reserve does not need it to meet the $6 million dollar target set in 1986. Exhibit "A" presents a six-year history of the Self-Insurance Fund and shows that the reserve level is projected to reach $5,858,110 by June 30, 1991; this is $31,550 more than was estimated at the beginning of the year and reflects the positive experience for the year in terms of budget. At this time there is no reason to expect a change in the overall situation for FY 1991-92 and the expenses have been budgeted at $186,000 for the year as compared to $212,000 for FY 1990-91. This is possible because of the favorable property insurance renewal which was obtained in November 1990 for a three-year period (the FY 90-91 budget had $93,000 for insurance in anticipation of a premium increase at renewal; instead, a premium lower than for the previous years was obtained). The SIF reserve level is projected to grow to $6,111,110 by June 30, 1992, which will partially off-set inflation. Additions to the fund will be recommended in future years if warranted by high inflation rates and/or an adverse loss experience trend. The loss experience has been good with the amount needed to cover the open claims and anticipated expenses totaling $200,000 in March of 1991. This is $14,000 higher than at the same time last year, but it is still below the amount which was carried by the fund in the other previous years. The major losses so far in 1990-91 have been the two sewer overflows at Overhill Road, Orinda, and Stone Valley Road, Alamo; they total approximately $45,000. There have been no major vehicle accidents or any landslide claims to date in FY 90-91. Based on the above, the staff recommends omitting O&M funding for the SIF again in 1991-92. Should a major case arise, any resulting shortfall in the budget would be taken from the uncommitted portion of the SIF reserves. RECOMMENDATION: Review the updated six-year financial history/projection for the Self- Insurance Fund and approve omitting an increment for the fund from the O&M Budget again in 1991-92. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. re- 1302A-9/ PM Page 2 of 2 Exhibit A Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Self-Insurance FI.I'ld Financial Projection Six Years Ending Jli'le 30, 1992 Actual Actual Actual Actual Projected 1986-1987 1987-1988 1988-1989 1989-1990 1990-1991 Budget 1991-1992 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Revenues --------- Self-Insurance Allocation From o&M FI.I'ld S 567,124 500,000 500,000 500,000 0 0 Ad Valorem Tax Revenue 1,000,000 0 0 0 0 0 Interest Income 196,109 293,840 381,994 431,895 432,000 439,000 --------.. --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Total Revenues S 1,763,233 793,840 881,994 931,895 432,000 439,000 --------- --------.. --------- --------- --------- ....------- Expenses --------- Claims Adjusting 9,922 5,574 3,316 5,679 6,500 6,500 Insurance Consulting 1,000 0 0 0 0 4,000 Loss Payments 32,280 129,8n 35,049 11,240 67,000 42,000 Legal Services 116,296 48,783 49,989 71,057 50,000 60,000 Insurance Premiums 5,812 53,428 75,381 77,669 70,500 70,500 Technical Services 9,273 7,408 824 0 1,000 3,000 --------- ..-------- --------- --------- --------- --------'" Total Expenses S 174,583 245,065 164,559 165,645 195,000(1) 186,000 --------- --------- ..-------- -.------- --------- -------.... Revenue Over Expenses S 1,588,650 548,775 717,435 766,250 237,000 253,000 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Reserves --------- Revenue Over Expenses 5 1,588,650 548,775 717 ,435 766,250 237,000 253,000 Reserves 2,000,000 3,588,650 4,137,425 4,854,860 5,621,110 5,858,110 --------- --------- --------- .-------- --------- --------- Total Reserves 5 3,588,650 4,137,425 4,854,860 5,621,110 5,858,110 6,111,110 ========= ========= --------- ========= --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Footnote (1): The Expense Budget for 1990-91 is 5212,000.