HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 12-01-94 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF NO. December 1, 1994 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. DATE October 25, 1994 SUBJECT ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR THE 1-680/SR-24 SEWER RELOCATIONS PROJECT, PHASE 3B (DP4956) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION TYPE OF ACTION Accept Contract Work SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Thomas A Trice, Sr. Engineering Asst. Engineering Dept.llnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Project, Phase 3B (DP4956), and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Project, Phase 3B, was required in order to accommodate the 1-680/SR-24 freeway widening and interchange improvements by CalTrans. Major elements of the Sewer Relocations Project consisted of microtunneling 365 feet of 36-inch steel casing under the freeway with a 12-inch PVC sewer line installed through the casing, concrete encasing 210 feet of the EBMUD Mokelumne Aqueducts, replacing 750 feet of a-inch sewer pipe along Sherman Drive and abandoning 28 laterals for homes that were demolished by CalTrans. The general location of the project site is shown on Attachment 1. Additional information on the project is given beginning on page CS-48 of the 1994-95 Capital Improvement Budget. On June 2, 1994, the Board authorized the award of a contract for construction of the project to Vadnais Corporation of San Diego. Notice to proceed was issued on July 11, 1994, with a specified completion date of December 7, 1994. The contract work was substantially completed by November 15, 1994 and the new sewer lines were under full operation as of that date. The remaining work consists of minor punch list items which do not affect the project acceptance. The total authorized budget for the project, including engineering design, District forces during construction, consultant services, testing services, etc is $1,254,000. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provid~d to the Board at the time of project close out. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the construction of the 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Project, Phase 3B (DP4956) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. RAB RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. kA~ ~ HT {JI11 JSM ~ Orinda Q Project Location(s) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District I 68D/SR 24 Sewer Relocations, Phase 3.8 District Project 4956 Attachment 1 PAGE 1 OF 12 NO. 4. HEARINGS a. BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATION FOR A REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE SUBMITTED BY ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSE-ALL, INC., EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1995 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: A Public Hearing will be conducted on December 1, 1994 to consider the application for a rate increase submitted by Orinda-Moraga Dispose-All, Inc. (Company) which is franchised by the District: following the Public Hearing, the refuse collection rates to be effective January 1, 1995 are scheduled to be established by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: An application for a refuse collection rate increase of 1.9 percent to be effective January 1, 1995 was submitted by the Company on September 16, 1994. Analysis of the rate application by Hilton Farnkopf & Hobson (HF&H) has been provided to the Board of Directors, the City of Orinda, the Town of Moraga, Orinda-Moraga Dispose-All, Inc., and members of the public who requested them. Written or public comments from the City and Town Councils have been requested for the Board's consideration during the public hearing. The consultant's analysis of the rate application was presented at the Board workshop on November 17, 1994. The Company addressed the Board with comments related to the rate application and analysis. HF&H has recommended an overall 19.42 percent rate decrease in the Company's rates effective January 1, 1995. The 19.42 percent overall decrease is comprised of a 19.66 percent decrease for Moraga and a 19.26 percent decrease for Orinda. The decrease for Moraga is larger due to the decision of the Moraga Town Council to forego collecting its share of the AB 939 planning fees effective July 1, 1994. (See Attachment I.) The analysis of the Company's application and recommendations made by HF&H are contained in a separately bound document. The rate setting issues related to the Orinda-Moraga rate application are reviewed in the following section. Disoosal Exoense Prior to October 1, 1994, the Company transported solid waste to the ACME Transfer Station (ACME) at a rate of $75.97 per ton through May 15, 1994, $77.68 per ton from May 16 to June 30, 1994, and $76.88 per ton effective July 19, 1994. On September 10, 1994, the Company entered a nine (9) year agreement with West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill, Inc. and d~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. 1302A-7/91 D PM SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATION FOR A REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE SUBMITTED BY ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSE-ALL, INC., EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1995 PAGE DATE 2 OF 12 November 28, 1994 Potrero Hills Landfill, Inc., for disposal of waste at the West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill (WCCSL) (Disposal Agreement). From October 1, 1994, through March 31, 1995, the disposal rate will be $72.00 per ton. For the remainder of the term of the Disposal Agreement, the rate will be $31.50 per ton. (The Disposal Agreement allows for an inflationary increase on each anniversary date of the Agreement). These amounts include all federal, state and county regulatory fees at the time the Disposal Agreement was executed. West Contra Costa Sanitary Landfill, Inc. will provide certain indemnities as indicated in the text of the Agreement: "WCCSL shall indemnify Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, its present Franchisor, the Cities of Orinda and Moraga, and Contra Costa County (the Indemnified Agencies) against liability arising with respect to receipt of Acceptable Solid Waste originating in the Franchise Area which is delivered to the WCCSL or PHL by Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service hereunder. This indemnification is against any and all liability for closure, post- closure and remediation of any conditions at the WCCSL and/or the PHL." The District's proposed actions in setting the rates based on the disposal costs calculated pursuant to the terms of the WCCSL Disposal Agreement with the Company is based on the representation of the Company and is not intended to ratify, approve, or disapprove of the Disposal Agreement. Interest on Neaative Cash Flow Shortfall Durina Period of Hiaher Disoosal Rate (Januarv 1. 1995 - March 31. 1995) At the Board workshop on November 17, 1994, the Company requested that it be compensated for its anticipated negative cash flow during the months of January through March, 1995. (While customers will be paying rates that reflect the weighted average of the $72/ton and the $31.50/ton disposal rates, the Company will be paying the $72/ton disposal rate during these three (3) months.) . At the end of calendar year 1994, the Company is projected to have a balance account surplus of $327,000 due the rate payers. In setting collection rates for 1995, this surplus plus actual interest earned is amortized over the period during which the rates are to be in effect. However, because this is intended to be the final rate-setting before the expiration of the Franchise Agreement, projected interest income on the 1994 balance account should be considered but was not accounted for in the rate application. In considering the Company's request for compensation of their anticipated negative cash flow, HF&H netted the cash flow shortfall related to the disposal rate difference with the cash flow 1302B-7/91 SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATION FOR A REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE SUBMITTED BY ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSE-ALL, INC., EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1995 PAGE DATE 3 OF 12 November 28, 1994 surplus resulting from the balance account. Based on this analysis, the Company is expected to have sufficient cash flow to cover its anticipated cash flow shortfall during the period of higher disposal rates. Therefore, no adjustment for additional interest expense is recommended to be added to the Company's rate application. Leaal Fees Acme Landfill Closure Lawsuit Significant legal expenses related to the Acme Landfill closure lawsuit are included in the rate application. During the 1993 rate-setting process, the Board established a methodology whereby approved legal expenses related to the lawsuit would be collected from the Company by the District and placed into an impound account until a further determination could be made as to liability for these costs. In previous rate-settings, the District has provided for the following amounts in the Company's allowable expenses: $44,000 in 1992, $70,000 in 1993 and $66,000 for 1994. The Company has forecasted ACME-related legal expenses of $112,000 for 1995 and $19,000 for 1996. The projected expense increase of $46,000 for 1995 is due to the case being set for trial in September, 1995 and, therefore, pre-trial activities are expected to substantially increase. The projected increase is included in the rate calculation. These revenues will continue to be held in the District's impound account. At the Board meeting of December 15, 1994, the impound account issue will be addressed in detail and the Board will be asked to make a decision as to the disposition of the impounded funds. O.L.S. Lawsuit In September, 1994, the Company was sued by a.L.s., Inc. for non-performance under two separate agreements. The first portion of the suit deals with an operating agreement for a landfill in Oklahoma, and the second deals with a purchase money loan secured by a waste commitmentto a Northern California landfill. The first contention is, of course, irrelevant to our franchise. However, the lawsuit contends that the second agreement is related to our franchise because Orinda Moraga Dispose-All stockholders borrowed money from O.L.S. in order to purchase the company from the Navones. As security, the Company agreed to dispose of its solid waste at an O.L.S. landfill in Northern California. The Company contends that its commitment for disposal of solid waste at the a.L.s. landfill was contingent on a.L.s. permitting and developing a cost competitive and environmentally safe landfill. The Company contends that the lawsuit is without merit because a.L.s. has failed to develop a landfill in Northern California and estimates that the legal expense related to this lawsuit will be between $50,000 and $100,000. 13028-7/91 ._-~-~-_._-"-,-_._----_._--~_...._-_....._-----------"-------_.._.~._---_.._.,_..._-_._-_._--_._.._"._-_._------- SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATION FOR A REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE SUBMITTED BY ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSE-ALL, INC., EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1995 PAGE DATE 4 OF 12 November 28, 1994 At the November 17, 1 994 Board workshop, the Company represented that these expenses should be allowed because at the time this Agreement was signed, disposal rates were rising significantly at the Acme Landfill, and the Company was trying to locate a lower cost disposal facility for its customers. District Counsel has reviewed the legal documents provided and determined thatthe information currently provided does not lead Staff to conclude that the legal expenses related to this matter should be borne by the rate payers, and the requested legal expenses are therefore not included in the rate calculation. Post-Franchise Activities During the rate review process, the Company submitted a memo outlining certain estimated costs related to discontinuing its franchised business operations. Other than this memo, neither Staff nor HF&H have received any additional support for these cost estimates. The expenses include: . Removal of containers from customer locations; . Six-month rental of storage yard; . Restoration of Moraga yard to original state (per lease agreement); . Clean-up of Lafayette yard including moving of Company financial and operational records to temporary storage yard; . Staffing of Lafayette office to facilitate commercial and drop-box billings, process cash receipts, carry out collection activities, and assist with any transition issues; . Performance of 1995 year-end audit; and . Potential staff reduction costs including any COBRA or unemployment benefit expenses. The Company estimates these expenses to be as much as $126,200. The Company's original rate application included only $30,000 for the clean-up of its Lafayette and Moraga yards. Neither HF&F nor Staff have found instances where this type of expense has been allowed. Some jurisdictions have specifically negotiated these expenses out of the franchise. However, it was more common to find instances, both at the state and local level, where the issue was not raised. For the purpose of setting 1995 collection rates, certain costs related to continuing to service the Company's rate payers and closing out activities which have substantially benefited the rate payers might be considered as allowable expenses. In applying this criteria, it was determined that cost reimbursement for the following post-franchise activities by the Company are worthy of further consideration: 13028-7/91 SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATION FOR A REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE SUBMITTED BY ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSE-ALL, INC., EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1995 PAGE DATE 5 OF 12 November 28, 1994 . Maintaining the Company's administrative offices in Lafayette for three months after expiration of the Franchise Agreement. This will allow the Company to prepare its final commercial and drop-box billings, process cash receipts related to this and previous billings, perform collection activities on overdue accounts and assist the incoming hauler with any transition issues. The estimated cost of providing such services for three months, including rent, staffing, and operating expenses, is approximately $33,000. . Cleaning up the Company's Moraga recycling facility as' called for in its lease agreement. The Moraga recycling facility has provided rate payers the opportunity to deliver recyclable materials, which are not part of the Company's curbside collection program, to a facility where they can be processed. Some of these materials such as corrugated cardboard and mixed paper result in significant recycling revenues to the Company and its rate payers. Additionally, the Company avoids the disposal cost associated with diverting this tonnage from the waste stream. It is also clear that Bulldog Recycling, which operates the facility, have also benefited from operating the facility and, as such, will be asked to incur one-half (1/2) of the projected clean-up costs. The estimated costs of reimbursing the Company for one-half (1/2) of its projected clean-up costs is approximately $7,000. At the Board workshop on November 17, 1994, the Company requested Board reconsideration of HF&H's and Staff's recommendation and approval of the $126,200 expense for the post- franchise activities. In further evaluating the Company's request, HF&H and Staff considered the possibility of the Company offsetting some of these costs through sale of the Company's remaining owned assets. HF&H determined the book value of Company owned assets as of December 31, 1995, will be approximately $69,000 based on the accelerated depreciation method used by the Company. This amount approximates the Company's estimated expenses of $71,500 for: removing containers from customer locations; the short-term rental of a yard for the storage of vehicles, containers, and other equipment; and, the moving of records, furniture, and equipment from the Lafayette yard once the Company's activities have been completed. While the book value of the Company's assets and the Company's estimated expenses closely approximate one another, it should be noted that the accelerated depreciation method understates the book value of certain Company assets. Furthermore, book value does not necessarily represent market value. (The market value for the Company's assets may be more or less than the book value.) However, HF&H and Staff believe it is reasonable to expect that the proceeds from the sale of the Company's assets will be sufficient to offset expenses related to certain post-franchise activities which are not included in the $40,000 described above. 13028-7/91 SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATION FOR A REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASE SUBMITTED BY ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSE-ALL, INC., EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1995 PAGE DATE 6 OF 12 November 28, 1994 Should the Board concur with HF&H's and Staff's position and consider $40,000 to be reasonable, the Company's calculated rate adjustment would decline by 0.61 %. Attachment III provides a schedule of current rates, requested rates, and recommended rates based on the analysis of HF&H both inclusive and not inclusive of $40,000 of post-franchise expenses. Rate Aoolication Durina Remaining Term of Franchise Aareement Rates set by the Board are calculated to be effective for the fourteen (14)-month period January 1, 1995-February 29, 1996. Therefore, it is anticipated the Company will not need to submit another rate application during the remainder of the Franchise Agreement. It is the intention of the District Staff to not request a rate application from the Company during the remaining term of the Franchise Agreement. However, the District Staff recommends reserving the right to perform a rate review should extraordinary circumstances arise which would justify such a review. As a result, the District will not request the Company to submit audited financial statements for the calendar ended December 31, 1995 or for the fourteen (14)-month period ending February 29, 1996. Public Notice: Notice of the public hearing was published in the Contra Costa Times on November 7, 1994. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct public hearing on December 1, 1994 to consider the application for a rate increase submitted by Orinda-Moraga Dispose-All, Inc. and establish the Company's new refuse collection rates effective January 1, 1995; Board decision points related to the setting of the Company's rates is provided as Attachment II. 1302B-7/91 ._,-,._._------~,---_._--~--_._.._-_.~-~".'"'~-~...~----.__."-_.._----_._~.__.._-,--,,.__.,_._-- Attachment I e Hn.TON fARNKOI'F 61<<>BSON ~"Y Service; II' Munil.~lM.~l J9JiOCWic Cmm Dr~, sl'IIW 100 m_. a.lifamil94SJ&.znJ Telephone: ~10171J.)17O Fu.; $10170.1294 FrdaoN }l~ Bor.:b , November 21, 1994 Mr. Roger Dolan General Manager & Chief Engineer Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 ImhoIf Place Martinez, CA 94553-G92 Via Famimile: Orlstnal by Mail RE: Revised Orinda-Moraga Dispose-All Rate Adjusbnent U/21.IM Dear Roger, On Monday November 21, 1994, District Staff brought to our attention . letter dated August 5, 1994, in which the District directed Orlnda-Moraga Dispose-All (Company) to include an AS 939 surcharge of $0.80 per ton in its application tor all refuse tonnage originating In the City of Orinda. The AD 939 surcharge is to be appUcable on all Olinda tonnage for the period July 1, 1994, through February 29, 1996. The Company did not include these rosts in its rate application nor were we Informed by the Company of this surcharge during oW' field work at the Company's offices. As such,. we have not Included expenses related to this surcharge In the Company'. allowable expenses and rate adjustJnent calculation. We have calculated the additional expense to be approximately $15,600 based on projected City of Orinda toMage of 19,500 tons for the period July 1, 1994, through February 29, 1996. As a result, our mvised recommended rate adjustment is for . decrease in rates of 19.420/" versus our original recommended rate reduction of 19.66%. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Howevet, we are bringing this matter to your attention immediately upon oW' being made aware ot this surcharge. U you should have any questions regarding this IJ!.&tter, please can me or Doug Griffith at 510/713-3270. Very Truly Yours, ~.I?~ Robert D. miton, CMC Managing Partner NtIflH 0 ,..., Attachment II ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSE-ALL DECISION POINTS JANUARY 1, 1995 RATE SETTING . Post-Franchise Activities Determine amount of expense, if any, to allow . Quality and Cost of Service Determine correct modification factors ADS/PosPaper #2A/PubHrg .11 ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSE-ALL, INC. Attachment III FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1 Page 1 of 4 SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES Staff Computed Rates Requested wlo Post- wI Post- Current Rates Fran. Exp. Fran. Exp. Rates (+1.9%) (-19.26%) ( -18.65%) ------------ ----------- ----------- ..---------- ORINDA - FULL SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE:. 1 can S 25.35 25.85 20.50 20.65 2 cans 50.70 51.70 41.00 41.30 3 cans 76.05 n.55 61.50 61.95 4 cans 101.40 103.40 82.00 82.60 5 cans 126.75 129.25 102.50 103.25 6 cans 152.10 155.10 123.00 123.90 One can - Senior Citizen 22.35 22.85 17.50 17.65 Extra can on route 6.20 6.30 5.00 5.05 Special pick-up - 1 can 17.40 17.75 14.05 14.15 Special pick-up - each add'l can 6.20 6.30 5.00 5.05 MINIPACKER SERVICE: 1 can 34.00 34.65 27.50 27.70 2 cans 59.35 60.50 48.00 48.35 3 cans 84.70 86.35 68.50 69.00 4 cans 110.05 112.20 89.00 89.65 ODD SERVICE: 1-45 gal. can 38.05 38.80 30.75 31.00 1-45 gal. can and 1-32 gal. 63.40 64.65 51.25 51.65 1-45 gal. can and 2-32 gal. 88.75 90.50 71.75 72.30 4-45 gal. cans 152.10 155.00 123.00 123.90 COMMERCIAL SERVICE: One can week l y 35.10 35.75 28.35 28.55 Each additional can weekly 14.70 15.00 11.85 11.95 MULTI-APARTMENT SERVICE: Per uni t per week 22.15 22.55 17.90 18.00 Each additional pick-up per week 3.55 3.60 2.85 2.90 COMPACTED REFUSE SERVICE: Per cubic yard 43.10 43.90 34.80 35.05 BIN SERVICE: ONE YARD: Once per week 129.50 131.95 104.55 105.35 Twice per week 226.80 231.10 183.10 184.50 Three times per week 323.20 329.35 260.95 262.90 Four times per week 419.70 427.70 338.85 341.45 Five times per week 517.00 526.85 417.45 420.60 TWO YARD: Once per week 226.80 231.10 183.10 184.50 Twice per week 419.70 427.70 338.85 341.45 Three times per week 613.55 625.20 495.40 499.10 Four times per week 807.10 822.45 651. 65 656.60 Five times per week 1,001.30 1,020.35 808.45 814.55 THREE YARD:..* Once per week 307.70 313.55 248.45 250.30 Twice per week 615.40 627.10 496.85 500.65 Three times per week 923.10 940.65 745.30 750.95 Four times per week 1,230.80 1,254.20 993.75 1,001.25 Five times per week 1,538.45 1,567.70 1,242.15 1,251.55 ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSE-ALL, INC. Attachment I II FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1 Page 2 of 4 SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES Staff Computed Rates Requested wlo Post- wI Post- Current Rates Fran. Exp. Fran. Exp. Rates (+1.9X) (-19.26%) ( -18.65%) ......------..-- ---..------- ----------- ..---------- FOUR YARD: Once per week $ 388.65 396.05 313.80 316.15 Twi ce per week 777.35 792.10 627.65 632.35 Three times per week 1,166.00 1,188.15 941.45 948.55 Four times per week 1,554.65 1,584.20 1,255.20 1,264.70 Five times per week 1,943.35 1,980.30 1,569.05 1,580.90 SIX YARD: Once per week 554.65 565.20 447.80 451.20 Twi ce per week 1,109.35 1,130.45 895.70 902.45 Three times per week 1,664.00 1,695.60 1,343.50 1,353.65 Four times per week 2,218.65 2,260.80 1,791.35 1,804.85 F;ve t;mes per week 2,m.30 2,826.00 2,239.15 2,256.10 EIGHT YARD: Once per week 739.50 753.55 597.05 601.60 Tw; ce per week 1,479.05 1,507.15 1,194.20 1,203.20 Three t;mes per week 2,218.65 2,260.80 1,791.35 1,804.85 Four t;mes per week 2,958.20 3,014.40 2,388.45 2,406.50 F;ve t;mes per week 3,735.15 3,806.10 3,015.75 3,038.55 SPECIAL: One yard 25.80 26.30 20.85 21.00 Two yards 51.85 52.85 41.85 42.20 DROP BOX SERVICE: Twenty cubi c yards 427.00 435.10 344.75 347.35 Thirty cub;c yards 640.35 652.50 517.00 520.90 Forty cub;c yards 853.75 869.95 689.30 694.55 F;ve yards - d;rt and concrete 427.00 435.10 344.75 347.35 Sbteen yard school box ** 341.50 348.00 275.75 277.80 ORINDA - NO BRUSH SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE: 1 can 21.50 21.90 17.40 17.55 2 cans 46.85 47.75 37.90 38.20 3 cans 72.20 73.60 58.40 58.85 1 can-Senior C;tizen 20.00 20.40 15.90 16.05 MINIPACKER SERVICE: 1 can 30.20 30.80 24.40 24.60 2 cans 55.55 56.65 44.90 45.25 3 cans 80.90 82.50 65.40 65.90 4 cans 106.25 108.35 85.90 86.55 1-45 gal. can 45.25 46.10 36.60 36.85 1-45 and 1-32 gal. can 75.45 76.90 61.00 61.45 * Includes one 32-gallon can of garden trinmings per week and two refuse cleanups per year ** A charge of $29.95 per week applies for each week not serviced *** RENT-A-BIN service ava;lable on the following terms: three cubic yard container, del ivery and pickup, one d~, and three-day rent, for $90. ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSE-ALL. INC. A ttachment III FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1A Page 3 of 4 SCHEDULE OF CURRENT. REQUESTED. AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES Staff Computed Rates Requested wlo Post- wI Post- Current Rates Fran. Exp. Fran. Exp. Rates (+1.9%> (-19.66"> (-19.05"> ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- MORAGA - FULL SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE:* 1 can $ 22.80 23.25 18.35 18.45 2 cans 45.60 46.50 36.70 36.90 3 cans 68.40 69.75 55.05 55.35 4 cans 91.20 93.00 73.40 73.80 5 cans 114.00 116.25 91.75 92.25 6 cans 136.80 139.50 110.10 110.70 Extra can on route 6.20 6.30 5.00 5.00 Special pick-up - 1 can 17.40 17.75 14.00 14.10 Special pick-up - each add'l can 6.20 6.30 5.00 5.00 MINIPACKER SERVICE: 1 can 33.45 34.10 26.90 27.10 2 cans 56.25 57.35 45.25 45.55 3 cans 79.05 80.60 63.60 64.00 4 cans 101.85 103.85 81.95 82.45 5 cans 124.65 127.10 100.30 100.90 000 SERVICE: One can - 45 gal. 34.20 34.85 27.55 27.70 One can - 1-45 and 1-32 gal. cans 57.00 58.10 45.90 46.15 One can - 1-45 and 2-32 gal. cans 79.80 81.35 64.25 64.55 COMMERCIAL SERVICE: One can weekly 35.10 35.75 28.20 28.40 Each additional can weekly 14.70 15.00 11.80 11.90 MULTI-APARTMENT SERVICE: Per unit per week 22.15 22.55 17.80 17.95 Each additional pick-up per week 3.55 3.60 2.85 2.85 COMPACTED REFUSE SERVICE: Per cubic yard 43.10 43.90 34.65 34.90 BIN SERVICE: ONE YARD: Once per week 129.50 131.95 104.05 104.85 Twice per week 226.80 231.10 182.20 183.60 Three times per week 323.20 329.35 259.65 261.65 Four times per week 419.70 427.70 337.20 339.75 Five ti mes per week 517.00 526.85 415.35 418.50 TWO YARD: Once per week 226.80 231.10 182.20 183.60 Twice per week 419.70 427.70 337.20 339.75 Three times per week 613.55 625.20 492.95 496.65 Four times per week 807.10 822.45 648.40 653.35 Five times per week 1.001.30 1.020.35 804.45 810.55 THREE YARD:*** Once per week 307.70 313.55 247.20 249.10 Twice per week 615.40 627.10 494.40 498.15 Three times per week 923.10 940.65 741.60 747.25 Four times per week 1.230.80 1.254.20 988.80 996.35 Five times per week 1.538.45 1.567.70 1.236.00 1.245.40 ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSE-ALL, INC. Attachment III FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1A Page 4 of 4 SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES Staff Computed Rates Requested wlo Post- wI Post- Current Rates Fran. Exp. Fran. Exp. Rates (+1.9%) (-19.66%) (-19.05%) ------------ ----------- ----------- ----------- FOUR YARD: Once per week $ 388.65 396.05 312.25 314.60 Twice per week 777.35 792.10 624.50 629.25 Three times per week 1,166.00 1,188.15 936.75 943.90 Four times per week 1,554.65 1,584.20 1,249.00 1,258.50 Five times per week 1,943.35 1,980.30 1,561.30 1,573.15 SIX YARD: Once per week 554.65 565.20 445.60 449.00 Twi ce per week 1,109.35 1,130.45 891.25 898.00 Three times per week 1,664.00 1,695.60 1,336.85 1,347.00 Four times per week 2,218.65 2,260.80 1,782.45 1,796.00 Five times per week 2,m.30 2,826.00 2,228.05 2,245.00 EIGHT YARD: Once per week 739.50 753.55 594.10 598.65 Twi ce per week 1,479.05 1,507.15 1,188.25 1,197.30 Three times per week 2,218.65 2,260.80 1,782.45 1,796.00 Four times per week 2,958.20 3,014.40 2,376.60 2,394.65 Five times per week 3,735.15 3,806.10 3,000.80 3,023.60 SPECIAL: One yard 25.80 26.30 20.75 20.90 Two yards 51.85 52.85 41.65 41.95 DROP BOX SERVICE: Twenty cubic yards 427.00 435.10 343.05 345.65 Thirty cubic yards 640.35 652.50 514.45 518.35 Forty cubic yards 853.75 869.95 685.90 691.10 Five yards - dirt and concrete 427.00 435.10 343.05 345.65 Sixteen yard school box ** 341.50 348.00 274.35 276.45 MORAGA - NO BRUSH SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE: 1 can 19.45 19.80 15.65 15.75 2 cans 42.25 43.05 34.00 34.20 3 cans 65.05 66.30 52.35 52.65 Extra can on route 6.20 6.30 5.00 5.00 Special pick-up - 1 can 17.40 17.75 14.00 14.10 Special pick-up - each add'l can 6.20 6.30 5.00 5.00 ODD SERVICE: One can - 45 gal 31.25 31.85 25.10 25.30 One can - 1-45 and 1-32 gal. cans 54.05 55.10 43.40 43.75 2-45 gal. can-small truck 65.05 66.30 52.25 52.65 * Includes one 32-gallon can of garden trimmings per week and two refuse cleanups per year ** A charge of $29.95 per week applies for each week not serviced *** RENT-A-BIN service available on the following terms: three cubic yard container, delivery and pickup, one ~, and three-day rent, for $90. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 7 BOARD MEETING OF December 1, 1 994 NO. 6. BIDS AND AWARDS a. DATENovember 28, 1994 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO KAWEAH CONSTRUCTION AND AUTHORIZE A CONSULTING AGREEMENT WITH G. S. DODSON AND ASSOCIATES FOR THE MARTINEZ PUMPING STATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4922 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARDI AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Andrew J. Antkowiak, Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: On October 4, 1994 sealed proposals were received and opened for construction of the Martinez Pumping Stations Improvements Project. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the bid opening. Authorization of the Board is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a professional services agreement in an amount greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: The Martinez Pumping Station is a critical part of the three pumping station system that conveys waste water from the city of Martinez to the District's waste- water treatment plant. Reliability, safety, maintainability and capacity deficiencies at the Martinez, Fairview and Maltby pumping stations were identified in the District-wide Pumping Station Master Plan (March 1989). The improvements to the Fairview, and Maltby Pumping Stations were completed in 1 993 with the Martinez Pumping Station being the last station to be improved. The Martinez Pumping Station Improvements Project consists of construction of a new 12 mgd pumping station and rehabilitation of existing facilities. The work includes construction of a new building, installation of pumps, piping, electrical and mechanical equipment and limited renovation of the existing buildings. It also includes some landscaping and removal of a capacitor containing Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs). In order to increase the degree of automation and reduce long term operation and maintenance cost, an extensive instrumentation system was incorporated into the design of the pumping station. The reliability of the control, alarm, and telemetry systems was increased to compensate for reduced operator presence. The project site is shown in Attachment 1. The plans and specifications for the project were prepared by G. S. Dodson and Associates (GSDA). The engineer's estimate for the construction was $4,200,000. This project was advertised on August 29 and September 6,1994. Eight sealed bids ranging from $3,194,000 to $3,725,500 were received and publicly opened on October 4, 1994. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. @!) REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-7/91 AA CS JSM RAB /#1 (ltf AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO KAWEAH CONSTRUCTION AND AUTHORIZE A CONSULTING AGREEMENT WITH G. S. DODSON AND ASSOCIATES FOR MARTINEZ PUMPING STATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4922 SUBJECT PAGE DATE 2 OF 7 November 28, 1994 The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that the lowest responsible bidder is Kaweah Construction Company, for the amount of $3,194,000. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, are $4,383,000. The total project cost is anticipated to be $4,993,000. Construction of the improvements at the Martinez Pumping Station is included in the fiscal year 1994-95 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages CS-1 09 through CS-111. The total project cost included in the CIB is $5,790,000. The current balance of the Sewer Construction Fund, minus unspent prior allocations plus projected dependable revenue, will be adequate to fund this project. A funding summary is presented in Attachment 4. Pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEaA), the District performed an initial study for the improvements at Martinez Pumping Station. Based on the results of the initial study, a Negative Declaration was prepared. At a public hearing held by the Board of Directors on March 5,1992, it was determined that this project will not have a significant impact on the environment. A Notice of Determination was filed with the Contra Costa County Clerk on March 10, 1992, in compliance with Section 21152 of the Public Resources Code. No significant changes to the project have occurred since the filing of the Notice of Determination. The District will administer the construction contract and will provide resident engineering and inspection services. Office engineering, including shop drawing review, will be conducted by GSDA. GSDA was selected because they prepared the plans and specifications for this project and because they have performed well on previous District projects. A Professional Services Agreement in the amount of $162,200 has been negotiated with GSDA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of contract for construction of the Martinez Pumping Station Improvements Project, District Project No. 4922, in the amount of $3,194,000 to Kaweah Construction Company as the lowest responsible bidder. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a Professional Services Agreement with a cost ceiling of $162,200 with G. S. Dodson and Associates. 1302B-7/91 ~ -~- I SUISUN BAY CARQUINEZ STRAIT PROJECT SITE MARTINEZ PUMPING STATION c~~ 0"/41 'f:~ Sc <4I/e:' D~ CONCORD ,- c;. " PLEASANT HILL N N '" .. "- N N ~ c: o ~ "- .. L '" " '- o 0.5 1.0 1"""""....--_- SCALE IN MILES ~ o Central Contra Costa Sanitary District MARTINEZ PUMPING STATION IMPROVEMENTS - DP 4922 ATIACHMENT LOCATION MAP 1 Attachment 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO. 4922 Martinez Pumoina Sta. Imorovements DATE 10/4/94 LOCATION 292 Embarcadero St.. Martinez. CA ENGR. EST. $ 4.200.000 BIDDER (Name, Telephone & Address) BID PRICE 1 Kaweah Construction Co. (209) 252-9492 $ 3~ 194.000 P.o. Box 7780 Fresno. CA 2 Alan Bradford. Inc. (707) 437-5484 $ 3.198.000 4970 Peabody Rd. Fairfield. CA 3 Dan Caputo Company (408) 227-7000 $ 3.493.318 202 Lewis Rd.. San Jose. CA 4 Kirkwood Bly. -Inc. (707) 585-3762 $ 3.498.872 P.O. 3339, Santa Rosa, CA 5 Pacific Mechanical Corp. (510) 827-4940 $ 3.505.000 P.O. Box 4041, Concord, CA 6 Albay Construction Co. (510) 228-5400 $ 3.512.000 P.o. Box 2569, Martinez, CA 7 Monterey Mechanical (510) 632-3173 $ 3.638.000 8275 San Leandro St., Oakland, CA 8 C. W. Roen Construction Co. (510) 837-5501 $ 3.725.500 P.O. Box 4, Danville, CA BIDS OPENED BY Julie Looez DATE 1 0/04/94 SHEET NO 1 OF ----L- ATTACHMENT 3 MARTINEZ PUMPING STATION IMPROVEMENTS DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4922 POST BID PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ITEM DESCRIPTION 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. TOTAL Construction Contract Dewatering testing Asbestos removal Instrumentation Programming (POD) Electrical System Modifications (POD) Start-up/testing/tie-ins (POD) Contingency at 12 Percent $ 3,194,000 8,000 5,000 20,000 27,000 49,000 400,000 Construction Total $3,703,000 8. Construction Management . District Forces Construction Project Management Contract Administration Construction Inspection Surveying Legal 1 5,000 135,000 170,000 6,000 5,000 Subtotal 331,000 . Consultants/Contractors Construction Engineering Services (GSDA) Record Drawings (GSDA) Geotechnical (Woodward-Clyde) Material Testing Vibration Testing Partnering Facilitator Training/operations manual 149,000 13,200 39,000 9,000 2,400 3,000 22,400 Subtotal 238,000 ID/a:Andraw/AwardPPM. WPD PERCENT OF ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST 100.0 0.4 3.6 4.6 0.2 0.1 8.9 4.0 0.4 1.0 0.3 0.05 0.1 0.6 6.4 . Miscellaneous Engineering Department Plant Operations Coordination Public Relations Preconstruction Damage Assessment Agency fees Field Office & EQuipt. Including Computer 54,000 37,000 5,000 3,000 5,000 7,000 1.5 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 Subtotal 111,000 3.0 Construction Management Total 680,000 18.4 9. Prebid Expenditures 610,000 16.5 10. Total Project Cost 4,993,000 134.8 11. Funds Allocated to Date (610,000) 12. Allocation Required to Complete Project $4,383,000 ID/e:Andrew/AwerdPPM.WPD ATTACHMENT 4 PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD 11/09/94 THROUGH 12/09/94 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE AS OF 11/23/94 MINUS UNSPENT PRIOR ALLOCATIONS $40,237,000 (21,872,364) PLUS DEPENDABLE CURRENT YEAR REVENUE (11/94 THROUGH 6/95) 12,511,300 PLUS DEPENDABLE FUTURE REVENUE (7/95 THROUGH 6/96) 10,723,700 $41,599,636 $41,599.636 > $4.383,000 (ALLOCATION REQUIRED) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 BOARD MEETING OF December 1, 1994 NO. 6. BIDS AND AWARDS b. DATE November 23, 1994 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO KAWEAH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND AUTHORIZE A CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE UV DISINFECTION FACILITIES PROJECT, DP 7100 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARDI AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED~Y K.ent Yon Aspern Senior Engineering Assistant INITIATlt:IG D~PT./Dlv.. tnglneerlng Departmentl Plant Engineering Division ISSUE: On November 22, 1994, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the UV Disinfection Facilities Project, DP 7100. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a professional services agreement in an amount greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: In March 1991, the Board of Directors authorized preparation of a Disinfection Facilities Plan to evaluate various methods of wastewater disinfection. That Plan recommended replacement of the existing chlorination/dechlorination system with new ultraviolet (UV) disinfection facilities. This recommendation was based on the inability of the existing system to consistently and reliably meet the requirements of the District's National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit, as well as the potential for additional fire code regulations that would mandate expensive modifications of the existing system. Based in part on the recommendations included in the Disinfection Facilities Plan, the Board of Directors authorized a pilot study of UV disinfection equipment in May, 1992. Side-by-side testing was conducted of a horizontal UV disinfection unit (supplied by Trojan Technologies), a vertical unit (provided by Infilco-Degremont Inc.), a pilot-scale chlorine contact chamber, and a fouling unit (to determine the impacts of system cleaning). As a result of this testing program, it was determined that an effective UV disinfection system utilizing either horizontal or vertical equipment could be designed to disinfect wastewater at the District's treatment plant. In addition, critical design information concerning the required UV dosage, contact time, number of lamps, cleaning frequency, and effective lamp life was developed. The UV Disinfection Pilot Study indicated that the annualized costs of the UV disinfection system were comparable to an equivalent chlorination/dechlorination facility. At that time, however, it was determined that the safety and regulatory advantages of the UV system outweighed the higher costs. The most recent annualized cost comparisons of a UV disinfection system to a chlorination/dechlorination facility indicate that a UV system's annualized costs will be less than that of a chlorination/dechlorination facility. In February 1993, the Board of Directors authorized preparation of the predesign study. The predesign study finalized the design criteria, defined the location and layout of the UV facilities, and refined the costs and schedule necessary to complete the project. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-7/91 KVA WEB RAB INITIATI,NG DEPT.lDIV. Wf8 w~ IJJf3 AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO KAWEAH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY AND AUTHORIZE A CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION OF THE UV DISINFECTION FACILITIES PROJECT, DP 7100 SUBJECT PAGE DATE 2 OF 5 November 23, 1994 Final design of the UV disinfection facilities was authorized by the Board of Directors in October 1993. The project consists of construction of a UV disinfection system (approximately 7,500 lamps); a lamp cleaning building; a bridge crane; a new junction structure; two hypochlorite storage and distribution stations; a new electrical substation; and associated piping, mechanical, civil, electrical, and instrumentation systems. The UV Disinfection Facilities Project was advertised on October 18 and 25, 1994. Six bids ranging from $8,690,000 to $9,700,000 were received and publicly opened on November 22, 1994. A summary of these bids is shown in Attachment 1. The Plant Engineering Division has conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of these bids and has determined that Kaweah Construction Company is the lowest responsible bidder with an amount of $8,690,000. The engineer's pre bid estimate for this project was $10,691,000. The District will administer the construction contract and will provide resident engineering and inspection services. Montgomery Watson was selected to provide shop drawing review, office engineering, and programmable-logic control (PLC) programming services. Montgomery Watson prepared the facilities plan, the pilot study report, the predesign report, the project drawings, and technical specifications for this project; in addition, Montgomery Watson has performed well on previous District projects. A professional services agreement not to exceed $550,000 will be negotiated with Montgomery Watson. This project is included in the 1994-95 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages TP-15 through TP-17. The total project cost estimate in the CIB is $13,224,000. The current total project cost estimate, as shown in the Post-Bid/Preconstruction Estimate (Attachment 2) is $13,261,000. Based on a review of potential environmental effects, staff determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.2, since it involves a minor alteration to existing wastewater facilities with little or no increase in capacity. The Board of Directors' approval of this project on October 7, 1993 constituted a finding of agreement with this determination, and a Notice of Exemption was filed on October 11, 1 993. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $8,690,000 for construction of the UV Disinfection Facilities Project, DP 7100, to Kaweah Construction Company, the lowest responsible bidder. 2. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a professional services agreement not to exceed $550,000 with Montgomery Watson to provide services during construction of the UV Disinfection Facilities Project, DP 7100. 1302B-7/91 ATTACHMENT 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS Page 3 of 5 PROJECT NO. 7100 - UV DISINFECTION FACILITIES PROJECT LOCATION MARTINEZ DATE NOVEMBER 22. 1994 ENGR.EST. $ 10.691.000 No. BIDDER BID PRICE (Name. telephone & address) 1 Kaweah Construction Company $8,690,000 1911 North Fine Avenue Fresno. CA 93737 Telephone: (209) 252-9492 Fax: (209) 252-1323 2 S.J. Amoroso $8,890,274 348 Hatch Drive Foster City. CA 94404 Telephone: (415) Fax: (41 5) 349-6691 3 Humphrey Construction, Inc. $9,132,476 P.O. Box 907 Woodenville, WA 98072 Telephone: (206) 488-2400 FAX: (206) 488-1089 4 Monterey Mechanical Company $9,358,000 8275 San Leandro Street Oakland, CA 94621 Telephone: (510) 632-3173 FAX: (510) 632-0732 5 C. Overaa and Company $9,397,000 200 Parr Boulevard Richmond, CA 94801 Telephone: (510) 234-0926 FAX: (510) 237-2435 6 C.W. Roen Construction Company $9,700,000 P.O. Box 4 Danville, CA 94526 Telephone: (510) 837-5501 FAX: (510) 837-2674 7 $ 8 $ 1 1 $ BIDS OPENED BY Jovce E. Murohv DATE November 22. 1994 SHEET NO. ...L OF ...L Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT 3 PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD NOVEMBER 9,1994 THROUGH DECEMBER 9, 1994 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE AS OF NOVEMBER 23, 1994 $40,237,000 MINUS UNSPENT PRIOR ALLOCATIONS (21,872,364) PLUS DEPENDABLE CURRENT YEAR REVENUE (NOVEMBER 1994 THROUGH JUNE 1995) PLUS DEPENDABLE FUTURE REVENUE (JULY 1995 THROUGH JUNE 1996) 12,511,300 10.723.700 $41,599,636 $41,599,636 > $10.971.000 (ALLOCATION REQUIRED) PED\C:\FILES\PP\UVAWARD.KVA PAGE 1 OF 3 NO. 7. ENGINEERING a. DATE APPROVE THE LAKEWOOD SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4805 r TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE PROJECT SUBWu~'e11 B. Leavitt Planning Assistant INITIAT~H6fne~r~ng Departmentl Planning Division ISSUE: Board approval of the Lakewood Sewer Improvement Project is required prior to the filing of a Notice of Exemption under the District's California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA) Guidelines. BACKGROUND: The proposed project will rehabilitate or replace 18,600 feet of main and trunk sewers (8 to 15 inches in diameter) in the Lakewood area of incorporated and unincorporated Walnut Creek. The project also involves the abandonment of 1,300 feet of mains located in difficult-to-access backyard easements and the relocation of 16 laterals. A combination of trenching and pipe-bursting construction methods are planned. The location of the Lakewood area is shown in Figure 1 and the sewer alignments are shown on Figure 2. The sewers in this area are among the most maintenance-prone and hydraulically deficient in the District. The goals of the project are to correct hydraulic deficiencies, minimize maintenance requirements, and reduce the probability of future overflows in a cost-effective manner. A temporary staging area for construction materials and equipment is proposed by District staff for a City of Walnut Creek-owned site on the south side of Marshall Road in front of Indian Valley Elementary School. If the project contractor chooses to use this site, the District will require the project contractor to abide by the operating conditions of a "Special Use Permit" which the District intends to obtain from the City of Walnut Creek. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from CEOA under the following District CEOA Guidelines: Section 18.3 - replacement or rehabilitation of existing facilities where the new structure will be located on the same site as the structure replaced and will have substantially the same purpose and capacity as the structure replaced (pipelines); and Section 18.5 - minor temporary use of land having negligible or no permanent effects on the environment (staging area). The Board's approval of this project will constitute a finding that the project is exempt from CEOA. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Lakewood Sewer Improvement Project (DP 4805). RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON RBL DJC RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1?At- ~e- IJ1Ji3 1302A-7/91 c Q. " '" ~ '" '" ::l ~ "' o <X> ~ , '" " '" o ~ v L -, .2 GEARY RD BLVD ~ N Q ~ a u 5: 0 z' ~ 0, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District L 0 C AL SETTING FIGURE 1 '" o . " " ....., , - ~'ti .C 0 01:;) u.- c ..... E~ -- <:) C 0 ~ 0.- e:a&: U2 ~ a.. _0 oV) - ::>> Q - C t!) ..... Q) c.n u - ..... <:) a.. <:) c.=: a.. itlll I " I I" I " "~/~J 1 /1 I' ',,--- / /// ' .. /,,// II /1".............. I, " ''''-..k' 11"-.. II / ^" / , / "'-.J / - \ '.. .' .~ "', /~ / ,', ..// >'/ / / I I / / / ,/ ./ I I I I I I I I I I I I / / / I ~~h ~~~~ ~ I I I / ES ~ 8~ ~~ ~C.) 8 .' " \' , , _..__.__..~. ,I .4'S .... sir.......... . , -"'.- , . J '-.. , ....... 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