HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 10-20-94 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF October 20, 1994 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR f. SUBJECT DATSeptember 26, 1994 QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT TO FANG T. L1N, ET AL, JOB 4203, PORTION PARCEL 2, DANVILLE AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF SEWER EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept.llnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: The owner of Lot 14 of Subdivision 7095 has requested the District quitclaim the subject easement. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was granted at no cost to this District in 1986. It was created to provide future service to the parcel located on the north of the Lin property. This northerly property has since been dedicated as open space and will not be developed. The subject easement is therefore no longer required and may be quitclaimed. Our quitclaim processing fee has been paid by the owner. Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEOA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. The Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute a finding of agreement with this determination unless otherwise indicated. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Fang T. Lin, et ai, Job 4203, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON INITIATING ~?IV. 1302A-7/91 DH f/l1 JSM ~ RAB GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. "V ~'v QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT ~ ~ ~ ! ~ \ I L_+- if ~ ~ '<1- ",-, .. "i " " ~~. '. '.".'.'.'" \ ~ ~ ~ ",',-,::-,. \ ~ \r'......~t.. '. > "Ii., VI; :.....:: r1:fl1~~ -- ----;rc~i~~:~ 1 '.' '", .. rIllEO' '. ....' 'lot>' c' , ~... 'oi ' '.... _ 35-3 _ ".",:' WI --- -----....'... ~i ......~~~ ':-'.At, '" o .....':. - I.... ~ ;'<':~""'.r~l; , "'8., [ <';r1~~ ~~: ---- \ \ I I I j 1\ /' 1 \ I I I I I I / , I I I -I \ \ ----- -', , ~ ...~ : .s ~ "\ ~~''; 6~:- ~ ~ "'"~ =.:--" 11 ( ~I i''''il ~ if' ",I , ~ CASTENAOA /'CT ~ \ ~ET'" CT ~o~ QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT JOB 4203 PARCEL 2 DANVILLE AREA ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF October 20, 1994 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR g. SUBJECT DATE ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM THE COLONNA FAMIL V TRUST, 850 REVERE ROAD, LAFA VETTE, FOR KNOX DRIVE SEWER REPLACE- MENT PROJECT, DP 4602 October 4 1 994 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Ricardo Hernandez/Engineering Asst. Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: The Board of Directors' approval is required for accepting Grants of Easements. BACKGROUND: The Infrastructure Division is in the process of completing plans for the Knox Drive Sewer Replacement Project in Lafayette. As part of this project, approximately 300 feet of an old 6-inch sewer with a history of high maintenance will be abandoned and replaced. In addition to having a frequent maintenance schedule, the sewer is located along a creek bank with past landslide and erosion problems. The new sewer will be at a different alignment that will reduce maintenance costs and improve service to the area. This new alignment will locate the new sewer within the property at 850 Revere Road (See Exhibit A). An appraisal report for the acquisition of this easement has been prepared by a Certified Real Estate Appraiser. The estimated just compensation for this easement purchase was calculated to be $4,218. District staff has negotiated a settlement with Mr. and Mrs. Colonna, owners of 850 Revere Road for this amount. A Right of Way Contract for the purchase of the easement has been executed by District staff and property owners. Funds for the easement purchase have been previously approved by the Board. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Grant of Easement Deed from the Colonna Family Trust and authorize staff to record said Deed with the Contra Costa County Recorder. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~ RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-7/91 RH CWS .Jl4 SM ("cJt.t!J CENT~';'~I~~~~f=:,,~ISTRICT e~---- <I 0' ~I ,,<I OJI "'I /.vI OJI 0' f..... , I $' ~I 41' ::~I WARWICK co, f..... '1 0' ~I ~ N , 842+/- SQ. FT. COLONNA FAMILY TRUST 850 REVERE ROAD v ~ .,. s; ~ v 'C N 1= ~ , ~ o , 40 ~ "-.~, ~ '"~....,,.~ ~"" / "~.. ~ " FEET o " m o DRAWN BY: RH SCALE: 1"=40' 10/3/94 THOMAS BRO.: 71C4 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 251-120-028 EXHIBIT CHECKED BY: RH DATE: A Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF NO. October 20, 1994 4. CONSENT CALENDAR h. SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE BOARD PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO SIGN A MODIFICATION TO UTILITY AGREEMENT NO. 738.5 WITH CAL TRANS FOR THE 1-680/SR-24 SEWER RELOCATIONS, PHASES 3A AND 3B, DP 4782 AND DP 4956 October 14 1 994 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE MODIFICATION TO AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Rey Limjoco, Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT~'gineering Dept./lnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the Board President and Secretary of the District to sign a modification to a utility agreement with Caltrans. BACKGROUND: In 1991, Caltrans initiated design of the next phase of its 1-680/SR-24 interchange expansion. This phase consisted of lane widening between Oak Park Boulevard and Monument Boulevard in Pleasant Hill. To accommodate the proposed widening, about 5,000 feet of sewer ranging in size from 6-inch to 33-inch diameter along North Main Street were relocated. This work was Phase 3A in a series of Caltrans relocations and was identified as District Project 4782. A sewer near Monument Boulevard which was included in the Phase 3A relocation had to be deleted because of Caltrans inability to obtain easements from the owners of the Montgomery Ward Shopping Center. On July 24, 1991, the District executed utility agreement No. 738.5 to receive reimbursement for costs associated with planning, design and construction of District Project 4782. This agreement needs to be modified to cover approximately $1,456,000 in additional cost associated with the Montgomery Ward sewer relocation and, in addition, concrete encasement of the three EBMUD Mokelumne Aqueducts, construction of a Caltrans storm drainage system, and sewer main replacement and side sewer abandonments at Sherman Drive which were added to the original scope of the project. This work is Phase 3B and is identified as District Project 4956. All costs associated with DP 4956 will be reimbursed by Caltrans under the modified agreement with the exception of the sewer main replacement on Sherman Drive which will not benefit Caltrans and which will be at District expense ($57,600). Utility Agreement No. 738.5 estimated Caltran's reimbursement responsibility for the work a $2,375,000. The modified agreement will increase this amount to $3,831,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the Board President and Secretary to sign a modification to a utility agreement with Caltrans for the 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocation, Phases 3A and 3B under DP 4782 and DP 4956 respectively. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON ~ /14 W't.l) ~ RIL TJP JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-7/91 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF NO. October 20, 1994 4. CONSENT CALENDAR i. SUBJECT DATE October 10, 1994 ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF THE CLYDE, FAIRVIEW, AND MALTBY PUMPING STATIONS IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT (DP 4682) TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL Munawar Husain, Associate Engineer INITIATIt:.LG DI;PT.lDIV. D I t:nglneerlng epartment Plant Engineering Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: All work has been completed on the Clyde, Fairview, and Maltby Pumping Stations Improvements Project, and this project can now be closed out. BACKGROUND: Work was undertaken at Clyde, Fairview, and Maltby pumping stations under this contract to improve the reliability, safety, capacity, operating conditions, and maintainability of these pumping stations. Existing pump motors were replaced with more efficient motors controlled with variable-frequency drives (VFDs) at the Fairview and Maltby pumping stations. Standby power was provided at the Fairview Pumping Station. At the Clyde Pumping Station, existing submersible pumps were replaced with newer, more efficient pumps, and new valves and electric controls were added. Details of the project are also included in pages CS-45, CS-46, CS-50, CS-51, and CS-52 of the 1992-93 Capital Improvement Budget. The District Board of Directors awarded the construction contract to Pacific Mechanical Corporation of Concord, California, on July 2, 1992. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed on August 27, 1992. The contract completion date was February 27, 1994. The contract work was completed ahead of schedule, with the District taking beneficial occupancy of the new facilities on February 14, 1994. Pacific Mechanical Corporation's original construction contract was for $1,243,000. There were 17 change orders issued on the project totaling $36,208. The total contract amount paid to Pacific Mechanical Corporation was $1,279,208. The total budget for the project was $2,775,000. The total completed project cost is $2,368,000. Staff is closing out the project account, which will result in $407,000 being returned to the Collection System Program. RECOMMENDATION: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information. No action is necessary. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1Zl lNtt 1302A-7/91 MH RSK WEB wt:...B fv- RAB GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. . Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF October 20, 1994 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR j. DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE OF BA T. THAN, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER, AT MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT TRAINING PROGRAM STARTING OCTOBER 27,1994 AT A COST OF $1,900. TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE TRAINING SU~~JTJ:ED BY william Brennan, Plant Engineer Div. Manager John Larson, CSOD Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: Board authorization is needed for training when the expenditure is not included in the Annual Training Budget and the cost exceeds $500. BACKGROUND: The District recognizes the benefits of having mid-managers participate in a formal management training program. In the past it has sent employees to Performex and Management Action Programs, Inc. when their duties begin the transition from technical to managerial. Those employees have returned to the District with a better understanding of the role of management, new and improved skills, and personal action plans to assist in their continued development. Ba T. Than, Associate Engineer, is just completing a three year assignment as an engineer and section supervisor at CSOD. He will be transferring to the Engineering Department at the end of October where he will serve as a Project Manager. Mr. Than and the District will benefit from his attendance at the Management Development Training Program offered by Management Action Programs, Inc. The program is a three day intensive training customized for the individual using input from their supervisor, their peers, and their employees. The participants develop an action plan for personal development and there are periodic follow-up meetings to ensure progress. There are adequate funds in the CSOD and Plant Engineering Division Travel, Training, and Conferences Accounts to cover this expense. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Ba T. Than at Management Development Training Program starting October 27, 1994, at a cost of $1,900. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION U4L- JAL ~- ~ RAB INITIATING }~JiPT/DIV '.ArLe WEB GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. 1302A-9/85 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF October 20, 1994 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR k. DATE October 12, 1 994 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT DENY CLAIM FROM FRED WHITCOMB ALLEGING PERSONAL INJURIES DUE TO CONDITIONS AT THE HEADWORKS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT DENY CLAIM SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Bonnie Allen, Risk Manager Administrative/Risk Management & Safety ISSUE: A claim has been received from Fred Whitcomb and his attorney Daniel D. Purnell. Claim denials require action by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The District's contractor, Humphrey Construction, Inc., is performing a District construction contract (DP 20069) Headworks Facilities Improvement Project. Mr. Whitcomb claims that on March 30, 1994, in the course of his employment as a pipefitter with Humphrey Construction, he fell down a ledge in a tunnel at the treatment plant. Mr. Whitcomb is alleging that the area constitutes a hazardous condition. The District is an additional insured on the contractor's liability insurance policy and has also been directly indemnified by the contractor. The staff recommends that Mr. Whitcomb's claim be denied and referred to the insurance carrier and contractor for investigation, defense, and indemnity. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the claim from Fred Whitcomb and refer it to staff for further action as required. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON INITIATING DEPT.lD.IV. fM:;. GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. SA PM 1302A-7/91 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 6 BOARD MEETING OF October 20, 1994 NO. 6. BIDS AND AWARDS a. AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO WOODS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE CREST VIEW, VIA FLOREADO, KINNEY DRIVE SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NOS. 4923/4991 DATE October 14, 1994 SUBJECT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD Michael Penny, Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Div. SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: On October 11, 1994, sealed bids for the construction of District Project Nos. 4923 and 4991 Crest View, Via Floreado, Kinney Drive Sewer Replacement were opened. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: The proposed sewer project consists of constructing approximately 5,000 linear feet of 8-inch and 10-inch sewer in public roads at four separate sites: Crest View/Valley View/Moraga Way, Via Floreado, St. Stephens Drive in Orinda, and Kinney Drive/Studebaker Road in an unincorporated area between Lafayette and Walnut Creek. The project location map is shown in Attachment 1. Construction on Crest View and Valley View consists of installing approximately 1,550 lineal feet of 8-inch sewer by open-cut trench. Construction on Moraga Way consists of installing approximately 2,000 lineal feet of 10-inch sewer by pipe bursting an existing 6-inch lined and 8-inch unlined sewer. Construction on Via Floreado consists of constructing approximately 400 lineal feet of 8-inch sewer by open- cut trench. Construction on St. Stephens Drive consists of constructing approximately 350 lineal feet of 8-inch sewer by open-cut trench. Construction on Kinney Drive and Studebaker Road consists of constructing approximately 630 lineal feet of 8-inch sewer by open-cut trench. The sewer work is intended to replace deteriorating sewers, reduce overflows, and replace a temporary 6-inch line installed after slide damage. The project was advertised on September 23 and 29, 1994. The Engineer's estimate for construction is $910,000. Ten bids ranging from $474,850 to $825,507 were received on October, 11, 1994. A summary of bids is presented in Attachment 2. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Woods Construction Company. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~~~ TITP )111 UYLt3> GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. MJP TJP JSM RAB 1302A-7/91 AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO WOODS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR THE CREST CREST VIEW, VIA FLOREADO, KINNEY DRIVE SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NOS. 4923/4991 illlll!1111111 SUBJECT PAGE 2 OF 6 DATE October 14, 1994 District staff will administer the contract, provide resident engineering, provide inspection services, review shop drawings, provide construction support services, and prepare record drawings. The Crest View Sewer Replacement is included in the 1994-95 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on page CS-83. The Via Floreado Sewer Replacement is included in the 1994-95 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on page CS-97. An allocation of $802,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund is needed to complete the project. A post bid preconstruction estimate is presented in Attachment 3. The current balance of the Sewer Construction Fund, minus unspent allocations plus dependable revenue will be adequate to fund the project. A funding summary is presented in Attachment 4. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.3 since it involves replacement of existing sewer facilities. The Board's approval of this award will constitute a finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a contract to Woods Construction Company the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $474,850 for the construction of the Crest View, Via Floreado, Kinney Drive Sewer Replacement, District Project Nos. 4923 and 4991 . 13028-7/91 c '" D L co ::: z g: 'T + V. C~ '" " 1/h ~' ,Ornb ~" /0\. ~\ C?>, '< \ ". \ ~ /' ~<J ", *;:;;: C, C';>(O')~(--~" MO RAG A '\ i:''''Y \ \\ " \ l <;-0 \~ ~ \ ~\~ 8/ -~ Qct;co~ f; (/ o(:Y\l 0 I U" J I u__ __)L______J_ 6) " ~;%. ~<) ~6'/, C' /f:J (:Y 0) . :.L- 00 "' >. "' ~ Project Areas 3 o 3 6 l s MILES ., L OJ ~ Central Contra Costa : Sanitary District CREST VIEW, VIA FLOREADO KINNEY DRIVE SEWER REPLACEMENT DP X49231X4991 ATIACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 2 Central l;ontra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARV OF aiDS PROJECT NO. X4Qn/X4QQ1- Crest View, Vii'l Flnrprlrto, Kin"E'Y DATE 10/11/94 Drive Sewer Replacement Project $ LOCATION Orinda. California ENGR. EST. 910,000 ~r BIDDER (Nome, telephone & address) 1 BIC PRIC. -=- 1 Wnnrt" rnn"trlJrti n" (415 ) 759-0506 $ 2718 Pacheco St. , San Francisco, CA 94116 474.RSO - . D'Arcy & Harty ( 415 ) 586-4000 $ 2 425 Mont.erey B 1 va. , Si'ln Fri'lnri"ro. CA q41 ?7 507.880 - Jardin PipelinE> ( 510) 7R~-S~1S $ 3 591. 935 2315 Dunn Rni'lrt, Hi'lywrlrrt, rA q4S411 - 4 Mountain Cascade ( 510 ) 373-8370 $ P. O. Box 5050. Livermnrp, rA Q4SS0 596,959 D. E. Bianchini. Inc:. ( 510) 831-0400 $ 5 P. O. 631.8R8 Box 2204. San Ramon. rA o 94583 ~ 6 McGuire and Hester (510 )632-7676 $ 9009 Railroad Avenue. Oi'lkli'lnrt, rA 946Q3 675.675 - 7 P & M-Pipelines { ins) 759-7069 '$0. .0 717.076 2440 Tarva 1 Street. Si'ln Fri'lnri"rn, rA 94116 0- - D. W. Young Construction Inc (510 }487 -07?4 $: 8 718.123 P. fl. Box 1797. \lninn rity j CA 94587 Manuel C. Jardim . ( 510) 487-0444 $ 9 747.194 P. O. Box 677. (Ininn . r; ty 1 (A 94587 - M & L Construction. Inc. ( 510) 427-4007 $ 10 P. O. Box R?47, Pitt"hllrg, CA 94565 825,507 - ( ) $ ( ) $ I ! BIOS OPENED BY ~CLt ~;J (j/ DATE October 11 t 1 QQ4 SHEET NO. I OF I 2S0J-ll: . ATTACHMENT 3 CREST VIEW, VIA FLOREADO, AND KINNEY DRIVE DISTRICT PROJECT NO. X4923/X4991 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL PERCENT OF ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COSTS 1 Construction Contract $ 474,850 2 Contingency at 20% 95,150 Subtotal $ 570,000 100% 3. Construction Management . Project Management $ 1 7,000 . Inspection/Ad ministration 123,000 . Design Support 18,000 Subtotal $ 158,000 27.7% 4 Consultant/Professional Services . Soils - Geotechnical $ 1 0,000 . Materials Testing/QC 1 0,000 Subtotal $ 20,000 3.5% 5 Miscellaneous . Survey $ 1 0,000 . Legal 1,000 . Permit/City Inspection 20,000 . Collection System Operations 2,000 . Community Relations 12,000 . Record Drawings 3,000 . Field Office Support 1 ,000 Subtotal $ 49,000 8.6% 6 Prebid Expenditure . Design $ 116,000 . Geotechnical Consultant 8,000 Subtotal $ 124,000 21.7% 7 Total Project Cost Estimate $ 921 ,000 161.6% 8 Total Funds Authorized To Date $ 119,000 9 Total Allocation of Funds To Complete $ 802,000 Project IDle: Infra/D P/49 23/EstBgt. M ATTACHMENT 4 PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD 10/13/94 THROUGH 11/12/94 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE AS OF 1 0/14/94 MINUS UNSPENT PRIOR ALLOCATIONS PLUS DEPENDABLE CURRENT YEAR REVENUE (7/94 THROUGH 3/94) $36,464,836 > $802,000 $44,211,600 (20,791,364) 13,044,600 $36,464,836 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 14 BOARD MEETING OF October 20, 1994 NO. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE a. RECEIVE THE 1 993-1994 ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE DATE October 12 1 994 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT RECEIVE ANNUAL REPORT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee (Committee) respectfully submits its 1993-1994 annual report to the Board of Directors and Plan participants. BACKGROUND: The Board of Directors approved the establishment of the Committee in January 1982. The scope of activities of the Committee includes: . Establishing internal administrative procedures . Educating participants regarding the Plan . Reviewing accountability by the Program Administrators . Reviewing emergency withdrawal requests . Reviewing investment performance of the Plan . Submission of an annual report to the Board of Directors and Plan participants The Committee is made up of the following Departmental representatives: Debbie Ratcliff Darlene Ross Rick Hernandez Tanya Butler Phil Snyder - Chairperson - Administrative - Engineering - CSO - Plant Operations The Committee made several major accomplishments this year; among the most important are: . Added a third provider, ICMA Retirement Corporation . Changed policy to allow direct mailing of Quarterly Statements to participants . Revised and distributed Deferred Compensation Plan Handbook . Updated the Deferred Compensation Plan document RECOMMENDATION: Receive the annual report of the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee for 1993-1994, and provide any comments to staff. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~ GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. P.M. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE ANNUAL REPORT JULY 1993 - JUNE 1994 The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee (the Committee) was established by the Board of Directors to facilitate the internal administration of the District' Deferred Compensation Plan. The scope of the Committee's activities encompass the following: . Establish internal District administrative procedures within the provisions of the Deferred Compensation Plan document. . Educate participants regarding the Plan provisions by issuing a handbook which summarizes the Deferred Compensation Plan and responding to questions from participants. . Review accountability by the Program Administrators, Hartford Life Insurance Company (Hartford), Great Western Bank (Great Western), and ICMA Retirement Corporation and respond to participants' queries regarding accuracy or propriety of account balances. . Review participants' requests for emergency withdrawal of funds. . Review investment performance of the Deferred Compensation Plan on an annual basis. Committee Accomplishments The following activities were completed by the Committee during July 1 993 through June 1994: . Internal District Administrative Procedures ICMA Retirement Corporation was added as a third Deferred Compensation provider. The committee assisted in providing for a smooth transition for the third provider. The District policy was changed to allow the three Deferred Compensation providers to send quarterly statements directly to the participants. Two new Deferred Compensation committee members were selected and trained to support their respective departments. 1 . Education of Particioants The Deferred Compensation Plan Handbook was updated and distributed to all Deferred Compensation Plan participants. Meetings with Great Western and ICMA were made available to all employees to introduce the new provider and explain changes to the existing Great Western contract. The Committee developed a fact sheet for the benefit of the Plan participants that outlined investment options, fees, and charges for the three providers. . Review Accountabilitv bv Program Administrators The committee researched and responded to inquiries regarding the problems associated with Great Western's change to a new bookkeeping department located in Ohio, as well as problems related to the earthquake in Northridge, CA. Monthly confirmation statements and quarterly account statements were submitted to the District by Hartford, Great Western, and ICMA. Quarterly account statements were distributed to all participants. . Review Reauests for Emeraencv Withdrawals of Funds Two emergency withdrawal requests were reviewed by the Committee, and both were recommended for approval by the Board of Directors. . Review Investment Performance A summary which presents the investment performance of the Hartford, Great Western, and ICMA programs for the calendar year 1993, and the first six months of 1994 is attached. Current Committee Activities . The District's Deferred Compensation Plan document is undergoing a detailed review by the Committee to ensure conformance with the current governing tax codes and to improve accuracy and completeness. . A revised Hartford contract has been received and will be reviewed to determine if it offers any additional benefits to the participants. . The committee is developing a standardized procedure and training manual for new members selected to serve on the committee. 2 Conclusion During the period July 1993 through June 1994, the Committee addressed all of the activities included in its scope of responsibilities through the conscientious efforts of all of the Committee members. The performance of Hartford, Great Western, and ICMA in administering the Deferred Compensation Plan during the 1993-1994 report period is considered to be satisfactory. The performance results of the Hartford, Great Western, and leMA stock and bond investments for the calendar year 1993 and the first six months of 1994, as shown on the attached charts, are as follows: Hartford The gain on the stock and bond accounts for the 1993 calendar year of 14.3 percent and 10.2 percent, respectively, exceeded the general market indices, as measured by the Dow Jones Industrials and the Standard & Poors 500, which registered gains of 13.7 percent and 7.1 percent, respectively; the bond account underperformed the Lehman Brothers Bond Index which gained 17.3 percent. Through the first six months ended June 30, 1994, the 4.5 percent loss on the stock account outperformed the Standard & Poors 500 which lost 4.8 percent and underperformed the Dow Jones Industrial which lost 3.4 percent; the loss of 4.5 percent on the bond account outperformed the Lehman Brothers Bond Index, which lost 8.5 percent. Great Western For the 1993 calendar year, nine of the twelve stock funds outperformed the Dow Jones Industrials and Standard & Poors indices as follows: Income Fund of America Growth Fund of America Twentieth Century Select Fund Fidelity Equity Income Fund Fidelity Puritan Fund Twentieth Century Ultra Fund Fidelity Retirement Growth Fund Fidelity Magellan Fund Fidelity Overseas Fund 14.0% 14.5% 14.7% 21.3% 21.4% 21.8% 22.1% 24.7% 40.1% Two of the stock funds outperformed the Standard & Poors index but underperformed the Dow Jones Industrial index as follows: Twentieth Century Balanced Fund Investment Company of America 7.2% 11.6% 3 One stock fund, Twentieth Century Growth Fund, underperformed both market indices at 3.7 percent. The Bond Fund of America gained 14.1 percent but underperformed the Lehman Brothers Bond Index. Through the six months ended June 30, 1994, four of the twelve stock funds have outperformed both market indices as follows: Twentieth Century Balanced Fund Fidelity Equity Income Fund Fidelity Puritan Fund Fidelity Overseas Fund -3.2% -1.2% 0.4% 2.8% Four of the stock funds outperformed the Standard & Poors index but underperformed the Dow Jones Industrial index as follows: Twentieth Century Growth Fund Income Fund of America Investment Company of America Fidelity Retirement Growth Fund -4.6% -3.9% -3.9% -3.5% Four of the stock funds underperformed both market indices as follows: Twentieth Century Ultra Fund Twentieth Century Select Fund Fidelity Magellan Fund Growth Fund of America -10.0% - 8.5% - 6.0% - 5.0% The Bond Fund of America lost 5.2 percent but outperformed the Lehman Brothers Bond Index. ICMA The three stock funds outperformed the Standard & Poors index during calendar year 1993 but underperformed the Dow Jones Industrial index as follows: Equity Index Fund Asset Allocation Fund Growth Stock Fund 7.9% 9.6% 11.0% For the fourth quarter of 1993, the period the funds were available to District employees, the performances were: Growth Stock Fund Asset Allocation Fund Equity Index Fund -0.6% 1.3% 2.1% 4 Through the six months ended June 30, 1994, the -3.9 percent loss for the Equity Index Fund and the -4.2 percent loss for the Allocation Fund outperformed the Standard & Poors index but underperformed the Dow Jones Industrial index. The Growth Stock Fund underperformed both market indices at -8.7 percent. Committee Members: 01:: ~er ~ ,c r Darlene Ross, Administra . e Department ~ ll.P~~c:R. Rick Hernandez, Engineering ~epartment ~~ ~ er, Collection System Op ~ nt Operations Department ADSlDef Comp/Annual.rpt 5 LEGEND: 20th Century Funds: 20th C. BF 20th C. GF 20th C. SF 20th C. UF Fidelity Funds: Fidelity ElF Fidelity MF Fidelity OF Fidelity PF Fidelity RG American Funds: G.W. GFA G.W. ICA G.W. IFA G.W. BFA ICMA Funds: ICMA CMF ICMA CBF ICMA UST ICMA AAF ICMA ElF ICMA GSF ICMA Plus Balanced Growth Select Ultra Equity Income Magellan Overseas Puritan Retirement Growth Growth Fund Investment Company Income Fund Bond Fund Cash Management Core Bond U.S. Treasury Securities Asset Allocation Equity Index Growth Stock Plus Fund Market Indices: Dow Jones Dow Jones 30 Industrials S & P 500 S & P 500 L.B. Bond Index Lehman Brothers ADS/DefComp/Legend .Ist CCCSD Deferred Comp Distribution By Administrator (Calendar Year 1993) leMA ($2,458,944) Gr. Western ($7,303,286) Hartford ($11,155,121) Total Investments: $20,917,351 (Six Months Ended June 30, 1994) leMA ($3,082,470) Gr. Western ($6,990,170) Hartford ($11,346,276) Total Investments: $21,418,916 CCCSD Deferred Comp Distribution By Investment Type (Calendar Year 1993) Bonds ($925,394) Savings ($12,440,688) Stocks ($7,551,269) Total Investments: $20,917,351 (Six Months Ended June 30, 1994) Bonds ($775,640) Savings ($13,116,494) Stocks ($7,526,782) Total Investments: $21,418,916 0) (.) c 00 E "- o L: ()) c.. 00,...--.. C>M em --m >,.... 00,,- en CO Q) 0..>- Eta 0-0 Ua5 - -eCO ())O "- "-"" "- Q) "t- O) o o en U U U iC iC -----........----------.-.......--.--.-------..........--....------......... 0 - en en "0 LL en I- - -- m 0 C> ~ ~ :J C/) C 0 - I 0 0 a.. ::> I- -- t . > <( <( ta ~ ctS ctS <( en I ~ ~ ~ 0 . 0 0 (!:) . 0 ~ 0 0) . (!:) o ,.... ..0) OJ F'- ...-. cfl- (0'-'" c: ~ x ~ Q) +""" LO Q) "0 a: c: ~ +""" 0 Q) V Q) ~ ~ +""" ctS ctS a: ~ C") ..(\I or- :>. (J) > :p o (J) a. (/) (J) 10.... cO o . ~ (0 ,... C\I o (J) 10.... (J) ~ 10.... 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C\I ".........., q- m m ~ - o M Q) c: ::::J -, "C Q) "C c: W C/J ..c ...... c: o ~ x -- en ~ o --C\I I ..-.. (fl "-'" -- v c: X I "- Q) :J '0 CD c: a: ....., Q) ~ "- co ~ '+- o ................--................................. <f>> Q) 15 a: ........--.........--........-................--.-- co I 0 ,.... x <( '0 u.. I Q) u.. "- m '0 m 0 () c: ~ - . <( '0 ~ co I ~ c: . 0 (!) () m . m . ..J PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. 8. ENGINEERING a. SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS TYPE OF ACTION FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES IN CON- NECTION WITH TREATMENT PLANT SOIL REMEDIATION PROJECT DP 7113 AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Randy Schmidt, Associate Engineer Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute professional services agreements for more than $50,000. BACKGROUND: Approximately 25 years ago, petroleum byproduct sludge from Shell Oil was disposed at the District treatment plant site. Petroleum sludge was mixed with the soil in an attempt to strengthen the weak marsh soil in the old primary sludge ponds. Much of the material has been relocated in earth work projects over the years. A Preliminary Endangerment Assessment (PEA) report was prepared by the District and submitted to the California State Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) in November 1992. The PEA report showed extensive soil contamination of a stormwater holding basin (Basin A South) and in the surcharge fill area east of the aeration basins. After submittal of the PEA report, District staff and legal counsel worked with the DTSC and Shell Oil to determine if all of the contaminated soil must be treated as a listed hazardous waste. In April 1994, the DTSC concluded that only soil which exceeded established hazardous waste criteria would be considered a hazardous waste. This is a favorable finding which could potentially reduce costs. The soil must now be characterized according to concentration and extent of contamination. A large portion of the contaminated area will be needed for secondary facilities expansion by 2002. The soil with contaminants above hazardous levels must be managed in a manner approved by DTSC to make the areas available for expansion. The District received a draft Voluntary Agreement from the DTSC on August 25, 1994, for the management of contaminated soil. Due to the lengthy time needed for a voluntary clean-up through DTSC procedures, the District must proceed now to initiate the process. Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) for work on this project were issued to eleven consultants on July 28, 1994. The District received eight Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) on August 12, 1994. The SOQs were evaluated and Requests for Proposals (RFPs) were issued to the top three consultants on September 6, 1994. Written proposals were received and candidate firms were interviewed. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~ lJle ~ GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. RS LBP DJC RAB 1302A-7/91 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES IN CON- NECTION WITH TREATMENT PLANT SOIL REMEDIATION PROJECT DP 7113 PAGE 2 OF DATE 2 October 14, 1994 The Voluntary Agreement will require a Site Investigation Work Plan, a Risk Assessment, and an Engineering Evaluation or Remediation Action Plan prior to design. A consultant with special expertise in soil remediation is necessary to assist District staff prepare these documents in order to maintain District credibility with DTSC. The District staff has selected GeoSyntec Consultants to prepare a Site Investigation Work Plan and a Baseline Risk Assessment and to assist in the development of the Voluntary Agreement with DTSC at a cost not to exceed $85,000. The Site Investigation Work Plan must be approved by DTSC before additional work is done to manage the contaminated soil in Basin A South and the surcharge fill area. GeoSyntec has the necessary experience in regulatory negotiations and geotechnical design to effectively contribute to the District's efforts. The approximate consultant cost to reach final design for management of the contaminated soil is $250,000. The estimated total cost of the project is $4,000,000 to $6,000,000, assuming that the District can negotiate a reasonable agreement with DTSC. The final cost will depend largely on the selected method of managing the contaminated soil. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with GeoSyntec Consultants to develop a Site Investigation Work Plan, to conduct a Baseline Risk Assessment, and to provide expert consultation during negotiations with DTSC at a cost not to exceed $85,000. " 1302B-7/91 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 9 BOARD MEETING OF NO. 9. PERSONNEL a. DAT'bctober 13, 1994 October 20, 1994 SUBJffELETE ONE ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR POSITION (S-71); CREATE ONE SR. ACCOUNTANT POSITION (S-68); ADOPT CLASS DESCRIPTION; AND RECLASSIFY STEVEN ELSBERRY ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR TO SR. ACCOUNTANT. INCREASE THE SALARY RANGE OF THE ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR FROM S-71 ($3935-$4761) TO S-73 ($4132-$4999). TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, De ut General Mana er Administrative ISSUE: Board authorization is required for personnel classification and compensation changes, to create a new position, and to adopt a class description. BACKGROUND: In January 1993, the Board approved the reclassification of Steven Elsberry from Senior Accountant/Internal Auditor to an Accounting Supervisor. This created two supervisors in the Accounting Section to split the duties that originally were performed by one supervisor. Accordingly, the salary range of the two new Accounting Supervisor positions was reduced from S-73 ($4132-$4999) to S-71 ($3935-$4761). Mr. Elsberry has requested that his supervisory duties be removed, as he believes his strength lies in the technical arena. The Controller supports this proposed change as Mr. Elsberry is frequently assigned special projects with short deadlines that require the technical expertise of a degreed accountant. This change in duties would help to free up a portion of his time to dedicate to these projects. The Accounting Office will need to critically look at all of the existing duties and reorganize the responsibilities of each position. This change, however, will greatly increase the responsibilities of the remaining Accounting Supervisor; therefore, an increase in salary is requested for that position to the former S-73 range. District management has met and conferred with the Management Support/Confidential Group (MS/CG) and they agree with the placement of the new Senior Accountant position in the MS/CG. Further, the proposed changes were reviewed with the Board's Personnel Committee at their meeting of October 1 2, 1 994. Attached is a revised job description for the Accounting Supervisor position and the proposed job description for the Senior Accountant position. Also attached is a current organizational chart and proposed organizational chart for the Section. The requested personnel changes. can be accomplished within the current budget. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON GEN. MGR./CHIEF ENG. SUBJ[rELETE ONE ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR POSITION (S-71); CREATE ONE SR. ACCOUNTANT POSITION (S-68): ADOPT CLASS DESCRIPTION; AND RECLASSIFY STEVEN ELSBERRY ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR TO SR. ACCOUNTANT. INCREASE THE SALARY RANGE OF THE ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR FROM S-71 ($3935-$4761) TO S-73 ($4132-$4999). . . . ~~OSITIONPAPER ...-....,(. .~-,- PAGE 2 OF o J DATE October 13, 1994 RECOMMENDATIONS: Delete one Accounting Supervisor position S-71 ($3935-$4761); create one Senior Accountant position S-68 ($3663-$4434); adopt Senior Accountant job classification description; reclassify Steven Elsberry from Accounting Supervisor to Senior Accountant; and revise salary range of Accounting Supervisor to S-73 ($4132-$4999). 13028-7191 .... a: <C ::J: o Z o ~ Z <C CJ a: o c w en o a. o a: a. ~ e ClI 'E e E <1l 0 ... 'E i . ~ 'CI ::::J D- 'c 0 0 ...i '" 0 <i ~ .... s- .... r::: <1l '0 C\l '2 10 .r:: $ 0 ~ Cl ti ~ .... .... .... .... - ~ r::: 'E 'E e <1l > ,,-<1l ... 11l 0 '0 .!! . 'E III '2 co '0 O-~ .a ~ ~ '25 .r:: 10 III ::::J e 0 Cl a: QlO jjj 0 ~ ~ 000 0 c:i ~ en ~ c:i ti .... ~ ... .... ui,,- >0 OO'lij .e iii __ .s:!;; fj; "':E E-o ~~ ~ := e ~ ~ 'E ::!: a: 8 c:i e 0)"- ~ .!;;g Iii 'E'~ ('t) III 5~fj;1: O::::J ~oo a cj ~o e ClI OO'lij E 0'= ... .....lIl.... . .s:!;; fj; 'CI 'c .... "':E '" E-o a: ~~ <i ~ -- <C - r::: r::: = ::J: 'E e <1l > <1l . 0 <1l 0 '0 .!! '0 C\l e 'E i '2 co '0 '2 $ ... ~ .r:: 10 .r:: ::::I ::::J D- o Cl a: 0 III Z 0 . 0 ...i ~ c:i ~ Cl Q 0 0 ~ ~ ti ti -; e 0 0 ~ ~ ~ 0)"- 0 z ~ := r:::0 ... '-lIl a:a <C e ~ u 'E'~ .... III 'Ii 5~fj; 1: CJ 'E a: 0::::J 0 c:i ~oo ::::I a: () 0 Qj 0 cj Q) .S .... 'E e ~ <1l 0 Z 'E III c: ~ ~ W ::::J e 5 0 i: a: 0 ~ a: :t ci 8 ::::) s- o '<:( 0 0)"- r::: ;:; ~ <1l r:::O '0 e ';t :.;::;.~ ... C\l 0 r:::~.... . '2 10 III "tI 5~fj; .a .r:: $ ~ Q) III 0 :::: O::::J jjj ~ Cl 'E :J.oo en ti ...i ~ ~ :5 " = .- ee ...0 ::::I III Ill'" l!~ -;...i ~ .S ~ c: 5 ~ '<:( ;:; ';t "tI ,!!:! 'E ~ :5 " CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Range: Respirator Class: 1 0/21/94 S-68 3 SENIOR ACCOUNTANT DEFINITION Perform accounting functions within the District's accounting system; prepare monthly financial statements; review and assist in the operation and maintenance of the Sewer Service Charge Calculation System; assist in the operation of the Management Information System (MIS); perform complex accounting and financial analyses; and prepare special reports and analyses as required. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive direction from the Controller and Accounting Supervisor. May exercise technical supervision over Accountant and Accounting Technician series. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Review and assist with the preparation, maintenance, verification, processing, and collection of the Sewer Service Charges on the County rolls, and direct-billing by the District. Assist the Management Information Systems Administrator with the operation and maintenance of the MIS. Analyze existing and proposed accounting systems for feasibility of computer applications and participate in system development activities. Assist in the preparation and analysis of annual budgets. Perform reviews of Operations and Maintenance rates and charges. Act for the Accounting Supervisor in the supervisor's absence. Perform related duties as required. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Senior Accountant (Continued) EXAMPLES OF NON-ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Assist in the analyses of applications for refuse collection rate increases. Prepare analyses and work papers required for the audit of the District's financial statements, compliance with Single Audit requirements, Clean Water Act and Federal Emergency Management Administration grant fund audits, and other requirements by external agencies. Perform complex financial analyses for employee/employer labor relations. Analyze and recommend changes in methods, procedures, systems, forms, and records; develop procedures to implement new financial system requirements. Perform difficult and complex accounting, auditing, and special assignments. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledae of: Municipal accounting principles and practices. Enterprise fund accounting procedures. Budget preparation principles. Basic electronic data processing applications. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Abilitv to: Continuously analyze documents, procedures, and reports; identify problems and areas of inconsistency; interpret accounting and financial reports; know generally accepted accounting principles and internal audit procedures; remember consistent application of accounting procedures; and understand accounting, finance, and audit functions. Intermittently observe transactions and processes within the department; problem solve in a pro-active manner in order to prevent misappropriation or mistakes; and explain tasks and procedures to employees. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Senior Accountant (Continued) Abilitv to: Sit at desk and in meetings for long periods of time on a continuous basis. Write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means, and lift or carry weight of 10 pounds or less. Apply sound accounting procedures to facilitate fiscal control and analysis. Analyze financial systems, operations, and data; develop sound conclusions and appropriate courses of action. Understand and function in an electronic data processing environment. Provide technical direction to the Accountant and Accounting Technician series. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Exoerience: Three years of experience in a professional accounting and/or auditing capacity, of which one year involves experience in municipal fund accounting. Education: Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with a major in Accounting. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES May need to possess of a valid California Driver's License as required by the position. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Range: Respirator Class: 1 0/21/94 S-73 3 ACCOUNTING SUPERVISOR DEFINITION Supervise daily work activities within the Accounting Section including accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash receipts, payroll, and general ledger; prepare monthly financial statements; reconcile accounts; prepare special reports and analyses as required. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive direction from the Controller. Exercise functional supervision over the Accountants and personnel in the Accounting Technician series. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Supervise the daily work activities within the Accounting section including accounts payable, accounts receivable, cash receipts, payroll, and general ledger. Control, direct, and participate in the preparation of monthly financial statements and account reconciliations; oversee the compilation and preparation of the monthly financial report. Oversee a variety of account record keeping including government grant records, accounts of the District's temporary investments, maintenance of general journals, and general and subsidiary ledgers. Direct and participate in the preparation of equipment and operations and maintenance budgets. Direct and participate in the preparation of work papers for the District's independent auditors. Review and analyze accounting operations and systems; implement new or revised systems and procedures as appropriate. Prepare special reports and analyses as requested. Perform related duties as required. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Accounting Supervisor (Continued) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledae of: Municipal accounting principles and practices. Enterprise fund accounting procedures. Budget preparation principles. Basic electronic data processing applications. Supervisory principles, practices, and techniques. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Abilitv to: On a continuous basis know the District's policies and accounting procedures; problem solve the need for new procedures and determine staff coverage, and understand generally accepted accounting principles and enterprise accounting. Intermittently analyze work papers, reconciliations, and financial statements; identify problems or mistakes; interpret various laws and regulations for payroll functions; observe and document performance of staff; remember journal entries for each fiscal year; and explain tasks to employees. Sit at desk and in meetings for long periods of time on a continuous basis. Intermittently twist to reach equipment surrounding desk, use telephone, write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means, and lift or carry weight of 10 pounds or less. Train and supervise assigned personnel. Apply sound accounting procedures to facilitate fiscal control and analysis. Analyze financial systems, operations, and data; develop sound conclusions and appropriate courses of action. Understand and function in an electronic data processing environment. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Accounting Supervisor (Continued) EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Exoerience: Three years of experience in a progessively more responsible professional accounting position and/or auditing capacity, of which two years involve experience in municipal fund accounting and supervision. Education: Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major study in accounting. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES May need to possess a valid California Driver's License as required by the position. PAGE 1 OF 2 October 20, 1994 NO. SUBJECT 9. PERSONNEL b. DAT~ uctober 13, 1994 AMEND EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT WITH GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE AMENDED EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Gerald R. Luce District Labor Counsel ISSUE Board approval is needed to amend the employment contract with the General Manager-Chief Engineer (GM-CE). BACKGROUND: At the time the current employment contract with the GM-CE was drafted (effective date July 1, 1993), a new provision was added to deal with the payment of accumulated vacation, sick leave, and severance pay at the time of termination. The current contract provides for the purchase of an annuity as indicated in Attachment 1. After executing the contract, a simpler approach that could achieve the same goals at a much reduced administrative burden on the District became evident. At the request of the GM-CE, it is proposed that the amended language as shown on Attachment 1 be inserted in the contract in lieu of the current language. This new language would result in the District simply paying terminal compensation in amounts not to exceed $25,000 per year for one or more years until the entire terminal compensation was disbursed. While this would avoid a large lump sum outlay by the District in anyone year, the amendment would not have any significant economic effect on the District overall. RECOMMENDATION: Change the current employment contract with the GM-CE to delete current Paragraph IX and replace with Paragraph IX shown on Attachment 1. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON GRL Page 2 of 2 ATTACHMENT 1 CURRENT CONTRACT LANGUAGE: IX. PROPOSED CONTRACT LANGUAGE: IX. Terminal Comoensation. To avoid large lump sum outlay at the time of separation, the terminal compensation for accumulated sick leave and vacation time shall be paid in a series of annual installments. The total amount subject to installment payment at the time of termination shall be the value of accumulated vacation plus 85 percent of the value of any accrued sick leave, plus severance pay, if any. The District shall make a series of payments of $25,000 per year to the employee. Each year the remaining balance shall accrue interest based on the interest earnings of the District investments. The final payment shall be the balance plus interest, totalling less than $25,000. In the event of the death of the Employee, the District shall make a final payment consisting of the unpaid balance of the terminal compensation plus accrued interest. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 4 BOARD MEETING OF October 20, 1994 NO. 13. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. SUBJECT DATE RECEIVE THE AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND MANAGEMENT LETTER FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1994 October 12, 1994 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: The audited financial statements and Management Letter of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1994 are being submitted to the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The firm of Maze and Associates, Certified Public Accountants, has completed its examination of the District's financial statements for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1994, and has submitted the audited financial statements and auditor's opinion thereon. In the routine performance of their examination of the financial statements, the auditors evaluate the District's internal accounting controls to determine the nature and extent of the auditing procedures required. Based on their observations during the course of the examination, the auditors routinely advise District management of any recommendations to improve the system of internal accounting controls. As indicated in the Management Letter provided as Attachment I, the auditors recommended the following: AUDITOR'S RECOMMENDATION DISTRICT ACTION 1. Perform a periodic review of 1 . each line development rebate account and compare these accounts to the balance recorded in the general ledger. The market value of the 2. District's investment portfolio should be included in the monthly investment report to the Board. All rebate accounts have been reconciled to the balance recorded on the general ledger and will continue to be balanced quarterly. 2. Staff will provide the market value on a monthly basis beginning in October. The audited financial statements were submitted in draft form to the Board's Budget and Finance Committee for review, as well as to the State Controller's Office by the annual deadline. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the audited financial statements and Management Letter for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1994. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. t~r. PM GEN. MGR.lCHIEF ENG. . r I I I I I I ) l a CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICI' RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN INTERNAL CONTROL YEAR ENDED JUNE 30, 1994 i J I I ( I I T 1 . J' I I I I l J 1 1 J I I I I I I I I · " I rlA 550 CIA !rES ACCOUNTANCY CORPORA nON 1610 Rivl.~a Avenue -Suffe 100 Walnut Cr.ek, Califomia 94596 (510) 930-0902 · FAX 930-0J35 Board of Directors and District Manaaer CeotraJ Contra Costa Sanitary District Martinez, California We have audited the financial statements of the Ccmral Contra Costa Sanitary District for the year CDded JUlIe 30, 1994, and have issued our report thereon dated AuJUst 24, 1994. As part of our audit, we made a study aDd evaluation of the system of intcmaJ accounting control to the extent we considered DeCeSSaI)' to evaluate the I)'Item as required by generally accepted auditing standards. The purpose of our study and eva1uatiOll was to determine the nature, timing, and extent of the auditing procedures necessary for expressing an opiniOll OIl the financial statements. Our study and evaluation was more Iimitcd than would be Decessary to express an opiniOll ell the system of internal accounting control takCD as a wboIe. . Management is responsible for establishing and maintaining a system of intcmaJ accounting CCIIItroJ. In ~'fm"" this responsibility, estimates and judgments by management are required to assess the expected benefits and related costs of control procedures. The objectives of a system are to provide management with reasonable, but DOt absolute assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss &om unauthorized ue or dispositiOD, and 1bat transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. Because of inherent limitations in any system of intemaI accounting control, emn or irregularities may nevertheless occur and not be detected. Also, projections of any evaluation of the system to fUture periods is subject to the risk that procedures may become inadequate because of changes in conditions or 1bat the degree of compliance with the procedures may deteriorate. Our study and evaluation made for the limited purpose described in the first paraaraph would DOt I'eCeSsariIy disclose all material weaknesses in the system. Accordingly, we do DOt express an opinion OIl the system ofintemal accounting control of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District taken as a wboIe. Our study and eva1uaticm disclosed no condition that We believe to be a material wea1cneu. A Ptofelllonol Corpottlllon I 1 i I I J 1 I I I I I CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICI' RECOMMENDAT - "'S FOR IMPROVEMENTS IN INTEl tL CONTROL RecommendatioD 1 - The District .hould review the status of eada line development rebate account. During our audit, we noticed that the liDe developmem rebate ICCOUDt records held at the permit COUDter do DOt reconcile to the District9. general ledger. III addition. several rebate accowrts are approximately twenty years old and it docs not appear the District will be able to locatctbe c:ustomcr the rebates bcloaa to. III order to improve control over the rebate accoUDts, the District should review the status of each IiDe development rebate ICCOUIIt IDd reconcile these records to the pcralledpr. . RecommendatioD 2 - The District .hould include the market value of its InvestmeDtl in Its monthly reports to the Board. . During our audit we Doted that the market values of some of the Districts iDvesImc:ats are below COlt. 1be monthly investment information prepared by District staff and presented to the District9. Board docs DOt .include a comparison of cost to market value. We believe that . comparison of cost to market is 8n essential part of the District's investment management procedures, especially aiven CUJTalt market canditiOGl. A comparison of cost to market should be included in the monthly investment reconciliations prepared by Itaff and presented to the board for rmcw. ........... We would be pleased to discuss our recommendations with you at your CODValieDce. We also wish to express our appreciation for the exce1Ient courtesy and cooperation extc:Dded to us by Debbie Ratcliff and her staff during our audit. ~ I /H4t,;GJ August 249 1993 r 0