HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-02-94 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF June 2, 1994 NO. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR a. SUBJECT APPROVE SECOND AMENDMENT TO TEMPORARY RIGHT TO ENTER FROM CONTRA COSTA COUNTY AT NO COST TO THE DISTRICT, DISTRICT PROJECT 20131, PARCEL 005, CONCORD/PLEASANT HILL AREA DATE May 24, 1994 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE AMENDMENT SUBMITTED BY Michael J. Penny, Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept.llnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: The subject amendment is required to extend the deadline for the District and the County to agree upon terms of compensation to July 31, 1994. BACKGROUND: The District and Contra Costa County entered into an agreement in October, 1993, which allows the District's contractor, Ranger Pipeline, to enter and use property owned by the County located at Buchanan Fields Golf Course. At the District Board meeting of January 6, 1994, the District Board of Directors approved the First Amendment to extend the deadline for the District and the County to agree upon terms of compensation to March 30, 1994. This right to enter and use agreement is required for the installation of a portion of the interceptor sewer and reclaimed water line which will be constructed as part of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project. This agreement contains all the requirements for entry and use of the County property. The only remaining issue is the amount of compensation which the District will pay the County for temporary and permanent easements across the County property. The January 6 amendment states that the District will commence eminent domain proceedings within sixty days after March 30, 1994, if the District and County cannot agree upon terms of compensation by March 30, 1994. Negotiations are continuing between the District and the County. The staffs of the two agencies have concluded that negotiations are progressing satisfactorily and that it is in the best interest of the District and the County to extend the date for commencing eminent domain proceedings. The proposed amendment will extend the date for commencing eminent domain proceedings to within sixty days after July 31, 1994. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Second Amendment to Temporary Right to Enter from Contra Costa County, District Project No. 20131, Parcel 005. Authorize the President of the Board of Directors and Secretary of the District to sign the Second Amendment to Temporary Right to Enter. mg REWEWEDAND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD AcnON 1302A-7/91 RAB Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF June 2, 1 994 NO. 6. CONSENT CALENDAR cr. SUBJECT DATE INFORM THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE PURCHASE OF lWO GAS CHROMATOGRAPH/MASS SPECTROMETERS Ma 25, 1994 TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATION ONLY -- NO ACTION REQUIRED SI,@MITTED BY Bhupinder S. Dhaliwal Laboratory Su erintendent INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Plant Operations Department/Operations ISSUE: Inform the Board of Directors of the purchase of two gas chromatograph/mass spectrometers (GC/MS). BACKGROUND: On March 7, 1994, the Board of Directors authorized $175,000 to upgrade the District's organic chemistry laboratory instrumentation (District Project 8157). This upgrade involves the purchase and installation of two GC/MSs in our laboratory. Staff developed minimum performance standards for the GC/MS that would meet the District's productivity and sensitivity requirements. In recent weeks, the District Staff has contacted all known potential suppliers of GC/MS equipment. Responses were received from Hewlett Packard and Fison Instruments. The GC/MS from both of these suppliers was analyzed for our performance criteria; however, only Fison Instruments' GC/MS equipment meets the District's performance criteria; therefore, District Staff is proceeding to purchase two GC/MSs for the District's laboratory. The $175,000 budget includes the purchase, installation, and startup of two GC/MSs and operations and maintenance training for District Staff at the manufacturer's facilities in Boston, MA. This project is described on page GI-24 of the Fiscal Year 1993-94 Capital Improvement Budget and the 1993 Capital Improvement Plan. RECOMMENDATION: The Board of Directors is being informed of the purchase of the GC/MSs. No action is required. $]) 1302A-7/91 BSD J(lA1L JMK INITIATI,NG DEPT.lDIV. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF7 BOARD MEETING OF NO. JUNE 2, 1994 7. HEARINGS a. SUBJECT DATE HOLD A HEARING AND CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF INITIATING ACQUISITION OF A PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT BY EMINENT DOMAIN FOR THE WOODLAND WAY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT, DP 4785 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT HEARING CONSIDER RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY Ricardo Hernandez Engineering Assistant INITIATING D'E'~'~~eering Department Infrastructure Division ISSUE: A hearing must be conducted and a Resolution of Necessity must be adopted prior to initiating acquisition of public easements by eminent domain. BACKGROUND: The sewers in the Woodland Way area of Lafayette (see Exhibit A) are old and in poor condition. A significant number of reaches of these sewers are located in backyard easements and require a high level of maintenance due to soil movement and root intrusion. Both dry weather and wet weather sewer overflows have occurred in the Woodland Way area. The Wastewater Collection System Master Plan identifies these sewers as deficient under existing flow conditions and a 5-year storm event. This project has been given a high priority designation for sewer repair and/or replacement. Final construction plans for the Woodland Way Sewer Renovation Project have been completed. There is an item later in this agenda for award of a contract to do the proposed work. The project consists of constructing approximately 900 feet of new sewer to divert flow from the Woodland Way area and to replace or rehabilitate approximately 3,200 feet of existing sewers along or near Woodland Way, Carol Lane, and Victoria Avenue. Approximately 50% of the flow in the Woodland Way area will be diverted into a new sewer to be constructed beneath Creekwood Place, across Las Trampas Creek, and down Fourth Street in Lafayette. Diversion of this flow will solve the capacity problem in the Woodland Way sewer and allow internal rehabilitation of the existing deteriorated sewers. An alternate route for the sewer through Creekwood Place was evaluated. This alternate crossed Las Trampas Creek via a siphon from Mount Diablo Boulevard to Fourth Street, through other private property. However, this alternate alignment was more expensive, had a greater "private injury" to the property, and had potential hazardous waste implications. Construction of the new diversion sewer across Las Trampas Creek requires obtaining an easement through Creekwood Place, a private street (see Exhibit B). Historically, the District has offered an administrative fee based on an informal staff appraisal to acquire easements through private streets. This is based on the premise that an easement through a private street will have a minimal impact on the land's value. Private streets RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON 1302A-7/91 RH CWS JSM RAB ~i-EPT./DIV. f#Jf] KLA HOLD A HEARING AND CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF INITIATING ACQUISITION OF A PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT BY EMINENT DOMAIN FOR THE WOODLAND WAY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT, DP 4785 SUBJECT PAGE 2 OF 7 DATE May 9, 1994 usually have other utilities in them and have limited use. In attempting to acquire the easement through Creekwood Place, an administrative fee of $5,750 was offered to Mr. and Mrs. Boustani, owners of the underlying fee title for Creekwood Place. This offer included payment for damages to property improvements and landscaping that would be replaced by the owner. After Mr. and Mrs. Boustani declined to accept the administrative fee, a formal third party appraisal of the property and easement was ordered. The formal appraisal report concluded that there were two methods for appraising the value of the easement. One of these methods would assign the easement a nominal intrinsic value because of it being within a private street already encumbered by other easements. This method was employed in offering the owners the initial administrative fee that was declined by them. The second valuation method is based upon a percentage of the land value, dependent on the percentage of interest over the private road owned by the underlying fee owner. This second method produced a higher easement value of $7,125. In staff's attempt to provide the owners with fair market value for their land, this second and higher value was submitted to the owners as just compensation. However, Mr. and Mrs. Boustani have not accepted this amount as adequate compensation for easement rights across their land. Mr. and Mrs. Boustani have been informed of the procedure outlined in State law for the acquisition of the easement rights by the District through condemnation procedures. A hearing by the Board to receive comments from the owners is the first step in this procedure. The owners have been notified of this hearing. The timing of the contract work establishes a need to proceed with condemnation. Negotiations with Mr. and Mrs. Boustani will continue in parallel with the activities associated with the condemnation. If the Board wishes to discuss the details of the negotiations, staff recommends that the details be discussed in closed session. Staff will be prepared to provide more information in closed session if requested by the Board. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a hearing to receive comments from property owners on the following issues: 1 . Whether public interest and necessity require the project. 13028-7/91 HOLD A HEARING AND CONSIDER ADOPTING A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF INITIATING ACQUISITION OF A PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENT BY EMINENT DOMAIN FOR THE WOODLAND WAY SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT, DP 4785 SUBJECT PAGE 3 OF 7 DATE May 9, 1994 2. Whether the project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury. 3. Whether the property rights sought to be acquired are necessary for the project. After the conclusion of the hearing, consider adoption of the attached Resolution of Necessity to acquire a permanent easement by eminent domain for the Woodland Way Sewer Renovation Project, DP 4785. The Resolution will also authorize filing of an eminent domain action and other appropriate procedures. 13028-7/91 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY AUTHORIZING THE ACQUISITION OF A PUBLIC EASEMENT FOR SEWER PURPOSES WHEREAS, Pursuant to the State of California Health and Safety Code Sections 6514 and 651 2 , the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is empowered to acquire sewer easements for public use, to wit, sewer purposes. WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has identified the need to acquire a permanent sewer easement more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto for said purposes. Said easement is located within an incorporated area of Lafayette, Contra Costa County, State of California. WHEREAS, on the 13 th day of May 1994, the District gave notice required by law of the hearing on this Resolution. WHEREAS, written request to appear and be heard were received from: WHEREAS, all oral and documentary evidence has been duly considered. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, does FIND AND RESOLVE as follows: 1. The public interest and necessity require the proposed project for which said public sewer easement is to be acquired. 2. The proposed project is planned and located in the manner which will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury. 3. Said public sewer easement is necessary for the proposed project; and 4. The offer required by Government Code Section 7267.2 has been made to the owners of record of the subject property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The Counsel for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Kenton L. Aim, is hereby authorized and empowered: To acquire in the District's name, the above referenced public sewer easement by condemnation; To prepare and prosecute in the Districts's name, such proceedings in the proper court as are necessary or appropriate for such acquisition; and To deposit the probable amount of compensation, based on an appraisal, and to apply to the appropriate court for an order permitting the District to take immediate possession of and use said sewer easement for said public use and purpose. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June 1994, by the District Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: APPROVED AS TO FORM: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa State of California Kenton L. Aim, District Counsel ---------- 600 I LAFAYETTE SEWER IMPROVEMENT STUDY WOODLAND WAY PROJECT AREA EXHIBrT A L{) - - -- -- -- - -- L{) ~ EXISTING 5' SEWER EASEMENT EXISTING FLOOD CONTROL EASEMENT ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. ,.. c <:> D ~~ '" ., o J; ro ~ ., , <D co ~ 7 "- <n '" " o I 30 FEET o " '" hi ;:: '" '" ,~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 7 '" '" 'I PROPOSED 20' SEWER EASEMENT BOUST AN / ....... ....... ....... \ \ \ " 60 I CREEKWOOD PLACE EASEMENT EXHIBIT B PAGE OF 5 NO. 7. HEARINGS b. SUBJECT DATE CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET (CIB)/DRAFT 1994 TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP), APPROVE THE 1994 CIP, AND APPROVE THE CIB FOR INCLUSION IN THE 1994-95 DISTRICT BUDGET TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING, APPROVE CIB/CIP SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. John J. Mercurio, Administrative Analyst Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: The Board of Directors has established June 2, 1994, as the date for a public hearing on the draft Fiscal Year 1994-95 CIB/1994 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan in conjunction with the Board's consideration of the Sewer Service Charge (SSC) rate for 1994-95. Separate Board approval of the CIP and the CIB for inclusion in the 1994-95 District Budget is requested. BACKGROUND: The CIP provides the basis for project prioritizing and scheduling, District staffing, and long-range financial planning. The CIP also serves as the framework for rate decisions. The draft 1994 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) covers the ten-year period from 1994- 95 through 2003-04. The draft plan includes the effects of the State's taking of approximately $3.5 million per year in District property taxes, as well as expenditure reductions totaling $37 million (1994 dollars) over ten years and an increase of $ 7 per Residential Unit Equivalent (RUE) in the Sewer Service Charge for capital replacement. The CIB provides a detailed presentation of the schedules and cost estimates for projects proposed for the first year of the ten-year planning period. It also provides for funding authorization from the Sewer Construction Fund to the Treatment Plant, Collection System, and General Improvements programs. A "review draft" CIB/CIP was submitted to the Board of Directors on April 7. 1994. A Capital Projects Committee/Board workshop was held on April 11, 1994. The revised, final draft document was submitted to the Board and additional discussion of CIB/CIP issues, debt issuance in particular, was included in the General Manager-Chief Engineer's report on May 3. 1994. Subsequent to preparation and distribution of the draft CIB/CIP, staff developed a new approach for meeting the revenue requirements of the CIP. This approach would include a one-time transfer of approximately $1 million in 0 & M savings from the Running Expense Fund to the Sewer Construction Fund in 1994-95, and a reduction in the recommended 1994-95 Sewer Service Charge increment for capital facilities upgrade and replacement from $32 to $28 (a $3, rather than a $ 7 increase). It is appropriate for the Board to receive public comments prior to considering approval of the CIB/CIP. June 2. 1994, was established by the Board as the date for a public hearing to receive these comments, and appropriate notices have been posted and published. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON JJM JMM RAB ~~ SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET (CIB)/DRAFT 1 994 TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP), APPROVE THE 1994 CIP, AND APPROVE THE CIB FOR INCLUSION IN THE 1994-95 DISTRICT BUDGET POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 OF 5 DATE May 27, 1994 Capital Budaet Authorization Adoption of the CIB with the 1994-95 District Budget will authorize an additional $25,838,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund for planning, design, and construction of capital improvement projects in the Treatment Plant, Collection System, and General Improvements programs. In addition to the new funding authorization, a carry-over of approximately $47,231,000 from Board authorizations in previous years is anticipated, resulting in a total Fiscal Year 1994-95 authorized funding level of $73,069,000. The distribution of the funding authorization to the three capital improvement programs is shown on Attachment 1. Adoption of the CIB also constitutes Board of Directors' approval of projects listed in Tables 5, 6, and 7 of the Budget document as exempt under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Most of these projects are exempt because they involve only minor alteration, replacement, or rehabilitation of an existing facility with little or no expansion of capacity. Ten Year Capital Plan The funding needs of the proposed projects in this CIP cannot be met with the District's current "pay-as-you-go" financing approach. This is due to four factors: 1) the emergence of new air emissions, water quality and safety regulations which must be addressed through capital improvement projects, such as the Disinfection Facilities Improvement Project, 2) the under- realization of interest and development fee revenue due to general economic conditions, 3) the need to continue with several large capital projects to meet District's wet weather overflow prevention goals, and 4) the loss of approximately $3.5 million per year property tax revenue through the State's budget actions. Because of this, annual income coupled with capital reserves will soon be inadequate to fund cash flow requirements, and debt issuance will be required. A debt issuance of $12 million in 1994-95 is included in the 1994 CIP cash flow analysis. The State of California has appropriated 40 percent of the District's historical property tax revenue (about $3.5 million per year). This revenue was formerly used for capital facilities upgrade and replacement. Even with last year's $20 Sewer Service Charge increase, there will be a revenue shortfall. Staff has produced a series of alternatives for the Board to consider (see Attachment 2). The three "Retain Tax Revenue" alternative scenarios presented in Attachment 2 assume that the District's remaining 60 percent of property tax revenue is retained through the ten-year planning period of the CIP. If any proposal to divert all or a portion of this tax revenue to other purposes is implemented, the District will need to raise substantial additional revenue or to make deeper cuts in project work in the capital budget process next year. Two possible "No Tax Revenue" scenarios, where a further Sewer Service Charge increase and larger debt issuance are used to 1302B-7/91 SUBJECT CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 1994-95 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET (CIB)/DRAFT 1994 TEN-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIPl, APPROVE THE 1994 CIP, AND APPROVE THE CIB FOR INCLUSION IN THE 1994-95 DISTRICT BUDGET POSITION PAPER PAGE 3 OF 5 DATE May 27, 1994 maintain the Sewer Construction Fund at or above the prudent reserve while continuing the recommended capital improvement program, are also presented in Attachment 2. The practice of utilizing a portion of the Sewer Service Charge for capital facilities upgrade and replacement was first instituted in 1992-93 at $ 5 per Residential Unit Equivalent (RUE). This increment was increased to $25/RUE in 1993-94. The increase in the Sewer Service Charge increment required to fund the scheduled capital work and maintain a prudent reserve in the Sewer Construction Fund is $28 per RUE, an increase of $3. The CIP anticipates that the capital increment of the Sewer Service Charge will be adjusted annually to reflect inflation. The $160/RUE 0 & M component of the Sewer Service Charge is expected to remain flat for 1994-95. Recommended Proaram Alternative During preparation of the draft CIP, staff realized that current economic conditions dictate that a balance be struck between the achievement of environmental protection goals and the cost of service. Staff carefully re-examined each capital improvement project's schedule and budget and looked for ways to reduce capital expenditures. This process resulted in a recommended CIP (Scenario 2) which would cut the ten-year capital program by $37 million (1994 dollars) while requiring only a 1.6 percent increase in the Sewer Service Charge ($3 per Residential Unit Equivalent). In addition, a one-time transfer of approximately $1 million from the Running Expense Fund to the Sewer Construction Fund is recommended for 1994-95. The CIP has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 17.3 since it is a planning study. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the CIB/CIP. Approve the CIP. Approve the CIB for inclusion in the 1994-95 District Budget. Approve the draft 1994 CIP, revised to include a one-time transfer of approximately $1 million from Running Expense reserves and a $28 Sewer Service Charge capital facilities upgrade/replacement increment (a $3 increase) . 1302B-7/91 ATTACHMENT 1 Page 4 of 5 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET SUMMARY FY 1994-95 Additional Estimated Authorization Total Program Carry Over Requested Authorization Treatment Plant $21,715,000 $12,427,000 $34,143,000 Collection System 2 1 ,7 1 1 ,000 14,800,000 36,511,000 General Improvements 3,804,000 (1,389,000) 2,415,000 Total FY 1994-95 $47,231,000 $25,838,100 $73,069,000 N .... Z w ~ :I: U <( .... .... <( (/) W > ~ <( Z cr: w .... -l <( <.:l Z o Z ::::> u. ~ <( cr: <.:l o cr: a.. .... Z w ~ w > o cr: a.. ~ -l <( .... a: <( u (/) o cr: <( Z w U (/) w > .... <( Z cr: w .... -l <( Q) ::l C Q) > Q) cr: x ro .... o Z L!) o::::t M Q) ::l C Q) > Q) cr: x ro .... c ro +-' Q) cr: N ..- +-' '+- ro ~ o o M -<I> -- L!) -<I> o M <I> -- M <I> L!) <I> M -<I> 0: u r--. <I> C/) .!:: ::l C/) Q) cr: -0 Q) +-' () Q) '0' ~ a.. -- C/) C o Q) C/) ro Q) ~ () C Q) OJ ~ ro ~ U Q) () > ..... Q) (/) +-' a. E ::l C/) C/) <( ..... Q) s Q) (/) c o - .- E -<I> c o E ..- -<I> c o E <I> c o - - .- E -<I> 6 , E-o o C ..... ::l '+-LJ.. ..... Q) Q) '+- C/) C/) C C Q) ro a. ~ r-~ L!)cn ~ C o::::t 'c en C en ::l ..-cr: C o E N N -<I> C o E L!) N <I> C o E N ..- -<I> C o .- - E M -<I> C o - .- E N -<I> Q) () C ro ::l C/) C/) +-' .0 Q) o Page 5 of 5 C o E en N (Y) <I> C o E o o M <I> C o - .- -0 Q) -0 Q) Q) C +-' C Q) E +-' C/) ::l :0- ro C o +-' ro E N o::::t -<I> C o - .- E N C'J o::::t <I> '+- C > C ro o +-' C o E L!) o L!) -<I> C o ,t: -0 -0 ro C Q) .0 ::2 ::l o S o::::t o o N Q) C/) ro Q) ~ () C o M Q) C ::l J -0 ~ Q) o () (j) ~ '2 ro a.. co ~ ro Q) > -0 C o () Q) (/) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 7 BOARD MEETING OF June 2, 1994 NO. 7. HEARINGS c. SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE 1994-1995 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET AND THE SELF- INSURANCE FUND BUDGET AND FOR THE INCREASE AND ESTABLISHMENT OF THE 1994-1995 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATE AND ON PLACING THE SEWER SERVICE CHARGES ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION DATE May 26, 1994 TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The District Codes and State law require holding Public Hearings for the establishment of the 1994-1995 Sewer Service Charge rates, and on placing the Sewer Service Charges on the County tax roll for collection. BACKGROUND: Notice of the June 2, 1994 Public Hearings to consider changes to the current schedule of Sewer Service Charge rates for the 1994-1995 fiscal year collection of the 1 994- 1 995 Sewer Service Charges on the County tax roll was duly given. It is recommended that two separate hearings be held to consider the matters described. Hearina to receive Dublic comment on the 1994-1995 ODerations and Maintenance (O&M) Budaet and Self-Insurance Fund Budaet. and for the establishment of the 1994-1995 Sewer Service Charae Rates: The 1994-1995 O&M Budget and Self-Insurance Fund Budget were submitted to the Board of Directors for initial review at the May 19, 1994 Board Meeting and are scheduled for approval at the June 2, 1994 Board Meeting. Upon approval of the 1994-1995 O&M Budget and Self-Insurance Fund Budget and determination of adequate levels of reserves, the Board must establish the 1994-1 995 Sewer Service Charge rates. Hearing to consider collection of the 1994-1995 Sewer Service Charaes on the County tax roll: The law requires that a Public Hearing be held each year before the Sewer Service Charge can be placed on the County tax roll. The Sewer Service Charge has been collected on the County tax roll since inception of the service charge in 1976. Collection on the tax roll provides the most economical and efficient means for the District to collect the charges for the 97,000 or so accounts. Effective with the 1982-1983 fiscal year, Contra Costa County imposed a fee for collecting the Sewer Service Charge on the tax roll. The County fee, which approximates $74,000 annually, is still more economical than the alternative of direct billing by the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-7/91 SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARINGS TO RECEIVE PUBLIC COMMENT ON THE 1994-1995 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE BUDGET AND THE SELF- INSURANCE FUND BUDGET AND FOR THE INCREASE AND ESTABLISHMENT OF THE 1994-1995 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE RATE AND ON PLACING THE SEWER SERVICE CHARGES ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL FOR COLLECTION ::1:111111111::::::1111111111 PAGE DATE 2 OF 7 May 26, 1994 RECOMMENDATION: Conduct two separate Public Hearings and upon their respective conclusions, take the following actions, if considered appropriate: . Approve the 1994-1 995 Operations and Maintenance Budget and Self-Insurance Fund Budget and approve an ordinance establishing the 1994-1995 Sewer Service Charge rate schedule. . Approve a resolution authorizing collection of the 1994-1995 Sewer Service Charges on the County tax roll. ADS/PosPaper#2/0&MSelf .pp 13028-7/91 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE SEWER SERVICE CHARGES TO BE BILLED BY THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT TO ALL SERVED PROPERTIES FOR 1994-1995 BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: The District has previously developed and instituted a Sewer Service Charge program for services and facilities furnished by the District to finance yearly operations and maintenance of the District; and The District has reviewed the present 1993-1994 Sewer Service charge rate schedule and has determined that the Sewer Service Charge rate should be increased by 1.6 percent for Operations & Maintenance of the District during the 1994-1995 fiscal year and to partially fund the Capital Improvement Budget to replace a portion of the ad valorem taxes taken by the State of California in 1993-1994. The Board of Directors finds that this action is categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15273 (a) (1), (3) and (4) of the Sate CEQA Guidelines. The 1994-1 995 rates for Sewer Service Charges for users of the District system for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1 994 and continuing thereafter until further action of the Board of Directors, shall be as follows: Residential Billino Unit 1994-1995 Rates Single Family Dwellings Living Unit $188.00 per year Mobile Home Living Unit $188.00 per year Townhouses Living Unit $188.00 per year Condominium Units Living Unit $188.00 per year Multi-Family Units Living Unit $188.00 per year Commercial Billina Unit 1994-1995 Rates Bakeries 1 00 cubic feet $4.73 Markets with garbage disposals 1 00 cubic feet $3.55 Mortuaries 1 00 cubic feet $3.35 Restaurants 1 00 cubic feet $3.49 All Others 1 00 cubic feet $1.66 Minimum Charge Account $188.00 per year Industrial Loading Volume Million gallons $856.00 BOD 1 000 pounds $400.00 55 1 000 pounds $286.00 Demand Million gallons per $115,057.00 day Minimum Charge Account $188.00 per year Institutional Churches 100 cubic feet $1.66 Schools 1 00 cubic feet $1.66 Fraternal & Service 100 cubic feet $1.66 Organizations Local & State Institutions 1 00 cubic feet $1 .66 Other Tax Exempt (Except 100 cubic feet $1.66 Federal) Federal Institutions 100 cubic feet $1.66 Utilities with Special Tax 100 cubic feet $1.66 Status Independent Living Facilities, 100 cubic feet $1.66 Rest Homes, & Convalescent Hospitals Minimum Charge Account $188.00 per year This ordinance shall be published once in the Contra Costa Times. a newspaper of general circulation, and circulated within the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, and shall be effective July 1, 1994. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June 1994, by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Aim District Counsel ADS/Po.ition Paper 12/SewChrg..Ord RESOLUTION NO. 94- A RESOLUTION DIRECTING THAT THE 1994-1995 SEWER SERVICE CHARGES BE COLLECTED ON THE COUNTY TAX ROLL WHEREAS, the District has previously developed and instituted a Sewer Service Charge Program for services and facilities furnished by the District to finance yearly Operations and Maintenance of the District; and WHEREAS, the Sewer Service Charge is collected through a direct charge to the users; and WHEREAS, the District Code provides that the District may elect to collect current and delinquent charges on the tax rolls as provided by Sections 5470 and following of the Health & Safety Code; and WHEREAS, it is considered to be economical and efficient to continue the existing practice and collect the Sewer Service Charges for the 1994-1995 fiscal year on the county tax roll; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, that the 1994-1995 Sewer Service Charges are to be collected on the County of Contra Costa tax roll. Resolution No. 94- Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of June 1994 by the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: NOES: Members: Members: ABSENT: Members President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Aim District Counsel ADS/Position Papers 62/TaxRoll.Res Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF6 June 2, 1994 NO. 9. BIDS AND AWARDS a. BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MOUNTAIN CASCADE, INC. FOR THE LOS ARABIS DRIVE/WOODLAND WAY TRUNK SEWER PROJECT DP4785 DATE May 18,1994 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY Curtis W Swanson Principal Engineer INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: On May 24, 1994, bids for the construction of the Los Arabis Drive/Woodland Way Trunk Sewer Project, D.P. 4785 were opened. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. BACKGROUND: The sewers in the Los Arabis Drive and Woodland Way areas of Lafayette (see attached map) are old and in poor condition. A significant number of reaches of these sewers are located in backyard easements and require a high level of maintenance due to soil movement and root intrusion. Both dry weather and wet weather sewer overflows have occurred in these two areas. The Wastewater Collection System Master Plan identifies these sewers as deficient under existing flow conditions and a 5-year flow event. This project has been given a high priority designation for sewer repair and/or replacement. In the Los Arabis Drive area, approximately 3,000 feet of existing 10-inch trunk sewer will be upgraded with new 15-inch pipes by open cut and pipe bursting construction techniques. Approximately 900 feet of 8-inch sewers will be constructed to replace deteriorated sewers. In the Woodland Way area, one half of the flow from an old, undercapacity 10-inch sewer will be diverted to a new creek crossing and 1,000 feet of new 12-inch trunk sewer. Approximately 1,100 feet of the existing 10-inch sewer will be replaced with new 12-inch sewer and the remaining 2,650 feet will be lined internally using trenchless methods. The renovated 10-inch line will continue to be used as a local collector sewer. Plans and specifications were prepared for the District by Montgomery Watson. The project was advertised for bids on April 27 and May 3, 1994. The engineer's pre-bid estimate for construction was $2,100,000. Four bids ranging from $1,425,119 to $1,791,241 were received on May 24, 1994. A summary of bids is presented in Attachment 2. REWEWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON 1302A-7/91 CWS JSM RAB . If;;! ~ -~----,...,.,~,..,---_."-'--_"--~--_'_-_'__'_'- -....,.----------.---- SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MOUNTAIN CASCADE, INC. FOR THE LOS ARABIS DRIVE/WOODLAND WAY TRUNK SEWER PROJECT DP4785 PAGE 2 OF 6 DATE;. _ May 18, 1994 The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that Mountain Cascade, Inc., the apparent low bidder, is the lowest responsive bidder for the bid amount of $1,425,119. The Los Arabis/Woodland Way Trunk Sewer Project is included in the 1993-94 CIB on pages CS-47 to 49. A post bid/preconstruction cost estimate is presented in Attachment 3. An allocation of $1,890,200 from the Collection System Program is needed to complete the project. The current balance of the Sewer Construction Fund, minus unspent prior allocations plus projected dependable revenue, will be adequate to fund this project. A funding summary is presented in Attachment 4. District staff will administer the contract and provide inspection services. Engineering services during construction will be provided by Montgomery Watson Consultants based on satisfactory performance on this and other recent construction projects. The District Board has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.2, since it involves minor alterations to existing sewer facilities. A Notice of Exemption for this project was filed with the County Clerk on September 27, 1993. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of contract to the lowest responsible bidder, Mountain Cascade, Inc., in the amount of $1,425,119 for the construction of the Los Arabis Drive/Woodland Way Trunk Sewer Upgrade Project, D.P. 4785. 1302B.7/91 o ..l ~ o ~~~ c '" " o 2000 4000 FEET '" o o ~ " , "' '" " , " " v, PROJECT AREA o ~ '" L '" -2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District LOS ARABIS OR./WOOOLANO WY. SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT OP 4785 1 ATTACHMENT '" '" o ATTACHMENT 2 SUMMARY OF BIDS Los Arabis Drive/Woodland Way Sewer Project District Project No. 4785 Bidder Bid Price Mountain Cascade, Inc. Livermore, California $1,425,119 McGuire and Hester Oakland, California $1,465,465 D' arcy and Harty San Francisco, California $1,476,452 Manuel C. Jardim, Inc. Union City, California $1,791,241 ATTACHMENT 3 LOS ARABIS DRIVE/WOODLAND WAY SEWER PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4785 POST -BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE .......----......."'....................................... .---.."...."'............................... ...... .... -............................. .--_.. .........-........ ............................ .. ..."",...................... .--..""..."........................ ...................... .... ................ .................... .--....-................. . ,.""......... ... ...."................ . ................ .---..,...,"'................... .'..,..................-... ..--..."'..,....................... ....-_......-.......... . .--..'''............................ . ..."'.........-.................... PER.C...E....N........................... . . . .,....,...,..... . ' . ,. .' "',""'" .... :. . ."'... .'." .:::: .:. .:. :. ::>:: ..; .: .:: :<<<<<<<:/. . ......,.......................... . .............. .... ........"",................. ...... E.S..]. ...M..../A............e...D..... .' ...,., '." . ...... .... ........ .... ... .... ,............. . , . .. ..' ............ ............ .. ... ,'" .. ............. ~~ilR!llltil 1 2 Construction Contract Utility Relocations $1,425,119 55,000 SUBTOTAL 60,000 106,881 $1,647,000 100 125,000 7.6 75,000 4.6 44,000 2.7 $ 244,000 14.8 3 Encroachment Permits/Permanent Property Rights Acquisition 4 Contingency @ 7.5% SUBTOTAL 5 Construction Management/Inspection 6 Consultant/Professional Services 7 Miscellaneous 8 Pre bid Expenditure . Facilities Planning . Design/Bidding SUBTOTAL 150,000 517,000 $667,000 $2,558,000 $667,800 $1,890,200 9.1 31.4 40.5 155.3 9 Total Project Cost Estimate 10 Funds Authorized to Date 11 Total Allocation of Funds needed to Complete Project ----_.._.__._-----"._-_.__.,--_..-._.,-_.~ ----"-_.~--_._----- ATTACHMENT 4 PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD 05/1 0/94 THROUGH 06/09/94 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE AS OF 04/30/94 $51 ,539,895 MINUS UNSPENT PRIOR ALLOCATIONS (37,679,822) PLUS DEPENDABLE CURRENT YEAR REVENUE (4/94 THROUGH 6/94) 4,549,357 PLUS DEPENDABLE FUTURE REVENUE (7/94 THROUGH 6/95) 11,512,900 $29,922,330 $29,922,330 > I $1,890,200 I (ALLOCATION REQUIRED) -------,.._~_.__.,---_._---_._-----"----_..._-_._- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 6 BOARD MEETING OF June 2, 1994 NO. 9. BIDS AND AWARDS b. SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO VADNAIS CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR THE 1-680/SR-24 SEWER RELOCATIONS PHASE 3.B, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4956 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD APPROVE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Rey J. Limjoco, Assistant Engineer Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: On May 2, 1994, sealed bids for the construction of District Project No. 4956, 1-680/SR- 24 Sewer Relocations, Phase 3.B, were opened. The Board of directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the opening of bids. Engineering agreements in excess of $50,000 require Board approval. BACKGROUND: During the summer of 1993, the District substantially completed construction of DP 4782, 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations, Phase 3 .A, to accommodate Caltrans Freeway widening and interchange modifications. This project initially included about 700 lineal feet of 10- and 12- inch diameter sewer relocations to be installed under the 1-680 Freeway between the Montgomery Ward Shopping Center and Monument Boulevard in Pleasant Hill. However, Caltrans did not obtain the easements needed for this portion of the work and the work had to be deleted. DP 4956 will construct this deleted portion of the work as Phase 3.B. In addition, approximately 210 lineal feet of three EBMUD Mokelumne Aqueducts will be concrete encased, about 120 lineal feet of 42-inch diameter Caltrans storm drain will be installed, and 28 side sewers for homes demolished by Caltrans will be abandoned on Sherman Drive. The District's Collection System Operations (CSO) also requested that about 750 lineal feet of deteriorated 8-inch diameter sewer on Sherman Drive be replaced as part of the project. Refer to Attachment 1 for location of the project. The Caltrans 1-680/SR-24 Project has been broken into several phases with completion of the final phase scheduled for 1997/98. Additional sewer relocations will be required under future phases. As in previous relocations, the District will handle all aspects of the relocations with Caltrans reimbursing the District for the total project cost excluding only the cost of sewer replacement ($57,000) requested by CSO which will be done at District expense. On September 1991, the District executed a utility agreement with Caltrans to receive reimbursement for costs associated with the planning, design, and construction of Phase 3 relocation affected by the freeway widening. This same utility agreement will be amended by Caltrans to include the work for Phase 3.B. The District has received a letter from Caltrans to proceed with the work included within Phase 3.B. An amendment to the existing utility agreement is anticipated to be processed later in June. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RIL TJP JSM RAB ~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-7/91 AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO VADNAIS CORPORATION AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WITH JOHN CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR THE 1-680/SR-24 SEWER RELOCATIONS PHASE 3.B, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4956 ...1.1111,11111.1...111.11.1... SUBJECT PAGE DATE 2 OF 6 May 26, 1994 The project was advertised on April 30, 1994, and May 6, 1994. The Engineer's estimate for construction is $948,000. Seven (7) bids ranging from $851,816 to $1,112,390 were received on May 2, 1994. A summary of bids is presented in Attachment 2. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Vadnais Corporation. District staff will administer the contract and John Carollo Engineers (JCE) will provide Resident Engineering and inspection services. JCE was selected based on satisfactory performance of its construction team on previous District/Caltrans projects. A cost reimbursement agreement with a cost ceiling of $133,000 has been negotiated with John Carollo Engineers. The 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocation, Phase 3.B, is included in the 1993-94 CIB on pages 39 through 43. An allocation of $1,179,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund is needed to complete the project. A post bid pre-construction estimate is presented in Attachment 3. The current balance of the Sewer Construction Fund, minus unspent authorizations, plus projected dependable revenue will be adequate to fund this project. A funding summary is presented in Attachment 4. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality act (CEOA) under District CEOA Guidelines, Section 18.2, since it involves minor alterations to existing sewage facilities with negligible or no expansion of use. The Board of Director's approval of this project will constitute a determination that the project is exempt from CEOA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a contract to Vadnais Construction the lowest responsible bidder in the amount of $851,816 for the construction of the 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations, Phase 3.B, District Project No. 4956. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an engineering agreement with John Carollo Engineers for $133,000. 1302B-7/91 Page 3 of 6 Orinda Q Danville Project Location(s) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District I 68D/SR 24 Attachment SEWER RELOCATIONS, PHASE 3.8 1 DP 4956 ATTACHMENT 2 Page 4 of 6 Central L ~ntra Costa Sanitc.. y District SUMMARY DF BIDS PROJECT NO. 4956 I-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Phase 3.B LOCATION Monument Boulevard, Pleasant Hill DATE May 2. 1994 ENGR. EST. $ 948,000 ~"!7 BIDDER (Nome, telephone & address) BID PRle. - 1 Vadnais Corporation (619 ) 4Rl-6242 $ 12760 Hi9h Bluff Drive. Ste. 370. San Dieao. CA 851.816.00 - ". .- "Ii' I _~II D1Arcy & Hilrty Construction Co. (415 ) 586-4000 $ 2 425 Monterey Blvd. San Francisco. CA 94127 877.910.00 - McGuirp & Hpstpr ( 510 ) 632-7676 $ -~g7;g~O:OO*~-" 3 9009 Railroad Ave.. Oakland. CA 94603 900,880.00 Mountain Cascade. Inc. ( 510 ) 373-8370 $ 4 P. o. Box 5050, Livermore, CA 94550 915,763.00 - Dillin9ham Construcion ( 510 ) 463-3300 $ 5 P. o. Box 1089. Pleasanton. CA 94588 967,770.00 - D. W YOllng Construction Co. Ina 510) 487-0724 $ 6 991.265.00 P. o. Box 1797. Union City. CA 94587 Delta ExcavatinQ~ "Inc. { 510") 634-9600 "$" 7 . P. 0." Box 1179, Brentwood, CA 94513 1.112.390.00 " - ( ) $ - *Bid total adjusted due to error ( ) $ in Bid Item No. 10. This error did not affect thpir c;tilnr!ing in thp-hir! ( ) $ ( ) $ - ( ) $ BIOS OPENED BY Paul Morsen DATE May 2, 1994 SHEET NO. 1 OF 1 250)-Il.'e. Page 5 of 6 ATTACHMENT 3 1-680/SR-24 SEWER RELOCATIONS, PHASE 3.B DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4956 CONSTRUCTION BUDGET PERCENT OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL COSTS 1 Construction Contract $ 851,816 2 Contingency at 1 5 % 128,184 Subtotal $ 980,000 100 3 Construction Management 1 5,000 1.5 4 Consultant/Professional Services . JCE Resident Engineer 60,000 . JCE Inspector 73,000 . DCM/Joyal Engineering 8,000 . Material Testing 10.000 Subtotal $ 1 51 ,000 15.4 5 Miscellaneous . Survey 15,000 . Legal 1 ,000 . Permit/City Inspection 10,000 . Collection System Operations 2,000 . Community Relations 5,000 . Design Support/Shop Drawings 10,000 . Record Drawings 4,000 . Field Office Support 1.000 Subtotal $ 48,000 4.9 6 Prebid Expenditure . Design 53,000 . Geotechnical Consultant 7 .000 Subtotal $ 60,000 6.1 7 Total Project Cost Estimate $ 1,254,000 127.9 8 Total Funds Authorized to Date $ 75,000 9 Total Allocation of Funds to Complete $ 1,179,000 Project 101 A:OP4966/Conat. Bgt Page 6 of 6 ATTACHMENT 4 PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD 04/09/94 THROUGH 05/09/94 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE AS OF 03/31/94 $53,097,783 MINUS UNSPENT PRIOR ALLOCATIONS (39,916,705) PLUS DEPENDABLE CURRENT YEAR REVENUE (4/94 THROUGH 6/94) 7,161,786 PLUS DEPENDABLE FUTURE REVENUE (7/94 THROUGH 11/94) 4,797,042 $25,139,905 $25,139,905 > I $1,179,000 I (ALLOCATION REQUIRED) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 BOARD MEETING OF June 2, 1 994 NO. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE a. SUBJECT CONSIDER ADOPTION OF A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSOLIDATION OF THE ELECTION OF DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION ON NOVEMBER 8, 1994, AND CONSIDER DISTRICT REGULATIONS FOR CANDIDATE STATEMENTS DATE Ma 18 1 994 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION AND APPROVE REGULATIONS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Joyce E. Murphy, Secretary of the District Administrative Department ISSUE: A request for consolidation of the election of District Board Members must be filed with the Board of Supervisors and County Election Department, and the District regulations relating to candidate statements must be modified or reaffirmed. BACKGROUND: The California Elections Code provides that Special Districts may require that elections of their Board Members be held on the same day as the Statewide General Election. When an election called by a District is consolidated with a Statewide General Election, the District must file a resolution with the Board of Supervisors and County Elections Department requesting such consolidation. The request for consolidation for the November 8, 1994 election must be filed no later than August 12, 1994. A proposed resolution has been prepared and is attached for consideration. The Board of Directors must also reaffirm or modify the District regulations with regard to word limit, payment of costs, and payment of a deposit for candidate statements for the November 8, 1994 District election. A copy of California Election Code Section 10012, Preparation and Form of Candidate Statement, is attached. Currently, the District regulations require that candidates seeking election to the District Board of Directors be responsible for paying the pro rata share of the costs for publication of their respective candidate statements; that the statements be limited to 400 words; and that ten (10) percent of the estimated cost of publishing the statement be collected at the time of filing, with the balance being due ten (10) days after the election. Following approval by the Board of Directors, copies of the resolution requesting Gonsolidation of the election and the District's regulations for candidate statements will be provided to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors and Election Department. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution requesting consolidation of the election of District Board Members with the Statewide General Election to be held on November 8, 1994, and modify or reaffirm the District's regulations relating to candidate statements. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-7/91 RESOLUTION NO. 94- RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT REQUESTING CONSOLIDATION OF THE ELECTION OF ITS DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS WITH THE STATEWIDE GENERAL ELECTION WHEREAS, Elections Code Sections 23302 et seq. provide that the governing body of all special districts such as the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District may, by resolution, require that elections for its members be held on the same day as the Statewide General Election; and WHEREAS, on June 2, 1994, at a regularly scheduled meeting at which members of the public were given an opportunity to address the issue, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District determined that it would be in the best interest of the District and its citizens to consolidate elections with the Statewide General Election. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, that the Board does hereby request that the election of District Board Members be consolidated with the Statewide General Election to be held on November 8, 1994; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Secretary of the District is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution to the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors and to the Elections Department of said County. Resolution No. 94- Page 2 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District this 2nd day of June, 1994, by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Aim District Counsel 1 001 2. Preparation and f n of candidate statement. (a) Each candidate for nonpartisan elective office in any local agency, including any city, county, city and county or district, may prepare a candidate's statement on an appropriate form provided by the clerk. The statement may include the name, age and occupation of the candidate and a brief description of no more than 200 words, of the candidate's education and qualifications expressed by the candidate himself or herself. However, the governing body of the local agency may authorize an increase in the limitations on words for the statement from 200 to 400 words. The statement shall not include the party affiliation of the candidate, nor membership or activity in partisan political organizations. The statement shall be filed in the office of the clerk when his or her nomination papers are returned for filing, if it is for a primary election, or for an election for offices for which there is no primary. The statement shall be filed in the office of the clerk no later than the 88th day before the election, if it is for an election for which nomination papers are not required to be filed. If a runoff election or general election occurs within 88 days of the primary or first election, the statement shall be filed with the clerk by the third day following the governing body's declaration of the results from the primary or first election. Except as provided for in Section 10012.3, the statement may be withdrawn, but not changed, during the period for filing nomination papers and until 5 p.m. of the next working day after the close of the nomination period. (b) The clerk shall send to each voter together with the sample ballot, a voter's pamphlet which contains the written statements of each candidate that is prepared pursuant to this section. The statement of each candidate shall be printed in type of uniform size and darkness, and with uniform spacing. The clerk shall provide a Spanish translation to those candidates who wish to have one, and shall select a person to provide that translation from the list of approved Spanish language translators and interpreters of the superior court of the county or from an institution accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. (c) The local agency may estimate the total cost of printing, handling, translating, and mailing the candidate's statements filed pursuant to this section, including costs incurred as a result of complying with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended, and may require each candidate filing a statement to pay in advance to the local agency his or her estimated pro rata share as a condition of having his or her statement included in the voter's pamphlet. In the event the estimated payment is required, the receipt for the payment shall include a written notice that the estimate is just an approximation of the actual cost that varies from one election to another election and may be significantly more or less than the estimate, depending on the actual number of candidates filing statements. Accordingly, the clerk is not bound by the estimate and may, on a pro rata basis, bill the candidate for additional actual expense or refund any excess paid depending on the final actual cost. In the event of underpayment, the clerk may require the candidate to pay the balance of the cost incurred. In the event of overpayment, the clerk shall prorate the excess amount among the candidates and refund the excess amount paid within 30 days of the election. (d) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to make any such statement or the authors thereof free or exempt from any civil or criminal action or penalty because of any false, slanderous or libelous statements offered for printing or contained in the voter's pamphlet. (e) Before the nominating period opens, the local agency for that election shall determine whether a charge shall be levied against that candidate for the candidate's statement sent to each voter. This decision shall not be revoked or modified after the seventh day prior to the opening of the nominating period. A written statement of the regulations with respect to charges for handling, packaging, and mailing shall be provided to each candidate or his or her representative at the time he or she picks up the nomination papers. (f) For purposes of this section, and Section 10012.5, the board of supervisors shall be deemed the governing body of judicial elections. (Amended by Stats. 1992,c.408, 1.) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 BOARD MEETING OF June 2, 1994 NO. 11. ENGINEERING a. SUBJECT DATE May 26, 1994 SET JUNE 16, 1994, AT 3 P.M. AS THE DATE AND TIME FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REVISED RATES AND CHARGES FOR CLASS 1/11 INDUSTRIAL DISCHARGE PERMITS TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED .eY. Ilmothy Potter Supervising Source Control Inspector INITIATING DEPT./QJ.V.. . D / t:nglneenng epartment Plant Engineering Division ISSUE: The District's Source Control Section proposes to convert from a billable hours system to a base fee system for its Class 1/11 permitted significant industrial users (SIU) BACKGROUND: The District's current rates and charges program for permitted SIU customers recovers actual District costs for oversight of each facility. A significant portion of the cost is the time Source Control spends working with the individual facility (e.g., inspections, permitting, sampling, enforcement). This system requires Source Control staff to record their time by industry so that the appropriate permit fee can be charged. This system results in a wide range of permit fees being charged, largely because of varying levels of oversight needed at individual industries for a particular year. The total permit fees include Source Control staff time with overhead, a prorated share of general program administration, and District laboratory costs. It would be useful to be able to time-track Source Control activities (e.g., inspections, sampling, permitting, investigations), rather than the cumulative time spent on a particular industry. If the current permit fee system were maintained and an activity tracking system were initiated, the total number of accounts used by Source Control staff would become unmanageable. Staff proposes to convert from the current facility-specific fee to a base permit fee. The proposed permit fees for each facility for fiscal year 1994-95 are presented in Attachment J. The proposed base permit fee was calculated with a goal of being fair through the transition to a new system while maintaining a comparable revenue base. Laboratory costs incurred by the District are billed in addition to base permit fee since some variability exists between industries for this activity (e.g., more frequent samples, additional parameters). The permit fee for 15 of the permitted industries includes an adjustment that equals the District's staff cost for additional oversight activities during the 1993 calendar year. This adjustment results in the same permit fee being charged to these industries as would be charged under the e~isting permit fee system and is i,ncluded only for this transition year. Future Class 1/11 permit fees will not include this adjustment column, and significant additional oversight costs will be charged on a case-by-case basis separate from the permit fee. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATI G, ~T.lDIV. /l/J tv ~ TP BB WEB RAB 1302A-7/91 SET JUNE 16, 1994, AT 3 P.M. AS THE DATE AND TIME FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE REVISED RATES AND CHARGES FOR CLASS 1/11 INDUSTRIAL DISCHARGE PERMITS ..........................................-........................................ ...............................................................-................... flllllJllllllIER SUBJECT PAGE DATE 2 OF 3 May 26, 1994 The proposed base permit fee system for the District's Class 1/11 Industrial Users would be established as follows: Base Permit Fee $2,308 + laboratorv Cost Variable ($0 to $3,166) Additional Oversight + Cost (FY 94-95 Onlv) Variable ($592 to $4,684) FY 94-95 Industrial - Discharge Permit Fee Completing this transition will result in significant benefits to both the District and its permitted industries. These benefits include: . The permitted Class 1/11 SIU will be charged a base fee for future years, which will facilitate their budget processes. . In future years, Class 1111 SIU requiring an exceptional amount of oversight will be billed separately for District staff costs. This billing will occur only after advance notification by the Source Control Section. . The Source Control Section can track time spent on activities, rather than time spent on industries. . The time spent preparing the annual revenue projections will be reduced significantly. A workshop was held for the District's regulated SIU on May 25, 1994. A summary report of the workshop identifying the District's notification procedures, the facilities represented at the workshop, and the feedback the District received from industry representatives before and during the workshop will be included with the agenda for the June 16, 1994, public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Set June 16, 1994, at 3 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing on the proposed revisions to the District's rates and charges for the Class 1111 Industrial Discharge Permits. 1302B-7/91 ... W 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. 'if.. l!!. t-O 0 0 00 0 0 .- v 0 0 0 0 0 I"- .- V 0 0 0 0 0 10 00 0 00 v 0 0 '<t 0 '<t '<t CD 0 0 C\I 0 0 ~ I"- 0 0 0 0 0 I"- 10 m 0 0 0 0 0 ~ CO 0 C\I I"- 0 0 ~ 0 I' ~ ~ z z c:i c:i ~ ('tj c:i 9 c:i c:i c:i c:i c:i r-;: <<? ~ c:i 10 c:i c:i c:i .- ~ c:i C\i ~ c:i c:i .- c:i N .- 0 W W .- I I I 0 0: , 0: W W II.. D.. II.. i5 ~ ~8 It Q:I: ~ ~t- 5t a:w ~ D..:::E o ~~ ztu :::E ...It- ~:I:(I) o~t- -(1)(1) !:::a:o OWo 0> <cO > a: 00(1) (I)!cct- 00:(1) 000 omo :3 (I) W W II.. t- :i a: W D.. ...I <C a: t- (I) :J o ~ W W wlI.. 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SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF $50,000 FROM THE GENERAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT TO COMPLETE THE ACQUISITION OF CERTAIN EQUIPMENT INCLUDED IN THE 1993/94 EQUIPMENT BUDGET AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV Ba T. Than, Associate Engineer Collection System Operations ISSUE: The purchase of one equipment item that was included in the 1993/94 Equipment Budget can not be completed within the fiscal year. Board authorization is needed to allocate funds from the General Improvement Program Contingency Account in order to complete the purchase during 1994/95. BACKGROUND: The purchase of one dump truck, that was approved as part of the 1993/94 Equipment Budget, was not completed during the fiscal year due to delays in the equipment selection process and due to availability of suitable equipment. In the past years, timing was not a problem in purchasing this type of equipment; however, stock is smaller and production lead times are longer this year. No funds were spent out of 1993/94 Equipment Budget for this purchase. Funds for this work were not included in the 1994/95 Equipment Budget. The funds that are needed to complete the purchase ($50,000) must be reauthorized as an allocation from the General Improvement Program Contingency Account. The District will benefit by waiting until the 1995 model year due to the addition of a more suitable engine size to the list of available options. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the allocation of $50,000 from the General Improvement Program Contingency Account to complete the purchase of one dump truck that was originally included in the 1993/94 Equipment Budget. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT/DIV. c!3~vt:- ~ 1302A-9/85 BTT JAL Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 6 BOARD MEETING OF June 2, 1994 NO. 16. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, INC. FOR PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR DATE MAY 26, 1994 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AN AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The District's earnings on current investments could be maximized by using a portfolio manager. BACKGROUND: The District follows a very conservative investment policy. Currently, all monies are invested in Treasury Bills and Notes, and the Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF). Occasionally, commercial paper is purchased for very short term cash needs. Several years ago, investments in Certificates of Deposit in Savings and Loan Associations were suspended due to considerable risk in the savings and loan industry. The District's capital expenditures are projected to far exceed our revenues in the upcoming years. Several large projects have very significant cash needs. To guarantee cash flow, the Accounting Office often buys short-term vehicles (one and two-year treasuries) which are set up to mature on a monthly basis to meet contractor and other regular monthly payments, such as payroll. LAIF is also kept at the maximum allowed where possible, to accommodate short- term cash needs. With such large cash outlays, the potential to increase our returns through sophisticated money management should be considered. Public Financial Management, Inc. (PFM), a nineteen year old financial advisory firm, manages $7.8 billion in assets for public sector clients. Attachment I includes background information provided by the company. PFM currently services 130 clients nation-wide. Attachment II provides a partial list of clients currently using PFM for portfolio management. PFM could potentially increase returns on the District's investments by as much as one half percent which equates to approximately $125,000 net of fees based on an estimated portfolio of $25,000,000, using the same conservative investment policy that is currently followed. The following tools and strategies are utilized to maximize returns: . Selling Treasuries prior to maturity to short-term investors willing to pay a premium . Obtaining multiple market quotes from various brokers to secure the highest rate on an investment REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON 1302A-7/91 AUTHORIZE STAFF TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH PUBLIC FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT FOR PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT SERVICES FOR A PERIOD OF ONE YEAR SUBJECT PAGE DATE 2 OF 6 May 24, 1994 . Higher rates can be secured due to a large dollar volume being traded . Sophisticated market information tools which give minute by minute changes in financial data . Historical data which provides trend analyses for decision making purposes The portion of the District's investments to be managed by PFM would not exceed 50 percent of the projected portfolio balance at the end of one year. PFM charges 0.13 percent (13 basis points) of the assets under management. If the portfolio balance managed by PFM is set at $25,000,000, this fee would equate to $32,500. There is no fee charged for assets invested in LAIF. The company provides quarterly performance reports to assess their performance against predetermined, mutually agreed upon indicators. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to enter into an agreement with Public Financial Management, Inc. for Portfolio Management Services on a portion of the District's investments not to exceed 50 percent of the projected portfolio balance at the end of one year. 13028-7/91 ~ PuBl1c FlNANCIALMANAGEMENr, INc. l'irnmdal and Investment Advisors EJnIJamldero West Towl:r 275 BaIlBy Street, Suite 2140 San f'l3ndg:o. CA <M111 415-982-5544 (FlIXl415-982-4513 ATTACHMENT t Page 1 of 2 Pages May 21, 1994 FACSIMILE MEMORANDUM TO: Debbie Ratcliff FROM: Nancy Jones RE: Request for Information Collette called this morning and left a message that you would like some background infonnation about PFM. I hope the fonowing information is helpfuL PFM was founded in 1975 to provide capital facilities planning, financial advisory and investment advisory services to public agencies. We currently manage approximately $7.8 billion in assets for approximately 130 public sector clients. All of the fund~ we manage are public sector assets; these include operating, capital and reserve funds, and bond proceeds. We do not manage pension funds or corporate funds of any type. In addition to the 130 clients for whom we manage portfolios on a one by one basis, with securities purchased specifically to meet each client's cash and investment needs, we also manage several commingled st:ate-wide investment program~ such as (i) the Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust, the pooled investment program the state offers for local governments, much like California's Local Agency Investment Fund (LAIF) and (ii) the California Arbitrage Management Program, a statewide investment program for the investment and tracking of bond proceeds in compliance with the arbitrage rebate regulations. Separately managed. aCCOUJ;lts nmge in size from $250,000 to over $600 million and are primarily invested in secmities with maturities from one to five years. PFM is not a broker or dealer, whose mission and compensalion depend on selling securities. Our only role is to provide independent investment advisory services. We have 160 employees in 14 offices throughout the United States. The investment management division has twenty two professionals and six administrative employees. AdanIa Awdn BaIlfaD DrJna' RId ~ Han:IIIluIz tIOulIIIln l.aI ~ MmIphls ~ New vm: 0IIand0 PI1BIdeIpIIla Pcxdaad san I'GmdSm @ An Affiliale of Marine Micland Bank, N A Page 2 of 2 Pages PFM has two offices in California, one in San Francisco, the other in Newport Beach. Om San Francisco office is headquarters for PFM's Western U.S. investtnent management services and is staffed with professionals who have a wide range of analytical and investment skills. and extensive experience advi&ing public entities in California. Pt~ is an independently managed affiliate of Marine Midland Bank, one of the largest conunercial banks in the nation. Marine Midland is, in turn, owned by HSBC Holdings B. V., a pu blic1y held company that is one of the largest financial institutions in the world. However, Pl<"'M is operated by its management committee as an independent subsidiary of the bank. Under the terms of this relationship, PFM does not buy or sell securities from or to the Bank or any of its affiliates. While PFM's relationship with our parent allows us autonomy in running our affairs, it also gives PFM access to the market and the technical and financial resources of one of the world's largest financial organizations. PFM i<; registered as an investment advisor under the Investment Advisors Act of 194D, and under California law. Portfolio managers perfonn quantitative analysis ll..<;ing infonnation obtained from both Bloomberg Financial Markets and Telerate Systems, Inc. to which we subscribe. This analysis is used in portfolio structuring and to evaluate trading opportunities. These systems provide active market quotes as well as news from Dow Jones, the Associated Press, Bloomberg News and several Weciali7-ed wire services. In addition, we subscribe to the services of Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's Corporation to provide a basis for credit assessments of securities we purchase and we receive regular economic and company data from major banks, securities dealers and issuers. Because we only focus on the public sector we are extremely familiar with the California Government Code and have assisted many agencies who are investing in securities other than LAIF or County investment pools for the first time. We have assisted numerous California p\lbJic agencies in establishing investment objectives, writing investment policies, and assisting in the process of procuring a third-party custodian. Call me Monday morning if you need any additional information. ~ ~ ~ PUBUC FlNANCIALMANAGEMENT, INc. FlnanriaI and IRlleSln1ent Advisors J'.IIlban;adero West Towcr 21.5 Bactfty Srreet, SUite 2140 San I'mndlloo, CA 94 t t t 415-982-5544 (fax) 415-982 -4513 ATTACHMENT II Page 1 of 2 Pages May 23, 1994 FACSIMll.E MEMORAND'JM TO: Debbie Ratcliff FROM: Nancy Jones RE: Request for Information 1 received a message this morning that you would like a list of some of our clients. Since I wasn't sure if you were just interested in California public agencies, or our clients nationwide, I have provided the names of some of our clients within California and then added a sampling of our clients in other states. Representative List of California Clients Golden Gate Bridge City of Concord Contra Costa Transportation Authority Contra Costa County Municipal Risk Management Authority Contra Costa County Schools Insurance Authority City of Fairfield Golden Gate Bridge District City of Newport Beach Modesto City Schools San Joaquin County Council of Governments Uty of Roseville City of Brentwood Turlock hrigation District Northern California Connnunity Colleges Joint Powers Authority Santa Oara County Schools Insurance Group County of Nevada AtIaata AII&tin I!oIImL DcIMr Rm ~ IiIIDtlburg HDwloo Los ~ Maqtis Nil............ New yOl\. 0da8d0 I'tJiladelphiil Pol1laDd ~ l'IancilIln @ AnAfliliBlBo' Marine Uidland BlInk, N.}\' Page 2 of 2 Pages Repre.lIJentative List of California Public Agencies with PFM-Managed Accounts through the California Arbitrage Management Program Contra Costa County City of San Rafael City of San Mateo Transmission Agency of Northern California San Diego Association of Governments City of Redwood City City of Menlo Park Modesto Irrigation District City of Folsom City of Roseville County of Monterey City of Campbell Sacramento Regional Transit San Joaquin County Council of Governments Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority City of San Carlos City of Palm Springs Representative List of Clien1s Outside of California City of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Local Government Investment Trust Harrisburg Water and Sewer Authority, Pennsylvania North Penn Water Authority. Pennsylvania Newton-Wellesley Hospital, Massacbmetls City of Vrrginia Beach, Virginia Orange County Health Facilities Authority, Florida Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tennessee MBssachusetts Health & Educational Facilities Authority Cape Coral. Florida Cumberland County, Maine Buffalo General Hospital, New York Virginia Public School Authority Good Samaritan Health Systems, Florida School Boards of V olusia County. Florida Mercer County Improvement Authority. New Jersey Please call me if you would like any other information.