HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-03-94 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF March 3, 1994 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. SUBJECT DATE February 25, 1994 TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER A REQUEST FOR EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL OF FUNDS FROM THE DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLAN CONSIDER EMERGENCY WITHDRAWAL SUBMITTED BY Debbie Ratcliff, Controller INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for emergency withdrawal of funds from the Deferred Compensation Plan. BACKGROUND: Randy W. Covey, Maintenance Technician III, Mechanical, has requested an emergency withdrawal from the Deferred Compensation Plan based on extreme financial hardship caused by an extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstance arising from a property casualty loss. The Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee has reviewed the request and determined that it meets the requirements for emergency withdrawal in the amount of $10,000, after taxes. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the request by Randy W. Covey for an emergency withdrawal of $10,000, after taxes, from the Deferred Compensation Plan, as recommended by the Deferred Compensation Plan Advisory Committee. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~ jl4!;. 1302A-7/91 DR PM ROGER J. DOLAN ADS/A s.Paper#2/Emergwit.PP Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF March 3, 1994 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR b. SUBJECT DATE REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF REGISTRATION DIFFERENTIAL FOR February 22, 1 994 PAUL A. SCIUTO, ASSISTANT ENGINEER IN PLANT OPERATIONS TYPE OF ACTION DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL James L. Belcher, Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Plant Operations Department/Maintenance En ineerin Division SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: Payment of a registration differential requires approval by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: Paul Sciuto is an Assistant Engineer in the Plant Operations Department/Maintenance Engineering Section. This classification does not require registration as a professional engineer. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the District and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees' Local No.1, provides for the payment of a registration differential for employees who achieve registration or license as Professional Engineer, Land Surveyor, or Certified Public Accountant while employed by the District in a position not requiring such registration or license. Paul has provided evidence to his supervisor that he has passed the California Engineering Registration Examination and is now a registered Civil Engineer. Paul has demonstrated an ability to assist in the accomplishment of District activities requiring a professional level of skills and experience normally expected of a registered engineer. Paul was notified of his successful completion of registration requirements in a letter dated February 4, 1994. The current MOU states: "Upon review and concurrence by the Department Manager, the recommendation shall be forwarded to the General Manager-Chief Engineer for his approval. If approved by the General Manager-Chief Engineer, the matter shall be presented to the Board of Directors for consideration. The Board of Directors shall consider each recommendation of the merit increase, and, if granted, it shall become initially effective on the date that the employee makes written application to the Board indicating receipt of notification of the registration and/or license and will continue while that employee occupies a position not requiring such registration and/or license." Paul applied for professional registration differential through his supervisor and the Plant Operations Department Manager on February 7, 1994. RECOMMENDATION: Grant Paul Sciuto a 5 percent salary increase effective February 7, 1994, for professional registration differential provided for in the MOU. t> \ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION eRF ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR c. POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF AUTHORIZE THE ATTENDANCE OF RANDY SCHMIDT, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER, AT THE APRIL 24-27, 1994, WEF SPECIALTY CONFERENCE ON ODOR CONTROL AT JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA, AT A COST OF $1,450 DATE February 18, 1994 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE SUBMITTED BY INI1IATING DEPTJDIV. Lynne B. Putnam, Senior En ineer Department/Plannin Division ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Directors is required for travel outside of California, or if the expense will exceed $500. BACKGROUND: An odor control study for the Treatment Plant was completed by TRC Environmental Consultants in February of 1988. This study identified several potential odor sources including septage disposal, preaeration basins, primary sedimentation basins, Dissolved Air Flotation (OAF) thickeners, aeration basins, secondary clarifiers, and return sludge channels. Septage disposal was addressed by the construction of an interim septage handling facility in 1989. The new Headworks Facilities Expansion Project, which is currently under construction, will provide a new long-term septage disposal facility as well as odor control for the new influent diversion structure and the new headworks building. The Preaeration Tank Area Odor Control Project, also currently under construction, will provide odor control at the preaeration basins. The Odor Control Staging Project (DP 20143) was initiated in FY 92-93 to develop control methods for the remaining odor sources in a cost effective and timely manner. Randy Schmidt, Associate Engineer, is responsible for the Odor Control Staging Project. Attendance at the WEF Odor Control Specialty Conference will provide Mr. Schmidt with the tools necessary to address the remaining odor problems. These tools include the most up-to- date information available on odor control technology, odor quantification, and odor impact analysis, as well as an opportunity for exchange of current technical information with leaders in the odor control field. Equipped with the information from this conference, Mr. Schmidt and other District staff will be able to effectively assess and develop controls for the remaining treatment plant odor sources with minimal use of consultants. Funds are available in the Odor Control Staging Project (DP 20143) to. cover the cost of this conference. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Randy Schmidt, Associate Engineer for the Planning Division, at the April 24-27, 1994, WEF Specialty Conference on Odor Control in Jacksonville, Florida, at a total cost of $1,450. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION MB INITIATING DEPTJDIV. 1302A-7/9 LBP RAB . Central ~ontra Costa Sanitary LJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF March 3, 1994 NO. 5. BIDS AND AWARDS a. February 28, 1994 SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO N.E. CARLSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CSOD FACILITY RECONFIGURATION PROJECT, DP NO. 9023 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY Tom Godsey, Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: On February 2, 1994 sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Collection System Operations Department Facility Reconfiguration Project, District Project No. 9023. The Board of Directors must authorize award of contract or reject bids within 50 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: The District initiated a capital project to reconfigure the CSO Yard in 1990 in anticipation of the loss of approximately 1 acre (20% of the usable of corporation yard area) due solely to the CAl Trans 1680/24 Project. The District's project included the purchase of additional property and the design of replacement facilities including a Vehicle Maintenance Shop, bulk material storage hoppers, retaining walls, grading, paving, fencing, and landscaping. Negotiations are underway with CAl Trans regarding reimbursement of the District for its costs. CAl Trans has paid $798,000 as part of a negotiated settlement for the Right of Entry. The remaining amount of reimbursement will be established at a later date based on the total project cost less the cost of any betterment. The CSO Yard was an existing, non-conforming use, under the City of Walnut Creek's General Plan. The magnitude of the Reconfiguration Project, which is occasioned solely by the CAl Trans work, triggered the need for obtaining a General Plan Amendment and a Conditional land Use Permit. The planning and design work has been completed under the City of Walnut Creek Plan and Design Review processes adding both time and cost to the project. This Project was previously bid in May, 1993 and the lowest responsible bid was $1,695,000. The bids received exceeded the Engineer's Estimate and the Board of Directors rejected all bids on June 14, 1993 based on staff's recommendation. Staff subsequently reduced the project to the bare minimum requirements in order to substantially reduce the construction cost. Staff negotiated with the City of Walnut Creek to reduce the scope of its landscape mitigation requirement to further reduce the cost. A second set of plans and specifications for the project reflecting the reduced scope of work were prepared by GEZ Architects-Engineers and the project was advertised for bid on January 13 and 18, 1994. Six (6) bids ranging from $767,602 to $882,350 were received and opened on February 2, 1 994. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 1. The low bid is $767,602 or 9 percent over the Engineer's Estimate of $704,000. Staff has reviewed the Engineer's Estimate in light of the bids received and it believes that the Engineer's Estimate was understated. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A- 9;85 BTT vAL- JAl <B1'T SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO N.E. CARLSON CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE CSOD FACILITY RECONFIGURATION PROJECT, DP #9023 PAGE DATE 2 OF 5 February 28, 1994 CSOD staff conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids, and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is N.E. Carlson Construction, Inc. Staff recommends awarding the construction contract at this time. The total project budget is $3,388,000 as shown in the 1993/94 Capital Improvements Budget (pages GI-1 6 through GI-1 8). The Post-Bid Pre- Construction Cost Estimate for this project is $2,879,722 and is shown in Attachment 2. The estimated total project cost is about $500,000 less than the allocation listed in the Capital Improvement Budget. Prebid expenditures total $1,839,754. These expenditure include $1,342,722 to purchase additional property to offset the property taken by CAL Trans and $497,032 for planning and design. Planning and design included City of Walnut Creek review fees, design (original design and scaled back design were completed), support for negotiations with CAL Trans, certain move-in/early completion work, and other pre-bid activities. An allocation of $1,021,000 from the General Improvements Program is needed to complete the project. The current balance of the Sewer Construction Fund, minus unspent prior allocations plus projected dependable revenue, will be adequate to fund this project. A funding summary is presented in Attachment 3. Staff prepared a Negative Declaration, submitted it for public review, and received Board approval on January 21, 1993. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of the contract to N.E. Carlson Construction, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $767,602 for construction of the CSOD Facility Reconfiguration Project, District Project No. 9023. 1302B-9/85 a: W 1 2 3 4 5 6 -- ATTACHMENT 1 Page 3 of 5 Central ~ontra Costa Sanit~.:y District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO. 9023 CSOD Facility Reconfiguration LOCATION Walnut Creek, California BIDDER (Name, telephone & address) N.E. Carlson Construction (510 ) 516-0253 150 Middlefield Ct., Space F, Brentwood, CA Brava, Inc. (510 ) 736-9240 P. O. Box 2288, Danville, CA West Coast Contractors (707 ) 864-1352 4171 Suisun Valley Rd., Suisun, CA C. Overaa (510_~~~34=-~~~~ 200 Parr Bl~?, Richmond, CA Albay Construction (510 ) 228-5400 P. O. Box 2569, Martinez, CA RKH Contractors, Inc. 510 ) 462-1306 5729 Sonoma Dr., Ste. E, Pleasanton, CA ( ) - ------..- ~-- ---~- ( ) .'--'~ -- _~__ L. ) L _ _L_____________ PREPARED BY -t.-(. tL "" DATE February 2, 1994 ENGR. EST.sP 704,000 BID PRICE $-- 767,602 $- 781,193 $ 787,000 $ $ 799,000 858,000 $ 882,350. ~~--~- $--- $. $- $- $- $ ------ DATE s& . 2--\ I" t. 2503-9/84 SHEET NO. OF Page 4 of 5 Attachment 2 CSOD Facility Reconfiguration Project District Project No. 9023 Post Bid/Pre-Construction Cost Estimate Percent of Construction Descriotion IQ12l Contract Cost Contract Price $ 767,602 Contingency (18 Percent) 138.468 Subtotal $ 906,468 100.00 District Force Account Management/Administration 15,000 1.65 Inspection 31,000 3.42 Surveying 7,000 0.77 Legal 6.500 0.72 Subtotal 59,500 6.56 Miscellaneous Building Permit/City Inspection 45,000 4.96 Submittal Review 22,000 2.43 Testing 7.000 0.77 Subtotal 74,000 8.16 Prebid Expenditures Planning, Design, and other pre bid 497,032 54.83 Activities Purchase of Property 1.342.722 Subtotal 1,839,754 Total Project Cost $ 2,879,722 Funds Previously Authorized ( 1.858.722) Total Funds Required to Complete Project $ 1,021,000 ATTACHMENT 3 PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD 02/09/94 THROUGH 03/11/94 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE AS OF 01/31/94 $59,570,263 MINUS UNSPENT PRIOR ALLOCATIONS (60,558,396) PLUS DEPENDABLE CURRENT YEAR REVENUE (2/94 THROUGH 6/94) 7,019,743 PLUS DEPENDABLE FUTURE REVENUE (7/94 THROUGH 8/94) 1 ,918,817 $7,950,427 $7,950,427 > I $1,021,000 I (ALLOCATION REQUIRED) Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF March 3, 1994 NO. 6. ADMINISTRATIVE a. AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL CONSULTING SERVICES AGREEMENT wrrH THE LINDSAY MUSEUM FOR ASSISTANCE WITH PROVIDING A PUBLIC EDUCATION PROGRAM DATE Februar 28 1994 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMR1fR'trubbs, Public Information and Graphic Coordinator INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Ad m i n istrative/Gra phics ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a professional consulting services (PCS) agreement for operation maintenance budget services greater than $25,000. . BACKGROUND: A toxicity identification evaluation indicates that organophosphorus (OP) pesticides such as diazinon are the primary cause of acute toxicity to ceriodaphnia in our effluent. The Regional Water Quality Control Board has required that the District develop a program to eliminate this toxicity. In November 1993, staff finalized a pollution prevention program. This program included a research effort that showed that OPs were entering the sewer from flea shampoos, commercial pesticide applicators, home and garden use, and that there was no one major source that could be identified. Staff is now recommending an education program to inform the public about the dangers of inappropriate disposal of OP pesticides and to encourage alternative control methods. The city of Greenville, Texas, implemented a similar program and essentially eliminated toxicity due to diazinon. To assist the District in this effort, staff proposes to retain the Lindsay Museum to coordinate a major part of the education effort. This will involve production of a point-of-sale flyer, public service announcement, billboard advertisement, a workshop, and a garden tour. The Lindsay Museum has already begun work on a storm water pollution prevention campaign dealing with non-point sources of pesticides. Thus, this will be a natural extension of their ongoing effort. The Lindsay Museum's experience, contacts, and local visibility will be a tremendous asset to the program. District staff will be directly involved in the planning, approval, and implementation phases of the program. We hope to have the plan implemented in Mayor June. Funding for the program was included in the Administrative Department's 1993-94 O&M Budget and no additional funding is needed. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a PCS agreement with Lindsay Museum for public education services not to exceed $66,000. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ ? #1, KG PM ~ Centra~ ~~~~~ g~~~R~~~ba~~ oJistrict PAGE 1 OF 3 March 3 1994 NO. 7. ENGINEERING a. POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE February 22, 1994 ADOPT JOINT RESOLUTION SUPPORTING ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS WITHIN THE CITY OF MARTINEZ TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION JSUBMII.TEQ t3YC ay :So MC oy, Infrastructure Division Manager INITIaTING DEPT.jDIV. D I ~nglneenng epartment Infrastructure Department ISSUE: A need exists to have the governing bodies of the District and Martinez adopt a program to acquire easements in accordance with the agreement between the District and Martinez entered into in 1967. Discussions between the two agencies over many years have not resulted in transfer of many of the needed easements. The District requires the easement to maintain and repair the collection system. BACKGROUND: Members of the Board and staff of the District and the Council and staff of Martinez met in 1993 to discuss the acquisition of missing easements in the City of Martinez. The outcome of that meeting was the outlining of a proposed program to acquire needed easement rights. The key elements of the proposed program are: . Martinez will pay for the costs of acquiring the easements including reimbursement for District staff time. . Acquisition of easements is proposed for completion in seven years. · The Martinez City Council and the District Board of Directors will adopt Joint Resolution supporting the easement acquisition program. . The District will prepare Grants of Easements. . The District and Martinez will contact owners and offer them a nominal payment to sign Grants of Easements. · The District will file an Easement Declaration for those properties whose owners do not sign Grants of Easements. . The District will file a quiet title action five years after the Easement Declarations are filed. One of the early elements of the program is the adoption of a Joint Resolution. A draft resolution was prepared by District staff and has been adopted by the City Council. The resolution references the original 1 967 Martinez agreement and the obligation of Martinez to acquire easements. The agreement states that the District and Martinez support the easement acquisition program, commit personnel to participate in the acquisition of easements and cooperate towards the successful completion of the program. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a joint resolution supporting the acquisition of easements in Martinez. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB C:\WP51 \PP\MARTINEZ.ACQ .~ RESOLUTION NO. 1-94 JOINT RESOLUTION BY THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AND THE CITY MARTINEZ SUPPORTING THE ACQUISITION OF EASEMENTS IN THE CITY OF MARTINEZ WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) and the City of Martinez (city) entered into an agreement on September 13, 1967; and WHEREAS, in one of the conditions of the agreement the City warrants that sufficient easements necessary to operate and maintain the entire Martinez Sewer system will be transferred by the City and, in the event that it later appears, the City did not possess all such necessary easements, the same will be acquired by District but at the cost of the said City and thereafter retained by District without cost to said District; and WHEREAS, there are certain easements which the city did not possess when the sewer system was transferred; and WHEREAS, these easements are needed by the District to adequately operate and maintain the portion of the existing sewer system which is located within these easement areas; and WHEREAS, a program has been developed to acquire these easements within seven years; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Martinez and the Board of Directors of the District support the easement acquisition program, commit personnel to participate in the acquisition of easements and will mutually cooperate towards the successful completion of the program. * * * * * * * * * I HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly adopted by the city Council of the City of Martinez at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 10th day of January, 1994, by the following vote: AYES: Councilmembers Burt, Vice Mayor Farley and Mayor Menesini NOES: None ABSENT: Councilmembers Frazer and Woodburn GUS S. KRAMER~ city Clerk By: t/L~ ~lm Caroompas Deputy City Clerk '. ., PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors on the day of 1994, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa sanitary District, County of Contra Costa State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Alm, District Counsel MR:mc/EASE.RES