HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-18-94 ~ Centra. Contra Costa Sanitary ")istrict ~4~"1k BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF Januar 18, 1994 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR b. DATE January 6, 1994 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 94-1 (LAFAYETTE AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Division Parcel No. Area Owner/Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 94-1 Lafayette 46B6 Cynthia & Sumner Seibert 3530 Springhill Road Lafayette CA 94549 231-070-003 (0.56 AC) Existing house with a failing septic system; must connect to the public sewer system. Project is exempt from CEOA. CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 94-1 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JSM RAB INIT'IA TING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 Ji( DH )II/! ~ S ~4~'26'c \MMMWiWjJtW$~ $f :::~::~ ::::::::: :}{f :::::::: :.:.:.;.: ::!:::::: ::::!::: :.;.:.:.: @ 1171 BORST R 477 5675 O. . 'JfiWlttfitf:~:}:{{:::~::':'::";::;::;:;::;{::;:;:;:;:;:::@::;;::;:;::::;;::::::::::::::;;::<::::::::::::::::.:::.. 64-10 1979 ROAD @ 1"8 PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 94-1 ~ ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary aJistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 18, 1994 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR c. DATE December 27, 1993 SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE NO DIG UPSIZING PROJECT (DP 9558) AND AUTHORIZE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY Tom Godsey . En in er INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Collection S ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the No Dig Upsizing Project (DP 9558) and the work is ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The No Dig Upsizing Project consisted of installing approximately 7460 linear feet of 8-inch sewer main, 340 linear feet of 12-inch main, and other related facilities at 16 sites (see Attachment 1 for locations). Additional information is shown on pages CS-57 through 59 of the 1992/93 Capital Improvement Budget. On March 18, 1993 the Board authorized the award of a $673,380 contract to D' Arcy and Harty Construction. Notice to Proceed was issued on May 18, 1993. The contract was essentially completed on November 24, 1993. The total budget for the project, including engineering design, consultant services, District forces, and testing services, is $1,002,000. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for construction of the No Dig Upsizing Project (DP 9558) and authorize filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON 1302A-9/85 TG BTT JAL 8TT \fAt- ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 2 , /~----.~.... "- - "- /l \ ~ \ "-j- I " , J ~----.\ \0' \0/ '0 '\':>0 \ \ \ \ \ /U) iL> /, . ",ii', ~ MARTINEZ \ "- ....--~ ~ c' i, __ /:. ~ " . ' - - ----- ", ~ "-, '\'- ," '-- ~ i '~ ;~' :.J ri L) V .. Cj"~-_ oYc'-::::--" ' 0."---""",, /', c..', ~-........../ .'. ~, u/ 0~' ,?r-'~ \ "0; -:-~~, '\ r--.--./ " '-' / ,/- . --------- .:-' ~,. '-.~.:..) ,0 ' . ---- \,""-'- '\ \ I~i , Ort f; \\0 1<:;J - \~ '~ ,I.U '-~ .?o: , .. MORAGA (9. " U,z' "'-..:/--:'- "'( ~~~ '" \ i I W ALN ut LREEK . Sf '-........ ( \ vane ---; 0//., i .. . t:"'~. 0 I ~ . '\i'] t--.__ ',_ .1-:'!' '. .,.... -----(.: -,-".- ". _.;J..:..~ \, (--,. , . ; \ ",~' " \ #}.~. '..... - t."). '" OAKLAND ~~~;~ " ~~ ~'~~ i /~\ . ~ \ \[,,17.! . PROJECT LOCATIONS -\, , i / ( I i \ : 1, I \ (,. ':-"1 ( } \ , .#'j \.." \ .~. (:. .\ I ~ '. ~ J : /\ I I ~~ I I I -~l I \ I '- '-----./ I \ " \', , AREA MAP 0\ I / -- - ~ - _. / /~ Y' NO DIG, UPSIZING DP X955B ( / ) I Central Contr'o Costa Soni,tor y Ois tric t. PROJECT 1 . "0,. ....:". .'f.: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 .JS.QI.IIIII......mA.ell.a. BOARD MEETING OF January 18, 1994 NO. 3. DATE CONSENT CALENDAR d. January 12, 1994 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE ATTENDANCE OF RONALD KLIMCZAK, SENIOR ENGINEER, AT THE COURSE "CONCRETE PROBLEMS: INVESTIGATIVE TECHNIQUES, CAUSES, AND SOLUTIONS" IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, AT A TOTAL COST OF $1,200 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE A TTENDANCE AUTHORIZE OUT OF STATE TRAVEL SUBMITTED BY William E. Brennan INITIATING DEPT JDIV. Plant Engineering Division Manager ngtneenng epar Plant Engineering Div. ISSUES: Approval by the Board of Directors is required for unbudgeted travel if the expense will exceed $500 or if the travel is out of state. BACKGROUND: Ronald S. Klimczak, Senior Engineer, is responsible for the construction management of multiple District projects at the treatment plant and the pumping stations. As such, he has responsibility for the quality of the construction which normally includes substantial amounts of reinforced concrete. This course is approved by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) as part of the continuing education program of the ASCE. This will benefit the District by updating Mr. Klimczak in the current testing techniques, problem evaluation, and methods of repair for concrete. It will be held from February 28 to March 2, 1994, under the sponsorship of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Its existence and location were unknown at the time of the preparation of this year's technical training, conferences, and meeting budget. Funds are available for this course due to savings in other portions of the Plant Engineering Division's technical training, conferences, and meetings budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Ronald S. Klimczak, Senior Engineer, atthe course, "Concrete Problems: Investigative Techniques, Causes, and Solutions," to be held in Las Vegas, Nevada, at a total cost of $1,200. w REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION WEB RAB INITIATING DEPTlDIV. 1302A-7/91 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 Januar 18, 1994 NO. 5. BIDS AND AWARDS a. POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO KEN GRADY COMPANY, INC. TO FURNISH THREE MAGNETIC FLOWMETERS FOR METERING OF WASTEWATER FLOWS AT MALTBY PUMPING STATION n r 12 1994 TYPE OF ACTION Authorize Award SUBMIT;r.EiD BY. At. \,nen rs ani Principal Buyer INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. Administrative/Purchasing ISSUE: On December 28, 1993, sealed bids were received and publicly opened for the purchase of three magnetic flowmeters for the M-2 Force main Parallel Project, District Project No. 4610. The Board must authorize award of the purchase order or reject bids within 60 days of the bid opening date. BACKGROUND: Metering of wastewater flows from the city of Martinez was initially included in the Headworks Facilities Improvement Project, DP 7069 (20069). Due to construction constraints, it was determined that the flow metering facilities would be more appropriately installed under a future project. After reviewing alternative flow metering options, the best alternative is to provide flow meters in the pump discharge piping at the Maltby Pumping Station. As such, the meters are being purchased and installed as a part of the M-2 Parallel Force Main Project (DP 4610). Engineering and Purchasing developed the technical specifications and the Formal Bid Request for the purchase of three magnetic flowmeters. The Bid Request was publicly advertised on December 16 and 21, 1 993. A summary of bids is presented in Attachment 1. Two bids were received, as follows: Ken Grady Company, Inc. Frank Olsen Company $14,689.00 $18,231.46 Sparling Model 655 ABB Kent-Taylor Magmaster Engineering and Purchasing staff have conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Ken Grady Company, Inc. with a bid price of $14,689. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of the purchase order to Ken Grady Company, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $14,689 to furnish three magnetic flowmeters for metering of wastewater flows at Maltby Pumping Station. COMMENDED FOR BOARD AcnON 1302A-7191 ~. ..-t :;; I- : : z: LLJ - ::E: :c u ex: l- I- N ex: ~ : N . m : 2 :;:) t:i z ~ w ~ . . : o u r -6 (V") OJ rU 0"\ +J S- 0_ OJ ~ +J CX) E rU N 3: c>_ o OJON r- :::.:: z: ..-t 4- U c OJ Vl +J OJ r- C a C'l rU E . 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