HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 12-02-93 ~ Central ~~~~~ g~~~R~~~~R1 Jistrict PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. December 2 1993 4. CONSENT CALENDAR DATE November 18, 1993 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 93-18 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Division Parcel No. Area Owner I Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 93-1 8 Alamo William & Sara Hoskins 201 Hemme Avenue Alamo, CA 94507 198-140-003 (0.50 Ac.) Existing house - must connect to sewer before an addition to the house can be built. Project is exempt from CEOA. CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 93-18 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RAB 1302A-9/85 DH Jill! JSM f);Jp INITIATING DEPT/DIV. ~ o i L4.~.,....:......,..: PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A.93-18 ~ Centra. ~ontra Costa Sanitary Jistrict Ma~.lk BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 0 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEEB~1:~tnber 2, 1993 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR k. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO FILE A NOTICE OF CESSATION ON THE 1680/SR24 SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT, PHASE iliA, DISTRICT PROJECT 4782 DATE November 24, 1993 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FILING NOTlCE OF CESSATlON SUBMITTED BY Kris Kilgore Associate Engineer INITIATING ~ngiAeering Department Infrastructure Division ISSUE: Construction on the 1680/SR24 Sewer Relocation Project, Phase iliA, must be temporarily ceased and a Notice of Cessation should be filed. BACKGROUND: Phase iliA of the 1680/SR24 Sewer Relocation Project (DP 4782) includes a sewer alignment through the properties for the Saint Vincent de Paul Thrift Store and the Cole Supply Co. building on North Main Street (refer to Figure A). As agreed with CalTrans, this Project was bid assuming that the two buildings would be demolished before sewer construction was to occur because CalTrans was confident that the properties could be acquired and the structures demolished before the sewer construction through these properties began. However, unexpected complications in negotiations with the property owners are preventing CalTrans from demolishing the buildings until mid-1 994 at the earliest. In order to complete the installation of the sewers in the vicinity of the two buildings, temporary bypass Sewers from the new sewer to an existing trunk sewer in North Main Street were installed. CalTrans has agreed to reimburse the District for the extra cost for the temporary bypass sewers. District staff subsequently reviewed several options for constructing the permanent sewer through the site when it is made available. After reviewing the various options with CalTrans, CalTrans determined that the appropriate action is to issue a change order to the Contractor to return to the site when the site is made available to complete the work. CalTrans has agreed to reimburse the District for the extra cost associated with this change order. The approximate cost of the change order is $30,000. All project work except for the area occupied by the two buildings has been completed. Because it may be up to one year before the Contractor can return to the site to do this change order work and the District is planning to release the retention that has been REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9!85 KK HT JSM RAB KLA 1/11 In(} SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO FILE A NOTICE OF CESSATION ON THE 1680/SR24 SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT, PHASE iliA, DISTRICT PROJECT 4782 PAGE DATE 2 OF 3 November 24, 1993 withheld from the Contractor's progress payments, it is appropriate to file a Notice of Cessation at the County Recorder to inform the subcontractors and suppliers of the start of the period when stop notices can be filed. The District will be required to release the Contractor's retention 30 days after the filing of this notice, less any stop notices that may be filed by subcontractors and suppliers. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the filing of a Notice of Cessation with the County Recorder. 130:>8 q,Wl ", . .. ~ \~a.u>ONe'J) EXIST. 33" RCP BYPASS TO BE \, I ABANDONED N 1 I ~ I , , LINE" B , I' , . , , , I I, , I I, , Cf.l I I, , HOOKSTON RD Cf.l I II , g 1 I L I I I I , -- I I I I I .... I EXIST. 33" RCP ~I I j USED AS BYPASS I TO BE ABANDONED ~ I I J:1 I ." ~ ~ I 0 a::: BUILDINGS TO BE Z u.. DEMOUSHED I 0 <<Xl '? COLE I SUPPLY 1 ! I A~t:>otJeD EXIST. 33" RCP BYPASS TO BE ABANDONED c g ASTRID DR ~ '" '" ... " '" 1 FIGURE A ~ '" ... WI o ~ .. WI ~ o 150 300 I FEET Central Contra Costa ~ Sanitary District 1-680 SR24/SEWER RELOC. PHASE III 30" DIAM SEWER CONSTRUCTION COMPLETION A ..., '" '" I -' =l I .., o Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF December 2, 1993 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. SUBJECT DATE November 15, 1993 DIRECT STAFF TO SECURE THE SERVICES OF AN ARBITRATOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROPRIATE DISCIPLINARY APPEAL PROCEDURES TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative ISSUE: In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) between the District and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees' Union, Local No. One, the Board shall employ an arbitrator to render a recommendation when disciplinary actions are appealed to the Board level. BACKGROUND: Collection System Operations Department Manager John Larson has recommended a five-day suspension of Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic Ron Freitas for violation of the M.O.U. between the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and the Employees' Association, Public Employees' Union, Local No.1, Article 11\, Section 3.2.B.1 Discourteous Treatment of a Fellow Employee; B.7 Violation of any lawful or reasonable regulation or order made and given by the employee's supervisor; and B.11, Misconduct. Pursuant to a letter received from the Union on Mr. Freitas' behalf (see attached), the Union is requesting that the Board direct staff to secure the services of an arbitrator. Details of this matter have been provided to the Board previously. In matters that are appealed to the Board, the M.O.U. reads as follows: A. "An employee,...may appeal the Hearing Officer's decision by appealing to the Board via filing a written request for hearing with the Secretary of the District within five (5) working days of receipt of the Hearing Officer's decision. The Secretary shall calendar the matter at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting in keeping with established guidelines for calendaring an agenda item." B. "The Board shall employ a neutral third party to hear the appeal and to recommend action to the Board." C. "The Board may adopt, reject, or modify the recommendation of the Board-appointed neutral third party. The decision of the Board is the final action of the District." RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to secure the services of an arbitrator in accordance with the appeal procedures for suspension of employees in the matter of Vehicle & Equipment Mechanic Ron Freitas. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION PUBLIC EMPLOYEES UNION, LOCAL ONE Local #1 Richmond Office: 3065 Richmond Parkway, Suite 101, Richmond, CA 94806 Phone (510) 222-5012 . Fax (510) 222-8858 '~.}.3-'" Ud[JG~\;~ll ~'.';-.r _. I'~~. ~,.!),~ ~ :~ :<) November 4, 1993 c: :"") ADMIN!- 'r';_, \''''C i Mr. Paul Morsen , Deputy General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553-4392 Dear Mr. Morsen: Local One is in receipt of your decision concerning the 5 day suspension of Mr. Ron Freitas. Please be advised that pursuant to the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding, Local One, on behalf of Mr. Freitas, wishes to elevate the disciplinary appeal to the arbitration level. The decision rendered in this case at your level is unacceptable. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated. Sincerely, d-o-cr tU~t'i... cr "'-, , / JL.. Scott Wildman Business Agent PUBLIC EMPLOYEES UNION, LOCAL ONE cc: Ron Freitas Richard Boylan Al Cambron PAGE OF 4 NO. 5. HEARINGS a. DATE CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND DISTRICT CODE TITLES 6 AND 9 REGARDING FEES, CHARGES, AND REBATE SEWER LINES TYPE OF ACTION CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING & ADOPT ORDINANCE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIY. Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Principal Engineer Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: Staff has recommended several changes to the District Code provisions for Facilities Capacity Fees, Annexation Charges, Rebate Sewer lines, and Sewer Service Charges. The code requires that a public hearing be held prior to the Board of Directors' consideration of an ordinance to enact such amendments. BACKGROUND: Staff has studied several possible changes to the Capital Improvement Fee System. From these studies staff has concluded that several changes to the system would be appropriate. A summary of the proposal is presented in Attachment 1. These proposed changes were discussed at the November 2, 1993, meeting of the Board of Directors' Finance Committee, and at the Board's regular meeting on November 4, 1993. A draft ordinance to enact the proposed changes to Titles 6 and 9 has been prepared by staff and District Counsel and has been provided to the Board separately. Four informal public workshops were conducted by staff to receive input and answer questions from representatives of the building and commercial development industries, chambers of commerce, city officials, and other interested parties. A summary of comments received will be a part of the staff presentation. A public hearing to receive comments on the proposed code amendments has been scheduled and properly noticed for December 2, 1993, at 3 p.m. The Staff Report on Proposed Changes to the Capital Improvement Fee System, and the 1993 Capital Improvement Plan were available for public review, as required. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a public hearing to receive comments on the proposed revisions to Titles 6 and 9 of the District Code. Adopt the proposed ordinance enacting the code revisions, to be effective February 2, 1994, 60 days following adoption of the ordinance. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION JMM RAB KLA INITIATING DEPT"V Mp KIiJ- 1302A-7i91 __~. ___._________.,__._.__________...._.______.'.___._.__...___.__.________'._m..___..__________.._.____.,..._._._.~__..__.___._"___._.........~.._".," "..._._....__.__._.___"..h _,__ Page 2 of 4 ATTACHMENT 1 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEE SYSTEM . Existina Assets: Institute an "Existing Assets Component" for buying-in to the current capital assets of the District. If implemented, future Capital Improvement Fees would include both the proposed "Existing Assets Component" and a "Future Facilities Component" for financing the portion of planned facilities expansion needed to serve new customers. This method would replace the current approach of charging for the cost of adding an increment of new capacity without considering the cost of constructing the existing facilities (see Attachment 2). . Deferred Payment Qotion: Establish an optional deferred payment program in lieu of up-front, lump-sum Capital Improvement Fees for some nonresidential customers. Affected by this program would be future customers (such as restaurants, bakeries, and laundromats) whose flow, on a gallons-per-square-foot basis, and/or strength exceeds that of other customers, such as retail stores and business offices. The program would require a lower Capital Improvement Fee "Initial Payment" prior to issuance of a building permit, and subsequent payment of an annual "Capacity Use Charge" in proportion to actual wastewater discharge for 15 years. As an example, for restaurants participating in the program, the "Initial Payment" would be about 30 percent of the fees which would otherwise be applied. The annual charges for this restaurant would be about 80 percent more than would be charged if it did not participate in the program. This program would replace the current fee system which requires full payment of higher Capital Improvement Fees prior to initiation of flow from new or expanded businesses. At its option, a business eligible for the program could choose to make full payment of the higher fees up- front. The program is presented graphically in Attachment 3. The proposed "Initial Payment" rate is $3 per square foot. . Temoorary Customers: Require "temporary customers" served under Special Discharge Permits to pay a Capacity Use Charge in proportion to their actual wastewater discharge. . Time for Payment of Fees: Change the time for payment of applicable Capital Improvement Fees to the time when the District receives an application for new or expanded wastewater utility service, prior to the issuance of a building permit for new construction, remodeling, or tenant improvements. . Prooosed Fees Fee Current Amount Proposed Amount Change Facilities Capacity $1,958/RUE* $2,572/RUE 31 % Pumped Zone Capacity $ 278/RUE $ 348/RUE 25% * A Residential Unit Equivalent (RUE) is a measure of sewage volume and strength equivalent to a typical residential household. en w w U. t- 2 w :E N W I- > Z w :E 0 J: 0 a: <C l- I- e.. <C :E - ...J <t t- - e.. <t 0 Page 3 of 4 ~J r-- It) -. N 0- . . . . l- I- 2 (/)~2 ~ w 2(/)2 w!!!20e: i=1-0 en a:I-OCO (W) (/)wD.. 00 :)::;jD..W(W) 00 -(/):E (W) ~O~~Ol ~ ><(/)0 .. .. ~ u.<C en ~ ~<CO <0- : u.om~ <0- CO It) en -. ~ 0- (/)2 WOD.. w- - a:!:::CO ... :)::!wen 1-0(/)00 :)<c<Cen u.u.m~ I I I o o o (V) -0 o o o ~ -0 o o o N -0 S33:1 J.N3W3^OHdWI 'V J.ldV:l Q w en o 0.. o a: 0.. I- Z w a: a: ::) o o -0 M .... Z w ~ J: U <t .... .... <t z o - t- U W ..J ..J o U w W LL W CJ) ::J > t: u <t c.. <t u ..J <t - t- Z w C - CJ) w a:: Z o z a:: o LL t- a:: <t J: U ~ o ..J LL ..Jew') <(0 i=1-"": Z<(LL . .... ....I-d , offiCI) W:iEa: ::j>W 0 O<(Q. W 00. > ..J ~W - e" ,.... 0.a::iE <(<(<( 0:J:a: WOe" 0 0WO OCl)a: Z O::>D.. :I: 0 I~ 0 W > , a:W (W') 00 0 LL - Z ,.... z> ~<(....: ....0 offi LL:I:LL 0 OW i=0 -:> W.... . Z WW ct> :I:a:d - ..JLL ....W0 " ..J..J 0.... O..J -- 0"" a: ..J ..J 0::> Q.- _<(W LL Q..... wo. <(::> a: e" Page 4 of 4 >0 !=a: 0<( ctW a.> <(It) 0.... ..Ja: .:> <(0 ::>LL Zw Ze" <(a: ....<( O:I: wO ::jW 00 0::> Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 12 December 2, 1993 NO. 7. SOLID WASTE a. BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE RECEIVE STAFF ANALYSES OF REFUSE COLLECTION RATE APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. AT. A BOARD WORKSHOP TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE REFUSE COLLECTION RATE ANALYSES SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. have submitted applications for rate increases effective January 1, 1 994. The rate applications and analyses by Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson will be reviewed at a Board workshop on December 2, 1993, and will be the subject of public hearings on December 16, 1993. BACKGROUND: Applications for rate increases effective January 1, 1994 have been submitted by two of the three franchised refuse collectors. Valley Waste Management has submitted an application for a 16.50 percent rate increase in its service area, excluding the City of Lafayette, and a 12.19 percent rate increase in the City of Lafayette. Pleasant Hill Bayshore Disposal, Inc. did not submit a rate application. Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. has submitted an application for a 4.2 percent rate decrease. The District requested that they implement a green waste program. Four program options were considered, and the Board approved the implementation of the drop-off center option, which was the least expensive option. Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. calculated this option to be a 2.3 percent increase in costs, which would net to a 1.9 percent overall decrease. However, Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson reviewed the calculation and found that no increase was needed to implement the green waste program, since the estimated incremental cost of the drop-off center is only $2,000 per year. Both rate applications have previously been distributed to the Board of Directors. The analyses by Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson are being distributed with the Board packet. Copies of these documents have also been provided to the affected cities of Orinda and Lafayette and towns of Danville and Moraga, with requests that City and Town Council comments be provided for the Board's consideration at the December 16, 1993 public hearing. The documentation for this rate-setting decision is being presented in this Position Paper and analyses. The Position Paper contains an overview of the rate-setting procedure. The analyses of the rate applications filed by the two refuse collectors and the specific rate-setting decisions and recommendations are contained in two separately bound documents. Attachment II provides a schedule of current rates, requested rates, and recommended rates based on the analyses. Based on the detailed analyses completed by Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson, the revised rate increase for Valley Waste Management, excluding the City of Lafayette, is 14.59 percent, RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON INITIATI,NG DEPT.lDIV. L//~~ 1302A-7/91 RECEIVE STAFF ANALYSES OF REFUSE COLLECTION RATE APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. AT A BOARD WORKSHOP SUBJECT PAGE DATE 2 OF 12 November 29, 1993 12.25 percent increase for Lafayette, and a 10.73 percent decrease for Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. (See Attachment I.) RATE-SETTING PROCEDURE The rate-setting procedure is based on the method of calculating the increase in refuse collection rates, which was approved during the 1990-1991 rate-setting process, and includes the following components: Profit Calculation Because of the limitations inherent in the use of the Operating Ratio method of determining allowable profit, a new method was implemented during the 1990-1991 rate-setting process. Under the new method, the refuse collector's profit before taxes, and after subtracting the Capital Use Charge, for the last six years was analyzed. The profit figures for the six years were adjusted by the Consumer Price Index to current values, and a profit per customer per year was determined. An arithmetic mean of the profit per customer for four years, after rejecting the high and low years, was used to compute the allowable profit; the initial profit per customer so determined was $11.87. The initial profit per customer is then incremented by the Consumer Price Index for succeeding rate-setting periods. Modification Factors The net profit per customer may be modified by the Board of Directors using two indices which consider quality of service and cost of service. Caoital Use Charae An amount was included in the collection rates for the use of capital. This amount was calculated by multiplying the interest rate times the depreciated value of the refuse collector's Net Tangible Fixed Assets (NTFA). The NTFA is computed on the basis of the original acquisition cost to avoid write-ups in values resulting from changes in franchise ownership being passed on to the rate-paying public. The average yield of High Quality 10 Year Corporate Bonds was used as the interest rate. Exoense Adiustments Since expenses are passed-through directly under both the previous and the new rate- setting methodology, Board guidance is used in determining certain expenses which are 1302B-7/91 .._--_._--~.._-_.._---,--~...,---,---_._----~---_..._-,--_..--~----_._-_._----_._-_._,._--_..._._-~..__.. .__._~_._..,--_.__.._-_._--- RECEIVE STAFF ANALYSES OF REFUSE COLLECTION RATE APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. AT A BOARD WORKSHOP SUBJECT PAGE DATE 3 OF 12 November 29, 1993 appropriate for inclusion in the rate analysis. The Board may want to consider certain claimed expense components of each rate application, which have been identified in the analysis. Revenue and Ex Dense Balancina Account Given the uncertainties inherent in operating a business in as volatile a field as solid waste, extreme precision in the franchisees' ability to operate exactly on budget cannot be expected. In past years, budgetary surpluses have been retained by the franchisees. The earlier rate-setting approach did not provide any incentive for cost cutting. It was the position of the District that it was appropriate to permit the franchisees to keep the results of cost efficiencies during any given rate year as a way of encouraging the franchisee to be more efficient. Under the new approach, effective cost cutting will result in increased profits. Also, tight budgeting can be expected to result in occasional revenue shortfall which should be passed along to the ratepayer as long as the costs were legitimately incurred in the course of a well-managed business. For these reasons, a Revenue and Expense Balancing Account was adopted during the 1990-1991 rate-setting process. In the cours~ of the current rate-setting procedure, the following common issues will be considered: DisDosal Ex Dense The current fee at Acme Interim Transfer Station is $75.97 per ton. Valley Waste Management currently disposes of its waste at the Acme Transfer Station. Orinda- Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. disposes of its waste at the West Contra Costa Landfill at a rate of $62.77 per ton. These rates could change in the January time frame; however, since there has been no official announcement to revise fees, no adjustment was made to projected disposal expense. The Board has historically considered an interim rate adjustment to accommodate upward or downward adjustment of disposal rates. Teamster Contract The labor agreements for drivers and helpers with Teamsters Local 315 will expire on December 31, 1993. Both companies are currently negotiating a new union labor agreement. Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson is recommending inclusion of a two percent increase to wages and a five percent increase to benefits in the rate calculation. 1302B-7/91 - ._,..__._~---------~._._-_...._._-_.._,-_..,._._~---.--_. .--,.~---_._._-_..~,_._~.._._-"--~---""'-'--'---'-'-._,-_._~,',"'--- RECEIVE STAFF ANALYSES OF REFUSE COLLECTION RATE APPLICATIONS SUBMITTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. AT A BOARD WORKSHOP SUBJECT PAGE DATE 4 OF 12 November 29, 1993 Closure and Post-Closure Cost Assessment No provision has been made for closure costs in either rate analysis. However, significant legal expenses related to the Acme landfill closure lawsuit are included in the rate applications which will require determination as to the amount allowable for rate- setting. Further, an impound account was set up in the 1992-1 993 rate-setting year to collect these defense costs until a further determination could be made as to the liability for these legal costs. A decision is required regarding these impounded funds. In addition to the above issues which are common to both collectors, there are several issues unique to each collector. These issues are quantified in the reports prepared by Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson which accompany this agenda. All of the issues will be presented to the Board at the workshop. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the analyses by Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson of the rate applications submitted by Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. and provide comments and guidance regarding the common issues, and issues unique to the two refuse collection firms, which are described in their respective analysis. 1302B-7/91 Attachment I Page 1 of 3 Valley Waste Management RATE ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION Forecasted Calendar Year Ending December 31, 1994 (OOO's Omitted) Service Area, Excluding City of Lafayette Allowable Expenses, Including Intercompany Charges Capital Use Charge Total Allowable Expenses Allowable Profit Revenue Required Forecasted Revenue Without Rate Increase Revenue Increase Required Percent Increase in Revenue Required Revenue and Expense Balancing Account Due tol (Due From) Company: 1992 End of Year Balance 1993 Projected Shortfall 1993 Projected End of Year Balance Percent Increase in Revenue Required Required Revenue Increase, Including Balancing Account Percent Increase in Revenue Required, Including Balancing Account ADS/PosPaper2staffana.l.p 1 $10,955 246 $11,201 492 $689 522 $11,693 11 .288 $405 3.66% $1,211 10.93% $1,616 ,14.59% Attachment I Page 2 of 3 Valley Waste Management RATE ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION Forecasted Calendar Year Ending December 31, 1994 (ODD's Omitted) City of Lafayette Allowable Expenses Capital Use Charge Total Allowable Expenses Allowable Profit Revenue Required Forecasted Revenue Without Rate Increase $4,349 ~ $4,374 155 Revenue Increase Requ~ed Percent Increase in Revenue Required Revenue and Expense Balancing Account Due tol (Due From) Company: 1992 End of Year Balance 1993 Projected Shortfall 1993 Projected End of Year Balance Percent Increase in Revenue Required Required Revenue Increase, Including Balancing Account Percent Increase in Revenue Required, Including Balancing Account $235 95 AD S/PosPaper2staffana.l. p2 $4,529 4.335 $194 4.53% $330 7.71% $524 12.25% Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. RATE ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION Forecasted Calendar Year Ending December 31, 1994 (000' s Omitted) Allowance Expenses Capital Use Charge Total Allowable Expenses Allowable Profit $5,305 48 5,353 203 Revenue Required Forecasted Revenue Without Rate Increase Revenue Decrease Required Percent Decrease in Revenue Required Revenue and Expense Balancing Account Due to/(Due From) Company: 1992 End of Year Balance 1993 Projected Shortfall 1993 Projected End of Year Balance Percent Decrease in Revenue Required $595 (655) Required Revenue Decrease, Including Balancing Account Percent Decrease in Revenue on all Services (Excluding Recycling) ADSlPosPaper2/staffana.lp3 Attachment I Page 3 of 3 $5,556 6.142 (586) (9.73%) (60) (1.00%) ($646) (10.73%) Attachment II Page 1 of 5 VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE AREA, EXCLIIlING CITY OF LAFAYETTE SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES Staff Requested COII'flUted Current Rates Rates Rates (16.5OX) (14.59X) _..............-..- ..................--... ..................--- RESIDENTIAL SERVICE: 1 32-gal. can weekly - S 18.85 21.95 21.60 1 64-lIal. can wekly - 37.70 43.90 43.20 1 96-lIal. can weekly - 56.55 65.85 64.80 2 64-1181. c_ wekly - 75.40 87.80 86.40 2 96-gal. c_ weldy - 113.10 131.70 129.60 Each additional can--non-regular 5.80 6.75 6.65 (per plck-~) 1 can wekly - Special service area- 26.00 30.30 29.80 2 c_ weekly - Special service area- 44.85 52.25 51.40 3 c_ wekly - Special service area- 63.70 74.20 73.00 4 ~ weekly - Special service area- 82.55 96.15 94.60 1 45-1181. can wekly - 31.60 36.80 36.20 2 45-gal. c_ wekly - 59.85 69.75 68.60 1 s~rcart 56.55 65.85 64.80 1 s~rcart - Danvflle 53.55 62.40 61.80 Townhouse (no garden trl_ings): 1 32-gal. CIII'I weekly 16.80 19.55 19.25 1 64-1181. CIII'I wekly 35.65 41.55 40.85 1 96-lIal. can weekly 54.50 63.50 62.45 1 32-gal. can weekly (non-autamated) 19.30 22.50 27.00 2 32-1181. cane weekly (non-autOlllllted) 38.15 44.45 48.60 IIJLTI-APARTMENT SERVICE: Each apertlll8llt weekly 20.75 24.15 23.80 Each additional can weekly 13.95 16.25 16.00 Each additional can - non regular 7.65 8.90 8.75 (per pick-up) COMMERCIAL SERVICE: One can weekly 28.65 33.40 32.85 Each editional can weekly 11.30 13.15 12.95 Each additional can -- 7.25 8.50 8.30 non-regular One C\blc Yard: One tl.. per week 107.95 125.75 123.70 Two tl_ per week 184.50 214.95 211.40 Three tl_ per week 261.10 304.20 299.20 Four ti_ per week 337.70 393.40 386.95 Five ti_ per week 412.30 480.35 4n.45 Two CLbI c Yards: One tl.. per week 184.50 214.95 211.40 Two tl_ per week 337.70 393.40 386.95 Three ti_ per week 490.85 571.85 562.45 Four tl_ per week 644.20 750.50 738.20 Five tl_ per week 797.25 928.80 913.55 Three C\bic Yards: One tl.. per wek 254.60 296.60 291.75 Two tl_ per week 489.25 570.00 560.65 Three tl_ per week 736.30 857.80 843.75 Four tl_ per week 981.75 1,143.75 1,125.00 Five ti_ per week 1,211.45 1,411.35 1,388.20 Four CLb! c Yards: One tl.. per week 337.70 393.40 386.95 Two tl_ per wek 643.00 749.10 736.80 Three ti_ per wek 918.95 1,070.60 1,053.00 Four tl_ per week 1,194.50 1,391.60 1,368.80 Five tl_ per week 1,471.25 1,714.00 1,685.90 Six C\bic Yards: One ti... per week 481.45 560.90 551. 70 Two tl_ per week 962.95 1,121.85 1,103.45 Three t1_ per week 1,411.85 1,644.80 1,617.85 Four tl_ per week 1,877.10 2,186.80 2,150.95 Five ti_ per week 2,342.35 2,728.85 2,684.10 COMPACTED RE FUSE SERVI CE: Per cLbI c yard 37.50 40.80 42.95 DROP BOX SERVI CE : Seven cLbl c yarde (dirt and rocks) 546.20 636.30 625 .90 T--.ty cLblc yards 350.50 408.35 401.65 Thirty clblc yards 525.75 612.50 602.45 Forty clblc yarde 701.10 816.80 803.40 - Includes two 32-lIaIlOll c_ of lIarden trlam!ngs per week and three refuse cleanups per year. .Attachment I I PaCJe 2 of 5 VALLEV \/ASTE IWIAGEIENT CITY OF LAFAVETTE SCHEDULE OF QlRRENT, REQUESTED, AIlD COIPUTED COLLECTI OH RATES Steff Requested CcqlUted Current Retes Retes Ret.. (12.191) (12.25") ---...------ --..-------- ----................. RESIDENTIAL SERVICE: 1 32-pl. cen -"ly - $ 23.65 26.55 26.55 2 32-pl. _ -"ly - 47.30 53.10 53.10 3 32-gel. c_ weekly - 70.95 79.65 79.65 4 32-gel. _ weelcly - 94.60 106.20 106.20 5 32-pl. _ -"ly - 118.25 132.75 132.75 6 32-gel. _ -"ly - 141.90 159.30 159.30 7 32-pl. _ -"ly - 165.55 185.85 185.85 8 32-gel. _ weelcly - 189.20 212.40 212.40 ElICh addltfonel cen--non-reguler 6.75 7.55 7.60 (per pi ck-l4I) 1 Cell weekly - Speclel eervlce area- 29.45 33.05 33.05 2 cans -"ly - Special service are.- 53.10 59.55 59.60 3 c_ weekly. Special service are.- 76.75 86.10 86.15 4 _ -"ly - Special service area- 100.40 112.65 112.70 1 45-pl. can weekly - 35.45 39.75 39.85 2 45-pl. _ weekly - 70.95 79.50 79.65 T~0U8e (no prden trl_llllIs): 1 32-gal. can weelcly 21.25 23.85 23.85 2 32-pl. _ weekly 44.90 50.35 50.40 3 32-gal. c_ -"ly 68.55 76.90 76.95 MULTI-APARTMENT SERVICE: Each epert.nt weelcly 24.20 27.15 27.15 E.ch additllllllll can weelcly 16.30 18.30 18.30 Each additional can - non reguler 8.95 10.05 10.05 (per plck-l4I) C<IIMERCIAL SERVICE: One cen week I y 33.40 37.45 37.50 ElICh edltlonel cen -"ly 13.15 14.75 14.75 Each additional can -- 8.45 9.50 9.50 non-regular One Cubic Vard: One tl_ per weelc 125.90 141.25 141 .30 Two tl_ per week 215.25 241.50 241.60 Three tl_ per week 304.65 341.80 341.95 Four tl_ per week 394.00 442.05 442.25 Five tl_ per -" 481.05 539.70 540.00 Two Cubic Varde: One tl_ per -" 215.25 241.50 241.60 Two tl_ per week 394.00 442.05 442.25 Three tl_ per week 572 .65 642.45 642.80 Four tl_ per week 751.60 843.20 843.65 Five tf_ per week 930.20 1,043.60 1,044.15 Three Cubic Varde: One tl_ per week 297.05 333.25 333.45 Two tl_ per week 570.85 640.45 640.80 Three tl_ per week 859.05 963.75 964 .30 Four tl_ per week 1,145.45 1,285.10 1,285.75 Five tf_ per week 1,413.45 1,585.75 1,586.60 Four Cubic Varde: One tl_ per week 394.00 442.05 442.25 Two tl_ per week 750.20 841.65 842.10 Three tl_ per week 1,072.10 1,202.80 1,203.45 Four tl_ per -" 1,393.65 1,563.55 1,564.35 Five tl_ per week 1,716.55 1,925.80 1,926.85 Six Cubic Varde: One tl_ per week 561.70 630.15 630.50 Two tl_ per week 1,123.50 . 1,260.45 1,261.15 Thr.. tl_ per week 1,647.25 1,848.05 1,849.05 Four tl_ per week 2,190.05 2,457.00 2,458.35 Five tl_ per week 2,732.85 3,066.00 3,067.60 COMPACTED REFUSE SERVICE: Per cubl c yard 43.75 45.90 49.10 DROP BOX SERVICE: Seven cubl c yarde (dirt end rocks) 546.95 613.60 613.95 T~ty cubic yarde 408.90 458.75 459.00 Th I rty cubl c yarde 613.40 688.15 688.55 Forty cubl c yarde 818.00 917.70 918.20 - Includes two 32-pllon cena of garden trhllllngs per week and three refuse clea~ per year. Attachment II Page 3 of 5 ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1 SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES Staff Requested C~ted Cu....ent Rates Rates Rates (-4.2X) (-10.73%) ------------ ----------- ----------- ORINDA - FULL SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE:* 1 can S 26.80 25.65 23.95 2 cans 53.60 51.30 47.90 3 cans 80.40 76.95 71.85 4 cans 107.20 102.60 95.80 5 cans 134.00 128.25 119.75 6 cans 160.80 153.90 143.70 One can - Senior Citizen 23.80 22.80 20.95 Extra can on route 6.55 6.25 5.85 Special pick-up - 1 can 18.40 17.65 16.45 Special pick-up - each add'l can 6.55 6.25 5.85 MINI PACKER SERVICE: 1 can 35.95 30.55 32.15 2 cans 62.75 56.20 56.10 3 cans 89.55 81.85 80.05 4 cans 116.35 107.50 104.00 000 SERVICE: 1-45 ga l. can 40.20 38.50 35.95 1-45 gal. can and 1-32 gal. 67.00 64.20 59.90 1-45 gal. can and 2-32 gal. 93.80 89.85 83.85 4-45 gal. cans 160.80 154.05 143.70 COMMERCIAL SERVICE: One can weekly 37.15 35.60 33.15 Each additional can weekly 15.55 14.90 13.90 MULTI-APARTMENT SERVICE: Pe.. ~it per week 23.45 22.45 20.95 Each additional pick-up per week 3.75 3.60 3.35 COMPACTED REFUSE SERVICE: Per cubic yard 45.60 43.70 40.70 BIN SERVICE: ONE YARD: Once per week 137.00 131.25 122.30 Twice per week 239.95 229.85 214.20 Three times per week 341.95 327.60 305.25 Four times per week 444.05 425.40 396.40 Five times per week 547.00 524.00 488.30 TWO YARD: Once per week 239.95 229.85 214.20 Twice per week 444.05 425.05 396.40 Three times per week 649.10 621.85 579.45 Four times per week 853.90 823.80 762.30 Five' times per week 1,059.35 1,014.85 945.70 THREE YARD:*** Once per week 325.55 311.90 290.60 Twi ce per week 651.10 623.75 581.25 Three times per week 976.60 935.60 871.80 Four times per week 1,302.15 1,247.45 1,162.45 Five times per week 1,627.65 1,559.30 1,453.00 ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1 SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES Staff Requested CClIIp.Ited Current Rates Rates Rates (-4.21) (-10.73%) ----------...- ----------- ----------- FOOR YARD: Once per week $ 411.20 393.90 367.10 Twi ce per week 822.40 787.85 734.15 Three times per week 1,233.60 1,181.80 1,101.25 Four times per week 1,644.80 1,575.70 1,468.30 Five ti mes per week 2,056.00 1,969.65 1,835.40 SIX YARD: Once per week 586.80 562.15 523.85 Twice per week 1,173.65 1,124.35 1,047.70 Three times per week 1,760.45 1,686.50 1,571.55 Four times per week 2,347.30 2,248.70 2,095.45 Five times per week 2,934.10 2,810.85 2,619.25 EIGHT YARD: Once per week 782.40 749.55 698.45 Twi ce per week 1,564.80 1,499.05 1,396.90 Three times per week 2,347.30 2,248.70 2,095.45 Four times per week 3,129.70 2,997.75 2,793.90 Five times per week 3,951.70 3,785.70 3,527.70 SPECIAL: One yard 27.30 26.15 24.35 Two yards 54.85 52.55 48.95 DROP BOX SERVICE: Twenty cubic yards 451.75 432.75 403.30 Thirty cubic yards 677.45 649.00 604.75 Forty cubic yards 903.25 865.30 806.35 Five yards - dirt and concrete 451.75 432.75 403.30 Sbteen yard school box ** 361.30 346.15 322.55 ORINDA - NO BRUSH SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE: 1 can 22.75 21.80 20.35 2 cans 49.55 47.45 44.30 3 cans 76.35 73.10 68.25 1 can-Senior Citizen 21.25 20.35 18.85 MINIPACKER SERVICE: 1 can 31.90 30.55 28.50 2 cans 58.70 56.20 52.45 3 cans 85.50 81.85 76.40 4 cans 112.30 107.50 100.35 1-45 gal. can 47.85 38.60 42.75 1-45 and 1-32 gal. can 79.75 76.40 71.30 * Includes one 32-gallon can of garden trinmings per week and three refuse cleanups per year ** A charge of $29.95 per week applies for each week not serviced *** RENT.A-BIN service available on the following terms: three cubic yard container, delivery and pickup, one ~, and three-day rent, for 590. Attachment II Page 4 of 5 OlINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1A SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES MORAGA - FULL SERVICE REGULAR SERVICE:* 1 can S 2 cans 3 cans 4 cans 5 cans 6 cans Extra can on route Special pick-up - 1 can Special pick-up - each add'l can MINIPACKER SERVICE: 1 can 2 cans 3 cans 4 cans 5 cans ODD SERVICE: One can - 45 gal. One can - 1-45 and 1-32 gal. cans One can - 1-45 and 2-32 gal. cans COMMERCIAL SERVICE: One can weekly Each additional can weekly MULTI-APARTMENT SERVICE: Per .....i t per week Each additional pick-up per week COMPACTED REFUSE SERVICE: Per cubic yard BIN AND DROP BOX SERVICES: MORAGA - NO BRUSH SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE: 1 can 2 cans 3 cans Extra can on route Special pick-up - 1 can Special pick-up - each add'l can ODD SERVICE: One can - 45 gal One can - 1-45 and 1-32 gal. cans 2-45 gal. can-small truck Current Rates Requested Rates (-4.21) Staff Conp.Ited Rates (-10.73%) 24.10 23.10 21.50 48.20 46.20 43.00 72.30 69.30 64.50 96.40 92.40 86.00 120.50 115.50 107.50 144.60 138.60 129.00 6.55 6.25 5.85 18.40 17.65 16.45 6.55 6.25 5.85 35.40 33.90 31.55 59.50 57.00 53.05 83.60 80.10 74.55 107.70 103.20 96.05 131.80 126.25 117.55 36.15 34.65 32.25 60.25 57.70 53.75 84.35 80.80 75.25 37.15 35.60 33.15 15.55 14.90 13.90 23.45 22.45 20.95 3.75 3.60 3.35 45.60 43.70 40.70 (Same as Orinde above) 20.55 19.70 18.35 44.65 39.40 39.85 68.75 59.10 61.35 6.55 6.25 5.85 18.40 17.65 16.45 6.55 6.25 5.85 32.60 31.25 29.10 56.70 54.30 50.60 65.20 62.45 61.35 * Includes one 32-gallon can of garcJen trinmings per week and three refuse cleanups per year Attachment II Page 5 of 5 ~ Central ~g~~~ g~~~R~~~~~~ aJistrict PAGE 1 OF2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF December 2, 1993 sU'J(\]fHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH G. S. DODSON AND ASSOCIATES FOR REVISION OF THE FINAL DESIGN OF MARTINEZ PUMPING STATION IMPROVEMENTS, DISTRICT PROJECT 4922 NO. 8. ENGINEERING a. D'Nbvember 24, 1993 TYPE OF "CO'f~ORIZE AGREEMENT ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager- Chief Engineer to execute a professional services agreement in an amount greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: Wastewater is conveyed from Martinez to the District treatment plant by the Martinez, Fairview, and Maltby Pumping Stations. Capacity and safety deficiencies at the three pumping stations were identified in the District-wide Pumping Station Master Plan (March 1 989). The recommended improvements at the Fairview and Maltby Pumping Stations are now under construction. Because of its age of approximately 40 years and space limitations, a new pumping station was proposed to replace the existing Martinez Pumping Station. Preliminary design of a replacement pumping station was completed in 1991. Final design was started in August 1992. The firm, "G. S. Dodson and Associates," was retained for this design at a cost to date of $336,300. During the final design and as part of a District-wide cost control effort, staff initiated a thorough review of the design of this pumping station to reduce long-term operation and maintenance costs. The outcome of this review was development of a plan to increase the degree of automation and reliability of the new Martinez Pumping Station, which should ultimately provide for a reduction in labor requirements at the station. The decision to increase automation resulted in a change to the operating and control strategy which significantly affected the original design concepts for the new Martinez Pumping Station. In addition, certain mechanical equipment was changed to equipment that requires less operator attention. These design concept changes required more engineering and drafting effort than originally envisioned. The cost to revise the design is $137,000. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION CWS JSM RAB 1302A-9/85 !IJfJ _._._'---~-'"-'~"-----'-------'--'-'''''- ,...-~ ---'---'---'--"'-'-"--'--'--~'_.~-_._-_._......,,~._~_._.._~---~_____".._,_,.,,_ "."___"'__"~"~__'____'_~__"'_U__"__'"..~.__...,~.",,,,_,,_~,____,,,__,___,__,,_,_,, SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH G. S. DODSON AND ASSOCIATES FOR REVISION OF THE FINAL DESIGN OF MARTINEZ PUMPING STATION IMPROVEMENTS, DISTRICT PROJECT 4922 POSITION PAPER 2 2 PAGE OF DATE November 24, 1993 During the review of the original design for the new station, staff also evaluated modifications and deletions to the project that would reduce overall construction cost. The cost of incorporating these changes into the design is included in the $137,000 design cost revision. These modifications or deletions will save approximately $170,000 in construction costs. The Engineers Estimate for the construction cost of the pumping station is now $4,100,000, including the anticipated savings. Staff recommends that the design contract ceiling for the Martinez Pumping Station Project be increased $137,000 to compensate G. S. Dodson and Associates for the additional design work necessary to revise the design. A cost reimbursement agreement to revise the final design has been negotiated with G. S. Dodson and Associates with a cost ceiling of $137,000. The Martinez Pumping Station Improvement Project is included in the 1 993-94 Capital Improvement Budget (pages CS-101 to CS-103). The budgeted total project cost is $5,605,000. A Negative Declaration for the Martinez Pumping Station Improvements was adopted by the Board of Directors on March 5, 1992, pursuant to the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A Notice of Determination was filed with the County Clerk. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a cost reimbursement agreement with a cost ceiling of $137,000 with G. S. Dodson and Associates for revision of the final design of the Martinez Pumping Station Improvement Project, D.P. 4922. 130?f3 q'ftI,