HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 11-04-93 ~ Central ~g~~~ g~~~R~~~6a~~ Jistricl PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF November 4, 1 993 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR b. DATbctober 25, 1993 SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE GLENSIDE DRIVE/VERDE DEL CIERVO SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT, DP 4925, IN LAFAYETTE AND DIABLO, AND AUTHORIZE FILING THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ngineering Department nfrastructure Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Glenside Drive/Verde Del Ciervo Sewer Replacement Project, DP 4925, in Lafayette and Diablo, and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: This project consisted of two locations where sewers were deficient due to physical deterioration and limited access because of the existing terrain and property improvements. At the first location, Glenside Drive in Lafayette, the work consisted of approximately 300 feet of S-inch sewer pipe and 2 new manholes. At the second location in the Diablo Country Club, the old sewer system was relocated out of the easement and into Verde Del Ciervo. Approximately 500 feet of S-inch sewer pipe and 4 new manholes were installed. The project locations are shown on Exhibits A and B and are described in the 1993- 94 CIB on pages CS-62 and 63. On July 1, 1993, the Board of Directors authorized the award of a contract for construction of the project to V and M Construction/Backhoe of Antioch. The Notice to Proceed was issued on August 16, 1993, with a specified completion date of October 15, 1993. The Contract work at both sites is substantially completed. The remaining work consists of minor punch list items which do not affect the project acceptance. The total authorized budget for the project including design, construction management and the contract work is $115,000. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the construction of the Glenside Drive/Verde Del Ciervo Sewer Replacement Project, DP 4925, in Lafayette and Diablo, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION -r~ f!/l1G r /CI ~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-9/85 TAT HT JSM RAB L I 735 , ~\ ~\ cP\ 'l\ ~\ I 'VI :a. m. I NEW MAN \HO~ A N o R ABANDON EXIST. SEWER \J" LOS DEBORAH L KERLIN 236-022-010 SARA F. PAUKERT 238-110-008 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District . SEWER RELOCATK>N PROJECT D.P. 4925 GLENSIDE DRIVE, LAFAYETTE EXHIBIT A 2523-1/87 ~ -J 1U CenualConuaC~ Sanitary District . SEWER RELOCATION PROJECT D.P. 4925 VERDE DEL CIERVO DIABLO COUNT~Y CLUB EXHIBIT B 2523-1/87 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF November 4, 1993 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR c. SUBJECT DATE SET PUBLIC HEARINGS ON DECEMBER 16, 1993 TO CONSIDER THE APPLICATIONS FOR REFUSE COLLECTION RATE INCREASES SUBMITTED BY VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC., EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1994 TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING DATES SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. have submitted applications for rate increases effective January 1, 1994. The rate applications and analyses completed by Hilton, Farnkopf & Hobson will be reviewed at a Board workshop on December 2, 1993, and will be the subject of public hearings on December 16, 1993. BACKGROUND: Valley Waste Management has submitted an application for a 16.50 percent rate increase in its service area, excluding the City of Lafayette, and a 12.19 percent rate increase in the City of Lafayette; and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. has requested a 2.30 percent rate increase. Pleasant Hill Bayshore Disposal, Inc. did not submit a rate application. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a Public Notice to set a Board Workshop on December 2, 1993 and Public Hearing on December 16, 1993 to receive public comment on the requests for an increase in refuse collection rates. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD MEETING OF November 4, 1993 SUBJECT . AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO DALZELL CORPORATION FOR THE DRY ASH UNLOADING FACILITY, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6099 (20099) SUBMITTED BY Paul A. Sciuto Assistant En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. PAGE 1 OF 4 NO. 6. BIDS AND AWARDS a. DATE November 1 1993 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: The District has received bids for District Project No. 6099, Dry Ash Unloading Facility. The Board of Directors must award the construction contract or reject all bids within 60 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: The District's present furnace ash unloading facility allows for the unloading of ash that is dampened to prevent dusting. Advantageous and economical recycling alternatives now exist but require the discharging of dry ash. The Dry Ash Unloading Facility will add a screw conveyor, loading spout, and slide gate to the existing system. The slide gate will allow the District to unload either dry or wet ash. The project was advertised on October 4 and 9, 1993. Four bids were received and publicly opened on October 20. These bids are listed on Attachment 1, Tabulation of Bids. The lowest responsible bidder is Dalzell Corporation with a bid of $129,948 for furnishing and installing all materials and equipment necessary to construct the Dry Ash Unloading Facility. The initial engineer's estimate for the work was $120,000. This project is included in the Fiscal Year 1993-94 Capital Improvement Budget on page TP-89. The current balance of the Sewer Construction Fund, minus unspent project allocations, plus projected dependable revenue will be adequate to fund this project. A funding summary is presented in Attachment 3. Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA) under District CEOA Guidelines Section 18.2, since it involves a minor alteration to an existing facility with little or no increase in capacity. The Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute a finding of agreement with this determination unless otherwise indicated. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Award of Contract to Dalzell Corporation, the lowest responsible bidder, for $129,948 for the Dry Ash Unloading Facility Project, District Project No. 6099. INITIAT1.N~;IV. ~:y:- ~ 1302A-7/91 PAS ~: ROGER J. DOLAN ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 2 of 4 " - .-I u. 0 ex:: ex> C. u <;:t' 0) ~ ~ ~ ex> a ClJ . 0) <;:t' .-I U .- N 0) ffi .- ~ ~ ~ .- 'r- ~ ~ ex> 0) m .- s: .;:, n:! <;:t' N :::E ClJ ~ Cl -0 ..:.! 0) ClJ .-I ::> l- N ~ .~ V> U ~ C iA- Z w .- ClJ 2 u 0 :::l ~ ex:: 0) 0 ~ w :J: n:! E u l.f) ~ N z: en Cl w ~ c: U .-I f- :;;; .-I . (:) ..c ex> uex:: ~ ClJ U <;:t' 0 ::E: . C"') 0 ~ .-I ex> > -0 6 ~ ClJ C .1- ~ 0 <;:t' ~ n:! .:::.. n:! 0 C"') ClJ .- ~ ~ Cl -0 ..:.! ex> ClJ .-I ~ ~ V> U ~ C - I:: n:! ..... ~ u 0 :::l ~ ex:: <;:t' a >, a 0 S u l.f) ~ C"') z: ~ ::;:: U .-I f-- :;;; 7' ...... 'r- ~ .- 'r- L') U Vlex:: ~ n:! ~u \D 0 LL ClJ . <;:t' "'" ClJ ~ .-I l.f) en I:: -0 6 Vl ~ C 'g ~ >- 0 \D '0- a ~ :::! n:! ~ <;:t' <;:t' -0 U Cl -0 ..:.! l.f) Q) ...... n:! W C V> U ~ C - a a 2 :'\. U 0 :::l ~ ex:: \D a .- (!J u u l.f) ~ <;:t' z: c (/) .~ u ...... f-- Z z: .-I :::> .u 0 ..c ~ .- 0 Vl g .- ...... .a: 'r- ~ 0 ::E :r: . ex> 0 >- l.f) ...... ~ .- ~ 6 Vl .-I ~ Cl n:! C >, ~ 0 ex> u n:! .2 f- n:! 0 l.f) ...... n:! Vl "'" Cl -0 ~ ...... ClJ .-I ...... C n:! i~ 0 (/) u ~ c - n:! ~ ClJ N U 0 :::l ~ ex:: ex> a ~ n:! .- 0 0 u l.f) ~ ClJ ......... l.f) z: Vl o::l 0.. .-I U U .-I f-- z: z: .-I zc .. Q....... I- ~~ ~..c . -5 w Vl Vl O'r- n:! I:: -'I:: ~ :2 z . a ~~ .. 0 0 > ffi:::l a: ~ 0 z 2 ~ . 'r- 8 ~ ... Cl. !i . ~ ~ !;eLL a: ~ ai g .. -0 Cl. z 0 0 .. a: ~ :::E ~ !:i ..: s ~ Q) ...... . u ~ ...... >, x ~ .-I n:!~ Q) ClJ 0 ~ +> 'r- -0 Vl ...... ...... -0 $- C'r- n:! 'r- 'r- U ',... .D \J . n:! .u -0 4- ~ en ClJ C Q) Cl .- ~ , n:! en E m .D 0\ C E 'r- . ..c 'r- a ('0' ...... u. Vl Vl -0 U C n:! a C ',... 'r- n:! ClJ ~ a C C 0 >- ..:.! 0 Z a. n:! ~ ...... C n:l f- a Vl ~ :::l C ex:: ~ ~:= ClJ Vl LL :::l ~ ~ -J~ ex:: 1 ~ ~ :J...... Vl 0 mn:! ClJ u ~, -.J ~Cl :;: ~ . I- a lD ffi ...... 0 -l z 0'- ~ ... ~ ~ ~ ~ . Ul If ...... a: a: ~' :.; ~ c ,0 ..... " ATTACHMENT 2 PAGE 3 of 4 DRY ASH UNLOADING FACILITY. DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6099 (20099) POST BID PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE PERCENT OF CONSTRUCTION ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL COSTS 1. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT $ 129,948 2. CONTINGENCY AT 15 PERCENT 19.552 SUBTOTAL: $ 149,500 100.0% 3. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 8,000 ADMINISTRATION/INSPECTION 4. ENGINEERING/AS-BUILT DRAWINGS 1 ,000 5. PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT 3.500 SUBTOTAL: $ 12,500 8.4% 6. PRE-BID EXPENDITURES - THIS PROJECT ELEMENT 49,000 32.0% 7. TOTAL PROJECT COST - THIS PROJECT ELEMENT 211,000 141.0% 8. OTHER DISTRICT PROJECT (DP) NO. 6099 71,000 EXPENDITURES TO DATE 9. TOTAL ESTIMATED DP NO. 6099 EXPENDITURES 282,000 THROUGH THIS ELEMENT 10. FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE 121.000 11. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS REQUIRED TO COMPLETE THIS PORTION OF THE PROJECT: $ 1 61 .000 A IT ACHMENT 3 PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD 10/07/93-11/06/93 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE AS OF 09/30/93 MINUS UNSPENT PRIOR ALLOCATIONS PLUS DEPENDABLE CURRENT YEAR REVENUE $ 44,372,774 > $161,000 (Allocation Required) PAGE 4 of 4 $ 55,273,316 < 33,121,990> 22.221.448 $ 44.372.774 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 BOARD MEETING OF November 4, 1993 NO. 6. BIDS AND AWARDS b. SUBJECT DATE AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO SPECTRE GROUP ENGINEERS AND CONSTRUCTORS FOR LABORATORY FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT-GAS CYLINDER RAMP AND ASSOCIATED PROJECTS, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6077 (10077) November 1, 1993 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY Paul A. Sciuto . . INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ISSUE: The District has received bids for District Project No. 6077, the Laboratory Facilities Improvement Project-Gas Cylinder Ramp and Associated Projects. The Board of Directors must award the construction contract or reject all bids within 60 days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: This portion of the Laboratory Facilities Improvement Project involves the construction of an access ramp and storage pad for the gas cylinder located to the north of the Plant Operations Department (POD) laboratory. Safety considerations mandate the storage of large compressed gas cylinders of nitrogen and argon outside the laboratory. Cylinder leakage could displace the air in the room and create an oxygen deficient atmosphere. In addition to a platform to store cylinders, an access ramp to the platform is required. This project also includes stairs for the emergency exit in the Plant Operations Department Administration area, a concrete pad north of the guard area for bicycle racks as part of the District-mandated Trip Reduction Program, and a "V-ditch" gutter north of the north clarifiers to facilitate cleanup and washdown of that area. The Laboratory Facilities Improvement Project was identified as one of the projects that was to receive further Board authorization prior to an additional allocation of funds. Since this portion of the Laboratory Facilities Improvement Project is needed to address critical safety issues, staff recommends that the Board now authorize proceeding with this work. The project was advertised on October 4 and 9, 1993. Four bids were received and publicly opened on October 19. These bids are listed on Attachment 1, Tabulation of Bids. The lowest responsible bidder is Spectre Group Engineers and Constructors with a low bid of $30,975 for furnishing and installing all materials and equipment necessary to construct the Laboratory Facilities Improvement Project-Gas Cylinder Ramp and Associated Projects. The initial engineer's estimate for the work was $30,000. 1302A-7/91 PAS ECOMMENDED FOR BOARD AcnON -- -,."------,------_._-------~-,-~"----'_..~-~-----.~--".---.---------.-----..-...-..--.---------------.- AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO SPECTRE GROUP ENGINEERS AND CONSTRUCTORS FOR LABORATORY FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT-GAS CYLINDER RAMP AND ASSOCIATED PROJECTS, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6077 110r 77} 1":1:111"1111111!lj:III:II::1:' SUBJECT PAGE 2 OF 5 DATE November 1, 1993 The project is included in the Fiscal Year 1993-94 Capital Improvement Budget on page TP-68. The current balance of the sewer construction fund, minus unspent project allocations, plus projected dependable revenue will be adequate to fund this project. A funding summary is presented in Attachment 3. Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.2, since it involves a minor alteration to an existing facility with little or no increase in capacity. The Board" of Directors' approval of this project will constitute a finding of agreement with this determination unless otherwise indicated. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Award of Contract to Spectre Group Engineers and Constructors, the lowest responsible bidder, for $30,975 for the Laboratory Facilities Improvement Project - Gas Cylinder Ramp and Associated Projects, District Project No. 6077. 1302B-7191 --.------. ...._-~-~"--_._-,._~.,_..,-"_.~-------,---...,_.- ~..._--,.,-,.__._,,_.._._._."-"..._.._.~-,..._--".,..- '----".""'-""-'--"--"-'- _._...._.."--,--".._-,-"._-~-~,..~"',..._._-~.,.._.,."---.--,.,-.----- ...-t - ~ 8 . ~ c:( ~UM ~...-t C '~1- g 0 ~ ~ ~oen~ vl~ ..::.t:.M z tu E...-t U " ~wvrtl""""'c s: :::l ..... c:( ~ as :;:;::, ::~;? s~ ~ 10 . ~ cX:~M ~~~ I- ~ 0 ~ .... 10 en ~ 10 ..::.t:. M : ;;.; :::~:::: en -ou ~ ...-t :::l.....c:( ~c 10 0 0 O~Q);? cn.-t U \.OI-Z c:( g U .. III (l) . ~ ..... r- U r- M Q) r-- .~ 0) ~ g '1'"") ~ ~~~, 0 0 rtl..::.t:.M ~ ~ ...-t en (/ -ou a.. r-Q)............-t: :::l ..... c:( ~ ~~;::8( O~Q)- -0 \.OI-ZZ Q) ~ ..... g 10 'r- ~ ex u :a. ~ 0 rtlc:( . III cn U III M c:( -0 .. en III ~Oll- :;.: 0 ~ -0 lOr-en ~ 5 rtl..::.t:.M I:: ~.D...-tent..; -ou 10 u 10 ......... ...-t :::l ..... c:( 'r- 'r- 0 0 <: O~Q)"""'" ~ 0- ~ 0...... U <: \.0 I- Z z: z E .v Q 10 t- ~ a.. 5 Q) en ..... . ~ w Q) 0 0 ~ ..... ;;/. u ~ '2 z . g 0 a: I:: a: ~ If ~ - ~ w 0 8 w w a.. !I . !< U a: .... .... eD g .. 10 z ~ ~ ~ d .. a: l!\ ~ ~ .., 50 I!! III III ~ 1 Q) ~ u Q) Q) -0 I:: -0 ::. 'r- ~,l ..... .D . I:: en ::: Q) -0 Q) f- E C I::I-r- ~ ,~ rtl 0- m rtlQ).D "'- 'r- ~'r- ~ - ~ :::l u.. Ill..... III ..... III 0- 0 ~ U I:: 'r- 'r- Q) ~~g c c Z 10 ~ -0 0 I::cn III ..... :::l C - .r-I_ Q) III u.. 10 !ci c ~ ~ ...I I:: III c:( ~ ~ :;:)lJ.J~ ..... III . ~ m (.!) ..... Q) U ",' <cnu ~ >= ~ '. . ~ ,,:::l 0 .... Cl~ ...J ~- z..... !g i a; ill:: t . w H: ...-t a:u a: I ATTACHMENT 1 PAGE 3 of 5 @ :;; ... : o o Q) c o Z LO ,..... en .. o M -tA- o o 1.0 CO ,..... .. Q) I:: o Z O'l M -tA- 0 0 0 0 O'l CO .. g LO M ~ -tA- 0 0 0 0 CO CO .. g N M -tA- Z ~ U Q) ....., r- 0 .~ ~ 0- i Q) ..... Q) ~ 0 u U I:: 0 0 U ..... ~ III :::l I:: 0 0 I+- or- ..... ~ U Q) :::l U ~ X C'-o ..... Q) III Vl .E t: >,~ 0 ~~ u . C ,0- -- A IT ACHMENT 2 PAGE 4 of 5 LABORATORY FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT-GAS CYLINDER RAMP AND ASSOCIATED PROJECTS, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6077 (10077) POST BID PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ATTACHMENT 3 PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD 10/07/93-11/06/93 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE AS OF 09/30/93 MINUS UNSPENT PRIOR ALLOCATIONS PLUS DEPENDABLE CURRENT YEAR REVENUE $ 44,372,774 > $ 41,000 (Allocation Required) PAGE 5 of 5 $ 55,273,316 < 33,121,990> 22.221 .448 $ 44.372.774 SUBJECT ESTABLISH NOVEMBER 18, 1993, AT 3 P.M. AS THE DATE AND TIME FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING A PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 6.12 OF THE DISTRICT CODE WHICH INCLUDES PROVISIONS FOR FACILITIES CAPACITY FEES SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/Planning Division Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Principal Engineer PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. 7. ENGINEERING a. DATE TYPE OF ACTION ESTABLISH DATE AND TIME FOR PUBLIC HEARING ISSUE: The District Code requires that a public hearing be held prior to the Board of Directors' consideration of amendments to Chapter 6.12 code provisions for Facilities Capacity Fees. BACKGROUND: Staff has studied several possible changes to the Capital Improvement Fee System. From these studies staff has concluded that several changes to the system would be appropriate. A summary of the proposed changes is presented in Attachment 1. In addition, several minor corrections and editorial clarifications to the Code have been proposed, as well as the substantive changes mentioned above. The proposal was discussed at a meeting of the Board of Directors' Finance Committee which was held on November 2, 1993. A public hearing has been tentatively scheduled for November 18, 1993, at 3 p.m. to receive comments on the proposed code amendments. The Staff Report on Proposed Changes to the Capital Improvement Fee System, and the 1993 Capital Improvement Plan will be available for public review, as required. RECOMMENDATION: Establish November 18, 1993, at 3 p.m. as the date and time for a public hearing to receive comments on a proposed ordinance to amend Chapter 6.12 of the District Code which includes provisions for Facilities Capacity Fees. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON INITIATING DEPT./DIV. /IJP v 1302A-7/91 JMM RAB ^ -,-----_._,-"-,.~_.~.~-----_._---~,-_._--_._-~"-_.~---.."--,."~._---"------~.,_.._-----"---------_.~--'-- ATTACHMENT 1 Page 2 of 2 SUMMARY OF PROPOSED CHANGES TO THE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FEE SYSTEM . Require that applicable fees be paid prior to building permit issuance, rather than just prior to physical connection to the District's sewer system, as is currently required. . Determine the Facilities Capacity and Pumped Zone Fees as the sum of an "Existing Assets" component for "buy-in" to the current capital assets of the District and a "Future Facilities" component forthe portion of planned facilities expansion needed to serve new customers. This method replaces the current approach wherein these fees are determined by estimating the incremental cost of adding a unit of capacity. . Establish a new zone (Zone 3) which includes those areas in the San Ramon Valley that subsequently connect to the District's sewer system, but are outside of "Growth Scenario 1" as described in the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvement Project EIR certified by the Board of Directors on October 16, 1986. New customers in this zone would be subject to an additional fee, the" Interceptor Fee," to reimburse the District for providing capacity in the San Ramon Valley Trunk Sewer Improvement Project and the Downtown Walnut Creek Bypass Project. . Establish a Capacity Use Charge Program for future non-residential customers whose flow (on a gallons-per-square-foot basis) and/or strength exceed that of "base commercial" customers such as retail stores and business offices. Examples of business which would benefit from the new system are restaurants, bakeries, and laundromats. The program would require payment of the Facilities Capacity Fee for the" base commercial" category prior to issuance of a building permit, and subsequent payment of an annual Capacity Use Charge in proportion to actual wastewater discharge. The Capacity Use Charge Program would be in lieu of the current fee system which requires payment of 1 00 percent of the Facilities Capacity Fee prior to initiation of flow from the new or expanded business. . Require "temporary customers" served under Special Discharge Permits to pay a Capacity Use Charge in proportion to their actual wastewater discharge. . Set the Facilities Capacity Fee at $2,572 per Residential Unit Equivalent (RUE). The current fee is $1,958 per RUE. . Set the Pumped Zone Fee at $348 per RUE. The current fee is $278 per RUE. . Set the new Interceptor Fee at $363 per RUE. PO\poapaper\Attach1.FCF