HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 08-05-93 ~ Centra~ ~g~~~ g~~~R~~~ba~~ Jistrict PAGE 1 OF 4 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. SUBJECT 3. CONSENT CALENDAR C. DATE July 28, 1993 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 93-13, (ALAMO), P.A. 93-14 (DANVILLE), AND P.A. 93-15 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Division Parcel Area Owner I Address Remarks Lead No. Parcel No. & Acreage Agency 93-13 Alamo John Barber Existing house with a CCCSD (77E6) 181 Sonoma Way failing septic system; Alamo CA 94507 must connect to ther -, 198-112-002 (0.5 AC) public sewer system. Project is exempt from CECA. 93-14 Danville Patricia Wright Property owner Town of (1 00 B & C 68 Sherburne Hills Rd. intends to create Danville 5) Danville CA 94526 three parcels from 217-010-025 & -026 the two existing (23.33 AC.) parcels. The Town of Danville has approved the Tentative Minor Subdivision (MS854-92) 93-1 5 Alamo Bruce Black Existing house with a CCCSD (77E5) 1 540 Westwood Court failing septic system; Walnut Creek CA 94595 must connect to the 198-050-007 (0.44 AC) public sewer system. Project is exempt from CEOA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 93-13, 93-14, and 93-15 to be included in a future formal annexation. 1302A-9!85 DH JSM RAB G N M R./~ ROGER J. DOLAN REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING Z(/DIV ~ . ~__________"__'____~_'____,_.,~__,_,"'_m_______.,____"_____.__._............_..,_.___ ..>.... _-"__""""___'__""_ f>. ALAMO s c o 0 L "0 " ~ ,- \..........,.... PROPOSED ANNEXATION 93-13 ;Pf}j~i;i0f:Jf;~~,I"'t.~:OP:S;3A:~~~TION / ~ ....:. >-, 6' ~.56' .......... .......... ........... ........ ........... ........... .......... 22 ......... ......... ..-...... ......... ......... .......,. ......... ......... .......... ........ ~~/ ,... 0' '\~ ~~ (QO~' ~6 ,~ /~ c (T': z " '................ p '\ \ PROPOSED ANNEXATION 93-15 ~ PAGE 1 OF 9 BOARD MEETING OF NO. Au ust 5 1 993 8. BUDGET & FINANCE b. DATE SUBJECT RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 1992-93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR-END REPORT TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE REPORT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. John J. Mercurio, Administrative Analyst Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: The Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) system provides for a year-end report to the Board of Directors on the status of the District's Capital Improvement Program. BACKGROUND: The fiscal year concluded June 30, 1993, and the final budget figures are presented in this report. A comparison of the 1992-93 CIB estimated and year-end actual revenues and expenditures is presented below: FISCAL YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1992 Revenues Expenditures Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures CIB Estimate $26,207,000 39,952,000 ($13,745,000) Year-End Actual Difference Between Actual and CIB Estimate $16,646,000 22,955,000 ($6,309,000) ($ 9,561,000) (16,997,000) $ 7,436,000 (36%) (43%) 54% Attachment 1 provides a detailed analysis of the year-end status of the District's Capital Improvement Program. Highlights are summarized below. Caoital Imorovement Revenues District Sewer Construction Fund revenues for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 1993, total $16,646,000, which represents 64 percent of the $26,207,000 revenue projected in the CIB. Table 1 of Attachment 1 compares the actual and Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) estimated revenues for the entire fiscal year. Exoenditures for Caoital Imorovement Proiects District expenditures for capital improvement projects for the fiscal year total $22,955,000, which represents 57 percent of the $39,952,000 projected expenditures for FY 1992-93 in the CIB. 1302A-7/91 JJM JMM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~~~\ MB SUBJECT POSITIO:N PAPER RECEIVE THE FISCAL YEAR 1 992-93 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR-END REPORT PAGE DATE 2 OF 9 July 30, 1993 Table 2 of Attachment 1 presents a comparison of actual and estimated CIB FY 1992-93 expenditures in each budget program. The difference is primarily due to lower than anticipated expenditures in several large projects, most notably the Standby Power Facility and 1-680/SR-24 Relocation projects. CaDital Authorizations and Allocations The Board authorized a total of $75,433,000 for the Capital Program for the FY 1992-93. (This authorization included a carry-over of $1 2,489,000 from the previous fiscal year.) This authorization approved the capital expenditure encumbrances expected to be incurred throughout the fiscal year. Since consulting and construction contracts often span two or more fiscal years, the amount of Board authorization normally exceeds the expenditures in anyone fiscal year. The General Manager-Chief Engineer is delegated the authority to allocate these funds to projects listed in the Capital Improvement Budget to establish specific project budgets. In FY 1992-93 a total of $25,785,262 in allocations was made from the $75,433,000 Board authorization. Table 3 shows Fiscal Year Allocations by Program. Sewer Construction Fund Balance The Sewer Construction Fund balance at the end of FY 1992-93 was $61,961,000. This is $13,072,000 more than the $48,889,000 estimated in the 1992-93 CIB, after adjusting for postponement of debt issuance. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the fiscal year 1992-93 Capital Improvement Program Year-End Status Report. 1302B-7/91 Page 3 of 9 ATTACHMENT 1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Fiscal Year 1992-93 Capital Improvement Program Year-End Status Report Detailed Analysis INTRODUCTION This report compares Fiscal Year 1992-93 actual revenues, expenditures, and allocation with those projected in the Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) adopted by the District Board. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUES District Sewer Construction Fund revenues for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1993, total $16,646,000, which represents 64 percent of the $26,207,000 projected in the CIB for the entire fiscal year. Table 1 presents the distribution of actual versus estimated amounts among the capital revenue categories. Specific information on the status of each of the revenue categories is presented below: Interest on Investments Interest income on temporary investment of the Sewer Construction Fund for the fiscal year totaled $3,207,000, which represents 98 percent of the $3,266,000 CIS projected interest revenue. Interest rates were lower than projected in the CIS. Facilities Caoacitv Fees Facilities Capacity Fees collected during the fiscal year totaled $3,543,000, which represents 101 percent of the $3,495,000 CIS estimated Facilities Capacity Fee revenue. Fees were received from Acme Fill for treatment of leachate from a Pilot facility. Also, capacity lease payments from Shell Oil were received for wastewater discharges to the Treatment Plant during a refinery emergency. Pumoed Zone Fees Pumped Zone Fees collected during the fiscal year totaled $25,000, which represents 123 percent of the $20,000 CIB projected Pumped Zone Fee revenue. A faster than projected development rate in Pumped Zones is responsible. Fees were received from Acme Fill for treatment of leachate from a Pilot facility. Also, capacity lease payments from Shell Oil were received for wastewater discharges to the Treatment Plant during a refinery emergency. Page 4 of 9 Annexation Charaes Annexation Charges collected during the fiscal year totaled $140,000, which represents 103 percent of the $136,000 CIB projected Annexation Charge revenue. Ad Valorem Taxes Tax revenue for the fiscal year totaled $5,527,000, which represents 63 percent of the $8,746,000 projected Ad Valorem Tax revenue. The shortfall is the result of the State budget-mandated shift of District tax revenue to schools to help meet the State's educational funding obligations. Sewer Service Charaes A Sewer Service Charge increment of $1 per residential unit equivalent was charged this fiscal year for capital facilities replacement. The $137,000 represents 101 percent of the $135,000 projected in the CIB. Funds From Government Aaencies This revenue category is comprised of funds received from the City of Concord, Caltrans, and Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority. These are addressed separately below: Citv of Concord The city has paid $2,994,000 for its contribution to the fiscal year 1992-93 CIB. This amount represents 57 percent of the $5,244,000 CIB projected revenue for the year. The variance is due to lower than projected expenditures in the Treatment Plant Program. Caltrans A total of $432,000 was billed to Caltrans this fiscal year for the 1-680/SR- 24 Relocations Project. This represents 11 percent of the $3,915,000 CIB projected revenue for the year. Caltrans is invoiced monthly for the District's reimbursable work. The variance is due to delays in Caltrans' work. Tri-Vallev Wastewater Authoritv Joint studies were undertaken to determine the feasibility of the District accepting flow from Tri-Valley Wastewater Authority. The District received $51,000 reimbursement during FY 1992-93. Page 5 of 9 Transfer From Runnina Exoense An amount equal to the FY 1991-92 depreciation on vehicles, furniture and equipment, $472,000, was transferred from the Running Expense Fund to the Sewer Construction Fund for an Equipment Budget "sinking fund" at the direction of the Board. This transfer was not projected in the CIB. Miscellaneous Income Income received in this category includes reimbursements from self-insurance and fees from developers for inspection and plan review. Miscellaneous Income for the fiscal year totals $119,000, which represents 10 percent of the $1,250,000 revenue estimated for the year. This difference is due primarily to delay in the City of Walnut Creek's South Broadway extension project which would have provided $778,000 reimbursement for relocation of a trunk sewer. EXPENDITURES FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS District expenditures for capital improvement projects for the fiscal year total $22,955,000 which represents 57 percent of the $39,952,000 CIB projected expenditures for the year. Lower than estimated expenditures in the Standby Power Facility Improvements, 1-680/SR-24 Relocations, and Clyde/Fairview/Maltby Pump Station Improvement projects accounted for about $7.5 million of the under-expenditure. (Expenditures for particular projects are presented in the Capital Improvement Budget Status Reports provided to the Board in the FMIS financial statements.) A summary of this information for each Budget Program, highlighting major project expenditures, is presented in Table 2. ALLOCATIONS TO PROJECTS FROM PROGRAM BUDGETS Allocations of funds from program budgets to specific capital improvement projects during the fiscal year total $25,785,262, which represents 41 percent of the $62,944,000 authorized by the Board. The $23,079,000 allocation for the construction of the Headworks Facility Improvements project, budgeted for FY 1992-93, actually ocurred at the end of the prior year. A summary of this information for each budget Program highlighting major project allocations, tabulated by program, is presented in Table 3. A total of $2,795,000 in Program Contingency funds were allocated during the fiscal year including $2,692,000 to fund unanticipated new projects and the remainder for construction overruns. (A listing of all Program Contingency allocations is presented in the FMIS year-end financial statements.) Page 6 of 9 SUMMARY Actual FY 1992-93 capital improvement program revenues collected were 64 percent of the CIS projection. Actual expenditures amounted to 57 percent of those projected. The Sewer Construction Fund (SCF) balance at the start of FY 1992-93 was $68,252,000. The SCF balance at the close of FY 1992-93 was $61,961,000, which is $13,072,000 more than the $48,889,000 estimated in the CIS, after adjusting for postponement of debt issuance. Page 7 of 9 TABLE 1 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUE SUMMARY Note: All amounts in thousands CIB ESTIMATED REVENUE FY ACTUAL REVENUE ACTUAL PERCENT 1992-93 * FY 1992-93 OF CIB ESTIMATE INTEREST $3,266 $3,207 98 FACILITIES CAP. 3,495 3,543 101 FEES PUMPED ZONE 20 25 123 FEES ANNEXATION 136 140 103 CHARGES TAXES 8,746 5,527 ** 63 SEWER SERVICE 135 137 101 CHARGES OTHER AGENCIES CONCORD 5,244 2,994 57 CAL TRANS 3,915 432 1 1 TWA 0 51 TRANSFER FROM 0 472 RUNNING EXPENSE MISCELLANEOUS 1,250 119 10 TOTALS $26,207 $16,646 64 * Does not include $20 million in Bond/COP proceeds projected in the CIB. Debt issuance was postponed pending resolution of the California State Budget property tax reallocation proposal. * * Unitary and Supplemental Page 8 of 9 TABLE 2 MAJOR EXPENDITURES BY PROGRAM Expenditures FY 1992-93 TREATMENT PLANT HEADWORKS FACILITY IMPROVEMENT $ 5,365,803 FIL TER PLANT REHABILITATION 1, 124,454 STANDBY POWER FACILITY 908,988 ALL OTHER PROJECTS 3,837,672 TOTAL $ 11,236,917 COLLECTION SYSTEM M-4 PARALLEL FORCE MAIN $ 1,790,129 PLEASANT HILL INTERCEPTOR DESIGN 1,082,620 CSO SEWER RENOVATION-PIPE REPLACEMENT 1,076,722 1-680/SR-24 RELOCATION-PHASE 3 787,887 ORCHARD ROAD TRUNK SEWER 631 , 197 ALL OTHER PROJECTS 4,562,532 TOTAL $ 9,931,087 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 1992-93 EQUIPMENT & VEHICLE BUDGET $ 544,266 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 445,149 ALL OTHER PROJECTS 797,858 TOTAL $ 1,787,273 GRAND TOTAL $22,955,277 Page 9 of 9 TABLE 3 MAJOR ALLOCATIONS BY PROGRAM Allocations FY 1992-93 TREATMENT PLANT HEADWORKS FACILITY IMPROVEMENT $ -0- FILTER PLANT REHABILITATION 1,311,000 STANDBY POWER FACILITY 3,063,500 ALL OTHER PROJECTS 9,001,574 TOTAL $ 13,376,074 COLLECTION SYSTEM M-4 PARALLEL FORCE MAIN $ -0- PLEASANT HILL INTERCEPTOR DESIGN -0- CSO SEWER RENOVATION-PIPE REPLACEMENT 90,000 1-680/SR-24 RELOCATION-PHASE 3 2,572,000 ORCHARD ROAD TRUNK SEWER 777,000 ALL OTHER PROJECTS 6,657,060 TOTAL $10,096,060 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS 1992-93 EQUIPMENT & VEHICLE BUDGET $ 582,343 COMPUTER SYSTEMS UPGRADE 1,011,000 ALL OTHER PROJECTS 1 ,302,1 28 TOTAL $ 2,313,128 GRAND TOTAL $25,785,262