HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 08-19-93 ~ Centra. ~g~~~ g~~~R~~~baR1 .Jistrict PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR m. DATE August 10, 1993 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 93-16 (DANVILLE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Dennis Hall, Associate En ineer Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Division Parcel No. Area Owner I Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 93-1 6 Danville (98C3) Dorothy M. Thomas 191 Sonora Avenue Danville, CA 94526 208-034-006 (0.33 AC.) Existing house with a failing septic system; must connect to the public sewer system. Project is exempt from CEOA. CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 93-16 to be included in a future formal annexation. 1302A-9/85 JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ,. 0/1 DH f(~ INITIATING DEPTiDIV. ~ PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 93-16 ~ Centra, ;g~~~ g~~~R~~~::~~ District POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF August 19, 1993 SUBJECT CONFIRM n AMENDED ASSESSMENT DIAGRAM" AND APPORTION BOND ASSESSMENT AMOUNTS AND AUTHORIZE RECORDING OF SAID DIAGRAM, LOCAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 56, WALNUT CREEK AREA PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR n. August 10, 1993 DATE TYPE OF ACTION APPORTIONMENT OF LID BONDS SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV Engineering Department/infrastructure Div. ISSUE: The Contra Costa County Auditor's office has requested this District to apportion the bonds which are outstanding on two parcels of land in Local Improvement District (LID) 56. BACKGROUND: With the filing of Subdivision 7168, it has become necessary to apportion the bond assessment for parcel Nos. 56-3 and 56-4.When Subdivision 7168 was filed, it created four new parcels. The new parcels are shown on the attached amended assessment diagram and are assigned Assessment Nos. 56-38 through 56-41. In accordance with Section 8730 of the Streets and Highways Code, the District is required to apportion the LID bond amounts on the original parcels to the newly created parcels. The County Auditor can then prepare a tax bill for each new parcel. The original two parcels of land were assessed as one unit each. Staff has applied the two existing assessments to two of the four newly created parcels. The two remaining new parcels will each pay an equalization fee when they are connected to the public sewer system. The following is a summary of the apportioned assessments: ASSESSMENT NO. AMOUNT AMENDED ASSESSMENT NO. 56-38 56-39 56-40 56-41 56-3 56-4 $9,310.34 $9,310.34 *Equalization fees due at time of connection (currently $10,367.65). ASSESSMENT AMOUNT $9,310.34 0.00* 0.00* $9,310.34 RECOMMENDATION: Confirm the amended assessment diagram and apportion assessment amounts and authorize the recording of said diagram. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. f1{) ;R~ ~f 1302A-9/85 ~,______...,._____.___.___..._.__~..__,"..,..,.,___,__._.______._...__._....._m_________...__._____._.....___.._._~_.._...,,~._~",.__~,__~_____..._._,..._..,,_...,._"'.__.- ......... ~ N ~ I , , I..\.. -. II'"' .... r.' J,.:. ,J " . J'': I I V SHELL RIDGE OPEN SPACE .... ........... {4......... /9 ............ '9; d'o " .... .... ....... ~ ~ I'f) @ '" / /~,. / A..O ~ " V ~T~'r/ / / ( I ~ I ~ r-I ~ :Ja.1 " " 10 '0 ~ " @ " 0-<-' V rotb ~" 0-<-' V lOll. 39 124. 89 I I \ \.1\ ,,\ ,~ ~\ I?', I \ f7~ , 1'...... I'NI I .... I~ I ~I - + I -.. _.....,1 _I I - -- - -I I /2aB7 , 125.50 109 g,' @ "J" ~ o. ~ ~ ~ @ /37.:l' 0-<-' V \ l.-.. /'--.. - - -- / / / / / / / / - APPORTION L.I.D. BOND L.I.D. 56 Walnut Creek Area BOARD MEETING OF August 19, 1993 PAGE 1 OF 4 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR o. DATE Au ust 5, 1993 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE PUBLIC NOTICE SUBJECT AUTHORIZE A PUBLIC NOTICE TO INDICATE AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTATION IN SUPPORT OF THE DISTRICT'S APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is required to establish its appropriations limit in accordance with Article XIII B of the California Constitution. BACKGROUND: Proposition 4 was approved on November 6, 1979, and was incorporated in the California Constitution as Article XIII B. Article XIII B, as implemented by Senate Bill 1352, limits appropriations of state and local governments to the appropriations of the 1978-1979 base year adjusted in each subsequent year for changes in the Consumer Price Index or California per capita personal income, whichever is lower, and the change in population. SB 1352 requires government agencies to establish their appropriations limit by resolution each year at a regularly scheduled meeting. Notice to the public of the availability of documentation in support of the appropriations limit must be given fifteen days prior to adoption. The appropriations limit is open to challenge within 45 days of the effective date of the resolution. The following key considerations have been used in applying the provisions of Article XIII B: . The District accounts for its activities in four separ:ate funds: Running Expense Fund (General Fund); Sewer Construction Fund (Capital Fund); Self-Insurance Fund; and Debt Service Fund. The Running Expense Fund and Self-Insurance Fund are considered to be enterprise funds and are not subject to limitation under Proposition 4. Enterprise funds are generally used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business enterprises where it is intended that costs of providing goods or services to the public on a continuing basis be financed or recovered primarily through user charges. Bond proceeds used for debt service are not subject to the appropriations limit. The District's appropriations limit is required to be established for the Sewer Construction Fund. The appropriations limit is determined for yearly appropriations into the Sewer Construction Fund. INITIATrG DEPT.lDIV. ~/~- REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-7/91 DR PM SUBJECT AUTHORIZE A PUBLIC NOTICE TO INDICATE AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTATION IN SUPPORT OF THE DISTRICT'S APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT PAGE DATE 2 4 OF August 5, 1993 . Article XIII B defines "proceeds of taxes" as including, but not restricted to, all tax revenues, income from investment of tax proceeds, and the proceeds of regulatory licenses, user charges and fees to the extent that such proceeds exceed the reasonable cost of providing the regulation, product or service. "Proceeds of taxes" also include state subventions, other than those for mandated programs for which the state reimburses the local agency. SB 1352 further defines state subventions to include only money received by a local agency from the state, the use of which is unrestricted by the statute providing the subvention. Grant funds received from the state for capital projects are restricted to specific uses and are, therefore, not "proceeds of taxes." . Fund balances carried over into fiscal year 1 980-1981 are generally subject to limitation unless they were appropriated into a reserve account prior to July 1, 1980; however, as the Sewer Construction Fund is a single purpose fund, the fund balance at June 30, 1981 has been construed as having been appropriated into reserves and, therefore, not subject to limitation. Article XIII B was amended in 1990 by Proposition 111, which resulted in the following changes: . Formerly, the appropriations limit was increased annually by a factor comprised of the change in population combined with either the change in California per capita personal income or the Consumer Price Index, whichever is lower. As amended, the Consumer Price Index is replaced by the change in the local assessment roll due to local nonresidential construction. The Board is to select between the per capita personal income or the change in the local assessment roll due to local nonresidential construction by a recorded vote. The 1990-1991 appropriations limit shall be the 1986-1987 appropriations limit adjusted from that year forward by the new growth factors stated in the proposition. The change in the local assessment roll, which is intended to be obtainable from the County Assessor was not available for use for the 1 990-1 991 fiscal year C!nd, therefore, the per capita personal income factor was used. The County Assessor has since provided the change in the local assessment roll for both the 1991- 1992 and 1992-1993 fiscal year, but advised that the change in assessment roll for the prior fiscal years 1987-1988 through 1990-1991 will not be available. The change in the local assessment roll for the 1993-1 994 fiscal year has been reported by the County Assessor to be 10.1 percent. The California per capita personal income percentage change is 2.72. The change in the local assessment roll is being used in the calculation of the 1 993-1 994 appropriations limit, as shown on Attachment I. . Revenues received in a fiscal year and the fiscal year immediately following it in excess of the appropriations limit during that fiscal year and the fiscal year immediately following it, shall be returned by a revision of tax rates or fee schedules within the next two subse uent fiscal ears. 1302B-7/91 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER AUTHORIZE A PUBLIC NOTICE TO INDICATE AVAILABILITY OF DOCUMENTATION IN SUPPORT OF THE DISTRICT'S APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT PAGE DATE 3 OF 4 August 5, 1993 . In the event an emergency is declared by the Board, the appropriations limit may be exceeded provided that the appropriations limits in the following three years are reduced accordingly to prevent an aggregate increase in appropriations resulting from the emergency. . The annual calculation of the appropriations limit for each entity of local government shall be reviewed as part of an annual financial audit. The appropriations limit for 1992-1993 will be reviewed by the District's independent auditors, Maze and Associates, during the regularly scheduled annual audit. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a public notice advising that documentation used in the determination of the appropriations limit shall be available fifteen days prior to the Board Meeting to be held on September 16, 1993, at which the appropriations limit for the Sewer Construction Fund for the fiscal year 1993-1994 will be established. 13028-7/91 ADS/Pos Paper #2/Prop4.PP CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Sewer Construction Fund (Capital Fund) Appropriations Limit $4.697.644 $5.285.789 $6.062.800 $6.746.078 $7.266.875 $7.548,830 $8,010,818 1978-1979 Appropriations Subject to Limitation 1 979-1 980 Appropriations Limit 1 980-1981 Appropriations Limit 1981-1982 Appropriations Limit 1982-1983 Appropriations Limit 1 983-1984 Appropriations Limit 1 984-1985 Appropriations Limit 1985-1986 Appropriations Limit 1986-1987 Appropriations Limit 1987-1988 Appropriations Limit 1988-1989 Appropriations Limit 1989-1990 Appropriations Limit 1990-1 991 Appropriations Limit 1991-1992 Appropriations Limit 1992-1993 Appropriations Limit 1993-1994 appropriations Limit: Nonresidential New Construction Change in Assessment Roll Population Change Compound Effect: $8.416,165 $8,823,507 $9,303,506 $9.964.055 $10,768,154 $11,575,765 $13.574.899 $14,559,079 1.1010 1.0210 1.1010 x 1.0210 = 1.124121 $14,559,079 x 1.124121 = $16.366.166 ADS/PosPaper #2/Prop4.PP Attachment I Page 4 of 4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 10 Au ust 19 1993 NO. 5. ENGINEERING a. BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE CONSIDER APPEAL OF KULCHIN-CONDON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. OF STAFF POSITION REGARDING PREOUALlFICATION; ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING AS PREOUALlFIED MICROTUNNELlNG/PIPE JACKING CONTRACTORS FOR THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT, D.P. 4879 TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER APPEAL ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Michael J. Penny, Assistant Engineer Engineering Dept.llnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: It is appropriate for the Board to hear the appeal of Kulchin-Condon and Associates, Inc. of staff's position concerning prequalification for microtunneling/pipe jacking for the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project. Additionally a resolution is needed to approve prequalification of contractors which staff recommends to be prequalified. BACKGROUND: The Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor sewer project includes the installation of approximately 9,600 feet of pipeline. Of this total, approximately 2,000 feet will be installed utilizing microtunneling/pipe jacking methods under State Highway 4, Interstate 680 aAd Contra Costa Boulevard. Due to concerns and requirements of Caltrans and the City of Pleasant Hill regarding adverse impacts the microtunneling/pipe jacking operations may have on the freeways and city street such as settlement and the creation of traffic hazards, a special need exists to have a smooth, low risk operation. Due to physical constraints, access from the ground surface is precluded, and no intermediate access shafts will be allowed. The geologic conditions in the areas of the microtunneling generally consist of soft, medium stiff, and stiff clay, interbedded with saturated silty and clayey sand layers. It is anticipated that all of the tunneling will be below the groundwater levels. In order to stabilize the tunnel direction, control groundwater inflows, minimize surface settlement and reduce dewatering requirements, the use of a specialized type of equipment involving pressurized face microtunneling/pipe jacking equipment with a closed face tunnel shield and positive, controllable face pressure is a requirement for the project. Due to the anticipated difficult tunneling conditions and the requirement for specialized equipment for the project, contractors who propose to perform the microtunneling/pipe jacking work must have sufficient experience utilizing the specialized equipment and certain other experience. Prequalification of these microtunneling/pipe jacking contractors/subcontractors is needed and is in the best interest of the District. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON MJP TJP JSM RAB KLA w 1302A-7/91 CONSIDER APPEAL OF KULCHIN-CONDON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. OF STAFF DETERMINATION REGARDING PREQUALlFICATION; ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING AS PREQUALlFIED MICROTUNNELlNG/PIPE JACKING CONTRACTORS FOR THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT, D.P. 4879 .................................................................................-. .....111.'1111......11._.111..... SUBJECT PAGE 2 DATE OF 10 August 13, 1993 Objective criteria for prequalification were established by Woodward-Clyde Consultants in conjunction with District staff. A summary of these criteria are shown in Exhibit A. A notice inviting prequalification submittals was published on June 14, 1993. A copy of the Notice Inviting Submittals is attached as in Exhibit B. Twelve submittals were received and evaluated by a team of Woodward-Clyde Consultants and District staff through an objective process. Seven contractors were determined to be prequalified. The five contractors which staff does not recommend as prequalified did not have experience with the specialized microtunneling/pipe jacking equipment. A list of the contractors recommended as prequalified is contained in Exhibit C. Those contractors not meeting the prequalification requirements were afforded an opportunity to appeal the staff determination to the Board. Only Kulchin-Condon and Associates, Inc. has so appealed (Exhibit D). The Board's determination that only certain contractors are prequalified for the microtunneling/pipe jacking work is applicable to this project only and the specific circumstances involved. It is not intended to reflect adversely upon the ability of contractors not determined to be prequalified. Kulchin-Condon and Associates, Inc.'s submittal was made in conjunction with Microtunneling, Inc. After initial review, a letter was sent to Kulchin-Condon requesting additional prequalification information (Exhibit E). Kulchin-Condon responded with additional information by letter (Exhibit F). Based on all of the information supplied, staff and its consultant Woodward Clyde Consultants have concluded that Kulchin-Condon and Associates does not have sufficient qualifications to meet the prequalification criteria. The prequalification process is based on a requirement that contractors have experience, internal to their company, with the specialized equipment. Kulchin-Condon and Associates is attempting to meet the experience requirements by including in their submittal Microtunneling, Inc. a company which functions as a consultant on tunneling projects, but is not a contractor. Kulchin-Condon and Associates does not have tunneling experience. Therefore, Kulchin-Condon and Associates does. not meet the criteria for prequalification. District staff is concerned about whether Microtunneling, Inc. will obtain a contractor's license (as they stated they will), the nature of the business relationship between Kulchin-Condon and Associates and Microtunneling, Inc. and the authority and function of Microtunneling, Inc.'s personnel on the job site. Staff has raised questions regarding these concerns to Kulchin-Condon and Associates. Information obtained from the responses to these questions will be included in staff's presentation at the Board meeting. 1302B-7/91 CONSIDER APPEAL OF KULCHIN-CONDON AND ASSOCIATES, INC. OF STAFF DETERMINATION REGARDING PREOUALlFICATION; ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING AS PREOUALlFIED MICROTUNNELlNG/PIPE JACKING CONTRACTORS FOR THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT, D.P. 4879 ............................................................................... ...............................................................-..............-.... IIIIIIIIIII&M SUBJECT PAGE DATE 3 OF 10 August 13, 1993 The issue before the Board is whether Kulchin-Condon and Associates in conjunction with Microtunneling Inc. has met the criteria to be prequalified for the Pleasant Hill project. Kulchin- Condon has been invited to present information pertinent to its appeal at the meeting of the Board. RECOMMENDATION: Determine whether Kulchin-Condon should be prequalified. Adopt a Resolution approving as prequalified microtunneling/pipe jacking contractors for the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project and authorize the President of the Board and Secretary of the District to execute the Resolution. 13028-7/91 ____._~_._.,..______._M._.'..._._..____~._..__ . . _. .__._.__...__.....~.,_.+_..".._.,..._.._.,______^_..__,.____..___..._._____,_~.________..",'_._..,_.._._'____..---.---,--...--..-.-----,-,-~----,..._-----,-----_.._---------- EXHIBIT A SUMMARY OF PREQUALlFICA TION CRITERIA Contractors must meet the following criteria: . Successful completion of three tunneling projects in the last five years using specialized microtunneling/pipe jacking equipment (pressurized face with a closed face tunnel shield and positive, controllable face pressure). . Successful completion of at least one project in geologic conditions similar to those of the Pleasant Hill Project utilizing specialized microtunneling/pipe jacking equipment and one project using one or more intermediate jacking stations. . Tunneling experience of a project superintendent of at least ten years and of microtunneling/pipe jacking machine operator(s) of at least five years. The superintendent and operator(s) must have worked on at least two projects using the specialized microtunneling/pipe jacking equipment required for this project. . Provision of documentation from a bonding company certifying that the contractor will have $3,000,000 in bonding capacity as of December 1, 1993. . Demonstration of successful completion of all public works projects entered into since June 1, 1990. .,..,----_._---,-_._--_..__._-~~.,_..._---~.._-_._--------.-----.-....----..--- EXHIBIT B NOTICE INVITING SUBMITTALS MICROTUh~ELING/PIPE JACKING SUBCONTRACTOR PREOUALIFICATION PLEASANT EILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT DIETRICT PROJECT NO. 4879 CENTRAL CONTM COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT, MARTINEZ I CA Notice is hereby given that sealed prequalification Submittals for boring subcontractors will be received by mail or at the receptionist area ot the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ("DistrictU), 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California 94553, Attention: Secretary of the District, until 2 p.m. Pacitic Daylight Savings Time, July 16, 1993. Three copies of the Sub4:littal are required. Construction of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project Phases 1. and 2 (.'Project") will involve the installation of about 2 , 0 0 0 feet 'of concrete piPe using. m icrotunne ling Ipipe jacking r:ethods. The Project includes two 210' long drives with 7B" inside diameter pipe and a 440' drive and an 1.,100' drive with 54" inside diameter pipe. Due to constraints, access frODi the ground surface is precluded along these drives, and no intermediate access shafts will be allowed. It is anticipated that intermediate jacking.__ stations will be required for the two longer drive lengths. . The current proj ect schedule is to advertise the proj ect in August, 1.993 , receive bids in September, 1.993,. and award the contract in October, 1993. Approximately 1.3 lDonths will be allowed for completion of the Project. . Because of geologic conditions present at the site, the use of pressurized face microtunneling/pipe jacking equipment employin<1 ei therearth pressure balance, pressurized slurry, or a cotiliination of the two methods for the tunnels is required. The tunneling equipment must. be a closed face tunnel shield with the capability to exert a positive, controllable pressure at the tunnel face. Line and grade is to be monitored using laser methods and controlled '\.,'ithin + 1". Because of the specialized nature of this work and the specific anticipated site constraints, the District requires that all microtunneling/pipe jacking subcontractors pregualify for this proj ect. J.... list of pregualified subcontractors will be provided \." i th the Eid DocUl!lents. The use of a non-prequalified subcontractor ",'ill not be allowed. Subcontractors ....ishing to pc.rticipate in the pregualification evaluation must co:;plete a \.Titten Sub::ittal in accordance with the District's "Re::"uest for sub~ittals" (lfRFSIf). - 1 ID/ Infra/487<: f!nvite. Sub The RFS may be obtained at no cost from central Contra Costa Sani tary District, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, CA 94553, Attention: Mr. Tad Pilecki. Subcontractors are requested to obtain copies of the RFS in person. Written and telephone requests (510- 689-3890) will be honored, but timely delivery cannot be guaranteed. The District will review the Submittals and deternine which subcontractors are pregualified. Each participating subcontractor '-'ill be no~ified in \.Titing of the prequalification decision made upon the st1bcontractor's Submittal. Subcontractors should exempt a subcontractor from as licensing, prevailing applicable laws and each documents. note th~t prequalifica,tion does not meeting each requirement of law, such wage, public work, and all other requirement of the final contract Dated: June 8, 1993 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY . DISTRICT 2 IOIIn f raj 487S IInvite. Sub EXHIBIT C STAFF RECOMMENDATION OF PREQUALlFIED CONTRACTORS BRH-Garver Houston, Texas Oscar Renda Contracting Roanoke, Texas Constructors-PAMCO Seattle, Washington Western utility Contractors Pleasant Grove, Utah E. E. Cruz and Co., Inc. Holmdel, New Jersey W & F and FKCI Partnership Evansville, Indiana Michels Pipeline Construction Milwaukee, Wisconsin HlJl..r- ~- j~ 1 t1U I q. j:J KULt;:i f Ii l,;VffiJVI'1 r~~ NU, ~lU~~~~~~' EXHIBIT D I'~ KULCHIN · CONDON ~~ & ASSOCIATES INC. ffillE~tenWIQ) AUG 5 1993 CONT~ACTORS & ENGINEERS CCCSD SECRETARY OF 1'l'iE DlSTRICT August 5, 1993 Ms. Joyce E. Murphy Secretary of the District's Board of Directors CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DI:STRICT 5019 Imhoff Place Martine~, California 94553-4392 Reference: MICROTUNNELING/PIPE JACKING PREQUALIFlCATION PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT D.P. 4819 Dear Ms. Murphy: ?Ie have received your letter of August 5, 1993 informing us that we have not been prequalified for the above referenced project. with respect to the rejectionl by the central Contra' Costa Sanitary District, this is our official written request for appeal to the District's Board of Directors and we request a h~~n9' Sincf'eJ.y I ~ <----_ . /~~ //~m7S ohnson ~Vic President JJ/ye 1640 Ef,,18t.J:-::AOERO. PD. BOX 12368, OAK1AI'\IO, CA 94604 . FAX (510J 534-3421 - TE. (510] 534.3400 5000 N. Pt-P',,:;v/AY Ck..ABASAS, _231, CAlABASAS. CA 91302 ' F~ (81B) 591-6780 . m (818) 591-6700 EXHIBIT E Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ,.., (l}I:i:~~i:~lI_ _ ;r;\:4tI"" (IJ.m~... I' July 29, 1993 ROGER J. DOUA Cm(!T(l1 Htm4{Ji!T Cllle( Engmur Mr. James Johnson Vice President Kulchin-Condon & Associates, Inc. P. O. Box 12368 Oakland CA 94604 1\E.\70N L ..lL\f CouTUel (or the District (5JI)J 938-J430 JOl.CE E. NllRPHl. 5<!creto'1l o( the District Dear Mr. Johnson: MICROTUNNElING/PIPE JACKING PREQUALlFICATION, PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT, D.P. 4879; REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Thank you for submitting your pre qualification package to the District. The information that you included in your submittal is deficient in the following areas. 1. The experience set forth by Microtunneling, Inc., is that of Chief Tunneling Engineer, Project Manager and/or consultant and not that of a contractor. This experience is not what was requested in the District's Request for Submittals. The District's request was formulated to prequalify contractors or subcontractors, not individuals or independent consultants. .-- 2. The substance of the submittal tends to indicate that Kulchin-Condon & Associates, Inc., and Microtunneling, Inc., are jointly proposing to be prequalified and yet no information was presented regar-ding the legal relationship between the two companies. Information on the legal relationship would assist the District in its evaluation of your submittal. 3. Kulchin-Condon & Associates, Inc., has not set forth sufficient experience in microtunneling/pipe jacking to meet the criteria set forth in the District's Request for Submittals. If you have additional information which addresses the issues noted above, please FAX it to the undersigned at (51 0) 228-4624 by noon Monday, August 2. Your prompt reply is necessary for us to finsih our evaluation of your submittal. Sincerely, ,-2 / A4 1:X~ "MCC;; Infrastructure Division Manager JSM/gv @ ?,,-.,<~ 1'>...-", H'.'~ ~~ KULCHIN .. CONCON ..~ & ASSOCIATES INC. fD)f!mlEDwmfm lJlJ AUG 9 t9g3 ~ MICROTUNNELING~ INFRASTRUCTURE . EXHIBIT F August 2, 1993 Mr. Jay S. McCoy, R.E. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Reference: Microtunneling/Pipe Jacking Prequalification Dear Mr. McCoy: Per your request, the following is the additional information as outlined in your letter of Ju~y 29, 1993. 1 . Microtunneling, Inc. will apply and obtain a contractors license in the state of California. :- 2 . Kulchin-Condon & Associates, Inc. and Microtunneling, Inc. will bid the job as a joint venture. 3. The joint venture as listed above is relying on the extensive experience of Microtunneling, Inc. to meet the experience requirements. Please call should you require additional information. Sincerely, JJ/ye N & ASSOC., INC. 1840 EMBARCAr:ERO. PD. BOX 12368. OAKlAND. CA 94604 . FAX (510) 534-3421 . m (510) 534-3400