HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-07-93 ~ Centra. ;g~~~ g~~~R~~~baR~ .listrict PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 7, 1 993 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF A CONSENT TO DEDICATION TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY (JOB 1583 - PARCEL 6) M.S. 202-90 (ALAMO AREA) DATE December 22, 1992 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE CONSENT TO DEDICATION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUE: The county requires a "Consent to Dedication" whenever an area dedicated for public road purposes encroaches upon an existing easement. BACKGROUND: A portion of Parcels A and B of Minor Subdivision M.S. 202-90 is being dedicated to the county for widening the public road known as Danville Boulevard. An existing public sewer easement is located within the dedicated area. Since the easement precedes the dedication of the public roads, a consent to dedication is needed. Staff, in conjunction with District Counsel, has developed a new Consent to Dedication form which clarifies and improves the District's prior existing rights. This is the first instance for use of the new form. It is intended by staff that the new Consent to Dedication form will become the future standard. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Ouality Act (CEOA) under District CEOA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Consent to Dedication to Contra Costa County, M.S. 202-90, Job No. 1583, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said document and authorize its recording by Contra Costa County. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ,Q d/ 1JJf JSM Jill RAB 1302A-9/85 DH Z4 WALNUT Gtz.l::E;\(' el? A LAM 0 ....- s' S.S~. ~y _ J~ .-- .- ~ ,.--- -- , ,/ / " \ \ \ ~ \" , ~3,Gf-\ ~ \, \ ~ " ",v.~"'~ ",' S.S;~o co'b';ls 11 O~O,c"'"(<C: ",0 ~Uv.~ -'~ fO~ ~O --- ...- ---...-...- 13'''''\ C --- --- --- .--?-y- ~/" ' ~"-5--~ --- \-\~ ~~, Yjo,<ve-\. ~ ~,. ~.c. ~,~~ ..---'--- ...-...---- ------------ fA /------- , .------ ....-'> .--,/ -:-;::---- // ___ _' __ - ,.-,c'" , o r:, '. ./'/ ,.-', ? CONSENT JOB 158;0 DEDICATION PARCEL 6 ALAMO AREA ,0 '..~ \~ \ \t=: \~ \ \ \ \ \ ~ \~ \0 ,- . ~ Centra. ;g~~~ g~~~R~~~ba~~ District PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARDMEETI!1~ROary 7,1993 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR b. ~1fcember 15, 1992 SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE M-4 PARALLEL FORCE MAIN PROJECT (DP 4781) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT/DIV. Engineering Department ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the M-4 Parallel Force Main Project (DP 4781) and the work is ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The M-4 Parallel Force Main Project consists of installing approximately 5,800 feet of 20-inch force main and appurtenant valve, access, and corrosion control facilities along Waterfront Road and Waterbird Way in Martinez (see Attachment 1). Additional information is shown on pages C-47 through C-49 of the 1992-93 Capital Improvement Budget. On June 18, 1992, the Board authorized the award of a $1,362,750 contract to Contri Construction Company, Inc. to construct the project. Notice to Proceed was issued on June 27, 1992. The contract completion date was January 23, 1993. The new force main was in full service on November 13, 1992, and other major items of work were completed by December 16, 1992. The remaining work consists of punch list items which do not affect the project acceptance. The total authorized budget for the project, including the cost of engineering design, consultant services, District forces, testing services, etc., is $2,057,300. A detailed accounting of the project cost will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for construction of the M-4 Parallel Force Main Project (DP 4781) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION fJt 1302A-9/85 KZ HBT JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT/DIV wU . . .e~'(. " \"~ " ",s\J\SV ., .. ' u..I ~ --' -l LU ::r: V) \ PACHECO u..I ~ ~ N ~ 0 II. v: , , MILE GJ >- ~ =I :E Centrol Contro Costo Sanitary District ATTACHMENT M-4 PARALLEL FORCEMAIN DP 4781 1 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District , BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSltllllfSJfBER BOARD MEETING OF ................................................ January 7, 1993 SUBJECT PAGE 1 OF 1 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR c. DATE SET JANUARY 21, 1993, AT 3 P.M. AS THE DATE AND TIME FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION FOR THE COLLECTION SYSTEMS OPERATIONS (CSO) YARD RECONFIGURATION PROJECT, DP 30023 December 22 1 992 TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Russell B. Leavitt, Planning Assistant Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: District practice is to hold a public hearing prior to the Board's consideration of Negative Declarations and project approvals. BACKGROUND: A Negative Declaration for the CSO Yard Reconfiguration Project, DP 30023, has been proposed. The proposed reconfiguration will relocate vehicle parking, materials storage, and vehicle maintenance facilities, reroute traffic flow within the yard, remove buildings affected by the Caltrans right-of-way acquisition, constructing replacement buildings, retaining walls, and improve to existing buildings, grading, paving, landscaping, and fencing. The District has proposed amending the City of Walnut Creek's General Plan land use designation for the northwestern portion of the site from "OF" (Office) to "PU" (Public/Semi-Public) to provide a land use designation consistent with the proposed use of this portion of the site as a vehicle maintenance facility. The western portion of the site, fronting on Springbrook Road, would remain in the current "Office" designation. The District has also applied for a Conditional Use Permit so that the existing office and corporation yard uses conform with the existing "C-G" (General Commercial) zoning. While not required by law or the District's procedures, it has been the District's customary practice to hold public hearings in advance of the adoption of Negative Declarations on major projects. RECOMMENDATION: Set January 21, 1993, 3 p.m., as the date and time to receive public comments on the Negative Declaration for the CSO Yard Reconfiguration Project, DP 30023. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPTJDIV. ff!>L ;J~ {Jm? 1302A-7/91 RBL DRW RAB Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF January 7, 1 993 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR d. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE ATTENDANCE OF RANDY SCHMIDT, ASSOCIATE ENGINEER, AT THE JANUARY 19-22, 1993 AIR DISPERSION MODELING COURSE GIVEN BY BEE SERVICES, INC., IN DALLAS, TEXAS, AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $2,500 DATE January 5, 1993 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. David R. Williams, Planning Division Manager Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Directors is required for unbudgeted travel outside of California and/or if the expense will exceed $500. BACKGROUND: The District spent in excess of $200,000 in 1990 to meet the requirements of AB 2588, the air toxics "Hot Spots" regulation. This included preparation of an air toxic emission inventory and an air toxic health risk assessment (HRA). The consultant who prepared the 1990 AB 2588 HRA indicated it would charge the District approximately $10,000 per analysis to redo the HRA. The District will need to do at least two HRAs in the next 12 months. One HRA is needed by April 1 993 to determine the effect of a height increase to the multiple hearth furnace stack. The second HRA is needed in September 1993 for the AB 2588 biennial update. A third HRA may be needed in order to comply with newly published sludge .regulations. In addition, under the proposed Bay Area Air Quality Management District's Toxic Air Contaminant New Source Review Rule, the District would need to do an air toxic HRA for any new or modified source of air emissions. The District could substantially reduce the per analysis cost of HRAs by developing in-house risk assessment capability. Attendance at the air dispersion modeling course given by BEE Services, Inc. in Dallas, Texas, is ,the first step in developing in-house risk assessment capability. It will provide the basic knowledge needed to run and interpret air dispersion models for compliance with sludge regulations, biennial AB 2588 updates, and all new project air toxic health risk analyses. By doing the dispersion modeling and risk assessment in-house, the District could reduce the cost from $10,000 per analysis to approximately $4,500 per analysis. In addition to having personnel trained to do HRAs, the District will also need to purchase the appropriate HRA computer models. Staff is currently negotiating with the consultant, who prepared the AB 2588 HRA, for the purchase of an HRA model customized for the District. Funds are available in District Project 20072 to cover the cost of this training. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Randy Schmidt, Associate Engineer, at the January 19-22, 1993 air dispersion modeling course given by BEE Services, Inc. in Dallas, Texas, at a cost not to exceed $2,500. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION !5IMT.lDIV. 1/# 1302A-7/91 DRW RAB Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 20 BOARD MEETING OF January 7, 1 993 NO. 5. SOLID WASTE a. SUBJECT DATE ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO ESTABLISH REFU~E December 29, 1992 COLLECTION RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993 TYPE OF ACTION FOR VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ORINDA-MORAGA ADOPfRESOLunoNS DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. SUBMITTED BY Walter N. Funasaki, Finance Officer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Board resolutions to establish new refuse collection rates effective January 1, 1993 for Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., based on decisions of the Board of Directors following public hearings on December 17, 1 992, are submitted for adoption. BACKGROUND: Applications for refuse collection rate increases effective January 1, 1993 were submitted by two of the three refuse collection companies franchised by the District. Each rate application and related staff analysis were provided to the affected cities and towns of Lafayette and Danville, and Orinda and Moraga. The applications and District staff analyses were presented at a Board workshop.on December 3, 1992, and were the subject of public hearings on December 17, 1992. During the public hearings, the Board of Directors received staff presentations of issues common to both applications and the issues unique to each refuse collector, and written and/or oral comments from each of the city/town councils, the refuse collectors, and members of the general public. At the conclusion of the public hearings, the Board of Directors reached decision on all common issues and those issues unique to each application. The following sections of this Position Paper summarize the Board decisions, and the resultant effects on the rate adjustment calculation and schedule of refuse collection rates for Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. Common Issues Disoosal Exoense The Board of Directors made the following determinations regarding disposal expense: . If a mid-year disposal fee increase, or decrease, occurs in 1993 as a result of a change in the fee at the transfer station or. disposal facility currently used, or due to use of a new facility, the Board of Directors will determine the appropriateness of a mid-year collection rate adjustment. . The Board of Directors is not satisfied that the County fees included in the landfill gate fee and the transfer station fee have been properly established "" REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ROGER J. DOLAN aper #2/Janrates.PP I~TIATI.NG DEPTJDIV. ~~~~ 1302A-7/91 ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO ESTABLISH REFUSE COLLECTION RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1 993 FOR VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. SUBJECT 2 OF 20 PAGE DATE December 29, 1992 by the County. The refuse collectors were directed to continue to pay the disposal fees to the transfer station under protest. District Counsel was requested to provide the Board with a legal analysis of this matter. . The refuse collectors were directed to continue their efforts to obtain alternative transfer station and/or disposal sites. Closure Costs The Board of Directors allowed legal expenses related to the Acme closure lawsuit to be included in the refuse collection rates. The forecasted legal expenses of $186,000 and $130,000 included in the rate applications of Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., will be included in the 1993 rates. The Board did not have sufficient information to decide on whether to reimburse the collectors' legal expenses and thus require this revenue to be administered in a District-maintained impound account. The matter of reimbursement will be decided at a later time. Revenue and Exoense Balancina Account The Board of Directors determined that the balance in the Revenue and Expense Balancing Account as of December 31, 1992 should be fully applied in determining the 1993 refuse collection rates, instead of being applied over 1993 and 1994. District Franchise Fee The Board of Directors requested a staff review of the District's franchise fee to produce a reduction of at least $50,000, or possibly a larger reduction, if achievable without eliminating required activities. A summary of the District franchise fee and the reduction of $89,400 is shown on Attachment III. The effect of the franchise fee reduction on the rate adjustment calculation for Valley Waste Management is shown on Attachments I and II, and on Attachment VII for Orinda- Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. 1302B-7/91 ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO ESTABLISH REFUSE COLLECTION RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993 FOR VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. SUBJECT PAGE DATE 3 OF 20 December 29, 1992 Unique Issues - Valley Waste Management Intercomoanv Charaes of $275.000 The intercompany charges of $275,000 included in the rate application were reduced by the Board of Directors to $150,000. The Board of Directors also denied the Company's request to index the $275,000 using an annual inflation rate to establish the allowable intercompany charges beginning 1994. The effect of the $125,000 reduction in intercompany charges on the rate adjustment calculation is shown on Attachments I and II. Automated Residential Curbside Collection The Board of Directors determined that separate collection of green waste in the City of Lafayette should be implemented, despite the city's non- participation in the automated residential curbside collection program. The separate collection of green waste on a nonautomated basis in the City of Lafayette was included in the staff analysis and there is, therefore, no effect on the rate adjustment calculation shown on Attachment II. Reauest to Restructure Droo Box Rates The Board of Directors determined that the 7 cubic yard drop box rate should be restructured to at least a break-even basis. The restructured drop box rate is shown on Attachment IV, and the effect on the rate adjustment calculation is shown on Attachments I and II. Allowable Profit Calculation The Board of Directors determined that the District's current rate-setting methodology should be retained. Draft Letters for Difficult-to-Access Customers The letters drafted by the Company to notify customers who have been receiving the difficult-to-access service, but incorrectly billed regular rates, were approved for issuance, with modifications. 1302B-7/91 ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO ESTABLISH REFUSE COLLECTION RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993 FOR VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. SUBJECT PAGE DATE 4 OF 20 December 29, 1992 Modification Factors The Quality of Service and Cost of Service modification factors were each set at 1.00. Unique Issues - Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. Automated Residential Curbside Collection The Board of Directors deferred consideration of the Company's request to implement automated residential curbside collection until March 1, 1994. By that date, the District is to notify the Company whether the franchise agreement will be extended for an option period of five years beyond the February 28, 1996 termination date. Reauest to Reduce Freauencv of Seasonal Cleanuos The Board of Directors approved the Company's request to reduce the frequency of seasonal cleanups from three to two per year, without a reduction in the total customer volume limit. The total expense reduction of $48,375 is summarized on Attachment VIII, and the effect on the rate adjustment calculation is shown on Attachment VII. Affiliated Entities Transactions The Board of Directors affirmed the requirement that the Company's operations be separately maintained in all respects from those of entities in which the Company's stockholders hold ownership interests, or from personal transactions of the stockholders. Modification Factors The Quality of Service and Cost of Service modification factors were each set at 1.00. 13026-7/91 ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO ESTABLISH REFUSE COLLECTION RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993 FOR VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT AND ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. SUBJECT PAGE DATE 5 OF 20 December 29, 1992 The resulting residential collection rates for Valley Waste Management, based on the rate adjustment calculations shown on Attachments I and II, are presented on Attachment V; the resulting residential collection rates for Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., based on the rate adjustment calculation shown on Attachment VII, are presented on Attachment IX. The Board Resolution and complete schedule of refuse collection rates effective January 1, 1993 for Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. are presented on Attachments VI, and X, respectively. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 93-002 and Resolution No. 93-003 to establish the new schedule of refuse collection rates effective January 1, 1993 for Valley Waste Management and Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc., as presented on Attachments VI and X, respectively. 13028-7/91 VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT RATE ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION Forecasted Calendar Year Ending December 31, 1993 (000 Omitted) SERVICE AREA, EXCLUDING CITY OF LAFAYETTE Allowable Expenses, Including Intercompany Charges Board Adjustments: Reduce Intercompany Charges From $275,000 To $150,000 Reduce District Franchise Fee Capital Use Charge Total Allowable Expenses Allowable Profit Revenue Required Less: 7 Cubic Yard Drop Box Revenue Required Forecasted Revenue Without Rate Increase Less: 7 Cubic Yard Drop Box Revenue Without Rate Increase Revenue Increase Required Percent Increase In Revenue Required Revenue and Expense Balancing Account: 1991 Actual 1992 Projected Percent Increase in Revenue Required Required Revenue Increase, Including Balancing Account Percent Increase In Revenue Required, Based on Full Application of Balancing Account WMRATE Final 01-07-93 Calculation $10,495 (89) (33) 347 10,720 475 11,195 (74) 11,121 10,640 (44) 10,596 525 4.95% (202) 868 666 6.26% $1 , 191 ------------- ------------- 11.21% ------------- ------------- Attachment I 12-17-92 Calculation 10,495 347 10,842 475 11,317 11,317 10,640 10,640 677 6.36% (202) 868 666 6.26% 1,343 ------------ ------------ 12.62% ------------ ------------ VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT RATE ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION Forecasted Calendar Year Ending December 31, 1993 (000 Omitted) CITY OF LAFAYETTE Allowable Expenses, Including Intercompany Charges Board Adjustments: Reduce Intercompany Charges From $275,000 To $150,000 Reduce District Franchise Fee Capital Use Charge Total Allowable Expenses Allowable Profit Revenue Required Less: 7 Cubic Yard Drop Box Revenue Required Forecasted Revenue Without Rate Increase Less: 7 Cubic Yard Drop Box Revenue Without Rate Increase Revenue Increase Required Percent Increase In Revenue Required Revenue and Expense Balancing Account: 1991 Actual 1992 Projected Percent Increase in Revenue Required Required Revenue Increase, Including Balancing Account Percent Increase In Revenue Required, Based on Full Application of Balancing Account VWMRATE Final 01-07-93 Calculation $4,301 (36) (11) 52 4,306 162 4,468 (62) 4,406 3,612 (37) 3,575 831 23.24% (71) 306 235 6.51% $1,066 ------------- ------------- 29.75% Attachment II 12-17-92 Calculation 4,301 52 4,353 162 4,515 4,515 3,612 3,612 903 25.00% (71 ) 306 235 6.51% 1,138 31.51% ------------ ------------ Attachment III DISTRICT FRANCHISE FEE REDUCTION Consultant District District and Other .stmL Counsel EXDenses I212l District Staff Refuse Collection Rate-Setting $112,600 Other Solid Waste Matters 223.300 335,900 335,900 District Counsel Acme Closure Lawsuit and Other Solid Waste Matters 91,700 91,700 Consultants and Other EXDenses Backyard Composting Campaign 122,000 Solid Waste Newsletter 32,000 Customers Satisfaction Survey 19,600 Other Solid Waste Expenses 1 3.800 187.400 1 87.400 District Franchise Fee Per Staff Analyses 335.900 91.700 187.400 615.000 Reductions: Due to Reduction in Scope of Backyard Composting Campaign and Telephone Portion of Customer Satisfaction Survey <56,100> <56,100> Due to Removal of Provision for Mid-year Refuse Collection Rate Review, and Reduced Commitment of Staff Hours for Annual Rate Analyses, Offset by Consultant Charges < 88.300 > 55.000 <33.300> Net Reductions <88.300> < 1.100> <89.400> District Franchise Fee, Adjusted $247.600 91.700 186.300 525.600 FORECASTED CALENDAR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1993 ADS /PosPaper#2/JanRates.l1l Attachment IV VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT RESTRUCTURED 7 CUBIC YARD DROP BOX RATE EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993 Average Tons Per 7 Cubic Yard Drop Box (Dirt and Concrete) Disposal Expense Per Ton Average Disposal Expense Operating Expense Per Load (Based on 2 Hours Per Load Total Average Expense Current Rate Revenue Increase Required Percentage Increase Required 1992 7 Cubic Yard Drop Box Revenue Revenue Increase Required 1992 Revenue Increased by 67.05% Percentage Increase Required Percentage Increase Required, Per Above Revenue and Expense Balancing Account Percentage Increase Required Percentage Increase Required, Including Full Application of Balancing Account ADS/Position Paper #3/Attach4.Att 5.35 $75.97 $406.45 120.00 526.45 315.15 $211.30 67.05% Service Area, Excluding Total City of city of Service Lafavette Lafavette Area $44,248 $37,061 $81,309 29.668 24.849 54.517 $73.916 $61.910 $135.826 67.05% 67.05% 6.26% 6.51% 73.31% 73.56% Attachment V VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT RESIDENTIAL COLLECTION RATES JANUARY 1, 1993 SERVICE AREA, EXCLUDING CITY OP LAFAYETTE STAPP COMPUTED RATES Pinal 1/7/93 12/17/92 CUSTOKER DrSTRIBUTION Current Calculation Calculation Number Number of Percent Monthly Percent Percent of Cans customers of Total Rate Rat. Increase Rate Increase 1 15,58" 69% $16...5 $18.85 1".6 $19.10 16.1 2 7,32" 27 3".75 37.70 8.5 38.20 9.9 3 567 .. 53.05 56.55 6.6 57.30 8.0 .. 61 71.35 75."0 5.7 76."0 7.1 5 8 89.65 9".25 5.1 95.50 6.5 23,5.... 100% CITY OP LAFAYETTE STAPP COMPUTED RATES Pinal 1/7/93 12/17/92 CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Current Calculation Calculation Number Number of Percent Monthly Percent Percent of Cans Customers of Total Rate Rate Increase Rate Increase 1 ",565 69% $18.30 $23.65 29.2 $2...00 31.1 2 1,819 28 36.60 "7.30 29.2 "8.00 31.1 3 162 3 5".90 70.95 29.2 72.00 31.1 .. 22 73.20 9".60 29.2 96.00 31.1 5 6 91.50 118.25 29.2 120.00 31.1 6,57" 100% Attachment VI RESOLUTION NO. 93-002 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING NEW RATES FOR REFUSE COLLECTION FOR VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT WITHIN ZONES 2,4, AND 5 EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1 993 WHEREAS, Chapter 8.08 of the Code of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District provides that the Board shall, from time to time, establish by resolution, rates for refuse collection in the respective zones as established in Section 8.08.010 of said Code; and WHEREAS, after extensive staff analysis, and public hearing held on December 17,1 992, which was advertised and otherwise publicized in newspapers circulated within the District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: THAT, the new schedule of rates for refuse collection within Zones 2, 4, and 5, shall be established as shown on the attached Exhibit A, to be effective January 1, 1993; and THAT, by acceptance of this rate adjustment, Valley Waste Management agrees that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District may, at any time, initiate a subsequent rate review and rate adjustment. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of January 1993 by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Aim District Counsel ADS/Pos Paper#3/AdptVWM1.res Exhibit A Page 1 of 2 VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT SERVICE AREA EXCLUDING CITY OF LAFAYETTE SCHEDULE OF CuRRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993 Staff R~ested Conp,lted Current ates Rates Rates (22.91%) (11.21%) ---------- ----------- ----------- RESIDENTIAL SERVICE: 1 32-gal. can weekly * $ 16.45 20.20 18.85 1 64-gal. can weekly * 34.75 42.70 37.70 1 96-gal. can weeklr * 53.05 65.20 56.55 2 64-gal. cans week y * 71.35 87.70 75.40 2 96-gal. cans weekly * 107.95 132.70 113.10 Each additional can--non-regular 5.20 6.40 5.80 (rr pick-up) 27.05 1 can weeklr - S~ia service area* 22.00 26.00 2 cans week y - pecial service area* 40.25 49.45 44.85 3 cans weekly - Special service area* 58.55 71.95 63.70 4 cans weekly - Special service area* 76.85 94.45 82.55 1 45-gal. can weeklr * 27.45 33.75 31.60 2 45-gal. cans week y * 54.90 67.50 59.85 1 supercart 53.05 65.20 56.55 1 supercart - Danville 50.05 61.50 53.55 Townhouse (no garden trimmings): 1 32-gal. can weekly 15.00 18.45 16.80 1 64-gal. can weekly 33.30 40.95 35.65 1 96-gal. can weekly 51.60 63.40 54.50 1 32-gal. can weeklr (non-automated) 16.85 20.70 19.30 2 32-gal. cans week y (non-automated) 35.15 43.20 38.15 3 32-gal. cans weekly (non-automated) 53.45 65.70 57.00 MULTI-APARTMENT SERVICE: Each a~rtment weekly 18.65 22.90 20.75 Each additional can weekly 12.55 15.45 13.95 Each additional can - non re~ular 6.90 8.50 7.65 (per pic -up) COMMERCIAL SERVICE: One can weeklr 25.75 31.65 28.65 Each editiona can weekly 10.15 12.50 11.30 Each additional can -- 6.50 8.00 7.25 non-regular One Cubic Yard: One time per week 97.05 119.30 107.95 Two times per week 165.90 203.90 184.50 Three times per week 234.80 288.60 261.10 Four times per week 303.65 373.20 337.70 Five times per week 370.75 455.70 412.30 Two Cubic Yards: One time per week 165.90 203.90 184.50 Two times per week 303.65 373.20 337.70 Three times per week 441.35 542.45 490.85 Four times per week 579.25 711.95 644.20 Five times per week 716.90 881.15 797.25 Three Cubic Yards: One time per week 228.95 281.40 254.60 Two times per week 439.95 540.75 489.25 Three times per week 662.10 813.80 736.30 Four times per week 882.80 1,085.05 981.75 Five times per week 1,089.35 1,338.90 1,211.45 Four Cubic Yards: One time per week 303.65 373.20 337.70 Two times per week 578.20 710.65 643.00 Three times per week 826.30 1,015.60 918.95 Four times per week 1,074.10 1,320.20 1,194.50 Five times per week 1,322.95 1,626.05 1,471.25 Six Cubic Yards: One time per week 432.90 532.10 481.45 Two times per week 865.90 1,064.30 962.95 Three times per week 1,269.55 1,560.40 1,411.85 Four times per week 1,687.90 2,074.60 1,877.10 Five times per week 2,106.25 2,588.80 2,342.35 COMPACTED REFUSE SERVICE: Per cubic yard 33.70 41.40 37.50 DROP BOX SERVICE: Seven cubic yards (dirt and rocks) ** 315.15 387.35 546.20 Fourteen cubic yards 220.45 270.95 245 . 15 Twenty cubic yards 315.15 387.35 350.50 Thirty cubic yards 472.75 581.05 525.75 Forty cubic yards 630.45 774.90 701.10 * Includes two 32-gallon cans of varden trimmings per week and three refuse cleanups per year. ** Restructured effective January , 1993. Exhi bit A Page 2 of 2 VALLEY WASTE MANAGEMENT CITY OF LAFAYETTE SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993 Staff Requested COlI1JUted Current Rates Rates Rates (45.05%) (29.75%) ---------- ----------- ----------... RESIDENTIAL SERVICE: 1 32-gal. can weeklr * S 18.30 26.55 23.65 2 32-gal. cans week y * 36.60 53.10 47.30 3 32-gal. cans weekly * 54.90 79.65 70.95 4 32-gal. cans weekly * 73.20 106.20 94.60 5 32-gal. cans weekly * 91.50 132.70 118.25 6 32-gal. cans weekly * 109.80 159.25 141.90 7 32-gal. cans weekly * 128.10 185.80 165.55 8 32-gal. cans weekly * 146.40 212.35 189.20 Each additional can--non-regular 5.20 7.55 6.75 (rr pick-up) 22.00 31.90 29.45 1 can weeklr - specia service area* 2 cans week y - Special service area* 40.25 58.40 53.10 3 cans weekly - Special service area* 58.55 84.95 76.75 4 cans weekly - Special service area* 76.85 111.45 100.40 1 45-gal. can weeklr * 27.45 39.80 35.45 2 45-gal. cans week y * 54.90 79.65 70.95 Townhouse (no garden trimmings): 24.45 1 32-gal. can weekly 16.85 21.25 2 32-gal. cans week y 35.15 51.00 44.90 3 32-gal. cans weekly 53.45 77.55 68.55 MULTI-APARTMENT SERVICE: Each apartment weekly 18.65 27.05 24.20 Each additional can weekly 12.55 18.20 16.30 Each additional can - non re~ular 6.90 10.00 8.95 (per pic -up) COMMERCIAL SERVICE: One can weeklr 25.75 37.35 33.40 Each aditiona can weekly 10.15 14.70 13.15 Each additional can -- 6.50 9.45 8.45 non-regular One Cubic Yard: One time per week 97.05 140.75 125.90 Two times per week 165.90 240.65 215.25 Three times per week 234.80 340.60 304.65 Four times per week 303.65 440.45 394.00 Five times per week 370.75 537.75 481.05 Two Cubic Yards: One time per week 165.90 240.65 215.25 Two times per week 303.65 440.45 394.00 Three times per week 441.35 640.20 572.65 Four times per week 579.25 840.20 751. 60 Five times per week 716.90 1,039.85 930.20 Three Cubic Yards: One time per week 228.95 332.10 297.05 Two times per week 439.95 638.15 570.85 Three times per week 662.10 960.40 859.05 Four times per week 882.80 1,280.50 1,145.45 Five times per week 1,089.35 1,580.10 1,413.45 Four Cubic Yards: One time per week 303.65 440.45 394.00 Two times per week 578.20 838.70 750.20 Three times per week 826.30 1,198.55 1,072.10 Four times per week 1,074.10 1,558.00 1,393.65 Five times per week 1,322.95 1,918.95 1,716.55 Six Cubic Yards: One time per week 432.90 627.90 561. 70 Two times per week 865.90 1,256.00 1,123.50 Three times per week 1,269.55 1,841.50 1,647.25 Four times per week 1,687.90 2,448.30 2,190.05 Five times per week 2,106.25 3,055.10 2,732.85 COMPACTED REFUSE SERVICE: Per cubic yard 33.70 48.90 43.75 DROP BOX SERVICE: Seven cubic yards ** (dirt and rocks) 315.15 457.15 546.95 Fourteen cubic yards 220.45 319.75 286.05 Twenty cubic yards 315.15 457.15 408.90 Thirty cubic yards 472.75 685.70 613.40 Forty cubic yards 630.45 914.45 818.00 * Includes two 32-gallon cans of garden trimmings per week and three refuse cleanups per year. ** Restructured effective January 1, 1993. ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. RATE ADJUSTMENT CALCULATION Forecasted Calendar Year Ending December 31, 1993 (000 Omitted) Allowable Expenses Board Adjustments: Reduce District Franchise Fee Reduce Seasonal Cleanup Frequency From Three to Two Capital Use Charge Total Allowable Expenses Allowable Profit Revenue Required Forecasted Revenue Without Rate Increase Revenue Increase Required Percent Increase In Revenue Required Revenue and Expense Balancing Account: 1991 Actual 1992 Projected Percent Increase in Revenue Required Required Revenue Increase, Including Balancing Account Percent Increase In Revenue Required, Based on Full Application of Balancing Account ClMRATE Final 01-07-93 Calculation $5,792 (44) (48) 65 5,765 210 5,975 5,333 642 12.04% 118 486 604 11.32% $1,246 ------------- ------------- 23.36% ------------- ------------- Attachment VII 12-17-92 Calculation 5,792 65 5,857 210 6,067 5,333 734 13.76% 118 486 604 11.32% 1,338 ------------ ------------ 25.09% ------------ ------------ Attachment VIII ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. REDUCTION IN SEASONAL CLEANUP FREQUENCY FROM THREE TO TWO TIMES PER YEAR FORECASTED CALENDAR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 1993 Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. was authorized to reduce the frequency of seasonal cleanup collection from three to two times per year effective the 1 993 calendar year. The volume limitation of six cubic yards of household refuse for three seasonal cleanups will be continued for the two seasonal cleanups. Instead of having the seasonal collection performed by its regular route crews, the Company will perform the seasonal collection using a separate crew of five drivers and helpers working for 25 days during the Spring and Fall cleanup collection periods. A summary of the expense reduction achieved by eliminating one seasonal cleanup collection is shown below: Per Dav 25-Day Period Wages and Employee Benefits: 5 Drivers and Helpers Per 9-Hour Day $1,215 $30,375 Truck Expense: 4 Trucks X 9 Hours X $ 20/Hour 720 $1.935 18.000 $48.375 ADS/Pospaper #2/ JanRates .Att Attachment IX ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. RESIDENTIAL COLLECTION RATES JANUARY 1, 1993 CITY OF ORINDA STAFF COMPUTED RATES Final 1/7/93 12/17/92 CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Current Calculation Calculation Number Number of Percent Monthly Percent Percent of Cans Customers of Total Rate Rate Increase Rate Increase 1 3,996 69% $21. 75 $26.80 23.2 $27.15 24.8 2 1,547 27 43.50 53.60 23.2 54.30 24.8 3 193 4 65.25 80.40 23.2 81.45 24.8 4 26 87.00 107.20 23.2 108.60 24.8 5,762 100% - TOWN OF MORAGA STAFF COMPUTED RATES F1nal 1/7/93 12/17/92 CUSTOMER DISTRIBUTION Current Calculation Calculation Number Number of Percent Monthly Percent Percent of Cans Customers of Total Rate Rate Increase Rate Increase 1 3,086 69% $19.45 $24.10 23.9 $24.55 26.2 2 1,270 29 38.90 48.20 23.9 49.10 26.2 3 93 2 58.35 72.30 23.9 73.65 26.2 4 13 77.80 96.40 23.9 98.20 26.2 4,462 100% - Attachment X RESOLUTION NO. 93-003 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING NEW RATES FOR REFUSE COLLECTION FOR ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. WITHIN ZONES 1 AND 1 A EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1 993 WHEREAS, Chapter 8.08 of the Code of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District provides that the Board shall, from time to time, establish by resolution, rates for refuse collection in the respective zones as established in Section 8.08.010 of said Code; and WHEREAS, after extensive staff analysis, and public hearing held on December 17,1992, which was advertised and otherwise publicized in newspapers circulated within the District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: THAT, the new schedule of rates for refuse collection within Zones 1 and 1 A shall be established as shown on the attached Exhibit A, to be effective January 1, 1993; and THAT, by acceptance of this rate adjustment, Orinda-Moraga Disposal Service, Inc. agrees that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District may, at any time, initiate a subsequent rate review and rate adjustment. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of January 1 993 by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Kenton L. Aim District Counsel ADS/Pos Paper#3/AdptO-Ml.res Exhibit A Page 1 of 3 ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE. INC. FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1 SCHEDULE OF CURRENT. REQUESTED. AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1. 1993 Staff Requested C~ted Current Rates Rates Rates (29.33%) (23.36%) --------.......- ----------- ----------- ORINDA - FULL SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE:* 1 can S 21.75 28.13 26.80 2 cans 43.50 56.26 53.60 3 cans 65.25 84.39 80.40 4 cans 87.00 112.52 107.20 5 cans 108.75 140.65 134.00 6 cans 130.50 168.78 160.80 One can - Senior Citizen 18.75 25.13 23.80 Extra can on route 5.30 6.85 6.55 Special pick-up - 1 can 14.90 19.27 18.40 Special pick-up - each add'l can 5.30 6.85 6.55 MINIPACKER SERVICE: 1 can 28.25 36.53 35.95 2 cans 50.00 64.66 62.75 3 cans 71.75 92.79 89.55 4 cans 93.50 120.92 116.35 000 SERVICE: 1-45 gal. can 32.65 42.23 40.20 1-45 gal. can and 1-32 gal. 54.40 70.35 67.00 1-45 gal. can and 2-32 gal. 76.15 98.48 93.80 4-45 gal. cans 130.50 168.78 160.80 COMMERCIAL SERVICE: One can weekly 30.10 38.93 37.15 Each additional can weekly 12.60 16.30 15.55 MULTI-APARTMENT SERVICE: Per unit per week 19.00 24.57 23.45 Each additional pick-up per week 3.05 3.94 3.75 COMPACTED REFUSE SERVICE: Per cubic yard 36.95 47.79 45.60 BIN SERVICE: ONE YARD: Once per week 111. 05 143.62 137.00 Twice per week 194.50 251.55 239.95 Three times per week 277.20 358.50 341.95 Four times per week 359.95 465.52 444.05 Five times per week 443.40 573.45 547.00 TWO YARD: Once per week 194.50 251.55 239.95 Twice per week 359.95 465.52 444.05 Three times per week 526.20 680.53 649.10 Four times per week 692.20 895.22 853.90 Five times per week 858.75 1,110.62 1,059.35 THREE YARD:*** Once per week 263.90 341.30 325.55 Twice per week 527.80 682.60 651.10 Three times per week 791.65 1,023.84 976.60 Four times per week 1.055.55 1,365.14 1,302.15 Five times per week 1.319.45 1,706.44 1,627.65 Exhi bit A Page 2 of 3 ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1 SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993 Staff Requested COII1JUt ed Current Rates Rates Rates (29.33"> (23.36"> ------------ ...........------.. __00..._____-- FOUR YARD: Once per week $ 333.35 431.12 411. 20 Twi ce per week 666.65 862.18 822.40 Three times per week 1,000.00 1,293.30 1,233.60 Four times per week 1,333.35 1,n4.42 1,644.80 Five times per week 1,666.65 2,155.48 2,056.00 SIX YARD: Once per week 475.70 615.22 586.80 Twi ce per week 951.40 1,230.45 1,173.65 Three times per week 1,427.10 1,845.67 1,760.45 Four times per week 1,902.80 2,460.89 2,347.30 Five times per week 2,378.50 3,076.11 2,934.10 EIGHT YARD: Once per week. 634.25 820.28 782.40 Twice per week 1,268.50 1,640.55 1,564.80 Three times per week 1,902.80 2,460.89 2,347.30 Four times per week 2,537.05 3,281.17 3,129.70 Five times per week. 3,203.40 4,142.96 3,951.70 SPECIAL: One yard 22.15 28.65 27.30 Two yards 44.45 57.49 54.85 DROP BOX SERVICE: Twenty cubic yards 366.20 473.61 451. 75 Thirty cubic yards 549.15 710.22 677.45 Forty cubic yards 732.20 946.95 903.25 Five yards - dirt and concrete 366.20 473.61 451. 75 Sixteen yard school box ** 292.90 378.81 361.30 ORINDA - NO BRUSH SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE: 1 can 19.05 24.64 22.75 2 cans 40.80 52.77 49.55 3 cans 62.55 80.90 76.35 1 can-Senior Citizen 17.55 23.14 21.25 MINIPACKER SERVICE: 1 can 25.55 33.04 31.90 2 cans 47.30 61.17 58.70 3 cans 69.05 89.30 85.50 4 cans 90.80 117 .43 112.30 1-45 gal. can 38.35 49.51 47.85 1-45 and 1-32 gal. can 63.95 82.71 79.75 * Includes one 32-gallon can of garden trimmings per week and two refuse cleanups per year ** A charge of $29.95 per week applies for each week. not serviced *** RENT-A-BIN service available on the following terms: three cubic yard container, delivery and pickup, one dump, and three-day rent, for $90. ORINDA-MORAGA DISPOSAL SERVICE, INC. FRANCHISE ZONE NO. 1A SCHEDULE OF CURRENT, REQUESTED, AND COMPUTED COLLECTION RATES EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1993 Staff Requested Coq:xJted Current Rates Rates Rates (29.33%) (23.36%) ------------ --------..-- ..---------- MORAGA - FULL SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE:* 1 can S 19.45 25.15 24.10 2 cans 38.90 50.30 48.20 3 cans 58.35 75.45 72.30 4 cans 77.80 100.60 96.40 5 cans 97.25 125.75 120.50 6 cans 116.70 150.90 144.60 Extra can on route 5.30 6.85 6.55 Special pick-up - 1 can 14.90 19.27 18.40 Special pick-up - each add'l can 5.30 6.85 6.55 MINIPACKER SERVICE: 1 can 27.45 35.50 35.40 2 cans 46.90 60.65 59.50 3 cans 66.35 85.80 83.60 4 cans 85.80 110.95 107.70 5 cans 105.25 136.10 131.80 000 SERVICE: One can - 45 gal. 29.20 37.76 36.15 One can - 1-45 and 1-32 gal. cans 48.65 62.92 60.25 One can - 1-45 and 2-32 gal. cans 68.05 88.01 84.35 COMMERCIAL SERVICE: One can weekly 30.10 38.93 37.15 Each additional can weekly 12.60 16.30 15.55 MULTI-APARTMENT SERVICE: Per unit per week 19.00 24.57 23.45 Each additional pick-up per week 3.05 3.94 3.75 COMPACTED REFUSE SERVICE: Per cubic yard 36.95 47.79 45.60 BIN AND DROP BOX SERVICES: (Same as Orinda above) MORAGA - NO BRUSH SERVICE ----------------------------------- REGULAR SERVICE: 1 can 17.10 22.11 20.55 2 cans 36.55 47.26 44.65 3 cans 56.00 72.41 68.75 Extra can on route 5.30 6.85 6.55 Special pick-up - 1 can 14.90 19.27 18.40 Special pick-up - each add'l can 5.30 6.85 6.55 000 SERVICE: One can - 45 gal 23.20 30.00 32.60 One can - 1-45 and 1-32 gal. cans 40.30 52.12 56.70 2-45 gal. can-small truck 46.40 60.01 65.20 * Includes one 32-gallon can of garden trimmings per week and two refuse cleanups per year Exhi bit A Page 3 of 3 CCL~-;D COUNTY FEt:$ COLLECTED THROUGH THE ACI\,.... TRANSFER STATION FEE AND KELLER CANYON LANDFILL GATE FEE FORECASTED 1993 PER TON ANNUAL PAYMENT DESCRIPTION FEE TO COUNTY < 1 > CHANGES ACME TRANSFER STATION: A. local Enforcement Agency Fee $ 1.00 $ 450.000 $.101T0n Inc 11/92 B. City AB939 Planning Fee .80 360.000 C. County AB939 Planning Fee .15 67.500 D. Household Hazardous Waste Planning Fee .41 184.500 New Fee 11/92 E. County Resource Recovery Fee .27 121.500 F. Rate Regulation Cost Reimbursement .15 67.500 County Fees Collected Through the Acme Transfer Station Fee $ 2.78 $1.251.000 KEllER CANYON LANDFill: A. Operation and Maintenance Expenses 1. County Resource Recovery Fee $ 200.000 2. County Resource Recovery Management Fee 100.000 3. landfill Development Coordinator 15.000 315.000 B. Mitigation Fees 1. Transportation $ 2.00 723.000 2. Open Space 2.00 723.000 3. Community Mitigation 2.00 723.000 6.00 2.169.000 C. County Surcharge $ 3.90 1.410.000 County Fees Collected Through the Keller Canyon landfill Fee $ 3.894.000 Total County Fees $ 5.145.000 < 1 > Based on the following 1993 tonnages transferred to: Keller Canyon landfill 361.500 Potrero Hills landfill 88.500 450.000 ADS /G arbage #3/CountyFe. OH