HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-21-93 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary ,Jistrict ~d~"1k BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER BOARD ~~Eri~~ry 21, 1993 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 93-1 (LAFA VETTE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT DATE January 12, 1993 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXAllON FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept.llnfrastructure Division Parcel No. Area Owner/Address Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Lead Agency 93-1 Northeast Lafayette (44B6) Davidon Development Co. 1600 S. Main St. #150 Walnut Creek CA 94596 365-170-24 (68.73 AC) Property is being subdivided into three subdivisions (Nos. 7151, 7820, and 7821) with a total of 81 single family residential lots. The E.I.R. for this project was certified as complete on February 12, 1991. Contra Costa County RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 93-1 to be included in a future formal annexation. 1302A-9/85 DH ~Af JS~1 fl€ RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. (fr 7~ 1 J f::." 'f .~~ .. l''--s U B ::::~: ..... '~"''-/'~.)Itf 5~;- '. ~.. ~c:.~.12 ..... . ~... t) 'M'. T 5. . ." U' ,'.. ".' , '" ~ ~. "",,~"'-":r::" 5 3 5 c~,. 5~ 1- ~ ANOolrE e It:::' u_ ,,'~ /' c. ~~.". ~~:::: 311\3.' ~ A _ :~l-')$ __" _ -.- ~O ~AaTIN~Z ~ e:: ;7U"':~ >- ~:~ . .' ,y- "-110/ 11I~1 Z /Cor.. 11:\._'~' -: ..-. ~.- 40 ~~\31 ~: ~1 r.s'1Ja....J S U 8 OEL.1J .f ,".-..!' 9 ~(.rio.!!!." "i\\.~ _, ,.. ~ ~.: ~ ~ ~ !I I~ {JJ. ~o . II q,l"""'l..\:, ~.~ .~ \1', " ~3 ~3~l-~8 74 . "'::~ l I' 19 20) fZI \ / ~ .~, ':. . V- ."" . 86--,....,...62 ~~~~ ,,:'\ /. , r - ,.... I 44 ~o -~i_ i64~ 59 .~ >- ~ 7 \ T3 ~\" Olf .74,A 155 .. '" _ ....J51~~ :..' \I 17 / 72 \~~..r . / ) ......,,:-- \, I, }J.- J ..... 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SUB 7821 3 ) .'. t.,~. ;.~ '~ ...!' ..?/)' "''O"!l E...II.U.D. .......J <.0 . 2"1I8AC~'" . ""'" ~\ ~'Y."'w. ....... '" J I 8 . ~ .. 114 S/lvJ,. - -=-. ~'LL 30 .. u.::: {';:;:~::':~:"'::::::::::;::::::::::" .:;~~~t1.I):f~:~:~::':::~::r:" ,," r ~~ -- ANNEX r'^W""... '. i~~ili~l::::..:..... . . ......:.:..:::~:fj.:;:fj.:; ,"j, SUB 7820 ~. A~. ~ ....- - OAKIIOIIT MEItIOlllAL ~AIlK RT ............ ............ :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. ................... ................... .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. i1:lllliliiiiiil: 93-1 "~t'~\!;~;.~~.;~.~:.~c:.::.:~.::.::.t~i0 t\t11 ~ ...;.;.,: i-:::;"--- 04 AC PROPOSED ANNEXATION /' ~ Central ;g~~~ g~~~R~~~~a~~ !listrict PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARDMEETI~Wuary 21,1993 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR b. DATE January 8, 1993 SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE HAP MAGEE PARK SEWER REPLACEMENT PROJECT IN DANVILLE (DP 4921) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY Tom Trice, Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Hap Magee Park Sewer Replacement Project in Danville (DP 4921), and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The District has an 8-inch sewer main located across the Town of Danville's Hap Magee Park. A portion of the sewer including a manhole previously settled three (3) feet. The remaining portion of the sewer was very flat and has been a continuous maintenance problem. The Town of Danville is making improvements to the park, and replacement of the deficient sewer had to be completed prior to the completion of the construction work at the park by Danville. This project consists of installing a new sewer at a steeper slope and pressure grouting the ground under a portion of the new sewer to prevent further settlement. This project was not included in the 1992-93 Capital Improvement Budget. On November 4, 1992, the Board authorized the award of a construction contract for the project to D.R. Lemings Construction Company of Concord. A Notice to Proceed was issued on November 18, 1992, with a specified completion date of January 25, 1993. The contract work was substantially completed on December 23, 1992, and the new sewer was in full operation as of that date. The remaining work consists of minor punch list items which do not affect the project acceptance. The total authorized budget for the project, including engineering design, consultant services, District forces, testing services, etc. is $143,946. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project closeout. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the construction of the Sewer Replacement Project at the Hap Magee Park Sewer Replacement Project in Danville (DP 4921) and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION HT RAB 1302A-9/85 7ll'T' TT I//(P~ INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. PAGE 1 OF 9 BOARD MEETING OF January 21, 1 993 NO. 5. HEARINGS a. SUBJECT CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND THE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS (CSO) RECONFIGURA TION PROJECT, DP 30023 DATE Januar 14 1 993 TYPE OF ACTION SUBMITTED BY PUBLIC HEARING; NEG. DEC. AND A PR VAL INITIATING DE PT JDIV. Russell B. Leavitt, Planning Assistant Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: Board approval of appropriate CEOA documentation is required prior to approval of the CSO Yard Reconfiguration Project, DP 30023. BACKGROUND: The proposed project involves reconfiguring portions of the District's CSO corporation yard. This project is required to mitigate the impact of the pending loss of one acre of land to Caltrans' 1-680/SR-24 interchange improvement project. The CSO corporation yard includes offices, material and equipment storage, and__ maintenance facilities. The proposed reconfiguration actions include relocating vehicle parking, materials storage, and vehicle maintenance facilities, rerouting traffic flow within the yard, removing buildings affected by the Caltrans' right-of-way acquisition, constructing replacement buildings, retaining walls, and improvements to existing buildings, grading, paving, landscaping, and fencing. The project proposes to amend the General Plan land use designation for the northwestern portion of the site from "OF" (Office) to "PU" (Public/Semi Public) to provide a land use designation consistent with the proposed use of this portion of the site as a vehicle maintenance facility. The western portion of the site, fronting on Springbrook Road, would remain in the current "Office" designation. The District also seeks a Conditional Use Permit so that the existing office and corporation yard uses conform with the existing "C-G" (General Commercial) zoning district. As Lead Agency, the District has conducted an Initial Study of the proposed project to determine if the project may have a significant effect on the environment. Staff has concluded that the Initial Study adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluates the environmental impacts of the proposed project, and that a Negative Declaration is the appropriate document to address the environmental effects of the project. The Initial Study is included as part of the proposed Negative Declaration which has been distributed separately to the District Board of Directors. The proposed Negative Declaration finds that there is no substantial evidence before the District that the project may have a significant effect on the environment and that no mitigation measures are needed other than those measures already incorporated into the project description. These measures are discussed in the proposed Negative Declaration. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION RBL JMM DRW RAB INITIATING DEPTJDIV. 1(!3L 1302A-7/91 SUBJECT .11.111111111.1...11111111.... CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING AND CONSIDER APPROVAL OF A NEGATIVE DECLARATION AND THE COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS (CSO) RECONFIGURA TION PROJECT, DP 30023 PAGE DATE ? OF a January 14, 1993 Staff also has concluded that Public Resources Code Section 21081.6 regarding a mitigation monitoring program is not applicable to this project since no changes or conditions of project approval are required to mitigate potentially significant effects. In compliance with the District's CEOA Guidelines, a legal notice. was published in the Contra Costa Times, a newspaper of general circulation in the area affected by the proposed project. The legal notice announced the District's intent to adopt a Negative Declaration and the availability of the document for a 21-day public review period. Additionally, notice of the proposed Negative Declaration was mailed to neighboring property owners. At this time, only one comment letter on the proposed Negative Declaration has been received. Exhibit A contains this letter from the city of Walnut Creek and the District staff's response. Before the proposed project can be approved, the Board must consider any comments received during the 21-day public review process and the public hearing, then consider approval of the appropriate CEOA documentation (a Negative Declaration is recommended in this case). If the proposed Negative Declaration is approved, a Notice of Determination will be filed with the County Clerk. Following District Board approval, the Negative Declaration will be submitted to the City of Walnut Creek for processing of the General Plan amendment and Conditional Use Permit requests. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1 . Conduct a public hearing on the Negative Declaration (a suggested agenda is attached). 2. Adopt the attached resolution approving the Negative Declaration and the CSO Yard Reconfiguration Project, DP 30023. 13028-7/91 RESOLUTION NO. 93-_ A Resolution Approving a Negative Declaration and the Proposed eso Yard Reconfiguration Project. DP 30023 WHEREAS, the project upon which this determination is made is described as follows: The proposed project involves reconfiguring portions of the District's CSO corporation yard. This project is required to mitigate the impact of the pending loss of one acre of land to Caltrans' 1-680/SR 24 interchange improvement project. The CSO corporation yard includes offices, material and equipment storage, and maintenance facilities. The proposed reconfiguration actions include relocating vehicle parking, materials storage, and vehicle maintenance facilities, re-routing traffic flow within the yard, removing buildings affected by the Caltrans right-of-way acquisition, constructing replacement buildings, retaining walls, and improvements to existing buildings, grading, paving, landscaping, and fencing. The project proposes to amend the General Plan land use designation for the northwestern portion of the site from "OF" (Office) to "PU" (Public/Semi-Public) to provide a land use designation consistent with the proposed use of this portion of the site as a vehicle maintenance facility. The western portion of the site, fronting on Spring brook Road, would remain in the current "Office" designation. The District also seeks a Conditional Use Permit so that the existing office and corporation yard uses conform with the existing "C-G" (General Commercial) zoning district. WHEREAS, an Initial Study of the proposed project has been conducted by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. WHEREAS, District staff concludes that the Initial Study adequately, accurately, and objectively evaluated the possible significant, adverse effect on the environment. WHEREAS, adequate public notice was given of the intent to adopt a Negative Declaration, of the opportunity to review the Initial Study, and to receive comments on the project. WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors has reviewed the results of the Initial Study and independently determined that the project will not have a significant adverse effect on the environment. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby find that the Negative Declaration reflects its independent determinations and judgment, and does hereby approve the Negative Declaration and the CSO Yard Reconfiguration Project, DP 30023. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors this 21 st day of January 1993 by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Aim, District Counsel .~~. ":~..: .~. 1"'~~... -; ..1.\. ~ . ..,," I' "'I. ':.~, t\. ..:.... ", ":r',,' f,.' .- -";~' ~"-'..~ EXHIBIT A 1fD) IE @ U In fii1 WJ JAN 8 1993 I~J Cit~g= CCCSD PLANNING J>>mARY 6, 1993 RUS.~;r. LEAVl'lT ENVIR:HfENrAL CX)QR[)INMOR CENmAL cx:NIRA CDS'l'A SANITARY DIS'lRIcr 5019 DH)FF PIACE MARrINEZ, CA 94553 1m: C9) YARD ~GURATICE NEGM'IVE DEX:J:ARATICE/INITIAL S'lUDY Dear Mr~tt: OVerall, the Negative Declaratien am Initial Sb.dy both ~ to be well written, CXJIprehensive am adequate. A few O.'.'-J'lts en the Initial study are as follows: 1. Page 3, secon:i paragr:apt. '''!he ~apxy of the site is generally slopirq toward the rxrt:heast." Tc:pog:raply generally slcps san:h/sart:l1west. 2. Page 3, sixth paragr:apt. '''!his project p:oposes to amern the General Plan lam use designatial far the JXJrthwest partial of the site fran Office to Public/Semi pmlic . . . II '!he General Plan .Amerdment is required far the far north, ex:i..st.in:J office b.1i.ldi.rg area only. '!he remaWer of the JXJrthwest partion has already been amerXIed fran OF to PU. '''!he area affected l:7.i this General Plan amen:bnent is shown in Figure 3. II '!he shaded area in Figure 3 shculd i.n:::lude this office/maintenance 1::ui1d.in:j area only. h3ain, the remaWer of the JXJrthwest am sart:heast partialS have already been amen:ied. ktiitiooally, the Figure inplies further prcposed General Plan AmerXIments to the OF areas alorg Sprir.gLl.ook. ~ in the box shculd reflect: 1) ex:i..st.in:J OF, 2) ex:i..st.in:J PU am 3) the prcposed amerXIed area fran OF to PU. 3. Page 14, third paragr:apt. "... cut am fill will rE!IlIJVe ~tely 1,100 cubic yards of soil . . ." Aocardi.rq to figures al ~ plans, a total of 2,690 cu. }'d. of cut am 1,598 cu. yd. of fill will occur far a t:ot:cU 'of 4,280 cu.yds. of both. 4. Page 24, eighth paragr:apt. "... has been used far over the past 325 years, . . . II Should this be 32 years? P.O. Box 8039 . 1666 North Main Street . Walnut Creek. California 94596 . (510) 943-5800 A-I Page 2 Please sen:l alal;J any final drafts in the event DXlificat:i.a1s are made. t)~~ Kenneth NOOjer Assistant Plamer kwn doc #729 A-2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place, Martmez, California 94553~439:2 (SIO) 689 :3890 . FdX: (SIO) 67h nIl ROGER J. DOL-I.\' General Manager Chief Engineer January 11, 1993 KEIVTON L. _-ILl! Counsel for the District (510) 938-1430 JOYCE E. MCRPHY Secretary of the District Kenneth Nodder Assistant Planner City of Walnut Creek P.O. Box 8039 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 Dear Ken: COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS (CSO) YARD RECONFIGURA TION PROJECT PROPOSED NEGATIVE DECLARATION/INITIAL STUDY Thank you for your comments on the December 17, 1993 Initial Study for the District's Collection System Operations (CSO) Yard Reconfiguration Project. The following responses to your January 6, 1993, comments will be incorporated into the Initial Study where noted. Modifications to the text will be sent to you following the anticipated approval of the proposed Negative Declaration by the District Board of Directors at its January 21, 1993, meeting. 1. SITE TOPOGRAPHY. The topography of the site generally slopes uoward toward the northeast or downward toward the southwest. This clarification will be incorporated into the Initial Study. 2. GENERAL PLAN LAND USE. The Initial Study intended the "northwest portion of the site" to mean the far north, existing office building area only. It is acknowledged that the northeastern portion of the site (the former residence) already has been amended from OF to PU. A revised General Plan am~ndment map for Figure 3, clarifying the existing and proposed General Plan land use designations, is attached and will be incorporated into the Initial Study. 3. CUT AND FILL. Your figure of 4,280 cubic yards represents the total amount of soil disturbed by the proposed project's cut and fill operations. -The Initial Study's figure of 1, 1 00 cubic yards represents the net surplus of cut material to be hauled from the site after filling operations are completed. The total quantity of soil disturbed will be incorporated into the Initial Study. @ Recycled Paper A-3 HOB Kenneth Nodder Page 2 January 11, 1993 4. YEARS OF SITE USE. The site has been used for the same function for over the past 35 years. This correction will be incorporated into the Initial Study. Again, thank you for your comments. Your assistance and cooperation with this project has been most helpful and is much appreciated. If you have any further questions, please call me at (510) 689-3890. Sincerely, t:;~& Planning Assistant Enclosure /RL A-4 u.. Z? :3 II o.w CJ....CI) Z<c::::> i=ffic Cl)Z2 -w<c ~CJ..J ~ o a: LL. ....: Z:) cw~ W:EO Cl)C.... ~Z _ Owu.. a::Eo a.<c: :) Z~ :3 II a.w CJ..JCI) Z<c::::> i=ffic Cl)zz -w<c ~CJ-' i ......... A-5 .z ... PAGE 1 OF 4 NO. 7. BIDS AND AWARDS a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO ROSEMOUNT ANALYTICAL, INC. TO FURNISH A CONTINUOUS EMISSIONS MONITORING SYSTEM TO MONITOR TOTAL HYDROCARBON (THC) EMISSIONS FOR THE FURNACE THC MONITORING PROJECT, DP 20125 DATE January 14, 1993 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBMITTED BY onald E. Berger Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Departmentl Plant Engineering Division ISSUE: On January 6, 1993, sealed bids were received and publicly opened for the purchase of one continuous emissions monitoring system (CEMS) to monitor total hydrocarbon (THC) emissions for the Furnace THC Monitoring Project, District Project No. 20125. The Board must authorize award of the purchase order or reject bids within 45 days of the bid opening date. BACKGROUND: In November 1992, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized new sewage sludge regulations as required by the Clean Water Act. As part of these regulations, owners and operators of sewage sludge incinerators are required to install a monitoring system to continuously monitor and record THC emissions in incinerator (furnace) stack gases. The monitoring system must be installed and operating within one year from publication of the new regulations in the Federal Register, which is expected to occur in January 1 993. Because application of this technology to sewage sludge incinerators is relatively new, staff recommends that the system be purchased now to allow time for testing and any necessary refinements prior to the regulatory deadline. The equipment procured under this bid consists of one continuous emissions monitoring system that will monitor THC emissions from the District's two sewage sludge incinerators. The monitoring system will be installed in the Solids Conditioning Building (Attachment I). The District has coordinated this project with the Multiple Hearth Furnace Operation Improvements Project which includes a carbon monoxide (CO) monitor to more accurately measure complete combustion. The CO monitor will be installed with this project and is included in this bid. In the future, there will be periods of time when both incinerators will need to be operated simultaneously to meet peak sludge production rates. To allow simultaneous monitoring of both incinerators, a second monitoring system will be needed. The second system is scheduled to be purchased in late 1 993. The Bid Request was advertised on December 17 and 22, 1992. One bid was received at $112,964 from Rosemount Analytical, Inc. on January 6, 1993. Also received was a packet of documents in a sealed bid envelope from Anarad. Staff reviewed the documents and concluded that Anarad had submitted a proposal and not a formal bid in response to the RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. jj/~ r~ ! It;, -/ fl# ~ /~~ /[,1/8 KFL RAB 1302A-7/91 DEB DJC WEB SUBJECT o!IIIS111IIII!:!:IIB&B AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A PURCHASE ORDER TO ROSEMOUNT ANALYTICAL, INC. TO FURNISH A CONTINUOUS EMISSIONS MONITORING SYSTEM TO MONITOR TOTAL HYDROCARBON (THC) EMISSIONS FOR THE FURNACE THC MONITORING PROJECT, DP 20125 PAGE 2 OF DATE 4 January 14, 1993 District's Bid Request. This conclusion is based upon the facts that no required Bid Request forms were submitted and no total price was stated. A bid tabulation is presented in Attachment II. The engineer's pre bid estimate for the monitoring equipment was $125,000. The construction cost to install this monitoring system is estimated to be $185,000 which includes the equipment purchase, start-up testing, regulatory certification, and installation of the CO monitor. The total project cost for the Furnace THC Monitoring Project is estimated to be $212,000. The Furnace THC Monitoring Project and Multiple Hearth Furnace Operation Improvements Project are included in the 1992-93 Capital Improvement Budget beginning on page TP-29 and TP-54, respectively. The Engineering and Purchasing staff have conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that the lowest responsible bidder is Rosemount Analytical, Inc. with a bid price of $112,964. Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEOA Guidelines Section 18.2 since it involves minor alterations to an existing sewer facility with negligible or no expansion of capacity. Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute a finding of an agreement with this determination unless otherwise indicated. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of the purchase order to Rosemount Analytical, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $112,964, to furnish one continuous emissions monitoring system to monitor total hydrocarbon (THC) emissions for the Furnace THC Monitoring Project, DP 20125. 13028.7/91 '-.1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ SOLIDS CONDITIONING BUILDING ATTACHMENT I Project Location E C1J +J VI >, V') C'l I:: ..... f- a +J ..... I:: -q ~. VI I:: a ..... ....... VI ....... VI l- ..... z: t5 l.LI :E VI :c - u 0 e:( ::l l- I:: l- ..... e:( +J I:: a u C1J I:: 0 z Q >- a... 5 (I) w 0 ~ a: w < :::I: l.LI M Ln Ln o U +J VI r-! C1J &~ C1J c::: '"C ..... c:c ~ r-l :::I: ::) Z ~ t:i w :r: (/) ro f- ro VI .a f- f- M a roO'l +J c:c ....... ro 1.0 I f- ror--.. I C1J +J r-l I:: c I:: ..... ro u V') !:: ..... C1J C'l '"0 ::l ..... VI nJ en ro .,.. a:; VI 4- o :c o g +J .. ..... I:: C1J M f- ::l..... 0'1 a a........... +J E..... 1.0 I ..... C1J >...... I I:: VI f- r-l a a f- EC:::O VI ro C'l ~ u ro +J VI ~ -c f- ro '"C I:: Cl C1J ~ '"C V') ..... u..... I Uro::lCWI u U f- U I-f- o C1J oc:r 0- r-! ... z !< 6:i 0 f- 8~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~;~~~~~~~g r- ~ ..... cn~ 0..... - ro en I:: u. e:( o~ z ~ Q " ~ ID .... VI ;::) a en c::: ~ f- C1J '"C '"C ..... .a C1J ..... .a ..... o i ~ VI I:: g VI C1J f- +J VI C1J 3 a -1 ~ ~ M~ 0'10 .;;;.: ~ r-l ..... ~ ~ ~, <...: ~\ > I :;- i g: i ~ . '"C C1J ~ ..... ~ ::l VI ..... '"C VI ..... a c:c a. a a f- z: 0.. 00 ~ o o ~ Ln ex:> ~ o o ~ .. - . ..... I:: ro a +J a .a a 3 f- +J +J ro U C1J I:: a C1J I:: a 4- a ..... ro g ~ ..... +J VI VI I:: a VI.a !:: f- a ro U U I:: a C1J V') f- C'l :::: '"C >, ~E~ ..... ro C1J ~ ~ f- C1J N >, VI f- C1J N >, ..... ro !:: ro VI ~, U ..... ::l ..... '"C ro a f- '"C a. I:: ro '"C C1J .+J f- ro C1J ..... ~ g ..... VI ro VI I:: ro ro >, ..... C1J f- > '"C ro f- ..... VI C1J X VI ;n a C1J !:: U '"C a C1J !:: E I:: ro C1J .t:: +J C1J +J C1J g. E a U a +J VI C1J U i' :b ~ ~ ~ a 3 ~ IJ N r--. N .. .. M eo 0 0'1 Ln N r--. N .. .. M eo .. a. .. ::l VI I C1J VI 6- +-' U !:: ~ ..... a C1J ..... :1J > ..... U ro .1-> f- +J X U (Il C1J ro C1J ~ ..... VI U - Ln I:: .. ..... N .t:: I:: 0'1 4- ~ . U 0 !:: ..... eo C1J ..... .- U ~ +J +J I:: C1J +J ro ..... a. +J ro f- s::: ..... ro V') ....... a C1J ..... ~ ........ ~ ro +J .- ~ VI ..... ro +J ro a +J ro +J VI '"C U 4- VI ..... I:: I:: ..... a U VI ..... ro c: x U ~ s::: .t:: ro C1J a C1J 0'1 U +J +J ~ ..... +J I:: W .t:: ~ ..... ..... I- VI 0'1 a VI +J C1J ..... U C1J I VI ~ ..... C1J U s::: C1J C1J ro ~ a x 0 +J a. V') 4- z: C1J +J a ro ..J C1J ~ r-l ..... ro +J a I- oc:r 1..0 0'1 N r-l r-l -tA- VI E C1J +J ..... ..... ..... ro 4- a . N M o .0'1 "- N PAGE 1 OF 1 NO. 8. ENGINEERING a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE SUBSTITUTION OF T.L. BUSH, THE LISTED SUBCONTRACTOR, WITH MCE CORPORATION, A NEW SUBCONTRACTOR, FOR ASPHALT PAVING WORK ON THE HEADWORKS FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (DP 20069) DATE Januar 13, 1993 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE SUBSTITUTIO OF SUBCONTRACTOR SUBMITTED BY Ronald S. Klimczak Senior En ineer INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. Engineering Departmentl Plant En ineerin Division ISSUE: The Headworks Facilities Improvement Project general contractor, Humphrey Construction, Inc., has requested substitution of a subcontractor listed on its bid and contract. Board of Directors' authorization is required for the substitution. BACKGROUND: Humphrey Construction, Inc. listed T.L. Bush as the subcontractor for asphalt paving work on its bid proposal to the District for the Headworks Facilities Improvement Project, District Project No. 20069. T.L. Bush has executed a contract agreement with the general contractor but has ignored repeated requests to perform work covered by the contract agreement. The subcontractor's failure to perform has required that the general contractor perform some of the subcontractor work with its own forces to mitigate project delay and has resulted in certain paving work remaining uncompleted, causing roadway maintenance and accessibility problems. Under these circumstances, Humphrey Construction, Inc. now seeks Board approval to use MCE Corporation to perform the same work. Under California Government Code, Section 4107, substitution of a listed subcontractor is permitted only in certain situations, including situations where the subcontractor has failed or refused to perform its subcontract or when the subcontractor is substantially delaying or disrupting the progress of the work. District staff has notified T.L. Bush by certified mail of the request for subcontractor substitution by Humphrey Construction, Inc. and has also advised them of the requirement to notify the District within five (5) work days of any written objection to this proposed action. Failure to submit timely written objections results in the original subcontractor's automatic consent to the substitution. During a subsequent telephone conversation initiated by District staff, the owner of T. L. Bush provided assurances that there would not be an objection to the subcontractor substitution request. Based upon the statements made, District staff is confident that the contractor's request will be unopposed. The awarding authority must consent to the subcontractor substitution to effect the change. In the present instance, consent by the District Board of Directors is appropriate. The proposed substitution will not result in any additional cost to the District or result in a delay in the project completion. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the substitution of the listed subcontractor, T.L. Bush, with a new subcontractor, MCE Corporation, for asphalt paving work on the Headworks Facilities Improvement Project, District Project No. 20069. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON 1302A-7/91 RSK WEB RAB INITIA~~rIV. ~ Centra. ~ontra Oosta Sanitary &Jistrict ad~.~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 21, 1 993 NO. 8. ENGINEERING b. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT FOR DESIGN OF A 14-INCH WATER RELOCATION FOR DP 4782, 1-680/SR-24 SEWER PR JECT PHASE III DATE January 14, 1993 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Division SUBMITTED BY Rey Limjoco, Assistant Engineer ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a utility agreement with the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD). BACKGROUND: The Sanitary District's (CCCSD) design consultant, John Carollo Engineers, completed plans and specifications for the 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Project, Phase III. These plans show that an existing 14-inch CCWD water line is in conflict with the proposed 30-inch sewer at North Main Street near Boyd Road in Pleasant Hill and needs to be relocated. CCCSD staff has negotiated an agreement with CCWD for the water line relocation. Under this agreement, CCWD has prepared the plans and specifications for the water line relocation which were made a part of CCCSD's construction contract for the 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Project, Phase III. This Sewer Relocations Project, including the water line relocation, has been advertised for bids with the bid openin~Lscheduled for February 3, 1993. All costs incurred by CCWD associated with the relocation of the water line will be reimbursed by CCCSD which will subsequently be reimbursed by Caltrans since the relocations of the sewer and water lines are due to the widening of 1-680/SR-24. CCWD has estimated the total cost for design, construction inspection, and CCWD supplied material to be $59,000. Upon Board approval of this agreement with CCWD, the $59,000 will be deposited with CCWD. Upon completion of construction of the water line relocation, CCWD will determine the actual cost of the work, and CCCSD will either be reimbursed for the excess deposit or pay the balance if the cost is greater than the amount deposited. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with the Contra Costa Water District for the preparation of plans, specifications, and construction inspection for the 14-inch water line relocation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATIVIV RIL TJP JSM I!~ ,- /l~8 RAB 1302A.9 85 ~ Centra~ ~ontra Oosta Sanitary .Jistrict Mda.Jh BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF January 21, 1993 NO. 8. ENGINEERING c. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH THE CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT FOR DESIGN OF A 30-INCH WATER RELOCATION DATE January 14, 1993 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Rey Limjoco, Assistant Engineer Engineering Dept.llnfrastructure Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a utility agreement with the Contra Costa Water District (CCWD). BACKGROUND: The Sanitary District's (CCCSD) design consultant, James M. Montgomery Engineers, has completed 30 percent plans for the Pleasant Hill Interceptor (PHI) project. These plans show that a 30-inch CCWD water line is in conflict with the proposed PHI sewer at Marsh Drive and needs to be relocated. CCCSD staff has negotiated an agreement with CCWD for the water line relocation. Under this agreement, CCWD will prepare the plans and specifications for the water line relocation which will then be made a part of CCCSD's construction contract for the PHI project. All costs incurred by CCWD associated with the relocation of the water line will be reimbur,sed by CCCSD. The construction cost of the relocation work is estimated to be $50,000. CCWD has estimated the total cost for design and construction inspection for the relocation of the 30-inch water line to be $15,000. Upon Board approval of this agreement with CCWD, the $15,000 will be deposited with CCWD. Upon completion of construction of the water line relocation, CCWD will determine the actual cost of the work, and CCCSD will either be reimbursed for the excess deposit or pay the balance if the cost is greater than the amount deposited. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with the Contra Costa Water District for the preparation of plans specifications for the 30-inch water line relocation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR B04RD ACTION RIL TJP JSM Ij;~#$ RAB 1- INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-9/85 ....~--_._..._-~----,.._,------'_._-"._,.-._"----,.,-~--_...~----,~--".-._._--_._----_.__.~-----' ~ Central ~~~~~ g~~~R~~~~a~~ Llistrict PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. 8. ENGINEERING d. Januar 21, 1993 sUMJCrHORIZE $122,000 FOR THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT AND AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR THE EVALUATION OF ROSSMOOR SEWERS; AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH HDR ENGINEERING, INC. TO PREPARE AN EVALUATION OF THE ROSSMOOR SEWER SYSTEM DATE January 15, 1993 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE FUNDS AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Jay McCoy Infrastructure Division Manager INITIA TING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Departmentl Infrastructure Division ISSUE: Board approval is required for supplemental authorizations from the Sewer Construction Fund to the Collection System Contingency Account. and for allocations from the account over $25,000. Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager- Chief Engineer to execute a consulting engineering agreement in an amount greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: The majority of the sewer system in the community of Rossmoor is privately owned and operated. Over the past few years, pursuant to provisions of the District's 1963 contract with Rossmoor, easements have been granted to this District for some of the existing sewers in Rossmoor which, for the most part, are located in existing streets. The last easements were accepted by the Board in October 1991. There are approximately 100,000 feet of additional sewers in Rossmoor that the Joint Mutual Board of Rossmoor wants the District to operate and maintain. Some of these sewers may be appropriate in size, condition, maintainability, and location to become a part of the District's system. District staff and representatives of Rossmoor have been in discussions over the past six months regarding the District taking over additional private sewer mains in Rossmoor. One of the first tasks that needs to be completed is an evaluation of the existing sewer system to determine its condition. The elements of such an evaluation include the review of existing written documentation, internal televising of a 15,000-foot sample of the existing sewers, spot excavation, assessment of information, expansion of an existing local hydraulic capacity analysis, and the development of rehabilitation alternatives. Cost estimates can then be prepared for the purpose of determining the appropriate course of action to pursue. District staff will coordinate the efforts associated with television inspections, spot excavations, flow monitoring, surveying and will be responsible for the overall management of the project. Various contractors will be engaged for some of the field work. It is proposed that the remainder of the evaluation work be done by HDR Engineering, Inc. (HDR). Staff considered three consulting firms for this work. HDR was selected because HDR has done or is do'ing similar work for five public agencies in the western United States. District staff has negotiated a cost reimbursement agreement with HDR with a cost ceiling of $70,000. HDR's work includes the review and analysis of existing documentation, analysis of flow data, expansion of local hydraulic capacity studies, determination of sewer system upgrade requirements, preparation of cost estimates, and preparation of a project report. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-9/85 JSM !/If&,. ~~ RAB ~__._"..."'__.__._~__._____._______~___~_.___...__~~_._"....__~m__"_'__"_.._~.,,~_.."_._~_,._.._....,. SUBJE.GL AUTHORIZE $122,000 FOR THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT AND AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR THE EVALUATION OF ROSSMOOR SEWERS; AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH HDR ENGINEERING, INC. TO PREPARE AN EVALUATION OF THE ROSSMOOR SEWER SYSTEM :1:111111111111:11111111 PAGE 2 DATE OF 3 January 15, 1993 This project is not included in the 1992-93 Capital Improvement Budget. Therefore, funds for this project must be allocated from the Collection System Program Contingency Account. Insufficient funds remain in this account to cover the proposed allocation. Therefore, staff recommends a supplemental authorization from the Sewer Construction Fund to the Contingency Account to cover the allocation. The total estimated cost for the work by District staff, other contractors, and HDR is $146,000 as summarized on Attachment 1. The General Manager-Chief Engineer has made a preliminary authorization of $24,000 to enable staff work to begin on this project. The net authorization required is $122,000. This project has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEOA Guidelines Section 17.3, since it involves only a feasibility or planning study for possible future actions. The Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute a finding of agreement with this determination unless otherwise indicated. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorize $146,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund to the Collection System Contingency Account and authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to allocate these funds for the project. 2. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a cost reimbursement agreement with a cost ceiling of $70,000 with HDR Engineering, Inc. for the preparation of an evaluation of the Rossmoor sewer system. 1302B-7/91 ATTACHMENT 1 DISTRICT STAFF . . . . . Project Management Review by Staff Survey Legal Project Coordination $ 8,000 2,000 6,000 6,000 10.000 $32,000 CONTRACT SERVICES HDR . . . . Television Inspection Spot Excavation Flow Monitoring Geotechnical $21,000 7,000 10,000 6,000 44,000 . Sewer Evaluation 70,000 $146,000 24.000 $122,000 TOTAL Less Previous GM-CE Allocation Funds to be authorized ._-~-----"_.,-----,-----_._._.,~,.._~_._---.^-+,.._._--._-_.~.._._,,---,-_._---,.._-----~~_..~_.._.,.-.- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 5 BOARD MEETING OF January 21, 1 993 NO. 11. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. SUBJECT DATE Januar 12 1993 TYPE OF ACTION REVIEW AND APPROVE THE REVISED STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY REVISE INVES.TMENT POLICY SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Walter Funasaki, Finance Officer Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The District's investment policy should be revised to replace the title of the employee responsible for investment transactions from that of District Finance Officer to District Controller. BACKGROUND: In 1984, the California legislature amended Government Code Section 53646 to require that: a. The treasurer or chief fiscal offic,er annually render to the legislative body of the local agency a statement of investment policy. b. The treasurer or chief fiscal officer render a monthly report to the chief executive officer and legislative body of the local agency showing the type of investment, institution, date of maturity, amount of deposit, current market value for all securities with a maturity of more than 1 2 months, rate of interest, and such data as may be required by the local agency. c. Section 53646 shall remain in effect only until January 1, 1991, and as of that date is repealed, unless a later enacted statute, which is enacted before January 1, 1991, deletes or extends that date. Section 53646 was repealed as of January 1, 1991, as the sunset date was not deleted or extended by a later enacted statute. Although no longer statutorily required, the annual rendering of a statement of investment policy to the governing Board for review and concurrence is considered beneficial and should be continued. No change to the investment policy is being recommended, except the title of the employee responsible for investment transactions. The District's investment policy refers to the District Finance Officer as being the responsible employee under Sections VII, Delegation and Authority; Section VIII, Prudence; Section IX, Controls; and Section X, Reporting. With the retirement of the District Finance Officer on January 31, 1993, and the replacement of the Finance Officer position with that of District Controller, the title change has been incorporate,d in each affected section. WNF DR PM SUBJECT REVIEW AND APPROVE THE REVISED STATEMENT OF INVESTMENT POLICY PAGE DATE 2 OF 5 January 12, 1 993 An investment report is routinely submitted with the District's monthly financial statements to the General Manager-Chief Engineer and the Board of Directors. The Contra Costa County Treasurer's Office adheres to the District's investment policy in investing District funds. The District's revised investment policy is submitted for review and approval by the Board of Directors. RECOMMENDATION: Review and approve the revision to the District's investment policy by replacing the position of Finance Officer with that of Controller in each affected section of the policy. 1302B-7/91 <CCSD Central Contra Costa Sanitilry District NO. POLICY & PROCEDURE ~FFECTIVE .January 1 993 SU8JECT SECTION INVESTMENT POLICY EST A8LISHED 8Y REFERRING TO: The Board of Directors The investment policy of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is embodied in the following eleven sections: I. Statement of Objectives The temporary investment portfolio of the District shall be designed to attain a market- average rate of return, taking into account the District's investment risk constraint and prudent investment principles. II. Permissible Investments Within the constraints prescribed by the Government Code of the State of California for permissible investments, the District's investment portfolio will only be invested in the following instruments: . United States Treasury Bills and Notes, and obligations of government agencies for which the full faith and credit of the United States are pledged. . Obligations of the Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLB), Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), Government National Mortgage Association (GMNA), and Small Business Administration (SBA). . Bankers Acceptances, drawn on and accepted by a commercial bank, which are eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve System. . Collateralized Certificates of Deposit issued by a Federal or State chartered bank or a Federal or State chartered savings and loan association. . Commercial Paper of prime quality limited to corporations with assets over $500,000,000. . Repurchase Agreements for a period less than 30 days. . Local Agency Investment Fund of the State of California. I SHEET 1 OF 3 ((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District POLICY & PROCEDURE SUBJECT INVESTMENT POLICY III. Banks and Dealers The District will use the services of the Treasurer's Office of the County of Contra Costa which will transact the District's investment decisions in compliance with the requirements described in this investment policy. The County Treasurer's Office will execute the District's investments through such brokers, dealers, and financial institutions as are approved by the County Treasurer, and through the State Treasurer's Office for investments in the Local Agency Investment Fund. IV. Maturities The maximum maturity for investments of the District is one year. Prior approval of the Board of Directors must be obtained to acquire investments with maturities beyond one year. However, investments in Treasury Notes and the Local Agency investment Fund would not be subject to the one year maximum maturity. V. Diversification To minimize the risk of loss through default, the total amount invested in a single issuer will not be greater than 15 percent of the District's investment portfolio value, except that the 1 5 percent limitation will not apply to United States Treasury Bills and Notes and investments in the Local Agency Investment Fund. VI. Risk Credit and market risks will be minimized through adherence to the list of permissible investments, a limit on maximum maturities, and the limitation on the total investment in a single issuer. VII. Delegation and Authority The District Financc Officer Controller will be responsible for investment transactions which should be made in accordance with this investment policy and within the internal controls described in Section IX. 1 SHEET 2 OF 3 <((sD Central Contra Costa Sanitary District POLICY & PROCEDURE SUBJECT INVESTMENT POLICY VIII. Prudence Prudent judgment must be exercised by the District Finance Officer Controller responsible for investment transactions undertaken in accordance with this investment policy. IX. Controls The District Finance Offioer Controller will establish subsidiary accounting records of each investment which will enable the determination of income earned monthly and through maturity, and the balancing of the principal amounts to a control account in the general ledger. Internal control procedures will require the countersignature of the Deputy General Manager for all transactions which are initiated by the Finanoe Offioer Controller. The dollar limit of the Deputy General Manager will be $5 million. Investment transactions which exceed $5 million will require the additional approval of the General Manager-Chief Engineer. Such internal controls are to be reviewed by the District's independent auditors annually. X. Reporting The District Finance Officer Controller will annually render a statement of investment policy to the Board of Directors. The Finance Officer Controller will submit a monthly report to the District's General Manager-Chief Engineer and Board of Directors showing the type of investment, issuer, dates of issue and maturity, amount of deposit, current market value of all securities with a maturity of more than 12 months, and rate of interest. XI. Performance Evaluation A performance evaluation will be completed by the District's independent auditors every four years, commencing with the 1984-1985 fiscal year, to determine whether the investment objective of achieving a market-average rate of return is being realized. In determining the market-average rate of return, the average return of three month U.S. Treasury Bills will be used. I SHEET 3 OF 3