HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-06-95 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF April 6, 1995 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. DATE March 31, 1 995 SUBJECT QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT TO SRSS LIMITED PARTNERSHIP JOB 3393, PORTION PARCEL 2, SAN RAMON AREA TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF SEWER EASEMENT SUBMIIJED BY DenniS Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Dept.llnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: The owner of Parcels A & B of Parcel Map, Book 85, page 8, has requested the District Quitclaim a portion of a District easement within its property. BACKGROUND: The subject easement was granted at no cost to this District in 1980. It was created to provide future service to Parcels A and B. The owner's development proposal for parcel "B" is to construct a building across the existing District sewer easement. The sewer within the easement will be abandoned to a point 60' westerly of parcel "B's" easterly property line where a manhole will be constructed. One lateral will be extended from the manhole to serve the improvements on Parcel B. The proposed building on Parcel A will not require sewer service. The method of sewering Parcel B has been approved by District staff, and the noted changes are presently under construction. The portion of the easement to be Quitclaimed is therefore no longer required. Our Quitclaim processing fee has been paid by the owner. Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. The Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute a finding of agreement with this determination unless otherwise indicated. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to SRSS Limited Partnership Job 3393, authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed, and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. DH JSM RAB RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON INITIATING DEPT./DIV. uE-1r PH 1I/J! MB 1302A-7/91 QUITe sLA/At EWER EASEMENT ..... " ~ ;;;; ..:.:.::::::;Z;;:::::::::~::;;:;.~~: 2~~9c9 ,~ ~~~ 85 p.M 8 ,~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ('" 60' \ ':f' ,C; ,~~~ "9~ _ _ ~t-~ ;~._~~l~_9~~J}W(),B t --~ L 81/0 ~, S '" EWER EASEMENT (9948 O.R. 681) .. !l QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT JOB 3393 - PORTION PARCEL 2 SAN RAMON AREA 2523-9/88 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF April 6, 1995 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR b. DAT'March 31, 1995 SUBJECT ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENTS/tRANSFER OF SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS FROM THIRD WALNUT CREEK MUTUAL, JOB 1001, PARCELS 24 THRU 36 (EAST SIDE SEWERS) ROSSMOOR AREA TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: Board action is required to transfer 13 sewer easements together with the sanitary sewer facilities located within these easements into the CCCSD public sewer system. BACKGROUND: District staff and "Rossmoor" have been negotiating for the transfer of the private sewer system which serves Rossmoor into the CCCSD public sewer system. The subject Grants of Easements will complete the transfer of the 'East Side Sewers' into the District's system. These documents are included in the first phase of the sanitary sewers to be transferred. Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA) under District CEOA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. The Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute a finding of agreement with this determination unless otherwise indicated. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to accept the Grants of Easements for Job 1001, Parcels 24 through 36, and authorize the Grants of Easements to be recorded. RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. We- Ir' DH 1302A-7/91 DH W JSM ~ 1'-- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF April 6, 1995 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR c. DAT'March 22, 1995 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE EXECUTION OF BILL OF SALE AND ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT/TRANSFER OF SANITARY SEWER SYSTEMS FROM UDC HOMES, INC. - JOB 1001, PARCELS A THRU HH - ROSSMOOR AREA TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE EXECUTION/ ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: Board action is required to transfer 34 sanitary sewer lines within private roads in the Rossmoor area into the CCCSD public sewer system. BACKGROUND: District staff has been negotiating with 'Rossmoor' for the takeover of existing sanitary sewers within the Rossmoor development. The negotiations have resulted in a phased transfer of the private sewers into the public sewer system. Some of the private sewers are owned by UDC Homes, Inc., the developer of Rossmoor. A Bill of Sale and Grant of Easement for 34 individual sewer segments have been executed by UDC Homes. These documents include the first phase of the sanitary sewers to be transferred. Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CECA) under District CECA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor, alteration in land use limitations. The Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute a finding of agreement with this determination unless otherwise indicated. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the District's General Manager - Chief Engineer to execute the Bill of Sale and adopt a resolution authorizing the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to accept and record the Grant of Easement/Transfer of Sanitary Sewer Systems Job 1001, Parcels A thru HH. REWEWEDAND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD AcnON JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-7/91 .6)/J- DH M f)1fj Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 April 6, 1995 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR d. DATE March 28, 1995 BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM BLAIR H. WALKER TESTAMENTARY TRUST FOR THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR PROJECT, D.P. 4985 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY Ricardo Hernandez, Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering/Infrastructure Div. ISSUE: Approval of the Board is required for acceptance of the subject easement needed for the installation of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor and Recycled Waterline. BACKGROUND: Acquisition of property rights are needed along the alignment of the proposed pipeline through Pleasant Hill. The alignment parallels the present course of Grayson Creek. The majority of the alignment is located on private property for which property rights must be acquired. This is the case with the property owned in fee by the Blair H Walker Trust (Kenneth R. Walker and Wells Fargo Bank as Co-Trustees) of which the major tenant is Kmart (See Exhibit A). An appraisal has been prepared by a licensed real estate appraiser hired by the District to determine the just compensation for the proposed easement. Based on recent comparable sales of similar properties and the impact of the proposed easement on the value of the existing lands, the compensation amount was appraised to be $64,772. Staff has reviewed the appraisal report and concurs with its findings. An agreement has been reached with trustees of the subject property for this amount, subject to Board approval, and a Purchase Agreement and Grant of Easement Deed have been signed. Funds for the purchase of the easement are included in the authorized Pleasant Hill Easement Acquisition Project, DP 4985. This action was addressed in the 1991 Pleasant Hill/A-Line EIR and the 1993 Recycled Water Pipeline Project Negative Declaration. No additional environmental documentation is required. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Grant of Easement Deed from Kenneth R. Walker and Wells Fargo Bank, as Co-Trustees of the Blair H. Walker Testamentary Trust for the amount of $64,772 and authorize staff to record said Deed with the Contra Costa County Recorder. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-7/91 RH /f!Jfi> INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. ~ RAB c '" D ... ... .ii <X> ~ "- "' g:: ~ '- ~ if) o ~ ~ L if) :J '- o , 200 , FEET III III III tl I ""'" I l~ I 'I' I ITI BLAI R H. WALKER I j'li TESTAMENTARY TRUST I ill I :It TEMP. CONSTRUCTION ----------: ~IJ EASEMENT I 'I' to'R~lg~CC~~IT~~iE~E~~: :~;II EASEMENT I I.il I 'If I 'I ) ,II / '/// '1/ / // / ,/ / // '1/ 00 N Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ~ o o z ---j :;0 )> o. o Vl ---jG) )>:;0 o~ OVl Co Zz ---j -<0 :;0 'lfT! 1fT! o^ o o o o z ---j :;0 o I o ~ ~ :P "Y ~ ~ "Y ~ L cJ ATTACHMENT PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR BLAIR H. WALKER TRUST A Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF April 6, 1995 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR e. DATEMarch 31, 1995 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 95-6 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Engineering Dept.llnfrastructure Div. Parcel Area Owner/Address Remarks Lead No. Parcel No. & Acreage Agency 95-6 Alamo Kurt Herzog Existing house with a CCCSD (77 E4) 134 Gaywood Road failing septic system; Alamo, CA 94507 must connect to the (0.98Ac.) public sewer system. Project is exempt from CEOA Recommendation: Authorize P.A. 95-6 to be included in a future formal annexation. REWEWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON 1302A-7/91 DH JSM INITIATING DEPT./DIV. W &- tJb1.- pH flJ1( ... ~ ..1 , .,. f5 \~ C''''' C! <f> y:'(.(J ~~ Q<t1<M \ .L~ \ MlMGtoM~'<"-z. ~o~of STON I VALL V RD .... ....- PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 95-6 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF April 6, 1995 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR f. SUBJECT ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR THE AERATION BASIN SELECTOR PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7132, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION DATE March 31, 1 995 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTEDB~ . IVlunawar Husam Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lO,JV.. . D I ~nglneenng epartment Plant Engineering Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Aeration Basin Selector Project, District Project No. 7132, and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: In the past, the District has experienced problems with the quality of the sludge generated in the activated sludge process. When the quality of the sludge deteriorates, the rate at which the sludge settles is lessened. This poor settling sludge creates operational problems in the secondary clarifiers and jeopardizes effluent quality. In addition, improving the settling characteristics of the sludge results in improved operating efficiencies. Over the past several years, a technique to improve sludge characteristics has evolved. This method, known as "selector technology," has been shown to aid in the propagation of bacteria that have good settling characteristics. Selector technology is based on providing a small contact volume upstream of the aeration process where the wastewater and microorganisms combine to create conditions that favor the growth of desirable bacteria. Under this project, additional piping and valves were installed to route the return sludge to the beginning of the primary effluent channel ahead of the aeration basins. The primary effluent channel, being of the desired size and volume, is intended to serve as the selector area with no additional tank construction being necessary. Details of the project are also included on pages TP-12 through TP-14 of the 1994-95 Capital Improvement Budget. See Attachment 1 for the location of the work completed under this project. The construction contract was awarded to Monterey Mechanical Company of Oakland, California, on May 3, 1994, by the District Board of Directors. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed on June 1, 1994. The contract completion date was February 25, 1995. The contract work was completed ahead of time, with the District taking beneficial occupancy of the new facilities on February 6, 1995. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. The total authorized budget for this project is $977,000. An accounting of project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project close out. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the Aeration Basin Selector Project, District Project No. 7132, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. INITIA:~ DEPT)II 1302A-7/91 WEB ftfi Paqe 2 of 2 IMHOFF DR ,j j'T' - I ..... ~ PrOJ.-ct Loce1.lon Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Aeration Basin Selector Project District Project 7132 Attachment 1 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF April 6, 1995 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR g. DATE March 29, 1995 SUBJECT ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR IRRIGATION IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6101 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK/FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION SUBMITTED BY Joseph J. Pomroy Assistant En ineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Maintenance Engineeringl Plant 0 erations De artment ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Irrigation Improvements Project, District Project No. 6101. The work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The District's irrigation system was connected to the No.3 water system, which is chlorinated final effluent. The improvements to the irrigation system involved switching service to the No. 2 water system, which is chlorinated and filtered final effluent. This No. 2 water system will provide irrigation water for present and future conditions that will more reliably meet California Title 22 Standards for landscape irrigation. On November 3, 1994, the Board Authorized Award of this Construction Contract to SG Engineers and Constructors. All of the construction has been completed for the bid amount of $33,250. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. This project is included in the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Capital Improvement Budget on page TP-65. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Contract for the Irrigation Improvements Project, District Project No. 6101, and Authorize the Filing of the Notice of Completion. . ECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-7/91 l"..'----.-----------.--.----..~-..-.-""'.,-'-.-.-- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF April 6, 1995 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR h. AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE OF KENT VON ASPERN AT THE APRIL 24-26, 1995, USEPA NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SANITARY SEWER OVERFLOWS AT A COST OF $1,375 DATE A ril 3 1995 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Tad J. Pilecki, Senior Engineer Engineering Dept.llnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Directors is required for unbudgeted travel if the expense will exceed $500 or if the travel is outside of California. BACKGROUND: Kent Von Aspern, Senior Engineering Assistant in the Infrastructure Division, has been invited by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to present the District's experiences completing a corrosion inspection of the A-Line Interceptor. This paper, entitled "Corrosion Inspection of a 78-inch Interceptor - While Live, " is to be presented at the EPA's National Conference on Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs) to be held on April 24-26, 1995, in Washington, D.C. Mr. Von Aspern was Project Manager for the inspection and was responsible for planning, coordinating, and supervising this challenging project. In addition, John Larson, Collection System Operations Department Manager, was invited to present a paper entitled "Practical Collection System O&M Program to Minimize and Mitigate SSOs." Mr. Von Aspern will present this paper for Mr. Larson in order to minimize the expenses to the District. Attendance at this conference will enable Mr. Von Aspern to share experiences with other cities and districts from throughout the country who share the challenges of the District in maintaining infrastructure with increasingly scarce resources. In addition, Mr. Von Aspern will have the opportunity to learn about new advances in the control of sanitary sewer overflows. Conference topics include regulatory issues, monitoring and reporting, sewer system analysis and modeling, infiltration/inflow sources, exfiltration, sewer system design, inspection, operation, and maintenance, sewer rehabilitation techniques, and treatment plant issues. The information gathered at this conference will be beneficial to all of the District's staff. Funds are available in the Infrastructure Division's Technical Training Budget for this activity. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Kent Von Aspern, Senior Engineering Assistant in the Infrastructure Division, at the U.S. EPA's National Conference on Sanitary Sewer Overflows, to be held on April 24-26, 1995, in Washington, D.C., at a cost of $1,375. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION .' '(ttf 1302A-7/91 TJP JSM RAB PAGE 1 OF 1 April 6, 1995 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR i. SUBJECT DATE March 30, 1995 AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE OF LUCIA WATSON, LERON PATTON, AND ANDREW SNIDERMAN AT THE HTE USERS' CONFERENCE MAY 21-MAY 25, 1995 AT A COST OF $2,650 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Directors is required for unbudgeted travel if the expense will exceed $500 or if the travel is outside of California. BACKGROUND: HTE is holding its Seventh Annual Users' Conference in California for the first time. Normally, the conference is held in Florida. At the HTE Users' group, participants will attend enhancement, breakout, training and open sessions. Enhancement sessions are led by HTE Product Managers who will review new application features and planned enhancements to the HTE computer software. Breakout sessions are devoted to reviewing the results generated from user requests and will influence future application development. (Accounting staff previously provided HTE with our specific requests via a survey sent from HTE. Attending the conference will help ensure our specific needs are considered in future software modifications.) Training sessions are available for specific applications such as Payroll, General Ledger, and Accounts Receivable, to name a few. Open sessions allow for networking between users to gather knowledge on how other organizations make effective use of their various applications and systems. Attendance at the Conference by Lucia Watson, Accounting Technician, Leron Patton, Accountant Trainee, and Andrew Sniderman, Information Systems Administrator, will allow these District employees to share experiences with other cities and districts from throughout the country who use HTE applications. In addition, they will have the opportunity to learn about any new modifications to the existing system, innovative ways of using the system, and will allow District input to the future modifications and design of the HTE system. Funds are available in the Finance & Accounting section's overall budget for this activity, although this will cause the Technical Training expense account to be over budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Leron Patton, Lucia Watson, and Andrew Sniderman at the HTE Seventh Annual Users' Conference May 21-25, 1995 in Long Beach, California, at a cost of $2,650. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON d INITIATING DEPTJDIV. 1302A-7/91 DR PM Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 BOARD MEETING OF April 6, 1995 NO. 5. ADMINISTRATIVE a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO ENTER INTO AN ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT WITH LAMB & LAMB FOR $85,000 FOR CONTINUATION OF WORK REDESIGN PROGRAM DATE March 29, 1995 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT S~'MiHEt~YPearl Plant Maintenance Division Manager INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Maintenance/Plant Operations Department ISSUE: The approval of the Board of Directors is required for professional consultant agreements and addenda above $25,000 that are funded from the Operations and Maintenance budget. BACKGROUND: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District began a "Work Redesign" program in late 1 993 in response to changing business needs from external forces that will have an adverse effect on it. In particular, a substantial portion of its property tax revenue stream ($3.5 million annually to date) has been lost with the remainder possibly in jeopardy. The Work Redesign program has focused on finding ways to refine and improve the efficiencies of our processes while giving our employees greater involvement in how the District's work gets accomplished. This program includes changing our culture so that employees can make the contributions necessary to enable the District to meet these new challenges. The year 1994 was the startup and implementation period. The organization necessary to support the program was assembled, workshops were held with employees to introduce some of the tools and the culture of work redesign, and several teams started work, contributing results that have saved both money and time, as well as making some of the work itself easier. The Work Redesign Program is now in transition to increase the reliance on in-house resources, while decreasing the need for the consultants, lamb and lamb. The objectives for the year are to broaden the base of leadership for cultural change, continue the transfer of process improvement methods and tools to Central San employees, and to expand the working teams in order to obtain even more results in cost and quality areas. The consultants will support this effort by focusing on four areas. These are: training additional Facilitators and providing advanced training for all in this group, focusing on the District's management team development for continuous improvement and managing organizational change, providing training for continued cultural change via the Mid-Managers' Network, and consulting with the internal facilitators on work with the process improvement teams. 1302A-7/91 JCP REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATI,NG DEPT.lDIV. . if SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO ENTER INTO AN ADDENDUM TO AGREEMENT WITH LAMB & LAMB FOR $85,000 FOR CONTINUATION OF WORK REDESIGN PROGRAM PAGE DATE 2 OF 3 March 28, 1995 The attachment details specific activities that the consultants will lead or in which they will participate. The two categories of activity are the support of the work redesign process itself. It is anticipated that approximately 544 hours of the consultants' time will be required to accomplish the planned activities during this transition year. We are proposing an addendum to the agreement for $85,000 to cover these planned activities. At their conclusion, we will further evaluate the future direction of the District's Work Redesign program and the part that the consultants may play in it. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to enter into an addendum to the agreement with lamb and lamb in the amount of $85,000 for the continuation of support for the District's Work Redesign Program. 13028-7/91 PAGE 3 of 3 WORK REDESIGN AT CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT CONSULTANT'S TRANSITION PHASE ACTIVITIES Work Redesian Activities: Hours Process Redesign Team facilitation and support 120 Steering Committee meetings and support 80 Implementation of Safety PRT recommendations 12 Strategic Planning with Management Team 4 "Shadow Consulting" with Facilitators as required 20 Annual Work Redesign Planning Workshop Total hours for Work Redesign activities: ---1.Q. 252 Trainina and Develooment Activities: Management Leadership Development 124 Mid-Managers' Network Support 24 Facilitator Training and Network Development 144 Total Hours for Training and Development: 292 TOTAL HOURS FOR BALANCE OF 1995: 544 TOTAL EXPENSE FOR BALANCE OF 1995: $85,000 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 BOARD MEETING OF April 6, 1995 NO. 6. ENGINEERING a. SUBJECT DATE March 31, 1995 ACCEPT GRANTS OF EASEMENTS FROM 12 MARTINEZ RESIDENTS AS PART OF THE MARTINEZ EASEMENT ACQUISITION PROJECT DP-5154 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANTS OF EASEMENTS SUBMITTED BY Rick Hernandez, Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Dept./lnfra. Division ISSUE Board action is required for accepting Grants of Easements. Q) 0' -= ..':::!.. .E BACKGROUND: At the March 3, 1994 Board meeting a Joint Resolution with the City of Martinez was adopted to outline a program to acquire missing easements within City limits in accordance with the 1967 agreement between the District and City. The easements are needed to provide property rights to maintain and repair the existing sanitary sewer collection system. The first phase of this program has been completed and Grants of Easements have been obtained from twelve property owners; Paula A. Gorelick, Paul A. Murray, Louis and Rose C. Rangel, George A. and Debora L. Washnak, Alexander L. and Gwendolyn D. Fonceca Trust, Dor Almond Trust Marie and Stephanie L. Varisto, Wayne Seeberg, Richard D. and Barbara L. Linam, Terry and Bonnie Andrews, Robert H. and Paula L Radoff, Russel E. and Donna M. Abbott. Maps are attached depicting the locations of the easements. In conformance with the Joint Resolution, the City of Martinez has paid for the acquisition costs consisting of a $150 transfer fee paid to each property owner for each Grant of Easement. RECOMMENDATION: Accept Grants of Easement from the above referenced owners and authorize staff to record these with the Contra Costa County Recorder. REWEWEDAND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD AcnON RH CWS JSM RAB ~. r w f/1ffi INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-7/91 RIG~~,~~ii~I!~&;'SEWER ~~ '" I - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _I @~[Lrn3~[R1u @ ALEXANDER L.FONCECA and GWENDOLYN DOLORES FONCECA REVOCABLE TRUST 17707 O.R.160 @ RADOFF 14045 O.R. 732 C) ~ ~ 0J KIM CT IV) ~ [R0\] ~ IN] (~ [R1 ABBOTT 14336 O.R. 544 @ , ~\ ""0 . /' ,/ --- --- c g- o< 'i; .. or, ;0 , " '" ~ i:> "0 ~ " '" " , o I 50 I p... \}t. ~'-\-\~~~~ -- -- -- v\ -"':. --- .... ' - 01~ \ ___ ' --- --~ r ~\ --- FEET '" '" ro o DRAWN BY: ; LC ~ ~ SCALE: ~ 1"-50' '" CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 4/12/94 THOMAS BRO.: 10A7 co. ASSMT. NO.: JOB NO.: 5154 PARCEL NO.: 161-164 .--...----1.-.-.--..,.,--'-'-....-~-.------..---.-----..---.,'--------.--.-"----.-~--_.."~-----,-....-----~---------------...-.--. .......,... '.:,._."i..;i.t~i;.'ili'itlli ;ff.~" CENTRAL CONrR1r.:,cqs."[~""~~!JARY DISTRICT RIGHT Hn2,~~~\I~~~.~~~.i.!!~,!:~'\:.~!\~ri!' SEWER ~ VAR/STO @ 11503 O.R.235 @ WA5HNAK 11784 O.R. 70 N87026':l \-.- 20' 0 100 I I FEET ~ .' ~ N ~ \ \ // \ // )/ / o -.- ALHAMBRA AVE ...... ~ DRAWN BY CHECKED BY THOMAS BRO. JOB NO. BBM RH, EAC 10A7,10B7 E1823 SCALE DATE CO. ASSMT. NO. PARCEL 1"-100' 3-14-94 153-160 --"'--, ----...-...-----...-.----.........----. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF April 6, 1995 NO. 6. ENGINEERING b. SUBJECT APPROVE A $68,926 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER ON THE HEADWORKS FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (DP 7069) FOR SERVICES OF A SAFETY SPECIALIST DATE March 31, 1 995 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE CHANGE ORDER SUBMITTED a.y Id SKI" k Iiona . Imcza Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lQ.J.V. t:ngineering Departmentl Plant Engineering Division ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a construction contract change order in an amount greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: After 2 % years of work, construction of the Headworks Facilities Improvement (Headworks) Project was completed in late January 1995. During the course of construction, various extra work issues were identified that necessitated processing change orders to the contract involving additional cost and/or additional contract time. In the event negotiations between the contractor (Humphrey Construction, Inc.) and the District (using the services of CH2M Hill as construction manager) were unsuccessful in arriving at mutually acceptable change order terms, the contract documents provided for dispute resolution using the services of a three member Disputes Review Board (DRB). To date, three issues have been taken to the DRB for determination, including resolution of the safety specialist services payment issue, which is the subject of this position paper. (The District totally prevailed in one of the other two issues (no compensation to the contractor); and in the second issue, ended up processing a substantially lower value change order than the contractor demanded.) The contractor was required by the contract specifications to hire a safety specialist to inspect and monitor the construction work to assure it was performed in accordance with all safety requirements. Duties included safety meetings, hazard analysis, monitoring confined space entries and critical utility tie-ins, correcting safety violations, and investigating accidents. In view of the magnitude and complexity of the Headworks project, as well as the verified presence of potentially hazardous gas pockets encountered during the design phase geotechnical investigations, it was decided to require the services of a safety professional to reduce the risk of an accident or injury and the consequent financial liability exposure to the District. The proactive safety approach employed on this project was instrumental in achieving an excellent accident record over a 2 % year period involving construction work valued at approximately $19,000,000. During the startup of construction work, District staff became concerned that the Contractor intended to use a construction worker as the safety specialist with qualifications substantially below the level considered necessary by the District. The contractor's position was that the specifications were ambiguous, and the $73,600 safety budget included in the bid price would, therefore, be inadequate to cover the cost of a certified safety professional to meet the District's expectation. (The $75 per hour cost of a certified safety professional was substantially more REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION WEB RAB z;:. ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATI,NG DEP~~~/ / 1\13Y 1302A-7/91 RSK ~rf6 ~ SUBJECT illll,1111111111 APPROVE A $68,926 CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER ON THE HEADWORKS FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (DP 7069) FOR SERVICES OF A SAFETY SPECIALIST PAGE 2 DATE OF 2 March 31, 1995 than the $40 per hour rate of the safety specialist that the contractor intended to provide.) The District acknowledged a specification language clarification issue and agreed to issue a future change order in the maximum amount of $30,630 based on the contractor's projected estimate of the individual's need through mid-1994. The District understood there to be an agreement that the contractor would keep the District informed of the accruing costs and the District would work with the contractor to help identify construction work for which a safety specialist's presence was not essential to minimize cost without sacrificing job site safety. Over the subsequent construction period, the contractor claimed total safety expenditures of $235,483, or $161,883 more than the $73,600 included in the original bid. The District rejected the contractor's claim for compensation in the amount of $161,883 when submitted for the first time in mid-1994 since the contractor had not advised the District of the budget overrun nor allowed the District the opportunity to mitigate costs at any time. In view of the value of services provided, the District offered the $30,630 maximum compensation originally projected as resolution of the claim. The contractor rejected the offer and sought full reimbursement for the overrun while admitting he had failed to monitor the costs and had not advised the District of the budget status. Due to the inability to resolve the dispute, the issue was presented to the DRB for determination. After reviewing each parties position and supporting documentation on the dispute as well as taking testimony at several hearings, the DRB rendered a determination on January 27, 1995, that the District should pay the contractor the change order amount of $68,926 (vs. the $30,630 offered) with the contractor liable for the balance of $166,557 (including the $73,600 included in the original bid). Basically, the DRB considered the contractor to have superior knowledge of the escalating budget overrun situation by virtue of paying monthly safety specialist billings and by having responsibility for job site safety. Therefore, the contractor was required to absorb the majority of the additional costs. District responsibility for partial payment of the added cost was based primarily on having the opportunity to observe the increased presence of the safety specialist from that originally projected, as well as having received the added benefit that the increased safety specialist presence provided. District staff considers the DRB's determination to be fair and equitable in view of the complexity of the issue and the substantial benefit to the District realized by the presence of a highly qualified safety professional during potentially hazardous construction work. Sufficient funds are available in the project budget at this time to cover the contract change order. No additional funds are required. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a contract change order with Humphrey Construction, Inc. in the amount of $68,926 for safety specialist services on the headworks project. 13028-7/91 PAGE 1 OF 4 NO. April 6, 1995 7. PERSONNEL a. SUBJECT DATE March 27, 1995 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1 995 - 1 996 RECEIVE BUDGET SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. Cathryn Freitas, Human Resources Manager Administrative/Human Resources ISSUE: Staff has analyzed its personnel needs for Fiscal Year 1995-1996 and is submitting its requests for Board consideration at the April 6, 1995 Board Meeting. Board approval is scheduled for the April 20, 1995 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 1995- 1996. The Personnel Budget includes departmental overviews providing summary information, request justification pages with detailed explanations on the effect of these recommended staffing changes, organizational charts reflecting current staffing and proposed changes, and a revised job description. The attached summary sheet highlights each department's staffing requests, their effect on the number of total authorized positions in the District, and the additional cost in salaries and proposed net benefits. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized regular positions in the District will decrease by eight (8) from last year. An additional one-half Co-op student position is requested this year increasing the number to eight (8). Despite the decreased number of positions, the salaries and wages in the 1995-1996 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase slightly from the previous year due to the following: . Any cost-of-living salary adjustments resulting from the negotiated Memoranda of Understanding; . Merit and longevity increases scheduled in 1995-1996; It has been six years since the salary for Co-ops has been revised. Accordingly, based on salary information from the universities, staff is requesting that the hourly salary for Co-ops be increased from $11.00 to $13.00. Administrative 1. Add one Accountant (G-62, $3165-$3829). 2. Adopt changes to Staff Assistant 1/11 class description. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~/ .IH~ ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-7/91 CRF I'.'.--.---.--..-.-----.-.----'--~-~---"~--------------~-- SUBJECT POSITIONPA.PER RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1 995-1 996 PAGE DATE 2 OF 4 March 27, 1995 Plant ODe rations 3. Delete one Maintenance Technician II, Mechanical (G-62, $3165-$3829), 4. Delete one Plant Operator II (G-62, $3165-$3829). Enaineerina 5. Add one Secretary III (G-52, $2495-$3014). 6. Delete one Secretary II (G-49, $2325-$2810). Position to be deleted will depend on the former position of the successful in-house candidate. For budgeting purposes only, this position will be deleted from the Engineering Department at this time. 7. Delete one Engineering Assistant (G-69, $3738-$4519). 8. Delete one Source Control Technician (G-59, $2945-$3563). Collection System ODe rations 9. Delete one Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance Supervisor (S-71, $3935-$4761). 10. Delete one Assistant Engineer (G-72, $4015-$4860). 11. Delete one Construction Inspector (G-67, $3563-$4311). 12. Delete two Maintenance Crew Member 1111's (G-53, $2554-$3089 & G-59, $2945- $3563) . Secretary of the District No personnel requested. Co-OO 13. Authorize the hiring of students to fill eight positions in the Co-op program. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and consider the Personnel Budget for 1995-1996 herein identified by items 1-13. The Personnel Budget will be submitted for final approval at the April 20, 1995, Board Meeting. 1302B-7/91 ,------------------------------------- ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ~ t5 8 == ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ Q Jli:ItlJ N:zi HH P:I&I 01&1 =111: E-tE-t I:)m III: ~ =" =" ~ an =" =" ~ &.lI II) II)+J Gl.... .... .... ~ Gl III R ....Gl IlIIQ rn 1\0 11\0\ r-- 0\0\ M ~.... 111\ ""0\ ~ 0\0\ M ~.... Pt o I o CJ 1\0 11\0\ I 0\0\ 0 ~.... I 111\ ""0\ I 0\0\ 0 ~.... I .... III ~ ~ Rill 0 0.... .... .... :s +J +J trI.... .... Gl II) 'tlIll:O ~ Q., Gl trI R III Ill: >t ~ III .... III rn ~ III .... :s II) trlR Gl 0 Ill: .... +J 'tl .... Gl II) +JO GlQ., .... Gl Q +J R Gl El +J ~ III Q. Gl Q o qo M .. ~ LO <Il- (J'I N 00 M <ll- I LO ~ ...-l M <Il- N 1.0 I t!l +J s:: III +J s:: ;j a U U ,c( ...-l I III $.l +J III -.-l s:: -.-l Q) .a -~ ,c(+J ^ o o o .. ...-l ...-l ...-l V <Il- ...-l o ...-l M o ...-l M .l(" M ^ (J'I N 00 M <ll- I LO ~ ...-l M <Il- N 1.0 I t!l V ..c:: U Q) ::E: H H ..c:: U Q) E-! Q) U +J ::E: ...-l III s:: o -..j +J +Jill s:: $.l III Q) ..-lp., Q.,O ^ (J'I N 00 M <ll- I LO ~ ...-l M <Il- N ~ I t!l V I o I H H $.l a +J III $.l Q) Q. o +J s:: III ..-l Po. ...-l ^ (J'I ...-l LO qo <ll- I 00 M r-- M <Il- .. (J'I ~ I t!l V +J s:: III +J III -.-l III III ,c( $.l 01 s:: 111 ...-l 01 s:: -.-l $.l Q) Q) s:: -.-l 01 s:: 111 ^ o o 1.0 M ...-l ...-l V <Il- ...-l r-- M r-- LO M ^ M ~ LO M <ll- I LO <:l' (J'I N <Il- .. (J'I LO I t!l V ..c:: U Q) E-! ..-l $.l +J s:: a tl Q) U $.l ;j a en ...-l ^ o ...-l 00 N <ll- I 1.11 N M N <Il- .. (J'I <:l' I t!l V H H >. \.l III +J Q) $.l U Q) en ...-l <:l' ...-l o M <ll- I 1.11 (J'I <:l' N <Il- .. N LO I t!l H H H >. $.l III +J Q) $.l U Q) en ...-l ~ p.,$.l -.-l a &-~ 111 > $.l &.lI Q) p., Q) ;j ..-len U -.-l Q) ..c::u Q)+J >::E: ...-l ^ ...-l 1.0 r-- <:l' <ll- I 1.11 M (J'I M <Il- ^^ (J'IM 001.0 01.11 MM <Il-<Il- I I <:l'LO LO<:l' LO(J'I NN <Il-<Il- .. ...-l r-- I en v .. .. M(J'I LO LO I I t!lt!l vv $.l Q) ~ Q) ::E: ~ Q) $.l tl Q)H UH +J...... ::E:H N . o . en . tl ^ o o N .. 00 (J'I N V <Il- 00 <:l' M 1.11 I o I ...-l I o I ^ o 1.0 00 qo <ll- I 1.11 ...-l o <:l' <Il- N r-- I t!l V $.l Q) Q) s:: -.-l 01 s:: 111 +J III III ,c( ...-l ^ ...-l ...-l M <:l' <ll- 1 M ~ 1.11 M <Il- .. r-- 1.0 I t!l V $.l o +J U Q) p., III s:: H $.l +J III s:: a tl ...-l ....+J o U -.-l . $.l >'+J U III Q)-.-l eno I o I ^ o 1.0 qo .. 1.0 ~ qo V <Il- 1.11 1.11 N (J'I 1.11 N 1.11 1.11 r-- ~ N N I o I 00 I o I .l(" r-- .... III +J o Eol I o I I o I 1.111.11 ONr--(J'I ...-l ~LO NN I o I ~ (J'I (J'I .....-l 1.11 (J'II (J'I ...-lLO (J'I I(J'I ...-l qo (J'I'tl (J'IQ) ...-l+J III 0lQ) -~ & ....Q) ......11:: III III s:: +J 01 ..aens:: III -.-l ..-l >ts::+J'tl.... ~a-.-lQ).... 1lI'..j III N III !+JO'.-l+J -.-l Po. $.l en III a rno..-l..c::'tl P-lnl+JQl +J S::;jN u 'tl a ,c( -.-l .... Q) -.-l $.l ~+J+J..-la +JQ)..-llll..c:: 1I)..-l'tl+J+J .,.j Q) 'tl 0 ;j QO,c(E-!,c( ~ Iii ~ ~ AUTHORIZED DISTRICT STAFFING 1985-1995 Admin Eng POD CSO Secy of TOTAL the Dist 1985-86 27 53 99 46 1.5 226.5 1986-87 29 62 100 46 1.5 238.5 1987-88 29 69 101 47 1.5 247.5 1988-89 33 71 102 49 1.5 256.5 1989-90 35 72 103 49 1.5 260.5 1990-91 35 72 105 53 1.5 266.5 1991-92 37 76 106 55 2.5 276.5 1992-93 38 76 106 56 2.5 278.5 1993-94 37 72 103 55 2.5 269.5 1994-95 36 73 103 53 2.5 267.5 Proposed 1995-96 37 71 101 48 2.5 259.5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF NO. April 6, 1995 7. PERSONNEL b. SUBJECT DATE March 21, 1995 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Cathryn Freitas, Human Resources Manager Administrative/Human Resources ISSUE: District staff has assessed its needs for seasonal help in 1995. BACKGROUND: Each year, the District hires students during the summer months for vacation relief, cleanup, and special projects; and during the school year or semester breaks for additional assistance. Authorization was given for twenty-seven student positions last year. Approval is requested for twenty-nine seasonal positions in Fiscal Year 1995 - 1996. A summary of the requests at the Board Meeting for seasonal employees is attached. Department Managers will be prepared to answer any questions regarding their requests. It is recommended that the hourly rates for seasonal employees remain the same as the last five years: Student Positions ProDosed Salarv. Clerical, Laborer (No experience necessary) Technical (Drafting) Professional (Chemist, Engineer) $ 7.50 $ 9.00 $11 .00 * For every year a student returns, add $1 .00 per hour to a maximum of three additional summers: For example, a student laborer who has worked here for the past two summers would receive $9.50 per hour this summer. The extra dollar would recognize experience and serve as an incentive for returning students. The approximate cost of this action will be $158,037 from departmental 0 & M budgets. The details for the Departmental requests follow: Administrative The Administrative Department is requesting three and one-half summer student positions in 1995-1996; this is an increase of one position from last year. The full positions are ~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-7/91 CRF SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES PAGE DATE 2 OF 3 March 17, 1 993 located in Materials Control for inventory and vacation relief; Building Maintenance for vacation relief and general maintenance; and in Communication Services for technical support. The one- half position is a Safety Assistant which will be shared with the Plant Operations Department for work on various safety-related projects. Collection System ODe rations The C.S.O. Department is requesting seven summer student positions--four laborers and three clericals. This is two fewer positions than last year's request. Plant ODe rations The Plant Operations Department would like authorization for an additional two and one-half positions over last year which makes their total request equal fourteen and one-half students. The Plant is requesting two relief positions in the Laboratory, a shared Safety Assistant with the Administrative Department, one drafter, eight Buildings and Grounds laborers, two laborers in the Pumping Stations, and one Engineering student. Enaineering The Engineering Department would like to hire two summer students as they did last yearnone doing collection system engineering assignments for the Planning Division and one assigned to Plant Engineering for source control projects. The Secretary of the District The Secretary of the District is requesting one student to assist with records management and one student for the Clerical Support Section to help with large projects, switchboard backup and vacation relief. The attachment, which follows, provides a summary of the Departmental requests for students. The Board Personnel Committee has reviewed this request at their meeting of March 27, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the hiring of 29 persons for seasonal employment. 13026-7/91 t/) .... z w C ::;) .... t/) D: 0 lr"" LL. .... cot/) z en.... w ent/) ::E lr""w J: .::;) (J it)d <t enw .... enD: .... lr"" ....I <t <t .... z w :E .... a: <t Q. w C CI) In 'C"ltc . 0 In ...... .c en .- r-. .... en.~ N en ...... N N N ~lr""~ Q. CI) it) C en .2 Il) In en en.~ M r-. ''It N N N lr"" CI) ...... 0 Q. e e N ...... ...... lr"" 0(1)- e C! N N ''It lr"" lr"" 0(1)- e it) e N N lr"" 0(1)- e e e 0 lr"" 0(1)- e Il) N ...... ''It ...... en 0(1)- e e 0 en 0(1)- e In In it) M In ...... ...... ...... ...... ClO 0(1)- e it) N M N r-. r-. 0(1)- .... 0 ";: .... .~ .... Cl c Q) I/J Q) E c ..c Q) .2 .... t:: "~ - .... - co co .... co C) 0 .... Q. co ~ c 0 Q) ~ Q) > .... .... Q. ~ ~ C .~ 0 Q) co .... c 0 Q) .... 0 .... c Q) .;: E ~ en c C) 0 .... "0 co C Q) .~ <( U 0- W en Cl l- X U cC w :E :E ::l Ul r:c Q.. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 6, 1995 NO. 8. LEGAL/LITIGATION DATE March 29, 1995 a. SUBJECT DENY CLAIM FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE BY GEICO INSURANCE ON BEHALF OF AMY FAL TZ TYPE OF ACTION DENY CLAIM SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Bonnie Allen, Risk Manager Administrative/Risk Management & Safety ISSUE: Geico Insurance has filed a claim for property damage on behalf of claimant Amy Faltz. The claim arises out of a traffic accident involving a District vehicle. Claim denials require action by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The claim alleges that a District vehicle driven by James Hampton, a District employee, eastbound on State Route 24 on January 20, 1995, rear ended Ms. Faltz's vehicle. The claim is for vehicle damage and rental car reimbursement in the amount of $6,630.19, as of the date of the submittal of the claim, with some additional amount possibly to be claimed later. The claim by Geico Insurance states that bodily injury allegations are being handled separately from this claim by Faltz's attorney. A letter dated February 4, 1995 to the District from Attorney William J. Dullea states that Mr. Dullea represents Ms. Faltz for both personal injuries and property damage. It would appear that a claim for property damage is being presented from two sources. Aside from consideration of any merits of the claim, this confusion justifies denial by the Board of the claim by Geico Insurance for vehicle damage and rental car reimbursement. A further reason for denial is that this is a partial claim, as opposed to a final claim for a definite amount. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the claim by Geico Insurance on behalf of Amy Faltz for vehicle damage and rental car reimbursement for $6,630.19. Refer to staff for further action as required. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-7/91 BA PM l.'---------.---.,~-------"-.,-----.--.----.-.~~-.-.---....-------.--.---.---.--..--.-...---.---------. ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF April 6, 1995 NO. 8. LEGAL/LITIGATION b. POSITION PAPER SUBJECT DATE March 29, 1995 DENY CLAIM AND DENY APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO PRESENT LATE CLAIM FROM ALLSTATE INSURANCE COMPANY ALLEGING PERSONAL PROPERTY AND REAL PROPERTY DAMAGES AS A RESULT OF THE NEGLIGENCE OF A CONTRACTOR ON A SEWER CONSTRUCTION PROJECT TYPE OF ACTION DENY CLAIM AND DENY APPLICATION FOR LEAVE TO PRESENT LATE CLAIM SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. Bonnie Allen, Risk Manager Administrative/Risk Management & Safety ISSUE: An application for leave to present late claim concerning personal property damages, which application also contains a claim for real property damages, has been received from Allstate Insurance Company, as subrogee for Les Raven (homeowner). Damages claimed total $46,554.81. Claim denials and denials of applications to present late claims require action by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: Allstate Insurance Company, as subrogee for Les Raven, claims that on April 29, 1994, as a result of the negligence of the contractor the residence and personal property located at 1064 Via Alta, Lafayette, CA was damaged by flooding water. While the document presented is an application for leave to present late claim, the application does contain a timely claim for real property issues. Only the personal property damage portion of the claim is untimely, necessitating the late claim application. The District's contractor, Woods Construction Company, was performing work on District lines near 1064 Via Alta, Lafayette, CA, on or about April 18, 1994. The District is an additional insured on the contractor's insurance policy, and has tendered the claim to the contractor and its insurance carrier. The staff recommends that the claim by Allstate Insurance for real and personal property damages be denied, that the application for leave to present late claim be denied, and that the claim, in its entirety, be referred to the insurance carrier and contractor for investigation, defense and indemnity. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the total claim for $46,554.81 and deny application for leave to present late claim for personal property damages from Allstate Insurance Company, as subrogee for Les Raven (homeowner), and refer it to staff for further action as required. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON 1302A-7/91 BA PM INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 POSITION PAPER NO. 11. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. SUBJECT DATE ADOPT THE REVISED CAFETERIA PLAN DOCUMENTS MODIFIED TO MEET NEW INTERNAL REVENUE CODE REQUIREMENTS AND HTE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT REVISED CAFETERIA PLAN DOCUMENTS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: Board approval is required to adopt the revised Cafeteria Plan documents. BACKGROUND: Per the existing Memorandum of Understanding, the Management Support/Confidential Group and Management group receive a fixed amount each month to spend on a variety of benefit options offered in the Cafeteria Plan. This Cafeteria Plan is governed by Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code (IRS). The Plan allows employees the option of spending their monthly benefit allowance on a variety of taxable and non-taxable benefits. IRS Code Chanaes In the past, the IRS allowed employers to report taxable benefit options as earnings on the form W-2, without withholding payroll income taxes on these options. The IRS Code has been revised and now requires that payroll tax be withheld on all taxable Cafeteria Plan benefit options. The Annual Physical option is no longer considered a taxable option under the revised IRS Code. The Annual Physical is now reimbursable through the non-taxable Health Care Spending Account, along with other eligible health care expenses such as vision and hearing care, orthodontia, outpatient mental health care, and prescription drugs. Our labor attorneys, Corbett and Kane, have reviewed the revised plan documents and have agreed that they meet the revised IRS requirements. HTE Related Chanaes Over the past year, it has become clear that some of the procedures and processes that the District follows, are inconsistent with the operation of the new computer system. One of these areas is the twelve-month period for which selection of disbursement options for Cafeteria Plan benefits is handled. In an effort to accommodate the new system, it is recommended that the Cafeteria Plan year of May 1 through April 30 be changed to a calendar year of January 1 through December 31 . RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. /;J# ~ 1302A-7/91 DR PM ADS/Po. Paper. 3A/RevCafe PI. pp I ._._-~_._-,-~."._----_.._-"-_._-,---- SUBJECT ADOPT THE REVISED CAFETERIA PLAN DOCUMENTS MODIFIED TO MEET NEW INTERNAL REVENUE CODE REQUIREMENTS AND HTE SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS PLAN POSITION PAPER 2 PAGE DATE OF 2 March 28, 1995 The current computer system is designed to process all payroll benefits on a calendar year basis. This is tied to W-2 reporting on the payroll system. Our current procedure is to administer this benefit on a May 1 - April 30 plan year to match the time period of our Memorandum of Understanding. A modification to the system was written and installed to support our Cafeteria Plan year; however, it causes multiple, continuing processing problems. These processing problems can be eliminated by converting our plan year to a calendar year. District staff has met and conferred with the appropriate bargaining units on this matter, and they are in agreement with this change. RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Board adopt the revised Cafeteria Plan documents modified to meet new Internal Revenue Code requirements and HTE system requirements. 1302B-7/91 --1' .-.-,-.-------..