HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-20-95 PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. SUBJECT DATE April 14, 1995 ADOPT A RESOLUTION REVISING THE DISTRICT BOARD MEETING AGENDA FORMAT TYPE OF ACTION Revise Board Agenda Format SUBMITTED BY Joyce E. Murphy, Secretary of the District INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: A need exists to revise the format of the District Board Meeting Agenda to accommodate the needs of the public and the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: Changes in the Ralph M. Brown Act effective April 1, 1994, resulted in review of District procedures to ensure compliance. As part of that process, adjustments were made to ensure that Board agenda items are concise and descriptive, and that specific information is provided with regard to requested actions, reports, closed sessions, and the like. Board Member Boneysteele has proposed that the District Board Meeting agenda format be revised to provide an opportunity for Members of the Board of Directors to suggest items for calendaring on future Board Meeting agenda. Accordingly, it is proposed that the agenda business heading entitled "Announcements" be revised to read" Announcements/Suaaestions for Future Aaenda Items." In reviewing the proposed revisions with District Counsel, it was suggested that the agenda business heading entitled" Actions Resultina from Discussions in Closed Session" be revised to read "Recort of Discussions in Closed Session." A resolution incorporating the two changes noted above is attached for the Board's consideration. RECOMMENDATION: Consider adoption of the attached resolution revising the District Board Meeting agenda format. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-7/91 JEM RESOLUTION NO. 95- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING NEW ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR DISTRICT BOARD MEETINGS The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does hereby resolve as follows: WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 143, relating to order of business for District Board meeting, ordained that the order of business at District Board meetings shall be established by resolution of the Board of Directors and may be changed from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District that Resolution No. 91-073, Establishing a New Order of Business for District Board Meetings, be amended and that henceforth until further resolve on this matter the various items of business to be considered at each meeting of the Board of Directors shall be grouped under the following agenda business headings and in the order listed: ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS AWARDS AND COMMENDATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR MATTERS OF PUBLIC INTEREST HEARINGS BIDS AND AWARDS SOLID WASTE ADMINISTRATIVE ENGINEERING TREATMENT PLANT COLLECTION SYSTEM PERSONNEL REAL PROPERTY LEGALlLlTIGA TION CORRESPONDENCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES APPROVAL OF EXPENDITURES BUDGET AND FINANCE EMERGENCY SITUATIONS REQUIRING BOARD ACTION REPORTS (AS LISTED) ANNOUNCEMENTS~~m:IIE~mll:M~:::::~::nl:B::::Emillm:m:IIIIEm:II:::~:lmEM:I: CLOSED SESSION (AS REQUIRED) BEI;u~:mm::::gE ACTIONS RESULTING FROM DISCUSSIONS IN CLOSED SESSION ADJOURNMENT Resolution No. 95- Page 2 Agenda business headings under which there are no matters to be considered at a particular meeting may not appear on the agenda for that meeting. The Board of Directors may, at any meeting, consider any item of business out of order. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 20th day of April 1995, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Aim District Counsel SD\Reso\Brdagenda Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 1 POSITION PAPER BOARD MEETING OF April 20, 1995 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR b. SUBJECT DATE April 17, 1995 AUTHORIZE A NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON MAY 4, 1995 TO CONSIDER ADOPTING A REVISED SCHEDULE OF RATES AN CHARGES TYPE OF ACTION SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ISSUE: A public hearing is required prior to adoption of a revised schedule of rates and charges. BACKGROUND: Chapter 6.30 of the District Code describes various fees assessed for services provided to contractors, developers, and other users of the District's wastewater collection and treatment system. These fees are intended to reimburse the District for labor and operating expenses incurred in providing the services. The fees are reviewed annually, alternating between a detailed analysis of each fee and adjusting the rates for the effect of any across-the-board salary increase for that year. Last year, a detailed analysis was completed on each fee. Beginning July 1, the fees will be adjusted to reflect the 2.1 percent across-the-board salary increase for District employees. When complete, the proposed revised schedule of rates and charges will be distributed to the Board and subsequently to representatives of the Building Industry Association of Northern California, the Engineering and Utilities Contractors' Association, and the Association of General Contractors which provide an opportunity for comments and questions to be directed to District staff prior to the public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a notice of a public hearing on May 4, 1995 to consider a proposed revised schedule of rates and charges. 1302A-7/91 ~ SE DR PM ADSlPosition Paper #2A/SchRate .PP ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 BOARD MEETING OF April 20, 1995 NO. 5. ENGINEERING a. SUBJECT DATE April 4, 1995 CONFIRM AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENT WITH THE MARK GROUP, INC. FOR REMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED SITE AT 3411 NORTH MAIN STREET, PLEASANT HILL, DP 4782 TYPE OF ACTION CONFIRM STAFF ACTION, AUTHORIZE AMENDMENT SUBMITTED BY Kris Kilgore, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Engineering Depart./lnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: The Board of Directors' authorization may be required for the General Manager- Chief Engineer to execute professional services agreement addenda for a specific project where successive amendments have been issued over a two year period. BACKGROUND: The 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Project, Phase iliA, was required in order to accommodate the 1-680/SR-24 freeway widening and interchange improvements by CalTrans. During design of this project, CalTrans requested that District staff assess hydrocarbon contamination at the site of a former gas station at 3411 North Main Street, Pleasant Hill, along the alignment of a trunk sewer to be relocated as part of this project. Staff engaged the MARK Group, Inc. for this assessment. In the February, 1993 Award Position Paper for construction, $25,000 was budgeted for the MARK Group, Inc. for the contamination assessment. Due to the uncertainty associated with the extent of the contaminated material, the construction budget also allowed a 20 percent contingency, to provide for any required increases in the MARK Group, Inc. contract. At the request of CalTrans, the construction management team amended the agreement to include delineation and remediation of the site, and to obtain certification from the Contra Costa County Health Services Department (Health Services) for closure of the hydrocarbon contaminated site. The purpose of obtaining closure certification was to relieve CalTrans of liability for the contaminated soil during relocation of utilities and construction of the 1680/SR-24 freeway widening. In July 1993, the hydrocarbon contaminated soil was removed from the site as requested by CalTrans. As part of the required removal operation, the MARK Group, Inc. prepared a closure report to be reviewed by Health Services. During the Project's post construction phase, Health Services stipulated that ground water monitoring for at least one year was required to obtain closure certification of the site. The monitoring wells were installed in September, 1994. 1302A-7/91 KAK HT JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~4J( fir f}f} INITIATING DEPT./DIV. CONFIRM AND AUTHORIZE THE EXECUTION OF AMENDMENTS TO AGREEMENT WITH THE MARK GROUP, INC. FOR REMEDIATION OF CONTAMINATED SITE AT 3411 NORTH MAIN STREET, PLEASANT HILL DP 4792 SUBJECT PAGE DATE 2 OF 3 April 4, 1995 There have been some unusual features of this project: Caltrans caused delays, several extensions of time to the Agreement with the MARK Group, Inc. and scope amendments, which define different types of work by the MARK Group, Inc. These complications make the specific application of the requirement that agreements in amounts greater than $50,000 are to be approved by the Board of Directors less than clear. Believing that staff was acting within its authority, staff executed an amendment on September 24, 1994, which increased the maximum agreement amount to approximately $55,000. Upon review, it was decided that, to remove any Question concerning authority limits, the Board would be asked to confirm the staff approval. Subsequently, it was determined that a further amendment is required to complete the ground water monitoring which will increase agreement maximum to $65,000. The Board is requested to authorize the execution of this latest amendment. All of the costs incurred by the District on closure of the site at 3411 North Main Street, Pleasant Hill will be reimbursed by CalTrans as part of the Project. RECOMMENDATION: Confirm and authorize the execution of amendments to a cost reimbursement agreement with a cost ceiling of $65,000 with the MARK Group, Inc. for additional environmental consultation services related to the 1-680/SR-24 Sewer Relocations Project, Phase iliA, District Project No. 4782. 13028-7/91 c 0- '0 f'" ~ '" 'O~_~U'.H:" I LOIS\S!.\~~~\' ~\~>+~/~~"j~~~~~i ~.&~~.(,~...,~~XO~...%. ....~-~., ~.. ~:; ,-"..0$. C o~ ~ &:/11 _TZ; 'j~ HAAR'ET/O~~~ \~ \. ~J'" ).,r;;~~ ' +oS O+~ ~t;; ~JS'~~/C}.. C)....aC ~'\...~ 11 ~';' p?iJlllt ~~ ~ "" ~ j i~glJ:v YN o~l ./...nRIA IOOnR U ~ f-"'~"",':f \ , ijlo -.: J. S~~ /~ ., ~:V ~~"'.. ." -# iq~:"" ~~ ~ ~ r f ILENE OR~ fUAXINF nR i!;~!>"'~-i!i' ;f ~QY"_011t:s. ~~.,..,.. ~..z;..o:1.") ~ ("'... ~~' ';P \ , LE "TL!I)].J;~~ 'J'ANN' ~"1 IAFVER'Y nR ~ ~ - -:r-':;.,W.... "10 " . ~ tclf~ ~(lNI~ ~ ct M J/~t; ~'.JFNNI nc'- ~1.1I1l...~( ..~;" ;~~ ' SEE~1 f--cHi ~~f 'Jol.f: ",t~ w . 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SUBJECT DATE APPROVE RECYCLED WATER BUSINESS PLAN FOR ZONE 1 AND AUTHORIZE DISTRIBUTION OF BUSINESS PLAN TO CONTRA COSTA WATER DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE BUSINESS PLAN & DISTRIBUTE TO CCWD SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Lynne B. Putnam, Senior Engineer Planning Division, Engineering Department ISSUE: Board approval of the Recycled Water Business Plan for Zone 1 is required prior to its submittal to Contra Costa Water District (CCWD). BACKGROUND: The Board approved the General Agreement for Recycled Water between CCWD and CCCSD in October 1994. This Agreement describes a process by which future recycled water projects may proceed. The first step in this process is the submittal of a Business Plan to one of the agencies for a specific project. District staff has determined that that portion of Pacheco, Pleasant Hill, and Concord known as Zone 1, served by the 24-inch line through Pleasant Hill (see Figure 1), is an appropriate location for a recycled water project for landscape irrigation. Staff has prepared a Business Plan, which is being distributed under separate cover, in accordance with the requirements of the General Agreement, for the Board's review and approval. The Business Plan includes a Joint Project Proposal which describes how the District and CCWD would equally share in capital and O&M costs and would split revenues from the Zone 1 project. The submittal of the Business Plan for Zone 1 to the CCWD Board of Directors will be accompanied by a request for CCWD to participate in a jOint project to serve Zone 1. CCWD is then required by the General Agreement to review the Business Plan in a timely fashion. Once the CCWD Board has reviewed the Business Plan and decided on its role in Zone 1, a project specific agreement will be developed between the two districts describing purveyorship and cost-sharing responsibilities. Staff has concluded that the proposed Business Plan for Zone 1 is consistent with the Recycled Water Pipeline project analyzed in the 1993 Negative Declaration (Appendix D of the Business Plan). No additional environmental analysis or documentation is required for this Business Plan to comply with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve the Zone 1 Business Plan and authorize its submission to the CCWD Board of Directors. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON LBP DJC RAB INITIATING DEPT.iDIV. -v~ JIiP 1302A-7/91 ...--.-----^.---."..-.+-----.--......--------....------_..,._-'-'---~~------_...~---------------- Page 2 of 2 ~ RECYCLED WATER DISTRIBUTION ZONES ~ ~ ------- /' ..... /' ~~"'( / _/~ ----~~!1i ~o CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT WWTP -".~ ....::.;-::.:-,< .; LEGEND: . Reservoir . Pump station CCWD-EBMUD boundary line CCWD-Martinez Water District (MWD) boundary line Zone boundary ZONE 2 CONCORD Transmission Mains ZONE 1 ~ N , ZONE 3 /'.. ,//.........C'C'~ / ..". /' C &~ ~ UD( V f'((f t.... ./ 4"'-....,..../ ~ --- WALNUT CREEK I ( '~'C' \ fQ \ \ "- '\ '\ , \ '\ "- ..... 9; ~-~............, ",\C."'::~~\)I r, '~.,--:~.", ~~ / "I .,( '\, :'1,,,,, \ ' ~\ \ ~/ " " (~AYETTE \ "\\ \ I \ ~."i \ \,. : \ i J ~,_~,:i) I V ALAMO . -t--T- ZONE 4 f.../ MORIXGA / ". ...... , / ,/ I' -.-.....--..- ..----.....--.... --..... ....--' PAGE 1 OF 4 BOARD MEETING OF April 20, 1995 NQ 6. PERSONNEL a. SUBJECT DATE April 12, 1995 APPROVE PERSONNEL REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1 995 - 1996 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE BUDGET SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Cathryn Freitas, Human Resources Manager Administrative/Human Resources ISSUE: Staff has analyzed its personnel needs for Fiscal Year 1995-1996 and is submitting its requests for Board consideration at the April 20, 1995 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 1995- 1996. The Personnel Budget includes departmental overviews providing summary information, request justification pages with detailed explanations on the effect of these recommended staffing changes, organizational charts reflecting current staffing and proposed changes, and a revised job description. The attached summary sheet highlights each department's staffing requests, their effect on the number of total authorized positions in the District, and the additional cost in salaries and proposed net benefits. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized regular positions in the District will decrease by eight (8) from last year. An additional one-half Co-op student position is requested this year increasing the number to eight (8). Despite the decreased number of positions, the salaries and wages in the 1995-1996 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase slightly from the previous year due to the following: · Any cost-of-living salary adjustments resulting from the negotiated Memoranda of Understanding; · Merit and longevity increases scheduled in 1995-1996; It has been six years since the salary for Co-ops has been revised. Accordingly, based on salary information from the universities, staff is requesting that the hourly salary for Co-ops be increased from $11.00 to $13.00. Administrative 1. Add one Accountant (G-62, $3165-$3829). 2. Adopt changes to Staff Assistant 1/11 class description. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ro. '-----._--_._-_._..,-------_.__._~---_.,'-_.~._-,_._----_.'".."._-'"._-"_._---._.._-_._.,--_._--_._--~..~_.,--..------..---- SUBJECT POSITION PAPER APPROVE PERSONNEL REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1 995 - 1 996 PAGE DATE 2 OF 4 April 12, 1 995 Plant Ooerations 3. Delete one Maintenance Technician II, Mechanical (G-62, $3165-$3829). 4. Delete one Plant Operator II (G-62, $3165-$3829). Enaineerina 5. Add one Secretary III (G-52, $2495-$3014). 6. Delete one Secretary II (G-49, $2325-$2810). Position to be deleted will depend on the former position of the successful in-house candidate. For budgeting purposes only, this position will be deleted from the Engineering Department at this time. 7. Delete one Engineering Assistant (G-69, $3738-$4519). 8. Delete one Source Control Technician (G-59, $2945-$3563). Collection System ODe rations 9. Delete one Vehicle & Equipment Maintenance Supervisor (S-71, $3935-$4761). 10. Delete one Assistant Engineer (G-72, $4015-$4860). 11. Delete one Construction Inspector (G-67, $3563-$4311). 12. Delete two Maintenance Crew Member 1/II's (G-53, $2554-$3089 & G-59, $2945- $3563). Secretary of the District No personnel requested. Co-oo 13. Authorize the hiring of students to fill eight positions in the Co-op program. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Personnel Budget for 1995-1996 herein identified by items 1-13. 1302B-7/91 1---- rI:J. ~ ~ ~ == ~ ~ o rI:J. ~ ~ Q SilC1 NlZi I-ll-l P:I&I 01&1 =llIl E-tE-t t)fQ llIl \C =" =" ,...c II') =" =" ,...c p. o I o CJ .... III s.. ~ c:l III 0 0.... .... .... ::s +I +I trI.... .... Gl 1/1 'tip: 0 ~ g.. s.. III .... ::s 1/1 trlc:l Gl 0 p: .... +I 'tI .... Gl 1/1 +10 Glg.. .... Gl j:l ~ 1/1 1/1+1 Gl.... .... IH s.. Gl III = ....Gl IlIlQ en I\D It'lo\ r-. 0\0\ M ~.... IIt'l "'0\ \D 0\0\ M ~.... I\D It'lo\ I 0\0\ a ~" I IIt'l 0:1'0\ I 0\0\ 0 ~" I Gl trI c:l III p: :>. s.. III .... III en +I c:l Gl e +I s.. III ~ Gl j:l a qo M .. \D U'l ~ Cl'I N <Xl M ~ I U'l 1.0 ...... M ~ N \D I t!) +' c: III +' c: :3 o U U l<t: ...... I III \.l +' lD ..-4 c: -.-4 01 .a -~ l<t:+' ^ Cl'I N <Xl M ~ I U'l 1.0 ...... M ~ N 1.0 I t!) V .!: U 01 ::E: H H .!: U 01 E-l 01 U +' ::E: ...... lD c: o -.-4 +' +'Ill c: \.l III 01 ......0. 1lo0 ^ a a a ...... ...... ...... v ~ ...... a ...... M a ...... M ...l('" M ^ Cl'I N <Xl M ~ I U'l 1.0 ...... M (Jlo N \D I t!) V I a I H H \.l o +' III \.l 01 0. o +' c: III .-l Ilo ...... ^ Cl'I ...... U'l qo ~ I <Xl M r-. M ~ .. Cl'I 1.0 I t!) V +' c: III +' lD -.-4 lD lD l<t: \.l tJl c: Iil ...... tJl c: -.-4 \.l 01 01 c: ..-4 tJl c: Iil ^ M 1.0 U'l M ~ I U'l qo Cl'I N (Jlo .. Cl'I U'l I t!) V .!: U 01 E-l .-l \.l +' c: o t) 01 U \.l :3 o {J) ...... ^ o a \D M ...... ...... v ~ ...... r-. M r-. U'l M ^ a ...... <Xl N ~ I U'l N M N ~ .. Cl'I qo I t!) V H H :>. \.l III +' 01 \.l U 01 {J) ...... qo ...... a M ~ I U'l Cl'I qo N (Jlo N U'l I t!) H H H >. \.l III +' 01 \.l U 01 {J) ...... +' e o.\.l -.-4 0 &-~ Iil> \.l ~Q) 0. 01 :3 ......{J) U ..-4 01 .!:U Q)+, >::E: ...... . o {J) . t) ^ ...... 1.0 r-. qo ~ I U'l M Cl'I M ~ ^^ Cl'IM <Xl\D aU'l MM ~~ I 1 qoU'l U'lqo U'lCl'l NN ~~ .. ...... r-. I {J) V .. .. MCl'I U'lU'l I I t!)t!) VV \.l 01 ~ 01 ::E: :J 01 \.l t) Q)H UH +'...... ::E:H N ^ a a N .. <Xl Cl'I N V ~ <Xl qo M III 1 a I ...... I a I ^ a 1.0 <Xl qo ~ I U'l ...... a qo ~ N r-. I t!) V \.l 01 01 c: -.-4 tJl c: Iil +' lD lD ..( ...... ^ ...... ...... M qo ~ I M \D U'l M ~ .. r-. \D I t!) V \.l o +' U 01 0. lD c: H \.l +' lD c: o t) ...... .....+' o U ..-4 . \.l >.+' U III 01-.-4 {f.lQ I o I ^ a 1.0 qo .. 1.0 1.0 qo V ~ U'l U'l Cl'I U'l N N III U'l r-. 1.0 N N 1 a 1 <Xl I o I ...l('" r-. .... III +' o E-t I a I I a I U'lU'l aNr-.Cl'I ...... 1.OU'l NN I a I \D Cl'I Cl'I ........ III Cl'II Cl'I ......U'l Cl'I ICl'I ...... qo Cl'I't1 Cl'IQ) ......+' lD t1tQ) -~ & .....01 .......p:; lD III c: +' t1t O{J)C: 1ll..-4 ..-4 :>.c:+''t11H s.. 0 -.-4 01..... 1ll..-4 lD N III ! +' 0..-4 +' -.-4 Ilo \.l {J) lD 0 eno.-l.!:'t1 IloIll+,Q) +I C::3N U't10..(-.-4 .... 01 -.-4 \.l s..+'+'......0 +I 01 -.-4 Ill.!: 1/I......'t1+'+' .... Q) 't1 0 :3 j:lQl<t:E-ll<t: IS !;j ~ E AUTHORIZED DISTRICT STAFFING 1985-1995 I I Admin I Eng I POD I CSO I Secy of I TOTAL I the Dist 1985-86 27 53 99 46 1.5 226.5 1986-87 29 62 100 46 1.5 238.5 1987-88 29 69 101 47 1.5 247.5 1988-89 33 71 102 49 1.5 256.5 1989-90 35 72 103 49 1.5 260.5 1990-91 35 72 105 53 1.5 266.5 1991-92 37 76 106 55 2.5 276.5 1992-93 38 76 106 56 2.5 278.5 1993-94 37 72 103 55 2.5 269.5 1994-95 36 73 103 53 2.5 267.5 Proposed 1995-96 37 71 101 48 2.5 259.5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF April 20, 1995 NO. 9. BUDGET AND FINANCE a. SUBJECT RECEIVE THE 1995-1996 EQUIPMENT BUDGET FOR REVIEW DATE April 5, 1995 TYPE OF ACTION RECEIVE EQUIPMENT BUDGET SUBMITTED BY Debbie Ratcliff, Controller INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Administrative/Finance and Accounting ISSUE: The 1995-1996 Equipment Budget is submitted for Board review. BACKGROUND: The 1995-1996 Equipment Budget is transmitted herewith. A list of all equipment items requested by each department, categorized by functional classification, is supported by a descriptive sheet which provides justification for each item. A comparative summary of the Equipment Budget by department for the 1 995-1996 and four prior fiscal years is provided. The Equipment Budget was reviewed at a Board Capital Projects Committee Meeting/Board Workshop on April 10, 1995. The 1995-1996 Equipment Budget is submitted for initial review by the full Board at this time, and is scheduled for approval at the next Board Meeting on May 4, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Receive the 1995-1996 Equipment Budget for review, and provide District staff with comments and guidance. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION /' ,/ 1302A-7/91 INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. DR PM I