HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-02-95 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF March 2, 1995 SUBJECT APPROVE AND EXECUTE GRANT OF EASEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, JOB 5049, PARCEL 1, ALAMO AREA SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR c. DAT'February 9, 1995 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE AND EXECUTE GRANT OF EASEMENT t./lnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: Easements which are granted by other public agencies require specific approval by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The subject easement is for a proposed sewer main extension which will serve an existing single-family residence on Gary Way in Alamo. This easement is located on the former Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way presently owned by Contra Costa County. The District accepted easements from the County in 1988 in conjunction with the San Ramon Valley Interceptor Project which has the same conditions as the subject easement. The conditions are reasonable while they afford protection to the County for the future use of their property as a transportation corridor. The conditions are in agreement with the District's usual operating procedures as included in our Standard Specifications. The property owner has paid the District's easement processing fee. This project (the proposed agreement) has been evaluated by staff and determined to be exempt from the California Environment Quality Act (CEOA) under District CEOA Guidelines Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land use limitations. RECOMMENDATION: Approve and execute Grant of Easement from Contra Costa County, Job No. 5049, Parcel 1, and authorize the Grant of Easement to be recorded. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING;7IV. 1302A-7/91 DH (Jl~ RAB -------r ---.-- 7 <1:" , &1-<>:~~' "'..I"," ,~"Y~/~",~ (1- ''':v 0 \\ ~HART' \<;. FT? ~IR~ k1~~ ~" . -J t:.*,IC.~~ r. - ~_,<:;,.~ APPROVE AND EXECUTE GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM CONTRA COSTA COUNTY, JOB 5049, PARCEL 1, ALAt.1Q AREA PAGE 2 2523-9/88 -------------.---1 --...--..------..--- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF March 2, 1995 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR d. SUBJECT DATE February 14, 1995 REQUEST FOR APPROVAL OF REGISTRATION DIFFERENTIAL FOR CHARLES CANEPA, ASSISTANT ENGINEER IN THE ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Henry Thom, Senior Engineer Engineering Department/Infrastructure Div. ISSUE: Payment of a registration differential requires approval by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: Charles Canepa is an Assistant Engineer in the Engineering Department! Infrastructure Division. This classification does not require registration as a professional engineer. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOUl between the District and Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees' local No.1, provides for the payment of a registration differential for employees who achieve registration or license as a Professional Engineer, land Surveyor, or Certified Public Accountant while employed by the District in a position not requiring such registration or license. Charles Canepa has provided evidence to his supervisors that he has passed the California Engineering Registration Examination and is now a registered Civil Engineer. Mr. Canepa has consistently demonstrated an ability to assist in the accomplishment of District activities requiring a professional level of skills and experience normally expected of a registered engineer. Mr. Canepa was notified of his successful completion of registration requirements in a letter dated February 10, 1995. The current MOU states: "Upon review and concurrence by the Department Manager, the recommendation shall be forwarded to the General Manager-Chief Engineer for his approval. If approved by the General Manager-Chief Engineer, the matter shall be presented to the Board of Directors for consideration. The Board of Directors shall consider each recommendation of the merit increase, and, if granted, it shall become initially effective on the date that the employee makes written application to the Board indicating receipt of notification of the registration and/or license and will continue while that employee occupies a position not requiring such registration and/or license." Charles Canepa applied for professional registration differential through his supervisors and the Department Manager on February 20, 1995. RECOMMENDATION: Grant Charles Canepa a 5-percent salary increase effective February 20, 1995, for professional registration differential provided for in the MO HT JM RB CRF REWEWEDAND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD AcnON 1302A-7/91 ~ tI~ INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ...1"" --.---------. PAGE 1 OF 12 SUBJECT NO. 5. HEARINGS a. DA"February 17, 1995 CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING; CONSIDER APPROVING SEGMENT 18 OF THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND ROUTING OF THE RECYCLED WATER PIPELINE IN THE RUTH DRIVE AREA OF PLEASANT HILL TYI(!:9NIJOOT PUBLIC HEARING; CONSIDER FINAL EIR, ADDENDUM, NEGATIVE DECLARATION, SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.IDIV. Russell B. Leavitt, Planning Assistant Engineering Department/Planning Div. ISSUE: In accordance with the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), the Guidelines for the Implementation of CEQA, and the District Code, it is now appropriate for the Board of Directors to consider approving Segment 18 of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor and routing of the Recycled Water Pipeline in the Ruth Drive area of Pleasant Hill, and adopt Conditions of Approval, Findings of Fact, a Statement of Overriding Consideration, and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. BACKGROUND: At its September 4, 1991, meeting, the Board certified the Final Progam EIR for the Pleasant Hill/A-Line Sewer Overflow Protection Project (the 1991 EIR) and approved several route segments for construction of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor. This project is needed immediately to minimize sewer overflows in the District's service area during wet weather. At that time, the Board directed District staff to proceed with further right-of-way and design studies before recommending approval of competing route Segments 17 or 18 (Ruth Drive or Grayson Creek) between Chilpancingo Parkway and Ardith Drive in Pleasant Hill. Following these studies and the selection of a preferred route, District staff was to examine the final preferred route for coverage in the Program EIR and notify the public of the staff recommendation. At its September 16, 1993, meeting, the Board approved a Negative Declaration and construction of the Recycled Water Pipeline project in conjunction with the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor. Where possible, the Recycled Water Pipeline is to be constructed in the same trench as the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor. In this project area, construction of the Recycled Water Pipeline along either route Segment 17 or 18 was addressed in the approved 1993 Negative Declaration. Staff is now prepared to recommend that Segment 18 be adopted as part of the final route for the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor. While Segment 17 would be dropped from further consideration as an interceptor route, a portion south of Taylor Blvd. would be required for construction of the Recycled Water Pipeline. Board approval is requested now so that construction from Chilpancingo Parkway to Taylor Boulevard can begin in May, 1995. Construction from Taylor Boulevard to Ardith Drive would begin in April, 1996. RBL DJC RAB RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~ ~z.~ N> 1302A-7191 ---,-- SUBJECT POSITION PAPER CONDUCT A PUBLIC HEARING; CONSIDER APPROVING SEGMENT 18 OF THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND ROUTING OF THE RECYCLED WATER PIPELINE IN THE RUTH DRIVE AREA OF PLEASANT HILL PAGE 2 OF DATE 12 February 17, 1995 In accordance with CEOA Guidelines Section 15168, Use of a Program EIR with Later Activities, the recommended project elements were evaluated by District staff in light of the certified 1991 EIR and the 1993 Negative Declaration to determine whether an additional environmental document must be prepared. Staff has determined that these recommendations are within the scope of the program approved earlier and that the 1991 EIR and 1993 Negative Declaration adequately addresses the activity for the purposes of CEOA compliance. Pursuant to CEOA Guidelines Section 15164, an addendum has been prepared to identify the 1991 EIR and 1993 Negative Declaration analyses applicable to these recommended project elements and to apprise the public of the reasons for making these project approval recommendations (Exhibit 1). Property owners and residents along Segments 17 and 18 have been informed of the District staff's preferred routing by mail. No adverse comments from the public have been received to date. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution (Exhibit 2) approving Segment 18 of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor and the routing of the Recycled Water Pipeline in the Ruth Drive Area of Pleasant Hill, Conditions of Approval (Exhibit 3), Findings of Fact and a Statement of Overriding Considerations (Exhibit 4), and a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan (Exhibit 5). 13028-7/91 B. J. Britton 131 Luella Drive Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 February 23, 1995 $'10 - ~ e::9- 3 3 &"~ Roger J. Dolan General Manager/Chief Engineer CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553-4392 RECEIVED FEB 2 'f 1995 cccso MlUIHI$TRATIOH Re: Pleasant Hill Overflow Protection Project (Sewer) Proposed Routing of Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor' and Recycled Water Pipeline - Chilpancingo Parkway to Ardith Drive, Pleasant Hill Dear Mr. Dolan: The "Recycled Water Pipeline" (grouped with the above-referenced "overflow protection project" (sewer)), proposes to use Ruth Drive as a route. At the April 1991 meeting, I went on record opposing the use of this street for the sewer pipeline, and the tacked-on "recycled water project" for the following reasons: I. Ruth Drive is in an area of limited access to emergency vehicles, school buses, etc., and contains many single-family homes, which by their nature have attracted handicapped, aged and very young residents (ergo - wheelchairs, bicycles, strollers, etc). 2. Ruth Drive is quite narrow for the traffic it already bears, and except for a very short distance, has no sidewalks. 3. Ruth Drive is the only access for many residents to Gregory Gardens Elementary School, St. Andrews Church and St. Andrews Child Care Center. 4. Underground construction and construction vehicles will pose a very real hazard, apart for an intense nuisance, to the residents of this area. I maintain my objections made in April 1991, and restated above, and will serve the Contra Costa County, Contra Costa Sanitary District, and any entities involved with this project with Notice of Dangerous Condition upon the inception of this project on Ruth Drive. This will, of course, legally prevent any such entity or agency from claiming ignorance of such condition, should any party become injured directly, or by interference with passage of any emergency vehicle. If you indeed press ahead, I would reiterate my suggestion made in April 1991 that sidewalks be installed on both sides of the street, sufficient monitoring of the safety of conditions be made, and that this work progress while school is not in session. If you have any questions regarding the above, I would gladly discuss this matter with you. Very truly yours, ~!l,~ B~~TTON cc: Jacqueline L. Zayac Community Liaison bib\CCSDLTR4 EXHIBIT 1 ADDENDUM TO THE 1991 FINAL EIR FOR THE PLEASANT HILL/A-LINE SEWER OVERFLOW PROTECTION PROJECT FEBRUARY, 1995 This Addendum to the certified 1991 Final Program EIR for the Pleasant Hill/A-Line Sewer Overflow Protection Project has been prepared by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15164. The purpose of this Addendum is: 1) to identify the analyses in the 1991 Pleasant Hill Sewer Overflow Protection Project EIR and the 1993 Recycled Water Pipeline Project Negative Declaration applicable to approving Segment 18 of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor and routing of the Recycled Water Pipeline in the Ruth Drive area of Pleasant Hill, and 2) to apprise the public of the reasons for making these project approval recommendations. BACKGROUND: At its September 4, 1991, meeting, the Board certified the Final Program EIR for the Pleasant Hill/A-Line Sewer Overflow Protection Project (the 1991 EIR) and approved several route segments for construction of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor. This project is needed immediately to minimize sewer overflows in the District's service area during wet weather. At that time, the Board directed District staff to proceed with further right-of-way and design studies before recommending approval of competing route Segments 17 or 18 (Ruth Drive or Grayson Creek) between Chilpancingo Parkway and Ardith Drive in Pleasant Hill (see Figure 1). Following these studies and the selection of a preferred route, District staff was to examine the final preferred route for coverage in the Program EIR and notify the public of the staff recommendation. At its September 16, 1993, meeting, the Board approved a Negative Declaration and construction of the Recycled Water Pipeline project in conjunction with the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor. Where possible, the Recycled Water Pipeline is to be constructed in the same trench as the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor. In this project area, construction of the Recycled Water Pipeline along either route Segment 17 or 18 was addressed in the approved 1993 Negative Declaration. Staff is now prepared to recommend that Segment 18 be adopted as part of the final route for the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor. While Segment 17 would be dropped from further consideration as an interceptor route, a portion south of Taylor Blvd. would be required for construction of the Recycled Water Pipeline project. The rationale for these recommendations is as follows: 1 --r-------------------------------.------- - C 0> V ~ N , MATCH LINE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 '" . ~ L L !: Q " n ~ " " " o o " <T L " ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ;:. 18 N , If.-O ~\) s o I 500 1000 I FEET FIGURE SEGMENTS 17 AND 18 FROM THE 1991 EIR 1 :: Pleasant Hill Relief Interceotor Seaments 17 vs. 18 District staff recommends constructing the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor along Segment 18- on the west side of Grayson Creek, from Chilpancingo Parkway to Viking Drive, then south through Valley View Intermediate School and the Pleasant Hill Public Works corporation yard to Taylor Boulevard, then south beneath the concrete-lined Grayson Creek channel to the County Flood Control corporation yard, then along the corporation yard access road to Ardith Drive (between two private residences), then south on Ardith Drive to Jennifer Way. A combination of construction methods would be used, as identified in the 1991 EIR. While open cut trenching would be used in many parts of this segment, tunneling is proposed at street crossing (Golf Club Road, Viking Drive, and Taylor Boulevard) and near structures (Diablo Valley College tennis courts, Valley View Intermediate School buildings, and the Pleasant Hill Public Works corporation yard. The use of Segment 1 8 for the interceptor construction has several benefits over using Segment 1 7, which runs along the east side of Grayson Creek from Chilpancingo Parkway to College Drive, then west on College Drive and along Ruth Drive to Jennie Drive, then west between two private residences, beneath Grayson Creek and between two more residences, to Ardith Drive at Jennifer Way: . Due to its shorter length (6,500 vs. 7,000 feet), Segment 18 would cost less to construct than Segment 17. The cost to construct Segment 18 would be $4.0 million for a combined open cut/microtunneling project while the cost to construct Segment 17 would be $4.6 million. . Since Segment 1 8 requires fewer bends in the pipeline and is of shorter length, it would have better hydraulic characteristics and a lower potential for corrosion and odor problems than Segment 17. . By avoiding substantial construction in residential streets (College Drive and Ruth Drive), Segment 18 would produce less disruption (Le., noise, traffic congestion, dust, utility interruption) for residents than Segment 1 7. . Use of Segment 18 will defer the need to replace several trunk sewers beneath major streets in the area between Grayson Creek and Contra Costa Boulevard, thus reducing the near-term, cumulative community disruption associated with additional construction in these neighborhoods. Recvcled Water Pioeline Routina Where possible, the Recycled Water Pipeline will be constructed in the same trench or in/above the same tunneling route as the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor. At three locations, however, the routing of the Recycled Water Pipeline would deviates from the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor (see Figure 2): 3 1---------"-- ----- - m""_______ c '" " , V L I L I:: ''" ~ N , MATCH LINE LEGEND: .- ,~ n '" 111I11I11I1 RECYCLED WATER ONLY - I I _ I INTERCEPTOR ONLY COMBINED INTERCEPTOR / RECYCLED WATER ~, <0 o I) '- ..,. L <0 < Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 18 N , ~o ~o s 1AYLOR BLVD o '--- 500 1000 ---- FEET PROPOSED ROUTING OF THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND THE RECYCLED WATER PIPELINE - CHILPANCINGO PARKWAY TO ARDITH DRIVE, PLEASANT HILL FIGURE 2 · Chilpancingo Parkway Crossing - North of Chilpancingo Parkway, an earlier portion of the Recycled Water Pipeline was constructed along the top of the east bank of Grayson Creek, behind the Pleasant Hill Shopping Center, to Chilpancingo Parkway. To reach the proposed interceptor trench on the west side of the creek, the Recycled Water Pipeline will be hung beneath the street bridge over the creek to reach the south side of Chilpancingo Parkway. This route was identified in the 1 993 Negative Declaration. · Just north of Viking Drive - To avoid damaging several trees and to reduce construction impacts on Grayson Creek, the interceptor trench would cross the Diablo Valley College soccer and baseball fields just west of Grayson Creek, rather than be located along the Grayson Creek embankment (as identified in the 1991 EIR). A shallower and less disruptive trench for the Recycled Water Pipeline still would be constructed along the original Segment 18 route along the creek. · Ruth Drive, south of Taylor Boulevard - From Taylor Boulevard south to Ardith Drive, Segment 1 8 follows beneath the concrete-lined Grayson Creek to a Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District corporation yard on Ardith Drive. While this is the best of the two route segments for the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor, Staff has since determined that the maintenance requirements of the pressurized Recycled Water Pipeline preclude it from being located beneath the concrete-lined creek channel. The Recycled Water Pipeline would be tunneled north to south beneath Taylor Boulevard to Ruth Drive. The pipeline then would be installed in an open trench along Ruth Drive to Jennie Drive. The trench would be about two feet wide, and 4 to 6 feet deep. The construction zone would be only 12 to 15 feet wide. This portion of Ruth Drive should take less than one month to construct. At Jennie Drive, the Recycled Water Pipeline would be slipped inside portions of an existing sewer line that crosses Grayson Creek from Ruth Drive to Ardith Drive. This sewer line will have been abandoned following construction of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor on Ardith Drive. To avoid crossing beneath the concrete-lined creek channel, the Recycled Water Pipeline will be suspended from a pedestrian bridge which crosses the creek at street level. Construction between Ruth Drive and Ardith Drive is anticipated to take approximately two weeks to complete. CEOA REVIEW: Use of the 1991 EIR and the 1993 Negative Declaration is appropriate for approval of these project elements for the following reasons: 1. There are no new significant environmental impacts that were not considered in the EIR (Guidelines Section 15162) or Negative Declaration. Environmental impacts associated with Segments 17 and 18 are summarized in the Draft Program EIR on pages V-3 to V-1 O. 2. There is no change proposed in the project which will require important revisions to the EIR (Guidelines Section 15162(c)(1)) or Negative Declaration. Two minor route 5 .------.---.---,. -----.-..-.---...-.---.---.......-.....---.. -----..-.....------ -..---. ..---------...----.---------.---.-- -- - adjustments to Segment 18 (as identified in the 1991 EIR) are proposed for the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor. . Just north of Viking Drive, the interceptor trench would cross the Diablo Valley College soccer and baseball fields just west of Grayson Creek, rather than be located along the Grayson Creek embankment (as identified in the 1991 EIR). This routing would avoid damaging several trees and reduce construction impacts on Grayson Creek. Construction disruption of the sports fields would be temporary, the construction schedule will be coordinated with the college, and the surface will be restored following construction. A shallower and less disruptive trench for the Recycled Water Pipeline still would be constructed along the original Segment 1 8 Grayson Creek route. · Just south of Viking Drive, the interceptor will be tunneled along the Grayson Creek embankment in an existing District easement through the Valley View Intermediate School property, rather than be routed around the west side of the school buildings (as identified in the 1991 EIR). A shallower trench for the Recycled Water Pipeline would be constructed above the interceptor tunnel. This route adjustment will be less disruptive to the community as the route is shorter and most of the construction activity would be subsurface. Additionally, the 1 993 Negative Declaration assumed that the Recycled Water Pipeline would be constructed on either Segment 17 or Segment 1 8 and along the same alignment as the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor. As state above, Staff now recommends using Segment 18 from Chilpancingo Parkway to Taylor Boulevard, and Segment 17 (separate from the interceptor) from Taylor Boulevard to Ardith Drive. Given the lesser construction requirements of the Recycled Water Pipeline (a narrower and shallower trench and installation within the existing sewer pipeline) and the mitigation measures incorporated into the project, the magnitude of community disruption impacts resulting from construction of the Recycled Water Pipeline as proposed herein would be of substantially shorter duration and lesser intensity than the 1991 EIR identified for the interceptor alone along Segment 17, even with simultaneous construction of the interceptor in Grayson Creek. Pedestrian access to the bridge crossing Grayson Creek will be maintained as excavation work in this area would occur only in the rear yards of the two houses on the north side of the bridge. None of these route adjustments require important revisions to the 1991 EIR or the 1993 Negative Declaration, therefore, because the impacts will remain the same or be less than previously identified. 3. No substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken, such as a substantial deterioration to the project area environment, that would require important revisions to the EIR (or the Negative Declaration) due to new significant environmental impacts not previously considered (Guidelines Section 15162(c)(2)). Staff is not aware of any such changes. 6 4. No new information of substantial importance to the project has become available regarding new significant impacts. the severity of previously identified significant impacts. or the feasibility or availability of mitigation measures or alternatives (Guidelines Section 15162(c)(3)). Staff is not aware of any such information. For these reasons, the District Board of Directors can approve Segment 1 8 of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor and the routing of the Recycled Water Pipeline in the Ruth Drive area of Pleasant Hill. These project elements are within the scope of the projects covered by the 1991 EIR and 1993 Negative Declaration. 7 -, EXHIBIT 2 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION APPROVING SEGMENT 18 OF THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND ROUTING OF THE RECYCLED WATER PIPELINE IN THE RUTH DRIVE AREA OF PLEASANT HILL WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors, on September 4, 1991, certified a Final Program EIR for the Pleasant Hill/A-Line Sewer Overflow Protection Project ("the 1991 EIR") as being legally adequate for consideration of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor; and WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors, on September 4, 1991, approved the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor project, approving several route segments and required further study to determine the final route with regard to Segments 17 vs. 18; and WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors, on September 16, 1993, approved a Negative Declaration and construction of the Recycled Water Pipeline project in conjunction with the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor. WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors has independently reviewed and considered the 1991 EIR, its February, 1995, Addendum, and the 1993 Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, the environmental effects of approving Segment 18 and the routing of the Recycled Water Pipeline in the Ruth Drive area of Pleasant Hill (the "project elements") are adequately covered in the 1991 EIR, its February, 1995, Addendum, and the 1993 Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, there are no changes to the project elements of the Pleasant Hill and A-Line Relief Interceptors which require important revisions in the 1991 EIR or the 1993 Negative Declaration due to the involvement of new significant environmental impacts not considered in the 1991 EIR, its February, 1995, Addendum, or the 1993 Negative Declaration; and WHEREAS, there are no substantial changes which have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which these project elements will be undertaken; and WHEREAS, there is no new information of substantial importance which has become available with regard to these project elements; and WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors has considered all available information for these project elements, including information contained in the 1991 EIR, its February, 1995, Addendum, the 1993 Negative Declaration, and testimony from the public made at a public hearing on March 2, 1995; and WHEREAS, the District Board of Directors has independently reviewed and considered the proposed Conditions of Approval, Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for these project elements; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District hereby finds using its independent judgment that approving Segment 18 of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor and routing of the Recycled Water Pipeline in the Ruth Drive area of Pleasant Hill are within the scope of the 1 991 EIR, its February, 1995, Addendum, and the 1993 Negative Declaration, as no new effects can occur and no additional mitigation measures are necessary other than those identified in the 1991 EIR, its February, 1995, Addendum, and the 1993 Negative Declaration, and does hereby approve these project elements of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptors and the Recycled Water Pipeline, and adopts the attached Conditions of Approval, Findings of Fact, Statement of Overriding Considerations, and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. FURTHERMORE, the Board of Directors directs the General Manager-Chief Engineer to prepare a Notice of Determination for the project and submit the notice to the appropriate government agencies. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors this 2nd day of March, 1995, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: President of the District Board of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Aim, District Counsel ,--------------------