HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 02-02-95 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF February 2, 1995 NO. SUBJECT CONSENT ALENDAR a. DATE January 27, 1995 ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE HEADWORKS FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT (DP 20069) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBMITTED BY R Id SKI' k ona . Imcza Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPT.lOJ,V.. . D / englneenng epartment Plant Engineering Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Headworks Facilities Improvement Project (DP 20069), and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The Headworks Project consists of a new influent structure, a new influent pump station with flow metering and screenings handling, and a new bypass structure and pipeline to convey wastewater to the wet weather holding basins for short-term storage. Other components include an electrical substation, an odor control system, and a septage disposal facility. The location of the new headworks is shown on Attachment 1. For additional project information, please refer to the 1994-95 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB), pages TP-18 to TP-20. The Board of Directors authorized award of a construction contract in the amount of $18,368,000 to Humphrey Construction, Inc. of Woodinville, Washington, on June 4, 1992. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed, effective July 15, 1992, with a required contract completion date of October 4, 1994. The completion date has subsequently been extended into January 1995 due to delays caused by adverse weather in the winter of 1992-93, a teamster strike in 1993, and to provide time for the contractor to complete necessary additional contract work. The District took partial beneficial use of the new headworks (first two pumps only) on September 28, 1994, with all work being substantially completed on December 30, 1994. Remaining work consists of completion of punch list items and does not affect project acceptance. Negotiations are currently in progress with the contractor to resolve various requests for additional compensation and contract time extensions relative to extra work which has been completed. The total funds allocated to this project are $26,954,000. A detailed accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project close out. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the construction of the Headworks Facilities Improvement Project (DP 20069), and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. 1302A-7/91 RSK WEB RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITI~ ~ /JI~ I --..--.-.-----.- --..--.---.....--..-..-.-.-..-- o 250 r----~ FEET w ~ ..J 0... c '" " c o .::' +- o en '" ~ +- C o " '- .,. L <f) OJ '- New Headworks Proiect Area Central Contra Costa Sanitary District PAGE 2 OF 2 IMHOFF DRIVE OdD~ 0]0 Relocated Gas Yard Iv <y*" (;<<' '0~ :-\,'J \j<(-.~ // / / \ / F-_... _/ c HEADWORKS FACILITIES IMPROVEMENT PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT 20069 1 '" '" "' ATTACHMENT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 BOARD MEETING OF February 2, 1995 NO. 6. BIDS AND AWARDS a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6100, AUXILIARY BOilERS BURNER MODIFICATIONS, TO CORNEL Y COMPANY FOR $128,407 DATE January 27, 1995 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT SUBMITTED BY Joseph J. Pomroy, Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Maintenance Engineering! Plant Operations Department ISSUE: The District has received bids for District Project No. 6100, Auxiliary Boilers Burner Modifications Project. The Board of Directors must Authorize Award of the Contract or reject all bids within 60 days of opening bids. BACKGROUND: On September 16, 1992, the Board of Directors of the Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) adopted Regulation 9, Rule 7, Control of Nitrogen Oxides and Carbon Monoxide from Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters. The District's Auxiliary boilers are subject to this rule and must be in compliance by January 1, 1996. The Auxiliary Boilers Burner Modifications Project was advertised on December 19 and 28, 1994. Four bids were received and publicly opened on January 19. These bids are listed on Attachment 1, Evaluation of Bids. The lowest responsible bidder is Cornely Company with a bid of $128,407 for furnishing and installing all materials and equipment necessary to construct the project. The award is based on an evaluated bid price, which is comprised of the base bid plus a cost factor for increased electrical power use. Cornely Company had the lowest bid price when the energy factor was included. The initial engineer's estimate for the work was $140,000. This project is in the Fiscal Year 1994-95 Capital Improvements Budget on page TP-52. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines Section 18.2, since it involves a minor alteration to an existing facility with little or no increase in capacity. The Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute a finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Award of Contract to Cornely Company, the lowest responsible bidder for $128,407, for the Auxiliary Boilers Burner Modifications District Project, Project No. 6100. ECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATI,NG DEPT.lDIV. 1302A-7/91 I.-.-'--.----."-.--..--..,---~--....-._-----_._,..~.. .-....,~.--.,."..-~ ~--"--,.,-~-~-._".--_...,_.-..,,-,---.-.-----~-,,-.----"~".-.--------"-.-~-._--~--,-.-- .-.-------.---- f/) u ::m c \to- (1)0 Ec ..cO 0'" rn rn ... :J ... - <{~ W :2~ ~o lI)= "- cu 00 ~E cu1:1 - 0 "c ~ cu L- (j)Q) gEo lI)::So om.... Of?co ~~o --- .- Q) c:: 0 "~ om e o ~a.. ~"~ 0 --- == ~c:: c::x- Q) ::s_~ 0<(0 L- CijQ) c::~. o 8. 1;) 19~00 1:1~ <(~ >'"0 -Q) ~- cuO (j)Z ~ o 01:1 ~Q) -- C::o 8z .0 ::s (/) 1:1c:: c:: 0 cu_ Q)-Q) lI)~Cii ~ "CiO "~ .n ....J E ::s"o 1:1Q) c::- Q) 0 1:1Z 1:1 <( L- o o ~ - c:: o o it 1;)Q) ::s 0 ...... 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Q)=Q) o'x= -::so "Ocu.o Q) ON ~.E:x Q)ii)o lI) -- 0 ~~~ lI)Q)C'? CU.c~ ~=" -0_ ~lI)lI) oc8 "'Q)L- Q)EQ) ~~~ 0.- a. Q) ::s Q) ~5ff? 0"'0 .cL-.c Cij~Cij C::oc:: .2 a. 0 :t::Q)~ "O~u "00"0 <(.c<( . . x x x ,...1.0 ....~ .... .... 0('1) N...... N.... o PAGE 2 OF 4 >. c o lI) Q) lI) o a. ... ::s a. c:: o = cu ::s cu > Q) "0 in ... o LL . .. .. PAGE 3 OF 4 ATTACHMENT 2 AUXILIARY BOILERS BURNER MODIFICATIONS PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6100 POST BID CONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE ITEM DFSCRIPTION PERCENT OF CONSTRUCTION TOTAL COSTS 1. CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT $ 128,407 2. CONTINGENCY AT 15% 19,593 SUBTOTAL: $ 148,000 100.0% 3. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT ADMINISTRATION/INSPECTION 10,000 4. ENGINEERING/AS-BUILT DRAWINGS 1,500 5. PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENT $5000 6. SUBTOTAL: $ 16,500 11.1cy... 7. PRE-BID EXPENDITURES 7,500 5.1% 8. TOTAL PROJECT COST 172,000 116.2% 9. FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE $ ?5,000 10. TOTAL PROJECT COSTS REQUIRED TO $ 147,000 COMPLETE THIS PORTION OF THE PROJECT ATTACHMENT 3 PAGE 4 OF 4 PROJECT FUNDING SUMMARY FOR THE PERIOD 01/10/95 THROUGH 02/09/95 SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND BALANCE AS OF 01/25/95 $47,448,300 MINUS UNSPENT PRIOR ALLOCATIONS (21,986,519) PLUS DEPENDABLE CURRENT YEAR REVENUE (1/95 THROUGH 6/95) 4,078,333 PLUS DEPENDABLE CURRENT YEAR REVENUE (7/95 THROUGH 10/95) 3,574,567 33,114,681 $ 33,114,681 > $ 147,000 (ALLOCATION REQUIRED) ..,.. __._.._...... ,.___.___+.._______~.,.__.__.+_.+,.._._....-._..,_ "m PAGE 1 OF 12 NO. SUBJECT 7. SOLID WASTE a. DAT~anuary 31 , 1995 CONSIDER CEDING DISTRICT'S FRANCHISING AUTHORITY TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY IN CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA COUNTY TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER OPTION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative/Solid Waste ISSUE: Contra Costa County has, as a condition of their participation and membership in the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA), stated that the District must cede its franchising authority over the entire unincorporated area for which the District is the franchisor. The District has previously agreed to cede franchising authority to the County for the unincorporated area subject to the condition that the County join the CCCSWA and franchise the area through the competitive RFP process. The County has now asked the CCCSWA to remove the Pacheco-Clyde-North Concord franchise area (the entire area is franchised with Pleasant Hill Bayshore Disposal, Inc.) as well as the Pleasant Hill Bart franchise area (served by Valley Waste Management, Inc.) from the CCCSWA Request for Proposal process. BACKGROUND: Much of the dialog between the County, the District, and the CCCSWA regarding the County's franchising interests are outlined in the documents attached to this Position Paper. Of those issues two are as yet unresolved. Accordingly, it is appropriate for the District to consider these two issues: Pleasant Hill Bart Station area: The Pleasant Hill Bart Station franchise area is an unincorporated island bordered by Concord, Pleasant Hill, and Walnut Creek (see attached map). That area is currently served by Central San's franchisee, Valley Waste Management. According to Valley Waste Management's records, the solid waste service area contains 19 very large business commercial accounts, 17 multi-family commercial accounts, and 296 residential accounts. The County requested that the CCCSWA remove this area from the RFP quite late in the RFP process. It is not known what the County's reasons are for wanting to delete this area; however, as pointed out at the CCCSWA's meeting, this area is contiguous to the CCCSWA's franchise area. The CCCSWA at its January 26, 1995 meeting decided that this area should stay within the RFP that is currently out for bid. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION P.M. CONSIDER CEDING DISTRICT'S FRANCHISING AUTHORITY TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY IN CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA COUNTY SUBJECT PAGE DATE 2 OF 12 January 31, 1995 Pacheco-Clvde-North Concord Area The County has expressed a desire to franchise solid waste collection in these areas several times in the recent past. The County maintains that they have legal authority to take over franchising from the District if they desire; District legal counsel does not share this opinion. As late as the summer of 1994, the District's staff and County's staff were discussing the possibility of having the District cede franchising authority in this area to the County while the District would continue as sole franchisor of the Blackhawk, Alamo, Round Hill, Diablo areas, and unincorporated islands in and around Walnut Creek. This would have resulted in the CCCSWA being able to efficiently manage the large contiguous area from the northern border of Walnut Creek and unincorporated islands southward to the borders of San Ramon and westward including La Morinda. The County broke off discussions in this regard in late June of 1994. By October of 1994, having heard nothing further from the County regarding Pacheco-North Concord-Clyde area, the CCCSWA added the Pacheco-North Concord-Clyde area to the RFP package. A few weeks ago, after the RFP was issued, the County made the removal of this area from the RFP a condition of its joining the JPA. The CCCSWA has appropriately deferred this matter to this District for determination as Central San has the franchising authority in the area and would, therefore, have to be the one to cede this authority to another jurisdiction. The Pacheco-North Concord-Clyde area is not contiguous with the rest of the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority's franchise area and so economies and efficiencies resulting from a large contiguous area would not necessarily apply in this case. If this area stays in the RFP, it, nevertheless, would have new rates set in the competitive process. Alternatively, should the County be given franchising authority in this area, they intend to manage this area outside of the CCCSWA. As we understand the County's position, they would represent only Blackhawk, Round Hill, Diablo, Alamo, and islands in and around Walnut Creek areas as JPA members. It is unclear what plans the County might have for future franchising in the Pacheco-Clyde-North Concord communities. The County will be discussing this issue Tuesday, January 31, 1995. Staff may have further information by the time of the Board Meeting. It is important that these two issues be resolved because if the areas are not to be included with RFP, staff needs to make timely notice, in the form of an addendum to the RFP, to those companies which who are currently considering bidding for the collection/recycling operation in the new franchising period beginning March 1, 1996. The deadline for RFP responses is March 1, 1995. 1302B-7/91 1..--'----"-.----.---.--------..--~----.-.,---'---..----- CONSIDER CEDING DISTRICT'S FRANCHISING AUTHORITY TO CONTRA COSTA COUNTY IN CERTAIN UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA COUNTY SUBJECT PAGE DATE 3 OF 12 January 31, 1995 RECOMMENDATION: 1. Discuss and determine if the Pleasant Hill Bart Station area franchising authority should be ceded to Contra Costa County without the restriction that the area be franchised through the CCCSWA RFP process. 2. Discuss and determine if the Pacheco-Clyde-North Concord franchise area should be ceded to Contra Costa County without the restriction that the area be franchised through the CCCSWA RFP process. 1302B-7/91 ----r I I<~~..~~ ..- I .~).. .~1'" ~ . t%. I \ ~ 81 I "~t-~\.,v-Qh~"~\ gr 4 I lo'.n"o ,~" ~ \~ I~~~~t ~,/ ~~~ l, 8::1 ~ I 'x(" \\.. ~ ~~\ ~"~ ~ ~y~ ~~.t%l'_____ ~ ~tfft, ~ ..,,,~ +-0 r!tl ~~ T~ 11;"- ~~' ~ t j~;-~~ L~ ~ 1r~ 1. :f J~L ~~ !'" ~.$i~'\," ,~\ 't:.~ l<:. I >- '" ~ ~ ~"I:~~ %\ .~ v'!l.~~ ~'1;l ~ A '. ,'.,. /oI3~~ 1 ~:. Iii ''S\'' . 'il: -~.... j 'ii!'ii. . ,I 0 ~ ;? ,,~~ ~ ~6< . Q'C .._....~ ,... r;,i-~ . ;~'P: ~~t- ~~:.>. 0/ ~,.j t~ ;"'/f ~O~ \, N1~11l"'11~'", ~,/.~ i.lSlI:)'<IJ, lh 'Q'C.. A ~ ~ ~~ ~ "~~t1'.J;- -:; ",l';'>~~~'" iP 10 '" ~ :5 ,,~~ ~:9,. -~~ :~uf vV', ~ii ~..,~ Q~~.... ~ 'diim.r~~ , '" ') ~ 0'</' ~~ ~ I.;to ~ i:e '!l-? ~ ~ v ~Im~'s or . ~~ ~ 'r"-","" J~ q; 0'11. VR .:...~'" ~ ~ :<c'" <('; ~.s>~ i ., rw'V" c,'i 7. 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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ~ CCCSWA Franchise Area Pleasant Hill BART Station Unincorporate Island GROWTH MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY Contra Costa County Valentin ^fexeeff, Director January 25, 1995 Mr. Fred Davis, Interim Executive Diredor Centml Conn Costa Solid Waste Authority 4737 Imhoff Place, 14 Martinez, CA 94'53 RE: Board of Supenlson' AdJoa Related to Count)' Membership Iu the Central Contra Costa SoJicI WIlSte Authority Dear Mr. Davis: On Tuesday, 1anuary 24, 1995, tile Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors considered 1he lettez received from the Central Contra Costa Solid Wute Authority (CCCSW A) and the discussion between representatives of the CCCSWA and the Board's Ad Hoc Solid Waste Committee on January 19th. While these are not the official minutes of the Board's action on Item 2.3 Rprding options for IOlid Waste collection franchise, as requested by CCCSWA IepreSCntatives, I am providing a IWI1mary of the Board's action. The Board voted to join the CCCSW A with the followins sdpuJations: 1. Contra Costa County will be the sole fnmchising authority for the unincorporated I.Ma of Contra Cosla County; :2. Contra Costa County will have membership status equal to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and the City of Walnut C~; 3. Clyde, Pacheco, ~rporated North Concord, and the Pleasant Hill BART Station Area will be excluded from the CCSW A's RFP; 4. The inclusion ofprevailing wage languaae in the lOUd waste collcdi.on portion oftbe RPP is agn:ed to by the County t and DO further action on prevailing WIle is ~; s. Areas of special service occd to be explicitly designated in the fmnchjse 19fCCment which results fJom the RPP; " 6. Direction of the wastestream will est with the CCCSW A; and, 7. Each jurisdiction is individually empowered to balance a>mmercial and JeSidential rates. rOO/~'d 651 Pine Sl1eet, No. WIng, Second Floor, Martinez. California 94553-1213 Telephone: (510) 646-1600 . FAX: (510) 646-15SK1 01 lN3WdOl3(8a.u I 1'fl.I.D) :::>J;) a.o~ 6C : t>t S66 't-SG-N;;l[ nC:1.9L96 m0 . d 11:1101 Mr. Fred Davis CCCSW A Membership January 25, 1995 Pile Two I hope to be able to be present at your meeting on 1anuary 26th to respond to any additional questions which CCCSWA members may have regarding the Board's action. Sina=rely, ~ flln'J1fJ/ I _u _'.# J ._11 Val AIex;;;-r-vlJ Sy A&IN.M .".ul, Director LA\ 939a:JPAmeJnb.Ur cc: Nemben, Boe.rd of Supervisors Phil Batchelor, County Administrator Paul MorelOn, Central CC Sani.ta1ion District Don Blubaugh, City Manager, City of Walnut Creek I r00/(00"d TTG~9~96 01 .LN3>ld013('i3J A.Lli'I"W4O) ))) ~ 6Z:Pl S66T-SG-Nl:II 4 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY January 23, 1995 MARY LOU OLIVER. Chair JOHN 8 CLAUSEN, Vice Chaff GREGORY L. CARR. Dffector !VEL YN MUNN. Drrector SUSAN McNULTY RAINEY, Director GENE WOLFE. Director FRED DAVIS. Interim ExecutIve Director JOYCE E. MURPHY, Secretary of the Authority (510) 229-4861 Fax (510)229-5182 4737 Imhoff Place. Suite 4 Martinez. Calilornia 94553 Board of Supervisors County of Contra Costa County Administration Building 651 Pine Street Martinez, CA 94553-1229 Reference: Contra Costa County Joining the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority Honorable Board Members: This letter is a follow-up to the letter addressed to your Board from the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, dated January 6, 1995 (a copy is attached), and the meeting, on January 19, 1995, of your Ad Hoc Solid Waste Committee with representatives of the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSWA). After a great deal of discussion concerning the County joining CCCSWA, the Board's Ad Hoc Committee requested that certain matters be clarified in writing so that this information would be available to your Board for its decision concerning joining the CCCSWA, which CCCSWA understands will be discussed at your meeting to be held on January 24, 1995. 1 . In the matter concerning the setting of rates, the Board of Supervisors will have the ability of recommending to the CCCSWA the amount of commercial subsidy and franchise fee that the County desires for the unincorporated area included in the boundary of CCCSWA. 2. The CCCSWA will (with information provided by the hauler) designate "hard-to- serve" areas. 3. The Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) has agreed to cede authority to the County to represent the Pacheco-Clyde-North Concord area on the CCCSW A Board which would be the franchising agency. The County has requested that responsibility for this area be ceded to the County without the restriction that it be Member agencies: . Centrat Contra Costa Sanitary District _ "'~j. .1 f"__ n__..._ ~ l.Iuy v' ':>tllI nQllIVl1 . C;:j' of Walnut Creek @ Recycled p~per Board of Supervisors Contra Costa County January 23, 1995 Page 2 franchised by the CCCSWA. As President of the CCCSWA, I would not expect any objection to this proposal provided that the CCCSD Board concurred. It is my understanding that CCCSD will bring this matter before its Board at the earliest opportunity. CCCSWA will respond promptly to any changes in area to be served which are mutually acceptable to the County and CCCSD. The CCCSWA Board is scheduled to act on the County's request to join the CCCSWA at its meeting to be held on January 26, 1995. The Board of Directors of the Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority welcomes you as a full partner in the CCCSWA and urges you to take action to join the CCCSWA at your meeting on January 24. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SOLID WASTE AUTHORITY ~.~ Board of Directors cc: Board of Directors, CCCSWA Board of Directors, CCCSD Roger Dolan, CCCSD Paul Morsen, CCCSD Don Blubaugh, City of Walnut Creek Janet Schneider, City of Walnut Creek Fred Davis, CCCSW A Kent Aim, Legal Counsel Bob Hilton, HF&H Val Alexeff, CCC Louise Aiello, CCC ADS/Morsen3A/BoS-Pach .Itr . -7" Central Contra Costa Sanitary District January 6, 1995 ROGER J. OOu.,.. CmrrGI HtmG~ Claid Engm<<r KENTONl..ALH ~lltrr lilt District CSJO) 938.}430 JOYCE E. MURPH>' ~Crtl"l' of 1M District Board of Supervisors County of Contra Costa County Administration Building 651 Pine Street Martinez, CA 94553-1229 Reference: Pursuit of County Joining the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority Honorable Board Members: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) followed with great interest the action taken by you on December 20, 1994 with regard to the County joining the Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority (CCCSW A) in lieu of immediately entering into a long term solid waste collection franchise for the unincorporated areas of Central County. The District commends the Board for this action. The District appreciates that there has been a long history of struggle within Contra Costa with regard to solid waste issues; however, it appears ever more clear that the interests of all the constituents of Central County would be best served by cooperation by all the interested local agencies to pursue high quality solid waste services at the lowest possible cost. By working with the CCCSW A, two levels of efficiency are being achieved: 1) Solid waste management is being achieved for five cities and the unincorporated communities of Central County by one organization; and, 2) . Through an open, public proposal process free market competition is being used to get the best deal for the customers. F:\DKS\~LA.DJR\011 BOARD OF DIRECTORS JOH.\' B. CLAUSEN WIUW1 C. DALTON SUSAN NcNlJLn' RAINE)' BARBARA D, HOCJI.E1T MARIO M. J.JENESIJ\J . . Board of Supervisors County of Contra Costa January 6, 1995 Page 2 Accordingly, the District looks favorably upon the County joining the CCCSW A, and looks forward to cooperating with the County through that vehicle to best serve the interests of our joint constituents. We understand, that the action taken by the Board of Supervisors on December 20, 1994 was to join the CCCSW A, provided that certain conditions could be satisfactorily met, to wit: 1) That CCCSD cede its authority (or not challenge the County's authority) to franchise solid waste collection services within the unincorporated areas of the Central County at the termination of the existing franchises in 1996; and 2) That CCCSWA provide a further opportunity for County staff to review the. CCCSW A RFP documents and make comments, if necessary; and 3) That the County be allowed to join the 10int Powers Authority as a full and equal member under the same terms as applicable to existing members, including the terms with. regard to withdrawal. CCCSD Board of Directors held a publicly noticed workshop on these issues on January 3, 1995, and has further considered the matter at its regularly scheduled Board meeting of January 5, 1995. As a result of these meetings, the District can respond on its behalf, although the Authority will not meet until January 13, 1995. It would appear the pivotal concern of the County is the role the County would play on the Authority with regard to the unincorporated areas within Central County. The District has always envisioned that if the County were to become a member of the Authority, the County would be seated as a full member representing the unincorporated areas within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Authority. Accordingly, the District would agree to cede its authority, or agree not to challenge the County's interest in franchising within the Central County's unincorporated area, provided that the County joins the CCCSW A and participates in good faith in the RFP process concluding with the execution of long term agreements providing for solid waste services within the jurisdictions represented by the CCCSWA. Lastly, CCCSD urges the County to join the Authority prior to February 6, 1995, the date on which the RFP proposals will be opened. CCCSD believes that it will not be possible for the CCCSW A to delay this proposal opening date because of the need to move forward with the RFP process in time to allow for the collector to properly prepare for start up of operations in the Spring of 1996. The new franchisee will need time for the acquisition of equipment and f:\DMS\KLA.DIR\01106S3.VP # . Board of Supervisors County of Contra Costa January 6, 1995 Page 3 I establishment of support facilities to manage and service the operations. By joining the CCCSW A prior to February 6, 1995, the County will be able to participate fully in fmalizing any RFP conditions and in developing the provisions of the solid waste service agreements. Perhaps it bears repeating that the goal of the District with regard to solid waste is to ensure the highest levels of service commensurate with successful compliance with AB 939 at the lowest possible cost to the constituents. The District has concluded that the history of public solid waste management within this county and elsewhere demonstrates that "cost-plus profit- rate regulation, even at its best, does not motivate private industry to cut costs, innovate, or provide the required services in the most efficient manner. We hope that the County's observations, as well as its experience with rate setting in the Keller Canyon Landfill, has led you to similar conclusions. It is therefore the goal of the District to ensure that all of its customers, including the customers in the unincorporated areas, are provided with the benefits of the competitive RFP process. This goal provides for a competitive market rate for the needed services on a regional basis, thus maximizing operational efficiencies, while minimizing the cost of governmental supervision through use of a regional joint powers agency. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICI' ~JJ .t1ockik- Barbara D. Hockett, President Board of Directors cc: CCCSW A Board of Directors Mayor S. Donley Ritchey, Town of Danville Mayor Gayle B. Uilkema, City of Lafayette Mayor A. G. Dessayer, Town of Moraga Mayor Joyce Hawkins, City of Orinda F:\DKS\KlA.DIR\0110683.WP . .. GROWTH MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AGENCY .. Valentin Alexeeff, Director Contra Costa County R E. C ;;: J V ~--, ... i::.L) CCCSD AO.~~:Xj;:;TRA T/ON November 30, 1994 Lt;, Mr. Fred Davis, Interim Executive Director Central Contra Costa Solid Waste Authority 4737 Imhoff Place, Suite 4 Martinez, CA 94553 Dear Mr. Davis: RE: UNINCORPORATED AREAS OF COUNTY LOCATED IN CENTRAL COUNTY This letter confirms conversations between County staff and representatives of members of the CCCSW A related to the County's concerns regarding solid waste collection and disposal franchising. At the last CCCSW A meeting, the unincorporated areas of Pacheco and Clyde were not included in the RFP for solid waste collection and disposal. However, it has come to our attention that these areas have now been included in the RFP. The County believes it is important that the CCCSW A take into consideration the following points and reflect these points as part of the RFP: 1. The County's intent is to directly franchise the areas of Pacheco and Clyde; the required 5 years' notice was given in 1991 and some discussions have taken place with both the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. 2. The County wants the unincorporated commercial area of Pleasant Hill B.A.R.T. to be considered independent for financial analysis and costing of services. 3. The County's intent is to directly franchise the unincorporated areas of Pleasant Hill BART, Saranap, Blackhawk, and Alamo as well as other unincorporated areas which may be situated within the CCCSW A borders. The County continues to be interested in working with the CCCSW A in providing effective and efficient solid waste services. At this time, it is our understanding that the CCCSW A is exploring various alternative working arrangements with Central County jurisdictions. The County is interested in participating in such discussions. T:;;~ ,~ Val Alex~'\ GMEDA Director 939t:CCCSW A-l.ltr cc: Membel'll, Board of Supervisol'll Phil Batchelor, County Administrator Roger Dolan, General Manager, CCCSD Paul MOl'llCn, Assistant General Manager, CCCSD Don Blubaugh, City Manager of Walnut Creek 651 Pine Street, No. Wing, Second Floor, Martinez, California 94553-1213 Telephone: (510) 646-1600 . FAX: (510) 646-1599