HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 10-03-96 ~ {,entral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ......................................................................................................................................................................................... ~~~~:n.cse"fl.:fik:I}:~I..::::.?w:::m.I..:.:.:.~I5~::}};:;: BOARD MEETING OF :::::I1II.!:::'::::::::.!I::::::::::::::::::l1m:::::::;;:;::.:~:~:::::~:~:: October 3, 1996 Page 1 of 2 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR d. DATE September 25, 1996 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 96-12 (LAFAYETTE AREA) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPTIDIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division Parcel No. 96-1 2 Area Owner/Address Parcel No. & Acreage Pamela J. Heaton 3450 Mt. Spring Road Lafayette, CA 94549 167-370-001 (13.35 Ac.) Remarks Lead Agency Lafayette (46B3) Existing house with a failing septic system; must connect to the public sewer system. Project is exempt from CEOA. CCCSD RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 96-12 to be included in a future formal annexation. If)IY m P"v INITIATING DEPARTMENTIDIVlSlON RAB H:\PP\ANNX9612.DH 8/6/96 PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A.96-12 ~. ",entral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 1 of 2 BOARD MEETING OF October 3, 1996 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR e. DATE September 27, 1996 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT/AUTHORIZE NOTICE OF COMPLETION SUBJECT ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR THE DAF ODOR CONTROL PROJECT (DP 7143) AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION SUBMITTED BY Munawar Husain, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Engineering Department/Plant Engineering Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the DAF Odor Control Project, District Project 7143, and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: Under this project, aluminum covers were installed on the three DAF tanks and the foul air conveyed via fiberglass ducts to a biofilter for odor removal. The foul air is passed through a compost bed in the biofilter, where odorous compounds are removed from the air and decomposed by bacteria. The project work also included seismic improvements to the DAF tanks and coating of metal surfaces inside the tanks for corrosion protection. Details of the project are also included on pages TP-93 and TP-94 of the Fiscal Year 1996-97 Capital Improvement Budget. See Attachment 1 for the location of the work completed under this project. The construction contract was authorized to be awarded to Kaweah Construction Company of Fresno, California, on December 21, 1995, by the District Board of Directors. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed on January 16, 1996. The contract completion date was September 11, 1996. The contract work was completed on time, with the District taking beneficial occupancy of the new facilities on September 3, 1996. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. The total authorized budget for this project is $941 ,000. An accounting of project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project close out. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the DAF Odor Control Project, District Project 7143, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. RSK \Jv~t3 WEB m RE\IEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD AC710N INITIATING DEPARTME~ON MH -t.?J.. ~ RAB H:\PP\7143ACPT.MH 9/16/96 PAGE Lof 2 ATTACHMENT 1 DAF ODOR CONTROL PROJECT, DP 7143 PROJECT LOCATION OAF TANKS "- "- a :r ::l:: h 300 , FEET ~ Pc-oject Location -------~-,-_._---- Al Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ........................................................................................... ::fl...:;:;:.:::.~II.....:::;....:;::j..:I::::~:.I....::<2W~~.~:f#~::::;::;:::::: BOARD MEETING OF jjm:::::m~~~ili.9:::::~tijjjIB~~I~f~:::}1J.m~~!rngt~}jr October 3, 1996 Page 1 of 1 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR f. DATE TYPE OF ACTION September 24, 1996 AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE SUBJECT AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE OF CHARLES CANEPA, ASSISTANT ENGINEER, AT THE SEMINAR "MAINTAINING ASPHALT PAVEMENTS" IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, AT A COST OF $1,000 SUBMITTED BY Henry Thom, Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPTIDIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ~: Approval by the Board of Directors is required for travel outside of California or if the expense will exceed $500. BACKGROUND: Charles Canepa, Assistant Engineer, is responsible for various contract administration and field engineering duties associated with the construction management of capital collection system projects. One of the issues typically encountered during construction is the extent and adequacy of the restoration of existing pavement and streets. The subject seminar is sponsored by the University of Wisconsin and the University of Nevada and provides a wide range of information on the evaluation of existing pavement conditions and various pavement repair methods. Attendance at this seminar will provide Mr. Canepa with the information necessary to effectively negotiate the pavement restoration demands with the various cities and Contra Costa County and to address the issues in a cost-effective manner. Funds are available for this seminar in the Infrastructure Division's Technical Training, Conferences, and Meetings budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Charles Canepa, Assistant Engineer, at the December 5 through 6, 1996, seminar on "Maintaining Asphalt Pavements" sponsored by the University of Wisconsin and the University of Nevada in Las Vegas, Nevada, at a total cost of $1,000. JSM RAB REVEWED AND RECOMIVIENDED FOR BOARD ACTION f/J/~ I~ H:\PP\CONFCAC.HT 9/24/96 .dA Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS nre....:.:...;.:..;...:.:...;.;.S:...:.:...::.......:.:.....:.:.I.....:':...:.:...:.rll....::~::--):~:rll....:.:...:.g~t.....~tll...:.:...:.:.I....:.:.:.::.II...:.:.:...:)t:n:~:BOARDMEETlNGOF .;.;.":..:'::'.;.;.;.'::":".:":.;";.;"'::'.;.;.;':"'::.":.:.:"':.:.:':.::"::;":.:':":::::"::":.;.;.:.;.;.;.; :.;.: ,,:.:.:.' ,",. ';', .:.: :.:.:.' ", .:.:.: ",.", ,'; ...... .:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:. October 3 1996 j~j~i:::J~~~~~~~~:::;;;;;:::~~~:::;;;;;:::~:::::I::::t::::;jj:::;;;:;:::~~::::~~~~~:::::t\)~~~~f:t~~~~:::;::l~~~~~~i::::;;;;;;;;;::j~~j::::I~~~i~Ii~ ' Page 1 of 2 NO. 7. ENGINEERING a. DATE September 30, 1996 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION SUBJECT ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING STAFF AUTHORITY FOR PURCHASE OF EASEMENTS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT iOlV Jay S. McCoy, Infrastructure Division Manager Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUE: Formal action is needed to confirm staff authority to purchase easements for capital projects. BACKGROUND: Collection system capital projects involve the installation of pipelines in streets or existing easements. Some projects include the acquisition of easement rights to provide rights for the installation of pipelines across private property. For those projects that require acquisition of easement rights, Board approval of the Capital Improvement Budget each year inherently authorizes the acquisition of needed rights. From time to time, the District has modified the process of acquiring rights to simplify it, minimize liability, or conform to changes in law. Staff currently utilizes two approaches in the process of acquiring property rights. The first approach involves the preparation of a position paper recommending that the Board of Directors approve the acquisition of an easement, accept the easement, and authorize its recording. Payments to owners for the easement follows Board action. This approach causes substantial delays in the time to process an easement acquisition. Also, the ability of the property negotiator to make and close a deal on the price of an easement is diminished by the need to wait for position paper processing and Board approval. This can be particularly onerous in cases of recalcitrant property owners and/or where property rights are needed for projects about to bid. The second approach has involved staff negotiation and payment for property rights to owners prior to Board approval. Following payment, a position paper is processed for the recording of the easement(s). This approach has been used primarily for easements of low value. This approach has worked well in the past but is inconsistent with the first approach. Staff feels the need to have a consistent, Board-approved procedure for easement acquisition. In addition, a streamlined procedure is desirable. The recommended approach is to authorize the General Manager-Chief AM) RECO!.WlEl\f)ED FOR BOARD AC710N ROGER J. DOLAN Iftfj RAB ...................................................................................................J l:i:iii'i:i'iii:i!lii.II.I.lli'iii.i.II.liii:lllilllll11:11111, DATE September 30, 1996 I Page 2 of 2 SUBJECT ADOPT A RESOLUTION EST ABUSHING STAFF AUTHORITY FOR PURCHASE OF EASEMENTS Engineer to make unconditional offers for purchase of easement rights. Payments would be made after the easement documents are signed. The easements would then be sent to the Board on the consent calendar for acceptance and authorization to record. If there was a potential eminent domain action or other unusual circumstance, the Board would be notified in advance of staff action. Staff authority to make the expenditure for the property rights would come from the Capital Improvement Budget. Sufficient funds would have to be allocated in the Capital Improvement Budget for staff to assume authorization to make unconditional offers for purchase. Staff recommends that the Board adopt a resolution specifying procedures for easement acquisition and recording of easements. The term easements includes Offers of Dedication, which are specialized types of easement documents. The recommended procedures will result in consistency and improved efficiency. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution authorizing the General Manager-Chief Engineer to make unconditional offers for purchase of easement rights, including Offers of Dedication, subject to the condition that funds have been authorized in the Capital Budget for this purpose. ~ Lentral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 1 of 1 BOARD MEETING OF October 3, 1996 NO. 8. LEGAL/LITIGATION a. DATE September 25, 1996 TYPE OF ACTION DENY CLAIMS SUBJECT DENY CLAIMS FOR PROPERTY DAMAGE BY CREE COURT GROUP HOMEOWNERS SUBMITTED BY Bonnie Allen, Risk Manager INITIATING DEPTIDIV Administrative/Risk Management & Safety ISSUE: Cree Court Group Homeowners have filed claims against the District for property damage arising out of land movement. Claim denials require action by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: Claim forms were presented by attorney Joshua S. Berezin on behalf of eleven individual homeowners of Cree Court in San Ramon. The claims allege that District sewer pipes run under the area of the land movement and that the movement of the hillside, city street and underground pipes caused damage to each individual dwelling and property. The claims seek costs to repair the hillside, city street, underground pipes, and each individual dwelling and property. RECOMMENDAllON: Deny the claims by the Cree Court Group Homeowners for property damages. Refer to staff for further action as required. RECOMNENOED FOR BOARD AC710N INITIATING DEPARTMENTIDIVISION RM&S/C:\ WPWIN\LEGAL\CREECT.PP 9/16/96