HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 09-19-96 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS i:i'i..jS''''I''''.I:::::iiil_I_:i'i':'::::::: BOARD MEE1lS~ OpFtember 19, 1996 ji~~~IW~.rI!~~~!~j~[::::.::::~~~~~:::::~t[lWi::i~\::;m~~::::;;;;;;;;;gr~rr ~ Page 1 of 2 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. DATE lYPE OF ACTION September 11, 1996 ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT SUBJ ECT ACCEPT A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM THE EAST BAY REGIONAL PARK DISTRICT FOR THE SHELL PIPELINE SUBMITTED BY Jade A. Sullivan, Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPTIt>IV Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: The Board of Directors' approval is required to formally accept Grants of Easements from other public agencies. BACKGROUND: The District purchased approximately 15 miles of 1 G-inch diameter steel pipeline from the Shell Pipeline Corporation (Shell) in December of 1994. The District plans to utilize the pipeline as a future recycled water transmission main. The District previously accepted the transfer and assignment of all available right-of-way documents from Shell. A section of the pipeline did not have a valid easement within the East Bay Regional Park District property located near Skyline Blvd. at the Alameda County line (Exhibit 1). District staff has negotiated a new easement for the cost of one dollar with East Bay Regional Park District. With the acceptance of this Grant of Easement all easements related to the Shell Pipeline have been acquired. RECOMMENDATION: Accept a grant of Easement from East Bay Regional Park District and authorize staff to record appropriate documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. i~1>> RAB 1 . ..... i " Co . ..... '" L ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District MILES CON1b . - _':"''V\ CO(',>o AI A, ~ _ "',)\ . ~DA--\ \ \ ,/ EXHIBIT ONE 1 ~ BOARD OF DIRECTORS .1.1.11_111111111:111:1111::111'1:::1: BOARD MErnS~;tember 19, 1996 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Page 1 of 2 NO. 5. BIDS AND AWARDS a. DATE TYPE OF ACTION September 13, 1996 AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONTRACT TO W. G. THOMPSON, INC. FOR CLEANING, PAINTING, AND DRYVIT RECOATING OF HOB AND BOARD MEETING ROOM BUILDINGS, D. P. NO. 8163 SUBMITTED BY Ken F. Laverty, Purchasing & Materials Mgr. INITtA TlNG DEPT IOIV Administrative/Purchasing and Materials Control ISSUE: The District has received bids for ceaning, painting, and Dryvit recoating of the exterior of the HOB and Board Meeting Room buildings. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the construction contract or reject all bids within sixty (60) days of the opening of bids. BACKGROUND: The Headquarters Office Building (HOB) and the Board Meeting Room were originally built in 1982. The exterior surfaces of the buildings are coated with a finish manufactured by Dryvit Systems, Inc., which is very similar to a stucco finish, but is a commercial coating that reduces cracking. This finish has served the District well for the past 14 years. The building now has minor surface cracking, rust stains, and color fading, and it is now prudent to reseal'and recoat it. The Bid Request was advertised on August 26 and 31, 1 996. Five bids were received and publicly opened on September 9, 1996. These bids are listed on Attachment 1, Tabulation of Bids. The lowest responsible bidder is W. G. Thompson, Inc. with a bid of $21,105. The initial engineer's estimate for the work was $30,000. The large range in the bid prices is caused by how each contractor determined the scaffolding costs. The highest bid included complete ground-up scaffolding of the buildings; however, W. G. Thompson's bid was based on a roof cantilever hoist system that is less expensive. Furthermore, W. G. Thompson was the original subcontractor that coated both buildings back in 1 982 and completely understands what is involved in the recoating work. This recoating work is a portion of District Project No. 8163, HOB Improvements Project, included in the Fiscal year 1996-97 Capital Improvement Budget on page GI-23. Staff has conducted a cash flow analysis and has determined that adequate funds are available to fund the project. Staff has determined that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District Guidelines Section 18.2, since it involves a minor alteration to an existing facility with little or no increase in capacity. The Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute an independent finding that the project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a contract to W. G. Thompson, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder, for $21,105, for the cleaning, painting, and Dryvit recoating of HOB and Board Meeting Room buildings. KFl H:\FORMS\PPAPER.DRY 8/6/96 ~ ~ N ~ : M Lt) C . Iv ;: - N N 10<: H' I~ 00 M <<l Lt) .; .;- ~ 'I Cl ,I e .. ........ U ,I lo() 1 I Q) 0' N UN ...... ~ I U I I~ : ~ I 00 +J ::..::: ~ e u ~ ltl " --- e ...-l i.~ Q) ~ u z: +J Q) M eo E o:;t ~ .c C'I u 0 ~ ~ ~ ltl 0 ~ . +J +J .;.. .... ct:: .~ N . ~ ;;: 'N Q) ~ Cl ~ e Vl 10 OJ " ...... 1 U 1 ~ +J I U I 1M ~ ~ tii ~ ~ ~ 1 U 1 I+J : ltl z ltl ~ +J -b< i ~ r ::E ai ~ t ~ . ;: ~ . 0) .... r- C C I~ E ~ ;: ...... -0 . +J ltl ::I ~ Cl 0 a: r- 0 ..0 I Vl I 1 M ~ U III I U 1 :~ Q) +J ~ I U I : ~ ~ +J U ~ ~ C ...... ~ z: .j.:; +J 0- ...... > ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : -0 C 0) ~ ~ -OC ltl . ~ C...... ~ -0 ltl-o .c (J 0 r- V U u:> Cl 0 C . ........ 0 C'I Vl M >< Q) N 0)::1 ~ ...... ........ I U I I : Q) ~ ~ ceo +J C'I 1 U I 1 +J ltl ...... e ........ I U I I Q) 0 +J +JE ct:: C'I z: z: CO ...... 0 ltlO::: Lt) III C- . 0 e 0) -0 g! ...-l 0 ..e e . ...... Lt) 0)...... 0 ltl . ........ ~ 0 e+J E -0 N ........ ...... Q) .c C Q) ~ uu:> 0 u e ........ ltl::E ...... C'I 1 I I M >< Q) ~ Q) 0::: ........ 1 Cl I 1 Q) ~ r- -0 c..!: C'I I Vl I I +J ltl U~ . ........ U Q) 0 +J ltl :3 +J C'I U z: z: z 0 0- U Q eo ~ t- -0 . a.. 5 e .... ltl ~ en . UJ eo .... a ;;/. 0 ~ :z: . :: ::I: g 2 0 -0 ..0 a: 8 81 ~ 3 - e ~ UJ 4- ... ... ... ~ . ltl tc cr ~ ..... al ~ 0 :z: ~ ~ ci ~ ~ cr ~ 2 ~ ..: S l!! ~ ~ e Q) ...... u +J ...... e ~ ...... ~ 0- . :g -0 en Q) ~ l- . g ...... r- C;; eo O. ..0 ~ ~ III mC.!J ...... Q) - e .,... Q) r- U--.3 III > \J) ...... U ltl e ltl I)... e ltl +J 0 g .....J ~ ltl 4- 0 Z.s. "'- Q) t ~ I- III . ~ r- ::I .d. 0 u Q) u.. U III ~ I~ ~ ~~.s e . -I ltl +J Q) ~II~ ~ i III ~ +J Q) 0 ~ .....J \ i! "9 0 ~ . .....J Q) r;; ...-l ~ I~ -0 .;;; "-0 ffi ~:o ~ E . ...-l cr If @' :;; ~ o , C'I ........ N ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 1 of 5 BOARO MEETING OF September 19, 1996 NO. 5. BIDS AND AWARDS b. DATE TYPE OF ACTION September 13, 1996 AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO ARB INC. FOR THE REPAIR M4-A FORCE MAIN PROJECT, DP 9588 SUBMITTED BY Ba T. Than, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Engineering Department/Plant Engineering Division ISSUE: On August 28, 1996, sealed proposals were received and opened for construction of the Repair M4- A Force Main Project, District Project No. 9588. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. BACKGROUND: Pumping stations and force mains to serve the city of Martinez were put into service in 1970. The original force main (M4-A), which conveys the wastewater from the Fairview Pumping Station to Maltby Pumping Station, was constructed north of Marina Vista RoadlFrontage Road in a marsh area (see Attachment 1 for location). A portion of this force main is above ground and is supported by concrete piers. Another portion of the force main is located within the Southern Pacific Transportation Company (SPTC) right of way. In 1994, corrosion problems were detected along the welded joints of the M4-A force main. Furthermore, two sections of M4-A force main, which are located within the SPTC right of way, were damaged during the construction work performed by SPTC. Temporary repairs were made by District staff to keep the M4-A force main in service. Staff also discovered that the soil along the force main alignment located within the SPTC right of way was contaminated with hydrocarbon products believed to be largely diesel fuel. This project will repair the corroded and damaged pipe sections and install access openings. These access openings will allow the District to perform closed-circuit television inspections of the force main. Staff has negotiated an agreement with SPTC for access, and SPTC will dispose of contaminated materials at no cost to the District. The plans and specifications for this project were prepared by District staff. The Engineer's Estimate for construction was $115,000. The project was advertised on July 29 and August 5, 1996. Two bids of $119,391 and $143,622 were received on August 28, 1996. A summary of these bids is shown in Attachment 2. The Plant Engineering Division conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of these bids and has determined that ARB Inc. is the lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of $119,391. REVIEWED AND RECOMIfI/ENDED FOR BOARD AC110N BTT WEB RAB INITIATING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION STT ~ t;'~ h1f H:\PP\9588ACPT.BTT 8/6/96 DATE September 13, 1996 Page 2 of 5 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO ARB INC. FOR THE REPAIR M4-A FORCE MAIN PROJECT, DP 9588 The District will administer the construction contract and provide resident engineering, inspection, survey, office engineering, and shop drawing review. The allocation of funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, is $212,000. This project is included in the Fiscal Year 1996-97 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages C8-75 through CS-76. Staff has conducted a cash flow analysis of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CECA) under District CECA Guidelines Section 18.2, since it involves repairs and minor alterations to an existing sewage facility with no increase in capacity. The Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute an independent finding that this project is exempt from CECA. RECOMMENDATIONS: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $119,391 for construction of the Repair M4-A Force Main Project, DP 9588, to ARB Inc., the lowest responsible bidder. PAGE 3 of 5 JUNCTION STRUCTURE ~M3 GRAVITY ~ LINE ~~ 11 ~~ '7 '\ ./ \ <: \ /y--,,\,\ \ . '/';, '\ \ ......-y--- \. -,~, \ '\ \~ \ , \ '>J, ,,\ '=11- \ ~ . \ L:\~\ ~ 0, to. \ ~ '" o \ ~ \~\./Y=-"_ _~'" / ~ '\ \.( ,( /:=""",- I (.~." - . \. ~~ '0' ~ / "(':\ \. \.!<~(! MALTBY / i' .:\; ~~~. PUMPIN~ I,,! .-, .~~ STATION. '-, / 'I Ij 'I ~II . --"" If 1_- "'i/' '" -- '---.:~_I ~ II i ~~ --z.; ~~f ~- I J ~ N , o I 2000 4000 J FEET c '" '! ;::; '0 co co of) ~ co <Xl of) C> .... .. ,.., ~ ~ j Central Contr~ C:osta Sanitary District LOCATION MAP t;:: := .... 0> S! ~ ATTACHMENT 1 ,PAGE 4 of 5 Attachment 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO./NAME 9588 - Repair M4-A Force Main DATE August 28,1996 LOCATION Martine~ California ENGINEER EST. $ 115,000 No BIDDER BID PRICE (Name, telephone & address) 1 ARB Inc. $ 119,391 1875 Loveridge Road Pittsburg, CA 94565 Phone (510) 432-3563 2 Clarke Construction $ 143,622 311 Arballo Drive San Francisco, CA 94132 Phone (415) 333-3099 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Paul Morsen DATE August 28, 96 SHEET NO. ..L OF ..L. -,-----,-,-_.-_._._-----~..__._-_._..._..._,~.,--~--~----_.- PAGE 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT 3 REPAIR M4-A FORCE MAIN PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 9588 POST -BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE PERCENT OF ESTIMATED No. ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL ($) CONSTRUCTION COST 1 . Construction Contract 119,391 Contingency at 20 percent 23,609 SUBTOT AL CONSTRUCTION 143,000 100.0 2. Construction Management Project Management 8,000 Inspection 1 2,000 SUBTOT AL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT 20,000 13.99 3. Other Expenses Plant Engineering Division 6,000 Collection System Operations Department 2,500 Plan~ Operations Department/Pumping Stations 2,500 Section Surveying 2,000 Permit/Inspection 1,000 Legal 4,000 Record Drawings 3,000 SUBTOT AL OTHER EXPENSES 21,000 14.69 TOT AL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST 184,000 128.67 (ITEMS 1, 2, AND 3) 4. Pre bid Expenditures Design 27,000 18.88 Repair/Construction during Design phase 26,000 18.18 TOT AL PREBID EXPENDITURES 53,000 37.06 5. TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST 237,000 165.73 6. FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE 25,000 7. ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO 212,000 COMPLETE PROJECT ~ l,entral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS :::!:i!.J.!i.~I:.:..i,ti::!:i:I!:;Ji:::i!i.!:~:::::::i:::::i BOARD MEETSGeOpFtember 19, 1 996 ~tE1~~.fill~~~I~j~\::::R~!I~~~j~~ID.fi~~fii.?~~~r~~ Page 1 of 9 NO. 5. BIDS AND AWARDS c. DATE TYPE OF ACTION September 16, 1996 APPROVE RELIEF OF BID, AUTHORIZE AWARD, AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBJ ECT APPROVE REQUEST OF RELIEF OF BID FROM ALBAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY, AND AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR THE ORINDA CROSSROADS, MORAGA, AND LOWER ORINDA PUMPING STATION IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II, DISTRICT PROJECT 4898 SUBMITTED BY Tad J. Pilecki, Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPTIUIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUE: On August 29, 1996, sealed bids were received and opened for the construction of the Orinda Crossroads, Moraga, and Lower Orinda Pumping Station Improvements, Phase II, District Project 4898. The Board of Directors should authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of the bid opening. The Board of Directors should decide whether or not to grant a request of relief of bid. Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute professional services agreements in amounts greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: The Pumping Station Master Plan prepared in 1989 identified a need to renovate the Orinda Crossroads and Moraga Pumping Stations. Both pumping stations are over 36 years old and do not have reliable pumping capacity. In addition, based on a growing public awareness about safety and the need to maintain service after a major earthquake, seismic retrofit of the Orinda Crossroads, Moraga, and Lower Orinda Pumping Stations is needed. Adequate pumping capacity and reliability are major concerns because these pumping stations are located in East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) drinking water watershed areas. This Phase II project is part of a comprehensive program which has been implemented to address meeting increasingly stringent regulations. At the Orinda Crossroads and Moraga Pumping Station Improvements, this project includes installation of new diesel engine-driven pumps, new self-sufficient radiator cooling systems, new emergency generators, rebuilding the existing diesel engine-driven pumps, upgrading of controls, new sump pumps, piping modifications, and landscaping. The force mains will also be modified to address the recent failure at Orinda Crossroads. Seismic retrofit of the mechanical and electrical equipment will occur at all three stations. The Moraga Pumping Station will also undergo seismic strengthening. A new emergency standby generator will be provided at the Lower Orinda Pumping Station. This Phase II project is part of a phased, long term program to rehabilitate the District's existing pumping station in the East Bay Municipal Utility District's watershed areas. A phased approach is being utilized to spread the costs of the improvements proposed in the entire program over a 10 to 12 year period while still meeting regulatory, reliability, and capacity requirements. Construction of Phase I, which improved dry RfV8\fl) AMJ RECOAWENDED FOR SOAPD ACTION Ifi) f//Jf J M RAB ID-G L \C:\INFRA \PP\4898A WAR. T JP 11'11"II'I'I!'II~'I:.II.IIII!II!I!'II.I!!!!!lil!!!111:!I!lill DATE September 16, 1996 I Page 2 of 9 SUBJECT APPROVE REQUEST OF RELIEF OF BID FROM ALBAY CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY, AND AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR THE ORINDA CROSSROADS, MORAGA, AND LOWER ORINDA PUMPING STATION IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II, DISTRICT PROJECT 4898 weather capacity and safety, was completed in 1992. Construction of Phase II is expected to be completed by December 1997. The subsequent phases of the program will consist of upgrading the electrical system, replacing the existing dry weather pumps with new, high efficiency pumps, replacement/rehabilitation of existing force mains, and additional seismic upgrades. The plans and specifications for the addition of the diesel engine-driven pump, ancillary equipment, and seismic retrofit of the electrical and mechanical equipment was prepared by Carollo Engineers. The seismic strengthening design was prepared by Ruth and Going, Inc. of San Jose, a firm specializing in this kind of work. Landscaping plans were prepared by Gates and Associates. The Engineers Estimate for construction was $3,850,000. This project was advertised on July 26 and August 5, 1996. Five sealed bids ranging from $2,976,259 to $4, 248,000 were received on August 29, 1996. A summary of bids received is presented in Attachment 1. The apparent low bid is from Albay Construction Company (AI bay) in the amount of $2,976,259. The bids were opened at 2:00 p.m., August 29, 1996, and Albay was notified that it was the apparent low bidder shortly thereafter. By 4:00 p.m., August 29, 1996, a representative of Albay telephoned District staff to advise that Albay had made a substantial clerical error in preparing its bid. Albay met with District staff at 5:00 p.m. on August 29, 1996, to explain and document the claimed clerical error. In addition, A1bay handed District staff a letter stating that they had made an inadvertent clerical error with respect to its bid and requested that it be withdrawn (Attachment 2). Albay representatives explained on August 29, 1996, that as part of its practice, it would enter tentative equipment bids on one sheet, and have a separate sheet showing add-ons or subtractions from said tentative equipment bids as information was obtained. In submitting the final bid on August 29, 1996, Albay explained that it inadvertently entered an add-on amount as the total equipment bid for one bid item, instead of combining the tentative equipment dollar amount with the add-on amount on the other page. This mistake was made for two separate contract items under mechanical equipment. The total dollar amount of the bid error, as explained by Albay, was $730,674 for mechanical equipment. Albay submitted spreadsheets prepared and time dated August 29, 1996, at 12:46 p.m., showing the tentative equipment bids for mechanical equipment, and submitted a second spreadsheet prepared at the time of bid submittal August 28, 1996, at 2:00 p.m., showing what appears to be the add-on amounts for the two mechanical equipment entries. Separate documents submitted by Albay including the add-on/equipment sheets for revisions to equipment bids appear to support Albay's explanation that the add-on amounts were included as part of the bid total, instead of adding them to the tentative equipment amounts and then including this amount as part of the bid total. On September 3, 1996, within five (5) days of the bid opening, Albay delivered a letter to the District setting forth the above explanation (Attachment 3). ID-GL\C:\INFRA\PP\4898A WAR. T JP ii.lllil..llllil',i.'Bli.llli\iiiiiIIIBI'\I.llii'i.iillIllliil DATE September 16, 1996 I Page 3 of 9 SUBJECT APPROVE REQUEST OF RELIEF OF BID FROM ALBA Y CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY, AND AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR THE ORINDA CROSSROADS, MORAGA, AND LOWER ORINDA PUMPING STATION IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II, DISTRICT PROJECT 4898 Under California Public Contract Code Section 5103, a bidder may request relief of bid within five (5) days of bid opening in the event of a clerical or arithmetical error in preparing the bid proposal. The law is stringent with regard to relief from bids and allows relief to be granted by the awarding authority only under specific circumstances. Specifically, the law states that: "The bidder shall establish to the satisfaction of the court that: a. A mistake was made. b. He or she gave the public entity written notice within five (5) days after the opening of the bids of the mistake, specifying in the notice in detail how the mistake occurred. c. The mistake made the bid materially different than he or she intended it to be. d. The mistake was made in filling out the bid, and not due to error in judgment or to carelessness in inspecting the site of the work, or in reading the plans or specifications." The clerical error cited by Albay is the failure to combine the original tentative mechanical equipment figure with the add-on figure for the same mechanical equipment item, with said error being repeated in two separate lines for the same line item mechanical equipment entry. The documents submitted by Albay within a few hours of the opening of the bids tends to substantiate their explanation. The total error is in excess of $700,000 on a $3 million project. Albay would not have been the low bidder if this mechanical equipment bid item had been entered in the amount contended by Albay as the correct amount. Under the above Public Contract Code provisions, it appears to staff and District Counsel that the error, as explained by Albay, is indeed a clerical error, and that Albay is entitled to relief under the above provision. The Engineering Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of the bids and concluded that, in the event that Albay is granted relief from its bid, the second low bidder, Monterey Mechanical Company, is the lowest responsible bidder for the bid amount of $3,280,000. District staff will administer the construction contract and will provide resident engineering, inspection, survey, and office engineering. Shop drawing review and office engineering for the addition of the diesel engine pump, ancillary equipment, and seismic retrofit of electrical and mechanical equipment will be provided by Carollo Engineers based on their satisfactory performance during project design. A cost reimbursement agreement with a cost ceiling of $187,000 has been negotiated with Carollo Engineers. Ruth and Going, Inc. will provide shop drawing and office engineering services for the seismic strengthening of the Moraga Station based on their satisfactory design performance. ID-GL\C:\INFRA \PP\4898A WAR. T JP .~...:~::1::::::::.~.:.I.II.~::~i:.III.II:iiil.i.lli.1lillllll DATE September 16, 1996 I Page 4 of 9 SUBJECT APPROVE REQUEST OF RELIEF OF BID FROM ALBA Y CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO MONTEREY MECHANICAL COMPANY, AND AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT WITH CAROLLO ENGINEERS FOR THE ORINDA CROSSROADS, MORAGA, AND LOWER ORINDA PUMPING STATION IMPROVEMENTS, PHASE II, DISTRICT PROJECT 4898 The Orinda Crossroads, Moraga, and Lower Orinda Pumping Station Improvements, Phase II, is included in the 1996-97 CIB on pages CS-83 through CS-87. A post bid/preconstruction cost estimate is presented in Attachment 4. An allocation of $4,377,000 from the Collection System Program is needed to complete the project. Staff has conducted a cash flow analysis of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Staff has determined that the project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CECA) under District CECA Guidelines Section 18.2, since it involves minor alterations to existing sewer facilities with no increase in dry weather capacity. The Board of Directors approval of this project will constitute an independent finding that this project is exempt from CECA. RECOMMENDAll0N: Approve the request for relief of bid from Albay Construction Company, and direct staff to return Albay Construction Company's bid bond. Authorize award of contract to Monterey Mechanical Company, the lowest responsible bidder, in the amount of $3,280,000 for the construction of the Orinda Crossroads, Moraga, and Lower Orinda Pumping Station Improvements, Phase II, District Project 4898. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a $187,000 cost reimbursement agreement with Carollo Engineers. ID-GL \C:\INFRA \PP\4898A WAR. T JP Attachment 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO. 4898 Orinda Crossroads. Moraga & Lower DATE: Auaust 29. 1996 Orinda Pumoina Stations - Phase II LOCATION EBMUD Watershed Pumo Stations ENGR. EST. $ 3.850.000.00 BIDDER (Name. Telephone & Address) BID PRICE 1 Albay Construction Co. (510) 228-5400 $ 2.976.259.00 P.O. Box 2569 865 Howe Road. Martinez. CA 94553 2 Monterey Mechanical Co. (510) 632-3173 $ 8275 San Leandro St.. Oakland. CA 94621 3 Kaweah Construction Co. (510) 228-6950 $3.675.739.00 P.O. Box 7780 1911 Fine Avenue. Fresno. CA 93747 4 C.W. Roen Construction Co. (510) 837-5501 $ 3.748.000.00 P.O. Box 4 40 Oak Ct. Danville. CA 94526 5 Pacific Mechanical Corporation (510) 827-4940 $ P.O. Box 4041 2501 Annalisa Drive. Concord. CA 94524 BIDS OPENED BY Paul Morsen DATE 08/29/96 SHEET NO 1 OF 1 ATTACHMENT 2 ~ Construction Co. General/MechanIcal/Building Contractors Since 1961 ~ AII~ ";' \996 t\UO f_ ~ i I il ! I U l ~ Ul p, O. Box 2569 . 865 Howe Rd Martinez, CA 94553-0142 (510) 228-5400. FAX (510) 228-0821 ....~,.....-~.._.~.. rn~rnow~ August 29, 1996 CCCSDINFRASTRUCTURE Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Attention: Tad Pilecki Subject: Bid Proposal of August 29, 1996 Orinda Cross Roads, Moraga & Lower Orinda Pump Station Phase IT Project #4898 Gentlemen: Albay Construction Co. has made an inadvertent clerical error in the referenced proposal and respectfully requests that our bid proposal be withdrawn. We are very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. Very truly yours, ALBA Y CONSTRUCTION CO. ~~, '\ \:l---r- ~_ Tom Little Vice President - Marketing TL:rlg cc: Chron File State License No. 202703 ATTACHMENT 3 ~ Construction Co. General/MechanIcal/Building Contractors Since 1961 P.O. Box 2569.865 Howe Rd Martinez, CA 94553-0142 (510) 228-5400. FAX (510) 228-0821 September 3, 1996 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff PI. Martinez, CA 94553 Attention: Tad J. Pilecki, Senior Engineer. Reference: Orinda Crossroads, Moraga and Lower Orinda Station Phase II DP 4898 Subject: Request for Bid Relief Gentlemen: As a follow up to our letter dated August 29, 1996 requesting bid relief due to an inadvertent clerical error. As was explained to you by Mr. Little on August 29, 1996, the clerical error occurred in the taking of mechanical equipment bids by our purchasing agent on bid day. As you can see by our bid summary date and time, 8/29/96, 12:46pm, Line 21 Mechanical Equipment - Hogan, the material cost was $379,474.00 for Bid Item NO.4 and Line 47 Mechanical Equipment - Hogan, material cost was $354,200.00 for Bid Item NO.5. Both of the above costs were "plugged" at that time. As the day progressed and we started to receive bids on the mechanical equipment for bid items 4 and 5 you can see by the 1 :38 pm print out of our bid summary the numbers had changed for bid items 4 and 5 mechanical equipment from $379,474.00 on Line 21 to $255,805.00 and from $354,200.00 on Line 4/ to $252,805.00. The actual cost for line 21 should have been $632,362.00 in lieu of the $255,805.00. The add/deduct work sheet for Bid Item NO.4 shows an add of $252,805.00. The add was given as the revised cost for this bid item and should have been given as an add to the "plug" of $379,474.00 by net adding the two numbers together our bid for this item was off by $379,474.00. As you can see by the enclosed paper work the same thing happened on Line 47, Bid Item NO.5. The "plug" number and the add/deduct were not added together as they should have been which made our bid off by $351,200.0C f'J! this item. Our total bid was off by $730,674.00 for mechanical equipment. I have enclosed complete backup with this letter. If you require any further information, please do not hesitate to call. - Very truly yours, ALBAY CONSTR~CTION C~ / ~~_.-'" ~ ~ Denis Welch for Tom Little Vice President Marketing DW877:BL cc: Estimate File Chron File State License No. 202703 ATTACHMENT 4 ORINDA CROSSROADS, MORAGA, AND LOWER ORINDA PUMP STATIONS, PHASE 2 DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4898 POST-BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE PERCENT OF ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST 1 . Construction Contract $ 3,280,000 2. Asbestos Removal/Force Main Work 44,000 3. Telemetry 4,000 4. Contingency at 10% 333,000 Subtotal $ 3,661,000 100 5. Construction Management . Construction Project Management $ 30,000 . Contract Administration 110,000 . Construction Inspection 140,000 . Surveying 5,000 . Legal 5,000 Subtotal $ 290,000 7.9 6. Consultant/Professional Services . Engineering Services $ 187,000 (Carollo Engineers) . Structural Services 22,000 (Ruth and Going) . Landscaping 1 0,000 (Gates & Associates) . Noise Testing 9,000 (Klaveness) . Record Drawings 1 50,000 (Carollo Engineers) . Materials Testing 10,000 . Vibration Testing 10,000 . Partnering Facilitator 5,000 . Corrosion Testing 3,000 Subtotal $ 306,000 8.4 1 May be done by District staff. ID-G L/C: Infra/Spec/4898/PreConst. Est PERCENT OF ESTIMA TED CONSTRUCTION ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL COST 7. District staff and Miscellaneous . Engineering Department $ 40,000 . Plant Operation Department 50,000 . Collection System Operation 5,000 Department . Community Relations 5,000 . Preconstruction Damage 3,000 Assessment . Agency Fees 5,000 . Computer Hardware and Software 10,000 . Field Office Support 1 5,000 Subtotal $ 133,000 3.6 8. Construction Subtotal $ 4,390,000 119.9 9. Pre bid Expenditure . Wet Weather Diesel Design $ 577,000 15.8 . Electrical/Mechanical Equipment 112,000 3.1 Seismic Retrofit Design . Moraga Station Seismic 93,000 2.5 Strengthening Design Subtotal $ 782,000 21.4 10. Total Project Cost $ 5,172,000 141.3 11. Funds Authorized to Date $ 795,000 12. Total Allocation of Funds Needed to $ 4,377,000 Complete Project ID-GUC: Infra/Spec/4898/PreConst. Est ~, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS :lllllllillilfliiiiiilllllliliiiii.:i:ili: BOARD MEETIS~;tember 19, 1996 Page 1 of 2 NO. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE a. DATE TYPE OF ACTION September 4, 1996 AUTHORIZE PROJECT WORK SUBJECT REQUEST APPROVAL TO INCLUDE ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT SPACE PLAN WORK IN THE HOB IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DP 8163 SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager INITIATING DEPTIDIV Administrative/Central Services ISSUE: Board approval is required to include a significant project description change (additional related work) to an existing Board approved Capital Project. BACKGROUND: The 1996-1997 Capital Improvements Budget/1996 Capital Improvement Plan included the HOB Improvements Project, DP 8163. The Project's purpose is to perform major renovation and long-term improvements on the District's Headquarters Office Building (HOB) and the Board Meeting Room. The Project's scope of work included roof reconditioning, re-coating the exterior of HOB and Board Meeting Room (recommended under an item earlier in the Agenda), replacement of the outside lighting with energy-efficient and non-corrosive fixtures, reconditioning of the carpet walls in the Board meeting area, and a study of replacing the Halon fire system and the inside zone controllers on the HV/AC system. The estimated budget for the HOB Improvements Project was $122,000, with approximately $60,000 for re- roofing the building. A technical roof specialist was hired to evaluate the HOB roof and to make recommendations on repairs, replacement, and continuous maintenance activities. As a result of the consultant's study, the recommended repairs were made by District staff at minor expense and a scheduled maintenance calender has been implemented. These repairs and subsequent maintenance will add approximately six to eight years of life to the roof, therefore currently eliminating the need to expend major funds from the HOB Improvements Project for roof replacement. Concurrent with the timing of the HOB Improvements Project, the Administrative Department has been working to develop an office space plan that will address the overcrowding in Accounting, provide office space for the two new MIS positions, improve the overall efficiency of employees' work spaces, and complete the work area for the Reprographics Service Center. Once the estimated costs of the plan were obtained it was the intent to request the Board to approve separate project funding. Fortunately, by including this work in the HOB Improvement Project, no additional funding will be required. A space consultant was hired to interview all affected employees, inventory the office equipment and modular wall panels, and then make recommendations for both an efficient office layout and what equipment/panels would be required. The consultant's work was discussed at an Administrative Department wide meeting and a space plan was selected. H:\FORMS\PPAPER.HOB 8/6/96 DATE September 13, 1996 Page 2 of 2 SUBJECT REQUEST APPROVAL TO INCLUDE ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENT SPACE REORGANIZATION EXPENSES IN THE HOB IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, DP 8163. The total cost for this space plan should not exceed $60,000 to complete. The plan includes: o Additions of modular panels and work surfaces to work in conjunction with the existing modular panels and fixtures. o Reconfigure the Reprographics SeNice Center to obtain a permanent work area for the seNice provider and their equipment and modular spaces for four Communication SeNices Section staff. o Reconfigure Accounting by adding one modular work station to their existing area and installing three modular work stations in the adjacent informal conference room area. o Add additional modular work stations for the two new MIS staff on the third floor. o Reconfigure the other work areas on the third floor for work efficient reasons. We are recommending that the Administrative space improvement plan be included in the HOB Improvements project description, replacing the major roof repair work that is no longer necessary. Consequently no additional capital funding is requested. RECOMMENDATION: Approve inclusion of the Administrative Department's space plan into the HOB Improvement Project, DP 8163. ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS "11111111111:.:1::1111111.111.1:11.1 ~MEETI~;ember 19, 1996 Page 1 of 2 NO. 8. HUMAN RESOURCES a. DATE September 13, 1996 TYPE OF ACTlON APPROVE SALARY RANGE CHANGE SUBJECT CHANGE SALARY RANGE FOR PROGRAMMER/ANALYST POSITION FROM ~. $3817-$4620, to G-72, $4201-$5086 SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager INlTlAllNG DEPTIDIV Administrativell-luman Resources ISSUE: Changes to salary ranges require the approval of the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The Programmer/Analyst position was created and approved in the 1996/97 Personnel Budget to support the District's primary business applications that run in our AS/400 mid-range computer environment Many of the District's aitieal business functions depend upon the AS/400 induding Payroll, Accounting, Purchasing, Sewer Billing and the Permit Counter. In addition to these existing systems, a significant new application is being implemented to automate the maintenance of plant equipment (the MAlNSAVER Application). The Programmer/Analyst will maintain these systems, work dosely with software vendors to install updates and implement enhancements, troubleshoot and resolve problems and write custom reports and modifications. The salary for this new position was initially established at the ~ level ($3817-$4620). This was based primarily on an intemal analysis of the District's current related positions. Recruitment for the position started in micl-July and dosed approximately one month later. Advertisements were placed in the San Francisco Chronide, the San Jose Mercury News, the Contra Costa Times, and the Sacramento Bee , as well as in a national AS/400 magazine, News 3X1400 which reaches over 70,000 AS/4oo professionals each month, and the Internet Finally, over 300 directed letters of solicitation accompanied by promotional brochures prepared by Graphics staff were sent state wide to select public agencies, universities, community-based organizations and MIS professionals. Twenty-six inquiries were made regarding the position, but only nine applications were received. Of the nine applications, only one was marginally qualified. The majority of the applicants had experience in large Mainframe environments where their experience was limited to working with large teams of programmers and analysts coding a small portion of a large project. This type of environment does not reflect the District's needs. As a small organization we must recruit an individual experienced and skilled at all levels of application developmen~ from working with users to developing specifications to the actual coding of programs through testing and finally documentation and implementation. Several of the other applicants had significant experience in the AS/400 environment but at an operations level (completing backups, running reports, adding users) with little, if any, true programming experience. ..~ ENGINEER G:\SALARYUPWPD 8/6/96 September 13, 1996 Page 2 of 2 SUBJECT CHANGE SAlARY RANGE FOR PROGRAMMER/ANALYST POSITION FROM G-68, $3817-$4620 to G-72, $4201-$5086 In examining the advertising done by other corporations and agencies, staff found the market for applicants to be extremely competitive, particularly in the Silicon Valley. Five full pages of dassified advertising in the major newspapers were dedicated to computer positions alone. Moreover, the media has been reporting on the real estate market in the Silicon Valley lately because of the "hor' job market The private sector has been forced to offer incentive bonuses such as car leases, relocation financing, vacations and attractive salaries. Acrordingly, demand for PS/400 professionals has dramatically increased recently. This has resulted in a scarcity of qualified applicants and increased salary levels. The popularity of the AS/400 platfonn is driving these changes - AS/400 installations doubled from 1994 to 1995. According to a recent artide in Computerworld. salaries for N31400 Programmer/Analysts with 1-2 years experience has risen 13.3% from 1995 to 1996. The Contra Costa Water District recently filled a similar position. While they initially listed their position at a comparable level to the District (approximately $3850-$4700/month), they were forced to raise it an additional $650/month to attract qualified candidates. Many individuals in the computer field might feel that the District cannot compete with the glamour of employment \Mth a high-tech Silicon Valley finn specializing in computer hardware or software; however, staff believes we can attract an individual for whom stability, regular hours, a better commute, excellent benefits and broad responsibilities will be appealing. If the Board approves this recommendation, staff will advertise the higher salary in the next phase of recruiting. We are also considering contracting with a recruitment finn specializing in computer personnel placement or a temporary placement agency to assist our HR office with the recruitment The change in salary has been met and conferred upon with Local One. The Personnel Committee has discussed this matter and recommends it for your approval. RECOMMENDATION: Change the Programmer/Analyst salary range from G-68, $3817-$4620 to G-72, $4201- $5086.