HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 08-01-96 Cetl(ral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF August 1, 1996 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR d. SUBJECT DATE TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM THE CITY OF ORINDA FOR THE SHELL PIPELINE ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Jade A. Sullivan, Assistant Engineer Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: The Board of Directors' approval is required to formally accept Grants of Easements from other public agencies. BACKGROUND: The District purchased approximately 15 miles of 10-inch diameter steel pipeline from the Shell Pipe Line Corporation (Shell) in December of 1994. The District plans to utilize the pipeline as a future recycled water transmission main. The District accepted the transfer and assignment of all available right-of-way documents from Shell. Due to an expired right-of-way document in the Orinda Oaks Park on Moraga Way (Exhibit 1), District staff has negotiated a new no cost easement with the City of Orinda. RECOMMENDATION: Accept a grant of Easement from City of Orinda and authorize staff to record appropriate documents with the Contra Costa County Recorder. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR 8OARDACTION Jtf~ Mf) DJC RAB FENG. c 00 '0 ~ " Co ~ N ~ ~ Central Contra Casta Sanitary District MILES CON1b. - -.:..."'" COS~ AI A. ":""- _ 1)\ . ""'1J\1ED-4 - - "\ \ \ ,/ . ~ , .. ~ '" '" i a: ~ o EXHIBIT ONE 1 Cerltral Contra Costa Sanital y District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 BOARD MEETING OF Au ust 1, 1996 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR e. SUBJECT DATE July 22, 1996 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANTS OF EASEMENT FROM TWO PROPERTY OWNERS IN WALNUT CREEK FOR THE lAKEWOOD SUBBASIN RENOVATION PROJECT, DP 4805 ACCEPT EASEMENTS SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department! Infrastructure Division ISSUE: Board approval is required to accept Grants of Easement. BACKGROUND: The subject sanitary sewer easements are part of the right of way acquired for the lakewood Subbasin Renovation Project in Walnut Creek. One easement has been acquired from Judith L. Feldman, owner of property located at 461 Marshall Drive. The second easement has been acquired from Douglas E. Smith and Anne Smith, owners of 16 Pino Crest Drive. Maps are attached showing the location of the properties. The value of the easement from Ms. Feldman at 461 Marshall Drive was determined by a licensed real estate appraiser. The compensation amount was appraised to be $2,500. An agreement has been reached with the property owner, and a Grant of Easement has been signed. The easement from Mr. and Mrs. Smith at 16 Pino Crest was of nominal value, and the amount of compensation was $500. Funds for the purchase of the easements are included in the authorized lakewood Subbasin Renovation Project, DP 4805. RECOMMENDATION: Accept Grants of Easement from Ms. Judith L. Feldman and from Mr. Douglas E. Smith and Mrs. Anne Smith, and authorize staff to record said Grants of Easement with the Contra Costa County Recorder. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~)~ 111 ftrrr ~ 1302A-7/91 RH cws JSM RAB SMITH 16 PINO CREST FELDMAN 461 MARSHALL DR " p < f'1 ;0 ~ o ~. ~ N ~ "0 '" ....; 15 ~ ;:; .,.., o 00 .... -;;; ;;- "3 --- .<:: o I 600 1200 I FEET Central Contra Costa Sanitary District .... '" ij, o <D 0> ~ ...J => "7 ~ AREA MAP / /~ !L@!T ~~ GARRI SO N 449 461 IT: o <.f) lJ1 .p.- o tv o (Xl [T1 !L@'lr ~@ FELDMAN 18141 O.R. 197 !L@!T @@ HERBERT l.() 5' \~ @ ~ ~ 1;--10' SEWER ~ EASEMENT ~~ (J) ~~ I i~~~ <</.~ ---1 ---1 <( I (f) IT: <( 2 - - RUSS ~L.L. ..., o ~ .n o ';;' , " ;: E ~ o .. , .n o .) ~ ~ " DR 40 ~@{1@ t 0 ~ ~-- 80 I FEET '" '" ;;. - DRAWN BY: ~ 'MW ~ SCALE: o .:' 1"~40' '" CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 10-20-95 THOMAS BRO.: 75El CO. ASSMT. NO.: 179-211-006 JOB NO.: 4805 PARCEL NO.: 17 c '" " vi -' u a: 0- J: o a: -' '" o 0) ... -' o >- o "3 -' .. o 'g DRAWN BY: o I R ~369. 27' ~ N , 5 10 I FEET / / / 0\) / /'<0 /0' 'l- 'l- /'~1 , "'" / LAKEWOOO SMITH CARIGNAN TRUST 17065 O.R. 57 DATE: 8-17-95 88M cccso SS EASEMENT 1397 Q. R. 557 CHECKED BY: THOMAS BROS.: JOB NO.: 7501 DP 4805 EASEMENT PARCEL NO.: EAC CO. ASSMT. NO.: 179-131-003 15 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 BOARD MEETING OF August 1, 1996 NO. SUBJECT 7, ENGINEERING a. DATE July 26, 1996 AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO ALLOCATE $125,000 FROM THE COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR THE NEWELL AVENUE EMERGENCY REPAIR PROJECT, DP 5159 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE ALLOCA TION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Kris Kilgore, Associate Engineer Engineering Depart.llnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: Board authorization is needed to allocate funds from the Collection System Program Contingency Account over $25,000. BACKGROUND: During a CalTrans pile driving operation for the 1-680 overpass of Newell Avenue in Walnut Creek, a pile was driven through the District's 27-inch diameter trunk sewer on the northwest side of Newell Avenue. On June 11, 1996, the Board passed Resolution No. 96-099 to authorize emergency work to repair the damaged trunk sewer. A copy of Resolution No. 96-099 is attached as Attachment 1. The construction work was completed by the Contractor, D' Arcy and Harty, Inc., on June 19, 1996. The estimated total project cost is $136,000. An initial allocation of $11,000 was made from the Collection System Program Contingency Account. An additional allocation of $125,000 is necessary to cover construction costs incurred plus additional expenses incurreq by District forces including contract administration and cleaning the sewer siphon downstream of the damaged trunk sewer. Cleaning of the siphon was not included in the initial cost estimate of the work but was determined necessary after the repair work was completed. A summary of the costs is listed in Attachment 2. All of the costs incurred by the District on the repair of the 27-inch diameter trunk sewer will be reimbursed by CalTrans as confirmed in CalTrans' June 20, 1996, letter to the District. A copy of this letter is attached as Attachment 3. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manger-Chief Engineer to allocate $125,000 from the Collection System Program Contingency Account for the Newell Avenue Emergency Repair Project, DP 5159. RE~EWEDANDRECOMMENDEDFORBOARDAcnON 1302A-7/91 KAK TJP JSM RAB )/Ak /~w w INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. 96-099 ,', '. '-.. RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THAT IMMEDIATE EXPENDITURE FOR EMERGENCY IS AUTHORIZED /' " WHEREAS, Section 20806 of the California Public Contracts Code allows that the District may expend sums required in an emergency without complying with the public bid requirements of the Public Contract Act, and WHEREAS, evidence has been presented to the Board that it is necessary to do emergency work to avoid a public calamity arising from the threat to public health and damage to the environment; and NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District as follows: THAT, emergency work is required to avoid a public calamity arising from the threat to public health and damage to the environment and that construction of a by-pass sewer around the CalTrans construction site at the Newell Avenue overpass of 1-680 is hereby authorized without complying with the public bid requirements of the California Public Contract Code as authorized by Public Contract Code Section 20806. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors this 11 th day of June, 1996, by the following vote: AYES: Members: Boneysteele, Dalton, Rainey, Menesini NOES: Members: None ABSENT: Members: Hockett A1~fi.~~ President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: S c tary of the ent I Contra sta Sanitary Distric , County of Contra Costa, State of California . Approved as to Form: ton L. Aim District Counsel Attachment 2 NEWELL AVENUE EMERGENCY REPAIR DISTRICT PROJECT NO. X5159 PROJECT BUDGET ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL PERCENT OF ESTIMA TED CONSTRUCTION COST 1 Construction Cost $80,000.00 100 2 Project Management $5,000.00 6 3 Consultant/Professional Services Material Testing/Quality Control $5,000.00 Subtotal $5,000.00 6 4 Miscellaneous 30 Inch RCP $6,000.00 Legal $2,000.00 Collection System Operations $20,500.00 Record Drawings $500.00 Miscellaneous $3,000.00 Subtotal $32,000.00 40 5 Previous Expenditures $14,000.00 18 6 Total Project Cost $136,000.00 170 7 Funds Allocated to Date $11,000.00 8 Allocation Required to Complete Project $125,000.00 - ATTACHMENT 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA, BUSINESS, TRANSPORTATION AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, District 4 1910 Olympic Blvd., Suite 151 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 (510) 942-6019 (510) 926-6148 fax PETE WILSON - GOVERNOR June 20, 1996 Contract No: 04-121774 04-CC-680,24-13.1/16.4,R8.3/9.1 Fed. Aid No: ACI-680-1 (030)44N Central Contra Costa Sanital)' District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553-4392 Atten: Tad J. Pilecki, Senior Engineer Subject: Emergency Relocation Work @ Newell Ave. As stated at the meeting of June 19, 1996 and your submitted documentation, Caltrans has reviewed all the relevant information regarding the emergency relocation work at Newell Ave. Based upon the information provided, Caltrans agrees to reimburse the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District for the relocation of the 27" sewer line which was damaged during the pile driving operation. Please forward the detailed cost for this relocation work to: Suresh Dharmani District Utility Coordinator P.O. Box 23660 Oakland, CA 94623-0660 If you have any questions, please call me at (510) 942-6019. Sincerely, SIROUS OEYLAMIAN Resident Engineer cc: Suresh Dharmani Stanley Gee John Aaro Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 "S}}!I'''-.'} i.".,. ".'it"Igii"'IIII'I.r""'''.II'''''If . ... ..... ,... - ~.. .. - .. .. . - ,.. '.. ...... -' .. . -... . .... .. '.. ..' - ..-.'" ... ..... ....... - ,'~ ' -.. ... .... '.. ".. .' ,-_. - --.. ..-- . -,.. .'.> ':=;.-.'. -..,... .-"- -'. - -........ . '. . .... .-.-- --."-'-' -,'.', -. .. . . ...-- -..... '. - -,- ,'-'" '-'-" ,,--',- .. ,... ..,....:..:!..i...... ..,.:....,...",."..""".."""....."""",B.."",..,,"'" <-:.:.......,.....,'.,.....-.---_......~.....-,............,.,......-.....................,...........................,.......-....'................................,....................... ...............-........................................-................................ BOARD MEETING OF August 1, 1 996 NO. SUBJECT 8. HUMAN RESOURCES a. DATE July 22, 1996 DENY APPEAL OF GRIEVANCE BY UN10NON BEHALF OF RUSSEll lEAVITT, PLANNING ASSISTANT, IN ACCORDANCE WITH ARBITRATOR'S RECOMMENDATION TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Human Resources ISSUE: In accordance with the Grievance Procedure in the current Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) between the District and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees Union, local No. One, the Board of Directors may adopt, reject, or modify the recommendation of an appointed neutral third party (arbitrator) in appealed grievance matters. BACKGROUND: On behalf of Russell leavitt, Planning Assistant, the Union filed a grievance with General Manager-Chef Engineer Roger Dolan on the issue of whether or not the District violated Article III, Section 7.1 of the M.O.U., Employee Reclassification Requests in the rejection of Mr. leavitt's request for reclassification to a higher level position. Upon the General Manager-Chief Engineer hearing and denying the grievance, the Union appealed to the Board of Directors in accordance with the M.O.U. between the parties. The Board authorized the selection of an arbitrator to hear the appeal and make a recommendation to the Board for their consideration. Mr. Charles A. Askin served as the arbitrator and was selected by both the District and the Union from a list submitted by the State of California Mediation and Conciliation Service. The arbitrator's decision is attached for the Board's information. He ruled that the District did not violate the M.O.U. in denying Mr. Leavitt's request. In his conclusion, Mr. Askin states; "... It IS concluded that the District's decision to deny Grievant's reclassification request was procedurally and substantively appropriate within the meaning of Section 7.1 of the M.O.U. Accordingly, it is recommended that the greivance be denied. .. The Secretary of the District notified the Union that this issue would be on the Board's August 1, 1996 agenda. The Union representatives have been invited to attend if desired. RECOMMENDATION: Deny and dismiss the grievance of the Union on behalf of Planning Assistant Russell leavitt in accordance with the Arbitrator's recommendation, as the final action of the District. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION