HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 07-18-96 SUBJECT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD MEETING OF July 18, 1996 PAGE 1 OF 5 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR b. DATE July 5, 1996 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 96-6 (SAN RAMON), P.A. 96-7 (DANVILLE), P.A. 96-8 (MARTINEZ), AND P.A. 96-9 (WALNUT CREEK) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate Engineer PARCEL NO. 96-6 AREA San Ramon (99C3) 96-7 Danville (100B5) 96-8 Martinez (10C7) 96-9 Walnut Creek (50B7) OWNER/ADDRESS PARCEL NO. & ACREAGE R. Ann and Peter B. Whitehead 644 Glorietta Boulevard Lafayette, CA 94549 208-240-028 (5.00 Ac.) Robert and Marianne Walton 2410 Tassajara Danville, CA 94526 207-061-024 (12.37 Ac.) Louise Aiello 4885 Milden Road Martinez, CA 94553 162-051-008 (0.93 Ac.l Affinity Land and Construction 1350 Carlback Ave. #320 Walnut Creek, CA 94596 139-080-015 (0.6 Ac.) TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING INITIATING DEPT./DIV. l:ngrneering Department/ Infrastructure Division REMARKS Existing child care center with a failing septic system; must extend the public sewer. The project was covered by a Negative Declaration in 1983 by Contra Costa County. Property is proposed to be subdivided into 19 single family residential lots (Subdivision 7960). Negative Declaration by the Town of Danville. Existing home with a failing septic system; must connect to the public sewer system. Project is exempt from CEQA. Owner plans to build one single family home on . property. Project is exempt from CEQA. LEAD AGENCY Contra Costa County Town of Danville CCCSD Walnut Creek RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 96-6, 96-7, 96-8, and 96-9 to be included in a future formal annexation. INITIATING ~1DIV. 1302A-7/91 DH REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION j/J/ /$ JSM RAB -------" -' / -^, " ,-'-- - -------; I - . I . ...~ i I . r / f'-- / ! I / ............. I "'-J CROW ROAD \' \\ \\ \;;~ I I IJl <;)~/ / I ~}_s~~:/ (,~~;0/ ,/ / .". - / , -, PROPOSED ANNEXATION P .A. 96-6 , \ ,) 6 :1.}~> ! s u J I t., !t~:;: I ~:-~x _I" 1,,:* ,It jt ~t. I'::M *"' ~o:>:. .::-. ~:*::; ~w" I~:;" ii;" ? :.:'.:- tli :-......=-:: i PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 96-7 /// :.'::' / /' '" C) '" ----' ...~ ...... I ...-:-./ , I I PROPOSED ANNEXATION P .A. 96-8 WALNUT AVE ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w z <( ...J ~ ~ \ , I RIDGE I I 1 I/~ / 7' /'" OPt 8 ::JJ o !"- ....= (J <( o en (J) :J PROPOSED ANNEXATION P .A. 96-9 Central Contra Costa Sanital y District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF Jul 18 1996 NO. SUBJECT 3. CONSENT CALENDAR c. DATE EXECUTE JOINT USE AGREEMENT WITH STATE OF CALIFORNIA, JOB 4654, PARCELS 1 AND 2, WALNUT CREEK AREA 1996 TYPE OF ACTION EXECUTE JOINT USE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall A i n INITIATING DEPT./DIV. er Engineering Department! Infrastructure Division ISSUE: The subject Joint Use Agreement is required to complete the easement requirements for Job 4654. BACKGROUND: Several existing public sewers were relocated as part of the project known as 1-680!SR-24 Sewer Relocation, Phase II. The State of California ordered and paid for these sewer relocations as part of its widening of 1-680. The State agreed to provide the necessary easements for the relocated sewers at no cost to the District. The easements are located on land currently owned by the State. A portion of the area of the easements will be used for the widening of Olympic Boulevard west of 1-680. The Joint Use Agreement is the method by which the State grants easements. In this particular instance, the joint use consists of the State's use for highway purposes and the District's use for sewer purposes. The District filed a Notice of Exemption on October 23, 1989, for the sewer relocation project under District California Environmental Quality Act guidelines. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute the agreement in triplicate, accept easement Parcels 1 and 2, and authorize recording of the agreement. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH JSM RAB INITIATING DE;;' 9//7/ !IJfJ 1302A-7/91 I . '. ~ COORDINATES.BEARlNGS AND DISTANCES SHO~ ARE a'4 THE CAUfORNIA COOR- DINATE SYSTEM Of" 1927 2a'4E 3. MULTIPLY DISTANCES SHOWN BY 1.0000752 TO 08TAlN CROllND-lE\'EL DISTANCES. ".<'0 C'oJ~)- J?)' CITY WALNUT N89'08'32"W 99.9.L . ( 48043 ) LOT 7 PARCEL /v , ^)<"\t ~~, <b ~' p9)' ~ ,C) 9.- ~ ~ ~- ...s ~ ~ N- 10"- - " ;::0 :-(0 o (f) LOT 6 (48044) 20.55' COMMON SLY ~CORNER LOTS 687 N36'44'32"E ~, 24 70' ..N) () . ACY ~ \,.. .. vl\ ~ 2 /!]~I\' /f......cv '\1 ~ if '" S78',\6'S2"\N . 6400 '\ 4.72 . . R/'N-;:.26A6 ~ 48043- A J.U.A.. STATE or CAUfORNlA BUSlNE5S.lRANSPORTA TlON AND HOUSING AGENCY DEPARTUENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT 4 40 , 80 JOINT USE AGREEMENT -A DRAWN BY: RRL DATE: 4/96 CHECKED BY:RBO SCALE: 1"=40' CO. RTE. P.M. DR-NO. LEGEND ACCESS PROHIBITED I I I I J I <D " .- o I < . o SCALE IN FEET. - CC 680 13.9 2 OF 2 R/W Engineering Copy MAY 0 8 1996 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 4 BOARD MEETING OF July 18, 1996 NO. 4. HEARINGS a. HOLD PUBLIC HEARING ON INHABITED DISTRICT ANNEXATION 134, AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION AND CONSIDER THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION BY THE TOWN OF DANVILLE DATE Jul 12 1996 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT HOLD PUBLIC HEARING, DA 134 SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate En ineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ Infrastructure Division ISSUE: The Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) has amended the boundaries of the territory included within District Annexation 134. The District must hold a public hearing and consider testimony by affected property owners before acting on the proposed amended annexation. BACKGROUND: District Annexation 134, submitted to LAFCO as required for the formal annexation process, was a single annexation consisting of 19 separate properties. LAFCO amended the boundaries of this single annexation during its approval process by adding 16 separate properties. This amendment was made to improve the continuity of the resulting District boundary. The subject annexation is an inhabited annexation (12 or more registered voters). The criteria for determining the validity of protests for inhabited annexations appears later in this position paper. Amended District Annexation 134 is shown on the attached map. The exhibits mentioned in this position paper are included ina separately bound document. A Negative Declaration addressing the proposed annexations was prepared by the Town of Danville pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and was used by LAFCO in making its determinations and approving this annexation. In accordance with District CEQA Guidelines, Section 7.17 (f), the Board must review and consider the environmental effects of the changes in land use in the Lawrence/Leema Road area, as shown in the Negative Declaration shown in Exhibit A, before approving the annexation. District staff has reviewed said Negative Declaration and concurs with its findings. Legal notice was published, and the affected property owners were notified of the public hearing as required by law. Factors to be considered by the Board in deciding to approve or disapprove the proposed annexation are set forth as Exhibit B. Following its review, the Board, not more than thirty (30) days after the conclusion of the public hearing, shall adopt a resolution reflecting the appropriate action taken. 1 . Certify that the Board has reviewed and considered the Negative Declaration and concurs with the adoption of the Negative Declaration of LAFCO; and REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION t{tY ~N ,1/1'1 INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-7/91 DH JSM RAB HOLD PUBLIC HEARING ON INHABITED DISTRICT ANNEXATION 134, AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION AND CONSIDER THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION BY THE TOWN OF DANVILLE SUBJECT PAGE 2 OF DATE 4 July 1 2, 1 996 2. Order the annexation subject to confirmation by election by the registered voters residing within the territory proposed to be annexed if written protests have been filed and not withdrawn by either 'of the following: a. At least 25 percent but less than 50 percent of the registered voters residing within the affected territory, or b. At least 25 percent of the number of owners of land who also own at least 25 percent of the assessed value of land within the affected territory. If it is determined that an election is required, the Board may terminate the proceedings and avoid the cost of an election; or 3. Order the annexation without an election if written protests have been filed and not withdrawn by less than 25 percent of the registered voters or less than 25 percent of the number of owners of land owning less than 25 percent of the assessed value of land within the affected territory; or 4. Disapprove the annexation if the Board finds the annexation is improper based upon any of the factors set forth in Exhibit B; or 5. Disapprove and abandon the proposed annexation if the Board finds that written protests have been filed and not withdrawn prior to the conclusion of the public hearing representing 50 percent or more of the voters residing within the territory proposed to be annexed. Annexation 134 includes 35 properties. Petitions for annexation were filed by owners of 19 of these 35 properties. Sixteen properties were added by LAFCO. Because potential protests could be filed by 16 property owners out of 35 properties, Action No.5 above is unlikely to be the appropriate course of action. Action No.2 is also unlikely to be the appropriate course of action because staff has not received any negative feedback from the owners of the added properties since they were notified of this hearing. 13028.7/91 SUBJECT HOLD PUBLIC HEARING ON INHABITED DISTRICT ANNEXATION 134, AS AMENDED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION COMMISSION AND CONSIDER THE NEGATIVE DECLARATION BY THE TOWN OF DANVILLE POSITION PAPER PAGE 3 OF 4 DATE July 1 2, 1996 RECOMMENDATION: Open the public hearing on the annexation, receive any testimony, and close the public hearing(s). 1 . Adopt a Resolution certifying that the Board has reviewed the Negative Declaration, ordering the filing of a Notice of Determination as a responsible agency stating that the Board considered the Negative Declaration, concurring with the adoption of the Negative Declaration of LAFCO, and taking one of the following actions: a. Order the annexations if no written protests are filed. b. Order the annexation without an election if written protests have been filed and not withdrawn by less than 25 percent of the registered voters or less than 25 percent of the number of owners of land owning less than 25 percent of the assessed value of land within the affected territory. c. Disapprove the proposed annexation if the Board determines that the annexation is not warranted. 1302B-7/91 ([)- ~.. ex> to .... en --- (fl c CD en -.J (.) en cto-Nl\t40 ill;;; ~ '" ~ (.) I\J TASSAJARA --< 0 ;:: "' '" '" z --< .... JJ 0 -< <:) () l> JJ r ex> 'ii <C 0 JJ ;; l> () <:) '" ell '" " ~ w .... () en (X> l> B C " ~ 0; ell B ~<~/l = ADDED BY LAFCO 31 9/6.29 6 5 B VI .... .!: '" 0 '" ~ ..... ~ ~ ~ J 32 0'0' ~. . ot'" .q41. 99 ".... /~"<:J:.-, SS(SJ' T2S RIE Cen~ral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 6 ... BOARD MEETING OF July 18, 1996 NO. 7. ADMINISTRATIVE a. DATE July 11, 1 996 TYPE OF ACTION DELEGATION OF EMERGENCY AUTHORITY SUBJECT ADOPT RESOLUTION DELEGATING AUTHORITY TO THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER UNDER EMERGENCY CONDITIONS SUBMITTED BY Joyce E. Murphy Secretary of the District INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative ISSUE: To coordinate with authority previously delegated to the General Manager-Chief Engineer pursuant to the State Standardized Emergency Management System (SEMS) Regulation and to comply with recent changes in the Public Contract Code, Board of Directors' authorization is requested for adoption of a District resolution delegating authority to the General Manager-Chief Engineer to act under emergency conditions. BACKGROUND: From time to time the Board of Directors must take immediate action to prevent or mitigate a threat of damage to health, property, the environment, or essential public services. In the event of a major emergency situation such as an earthquake, flood, fire or other natural or man caused situation where communications and roadways are damaged, or because of the unavailability of Board Members, four of the five Board Members, as required to take emergency action, may be unable to meet. In November 1995, the Board of Directors established the District Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan in compliance with the SEMS Regulation and appointed the General Manager- Chief Engineer as the Manager of District Emergency Operations. Under the activation of the District Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, the General Manager-Chief Engineer is authorized to direct and manage all emergency operations and make decisions to allocate resources and expend funds as necessary to meet the needs of the emergency. Emergency responses by the District have in the past, and can be expected in the future, to also be required in situations which do not entail the kind of area-wide emergency responses pursuant to SEMS. In both SEMS responses and more limited scope emergencies, the District may need to expend more than $10,000 before the Board can meet. The Public Contract Code provides that the Board of Directors may delegate authority to staff to take any directly related and immediate action required by an emergency, including authorizing expenditure of funds in excess of $10,000 without complying with the bidding requirements of the Public Contract Code. In addition, the Public Contract Code provides a definition of Uemergency" and sets forth procedures and time lines to be followed for reporting the emergency situation to the Board of Directors, and for Board of Directors' ratification of the declaration of emergency and continued approval of expenditure of funds necessary to respond to the emergency. A resolution delegating such authority to the General Manager-Chief Engineer and incorporating the requirements contained in the Public Contract Code has been drafted and is attached for the Board's consideration and adoption. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ INITIATING DEPT./DIV. 1302A-7/91 SUBJECT POSITION PAPER ADOPT RESOLUTION DELEGATING AUTHORITY TO THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER UNDER EMERGENCY CONDITIONS 2 PAGE DATE OF 6 July 11, 1996 The General Manager has, and will continue to make every effort to keep the Board informed during any emergency. As in the past, at the earliest practicable opportunity, by Emergency Board Meeting, Special Board Meeting, or regularly scheduled Board Meeting, the Board will discuss, become fully informed, and provide direction. The proposed resolution does not supplant or delay Board action, it simply provides for the rapid response of the District pending Board action. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution delegating authority to the General Manager-Chief Engineer under emergency conditions. 13028-7/91 RESOLUTION NO. 96-_ RESOLUTION DELEGATING AUTHORITY TO THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER UNDER EMERGENCY CONDITIONS WHEREAS, Public Contract Code Section 20803 requires that when an expenditure is required for a District "Project" which exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000) it shall be contracted for and let to the lowest responsible bidder; and WHEREAS, Public Contract Code Section 1102 defines "emergency" as "a sudden, unexpected occurrence that poses a clear and imminent danger, requiring immediate action to prevent or mitigate the loss or impairment of life, health, property or essential public services. "; and WHEREAS, Public Contract Code Section 20806 provides that if there is an emergency or if it is necessary to do emergency work to prepare for a natural or local defense, the District Board may pass a resolution declaring that the public interest and necessity demand the immediate expenditures of District funds to safeguard life, health and property. WHEREAS, the District Board recognizes that, in the case of an emergency, it may not be possible to commence a meeting of the District Board in sufficient time, with the necessary number of Board members, to directly pass a resolution required by that emergency and authorizing the immediate expenditure of District funds to procure the necessary equipment, services and supplies needed to repair or replace any of its facilities pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050(a); WHEREAS, Public Contract Code Section 22050(b)(1) provides that the District Board, by four fifths (4/5) vote, may delegate to the General Manager-Chief Engineer the authority, in the case of an "emergency", to order the repair or replacement of a public facility, to take any directly related and immediate action required by that emergency, and procure the necessary equipment, services and supplies for those purposes, without giving notice for bids to let contracts; and WHEREAS, the District Board has deemed it necessary for the safe and efficient operation of the District to delegate its authority to take such action in the event of an emergency, and authorize necessary expenditures in excess of ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) without giving notice for bids to let contracts. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the District Board shall and hereby does delegate its authority, pursuant to Public Contract Code Section 22050(b)(1) to the General Manager-Chief Engineer of the District, to take any directly related and immediate action required by an emergency, as defined herein, and procure the necessary equipment, services, and supplies for those purposes, without giving notice for bids to let contracts.u 2 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event of an emergency, as defined herein, the General Manager-Chief Engineer shall report to the District Board, not later than seven days after the action, or at its regularly scheduled meeting if that meeting will not occur later than fourteen (14) days after the action, the reasons justifying why the emergency will not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation for bids and why the action is necessary to respond to the emergency. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event of an emergency, as defined herein, the District Board shall initially review the emergency action not later than seven days after the action, or at its next regularly scheduled meeting if that meeting will not occur later than fourteen (14) days after the action, and at least at every regularly scheduled meeting thereafter until the action is terminated, to determine, by a four-fifths (4/5) vote, that there is a need to continue the emergency action, unless the General Manager-Chief Engineer has terminated that action prior to the District Board's review of that action. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that upon its review of the emergency action, the District Board shall terminate that action at the earliest possible date that conditions warrant so that the remainder of the emergency action necessitated by the emergency may be completed by giving notice for bids to let contracts. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California, this day of July, 1996 by the following vote: 3 AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Alm District Counsel 4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF Jul 18 1996 NO. 8. ENGINEERING a. SUBJECT DATE July 12, 1996 AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH MONTGOMERY WATSON FOR CONSTRUCTION RESIDENT ENGINEERING SERVICE, LAKEWOOD SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, (DP 4805) TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Henry Thom INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/ ISSUE: Board of Directors' authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute professional engineering service agreements for more than $50,000. BACKGROUND: The construction of the Lakewood Sewer Renovation Project, DP 4805, was authorized by the Board on December 21, 1995. The Notice to Proceed was issued on February 20, 1996, and the contract completion date is December 6, 1996. The project is approximately 40 percent complete. The Lakewood Sewer Renovation Project was anticipated to be difficult and complex when it was being designed. The actual work has proven to be just that. Difficulties vary from limited access and narrow work areas to concerns with potential problems due to some of the work being in close proximity to a lake and sensitive public relations. The District's construction team on the project consists of a Resident (Associate) Engineer, an Assistant Engineer, and a Construction Inspector. The Associate Engineer has recently been reassigned to the Design Group in the Infrastructure Division. As a result there is a need to fill the vacancy on the Lakewood construction team. Staff evaluated numerous options and concluded that the best approach is to obtain a construction Resident Engineer from Montgomery Watson to provide the needed construction support to complete the Lakewood project. The Montgomery Watson engineer has previously completed several construction projects successfully for the District, including Phase 1 of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project as the Resident Engineer. As part of his duties, he will be required to train some of the District's Assistant Engineers on construction resident engineering duties so that permanent staff will gain experience to become resident engineers on future construction projects. There are sufficient funds in the project budget to cover the cost of this agreement. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a professional engineering services agreement with Montgomery Watson, with a cost ceiling of $75,000, for providing resident engineering services on the construction of the Lakewood Sewer Renovation Project, DP 4805. HT JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT/ON INITIATING DEPT.(DIV. IIN 1302A-7/91 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 3 BOARD MEETING OF Jul 18 1996 NO. 8. ENGINEERING b. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO AMEND THE AGREEMENT WITH GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS TO INCREASE COST CEILING TO $198,000 FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE TREATMENT PLANT SOIL REMEDIATION PROJECT (DP 7113) DATE TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AMENDED AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Randy Schmidt, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department/Planning Division ISSUE: Board authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an amendment to a professional engineering services agreement for more than $50,000. BACKGROUND: Petroleum byproduct sludge from Shell Oil was disposed at the District treatment plant site approximately 25 years ago. Much of the material has been mixed with soil in earth work projects over the years and is present in a surcharge fill area east of the clarifiers. A large portion of the contaminated area will be needed for secondary facilities expansion currently scheduled to begin FY 2003-04. The soil with contaminants above hazardous levels must be managed in a manner approved by Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) to make the areas available for expansion. The District has entered into a Voluntary Agreement with DTSC for the management of the contaminated soil. The Voluntary Agreement requires a Site Investigation Workplan, a Risk Assessment, an Engineering Evaluation, and a Remediation Action Plan prior to design. The District engaged GeoSyntec Consultants to assist in the following efforts: * Preparation of the Voluntary Agreement Preparation of the Site Investigation Workplan (SIW) Implementation of the SIW which .includes a Risk Assessment * * A budget summary of the consultant work is provided as Attachment I. Preparation of the Voluntary Agreement was completed within the project budget of $20,000. The preparation of the Site Investigation Workplan however did exceed the initial budget of $34,000. The increased cost of $12,000 was due to the additional time required to coordinate and respond to review comments from DTSC and other regulatory agencies. The Risk Assessment was expected to cost $34,000 and to focus on human health risks. DTSC has recently indicated that an ecological risk assessment may be required if groundwater testing shows migration of the contaminants into Grayson Creek. The addition of an ecological risk element to the Risk Assessment, would substantially increase the cost and scope for the R:sk Assessment. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-7/91 RS LBP DJC RAB ~ J)/~ 1/4, INITIATING DEPT./DIV. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO AMEND AGREEMENT WITH GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS TO INCREASE COST CEILING TO $198,000 FOR ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING SERVICES IN CONNECTION WITH THE TREATMENT PLANT REMEDIATION PROJECT (DP 7113) POSITION PAPER PAGE 2 DATE OF 3 July 12, 1996 Groundwater and soil leachability testing was initially scheduled as part of the Engineering Evaluation. Staff now recommends that this testing be moved forward to determine whether a complete quantitative (high cost) or a limited qualitative (lower cost) ecological risk evaluation is required. DTSC has agreed to a limited qualitative type of ecological risk evaluation if the groundwater and soil leachability testing shows no contaminant pathway to Grayson Creek. This additional testing is estimated to cost $98,000. Therefore, the consultant cost to complete the Site Investigation Workplan which includes the groundwater sampling, the soil leachability testing, and the Risk Assessment (assuming a limited qualitative ecological risk evaluation) is $198,000. If necessary, the final scope and cost to complete the Risk Assessment will be revised once the results of the additional groundwater and soil leachability testing is complete. The approximate consultant cost to reach final design for management of the contaminated soil is $300,000. Our current estimate for total project cost is $4,000,000 to $6,000,000. The actual cost will depend largely on the selected method of managing the contaminated soil. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to amend the Agreement with GeoSyntec Consultants to increase the cost ceiling to $198,000 to complete the Site Investigation Workplan. 1302B-7/91 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT I BUDGET COMPONENTS IN THE AGREEMENT WITH GEOSYNTEC CONSULTANTS INITIAL BUDGET REVISED BUDGET VOLUNTARY AGREEMENT PREPARATION SITE INVESTIGATION WORKPLAN PREPARATION GROUNDWATER AND SOIL LEACHABILITY TESTING RISK ASSESSMENT TOTAL $20,000 $34,000 $ 0 $34,000 $88,000 $ 20,000 $ 46,000 $ 98,000 $ 34,000111 $198,000 (1) TO BE FINALIZED AFTER GROUNDWATER AND SOIL LEACHABILITY TESTING IS COMPLETE. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OFl BOARD MEETING OF July 18, 1996 SUBJE13ELETE THE POSITION OF SENIOR ACCOUNTANT S-68 ($3833 - $4640), ADD ONE ACCOUNTANT POSITION G-62 ($3312 - $4007) TO THE ACCOUNTING SECTION, AND AUTHORIZE RECRUITMENT TO HIRE ONE ACCOUNT- ANT (G-62) NO. 9. HUMAN RESOURCES a. DATE July 2, 1996 TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DlV. Debbie Ratcliff, Controller Administrative/Finance & Accoun in lss.uB.: Board authorization is required for personnel classification changes, and filling vacant positions. Background: Steve Elsberry, Senior Accountant, retired from the District in May, 1996. A temporary agency accountant has been hired for the short term until the permanent position can be filled. The Senior Accountant position is responsible for fixed asset accounting, capital project accounting, the annual revenue budget, back-up for investments, cash flow analysis and payroll, the liaison between external auditors and accounting staff, auditing travel reimbursements, and many special projects. This position in the past was responsible for MIS support for all the accounting systems, and will continue in that capacity. With the reorganization of many of the duties in the Accounting Section, staff is confident that a degreed Accountant (G-62) with strong technical. skills would allow the Accounting Section to continue to run efficiently. The Board Personnel Committee has discussed this request and recommended bringing this item to the full Board for action. Recommendation: Delete the Senior Accountant position S-68 ($3833 - $4640) and add one Accountant position G-62 ($3312-$4007). Authorize the recruitment to hire one Accountant (G-62). 1302A-7191 DR PM ADS/SlAdmin\PosP/account.pp ~/! REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPTJDIV.