HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 06-06-96 Central Contra Costa San ita. y District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF June 6, 1996 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR h. SUBJECT QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT TO MOUNT DIABLO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, JOBS 578 & 894, PARCEL 17, PLEASANT HILL AREA DATE Ma 28 1 996 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE QUITCLAIM OF SEWER EASEMENT SUBMITTED BY William Gregory Real Pro ert S ecialist INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Department! Infrastructure Division ISSUE: Portions of the subject easement are no longer required for District purposes and can now be quitclaimed. BACKGROUND: In October 1995 Mount Diablo Unified School District granted an easement to this District for the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor Project. The new easement generally parallels the existing easement and overlaps portions of it. The interceptor pipeline has been constructed, and it has replaced the sewer pipeline that was located in the subject easement. The original sewer pipeline has been abandoned, and portions of the original sewer easement that lie outside of the new (1995) sewer easement can now be quitclaimed. This will preserve our "prior in time" rights over the portion of the new easement alignment that overlays the existing easement. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.6, since it involves a minor alteration in land-use limitations. Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute an independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Approve Quitclaim Deed to Mount Diablo Unified School District, Jobs 578 and 894; authorize the President of the District Board of Directors and the Secretary of the District to execute said Quitclaim Deed; and authorize the Quitclaim Deed to be recorded. WG DH JSM RAB REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION .AI m 1302A-7/91 .. f{ ~ ~ H H f ~;:; ~~ 1 ~ ~J' f gCZ , J i r J r J C. I . fI i I '!::: ;-i Q :t> f!J Q 1; ~ Z ::;; i;; i'i1 ~ C::J ~~ '" 6 Q r- Q V) :ti () ""'i ;' ~ .. .,. 0 " ()~~ ~ s ~ imZ ~ '!::: ~o ~ l ;-i g~~ Q :;~ :t> o~ "T1 ~ co Z m N r- o~ :~'~~i'{ '!1 a ~ ~ c:: '" " ~ ::: :v ~ ( ;z ~ u: n, l. ~ C::J ~ J i V) g f I\) Q m r- I 0 Q I V) , i ~ ~Ji () ""'i Ii :D~ !'l ;~I *, -0 ! g}mI '" o~F ~ zo :D r J .. , , CITY OF PLEASANT HILL CORPORA nON YARD 1M F 2]J ~ :n ~ c -I :::r eo d.1g ~= ~~ ~@ID ~" F @l @ o :IJ QUITCLAIM SEWER EASEMENT JOBS 578 & 894 PARCEL 17 ~ SUBJECT Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS BOARD MEETING OF June 6, 1996 AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 96-4 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall Associate En ineer PARCEL NO. 96-4 AREA Alamo (77E6) OWNERI ADDRESS PARCEL NO. & ACREAGE Presbytery of San Francisco 2024 Durant Avenue Berkeley, CA 94504 198-100-03 (5.70 AC.) PAGE 1 OF 2 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR i. DATE Ma 28 1 996 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Engineering Departmentl Infrastructure Division REMARKS LEAD AGENCY CCCSD Site consists of two buildings which are leased to private groups for "retreats." The septic system is inadequate and must be connected to the public sewer. Project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 96-4 (Alamo) to be included in a future formal annexation. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ~ 1302A-7/91 DH REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION //4 Wf} JSM RAB (., PROPOSED ANNEXATION P ~A. 96-4 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF June 6, 1996 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR j. DATE SUBJECT ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR AUXILIARY BOILER BURNER MODIFICATIONS PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6100, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOtiCE OF COMPLETION TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK/FILE NOTICE OF COMPLETION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPTJDIV. Joseph J. Pomroy, Assistant Engineer Maintenance Engineering ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Auxiliary Boiler Burner Modification Project, District Project No. 6100. The work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The Bay Area Air Quality Management District adopted Regulation 9, Rule 7, Control of Nitrogen Oxides and Carbon Monoxide from Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters. The District's auxiliary boilers are subject to this rule and met the compliance deadline of January 1, 1996. On February 2, 1995, the Board of Directors of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District authorized award of this construction contract to Connely Company. All of the construction has been completed for the bid amount of $128,407. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. The project is described further in the 1994-95 Capital Improvements Budget on page TP-52. Specific benefits of this preject include a 55 percent reduction in NOx emissions from these units, a doubling of the burner "turn-down" ratio, which increases the boilers' operational flexibility, and a reduction of 17 percent in the horsepower required to operate the boiler. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract for the Auxiliary Boiler Burner Modification Project, District Project No. 6100 and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. INITIATI,NG DEPT.lDIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF June 6, 1996 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR k. AUTHORIZE DOUG DREWES, AUTOMATED MAPPING AND PRODUCTION COORDINATOR, TO ATTEND PC TROUBLE SHOOTING TRAINING DATE May 28, 1996 TYPE OF ACTION SUBJECT AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE SU~~J:rT.ED BY william V. Clement, Engineering Support Supervisor INITI)llING DEPT./QIV. tngineenng Department/ Plant Engineering Division ISSUE: Authorization of the Board of Directors is required for un budgeted training that exceeds $500. BACKGROUND: Doug Drewes, Automated Mapping and Production Coordinator, is responsible for maintaining the hardware and software that is used for the Automated Mapping/Computer-Aided Design Drafting (AMCADD) system. We are changing our older, more complex AM CADD system hardware to a newer, simpler PC system that we can repair in-house instead of through an expensive outside company. It is appropriate for Doug to attend this training so that he will be qualified to perform such maintenance. The benefits from Doug's attendance were not anticipated prior to the hardware changeover, so the training was not included in the Fiscal Year 1995-96 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) budget. However, there are sufficient funds available in the Plant Engineering Division O&M training budget to cover the cost of this training. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Doug Drewes, Automated Mapping and Production Coordinator, at the June 17-18, 1996, Essential Seminars Advanced PC Troubleshooting course in Sacramento at a total cost not to exceed $900. REWEWEDAND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD AcnON WVC WEB RAB 1302A-7/91 #f} INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 BOARD MEETING OF June 6, 1996 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. Dtfay 31, 1996 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE TRANSFER OF $55,000 FROM THE 1995-96 EQUIPMENT BUDGET TO THE 1996-97 EQUIPMENT BUDGET TO COMPLETE THE ACQUISITION OF A FORKLIFT WHICH WAS INCLUDED IN THE 1995-96 EQUIPMENT BUDGET TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE TRANSFER SUBMITTEDB~le A. Ohda Plant Maintenance Superintendent INIIl(ITING IJ,I;PT./DIV. . t'lant uperatlons Department/ Maintenance ISSUE: The purchase of one equipment item that was included in the 1995-96 Equipment Budget cannot be completed within the fiscal year. Board authorization is needed to transfer funds from the 1995-96 Equipment Budget to the 1996-97 Equipment Budget in order to complete this purchase during Fiscal Year 1996-97. BACKGROUND: The purchase of one forklift for $60,000 was approved as part of the 1995-96 Equipment Budget. The developing of specifications, obtaining competitive quotations, negotiations, awarding the purchase order, manufacturing the equipment, and delivering the forklift to the District could not be completed by June 30, 1996, end-of-fiscal year. This forklift has been ordered but will not be delivered until August, 1996. None of the authorized funds for the forklift were spent out of the 1995-96 Equipment Budget for this purchase. Funds for this purchase were not included in the 1996-97 Equipment Budget. The funds that are needed to complete the purchase should be reauthorized as a transfer from this fiscal year's Equipment Budget to next fiscal year's Equipment Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the transfer of $55,000 from the 1995-96 Equipment Budget to the 1996-97 Equipment Budget to complete the purchase of one forklift that was originally approved and included in the 1995-96 Equipment Budget. 1302A-7/91 )~ DAO INITIATI,NG ~DIV. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 3 BOARD MEETING OF June 6, 1996 NO. 7. ENGINEERING a. SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH DCM/JOY AL TO PROVIDE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION SERVICES FOR THE MORAGA WAY/GLORIETTA BOULEVARD SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, DP 4928 DATE Ma TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Thomas Cheng, Assistant Engineer Engineering Dept./lnfrastructure Div. ISSUE: Board of Directors authorization is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute professional service agreements for amounts greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: The 1986 District Collection System Master Plan identified the trunk sewers in Moraga Way and Glorietta Boulevard as some of the highest priority sewer improvements in the District. Most of the sewers in the project area were installed prior to 1955. TV inspections and maintenance records indicate that many of the sewers have cracked joints, root intrusion and grease build-up. Many of these lines are also capacity limited and some of the District's largest overflows during wet weather events have occurred on these sewers. Overflows in the project area are of particular concern since the area drains to San Pablo Reservoir, a major East Bay Municipal Utility District water supply source. The Infrastructure Division is in the process of designing a sewer rehabilitation/replacement project for the trunk sewers in Moraga Way and Glorietta Boulevard. To minimize future impacts on the residents, 19 additional high priority sites in the vicinity of Moraga Way/Glorietta Boulevard have been added to the project bringing the total footage of sewers to be rehabilitated/replaced to approximately 30,000. The locations of the sewers included in the project are shown in Figure A. A significant portion of the project, 8,000 L.F. of 30 to 36 inch sewers, is located in Moraga Way, one of Orinda's main thoroughfares. Due to high traffic volumes, limited construction space, and restricted hours of construction, this segment of the project is planned to be installed utilizing microtunneling technology. Construction in Glorietta Boulevard will be open cut construction. The remaining 19 sites are located beneath steep and narrow roads, backyard easements, hillsides, or along creeks. Many of the sites have limited access. Rehabilitation technologies such as pipe bursting, cured-in-place pipe, directional drilling, and robotics for internal point repairs will be utilized where practical to minimize the disruption to the residents. In three cases, creek crossings will be reconstructed. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION -r;;cv 1302A-7/91 TCC TJP JSM RAB INITIATING DEPT./DIV. AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH DCM/JOYAL TO PROVIDE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION SERVICES FOR THE MORAGA WAY/GLORIETTA BOULEVARD SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT, DP 4928 :;ji::::i;...:.'.~;;r::jlll'.jl:I~1tllllll': SUBJECT PAGE 2 DATE OF 3 May 31, 1996 Many of the construction technologies require reliable geotechnical data. The Orinda area is well known for being a highly variable and unstable geological setting. As a part of the design effort, a geotechnical consultant is needed to conduct extensive subsurface investigations at selected locations within the project areas. The consultant will conduct borings, monitor groundwater, study historical geological data, identify recent and ancient land slides and creek erosion problems impacting the sewers, develop pipe bridge foundation criteria, provide extensive evaluation of the microtunneling conditions including recommendation for equipment type, size, pit location etc., and prepare a geotechnical report. Requests for proposals were sent to three geotechnical engineering firms with extensive experience performing quality work for the District. Two of these firms, DCM/Joyal and Woodward Clyde Consultants, submitted proposals. Staff conducted interviews with each consultant and selected DCM/Joyal for the project. DCM/Joyal has extensive, in-depth knowledge of the Orinda area and has retained two microtunneling experts. Staff has negotiated a cost reimbursement agreement with a cost ceiling of $175,490. The construction cost estimate for this project is approximately $8 million. The project is included in the 1995- 1996 Capital Improvement Budget starting on page CS-56. Staff has concluded that this agreement is exempt from the California Environmental Ouality Act (CECA) under District CEOA Guidelines Section 17.3, since it will provide information for design of possible future sewer improvements which the District has not yet approved, and will not have a legally binding effect on later activities. The Board of Directors' approval of this agreement will constitute an independent finding that this project is exempt from CEOA. When sufficient design details are available, the District will conduct an environmental evaluation of the proposed MoragaWay/Glorietta Boulevard Sewer Improvement Project and appropriate CEOA documentation will be prepared. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an Agreement with DCM/Joyal with a cost ceiling of $175,490 for conducting geotechnical investigations for the Moraga Way/Glorietta Boulevard Sewer Improvement Project, DP 4928. 13028-7/91 c '" " DIABLO rlidden Volley Rd ORINDA G(VD N o o 00 ~ '" .... L o o .- .- o .... 00 N '" ... .... U) " U) ~ N , o 500 1000 , 2000 , FEET g II::: I!!!. .... ~ @ ::> .... PROJECT AREA ADD-ON PROJECT SITES Central Contra Costa g Sanitary District <D WATERSHED 8 MORAGA WAY /GLORIETTA BLVD SEWER IMPROVEMENT DP 4928 VICINITY MAP FIGURE A Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF BOARD MEETING OF June 6, 1996 NO. 8. TREATMENT PLANT a. DATE May 31, 1996 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH PRETECH, INC. FOR $48,000 FOR A VIBRATION MONITORING PROGRAM FOR THE DISTRICTS MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE CONTRACT SUBtdom QY. Pearl Plant Maintenance Division Manager INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Plant Operations Department/Maintenance ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for professional consulting agreements abov $25,000 that are funded fromthe Operations and Maintenance Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute and agreement wit PreTech, Incorporated for $48,000 to provide vibration monitoring as part of the District's Reliability-Base Maintenance program. BACKGROUND: The Districfs Treatment Plant and Pumping Stations rely extensively on rotating equipment such as pumps, motors, blowers, air compressors, engines, turbines, etc. The District utilize modem maintenance management tools such as "Reliability-Based Maintenance," which includes th concept of monitoring and analyzing the condition of critical equipment in an effort to minimize or eliminat unexpected and unscheduled shutdowns. The focus of these efforts is to keep equipment available and in the best possible operating condition while minimizing the cost of operation and maintenance. Among recognized technologies in this field are vibration monitoring and analysis. This technolog provides information on vibration signatures taken with a portable data collector that can be analyzed wit specialized software to provide a picture of the mechanical condition of equipment. This information ca be used to determine actions to correct conditions that are uncovered. The information will also be store so long-term trends can be observed that will help establish both normal and abnormal operatin "signatures. " CCCSD has selected PreTech, Incorporated, a Pleasant Hill company, to provide the services of dat acquisition, analysis, and trending. and reporting of mechanical reliability of our rotating equipment. PreTech is a specialty company with long-term experience in this field. They will set up and maintai periodic monitoring rounds of selected facilities. The District staff recommends an agreement for $48,000 with a duration of 18 months. Pricing of thi contract is based upon the number of points monitored each month, using a unit cost which drops as th number of points is increased. INITIATING DEP;;P REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION 1302A-7/91 JCP Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE OF 2 BOARD MEETING OF June 6 1996 NO. 9. COLLECTION SYSTEM a. DATE June 3, 1996 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH BRUGGER & McCORMICK INTERNATIONAL FOR $33,884 FOR CONTINUATION OF THE MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM THROUGH JUNE 30, 1997 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBMITTED BY Yvonne Granzotto Operations Support Supervisor INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. Collection System Operations ISSUE: Board of Directors approval is required for professional consultant agreements over $25,000 that are funded from the Operations and Maintenance Budget. BACKGROUND: The field work within the Collection System Operations Department is accomplished by 12 crews who clean, repair, and operate the collection system facilities and who provide service to customers. The day to day activities of the field crews are directed by Crew Leaders. The District has been working to develop the Crew Leaders team leadership skills since January 1995 in an effort to improve safety, quality, productivity, and customer service while continuing to reduce staffthrough attrition. Approximately $30,000 in consultant costs have been expended to date on this program. The initial training focused on leadership, teamwork, and communication skills. The Crew Leaders have attended a full day of training each month that consists of five hours of formal classes and a three hour team meeting. The classes have covered effective team leadership, working in teams, dealing with difficult employees, dealing with difficult customers, effective communication, and problem identification and problem solving. The team meetings, which are facilitated, provide the opportunity to identify and resolve issues surrounding their roles and to practice the new skills. The scope of the proposed agreement with Brugger and McCormick would cover the continuation of the Crew Leader Development Program through Fiscal Year 1996/97. It would consist of three parts: 1 . Monthly training sessions for the Crew Leaders focused on the basic supervisory skills (e.g., managing the crew, situational leadership, coaching skills, organizing the work and role clarification). 2. Monthly facilitated team meetings for the Crew Leaders to provide an opportunity to develop and practice skills with emphasis on communication and problem identification/problem solving. In addition, small teams of Crew Leaders will continue to work together to identify and resolve ongoing operational issues for improved efficiency and/or effectiveness. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ROGER J. DOLAN INITIATING DEPT.lDIV. ~ vL. 1302A-7/91 YG JAL SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH BRUGGER & McCORMICK INTERNATIONAL FOR $33,884 FOR CONTINUATION OF THE MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM POSITION PAPER PAGE DATE OF June 3, 1996 3. Training for the Maintenance Supervisors and other key staff to provide skills to support the transition of the Crew Leaders into appropriate leadership roles. This effort will provide approximately 170 hours of class and team training for the Crew Leaders; approximately 80 hours of training for the Maintenance Supervisors and other key staff; and time for planning, follow-up, and individual coaching sessions. This will require 394 hours of Brugger & McCormick's time during the 1996/97 Fiscal Year (the hourly rate is $86 per hour). Funds for this training have been included in the 1996-1997 Operations and Maintenance Budget. Mr. Brugger has been working with CSOD since 1991. He has provided training in sexual harassment, cultural diversity and effective communication. He has been successful in these endeavors; the CSO employees have accepted and become familiar with his training. CSOD has expended about $67,000 for this previous training. The total amount paid to Mr. Brugger for his services over the six years from 1991 through 1997, with the approval of this contract agreement, would be approximately $131,000. This training is anticipated to be completed by June 1997. A final objective for the Crew Leader Development Program will be to transition the Crew Leaders to facilitate their team meetings without a consultant. Future training, if required, will be accomplished on an individual basis under the District's annual training budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Brugger & McCormick International in the amount of $33,884 for continuation of the Maintenance Crew Leader Development Program through June 30, 1997. 13026-9/85 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS PAGE 1 OF 1 .. BOARD MEETING OF June 6, 1996 NO. 10. HUMAN RESOURCES a. SUBJECT DATE May 24, 1996 DIRECT STAFF TO SECURE THE SERVICES OF AN ARBITRATOR IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE APPROPRIATE DISCIPLINARY APPEAL PROCEDURES TYPE OF ACTION PERSONNEL SUBMllTED BY INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Administrative/Human Resources ISSUE: In accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding (M.O.U.) between the District and the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees Union, Local No. One, the Board of Directors shall employ an arbitrator to render a recommendation when disciplinary actions are appealed at the Board level. BACKGROUND: Collection System Operations Department Manager John Larson has recommended a thirty-day suspension without pay for Mr. Frank Shea, Maintenance Crew Member II, for violation of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District and the Employees' Association, Public Employees' Union, Local No.1, May 1, 1994 - April 30, 1997, Article III, Section 3.1.B.3, Habitual absence or tardiness; Section 3.1.B.7, Violation of a reasonable order; insubordination; and Section 3.1.B.1 0, Misconduct. Upon appeal to the General Manager-Chief Engineer, a Fair and Impartial Hearing was held and the suspension was upheld. Mr. Frank Shea has appealed the discipline levied against him to the Board. In matters that are appealed to the Board of Directors, the M.O.U. reads as follows: A. "An employee '.' may appeal the Hearing Officer's decision by appealing to the Board via filing a written request for hearing with the Secretary of the District within ten (10) working days of receipt of the Hearing Officer's decision. The Secretary shall calendar the matter at the next regularly scheduled Board Meeting in keeping with established guidelines for calendaring an agenda item." B. "The Board shall employ a neutral third party to hear the appeal and to recommend action to the Board." C. "The Board may adopt, reject, or modify the recommendation of the Board-appointed neutral third party. The decision of the Board is the final action of the District." RECOMMENDATION: Authorize staff to secure the services of an arbitrator in accordance with the appeal procedures for suspension of employees in the matter of Maintenance Crew Member II Frank Shea. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION Central Contra Costa San itary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS June 6, 1996 PAGE 1 OF 45 NO. q. 13. BUDGET AND FINANCE~. ........",............ mmm.u BOARD MEETING OF SUBJECT DATE June 3, 1996 TYPE OF ACTION APPROVE PERSONNEL REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1996 - 1997 APPROVE BUDGET SUBMITTED BY Cathryn Freitas, Human Resources Manager INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Human Resources ISSUE: Staff has analyzed its personnel needs for Fiscal Year 1996-1997 and is submitting its requests for Board approval at the June 6, 1996 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 1996- 1997. The Personnel Budget includes departmental overviews providing summary information, request justification pages with detailed explanations on the effect of these recommended staffing changes, organizational charts reflecting current staffing and proposed changes, a revised job description and several new job descriptions. The attached summary sheet highlights each department's staffing requests' effect on the number of total authorized positions in the District, and the reduced cost in salaries and benefits. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized regular positions in the District will decrease by three (3) from last year. Nine Co-op student positions are requested this year. Despite the decreased number of positions, the salaries and wages in the 1996-1997 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase slightly from the previous year due to a 2.5% cost-of-living salary adjustment per the Memoranda of Understanding and any merit and longevity increases scheduled in 1996-1997; Administrative 1. Delete one Printer (G-60, $3154-$3817). 2. Add one Network Coordinator (G-65, $3551-$4303), 3. Add one Programmer-Analyst (G-68, $3817-$4620). Plant Operations 4. Delete one Assistant Engineer (G-72, $4201-$5086). 5. Delete one Plant Operator 1/11 (G-59, $3082-$3729 & G-62, $3312-$4007). INITIATING DEPT./DIV. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ 1302A-7/91 CRF SUBJECT POSITION PAPER APPROVE PERSONNEL REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1996-1997 PAGE DATE 2 OF 151 June 3, 1996 Engineering 6. Delete one Construction Inspector (G-67, $3729-$4512). 7. Delete one Senior Engineering Assistant (G-72, $4201-$5086). 8. Add one Sewer Service Charge Technician (G-56, $2873-$3473). Collection System Operations 9. Delete one Maintenance Crew Member 1/11 (G-53, $2673-$3233 & G-59, $3082-$3729). Secretary of the District No personnel requested. Co-op 10. Authorize the hiring of students to fill nine positions in the Co-op program. The staff has met and conferred with the Union on the budget prior to Board adoption. A letter from the Union is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Personnel Budget for 1996-1997 herein identified by items 1-10. 13026-7/91 ~ ~ ~ rIj ~ < ~ ~ rIj ~ ~ ~ @ = ~ ~ o rIj ~ It t"- 0\ 0\ .... \0 0\ 0\ .... o r.:IC) NZ HH ~~ ~~ ~U) .. III III +) . .... .... .... s.. . III = 004 . .. IG rn I,.. \DO\ 0\0\ :004 I\D 11'I0\ 0\0\ :.... /:l4 o I o U I,.. 100\ 0\0\ :.... I\D 11'I0\ 0\0\ :.... a; III c= ~ g o 004 .... .... :s +) +) tJI.... .... GI III 'tl 0:: 0 ~ CI. s.. III 004 :s III tJle= GI 0 0:: .... +) 'tl .... 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III 01'0 01 Q) .....+J Ul 0\Q) .~ 50 .... Q) ....p:: III +J 0\ If.l c: .,-l .... .... III +J If.l Ul c:: .. 0 Ul .,-l >tC::+J'C \.4 0 .,-l QI 1Il.,-lUlN 1+J0..4 ..4 p" \.l Ul 0 rno.......c::'C P" III +J Q) +) C::::I N U '0 0 ll( ..4 .... Q) ..4 \.l 104+J+J.....0 +)Q)..4Ill..c:: 1Il.....'C+J+J ....Q)'CO::l QOll(E-lll( . ..Il: Q) ~ \.l ~ Ul \.l ::I o ..c:: >t +J \.l o .... c:: III ..c:: +J \.l Q) ~ Q) .... +J ::I ..Q .. Ul \.l ::I o ..c:: o N +J Ul III Q) ..... +J III ..Il: \.l o ~ Ul Q) Q) >t o ..... 0. e Q) Q) e .,-l +J I +J \.l III P" ... .. 0: " .. ~ ~ 0. 0. Employees Union, Local One 1-800-585-0054 . Fax: (510) 228-1099 .~ May 29, 1996 RECEIVED MAY 3 01996 Mr. Paul Morsen, Deputy General Manager Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez CA 94553 CCCSD AOMJNI~I.i ...~I ~CH Re: Meet and Confer - 1996-97 Personnel Budget D~ar Mr. M0fsen: This is to acknowledge that we have concluded the "meet and confer" process on the proposed personnel budget. Please note the following agreements and concerns voiced by the union: 1. We acknowledge all proposed new positions. 2. We acknowledge the proposed changes to the Assistant Engineer job description. 3. We oppose all position deletions. 4. We oppose the use of replacement contract/temp employees over full-time District employees. 5 . We agree with using internal recruitments where proposed, though such recruitments should be open to all District employees. 6. We have concerns over workload with continued staff reductions. Sincerely, PUBLIC EMPLOYEES UNION, LOCAL ONE ames E. Calvarese ~ Business Agent JSC:omm cc: C. Freitas H. Clarke P. Kelly W. McEachen R. Boylan Personnel Budget 1996-1997 ADMINISTRATIVE DEPARTMENTAL OVERVIEW Description! Service level The Administrative Department provides services to all other departments and the general public. The department provides these services with a staff of 39 Yz employees organized as follows: Central Services Finance, Accounting, and Management Information Systems Human Resources Purchasing and Materials Control Risk Management Communication Services Staffing Change(s)! (Staffing Charts Attached) The Administrative Department is proposing a net addition of one position in the Personnel Budget this year. The Communication Services Section proposes to delete a vacant Printer position. With the retirement of former Printer Bob Pringle in May, 1995, and the proposed implementation of contracted graphic services, the District does not anticipate needing a full-time Printer position. The Finance, Accounting, and MIS Division proposes to add two newly created positions of Programmer-Analyst and Network Coordinator. These key positions would be responsible for the successful information management support for all District departments. Specifically, the individuals chosen for these positions would assist the Management Information Systems Administrator with the overall operations and maintenance of the AS 400 hardware, HTE operating software, and District-wide computer network system, as well as future planned networks. The projected cost to the Department budget would be $64,133. b a: ~... en C - C1) ~ E ~t:= r: co ~Q. CJ)C1) <0 ~ C1) 0.> u" <( CO a: ~ ~U; z.- o c u.- .-J E ~"C ~<( z w u ~~ O)~ -" lD ~~ :E~ i Sl! ~~ F!! ii I~ ~j U:j ~vi .A" I~ I~ I'll ll..ll ~~ j~ Personnel Budget 1996-1997 PERSONNEL REQUEST JUSTIFICATION For Communication Services Personnel Request Delete one Printer (G-60, $3077-$3724). Request Justification In May, 1995, former Printer Bob Pringle retired from District employment. Reproduction services will be handled by contract and outside sources in the future. Current Vear Future Vears < $65,541 > < $65,541 > Recommended by General Manager/Chief Engineer: Requested by: Date: Personnel Budget 1 996-1 997 PERSONNEL REQUEST JUSTIFICATION For Finance, Accounting, and MIS Personnel Request Create and add one Network Coordinator position (G-65, $3551- $4303) and adopt the job classification description. Request Justification The Network Coordinator will provide a variety of technical and nontechnical support and network administration in support of microcomputer equipment and related networks. The Network Coordinator will be responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of the District's Network consisting of hardware (wiring, hub, serves, personal computers, and printers) and software (operating systems, word processing, spreadsheets, electronic mail). He or she will provide direct support to District staff and will confer with and provide assistance to District computer users as needed including formal training. The Network Coordinator will further maintain the District's phone system and complete the day-to-day responsibilities necessary to keep our network functioning including system backups, software updates, and hardware upgrades. The District's utilization of computer systems has grown tremendously over the past several years. Computers are utilized to conduct every manner of business throughout the District. From creating documents to paying bills, purchasing materials to designing sewers, calculating the sewer service charge to putting together the District's budget - computers have become an integral part of the way the District does business. As the number of computers have increased (there are now over 130 personal computers at the District), the network which connects them together has also grown. The District's network has become a complex and sophisticated infrastructure which allows staff to communicate and work effectively with their computers. This network includes the AS/400 mid-range computer (on which all of the District's business systems reside; including Accounting, Purchasing, Payroll/Personnel, Sewer Billing, Building Permits, and Plant Maintenance), several Local Area Network Servers (on which the District's word processing, e-mail and file-sharing systems including the CAD/CAM system in Engineering Support and the Macintosh systems in communication services. Personnel Budget 1 996-1997 PERSONNEL REQUEST JUSTIFICATION For Finance. Accounting. and MIS Request Justification. Continued All of these systems - the individual computers and the network which supports them require on-going support and maintenance. The Network Coordinator will be responsible for ensuring that all District computer systems are functioning correctly, and that questions and issues regarding the systems are identified and resolved quickly. Currently the maintenance of the District's growing computer network is dependent upon the part-time work of individuals throughout the District. These individuals are volunteers and perform this work in addition to their existing job responsibilities. Given their full-time job responsibilities, computer problems necessarily are often given second priority and staff must then wait for problems to be resolved. While the volunteers have and continue to make tremendous efforts to keep the District's computer systems functioning - it is a challenging task that becomes increasingly more difficult as our systems continue to grow and become more complex. Computer Systems are powerful tools in today's workplace. The District has worked to take advantage of these new technologies and we now utilize computer systems throughout our business. The District's computer systems continue to grow as more personal computers are obtained and connected to our expanding network. Additional systems are planned, including L1MS (Laboratory Information Management System) and MAINSAVER (Plant Maintenance) which will require further support. We increasingly rely on these systems to complete our work, and it is vital that adequate resources are available to ensure that the District's computer systems are stable and continue to perform as expected. Current Year Future Years $62,502 $65,592 Requested by: 11z41 Date: Recommended by General Manager/Chief Engineer: CCCSD Network Coordinator (G-65) $3551-$4303 Alameda County Water District Microcomputer Coordinator $3975-$4833 City of Berkeley Information Systems Specialist $33 1 7-$3935 City of San Jose Network Coordinator II $3343-$4065 City of Vallejo No Similar Position City of Walnut Creek No Similar Position Contra Costa Water District No Similar Position Dublin San Ramon Computer Support Specialist $3498-$4252 EBMU D Information Center Specialist II $3653- $4440 Marin Municipal Water District Network Ad m in istrato r $3538-$4334 Union Sanitary District System Suoport Analyst I $3429-$4286 Personnel Budget 1996-1997 PERSONNEL REQUEST JUSTIFICATION For Finance, Accounting, and MIS Personnel Request Create and add one Programmer-Analyst position (G-68, $3817- $4620) and adopt the job classification description. Request Justification The Programmer-Analyst will perform applications systems design, modification, and programming in support of District administrative and business services. The Programmer-Analyst will work closely with systems specialists from District hardware and software vendors to design new systems, create modifications to our existing systems, write documentation, and train staff. The Programmer- Analyst will also perform the administrative and operational duties necessary for the day-to-day functioning of the District's computer systems. Many of the District's key business functions depend upon AS/400 applications. This includes accounting, purchasing, building permits, and sewer billing. While these applications have been purchased from vendors, they all have been modified to fit the specific needs of the District. Even with extensive modifications, the systems in many cases still do not meet the District's needs. Staff is often forced to work around the systems - rather than have the systems work for them. We receive at least one updated version of each application each year. This results in at least five system updates per year. While we must install these updates to maintain our maintenance agreements, they invariably cause significant disruptions in the functioning of our systems and as a direct result the effective completion of the District's business. In addition to the updates, the District business processes change and new demands for information arise. Programs must be modified and new reports must be written to address these ongoing issues. Currently we rely primarily upon our software vendor (located in Florida) to resolve these problems. However, their inability to respond in a timely manner has forced us to develop internal volunteer resources and rely increasingly on local AS/400 consultants. While utilizing these individuals has been a useful stopgap measure, the process has significant shortcomings. Internal staff has performed the computer work at the expense of their current job demands. There are also limits to what our internal resources can accomplish. When a situation demands program modifications, we are again at the mercy of the software vendor's chanaes, however they first must gain an understanding of our Personnel Budget 1996-1997 PERSONNEL REQUEST JUSTIFICATION For Finance, Accounting, and MIS Request Justification, Continued computer systems and then understand the way we utilize them to do business. While they have helped us through numerous crises, there remain a number of fundamental problems which we have been unable to address. In addition to our existing systems, there are plans to bring a significant new AS/400 application on-line early next fiscal year. The MAINSA VER application will automate the maintenance of the equipment in the plant. In order to be successful, this application will require the same level of support as our other AS/400 applications. The Programmer-Analyst will be dedicated to the maintenance of the District's AS/400 mid-range computer and in improving the performance of the applications that run on it. He or she will become familiar with the District's key business functions and how they better meet the needs of District staff. The Programmer- Analyst will become the primary interface with our software vendors, thus relieving staff of this burden and allowing them to focus on their immediate responsibilities. This will help staff complete the work of the District in an efficient and effective manner with computer systems helping this process, not hindering it. Current Year Future Years $67,172 $70,469 ....,.... Requested by: 1UL. .r;- -_.:---.,,) Date: Recommended by General Manager/Chief Engineer: CCCSD Programmer Analyst (G-68) $381 7-$4620 Alameda County Water Dist. Programmer Analyst $4461 -$5423 City of Berkeley Applications Programmer Analyst II $3583- $427 1 City of San Jose Programmer Analyst II $3547- $43 1 2 City of Vallejo Programmer Analyst I $3863-$4694 City of Walnut Creek Information Systems Analyst $3532- $4293 Contra Costa Water District Information Systems Prog. Analyst $461 5- $56 1 0 Dublin San Ramon No Similar Position EBMU D No Similar Position Marin Municipal Water District Programmer II $3369- $4 1 32 Union Sanitary District No Similar Position Personnel Budget 1996-1997 PLANT OPERATIONS DEPARTMENTAL OVERVIEW Description/ Service level The mission of the Plant Operations Department is to "treat and dispose of wastewater in the most environmentally sound and cost- effective manner possible." The success of plant operations is critical to the success of the District in accomplishing its basic function of protecting public health. To this end, the Plant Operations Department has achieved an outstanding compliance record, national and local recognition from both regulators and peers, and a long history of controlling costs through innovative projects and process control. Plant personnel accomplished this with major budget reductions and decreased staffing and while several major construction projects impacted the process areas of the facility and disrupted our operations. Staffing Change(s)/ (Staffing Charts Attached) The Plant Operations Department proposes a net decrease of two positions to the total plant census during the 1996-97 fiscal year. The two positions to be deleted from the POD personnel budget are a Plant Operator 1/11 (I = G-59, $3082-$3729; 11= G-62, $3312- $4007) and an Assistant Engineer (G-72, $4201-$5086). POD requests that the position of Electrical Technician (G-65, $3551- $4303) be filled before the retirement of Joseph Puno in 1997; this will cause an increase in the salary budget until the actual retirement of Mr. Puno. No other staffing changes are anticipated during the upcoming fiscal year; however, there will be a net increase in the number of summer hires this year in the Plant Maintenance Division, Laboratory, and Pumping Stations. The following analysis of possible personnel changes will be made by section: Administrative Section There will be no staffing changes for the 1996-97 budget year in this Section. laboratory Section There will be no staffing changes in the Laboratory Section for fiscal year 1996-97; however, there will be an increase in the number of summer and part-time help used this year due to increased analyses and startup of the L1MS computer system. While the startup of the District's Household Hazardous Waste Facility has no firm date, there will also be some impact on the Laboratory Section staffing. Staffing Change(s)1 (Staffing Charts Attached) Operations Division The retirement of Shift Supervisor Mel Strong created an opening in this Division which will be filled with the in-house promotion of a Plant Operator III. The resulting vacant Plant Operator III position will then be filled with an in-house promotion of a Plant Operator 1/11. The vacated Plant Operator 1/11 position (G-59, $3082-$3729 & G- 62, $3312-$4007) will then be eliminated, resulting in the reduction of one budgeted full-time position in this Division. Future requirements for plant operations will still require that an operator position be filled on a five-person shift; the intent of staff is to use overtime, training days, and Relief Operators as needed. The existing three "sixth" operators are proposed to become Relief Operators and work "days" setting up Filter Plant operation, aiding in the startup of ultraviolet disinfection, selector operation, and maintenance coordination. They will also be available for relief duty as operators take vacation, have illnesses, or otherwise require relief on their shift. These Relief Operator positions are proposed to be "flexibly" staffed with each Relief Operator being able to advance to the Plant Operator III salary level after all training requirements are met. These arrangements, in-house promotion, five-person shifts, flexible staffing, etc., would be subject to "Meet and Confer" with Local 1. Shift Supervisors currently have the option of running the plant without the normal staffing level of five operators (a six-person shift); as more experience is gained running the plant with a five- person shift, and the use of chlorine is eliminated, these supervisors may consider the use of four persons on backside shifts. It must be remembered that if four is the minimum number of operators required on a backside shift, then the use of Relief Operators is imperative since 20 percent of their time will be off shift, and they will require replacement. Maintenance Division Joseph Puno, an Electrical Technician, does almost all of the District's high-voltage electrical maintenance. He will retire in the spring of this fiscal year. It is imperative that a replacement Electrician, with a background in high-voltage electrical maintenance, be hired to fill this vital function. In order to have a conducive turnover of responsibility and to have the new employee gain experience and obtain the benefit of Mr. Puno's knowledge, it is requested that the position be filled in October of this year. Approval of the Board of Directors is needed to hire a new Electrical Technician in the Maintenance Division for the six months prior to Mr. Puno's retirement. The effect of this action for the fiscal year will be no net increase in staffing. Staffing Change{s)! (Staffing Charts Attached) The Mechanical Maintenance Section may be reduced in staffing when the current Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor retires early next year. The impact of this retirement on the staffing chart has not yet been completely evaluated. While this may ultimately lead to a reduction of one full-time position for the District, it is unknown at this time if this will require the retention of the Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor position, a division of duties, the transfer of responsibilities from elsewhere in the District, or the use of shared responsibilities within the Maintenance Division. The Maintenance Technician III, Mechanical position will continue to remain underfilled at the Maintenance Technician II level. There are two vacant positions in the Buildings and Grounds Section due to the resignation of Noel Packard and the recent promotion of David Quintero to the Collection System Operations Department. One position will be kept open as required by the M.O.U. while Mr. Quintero is in a training position. Next year, the second position will be filled with a part-time temporary worker. Several major unknown factors such as ultraviolet bulb cleaning, additional landscape maintenance, and Pumping Stations needs have not been factored into the staffing of this Section. There will be two additional summer students hired to aid in the Aeration and Nitrification Tank Project, do seasonal maintenance and post-construction cleanup. Maintenance Engineering Section There is one change within the Maintenance Engineering Section during the next budget year. The vacant Assistant Engineer position (G-72, $4201-$5086) will be deleted. Pumping Stations There are currently no staffing changes planned for the Pumping Stations Section this fiscal year; however, work continues on evaluating the location and tasks of this work group. Capital projects continue on several pumping stations, which require operator attention and follow-up. There are also several projects which will improve telemetry to the treatment plant and reduced operator attention. There will be major cleanup efforts at several Pumping Stations where construction has taken place, much of this work will be done by contract personnel. To aid in these efforts, the Pumping Stations will continue with their past complement of two summer students. The result of these projects should be stations that are easier to operate and less operator intensive. C\I Ii '0 ., -dl ., E ~~ E '" i~ E U c ~~:! CIlU~ 8 :::E~ ~g>CIl ~ ...'2 ,.... :2 Iii ~.c Cl ~ !!:. 'EW 0 ~ 8 Cl E 8 b ii:~c: r- C 0 CJ) CI) Ow o EO::; >- ~ is a: ... IJ) < CO 5 ~ c.~ z CI) ..... <CC~ CJ) en 0 ~ c-g CJ) 0 co 8;:;5 ~ e~ t- CI) 1;5 z c."c o O"E () ~"O -J C ~ ~ CO ~ ~a:c.. w () ~~~ I 'E E..... w if!' ~ .:2C1l ~ III lit: ~'E ~ :8'" ",-.3. l!~ ... fi ~ c;...J 8- '" ... E !~ ~CIlIll c1l !Ii I!' 'E! t-' $; c:,! Illi- ,S::J .c = 0 n.CIl CIl C (,) co cm:ui ~Gi Oel ~'" li;C N i5.'" N o~::l; 'EQ. .,Ql c::O c i 'i S I~j~!l :: ~f~I~& m:a:u~ai.,j i 8- ~ 'E III c:: :: Ii j [E . !lji: (,)~8x::t wciaim:m: =~=-L =g.~-;::D.-;:: S ~ i!~.zR~1 ii~~!~~ .;>~m:c.,j.; i N ~ ~ 8- m i = = j Cl i.~~~-l n...,x l~ !~'i!.a ~ c.!mS~&~ c:;wuc(u:~u: co = .. 'E 1); III oa ~'" i E .. s =i=_- s~ ~ III ... <'loa 1); 10 -~!=~;; l'!~m 'i (,) ..... ~ E N .c.: 0 i~ .8 "C .c .2 CIlIll ~ .5~ 0 ~ ~ t: I i ai c .; (,) mwx:lzo Ql CIl CIl u:iuia:t-'.; 10 I g> .a w ~ -! I CIl Cl ~ .( .:2 .. ~ N ! ~ ~ ~ CJl c '" ~~ c Ii m! ~~ :i III 0 I ~ I z . w .c ! Cl z (,) ~ -_D~ = = :. 01 i <- ... C ~ ob i ~ ;; m ~ ui ! o '0 C .2 j ~ .s g> ii ::J ~! E'-= .g>~ i! ""'E ~,S lLlL j'O =c 1L.2 ~~I iQ. -:ll E~- ""c!:s ~>.C5 lL.Cllj i'i~ -E!lE8- 21lc ~~~ . C\l a C\l t; 0:'" ~ C (J) G) o E ~ 0:>- 1:: .Q ca ~ co- !:: Q. (J) Z G) Cl <( C .!: (J) Q. ~ en !5 (J) C a.. o 0'"0 o .- e <('taal 0: ... Q) ~ G) g Z Q.al OOe o ~ -J ... .- <( C al o:co~ ~- zlCL w o " I~ a; .g> ...-::1 CD ~~ ::E~ t & I Ii I z t3 ~ JD~ - j c ~~ flg i2- c m ~f-l E'!': -E'-j ili l:~ i'Eo Iii~'" ...",-1 =~ ~~ j :l icE c;.'<: ~ j&3l .fll6 ll~ )li~ ~:i5 .<:.... ~88 << * Personnel Budget 1996-1997 PERSONNEL REQUEST JUSTIFICATION For Plant Maintenance Division Personnel Request Hire one Electrical Technician (G-65, $3464-$4198) prior to creation of vacancy. Request Justification The Maintenance Division Electrical Shop will lose one full-time Electrical Technician due to retirement in March of 1997. This employee has long-term experience with the District's complicated high-voltage electrical system operation and maintenance. For the replacement Electrical Technician to gain the benefit of this knowledge and experience and for the District to retain this expertise, it is requested that the District Board of Directors allow the new employee to be hired six months prior to the retirement of the current Electrical Technician. A precedent for such action by the Board has occurred several times in the past, the last time being the replacement of a Maintenance Division Instrument Technician. Financial Impact Current Year Future Year Recommended by General Manager/Chief Engineer: $21,400 -0- Requested by: Date: PER\Persmisclbdgt-pod. dep Personnel Budget 1996-1997 PERSONNEL REQUEST JUSTIFICATION For Plant Maintenance Division Personnel Request Delete one Assistant Engineer position (G-72, $4201-$5086). Request Justification The Plant Operations Department Maintenance Engineering staff has been reduced by one full-time Assistant Engineer due to the resignation of one staff engineer. The Department does not plan to fill this position and will rely on Engineering Department personnel and outside consultants to do design and construction management on small treatment plant projects. Financial Impact Current Vear Future Vear Date: < $87,331 > < $87,331 > Requested b Recommended by General Manager/Chief Engineer: PER\Persmisc\bdgt-pod. dep Personnel Budget 1 996-1997 PERSONNEL REQUEST JUSTIFICATION For Plant Operations Division Personnel Request Delete one Plant Operator 1/11 position (I = G-59, $3082-$3729; II = G- 62, $3312-$4007). Request Justification The Operations Division will lose one full-time Plant Operator 1/11 position as a result of a retirement and the respective promotions. With the start-up of the ultraviolet disinfection process in the fall and the elimination of liquid chlorine, the treatment plant will be operated with a five-person shift. This is the second Plant Operator position deleted due to attrition, as the Operations Division reduces personnel to meet future staffing needs. Financial Impact Current Vear Future Vear < $68,803> Date: Recommended by General Manager/Chief Engineer: Personnel Budget 1996-1997 ENGINEERING DEPARTMENTAL OVERVIEW Descriptionl Service level The Engineering Department provides services to all other departments, businesses, developers, and the general public. The Source Control Group maintains the District's pretreatment program. The District is currently in the final stage of negotiations with Contra Costa County to provide contract services for the Storm Water Program. The Infrastructure Division handles the work associated with the permitting, inspection, design, and construction of sewers and pump stations within the District. A new role for Infrastructure has been the - ,.. Staffing Change(s)/ (Staffing Charts Attached The Engineering Department is requesting several changes in the Personnel Budget this year. Most of the changes are motivated by staffing adjustments due to our program of reducing staff by attrition. The result of the changes will be a reduction in one or two authorized District positions, depending on the results of the in-house recruitment of the recommended Sewer Service Charge Technician position. 1 . The Infrastructure Division currently has 31 authorized positions. RECOMMENDATION: Add one Sewer Service Charge Technician (limit recruitment to in-house candidates). Delete one Senior Engineering Assistant position. Delete one Construction Inspector position. Modify the Assistant Engineer class description. Extend one leave of absence to February, 1997. In last year's Personnel Budget, the Board made a contingent authorization for up to two Source Control Inspector 1/11 positions, depending on the successful negotiations of contract services with Contra Costa County for the Storm Water Program. It is currently anticipated that the program will begin slightly before or at the beginning of the 1996-97 Fiscal Year, as negotiations are nearly complete. The current plan is to have 1 % full-time equivalent positions allocated to the Storm Water Program. A half-time equivalent position would come from existing staff (Source Control Superintendent Bart Brandenburg will charge one-half his time to the County program), and we recommend the hiring of one full-time Source Control Inspector 1/11 position. The cost of the program would be directly reimbursed by the County. The new Source Control 1/11 position would be contingent upon continued funding of the program from the County. The Board previously granted a one-year leave of absence to Tim Ross, Assistant Engineer, to pursue a Masters Degree in Environmental Engineering. Mr. Ross has run into a delay. Contrary to his previous understanding, he is now being required to complete a masters thesis (he previously thought he could utilize the non-thesis program option). Accordingly, we now recommend an extension of his leave of absence until Februarv, 1997. (') '0 ..- \, c o "Ci) ":; is C) c ".: G) t; ~ ~ "~ oW ~ e ~ ~ ~t) C/) 2 ~1i) C/) co o ~ u~ <( C a:- I- z ... o c U G) ..J E ~~ I- co z~ ~ G) c C) c ".: G) G) c "- C) c W ~ '15 C\I t: .~~ 13 jE IU ... ci5 t C\I t C ... Ii w Cl u i u m . -&~R. lfi fii 2 ! _ lO! i- t cnj~ ) .66 fii! it z U"'- .5 C\I I lll~ .~ ~ Ii w Cl uA; 1ii "'2 ~ C\I 'f C\I I .J 13 :l lfi~ j ci5 _ lO! iN! j<3a: N u~ !!V C\I)( i^ i - .- II !~~ .~ .; Ii 0: - Jim i :cn ~ a: '" Ii; !!! '" C\I ~ C '~Ii .. (u~ ~s edC (].!]i ~~ ~~ .. c2 ll. C\I ~ 'll liOl~ .~~~ ! w .J g> i "Ii m Ii C'!Ii Cl ~ .~< :z: w iii :.. .------. I c: 0, :.~:! : 'j~ ' , CD, . F ~I lIt l : o~: 1___--. II -Ii! ~~ _I: -~ ~ 8. ffi I ~ I CJ ~ -_ D~ - . i ~ i li Cl :z: (Jl >' .~ Nl ~ faif .:.:. -~ ~~Jli -.- g> II) ~ew.. ~i~~ lL<.<:dl j 2>l ~ :=Wjc: gXl~~ ':':'jclL i-~8 ii~;; ~ ~'-8l ~ !ii g>- lL.:tWC "2 . 8 i 'E!~~.E! ,g~~,g ~oo~ . I Personnel Budget 1996-1997 PERSONNEL REQUEST JUSTIFICATION FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DIVISION Personnel Request Delete one Construction Inspector position (G-67, $3729-$4512). Delete one Senior Engineering Assistant position (G-72, $4201- $5086). Request Justification Two retirements have occurred during the past year in the Infrastructure Division. Because of a slow-down in development activity within the District, we believe we can eliminate the vacant position in the inspection area. If short-term workload increases occur in the future, we plan to utilize temporary inspectors from contract service agencies. The Senior Engineering Assistant vacancy has been more difficult to reconcile, as this is our key technical production classification for in- house design. Our plan is to eliminate the position and try to make up the shortfall by a combination of increased utilization of other in- house personnel and the use of contract designer drafters on an as- needed basis. Financial Impact Current Vear Future Vear Date: < $164,806> < $164,806> Requested by: Recommended by Generai ivianageriChief Engineer: Personnel Budget 1996-1997 PERSONNEL REQUEST JUSTIFICATION FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DIVISION Personnel Request Add a new Sewer Service Charge Technician position (G-56, $2873- $3473). Limit recruitment to current District employees. Request Justification Over the past two years, Engineering Department staff has administered and maintained the Sewer Service Charge program. An Engineering Assistant Trainee (Leslie Kendrick) has been heading up the program with the assistance of temporary accountants. There is a critical need to hire a regular position to assist in administering this program. We believe the salary cost of this position will be more than offset by increased revenue from resolving current billing data base problems and keeping up the data base in the future. The recommended position is a "Sewer Service Charge Technician." The duties of the Technician would include receiving and processing customer complaints, maintaining customer accounts, performing financial analyses, revising and recommending changes to rates and charges, and maintaining the sewer service charge database. It is believed that there are currently employees on staff who possess the qualifications for this position. It is recommended that recruitment be limited to District employees. Financial Impact Current Year Future Year (\ $50,482 $52, 895 ------ Requested by: 1>) ." (~ C,,_ ~"^ - J ~ Date: '71.. Recommended by General Manager/Chief Engineer: Personnel Budget 1996-1997 PERSONNEL REQUEST JUSTIFICATION FOR INFRASTRUCTURE DIVISION Personnel Request Adopt revisions to the class description for the position of Assistant Engineer (G-72, $4201-$5086). Request Justification The Engineering Department was reorganized in early 1992. The Infrastructure Division was established to consolidate the design and construction of collection system projects into one division. The Infrastructure Division developed an In-House Design Management Plan which was issued in 1995. The plan includes six elements, one of which is titled "Design Capacity and Flexibility." The capacity to produce work and the flexibility of personnel will be increased through the development of project teams, the utilization of job rotation, and the cross-training of individuals. One of the first steps which the Infrastructure Division has taken in this regard, which will be an integral aspect of the future organizational structure of the Division, is to rotate employees in the classification of Assistant Engineer from positions in design to positions in construction. The current class description for Assistant Engineer was only written for individuals working in the design discipline of engineering. Since Assistant Engineers in the Division have worked in the construction discipline of engineering and will work in the construction discipline in the future, it is appropriate to modify the class description for Assistant Engineer to include duties and Qualifications reflective of the construction discipline and other engineering activities of the District. The duties and Qualifications which are being added are commensurate with the duties and Qualifications contained in the existing class description. Hence no salary change is warranted. Financial Impact Current Year Future Year Date: -0- -0- Requested by: Recommended by General Manager/Chief Engineer: PERSIPERSMISCfBdgt-eng.dep Personnel Budget 1 996-1997 COLLECTION SYSTEM OPERATIONS DEPARTMENTAL OVERVIEW Descriptionl Service level The Collection System Operations Department (CSOD) is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the District's collection system and reclaimed water distribution system facilities. CSOD also manages the District's vehicle fleet, mobile equipment, and radio communication system assets. The type and level of service provided by CSOD is: . Convey wastewater to the treatment plant; . Convey reclaimed water to the customers; . Preventive maintenance of the collection system and reclaimed water system facilities to minimize service interruptions, overflows, and spills; . Effective response to overflows and spills to protect the public health and safety, the environment, and private property from the effects of wastewater and reclaimed water; . High quality service to the public: Respond to requests for service within an average of 25 minutes during working hours and 45 minutes after working hours; Maintain B + (3.55) average overall service grade as rated by Customer Feedback Survey; . Televise new facilities prior to acceptance to ensure quality of construction; . Locate underground pressure facilities for excavators to minimized damage and cost; . Provide field support to other District departments. The current authorized staffing level for CSOD is 48; the current staffing is 46 employees. Staffing Change(s)/ (Staffing Charts Attached) CSOD proposes to reduce the authorized staffing level by one position (from 48 to 47) for 1996/97. One Maintenance Crew Member 1/11 position is proposed for deletion. This proposed change would result in a savings of approximately $64,030 (salary plus benefits) in the 1996/97 O&M Budget. Two part-time temporary positions will be included in the O&M Budget. One part-time temporary worker will be used in the Administration and Claims Section to fill-in during scheduled leave periods and to assist during peak workload periodS (budget preparation, year end reports, and special studies). The cost of this part-time temporary worker would be $13,600. The second temporary worker will be used in the Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Shop to complete first level preventive maintenance of the District pool vehicles, pick up and deliver vehicles for service, to pick up parts, and to assist the mechanics by preparing vehicles for repair work. The cost of this temporary worker would be $10,700. Two provisional Maintenance Crew leader positions are requested for the construction season (June-October). This would support two additional construction crews to work in easements. These positions will be included in the O&M Budget. The additional cost would be $2,000. PERSIPERSMISC/Bdgtcsod.dep .. c CI) r-E 01:: -CO ~Q. cnCl) ce ~U) ~c -0 z.- <.. cnCO ... ~CI) cnQ. 00 o <E a:CI) r-.. zu) 0>- ~(/) <c ~o z.- w" oU .!! o o J - ~ w I :ii ~-t I .2 _ 1ii - l! ...CJ) ,.... . 8.~ en z o~ >i. .,~ 0 ~en 1 llii ~ OJ! >= II _CD ~~ :El!! ~ ci.. --. ~ E w,g 3. 011 C c ~i~ J G>~ ~ :> ID N . DI I Q I c z '" ! ~ w z u CJ w -JD~ ... ci 1.2 .;:!! w 1ii f}! fli -:~ t; I&.~ ~~ a:t-= ~ '" en _ N i c]i . ~ 1:8 i 8 CJ . :st II: en t. enS: i~ '" 'S .;~ ~ -~ ~ 8 ~s = ji i9! c'E ~ ~ ~~ Cl ai ~~ .. co.l!l 1: I!Gli ~ E . ~ CI iE. ~Ole ~ ;X 3 ! d ~ o ..= =-. ~- ~:!!= e ide F~~ en i cia:... ~ - ic !mj3 co ..... 03 t-=ci...~ ~ lii en II: 0- <Ii :E <~ ..- -t= CD co C ~ ~11 e]," 1ii N S '5 11 ~.= !! ~ o Ul ....r: !! ciui...: E'i ~ ~ CO> i - - ~aa.. ~"i Ii a:cia: ci = ~iE -.. e ~ ~ ~!M hf - .! l!!~ I ~ m -=,g ~~ 8-~ ~ a :s -;; 8. ~... fZ f!.!:.l! o ::l S . 80 a:u... c!iz CLc :28. ai C!l .1 ~ C!l t-=...ci j~ ~J! j di CO> i;!~ II&. . c:I ~ l'i= ...)( ~ co - ~ ~a:~ ~ !;_ 0 . III 1D(j~ ;":"4) ~...J t-=.Ja c~ .: .., fIlo c- ij= ~2l Ie.!) fIl C .2!_ i I ~~ o '" c iii "i~ uwCl a:a:aia: cicia: .!::fa; ..~ ~~ ~o . Personnel Budget 1 996-1 997 PERSONNEL REQUEST JUSTIFICATION Personnel Request Delete one Maintenance Crew Member 1/11 position (I = G-53, $2673- $3233; \I = G-59, $3082-$3729). Request Justification This position is being eliminated as part of an ongoing effort to downsize CSOD. This position is currently vacant as the result of a service retirement. It appears at this time that CSOD will be able to meet the projected workload for 1996/1997. Financial Impact Current Year Future Year < $64,030> < $64,030 > Requested by: Date: ~ Recommended by General Manager/Chief Engineer:~ ~ PERSIPERSMISC/BdgtCSOD.dep CO-OP STUDENTS PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUESTS 1 996 - 1 997 NUMBER OF NUMBER OF NUMBER OF DEP ARTMENT /DIVISION/SECTION POSITIONS POSITIONS POSITIONS FY 95/96 (7/96-12/96) ( 1/97-6/97) PLANT OPERATIONS Operation Division Laboratory Section 1 1 1 Process Control Section 1 1 1 Maintenance Division Maintenance Engineering Section 1 1 1 Work Redesign 1 1 1 ENGINEERING Infrastructure 2 2 2 Planning Division 1 1 1 Plant Engineering Design/Construction Group I 1 1 1 Design/Construction Group II Source Control Section 1 1 1 TOTAL 9 9 9 II CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Range: Respirator Class: 10/07/93 G-72 2 ASSISTANT ENGINEER DEFINITION Perform responsible, professional engineering work in the planning, design, investigation, and construction of District wastewater treatment plant, collection system, and/or related facilities. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS Incumbents of this class perform moderately difficult professional engineering work in the planning, design, and/or construction of projects. Work in this class is distinguished from that of the Staff Engineer by the greater complexity of assignments and the increased independence with which an incumbent is expected to perform assigned responsibilities. The use of respiratory equipment (including S.C.B.A.l may be required for this position. Therefore, the Assistant Engineer will be required to be clean shaven for annual fit tests and for any occasion which requires the use of respiratory equipment to comply with the District's respiratory program and eal/OSHA standards. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive direction from higher level professional engineering personnel. May exercise indirect supervision of engineering staff during the course of an engineering project. Technical or functional supervision may also be provided by higher level professional engineering personnel. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Perform moderately difficult professional engineering work related to the planning, design, and construction of District facilities. Coordinate engineering projects between contractors and the District. Design, write specifications, prepare plans, prepare schedules, and calculate cost estimates for a wide variety of complex engineering projects. Perform in the capacity of project engineer on engineering projects. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Assistant Engineer (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Perform in the capacity of assistant resident engineer on difficult projects or resident engineer on moderately difficult construction projects. Perform contract administration work on a wide variety of complex construction projects. Enforce District policies and appropriate state and federal laws, codes, and regulations. Contact other agencies and utilities to review field problems related to the design, construction, operations, and maintenance of wastewater collection and treatment facilities. Participate in the selection and direction of engineering consultants. Plan and conduct studies and write clear and concise study reports with recommendations and conclusions. Prepare and Review change orders and progress payments on engineering projects. Perform complex engineering calculations. Analyze materials and design data submitted to the District. Provide engineering data and cost estimates for the District budget as assigned. Coordinate support services such as survey crew, engineering technicians, and field crews. Perform tests and inspections on various unit processes, systems, and equipment to assure performance, contract compliance, and equipment reliability. Perform related duties as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Principles and practices of engineering or construction as applied to wastewater treatment and collection systems. Methods, materials, and techniques used in the construction of public utilities projects. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Assistant Engineer (Continued) Knowledge of: Modern development, current literature, and sources of information regarding engineering theory and practices. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Ability to: Continuously analyze, identify, problem solve, and interpret engineering plans, computer applications, and engineering designs; observe, inspect, and assess others' work; interpret and explain engineering principles and practices; analyze and interpret construction contracts; and remember and understand regulations. Continuously sit for long periods of time, write or use keyboard to communicate through written means, intermittently walk through project and field sites, perform simple grasping and fine manipulation, and lift or carry weight of 10 pounds or less; and for confined space entry, lift or carry weight of 50 pounds or less. May be required to climb ladders and kneel to inspect. May be required to lift manhole covers weighing 50 to 80 pounds. May be required to communicate via radio and hear radio dispatch signal. Perform complex engineering calculations and check, design, and prepare engineering plans and studies. Perform construction contract administration and field inspection duties. Enforce District policies and appropriate state and federal laws, codes, and regulations. Direct the work of other engineering or construction staff on an assigned project. Perform physical tasks associated with construction projects. Prepare technical engineering reports as assigned. Learn and observe all appropriate safety precautions as required by the District including, but not limited to, Cal/OSHA General Industry Safety Orders, the District's Respiratory Protection Program, and District Safety Directives. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Assistant Engineer (Continued) Special Phvsical ReQuirements: May be required to enter confined space and/or respond in an emergency. Must be able to wear S.C.B.A. and perform confined space entry and emergency response duties in protective clothing and equipment including S.C.B.A. weighing 32 pounds. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Eighteen months of professional engineering experience comparable to that of a Staff Engineer in the District. Education: Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in engineering or a closely related field. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Possession of an Engineer-In- Training certificate is desirable. Possession of a valid California Driver's License. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Range: Respirator Class: G-65 3 NETWORK COORDINATOR DEFINITION Provide a variety of technical and nontechnical support and network administration in support of microcomputer equipment and related networks; confer with and provide assistance to District computer users as needed; provide training to District staff, and perform other related work as required. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive supervision from the MIS Administrator. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Install, monitor and maintain network system software including operating systems, data base and data communications control systems, and other utility programs. Assist in establishing standards for the use of microcomputer system resources and maintain an inventory of all hardware and software, keep up-to-date records of all equipment (including warranties) and software. Replace and update software as new versions become available and are evaluated. Work with District staff to assess their needs and to develop word processing, spreadsheet, data base, and other application solutions specific to their use. Write program documentation and user procedures and instructions; assist District staff in implementing new or modified programs and applications. Provide in-house consultation and technical assistance to District users in the selection, operation and maintenance of microcomputers; serve as network administrator regarding the on-going management of data on file servers and optimization of network performance. Identify the source of operating problems, including hardware and software aspects, for microcomputer systems; analyze and assess the nature and degree of the problem and correct or refer to appropriate service organizations; administer preventative maintenance program for microcomputers and peripheral equipment. -----.------.-.----..-..1 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Network Coordinator (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Maintain current knowledge of technology and applications as applicable to the District. Provide technical and functional supervision to contract consultants as appropriate. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Microcomputer hardware, application software, file management and administration including the Novell operating system and Token Ring networks; operating principles and characteristics of microcomputer hardware; methods of instructing others in the use of microcomputer equipment and applications; microcomputer operating system software and office administrative practices and methods, including record keeping and the operation of standard office equipment. Abilitv to: Install, maintain, operate and trouble shoot microcomputer hardware and software; analyze user problems; evaluate alternatives and reach sound conclusions; prepare effective user instructions, documentation and other written materials; train District staff in the operation of microcomputer applications, including explaining system concepts to non-technical users; establish and maintain effective relationships with those contacted in the course of the work; maintain accurate record of work performed and exercise sound independent judgment within established guidelines. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Exoerience: Two years of responsible experience in technical support for microcomputer hardware and software systems in a networked environment. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Network Coordinator (Continued) Education: Equivalent to a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university with major work in computer science or a closely related field. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Possession of a valid California Driver's License. CENTRAL CONT A COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Range: G-68 Respirator Class: 3 PROGRAMMER ANALYST DEFINITION Perform applications systems design, modification and programming of a routine to complex nature in support of District administrative and business services for primarily mid-range applications; perform operations functions on District computer systems; perform related work as required. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive supervision from the MIS Administrator. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Prepare system design specifications and documentation required for programming batch and on-line systems that are accomplished in a variety of computer languages and software applications; design and develop program logic and processing steps; code programs in various computer languages; plan, develop and execute testing of program applications. Work with District staff to identify operating problems and specific output requirements; review current systems and procedures to identify economical and feasible methods for developing, modifying, or standardizing work processes. Analyze and modify new and existing programs to adapt to changes in systems requirements, equipment configurations or to increase efficiency; track all software modifications and enhancements and update when necessary as related applications and systems are updated. Develop test data and test and correct programs as necessary to eliminate errors in coding and logic; verify correctness of program functions and outputs. Prepare computer operation and system procedures and program documentation; prepare user procedure manuals and training programs. Install, monitor and maintain system software including operating systems, data. base and data communications control systems and other utility programs. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Programmer Analyst (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES: Perform and monitor operational duties including device configuration, system tuning, backups and security. Develop specifications, program and implement automated interfaces between systems, including the format and transfer of data between mid-range and microcomputer systems for analysis and update. Conduct feasibility studies and develop system, time, equipment and cost requirements. Analyze and evaluate vendor supplied software and hardware products in accordance with District requirements and specifications; recommend new or replacement products as appropriate; assist in or coordinate the acquisition, installation and application of vendor products. Maintain current knowledge of technology and applications as applicable to the District. Provide technical and functional supervision to contract consultants as appropriate. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledge of: Computer programming principles, techniques and procedures for administrative and business applications; systems analysis and design procedures and techniques; batch and on-line processing techniques; job planning, prioritizing and scheduling techniques; current technology in use in the mid-range and micro computer environments; operating principles and characteristics of mid-range and micro computer hardware and software utilized by the District; the AS/400 mid- range computing environment and the RPG and CL programming languages. Abilitv to: Analyze systems and resolve problems by developing new or modified programs to meet District user needs; develop logical procedures, coding them into programming instructions and developing tests to validate program design; prepare clear and concise program documentation, user procedures, reports of work performed and other written material; translate user department needs into custom solutions or modifications of commercially developed applications; instruct District staff in the operation of new or revised computer applications, including explaining systems to nontechnical users; establish and maintain effective positive relationships with those contacted in the course of work. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Programmer Analyst (Continued) EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Four years of professional experience in systems design and analysis, systems integration, and/or programming of applications for computer systems. Education: Equivalent to a bachelors degree from an accredited college or university with major work in computer science, accounting, business or a related field. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Possession of a valid California Driver's License. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Range: Respirator Class: G-56 3 SEWER SERVICE CHARGE TECHNICIAN DEFINITION Perform a variety of complex accounting duties which involve dealing with the public, servicing customer accounts, settling customer inquiries, problems, and complaints regarding regulations, rates, charges, and overdue payments; perform financial analyses, reconcile accounts, and prepare special reports and analyses as required. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive general direction from Senior or Principal Engineer and functional supervision from the lead Engineering Assistant. May exercise technical supervision over clerical personnel. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Perform a variety of complex accounting and associated duties to service customer accounts for sewer service; deal with the public by telephone or in person across the counter. Handle customer inquiries or complaints requiring the use of judgement, tact, and the interpretation of policies and procedures, or refer them to the appropriate personnel if necessary. Process a variety of customer account records, verify their accuracy and completeness, and arrange for corrections. Maintain and reconcile a variety of customer billing records through computerized data bases. Explain to customers the District's sewer service charges, billing procedures, and other related matters. Handle service inquiries or initial complaints from customers, some of whom may be irate or difficult. Perform clerical support functions by operating a personal computer or main frame terminal. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Sewer Service Charge Technician (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Maintain rates and charges accounting, prepare rate analyses, and perform rate calculations. Detect errors in data bases or calculations using audit tests. Coordinate the preparation of sewer service charge direct bills; compile relevant information; monitor and collect sewer service charges; follow-up on delinquent accounts. Write clear, concise, and tactful letters to members of the public. Perform related duties as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledae of: Financial analysis and report preparation practices. Basic electronic data processing applications. The use and operation of personal computers in business applications. A variety of software packages such as HTE, IBM LAN, PL support, and spreadsheets such as Excel. The function and operation of data entry, personal computers, and tabulating equipment. The terminology of electronic data processing. Basic programming, accounting and customer billing procedures to detect and correct output errors. Abilitv to: On a continuous basis observe customers' needs, and remember rules, rates, customers, and location of information. Intermittently analyze reports, interpret District code and regulations related to sewer service charge, problem solve the application of rules to new situations, and explain fees and regulations to customers. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Sewer Service Charge Technician (Continued) Abilitv to: Sit at desk for long periods of time on a continuous basis. Intermittently twist to reach equipment surrounding desk, stand for a period of time while waiting on the public at the counter, and perform simple grasping; use telephone, and write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means; and lift or carry weight of 25 pounds or less. Learn the specific, often complex or technical procedures related to the work. Organize and prioritize work and meet deadlines. Work under limited supervision. Express self clearly and concisely. Deal tactfully and effectively with the public and D~strict personnel. Read and interpret rules, policies, and procedures. Gather data, prepare reports, and maintain accurate records. Maintain attention to detail with frequent interruptions. Perform complex and routine clerical work. Analyze rates and charges and prepare reports thereon. Function in an electronic data processing environment. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Exoerience: Five years of office or field experience including interpretation and enforcement of complex regulations and policies and/or controlling or processing of data processing materials. Accounting experience is desirable. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Sewer Service Charge Technician (Continued) EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES May need to possess a valid California Driver's License as required by the position. BOARDMEETlNG~une 6, 1996 PAGE 1 OF 1 NO. b 13. BUDGET AND FINANCE ~ DATE May 20, 1996 SUBJECT APPROVE A BOARD RESOLUTION TO ADOPT THE 1996-1997 PERSONNEL, EQUIPMENT, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT, OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE, AND SELF-INSURANCE FUND BUDGETS AS COMPRISING THE 1996-1997 DISTRICT BUDGET TYPE OF ACTION BUDGET ADOPTION Debbie Ratcliff, Controller INITIATING DEPT./DIV. Administrative/Finance & Accounting SUBMITTED BY ISSUE: The 1996-1997 Personnel, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets are submitted for adoption by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: The 1996-1997 Operations and Maintenance, Self-Insurance Fund, Equipment, and Capital Improvement Budgets were approved by the Board of Directors on May 16, 1996. In its approval action, the Board is holding the residential Sewer Service Charge rate of $188 constant for the 1996-1997 Budget. The 1996-1997 Personnel Budget is being approved at the June 6, 1996 Board Meeting. A copy of the Board resolution adopting the 1996-1997 Personnel, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Approve a Board resolution to adopt the 1996-1997 Personnel, Equipment, Capital Improvement, Operations and Maintenance, and Self-Insurance Fund Budgets, as comprising the 1996-1997 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Budget. INITIATING DEPT./DIV. ,.~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DR PM OGER J. DOLAN A DS/S/ Adm i n/PosPap/Budadop. pp 1302A-7/91