HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-20-97 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS .::::lllllllii:i,illl!II'lliiliii!iil BOARD MEETING oFMarch 20, 1997 Page 1 of 2 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR a. March 14, 1997 TYPE OF ACnON ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT DATE SUBJECT ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM JUDITH A. FELDMAN AS PART OF THE LAKEWOOD SEWER RENOVATION PROJECT, D. P. 4805 SUBMITTED BY Ricardo Hernandez, Engineering Assistant INIllAnNG DEPTttlIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division .ISSUE: Board approval is required to accept Grants of Easement. BACKGROUND: The subject sanitary sewer easement is a post-construction easement acquired to accommodate alignment changes made during construction of the Lakewood Sewer Renovation Project, D.P. 4805 in Walnut Creek. An easement was acquired on this property before the project began, and this second easement was needed due to the change in alignment. A map is attached to show the location of the easement on the property. The compensation amount ($3,000) for this easement was based on values from the appraisal report prepared for the first easement purchase. A settlement was reached with the property owner, and a Grand of Easement has been signed by the owner. Funds for the purchase of the easement are included in the authorized Lakewood Sub-basin Renovation Project, D. P. 4805. A Notice of Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) was filed for this project with the Contra Costa County Clerk on December 2, 1994. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Grant of Easement from Judith A. Feldman, and authorize staff to record said Grant of Easement with the Contra Costa County Recorder. ~ ~ (//4 'f~)!AR==- cws JSM H:\PP\FELDMAN.RH '. , ~y DISTRICT . / , SEWER " '" ." ci '" o .. '" o IX) ... '" .. c .. E .. .. " .. '" '" o IX) ... ~ ;;- 0 ~~c:::::.. 1: ~ ~@]l@ 40 80 I FEET .. .. i DRAWN BY: ~ MW/DRS .. :g SCALE: :: 1"-40' .. CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 11-14-96 THOMAS BRO.: 75E1 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 179-211-006 JOB NO.: 4805 PARCEl NO.: 178 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS .I...IIIIIII..!!I!IIIII:IIIIIII:IIIII BOARD MEETIM;;ch 20, 1997 DATE TYPE OF ACTION Accept Grants of Easements March 11, 1997 SUBJ ECT Page 1 of 8 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR b. ACCEPT GRANTS OF EASEMENTS FROM SEVEN PROPERTY OWNERS FOR THE SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, D.P. 4928 SUBMITTED BY Ricardo Hernandez, Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPTtOlV Engineering Department /Infrastructure Division ISSUE: Board approval is required to accept Grants of Easements. BACKGROUND: These Grants of Easements are additional easements acquired from private property owners for the construction of the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project. Agreements have been reached with these owners and negotiations are continuing for other easements. Attached are maps depicting the subject easements. Appraisals were prepared by a licensed real estate appraiser (Associated Right of Way Services) hired by the District to determine the value of the proposed easements. Based on comparable sales of similar land and the impact of the proposed easements on the value of the existing lands, the just compensation amounts for the permanent sanitary sewer easements have been paid to the following owners: Gregory C. Gable and Alyssa Postlewait Corrine Ann Lampke Jivendra K. and Patricia I. Kale Wayne Robbins, Jr. Lloyd W. and Deanna Gossen Paul T. and Shirley M. Heffernan Edward D. and Joy L. Millpointer 1 56 Moraga Way 204 Moraga Way 208 Moraga Way 210 Moraga Way 214 Moraga Way 222 Moraga Way 300 Moraga Way $ 957.00 $5,500.00 $2,805.00 $1,000.00 $4,716.00 $ 620.00 $5,863.00 Funds for the purchase of the easements are included in the authorized budget for the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project, D.P. 4928. A Notice of Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) was filed with the Contra Costa County Clerk on November 8, 1996. RECOMMENDATION: Accept Grants of Easements from Gregory C. Gable and Alyssa Postlewait, Corrine Ann Lampke, Jivendra K. Kale and Patricia I. Kale, Wayne Robbins, Jr., Lloyd W. Gossen and Deanna Gossen, Paul T. Heffernan and Shirley M. Heffernan, and Edward D. Millpointer and Joy L. Millpointer, and authorize staff to record said Grants of Easements with the Contra Costa County Recorder. IQ:~::::: ID-GL\C:\INFRA \PP\MORAGA2. RH RIGHT EXHlall~ ;:;'::'~B. .' . 'f~ :::~- ~i~ ':'.';l.:. '. OF :/~i~:;:';fjB:Jtor SEWER ! .~ 1';-~"~~~'~ \....,.. ::":'10; :~'~:;~;\";'1';'~ "::'f ; { ; f ( f ! ............. a 'z. N N~ ();) ~\o 0'1 ~~~V) ~ <O~ \ \ "" CYt=l\ :""0 a ~aC)~ N~, OJ~ ~ a~c:. ~,~ ~ \ \ I"T"\~ d~ a c)-. > -i 0 C) ~();) -<. '-""~ 0'1 0'1-2, , ";0 \ s,. ~ ~/ G1 Iv ~ Jv-</ \ SEWrn ~\ r ~ CENTERUNE ~ AUGNMENT -( \ AREA = 554 S.F.:i: \;) ~-. .............UJ~ -.r- ~();)I"T"\~ ~~~r-... """""'~ ~ N \)~ ~aa~ C)~V)~ 6-.t=1 ~ """"I"T"\> ();)~~-<. """-\ \ \ U'l/ \U>. \~~- <tA ~ \{f'\ \ \ \ " N ~ ~ \ -. ~ C) \ C) "" ~ ~ ~ 0:: t- III III ::J: en SCALE: 1 "=40' FEET ~~ ~ 0 10 20 ~ N ~ DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: lliOMAS BRO.: PBC ELG NOY. 27, 1997 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 273-120-038 g iL: SCALE: Cl r;:l 1"=40' DAlE: 71A7 \ \'IP \f~ ~ ,...-'I ~ JOB NO.: 4928 PARCEL NO.: 17 RIGHT EXHI8I~~ i>':'''B'' . .'. ~, ~Jj -" " ,';i/'::; ~~~i~ ::::';,:.'. 0,., F~~~\ix;;~_.{~f'~.- ,SEWER 1 ! 1 " ' \ 1 \ \ 1 i'" t ~ .~ 'S. ",'s"s':': '1 ;" ; t" ! ! ! :':" ! , ~ ...y 6'7 '<j(~ 7 v. '<:915'~" ~ ~6'~ Q~ ~ 01> -1Q -1 ~6' <.9 "- 06' ".-> "- 00 C5> ~6' <.9 "- 06' ".-> "- 00 ~ CENTERLINE - SEWER ALIGNMENT " N ~ ~- 3:' 0 10 20 0: GO N 8 DRAWN BY: FEE T ~70 ~o~ r7~ --PO&.....y"Q ~ <::::>6'7 ~ '.....y" 4:: :'><.f. Q ~S' ';f )- ......7$ ~ $ ~...... ~6' J 07 :/ 7 ~ " ~ IX: ~ :r Ul DATE: ELG NOV. 27, 1997 lHOIoCAS BRO.: 73A1 JOB NO.: I ~ ~ 14: SCALE: o ...J W PSC 1 "=40' CHECKED BY: 4928 CO. ASSt.4T. NO.: 273-152-009 PARCEL NO.: 24 RIGHT EXHIBI~~ ':"'<'"'B~ . .'", ~I.L .... . ..... -" "~ .. .. . . ,';i'~::: -:-..... .. :.:-~::. . 9F~~~W\,x;;~j.f~lQr.. ,SEWER . ~ ~ \ 1 : \ \ \ ! ! '::":":' t"j .;..: 01,:,\ ( { i f ;- ! ;- { I ~ r-_ ~ 0 10 20 0:: 110 .... 8 DRAWN BY: ~C5"' '-.9 "- 0<5' / "- <:6 ~ CENTERUNE ALIGNMENT SEWER ~ >r ~ ~<'"~ ~-.-:>. <.:s' ""7"~ ""7"0 ...r '0 ~ ""7" >~~ <<' ~ ~ \S' ""7" ...L "-~ C>o~ <.P ~ o If> '1(;'1 .s' Af ~S. '~S~ ~ ~~ '1 "~ r <'t8, ~~ (1'01' = 851 S.F.:f: ~ " ~ <70 ~O~ (/.$ -'?O..r. --1 C' 02 Q""..r.""" <..> ~7 c..:J/~ ~ <J'"....... O-i>;S 'At )- 70' 0' ~....... ~~ 077 ". 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RIGHT QF6.~;~,~:;~j.{(f'~r..,SEWER : ~ \ ~ '; 1 ' 1 1 ! 1 !' -:. ~": "t ":. T~ ":";': of"\ .. to :" i :" ! :0 { ! ..? 6'.9 ......<2 (5'.7. ......a V..? SCALE: 1"=40' ..? 6'.9 ......<2 (5'.7. '<2 V.7 / / / / / / / / AREA - ..? .7. 5< ~o~ UO,- Co Af'Q .- m '--'1 ..? .> 5<...9 l5"'~ 4: =-2...... o;p At )- 0.70 .> 'a 6>0 V...> ~o ~ Af'O 0/: ~ V-'8 ..?.> OJ'" ~/fz. <<'0'0' =-2...... 0.-<;:> .....,~ 0.70 $<;9- ......a~ Va " N ..?.7 6' ~o~ f/..c-.0'&....... Af'Q <.J ->: v~ '--'1 ..?...>-:;, 6>5< (:/-~ ~ "'......0 0.-<;:> Af' )- /0 7..> ......0 9 /0 ..?~ , ~Co 0.70 ......<2 V...9 l!i N N i 0:: I- W w iJi I .w ~ &: SCALE: 9 w DAre ELG NOV. 27, 1997 lHOUAS BRO.: 73A1 JOB NO.: 4928 PSC CHECKED BY: 1"=40' CO. ASSMT. NO.: 272-010-007 PARCEL NO.: 28 ~ ~6','S'S~ , .,6"15' So... rl'OlJ ~ EXHIBI~;i~B~ .. ... -/?!:' ~iBJ ::::-j.~ .. . /"/11: :: '. ::.~~ .:-:~:": : RIGHT OF~.'~A~(.:~j(fj. ?'Or. SEWER I .. ...6.,,~~\i ...-:~ -..~ ~ ., .. '~I , " \ 11 ...r ...... .,...."' (( ( / <6'.9- 'a <:5'7- 'a v/" ~6'.9- '0 ~ , ~.> " ~ CENTERLINE - SEWER ALIGNMENT ~6'..9 '0 ~ '0 <6' FEET ~ ~ 3i 0 10 20 0:: CD .... 8 DRAWN BY: 4(0 /?,<f Q,<f ~/"~ ~O~ 1'70.....00 ~G' --. ~ ':...t ~->~.9 \S'~ 4:: :?, O,;p Af)- O/"a ...>: 'aa~ v.> /vB, .... ebs' ~O" .... ij1 "-.... Ir,<f r ~08. .... !!:... 0-t ' " (/01) ~/"6' ~O~ 1'7...... SUr-. ~G' ......~....~':...t ..? -> <:9~ <:/~ 4:: :?, O,;p ~ Af )- O/"a /"-> '0 -sv 70 " N ~~ '0 7a 'a v.9 ~ 1"=40' ~~ '0 c::5' 0 '(2 v...... I <40 PBC CHECKED BY: 1"=40' DAlE: ELG NOV. 27, 1997 lliOMAS BRO.: 73A1 JOB NO.: 9 [;: SCAlE: u cl 4928 CO. ASS/,fT. NO.: 272-01 0-008 PARCEL NO.: 30 ~ o. 3:' Q:: eX> N 8 DRA\\1II BY: EXHI8',~.~ i:;";i1B~ . . .., -~.\.~". ...... ,. . "... '"' -'. ~.. . .:,:i.':":": :.::.:::..... .:.:.:.:: : RIGHT Qf<t~~W\,~~:~~.ti?f~.- ,SEWER . 1 ~ ! 1 1 ': ! 1 1 1 !";. t ': ": ";' ;..: ';";"f':'1 I" ! ~ ! t ! i ( ! ~ ---VO 16>6' <9u """100~ ~ ~ ~ <<'S'S' 0'.9, o~ <S:? 0..> is. :..2, ~~ 0/",6' o~~ .~/ L <oY ., ~C),/ J...... '?/ <v / " <) / ~4. / ()'V ~ / 'V <Q .C),<t7 C, 1'/ ~~ ~/ / Jr-4 r AREA = 1,192 S.F.::I: J"a v ~~o~ r;..iS.~<....o """1 G'l <..> ~s ~---v:-y ~ :..2, o~ ~ ';f )- Os: ..2 (:/, 0>0 J Os :;./ ~ .... N ... o It) N ~ Q:: l;j w ill -\ ~ ~'?- }J0 ~ c,'?- ~ ~ ~(J If ~:'\ (J & ~~ ~ ~, /' ~ ~CO ~ c!' :( ")~ ~<V ~ ':) <v " 4. <~ '0 ;:So 'Q ~~ ~ ':} ~ CJ 1"=40' I 40 ~ G: SCAlE: ~ P8C 1"=40' CHECKED BY: ELG THOt.CAS BRO.: 7381 JOB NO.: 4928 DAlE: NOV. 27, 1997 CO. ASSt.CT. NO.: 272-050-052 PARCEL NO.: 34 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ............................................................................................ :IB...j.*j::I.::.\...:::::::::::::~ BOARD MEETlM;;Ch 20, 1997 ~rm~.RI~~~I~~~~.'ljjtm.Iill~~H.~~~~~~~I~~ Page 1 of 2 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR c. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 7, 1997 ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK SUBJECT ACCEPT THE CONTRACT WORK FOR THE REPAIR M4-A FORCE MAIN PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 9588, IN MARTINEZ, AND AUTHORIZE THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPTIDIV Thomas A. Trice, Senior Engineering Assistant Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Repair M4-A Force Main Project (DP 9588), and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: The M4-A force main is a portion of the sewer system consisting of pumping stations and force mains that serve the city of Martinez. The M4-A force main was put into service in 1970. In 1994 corrosion problems were detected along the welded joints of the 2~inch steel force main. Furthermore, two sections of the pipe, which are located within the Southern Pacific Transportation Company (SPTC) right of way, were damaged by SPTC during construction. Temporary repairs were made by District staff to keep the M4-A force main in service at that time. This project repaired the corroded and damaged pipe sections and installed access openings to allow the District to perform closed-circuit television inspection of the force main. This project is described in more detail on pages CS-75 through CS-76 of the 1996-97 Capital Improvement Budget. On September 19, 1996, the Board authorized the award of a contract for construction of the project to ARB, Inc. of Pittsburg. The Notice to Proceed was issued on November 4, 1996, and the contract work was substantially completed by March 6, 1997, the contract completion date for the project. The remaining work consists of minor punch list items that do not affect the project acceptance. The total authorized budget for the Repair M4-A Force Main Project, including the cost of engineering design, District forces, testing services, contractor services, etc., is $237,000. An accounting of the project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project close out. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. RECOMMENDATlON: Accept the contract work for the construction of the Repair M4-A Force Main Project (DP 9588) in Martinez, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPARTMENTIDIV1S10N JI# {)11 ..ISM RAB H:\PP\9588ACPT.TAT 3f7/97 M4-A FORCE MAIN JUNCTION STRUCTURE FORCE LINE MAIN ~ \ ~X / \ \ \ ,:'\'\ \ " \\ \ ......"'", \ \ \ \ ~ I l ::::::--- ',\ \\-c\\,t \\ ;'; II! ,'\ ::-':::~~~~~~-7"-=:::-'=;:<>, ~ N , o L_ 2000 4000 FEET " 0' '" ~ OJ OJ cD cr> / OJ OJ cD cr> -;;; :;;- o ~ Central Contr~ ~osta Sanitary District ATTACHMENT E .. cr> g, ;., ::> ~ LOCA liON MAP 1 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS i!.II.I"I:iil~il..~I:I:I:I~I:'I: BOARD MEETIM:;Ch 20, 1997 Page 1 of 7 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR d. March 14, 1997 TYPE OF ACTION SET HEARING DATE DATE SUBJECT ESTABLISH APRIL 17, 1997, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO CONSIDER THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE GARY WAY CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 97-1; ADOPT RESOLUTIONS TO CLARIFY INTENT RELATED TO EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC LANDS FROM BENEFIT SUBMITTED BY Jay S. McCoy INITIATING DEPTIDIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUES: A public hearing is required to establish the Gary Way Contractual Assessment District No. 97-1 (C.A.D. No. 97-1). Resolutions previously adopted by the Board need to be clarified. A public hearing is also required to create an assessment district pursuant to the procedure adopted under Proposition 218, which amended the California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4. BACKGROUND: On October 17, 1996, the Board of Directors adopted a resolution directing the preparation of a report for a demonstration project known as Gary Way C.A.D. No. 97-1. A draft report is being prepared and assessments are being estimated. It is now appropriate to schedule a public hearing to offer interested parties the opportunity to comment on the proposed assessments and related issues. A resolution has been prepared and is attached, which, if adopted, will set the date for the public hearing on April 17, 1997. Also, the resolutions previously adopted by the Board to establish the boundary of the Assessment District and to request consent of Contra Costa County to conduct assessment proceedings were not clear relative to the fact that no special benefit will be conferred on public lands. Resolutions are attached showing the modified language. The proposed changes are a result of the passage of Proposition 218. RECOMMENDATION: Establish April 17, 1997, as the date for a public hearing regarding Gary Way C.A.D. No. 97-1 pursuant to California Constitution, Article XIII D, Section 4, and Streets and Highways Code, Sections 5898.20 and 5898.24. Adopt resolutions to clarify the exclusion of public lands from benefit. ~ AM) f/EI FOR BOARD ACTION m RAB H:\PP\GARYCAD.JSM RESOLUTION NO. 97- RESOLUTION SETTING HEARING OF PROTESTS ON DEMONSTRATION PROJECT KNOWN AS GARY WAY CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT (C.A.D. NO. 97-1) The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District resolves: 1. At the direction of this Board of Directors, Jay S. McCoy, Infrastructure Division Manager, as Engineer of Work for improvement proceedings in Gary Way Contractual Assessment District (C.A.D. No. 97-1), Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Contra Costa County, California, has prepared a report described in Section 5898.22 of the Streets and Highways Code (Municipal Improvement Act of 1911). 2. Owners of each affected parcel will be provided written notice of the proposed assessment and ballot to indicate approval or opposition of the assessment pursuant to the procedures required by California ConstiMion Art. XIII D Sec. 4. 3. Owners of each affected parcel have expressly agreed to waive their right to a hearing in no less than 45 days after the mailing of the notice of the proposed assessment and ballot, pursuant to California Constitution, Article XIID, Section 4. 4. This Board sets 2 p.m. on April 17, 1997, at the Meeting Room of the Board of Directors, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez, California, as the time and place for hearing protests to the proposed improvements and the creation of the proposed Contractual Assessment District and assessment. H:\PP\GARYCAD.JSM 5. The Secretary of the District is directed to publish, post, and mail the notices of improvement required by the Municipal Improvement Act of 1911, and to file an affidavit of compliance. The notice shall be published in the CONTRA COSTA TIMES not later than twenty (20) days before the date of the hearing. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 20th day of March, 1997, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Mario M. Menesini President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Joyce E. Murphy Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Aim, District Counsel H:\PP\GARYCAD.JSM RESOLUTION NO. 97- _lgl_IIQI1QN]II.IIM~:I~:~RESOLUTlON APPROVING BOUNDARY MAP .......................................GARY'..WAy....CON.fRAcruAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 97-' The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District resolves: A map entitled "Proposed Boundaries of Gary Way Contractual Assessment District No. 97-1 (C.A.D. No. 97-1)" has been filed with the Secretary of the District. This Board approves the map and adopts the boundaries shown on the map as describing the extent of the territory included in a proposed assessment district to be known as Gary Way Contractual Assessment District No. 97-1 (C.A.D. No. 97-1), Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, California. This Board intends to levy a contractual assessment upon the land within the described District in accordance with the benefit to be received by each parcel of land, respectively, from the improvement. There shall be omitted from assessment, all public streets, alleys, and places and all land belonging to the United States, the State of California, the County of Contra Costa and the District now in use in the performance of a public funetior(aliii.::::::~t::::~lg:::::.n ~1I1l.:::III:::fI::::giil::::.i~!t:::I!~~:::9i:::9.fii!::::ii:::l!i:::!!el:::~II!:::M~~I!I:::li::::.!!it. This Board finds that the map is in the form and contains the matters prescribed by Section 3110 of the California Streets and Highways Code. H:\PP\GARYCAD.JSM 1 This Board directs the Secretary of the District to certify the adoption of this resolution on the face of the map and to file a copy of the map with the County Recorder for placement in the Book of Maps of Assessment and Community Facilities Districts. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~I. day of~, 1997, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Mario M. Menesini President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Joyce E. Murphy Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Aim, District Counsel H:\PP\GARYCAD.JSM 2 RESOLUTION NO. 97- ii:;ii~":8i!!!~fti::'i::li~i..:fti.'ll:::A"!'Ul!!:"""""""'" 0 0 QUESTING CONSENT TO m~:j{:~~i.o~..,rp::tiY6R#I::::RES LUTI N RE ...............................................coNoDtt..As.SESSMENT PROCEEDINGS GARY WAY CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 97-1 The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District resolves: On October 17, 1996, the Board adopted a Resolution of Intention, a copy of which is annexed hereto, marked Exhibit A, and by reference incorporated herein as though fully set forth. All of the property proposed to be assessed lies within the unincorporated territory of Contra Costa County. 1!::::.s:::milli::~:I~ii~~::~:!I!::::RIi.::::199.ji!"::::!!I!:~::a!gnQIQQ.::::it"I::::gHJA li.i:::II:]lg:::g!::E!linfj~:::.:::99HOi:::if:::_:::gmf:::::.:::.:::9gl~:::!mi"!::::9i::::9m!m~:::!~9m _1::~a..:::I:::II:::.9:::9!tlltil1:::1@1:::pR~:~_]ltl~!t::I!~:::a:::sBfiiM::::m::::lttY:::l!sm B::::liI!g:::mi::::_FI The area of Contra Costa County which lies within the proposed assessment district will, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, be benefitted by the improvements referred to in the Resolution of Intention, and the purposes sought to be accomplished by the work can best be accomplished by a single, comprehensive scheme of work. The consent of Contra Costa County, through its Board of Supervisors, is hereby requested to the formation of the district described in said Resolution of Intention, to the improvement described, and to the assumption of jurisdiction by this Board for all purposes in H:\PP\GARYCAD.JSM 1 connection with the formation of this assessment district, the improvements to be made and the assessment of property within the boundaries of the proposed district. The Secretary of the 80aM of Supervisors _ is hereby directed to transmit a certified copy of this resolution with the Resolution of Intention attached, and a certified copy of the map showing the boundaries of the district, to the County Clerk of the County of Contra Costa . PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~_ day of January BPn, 1997, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: Mario M. Menesini President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Joyce E. Murphy Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Aim, District Counsel H:\PP\GARYCAD.JSM 2 ~ C,entral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ::::11111.1::1:11111111:.:..11..11.1 BOARD MEETING o~arch 20, 1997 Page 1 of 1 NO. 3. CONSENT CALENDAR e. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 7, 1997 PERSONNEL SUBJ ECT AUTHORIZE MEDICAL LEAVE OF ABSENCE WITHOUT PAY FOR GORDON TRAPP, UTILITY WORKER, THROUGH APRIL 14, 1997 SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT,oIV Charles A. Batts, Manager Plant Operations Department ISSUE: Board authorization is required for Leave Without Pay in excess of 30 days. BACKGROUND: Gordon Trapp, Utility Worker, has been off work since November 12, 1996, due to a non- industrial injury. Mr. Trapp applied for and was granted twelve weeks of Family/Medical Leave without pay through February 4, 1997. Following this period, his physician anticipated a return-to-work date of March 3, 1997, and Mr. Trapp was granted thirty days Leave-Without-Pay by his department manager, Charles Batts. Mr. Trapp now reports that leave is required through April 14, 1997. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize Medical Leave Without Pay for Gordon Trapp, Utility Worker, through April 14, 1997. CRF IlIE\IEII\fD A/ID RECOMW3\DED FOR BOARD ACTION ~ 9116/96 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS iii::i!.:I::':':::::::W..i::::i:l!~~ji::i!l!~:::i:i:i:i:i:i BOARD MEETING OF ~~j~~m.~:::::::::::~I~~~'~~~~.II~~~~~~m.mi~M.~~\~~~{ March 20, 1997 Page 1 of 4 NO. 6. ENGINEERING a. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 14, 1997 PREOUALlFICA TION SUBJECT APPROVE AS PREOUAUFIED MICROTUNNEUNG/PIPE JACKING CONTRACTORS FOR THE SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, D.P. 4928 AND THE MARTINEZ EAST SIDE TRUNK SEWER, D.P. 4950 SUBMITTED BY Tad J. Pilecki, Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPT iOlV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUE: Board approval is needed to prequalify contractors. BACKGROUND: This prequalification covers two current District projects. The South Orinda Sewer Improvements A'oject, D.P. 4928, includes the installation of approximately 40,000 feet of 8- through 36- inch pipeline. Of this total, approximately 8,000 feet of 36-inch pipeline will be installed utilizing microtunneling/pipe jacking methods along Moraga Way in the City of Orinda. The geologic conditions in the areas of the microtunneling generally consist of clayey sand and gravel, siltstone/claystone, silty sand/gravel and clay. It is anticipated that all of the tunneling will be below the groundwater levels. The Martinez project includes the installation of approximately 20,000 feet of 8- through 24-inch pipeline. Of this total, approximately 3,500 feet of 24-inch pipeline will be installed utilizing microtunneling/pipe jacking methods along Ferry Street, Escobar Street, and Court Street. The geologic conditions in the areas of microtunneling generally consist of silty fat clay to organic clay silt (Bay Mud) and alluvium material consisting predominately of stiff clays. It is anticipated that all of the tunneling will be below the groundwater levels. In order to stabilize the tunnel direction, control groundwater inflows, minimize surface settlement and reduce dewatering requirements, the use of specialized advanced technology equipment involving pressurized face microtunneling/pipe jacking equipment with a closed face tunnel shield and positive, controllable face pressure is a requirement for both projects. Due to the anticipated difficult tunneling conditions and the requirement for the use of this equipment, contractors who propose to perform the microtunneling/pipe jacking work must have sufficient experience utilizing the specialized equipment and certain other experience. A'equalification of these microtunneling/pipe jacking contractors/subcontractors is necessary and is in the best interest of the District because of the difficulty of the work and the need to have the work done properly and safely. ~ AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION tf/;", II//! N ID-Gl \C:\INFRA \PP\49284950. T JP ................ . .... . ..... ............ .... ..... '1111 ::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::-It::::::::::.::::::::::::::::::::::.:::::::::::::;:II::::::t:::::::::::::.:::::::::::.:/:::::;;:;:.::::::::::::::::::::::'S':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::OATE ........... ..... .. ......... ....... .......... ........... March 20 1997 ~~jr\jjj{j~~::::jtt~::::;::::)~::::;::j:::::r::::r::::f::::;::ti:i:::::/jfh::r\:::~~t:::::::::~r1j:::::::::::::::f:::::~mmf~r~r ' I Page 2 of 4 SUBJECT APPROVE AS PREQUAUFIED MICROTUNNEUNG/P1PE JACKING CONTRACTORS FOR THE SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, D.P. 4928 AND THE MARTINEZ EAST SIDE TRUNK SEWER, D.P. 4950 A notice inviting prequalification submittals was published on January 31, and February 5, 1997. The project was also advertized on the Internet utilizing the Microtunneling Web Site. Eleven submittals were received by the due date of February 14, 1997, and evaluated by District staff through an objective process. Nine contractors who submitted information were determined to be prequalified for the Martinez Project. Nine contractors who submitted information were determined to be prequalified for the South Orinda Project. Of the nine contractors submitting on the South Orinda Project, four contractors, Nova Group, Vadnais Corporation, Elmore Pipe Jacking, Inc., and Ras-Dam Construction Ltd. have had limited experience with intermediate jacking stations. Hence, their prequalification will be conditioned by requiring each contractor to retain a consultant who is knowledgeable on the use, spacing, and placement of intermediate jacking stations. A list of the contractors recommended as prequalified is contained in Exhibit A for the Martinez Project and Exhibit B for the South Orinda Project. The Board's determination that only certain contractors are prequalified for the microtunneling/pipe jacking work is applicable to these projects only and the specific circumstances involved. It is not intended to reflect adversely upon the ability of contractors not determined to be prequalified. RECOMMENDATION: Approve as prequalified the microtunneling/pipe jacking contractors listed in Exhibit A for the Martinez East Side Trunk Improvement Project and in Exhibit B for the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project. ID-GL \C:\INFRA \PP\49284950. T JP EXHIBIT A STAFF RECOMMENDATION OF PREQUALlFIED CONTRACTORS for the MARTINEZ EASE SIDE TRUNK SEWER PROJECT, D.P. 4950 BRH-Garver Inc. San Diego, California Frank Coluccio Construction Company Seattle, Washington Laxfield Corporation Boston, Massachusetts Michels Pipeline Construction Inc. Milwaukee, Wisconsin Nada Pacific Corporation Caruthers, California Nova Group Inc. Napa, California Ras-Dam Construction Ltd. Edmonton, Alberta Vadnais Corporation San Diego, California Westcon/Dillingham Microtunneling Pleasant Grove, Utah ID-GL\C:\INFRA \PP\49284950. T JP Page 3 of 4 Page 4 of 4 EXHIBIT B STAFF RECOMMENDATION OF PREQUALlFIED CONTRACTORS for the SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, D.P. 4928 Frank Coluccio Construction Co. Seattle, Washington Laxfield Corporation Boston, Massachusetts Michels Pipeline Construction, Inc. Milwaukee, Wisconsin Nada Pacific Corporation Caruthers, California Westcon/Dillingham Microtunneling Pleasant Grove, Utah Elmore Pipe Jacking, Inc. Slymar, California Prequalification conditional upon retaining a consultant acceptable to the District for advice during tunneling operations relative to the use, spacing, and placement of intermediate jacking stations. Nova Group Napa, California Prequalification conditional upon retaining a consultant acceptable to the District for advice during tunneling operations relative to the use, spacing, and placement of intermediate jacking stations. Ras-Dam Construction Ltd. Edmonton, Alberta Prequalification conditional upon retaining a consultant acceptable to the District for advice during tunneling operations relative to the use, spacing, and placement of intermediate jacking stations. Vadnais Corporation San Diego, California Prequalification conditional upon retaining a consultant acceptable to the District for advice during tunneling operations relative to the use, spacing, and placement of intermediate jacking stations. ID-GL\C:\INFRA \PP\49284950. T JP ~ l.,entral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 1 af 1 BOARD MEETING OF NO. March 20, 1997 6. ENGINEERING b. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 14, 1997 AUTHORIZE SUBSTITUTION OF SUBCONTRACTOR SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE SUBSTITUTION OF DOLAN CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION, A NEW SUBCONTRACTOR, FOR GALLETTI & SONS, INC., THE LISTED SUBCONTRACTOR, FOR SITE CONCRETE WORK ON THE HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION FACILITY PROJECT (DP 7165) SUBMITTED BY Munawar Husain, Assaciate Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Engineering Department, Plant Engineering Divisian ISSUE: The Hausehald Hazardaus Waste Callectian Facility Praject general cantractar, C. Overaa & Ca., has requested substitutian af a subcantractar listed an its bid and cantract. Baard af Directars' autharizatian is required far the substitutian. BACKGROUND: C. Overaa & Ca. listed Galletti & Sans, Inc. as the subcantractar far site cancrete an its bid prapasal to. the District far the Hausehald Hazardaus Waste Callectian Facility Praject (DP 7165). Galletti & Sans, Inc. claims that it desires to. do. all cantract wark an the project and daes nat wish to. participate if its work is restricted anly to. site wark. Galletti & Sans, Inc. has refused to. execute the subcantractar agreement affered by C. Overaa & Ca. Under these circumstances, C. Overaa & Ca. naw seeks Baard approval to. use Dalan Cancrete Canstructian to. perfarm the same work. Under Califarnia Public Cantract Cade, Sectian 4107, substitutian af a listed subcantractor is permitted anly in certain situatians, including situatians where the subcantractar has failed ar refused to. sign a subcantract agreement. District staff has natified Galletti & Sans, Inc. by certified mail af the request for subcantractor substitutian by C. Overaa & Ca. and has also. advised them af the requirement to. natify the District in writing within five (5) wark days af any abjectian to. this propased actian. Failure to. submit timely written abjectians results in the ariginal subcantractar's autamatic cansent to. the substitutian. During a subsequent telephane canversatian initiated by District staff, the awner af Galletti & Sans, Inc. provided assurances that there wauld nat be an abjectian to. the subcantractar substitutian request. Based upan the statements made, District staff believe that the cantractar's request will be unappased. The awarding autharity must cansent to. the subcantractar substitutian to. effect the change. In the present instance, cansent by the District Baard af Directars is appropriate. The propased substitutian will nat result in any additianal cast to. the District ar result in a delay in the project campletian. RECOMMENDATION: Autharize the substitutian af Dalan Cancrete Canstructian, a new subcantractor, far Galletti & Sans, Inc., the listed subcantractor, far site cancrete work an the Hausehald Hazardaus Waste Callectian Facility Project, District Project No.. 7165. REVIEWED AND RECOMIVIENDED FOR BOARD ACTION J/J; 1?$k wt:/; Plb INITIATING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION MH RSK WEB RAB PED\L:\PP\ 7165SUBS. MH 9/16/96 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ;.:.:.............:.:.........:.............:..11.....................;.;.........:.;.I}I....:.:.:.....:.:.;............:..:.;.......;.:.iifll............mf.:.:.:.;.:.8oAROMEEllNGOF ,iiii.....;,;..;':,Q!S..:"':.ti.::,:.'y..',"tt:..:.:.:.:.:~tt:i'i' :IIWB!B",}:"",i:i:I.")t"}I"",'f(',ft",,,,,(::i:i"",:;:::;;"",:'\,):iii:iiiI:: March 20, 1 997 Page 1 of 4 NO. 7. HUMAN RESOURCES a. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 14, 1997 RECEIVE BUDGET SUBJECT RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1997 - 1998 SUBMITTED BY Cathryn Freitas, Human Resources Manager INITIATING DEPT iOlV Administrative/Human Resources ISSUE: Staff has analyzed its personnel needs for Fiscal Year 1997-1998 and is submitting its requests for Board consideration at the March 20, 1997 Board Meeting. Board decision is scheduled for the May 1, 1997 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 1997-1998. The Personnel Budget includes departmental overviews providing summary information, request justification pages with detailed explanations on the effect of these recommended staffing changes, organizational charts reflecting current staffing and proposed changes, and three new job descriptions. The attached summary sheet highlights the effect of each department's staffing requests on the number of total authorized positions in the District, and the reduced cost in salaries and benefits. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized regular positions in the District will decrease by three (3) from last year. Thirteen Co-op student positions are requested this year which is an increase of four (4). Despite the decreased number of regular positions, the salaries and wages in the 1997-1998 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase slightly from the previous year due to any potential salary adjustments and any merit and longevity increases scheduled in 1997-1998. The Departmental requests are as follows: Administrative 1. Add two Public Information & Production Assistant 1/II's (I = G-52, $2611-$3154; II = G-60, $3154-$3817); delete one Public Information & Production Assistant (G-52, $2611-$3154); and delete one Staff Assistant 1/11 (I=G-45, $2217-$2673; II=G-49, $2433-$2941). w- CRF lID RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD A CT10N INITIATING DEPARTMENTiOlVlSlON H:\PP\97BUDGET.PP2 9/16/96 :.. DATE March 14, 1997 I Page 2 of 4 SUBJECT RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1997 - 1998 Plant ODe rations 2. Delete one Utility Worker (G-45, $2217-$2673). 3. Add four Plant Operators III (G-65, $3551-$4303) and delete five Plant Operators 1/11 (I = G-59, $3082-$3729; 11= G-62, $3312-$4007). 4. Add one Maintenance Planner (G-71 , $4098-$4962). Engineerina 5. Delete one Senior Construction Inspector (G-72, $4201-$5086). 6. Add three Management Analysts (G68, $3817-$4620); delete one Administrative Analyst (G-68, $3817-$4620); and delete two Planning Assistants (G-68, $3817-$4620). 7. Add two Assistant Engineers (G-72, $4201-$5086). Collection System ODerations 8. Delete two Maintenance Crew Leaders (G65, $3551-$4303). 9. Delete one Maintenance Crew Member 1/11 (I =G-53, $2673-$3233; II =G-59, $3082-$3729). Secretary of the District No personnel requested. CO-OD 10. Authorize the hiring of students to fill thirteen positions in the Co-op program. The staff will meet and confer with the Union on the budget prior to Board adoption. ....................... ....................... ................... :::::~::~.::::~:i:::i.I.II:::::::::III.I!!I!!!\\II.....!:\'\I DATE February 28, 1997 I Page 3 of 4 SUBJECT RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1997 - 1998 District Safety Plans are being made to reorganize the Safety functions of the District. With the departure of the Safety and Loss Control Specialist in the Administrative Department, the District is planning to reorganize the overall responsibility for District safety activities. This reorganization would transfer safety-related functions from the Risk Management Section of the Administrative Department. It is anticipated that the reorganization will enable the District to change the vacant Safety and Loss Control Specialist position In the Administrative Department to eliminate the need for safety-related skills and reduce the compensation level accordingly: alternatively, a Risk Management Assistant will be proposed to assist the Risk Manager with workers' compensation, claims, liability, security, etc. The future structure of Safety and staffing implications in other Departments will be determined after considering input from all the stakeholders. Following Meet & Confer with the MS/CG representatives, it is proposed that any changes would take place before the 1 997/98 Fiscal Year. RECOMMENDATION: Receive and consider the Personnel Budget for 1997-1998 herein identified by items 1-10. The Personnel Budget will be submitted for final approval at the May 1, 1997 Board Meeting. ~ rIj ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ QIO =" =" ....-4 t' =" =" ....-4 Q IlI1CJ tlilliri 1-11-1 ~1lIl 2= E-tE-t ~m .. .. .. ^ ^ ^ GI~ .-l III III M co M 0\ 0 .... IH qo .-l co 0 1 $.l GI , , , , 0 III s:l .-l r-- co qo 1 ..tGl M co .-l :l1Q v v N V (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- lco ole roo", III r-- \0 qo ole "'", M 0\ r-- qo III ~.-l . III I roo \0", III co III r-- III "'", M 0\ r-- qo . ~..t III lco I I roo", I "'", 0 qo 0\ 0 0 ~..t I I I I roo \0", 1 I I "'", 0 qo III 0 0 ~..t I 1 I ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ qo qor--M.-l MNO\r--M 000\0\0 M MO\ III Ill.-lr--qo r--\ONOO NNNCOCO 0 MN II ..t .-lCO\OO\ \OO\r--OM \0\0\000 M Nr-- 01 M MMNN NqoMqoqo qoqoqollllll qo MM s:l (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- III 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I Ill: .-l .-lqor--M r--CONN.-l r--r--r--.-l.-l .-l MN 1 .-l .-l1ll.-lM .-l0\ CO.-l III .-l.-l.-l00 III r--co 0 t' \0 \O.-lNqo NOOMIll COCOCONN III \00 I N NMNN NqoMMM MMMqoqo M NM III (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- (I)- ..t III , !to ... ... ... ... ... -. ... .. ... ... ... ... ... , , , rn N NO III 0\ Ill.-lO\NIll COCOCONN III MO\ III lll\Oqoqo qor--Ill\O\O \O\O\Or--r-- \0 III III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 I I I I I 1 I I 1 CI CICICICI CICICICICI CICICICICI CI CICI V V V V VV v v V H H m I<llH H m $.l ...... $.l H +J 01 ';;l$.llll OH 01 m 01 s:llllg 'l-l I:: $.l >t I:: I::+l I:: 01 .... .... o ..t .... 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Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ,1:':.111111'11:111111:111111,111111: BOARD MErn;;;;Ch 20, 1997 Page 1 of 3 NO. 7. HUMAN RESOURCES b. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 14, 1997 HUMAN RESOURCES SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES SUBMITTED BY Cathryn Freitas, Human Resources Manager INITIATING DEPT IDIV Administrative/Human Resources ISSUE: District staff has assessed its needs for seasonal employees in 1997. BACKGROUND: Each year, the District hires students during the summer months for vacation relief, cleanup, and special projects; and during the school year or semester breaks for additional assistance. Authorization was given for thirty-nine student positions last year. Approval is requested for forty-one seasonal positions in Fiscal Year 1997 - 1998. It is recommended that the hourly rates for seasonal employees remain the same as last year: Student Positions ProDosed Salarv* Clerical, laborer (No experience necessary) Technical (Drafting) Professional (Chemist, Engineer) $ 7.50 $ 9.00 $11.00 * For every year a student returns, add $1 .00 per hour to a maximum of three additional summers: For example, a student laborer who has worked here for the past two summers would receive $9.50 per hour this summer. The extra dollar would recognize experience and serve as an incentive for returning students. The approximate cost of this action will be $188,500 from departmental 0 & M budgets. A summary of the requests for seasonal employees is attached. Department Managers will be prepared to answer any questions regarding the following requests: Administrative The Administrative Department is requesting four summer student positions in 1997-1998 which is one-half more position than last year. The positions are located in Materials Control for inventory and vacation relief; Building Maintenance for vacation relief and general maintenance; in Communication Services for technical support, and Risk Management for work on various projects. CRF PM NO RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACT10N INITIATING DEPARTMENTIDIVlSlON w:: H:\PP\97SEASNL.PP 9/16/96 :1:1:1.1.1:1:1~11::..I.llllllllillll.I.I.I~I.III.I~I.1.11111 DATE March 14, 1997 I Page 2 of 3 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES Collection System ODerations The Collection System Operations Department is requesting fourteen summer student positions--eleven laborers and three clericals. This is one more laborer position than last year's request. Nine laborer positions will work on field crews to supplement staffing during vacation periods and to expand the number of construction crews for repair work in easements, and two will perform buildings and grounds maintenance work. The three clerical positions are for vacation relief and to assist with special projects. Plant ODerations The Plant Operations Department is requesting three and one-half fewer positions than last year which makes their total request equal fifteen students. Eight of the summer student laborer positions will provide coverage for the vacant regular position in Buildings and Grounds and will aid in the Aeration and Nitrification Tank Project, do seasonal maintenance and post UV project clean-up. The Plant is also requesting two relief positions in the Laboratory, one drafter, two laborers in the Pumping Stations, one assistant in the Electrical Shop, and one clerical to assist the Mainsaver implementation. Enaineerina The Engineering Department requests authorization to hire six summer student positions--five engineering assistants and one clerical. This is four more than last year's request. Three of the engineering students will be assigned to the Infrastructure Division to work on engineering, construction, and construction management projects; one will work in pollution prevention for the Source Control Section of the Plant Engineering Department; and one will work in the Planning Division on odor control and cyanide projects. The clerical position will assist in various areas of the department providing vacation relief and assisting clerical staff with departmental projects. The Secretary of the District The Secretary of the District is requesting one student to assist with records management and one student for the Clerical Support Section to help with large projects, switchboard backup and vacation relief. This is the same number of positions requested as last year. RECOMMENDATlON: Authorize the hiring of 41 students for seasonal employment which is two students more than last year. en "'Cl .... c: . ... 0 .t:. en .- ... en .t:: =' ..... en <( 0 D. en I'C: en .2 en.t:: ..... en o D. ..... t/) ... 2 w C ::::> ... t/) a: o LA. COt/) en... ent/) .....w '::::> I'd enw en a: ........J <( ... 2 w ~ ... a: <( D. W C ... 2 w :?i J: U <( ... ... <( ... C CD E 1:: co c. CD C o o C') ..... -0 o C! ..... ..... -0 o it) o ..... -0 o C! o ..... -0 o it) en -0 o C! en -0 o it) CO -0 o it) I' N -0 it) C') q- ..... ..... Q) > '.j:i co .... +-' ,~ C E "0 <( ('t) it) OJ ..... q- ..... o ..... q- o en u ..... N It) ..... N ..... N ..... It) q- en c o ... co .... Q) c. o +-' C co a.. N (0 ..... q- ..... C) c ';: Q) Q) c C) c w Page 3 of 3 m ('t) N ..... q- ..... (0 ..... o ..... q- ..... (0 ..... ..... N +-' U .... +-' ,~ Cl Q) .t:. +-' - o >- .... co +-' Q) .... u Q) en co ... o ... I- J: U Ii w ::!i ::!i =' rJl !C a.. +-' .~ .... +-' en i:5