HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 05-01-97 {;entral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS :iiiiillllill!::':illllli'!'iiii!i!ii BOARD MErn~:~ 1, 1997 ~ DATE TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANTS OF EASEMENT CONSENT CALENDAR a. April 28, 1997 SUBJ ECT NO. 4. Page 1 of 13 ACCEPT GRANTS OF EASEMENTS FROM TWELVE PROPERTY OWNERS FOR THE SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, D.P. 4928 SUBMITTED BY Ricardo Hernandez, Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPTiOlV Engineering/Infrastructure ISSUE: Board approval is required for the District to accept Grants of Easements. BACKGROUND: The subject Grants of Easements are for easements acquired from private property owners for the construction of the South Grinda Sewer Improvements Project. Agreements have been reached with these owners and negotiations are continuing for other easements. Attached are maps depicting the subject easements. Appraisals were prepared by a licensed real estate appraiser hired by the District to determine the value of the proposed easements. Based on comparable sales of similar land and the impact of the proposed easements on the value of the existing lands, the just compensation amounts for the permanent sanitary sewer easements and temporary construction easements have been paid to the following owners: Eric and Ann L. Ward Richard F. and Joanne Lande Martin and Mary A. Heller Hiro and Elaine R. Sugimura Elsie E. Houston Smith Trust Nemon Family Trust Lewis Family Irrevocable Living Trust Newman Buckley, et al 93 Moraga Way Investors, L TO II Joseph A. Demaria 1991 Trust Horst Rademacher and Margaret Hellweg William P. and Mardis J. Preciado 4 Overhill Road 110 Moraga Way 2 Monte Veda Drive 216 Moraga Way 28 Southwood Drive 12 Tara Road 24 Southwood Drive 44 Moraga Way 93 Moraga Way 16 Southwood Drive 12 Southwood Drive 36 Southwood Drive $500 $11,808 $2,470 $500 $3,500 $10,750 $6,400 $3,577.60 $15,000 $5,625 $4,700 $2,300 Funds for the purchase of the easements are included in the authorized budget for the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project, D.P. 4928. A Notice of Exemption from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA) was filed with the Contra Costa County Clerk on November 8, 1996. RECOMMENDATION: Accept Grants of Easements from Eric and Ann L. Ward; Richard F. and Joanne Lande; Martin and Mary A. Heller; Hiro and Elaine R. Sugimura; the Nemon Family Trust; the Elsie Elaine Houston Smith Trust, the Lewis Family Irrevocable Living Trust; Newman Buckley, et al; 93 Moraga Way Investors, L m II; Joseph A. Demaria 1991 Trust; Horst Rademacher and Margaret Hellweg; William P. and Mardis J. Preciado; and authorize staff to record said Grants of Easements with the Contra Costa County Recorder. INITIATING DEPARTMENTiOlVISlON 1<-. \-\ ~ ID-GLlC:\lnfra\PP\OrinMor3.RH . --~_'_'__'_~'_"'_'--_._.....~,_.._._._..-.,. '~--"."--""""-"" .'-----..~--"._.-< ..~.."'''_.__~.___~._.__".k____~"..._.,.._~"~._.~_.__,_.-__.....__..._"..___._~,..,__._._."_._..____'____.M_,,"... . . "__..~_..,.._._._~.__._..____~...,_ 10' 1 \~ \"J 03. ~ 03 1& t I~ \; 10 ,:j, CHECKED BY: ELG lliOUAS BRO.: 71A6 JOB NO.: 4928 DATE: NOV. co. ASSMT. NO.: PARCEl. NO.: 27, 1997 268-181-003 7 RIGHT \ \~ . \~ \(~ \~~ '\' t-.;) ~ \ c """ t-.;) \ c ~ CENTERUNE - SEWER AUGNMENT .... C'l ~ ~ It: ~ ili FEET ~ r-~ ~ 0 10 20 &; .... S DRA\MII BY: ~ SCAlE: ~ I 40 PSC 1" =40' \ \~ ;. ,.~ \~ o \a ?J ,3 ~ \ Q , ~ \ \-\\LL O\JER RO :Z ~ -< ....0 ~~ . ~<? ~~ :?, <' 00 0:> AREA = 86 S.F.:1: / RIGHT EXHIBI]"I\ j..'.:.'"'B~- . ...', !I " . .. -/.:., i .:,,_~~{}~ .:-:"J.:... .. /" f:: : : -:::;~\~;:.:-:::. . OF :.'~I..~:\d__::Tf.Or. SEWER . ., ,.,ll."~~.,, '".:~ -~. ........,....." . ! 1 ~ ~ I! 1 1 1 1 r ,:, r I 01 "I":~ I ":.. ':"1" :" ! :" { :" ! :";" ! ....... ....... ~ C:l ~"'-....\ s:. ~Cl)r-<:) \~)>~ ~ <:) ":2:. (;) ~~'=J )> \ ~ %\% ~ ():)~ -<. ~ o jO y (;) y %. y ..l.. ~ FEET o ~ I ,.: 0 10 20 40 15 N ~ DRAWN BY: PSC SCALE: 1"=40' 10' PARCEL ONE AREA = 3,134 S.F.:f:: PARCEL TWO AREA = 143 S.F.:f:: ~~ ~~ ~~ ~Z: -\rn \ ~ ~ ~ '><. ~ \ti s:. ""~r-C:l \ \ )>::tl C:l~":2:.)> ~~'=J(;) ~~~)> \1.{) C:lC:l -.:;:: C:l~ ~ I.{) -<. ....... ....... C)) ~............ s:. ~~~<:) \ \ s:.~ C:l~u;))> ~t~~ \"'-....\""""-\-.:;:: ~~ ~ C:l -<. CHECKED BY: ELG NOV. 27, 1997 lHOMAS BRO.: 71A6 JOB NO.: ~ G: SCALE: Cl ...l W 4928 1"=40' DATE: 273~OT42~008 & 009 PARCEL NO.: 8 & 9 ,.-.- / ./ ,.. N l!s o N i II:: 8 ili SCALE: 1"=40' ~ u::> "- ~ ~ "- <=6 V' CENTERLINE - SEWER ALIGNMENT ..?/'o ~o~ u~ '--f>o& -1'Q ..?.>'O6'/, 3?~ ~ ~ ~, O--f> \5' "Af )- /'s S ~, ~~ 0/'7 i fEET o ~ I ~ 0 10 20 40 85 N Ii DRA....,., BY: psc ..?/' ~ ~O~ f'70..... C'o -1'Q -- (S"'c-. ~ ~.>~.9 v~ ~ ~...... O,p "Af )- O/'o .>: 'a <9~ V.> CHECKED BY: ELG NOV. 27, 1997 THOMAS BRO.: 73A1 JOB NO.: ~SCAlE: ~ 4928 1"=40' DAlE: CO. ASSMT. NO.: 273-152-012 PARca NO.: 27 i c ,: 0 Q:: CD N ~ DRAWN BY: RIGHT /" S' ~,SS. "6'}tS~ ('"lo"g. .t .?6'.,9. ......0 ~ ...... O.? -> .??: ~ ~O~ r70 G'0--1(;' :::>'57. 0'.s:: '-? .?->-:> ~ ~ ~ ~......O O-?> ,)- 70 ->..0 'a <J0 V.-> .?~ ...... 070 ......a V&, SCALE: 1"=40' ~ G: SCAlE: CI &1 P8C CHECKED BY: ELG NOV. 27, 1997 THOMAS BRO.: 73A1 JOB NO.: 4928 1"=40' DATE: CO. ASSMT. NO.: 272-010-010 PARCEL NO.: 29 '<;t (\j SOUTHWOOD DRIVE LEWI S 15663 O.R. 187 268-170-017 @ [L@i1' ~~ SMITH TRUST 16295 O.R.517 268-170-018 @ [L@'U' ~~ a.,''tI S's '\ bel.) ) ...." \fo ~o \ ,(\ .... "- ' 0 S'i ~?O ................. '" ' , .97 0', '],.be"" ..................... ............ '''-,', '~..,7..>, ............... ..........."/,,,...... " " '", '/..1 .... - ........ , ' '}'P' -;;.::-;:./ '<'< 10'~ ............ " ,,-', 5'\ ' , , " "-,', -.... " " " .....""'" :'-p--- ',',,- '_....:.---\\- " '-...--" --- '--- c '" " o.i ~ U Q. ;::: on ~ / ~ / ;::: on ~ / <Xl N en ~ -;; i:;' 0 "3 I / :.: " ~ DRAWN BY: DRS SCALE: 1"-50' FEET ~ N. 1 50 Q:) C\J ~@[R1~@~ ~~u~u~~ ~~ [Mj]~[p~ ------- .-.-.-. 100 I CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A5. A6 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-018 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 42 --- "w ------:.::---- 5560'3'3'48 - .. _-- ____0____- 245 25' (\)~--:.A-i ---:----- :;5'::;~5:~_:,,-:---i -- ';;..0...--...-.- CENTRAL CO RIGHT 0 J! tc Q CHAN LEUNG 268-161-004 d~ ~O 0~0 '00 .~ !MiJ@[g1~@J ~~U~U~~ ~~ !MiJ~[P) ~~U PRECI ADO TRUST SERIES NO. 96-76787 268-170-020 @ ~@ NEMON FAMILY TRUST 166/1 O.R.938 268-170-021 ) lV c I 10' i ~:~'N. 5'5t ... --------------- -------~--- ___-"7'"T~ ~~~=====~~====~~~~~\ '" ... /' <Xl '" en ... ~ 0 o U /' .<: @ 50 100 FEET ... ~ DRAWN BY: DRS SCAlE: 1"-50' CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A5 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-021 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 46 . . SOUTHWOOD ~ C\J DRIVE LEWIS 15663 O.R. 187 268-170-017 ~ <\1 @ lL@"if ~~ SMITH TRUST 16295 O.R.517 268-170-018 @ lL@"if ~~ ~t~ ~~t ,"\ "'. \.'\) S'j '" ':lj ...... t'l'" ............/... " ... ./ .,""'~ .-.;""".. ....."..... ,.--::,..~,,.,, /' .....'-" ...... J's ~o .9)' OS, ..,? Q, ~, ~ S86016'54"W c:{\O"~ 178.13' <T> -&.0 ~ 1'~"'-------- co..) '" - - ------_ J ,'2-~' ...-- .--------. --______ -..,..,,-~........-.._""----------- ------- "."'..,............-.......-~..,..",.""- .......-.. --*" - -- -- c '" "'! :;: ~ .... 00 ... '" ~ '" ;:; 00 ... '" lID N '" ... ,. ~ 0 8 I '" .0: ~ N , [Mil@[R1~@~ ~~U~U~~ [Mil A ~~ ~~~ 50 100 I FEET .... ~ DRAWN BY: DRS SCALE; 1".50' CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A5, A6 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-017 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 41 RIGHT I:. x tt1tfli1' '....l.il ~,. -- . ,... .,.... t ...... . ,'M/'::':_~..... :.:.~::. -.,i, '. ...-.._. .._.. . , . (I ')t '; : ", '. ',,:,'i' ::::;,j: '. OF I ' :', '. r .....:-.tor ., ."..~-,:~, ..:JiJ....,." . ,. SEWER SCALE: 1" =40' CENTERLINE - SEWER ALIGNMENT ~ o 1l y Q y (;1 '~ ~ /' ~ o ~ ~ ~U' ~ I!s i 0:: i , f i FEET ~ I c ~ 0 10 20 40 &i N I DRAVlN BY: PBC ~SCALE: 1"=40' ~ CHECKm BY: lliOMAS BRO.: 71A5 ELG NOV. 27, 1997 DAlE: CO. ASSaAT. NO.: 273-042-011 ~ 0') <:X) \ - ~ \ (;:) (;:) \0 ~ y ..L.. , \ '<-& \~~ \~. ~ ~ , \ \ \ , JOB NO.: 4928 PARCEL NO.: 4 & 5 ~ ,.: '" ~ .... '" ... /' ~ /' ;;: '" ... /' <Xl '" Ol ... -;;; ~ "0 " /' .c ~ o ~ )> .... E DRAWN BY: DRS SCALE: 1"-50' .. EXHlg ""''''.'11.'' . CENTRAL CONT~Ctf .......'gARY DISTRICT RIGHT QEdtttA:~.\<'... .....e~:'!fQ.r SEWER """.'..-'0':.,.". ,"",,,,""':":..:.'''''''~ __,,".. 'c'.' __ .. . .:,,,,,~._.~.:_..,,,,,,,,,,,.: . ........"......-... --......----....-,. J sOurHIA I ~ IfvoOD N I \ \ \ [M]@~~@~ ~~u~u~~ ~~ \[M]~[p)~ ~~U' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ IJJ 93 MORAGA WAY \ ~!2 r; INVESTORS. LTD /I \ rre : /0977 O.R. /27 \ & \! : , \ ^o."\l'I 'H " 268-170-008 \ rtr:PV-: ....' j , \ c;P ~'2.:t~ @ \ [L,@ If ~~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 \ ) .?-;/' \ \~ \~ t,\~ . \ \P. <&\~ \~ \!\) 93 ~ ~ 50 100 FEET CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 DRIVE (\J - RADEMACHER HELLWEG /85/0 0.R.220 268-170-014 @ [L,@ If ~~ 10' __r[--~~~~~- ~ _.~------ ---- '~~lf ----------- THOMAS BRO.: 71A6 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-008 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 37 "~'-~-------~._--'-'._---"""--"-----"--~-------,.-~ (\J 1.0 -- E~H~.... CENTRAL cq RIGHT . SOUTHWOOD DRIVE BURTT FAMILY TRUST SERIES NO. 94-257274 268-170-016 DEMARI A TRUST 16906 O.R. 549 268-170-015 @ [L@'1F ~@ @ lb.@ IF ~@ C) "'t (\J <.\J --, - --.~', __I _- --""," ,~....."'t ",.."'.. ,......."',,,, _<:..0.0"\'\ . tn~-- __,--_- , ',', ~ ~C"\ \.'J...,...... y~ ....."" , , , nb,A.'.;J" _- __' _- , " , " "..-.,....,.... ......- , , , ...........~.. ",'" " ~ " ;"'..... --.. ,.." " " , ,.. --.. "..... " ~ , ~--.. ---- " "-, _......- ".' S7Cf'22'59"W --~':~~~:- - _-.::-:::--::------ c '" ." en '" ~ .... on .. / ~ / ;:: on .. / '" '" '" .. -;;; i:;' (; 0 ~ I .c .... ;; DRAWN BY: DRS SCALE: 1"-50' ~ N I ~@~~@~ ~~ ~~ ~~"P 50 100 I FEET CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A6 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-015 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 39 /- /' ~ o ~ ~ )> o:i .... U ~ .... OIl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /' o:l '" 01 ~ -;;; i:;- S /' ,;: .... ~ DRAWN BY: DRS SCAlE: 1"-50' \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 0 \ ) .?-_;:7' \ \~ \~ ~ ~\lD. . \ 'S. ~\~ \"A \!!) SAGE, ET AL /0977 O.R. /27 268-170-008 @ [L@tr ~~ MY DISTRICT . /Y< SewER sOurH'AI vvoOD ) }y I 50 100 \ \ \ \ ~@[R1~Y~~ ~~u ~ u~~ ~~ \~~ 0 ~ ~~"P \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Lu \ 13_ \ ~ ~ ,-------=-- \ 0 cO , ,---- f:) C\J , I ------- \ cn\!:/ \\ ~O~~ f'lJ' / .-puv, .".;" , \SS'- ~'2.:t~~- ....) \ -""'......~..,..... ",.,'- y...............- -","" - .... ........ ......... FEET CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23~97 DRIVE C\J - RADEMACHER HELLWEG /85/0 0.R.220 268-170-014 @ l@tr ~~ - -' lHOMAS BRO.: 71A6 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-014 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 38 t ..; .. j ... ; ~~~~------------ > ----:-=::-=:"-::::::':'::-_" - -- ... - on ... '" .. N ... .. :. 0 . 11 .. '" ~ EXH CENTRAL CO RIGHT Q""",,~,_"; !!!'!!I!!'!!L.._..... J! 9: Q CHAN LEUNG 268-161-004 0<:> ~O ~'\~ coO A ~@~~@ ~~1r~1F~~ ~~ [K'aJ~~ PRECI ADO TRUST SERIES NO. 96-76787 268-170-020 @ 5~ NEMON FAMILY TRUST 166/1 O.R. 938 268-170-021 ) 1(- / @ -' -- ---- --.. 10'li _",~"''1''a,'''<N ----::....-.-.--- 5' ~ ~':'" (0---:::...----- -.-. ------ \ 2,45-'" ---_> -.- --- -j- ---::::::-::;.::::::..-.:.--- - ------ ~_.- ----- --.-. ,-- ------ \ 50 FEET ... ~ DRAWN BY: ... DRS = -: SCAlE' ~ 1".50' ::: CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A5 co. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-020 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 45 "....,-- ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS :::::..lnM:I':'.R:I:::::~.::ii:::iie:.::::::::::~:~: BOARD MEETM OF 99 :~:~:It::.B!:::!::::::::.!I:~::::Ii.,*~:!i!l::::r:I ay 1, 1 7 Page 1 of 3 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR b. April 25, 1997 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 97-4 (ALAMO) AND P.A. 97-5 (DANVILLE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPTIDIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division Parcel Area Owner/Address Remarks Lead Agency No. Parcel No. & Acreage 97-4 Alamo Alamo Orchards, LLC Parcels will be Contra Costa (77E3) 2723 Crow Canyon Road, Suite 100A developed as County San Ramon, CA 94583 Subdivision 8051 192-071-004, -009,-011,-014, and containing 16 lots. -037 (4.0 Ac.) Negative Declaration prepared by Contra Costa County. 97-5 Danville Michael and Phyllis Park Existing house with a CCCSD (78A6) 148 Leona Court failing septic system; Alamo, CA 94506 must connect to the 201-010-017 (0.53 Ac.) public sewer system. Project is exempt from CECA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 97-4 and 97-5 to be included in a future formal annexation. ,;yW ;/1Jf ir;lt$ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR EKJARD AC710N INITIATING DEPARTMENTIDIVlSlON DH JSM RAB H:\PP\ANNX97-4.DH 8/6/96 ...-.-.......-.-1.- WAY ~.fl:, 0"0': ~ .... . ~ '71 PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A.97-4 - ._--,..__.._.,~_._,,'"-....,...- I .....-...... , MADAh..;. ...l'. ..._,l J..., \. ~ ,...-...;.-....~'.. 2'.1 ........ ~~ ...._", . 'i-...-...........t.,. '\ \ ~ t..t., \"'''~~ ___ '. "\ "' !.-,~ \1;1. ~ "'-~ '-, , '. + PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A. 97-5 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS iiiii:iiiiillillla:.lliiiii:l1l1.illill:l:l 111111 11111111 :11 Page 1 of 1 April 28, 1997 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR c. DATE TYPE OF ACTION ESTABLISH HEARING DATE SUBJECT ESTABLISH MAY 15,1997, AS THE DATE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT FISCAL YEAR 1997-1998 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET AND 1997 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN SUBMITTED BY John J. Mercurio, Admin. Analyst INITIATING DEPTtOlV Engineering/Planning ISSUE: The District's draft Fiscal Year 1997-98 Capital Improvement Budget/1997 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIB/CIP) has been prepared by staff and reviewed by the Board. A date for public hearing to receive comments on the document should be established. BACKGROUND: The Fiscal Year 1997-98 Capital Improvement Budget will establish near-term project priorities and authorize budgets for the Treatment Plant, Collection System, General Improvements, and Recycled Water Programs. Detailed information for projects that are anticipated to be active in Fiscal Year 1997-98 is presented in the Capital Improvement Budget document. The 1997 Ten-Year Capital Improvement Plan will provide the basis for policy decisions concerning the District's Capital Improvement Program and management of the Sewer Construction Fund. The Capital Improvement Plan also serves as the framework for fee analysis. On April 14, 1997, a Capital Projects Committee meeting/Board workshop was held to review the draft Capital Improvement Budget/Capital Improvement Plan. It is appropriate to receive comments in a formal public hearing prior to consideration of the Capital Improvement Budget/Capital Improvement Plan for approval. The annual budget calendar anticipated holding this hearing on May 15, 1997. RECOMMENDATION: Establish May 15, 1997, as the date for a public hearing to receive comments on the draft CIB/CIP. DJC REVEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTKJN JJM /)J~ ~ RAB .. ----~--~----,...--------"~----_._."._-----------_._-_...-----------~..--,".~"-~-"._.._.._._,-_.__.,._-.----"._.._._,---~.--_..~_.'-,.._....,_..-.-.__.... ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS .11..111111111111:111111:1:1.111.111 BOARD MEETM:~ 1, 1997 Page 1 of 41 NO. 6. HEARINGS a. DATE TYPE OF ACTION April 25, 1997 CONDUCT HEARING; AUTHORIZE RESOLUTION; RESCIND RESOLUTION SUBJ ECT HOLD A HEARING AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF INITIATING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS FOR ACQUISITION OF PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENTS FOR THE SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, D.P. 4928. RESCIND THE PREVIOUS RESOLUTION DEALING WITH THE EMINENT DOMAIN ACTION ADOPTED FEBRUARY 20, 1997. SUBMITTED BY Tad J. Pilecki, Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPT!t>IV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUE: The District may exercise the power of eminent domain to acquire public easements only if the District Board of Directors adopts a Resolution of Necessity that meets the requirements of the California Eminent Domain Law. In deciding whether or not to adopt such a Resolution, the District must first hold a hearing to allow affected owners to appear and be heard. Only the Board can rescind a Resolution previously adopted. BACKGROUND: The 1986 Collection System Master Plan identified numerous sewers with inadequate wet weather hydraulic capacity in the Orinda area. Wet weather overflows occur frequently along the Moraga Way trunk sewer during the rainy season. Four wet weather overflows occurred in the Orinda area during the recent heavy rains. Overflows are of particular concern since the watershed drains into San Pablo Reservoir, a drinking water supply for East Bay Municipal Utility District. Some Orinda sewers also experience periodic dry weather overflows due to root and grease blockages and structural deficiencies (off- set joints, damaged pipe, etc.). A number of these dry weather overflows have occurred in the Overhill Creek area. The majority of the collection system is over forty years old and requires extensive maintenance to keep it functioning. The South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project will address many of these problems and has been the subject of several recent Board reports and decisions. In evaluating how to address the overflow problems in Moraga Way, staff concluded that the geographic limitations precluded a new alignment that could be constructed utilizing open cut construction without seriously impacting traffic in Moraga Way. Further evaluation showed that even a microtunneling operation (the alternative to open cut) could not be utilized within the Moraga Way right-of-way without seriously impacting traffic. After careful evaluation, staff determined that a microtunneling operation with bore/receiving pits located on private property could be utilized to minimize traffic impacts. Staff evaluated feasible locations for bore/receiving pit sites based on required staging areas, proximity of improvements and San Pablo Creek, major trees, feasible push lengths, overall cost effectiveness, and the desire to keep the alignment accessible from above if the tunneling equipment should get stuck. These requirements resulted RAB RECOItlWtENDED FOR BOARD ACT10N f!f\~ ID-GL\C:\INFRA \PP\4928HEA2. T JP ::::j::::::jj:::j:jj::.:::::::\::::;:;:::::~~:B:~:::::::::::I::::.:::r::::;"::::II.~:::::;:;::fll:::::::f:::j:::::j:'I:::=::::::::.::r::\::~:W::'::'" :+':.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::1:1 DATE ........... ....... .. .... .... ......... . .... ... . ........... ~!i~itiiiiiIiii:.:.tiii::::.::;::.:::~:::.:::::.:::.:.::t:.:.t:.:.:::::.;::::.:::~;.:.?:.:.:.tti.:.)i{.:.:::::::.:.:::.:.~~~r.:.:.:::::::.:.:~~~:.:.:~~~~~~rrr~~~ April 25, 1997 I Page 2 of 41 SUBJECT HOLD A HEARING AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF INITIATING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS FOR ACQUISITION OF PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENTS FOR THE SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, D.P. 4928. RESCIND THE PREVIOUS RESOLUTION DEALING WITH THE EMINENT DOMAIN ACTION ADOPTED FEBRUARY 20, 1997. in only one combination of bore/receiving pits that would work. This alternative, although more expensive, will result in significantly less impact on Moraga Way than other alternatives. It will, however, result in protracted construction impacts on the properties where bore/receiving pits are located. District staff has completed the design for Phase 1 of the South Orinda area which includes 8,000 linear feet of microtunneling in Moraga Way. To reduce the traffic impacts on Moraga Way, the pits for the microtunneling operations have been located on private property. The selected alignment resulted in the need for permanent and temporary easements across 34 properties. District staff has been negotiating for these easements. Staff has been unable to obtain property rights from owners of three properties. These are Kent E. and Barbara J. Hagen; John and Mary McDonnel Trust; and Betty N. Yee, Trustee. Another area included in the South Orinda Project is Overhill Creek. The sewer serving the Overhill Creek area has experienced numerous dry weather overflows due to root and grease blockages. Since the sewer is located in a steep hillside area, access for maintenance and repair has been difficult. In addition, heavy stormwater runoff has severely undermined the sewer in one location. District staff has evaluated numerous alignment alternatives for relocating/rehabilitating the existing line. Relocating the downstream portion of the line and replacing the upstream portion of the line in the same location is the only viable alternative given the significant topographic constraints. District staff has been negotiating with the owners of 14 properties for easement rights. Staff has been unable to obtain property rights from owners of three properties. These are Jerry K. and Julie A. Johnson; Stephen E. and Mary K. Harriman; and the Greene Family Trust. Each of these property owners has received an offer of just compensation based on an appraisal prepared by a licensed real estate appraiser. District staff and Associated Right of Way Services, Inc. have continued negotiating and will continue to negotiate with these property owners in the hope of reaching an agreement. It is now appropriate to proceed with the adoption of a Resolution of Necessity to obtain needed property rights to provide for a timely start of construction of the project. In making its decision whether or not to adopt a Resolution of Necessity, the District Board is required to first conduct a hearing giving each person, whose property the District proposes to acquire by eminent domain, reasonable opportunity to appear and be heard. On April 15, 1997, there was mailed to the addresses appearing on the last equalized County Assessment Roll a Notice of Public Hearing notifying all persons whose names appear on said County Assessment Roll as having an interest in the property described in Attachment "A" of the proposed Resolution of Necessity of said hearing. Said Notice of Hearing advised said persons of their rights to be heard on the matters referred to in said Notice on the date and at the time and place stated therein. The project is scheduled to be advertised April 28, 1997, with the award of contract tentatively set for June 5, 1997. The goal is to have the property rights secured through the eminent domain process before the contract is awarded. If the Board adopts a Resolution of Necessity and authorizes the filing of condemnation complaints and the deposit of probable amounts of compensation, the District may apply to ID-Gl \C:\INFRA \PP\4928HEA 2. T JP .------.--....-.......... '-.-.-'..--.'-'..-"'-'.'-'1- .Jilillil.IIIIIIIII:I..llllliJlil...lllwl.'i'.'.ii..i.1.111.111 DATE April 25, 1997 I Page 3 of 41 SUBJECT HOLD A HEARING AND ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY FOR THE PURPOSE OF INITIATING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS FOR ACQUISITION OF PUBLIC SEWER EASEMENTS FOR THE SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, D.P. 4928. RESCIND THE PREVIOUS RESOLUTION DEALING WITH THE EMINENT DOMAIN ACTION ADOPTED FEBRUARY 20, 1997. the Court for Orders For Immediate Possession. (Staff would ask for a 30 day order of possession.) Even if the Court were to grant such an order, it is possible, depending upon Court rulings, that it might take ninety days or more after the issuance of the order for the District to obtain possession. Given these time restrictions it is advisable that the Board take action regarding the Resolution of Necessity at this time. On February 20, 1997 the Board previously adopted a Resolution of Necessity dealing with the four properties along Moraga Way. Due to objections raised in regard to the legal description of interests being acquired, staff is recommending that the Board adopt the new resolution. Once the new resolution is adopted, the old resolution will need to be rescinded. Specific details of the eminent domain issues will be provided to the Board in closed session. Staff will provide a brief presentation to the Board on the route selection and eminent domain issues in open session. On November 7, 1996, the District Board of Directors determined that this project was exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). A Notice of Exemption was filed with the Contra Costa County Clerk on November 8, 1996. RECOMMENDATION: Conduct a hearing to receive input from property owners on the following issues: 1 . Whether the public interest and necessity require the project; 2. Whether the project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; and 3. Whether the property rights sought to be acquired are necessary for the project. 4. Whether the offers pursuant to Government Code Section 7267.2 have been made to owners of record of the subject property. After the conclusion of the hearing, adopt the attached Resolution of Necessity to acquire permanent and temporary easements by eminent domain for the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project, District Project 4928. The resolution will also authorize the filing of eminent domain actions, the deposit of amounts of probable compensation, and the application for Orders For Immediate Possession. After adoption of the new resolution, rescind the resolution adopted February 20, 1997, dealing with the South Orinda eminent domain action. ID-GL\C:\INFRA \PP\4928HEA2. T JP --------~_.__., _.~'_........-._.">>,-,.."----",-~-------_..."._-,,..~._..-..........-._~-_.,-----_......"._.~_.,"_.,._-,.~-"_.,,,.~---"-~._------"._"'--.."~._,,----._._._-._^-,_..__...__.","_.....__.,._._._-~... RESOWll0N NO. A RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY FOR THE ACQUISI110N OF PUBUC EASEMENTS FOR SEV\IER PURPOSES AND AUnfORIZING EMINENT DOMAIN PROCEEDINGS WHEREAS, Pursuant to the State of California Health and Safety Code Sections 6514 and 6512, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is empowered to acquire by condemnation proceedings sewer line easements for public use, to wit, for purposes related to wastewater collection and transport, and the District intends to construct, own, and operate sewers as part of its South Orinda Sewer Improvements, D.P. 4928; and WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has identified the need to acquire permanent and temporary public sewer line easements more particularly desaibed in Attachment "A, II attached hereto for said purposes, and said easements are located within an incorporated area of Orinda, Contra Costa County, State of California; and WHEREAS, on April 15, 1997, the District gave mailed notice as required by law of the hearing on this Resolution to the following property owners: Kent E. and Barbara J. Hagen; John and Mary McDonnel Trust; Betty N. Yee, Trustee; Jerry K and Julie A Johnson; Stephen E. and Mary K Harriman; and the Greene Family Trus~ and WHEREAS, the hearing set out in said Notice of Hearing was held on May 1, 1997, at the time and place stated therein; and all interested parties VJere given an opportunity to be heard; and, thereupon, the hearing was dosed. WHEREAS, a timely, written request to appear and be heard was received from certain property owners; and WHEREAS, all oral and documentary evidence has been duly considered. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, does FIND, DETERMINE, AND RESOLVE as follows: 1. The public interest and necessity require the proposed project for which said public sewer easements are to be acquired. 2. The subject project is planned and located in the manner which will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; 3. Said public sewer easements are necessary for the proposed project; and 4. The offers pursuant to Government Code Section 7267.2 have been made to the owners of record of the subject property. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The Counsel for Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, Kenton L. Aim, is hereby authorized and empowered: To acquire in the District's name, the above referenced public sewer line easements by condemnation; ID-GL\C:\INFRA \PP\4926HEA2. T JP . ..,-_.._--"----_._.._._---, -'-_.-....-._._'-~_.__._.._-,-----_._,_._----_.,.__._---,._.,._._"-_.~-,--~---_.._-~._-_._-,--,--------,.,~~----...," To prepare and prosea.rte in the District's name, such proceedings in the proper court as are necessary or appropriate for such acquisition; and To deposit the probable amount of compensation, based on an appraisal, and to apply to the appropriate court for orders pennitting the District to take immediate possession of and use said sewer line easements for said public uses and purposes. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1st day of May, 1997, by the District Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following vote: AYES: Members NOES: Members ABSENT: Members Mario M. Menesini President of the District Board of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Joyce E. Murphy Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to fonn: Kenton L. AIm District Counsel ID-GL\C:\INFRA \PP\4928HEA2. T JP ---'~--_._-----~-,. -.---......-----'--'-.-.~."-.-'----'--------.-~---~-,...--~-~-.---~...".-----,--,----.-...--"..__..,___.,_.._____~__,_".._".__.._.__.___....~...w_ ATTACHMENT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTIONS FOR PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENTS Kent E. and Barbara J. Hagen John and Mary McDonnel Trust Betty N. Yee, Trustee Jerry K. and Julie A. Johnson Stephen E. and Mary K. Harriman Greene Family Trust 4/28197 _._--.......,~._._,.. _'_'-.._"~~~--'-"._._-,--~_.+-._.....__..,~.__.~_._.__.-----'--..~---_..__._-~--,_._,--."._..~~_.__._._-,._.-..__.~_._,..,._--,~--"_..,-~._._-,."--~._--~..,--,~- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REAL PROPERTY in the city of Orinda, county of Contra Costa, state of California described as follows: Portion of Lot 121 as said lot is shown upon the map entitled "Moraga Estates" filed on November 2, 1936 in Book 22 of Maps at page 627, Contra Costa County Records, being also a portion of the parcel of land described in the deed to Kent E. Hagen and Barbara J. Hagen recorded on August 4, 1987 in Book 13816 of Official Records of said county at page 516, described as follows: The northwesterly 50 feet of the southeasterly 136 feet, measured along the southwesterly line of abovesaid Lot 121, of the southwesterly 21 feet of said Lot 121. THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT(S) SHALL EXPIRE ON MAY 31, 1998. \/--"-() l~ APN 269 - 032 - 009 OP 4928 PCl 15 TeE Hagen A:\PEO\4928-15.tce Page 1 of 2 February 7. 1997 .------.-------+. ---..-..----....""..-',.-----..-.-__~_,.__,,_.._..,.'''___,.__.._.~_*._..,_M"..____._._..".,._".,~.__.._.,"'__..__________..__.,~.__.'_.______~._._.__.._.__~._._..._'_....._.._.._,._."_,____.,.~___..____..._ "'~O~ EASEMENT ARY DISTRICT '/ .~. 'fo SEWER TEMPORARY CONSt: i / / CENTRAL cq ,- RIGHT' 269-032-009 KENT & BARBARA HAGEN 150'~--1 ~ 21' c '" " ~ u !: o '" . ;; <0 '" '" ... -;;; i:> e :;; ../ (?;~~~.:'.::.~~~:"~ ~ o 80 FEET .. .. ~ OWNER: ~ HAGEN, KENT & BARBARA " ~ ADDRESS: E 4 ORCHARD ROAD ~ RO,qo ~ " ('. \ ~I .....~..""'- / " f \ " Ii .' , ~I \ '1 'c ! l~ i. U\ \ ! i \ i.; \ "". ~./ \ \\ PROJECT: SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENT ESMT AREA: CONSTR AREA: 1050 SQ. FT. +j- DATE: 2-7-97 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 269-032-009 \ I L_ ') \iiI JOB NO.: 4928 PARCEL NO.: 15 - ...----~-~.,.-..-----.--,--.--.--------......-.--.-....-.,,-.-...---------..--..~.-...-~.,..--....-.".,.~....,-------.-.~.,.~.~.,__,_._..., .___._..__...__........_._._^'..~~.m.. ...__. Paqe 2 of 2 (Par APN 273-140-011) EXHIBIT "A" All that real property situated in the City of Orinda, County of Contra Costa, State of California, described as follows: Portion of Lots 117, 118, 119 and 120, as said lots are shown on the "Map of Sectionization of a part of Rancho Laguna De Los Palos Colorados", filed August 8,1916, Book 15 of Maps, page 308, Contra Costa County, California Records, being a portion of the parcel of land described in the deed to John L. McDonnell, et ai, Trustee of the John and Mary McDonnell Trust, recorded September 7, 1995, Series No. 95-149362, Official Records, described as follows: All that portion of said McDonnell parcel (95-149362), lying within the fallowing described. 19.65 foot strip of land, lying 10.00 feet northeasterly and 9.65 feet southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at a point marked by a one and one-half inch iron pipe with concrete plug and nail located in the centerline of Orchard Road at the centerline of Brookside Road being at the southeasterly terminus of the course shown as "North 46030' West, 512 feet", as shown on the map of "Moraga Estates", filed November 2, 1936, Book 22 of Maps, page 627, from which point a one and one- half inch iron pipe with concrete plug and nail located at the northwesterly terminus of said course bears North 45026'04" West, 511.97 feet; thence from said point of commencement South 13013'52" West, 659.56 feet to the point of beginning; thence from said pOint.of beginning North 43036'26" West, 611.85 feet; thence North 32055'10" West, 623.08 feet. Bearings and distances shown herein are based on a Local Coordinate System. Multiply distances shown herein by 1.0000870 to obtain ground distances. 3/7/97 9628-15.DOC -'-'--"-'---"---' '-'-'--1"-~___~'__~___'___~__~___.___._.______._____._q..__*"...."...._,.___._____~~..~____..._.~,.u_,_,,_,...._~"_"'_,,__'_'__'''', EXHl8ll\ ;:'-";i~B~ " ,';1 ~~,~:';':'''':'' } ~:;::~ " , ,"/! ;; : : "::~! .:-~~:: : RIGHT QF~~,~'X:;~MQ?f~~~ ,SEWER ! : !: !: !: -!:: !: !: \ ~ !,~.:, : .: ':' SoOt '1 "1':-:'~ ( ( { ( f ( I'! ~<5 ~. ~ o "'P '1 Q '1 ~6> \9 "- o ~ "- ~ ~ -t- (jI,c,f; ~~& .0 \j'~ (9~ -0 ~... 0,>. ~ :.J , ~ '1 )- ~ \9 "- o '0 "- ~ .... AREA - 3,288 S.F.j: ~ ~...> ~ \.P6" ~~ ~~~ \.P C'> r- ~~~ o-vQ ~ .... ~ -v .... 'rP ~ ~ 'OI..&~ -vA '0 ~ ..A ~ ~c.., \.fI~ CENTERUNE - SEWER AUGNMENT 6'.1' ,<(9, '(6'; ,~ 'Q '\ , ,.... <'l I.L o to ~ 0:: r l.LI w J: Ul SCALE: 1"=40' ~ ,,<::> o *" <::> o ~ o a ~ ~ <Q FEET ~~ ~ 0 10 20 0:: CD <'l ~ DRAWN BY: W ...J {;: SCAlE: Cl ...J W I 40 PSC CHEO<ED BY: ELG MAR 07. 1997 THOMAS BRO.: 73A1 JOB NO.: 4928 1" =40' DATE: CO. ASSMT. NO.: 273-140-011 PARCEL NO,: 22 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REAL PROPERTY in the city of Orinda, county of Contra Costa, state of California described as follows: Portion of the parcel of land described in the deed to John L. McDonnell, et al ,Trustee of the John and Mary McDonnell Trust, recorded on September 7, 1995 as Series No. 95-149362 Official Records of said county (95-149362) described as follows: The southeasterly 50 feet of the northwesterly 84 feet, measured from the northeasterly corner along the northeasterly line of above referenced McDonnell parcel (95-149362), of the northeasterly 38.4 feet of said parcel. EXCEPTING THEREFROM That portion of the hereinabove referenced parcel of land (95-149362) described in Exhibit "A" and delineated on Exhibit liB" attached hereto and made part hereof. THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT(S) SHALL EXPIRE ON MAY 31, 1998. ~~ " APN 273 - 140 - 011 DP 4928 Pel 22 TeE McDonnell A:\PED\4928-22.tce Page 1 of 4 February 13, 1997 __.._.,.___~~_+__w..,,~....__......__.___~,___.____.___---,.--~,.-.~.._----'-,..-.~----,.---~----.~___...,____~__.__~_._,_..____.__._"_._.~.~_._ ------...-.----------.-----.1 c '" "0 N '" U g C / . / <Xl '" en ... -;;; ~ e / .c TEMPORARY CONSt: .' / CENTRAL coNt ' RIGHT / flO~ EASEMENT ,~, : . ARY DISTRICT ""." ' ~f SEWER ~...<,:..". "....... . .. .?'/.~. '\ \\' ./" ..~....~~.) , . .~\ r~~.~~~J \.. ..".-,....:'..'-.'-.-., .~."''''"."....~....,--,,...'..'. -.'''....~ L. @ '\ ~.) r--- \ \-.---.. \. 273-140-011 f\ \\\ McDONNELL \\// \ \.----..; II .' /."). .,- ~. ~.'/ ../"/ ..At ......."."..~....".. . . ........... ...... ".....,. o I 100 200 I ~~ , FEET .. .. ~ OWNER: ~ McDONNELL TRUST :g ADDRESS: E 196 MORAGA WAY PROJECT: SOUTH OR1NDA SEWER IMPROVEMENT ESMT AREA: CONSTR AREA: 3288 SQ. FT. 994 SQ. FT. +/- DATE: 2-13-97 CO.ASSMT. NO.: 273-140-011 JOB NO.: 4928 PARCEL NO.: 22 PAGE 2 of 4 -,.."~'-.-"-----_._--, '-'~"---'.""'-"'-_._-'---"'~.______~_'_'_~____.H___~_.._____,...__'..__________,,__.___.__"__~_"~._,_.,__.~..~____.__.____.. (Par APN 273-140-011) EXHIBIT "A" All that real property situated in the City of Orinda, County of Contra Costa. State of California. described as follows: Portion of Lots 117, 118, 119 and 120. as said lots are shown on the "Map of Sectionization of a part of Rancho Laguna De Los Palos Colorados". filed August 8, 1916~ Book 15 of Maps. page 308. Contra Costa County, California Records. being a portion of the parcef of land described in the deed to John L. McDonnell. et ai, Trustee of the John and Mary McDonnell Trust, recorded September 7, 1995, Series No. 95-149362, Official Records. described as follows: All that portion of said McDonnell parcel (95-149362). lying within the following described 19.65 foot strip of land, lying 10.00 feet northeasterly and 9.65 feet southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at a point marked by a one and one-half inch iron pipe with concrete plug and nail located in the centerline of Orchard Road at the centerline of Brookside Road being at the southeasterly tenninus of the course shown as "North 46-30' West, 512 (eet", as shown on the map of "Moraga Estates", filed November 2. 1936. Book 22 of Maps, page 627. from which point a one and one- half inch iron pipe with concrete plug and nail located at the northwesterly tenninus of said course bears North 45~6'04" West, 511.97 feet; thence from said point of commencement South 13013'52" West, 659.56 feet to the point of beginning; thence from said point.of beginning North 43-36'26" West, 611.85 feet; thence North 32055'10" West. 623.08 feet. Bearings and distances shown herein are based on a Local Coordinate System. Multiply distances shown herein by 1.0000870 to obtain ground distances. 3n /97 9628-15.DOC PAGE 3 OF 4 --'"-'~._---'----~'-~"-'-"-' ......-.."-"--......-..---.-.-.-.-.-...--.-.--.---..---_..,.~_.~..~-_.~-_.,.~-_..~.-.__..__..."._.._,_..~---_..---~_..~--_._-----~,._. , ~ o "P *'1 Q *'1 ~ <.D " C> :ss " ~ ~ ~ ~V: ~~& '0 O'~ (9~-o ~'$ 0,~ :;I AREA = 3,288 S.F.:f: ~ *'1 )- ~ u:> " <::> '0 " ~ ,>> ~ <::(s..? ~~ ~~ ~%~ ~ ,,'000 ....". ,>> ""h:}7' >~~~ :ss ~ ~ }7'..t.. '0 ~ ..A ~ "1-><:::-, \S'.,.A ..... C'l SCALE: 1"=40' / / <v / ,<V / C::> / *-<V o \>- / 0 0 / <Q <<:- ~ / 6',7 ? , '<9- '(~; .% 'Q '" , CENlERUNE - SEWER AUGNMENT ~ II) ~ a:: l- t..! t..! :r (f) ~ ~- ' ,.: 0 10 20 a:: II) C'l ~ 0RAVt'N BY: fEET I -40 9 Ii: SCAlE: o kl PSC 0iEa<ED BY: ELG MAR 07, 1997 THOMAS BRa.: 73A1 JOB No.: 4928 1"=40' DAlE: co. ASSMT. NO.: 273-140-011 PARCEl NO.: 22 PAGE 4 OF 4 .. . (Por APN 272-050-030) EXHIBIT "A" All that real property situated in the City of Orinda, County of Contra Costa, State of California, 'described as follows: Portion of Lots 120, 121, 157 and 158 as said lots are shown on the "Map of Sectionization of a part of Rancho Laguna De Los Palos Colorados", filed August 8, 1916, Book 15 of Maps, page 308, Contra Costa County, California Records, being a portion of the parcel of land described as Parcel One, in the quitclaim deed to Betty N. Yee, Trustee of the Betty N. Yee Revocable Trust, recorded May 9, 1994, Series No. 94-127789, Official Records, described as follows: All that portion of said Parcel One, Yee parcel (94-127789), lying northeasterly of the south~esterly line of the following described 20 foot strip of land, the centerline of said 20 foot strip of land being described as follows: Commencing at a point marked by a standard street survey monument with disk stamped LS 3094, located in the centerline of Casa Vieja Place at the centerline of Casa Vieja being at the northwesterly terminus of the course shown as "South 56041'06" East, 290.00 feet", as shown on the map of Subdivision 3444, filed May 19, 1965, Book 104 of Maps, page 38, from which point a standard street survey monument with disk stamped LS 3094, located at the southeasterly terminus of said course bears South 56040'58" East, 290.15 feet; thence from said point of commencement North 39043'45" West, 671.94 feet to the point of beginning; thence from said point of beginning South 53019'43" East, 603.95 feet; thence South 53019'43" East, 25.00 feet. Bearings and distances shown herein are based on a Local Coordinate System. Multiply distances shown herein by 1.0000870 to obtain ground distances. 3/18/97 9628-26. DOC , '. .,~ J;~--~' \ ~~;.c'.:_'~" :~~:. ;.J.9' \ ) . .' <' ' './ " t./_\ , r\ \-, \ ,.. -i · ..;.d t GRoW \ ';Q \B.*y1 . , .38"" II '-;': \ \. .,~ l ~ \. ~\ tS<1=' c.....~,..:O::~ i \ '5'/.~_~,{'~' / ,.,~~ -~,-------_.~_.__._-_.~,-,-"-~.....-----,-~--_.._,._.,._-""-,--"._.,.,..._,._.,,-~~~..__.__..",_."---~,-..._.__.,......,-,--_..,..._~._~..._-~,._...--~,.~-,..~_.,_.-~'_.-,-,~"~... . _____ ,~_.__..___.._,._,___.H__"__ I E~~i~t:~117 y.l,:~. .~...--~" .~':..' OF~,~ui~~~:'-":r: ~fOr SEWER ., ,.......~\~..~ -... -. ~,< < < < < I , \ " 1 1 \ 1 r -t t. ....r1.''''. ..-, ( ~.. f ~ / /~ !0/I...... .~I...... ~lO / ~ rB'7 ~"~ <::) / () V AY V <c .<\-/ ~ ^~ ~ ;/ / '/'~CEN1ERUNE - SEWER AUGNMENT . . RIGHT ///0 rC96' <9~"""'OO~ ..a ~ ~~ <<'SS 0'..9, O~ <'Sf> 0..;>, <s.. <, .,....~ 076' 410 ~~ 0..<1 Jy~ y da v~ _~/v~....,,; (~<s..~ Q ~..>:"""s ~-1-': ~ ~ ;c?, o~ ~~)- O..s; ~ ~, <:90 os~ ..... ('l -\ ~ ~'t ~S ~ \j't ~ ~~~ ~'f.lY ~'\ /(J f~, /:Y$ ~~ct~ ~~ ~<V . ~ ~ ~ " ~ ~ ~ '" ~ (J ~ o 3< 0:: CD ('l 8 DRA'M'l BY: a-lECKED BY: ELG THOMAS BRO.: P8C g ;;: SCAlE: CI -' ... AREA = 1070 S.F.:f: ~~ '0- <:So 'a .,.....,.... 1" =40' I 40 7381 JOB NO.: 4928 PARCEL NO.: DATE: MAR. 18, 1997 CO. ASSIAT. NO.: 272-050-030 1"=40' 35 .--....'...---..,---. I TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REAL PROPERTY in the city of Orinda, county of Contra Costa, state of California described as follows: Portion of Parcel One as said parcel is described in the quitclaim deed to Betty N. Yee, Trustee of the Betty N. Yee Revocable Trust, recorded on May 9, 1994-as Series Number 94-127789 in the Official Records of said county,described as follows: The northeasterly 35.9 feet of above referenced Parcel One, measured along the southeasterly line from the most easterly corner thereof. EXCEPTING THEREFROM That portion of hereinabove referenced Parcel One (94-127789) described in Exhibit "A" and delineated on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made part hereof. THE ABOVE-DESCRIBED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT(S) SHALL EXPIRE ON MAY 31, 1998. APN 272 - 050 - 030 OP 4928 PCL 35 TCE Betty N. Yea Revocable Trust A:\PEO\4928-35.tca Page 1 of 4 March 20, 1997 -"_."_._---"----~---,-_..,---...,._,.,~_._"_._~--_.,--""_."..~--_..._..-.._.._._--~.- -.----- ---------'-,._'---_._-------'-----------~ (Por APN 272-050-030) -- EXHIBIT "A" All that real property situated in the City of Orinda, County of Contra Costa, State of California, described as follows: Portion of Lots 120, 121, 157 and 158 as said lots are shown on the "Map of Sectionization of a part of Rancho Laguna De Los Palos Colorados", filed August 8, 1916, Book 15 of Maps, page 308, Contra Costa County, California Records, being a portion of the parcel of land described as Parcel One, in the quitdaim deed to Betty N. Yee, Trustee of the Betty N. Yee Revocable Trust, recorded May 9,1994, Series No. 94-127789, Official Records, described as follows: All-that portion of said Parcel One, Yee parcel (94-12n89), lying northeasterly of the southwesterly line of the following described 20 foot strip of land, the centerline of said 20 foot strip of land being described as follows: Commencing at a point marked by a standard street survey monument with disk stamped LS 3094, located in the centerline of Casa Vieja Place at the centerline of Casa Vleja being at the northwesterly tenninus of the course shown as "South 5&41'06" East, 290.00 feet", as shown on the map of Subdivision 3444, filed May 19, 1965, Book 104 of Maps, page 38, from which point a standard street survey monument with disk stamped LS 3094, located at the southeasterly tenninus of said course bears South 56'40'58" East, 290.15 feet; thence from said point of commencement North 39'43'45- West, 671.94 feet to the point of beginning; thence from said point of beginning South 53019'43- East, 603.95 feet; thence South 53'19'43- East; 25.00 feet Bearings and distances shown herein are based on a local Coordinate System. Multiply distances shown herein by 1.0000870 to obtain ground distances. 3/18/97 9628-26.00C 000 "" --~ o 0 0'0.0,000 )t.. .. 00 "'I f\Jv..\ ,0'10- '0~0.4. ,.,,:,~ .NJ'. .... -;.;:"- :.... ~li;., ~o 0: / ~\"':'_ 0\ o .!\ . : .' tw.I L GRAi \ ~ ~r-)1 i \ ~8""AO -?it' : , ~o I~ · , \ ~ 6Cf' ~-' 0 ~ j , ~ ~ /f OF Cf,.\..\r..C PAGE 3 OF 4 _____+..__._____..__,_~._._._~"__..~____.,,~.UM+.___._____,____,.__'.__~."_~'".,_".._..,.._..___~___.~'__"_~__."_.'~-,,._~,,--",..~.....~^- -,-- -"._"~'~"-'''----I- l~;: \ "- " ."-.. ...............-...... , "- "" \ i 'i,-- i \. _...,.,..; -- . @ \ ~ '. , ~ ',,- 272-050-030 BETTY N. YEE TRUST c '" " .,; ..., u ,e. <> '" l :; co '" '" . '" ~ ~ '0 ... '" li: o 80 160 FEET .. .. : OWNER: ~ BETTY N.YEE TRUST .. ~ ADDRESS: E 308 MORAGA WAY PROJECT: SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENT ESMT AREA: CONSTR AREA: 1070 SQ. FT.+/- 720 SQ. FT. +/- DATE: JOB NO.: 3-20-97 4928 CO. ASSMT. NO.: PARCEL NO.: 272-050-030 35 PAGE 2 of 4 __.___"........___._~___"_.___.._.""~____'__...._.__'____.<O.__'e___....._....,.....__~__..._____._.__._~ _.,.~,.....,_"_""_~...v.__~____~_.__.__,,.,~~. ,,,,--,-,,,,,,--,,,--,,-"---"'-~--'---'--'-''''''-''--' ,.. (Por APN 212-050-030) -. EXHIBIT "A" All that real property situated in the City of Orinda, County of Contra Costa, State of California, described as follows: Portion of Lots 120, 121, 157 and 158 as said lots are shown on the "Map of Sectionization of a part of Rancho Laguna De Los Palos Colorados", filed August 8, 1916, Book 15 of Maps, page 308, Contra Costa County, California Records, being a portion of the parcel of land described as Parcel One, in the quitdaim deed to Betty N. Yee, Trustee of the Betty N. Yee Revocable Trust, recorded May 9, 1994, Series No. 94-127789, Official Records, described as follows: A11.that portion of said Parcel One, Yee parcel (94-127789), lying northeasterly of the southwesterly line of the following described 20 foot strip of land, the centerline of said 20 foot strip of land being described as follows: Commencing at a point marked by a standard street survey monument with disk stamped LS 3094, located in the centerline of Casa Vieja Place at the centerline of Casa Vleja being at the northwesterly tenninus of the course shown as "South 56'41'06" East, 290.00 feet", as shown on the map of Subdivision 3444, filed May 19, 1965, Book 104 of Maps, page 38, from which point a standard street survey monument with disk stamped LS 3094, located at the southeasterly tenninus of said course bears South 56'40'58" East. 290.15 feet; thence from said point of commencement North 39'43'45- West, 671.94 feet to the point of beginning; thence from said point of beginning South 53019'43- East. 603.95 feet; thence South 53'19'43- East; 25.00 feet. Bearings and distances shown herein are based on a Local Coordinate System. Multiply distances shown herein by 1.0000870 to obtain ground distances. 3/18/97 9628-26. DOC - :<_._,,_:~:;~~:~. -1 :':'1' .-::. "';'p . . ,,:-' ~t'-_:.."' ,~. ,~ \ ~.. / "\"./. \ - - ~ .. . ;' ~.I L GRAl \ ~ \ fl'1 . I ~-'.J '\ \ 38i~ '7~ J \ ~\~c..;:_~~ ..~~~.. 7f Of cr..\.\<i;.~ PAGE 3 OF 4 - ---_.----- ----"--,- ...... RIGHT ..... C'l """'0 &""'9'a 1'6>0- e..-~ V.-f>~ <~ ~ ~<<<i S'S' ~...... O.-f>:-f> 0.>: (S- ?...... sr'9 o/'o- / h !0/~ ,,() '/ ~ ~\.:/ / <0<0/ . ~ <> ~7 lJ:-' ~ / 0 "V :\ Y "V <0 ~q,/ (, A~ ~ ~/ / / ///~CENlERUNE - SEv.ER AUGNMENT 410 ~-1 0-1 Jr-4 r ~a v ~-~a . --'~., ~~ r sr(S- ~ G.;r <.>: sr.s ~4-: 4::: :?..... o.-f> ~ ~ ,J- Os; -c:?- ~..... 0>0 J os:...-' ~ AREA = 1070 S.F.:l: ~ ~ (q , ~ ~~ '0 ~a 'a 'sr'sr ~ (;;) ~ CJ 1"=40' .... $ Cl '" ct:: Cl C'l :l: ORA \\tC BY: I ~ ~ k: SCALE: o cl DATE: ELG MAR. 18, 1997 1HOIAAS BRO.: 7381 JOB NO.: 4928 . P8C CHEa<ED BY: 1"=40' CO. ASSMT. NO.: 272-050-030. PARCEL NO.: 35 PAGE 4 OF 4 __~__~__.__.. .__.____._________.,_____'____~_..,.__,.._.,.__~_..~_._.,_..~____. _ .....,.___,.__.._._..,..,~.."O,__.,.._,._____,."_,_...___._~._~__~__n <._.._4......_.__..,.__.,,__.__._._~___._.___'~,""__.___--,-.-.----.- , -.....--......---..-.---.---------.....-- I PERMANENT EASEMENT EXHIBIT A REAL PROPERTY in the city of Orinda, county of Contra Costa, state of California described as follows: Portion of Parcel "A" and a portion of Parcel"B" as said parcels are shown on the Parcel Map filed June 27, 1978, in Book 67 of Parcel Maps at page 23, Contra Costa County Records, being also a portion of the parcel of land described in the deed to Jerry K. Johnson and Julie A. Johnson, recorded June 26, 1990 in Book 15945 of Official Records of said county at page 761, described as follows: All that portion of said Johnson parcel (15945 OR 761), lying within a 10 foot wide strip of land the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at a 1 Y2 inch iron pipe with concrete and nail located at the intersection of Southwood Drive and Davis Road as shown upon "Moraga Estates" filed on November 2, 1936 in Book 22 of Maps at page 627, Contra Costa County Records (22 Maps 627); thence north 25049'15- east 260.18 feet (north 24046' east 260.21 feet - record) to a 2 inch iron pipe with concrete and (lail tagged LS 2305 as shown upon "Tara Brook, Unit NO.1-, filed on October 10, 1947 in Book 34 of Maps at page 1, said county records (34 Maps 1); thence south 300 44' 14- east 592.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING the following 10 courses: (1) south 560 33' 48- west 245.25 feet, (2) south 69016' 44- west 135.66 feet, (3) south 54049' 59- west 70.41 feet, (4) south 860 16' 54- west 178.13 feet, (5) south 630 55' 10- west 125.47 feet, (6) north 530 OS' 17- west 91.22 feet, (7) south 590 11' 48- west 244.50 feet, (8) south 700 22' 59- west 143.64 feet, (9) south 70 35' 00- east 28.16 feet, (10) south 520 06' 08- west 52.73 feet to a point from which a 1 Y2 inch iron pipe with nail in the centerline of Southwood Drive bears north 310 29' 29- west 483.89 feet, last said iron pipe lies at the at the westerly terminus of a centerline course having a record bearing and distance of north 810 41' 20- west 161.99 feet as shown upon above referenced "Moraga Estates" (22 Maps 627). Lengthening or shortening the sidelines of said 10 foot wide strip of land to meet at angle points. Bearings and distances shown herein are based on the California State Plane Coordinate System 1983, Zone 3. Multiply distances as shown herein by 1.0000910 to obtain ground distances. ~.j)~ C:\wpdocs\4928\4928-43.dsc A.P.N.268-170-027 Exhibit A DP 4928 PCL 43 Page 1 OF 1 Johnson February 23, 1997 -~--,._._.~~_._-_._-------,._---_.._~---_.-.,-_.~'_.,_._'-.,._".,.._,.,._.*,,,_.,.,,.,,_.~.,_..,.~-- .. .--...---,.----..-.----.-.---.,......-..------. ._._._----~-~._--_. EXHI~. /. CENTRAL CO RIGHT / sou 7'1yl11 OOD \)~\'lt;. ~(j ~~ JOHNSON /5945 O.R. 76/ 268-170-027 @ ~~IR{~~1b HARR/ MAN 78/2 O.R.567 268-170-028 \ -- -- - -- - .--. ................ ................. --...-- -..... -- - --- @ ~~IR{~~1b ~ S69016'44"W 54049'S9"'ll 135.66' (T) ~ S 7().4'\'~ ----------- - -- -------- ------:::: ~:-~=-.-:=---=~~=--=-~- -~=--=~-= ~=-.---::----- -- -- c '" ." ..; ... U 0- r:: '" ... '" ~ '" r:: '" ... '" <Xl '" 0> ... -;;; ~ 0 ~ :.: ) ]V / 50 100 -l I I I I I I I ) '" '" '" FEET DRAWN BY: DRS SCALE: 1"z50' CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A6 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-027 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 43 _.---..____,.~_.~_,.________._.__,.____~,.._._..~......____..,_ ...____,__...__'__.M_~___.....__..__...~,,__ _.______~~_~__..._"'.,___.._.._._'.'__~.~_.~,...~___.___..___....___'__'M"_ - .-- --.-.,.----.."-... .,_....._.,-~.~--"-'-"----_.---r- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REAL PROPERTY in the city of Orinda, county of Contra Costa, state of California described as follows: Portion of Parcel "A" and a portion of Parcel "B" as said parcels are shown on the Parcel Map filed June 27, 1978, in Book 67 of Parcel Maps at page 23, Contra Costa County Records, being also a portion of the parcel of land described in the deed to Jerry K. Johnson and Julie A. Johnson, recorded June 26, 1990 in Book 15945 of Official Records of said county at page 761 , described as follows: All that portion of said Johnson parcel (15945 OR 761) lying within a 24.50 foot wide strip of land, 12.50 feet lying northerly and 12.00 feet lying southerly of the following described centerline: Commencing at a 1 ~ inch iron pipe with concrete and nail located at the intersection of Southwood Drive and Davis Road as shown upon "Moraga Estates" filed on November 2, 1936 in Book 22 of Maps at page 627, Contra Costa County Records (22 Maps 627); thence north 250 49' 15" east 260.18 feet (north 240 46' east 260.21 feet - record) to a 2 inch iron pipe with concrete and nail tagged LS 2305 as shown upon "Tara Brook, Unit No.1", filed on October 10, 1947 in Book 34 of Maps at page 1, said county records (34 Maps 1); thence south 30044' 14" east 592.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING the following 10 courses: (1) south 560 33' 48" west 245.25 feet, (2) south 690 16' 44" west 135.66 feet, (3) south 540 49' 59" west 70.41 feet, (4) south 860 16' 54" west 178.13 feet, (5) south 63055' 10" w~st 125.47 feet, (6) north 530 05' 17" west 91.22 feet, (7) south 590 11' 48" west 244.50 feet, (8) south 700 22' 59" west 143.64 feet, (9) south 70 35' 00" east 28.16 feet, (10) south 520 06' 08" west 52.73 feet to a point from which a 1 ~ inch iron pipe with nail in the centerline of Southwood Drive bears north 310 29' 29" west 483.89 feet, last said iron pipe lies at the at the westerly terminus of a centerline course having a record bearing and distance of north 810 41' 20" west 161.99 feet as shown upon above referenced "Moraga Estates" (22 Maps 627). Lengthening or shortening the sidelines of said 24.50 foot wide strip of land to meet at angle points. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of the hereinabove referenced parcel of land (15945 OR 761) described in Exhibit "A" and delineated on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made part hereof. Containing an area of 1996 square feet, more or less. Bearings and distances shown herein are based on the California State Plane Coordinate System 1983, Zone 3. Multiply distances as shown herein by 1.0000910 to obtain ground distances. This easement shall terminate on November 30, 1997. A.P.N.268-170-o27 DP 4928 peL 43 Johnson Gill- ..-..--.-.-.-----.-..-.-.-.....------------------.-----....-..---.------..- .---------------r--- EXHI... CENTRAL CO RIGHT / sou /'f-;l1.1 OOD Q~'\l~ ~{j ~33 JOHNSON 15945 O.R. 761 268-170-027 @ HARRIMAN 7812 O.R.567 ~b\~~~1L 268-170-028 \ @ ~b\~~~1L ~ TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT 1996 SQ. FT. c '" " ..; .. U Q. ;:: '" .. /' ~ /' ;:: '" .. /' co N en .. ~ ~ 0 "0 " /' ., ) ]V / 50 100 -----1 I I I I I I I ) /' /' /' FEET :: i DRAWN BY: ~ DRS " ~ SCALE: S 1".50. CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A6 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-027 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 43 PAl:;F ? OF 4 ~_______. ,.__,.._~___.____.____,__"__..,_.,_.__,.._..,___,...,_~_.,____.__..__... ,,_,,_,+~____,_,_",___.,"_____"__"'_""'~""'_~""" ___..___."_._.'"__...._.~___*_...,..",,."~.__._~_.,,"____."_....._.>_.___._._.__ ,,_.__..._.m__"_'___.~_'"'__' n_ ..-....-...l---- EXHIBIT A REAL PROPERTY in the city of Orinda, county of Contra Costa, state of California described as follows: Portion of Parcel "A" and a portion of Parcel "B" as said parcels are shown on the Parcel Map filed June 27, 1978, in Book 67 of Parcel Maps at page 23, Contra Costa County Records, being also a portion of the parcel of land described in the deed to Jerry K. Johnson and Julie A. Johnson, recorded June 26, 1990 in Book 15945 of Official Records of said county at page 761 , described as follows: All that portion of said Johnson parcel (15945 OR 761), lying within a 10 foot wide strip of land the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at a1 Y2 inch iron pipe with concrete and nail located at the intersection of Southwood Drive and Davis Road as shown upon "Moraga Estates" filed on November 2, 1936 in Book 22 of Maps at page 627, Contra Costa County Records (22 Maps 627); thence north 250 49' 15. east 260.18 feet (north 240 46' east 260.21 feet - record) to a 2 inch iron pipe with concrete and nail tagged LS 2305 as shown upon "Tara Brook, Unit No.1., filed on October 10, 1947 in Book 34 of Maps at page 1, said county records (34 Maps 1); thence south 300 44'14" east 592.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING the following 10 courses: (1) south 56033' 48. west 245.25 feet, (2) south 69016' 44. west 135.66 feet, (3) south 54049' 59. west 70.41 feet, (4) south 860 16' 54. west 178.13 feet, (5) south 63055'10. west 125.47 feet, (6) north 53005' 1r west 91.22 feet, (7) south 59011' 48. west 244.50 feet, (8) south 700 22' 59. west 143.64 feet, (9) south 70 35' 00. east 28.16 feet, (10) south 520 06' 08. west 52.73 feet to a point from which a 1 Y2 inch iron pipe with nail in the centerline of Southwood Drive bears north 310 29' 29. west 483.89 feet, last said iron pipe lies at the at the westerly terminus of a centerline course having a record bearing and distance of north 810 41' 20" west 161.99 feet as shown upon above referenced "Moraga Estates" (22 Maps 627). Lengthening or shortening the sidelines of said 10 foot wide strip of land to meet at angle points. Bearings and distances shown herein are based on the California State Plane Coordinate System 1983, Zone 3. Multiply distances as shown herein by 1.0000910 to obtain ground distances. A.P.N.268-170-o27 DP 4928 PCl 43 Johnson C:\wpdocs\4928\4928-43.dsc Exhibit A Page 3 of 4 February 23, 1997 .,-,---~~,--",,-,~~~"""_.-.._....- - ",-,-,,~----,,~-'---~"~"~-"-"'--'-~"-'~-"'~'-"'------~._-_.."._--_.,,-,._._~_.._~-"..,_....__._.,'_."..'.,.."--,_._,~.~-,,_. . " \ MY DISTRICT )Af.Q[, SEWER .~""",,,,,r,,,..",..,,,,, Sou l'lttu OOD Q~'-l~ ~(/ ~~ JOHNSON /5945 O.R. 76/ 268-170-027 @ W>~~~~!b HARR/ MAN 78/20.R.567 268-170-028 \ -... ...... ~~ ...........- --. --.. -- -............--::..--~..... ...-- @ W>~~~~!b ~ S69016'44"W ,..r:..Ao49'59~ 135.66' (T) ~ ~ 70.4"'~ ----------- - -- -------.. -------::::-: .:.:-~=-..:=--=:...-=~-=--=-- -..:=-.=~-.: -.--.---:;:.---- -- -- c: '" .., ,.; ~ U Q. ;::: on ". ". . :;0 ;::: on ~ ". CIO '" 0> ". ~ ~ 0 o U ". :r. ) ]V I 50 100 -----, I I I I I I I ) ". ". ". FEET .. .. ~ DRAWN BY: ~ DRS " {i SCALE: E 1"-50' .. CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A6 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-027 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 43 ________..__. ~_^_,___.___~__.,..__,.__,_._..,___"___'__.~'~_.___.__.~~^...._..--..~..-..-----~-...-. .___..,.... ""___.,"_,~~~_,_",_,__,,,_'__'_"""'_'_'U" PAGE 4 OF 4 . ... -....................--..--..-. --"---"--"--r"'- PERMANENT EASEMENT EXHIBIT A REAL PROPERTY in the city of Orinda, county of Contra Costa, state of California described as follows: Portion of Lot 55, as said lot is shown upon "Moraga Estates", filed November 2, 1936 in Book 22 of Maps at page 627, Contra Costa County Records (22 Maps 627), being also a portion of the parcel of land described in the deed to Stephen Edward Harriman and Mary Karlen Harriman recorded April 2, 1976, in Book 7812 of Official Records of said county at page 567 (7812 OR 567) described as follows: All that portion of said Harriman parcel (7812 OR 567) lying within a 10 foot wide strip of land the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at a 1 ~ inch iron pipe with concrete and nail located at the intersection of Southwood Drive and Davis Road as shown upon above referenced "Moraga Estates" (22 Maps 627); thence n'orth 250 49' 15- east 260.18 feet (north 240 46' east 260.21 feet - record) to a 2 inch iron pipe with concrete and nail tagged LS 2305 as shown upon "Tara Brook, Unit No.1 ., filed on .October 10, 1947 in Book 34 of Maps at page 1, said county records (34 Maps 1); thence south 30044' 14- east 592.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING the following 10 courses: (1) south 560 33' 48- west 245.25 feet, (2) south 69016' 44- west 135.66 feet, (3) south 54049' 59- west 70.41 feet, (4) south 860 16' 54" west 17~.13 feet, (5) south 63055' 10- west 125.47 feet, (6) north 53005'17- west 91.22 feet, (7) south 590 11' 48- west 244.50 feet, (8) south 70022' 59. west 143.64 feet, (9) south 7035' 00- east 28.16 feet, (10) south 520 06' 08- west 52.73 feet to a point from which a 1 ~ inch iron pipe with nail in the centerline of Southwood Drive bears north 310 29' 29- west 483.89 feet, last said iron pipe lies at the at the westerly terminus of a centerline course having a record bearing and distance of north 810 41' 20- west 161.99 feet as shown upon above referenced "Moraga Estates" (22 Maps 627). Lengthening or shortening the sidelines of said 10 foot wide strip of land to meet at angle points. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of the above described 10 foot wide strip of land lying within the parcel of land described in the deed to Jerry K. Johnson and Julie A. Johnson, recorded June 26, 1990 in Book 15945 of Official Records of said county at page 761 (15945 OR 761). Bearings and distances shown herein are based on the California State Plane Coordinate System 1983, Zone 3. Multiply distances as shown herein by 1.0000910 to obtain ground distances. A.P.N.268-170-028 OP 4928 peL 44 Harriman d--v~ C:\wpdocs\4928\4928-44dsc Exhibit A Page 1 of 1 February 23, 1997 . ._. ,...__..~...."-,--,-,-_.,._-_.,._,----_._--_.._-_.__._~-.-.-"-..-- ,. ,._...,'......_...-'-,'_.~ ...,._...,..,-,.,._,-~.. -, --. --... . ._.~--,_._-~_._-,._.__.,..,.,_.__..,._,~~._-_.. ____0.. .----- -0- ------------. .-------------------'----1 ..-- ., f'RY DISTRICT V SEWER Sou 1'1t~ OOD o~~~ ~{j ~~ JOHNSON /5945 O.R. 76/ 268-170-027 @ HARR/ MAN 78/2 O.R. 567 ~~~~~lb 268-170-028 \ e ---- ~~~~~lb ~ --........, --..... c '" " ~ . u ~ t- V> . " ~ " j:;: V> . " '" N a> . -:;; ~ 0 (; V " i: ) .IV I 50 100 -----, I I I I I I I ) " " " FEET .. .. ~ DRAWN BY: ! DRS ., ~ SCALE: : 1"-50' .. CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A6 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-028 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 44 ..___..,_,_.~__,_.____.___ ._~.~"_______..__.,______...,.__.__._._.,."_..."_.o,___.~,,,,_.._..__._.._ -- -.-..-------.---1--- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REAL PROPERTY in the city of Orinda, county of Contra Costa, state of California described as follows: Portion of Lot 55, as said lot is shown upon "Moraga Estates", filed November 2, 1936 in Book 22 of Maps at page 627, Contra Costa County Records (22 Maps 627), being also a portion of the parcel of land described in the deed to Stephen Edward Harriman and Mary Karlen Harriman recorded April 2, 1976, in Book 7812 of Official Records of said county at page 567 (7812 OR 567) described as follows: All that portion of said Harriman parcel (7812 OR 567) lying within a 25 foot wide strip of land the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at a 1 Y2 inch iron pipe with concrete and nail located at the intersection of Southwood Drive and Davis Road as shown upon above referenced "Moraga Estates" (22 Maps 627); thence north 250 49'15H east 260.18 feet (north 24046' east 260.21 feet - record) to a 2 inch iron pipe with concrete and nail tagged LS 2305 as shown upon "Tara Brook, Unit No.1H, filed on October 10, 1947 in Book 34 of Maps at page 1, said county records (34 Maps 1); thence south 300 44'14H east 592.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING the following 10 courses: (1) south 560 33' 48H west 245.25 feet, (2) south 690 16' 44H west 135.66 feet, (3) south 54049' 59. west 70.41 feet, (4) south 860 16' 54" west 178.13 feet, (5) south 63055'10. west 125.47 feet, (6) north 530 05' 17H west 91.22 feet, (7) south 590 11' 48H west 244.50 feet, (8) south 700 22' 59. west 143.64 feet, (9) south 70 35' OOH east 28.1 ~ feet, (10) south 520 06' 08H west 52.73 feet to a point from which a 1 Y2 inch iron pipe with nail in the centerline of Southwood Drive bears north 310 29' 29H west 483.89 feet, last said iron pipe lies at the at the westerly terminus of a centerline course having a record bearing and distance of north 810 41' 20H west 161.99 feet as shown upon above referenced "Moraga Estates" (22 Maps 627). Lengthening or shortening the sidelines of said 25 foot wide strip of land to meet at angle points. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of the above described 25 foot wide strip of land lying within the parcel of land described in the deed to Jerry K. Johnson and Julie A. Johnson, recorded June 26, 1990 in Book 15945 of Official Records of said county at page 761 (15945 OR 761). Also excepting therefrom that portion of the hereinabove referenced parcel of land (7812 OR 567) described in Exhibit "A" and delineated on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made part hereof. Containing an area of 1877 square feet, more or less. Bearings and distances shown herein are based on the California State Plane Coordinate System 1983, Zone 3. Multiply distances as shown herein by 1.0000910 to obtain ground distances. ~ ~ This easement shall terminate November 30, 1997. A.P.N.268-170-<l28 DP 4928 peL 44 Hamman ..._._.__....,.~__.__.._~_..____._._.__w.__.....____~.__~___", _,'. _...-. ". ..._._.~."-_.~.----~.....,.,-_.__.._.,,--_._~~--".~._- --~.__._-----------------_.- -..-----.----..1--. EXHI. ... f ... /' CENTRAL CQNT"' RIGHT / .sou 'ltl1.1 OOD Q~'-1~ JOHNSON /5945 O.R. 76/ 268-170-027 @ ~~~~~lb \ --.. -................. .. -.. -................-........... -- - """-.. ............ ........... --.. -- ......- --.. --........-..... --'- .... "-.. c '" " . ~ U 0- r:: on ~ ,/ . ) r:: on ~ ,/ '" '" '" . -;; ~ 0 e ,/ .c ) ]V I 50 100 -----, I I I I I I I ) ,/ ,/ ,/ FEET DRAWN BY: DRS SCALE: 1"K50' CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A6 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-028 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 44 PAr,F ? OF 4 '-"-"-'-"'---"'1'-- EXHIBIT A REAL PROPERTY in the city of Orinda, county of Contra Costa, state of California described as follows: Portion of Lot 55, as said lot is shown upon "Moraga Estates", filed November 2, 1936 in Book 22 of Maps at page 627, Contra Costa County Records (22 Maps 627), being also a portion of the parcel of land described in the deed to Stephen Edward Harriman and Mary Karlen Harriman recorded April 2, 1976, in Book 7812 of Official Records of said county at page 567 (7812 OR 567) described as follows: All that portion of said Harriman parcel (7812 OR 567) lying within a 10 foot wide strip of land the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at a 1 % inch iron pipe with concrete and nail located at the intersection of Southwood Drive and Davis Road as shown upon above referenced "Moraga Estates" (22 Maps 627); thence north 25049' 1511 east 260.18 feet (north 24046' east 260.21 feet - record) to a 2 inch iron pipe with concrete and nail tagged LS 2305 as shown upon "Tara Brook, Unit No.1 II, filed on October 10,1947 in Book 34 of Maps at page 1, said county records (34 Maps 1); thence south 30044'1411 east 592.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING the following 10 courses: (1) south 56033' 4811 west 245.25 feet, (2) south 69016' 4411 west 135.66 feet, (3) south 54049' 59" west 70.41 feet, (4) south 860 16' 54" west 178.13 feet, (5) south 630 55' 10" west 125.47 feet, (6) north 530 OS' 1711 west 91.22 feet, (7) south 590 11' 4811 west 244.50 feet, (8) south 700 22' 5911 west 143.64 feet, (9) south 70 35' 00" east 28.16 feet, (10) south 520 06' 08" west 52.73 feet to a point from which a 1 % inch iron pipe with nail in the centerline of Southwood Drive bears north 310 29' 29" west 483.89 feet, last said iron pipe lies at the at the westerly tenninus of a centerline course having a record bearing and distance of north 810 41' 20" west 161.99 feet as shown upon above referenced "Moraga Estates" (22 Maps 627). Lengthening or shortening the sidelines of said 10 foot wide strip of land to meet at angle points. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of the above described 10 foot wide strip of land lying within the parcel of land described in the deed to Jerry K. Johnson and Julie A. Johnson, recorded June 26, 1990 in Book 15945 of Official Records of said county at page 761 (15945 OR 761). Bearings and distances shown herein are based on the California State Plane Coordinate System 1983, Zone 3. Multiply distances as shown herein by 1.0000910 to obtain ground distances. A.P.N.268-170-<l28 DP 4928 PCL 44 Harriman C:\wpdocs\4928\4928-44dsc Exhibit A Page 3 of 4 February 23, 1997 -'.-----~~~~-".--.-..-.,..'-~---.,.---~~-----.--..--~.---------.--.-----,-.-----."---~.~"-------,..--.,'-~.-.--..., "-","--,"_"_,_-_,_,-,- "_""._d."~_"--'.~-~-"'-'-_._-'--'1"'-' ~y DISTRICT SEWER 80U /'f.t111 000 o~,,~ ~~ JOHNSON 159450.R.761 268-170-027 HARRIMAN @ 7812 O.R. 567 268-170-028 ~~~~~I!:. e \ ~~~~~I!:. ~ c '" " . . u ~ .... .., . " ~ " ;::; .., . ./ GO '" '" . ~ :i' 0 '0 " " '" ) .IV I 50 FEET 100 ------, I I I I I I I ) ./ ./ ./ .. .. i DRAWN BY: ~ DRS {j SCAlE: S 1".50' CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A6 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-170-028 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 44 PAGE 4 OF 4 .-.-----. --.....--..-----------------------.---------.--..---..--.-..---.---.------.-.----.--------......- ---.---------------,--- PERMANENT EASEMENT EXHIBIT A REAL PROPERTY in the city of Orinda, county of Contra Costa, state of California described as follows: Portion of Lot 26, as said lot is shown upon "Tara Brook, Unit No.1" filed October 1 0, 1947 in Book 34 of Maps at pages 1 and 2, Contra Costa County Records (34 Maps 1), being also a portion of the parcel of land described as Parcel One, in the deed to John J. Greene and Patricia S. Greene, Co-Trustees of the Greene Family Trust, recorded June 7, 1995, Series No. 95-089986, Official Records of said county, described as follows: All that portion of said Greene parcel (95-089986), lying within a 10 foot wide strip of land, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at a 1 * inch iron pipe with concrete and nail located at the intersection of Southwood Drive and Davis Road as shown upon "Moraga Estates" filed on November 2, 1936 in Book 22 of Maps at page 627, Contra Costa County Records (22 Maps 627); thence north 250 49' 15" east 260.18 feet (north 240 46' east 260.21 feet - record) to a 2 inch iron pipe with concrete and nail tagged LS 2305 as shown upon above referenced "Tara Brook, Unit No.1 II (34 Maps 1); thence south 300 44' 14" east 592.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING the following 10 courses: (1) south 56033' 48" west 245.25 feet, (2) south 69016' 44" west 135.66 feet, (3) south 540 49' 59" west 70.41 feet, (4) south 860 16' 54" west 178.13 feet, (5) south 630 55'10" west 125.47 feet, (6) north 53005'17" west 91.22 feet, (7) south 590 11' 48" west 244.50 feet, (8) south 700 22' 59" west 143.64 feet, (9) south 7035' 00" east 28.16 feet, (10) south 52006' 08" west 52.73 feet to a point from which a 1 * inch iron pipe with nail in the centerline of Southwood Drive bears north 310 29' 29" west 483.89 feet, last said iron pipe lies at the at the westerly terminus of a centerline course having a record bearing and distance of north 810 41' 20" west 161.99 feet as shown upon above referenced "Moraga Estates" (22 Maps 627). Lengthening or shortening the sidelines of said 10 foot wide strip of land to meet at angle points. Bearings and distances shown herein are based on the California State Plane Coordinate System 1983, Zone 3. Multiply distances as shown herein by 1.0000910 to obtain ground distances. h~~ A.P.N. 268-233-003 DP 4928 PCL 47 GreeneTrust C:\wpdocs\4928\4928-47.dsc Exhibit A Page 1 of 1 February 23, 1997 .---..--..-...--.--.....--------..............-..--.- .......-------,--. ~~@@~ Du [N]@ @ lJ [MJ~~~ ~ (.)--2 I<CH ""\ loP. LS2.105 \ ~ \ ~OOG: \ ~ \ \ rY \ \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\ \ 'lQ\; f)\~$ ~\~ \~ '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ GREENE tf?UST SERf ES NO. 0$9986 268-233-003 \ @\ \ 10' \ 5~ \ \<;:8 " <<.;P1$(>{>'" .......,"';::;;:f$.;;.;.;.o \ \ 6>055"" PAULOS 268-233-002 @ W/SSMAR 268-233-004 & !L@!r ~~ ~// ) ; 1\.T .E- .L~ ~ J ~,"" , "' " ~ '" ~ ." .A'O"'l'l ~l~~ ~/. /~-;:- ...../"'":/,.:.....-/ .....//.r;// " ...../~.~.....-/ ''---"..... .-................... ---,~_/.......""" ~}. :--=--~=--::: :....~..... --0 ---------------... ------- - eo FEET \ \ ~: DRAWN BY: / DRS CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A5 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-233-003 ,. ~ SCALE: ~ 1"-80' I r/---- ! / I ROAD ------- --------- ,-----... /, JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 47 --r- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT REAL PROPERTY in the city of Orinda, county of Contra Costa, state of California described as follows: . PARCEL ONE: Portion of Lot 26, as said lot is shown upon "Tara Brook, Unit No.1- filed October 1 0, 1947 in Book 34 of Maps at pages 1 and 2, Contra Costa County Records (34 Maps 1), being also a portion of the parcel of land described as Parcel One, in the deed to John J. Greene and Patricia S. Greene, Co-Trustees of the Greene Family Trust, recorded June 7, 1995, Series No. 95-089986, Official Records of said county, described as follows: All that portion of above referenced Greene parcel (95-089986) lying within a 24.50 foot wide strip of land, 12.50 feet lying northwesterly and 12.00 feet lying southeasterly of the following described centerline: Commencing at a 1 Y2 inch iron pipe with concrete and nail located at the intersection of Southwood Drive and Davis Road as shown upon "Moraga Estates" filed on November 2, 1936 in Book 22 of Maps at page 627, Contra Costa County Records (22 Maps 627); thence north 250 49' 15- east 260.18 feet (north 240 46' east 260.21 feet - record) to a 2 inch iron pipe with concrete and nail tagged LS 2305 as shown upon above referenced "Tara Brook, Unit No.1" (34 Maps 1) said iron pipe hereinafter designated point "A" ; thence south 300 44' 1411 east 592.62 feet tQ the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING the following 10 courses: (1) south 56033' 48- .west 245.25 feet, (2) south 690 16' 44- west 135.66 feet, (3) south 54049' 59- west 70.41 feet, (4) south 860 16' 54- west 178.13 feet, (5) south 63055' 10- west 125.47 feet, (6) north 53005' 17- west 91.22 feet, (7) south 590 11' 48" west 244.50 feet, (8) south 700 22' 59- west 143.64 feet, (9) south 70 35' 00- east 28.16 feet, (10) south 520 06' 08. west 52.73 feet to a point from which a 1 Y2 inch iron pipe with nail in the centerline of Southwood Drive bears north 310 29' 29- west 483.89 feet, last said iron pipe lies at the at the westerly terminus of a centerline course having a record bearing and distance of north 81041' 20. west 161.99 feet as shown upon above referenced "Moraga Estates" (22 Maps 627). Lengthening or shortening the sidelines of said 24.50 foot wide strip of land to meet at angle points and to terminate in the east upon the easterly line of said Greene parcel (95-089986) and in the southwest upon the southwesterly line of said Greene parcel. EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of the hereinabove referenced parcel of land (95- 089986) described in Exhibit "A" and delineated on Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made part hereof. Containing an area of 1637 square feet, more or less. AP.N.268-233-OO3 OP 4928 PCl 47 GreeneTrust C:\wpdocs\4928\4928-47t.dsc Temporary Construction Easement Page 1 of 5 April 22, 1997 -..-.-.--.-....------..----.-------.-.-----.-----.. ._._--_._._~_. TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PARCEL TWO: All that portion of hereinabove referenced Greene parcel (95-089986) lying within a 20.00 foot wide strip of land the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at hereinabove designated point "A"; thence from said point "A" south 32000' 06" east 320.09 feet to a point on the north line of said Greene parcel (95-089986) said point being the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING southwesterly along a curve concave to the southeast having a radius of 113.50 feet through a central angle of 00 48' 01" a distance of 1.59 feet, a radial line to said POINT OF BEGINNING bears north 420 46' 09" west; thence south 460 25' 51. west 6.53 feet; thence southwesterly along a curve concave to the southeast and east having a radius of 66.00 feet through a central angle of 190 15' 43" a distance of 22.19 feet to a point hereinafter designated point "B"; thence from said point "B" continuing along said curve southwesterly and southerly through a central angle of 120 59' 32" a distance of 14.97 feet; thence south 140 10' 35. west 8.57 feet; thence southerly along a curve concave to the east having a radius of 123.50 feet through a central angle of 260 55' 35. a distance of 58.04 feet; thence south 840 31' 23. west 18.57 feet. Lengthening or shortening the sidelines of said 20.00 foot wide strip of land to meet at angle points and to terminate in the north upon the northerly line of said Greene parcel (95- 089986)and in the southwest upon the southwesterly line of said Greene parcel. Containing an.area of 2616 square feet, more or less. PARCEL THREE: All that portion of hereinabove referenced Greene parcel (95-089986) lying within a 20.00 foot wide strip of land the centerline of which is described as follows: Beginning at the hereinabove designated point "B"; thence from said point "B" south 630 35' 45" east 121.43 feet; thence south 360 08' 17. east 46.65 feet; thence south 580 59' 22" east 10.51 feet to the easterly line of said Greene parcel (95-089986). Lengthening or shortening the sidelines of said 20.00 foot wide strip of land to meet at angle points and to terminate in the northwest upon the southeasterly line of said PARCEL TWO and in the east upon the easterly line of said Greene parcel (95-089986). EXCEPTING THEREFROM that portion of the above described 20.00 foot wide strip of land lying within hereinabove described Parcel Two. Containing an area of 3366 square feet, more or less. Bearings and distances shown herein are based on the California State Plane Coordinate System 1983, Zone 3. Multiply distances as shown herein by 1.0000910 to obtain ground distances. ALL ABOVE-DESCRIBED TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT(S) SHALL EXPIRE ON NOVEMBER 30, 1997. A.P.N.268-233-OO3 DP 4928 PCL 47 GreeneTrust C:\wpdocs\4928\4928-47t.dsc Temporary Construction Easement Page 2 of 5 April 22. 1997 .---.--...-.-.--..-----.............-....................................._-_.... ......--..--.-..-.,.. c '" "0 ,..; ... ~ Q. :; . ;; ;:: of) ... / <Xl N '" ... ~ e 0 ~ I ) ]V I TEMPORARY CO CENTRAl CO RIGHT / ~ON EASEMENT ARY DISTRICT SEWER d 0 0 0 0 ~ It) 0 0 It) I"") l.D l.D I"") ..... l.D l.D "" ..... ..... ~ m m t"- .q- (!) ..... m 0 It) I I Z ...: N .q- OJ ~ N ..... It) ..... I"") N It) ~ 0 .q- I"") I"') OJ It) m I It) ~ .q- I It) W ..... It) 0 0 0 0 0 0 m N l.D 0 ..... ..... N ~ I"") f.... f.... I It) I I It) I It) is l.D OJ ex:> ..... ~ ~ ~ (!) ..... 10 I"') Z 10 I"") "" a: I 10 I 0 I ..... US N ..... I"") 0 0 0 a:l l.D .q- .q- .q- ..... OJ (f) (f) (f) 0 N 1"")810 l.D t"- o TEMPORARY CONSTRUCllON EASEMENT PARCEL 3 3366 sa, FT. 5580 59'22"E 10.51' 7.5:~ "'... 12 5' 7'O~"",.",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, (s. . '~<:"':":,..o ,', 12 O' ",'" '1;;;:;:...."'.......... . .~~.. ..... .ir-:_."'-.-....-...,i.:.....~......'.~~..:.....~..G;.?)' -'1"'.' .- ........ J.... . ,','" ...............~..............r-:...'.'......l,,,..."..........-.... ......~>.1;:: _ -'\ :;..:::/.~_(.2i~:.-/~ \ . .....'tf'" ._\: /~:r:-y,>i~;,.,..,' \ .... I "J' (\ "~ 7.. b, "J.7.. ",:>' b, t:Q roO "':> S'j .J\J ..-- TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT PARCEL 1 1637 SQ. FT. 50 100 I FEET - - ~ DRAWN BY: E ::: DRS ~ :g SCALE: E 111..50. CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 4-25-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A5 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-233-003 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 47 PAGE 3 OF 5 .".--.----1'.. EXHIBIT A REAL PROPERTY in the city of Orinda, county of Contra Costa, state of California described as follows: Portion of Lot 26, as said lot is shown upon "Tara Brook, Unit No.1" filed October 10, 1947 in Book 34 of Maps at pages 1 and 2, Contra Costa County Records (34 Maps 1), being also a portion of the parcel of land described as Parcel One, in the deed to John J. Greene and Patricia S. Greene, Co-Trustees of the Greene Family Trust, recorded June 7, 1995, Series No. 95-089986, Official Records of said county, described as follows: All that portion of said Greene parcel (95-Q89986), lying within a 10 foot wide strip of land, the centerline of which is described as follows: Commencing at a 1 ~ inch iron pipe with concrete and nail located at the intersection of Southwood Drive and Davis Road as shown upon "Moraga Estates" filed on November 2, 1936 in Book 22 of Maps at page 627, Contra Costa County Records (22 Maps 627); thence north 250 49' 15" east 260.18 feet (north 240 46' east 260.21 feet - record) to a 2 inch iron pipe with concrete and nail tagged LS 2305 as shown upon above referenced "Tara Brook, Unit No.18 (34 Maps 1); thence south 300 44' 14" east 592.62 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence from said POINT OF BEGINNING the following 10 courses: (1) south 56033' 48" west 245.25 feet, (2) south 690 16' 44" west 135.66 feet, (3) south 540 49' 59" west 70.41 feet, (4) south 860 16' 54" west 178.13 feet, (5) south 630 55' 10" west 125.47 feet, (6) north 530 05' 17" west 91.22 feet, (7) south 590 11' 48" west 244.50 feet, (8) south 700 22' 59" west 143.64 feet, (9) south 7035' 00. east 28.16 feet, (10) south 52006' 088 west 52.73 feet to a point from which a 1 ~ inch iron pipe with nail in the centerline of Southwood Drive bears north 310 29' 29" west 483.89 feet, last said iron pipe lies at the at the westerly terminus of a centerline course having a record bearing and distance of north 810 41' 20. west 161.99 feet as shown upon above referenced "Moraga Estates" (22 Maps 627). Lengthening or shortening the sidelines of said 10 foot wide strip of land to meet at angle points. Bearings and distances shown herein are based on the California State Plane Coordinate System 1983, Zone 3. Multiply distances as shown herein by 1.0000910 to obtain ground distances. A.P.N.268-233-<>03 DP 4928 PCL 47 GreeneTrust C:\wpdocs\4928\4928-47.dsc Exhibit A Page 4 of 5 February 23, 1997 -~'-_.---'-'-'-'--"'-_.'_.'U_.l'-'._' - f ~ ~ N ,~~ } I <2P~t~f1 ~/.. I: ...............~......-:.. ;' .............................. ~ ..............~~~.............. ~ ............../:::-....... ~ ...................../~....... <n ........ .".-#.............. . -- ................ ~ :::-.~~:- ;'....... ~ -0 .<: EXHI,.. / CENTRAL CO / RIGHT 0" ROAD g~(Q)(Q)~ [N]@. [] ~~~ [] ... ~ DRAWN BY: DRS SCALE: 1"-80' 80 CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 moMAS BRO.: 71A5 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-233-003 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCH. NO.: 47 PAGE 5 OF 5 ..m....._._....~_...... ----.-.--..-.--....r.... -- . .. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District April 22, 1997 File: 4928.5.1.5 ROGERJ. DOLAN General Manager Chief Engineer CERTIFIED MAil - P 563 448 432 KENTON L AIM Counselfor the District (5/0) 938-/430 JOYCE E. MURPHY Secretary of the District John and Mary McDonnel Trust 1 0 Charles Hill Road Orinda, CA 94563 Dear ladies and Gentlemen: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY REGARDING CONDEMNATION OF PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EASEMENTS; APN: 273-140-011 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) is in the process of completing the design for Phase 1 of the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project. The project is required to reduce the potential for both dry and wet weather overflow of sewage into San Pablo Creek, which flows into San Pablo Reservoir, an East Bay Municipal Utility District drinking water supply. A portion of the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project includes 8,000 linear feet of microtunneling in Moraga Way. To reduce traffic impacts on Moraga Way, the pits for microtunneling operations have been located on private property. The Phase 1 South Orinda Project is scheduled to be advertised for competitive bidding in April 1997, in order to take full advantage of the summer construction season. However, no contract will be awarded unless the District's Board elects to adopt the Resolution of Necessity, which is the subject of this Notice of Public Hearing. Either the District's right-of-way agents, Associated Right of Way Services, Inc., or the District's right-of-way person, Rick Hernandez, has presented you with an offer of just compensation. Additionally, we have previously provided you the Statement of and Summary of Basis for the amount established as Just Compensation. To date the District has been unable to secure the property rights across your property required for the project. As you may be aware, the District's Board previously adopted a Resolution of Necessity relevant to this project and your property on February 20, 1997. In response to objections raised in regard to the legal description of the interests in property being acquired, staff is recommending to the District Board that it adopt a new Resolution of Necessity with revised legal descriptions of the proposed easements across your property. The law requires that certain parties be notified by the District concerning the Resolution of Necessity hearing. Please be advised that a public hearing is scheduled at the District Board Room at the above address on May 1, 1997, at 3 p.m. The purpose of this hearing is to consider information as further identified below. Staff intends to recommend to the District's Board at the meeting on May 1, 1997, that it adopt a Resolution of Necessity ID-G L \C:\INFRA \DP\4928\PU8HEAR2. NTC @ Recycled Paper John and Mary McDo )1 Trust Page 2 April 22, 1 997 to acquire by condemnation the proposed easements across your property described in the new Resolution of Necessity. You are hereby notified that you have the right to appear at the hearing and be heard concerning the issues set forth in the California Code of Ch/il Procedure Section 1240.030, which are: · whether the public interest and necessity require the District's project; · whether the project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; and · whether the subject easements are necessary for the project. You may also be heard on the issue of whether an offer, as required by Government Code Section 7267.2, was made to you. However, the amount of compensation for the easement interests in your property is not a subject of this hearing and will not be considered by the District's Board in making its decision whether or not to adopt a Resolution of Necessity. In order to appear and be heard at the hearing, you must file with the Secretary of the District, Joyce Murphy, within fifteen (15) days after the date of mailing of this notice, a written request to appear and be heard. Failure to do so will result in waiver of your right to appear and be heard. The District's negotiators, Associated Right of Way Services, Inc. or Rick Hernandez, will continue to discuss relevant issues with you concurrent with the District taking steps to obtain rights to enter your property. It remains our desire to reach an agreement with you on compensation for the property rights required for the District's project. Please feel free to contact the undersigned at (510) 229-7273 or Rick Hernandez at (510) 229-7132. Sincerely, ~J IMJ. Tad J. Pilecki Senior Engineer T JP/vh/pk cc: M. Cornelius R. Hernandez J. McCoy J. Murphy B. Tannenbaum (ARWS) ID-G l \C:\INFRA \DP\49 28\PUBHEAR2. NTC Central Contra Costa Sanitary District April 22, 1 997 File: 4928.5.1.5 ROGERJ. DOLAN General Manager Chief Engineer CERTIFIED MAIL - P 563 448 433 KEmON L. AIM Counsel for the District (510) 938-1430 JOYCE E. MURPHY Secr.tary of the District Ms. Margaret M. Twomey 10 Charles Hill Road Orinda, CA 94563 Dear Ms. Twomey: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE RESOLUTION OF NECESSITY REGARDING CONDEMNATION OF PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY EASEMENTS; APN: 273-140-011 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) is in the process of completing the design for Phase 1 of the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project. The project is required to reduce the potential for both dry and wet weather overflow of sewage into San Pablo Creek, which flows into San Pablo Reservoir, an East Bay Municipal Utility District drinking water supply. A portion of the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project includes 8,000 linear feet of microtunneling in Moraga Way. To reduce traffic impacts on Moraga Way, the pits for microtunneling operations have been located on private property. The Phase 1 South Orinda Project is scheduled to be advertised for competitive bidding in April 1997, in order to take full advantage of the summer construction season. However, no contract will be awarded unless the District's Board elects to adopt the Resolution of Necessity, which is the subject of this Notice of Public Hearing. Either the District's right-of-way agents, Associated Right of Way Services, Inc., or the District's right-of-way person, Rick Hernandez, has presented you with an offer of just compensation. Additionally, we have previously provided you the Statement of and Summary of Basis for the amount established as Just Compensation. To date the District has been unable to secure the property rights across your property required for the project. As you may be aware, the District's Board previously adopted a Resolution of Necessity relevant to this project and your property on February 20, 1997. In response to objections raised in regard to the legal description of the interests in property being acquired, staff is recommending to the District Board that it adopt a new Resolution of Necessity with revised legal descriptions of the proposed easements across your property. The law requires that certain parties be notified by the District concerning the Resolution of Necessity hearing. Please be advised that a public hearing is scheduled at the District Board Room at the above address on May 1, 1997, at 3 p.m. The purpose of this hearing is to consider information as further identified below. Staff intends to recommend to the District's Board at the meeting on May 1, 1997, that it adopt a Resolution of Necessity ID-G L \C:\INFRA \DP\4928\PUBHEAR2.NTC * Recycled Paper Ms. Margaret M. Twor y Page 2 April 22, 1997 to acquire by condemnation the proposed easements across your property described in the new Resolution of Necessity. You are hereby notified that you have the right to appear at the hearing and be heard concerning the issues set forth in the California Code of Chill Procedure Section 1240.030, which are: . whether the public interest and necessity require the District's project; . whether the project is planned or located in the manner that will be most compatible with the greatest public good and the least private injury; and . whether the subject easements are necessary for the project. You may also be heard on the issue of whether an offer, as required by Government Code Section 7267.2, was made to you. However, the amount of compensation for the easement interests in your property is not a subject of this hearing and will not be considered by the District's Board in making its decision whether or not to adopt a Resolution of Necessity. In order to appear and be heard at the hearing, you must file with the Secretary of the District, Joyce Murphy, within fifteen (15) days after the date of mailing of this notice, a written request to appear and be heard. Failure to do so will result in waiver of your right to appear and be heard. The District's negotiators, Associated Right of Way Services, Inc. or Rick Hernandez, will continue to discuss relevant issues with you concurrent with the District taking steps to obtain rights to enter your property. It remains our desire to reach an agreement with you on compensation for the property rights required for the District's project. Please feel free to contact the undersigned at (510) 229-7273 or Rick Hernandez at (510) 229-7132. Sincerely, ~fAJ. Tad J. Pilecki Senior Engineer T JP/vh/pk cc: M. Cornelius R. Hernandez J. McCoy J. Murphy B. Tannenbaum (ARWS) ID-GL \C:\INFRA \DP\49 28\PUBHEAR2. NTC --,----~-"---"...-.__.__.._."---_..-..,*..~~~----_._-~.-.-.--...----- - ,- g r //', /. --1-/.--) ". '" ,"" ~/: /7 ' ..........., c:~,{e:.<,>v f", te~ y ~e ~ ikb ~ ~~ ([).-/c~~~ C~ C;>~~3 OrC /~ I' f97 ~ ... /": AA. ~~ L/t) /i /' /} /) j -~ GJ " L ~. Ll? V~I ~~ 0:. <.: #"-t~ ~+-0: ~%u~ U --L~ . ~7' ~ , .L /4" .:1 t7 .:5"": / D / & . .<--cv 77. tJ .. IFJ~@~D'W~@ APR 1 8 1997 CCCSu SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT ~hte4 /?(~,'~1t, rC' &-t---uH!~,,~(l. V~ .'l/~ Y. ? ftre~ a~, -~. ~~U ^1 ~ee~.u(/ ~.. ~ "~7 ?'eJ'~<1~'~~<1fl!~/tc~.t- ~~&o: 17'0. ()';).O'A ,;- <-cd CCA<....-4.-4<-tk'C .-Sl,,~ /'" ' ,/2,__) ", _ 0 7 4' /7 ~ ,/1/ ~ ~-'I Y'z-,i-"'vLf!...;~ (~~<,.c::: C/:;tzt.e'-~-t:..--t, L~~--e-e..~ . ~, '~l",' " ~~,~ k-z... -reu" de:;. ! -;Zt i ~L ./X.C <to - . , LL'J-. 0/ . C .peG hI l' iM:..L..J'fL>..,w1../c.L,' c':;-'E, J ~~j /:,)f."t.'-z ~ " g \\, j" ,(/ h &/~Clj P ~(, ..;U~- A--0C a~ >-1.cec/'V<-z<-:.7- '~f&e~H ~f -e,-:L-~'--€...A(? r<z-u;,L . W~/2v--J /9i",'~, W,lL"L,', r'\-",>V\ ?'~P, R, ',' Ci A-I,)"o '- ~ II ~ 11 / ,/ 't# '<:ok ~l -e. ~-,# I ,,/ / I /---.--, It/(-- 12.1)15 '. ,J, i) If c A(v _._-'-------_._"-~"~,-"------,~. Stephen E. Harriman AlA & Associates April 18, 1997 A rehit eet ure Plannin;; Interior DeJi;;n Ms Joyce Murphy Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 47 QUe/if Court. Suite~(}() We/lnNt Creek. CA 945C)(i 510 934-1160 Fax 934-8132 Re: File 4928, 34 Southwood Drive, Orinda Dear Ms Murphy; I am hereby requesting to appear and be heard at the upcoming public hearing on the Resoution of Necessity for APN 268-170-028-8. Yours truly, Stephe E. Harriman TEN TARA ROAD ORINDA CALIFORNIA 94563 (510) ~47 FIDe (510) 254-69:>7 April 27 1997 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Ilnhoff Place Martinez California 94553 [gj [g @ [g D \'# [g [Q) MAY 01 1997 cccso SECRETARY OF THE DISTRICT Attention: Board of Directors, Tad Pilecki, P.E., Jackie Zayek Re: South Orinda Sewer Improvement Project - Orinda APN: 233-003-6/ 10 Tara Road Parcel No: 47 Gentlemen: The documents you have presented for our signature are unacceptable; language is hazy and vague and there is inconsistency in presentation (identical maps are marked Exhibit A and Exhibit B) making any point of reference confusing. Our prior experiences (almost forty years) with your firm have been appalling; your personnel have no respect for us or our rights and your agency has been negligent in responding to our requests, either oral or written, for consideration and respect. You are demanding permanent access to any and all portions of our property, without prior permission, and with no regard to the destruction of property and property values of our land. Please make the following corrections and/or additions to your documents: GRANT OF EASEMENT Delete Paragraph 3 ("The easement granted herein, etc.") and insert: The easement granted herein includes incidental rights of mainten- ance, repair and replacement of said sewerlines and appurtenances, provided that such work does not interfere with the use and enjoy- ment of Grantor's property not SUbject to the easement. The easement includes the free right of ingress and egress on the easement property for the purposes of the easement. Ingress and egress over the remaining property of Grantor for purposes necessary to the proper use of the rights granted herein is allowed: for one or two individuals at a time, on foot; when at least 24 hours prior notice to the residents (except in case of emergency) is given of the time and duration of the entry; entrants to utilize the paved roadway to come as close to the easement as possible and then proceed to the easement directly, 1 .. -- +-,.-,...-----.-,~_._.__._._.,.,.,.~ .. _ 4_'~_._._____.___.___.____,_.__._____. .,___.._._____",.__.._,_.,......__~.._.__..__ April 27 1997 page 2 and similarly in egress; and, subject to the Grantee's liability for any damage to Grantor's property or the landscaping thereon, or for interference with the use of the portion of Grantor's property not subject to the Easement, caused by such ingress or egress or by work done on the permanent easement. If Grantee wishes to move vehicles or equipment, or more individuals than allowed herein, across Grantor's property, a separate temporary easement for such entry will be necessary. EASEMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT Please make the following changes: 1. This Agreement is the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes any other agreement, written or oral, of any represen- tations made prior to the execution of this Agreement. The per- formance of this Agreement sets forth the entire consideration for the Grants of Easement (Permanent and Temporary) described herein. 3. Any irrigation sprinklers, and lines, concrete, curbs, asphalt, fences, drainage improvements, walls or brick work, or other improvements, as well as any ground cover or other landscaping (except for any trees and/or miscellaneous shrubbery purchased by the District pursuant to this Agreement) damaged or removed as a result of activities permitted under the Temporary Easement of this Agreement, or as a result of any further entries of Grantee pursuant to the Easements or this Agreement or to construct, repair, maintain, remove, or inspect the sewer, will be promptly repaired or replaced as near as possible to the existing condition (or condition prior to entry if the entry is after the expiration of the Temporary Easement) by DISTRICT. Grantor shall permit District access as reasonably necessary to Grantor's remaining property to undertake such repair and replacement of Grantor's damaged property. In the event any of the damaged or removed improvements, ground cover or landscaping on Grantor's property cannot be adequately repaired or replaced, District shall compensate Grantor. No access to any living space is granted by this Agreement. 4. A. Revised Grant of Easement as noted above. 4. B. Delete - Temporary Easement will need to be a separate agreement. 4. D. Delete 8 . Delete As noted above, we are requesting a separate agreement for the temporary easement for the roadway crossing our property. The map identified as Exhibit A in the Offer to Purchase and as Exhibit B in a set of the Grant of Easement must be corrected. Your engineer, Tad Pilecki, stated that you do not plan to use the rectangular area drawn on the map; it should be deleted. The "Temporary Road" drawing must be deleted from any maps attached to Grant of Easement documents. You now provide two ~-~_._----.._,.._..-......_.__..,"--_.....__... ".-- ---......-.---.........--.,'. c '" 'C oi . I ,.. . U a. ,- . ,- ~ ." .. ,- ., " '" .. ,- - .. ~ e ,- .i: ~ ~___~D~cr RIGHT." " " .'. . iii; SEWER ROAD ~~@@~ ~lJ ~@. lJ lMJ~~~ lJ ,.. ;; DRAWN BY: ;;; DRS 01 ";' SCALE: ~ 1"-80' CHECKED BY: EAC DATE: 2-23-97 THOMAS BRO.: 71A5 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 268-233-003 JOB NO.: 4571 PARCEL NO.: 47 April 28, 1997 page 3 sets of "Grant of Easement", 3 pages each, one set of which has the map showing the "TemPOrary Road". This drawing could too easily be slipped into the recorded "Grant of Easement". Your agent, Kathy Wood, of Associated Right of Way Services, Inc., was unable to answer our question as to why there were numerous copies of the same document. We are extremely uncomfortable signing such sloppily arranged documents and our attorney has advised against doing so. TEMPORARY EASEMENT 1. Grantor hereby grants to District a temporary construction and access easement for the movement of tools, machinery, materials and equipment by the District and its contractors over and upon that real property which is a portion of Grantor's property, identified as Exhibit C, together with the right of ingress to and egress from said property, the right to excavate on such identified real property for a bore or receiving pit if either is located on such identified real prop- erty,and the right at all times to enter over and upon said identified real property and every part thereof and also to use said identified real property for all purposes reasonably connected with the construction of the proposed public improvement, during the period of the Temporary Easement. This Temporary Easement does not give any right of ingress or egrres, or use, of the remainder of Grantor's property. All use of the Temporary Easement shall be with appropriate consideration of the comfort and health of the residents on and visitors to Grantor's property. . The Temporary Easement shall commence upon June 1, 1997, or upon earlier recording of this Agreement, and shall terminate upon completion of the construction of the sewer on the permanent easement and completion of repair and replacement work required hereunder, or six months from the date of commencement, whichever is earlier. 2. The roadway area is to be restored to its prior appearance, graded where necessary and drainage corrected. Any compaction necessary is to be to 95%. 3. 14 Tara Road, adjacent to Grantor, has a visual impact on Grantors' property. It is expected that the existing ground cover will be destroyed. The entire slope in this area is to be replanted in either Vinca Major or Hypericum Calcinum. 4. On the terrace which is presently covered in treebark mulch, new bark is to be replaced to a depth of 4" on the entire terrace. 5. A small Oak and large Myrtus are to be removed to accomodate the Temporary Roadway. The District is to pay Grantor $500.00 for this damage. Should any other plant materials need to be re-locatedthe District is to provide labor to do so and advise when it will be done. 6. Grantor has been notified that some trees along the Temporary Roadway need to be pruned. At its own expense, Grantor has had two persimmon and one peach tree professionally pruned; these trees shOUld not be touched. An arborist shOUld be in attendance when existing Oak trees are trimmed. All prunings are to be removed by the District. April 28 1997 page 4 ADDENDUM 1. During the construction period, workmen's vehicles are not to be parked on this property or on the driveway; they must be parked on the street. Only absolutely necessary equipment is to be operated on the driveway and the temporary roadway. 2. Destruction of Driveway: a. The area where the temporary roadway will take off from the existing drive is very delicate; there is a shallow drainage ditch, the edge of which is very fragile. There is also an underground drain which is likely to be damaged. Should this occur it must be repaired and replaced. b. The District has orally stated that it will replace the upper portion of the existing concrete driveway (a shared easement between 6, 10 and 12 Tara Road). A written statement to that effect is to be a part of this agreement. 3. Soil Erosion Mitigation on Sewer Line Site. a. All corrective engineering on the bank and sewer site is to be paid for by Central Contra Costa Sanitary District. b. A copy of the Soil Testing report is to be provided to Grantor. c. The plans for reconstruction of this area are to be a part of this agreement. d. Any compaction is to be to 95%. 4. The sewer line is to be hand dug (as stated by Tad PileCki in a meeting April 16, 1997) according to the new map. 5. No trees in the sewer line access or working area are to be removed. /Jv-J' // (/ J~Ohn J r ene i . ~ / ' patricia S Greene ~-"-_._----_..,.."'--"_._-_._-'"-, ---'~"._'-""""--'--~---'----"'-'---*-._-_.__._-~---,..-----"---.-----'--.,..,-'-~-"..-~.---.-.,...,.,---,---~- .,....._._,._-".._~--_._.__._--_._..._-_.._.*-._-,___"_."'_-'_.0- LAW OFFICES OF ~~@~OW~[Q) MAY 01 1997 SMITH, MERRILL & PEFFER A PRO~ESSIONAL. CORPORATION ..JON M. ISHIBASHI KEVIN D. LALLY CHARLES E. MERRILL KARL MOLINEUX BRENT K. NOMURA ROBIN M. PEARSON H. RAY PEFFER ALICE M. PElLER DAVID H. SMITH MARY B. YUOIEN BISHOP RANCH BUSINESS PARK TWO ANNABEL LANE, SUITE 200 POST OFFICE BOX 10 SAN RAMON, CALIFORNIA 94583-0010 CCCSO SECRETARY OF TH6"i1StlKfo N E (510l 8ee-1000 FACSIMILE (510) 830-8787 April 30, 1997 District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, California 94553 Via Facsimile: 676-7211 Re: Resolution of Necessity Regarding Condemnation of Permanent and Temporary Easements; APN 273-I40-0II Dear District Board: This Board has on its agenda for May 1, 1997, a hearing to consider adopting a resolution of necessity for the acquisition of the above entitled property by eminent domain. This office is submitting this letter on behalf of the John and Mary McDonnell Trust and the operators of McDonnell Nursery to object to the boards proposed action on several grounds, including: 1. The failure to make a proper offer for the property as required by Government Code S7267.2; 2. The adoption of the resolution would be in violation of law because the sanitary District has failed to comply with applicable statutory procedures which are prerequisites to such a resolution, including the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act; 3. The failure to furnish an adequate appraisal summary statement required by Government Code S7267.2; 4. The failure to conform to procedural requirements; 5. The proposed condemnation action is a continuation of a series of unlawful actions on the part of the Contra Costa Sanitary District to obstruct the owners legitimate attempt to preserve the business located on the property; 6. The violation of the eminent domain law, statutory and decisional. District Board Central Contra April 30, 1997 Page 2 Costa sanitary District I. The Central contra costa sanitary District May Not Adopt A Resolution Of Necessity Because It Has Failed To Comply with The statutory Procedures. section 1245.230 et. seq. of the Code of civil Procedure and Government Code section 7267.1 and 7627.2 set forth the procedures that must be followed prior to adoption of a resolution of necessity by a public entity. The Sanitary District has failed to follow those procedures. Under Government Code section 7627.2, prior to adopting a resolution of necessity, the condemnor must make an offer to acquire the property, which must contain a written statement of, and summary of the basis for, the amount it has established as just compensation. The Sanitary District failed to provide an adequate "Appraisal Summary Statement," thus, the sanitary District did not meet the requirements of a bona fide offer under Government Code section 7267.2. Recent case law has made it clear that the provisions of Section 7267.2 "are not merely discretionary guidelines, but mandatory requirements which must be observed by any public entity planning to initiate eminent domain proceedings through a resolution of necessity." City of San Jose v. Great Oaks Water Co., 192 Cal.App.3d 1005, 237 Cal.Rptr. 845, 849 (1987). Adoption of the proposed resolution is therefore premature until the Sanitary District complies with these requirements. The Sanitary District's actions in proceeding to consider the proposed resolution without complying with these mandatory requirements, among others, reveals that the true intent behind this proposed action is to prevent the intended use of the property so that the owner will be compelled to convey his property interests to the Sanitary District. II. The sanitary District Cannot Adopt the Resolution until the Requirements of CEQA Have Been Met. Similarly, the proposed resolution cannot validly be adopted until all of the requirements of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines have been met. California courts have established that public acquisition of property is a "project" within the meaning of CEQA, and therefore subject to all the requirements of CEQA and the State CEQA Guidelines. Nevertheless, the Sanitary District has not fulfilled the requirements of CEQA. Accordingly, if the proposed resolution is adopted, the Sanitary Lms043097:L:\LIT\MCDONNELL\LETTERS\RESOLUTION.OBJ District Board central Contra Costa sanitary District April 30, 1997 Page 3 District will be in clear violation of CEQA, as well as other provisions of law. The legislative committee comment to Code of civil Procedure Section 1240.030, provides in pertinent part as follows: "Subdivision (a) [of the statute] prevents the taking of the property by eminent domain unless the public interest and necessity require the project. Public interest and necessity include all aspects of the public good including but not limited to social, economic, environmental and aesthetic consideration..." The city of San Jose case cited above stated further at page 1017, as follows: "We conclude that the City violated CEQA by failing to make a determination whether a subsequent or supplemental EIR was required by the redesign of the project, or whether an addendum to the final EIR would suffice. There should be an opportunity for public hearings and comments prior to this determination. If at that time it does appear that the changes in the project design are sufficiently substantial to require revisions of the EIR - as appears to be the case from the evidence in the record - then a subsequent or supplemental EIR will be required." The Sanitary District has failed to comply with the requirements of CEQA and has not addressed the significant effects on the environment which may be caused by sanitary District's proposed project. Adoption of the proposed resolution is therefore premature until the Sanitary District complies with these requirements. III. The county's Failure To satisfy Public Interest And Necessity And Other Requirements Of The Eminent Domain Law Precludes The Adoption Of The Resolution. 1. The proposed project is not planned or located in a manner that will be the most compatible with the greatest public good and least private injury. The Sanitary District has not properly or adequately evaluated or lms043097:L:\LIT\MCDONNELL\LETTERS\RESOLUTION.OBJ District Board Central Contra Costa Sanitary District April 30, 1997 Page 4 considered the private injury which will occur to the owner of the property interests from the project, and has not weighed or balanced other alternatives which would lessen the private injury while permitting the proposed project. 2. The acquisition of the property interest as proposed is not necessary for the project. 3. The proposed taking is of excess property not authorized by law. 4. The proposed taking is for a use not authorized by law. 5. The condemnor lacks the power to take the affected property interests by eminent domain. 6. The property interests being acquired, and the totality thereof, are not necessary for the project. IV. Conclusion. The owners of the property being acquired and damaged, object to the Resolution and request that these objections be made part of the administrative record of the Hearing. For the above reasons, it is respectfully submitted that the resolution should not be passed. Sincerely, SMITH, MERRILL a J~~SiO 1 MD. & PEFFER corporation KDL:lms cc: Clients lms043097:L:\LIT\MCDONNELL\LETTERS\RESOLUTION.OBJ ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ............................................................................................. ............................................................................................. ......I.........I..;..II............IH..~I.'!.:~..I!I.!:~....... BOARD MEETING OF :::::::' ,::: ,:::H:"""::,:",,,:,::,,/::::,::B!I:::dIImIi.S;m;,:, ""co'"" May 1, 1997 Page 1 of 2 NO. 10. ADMINISTRATIVE a. DATE TYPE OF ACTION April 25, 1997 AUTHORIZE FUNDS/AUTHORIZE AWARDS SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $56,000 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT AND AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO ALLOCATE $56,000 AND AUTHORIZE AWARD TO OCTEL COMMUNICATIONS FOR VOICE MAIL SYSTEM UPGRADE. SUBMITTED BY Andrew Sniderman, MIS Administrator INITIATING DEPTIDIV Administrative Department/M IS ISSUE: Authorization of the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to allocate funds in excess of $25,000 from the General Improvements Program Contingency Account. Board approval is also required for Capital Improvements contracts greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: The District's current Octel Branch XP voice mail system is now entering its fifth year of operation. The system is operating at over 95% of its storage capacity, and as a result has become increasing unstable. In the past several months the system has reached its capacity several times, preventing both inside and outside callers from leaving messages and preventing District staff from retrieving and saving messages. Octel no longer supports enhancements to this older system and cannot expand its storage capacity. Octel has also begun to phase out support for older systems as spare parts become unavailable and the software becomes obsolete. Replacement of the voice mail system was going to be scheduled for the 1998-99 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB). However, due to increasing voice mail breakdowns which adversely affect normal District operations, this schedule was accelerated. Initial considerations involved a review of our current system including an evaluation of competing voice mail platforms and new technologies. Review of some of the newer technologies including Computer Integrated Telephony which integrates voice mail and e-mail systems, proved that while intriguing, these technologies are still immature and standards are still being determined. An upgrade to the District's existing voice mail system was evaluated as an alternative approach. Given that staff are generally satisfied with the current voice mail system, it did not seem appropriate or cost effective at this time to impose the training demands and the conversion effort a new system would entail. The upgrade to our current system will accommodate the District's needs for the next few years after which some of the newer technologies will have stabilized and may prove a good fit for the District's needs. There is also a cost advantage to pursuing an upgrade now. Octel is offering promotional pricing to encourage customers to migrate from the old Branch systems; we have negotiated a discount worth over $34,000 towards the price of the replacement system. The proposed upgrade to the Octel system will increase the system's immediate storage capacity by over 50% while providing a platform that can be further expanded should the District's needs increase. The system also DR ~/2 H:\ WPDOCS\PHO NES\ VMAILPP. WPD 911 6/96 .......>..........................>...>....>.............>...............>....... ...... ..1 DATE .IIIIII!I.III April 25, 1997 I Page 2 of 2 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $56,000 FROM SEWER CONSTRUCTION FUND FOR THE GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT AND AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO ALLOCATE $56,000 AND AUTHORIZE AWARD TO OCTEL COMMUNICATIONS FOR VOICE MAIL SYSTEM UPGRADE. has redundant components and a backup mechanism which give it a significantly greater level of fault tolerance than our existing system. The new system will provide a higher level of service than our existing system and is expected to require less time to maintain. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize $56,000 from the Sewer Construction Fund to the General Improvements Program Contingency Account and authorize the award of a purchase order for $56,000 to Octel Communications for the Voice Mail System Upgrade. H:\ WPDOCS\PHONES\ VMAILPP. WPD 911 6/96 .dA Page 1 of 2 BOARD MEETING OF May 1, 1 997 NO. 10. ADMINSTRATIVE b. April 22, 1997 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE SETTLEMENT DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE ALL DOCUMENTS NECESSARY TO ACCEPT A NEGOTIATED COST SETTLEMENT OF $1,167,250 PLUS APPLICABLE INTEREST FROM CALTRANS FOR THEIR TAKING OF 0.8 ACRES AT 1250 SPRING BROOK ROAD, WALNUT CREEK, CA. SUBMITTED BY INITIATING DEPT,QIV Ken F. Laverty, Purchasing & Materials Manager Administrative/Purchasing and Materials Control ISSUE: Board approval is required to accept the negotiated settlement and to transfer property title to Caltrans. BACKGROUND: In 1988 the District was approached by Caltrans about selling 0.8 acres of land at 1250 Springbrook Road, Walnut Creek, that bordered existing Caltrans property and that the District owned in fee title. The District investigated various options to replace the property lost to Caltrans. The best option was to purchase and modify the 1.7 acre Duca property (Attachment I) which was contiguous to the CSO yard. Board approval was obtained and the Duca property was purchased in February 1 990 for a total cost of $1,338,000. In May 1992, the CSO Yard Renovation Project was approved by the Board. This reconfiguration project ilduded relocatilg vehicle parking, materials' storage, and vehicle maintenance facilities, rerouting traffic flow within the yard, removing buildings affected by the Caltrans acquisition, constructing replacement buildings, retaining walls, and improvements to existing building, paving, and landscaping. The cost of this portion of Renovation Project is approximately $1,560,300. In Closed Session at the District's Board Meeting of September 21, 1995, the Board approved settlement of the "reconfiguration costs" in the amount of $1 ,263,000 plus applicable interest. The next settlement negotiations were to obtain reimbursement for the $1,338,000 cost for the Duca property, less any betterment between the Duca property of 1.7 acres and the 0.8 acres taken by Caltrans. On Apr~ 10, 1997, the District's negotiators reached a settlement agreement, subject to Board approval, for $1 ,167,250 plus applicable interest. The total cost of the CSO Yard Renovation Project including the Duca property is approximately $2,898,300 with overall cost reimbursement from Caltrans of $2,430,250 plus applicable interest, which is an 84% recovery of total project costs. The 16% not recovered were betterments to our facilities, therefore not reimbursable by Caltrans. RECOMMENDA nON: Approve the settlement of $1,167,250, plus applicable interest, for the real property portion of CSO Yard Renovation Project, and authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute all applicable documents. JL KA INITIATING DEPARTMENT/DIVlSlON %/ KR. JL H:\LETTERS\CAL TRANS .PP 9/16/96 ATTACHMENT I ~ e z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~5). ~.~. . ~/> '"1~ , ~ V Duca Property 1250 l J o 9;)~ /" ~ ~ Approximate CalTrans Land Take CAMINO DIABLO NTS ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 1 of 2 BOARD MEETING OF May 1, 1997 NO. 11. COLLECTION SYSTEM a. DATE April 21, 1997 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AGREEMENT SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH BRUGGER & MCCORMICK INTERNATIONAL FOR $30,240 FOR THE FINAL PHASE OF THE CSO lEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SUBMI1TED BY Yvonne Granzotto, Operations Support Supv. INITIATING DEPT IDIV Collection System Operations ISSUE: Approval by the Board of Directors is required for professional consultant agreements over $25,000 that are funded from the Operations and Maintenance Budget. BACKGROUND: CSO has been working to improve its effectiveness in the areas of safety, quality, productivity, and customer service while continuing to reduce its cost of operation since January 1991. The effort, from January 1991 through December 1994, was focused on i.ltroducing and developing Work Redesign skills. In January 1995 the focus was shifted to development of leadership skills that would support a successful transition to greater employee involvement. In 1995 the Crew leaders went for a full day of training each month with five hours of formal classes and a three hour team meeting. The training focused on effective team leadership, working in teams, dealing with difficult employees and customers, problem identification and problem solving, and communication. Small work groups were developed to identify and resolve operational issues. In 1996 we have seen significant results from the Crew leader team meeting, training, and small groups on how the Crew leaders communicate, identify and resolve issues. We have seen improved customer service by reducing barriers of workflow across work sections. There has been improved cooperation and coordination between Crew leaders and Crew Members. In 1997, the proposed agreement with Brugger and McCormick International would cover the final phase of the CSO leadership Development Program. It would consist of four areas: 1. To provide training sessions focusing on the Crew leaders' professional development (e.g. situational leadership, role clarification, and working effectively with supervisors). 2. To broaden the scope of the small problem-solving groups to include staff and crew members, as stakeholders, to establish work project priorities, evaluate new technology, research equipment acquisition, and to make recommendations in other operating areas. JA REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPARTMENTIDIVlSlON Vt")UU~a vL W:\WP\POSPAPER\BRUGPP1.698 8/6/96 ...................................................................................................................................................................u :!ili!ili!ilililllillllllllllll!I:!.I!!!lllllllllilill111111111:1 DATE April 21, 1997 I Page 2 of 2 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH BRUGGER & MCCORMICK INTERNATIONAL FOR $30,240 FOR THE FINAL PHASE OF THE CSO LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 3. To provide training to the Field Operations Supervisors to support the changes in the Crew Leaders and their crew members to increase employee involvement in the decision process, and to evaluate and organize the production function efficiently. Emphasis will be through effective section meeting communication. 4. To provide all CSO Employees with updated sensitivity training in the area of Sexual Harassment. This effort will provide approximately 180 hours of class and team training for the Crew Leaders; approximately 120 hours of training for the Maintenance Supervisors and other key staff; and time for planning, follow-up, and individual coaching sessions. This will require 336 hours of Brugger & McCormick's time during the 1997/98 Fiscal Year (the hourly rate is $90 per hour). Funds for this training, if approved, would be included in the proposed 1997/98 Operations and Maintenance Budget. Mr. Brugger is a professor at Golden Gate University with a Masters Degree in Labor Relations. He has been working with CSO employees as a trainer since 1991. He has provided training on sexual harassment, cultural diversity and effective communication. He has been successful in these endeavors; the CSO employees have accepted and become familiar with his training. Approximately $63,000 in consultant costs have been expended to date on the Leadership Development program. The total amount paid to Mr. Brugger for his services over the seven years from 1991 to 1998, including the propl>sed contract amount, would be approximately $161,000. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Brugger & McCormick International in the amount of $30,240 for the final phase of the CSO Leadership Development Program. ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS :1:IIIIBIIII!!!!!:lllill:!'!:!.!i!:!:! BOARD MErnM:~ 1, 1997 Page 1 of 3 NO. 12. HUMAN RESOURCES a. DATE TYPE OF ACTION April 21, 1997 APPROVE BUDGET SUBJ ECT APPROVE PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1997 - 1998 SUBMITTED BY Cathryn Freitas, Human Resources Manager INITIATING DEPTiOlV Administrative/Human Resources ISSUE: The Board reviewed the personnel needs of the District for Fiscal Year 1997-1998 at its March 4, 1997 and March 20, 1997 meetings. Accordingly, staff is submitting the Personnel Budget for Board approval. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 1996-1997. The Personnel Budget includes departmental overviews providing summary information, request justification pages with detailed explanations on the effect of these recommended staffing changes, organizational charts reflecting current staffing and proposed changes, and job classifications for proposed positions. The attached summary sheet highlights each department's staffing requests, their effect on the number of total authorized positions in the District, and the reduced cost in salaries and benefits. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized regular positions in the District will decrease by three (3 ) from last year. Thirteen Co-op student positions are requested this year. Despite the decreased number of positions, the salaries and wages in the 1997-1998 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase from the previous year due to the following: . Any cost-of-Iiving salary adjustments resulting from the negotiated Memoranda of Understanding; . Merit and longevity increases scheduled in 1997-1998; Administrative 1. Add two Public Information & Production Assistant 1/II's (I=G-52, $2611-$3154; II=G-60, $3154-$3817); delete one Public Information & Production Assistant (G-52, $2611-$3154); and delete one Staff Assistant 1/11 (I = G-45, $2217-$2673; ,,= G-49, $2433-$2941). CRF INITIATING DEP~ON H:\PP\97 APPRVB.PP 9/16/96 "':.II..I.I.li..I.II.IIIIII1""111'111.111111111111111IIIIilil DATE April 21, 1997 I Page 2 of 3 SUBJ ECT APPROVE PERSONNEL BUDGET REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1997 - 1998 Plant Ooerations 2. Delete one Utility Worker (G-45, $2217-$2673). 3. Add four Plant Operators III (G-65, $3551-$4303) and delete five Plant Operators 1/11 (I = G-59, $3082-$3729; 11= G-62, $3312-$4007). 4. Add one Maintenance Planner (G-71, $4098-$4962). Engineerina 5. Delete one Senior Construction Inspector (G-72, $4201-$5086), 6. Add three Management Analysts (G68, $3817-$4620); delete one Administrative Analyst (G-68, $3817-$4620); and delete two Planning Assistants (G-68, $3817-$4620). 7. Add two Assistant Engineers (G-72, $4201-$5086). Collection System ODerations 8. Delete two Maintenance Crew Leaders (G65, $3551-$4303). 9. Delete one Maintenance Crew Member 1/11 (I = G-53, $2673-$3233; 11= G-59, $3082-$3729). Secretary of the District No personnel requested. Co-oo 10. Authorize the hiring of students to fill thirteen positions in the Co-op program. The budget was distributed to the bargaining units. Neither unit requested to meet and confer on the effects of the proposed changes. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Personnel Budget for 1997-1998. M 4- 0 M ill O"l CO Q a.. JlQt!J Nil; I-tl-t I:lI:Ikl Olkl =.c E-tE-t ~ t>>m .c ~ Pt 0 I 0 ~ CJ QC) ~ ~ 1"""4 ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ t' ~ ~ 1"""4 .. II II ^ .:: ..-t ItI N ItI CXl CXl ..-t 0'1 .... .... oo:t' N 0'1 I' 1 $.4 G .. .. .. .. 0 III c:l ..-t N N CXl 1 .-4. N CXl l"l :lea ..-t V 0 0 0 0 'CO i< 1'Cl\ ItI I' ~ oo:t' ItI Cl\Cl\ l"l 0'1 I' oo:t' . :::..-t LO 'I' CXl "'Cl\ ItI ItI I' ItI Cl\Cl\ l"l 0'1 I' oo:t' . :::.-4 LO '110 ""Cl\ I 1 1 Cl\Cl\ 0 oo:t' 0'1 0 0 :::.-4 , 1 1 '"" "'Cl\ 1 1 1 Cl\Cl\ 0 oo:t' LO 0 0 :::.-4 1 1 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ oo:t' oo:t'l'l"l..-t l"lNO'II'l"l OOO~~ l"l l"l0'l ItI 1tI..-tl'oo:t' I'~NOO NNNCXlCXl 0 l"lN II .-4 ..-t CX)lD 0'1 ~0'I1'0l"l \D\D\DOO l"l NI' tJ\ l"l l"lCO'lNN Noo:t'l"loo:t'oo:t' oo:t'oo:t'oo:t'ltIlt1 oo:t' l"ll"l c:l 0 0000 00000 00000 (/) (/)0 III I I 1 1 , , I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I Ill: ..-t ..-too:t'l'l"l I'CXlNN..-t I'I'I'..-t..-t ..-t l"lN 1 ..-t ..-tltl..-tl"l ..-to'lCXl..-tLO ..-t..-t..-t00 LO I'CXl 0 t' ~ ~..-tNoo:t' NOOl"lLO CXlCXlCXlNN LO \DO 1 N Nl"lNN Noo:t'l"ll"ll"l l"ll"lCO'loo:t'oo:t' l"l Nl"l III 0 0000 000(/)(/) o (/) (/) 0 (/) (/) 00 .-4 III .. ... -. ... ... .... ... ... ""' ... ... ... .... .... .... .. .. .. 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"OtllS:: ~ Ql UI-.-I ..-1 Ql'O >tS::+J'O~ $.4 0 -.-I Ql ~ ot::Ql 1lI..-I UI N ru +JQl I +J 0..-1 +J O'l~ ..-1 Po. ~ tIl s::ot:: UI 0 ..-1 +J 1n0....ot::'O ~ Ql Po.IIl+JQl !i: +J s:: ::l N ....UI 0'001l(-.-I ....Ql U .... Ql-.-I ~ oot:: ~ $.4+J+J....0 rz..+J 8 +J Ql..-I III ot:: 14....'O+J+J => .. ....Ql'OO::l i< IS:. QOIl(E-!1l( i< Co ~. (,entral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS :111111111111111=11111111'11111111111 BOARD MEET;;:; 1, 1997 Page 1 of 1 NO. 15. BUDGET AND FINANCE a DATE TYPE OF ACTION April 22, 1997 APPROVE EQUIPMENT BUDGET SUBJ ECT APPROVE THE 1997-1998 EQUIPMENT BUDGET FOR INCLUSION IN THE 1997-1998 DISTRICT BUDGET SUBMITTED BY Debbie Ratcliff, Controller INITIATING DEPTJDIV Administrative/Finance & Accounting ISSUE: The District's 1997-1998 Equipment Budget is submitted for approval. BACKGROUND: The 1997-1998 Equipment Budget was submitted for review at a Board Capital Projects Committee Meeting/Board Workshop on April 10, 1997, and is scheduled for approval by the Board on May 1, 1997. The Board Capital Project Committee requested that a table be included which indicated the salvage value of equipment items that were being replaced. This table is included behind the five-year summary table. Also, the total Equipment Budget increased from $628,877 to $631,740 due to a correction in the price of the model AS-2000 Autovap Sample Processing System included in the Plant Section of the Budget. A new sedan costing $23,000 is included under Vehicle Replacement to replace the General Manager-Chief Engineer's vehicle which is the oldest in the fleet. At the Board Workshop, the General Manager-Chief Engineer discussed the possibility of a car allowance in lieu of purchasing a new fleet car. A position paper will be prepared for a regularly scheduled Board Meeting in the near future to allow discussion by the full Board on the car allowance option. The $23,000 will be left in the Equipment Budget for approval in the event that the Board chooses not to approve the car allowance option. The approved 1997-1998 Equipment Budget will be scheduled for adoption with the 1997-1998 Personnel, Operations and Maintenance, Self-Insurance Fund, and Capital Improvement Budgets on June 19, 1997. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the 1997-1998 Equipment Budget for inclusion in the 1997-1998 District Budget to be adopted on June 19, 1997. DR AND RECOMIVENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPARTMENTJDIVISlON ?/( 5 :\A DMIN\POS P APER\APPRE QU P. PP 9/16/96