HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-03-97 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS :::::I....:.:.:;:.:.:.:::::.:"ifili::::::iS::ji:~le~.I::II BOARD MEETING OF ~:~:br::::~:.B::::::t:/:j::::.!~I:Ijm.::/::~::::H!lIII:: April 3, 1997 Page 1 of 2 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR e. DATE March 28, 1997 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT SUBJECT ACCEPT A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM THE PLEASANT HILL RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT FOR THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND RECYCLED WATERLINE PROJECT, D. P. 4985 SUBMITTED BY Ricardo Hernandez, Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPT IDIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUE: Board approval is required for the District to accept Grants of Easements. BACKGROUND: The subject sanitary sewer and recycled waterline easement is to accommodate the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor and recycled waterlines through Chilpancingo Park, owned by the Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District (map attached). Land title issues associated with this property had to be cleared before this transaction could be completed. The pipelines have already been installed through this reach Of the alignment via a Permit to Enter agreement with the Park District. A land value appraisal report prepared by a licensed real estate appraiser (Yovino Young Inc.) determined the value of the proposed easements to be $2,353. However, in lieu of actual monetary compensation, staff has negotiated an agreement with the Park District. The agreement is in the form of the Sanitary District's standard purchase agreement and establishes a recycled water account and provides credit in the same amount toward the purchase of recycled water in the future. A condition in the Agreement provides an option for the Park District to request monetary compensation if recycled water service is not provided by July 1, 1999. Additional easement purchases from the Park District for future phases of the Interceptor project may be negotiated similarly. Funds for the purchase of right of way are included in the authorized Pleasant Hill Easement Acquisition Project, D. P. 4985. This project was addressed in the 1991 Pleasant Hill/A-Line Environmental Impact Report and the 1993 Recycled Water Pipeline Project Negative Declaration. No additional environmental documentation is required. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Grant of Easement from the Pleasant Hill Recreation and Park District and approve a purchase agreement for recycled water. Authorize the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the agreement, and authorize staff to record said Grant of Easement with the Contra Costa County Recorder. I~[==-~ f# ,C4e JSM RAB ID-GL \C:\INFRA \PP\PHRIPD. RH EXH" . CENTRAL coNt RIGHT LOCATION MAP N.T.S. o a: Clt~ ~k" CHILPANCINGO PARK PLEASANT HILL RECREATION AND PARK DISTRICT .,~~ ---~~~ ",'... ---~~~ . ~... ----, , , "'.~, """"",-~,~ ... '" ... ~':':'.~ ~, '",~, ~""""~~ "... ~---~~-----_. ,~---------~:~~~:~~~:~ ~-------------- ~~ IPIRal ~~ ~~[Rl~~1L ~ APN. 153-300-005 co =:l ---l o C 0> -0 N S -0 "' "' 0> .,. / "' <Xl Ol .,. / " >. " S / .c CONTRA COSTA COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT ~ . EASEMENT PARCEL NUMBER LL ---l o C!) APN. 153-040-009 1669 O.R. 403 -- :z~ o 40 80 FEET DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: THOMAS BRO.: JOB NO.: SDC RH 4985 SCALE: DATE: CO. ASSMT. NO.: PARCEL NO.: 1"=40' 3-24-97 153-300-005 14 ~ C,entral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS t~i5.II.:::::;:;:::::::S::.:::::.:::III.:.:.:;:;:.:.:;:;:.:..:::::::;:;:.:::::II.:.:::r.:.mm.:.:.:;:::.:::.:/:.\f11:.:::::.:::::..:.:::::::::II.:.:::::::.:::mm:m:m: BOARD MEETING OF ":':'rm .;.:.:. :', . :.:. :.:. .;.;.;. . :.:.:. .,". ".; " : ,-:':':':':':':':' April 3, 1997 ;th:~J~j~j~~::;;;;;;:::~\:;~;;;:::~:::::~\)~~~:::::~~::;;;;;;:/::::~~~~~:::::~~~~t:l@~~;;::fi~~:::;:/)~t::/~;;;~;::/t::}}~~~~~t Page 1 of 2 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR f. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 28, 1997 ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT SUBJ ECT ACCEPT A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM THE CITY OF PLEASANT HILL FOR THE PLEASANT HILL RELIEF INTERCEPTOR AND RECYCLED WATERLINE PROJECT, D. P. 4985 SUBMITTED BY Ricardo Hernandez, Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPTi1JIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUE: Board approval is required for the District to accept Grants of Easements. BACKGROUND: The subject sanitary sewer and recycled waterline easement is to accommodate the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor and recycled waterlines through properties along Taylor Boulevard owned by the City of Pleasant Hill (map attached). Existing land title issues that delayed the transaction have been cleared and the City is ready to proceed with the easement grants. The pipelines have already been installed through this reach of the alignment via a Permit to Enter agreement with the City and an encroachment permit issued by the City. A land value appraisal report prepared by a licensed real estate appraiser (Yovino Young Inc.) determined the value of the proposed easements to be $47,200. However, in lieu of actual monetary compensation, staff has negotiated an agreement with the City of Pleasant Hill. The agreement is in the form of the District's standard purchase agreement and establishes a recycled water account and provides credit in the amount of $47,200 toward the purchase of recycled water in the future. A condition in the Agreement provides an option for the City to request monetary compensation if recycled water service is not provided by July 1, 1999. Funds for the purchase of right of way are included in the authorized Pleasant Hill Easement Acquisition Project, D. P. 4985. This project was addressed in the 1991 Pleasant HiIl/A-Line Environmental Impact Report and the 1993 Recycled Water Pipeline Project Negative Declaration. No additional environmental documentation is required. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Grant of Easement from the City of Pleasant Hill and approve a purchase agreement for recycled water. Authorize the President and Secretary of the Board to sign the agreement, and authorize staff to record said Grant of Easement with the Contra Costa County Recorder. /111/ M ID-GL \C:\INFRA \PP\CllYGRT.RH ._------,-~ );> ~ o :D EXHI,. CENTRAL co.NT RIGHT R\.J\t-\ OR - c '" "0 5 ::: << "' 00 m ~ /' "' r1J m ~ "3 /' .c CITY OF PLEASANT HILL CORPORATION YARD A.P.N. 153-050-017 10385 O.R. 363 ~~IRl~~1L ~ CITY OF PLEASANT HILL FRANK SALF/NGERE PARK A.P.N. 153-050-044 1] @ [?) [M] 1] @ ~. EASEMENT PARCEL NUMBER -- :z~ 100 200 o I FEET '" ;:: DRAWN BY: SDC SCALE: 1"=40' THOMAS BRO.: CHECKED BY: RH DATE: 3-25-97 CO. ASSMT. NO.: 153-050-017,044 "-- -\ ~ 5 :D OJ ~ o JOB NO.: 4985 PARCEL NO.: 20- 218 ---r-- ~ C~ntral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ............................................................................................ :::::~~.II....;i;;....;i;;.....,I::::::.I...:;::::::!::j(~~~~::::::::::::::; BOARD MEETlNG OF ~tm.e:::::~~~:::::~~~;::::.,I~r~:::::~~~tlllli~~..~tt~f April 3, 1997 Page 1 of 1 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR g. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 28, 1997 SET PUBLIC HEARING DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZE A NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON APRIL 17, 1997, TO CONSIDER ADOPTING A REVISED SCHEDULE OF RATES AND CHARGES SUBMITTED BY Lesley Kendrick, Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPTIt>IV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUE: A public hearing is required prior to adoption of a revised schedule of rates and charges. BACKGROUND: Chapter 6.30 of the District Code describes fees assessed for services provided to contractors, developers, and other users of the District's wastewater collection and treatment system. The fees are intended to reimburse the District for labor and operating expenses incurred in providing the services. The fees are reviewed annually, and revisions are made 1) to reflect District annual wage adjustments, 2) as a result of in-depth analysis of some or all fees and charges, or 3) based on a combination of both wage adjustment and in-depth analysis. Based on advice of District Counsel, these fees are not property-related fees; therefore, the procedural requirements of Proposition 218 do not apply. When complete, the proposed revised schedule of rates and charges will be distributed to the Board and, subsequently, to representatives of the Building Industry Association of Northern California, the Engineering and Utilities Contractors' Association, and the Associated Buildings and Contractors Golden Gate Chapter, which provide an opportunity for comments and Questions to be directed to District staff prior to the public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize a notice of public hearing on April 17, 1997, to consider a proposed revised schedule of rates and charges. LK ~ vCfr cws f1f5 ~ A/v) RECOMtE/!DED RJR BOARD ACTION \ RAB H:\SSC\KENDRICK\SCHDHEAR.PP 9/16/96 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ............................................................................................ :::::.I...:;:;:.)p:I::.:::::..::ijif:.I....'i::::::~~:j(::~1#]":::::::::::::: BOARD MEETING OF ~;m:::)mm.;::::::;::::~11~jljjjj::::.llmmm.fillj1Bgfmmf April 3, 1997 Page 1 of 2 NO. 7. ENGINEERING a. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 31, 1997 EXECUTE CONTRACT SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE GRANT CONTRACTS WITH THE CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF PESTICIDE REGULATION AND THE NATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT EDUCATION SUBMITTED BY BARTON L. BRANDENBURG, SOURCE CONTROL SUPERINTENDENT INITIATING DEPTIDIV ENGINEERING DEPT./PLANT ENGINEERING DIV. ISSUE: Board authorization is required before the General Manager-Chief Engineer may execute Grant Contracts with the California Department of Pesticide Regulation and the National Foundation for Integrated Pest Management Education. BACKGROUND: The California Department of Pesticide Regulation and the National Foundation for Integrated Pest Management Education have awarded Central Contra Costa Sanitary District two grants totaling $47,500. These grants will fund a project which is entitled the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Partnership. The objective of the IPM Partnership is to inform the public about water quality concerns with pesticides and to encourage the use of less toxic pesticides by the general public. This will enhance local water quality, decrease the disposal cost of unwanted pesticides, and help protect public health and the environment. The primary focus of the project effort is to develop and implement an education partnership with the University of California Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners, nurseries, and hardware stores where the public purchases pesticides. Also IPM messages will be developed at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility and Demonstration Garden. Under these grants, the District is not required to promote the availability of the IPM Demonstration Garden at the Household Hazardous Waste Facility to the general public. Based on prior Board input, it is not intended to do so. Also, based on prior Board input, staff has contacted the Lindsay Wildlife Museum who will be coordinating the submittal of a proposal involving three local established gardens. This proposal will involve creating IPM and water quality messages and concepts at Heather Farms, the Lindsay Wildlife Museum, and the John Muir Historical Site. Attached is a summary of the IPM Partnership Project activities. RECOMMENDAllON: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute Grant Contracts with the California Department of Pesticide Regulation and the National Foundation for Integrated Pest Management Education. jut REVE1IlED AND RECONWEND R BOARD ACTION (II! I Lv : III ; ! / '/" '/ N ERlCHIEF ENGINEER INITIATING DEPARTMENTIDI\IISlON BlB PED-GL \C:\SOURCE\BART\GRANT. PP .....-.-.--..---.....-..-...........-....-.---........-.----.-------T- INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT PARTNERSHIP PROJECT SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES The Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Partnership Project consists of developing a partnership with nurseries, hardware stores, and the University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Master Gardeners to inform them and in turn the public of the water quality impacts of pesticides and the benefits of an integrated pest management approach. The following are the major project activities. · Identify two or three nursery and hardware stores in Central Contra Costa Sanitary District's (Central San) service area to pilot a promotion of integrated pest management products and a water quality message. · The stores would carry a wide range of less toxic pesticide products. Employees would receive training in the water quality impacts of pesticides, the integrated pest management concept, and how to promote less toxic products to the public. · Central San will work with product manufacturers and the stores to promote these products through store advertising and special events. · The project includes working with the UCCE Master Gardener volunteers to provide them with in-depth IPM training. These volunteers can provide a sustainable program to promote water quality and the IPM concept at stores, telephone hotline, garden fairs, and other special events. · Provide graphics and story boards in the Household Hazardous Waste Facility Waste Exchange and Conference Room to introduce the IPM concept. Develop a self guided tour brochure of the Demonstration Garden. · Provide graphics adjacent to the walking trail in the Demonstration Garden to depict the types of plants which may emphasize IPM and the IPM concept featured in that area. PED-G L/C:\Source\Bart\IPMAttch. PP IPM Partnership Pnlject A cooperative partnership between the UCCE. Master Gardeners, stores and Central San to promote water quality and expand the availability of less toxic pesticide products and how to use them. Two primary elements: f1I Working with stores and Master Gardeners to expand awareness 61 Enhancing the IPM message at theHHW Facility Total Project cost $65,500, with $47,580 funded by grants ----------- ------------- -------------.------ -------------------------------.- --.----------------T--