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HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 08-17-98 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ..... ... .. ...... . ,-,... .. ::::::~.:~:I.P1I...I::::::,,!::.m~r.e~::::::::::::::: BOARD MEETING OF jfimili~.MI~::::i~1~!~f[~::::.!I~~\lilimm~~!lgtttt August 17, 1998 Page 1 of 5 NO. 3. BIDS AND AWARDS a. August 12, 1998 TYPE OF ACTION DATE AUTHORIZE AWARD/AUTHORIZE ALLOCATION SUBJ ECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO NV HEATHORN, INCORPORATED, FOR THE SLUDGE BLENDING TANK OVERFLOW DRAIN REALIGNMENT PROJECT (DP 6123), AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO ALLOCATE $75,000 FROM THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION SUBMITTED BY James L. Belcher, Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPTIt>IV Plant Operations/Maintenance/Maintenance Engineering ISSUE: On August 7, 1998, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the Sludge Blending Tank Overflow Drain Realignment Project, DP 6123. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 30 days of the bid opening. Board authorization is required for contingency allocations of more than $25,000. BACKGROUND: The primary and secondary sludge is blended and stored in two tanks. The overflows from these tanks enter a drainage system, which also serves the basement of the new Maintenance and Reliability Center (MARC). The drainage system is not adequate to handle sludge overflows without causing possible overflows in the MARC basement drains. This project will re-route the overflows from the sludge tanks to a drainage system with adequate capacity. Plans and specifications were prepared by Plant Operations Department. The Engineer's Estimate for the construction cost was $60,000. The project was advertised on July 13 and July 29, 1998. Six bids, ranging from a low of $63,764 to a high of $76,546, were received and publicly opened on August 7, 1998. A summary of these bids is shown in Attachment 2. The Purchasing Section conducted a commercial evaluation, and the Plant Operations Department conducted a technical evaluation of these bids, and they have determined that NV Heathorn, Incorporated, is the lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of $63,764. The allocation of funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, is $75,000. The total estimated project cost is $100,000. This project was not included in the fiscal year 1998-99 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB). Staff has conducted a cash flow evaluation of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. JMK 4/8/98 DATE August 1 2, 1 998 Page 2 of 5 SUBJ ECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO NV HEATHORN, INCORPORATED, FOR THE SLUDGE BLENDING TANK OVERFLOW DRAIN REALIGNMENT PROJECT (DP 6123), AND AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO ALLOCATE $75,000 FROM THE TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR THE CONSTRUCTION Staff has also concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CECA) under District CECA Guidelines Section 18.2, since it involves repair and maintenance of an existing public facility with no increase in capacity. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CECA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $63,764 for the construction of the Sludge Blending Tank Overflow Drain Realignment Project (DP 6123) to NV Heathorn, Incorporated, the lowest responsible bidder. Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to allocate $75,000 from the Treatment Plant Program Contingency Account for DP 6123. 4/8/98 ,- o '" DO o CO ." 2! E . .- <:> C;t 15 , 'l'i~ I II II II II II II II o C ." ~ C '" '" ;0 -" <.) '" '1: -" '" '" ;0 -" c C a. :: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District II II II II II II II II II ~J II II II ;I II II II ;I II II I I SLUDGE BLENDING TANK OVERFLOW DRAIN REALIGNMENT PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT 6123 PROJECT LOCATION ATTACHMENT 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ATTACHMENT 2 SUMMARY OF BIDS Project: SLUDGE BLENDING TANK OVERFLOW DRAIN REALIGNMENT PROJECT DP No. 6123 Date: August 7. 1998 Location: Martinez. California Engr. Est. $60.000 1 NY Heathom, Inc. $63,764 2846 Chapman Street Oakland, CA 94601 2 GSE Construction $63,989 1020 Shannon Court Livermore, CA 94550 3 Kirkwood-Bly, Inc. $64,267 PO Box 3339 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 4 Kaweah Construction Co. $64,935 PO Box 7780 Fresno, CA 93747 5 DW Nicholson Corp. $69,889 24747 Clawiter Road Hayward, CA 94540 6 Monterey Mechanical Co. $76,546 8275 San Leandro Street Oakland, CA 94621 Bids Opened by:/s/ Joyce Murphy Date: August 7. 1998 G :\SWG\SLUDGE\SUMBIDRA. WPD ATTACHMENT 3 SLUDGE BLENDING TANK OVERFLOW DRAIN REALIGNMENT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6123 POST -BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Item Description Total Percent of Estimated Construction Cost 1 CONSTRUCTION Construction Contract $63,764 $9,236 $73,000 100.00 Contingency at 15% Total Construction 2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT District Forces -Construction Management -Record Drawings Sub- Total $2,500 $ 500 $3,000 4.11 Consultant -Construction inspection and support $6,000 8.22 Total Construction Management $9,000 12.33 3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST $82,000 112.33 4 TOTAL PREBID EXPENDITURES $18,000 24.66 5 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $100,000 136.99 6 FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE $25,000 7 ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO $75,000 COMPLETE PROJECT ~, Page 1 of 2 IONIC MEEllNG OF August 17, 1998 NO. 4. TREATMENT PLANT a. DATE TYPE OF AC110N August 12, 1998 AUTHORIZE FUNDS SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $35,000 FROM THE COu.ECTlON SYSTEM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE LANDSCAPING AT THE SAN RAMON (LARWIN) PUMPING STATION (DP 6128) SUBMITTED BY John C. Pearl, Plant Maintenance Div. Mgr. INITIAllNG DEPTJDlV Plant Operations Department/Maintenance Division ISSUE: Authorization by the Board of Directors is required for allocations from the Collection System Program Contingency Account in amounts greater than $25,000. BACKGROUND: The existing landscaping at the San Ramon Pumping Station has been in place for more than 22 years. In response to direction from the Board of Directors, a phased plan has been designed to improve the overall appearance of the property, with the focus of the work being on the east, or street side. The common theme is to tone down the institutional appearance of the site, while maintaining the necessary security for the Pumping Station's facilities. An allocation of $35,000 is requested to cover the cost of this work, which will provide improvements in the overall appearance of the facility. The work is presently planned to be done in four phases and includes replacement of the front fencing and gates with an ornamental iron fence and gate, which will be more attractive, while allowing the public and law enforcement to see into the station compound. Planters and walkway improvements are being considered to present a softer, less industrial appearance. Additional work will be done on the driveway, replacing the asphalt with interlocking pavers and constructing the interior paths with a similar material. Again, the effect will be to make the site blend in with the rest of the community. The front plants, which are junipers, will be broken up with large boulders and additional planting, reducing the bareness and providing a unified theme from one end of the property to the other. Additional perennial plants will be added. The work is planned to take advantage of existing landscaping features, which is the most cost- effective approach, and which will meld with upcoming maintenance work at the Pumping Station. We continue to maintain the landscaping currently in place, utilizing both District and specialty contractor services. JM( l1Ie~ 4/8/98 August 12, 1998 Page 2 of 2 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE $35,000 FROM THE COLLECTION SYSTEM CONTINGENCY ACCOUNT FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE LANDSCAPING AT THE SAN RAMON (LARWIN) PUMPING STATION (DP 6128) RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to allocate $35,000 from the Collection System Frog-am Contingency AccOlIlt for San Ramon (Larwin) Landscaping Improvements (DP 6128). 4/8198 SAN RAMON LANDSCAPING . i Initial planning and design work done in fall of 1994 Cost estimate approximately $31,000 Focus was on interior, or inside the fence line Rejected as capital project Have since maintained some money in the Pumping Stations budget for work Neighbor issues: Junipers are old-fashioned landscaping Junipers are a fire hazard - take them out Trees "shed" pollen/seeds on others' property Eucalyptus trees may be a fire hazard Location near high school: Loitering Debris, garbage Minor vandalism Present focus is on the front, or general appearance of the station, as seen from the street Working with landscape contractor maintaining Plant grounds Work scope includes: Upgraded fencing, with sight lines into compound Replace asphalt driveway with interlocking pavers Installing three interior planters Replace old, non-functioning irrigation system Install 25,000 pounds of moss rock boulders in specific locations in front Adding flagstone paths in interior (210 square feet) Plant additional perennials in front Move signage now on gate to interior structure Build screen/shelter in front of main transformer Add "river rock" set in concrete in strategic locations My estimate: $35,000 Station painting: Repaint to reduce "institutional" look - architect's recommendation My estimate: $10,000 Other impacts: Fuel tank replacement Station modifications and upgrades to accommodate Dougherty Valley Fall 1998 Fall 1999 JCP:8/11198