HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 04-02-98 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ,:,::::1111l1li1:::::::1.11::::':.:":'::: BOARD MEEllNG OF :::::'::)(:::\:,:,:,:,:)::,:::,:,:",:)\,}\,:\::,:::,:),)\:)(i,,::\\::){:::,:,:)(i,::,:,:,:,:,:,:)\)(:\::\: April 2, 1 998 Page 1 of 2 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR a. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 23, 1998 ACCEPT CONTRACT/AUTHORIZE NOTICE OF COMPLETION SUBJECT ACCEPT CONTRACT WORK FOR THE RECYCLED WATER PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 7162, AND AUTHORIZE THE FILING OF THE NOTICE OF COMPLETION SUBMITTED BY Munawar Husain, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPTIDIV Engineering Department/Plant Engineering Division ISSUE: Construction has been completed on the Recycled Water Project, District Project 7162, and the work is now ready for acceptance. BACKGROUND: Facilities added under this project include piping, pumps, motors, valves, variable frequency drives, controls, and other electrical equipment for the new recycled water system, applied (unfiltered) water system, utility water system, hypochlorite system, and the alum polymer system. A floating cover was added over one-half section of the clearwell. Approximately 4,350 feet of 24-inch recycled water pipeline was installed within the treatment plant and District boundaries to the point of connection with the existing recycled water pipeline, just north of Highway 4. The new facilities will pump and convey recycled water that meets the State of California Department of Health regulations. Details of the project are also included on pages RW-9 through RW-11 of the Fiscal Year 1997-98 Capital Improvement Budget. See Attachment 1 for the location of the work completed under this project. The construction contract was authorized to be awarded to GSE Construction Company, Inc. of Livermore, California, on March 6, 1997 by the District Board of Directors. The contractor was issued a Notice to Proceed on April 7, 1997. The original contract completion date was March 3, 1998. This date was extended to March 18, 1998 to account for additional work and extreme wet weather conditions. Work was completed on time, and the District has the use of the completed facilities at this time. Negotiations are in progress with the contractor to resolve change order issues. It is appropriate to accept the contract work at this time. The total authorized budget for this project is $4,280,000. An accounting of project costs will be provided to the Board at the time of project close out. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the contract work for the Recycled Water Project, District Project 7162, and authorize the filing of the Notice of Completion. MH RSK INITIATING DEPARTMENTIDIVISION Jp. ~ L:\Position Papers\Husain\ 71 62complete. wpd -----_.'_.._--_.,--_.,~--_._----_.__.~~.__.".+..'....."_..,-,,,._--,-'"._,.---.-------_..----~_.-- ATTACH~1ENT 1 PAGE 2 of 2 ~ N I , 0 1000 I FEET - PROJECT LOCATION 1 ] J Central Contra Costa Sanitary District RECYCLED VVATER PROJECT TREATMENT PLANT AND DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES DISTRICT PROJECT 7162 PROJECT LOCATION ATTACHMENT 1 L:\Position Papers\Husain\7162Attch.wpd ---_._.._~....,._-~.._,.__..._~--_._-_.."-_._---_._.._-".__._-----,..,._--_.~...""~-,._- ~ ~entral Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ mt:m:::e" ":,:,: """IJ"""';';';;""'S::":: " ':1" ";.';; " ",; ':1""'.'"";,;,:,:"""." " "", " \:::11: ":,:: ""'g?'" " ''rm":: ".,. 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TYPE OF ACTION CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING SUBJECT CONTINUE PUBLIC HEARING TO RECEIVE COMMENTS ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS AND ADDED PROVISIONS WITHIN DISTRICT CODE CHAPTER 6.20 REBATE FEES AND CHAPTER 9.12 REBATE SEWAGE FACILITIES TO MAY 7, 1998 SUBMITTED BY Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Principal Engineer INITIATING DEPTiOtV Engineering/Planning 1SSUf: Additional time is required to complete staff work to respond to comments received from the public and members of the Board of Directors during the March 19 1998, public hearing on proposed amendments and added provisions within District Code Chapter 6.20 Rebate Fees and Chapter 9.12 Rebate Sewage Facilities. BACKGROUND: Staff has proposed several revisions to the District's rebate program which provides for reimbursement of certain project costs to installers of public sewage facilities which may serve customers other than the installer. On March 19, 1998, the Board of Directors conducted a public hearing on these proposed revisions. After receiving comments from the public, the Board discussed the matter, directed staff to develop recommendations on the issues which were raised, and continued consideration of the proposal to the April 2, 1998 meeting. Developing recommendations for resolving remaining issues, and noticing the continuation of the public hearing will require more time than is available to allow consideration of this matter on April 2, 1998. RECOMMENDAllON: Continue the public hearing to receive comments on proposed amendments and added provisions within District Code Chapter 6.20 Rebate Fees and Chapter 9.12 Rebate Sewage Facilities to May 7, 1998. INITIATING DEPARTMENTIDIVlSlON r 'j)J DJC 3/19/98 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1.1.1111111111'1":11.1111111.1'11"111'1'1:1'111.1'11111"'1111111 BOARD MErn;:p~1 2, 1998 .dA Page 1 of 5 NO. 6. BIDS AND AWARDS a. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 25, 1998 AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO B&B GRADING AND PAVING FOR PAVEMENT REFURBISHMENT - PHASE I PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 6074 SUBMITTED BY James L. Belcher, Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPTtOlV Plant Operations Department/Operations ISSUE: On March 16, 1998, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the Pavement Refurbishment - Phase I Project, District Project 6074. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the bid opening. BACKGROUND: The employee's north parking lot was installed in 1982 and is at the end of its expected lifespan. Over recent years numerous areas of the pavement have failed (approximately 3500 SF), and the remaining area (approximately Y:z acre) is showing signs of severe fatigue. This project will remove existing failures and install a deep lift paving section to provide additional strength in these areas. The contractor will install a petromat fabric and place a 1 Y:z-inch asphaltic concrete overlay over the entire parking lot, including the entrance to the access gate. Plans and specifications were prepared by NPG Engineering. The pre-bid Engineer's Estimate for the construction cost was $50,000. The project was advertised on March 2 and March 9, 1998. Five bids, ranging from a low of $38,591 to a high of $50,555, were received and publicly opened on March 16, 1998. A summary of these bids is shown in Attachment 2. The Plant Operations Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of these bids and has determined that B&B Grading and Paving is the lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of $38,591. District staff will manage the construction contract. Contract administration and inspection services will be provided by NPG Engineering. The allocation of funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, is $1,550. The current total estimated project cost is $102,550. This project is included in the Fiscal Year 1997-98 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages TP 69 through TP 70. Staff has conducted a cash flow evaluation of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. .1M< clfAI- P:\OFFICE\ WPWIN\TEMPLA TE\A _ BD-MGT\POSPAPER.WPT 3/19/98 ._.~--_._.---_.._-~_._-_._-_._."~.-_.,.---~.._._.._._--,_...,"---_.."~-,_.,---_..~.._,._._--,.....~-_.._._---_..~---- DATE March 25, 1998 Page 2 of 5 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO B&B GRADING AND PAVING FOR PAVEMENT REFURBISHMENT - PHASE I PROJECT, DISTRiCt PROJECT 6074 Staff has also concluded that this project is ex~mpt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA) under District CEOA Guidelines Section 18.2, siljlce it involves repair and maintenance of an existing public facility with no increase in capacity. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEOA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $38,591 for the construction of the Pavement Refurbishment - ~ase I Project, DP 6074, to B&B Grading and Paving, the lowest responsible bidder. _,.._.,_.._.___________,_--...----~-,. .___....'___._.,.,...'._._,_.__~~_.___~u,...__."'._".,<~._________.,__~_.____.____...~___.______.__ ,- c '" ~ o ... .... o <<> ,- ... .... o <<> f: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District / II II II II II II II o il II II II II II II II II ~J II II II ;I II II ;I II II ;I I I 00 -:'" :!: PAVEMENT REFURBISHMENT - PHASE I DIS RICT PROJECT 6074 P OJECT LOCATION ATTACHMENT 00 en 51! .~ ~ ~:::E o ' ".U"> .., '" 1 ._____._~~__..______H____.___~___"___.............._...._"_...__'__"--,~,,-"--+----'.'--~."'-"--"'---~-'--~"'-'--"'--'~--_.,...~."'-'~'--"-'-~"-'-'-_._---'--"- Central Contra Fosta Sanitary District i ATT~CHMENT 2 I SUMM~RY OF BIDS , I ~~~~~: I~~~~~ ~:~~~:~~t- Location: Martinez. California ~ Date: March 16. 1998 Engr. Est. $50.000 _>>X<.....;...;..'-..~........:-..-.,:>>:;.*~"m.. ........:.................:-:-:-:......:o.....Xtw"':-:: ..,......... "...,............>>...~'L"<<'-...<<:.::-:-........:mm~"'=~~...>>.~::"">>.v..............::-...... ..... ..... .... ,- ........ "." "'x"x x....-:-.".. ...............<<......;..:>o:l0A"-W.<<~$ :-.--:.x.::-..............;..;.,:..x..>>>... x-......:.. M..'xm7...... ":-:;.:.X &-...~ x.... ...... ..... .......:ox.;>>......................... ~:<<<-~>>x-:.;.x~~...>>>>::::.. ...... ...... ,. .. :-".....x.... x........ .. ... :<:......"..00;......... ..... .::tJ'..~-(~~.~.....~<<-:-........:.:-~ ~ :-..;..>>...."~:.0;;:...~...':.~-:.:.8,.~~m[;...~;a~<x.::s.<:..........."::,:~.....'- :- "oX" .. :-;"" ... ......x~...::......i.;:.":<f~~"x>>>>>-<<........::-.:~-:,:~,,:::x::: _01~~'xWl"x ::::,x>>::WiX~i- ';t."V: ~~::-~ '14 ~..~ x "'~1: ..:............. .. ~... ;;- .. .. .~... '8 ~q *;} ~"'.i {~ *x~.."*..~~~~.~..::< :::::.":::: ;l:;.':." id W':"O,~"'i:0-" Xv, $:"""0<< <<",'" " ".,~i:" ,".'. ..,,"''''~.~,'''"~''o:h''~''h..x.:~~''y ~ " "''>':m ...... :;~...;.: ;.."\.~ ....'v{'" ;>....>>x-..".\.'>,)<:... ... ....,............... . ....... ...... ................:-... "......... .... .v......................:<<<< 1 B &B Grading and Paving $38,591 2490 Vista Del Monte Concord, CA 94520 2 Joe Carone, Inc. I $40,877 I 2294 Vista Del Rio Crockett, CA 94525 3 William G. McCullough Co. $44,075 PO Box 2119 Antioch, CA 94531 4 MCE Corporation $48,521 6515 Trinity Court Dublin, CA 94568 5 Morgan Bonanno Dev. Inc. $50,555 170-F Alamo Plaza, Suite 377 Alamo, CA 94507 Bids Opened by:/~1 I~.......... Mllrnhv Date: March 16. 1998 Sheet No. 1 of 1 G:\SWG\NO _PA VE\SUMBIDRA. WPD 3/23/98 -,_.,--_...-...._-,----~--_.._..".~..,--- ",.,.-".-'" -.. ATTACHMENT 3 PAVEMENT REFURBISHMENT - PHASE I DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6074 POST -BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Percent of Estimated Construction Item Description Total Cost 1 CONSTRUCTION Construction Contract $38,591 Contingency at 15% $5,809 Total Construction $44,400 100.00 2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT District Forces -Construction Management $1,000 -Record Drawings $ 250 Sub-Total $1,250 2.82 Consultant -Construction inspection and support-NPG $3,900 Sub-Total $3,900 8.78 Total Construction Management $5,150 11. 60 3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST $49,550 111. 60 4 TOTAL PREBID EXPENDITURES 12,500 28.15 5 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST PHASE I $62,050 139.75 6 PRIOR PROJECT WORK $40,500 7 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $102,550 8 FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE $101,000 9 ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO $1,550 COMPLETE PROJECT ~- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS :iiiiilll.lliil:lilllllll\I\O\Ollill:lol:lo\oillo\lllilloiolol BOARDMEETI~~I 2, 1998 Page 1 of 6 NOo 6. BIDS AND AWARDS b. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 25, 1998 AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO KIRKWOOD-BLY, INC., FOR THE CONDENSER COOLING WATER PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 6104 SUBMITTED BY James L. Belcher, Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPT,tlIV Plant Operations Department, Operations 1SSUf: On March 16, 1998, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the Condenser Cooling Water Project, District Project 61 04. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the bid opening. BACKGROUND: There are three identical vertical turbine type condenser cooling water pumps that serve the two aeration unit steam condensers. These pumps take suction from the final effluent channel. Each aeration unit condenser has 2,300, 5/8-inch tubes for cooling water. These tubes repeatedly plug with debris taken from the final effluent channel and require excessive maintenance. This project will modify the existing pump discharge manifold and install two 16-inch automatic self-cleaning strainers. The strainers will be used to maintain condenser cleanliness by screening out debris. Plans and specifications were prepared by NPG Engineering. The pre-bid Engineer's Estimate for the construction cost was $165,000. The project was advertised on February 20 and February 25, 1998. Eleven bids, ranging from a low of $114,600 to a high of $189,277, were received and publicly opened on March 16, 1998. A summary of these bids is shown in Attachment 2. The Plant Operations Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of these bids and has determined that Kirkwood-Bly, Inc., is the lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of $114,600. District staff will manage the construction contract. Contract administration and inspection services will be provided by NPG Engineering. The allocation of funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, is $184,400. The current total estimated project cost is $209,400. This project is included in the Fiscal Year 1997-98 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages TP 44 through TP 45. Staff has conducted a cash flow evaluation of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Jt.JK J ttL- P:\OFFICE\WPWIN\TEMPLA TE\A _ BD-MGT\POSP APER.WPT 3/19/98 _..._-----_._.,-,._.~_._-_._._.__._--.._-_.,."'.'"'---.--_.~,.._--~-_._._,--"~----~--~_."_.._._--------_.__._.._.,'-~, DATE March 25, 1998 Page 2 of 6 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO KIRKWOOD-BL Y, INC., FOR THE CONDENSER COOLING WATER PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 6104 Staff has also concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOA) under District CEOA Guidelines Section 18.2, since it involves minor alterations to existing sewage facilities with no increase in capacity. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEOA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $114,600 for the construction of the Condenser Cooling Water Project, DP 6104, to Kirkwood-Bly, Inc., the lowest responsible bidder. ,- c: '" ~ o .... o <0 ,- .... o <0 f: Central Contra Costa Sanitary District / II II II II II II II o ;J II II II II II II II II /7 II II II II II II II II II II I I co .... :t CONDENSER COOLING WATER PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT 6104 PROJECT LOCATION ATTACHMENT co '" S!! .~ ~ ~2 o . -",'" -ON 1 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ATTACHMENT 2 SUMMARY OF BIDS Project:CONDENSER COOLING WATER PROJECT DP No. 6104 Date:March 16. 1998 Location: Martinez. California Engr. Est. $165.000 _'" ,.'"::::.~ .;::,~~, i!i~'~:i' " . %:~r~r-::'" , '" .'. \ ,,^.... ,i~".'~'~t'M.;,v''''.. "".,...,., ,. . . .' .. . ,. '. "%"~"" ~,::%.%~<;::;:.:.,~. ~~~ '~"i~::.~..'" ,..".,,.,.., ""'1% ...."~'".::.,,... . " " .... ''''':<0''~'''':::>:~:' ".:......'" " ~t'% "~.,~,, '~~" ,.".",." >: m~' '.'. . . 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'k,..w.~0.::::::"~ 1 Kirkwood-Bly, Inc. $114,600 PO Box 3339 Santa Rosa, CA 95402 2 Pete Fuller Construction $128,062 PO Box 1090 Vacaville, CA 95696 3 EAI International $137,300 1125 Missouri Street, Suite 211 Fairfield, CA 94533 4 Kaweah Construction Co. $148,286 PO Box 7780 Fresno, CA 93747 5 DW Nicholson Corp. $159,900 24747 Clawiter Road Hayward, CA 94540 6 Schram Construction, Inc. $167,600 3162 Regional Parkway Santa Rosa, CA 95403 7 Pacific Mechanical Corporation $170,600 PO Box 4041 Concord, CA 94524 Sheet No. 1 of 2 G:\SWG\STRAINER\SUMBIDRA.WPD 3/23/98 8 Sonnikson and Stordahl Construction, Inc. $172,682 4653 Pacheco Blvd. Martinez, CA 94553 9 Monterey Mechanical Co. $179,000 8275 San Leandro Street Oakland, CA 94621 10 GSE Construction $180,000 1020 Shannon Court Livermore, CA 94550 11 NY Heathorn, Inc. $189,277 2846 Chapman Street Oakland, CA 94601 Bids Opened by:/s/ Joyce Murphy Date:March 16. 1998 Sheet No. 2 of 2 G:\SWG\STRAINER\SUMBIDRA. WPD 3/23/98 ATTACHMENT 3 CONDENSER COOLING WATER PROJECT DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6104 POST -BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Item Description Total 1 CONSTRUCTION Construction Contract $114,600 $17,400 $132,000 Contingency at 15% Total Construction 2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT District Forces -Construction Management -Record Drawings $2,500 $ 500 $3,000 Sub-Total Consultant -Construction inspection and support-NPG $10,400 Percent of Estimated Construction Cost 100.00 2.27 Sub-Total $10,400 7.88 Total Construction Management $13,400 10.15 3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST $145,400 110.15 4 TOTAL PREBID EXPENDITURES $22,000 16.67 5 PUMP REPAIR COST $42,000 31.82 6 TOTAL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $209,400 158.64 7 FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE $25,000 8 ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO $184,400 COMPLETE PROJECT ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 1 of 6 BOARD MEETING OF NO. April 2, 1998 6. BIDS AND AWARDS c. DATE March 25, 1998 TYPE OF ACTION AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO D. E. BIANCHINI, INC. FOR THE ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 4, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5268 SUBMITTED BY Thomas A. Trice, Senior Engineering Assistant INITIATING DEPT/DIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUE: On March 10, 1998, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Project, Phase 4, District Project No. 5268. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 50 days of bid opening. BACKGROUND: An agreement regarding the District taking over maintenance of the private sewer mains within the Rossmoor community was approved by the Board of Directors in 1995. Under the terms of this agreement, new manholes and rodding inlets are being constructed, and necessary repairs are being made to the existing sewers so that they may be accepted by the District. The construction of manholes and rodding inlets and repairs are planned for an eight to ten-year period that corresponds to the anticipated transfer schedule. The projects are being financed by the allocation of a portion of the capital improvement fees paid by the Rossmoor Developer, UDC Homes, and a portion of the sewer service charges paid by the owners in Rossmoor. The first three phases of construction were completed in 1995, 1996, and 1997 respectively. The plans and specifications for the fourth phase of the project (see Attachment 1 for map) were prepared by District staff. The engineer's estimate for construction of Phase 4 is $286,000. This project was advertised on February 20 and 27, 1998. Nine (9) sealed bids ranging from $256,625 to $458,485 were received and publicly opened on March 10, 1998. A summary of bids received is shown in Attachment 2. Infrastructure Division staff conducted a technical and commercial review of the bids and determined that the bid submitted by D. E. Bianchini, Inc. is the lowest, responsible bidder. The District will administer the construction contract and will provide contract administration, inspection, survey, office engineering and shop drawing review. The funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, are $370,000. The total cost of the Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Project, Phase 4 is anticipated to be $400,000. Construction of the improvements to the Rossmoor sewers is included in the fiscal year 1997-98 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages CS-63 through CS-66. Staff has conducted a cash flow analysis of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. CWS JSM TAT ~4 INITIATING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION ~ H:\PP\AUTH5268.T A T.wpd 9/16/96 --~-_.-._-_._..-----~._'~_._---,-,----_.._~----~_.__._------"-_.~----_.__._,_.^..._,.,--_...._,"- DATE March 25, 1998 Page 2 of 6 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO D. E. BIANCHINI, INC. FOR THE ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 4, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5268 Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEOAl under District CEOA Guidelines, Section 18.2, since it involves only minor alterations of existing facilities with negligible or no expansion of capacity. Authorization of the construction contract for this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that the project is exempt from CEOA. For the Board's information, staff has prepared a fact sheet about the history and status of the Rossmoor Sewer Improvement Program. This fact sheet will be distributed to Rossmoor representatives and the Rossmoor community newspaper for use in preparing a feature article. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $256,625 for construction of the Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Project, Phase 4, DP 5268, to D. E. Bianchini, Inc., the lowest, responsible bidder. H:\PP\AUTH5268.T A T.wpd 9/16/96 .--.', _.^._----~--------_._-,_.._,~"_....._--,-.~--,-_.~._._~-----.,,-_.. ._-~--.._,-,_._.__._-".~-.- .:1: <= '" .., c: '" .., N o o ... '" :;; ,/ ... '" :;; ,/ .Q o ,/ Ul >- Ul "0 " 'f :c ~ o ,/ U @ PROJECT AREA Central Contra Costa Sanitary District co ...., co o co '" $!! ~ ~ >h / / 3000 6000 I FEET ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENT PROJECT PHASE 4 ATTACHMENT 1 ATTACHMENT 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO..5.26.8 - Rossmoor Sewer Improvements Phase 4 DATE: March 10. 1998 lOCATION: Walnut Creek and Danville ENGR. EST. $286.000 No. BIDDER BID PRICE (Name, telephone & address) 1 D. E. Bianchini, Inc. $256,625 P. O. Box 2204 San Ramon, CA 94583 - (510) 831-0400 2 Howard Engineering $266,905 724 Carolan Avenue Burlingame, CA 94010 - (415) 375-8314 3 Soares Underground Construction $ 269,225 18550 Melrose Avenue Hayward, CA 94541 - (510) 278-7850 4 Bay Pacific Pipeline, Inc. $ 280,350 P. O. Box 1162 Novato, CA 94948 - (415) 897-6958 5 TGH Pipelines, Inc. $302,400 P. O. Box 38 Larkspur, CA 94977-0038 - (415) 945-3288 6 J. Flores Construction $316,810 1328 Decoto Road, Suite 160 Union City, CA 94587 - (510) 489-7490 7 Manuel C. Jardim, Inc. $368,448 P. O. Box 677 Union City, CA 94587 - (510) 487-0444 8 Fermin Construction Co. $397,397 32203 Almaden Blvd. Union City, CA 94587 - (510) 471-1474 9 Mountain Cascade, Inc. $458,485 P. O. Box 5050 Livermore, CA 94551 - (510) 373-8370 BIDS OPENED BY !J~ DATE: March 10. 1998 SHEET NO. .J.... OF .J.... H:\INFRA\BIDMERGE\5268\SUMBID .FRM. WPD ATTACHMENT 3 ROSSMOOR SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT. PHASE 4 DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5268 POST-BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE PERCENT OF ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION 1. Construction Contract $ 256,625 2. Contingency at 13.0 percent $ 33,375 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $ 290.000 100 3. Construction Management . District Forces - Construction Management $ 5,000 - Contract Administration/Inspection $ 30.000 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $ 35,000 12.1 4. Consultant/Professional Services . Material Testing $ 3,000 . Arborist $ 2,000 . Sewer Cleaning and Televising Service $ 25.000 SUBTOTAL CONSULTANT/PROFESSIONAL $ 30,000 10.3 SERVICES 5. Engineering and Other Services During Construction . District Forces - Office Engineering Services $ 4,000 - Record Drawings $ 3,000 - Community Relations $ 2,000 - Surveying $ 6,000 - Easement Preparation $ 3,000 H:\PP\AUTH5268.T A T. wpd PERCENT OF ESTIMATED ITEM DESCRIPTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION - Collection System Operations $ 1,000 . Other Services - Legal $ 2.000 SUBTOTAL CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING $ 21 ,000 7.2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT & $ 86,000 29.7 ENGINEERING TOTAL (ITEMS 3, 4, & 5) 6. Prebid Expenditures (Planning and Design) $ 24,000 7. Total Project Cost $ 400,000 8. Funds Allocated to Date $ 30,000 9. Allocation Required to Complete Project $ 370,000 H:\PP\AUTH5268.T A T. wpd ~- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 1 of 6 April 2, 1998 NO. 8. ENGINEERING a. BOARD MEETING OF March 26, 1998 TYPE OF ACTION ADOPT RESOLUTION DATE SUBJECT ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO UNDERTAKE A DEMONSTRATION PROJECT DESIGNATING ALHAMBRA WAY AS CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 98-1 FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING SEWER IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Swanson, Principal Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUE: Adoption of a resolution is needed to initiate proceedings for a demonstration project known as the Alhambra Way Contractual Assessment District (C.A.D.) No. 98-1. BACKGROUND: A group of property owners whose parcels are located on Alhambra Way in Martinez have contacted Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (CCCSD) staff to obtain information regarding connecting their homes to CCCSD'S public sewer system. The formation of a C.A.D. for Alhambra Way was discussed at the Board meeting on March 5, 1998. A map is attached showing the extension of a public sewer in Alhambra Way. Initially, five owners expressed interest in connecting their homes. Four additional owners have recently joined the initial group of five, and two more owners may join. There are a total of eleven parcels that could be served by the proposed sewer extension. The approach to the Alhambra Way demonstration project will be based on the two previous C.A.D.s (Gary Way and Leona Court). The C.A.D. process includes the formation of the district, execution of agreements between the owners and CCCSD, installation of the sewer extension by a contractor employed by the owners, provision of funds by CCCSD to finance the costs of the C.A.D., and future payments by the owners to reimburse CCCSD for the funds it provides. The owners will be allowed to select between (1) paying the full amount of their shares initially, and (2) CCCSD financing each owner's share of the project. The financing would be in the form of CCCSD paying the full amount of the owner's share(s) of the public sewer cost initially, placing charges including interest on the owner's tax bill for ten successive years and, thereby, reimbursing CCCSD by collecting the charges on the tax bills. If there are owners who neither pay their shares nor agree to an assessment, the shares of these nonparticipating owners will be borne by the participating owners. If and when the nonparticipating owners connect their homes to the proposed sewer extension, CCCSD would collect a rebate charge and apply these collected funds: (1) toward reducing the remaining assessments on the participating owners who are paying annual assessments on their tax bills and (2) toward refunds to the participating owners who have no outstanding debt obligation to CCCSD. %11 JSM H:\DESIGN\SWANSON\Alhambra Way CAD 3\PrepCAD.pp.wpd 3/26/98 DATE March 20, 1998 Page 2 of 6 SUBJECT ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO UNDERTAKE A DEMONSTRATION PROJECT DESIGNATING ALHAMBRA WAY AS CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 98-1 FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING SEWER IMPROVEMENTS The assessments on the participating owners will be subject to the provisions of Proposition 218, which require a vote prior to the public hearing and a public hearing to consider protests to assessments. The owners of the 11 properties in the proposed C.AD. will be mailed ballots and will indicate their final position by voting on whether or not they agree to be assessed for the sewer improvements. The results of the voting will be announced at the public hearing. At previous Board meetings during 1997, the Board reviewed proposed draft criteria that was originally developed in conjunction with the Gary Way C.A.D. and Leona Court C.A.D. The Board provided guidance to staff, and the following criteria are proposed to be applicable to the formation of future contractual assessment districts. . The minimum number of parcels within a C.A.D. will be five. However, there is no requirement that any more than one parcel be assessed. . The payback period of the owner's assessments will be a maximum of ten years. . All costs are to be paid by the participating owners. . If there are nonparticipating owners who could connect their homes directly to the proposed public sewer extension, a rebate charge will be established and collected from nonparticipants when the connection of their homes occurs. The money collected will be used to reimburse the participants or reduce any debt being carried by CCCSD. . The interest rate for participant's assessments and nonparticipant's repayments will be 1 percent above the interest received by CCCSD on temporary investments. . A minimum of 70 percent of the parcels within the C.A.D. must be developed (have existing structures on them). There are eleven parcels on Alhambra Way, and all of the eleven parcels have existing homes. Thus, the Alhambra Way sewer extension qualifies to be a C.A.D. The initial step toward creation of the Alhambra Way C.A.D. No. 98-1 is to adopt a resolution indicating CCCSD's intention to designate an area within which contractual assessments are appropriate; briefly describing the proposed financing for the project; establishing the boundaries of the C.A.D.; setting the time, date, and place for a public hearing at which interested persons may H:\DESIGN\SWANSON\Alhambra Way CAD 3\PrepCAD.pp.wpd 3/26/98 DATE March 20, 1998 Page 3 of 6 SUBJECT ADOPT A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO UNDERTAKE A DEMONSTRATION PROJECT DESIGNATING ALHAMBRA WAY AS CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 98-1 FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING SEWER IMPROVEMENTS inquire about or object to the proposed program; and directing staff to prepare a report. The report will include: . A map. . A draft agreement specifying the terms and conditions that would be agreed to between a participating property owner within the contractual assessment area and CCCSD. . A statement of CCCSD policies concerning contractual assessments, including the identification of types of facilities that may be financed through the use of contractual assessments; authorization for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to enter into contractual assessment agreements on behalf of the CCCSD; maximum aggregate dollar amount of contractual assessments; and a plan for raising a capital amount required to pay for work performed pursuant to contractual assessments. The plan will include a statement of or method for determining the interest rate and time period during which the contracting property owners would pay any assessment. Adoption of the attached resolution is appropriate to begin the process to form Alhambra Way C.A.D. No. 98-1. At the Board meeting on March 5, 1998, a request was made to include the costs of connection fees and the portion of the private side sewer on each person's property in the amounts that CCCSD would finance. Staff has reviewed this request and has the following information to provide for the Board's consideration. It has been the past practice of the Board to exclude connection fees in local improvement districts (LIDs) and C.A.D.s. However, staff is unaware of any legal restriction to the inclusion of connection fees in the financed project costs. The inclusion of the costs of a portion of the private side sewer on private property is more complicated. There are issues of responsibility for operation and maintenance, potential gift of public funds, responsibility for construction-related claims, and the variability of length of side sewers on individual properties. The past practice of the Board has been to exclude these costs. Staff recommends that the costs of the portion of the private side sewer on private property be excluded from the amounts that CCCSD will finance. The portion of the private side sewer in the public right of way will be included in the costs to be financed by the C.A.D. Staff has concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEM) under CEM Statute, Section 21080.21, since it involves construction of a pipeline less than a mile in length in a public right of way. Approval of this project will establish the Board of Directors' independent finding that this project is exempt from CEOA. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution of intention to undertake a demonstration project designating Alhambra Way as Contractual Assessment District No. 98-1 for the purpose of installing sewer improvements. H:\DESIGN\SWANSON\Alhambra Way CAD 3\PrepCAD.pp.wpd 3/26/98 ~-_...._-------,----'----'_.., .~-,.._..._.---_.---,-_.,._..,....,.--~-_.. ,- ~~~~ ~'v~~ ~z~ ASSESSMENT DISTRICT BOUNDARY o 100 r------ FEET 200 I Central Contra Costa ;;:; Sanitary District co C> ex:> '" \<! ~~ E2 '" . <3<.0 .oN PROPOSED BOUNDARY OF ALHAMBRA WAY CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT CAD # 98-1 ~._._..,,,",...._..._.,_____..,",,_e._'_'___'__""'_'____'_'"_._...~_".__..___...._..._,._._~.....____~._,..,.,~w..-_.,-~._.._,--~-,._~-------"-,_._-----'--_.."-_._-'--' ..._..._._-,--,--"~-~--_._-- RESOLUTION NO. 98-_ RESOLUTION OF INTENTION TO UNDERTAKE A DEMONSTRATION PROJECT DESIGNATING ALHAMBRA WAY AS CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 98-1 FOR THE PURPOSE OF INSTALLING SEWER IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS the public health and the environment will be best protected by the expansion of the public sewer system; WHEREAS the construction and installation of a sanitary sewer pipeline, together with appurtenant work and facilities, in areas not presently connected to the sewer system will facilitate the elimination of potential public health problems; WHEREAS a demonstration project designed to facilitate the elimination of failing septic tanks is presently being considered; and WHEREAS it would be convenient and advantageous to establish a boundary around an area within which the District and property owners may enter into contractual assessments and make arrangements to finance public improvements to parcels which are developed and where the costs and time delays involved in creating an assessment district pursuant to alternative provisions in the law would be prohibitively large relative to the cost of the improvement. THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District resolves: 1. This Board intends to order the following improvement under the authority of the Municipal Improvement Act of 1911, as amended, to wit: Construction and installation of approximately 550-linear feet of sanitary sewer line, together with appurtenant work and facilities located at Alhambra Way in Martinez, California. 2. This Board finds that the parcels within the Contractual Assessment District are shown within the boundaries of the map entitled, "Proposed Boundary of Alhambra Way Contractual Assessment District No. 98-1." 3. This Board intends to levy a special assessment upon participating parcels within the described district in accordance with the special benefit to be received by each parcel of land, respectively, from the improvement. The improvement proposed will not confer any special benefit upon any publicly owned land. Hence, there shall be omitted from special assessment all public streets, alleys, and places and all land belonging to the United States, the State of California, the County of Contra Costa, and this District now in use in the performance of a public function. 4. This District will finance the improvements from the Sewer Construction Fund. Assessments shall be paid over a maximum period of ten (10) years with interest at a rate to be fixed by the District. H:\DESIGN\SWANSON\Alhambra Way CAD 3\RESOLCADWPD - -,_._---~-"-...------_._------,-----_._,.'"."..,-------_.--,--~-_."--,--~"---"-_.,-'_._"_.._-._~-,._--~. 5. The procedure for the collection of assessments will be the placement of assessments on participating parcel owner's tax bills. The first assessments will be placed on owner's tax bills in fiscal year 1999 - 00. 6. This Board appoints Curtis Swanson, Principal Engineer, as Engineer of Work for this project, and directs . the preparation of the report required by Section 5989.22 of the Streets and Highways Code. 7. The amount of any surplus remaining in the improvement fund after completion of the improvement and payment of all claims shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of Section 10427 of the Streets and Highways Code. 8. A public hearing shall be held on this matter at 2 p.m. on or about Thursday, July 2, 1998, at the District offices, 5019 Imhoff Place, Martinez. This date is tentative and may be modified in the future. 9. The Board independently finds that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under CEQA Statute, Section 21080.21, since it involves construction of a pipeline less than a mile in length in a public right of way. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of April 2, 1998, by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: James A. Nejedly President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California oi' COUNTERSIGNED: Joyce E. Murphy Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Aim District Counsel H:\DESIGN\SWANSON\Alhambra Way CAD 3\RESOLCADWPD ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 1 of 1 BOARD MEETING OF NO. April 2, 1998 8. ENGINEERING b. March 25, 1998 TYPE OF ACTION AMEND AGREEMENT DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO AMEND AN AGREEMENT WITH PLANT HEALTH DIAGNOSTICS FOR THE SOUTH ORINDA SEWER IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT, PHASE 1, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 4928 SUBMITTED BY Michael J. Penny, Assistant Engineer INITIATING DEPT /DIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division ISSUES: Authorization of the Board of Directors is required for the General Manager-Chief Engineer to amend a professional consulting services agreement in an amount greater than $50,000. BACKGROUND: The South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project, Phase 1, includes installation of 8,250 feet of 36-inch sewer by microtunneling along Moraga Way and 11,500 feet of smaller sewer by utilizing pipe-bursting and open-cut construction methods. The construction contract was awarded to Mountain Cascade, Inc., at the July 3, 1997, Board of Directors' meeting. The post-bid/preconstruction estimate shown in the position paper for the award included $30,000 for arborist services by Plant Health Diagnostics to provide field evaluation and recommendations for work relating to the protection of trees. With increased public and City of Orinda concerns for the protection of trees in Orinda, it has become necessary to have an arborist on site almost daily. The arborist's work scope has become much more extensive than originally anticipated at the beginning of the project. The majority of the budget for Plant Health Diagnostics has been depleted. The microtunneling portion of the project, which requires the majority of the arborist's attention, is less than 20 percent complete. Staff recommends that the agreement with Plant Health Diagnostics be amended by adding $50,000 for a total price of $80,000. Funds are available from the existing authorized budget. No additional funds are required. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to amend the professional consulting services agreement to a total cost ceiling of $80,000 with Plant Health Diagnostics for arborist services during construction of the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project, Phase 1, DP 4928. INITIATING DEPAFITMiL<DJSlp P MJP fir 11# HT JSM H:\PP\Plant Health Diag.MJP.wpd .-----..--.---.--.., ._._-_.._-------------_.------------_.~_.. ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary Oistrict BOARD OF DIRECTORS ::~:::'I":':':":':_ii:'III"':""""":''':''.Ii.:~:::::.1......:..:tii~~B.I...........:.II..........:.::::::~:::::: BOARD MEETING OF :::::!:::::::::::::.llJ:t::::i:i::::::.,.!:!:::t::::::::::_t:::;;;;:;::::::::::;:::;:!:!:!:!::::: April 2, 1998 Page 1 of 3 NO. 8. ENGINEERING c. DATE TYPE OF ACTION March 26, 1998 APPROVE SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RELATING TO EASEMENTS ON PARCEL 48 OF THE FORMER SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY IN THE TOWN OF DANVILLE, SAN RAMON INTERCEPTOR PROJECT, D.P. 4224 Assistant INIT1A TING DEPT tOlV Engineering/Infrastructure JSSUf: Board action is required for approval of subordination agreements. BACKGROUND: The District's San Ramon Valley Interceptor Project (Phases 1 and 2) involved the installation of 7 miles of large interceptor sewers in the former Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Under the future Phase 3 of the project, 5 miles of interceptor sewer and force mains will be constructed. The District acquired easements for the interceptor sewers from Contra Costa County, the purchaser of the former Southern Pacific right-of-way. By acquiring these easements in the former Southern Pacific right-of-way, the District saved millions of dollars in construction costs. The District's easements were granted through a Master Agreement with the County which established terms and conditions applicable to the District's use of its easements and the County's use of its land as a light rail corridor. One of the areas which was not included in the original granting of easements to the District was near the Danville railroad station. This area is known as Parcel 48 and is shown on the attached map. Southern Pacific retained fee title ownership of Parcel 48 and granted a transportation, recreation and utility easement to Contra Costa County. The Master Agreement with the County provides for the District negotiating with Southern Pacific or subsequent owner for sewer rights across Parcel 48 as long as those rights were in compliance with the provisions contained in the Master Agreement with the County. It was understood by the County and the District that the County's rights were to be prior to the District's rights. Subsequent to the signing of the Master Agreement between the County and the District, the Town of Danville condemned the northern half of Parcel 48 for parking purposes. After the Town acquired title to this half of Parcel 48, the District negotiated a sewer easement from Danville across it for sewer purposes. INIT1ATING DEPARTMENTtOlVISlON \(~ RH H:\INFRA \PP\4224-rw .rh. wpd 9/16/96 .__._-_.._-_...__._-_._~._-_._,_..--------_._----'_.~--- :111:111011111.1,1110111111111111.111101111101::0:01:101:11'1: mmmmt~f~~~~~t~~~~~~~~~~~~~II~t~~jf?rrmmmt~~@1@ff~1fff?~~j~rt~~~~~~~~I~1~1~1~t1~1~1~1~t1~1~1~1~1~1~1~~~~~1~~~1~~~1~~~1~1 DATE March 26, 1998 Page 2 of 3 AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE A SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY RELATING TO EASEMENTS ON PARCEL 48 OF THE FORMER SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY IN THE TOWN OF DANVILLE, SAN RAMON INTERCEPTOR PROJECT, D.P. 4224 A-ior to the acquisition of this easement by the District from Danville, the County had acquired an easement for transit, recreation, and utility purposes across this same area from Southern Pacific. A discrepancy in the County's legal description of their easement from Southern Pacific was uncovered by District staff and the County was notified of this discrepancy. The County is taking action to correct this discrepancy and is now recording a Correction Grant Deed with the County Recorder's Office. If the Correction Grant Deed were recorded, the District would have prior rights across the northern half of Parcel 48, which is contrary to the understanding which is the basis for the Master Agreement. Before the County can record their Correction Deed and obtain a policy of title insurance, the District must subordinate its easement rights to satisfy the title company issuing the policy. Additionally, the County is granting an easement to the District on the southern half of Parcel 48 at no cost. RECOMMENDA nON: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute a Subordination Agreement with Contra Costa County and authorize staff to deliver this to the County staff for recording with the County Recorder. H:\INFRA \PP\4224-rw orho wpd .:!: EXHI.." CENTRAL co.Nt RIGHT \ \ tOWN ~F DA V/LLE \ ~RAlE\ J;> < ('l ('l crp BE ... 0 \ Xl C b .... \~ 0 .::0 \~ \ ~ -- DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: THOMAS BRO.: JOB NO.: SCALE: DATE: RH 98C2 4224 CO. ASSMT. NO.: PARCEL NO.: 3/20/98 208-340-004 48 GAR 1"-200' RESOLUTION NO. 98- A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE GENERAL MANAGER/CHIEF ENGINEER TO APPROVE AND EXECUTE A SUBORDINATION AGREEMENT WITH CONTRA COSTA COUNTY AFFECTING EASEMENTS ON PARCEL 48 OF THE FORMER SOUTHERN PACIFIC RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY IN THE TOWN OF DANVILLE WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) owns an easement for sanitary sewer purposes across property now owned by the Town of Danville Civic Improvement Corporation, commonly referred to as Parcel 48, recorded August 9, 1990, in Book 16040, Page 703 of the Official Records of Contra Costa County (County); portions of said easement are within an easement owned by County for transit, recreation, and utility purposes recorded December 9, 1985, as Instrument No. 85-181262, in the Official Records of Contra Costa County; and WHEREAS, County intends to record a Correction Grant Deed to clarify the legal description and correct certain provisions with regards to its transit, recreation, and utility easement, and has requested a subordination agreement with the District to preserve the County's recording priority; and WHEREAS, County will grant at no charge a fifteen feet wide easement over the southern portion of Parcel 48 to District in exchange for District entering into this subordination agreement and other good consideration previously furnished. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the District, does FIND AND RESOLVE as follows: THAT, the General Manager/Chief Engineer of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District is hereby authori~ed to approve and execute a subordination agreement that will conditionally subordinate the District's easement to the County's transit, recreation, and utility easement; provided said subordination agreement preserves and protects the District's right to construct, alter, replace, repair, maintain, and operate sanitary sewer pipelines and related facilities through Parcel 48. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT, staff is authorized to deliver the subordination agreement to County staff for recording with the Contra Costa County Recorder. ::ODMA\PCDOCS\DOCS\201414\1 3/27/98 _.~-_.._---_._--_._.._".._---~--_._------_._.,_._._-_.-"_..__.,-_.."-,_.._-_._-,-,----,--------_.,----~...".-----_._----_._~--.--_.- PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd day of April, 1998, by the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Board of Directors by the following vote: AYES: MEMBERS: NOES: MEMBERS: ABSENT: MEMBERS: James A. Nejedly President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Joyce E. Murphy Secretary of Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to form: Kenton L. Aim District Counsel H:\JNFRAIDPIn:soIw--I.doc ---~---~~-"~---'---"'~"'-"".-""--'----".~"'~'-'---..-----.---.-....-"---. ',".. ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS :i::::I.:.:::::::::~J.!iW,,~ii:i:::I!::~::I!).~:i:i:::i:::::: BOARD MEEll;Gprll 2, 1998 :~:~::::{:~:~:.B!~I~!~~~~I.'lj:~:j:Iili.IM~~B.:~:~:~:~:f~ Page 1 of 7 NO. 9. HUMAN RESOURCES a. DATE lYPE OF ACTION March 24, 1998 RECEIVE BUDGET SUBJECT RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1998 - 1999 SUBMITTED BY Cathryn Freitas, Human Resources Manager INITIATING DEPT tOlV Administrative/Human Resources ISSUE: Staff has analyzed its personnel needs for Fiscal Year 1998-1999 and is submitting its requests for Board consideration at the April 2, 1998 Board Meeting. Board approval is scheduled for the May 7, 1998 Board Meeting. BACKGROUND: Each department has reviewed its staffing requirements for Fiscal Year 1998-1999. The Personnel Budget includes departmental overviews providing summary information, request justification pages with detailed explanations on the effect of these recommended staffing changes, organizational charts reflecting current staffing and proposed changes, and new job descriptions. The attached summary sheet highlights the effect of each department's staffing requests on the number of total authorized positions in the District, and the reduced cost in salaries and benefits. As shown in the summary, the total number of authorized regular positions in the District will decrease by two (2) from last year. Twelve Co-op student positions are requested this year. Despite the decreased number of regular positions, the salaries and wages in the 1998-1999 0 & M Departmental Budgets will increase slightly from the previous year due to any potential salary adjustments and any merit and longevity increases scheduled in 1998-1999. The Departmental requests are as follows: Administrative 1. Reclassify Lucia Watson, Accounting Technician 1/11, (I = G-48, $2470-$2985; 11= G-52, $2713-$3277), to Payroll Technician, (G-56, $2985-$3608). Adopt Payroll Technician class description. Plant ODerations 2. Transfer one Operations Safety Specialist, (S-71, $4279-$5177), to the Administrative Department. CRF INITIATING DEPARTMENTtOlVISlON ~ 3/24/98 H:\98RECBGT.PP '.I:\!1.11111!:.I.II::\I\II'II.I:\::::I~II::I:I::i:1 DATE April 2, 1998 I Page 2 of 7 SUBJECT RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1998 - 1999 3. Delete one Plant Operator, 1/11 (I=G-59, $3202-$3874; II=G-62, $3441-$4163). 4. Delete one Pump Stations Supervisor, (S-71, $4279-$5177). 5. Add one Maintenance Reliability Engineer, (S-80, $5308-$6430). Reclassify Mr. Dale Ohda, Plant Maintenance Superintendent (5-!30, $5308-$6430), to Maintenance Reliability Engineer, (S-80, $5308-$6430). Adopt Maintenance Reliability Engineer class description. 6. Reclassify Mr. Wayne Miner, Machine Shop Supervisor, (S-71, $4279-$5177), to Plant Maintenance Superintendent, (S-80, $5308-$6430). 7. Reclassify Mr. Garth Williams, Control Systems Engineer, (S-77, $4936-$5980), to Senior Control Systems Engineer, (S-83, $5703-$6896). Adopt Senior Control Systems Engineer class description. 8. Reclassify Mr. Randy Grieb, Associate Engineer, (S-77, $4936-$5980) to Process Control Systems Engineer, (S-81, $5436-6574). Adopt Process Control Systems Engineer class description. Enaineerina No Personnel requested. Collection System Ooerations 9. Transfer one Operations Safety Specialist, (S-71, $4279-$5177), to the Administrative Department. 10. Delete one Maintenance Crew Member 1/11, (I=G-53, $2777-$3359; II=G-59, $3202-$3874). 11. Adjust salary range of Mr. Ralph Bates, Information Systems Specialist, from G-56, $2985- $3608 to G-59, $3202-$3874. Secretary of the District 12. Reclassify Ms. Julie Lopez, Administrative Aide, (S-52, $2726-$3294) to Administrative Assistant, (S-56, $2993-$3621). Adopt Administrative Assistant class description. 3/2.(98 H:I98RECIlGT.PP -~,~...,_.~,.----~---"~~~--~--"--_._"".- --""."---~'._-- .._.__._------_.__._.~..._-_...._-- i.!.!:~~II~II~I:I.I.IIIIIIIII.li'~\\.I\ljj~I[I..11111 DATE April 2, 1998 I Page 3 of 7 SUBJECT RECEIVE AND CONSIDER PERSONNEL REQUESTS FISCAL YEAR 1998 - 1999 Co-oo 13. Authorize the hiring of students to fill twelve positions in the Co-op program. The staff will offer to meet and confer with the official bargaining units on the budget prior to Board adoption. MISCELLANEOUS CLASS DESCRIPTIONS As you may recall, a salary survey was conducted as part of the most recent labor agreement negotiations with the Management Support/Confidential Group. As part of the survey, members of the bargaining unit were asked to review their class descriptions and update them where necessary. Additionally, department managers and the Human Resources Manager reviewed any proposed changes and made modifications as appropriate. This process was undertaken to ensure that the consultant conducting the salary survey was comparing positions with similar duties among agencies. Attached are the class descriptions with changes. Deletions are denoted by strikeouts and additions are found in bold print. Any changes to class descriptions require Board approval. Also, recently the Board requested a change in the class description for the Safety and Risk Manager pertaining to the wearing of self-controlled breathing apparatus. The change was: "The use of respiratory equipment (including [self-contained, breathing apparatus] (S.C.B.A.)) may be required for this position. Therefore, the Safety and Risk Manager will be required to be cleaR shaven at all timos, free of facial hair that would interfere with the use of a respirator at all times to comply with the District's respiratory program and Cal/OSHA standards." In order to make the class descriptions consistent, staff is proposing to update all of the affected class descriptions with the new respirator language. A list of the classifications affected by this change is attached. The classifications designated with an "S" for Shave or "SO" for Shave on Demand will receive the language changes. "NS" means "No Shave" and the respirator language will not appear in these class descriptions. With Board adoption of this change, staff will proceed with making the modifications and issue revised class descriptions effective July 1, 1998. RECOMMENDAll0N: Receive and consider the Personnel Budget for 1998-1999 herein identified by items 1-13. The Personnel Budget will be submitted for final approval at the May 7, 1998 Board Meeting. PPlIl6Ra:UIlGT.PP 3/24/98 -- ------~--~-~".__._~..__._~----,.,~-,._- .. -..-_.,~-.-.,._.,.,._--"-,._,.--~---~--~_._---~---~._-.---.-.-..-.------.----.--- _.,-,~._,--~---_._-- ~ ~ ~ i ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'l""4 -- ^ 11I11I ^ .~ (fJ N 0 \0 ~.~ N 0 '<:l' 0\ ..... 0\ \0 r-i r-i Sol . .. .. I .. .. III s:l 1"'1 0 0 1"'1 1"'1 ..tGl \0 I \0 ~IQ (/}. (/}. (/}. (/}. &oil V V IG\ Ltl COG\ f" Ltl \0 .. N f" G\G\ 1"'1 0\ f" '<:l' . :..t Ltl ICO \0 '<:l' f"G\ Ltl f" Ltl G\G\ 1"'1 0\ f" '<:l' . :..t Ltl IG\ I 1 COG\ I G\G\ 0 Ltl f" 0 0 :..t I I I ICO 1 1 f"G\ 1 G\G\ 0 '<:l' 0'1 0 0 :..t 1 1 I ^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^^^^ ^ f"CXlf" '<:l'Mf" f"O '<:l'O \0 0 0'1 '<:l'f" CXl'<:l' o;I'..t f"Of" f"\Of" f"CXlf"CXlO'l 1"'1 1ilf"f"Of" O'IN . N\Or-i CXlr-ir-i r-iO'lLtlO'lCXl '<:l' 1"'1 CXlr-i \OCXl N\O 0'1 MMLtl M'<:l'1il LtlIil\OLtl\O \0 MMLtlMM 1"'11"'1 s:l (/}. (/}. (/}. (/}. (/}. (/}. (/}. (/}. (/}. (/}. (/}. (l)- (/}. (/}. (/}. (/}. 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ADMINISTRATION AND OFFICE SUPPORT Accountant NS Accounting Supervisor NS Accounting Technician 1/11 NS Accounting Technician III NS Administrative Aide NS Administrative Secretary NS Buyer 1111 NS Community Affairs Manager NS Controller NS Director of Administration NS Executive Secretary NS General Manager-Chief Engineer NS Graphics Technician 1111 NS Graphics Technician III NS Human Resources Manager NS MIS Administrator NS Materials Coordinator 1/11 NS Materials Coordinator III NS Network Coordinator NS Personnel Analyst 1/11 NS Personnel Assistant NS Principal Buyer NS Programmer Analyst NS Public Info & Graphics Coordinator NS Public Info & Production Asst 1111 NS Purchasing & Materials Manager NS Records & Info Coordinator 1/11 NS Risk Management Technician NS Safety and Loss Control Specialist SO Safety and Risk Manager NS Secretary of the District NS Secretary 1111 NS Secretary III NS Senior Buyer NS ENGINEERING AND RELATED Assistant Engineer Associate Engineer Automated Mapping & Prod Coord Collection System Insp Supervisor Construction Inspector Construction Inspector/Designer Contract Administrator Director of Engineering Engineering Assistant Engineering Division Manager Engineering Support Supervisor Engineering Technician I!II Engineering Technician III Household Hazardous Waste Super Household Hazardous Waste Tech I!II Infrastructure Division Manager Land Surveyor Management Analyst Permit and Services Technician Planning Division Manager Pollution Prevention Program Supt Principal Engineer Real Property Specialist Senior Engineer Senior Engineering Assistant Senior Household Haz Waste Tech Senior Source Control Inspector Sewer Service Charge Technician Source Control Coordinator I!II Source Control Inspector I!II Source Control Program Supt Staff Engineer Survey Party Chief PLANT OPERATIONS AND RELATED Assistant Control Systems Engineer Chemist I!II Computer Systems Technician Control Systems Engineer Control Systems Staff Engineer Director of Plant Operations Laboratory Superintendent Plant Operations Division Mgr Plant Operations Superintendent Plant Operator Trainee/III! NS SO POD&CSO/NS ENG NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS S S NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SO POD/NS Others NS S SO NS NS SO SO NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS SO S S _____________.__~___d__"____'__ _..__._-_._-_._,-~-_._..._._._--~-'--- Plant Operator III S Senior Chemist NS Shift Supervisor S Training and Resource Technician NS FIELD OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE Buildings & Grounds Supervisor SO Building Maintenance Technician SO Collection System Ops Tech NS Construction Equipment Operator SO Director of Collection System Ops NS Electrical Shop Supervisor SO Electrical Technician SO Electrician SO Field Operations Superintendent SO Information Systems Specialist NS Instrument Shop Supervisor SO Instrument Technician SO Landscape Specialist S Machine Shop Supervisor SO Machinist SO Maintenance Coordinator 1/11 NS Maintenance Crew Leader SO Maintenance Crew Member 1/11 SO Maintenance Planner SO Maintenance Supervisor SO Maintenance Technician Trainee/l/ll SO Maintenance Tech III, Mechanical SO Mechanical Maintenance Supervisor SO Operations Safety Specialist S Oper~tions Support Supervisor NS Painter S Plant Maint Division Mgr SO Plant Maint Superintendent SO Pumping Stations Operator 1/11 SO Pumping Stations Superintendent SO Pumping Stations Supervisor SO Senior Building Maint Technician SO Senior Vehicle & Equip Mechanic S Utility Worker SO Vehicle and Equip Maint Supervisor S Vehicle and Equipment Mechanic S Vehicle and Equipment Service Worker S 2/98 ~. Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS .'1".1.11\\,\1:11111\'\111\111111 BOARD MErn;'~~1 2, 1998 Page 1 of 3 NO. 9. HUMAN RESOURCES b. DATE lYPE OF ACTION March 19, 1998 HUMAN RESOURCES SUBJ ECT AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES SUBMITTED BY Cathryn Freitas, Human Resources Manager INITIATING DEPTItlIV Administrative/Human Resources ISSUE: District staff has assessed its needs for seasonal employees in 1998. BACKGROUND: Each year, the District hires students during the summer months for vacation relief, cleanup, and special projects; and during the school year or semester breaks for additional assistance. Authorization was given for forty-one student positions last year. Approval is requested for thirty-seven seasonal positions in Fiscal Year 1998 - 1999. It is recommended that the hourly rates for seasonal employees remain the same as last year: Student Positions ProDosed Salarv* Clerical, Laborer (No experience necessary) Technical (Drafting) Professional (Chemist, Engineer) $ 7.50 $ 9.00 $11 .00 * For every year a student returns, add $1.00 per hour to a maximum of three additional summers: For example, a student laborer who has worked here for the past two summers would receive $9.50 per hour this summer. The extra dollar would recognize experience and serve as an incentive for returning students. The approximate cost of this action will be $233,306 from departmental 0 & M budgets. A summary of the requests for seasonal employees is attached. Department Managers will be prepared to answer any questions regarding the following requests: Administrative As in previous years, the Administrative Department is requesting four summer student positions in 1998- 1999. The positions are located in Materials Control for inventory and vacation relief; Building Maintenance for vacation relief and general maintenance; in Communication Services for technical support, and Management Information Services for work on various projects. CPF 9/16/96 INITIATING DEPARw H:\PP\97SEASNL.PP :::1-1:_-_\-\:::\::1-.1.11:::\:\:\11.1-\--1-::::-\"1-11\--11 DATE April 2, 1998 I Page 2 of 3 SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION TO HIRE SEASONAL EMPLOYEES Collection System ODerations The Collection System Operations Department is requesting thirteen summer student positions--ten laborers and three clericals. This is one less laborer position than last year's request. The laborer positions will work on field crews to supplement staffing during vacation periods and to expand the number of construction crews for repair work in easements. The three clerical positions are for vacation relief and to assist with special projects. Plant ODe rations The Plant Operations Department is requesting the same number of positions as last year which makes their total request equal fifteen students. Six of the summer student laborer positions will provide coverage for the vacant regular position in Buildings and Grounds and will aid in the Aeration and Nitrification Tank Project, and do seasonal maintenance. The Plant is also requesting two relief positions in the Laboratory, one drafter, two laborers in the Pumping Stations, three Shop Assistants & one Engineering Assistant. Enaineerina The Engineering Department requests authorization to hire three summer student positions--two engineering assistants and one clerical. This is three less than last year's request. One of the engineering students will be assigned to work on engineering, construction, and construction management projects; one will work in pollution prevention for the Source Control Section. The clerical position will assist in various areas of the department providing vacation relief and assisting clerical staff with departmental projects. The Secretary of the District The Secretary of the District is requesting one student to assist with records management and one student for the Clerical Support Section to help with large projects, switchboard backup and vacation relief. This is the same number of positions requested as last year. RECOMMENDA1l0N: Authorize the hiring of 37 students for seasonal employment which is four students less than last year. ---_.---~--_.,-----~---"'-".'"-....--"".,_.,._--_._--'~'_.-.~,-,._---,..,._,_.._-,._.".-..----_..,.~----"_'---""_.......---_._."----_._.._~---_.---- .... (I) I- Z w Q ;:) I- (I) ce o LL. en (I) en I- en (I) ....w ,;:) cod enw ence .......1 e:( I- Z w :i l- ce e:( A. W Q I- Z w ::E J: CJ e:( l- I- e:( U) "C-..c: . I~ 0 ~ en.- ... en .~ :;, .... U) <C 0 A. U) coC: en .2 en.~ .... U) o A. o C! N .... -0 o o .... .... -0 o &n o .... -0 ... c: G) E t:: cu Q. G) Q .q .q ..... o C! o .... -0 o &n en -0 ..... o C! en -0 o &n co -0 o &n " -0 N Q) > '';:; co .... +-' "~ c E "C <( .q ..... ('I) ..... ('I) <.0 .q o CJ) U I.!) ..... I.!) ..... ..... N N N N .q N C/) c .Q ... co .... Q) 0. o +-' C co a.. <.0 ('I) N ..... 0> C 'i: Q) Q) C 0> C W N N ..... ..... +-' U "i: +-' "~ o Q) .c +-' - o > .... co +-' Q) .... u Q) CJ) ..... .q " ('I) ..... I.!) ('I) N <.0 ..... ..... en co +-' o l- +-' U .... +-' C/) o ~ u -' ~ Ul ~ ~ ~