HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 03-05-98 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 1 of 2 March 5, 1 998 NO. 4. CONSENT CALENDAR a. BOARD MEETING OF February 19, 1 998 TYPE OF ACTION ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING DATE SUBJECT AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 98-3 (DANVILLE) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT SUBMITTED BY Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division Parcel No. Area Owner/Address Parcel No. & Acreage Braddock & Logan Group, L.P. 4155 Blackhawk Plaza Circle, No. 201 Danville, CA 94506 APN: 217-010-006, -007, -027 (5.68 Ac.) Remarks Lead Agency 98-3 Danville (100B5) Proposed Subdivision 8078, 16 single-family residence lots. Negative Declaration by the Town of Danville Town of Danville RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 98-3 to be included in a future formal annexation. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION DH JSM uP fI~ INITIATING DEPARTMENT/DIVISION H :\PP\Annx98-3 .dh. wpd 8/6/96 I I~I I a:1 I~f ,151 ~\ \ \ ~ \ \ VI 1 I I I I I / I :~I~6\tJVI LLE j , " \ , , , I : 1\ I L_ '" \. '......... "'_--r:---- -, I \ \ \ I ( \ \ \ '. \ \ I I I l I, /. ; , I I I I I I I I I I ~ I \ .... V ~ ..O'lco ~ '..~c~~ ...~ "'II~ . -s- "\11_ I - I , I # PROPOSED ANNEXATION P .A. 98-3 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1:::il::i:!I::IIIII~II:!i!ill.IIIII'IIIII"llllllllllililllllllllil BOARD MErnNG OF Page 1 of 6 NO. February 26, 1998 4. CONSENT CALENDAR b. DATE TYPE OF ACTION INFORMATIONAL SUBJ ECT ADVISE THE BOARD OF THE CLOSE OUT OF 16 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS SUBMITTED BY John J. Mercurio, Management Analyst INITIATING DEPTIOIV Engineering/Planning .IS.S.llf: Work has been completed on 16 capital improvement projects. When projects have been completed it is our practice to report financial results to the Board prior to closing the projects' accounts. BACKGROUND: The 16 capital improvement projects listed on Attachment 1 have been completed, and staff is closing out the project accounts. A Summary of the total authorized budgets and expenditures for the projects to be closed is presented by program in the following table: Authorized Underrun Pr ram Bud et Expenditures (Overruns) General Improvements $2,245,011 $2,050,508 $194,503 Treatment Plant 1,277,000 1,123,308 153,692 Collection System 2,243,500 2,120,865 122,635 Totals $5,765,511 $5,294,681 $470,830 The total authorized budget for the 16 projects is $5,765,511. Total project expenditures are $5,294,681. A net underrun of $470,830 (8% of the total authorized budgets) will result in $153,692 being returned to the Treatment Plant Program, $122,635 being returned to the Collection System Program, and $194,503 being returned to the General Improvements Program. A description of each project follows on Attachment 2. RECOMMENDA nON: This item is presented to the Board of Directors for information only. No action is necessary. ~ AM} RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPARTMENTIOIV1S10N ~~~ (g .~ ..uM/DJC RAB Page 2 of 6 ATTACHMENT 1 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS AND TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAMS CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT DISTRICT PROJECT TITLE AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN PROJECT BUDGET (OVERRUN) NO. 8058 Computer-Aided Mapping $1,599,100 $1,599,100 0 and Drafting System 8173 Voice Mail Upgrade 56,000 54,127 1,873 9697 FY 1996-97 Equipment and 589,911 397,281 192,630 Vehicle Budqet General Improvements Project Totals $2,245,011 $2,050,508 $194,503 7153 Aeration Basin $1,277,000 $1,123,308 $153,692 Improvements Treatment Plant Project Totals $1,277,000 $1,123,308 $153,692 Page 3 of 6 ATTACHMENT 1 (CONTINUED) COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT DISTRICT PROJECT TITLE AUTHORIZED EXPENDITURES UNDERRUN PROJECT BUDGET (OVERRUN) Nn 4571 Overhill Road Sewer 296,000 291,769 4,231 Improvements 4706 Cathodic Protection of Force 81 ,000 73,033 7,967 Mains 5026 Prospect Avenue Sewer 78,000 63,149 14,851 Improvements 5027 Walnut Creek Siphon 90,000 67,940 22,060 Improvements 5053 South Main Trunk Sewer 25,000 16,572 8,428 Renovation 5058 M-4 Forcemain Repair 25,000 22,067 2,933 5159 Newell Avenue Emergency 115,000 79,608 35,392 Repair 5188 Gary Way C.A.D. Number 1 138,600 135,075 3,525 5250 Dyer Drive Sewer 9,900 10,122 (222) Replacement 5906 1997 Collection System 100,000 102,390 (2,390) Plannina 9556 CSO Sewer Renovation 1,260,000 1,233,784 26,216 1991-92 Pipe Replacement 9906 Pleasant Hill Interceptor 25,000 25,356 (356) Desian Totals $2,243,500 $2,120,865 $122,635 ~_____.,__...,,_~.._._.M_.~..._.___.~._,_,"__._~___,_~.__.______"..._.M___.___,.______.__.__.__._.._~___...__._.__._"_._-,....~ .--.-----...---....---.------------ Page 4 of 6 ATTACHMENT 2 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS AND TREATMENT PLANT PROGRAMS CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT . The Computer Aided Mapping-Drafting System (AM/CADD) project, DP 8058, was a multi-phase, multi-year effort to automate the collection system mapping process and facilitate in-house design. Initially, a CAD feasibility study was conducted, followed by an implementation work plan. Hardware (file server, workstations, plotters, etc.), and software (CAD, mapping, network, etc.) was purchased, training was conducted, and drafting production began. The mapping portion of the project was started, including purchase of digital base map data from Contra Costa County and a competitive contract for conversion of our existing manual map data to a digital format. The AM/CADD system has proven to be a success in a number of areas. All of the in-house collection system sewer designs have been accomplished on the system. Digital maps are currently being produced. The AM/CADD system has been used for a number of numerical analyses and special purpose maps. The system forms the basis for storage and access to as-builts and plant operations and maintenance data sets through the proposed District Intranet. The AM/CADD system operators have reached a high level of expertise with the system software, and the system has been gradually upgraded to keep up with current technology. . The Voice Mail Upgrade project, DP 8173, was required due to the old system becoming overloaded, unreliable, and no longer supported by the manufacturer. This project replaced 14-year old technology with a new voice mail system that has more memory, is reliable and is under a service contract. The replacement included both hardware and software, and the installation was completed in July of 1997. . Purchases under the 1996-97 Equipment and Vehicle Budget, DP 9697, have been completed. . The Aeration Basin Improvements Project, DP 7153, addressed the renovation and rehabilitation of the aeration basins, which are part of the secondary treatment process. In-house engineering and plant maintenance staff utilized work redesign principles to design and implement the improvements in several stages. Under this project, the existing air diffuser system was inspected and rehabilitated; new diffusers were installed to improve treatment efficiency; and corroded piping and valves were repaired and replaced. Seismic strengthening was performed on the existing weirs, and new weirs were installed in two of the basins to allow additional operational flexibility. Page 5 of 5 ATTACHMENT 2 (CONTINUED) COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT . Design of renovation or replacement of deteriorated sewers along Overhill Road, Underhill Road, Camino Encinas, and other locations in Orinda was accomplished under the Overhill Road Sewer Renovation project, DP 4571. Construction of these sewer improvements is underway now as part of the South Orinda Sewer Improvements Project, DP 4928. Construction was combined to reduce construction management costs and to reduce extended construction impacts on the neighborhoods in Orinda. . Under Cathodic Protection of Force Mains, DP 4707, a cathodic protection anode bed was installed in Basin A north to replace an experimental cathodic protection system (provided by Ebonex Technologies) which was no longer in operation. Cathodic protection work on force mains at several pumping stations was originally included in the scope of this project as well. These improvements will be provided under separate projects. . Prospect Avenue Sewer Improvements, DP 5026, involved design of 400 feet of new eight-inch sewer in Danville to divert more flow into the Prospect Avenue sewer to increase velocity and minimize grease build-up. The project was built as part of the 1 994-95 Sewer Renovation Project, DP 5034. . The Walnut Creek Siphon Improvements project, DP 5027, included flow monitoring of the trunk sewers through downtown Walnut Creek and the construction and installation of flow diversion gates. The purpose of the flow monitoring program was to determine the available capacity in the District's interceptors. This work included installation of six flow monitors in pipelines ranging from 24-inches to 50-inches in diameter, installation of two rainfall gauges, and preparation of a report documenting the study findings. In addition, a scheme to utilize the capacity of the existing sewers most efficiently was developed and implemented. . The South Main Trunk Sewer Renovation project, DP 5053, was completed in response to an advanced state of corrosion observed in this trunk sewer by CSOD staff. Approximately 2,500 linear feet of the 48-inch pipeline was televised by remote camera. Subsequently, pipeline corrosion in a 1,700 linear foot reach of this sewer was quantified using rotating-sonic caliper equipment. Maximum pipe wall deterioration was measured to be approximately one inch, with one-half inch of deterioration being the common condition; some soft concrete at the crown of the pipe was observed. Based on these findings, it was determined that rehabilitation of this pipeline is not necessary at this time. These field studies provide a baseline for subsequent monitoring of corrosion in this trunk sewer. Page 6 of 6 ATTACHMENT 2 (CONTINUED) COLLECTION SYSTEM PROGRAM CAPITAL PROJECTS TO BE CLOSED OUT . M-4 Forcemain Repairs, DP 5058, addressed multiple leaks in the M-4 force main along Waterfront Road in Martinez which developed in 1 994 and 1995. Investigation, engineering, repair and testing of the forcemain was completed under this project. A significant portion of the repair cost was recovered from the contractor and subcontractor who originally installed the pipeline. . The Newell Ave Emergency Repair, DP 5159, was necessary to repair/relocate a 27-inch reinforced concrete pipe in Newell Avenue that was damaged by one of Caltrans' contractors installing piles for the 1-680/SR-24 interchange. The pipe has been repaired to the District's satisfaction and Caltrans has reimbursed the District all costs associated with the repair/relocation. . The Gary Way Contractual Assessment District Number 1 project, DP 5188, financed the installation of a sanitary sewer main to serve 1 2 properties on Gary Way in Alamo. Approximately 930 feet of 8-inch sewer, 3 manholes, and 12, 4- inch laterals were installed. The 12 property owners assumed assessments for the cost of the work and are paying over a ten-year period. . The Dyer Drive Sewer Replacement project, DP 5250, was required to eliminate a conflict with a storm drain at the south end of Dyer Drive in Lafayette. Approximately 60 feet of sewer was installed. . The 1997 Collection System Planning project, DP 5906, was established for facility planning that provides the basis for improvements to the District's 1,500 mile sewer system. Facility planning included sewer system capacity studies to identify and define sewer system deficiencies, work on the land use database and sewer system model, flow rates for facility plans, and special studies. . CSO Sewer Renovation 1991-92 Pipe Replacement project, DP 9556, was a multi- site, small diameter sewer replacement project. The project replaced 6-, 8-, and 10-inch diameter sewers in Lafayette, Orinda, and Walnut Creek. Over 9,000 feet of sewer was replaced. . DP 9906 is a post-close out project of the Pleasant Hill Relief Interceptor-Phase 1 project (DP 4879), for completing several administrative activities after the close out of the construction project. Those remaining activities are now completed. ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS :?:i5.Ci::.':':;:::':':;:;:':':;.II:':'::r:'::::::::ii:~ii:~M.i5::?::r BOARD MEETING OF ::::::IIII.;:;:I::;:;:::::;:;.;:}!;;:;:I:::!mm!IT:!lB::::I:! March 5, 1998 Page 1 of 5 NO. 6. BIDS AND AWARDS a. DATE TYPE OF ACTION February 26, 1998 AUTHORIZE AWARD SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION FOR THE M6 FORCE MAIN CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM REHABILITATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 6117 SUBMITTED BY James L. Belcher, Senior Engineer INITIATING DEPTIDIV Plant Operations Department/Operations ISSUE: On February 18, 1998, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the M6 Force Main Cathodic Protection System Rehabilitation Project, District Project 6117. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 60 days of the bid opening. BACKGROUND: The M6 system, which conveys wastewater from Martinez Pumping Station to Fairview Pumping Station, consists of two force mains. The cathodic protection system was installed in 1984 and has been protecting the two force mains since that time. Testing of the protective system indicates that the existing facility has reached the end of its useful life. This project will replace the existing anode deep well and add an additional anode deep well and rectifier. It was determined during design engineering that a split system would improve the efficiency and substantially increase the life expectancy of the system. Plans and specifications were prepared by Villalobos and Associates. The Engineer's Estimate for the construction cost was $75,000. The project was advertised on January 30 and February 4, 1998. Two bids, one for $67,898 and the other for $72,800, were received and publicly opened on February 18, 1998. A summary of these bids is shown in Attachment 2. The Plant Operations Department conducted a technical and commercial evaluation of these bids and has determined that American Construction is the lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of $67,898. District staff will manage the construction contract. Resident Engineering, contract administration and inspection services will be provided by NPG Engineering. The allocation of funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, is $79,000. The current total estimated project cost is $104,400. This project is included in the Fiscal Year 1997-98 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages TP 40 through TP 41. Staff has conducted a cash flow evaluation of the Sewer Construction Fund and concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. ~ AM) RECOMMENJED FOR BOARD AC710N :r,fA t-- ~CVv13 DATE February 26, 1998 Page 2 of 5 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE AWARD OF A CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO AMERICAN CONSTRUCTION FOR M6 FORCE MAIN CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM REHABILITATION PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT 6117 Staff has also concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CECA) under District CECA Guidelines Section 18.2, since it involves minor alterations to existing sewage facilities with no increase in capacity. Board of Directors' approval of this project will establish their independent finding that this project is exempt from CECA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $67,898 for the construction of the M6 Force Main CathcxJic Protection System Rehabilitation Project, DP 611 7, to American Construction, the lowest responsible bidder. w:: ~ -Illj- I SVISVN BAY CARQVINEZ STRAIT PROJECT SITE MARTINEZ PUMPING STATION CONCORD PLEASANT HILL c: "" ~ "0 ~ <0 /' ~ <0 /' .;;. o 0.5 1.0 r---..... - _- SCALE IN MILES Central Contra Costa Sanitary District N "" i:i> o co 0> 7 CD u.J ..... ..0 N CATHODIC M-6 FORCE MAIN PROTECTION SYSTEM REHABILITATION DISTRICT PROJECT 6117 PROJECT LOCATION ATTACHMENT 1 ATT ACHMENT 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District SUMMARY OF BIDS PROJECT NO.: 6117 DATE: FEBRUARY 18.1998 PROJECTS NAME: M6 FORCE MAIN CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM REHABILITATION LOCATION: MARTINEZ, CALIFORNIA ENGINEER EST.: $ 75.000 No BIDDER BID PRICE (Name & address) 1 American Construction 1038 Redwood Highway, Suite 2 $67,898 Mill Valley, CA 94941 2 CorrPro Companies, Inc. 31909 Hayman Street $72,800 TT . rA Q4"i44 BIDS OPENED BY /s/ Ken Laverty DATE February 18.1998 SHEET NO...L OF L. ATTACHMENT 3 M6 FORCE MAIN CATHODIC PROTECTION SYSTEM DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6117 POST -BIDIPRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Percent of Estimated Construction Item Description Total Cost 1 CONSTRUCTION Construction Contract $67,898 Contingency at 15% $10,102 Total Construction $78,000 100.00 2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT District Forces -Construction Management $2,500 -Record Drawings $ 500 Sub-Total $3,000 3.84 Consultant -Construction inspection and support-NPG $8,000 Engineering -Start-up services- V &A Consulting Engineers $1,000 Sub- Total $9,000 11.54 Total Construction Management $12,000 15.38 3 TOT AL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST $90,000 115.38 4 TOTAL PREBID EXPENDITURES $15,000 19.23 5 TOT AL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $105,000 134.61 6 FUNDS AUTHORIZED TO DATE $25,000 7 ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO $80,000 COMPLETE PROJECT ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS Page 1 of 8 BOARD MEETING OF NO. March 5, 1998 8. ENGINEERING a. February 26, 1998 TYPE OF ACTION CONSIDER PROPOSAL DATE SUBJECT CONSIDER THE FORMATION OF A CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR PROPERTIES ON ALHAMBRA WAY IN MARTINEZ SUBMITTED BY Curtis W. Swanson, Principal Engineer INITIATING DEPT/DIV Engineering Department/Infrastructure Division J.S.S.Uf: Owners of properties on Alhambra Way in Martinez are interested in connecting their homes to the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) sewer system and have requested formation of a Contractual Assessment District to finance the extension of the public sewer system. Board approval is required for a Contractual Assessment District. BACKGROUND: Property owners whose properties are located on Alhambra Way in Martinez have contacted District staff to obtain information regarding connecting their homes to the District's public sewer system. The four interested owners have written letters requesting that a Contractual Assessment District (C.AD.) be formed. Copies of the letters are attached. There are a total of five properties on Alhambra Way that could benefit from the extension of an 8-inch diameter public sewer along Alhambra Way. The four owners who are interested in connecting their homes have contacted the fifth owner to determine if there is an interest in extending the sewer. The fifth owner (4571 Alhambra Way) has not yet decided whether or not to participate in a C.AD. The addresses of the properties of the four interested owners are 4550, 4555, 4561, and 4570 Alhambra Way. If a public sewer were extended to serve these four properties, the property at 4571 Alhambra Way would also be provided service. Such a public sewer extension is shown on the attached map. One criterion for formation of a C.AD. is that all properties to be served by the sewer improvement are to be included within the C.A.D. Thus, if a C.AD. were formed for the four properties whose owners are interested in sewer service, the fifth property (4571 Alhambra Way) would be included within the boundary of the C.A.D. If a C.A.D. were formed, the distribution of costs would be as follows assuming a $60,000 total project cost estimate and excluding any interest component to simplify the example. The four interested owners would each assume initial assessments of $15,000. When the fifth owner connected, a $12,000 repayment charge would be collected from the fifth owner. The $12,000 would be divided by four, and $3,000 would be returned to each of the four original owners. The end result would be that each owner's total assessment would be the same -- $12,000. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION INITIATING DEPARTM7~ _ 1/4/ DNS JSM H:\DESIGN\SWANSON\Alhambra Way CAD 3\ProposaI.PP.wpd 9/16/96 DATE February 26, 1998 Page 2 of 8 SUBJECT CONSIDER THE FORMATION OF A CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT FOR PROPERTIES ON ALHAMBRA WAY IN MARTINEZ At a number of Board meetings during 1997, the Board discussed C.A.D.s and concluded that the following criteria will be applicable. . The minimum number of properties needed to form a Contractual Assessment District will be five. . The payback period of the owner's assessments will be a maximum of ten years. . All costs are to be paid by the owners. (Participants pay nonparticipants' shares.) . Repayment charges will be established if there are nonparticipating owners. The period for repayment charges will be 30 years. . The interest rate for owner's assessments and equalization charges will be 1 percent above the interest received by CCCSD on long-term investments. . A minimum of 70 percent of the properties to be sewered must have existing homes. A C.A.D. which might be formed, including the properties at 4550, 4555, 4561, 4570, and 4571 Alhambra Way, would meet all of the above criteria. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize formation of a C.A.D. consisting of five properties to be formed on Alhambra Way in Martinez. H:\DESIGN\SWANSON\Alhambra Way CAD 3\ProposaI.PP.wpd 9/16/96 .:t c '" "C o 1; E o .c; <5 ./ Q. o E U> U> '" U> U> o -;;; >- U> <5 " ./ '" Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ...... ...... ...... ...... ...... ~*"'.",. \~1 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ , ;~;~l .....'"".~ ....- .",..",.' \ ."....."; ;,.",. \ .,,- ....,; \ .",.- ,,' \ "".-,,- "".."."". \ .",,*"'" .",.."."". \ "",,"" .",.,,,,,. \ ,-"", ""..-.' \ ,.....;' ............ ~r... - ...... ....~1 ~~ ~<Q~~ ~\-0~ ~ z--..-.. o 100 ~--- FEET 200 I o .... ~ PROPOSED BOUNDARY OF ALHAMBRA WAY CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT 00 0> S!! cO w "- .;, N ~ R (~ I? ~ Vi l~ \ ' n is l J ,.J - - .... , u r'.' -,-." ".-- -" \; '\ L~.\ \ JAM 2 ~ ~.j L.J' " I 1,_- - ~'R'Y"TU1'{t \ (~~ .,~..~~.~-~:~:- January 17, 1998 Mr. Curtis Swanson Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553 RE: Request consideration to form a Contractual Assessment District for 5 parcels on Alhambra Way Dear Curt: Per your request during our meeting with you on January 7, 1998 we are expressing oUr interest in forming a Contractual Assessment District. As you know through out our many conversations and our involvement in spearheading this meeting with our neighbors in presenting the C.A.D., our situation is of urgency as our septic system has a fiUling drainfield in which the Health Department will not issue a permit for any work as we are 240ft from a sewer main. The serious financial hardship this will create for us as a sole bearer of the total cost is frigbtenmg, as we may have to consider selling our home after installing and hooking up to the main sewer. For us to try and finance a second mortgage for $40,000 for 15 years at 91/2% we are looking at a payment of about $417.00 a month. It is our hope that our neighbors who attended the meeting will be interested in forming the C.A.D. as it would also be in their best interest financially to participate now. We have recalculated the estimated costs for installing the 8" main with a numbers in the low to high range and have distributed it to our neighbors. We have enclosed a copy for your review. Please keep us infonned in regards to the responses or lack of from the neighbors and if we any assist any further please call. Sincerely, \ rM/ ~ d1 Bill Adamo and Diane Ainsworth Adamo 4555 Alhambra Way Martinez, CA 94553 ~ 228-1954 Home or 547-6890 Diane work ~: ~~~~~ . .~ ;{-.dr: ~/19~ CA-kJd: / . 9 <fsS"~ L( .&7 (:) . :. -' .' ~jI';':.. tjG~.::' ~:T::':::~ io:'t .-': :;;:-~~~: "'.,.1 February 1, 1998 r........--_..._.-..._.-~ ::..--", ',:;-- ..;:;-----::.___....-_u~_ . ('~' D I" l' 1'\ I.., r,J I ;~ \ I~ l;~ ~ ~,I !~S _~ . ~. ". ':t I.. 't "OJ .t..J ". : Iii) ~L, '-".. : ~ ,~,~--~ "~'-'-'l 'I' ' Ilru FED I 01998 I ~y ~ L"--. __~u_J , LCC~D INFRASTRUCTURE t Mr. Curtis W. Swanson Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, Ca~ 94553-4392 Re: Alhambra Way - Contractual Assessment District Dear Mr. Swanson, This letter is meant to be an indication of interest in supporting a shared tax bond, for the installation of a main sewer line, among the property owners on Alhambra Way. We are interested in pursuing the possibility of this project, and it's costs. However, we want to make clear, the fact that we have not made a final decision. Therefore, we do not want to be obligated to proceed until we have the final figures, and possible implications for future re-sale. At this time, we feel it make sense to share in the cost of the main , and running a capped line onto our property. We have two issues that we are addressing at this time: 1. Our proximity to the existing main line. 2. Our desire to sell within the next year. We would be interested in a second meeting with the parties supporting this project, so that we can get a clearer idea of the financial responsibilities for each family. Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Brent & Leanne Alexander 4571 Alhambra Way Martinez, Ca. 94553 510-229-4285 -~~ / February 3, 1998 Mr. Curtis Swanson Principle Engineer Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, Ca 94553 f(~~L.~-'-~_]r n ,lj lli 'r":\. , J: --'""~.""" -----_ n.. i ~ <:" '. -I' it ~ .' ; i Ii ~ .: " i! ,; Ii I FEB' 0 1998 ! Ill. ! . II I . ! ,} Ii ,,00'. ~I.-Il ; : I " . - .. "-- -'".'- ".. - -. ....J . ...~-.it lr,"--,-' ....-r.r:.-. , .0 :j.;.-({I-\~I(\UCTURE I --------- ~ RE: Request consideration to form a Contractual Assessment District for Alhambra Way Dear Curtis, We are confirming our desire to form a Contractual Assessment District for the western end of Alhambra Way. The presentation made by you, along with Bill and Diane Adamos' immediate septic system problems have made us aware that hooking up to the sewer line would be in our and the environments' best interest. The cost of this project is considerable, and to have to pay this amount in one payment would be impossible for us. Sharing the cost for this project evenly with participants seems fair. We support a tax bond to get this project completed. Please approve this tax bond so that this much needed improvement can be made. Sincerely, ~(}~ Brian and Suzanne" Francois 4561 Alhambra Way Martinez, Ca 94553 ---- FEB 0S '98 15:49 FR CCNJERSANO AND ASSOC 5105473807 TO 16178641064 P.02/02 February 5, 1998 --.\ rh ~~--~ n.Jl.J.J'~\j \~~[~~~j~\ ....~Cc.D INFRASTRUCTURE J ,,-,f..,.., '-" L_ Mr. Cwtis Swanson Central Contra Costa Sanitary District 5019 Imhoff Place Martinez, CA 94553.4392 RE: Contractual Assessment District for 5 parcels on Alhambra Way Dear Curt, I am writing this letter on behalf of Wayne Ruga of 4550 Alhambra Way. Per his phone conversation with my husband Bill Adamo on Feb 4, 1998 Wayne would like to participate in the C.A.D. for the main sewer line and said that he would be paying cash Cor'his portion of the assessment. S~4~ ~e Ainsworth Adame for Wayne Ruga Wayne Ruga Phone/fax 617-864-1064 ---- ;t - ...... ...... ..... ..... ...... ~."...,.,. \~7 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ .....~l .. ,..."",,';.;,( ",'" .,-,-'" \ *"" ."....... \ .",.,; *"","'" \ .".' ...,"" \ ...,;' .""....-- \ ."".*' ..,....,..- \,' ,-- \ ."..".; ...' \ ,*"" .",.....,-- \ ."...;' ........... \9'" - ..... ....'c1 j o i .. .. .. .. .. o .; .. .. 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BACKGROUND: Two major capital projects over the past five years have necessitated the use of consultants for property rights acquisition: 1) Phases 1, 2, and 3 of the Pleasant Hill Interceptor, and 2) Phase 1 of the South Orinda Project. Associated Right of Way Services, Inc. (ARWS) of Pleasant Hill has done the majority of this work. During this time, the District also engaged other consultants to prepare appraisals and perform easement acquisition tasks. These other firms are Yovino-Young, Inc., Dunn and Associates, and Diaz, Diaz & Boyd, Inc. Work to 1) acquire new property rights for the A-Line Relief Interceptor Project, and 2) refine existing easement rights and acquire rights for transverse pipelines in the former Southern Pacific right of way will be pursued in 1998. A specialty consultant for right-of-way services will be needed for this work. In keeping with the Engineering Department's guidelines for consultant procurement, staff issued a Request for Proposals to provide professional right-of-way services to the 16 firms listed in Attachment 1. The needed services include preliminary land title work, surveying, preparation of right-of-way maps and descriptions, consultations regarding easement requirements during sewer alignment evaluations, preparation of appraisals, and negotiations with property owners to acquire easements. Proposals were received from eight of these firms, and each of the eight firms were interviewed. REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION f!/~ VJr) 'U"iruG'[) RAB JSM H:\PP\ARWSI.JSM.wpd 9/16/96 DATE February 26, 1998 Page 2 of 3 SUBJECT AUTHORIZE THE GENERAL MANAGER-CHIEF ENGINEER TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH ASSOCIATED RIGHT OF WAY SERVICES, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL RIGHT-OF-WAY SERVICES RELATED TO THE A-LINE RELIEF INTERCEPTOR, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 8156 Staff considered the qualifications and cost proposals of the firms and has concluded that ARWS has the best qualifications and capability to furnish the professional services for easement work related to the A-line Relief Interceptor and the former Southern Pacific right of way. In addition, substantial right-of-way work will be needed over the next few years for the Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer Project, Phase 2 of the South Orinda Project, and other smaller projects. Other consultants who were interviewed may be selected in the future to provide services on these additional projects. The work associated with the A-line Relief Interceptor has been divided into three components. The first component includes initial research, development of an acquisition plan, production of a preliminary schedule, preparation and review of preliminary title reports, ownership/deed research, property line investigation, and initial contact with some owners. The second component would include coordinating and completing legal descriptions, right-of-way plats, and survey work as necessary and conducting research of existing rights of way and pipelines. The third component would include preparation of appraisals, negotiations/acquisition, escrow work, and title work. The refinement and acquisition work for the former Southern Pacific right of way will be done in conjunction with the A-line work as a major portion of the A-line is located in the former Southern Pacific right of way. Staff has negotiated an agreement with ARWS to provide professional right-of-way services for the first component of work for the A-line Relief Interceptor/Southern Pacific right of way. The amount of the agreement is $35,000. The value of this agreement when added to previous ARWS agreements will exceed the amount previously approved by the Board by more than $50,000. Hence, Board authorization is needed. The environmental effects of the property rights acquisition actions associated with this agreement were addressed in the Pleasant Hill/A-Line Sewer Overflow Protection Project Environmental Impact Report certified by the Board of Directors on October 2, 1991. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the General Manager-Chief Engineer to execute an agreement with Associated Right of Way Services, Inc. to provide professional right-of-way services for the A-line Relief Interceptor, District Project No. 8156. Page 3 of 3 ATTACHMENT 1 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS WERE SENT TO THE FOLLOWING FIRMS Ashley Chapman & DeVoe Hayward Associated Right of Way Services, Inc. * Pleasant Hill Roland H. Burchard & Associates * Walnut Creek Crossroads R/W Pleasanton Diaz, Diaz, & Boyd, Inc. * Pleasanton Dunn & Associates * Walnut Creek David Evans and Associates, Inc. San Ramon Frank A. Filice Pinole Earl Gray Pleasant Hill Darwin G. Pichetto & Associates Martinez Paul A. Rowan Antioch Suzanne Sullivan * Martinez Universal Field Services, Inc. * Concord Alfred L. Watts & Associates* Alameda Dan Yee Richmond Yovino-Young, Inc. * Berkeley * Proposal Submitted