HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 01-07-99 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 7, 1999 No.: 3. i. CONSENT CALENDAR Date: December 21, 1998 Type of Action: ACCEPT ANNEXATION FOR PROCESSING Subject: AUTHORIZATION FOR P.A. 99-1 (ALAMO) TO BE INCLUDED IN A FUTURE FORMAL ANNEXATION TO THE DISTRICT Submitted By: Dennis Hall, Associate Engineer Initiating Dept./Div. : Engineering Dept./Environmental Services Division DH 1//11 ? JSM ~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD AC IDtV GM-CE Parcel Owners/ Address Lead No. Area Parcel No. & Acreage Remarks Agency 99-1 Alamo Martin Tait Property owner wants to CCCSD (77A7) P.O. Box 1023 build one single family Alamo, CA 94507 home on site. Project is 201-030-009 (1.26 AC.) exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize P.A. 99-1 to be included in a future formal annexation. U:\PPr\Auth.PA 99-1.PP.wpd Page 1 of 2 , ~ II) ~ i o !!::. g z < r: m ~ o ti ti WAYNE ---~_....-----~ .. J, B ~ o z :E < o * O.COBB 15422 O.R. 762 OJ ~ ~ RIDENER · 12772 O.R. 751 P.A.97-6 APPROVED 6-5-97 P.A. 98-2 APPROVED 2-19-98 PROPOSED ANNEXATION P.A.99-1 Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 7, 1999 No.: 3.j. CONSENT CALENDAR Date: December 23, 1998 Type of Action: ADOPT REVISED STANDARD Subject: ADOPT REVISED PURCHASING AND MATERIALS STANDARD S-013, BIDS, TO REFLECT THE NEW BID LIMIT OF $15,000 PER SENATE BILL 1860 Submitted By: Ken F. Laverty, C.P.M., Purchasing and Materials Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD AC'l>m !;?L- /0L,~,. ~ KFL PM KA Initiating Dept./Div. : Administrative/Purchasing and Materials A- GM-CE ISSUE: Board of Directors approval is required to adopt the revised CCCSD Purchasing and Materials Standard, S-013, BIDS which will increase the District's bid limit to $15,000 as approved by Senate Bill 1860. BACKGROUND: Since 1985, the Public Contracts Code, Section 20803 has required the District to do a publically advertised bid "when the expenditure required for a district project exceeds ten thousand dollars ($10,000), it shall be contracted for and let to the lowest responsible bidder after notice". On January 1, 1999, Senate Bill 1860 will become effective which revises Public Contract Code Section 20803 to increase the bid limit to $15,000 for sanitary districts. Purchasing has revised the District Purchasing and Materials Standard, S-013, BIDS to reflect the new bid limit amount of $15,000. Other minor revisions, which have been highlighted, have also been made by Purchasing and the revised Standard is attached. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt revised CCCSD Purchasing and Materials Standard, S-013, BIDS. H:\FORMS\S-013BIDS.wpd Page 1 of 1 3 Approved by: Revision No.: +2 Standard No.: S-013 Effective Date: 10/1/07 Ita/Sa Page 1 of 12 pages CCCSD PURCHASING AND MATERIALS 1 .0 Purpose To provide a Standard concerning the solicitation of competitive bids. 2.0 Scope This Standard applies to all District employees This Standard is to set forth the basic procedures to be followed by the District in regard to competitive bidding of District expenditures. The Standard is not intended to provide an invariable approach to every District purchase or contract. Rather, the Standard must be applied on a case-by-case basis by use of sound judgment tempered by the letter and spirit of this document. Specific exception should be reviewed by Management and Counsel for the District as appropriate. For material and/or services with the estimated price being $1 0,000$1$;QOO or less or not defined as a District project, see Standard S-014, Quotations. 3.0 Responsibilities A. The Purchasing and Materials Officer Manager has the responsibility for maintaining a uniform set of procedures and forms to serve the bid process in accordance with all applicable Codes and Laws. Consideration should include the need for mechanisms for supplier notification, bid analysis and summary, bonds, bidder mailing list applications, competitive invitations, instructions to bidders, policy statement of bid award, power-of-attorney forms, and sealed bid requirements. B. Technical specifications are the responsibility of the originating department and are provided to Purchasing by the department specifying the minimum technical criteria, including the delivery schedule, that the goods or service must meet. C. The Buyers or other authorized personnel are responsible for obtaining bids on all material and/or services covered under this Standard for both estimating purposes and purchases. S :\ADMIN\PU RCHAS E\BidsStandard. wpd Page 2 of 13 4.0 General Although the precise application of the legal requirements to a sanitary district may be subject to some interpretation, the purposes of the competitive bidding statutes and this Standard are to guard against favoritism and corruption and to obtain the best economic result for the public. A. $1 0,000~1p,QOQ Limit: The competitive bidding standards set forth herein apply when the expenditure for a "District Project" exceeds ten fif~~E:lg thousand dollars ($10,000) ($1qjQQQl. In such cases, the expenditure shall be contracted for and let, using the formal competitive bidding procedures set forth herein, to the lowest responsible bidder. B. Bidding Required for "District Project": 1 . Definition of "District Project" Section 20801 of the Public Contract Code defines District Project as "any construction, reconstruction, alteration, enlargement, renewal, or replacement of sewer facilities \l\ihjchtheOi$triQti$9(JthQN~~qtQ q@) including, but not limited to, the furnishing of supplies or materials for any such work." 2. Definition of a "Sewer Facility" For the purposes of this Standard, the term "sewer facility" means any plant, building, permanent structure, ground facility, sewer line or appurtenance, pump station or other portion of the collection and treatment works. A sewer facility includes any portion of the above- mentioned, including in-place machinery and electronics. 3. Bidding Required Formal competitive bidding procedures, as set forth herein and in Procedure P-002, shall be required on all District projects when the expenditure will exceed ten ftf'teeh thousand dollars ($10,000) {$J5,QQQ). ............... .---. .,.... 4. Maintenance and/or Repair The definition of "District Project" shall include repairs to District "sewer facilities," but shall not include maintenance work on District S :\ADMIN\PURCHASE\BidsStandard. wpd Page 3 of 13 "sewer facilities." For the purposes of this Standard, a repair shall be a "District Project" when the primary reason for the work undertaken constitutes an improvement to a "sewer facility," or when the work is not of a usual, routine, and recurring nature associated with maintenance and would ordinarily be capitalized under the District policies on capitalization of expenditures. The definition of "maintenance work" shall include all of the following: a. Routine, recurring, or usual work for the preservation or protection of any District-owned or operated facility for its intended purpose; b. Minor repainting; c. Landscape maintenance including mowing, watering, trimming, pruning, planting, replacement of plants, and servicing of irrigation and sprinkler systems; d. Work performed to keep, operate, and maintain the District's sewage collection and treatment system. C. Unit Price Bidding 1 . Definition of "Unit Price Bidding" Unit price bidding refers to letting a contract for purchase of goods or services at a set price over a designated period of time, without specifying the exact amount of goods or services to be purchased. 2. Use of Unit Price Bidding Unit price bidding is an acceptable means of complying with the bidding requirements set forth herein, so long as the initial unit price contract is bid in compliance with the formal provisions of this Standard. Unit price bidding contracts shall generally be for a period not greater than one (1) year. Extensions and renewals of such unit price contracts shall not ordinarily be granted without undertaking a formal competitive bidding process unless the original Bid Request specifically provided for extensions or renewals. S :\ADMIN\PURCHASE\BidsStandard. wpd Page 4 of 13 D. Lease and Rental'of Goods and Authorizations for Services: Lease and rental of goods and authorizations for services is are. not excluded from the formal bidding process merely because there is no purchase. Contract or purchase authorizations for the lease or rental of goods or for services which constitute a "District Project," as defined elsewhere in this Standard, are subject to the same rules in regard to bidding as purchases or other expenditures. Lease or rental costs of equipment or services to be used for a particular "District Project" must be included in the cost of that project when determining whether it meets the monetary limit for formal competitive bidding. In determining the estimated lease or rental cost for a "District Project," the total amount of the entire lease or service period, if fixed, shall be included. In the event the contract is for an undetermined period, then the estimated cost shall be based on the reasonably anticipated length of the required rental or service. Leases, rental contracts, and authorizations for services subject to formal bidding shall not be extended for periods of time for which the total estimated cost of the extension exceeds the ten fifteen thousand dollar (~1 0,000) ($15,:000J limit amount, without adherence to the formal competitive bidding process. Provisions for potential extensions may be included in the initial Bid Request in order to eliminate the necessity of a formal competitive bid for subsequent extensions or renewals. Nothing in this section should be read to limit the exceptions provided in Provision 5.0. E. Segmenting of District Projects into Multiple Units: A District Project may not be split, divided, or separated into small work orders or projects or segmented into separate phases for the purpose of evading the competitive bidding requirements of this Standard. However, nothing herein shall prevent District undertakings from being divided into manageable units which are otherwise appropriate and advantageous to the carrying on of District operations. The issue of whether formal competitive bidding is required must be incidental and unrelated to the discretion used in determining the scope, phasing, or segmenting of any District undertaking. The granting of extensions on District unit price bidding contracts and on rentals or leases cannot be intentionally phased so as to permit a series of extensions, which individually are ten fifteen thousand dollars ($10,000) ($lEhQOQ) or less and cumulatively are in excess of that amount, in order to S :\ADMIN\PURCH AS E\BidsStandard. wpd Page 5 of 13 avoid a need for formal competitive bidding of the contract or lease extension. F. Use of District Force Account Labor: 1. District Force Account Labor Defined District Force Account Labor shall be defined as work undertaken by District employees, rather than by an independent contractor or employees of an independent contractor. 2. District Projects Where District Force Account Labor May Be Used. District Force Account Labor may be used on a District project as defined in Provision 4.0 B. of this Standard under any of the following circumstances: a. In the case where the anticipated expenditure is ten fifteen thousand dollars ($10,000) {$15,OOOJ or less as calculated in Provision FA.a.; or b. In the case where the anticipated number of hours required to be expended by District employees does not exceed four hundred (400) hours as set forth in Provision FA.b.; or c. In the case of an emergency due to the failure or threat of failure of any sewer collection or treatment facility or portion thereof; or d. In the case of an emergency due to damage to a District- owned building or other District-owned property, for work and remedial measures which are required immediately, when such emergency is occasioned by an act of God including, but not limited to, damage by storm, flood, fire, or earthquake; or e. In the case of "maintenance" of District property; or f. In the case where a District Project has been awarded to an independent contractor, however, portions of the work to be performed required interfacing with District personnel including, but not limited to, circumstances including: il Safety system il,terties Joterlaqes; S:\ADMIN\PURCHASE\BidsStandard. wpd Page 6 of 13 ii) Instrumentation, electrical, or control intel ties int~H()q~i$ ; iii) Significant or sophisticated interfacing required with existing operating systems; iv) Circumstances where District personnel have specialized expertise required to efficiently complete the work; or g. At any time after approval of plans, specifications, and estimates of costs, under the conditions set forth in Provision F.3. of this Standard; or h. In the case of unique circumstances where it is in the best interest of the District to have District employees undertake the work as set forth in Provision F.4. of this Standard. 3. Use of District force Account Labor After Bid Specifications are Prepared If the General Manager /Chief engineer or his/her designee, at any time after the approval of plans, specifications, and estimates of cost, deems the advertising or awarding of a contract, the acceptance of a bid or the acceptance of any further bids after the rejection of all submitted bids, is not in the best interests of the District, District forces may be used to undertake the project. Where plans and specifications have been prepared for a District Project for formal bid, and subsequently, the District elects to perform the work with District Force Account labor, the District shall perform the work in accordance with the same plans and specifications. Revisions of the plans and specifications may only be made once a justification detailing the specific reasons for the change or changes has been approved by the General Manager /Chief [I,gineer. 4. Determining Eligible Projects for Which District Force Account Labor May Be Used a. For the purpose of this Standard, the cost of a project which may be performed by District Force Account Labor shall be calculated by including direct labor costs (including labor wages, project supervisor wages, and directly attributable S :\ADMIN\PURCH AS E\BidsStandard. wpd Page 7 of 13 -------------------------T--------- overhead), costs of materials and costs of equipment purchased or rented specifically for the project. General administrative overhead, use charges for District-owned equipment and materials previously purchased by competitive bidding may be excluded from the project cost for purposes of this provision. Engineering and administration costs which would not have been included in the construction contract if it had been let by competitive bidding may also be excluded. b. Alternatively, a District Project may be undertaken by District Force Account Labor whenever the total number of hours expended by District employees on the project does not exceed four hundred (400) hours. This alternative may be used under circumstances where the equipment to be used is District property or has otherwise been acquired in accordance with this Standard and where the materials have been previously purchased through a formal competitive bid. G. Change Orders: 1. Change orders made subsequent to the execution of a contract originally subject to the competitive bidding procedures may be negotiated without complying with the formal competitive bidding process when the amount of the change order or request for extra work does not exceed ten fifteen thousand dollars ($10,000) {$lp,()QQ), or under any of the following circumstances: a. When the change order relates to an increase in the amount of units on a unit price bid and the potential of such increase should have been reasonably known to the prospective bidders on the original contract; b. When the change order is due to a change of circumstances or physical conditions not specifically taken into account in the District specifications, and the change order work is incidental to the carrying out of the original scope of work; c. Where the change order relates to work reasonably within the general scope of work in the original contract; however, the necessity of such extra work only becomes know to the District, for whatever reason, after the execution of the original contract and the impossibility or impracticality of contracting with a different contractor, not party to the S :\ADMI N\PURCH AS E\BidsStandard. wpd Page 8 of 13 original contract, would make competitive bidding of such extra work impractical and not in the public's interest; d. Where the original contract and/or the specifications therefor contain provisions for the potential performance of such extra work and furnishing of materials therefor by the contractor as the District may require for the proper completion or construction of the whole or that which was originally contemplated. 2. Notwithstanding the Standards set forth above (G.1.), where the extra cost to the District for the change order exceeds ten fift~~n thousand dollars ($10,000) Mlq,PQOI but is less than t~r1pgrq~Q~ (10%) of the original contract, and is less than fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), such change order shall require approval of the General Manager /Chief [I,gineer upon advice of District Counsel. 3. Notwithstanding the Standards set forth above (G.1.), where the extra cost to the District for the change order or addition of work exceeds fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), regardless of percentage, such a change order shall require Board approval. H. Preference for Materials District personnel shall not draft, or cause to be drafted, specifications for bids in connection with the construction, alteration, or repair of public works in such a manner as to limit the bidding, directly or indirectly, to anyone specific concern unless the specification lists at least two brands or trade names of comparable quality or utility and is followed by the words "or equal" so that bidders may furnish any equal material, product, thing, or service. In those cases involving a unique or novel product application required to be used in the public's interest, or where only one brand or trade name is known to the District, it may list only one. The requestor that specifies a preference for a specific material shall substantiate the need and justification of the preference. Specifications shall provide a period of time of at least thirty-five (35) days after award of the contract for submission of data substantiating a request for a substitution of an "or equal" item. The restriction of this provision shall be subject to the exceptions as may be applicable set forth in Provisions 5.0. exceptions of this Standard. I. Prequalification, Evaluation Bidding, and other Alternative Bidding Procedures. S:\ADMIN\PURCHASE\BidsStandard. wpd Page 9 of 13 The District may devise and use a system to ease the administrative burden of determining the responsiveness of bidders to specifications on significant equipment purchases. A prequalification procedure may be used which would provide for advertisement of the pre qualification proceedings similar to the advertising required for formal competitive bidding. The prequalification procedure shall require the preparation of an informational qualification package which shall be delivered to each potential bidder responding to the advertisement or otherwise known to the District. Prequalification submittals may be required from the responding potential bidders and such submittals shall be evaluated by staff and/or District consultants for the purpose of determining whether or not each of the responding potential bidders may be a al$PQn$j\l~/responsible bidder. This initial determination shall be based on the District's specifications set forth in the District's informational qualification package. The District's initial determination during this prequalification process that a prospective bidder is a responsible bidder shall not be an irrevocable determination binding the District during subsequent procurement procedures. The District may also devise and use such other systems as may be available at law that may serve to ease the administrative burden of determining the responsiveness of bidders and/or the suitability of products for District use. These systems may include, but are not limited to, forms of evaluative bidding and bidding based on estimated life cycle costs of the goods sought. 5.0 Exceptions Specific circumstances may make formal competitive bidding impractical and to the detriment of the District as well as the public's interest. Accordingly, certain District expenditures do not require formal competitive bidding and the circumstances which do not require formal competitive bidding are set forth hereunder: A. Professional and Special Services The District Board or its designated representative may contract with and employ persons for the furnishing of special services and advice in fields such as finance, economics, accounting, engineering, law, and administration, providing such persons are specially trained and experienced and competent to perform the special services required. This exception does not apply to contracts for services of a more technical nature which involve little professional judgment. S:\ADMIN\PURCHASE\BidsStandard. wpd Page 10 of 13 .-.....---.---------........-..-...---r---- B. Unique Goods or Single Source Supplier Expenditures for a unique item with a sole (single) supplier do not require formal competitive bidding. In order for an item to be recognized as unique goods, there must be no equivalent product available. The unique status must be based on material differences in the function and usefulness of the product. When the product or service required, based on its unique character, is only available through a single or sole source or manufacturer, a negotiated purchase may be made from that sole source without formal competitive bidding. Instances may occur when appropriately drawn specifications will require purchase from a single source or manufacturer. District specifications shall not be drawn so narrowly as to intentionally favor one manufacturer, unless a sound technical/engineering basis exists therefor. Specifications should be drawn to provide assurance of maximum functionality for the District, without regard to preference for trade name or proprietary products or processes. Maximum functionality shall include, but not be limited to, life cycle costs, maintenance, longevity, ease of operation,e)(p~th~6ce, and reliability. Specifications shall also be drawn to provide for maximum compatibility with existing District equipment and operations and to attempt to provide superior performance in a particular application. neasol,able requiren lent~ regarding COllin ,ercial tel n I~ and experience n la y be included in the ~pecifictioll~. C. Trade Name Item Matching Existing Items Formal competitive bidding is not required for an expenditure for a purchase of a brand name item available through a sole source where the brand name is necessary due to the project goods being designed to match other goods already in use or already purchased in the course of completion of a District project. D. Purchase of Unique Component or Replacement Part Expenditures for the purpose of a component or replacement part for a product which is already in use and for which there is no adequate substitute does not require formal competitive bidding, provided the product is only available through a sole source. S:\ADMIN\PURCHASE\BidsStandard. wpd Page 11 of 13 --------------------------------------------------------------.---.-.-------------- --------1------------ E. Purchase for Field Testing Expenditures for the purchase of a particular material or service which has been designated by the Board of Directors as a purchase for experimental purposes or for trial use of the specific product do not require application of the formal competitive bidding procedures. F. Purchase of Used Items The expenditure for purchase of a used item, which due to its used status, is unique, does not require formal competitive bidding. An informal purchase policy may be followed for acquisition of a unique used item where the cost savings of the used purchase proves advantageous or where the particular item is subject to prior sale. G. Emergency Expenditures Contracts or other expenditures for goods and services which are made under emergency circumstances where the public's interest and necessity demand immediate expenditures to safeguard life, health, or property, do not require formal competitive bidding. The District Board must pass a resolution by a four-fifths (4/5thl vote declaring that an emergency exists to eliminate the necessity for competitively bidding such emergency contracts or purchases under circumstances where such purchases or contracts would otherwise require competitive bidding. H. Public Utility Services Purchases of public utility services, such as telephone, water, gas, and electricity, do not require formal competitive bidding. I. Purchases From or In Conjunction with Another Agency Purchases made from another public agency or made in conjunction with another public agency pursuant to the laws providing for cooperative purchase do not require formal competitive bidding. J. Purchases and Leases of Real Property The law generally regards parcels of real property as unique, and, therefore, the formal bidding procedures set forth in this Standard would normally not apply. Sales and leases of District property are controlled by specific statutory procedures which are not addressed in this Standard. Advice of S :\ADMIN\PURCHASE\BidsStandard. wpd Page 12 of 13 -----------1----- District Counsel should be sought in regard to both acquisitions and sales of real property. K. Best Interest of District Under exceptional factual circumstances where the competitive bidding process works an incongruity and is unavailing as affecting the final result, or where the competitive bidding process does not produce any advantage, or where it is practically impossible to obtain what is required by observing such formality, competitive bidding is not required. 6.0 Award The following factors will be considered in reviewing bids and awarding purchase orders and contracts: · Prices . Bidder's previous record of performance and service . Delivery . Responsiveness of bidder's submittal in regards to specifications and terms and conditions The District Boardinit$qi:$qr~JiQn may reject any bids presented and readvertise. If two or more bids are the same and the lowest, the District Board may accept the one it chooses. If no bids are received, the District Board may have the project done without further complying with the public bidding procedure. The District Board reserves the right to waive any non-material irregularities in any bid. It is required that the District's terms and conditions of purchase and/or contracts, as stated in the bid request, are adhered to. Any exception, unless an alternate is specifically allowed for, -is rTlClybe grounds for rejection of a bid as being nonresponsive. If the District staff evaluator determines that the best interests of the District are served by recommending t()th~piSJrictBOClrcJ that the lowest bid be declared nonresponsive, the staff evaluator must obtain the appropriate District Management concurrence. This concurrence will only be given after review by District Counsel. S :\ADMIN\PURCHASE\BidsStandard. wpd Page 13 of 13 Central Contra Costa Sdnitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 7, 1999 Date: December 14, 1998 No.: 3. k. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: AUTHORIZE ATTENDANCE Subj8ct: AUTHORIZE THE ATTENDANCE OF STEVEN CONSIDINE, PUMPING STATIONS SUPERINTENDENT, AT THE FEBRUARY 24-26, 1999, SEMINAR TITLED "THE EFFECTIVE OPERATION, MAINTENANCE, AND MANAGEMENT OF WASTEWATER PUMP STATIONS," IN LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, AT A COST OF $1,200 Submitted By: John C. Pearl, Maintenance Division Manager REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Initiating Dept./Div. : Plant Operations Department fJ Jet ~ ~ GM-CE ISSUE: Specific approval by the Board of Directors is required for travel outside of California or if the expense will exceed $500 and was not included in the current year Operations and Maintenance Budget. BACKGROUND: Steven Considine is the newly appointed Pumping Stations Superintendent. This seminar, presented by the College of Engineering of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, presents practical information on all the major aspects of operating, maintaining, and managing wastewater pumping stations. This training will support the District's goal of effectively and reliably operating our 21 remote facilities. The District has significant exposure at these sites, and correct operation is imperative. This session will also provide knowledge and ideas to utilize in our continuous improvement efforts. There are sufficient funds for this seminar in the Plant Operations Department 1998-99 Technical Training, Conferences, and Meetings Budget. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the attendance of Steven Considine, Pumping Stations Superintendent, at "The Effective Operation, Maintenance, and Management of Wastewater Pump Stations," seminar in Las Vegas, Nevada, at a cost of $1,200. S:\Correspondence\POSPAPR\ 1 998-99\Considine.pp. wpd Page 1 of 1 ___~_____'_' _._.~_..,'_._,.__....~._>._,_._,.~___.,-----.._____..__.~_..__,___.._~.______,_"___.__.___,.______"_.m~___'."~."",,__.~._~m'_""_~~__~""'__~_.._____ Central Contra Costa S~. titary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 7, 1 999 Date: December 18, 1998 No.: 3. 1. CONSENT CAL ENDAR Type of Action: DENY CLAIMS Subject: DENY CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BY H. L. AND PAMELA CENTER, 19 LOST VALLEY DRIVE, ORINDA Submitted By: David J. Clovis, Safety & Risk Manager Initiating Dept./Div. : Administrative/Safety & Risk Management REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ~ GM-CE ISSUE: H. L. and Pamela Center filed a claim against the District for property damage, undue stress, and physical and emotional duress arising out of land movement. Claim denials require action by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: A claim form was presented to the District by H. L. and Pamela Center dated November 27, 1998. The claim alleges that the District sewer pipe in the rear yard of their home has caused concrete sinking, pool sinking and has caused stress cracks in their home. The claim alleges that the damage has occurred as a result of District negligence in the design, construction and maintenance of the sewer line. The claim further alleges that the damage has also caused undue stress and physical and emotional duress. The claim seeks damages in excess of $10,000. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the claim by H. L. and Pamela Center for property damages, undue stress, physical and emotional duress. Refer to staff for further action as required. H:\ WPWIN\LEGAL \Claims\CENTER.PP. wpd Page 1 of 1 __~ ._____..__._.__.____._,._.~__..,._.__...,_,.__._"'.___~___..,_. ,.,...__......_.....__..___._.M._...._., _"_______..,_~._,,._^____..____~_._.___ ._,,__...._._ ....___'.m....._._~___".___"._ ,...--- 1-7-99 TO: Mr. President Joyce Murphy Sanitary Board Members My name is Pam Center I live at 19 Lost Valley Drive Orinda, CA. I am addressing all of you in regards to the letter dated Jan. 4, 1999. I am here to discuss the issues regarding my Fathers and my property concerning the Central Sanitary districts sewer pipe line and easement located in our backyard,.based on the results of the T.V. line done on our property November 4, 1998. We were given the results of the T.V. Line on November 30, 1998. ({k\\.o NcX.5'::'. '~'1~) The statements made in the letter indicated that there are cracks in the sewer pipe line on 19 Lost Valley drive as well as my neighbors at 17 and 11. I would like to know your definition of major/minor cracks, and how the cracks affect the sewer pipe line. You have stated that some work will be done on 17 and 11 How about correcting on my property. Which you refer to as MINOR cracks. I have spoken with Mr. Clovis on various occassions and have asked him for records or documents of the maintance of the sewer pipe line. He states he does not know. I am asking you for the answer. I have lived in this area, and was raised atthis home and do not recall any contact with the Central Sanitary District regarding this sewer pipeline. How would all of us~~own about the cracks if we, the homeowners did not request the T.V. Line to be done on our properties. At this time I am requesting in this letter a copy of the Video ~ttte T.V. line for my property 19 Lost Valley Drive as well as the results of the T.V. Line from 25 Lost Valley Drive to cover the 6 homes on this said sewer pipeline, as well as asoil test on my property. We would like to know how long this sewer pipeline is damaged with major/minor cracks and think that this damage is a direct relation to the maintance of the sewer pipeline~ which in fact has caused the damages to my Father and my property as well as our neighbors. If in fact you so choose to deny my claim please specify why with factual documentations. Thank you for your time. Kindly" M- /.....-). _, .. " ~I . ({ '1""-" I I ( .;"- f I .'\ ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager Chief Engineer KENTON L. ALM Counsel for the District (510) 938-1430 JOYCE E. MURPHY Secretary of the District January 14, 1999 Ms. Pam Center 19 Lost Valley Drive Orinda, CA 94563 RE: Requests for information Dear Ms. Center: District Staff is in the process of locating and reproducing the documents that are in our possession with regards to your request for production of documents. We are attempting to complete the search and have all documents available for you by January 22, 1999. I will contact you the week of January 18th to advise you on the status and cost for the record reproduction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 229-7390. Sinc~ yours, / J' . ~Lfv ~' /David 1. Clovis Safety & Risk Manager cc: J. Murphy @ Recycled Paper HOB Central Contra Costa S~. litary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 7, 1999 No.: 3.m. CONSENT CALENDAR Date: December 18, 1998 Type of Action: DENY CLAIMS Subject: DENY CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BY JOAN LINDROTH, 11 LOST VALLEY DRIVE, ORINDA Submitted By: David J. Clovis, Safety & Risk Manager Initiating Dept./Div. : Administrative/Safety & Risk Management REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ~ DJ ~ GM-CE ISSUE: Joan Lindroth filed a claim against the District for property damage, undue stress, and physical and emotional duress arising out of land movement. Claim denials require action by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: A claim form was presented to the District by Joan Lindroth dated November 25, 1998. The claim alleges that the District sewer pipe and manhole in the rear of her home have caused a sinkhole which is approximately 55' semicircle by 9' deep. The claim alleges that the damage occurred in February of 1998. The claim further alleges that the damage has caused undue stress and physical and emotional duress. The claim seeks damages in excess of $10,000. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the claim by Joan Lindroth for property damages, undue stress, physical and emotional duress. Refer to staff for further action as required. H:\ WPWIN\LEGAL \Claims\Lindroth denial. wpd Page 1 of 1 -_._.._~~._--".-._--_._-_._------_..__._-,.._._._~.._',-~._._._------ ~ '1//1Qcr if ; ~ <.~ ~J '1od~ c01 /Y(!(uxJJeL 17/ J198 . t).JII.uLJ..9 ~ C( c s D 15.~ IAMit~1 ~ Y)(,( . 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QrlnJ.V) c A '{ \fS" 3 1- OJ ').. 5'- "y, ~ ~ 32. 2.- 8 ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ROGER J. DOLAN General Manager Chief Engineer KENTON L. ALM Counsel for the District (510) 938-1430 JOYCE E. MURPHY Secretary of the District January 14, 1999 Ms Joan Lindroth 11 Lost Valley Drive Orinda, CA 94563 RE: Requests for information Dear Ms. Lindroth: District Staff is in the process of locating and reproducing the documents that are in our possession with regards to your request for production of documents. We are attempting to complete the search and have all documents available for you by January 22, 1999. I will contact you the week of January 18th to advise you on the status and cost for the record reproduction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 229-7390. . ~nlY yours, ~4Jv: q~ David J, Clovis Safety & Risk Manager cc: J. Murphy @ Recycled Paper HOB Central Contra Costa S",. .itary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 7, 1999 No.: 3. n. CONSENT CALENDAR Date: December 18, 1998 Type of Action: DENY CLAIMS Subject: DENY CLAIM FOR DAMAGES BY KATHLEEN B. PETERSEN, 17 LOST VALLEY DRIVE, ORINDA Submitted By: David J. Clovis, Safety & Risk Manager Initiating Dept./Div. : Administrative/Safety & Risk Management vPL GM-CE ISSUE: Kathleen B. Petersen filed a claim against the District for property damage, undue stress, and physical and emotional duress arising out of land movement. Claim denials require action by the Board of Directors. BACKGROUND: A claim form was presented to the District by Kathleen B. Petersen dated November 27, 1998. The claim alleges that the District sewer pipe in the rear yard of her home has caused concrete sinking, pool sinking and has caused stress cracks in her home. The claim alleges that the damage has occurred as a result of District negligence in the design, construction and maintenance of the sewer line. The claim further alleges that the damage has also caused undue stress and physical and emotional duress. The claim seeks damages in excess of $10,000. RECOMMENDATION: Deny the claim by Kathleen B. Petersen for property damages, undue stress, physical and emotional duress. Refer to staff for further action as required. H: \ WPWI N\LEGAL \Claims\PETERSEN. PP. wpd Page 1 of 1 ___~._........_..._,___,_~..__._~_.______.__._._____'__~_._.._""___,_,._ __..____.^......~__ _.,..___..______u_.,.'. ___,'_'___'__ JANUARY 7, 1999 MR. PRESIDENT JOYCE MURPHY SANITARY BOARD MEMBERS I AM HERE TODAY EXPRESSING MY CONCERN ABOUT C.C.S.D. 'S SEWER PIPELINE AND EASEMENT THAT RUNS ACROSS MY BACK YARD. MY PROPERTY IS SINKING IN THE SAME LOCATION WHERE THE SANITARY DISTRICT SEWER PIPELINE AND EASEMENT ARE LOCATED. A T.V. LINE WAS DONE ON NOVEMBER 4, 1998 TO DETERMINE IF THERE WERE ANY CRACKS OR LEAKS IN THIS PIPE- LINE. THE REPORT CAME BACK THAT THERE ARE CRACKS IN THE C.C.S.D.'S PIPELINE. I WANT TO KNOW WHEN THE LAST TIME THIS PIPELINE WAS MAINTAINED? I WOULD LIKE THIS INFORMAT- ION AS WELL AS THE VIDEO TAPE OF THE SEWER LINE FROM 25 LOST VALLEY DRIVE DOWN TO 11 LOST VALLEY DRIVE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. THANK YOU, (~~~,?~ ~ -KiTHLEEN B. PETERSEN 17 LOST VALLEY DRIVE ORINDA, CA. 94563 (925) 376-0723 -_.,--~_._-_._".._-~._,_._----~-------"------_..,-~,.._-----~~-,.,~-,._,_._.- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District :1I1El Imhoff I'lace,l\lctrlinez, LilltOn1ld l)45S:l-4392 (:1111) :nS-9:i1l1l · F.\X: (:1]111 li,I)-,211 ROGER J, DOLAN General Manager Chief Engineer KENTON L. ALM Counsel for the District (510) 938-1430 JOYCE E. MURPHY Secretary of the District January 14, 1999 Ms. Kathleen B. Petersen 17 Lost Valley Drive Orinda, CA 94563 RE: Requests for information Dear Ms. Petersen: District Staff is in the process of locating and reproducing the documents that are in our possession with regards to your request for production of documents. We are attempting to complete the search and have all documents available for you by January 22, 1999. I will contact you the week of January 18th to advise you on the status and cost for the record reproduction. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 229-7390. ~.:ry~ David J. Clovis Safety & Risk Manager cc: J. Murphy @ Recycled Paper HOB Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 7, 1999 No.: 3.0. CONSENT CALENDAR Date: December 28, 1998 Type of Action: ADOPT RESOLUTION Subject AUTHORIZE SUBMITTAL OF A HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE COLLECTION PROGRAM ENHANCEMENT GRANT APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD Submitted By: Jarred Miyamoto-Mills, Principal Engineer REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD Initiating Dept./Div.: Engineering/Environmental Services *# ISSUE: A resolution is needed to authorize submittal of an application to the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) for a household hazardous waste (HHW) collection program enhancement grant. BACKGROUND: The CIWMB administers a grants program to help local government establish or enhance HHW collection and management programs. This year, in the program's seventh cycle, $3.0 million will be available on a state-wide competitive basis. Each individual jurisdiction may apply for grants up to $120,000. Staff is preparing an application proposing a project to acquire additional bulking, can compacting, and materials handling equipment; expand public education and outreach; enhance HHW collection from small businesses; and fund additional temporary collection events. The application deadline is January 22, 1999. The CIWMB requires a resolution authorizing submittal of an application and designating someone to sign all necessary documents including the application. A draft resolution is attached (Attachment 1). RECOMMENDATION: Adopt the attached resolution authorizing submittal of a HHW collection program enhancement grant application to the CIWMB. T:\Admin\Miyamoto-MiIIs\PP 99 HHW Resolution.wpd Page 1 of 3 Attachment 1 RESOLUTION NO. 99-_ A RESOLUTION OF THE CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF AN APPLICATION TO THE CALIFORNIA INTEGRATED WASTE MANAGEMENT BOARD FOR A LOCAL GOVERNMENT HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE GRANT WHEREAS, the State of California enacted Assembly Bill 1220 (Eastin, 1993) which, in part, provides for a grant program to help local governments establish or expand their household hazardous waste (HHW) collection programs; and WHEREAS, the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) is responsible for administration of the grant program and has developed application procedures and requirements; and WHEREAS, the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (District) intends to submit an application for a grant in the program's seventh cycle to fund a project for enhancement of its ongoing HHW Collection Program, and the deadline for submittal is January 22, 1999; and WHEREAS, if a grant is awarded to the District, it will enter into a contract with the State of California for implementation of the project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District authorizes submittal of an application to the CIWMB for a Local Government HHW Grant - Seventh Cycle, and that the General Manager-Chief Engineer or his designee is authorized and empowered to execute on behalf of the District all applications, contracts, payment requests, agreements and amendments necessary to secure grant funds and to implement and carry out the project proposed in the grant application. Page 2 of 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District on the 7th day of January, 1999, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Members: Members: Members: Joyce Murphy, Secretary Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California APPROVED as to form: Kenton L. Aim, Counsel for the District James A. Nejedly President of the Board of Directors Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California Page 3 of 3 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 7, 1 999 Date: December 23, 1998 No.: 5.a. BIDS AND AWARDS Type of Action: AUTHORIZE AWARD Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO WILLIAM G. McCULLOUGH COMPANY FOR THE PAVEMENT REFURBISHMENT PROJECT, PHASE 2, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6125 Submitted by: James L. Belcher, Senior Engineer Initiating Dept./Div. : Plant Operations Department, Maintenance #~ FbI'" CG ~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: GM-CE ISSUE: On December 18, 1998, sealed bids were received and opened for construction of the Pavement Refurbishment Project, Phase 2, District Project No. 6125. The Board of Directors must authorize award of the contract or reject bids within 30 days of the bid opening. BACKGROUND: The current phase of this project will repair existing and install new paving at four locations in the treatment plant, as shown in Attachment 1. Numerous areas of pavement in the area shown have failed, and other areas are showing signs of severe fatigue. Three of the above areas will have new paving added to improve access to nearby equipment. Plans and specifications were prepared by the Plant Operations Department, and the Purchasing Division developed and issued the formal bid request. The engineer's estimate for the construction cost was $75,000. The project was advertised on December 8 and December 14, 1998. Five bids, ranging from a low of $58,282 to a high of $81,765, were received by the Purchasing Division and publicly opened on December 18, 1998. A summary of these bids is shown in Attachment 2. The Purchasing Division conducted a commercial evaluation, and the Plant Operations Department conducted a technical evaluation of these bids, and it has been determined that William G. McCullough Company is the lowest responsible bidder with a bid amount of $58,282. The allocation of funds required to complete this project, as shown in Attachment 3, is $70,500. The current total estimated project cost is $95,500. This project is included in the Fiscal Year 1998-99 Capital Improvement Budget (CIB) on pages TP-69 through TP-70. Staff has conducted a cash flow evaluation of the Sewer Construction Fund and S:\Correspondence\POSPAPR\ 1998-99\6125.pp.wpd Page 1 of 5 POSITION PAPER Date: December 23, 1 998 Subject: AUTHORIZE AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO FOR PAVEMENT REFURBISHMENT - PHASE 2 PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6125 concluded that adequate funds are available for this project. Staff has also concluded that this project is exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under District CEQA Guidelines, Section 18.2, since it involves minor alterations to existing sewage facilities with no increase in capacity. Board of Directors' approval of this project will constitute an independent finding that this project is exempt from CEQA. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize award of a construction contract in the amount of $51,282 for the construction of the Pavement Refurbishment Project, Phase 2, District Project No. 6125, to William G. McCullough Company, the lowest responsible bidder. S:\Correspondence\POSPAPR\ 1998-99\6125.pp. wpd Page 2 of 5 _.._----_._-------------_._--~_._~------".._-~.,..~-----""",---,"-~-~--'---'"-'-'-"-'-'---"'-------'---' / II II II II II II II MAIN GATE o c: C7> ~ "0 "" N <0 ..- .., '" "e ..- "" N <0 ..- " o Q. ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ;1 II II II II II II II II (,7 II II II II II ;I II ;I II II I I PROJECT SITES PAVEMENT REFURBISHMENT PHASE II DISTRICT PROJECT 6125 PROJECT LOCATION ATTACHMENT :2 co o co en S!l oU c:w "'0 > , 0- ~N 1 Page 3 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ATTACHMENT 2 SUMMARY OF BIDS Project: PAVEMENT REFURBISHMENT PHASE 2 PROJECT DP No. 6125 Date: December 18. 1998 Location: Martinez. California Engr. Est. $75.000 1 William G. McCullough Co. $58,281.51 PO Box 2119 Antioch, CA 94531 2 B & B Grading and Paving $73,185 2490 Vista Del Monte Concord, CA 94520 3 Bruce Carone Grading and Paving, Inc. $76,950 5060 Commercial Circle, Suite F Concord, CA 94520 4 NRA Construction Company, Inc. $77,250 1061 Sonoma Blvd. Vallejo, CA 94590 5 MCE Corporation $81,765 6515 Trinity Court Dublin, CA 94568 Bids Opened by:/s/ Joyce Murphy Date: December 18. 1998 Sheet No. 1 of 1 H:\SWG\PAVE_2\SUMBIDRA.WPD 3/23/98 Page 4 of 5 ATTACHMENT 3 PAVEMENT REFURBISHMENT - PHASE 2 DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 6125 POST -BID/PRECONSTRUCTION ESTIMATE Percent of Estimated Construction Item Description Total Cost 1 CONSTRUCTION Construction Contract $58,282 Contingency at 15% $11,718 Total Construction $70,000 100.00 2 CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT $15,500 22.14 3 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION PHASE COST $85,500 122.14 4 TOTAL PREBID EXPENDITURES $10,000 14.28 5 TOT AL ESTIMATED PROJECT COST $95,500 136.42 6 FUNDS AUTHORaED TO DATE $25,000 7 ADDITIONAL ALLOCATION NEEDED TO $70,500 COMPLETE PROJECT Page 5 of 5 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Date: December 21, 1998 No.: 6.a. ITEMS HELD OVER FROM PREVIOUS BOARD MEETINGS Type of Action: APPROVE POLICY Board Meeting Date: January 7, 1999 Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A POLICY REGARDING THE FORMATION OF CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS Submitted By: Jay S. McCoy Environmental Services Div. Manager Initiating Dept./Div. : Engineering Department/Environmental Services Division 1.r1/f;,y / JSM ~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: GM-CE ISSUE: The process to develop definitions, criteria and procedures for Contractual Assessment Districts has progressed to a point where it is appropriate to establish District policy. BACKGROUND: The financing mechanism known as Contractual Assessment Districts (CAD) was first used by the District in October 1996 with the formation of the Gary Way CAD. Thus far, two CADs have been completed and five more are in various stages of preparation. Over the past two years, staff and the Board of Directors have discussed the rules applicable to the formation of CADs. These rules have been termed "CAD Criteria" and are actually a combination of definitions, criteria, and procedures which together constitute policy. Staff recommended policy for Contractual Assessment Districts is attached in the form of a resolution for discussion and adoption. Discussion at the Board meeting on November 19 centered around a cap which might be placed on funds made available for CAD projects. Based on that discussion staff proposes a budget of $1,000,000 be established for this fiscal year and each of the next two fiscal years to address the issue of a cap. Proposed language has been added to the draft resolution on page 8 reflecting the concept of a budget. After the November 19 Board meeting, staff discussed the CAD program with James Copeland of Brown and Wood, bond counsel. The result of that discussion is the deletion from the policy of the "due on sale" provision. It was determined that the "due on sale" provision would impose substantial complications. The "due on sale" section shows as stricken on pages 10 and 11 of the draft resolution. Also, clarifications have been made on pages 13 and 14 related to current owners being eligible for proceeds from collection of reimbursement fees. Page \ of 1 6 U:\PPr\Raposa\Adopt CAD Procedures.pp.2.wpd POSITION PAPER Date: December 21, 1998 Subject: ADOPT A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A POLICY REGARDING THE FORMATION OF CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICTS Mr. Copeland reviewed the CAD policy and his letter is attached. Relating to the CAD program, Mr. Copeland states "this financing device presents a legally appropriate means of achieving the District's purpose." Staff is seeking final Board input on the draft resolution. Once the resolution containing the policy is adopted, subsequent CADs will not be termed "demonstration projects." The District Code will be amended to incorporate the policy by a future Board action. RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution establishing a policy regarding the formation of Contractual Assessment Districts. Page 2 of 1 6 U :\PPr\Raposa\Adopt CAD Procedures.pp.2. wpd Page 3 of 16 RESOLUTION NO. RESOLUTION ADOPTING CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT POLICY WHEREAS, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District has, over the last several years, identified a prevalent sanitation issue occurring within the District's Service Area, that of the need to replace residential septic systems by connection to the District system; and WHEREAS, this sanitation issue is increasing in importance as a result of the failure of existing septic systems due to age and the increased densification of the Service Area; and WHEREAS, in order to replace failing septic systems with connections to the public sewers, extension of existing public sewer mains is frequently required; and WHEREAS, the cost and complexity of undertaking a sewer main extension may prevent a single homeowner from to connecting to the public sewer system thus perpetuating an ongoing health and environmental problem; and WHEREAS, public policy, as well as legal and fiscal constraints, limit the ability of the District to build or extend local street sewers to serve individual or small groups of existing homes; and WHEREAS, the use of small assessment districts can provide the structure and financial assistance required to encourage neighbors to jointly undertake projects to provide sewer service to their properties; and U :\Admin\McCoy\cadresol.doc Page 4 of16 WHEREAS, the District has made use of the provisions of the Streets and Highways Code Section 5898, et seq. in order to create small Contractual Assessment Districts, on a demonstration basis, in order to provide for assessment financing of main extensions for failing septic systems. NOW, THEREFORE, the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District adopts the Contractual Assessment District Policy Statement, attached as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. The Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District further finds that this policy shall remain in effect until such further order of the Board; however, the adoption of this policy does not create any vested right or entitlement to any parcel owners within the District's sphere of influence concerning eligibility for this program, nor shall the District be precluded from modifying or terminating this program at any time it deems appropriate. U :\Admin\McCoy\cadreso1.doc Page 5 of 16 PASSED AND ADOPTED this _ day of , 1998 by the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District by the following votes: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: James A. Nejedly President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Joyce E. Murphy Secretary, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa State of California APPROVED AS TO FORM: Kenton L. Aim, District Counsel U :\Admin\McCoy\cadresol.doc EXHIBIT A Page 6 of 16 CONTRACTUAL ASSESSMENT DISTRICT POLICY STATEMENT Definitions . A Contractual Assessment District (CAD) is a legal entity established pursuant to Streets and Highways Code Chapter 5898 for the purpose of financing the construction of sewers in residential areas currently being served by septic tanks. . Participants are owners of properties tributary to proposed facilities who voluntarily agree to enter into a CAD contract. . Participant Parcels are those parcels to be served by the proposed facilities owned by Participants at the time of the CAD formation. . Non-participants Parcels are properties which could directly connect to proposed facilities that are not initially connected to and assessed for the sewer improvements. . CAD Non-participant Reimbursement Fees are fees collected from Non- participant Parcel owners at the time of connection to reimburse current owners for the Non-participant Parcel's share of the cost of sewer improvements installed under the CAD. U:\Admin\McCoy\CAD Definitions.wpd Page 7 of 1 6 Criteria for Formation . There must be at least five properties directly tributary to the proposed facilities in order to form a CAD. . A minimum of 60 percent of the properties directly tributary to the proposed sewer shall have existing homes served by septic tank systems. . The District's decision as to whether to form a CAD will be determined on a case by case basis and is at the sole discretion of the Board of Directors. The Board will consider technical, economic, staffing, budget, and other factors in its decision whether to proceed to form a CAD. Process . Small groups of property owners maybe eligible for a CAD if (i) they occupy houses served by septic tanks, and (ii) they seek a sewer main extension to provide for connection to the District system. District staff will work with the owners to explain the CAD process. If sufficient property owners and the District remain interested in proceeding with a CAD, an Engineer's Report estimating project costs and assessment levels will be prepared by the District in accordance with state law. Following an affirmative vote by the Participants, the Participants enter into a written contract with the District which describes the responsibilities P:\PUBLlC\ENVIRONM\CADDEFIN. WPD Page 8 of 1 6 of the parties, the work, and the provisions for payments. . Participants are required by the contract to hire an engineer to prepare plans designing the sewer work. . The District will undertake the procedural requirements to form the CAD, and will review the plans for compliance with District standards, finance the work, and establish the assessments. . . Participants are required by the contract to hire a contractor and to supervise the performance of the contractor for the construction of the private work. The District has no contractual relationship with the contractor. P:\PUBLlC\ENVIRO NM\CADDEFIN. WPD Page 9 of 1 6 . The District will accept the work if the work is done in accordance with District standards. Payments and Assessments . Each participant shall have the option to pay for their share of the CAD expenses after the work is completed by lump sum cash payment or by contractually subjecting their property to an assessment for their share of the work. Regardless of the option chosen, Participants pay all costs of the sewer main extension and other appurtenant facilities required to bring service to the Participants' Parcels. The existence, or non-existence of potential Non-participant connectors shall not affect the obligation of the Participants to pay for all costs associated with the project. . The term (payback period) for the Participant's assessment shall be ten years. The interest rate shall be fixed when the contract between the Participants and the District is signed for the District by the General Manager-Chief Engineer. The annual interest rate for assessments shall be 1 percent above the then current average interest rate on CCCSD temporary investments. . The assessments shall be equal for each Participant's Parcel unless otherwise provided for in the contract and documents creating the CAD. If, in the sole judgment of the District, an existing Participant's Parcel can be subdivided, said P:\PUBLlC\ENVIRO NM\CADDEFIN. WPD ~-_._-_._._---_._-~-~------_._._--'~~- ,---~-----,-_._._~.._---- Page 1 0 of 1 6 Parcel may be assigned more than one assessment. . The costs of the work associated with sanitary sewer mains, manholes, rodding inlets and private sewer laterals within a public street or an easement may be included as a cost of the CAD. The CAD may also include costs for other appurtenances within public streets or easements necessary to bring the sewer service to the Participants. The cost of the installation of the private sewer laterals (not within a public street or easement) and the Capital Improvement (connection) or other fees and charges customarily due to the District upon connection to the public sewer shall be specifically excluded from CAD financing. . The CAD assessments will be imposed on each Participant's Parcel and recorded as a lien against the Parcel. The assessment will include the principal and interest and will be collected on the property tax bill as an assessment along with taxes and other assessments and charges on the subject parcel. An assessment will not be placed on a Participant's Parcel for which a lump sum payment was made. . The total outstanding assessment shall be due on the sale of any ,"tJrt;ciptJnt rtJ1C(!f;'. As more specifically set forth in the contract betvveen ,"tJrt)"ciPtJrlts and the District, cert8in exceptions ffl8Y 8pply to the "due on s8le" policy, including, but not limited to, instances of transfers betvv'een multiple ovvners, dissolution transfers and conveyances resulting from devise or descent and distribution. The P:\PUBLlC\ENVIRONM\CADDEFI N. WPD Page 11 of 1 6 amount j:)aid to the District at the time of sale shall include all of the outstanding j:)rinGipal, and the interest accrued to the date of j:)a.j off. CAD Non-participant Reimbursement Fees . CAD Non-participant Reimbursement Fees will be established by the District Board of Directors if District staff determines that there are Non-participant Parcels which could connect to the CAD facility. The District will collect CAD Non-participant Reimbursement Fees for a period of 20 years from the date of the CAD formation. The obligation of a Non-participant Parcel owner to pay a reimbursement fee upon connection to a CAD sewer will expire after the 20 year period. . CAD Non-Participant Reimbursement Fees will be established by the Board after a public hearing when final assessments have been established . . For purposes of calculating the amount of a CAD Non-participant Reimbursement Fee to the applied to a subsequently connecting parcel, a Non-participant Parcel will be treated as a Participant Parcel after the owner of a Non-participant Parcel is connected and pays the appropriate fees. . CAD Non-participant Reimbursement Fees will be calculated by dividing the total CAD cost by the current number of Participants. The number of Participants for P:\PUBLlC\ENVIRONM\CADDEFIN. WPD _ .._,~_..__,_..,_.__,..__~____,_~_.__~________._ _"__,_,__,_~_,_____,,,_,",,__,__,_,~_'_"_"_m__'_ Page 1 2 of 1 6 this purpose shall include the total of the original and subsequent connectors, and the current Non-participant Reimbursement Fee payor. The following example illustrates this calculation process. Assume: Total assessments to be paid = $80,000; there are 4 original Participants, and there are 4 Non-participants. Each of the 4 original Participants assumes a $20,000 assessment. REIMBURSEMENT FEE CALCULATION Non-Participant' Credit to each Net Cost to Connection Fee prior Participant Participants First $80,000 = $16,000 $16,000 = $4,000 $20,000 5 4 - 4,000 $16,000 Second $80,000 = $13,333 $13,333 = $2,667 $16,000 6 5 - 2,667 $13,333 Third $80,000 = $11,429 $11,429 = $1,904 $13,333 7 6 - 1,904 $11,429 Fourth $80,000 = $10,000 $10,000 = $1,429 $11,429 8 7 - 1 ,429 $10,000 , After a Non-participant Parcel owner pays their reimbursement fee, the Non-participant Parcel owner becomes a Participant for the purpose of further reimbursement fee calculations. P:\PUBLlC\ENVIRONM\CADDEFIN. WPD _.__".,.__.~_,_.~..~_.._.__'_~._<_'__.._..___,..__._*__.__.,~__.,..~_______"_^_..."...___..~.___'___'__."_'_"._._,.~__~"._,.._,___.._.,___.__ ._.__. __.___._',_._,__ . _.._.w....,._._._._ Page 1 3 of 1 6 . As non-participating owners connect their homes to the sewer extension, CCCSD staff will collect a CAD Non-participant Reimbursement Fee from each newly connecting Non-participant Parcel owner. Each newly received CAD Non- participant Reimbursement Fee will be divided uniformly among the prior psrticipsting ovvners Those Participants v.vith outstsnding CAD sssessments remsining unpsid NiII hS've their assessffltmt obligstions reduced by their proportionste shsre of the distributed reimbursement ~ Participants ~vhose sssessments hSve been extinguishedi or 1/\/,1'10 msde 8 lump sum pSyment 'nill be eligible to receh,e s prorsts shsre of the reimbursement fee:- It is the responsibility' of rarticipants to keep the District informed of the rtJrticipant's current sddress. The District will forward a notification of available funds and a verification form to 8 Participant .1. at the 11I11 Participant's Isst knov'tn address. Upon receipt of a properly completed verification form by the District, the District will forward a check to the the Participant1s Participant prorata share in the amount of . Participfmt shsll have three (3) yesrs sfter the msiling of the notification to clsim P:\PUBLlC\ENVIRO NM\CADDEFI N. WPD -_....._-----~-~_.--~'"._._._._._--'-,..._-_._-_..~._-_._.._--._--,-_._._..._,,-~"-------_._._~--._-_. .-.,,----------...-----.----- Page 14 of 1 6 his or her prorata share of the reimbursement fee, hOvvever, the The District shall have no affirmative responsibility to locate the Participant or make distribution to a f'art;cipant's estate, or or other potential interest holders. Any proceeds from collections of CAD Non- participant Reimbursement Fees which are held by the District for over three years due to inaction on the part of the f'8rt;cipant the property of the District. will become . If a f'articipant sells their property, the Participant retains the right to proceeds from collections of CAD Non participant fre;mbtJfsement rees. P:\PU BLlC\ENVIRONM\CADDEFIN. WPD B ROW N & WOO 0 LLP Page 15 of 16 555 CALIFORNIA STREET SAN FRANCISCO, CA. 94104-1715 TEL.EPHONE: 415-772-1200 FACSIMIL.E: 415-397-4621 December 10, 1998 Kenton L. AIm, Attorney at Law Sellar, Hazard, Fitzgerald, McNeely, AIm & Manning 1111 Civic Drive, Suite 300 P. O. Box 3510 Walnut Creek, CA 94598 Re: Central Contra Costa County Sanitary District Contractual Assessment District Program Dear Kent: You have asked for our opinion regarding the ability to finance certain sanitary sewer improvements in the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District (the "District") through the contractual assessment district ("C.A.D.") procedure provided in Streets and Highways Code Section 5898. As bond counsel for numerous special assessment financings, we are prepared to comment on the validity and feasibility of the use of a C.A.D. as a means of financing public improvements for the District. Streets and Highways Code Section 5898, which was enacted in 1987, provides an alternative procedure for authorizing assessments to finance public improvements to lots or parcels which are developed and where the costs and time delays involved in creating an assessment district pursuant to the more traditional methods would be prohibitively large relative to the cost of the public improvements to be financed. Assessments may be levied under this C.A.D. procedure only with the free and willing consent of the owner of each lot or parcel on which an assessment is levied at the time the assessment is levied. Based on the assumption that this is the factual situation underlying the District's proposed program of replacing failing septic tanks with public sewer mains financed by a series of C.A.D.s, this financing device presents a legally appropriate means of achieving the District's purpose. As we discussed during our recent meeting, we may be able to recommend modifications or refinements to the C.A.D. program the District is in the process of developing, and we are prepared to discuss these further with you and members of the District's staff if you so desire. SFLlB 1/1070384/4/10988/00001 NEW YORK' LOS ANGELES' WASHINGTON' BEIJING' TOKYO REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE AFFILIATED WITH BROWN & WOOD, A MULTINATIONAL PARTNERSHIP WITH OFFICES IN LONDON AND HONG KONG Kenton L. AIm, Attorney at Law Sellar, Hazard, Fitzgerald, McNeely, AIm & Manning December 10, 1998 Page 2 Page 16 of 16 We trust this has responded to your request. Please contact either Jan Hanson or me, at the phone number set forth above, regarding any questions you may have. JLC:mhd SFUB 1/1070384/4/1 0988/00001/copelanj/December 10, 1998 - 3:41 Central Contra Costa Sa'nitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 7, 1 999 Date: December 29, 1998 No.: 8.a. TREATMENT PLANT Type of Action: AUTHORIZE PURCHASE Subject: AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF A MATCHING REPLACEMENT DIESEL ENGINE FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT STANDBY POWER FACILITY Submitted By: John C. Pearl, Plant Maintenance Division Manager Initiating Dept./Div. : Plant Operations Departmentl Maintenance Division REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: ~cr: JMK KFL KLA t#tf..- 1f&L (Iff ISSUE: Board of Directors' approval is requested for the purchase of a matching replacement diesel engine for the treatment plant's Standby Power Facility. BACKGROUND: On December 22, 1998, one of the two 2,340 horsepower, Detroit Diesel engines that drives a 1.6 megawatt generator at the treatment plant's Standby Power Facility was damaged. The damage was caused by a sudden loss of coolant fluid that resulted from a burst hose. The cause of the burst hose is not known. An assessment of the engine by the local, factory-authorized Detroit Diesel service facility concluded that the engine needs to be replaced or completely rebuilt before it could be operated. As an interim measure to protect the ability of the treatment plant to operate, a large diesel-driven generator has been rented and connected in a standby mode. This generator will be kept until the full capability of the Standby Power Facility is restored. The costs of providing this backup capability are estimated to be about $25,000 a month. The rental generator is needed because the Standby Power Facility is a crucial and integral part of the operation of the District's treatment plant. It is designed to keep the plant on-line when the normal electrical power sources fail. The District's NPDES permit, administered by the local Regional Water Quality Control Board, states that no discharge of untreated effluent is permitted. This facility provides the backup power to assist in meeting that requirement. There are three replacement options. First, a new engine could be purchased and installed. However, this original engine model is no longer manufactured. A new, different engine would require an engineering effort to ensure system and component compatibility. This option was ruled out because of the long lead time and higher costs than other options. Second, the existing engine could be rebuilt on site with new engine S :\Correspondence\POSP APR\ 1998-99\Detroit Diesel. wpd Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Date: December 29, 1998 Subject: AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF A MATCHING REPLACEMENT DIESEL ENGINE FOR THE TREATMENT PLANT STANDBY POWER FACILITY blocks for an approximate cost of $200,000 and would take approximately two months to complete. The third option is the purchase of a complete remanufactured engine that matches the other existing engine in the facility. The approximate installed cost of the remanufactured engine is $160,000 and would take approximately 30 to 40 days to be delivered and installed. The remanufactured engine is approximately 20 percent less expensive than rebuilding the existing engine and has the potential for a 30-day turnaround, a factor to consider when renting a backup generator at approximately $25,000 a month. Based on an evaluation of the options, purchase of the factory-remanufactured engine, which comes with a six-month parts and labor warranty, is recommended. The unit would be assembled in Houston, Texas, and can be installed by the end of January or early February 1999. The local Detroit Diesel service facility would install the remanufactured engine. The estimated total cost for this work, including generator rental and District staff time, is approximately $300,000. Pursuant to the District's purchasing procedures, it is in the "best interest of the District" to immediately replace the failed engine with a like unit, which is a unique used item (remanufactured), as a competitive bidding process would not produce any advantage under these circumstances. The estimated cost for the replacement engine and installation is $160,000. Staff is investigating what insurance coverage, if any, may be applicable, but an initial examination has concluded that there is no coverage to pay for this loss. A forensic analysis will be conducted to determine the cause of the failure, and its findings will be adopted in the installation of the new engine and possible modification of the existing, original engine in an effort to reduce future possibilities of failure. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the purchase and installation of a trade name (Detroit Diesel), remanufactured diesel engine for the District's Standby Power Facility to be purchased without competitive bidding in order to match an existing item, obtain a unique used item, and to avoid the impracticality or impossibility of using the competitive bidding process under these unique circumstances. S :\Correspondence\POSP APR\ 1998-99\Detroit Diesel. wpd Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Date: December 10, 1998 No.: 9.a. HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: APPROVE REORGANIZATION Board Meeting Date: January 7, 1999 Subject: CREATE AND ADD THE POSITIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SUPERVISOR (S-60 $3,406-$4, 118/MONTH), SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN (S-52 $2,819-$3,406/MONTH), AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN (S-48 $2,567-$3,095/MONTH); ADOPT CLASS DESCRIPTIONS; ADOPT RESOLUTION ADDING POSITIONS TO MS/CG BARGAINING UNIT; AUTHORIZE FILLING THE POSITIONS; DELETE ONE ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY, ONE RECORDS AND INFORMATION COORDINATOR 1/11, AND ONE SECRETARY I1II POSITION Submitted By: Joyce E. Murphy Secretary of the District REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: Initiating Dept./Div. : Administrative -r:: ISSUE: Board authorization is required to create new positions, adopt class descriptions, and recruit for vacant positions. The net effect of the proposed action would add no new positions. The class descriptions of several recently vacated or soon to be vacated positions would be changed expanding their scope of activity and changing the bargaining group of one of the positions to Management SupportlConfidential Group (MS/CG). It also authorizes filling the vacancies. The proposed action has been reviewed and approved by the Board Personnel Committee. BACKGROUND: Three distinct types of classifications and functions currently report to the Secretary of the District. These functions are support for Board activities, centralized District-wide records management responsibilities, and secretarial support for the Administrative Department. During the past 15 years these functions have developed and gone through transformations which reflect the changing needs of the District. With the current vacancies in a Secretary 1/11 position and the Records and Information Coordinator 1/11 position and the pending retirement of Administrative Secretary Helen Baumgartner, it is appropriate to again review the staffing levels and functions to ensure that they meet the District's current and anticipated needs. In 1991, the Board formally created the Records and Information Coordinator 1/11 position to perform the ongoing responsibilities of the District's centralized records management program. Until that time, this work was done chiefly by the Secretary of the District with assistance from a consultant, summer students, and temporary employees. While Page 1 of 20 _..._--,---~-_..."."~.._.._.'"._------_._.."...._._-----...----.,- -----~--~--_._- POSITION PAPER Date: December 10, 1998 Subject :CREATE AND ADD THE POSITIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SUPERVISOR (S-60 $3,406-$4,118/MONTH), SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN (S-52 $2,819-$3,406/MONTH), AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN (S-48 $2,567-$3,095/MONTH); ADOPT CLASS DESCRIPTIONS; ADOPT RESOLUTION ADDING POSITIONS TO THE MS/CG BARGAINING UNIT; AUTHORIZE FILLING THE POSITIONS; DELETE ONE ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY, ONE RECORDS AND INFORMATION COORDINATOR 1/11, AND ONE SECRETARY 1/11 POSITION significant progress has been made towards full-scale implementation and ongoing maintenance of a comprehensive District-wide records management program, this workload continues to increase proportionally to the increases in information generated by District activities and information resource needs. In addition, there have been considerable changes in information technology that have direct bearing on the District's records management program which must be considered and implemented as appropriate. The administrative support services for the Administrative Department have also evolved over the past 15 years, going from a centralized secretarial pool of five positions to the current staffing level of three positions. This change has also corresponded to changes in technology. As the District has implemented word processing systems, automated MIS budgeting capability, telephone voice mail, and faster more productive reprographic services, the level of secretarial support staffing previously required in these areas has decreased. Although the workload fluctuates, a minimum level is necessary to staff the functions of switchboard and receptionist duties on the first floor and secretarial and administrative support duties for the Director of Administration and all of the divisions in the Administrative Department. The positions reporting to the Secretary of the District and their functional responsibilities were evaluated. Based on that evaluation and the changes in service needs and technology, it is proposed that the functional responsibilities for Board activities, records management, and administrative support be integrated into the class descriptions for each of the positions reporting to the Secretary of the District and that the work be redistributed. This would create a more cohesive and supportive work group; address the fluctuations in workload of the various positions; provide more flexibility and depth in staffing; and provide job enrichment for the individuals in the positions. Accordingly, the following reorganization is proposed to redistribute the duties: . Adopt a new class description of Administrative Support Technician to replace the vacant Secretary I11I G-45/G-49 ($2,382-$2,872/month to $2,614-$3, 160/month) position, confidentially designate this position, and set the salary range at 5-48 ($2,567-$3,095/month). Page 2 of 20 _.~---~".,--,._~._~.__.__._.__._._-_._--'--------- POSITION PAPER Date: December 10, 1998 Subject :CREATE AND ADD THE POSITIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SUPERVISOR (S-60 $3,406-$4, 118/MONTH), SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN (S-52 $2,819-$3,406/MONTH), AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN (S-48 $2,567-$3,095/MONTH); ADOPT CLASS DESCRIPTIONS; ADOPT RESOLUTION ADDING POSITIONS TO THE MS/CG BARGAINING UNIT; AUTHORIZE FILLING THE POSITIONS; DELETE ONE ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY, ONE RECORDS AND INFORMATION COORDINATOR 1/11, AND ONE SECRETARY 1/11 POSITION . Retitle and revise class description from Records and Information Coordinator I1II S-47 IS-51 ($2,509-$3,019/month to $2,755-$3,324/month) to Senior Administrative Support Technician, and set the salary range at S-52 ($2,819- $ 3 ,406/month). . Adopt a new class description of Administrative Support Supervisor S-60 ($3,406-$4, 118/month) to replace the Administrative Secretary S-60. No change is proposed to the current Administrative Assistant S-56 ($3,019- $3,657/month) position as the functional responsibilities for Board activities, records management, and administrative support are already covered in that class description and the salary range is appropriately set within the proposed salary structure. Likewise, no change is proposed to the remaining Secretary I11I position. The incumbent, Secretary II Mamie Ferguson, would remain in that position staffing the front desk (Receptionist) on the first floor. If in the future that position should become vacant, it will be evaluated and reclassified if appropriate. Due to the confidentiality of some types of District records such as recruiting, medical, and personnel documents and the sensitive nature of the work in this office, it is proposed that the new Administrative Support Technician position be "confidential" as defined by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act, similar to the other positions in this job family. District representatives met with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Employees' Association, Public Employees' Local No. 1 officials and explained the proposed reorganization. The proposal has been reviewed with the Board Personnel Committee. Attached is a chart reflecting the current and proposed organizational structure. Also attached are the proposed class descriptions for the Administrative Support Supervisor, Senior Administrative Support Technician, and Administrative Support Technician positions. Page 3 of 20 .__.~~._.._,._-_._--_._+--_.~--_.,-_._._-- POSITION PAPER Date: December 10, 1998 Subject :CREATE AND ADD THE POSITIONS OF ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SUPERVISOR (S-60 $3,406-$4,118/MONTH), SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN (S-52 $2,819-$3,406/MONTH), AND ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN (S-48 $2,567-$3,095/MONTH); ADOPT CLASS DESCRIPTIONS; ADOPT RESOLUTION ADDING POSITIONS TO THE MS/CG BARGAINING UNIT; AUTHORIZE FILLING THE POSITIONS; DELETE ONE ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY, ONE RECORDS AND INFORMATION COORDINATOR 1/11, AND ONE SECRETARY 1/11 POSITION RECOMMENDATION: 1. Create and add the new class description of Administrative Support Technician, adopt the class description, adopt a resolution confidentially designating the position, and set the salary range at S-48 ($2,567-$3,095/month). Delete the vacant Secretary 1/11 position. 2. Create and add the position of Senior Administrative Support Technician, adopt the class description, adopt a resolution confidentially designating the position, and set salary range at S-52 ($2,819-$3,406/month). Delete the vacant position and class description of Records and Information Coordinator 1/11. 3. Create and add the new position of Administrative Support Supervisor, adopt the class description, adopt a resolution confidentially designating the position, and set the salary range at S-60 ($3,406-$4,118/month). Delete the Administrative Secretary position when it becomes vacant following the retirement of the Administrative Secretary. 4. Authorize filling the vacant Administrative Support Technician and Senior Administrative Support Technician positions, and authorize filling the Administrative Support Supervisor position to allow training by the current Administrative Secretary prior to her pending retirement. Page 4 of 20 CI) ~ ::::s .... u ::::s ~ ..., en -c CI) tn o C- O ~ c.. CI) ~ ::::s ..., (.) ::::s ~ ..., en ..., c:: CI) ~ ~ ::::s o c:: . . _ .l:: E 0 ::::: "'O~ >, en <(- N .... -.;to .... Ll') CO .... 0 I .Q U) - Ll') 0.. Q.) -.;to C 0.. .... 0 C) Q.) :::l Q.) U)U) U) II .-J - t:: o .... 0..0 g. .!:!2 U) c: C> I_ . Q.) CO .~ 0.. U) ~~ <( I '0(3 >"- (ij~ ~i:S OQ.) Q.).l:: U)- - - .... o o..C 0.. CO :::l.0 co U).c -.;to .~ -5 U) E~ "'0 <( ~ 1 en en ..... <( ~ '';::; CO ~ Ll') - U) .!:!2 .~ E 1"'0 1<( - - >, - .... co - Q.) .... - - 0 ::::: Q.) C> U) CO >, en .~ U) .... -.;to .s I E ~ Ll') -.;to "'0 0 C) <( Q.) U) 1 I 1 - ~ ot) en en >;- <( (ij~ CO .~ ~i:S (Y) ~ ~ CO OQ.) LO Q.).l:: - U) U)- .!:!2 .~ E "'0 <( d= - -- I c- - .... ~.9 T""" en co Ll') I "'0 .s r--.. ...."'0 -.;to o .... U) o 0 Q.) 0 a:U I Page 5 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Range: Respirator Class: 1/8/99 S-60 3 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT SUPERVISOR DEFINITION Perform a variety of complex and confidential secretarial and administrative duties for the Administrative Department; assist in the preparation and monitoring of the division budget; manage the clerical support functions of the department; oversee and operate the District's records management program; maintain the District records center; prepare special reports and projects as assigned. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This class is distinguished by the confidential work that is performed as defined by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act. It is distinguished from other advanced level clerical positions by its handling of confidential records and from the other records managemenUclerical positions within the Department by its supervisory function. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive direction from the Secretary of the District. Exercise general supervision over subordinate administrative support positions within the division and functional supervision over administrative support positions within the clerical support system as appropriate. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Supervise and perform a variety of complex and confidential secretarial and administrative duties for the Administrative Department, the Director of Administration. and other department managers. Manage the administrative support function of the Administrative department; ensure that work is handled on a priority basis and completed in a timely manner; check work for accuracy, correct English usage. completeness, and compliance with instructions. Maintain and update District records management program, including review and modification of records inventory system, classification and indexing system. retention schedules. and storage and retrieval processes; and maintain and update District Records Management Manual on periodic basis. Page 6 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Administrative Support Supervisor (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Advise departments regarding operations, specifications and costs for various record maintenance systems, methods, equipment, and supplies, including micrographics and electronic storage. Oversee operation of and advise management regarding needs of the Records Center and libraries, including space requirements, shelving, methods of records access, and other needs as appropriate. Conduct periodic training of employees regarding records management policies and procedures. Use computer applications for retrieval and storage of records. Oversee District micrographics and electronic storage program, including determination of appropriate applications, recommendation relative to vendor selection, and quality control. Identify and ensure the protection of vital and archival records through off-site storage and appropriate micrographics applications and electronic storage. Assist in preparation of budget for division. Participate and assist in the administration of a department; handle general personnel, payroll, purchasing, mail distribution, and budget duties. Act as a receptionist; screen calls and visitors and refer inquiries as appropriate; respond to complaints and requests for information based upon District policies and procedures. Maintain appointment calendars and schedule meetings. Type and/or transcribe a variety of confidential and non-confidential written material from handwritten copy and/or Dictaphone; operate word processing equipment. Compose memos, reports, and other correspondence as requested. Research, compile, and analyze data for special projects and various reports including findings and recommendations. Supervise, train, and evaluate subordinates. Page 7 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Administrative Support Supervisor (Continued) ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Attend and take minutes of specified meetings in shorthand, speed writing, or by recorder; transcribe notes and draft in accurate and appropriate format; attend and take minutes of Board Meetings as needed in the absence of the Secretary of the District. Perform related duties as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledae of: Principles and practices of records management. Methods and practices of training various staff and user groups. Principles, practices, and techniques of supervision. Vital, active, inactive, and archival records identification and protection procedures. Pertinent local, State, and Federal laws, ordinances and rules. Micrographics and electronic storage applications. Computer-aided indexing and retrieval systems. English usage, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Modern office methods, procedures, and equipment including word processing equipment. Budgeting techniques. Principles and practices of work safety. Abilitv to: On a continuous basis, know and understand all aspects of the job; observe, identify, and problem solve records management/administrative support operations and procedures; understand, interpret, and explain department policies and procedures. Intermittently analyze documents related to division operations such as a budget, reports and special projects. Page 8 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Administrative Support Supervisor (Continued) Abilitv to: Sit at desk and in meetings, and/or stand at counter for long periods of time on a continuous basis. Intermittently stand, walk, bend, squat, climb, kneel, and twist while pushing/pulling hand truck, movingllifting storage boxes or placing/retrieving files from cabinets or storage boxes; intermittently twist to reach office equipment; use telephone, write or use keyboard to communicate thr()ugh written means, perform simple grasping; lift or carry weight of 40 pounds or less and handle boxes of files on ladders at heights up to 15 feet. Identify records management issues and gather and analyze pertinent information; prepare alternatives and recommendations. Prepare expenditure estimates in support of budget recommendations. Analyze records space needs. Use computer-aided indexing and retrieval systems. Understand the organization and operation of the District and of outside agencies as necessary to assume assigned responsibilities. Plan, organize, and manage the records management/clerical support function of the department to which assigned. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Work cooperatively with other departments, outside agencies, and the public; interpret and apply departmental policies, procedures, and rules. Type and/or transcribe from handwritten copy and/or Dictaphone at a speed necessary for adequate job performance. Train and supervise assigned personnel; train user staff in records management policies and procedures. Maintain attention to detail and produce accurate work while coordinating several concurrent assignments. Work independently and make effective judgements in the absence of the supervisor. Page 9 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Administrative Support Supervisor (Continued) EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Five years of directly related and increasingly responsible administrative and records management experience, including implementation of a records management program, micrographics and electronic storage work, and records center administration; two of which include supervisory responsibilities. Education: Equivalent to the completion of two years of business college or community college with course work in library science, records management, or a related field. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Possession of a valid California Driver's License. Page 10 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Range: Respirator Class: 1/8/99 5-52 3 SENIOR ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN DEFINITION Operate computerized District-wide Records Management System; operate and maintain all components of the Records Management Program including creation, transfer, storage, retrieval, preservation, and disposal of records in accordance with approved standards and procedures; assist with general administrative details of the Office of the Secretary of the District performing complex and confidential secretarial duties; perform a wide variety of general administrative and secretarial duties within the Administrative Department; provide information externally and internally regarding District policies and/or procedures; perform telephone/receptionist duties including following established procedures to operate telephone console and related equipment depending upon assignment. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS Positions in this class are generally familiar with the specific and relevant policies and procedures unique to the District's Administrative Support Division and Records Management Program. This class is distinguished by the confidential work that is performed as defined by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive supervision and direction from supervisory or management personnel. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to the following: Perform ongoing duties such as the classifying and coding of records materials, and assist clerical staff with complex problems in the daily operation of the Records Management programs. Operate computer software and hardware systems and relevant security; identify and correct problems; work with hardware and software suppliers on maintenance of system; design reports and databases for efficient operation. Maintain logs, filing, archives, official records library, and other record-keeping systems used by the District. Page 11 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Senior Administrative Support Technician (Continued) ESSENTIAL FUNCTIONS Operate and maintain the Records Center, including the receipt, storage, retrieval, and disposition of records. Administer and perform records searches and retrievals for litigation. Classify and catalog new library acquisitions and monitor collection development. Prepare periodic updating of the records retention and disposition schedule for review by the Secretary of the District; monitor adherence to the schedule. Monitor record programs for efficiency and adherence to approved procedures, schedules, and guidelines. Participate in the identification and implementation of system upgrades. Monitor and coordinate micrographics and electronic storage procedures. Respond to questions regarding District policies, procedures, and practices ensuring the appropriate distribution and release of information on employer/employee relations designated as confidential. Serve as a resource for all matters related to records procedures. Assist in developing the vital records program, and monitor the protection of the District's vital records. Edit, type, and/or proof a variety of documents including reports, memoranda, letters, contracts, and purchase orders. Act as a receptionist; provide information, externally and internally, regarding District policies and/or procedures; refer inquiries as appropriate. When assigned to Reception. operate standard multi-extension telephone system, receive and screen calls, and direct calls or notify appropriate personnel as necessary. Perform related duties as required. Page 12 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Senior Administrative Support Technician (Continued) MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledae of: Use and operation of microcomputers including database software. Principles and practices of computer database systems. Computer hardware and software related to District Records Management Programs. Understanding of database languages and office methods, procedures, and equipment. Comprehensive knowledge of the records systems for which responsible, including experience and/or training in records and information systems. Research, statistics, filing, indexing, and cross-referencing methods. Thorough knowledge of retention schedules, indexing systems, and records management procedures. When assigned to Reception, the operation of a multi-extension telephone console. English usage, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Abilitv to: Continuously identify and match record types to schedules; know records sciences, and understand and be familiar with records management. Intermittently remember protocols used when indexing items and explain records management system to departments. Sit at desk for long periods of time when conducting data entry and retrieval; write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means; visually identify placement of individual file folders and records; perform simple and power grasping, pushing, pulling, and fine manipulation; reach above and below shoulder in performance of duties; use telephone; lift or carry weight of 40 pounds or less and handle boxes of files on ladders at heights up to 15 feet. Effectively use, operate, and maintain the District's computerized Records Management systems. Train personnel in the basic operation of the computer system, providing records management expertise and guidance to other users throughout the organization. Page 13 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Senior Administrative Support Technician (Continued) Abilitv to: Work effectively under pressure with frequent interruptions. Perform assigned duties with independence, using established policies, procedures, and guidelines. When assigned to Reception, memorize and retain a large variety of telephone numbers, names, and locations. Work cooperatively with other departments, agencies, and the public. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Four years of increasingly responsible records management experience. Education: Equivalent to the completion of two years of advanced education with course work in library science, records management, or a related field. Page 14 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Range: Respirator Class: 1/8/99 S-48 3 ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT TECHNICIAN DEFINITION Operate and maintain components of the Records Management Program including creation, storage, retrieval, and disposition of records in accordance with approved standards and procedures; assist with general administrative details of the department performing confidential secretarial duties; perform a wide variety of general clerical duties within a department or the centralized administrative support system, depending upon assignment; provide information externally and internally regarding District policies and/or procedures; perform telephone/receptionist duties including following established procedures to operate telephone console and related equipment depending upon assignment. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS Positions in this class are generally familiar with the specific and relevant policies and procedures unique to the District's Administrative Support Division and Records Management Program. This class is distinguished by the confidential work that is performed as defined by the Meyers-Milias-Brown Act. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive supervision and direction from supervisory or management personnel. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Perform ongoing duties such as the classifying and coding of records materials, and assist clerical staff with complex problems in the daily operation of the Records Management Program. Maintain logs, filing, archives, official records library, and other record-keeping systems used by the District. Maintain the Inactive Records Center, including the receipt, storage, retrieval, and disposition of records. Classify and catalog new library acquisitions. Page 15 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Administrative Support Technician (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Edit, type, and/or proof a variety of documents including reports, memoranda, letters, contracts, and purchase orders. Act as a receptionist; provide information, externally and internally, regarding District policies and/or procedures; refer inquiries as appropriate. Perform a wide variety of general records management and clerical duties including filing, copying materials, handling phones, and ordering office supplies and materials. When assigned to Reception, operate standard multi-extension telephone system, receive and screen calls, and direct calls or notify appropriate personnel as necessary. Operate a variety of office machines including word processing equipment, fax machines, and photocopy machines. Receive, sort, and distribute incoming and outgoing correspondence. Assume responsibility for inputting data on data processing terminal. Perform related duties as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledae of: English usage, spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Modern office methods, procedures, and equipment including word processing equipment. When assigned to Reception, the operation of a multi-extension telephone console. Principles and practices of computer database systems. District's organization, functions, and procedures. Page 16 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Administrative Support Technician (Continued) Abilitv to: On a continuous basis identify and match record types to schedules; identify written and verbal information and direct to appropriate source, problem solve scheduling and office procedure questions, understand and explain office and department policies and procedures. Intermittently analyze word processing documents, compose correspondence, and interpret requests for information. Sit at a desk for long periods of time on a continuous basis. Intermittently twist to reach equipment surrounding desk; use telephone; write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means; lift or carry weight of 40 pounds or less and handle boxes of files on ladders at heights up to 15 feet. Perform general records management/clerical duties; understand and carry out oral and written directions. Type from handwritten copy at a speed necessary for adequate job performance. Communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. When assigned to Reception, memorize and retain a large variety of telephone numbers, names, and locations. Enter information into and retrieve information from a computer. Learn the operation of the District's Records Management, Board Records, library, and related systems. Learn District's organization, functions, and procedures. Work cooperatively with other departments, outside agencies, and the public. Interpret and apply District policies, procedures, and rules. Effectively use, operate, and maintain the District's computerized Records Management systems. Transcribe from dictaphone equipment as required by the position. Page 17 of 20 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Administrative Support Technician (Continued) EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: One year of experience in a records management/clerical capacity. Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Possession of a valid California Driver's License. Page 18 of 20 RESOLUTION NO. 99- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL POSITIONS TO BE MEMBERS OF THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT/CONFIDENTIAL GROUP REPRESENTATION UNIT WHEREAS, in accordance with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code, those staff positions to be included in the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit of the District shall be so designated by resolution of the Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that in addition to those employees holding positions currently designated as members of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit, the employees holding the positions under the following listed "Additional Member Position Classification", should also be members of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit: Additional Member Position Classification: Administrative Support Supervisor Senior Administrative Support Technician Administrative Support Technician NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does, by this resolution, establish that the employees holding the positions under the hereinabove listed Additional Member Position Classification shall from January 8, 1999 become members of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit of the District. Page 19 of 20 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 1999 by the following vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Counsel for the District Page 20 of 20 -_.~-_._.,~--_.~--~"~<-_.._.~------'-_._,.,-----_.,- Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: January 7, 1999 No.: 9. b. HUMAN RESOURCES Date: December 21, 1998 Type of Action: ADOPT CHANGES TO MATERIALS STAFFING AND CLASS DESCRIPTIONS Subject CREATE AND ADD POSITION OF MATERIALS SERVICES SUPERVISOR (S-72- $4534-$5489); ADOPT RESOLUTION MODIFYING MS/CG BARGAINING UNIT; ADOPT CHANGES TO CLASS DESCRIPTIONS FOR MATERIALS COORDINATORS 1111 AND III Submitted BY. Initiating DeptJDiv.: Paul Morsen, Director of Administration Administrative/Human Resources f/;;/;E; PM ~ REVIEWED AND RECOMMENDED FOR BOARD ACTION: . ISSUE: This action will recreate a supervisory position in the Materials unit that was deleted several years ago. This position is needed to implement a more effective Plant Maintenance/Materials supply program. The addition of positions, modifications to bargaining units and changes to class descriptions must be adopted by the Board. BACKGROUND: In April 1998, the District started a Supply Management Task Force that. consisted of staff from Purchasing and Materials, POD Maintenance, and managers. The Task Force's stated mission was: "To develop recommendations for process improvements required to support efficient and timely transactions of supply requirements and information between maintenance units in the Plant and the Materials Control function to ensure availability of stock, parts and tools as needed." Concurrently, Procurement Services Associates (PSA) was hired to review work methods, processes, procedures, and strategies; and develop recommendations for improvements. PSA has found that the District Board has taken major steps forward in mOving the District's major repair functions from reactive urgent requests to proactive planned maintenance activities. The Board has approved the purchase and implementation of "MainSaver," an advanced planning maintenance software system, authorized the hiring of the Plant's Maintenance Planner, and established the position of the .Maintenance and Reliability Engineer which have allowed Plant Maintenance to move toward effective and efficient equipment reliability. PSA recommended that the maintenance materials supply capability of the District also should change processes and add resources to ensure availability of materials, equipment and tools to serve the District's maint~nance needs. C:\WPDocs\positonPaperMaterialsSupervisor.wpd Page 1 of 15 POSITION PAPER Date: December 21, 1998 Subject CREATE AND ADD THE POSITION OF MATERIALS SERVICES SUPERVISOR (S- 72, $4534-$5489); ADOPT RESOLUTION MODIFYING MS/CG BARGAINING UNIT; ADOPT CHANGES TO CLASS DESCRIPTIONS FOR MATERIALS COORDINATORS 1111 AND III Both the District's Supply Management Task Force and PSA have recommmended that an additional position be added to the Purchasing and Materials Division. PSA specifically recommended that a superviSOry level position, Materials Services Supervisor (S-72, $4534-$5489), be added to the Materials unit to provide the resource and technical process knowledge to implement the required spare parts system improvements that will ensure parts availability as scheduled. The focus will be on long term planning in collaboration with District maintenance staff to start the processes to have forecasted maintenance requirements, highly reliable availability of stocked spare parts, reduction in stocked inventory by implementing the practices of U Just-In-Time" (JIT) for the predicted maintenance needs, cost reductions by maximizing economies of scale, innovative supplier relationships, and to ensure that all District customers of the Materials unit receive the support that they need to efficiently perform their job duties. Attached is a new class description that incorporates the various duties that the Materials Services Supervisor will be expected to perform to achieve the needed improvements. Some critical duties will be: daily staff instruction and supervision, responsibility to maintain adequate stock, lead change by working collaboratively, and implement the spare parts inventory process needed to support the District and its maintenance activities. The Board Personnel Committee has reviewed and recommends the proposed changes to the MaterialS staffing. The MS/CG concurs with the recommendation. as well. RECOMMENDATION: Create and adopt the position of Materials Services Supervisor (5-72, $4534-$5489); adopt the resolution modifying the MS/CG bargaining unit to add the position of Material Services Supervisor, and adopt the proposed changes to the class descriptions for the positions of Materials Coordinator 1111 and III. C:\WPDocs\positonPaperMaterialsSupervisor.wpd Page 2 of 15 ~ __.___o_____----.--~.~-'_.-'-..---,.-.--~--..--..,..-.-*._-. CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: Range: Respirator Class: 1/8/99 S-72 3 MATERIALS SERVICES SUPERVISOR DEFINITION Purchases materials, supplies, equipment, and services for the District, including those required for spare parts stock inventory. Receives, stores, and issues supplies and equipment; determines, obtains, and maintains adequate levels of stock; maintains inventory records on all stock goods; performs supervision; plans daily work assignments; and provides training and instruction as required. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS The Materials Services Supervisor supports all District internal customers by planning, coordinating, and supervising the availability of needed goods. Works closely and proactively with all internal customers to ensure high customer satisfaction through the timely availability of goods and aggressive cost containment. It is distinguished from the Materials Coordinator 11\ by having supervisory responsibilities within the materials unit, performing personnel administrative duties, is responsible for performing the purchasing function, and managing the materials inventory and supplier inventory support functions. This class is responsible for ensuring that inventoried goods associated with scheduled and non-scheduled maintenance are available when needed from either the District's. inventory system or from contract suppliers' stock. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive general direction from the Purchasing and Materials Manager. Exercise direct supervision or technical supervision over lower level positions in the Division. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Assume supervisory responsibility within the work unit; plan work assignments; provide instruction and direction as required; and work with the internal customers to resolve problems. . Assume responsibility for inventory control systems and the purchasing of materials, supplies, equipment, and services necessary to maintain adequate stock and stock le.vels and to support the maintenance activities of the District. Page 3 of 15 ~_____".._e_._,__..._~__.,___.."____.______M_"~"'-'---"...----~-."'-~-.---- ._, .,--,_.._...~.._-,~._-"..__.-"~-,,-'----""'--..,,_."'_....-.-- _._,--,..._,~,-,-,-,.__._-_._._- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Materials Services Supervisor (Continued) EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES Reduce operating expense of materials supply function. Assume responsibility for buying, receiving, categorizing, storing, and issuing goods, and maintaining inventory records. Recognize the recipients of material supply service as customers and endeavor to supply the highest level of customer service. Provide information to District personnel regarding purchasing and materials practices, procedures, and standards. Provide information to District personnel regarding materials, equipment, and spare parts stocked in the Materials building. Operate all mechanical and electronic equipment that is necessary for the efficient operation of the Materials building. Contact suppliers to obtain competitive price, determine availability, terms, and delivery schedules. Train, coach, and motivate Materials Services staff as required. Manage, as required, the Purchasing and Materials Division in the absence of the Purchasing and Materials Manager. Perform related duties as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledqe of: Supply chain management concepts, including inventory and warehousing methods, systems, and procedures. Purchasing principles, procedures, and practices. Types of supplies, materials, and equipment commonly used by wastewater treatment districts, including terminology and nomenclature. . Page 4 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Materials Services Supervisor (Continued) Knowledae of: Computerized perpetual inventory, bar coding, and purchasing systems. Principles and practices of supervision. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Abilitv to: Continuously analyze operating procedures and to obtain the concurrence of the parties affected by the necessary changes; problem solve in coordination with internal customers and suppliers; and understand the inventory system and maintain adequate stock levels. Intermittently explain to other employees the process of requisitioning materials and services and the applicable internal procedures. Sit at a desk and in meetings and move around materials building for long periods of time on a continuous basis. Intermittently bend to open boxes; reach above and below shoulder to stock supplies; perform simple and power grasping, pushing and pulling; use feet to operate forklift and other equipment; use telephone, office equipment, bar coding scanners, and computer to process work and to communicate. Interpret and administer ordinances, rules, and regulations affecting the Division's operations. Deal effectively with suppliers, employees, and other professionals in situations requiring judgment, tact, and firmness. Work effectively with Purchasing staff and other District .employees. Perform heavy manual work in lifting and moving stock. Train and supervise assigned personnel. Demonstrate the ability to lead change by working collaboratiyely"with staff, supervisors, management, and suppliers. Listen effectively and communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing. Page 5 of 15 ,~-----------.,~--,-,"---~_. ."'_...-~-_._------,_..._~~-~--_._-"-_._._._.,~'-_._..,~--_._."-~-- CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Materials Services Supervisor (Continued) EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Eighteen months of experience comparable to that of the Materials Coordinator 11\ or Buyer II classes in the District. Five years of progressively responsible experience in large-scale governmental utility or industrial supply chain management for equipment maintenance including experience with managing perpetual computerized inventory systems and purchase order/contract issuance and administration. Experience in process improvement techniques, TOM, Work Redesign, or similar activities desirable. Education: Equivalent to completion of the twelfth grade, supplemented by substantial training or course work in procurement, business administration or a closely related field. A bachelor's degree in business administration or a closely related field is desirable. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Possession of a valid California Driver's license. A Certified Purchasing Manager, C.P.M. or Accredited Purchasing Practitioners, A.P.P. designation is desirable. Page 6 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: 118199 Range: Respirator Class: 10flf!d3 G-59 3 MATERIALS COORDINATOR 11\ DEFINITION Perform all duties required to receive, store, and issue supplies and equipment; maintain adequate stock levels and inventory records on all goods; perform lead responsibilities within the unit including personnel administrative duties, planning daily work assignments, and providing instruction as required. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS This is the advanced journey level class of the Materials Coordinator series and is distinguished from the II level by having lead responsibility within the unit in the performance of duties.~ personnel administrative duties. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Receive general supervision from the Purchasing and Materials Officer Materials Services Supervisor. Exercise indirect supervision over subordinate classes in the Materials Coordinator series. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Receive, categorize, store, aM issue and deliver supplies and equipment Assume lead responsibility within the work unit; plan daily work assignments; provide instruction and direction as required. Maintain adequate stock levels and inventory records on all goods. Provide information to District personnel regarding materials, equipment, and parts stocked in the warehouse materials building. Operate all electronic equipment, such as computers, bar coding scanners, etc., necessary for efficient operation of the materials control function. Operate forklifts and other equipment to pick up and deliver freight. Page 7 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Materials Coordinator III (Continued) EXP.MPLES OF NON ESSENTIAL DUTIES Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Check shipping invoices against purchase orders for discrepancies in terms of order; submit appropriate information to the appropriate Buyer. Assist Buyers as required with specifications and provide general information on mechanical parts and equipment. Perform related duties as required. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Knowledoe of: Warehousing and inventory methods and procedures. Purchasing principles, procedures, and practices. Nomenclature, grades, and classification of a variety of supplies and materials common to a sanitation district. Operation and maintenance of stockroom equipment. Operation of electronic equipment, including computer, bar coding scanner, etc. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. District purchasing and materials procedures and techniques. District personnel procedures and techniques. Abilitv to: Continuously identify equipment parts in need of repair; know and match equipment parts to those requested; be an active problem solver when out of stock on a repair part; and understand the inventory system and maintain adequate stock levels. .' Sit at desk doing computer entry and move around the '.varehouse materials building to find and gather requested stock items on a continuous basis. Intermittently bend to open boxes; reach above and below shoulder to stock supplies; perform simple.and power grasping, pushing and pulling; use feet to operate forklift and ot~er equipment; use telephone, and write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means. Page 8 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Materials Coordinator III (Continued) Ability to: Apply office policy and procedures and instruct subordinate workers. Maintain records and perform arithmetic calculations. Operate safely various types of equipment and tools. Perform heavy manual work in lifting and moving stock. Communicate clearly and concisely, both otally and in writing. Learn and observe all appropriate safety precautions as required by the District including, but not limited to, Cal/OSHA General Industry Safety Orders, the District's Respiratory Protection Program, and District Safety Directives. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Experience: Twelve months of experience comparable to the Materials Coordinator II class in the District. Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Possession of a valid California Driver's license. Page 9 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Effective: 1/8/99 Range: 10/7,193 I = G-49 II = G-52 3 Respirator Class: MATERIALS COORDINATOR 1/11 DEFINITION Receive, store, deliver, and issue supplies and equipment; maintain adequate stock levels and inventory records on all goods; serve as an information source to District personnel regarding warehouse materials operations and various equipment and mechanical parts stocked and requested. DISTINGUISHING CHARACTERISTICS Materials Coordinator I This is the entry level class in the Materials Coordinator series and is distinguished from the II level by the limited ability to perform the full range of duties as assigned without immediate supervision. While positions in this class may have prior experience in the warehousing area, they are generally less familiar with the specific and relevant policies and procedures unique to the District as well as the specific types of equipment and materials required in the operation of the District's sanitation facilities. Materials Coordinator II This is the journey level class in the Materials Coordinator series and is distinguished from the I level by the ability to perform the full range of duties as assigned without immediate supervision and by the possession of a working knowledge of the specific policies and procedures, as well as the types of equipment and materials used, that are unique to the District. Positions in this class are distinguished from the III level in that lead responsibility within the unit is not assumed by the II level. SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Materials Coordinator I Receive general supervision from the Purchasing and Materials'Officer Material~ Services Supervisor and functional supervision from the Materials Coordinator III. May receive technical supervision from positions in the Materials Coordinator II and III classes. Page 10 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Materials Coordinator 1111 (Continued) SUPERVISION RECEIVED AND EXERCISED Materials Coordinator II Receive general supervision from the Purchasing and Materials Officer Materials Services Supervisor and functional supervision and technical supervision from the Materials Coordinator III. May exercise technical supervision over lower level positions in the Materials Coordinator series. EXAMPLES OF ESSENTIAL DUTIES - Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Receive, categorize, store, aM issue and deliver supplies and equipment. Operate all electronic equipment, such as computers, bar coding scanners, etc., as necessary for efficient operation of the materials control function. Check receiving notices against purchase orders for discrepancies in terms of order; submit appropriate information to the appropriate Buyer. Operate forklifts and other equipment to pick up and deliver freight. Provide information to District personnel regarding materials, equipment, and parts stocked in the warehouse materials building. EXAMPLES OF NON ESSENTIAL DUTIES Duties may include, but are not limited to, the following: Maintain adequate stock levels and inventory records on all goods. Maintain detailed files of open and closed purchase orders at the Materials Control Building. Assist Buyers as required with specifications and provide general information on mechanical parts and equipment. Perform related duties as required. MINIMUM QUALlFICA lIONS Materials Coordinator I Page 11 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Materials Coordinator 1111 (Continued) Knowledae of: Warehousing and inventory methods and procedures. Operation and maintenance of stockroom equipment. Operation of electronic equipment, including computer, bar coding scanner, etc. Safety hazards and appropriate precautions applicable to work assignments. Abilitv to: On a continuous basis identify freight and problem solve emergencies. Intermittently identify parts, know status of stock items, remember stock locations, and understand duties. Sit at desk doing computer entry and move around the 'Narehouse materials building to find and gather requested stock items on a continuous basis. Intermittently stand to check in freight; bend to load and unload trucks and open boxes; reach above and below shoulder to stock supplies; identify parts; perform simple and power grasping, pushing and pulling; use feet to operate forklift and other equipment; lift or carry weight of 50 pounds or less; use telephone, and write or use a keyboard to communicate through written means. Learn nomenclature, grades, and classification of a variety of supplies and materials common to the District. Operate safely various types of equipment and tools. Perform heavy manual work in lifting and moving stock. Maintain records and perform arithmetic calculations. Learn and observe all appropriate safety precautions as required by "the District including, but not limited to, CaVOSHA General Industry Safety Orders, the District's Respiratory Program, and District Safety Directives. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: Page 12 of 15 CENTRAL CONTRA COSTA SANITARY DISTRICT Materials Coordinator 1111 (Continued) Experience: One year of experience in storekeeping or a closely related area. Education: Equivalent to the completion of the twelfth grade. LICENSES AND CERTIFICATES Possession of a valid California Driver's license. Materials Coordinator II In addition to the qualifications for Materials Coordinator I: KnowledQe of: Nomendature, grades, and dassification of a variety of supplies and materials common to the District. District purchasing and materials procedures and techniques. EXPERIENCE AND EDUCATION Any combination equivalent to experience and education that could likely provide the required knowledge and abilities would be qualifying. A typical way to obtain the knowledge and abilities would be: . Experience: Eighteen months of experience comparable to that of the Materials Coordinator I class in the District. Page 13 of 15 RESOLUTION NO. 99- A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN ADDITIONAL POSITION TO BE A MEMBER OF THE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT/CONFIDENTIAL GROUP REPRESENTATION UNIT WHEREAS, in accordance with the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District Code, those staff positions to be included in the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit of the District shall be so designated by resolution of the Board of Directors; and WHEREAS, it has been determined that in addition to those employees holding positions currently designated as members of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit, the employee holding the position under the following listed "Additional Member Position Classification", should also be a member of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit: Additional Member Position Classification: Materials Services Supervisor NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Directors of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District does, by this resolution, establish that the employee holding the position under the hereinabove listed Additional Member Position Classification shall from January 8, 1999 become a member of the Management Support/Confidential Group Representation Unit of the District. Page 14 of 15 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7th day of January, 1999 by the fol/owing vote: AYES: Members: NOES: Members: ABSENT: Members: President of the Board of Directors, Central Contra Costa Sanitary District County of Contra Costa, State of California COUNTERSIGNED: Secretary of the Central Contra Costa Sanitary District, County of Contra Costa, State of California Approved as to Form: Counsel for the District Page 15 of 15 ._._.,._--_.,-_..-------~-_.~._~.._..._-_.~--,.._-"---~-~._-_._----,._---------,-~.._--"_.._--_._,._.__.