HomeMy WebLinkAboutAGENDA BACKUP 12-02-99 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 2, 1999 No.: 3.a. CONSENT CALENDAR Type of Action: ACCEPT GRANT OF EASEMENT Subject: ACCEPT A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE DOUGHERTY TUNNEL AND TRUNK SEWER PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5902 Submitted By: Ricardo Hernandez, Engineering Assistant Initiating Dept./Div. : Engineering Department/Capital Projects Division REVf~ AND RECDM~~~tDR BOARD ~ -::f Hernandez C. Swanson A. Farrell ISSUE: Board approval is required for the District to accept Grants of Easements. BACKGROUND: The subject Grant of Easement is for property rights needed to accommodate the Dougherty Tunnel through land owned by Pacific Gas and Electric Company (map attached). The tunnel is approximately 100 to 250 feet below the surface through this land and the only rights being acquired are permanent sub-surface tunnel easement rights. Maintenance and repair will be done via the tunnel. The right by the District to apportion or license unused conduits or tunnel space to third party users is also included in this easement. An appraisal has been prepared by a licensed real estate appraiser (Pattison & Associates, Inc.) hired by the District to determine the value of the proposed easement. Based on sales of comparable land and on the impact of the proposed easement on the value of PG&E's property, the just compensation amount for the easement was determined to be $3,050. District staff has negotiated an agreement with PG&E for this amount. Funds for the purchase of right of way are included in the authorized Dougherty Tunnel and Trunk Sewer Project. The environmental impacts of construction and operation of the tunnel and trunk sewer facilities were addressed in the County's 1996 Final Subsequent Environmental Impact Report, Windemere - Phase I and Gale Ranch -Phase II (SCH# 96012003). The CCCSD Board of Directors reviewed this EIR during its deliberations regarding annexation of the Windemere property in June 1997, and established its independent finding that the environmental impacts of providing wastewater utility service can be reduced to less-than- 11/19/99 Page 1 of 3 U: \PPr\Raposa \acceptpg. ppr ----~------,-----~--"."------_..._._- ~."-_._--_.._--,-"~_.._._-------_.._-----_.._.~- POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 2, 1999 Subject: ACCEPT A GRANT OF EASEMENT FROM PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY FOR THE DOUGHERTY VALLEY TUNNEL AND TRUNK SEWER PROJECT, DISTRICT PROJECT NO. 5902 significant levels through implementation of the mitigation measures required of the project by Contra Costa County. RECOMMENDATION: Accept the Grant of Easement from Pacific Gas and Electric Company, and authorize staff to record said Grant of Easement with the Contra Costa County Recorder. 11/19/99 U: \PPr\Raposa \acceptpg. ppr Page 2 of 3 ~._------~-_.,.._-----,--_..~._----~-_._------_.~....-._-~-~------~--_._._.__._,....,._--_..._.-..-_._'_._--_._-~-,._-----_._-_.. ~QJJ~ @@@)@) [p)~[R1~~[b ~ ROYALE RIDGE c: ." .0 o N o ~ N o 0> on ,- ~ ,- N o '" on -;;; .. o v ~ Central Contra Costa Sanitary District ~'f...~ o I 200 400 I FEET .., .., ~ 0> 0> ~ -> :Elf ..' ~!2 SUB-SURFACE TUNNEL EASEMENT P.G. & E. 3211 O.R. 565 Attachment DOUGHERTY VALLEY TUNNEL and TRUNK SEWER PROJECT MAP Page 3 of 3 g.~U 1'1 I I ho IW Ik. Il,- '1 ,"'1""'i"::f "<(y- ,'. '-1~' ._. ~ ~\..::^\Jd. -r- rFl:J'~ _ + - ~~" J<? 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HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: PERSONNEL Subject: AUTHORIZE FILLING AN ELECTRICIAN POSITION FOR THE FOUR MONTHS PRIOR TO THE RETIREMENT OF AN ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN Submitted By: James M. Kelly Director of Plant Operations Initiating Dept./Div.: Plant Operations Department '/EWED AND RECOMMEND~D FOR BOARD ACTION: ( ~ C. Freitas ISSUE: Board of Directors' approval is needed to overstaff a new Electrician in the Maintenance Division for the four months prior to retirement of an Electrical Technician (Harold Newman). BACKGROUND: During the past ten years, the District has enlarged and increased the complexity of the treatment plant's electrical systems through the completion of projects such as the new headworks, the ultraviolet disinfection system, cogeneration, standby power, and the current seismic project. To ensure that the District could respond to the increased complexity and scope of the electrical systems, an additional Electrician was approved in the fiscal year 1999-00 Personnel Budget, increasing the number of Electrician/Electrical Technician positions from three to four. The newly created position has now been filled from a recent recruitment that yielded a strong list of candidates. However, the most senior Electrical Technician, Harold Newman, and the Electrical Shop Supervisor, Bill Hammett, have submitted letters stating that they plan to retire at the end of March 2000. These two employees constitute 40 percent of the current Electrical Shop work force and 40 years of experience. Thus, the retirements will be a significant loss of experience for the District. To help ease this loss, the Plant Operations Department (POD) is requesting authorization to temporarily overfill the Electrician/Electrical Technician position so that the new Electrician can benefit from working with Mr. Newman and Mr. Hammett before they retire. The new Electrician would be hired from the newly created eligibility list, minimizing the delay. The financial impact of the four months of an additional Electrician is about $28,000; there are funds within the salary account of the POD budget to absorb the additional expense. 1 1/23/99 S:\Correspondence\POSPAPR\ 1 999\Electrician.pp. wpd Page 1 of 2 POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 2, 1999 Subject: AUTHORIZE FILLING AN ELECTRICIAN POSITION FOR THE FOUR MONTHS PRIOR TO THE RETIREMENT OF AN ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN Temporarily overstaffing the Electrician/Electrical Technician position has been presented to the District Board Personnel Committee, which approved this action. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize filling an Electrician position for the four months prior to the retirement of Mr. Newman. 11/23/99 S:\Correspondence\POSPAPR\ 1999\Electrician.pp. wpd Page 2 of 2 Central Contra Costa Sanitary District BOARD OF DIRECTORS POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 2, 1999 No.: 6.b. HUMAN RESOURCES Type of Action: AUTHORIZE STAFFING Subject: AUTHORIZE THE ADDITION OF ONE HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE TECHNICIAN 1/11 POSITION (I, G-45, $2,382 TO $2,872; II, G-49, $2,614 TO $3,160) Submitted By: Tim Potter, Source Control Program Superintendent Initiating Dept./Div. : Engineering/Environmental Services T. Potter C. Swanson ~ ~ C. Freitas FOR BOARD ACTION: rrg. ISSUE: Board authorization is required to add a position. BACKGROUND: For the past two years, operation of the District's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility (HHWCF) has been staffed using a combination of permanent employees and temporary labor support. Staff decided to use temporary staff until the District could determine the actual full-time staffing needs based on customer participation and seasonal fluctuations. Table 1 (attached) presents information related to the current and proposed staffing levels to cover the current operations of the HHWCF. Staff is requesting the Board to authorize one additional Household Hazardous Waste Technician I/I\. Accordingly, the temporary staff provided by Philip Services Corporation will be reduced by one person once the new HHW Technician I is hired and trained. The first year salary and benefit cost for a HHW Technician is $47,550. The cost for creating and filling this new position will be substantially offset by the savings of reducing the temporary staffing level (Table 2 attached). While the financial impact is approximately $4,000 in additional cost, the additional HHW Technician 1/11 will provide greater staff flexibility and coverage. Also, improved customer service and operational efficiencies are anticipated benefits as a result of hiring a permanent HHW Technician I to replace one of the temporary staff. The additional HHW Technician 1/11 will be available for servicing business customers on Wednesdays as well as residential customers Thursdays through Sundays. The existing Household Hazardous Waste Collection Facility budget has sufficient funds to cover the additional costs. 11/23/99 Page 1 of 3 T: \Source Control\Potter\hhwcf\tec hpospapr. wpd POSITION PAPER Board Meeting Date: December 2, 1999 Subject: AUTHORIZE THE ADDITION OF ONE HOUSEHOLD HAZARDOUS WASTE TECHNICIAN 1/11 POSITION (I, G-45, $2,382 TO $2,872; II, G-49, $2,614 TO $3160) The Board Personnel Committee reviewed and approved this request on November 16, 1999. RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the addition of one Household Hazardous Waste Technician 1/11 position (I, G-45, $2,382 to $2,872; II, G-49, $2,614 to $3,160). 11/23/99 Page 2 of 3 T:\Source Control\Potter\hhwcf\techpospapr. wpd Attachment to Position Paper December 2, 1999 Board Meeting TABLE 1 - FACILITY STAFFING HHW Supervisor CCCSD/Permanent 1 1 Senior HHW Technician CCCSD/Permanent 1 1 HHW Technician 1/11 CCCSD/Permanent 1 2 Reuse Room Coordinator CCCSD/Temporary(lI 1 1 Temporary HHW Specialist PSC/Contract(21 1 1 Temporary HHW Labor PSC and Industrial Services/On Demand(31 1-3 0-2 TOTAL 6-8 6-8 (llpart-time (21-24 hours/week) (2Ipart-time (20-25 hours/week) 13lpart-time (30-32 hours/week) TABLE 2 - NET STAFFING COST FOR FIRST YEAR Salary and Benefits for Proposed HHW Technician $47,550 Vacation Coverage with Temporary Staff 3.000 SUBTOTAL $50,550 Cost Savings for Reduced Temporary Staff - 46.500 Net Cost of Proposed HHW Technician for First Year $4,050 page 3 of 3